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Local researchers look for unmarked graves, Freedmen High Sc
Local researchers look for unmarked graves, Freedmen High Sc
Local researchers look for unmarked graves, Freedmen High School
Local researchers Missy and David Earl have devoted the past several years researching the location not only of the Cherokee Freedmen High School, but also searching for unmarked graves of
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San Francisco ,
California ,
United States ,
Ned Mackey ,
Harold Aldridge Jr ,
Gary Courtney ,
Brenda Bradford ,
Mark Harrison ,
David Earl ,
Blain Mclain ,
Cherokee Cemeteries Restoration Organization ,
Cherokee Freedmen High School ,
John Vaughan Library Archives ,
Northeastern State University ,
Indian Territory Genealogy Society ,
Freedmen High School ,
Cherokee Nation ,
Vaughan Library ,
Assistant Archivist Blain Mclain ,
Jennifer Sparks ,
Cherokee Freedmen History Project ,
Cherokee Freedmen ,
Cherokee Board ,