Article content The past year revealed that Quebec is blessed with a great many high level “scientists” in the fields of microbiology, infectious disease and virology. With these “experts” at hand, it’s amazing that COVID-19 hit us as hard as it did. These fake medical geniuses are found everywhere: at work, at home, with friends, at demonstrations, on public transportation, in online comments sections and on social media. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, or Lise Ravary: Surrounded by graduates of the School of Medical Nonsense Back to video Of course, these “scientists” could not show you a medical degree. They do not have one. They figure that their boundless self-confidence substitutes for knowledge acquired in a university. In other words, their pearls of wisdom are based on what they have read online, things that made more sense to them and were simpler to understand than what real doctors suggest we do to remain healthy and make the world COVID-free.