Read Article 100 Years Ago: 1921 Automobile dealers of Lewiston and Auburn will give an outing and entertainment to 600 children of the two cities on the afternoon of June 12, the weather being favorable. If not, it will be held on June 14. The place and hour to be announced later. It is planned to give the trip to children who have practically none of such pleasures. 50 Years Ago: 1971 Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong, beloved troubadour of the jazz trumpet with a delightful rasp to his voice and roll to his eye died Tuesday, his heart worn out, his golden horn silent at last. He was 71 years old on Sunday. “Me and my horn, we come a long way together,” Armstrong once said. They came out of a waifs refuge in New Orleans, up river to Chicago along the trail of jazz itself, then on to the show business pinnacles of New York and Las Vegas, and the motion picture studios of Hollywood. And before they were through, Armstrong and his horn, had fascinated millions on five of the Earth’s continents enthralling royalty along with the humbles of jazz fans. Armstrong and his horn pierced even the Iron Curtain, as he became one of the best ambassadors the United States ever sent abroad, a representative of democracy whose portfolio contents, in his words, “ain’t politics, it’s just music!”