Transcripts For LINKTV France 24 20240712

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Countrys most famous writer among those set to be questioned totoday. Betetween turkey and greece over maritime boundaries andnd the right to offshore energy. The latest from Jasper Mortimer on the way. Thanks for joining us here. Lets start with the latest out of kenosha wisconsin. The new flashpoint in a summer of civil unrest in america. Protests and violence broke out for a third night over the Police Shooting of jacob blake. He to be all people were shot dead last night and one more hurt in violence overnight. The Sheriffs Office looking to from he deaths stem people have been out in the street since sunday when blake was shot seven times in the back as he was reaching into his car with his kids in the backseat. He is now paralyzed from the waist down. Alexander has more. Continues to mount in kenosha, wisconsin over the Police Shooting of the black man jacob blake. Three months after the death of george floyd, likes family earlier held a press conference to speak out against what happened. Son seven times. Like he did matter. But my sun matters. It was sunday the Police Responded to what they described as a domestic incident. Jacob blake was shot when he disobeyed police and went into his car. His children watching from the backseat, according to his fiancee. Likes lawyer said it would be a miracle if he ever walks again. Throughd a bullet go some or all of his spinal cord. Bullet. One he has holes in his stomach. He had to have nearly his entire and small intestines removed. Kidneyered damage to his and liver and was also shot in the arm. Since sunday kenosha has become the latest flashpoint city, following a summer of civil unrest. Hundreds of protesters have defied curfew, with some setting fires to buildings, cars, and dumpsters. Some of the demonstrations have taken place throughout the country. Election,om the President Trump has called on wisconsins democraticic governr to call in even more the naonalal guard. Meanwhwhile, the democratic nominee, joe biden, has condemned the shooting and is calling for a full and transparent investigation. That comes as protests in belarus are still underway. People have been turning out there ever since last months disputed election. Rights groups say police rounded up dozozens of protesters who we heading home from Peaceful Demonstrations today. The countrys most famous writer among those being questioned. She is one o of 35 members of te coordinatition council that was set up to help the p protest Movement Contest lukashenkos reelection. Voice ofing the emotions. That is what svetlana says she is mosost focus on as a writer. The 72yearold is perhaps the larues most famous writer. To a not five years ago from stockholm she was awarded a nobel prize. Her polyphonicr writing, a monument to suffering and courage. Born in ukraine, the power of her book push fiesta lies and what she calls human voices who speak for themselves. These are the stories of female soviet soldiers in world war ii. In the heart wrenching testimonies of voices from chernobyl. Interviews that read like a hunting novel and tell of the true horrors of the nuclear explosion. S were long cap from being published in belarus. She is a critic of lukashenko. Situation is still going to last long time. The naive0s we had hope that democracy would come. Before freedom, you n need free people. Following this election crackdown, like say a bench joined a 30 Member Council to try to bring about a peaceful transition, which now has her in fights with pariss with police. Shshe says the president and authorities have declared war on the belarus people. Tensionons are growing betwen turkey and greece over maritime boundaries and the rights to offshore energy. Besides have sent out competing military exercises at sea. The turkish president morning greece not to test his countrys patients were courage. Has the latest. Things are certainly movingg ququickly. How w far can this g go . Turkey has determined too protect its rights, but i dont believe it wants a w war withh greeeece. And d greece doesnt want war either. There wereeries no if to be a militatary c confrontat, turk wouould win. Shshould your victory wowould nt decide t the issue. The issue has toto do with the energy depeposits under the sea. Becomee d deposits have more and morore appararent, thee scramble to take possession of the seabed has intensified. Greece has made an agreement with e egypt. Turkey has m made an agreemement withibyaya. Each s side sees the oththers agreement extending economomic two too far acacross the memediterranean. The two ships bumped i into each other. The p potential for e escalatios they are. Hence, t the mediatition efforts yeyesterday by germanynys foign minister. But i belilieve that the end of will prevail. Bebecause sinking ships does not guarantee who owns what is on the seabed. Give us a bit more detail about what exactly turkey anand greece are fighting ovover. Jasper the heart of the problem is that the nautical boundndaris haveve never been clclearly def. And thehe two countrieses are vy close to eacach other. Turkey owns the mainland. Greece owns dozensns of islanans along the turkish coaoast. Some of the silence are very small. They are less than a s square kilometer. R. They a are very close to the turkish coast. Swimmingear r there is a race between one of the great islands and the turkish mainland. Gas depeposit is found clclose to a an island, as says that belongs s degrees. Turkey says, no o way. That island stands on turkeys contininental shelf. The border has never been delilineated on the seabed. By y e world cocourt or somome other court of inteternatioional arbitration, s argument will contntinue. Thank you. That is Jasper Mortimer reporting. Here in france the Prime Minister is under fire after announcing the government will not be providing free masks for all schoolchildren. Has ruled out generalizing the distribution of masks, calling for individual responsibility. The Prime Minister did say that free masks will be given out to families in precarious situations and people at risk. Be allowede well happiness and prosperitity, but not a single country dispute distributes masks to its entire population. More, there are cases where e we are distribute masks for free. This isnt a failing of the state. We are not giving up masks to families that do n not needd hep whatsoeverer. French prime the minister is addressing the countries against employers federatition at its annual end f summer gathering. This has businesses are awaiting governments plan to boost the French Economy due to be unveiled next week. Our Business Editor joins us now from there. This taking place under the shadow of covid19 and a very difficult time for businesses. Thats right. Trying this is an event to paint an optimistic p picture of the y year ahead. This is a big event f for politicians to speak to the business community. Usually they are talking about cutttting taxes or regulation. This timee aroundd everything is being dominated by covid19 and the economic crisis it has provoked. An unprecedented slump as many global economies are suffering as well. The worst economic crisis since the Second World War in the case of france. Is this is really struggling this year because of covid. Up until now they have been sustained by government help. There are warnings for many agencies of an avalanche of bankruptcies toward the end of this year as Many Companies try to get back to business after the break find they simply cannot recover. There are fears of massive job losses. While this event is trying to put a more optimistic spin they havave renamed it thehe renaissance of companies. It is a. Blbleak environmnment many of te entrepreneurs will find themselves in. The Prime Minister is going to be speaking there shortly. Business leaders will be listening closely for details of that french recovery plan. What more do we know about what is in the plan . Announcednt to be yesterday. That has been pushed back until next week. Is 100 billion euros plan for what happens after covid. It is the 2021 spending plan. We are expecting around 11 for 2020. We know that 40 billion of that artists going that is going to come from the european union. Sayad the Prime Minister that there was goingng to be 2 billion n for the culture secto. One that has been hardhit. There is going to be 30 billion to support a green transition, environmental measures to promotote a greener ececonomy. Y. The detail is all very broad. The government is waiting until after schools go back next week to be able to put a big effort behind pusushing this message tt they are going to relaunch the economy. They put a huge amount of money into it as well. That is one of the questions Business Leaders will be looking for as well. With so much taxpayer money going into the economy to support it, is there going to be a point where businesses are going to have to pay more to cover that cost . It is one of the many details we will be looking for. Got the finance minister here as well. Several members of the cabinet as well as this event gets underway. Thanks so much for that. That is stephen carroll. Now to hong kong where 16 people were arrested, linked to antigovernment protests last year. It is the latest move in a growing crackdown on activists in hong kong. The repression being felt across large parts of life. Notably in the art world. Many artists are fearing their work may violate National Security laws that forbid subversion against government of mainland china. Freedom of expression on the guillotine. For illustrator auto, it is an apt metetaphor. [speaking foreign language] cititys creaeative community is in the midst of an existential crisis amid an atmosphere of repression. Allowly 2019 a bill to the extradition of criminal suspects sparked massive s stret protests. The bill was withdrawn, but beijing responded with a new National Security law that makes subversion and secesessionism punishable by life in prison. Hong kongs initial progovernment says the law does not affect artistic freedoms. Artists say they dont know where that redline is. [speaking foreign language] n newspaper cartoonon, which features topics lilike the 19199019 emmons s square massac, was recently canceled. He says that while many of his friends are leaving the city, has decided to stay and keep drawing. Some 2000 local and International Artists have signed a letter to denououng the law and what they call a climate of fear. That is that is it from the news desk. I will be back in 15 minutes with more of your headlines. To the f france 24 interview. A haunting portrait of crisis in the amazon rain forest. That is one of the descriptions of a striking series of images taken by a photojournalist during his sixmonth journey across the amazon. The recipient of the 2019 photojournalism awawa, it is aa pleasure to have him here with us. Thank you for inviting me. Tell us about the photos. Complex story you are hoping to tell. Youve said it is not necessarily a simple narrative. Yes. I try to devevelop a portrait. Documents likes the Environmental Crisis in the amazon, but also the entire crisis taking part place in the region. Crises intersectingg combining together. To tell about the destruction of the issssue related thet, b but also explore social fabric of the region. You say they overlap. I wanted to look at one particular photo. One of the most remarkable. It is a member of the forest guard in a moment of sad silence at the side of a toppled tree in down by suspected logger an indigenous reserve. Could you tell us how you came to take this photo . I starteded following this , from a indndigenous tribe in the state. Theygroup of indigenous, are patrolling, looking for illegal loggers. Trying to protect their territory. They have started organizing this patrolling inside the reserve. Eventually they end up funding illegal finding illegal loggers. They try to stop them in an activist way. Protect their land . Yeah, to protect their land. That picture i took during one of the patrolling. Place, illegal logger set up camp. When we are live we arrived at their there were big trees cut down. Warriorsnly one of the because they call themselvess the guardians of the forest. E came close to the tree this gentleman here . Yeah, this gentleman here. He came close to the tree and he remained in that position for a while. I just recorded the moment. I put in the caption that it was a moment of sad silence. He was a bit moved by that. He explained to me, like, this picture has a specific feeling wayalso tells us about a the deforestation. Because explained to me that a lot of loggers, they are not just cutting down trees together. Just the big ones, then they moved to another one. The oldest ones, the ones that have taken tens or hundreds of years old . But also because in this way they avoid to be catch by the satellite. One area they are cutting is difficult for the satellite. A tree like that on its own being cut down . I understand. Another one of your photos, just staying with the forest guard. She was a member of the forest guard i think im same group m manting an indigenous they suspect collaborating with the loggers. His viviolence, . Thehe amazon is a really violent place. Ould say in this picture i pretrade this moment that is complex. It tells us about different indigenous fighting together. Group,side we have this their goal is to protect their lands. There is something more complex that deals with poverty and bad conditions of living. All of the people in the amazon, this is the paradox. It is a Rich National treasure. At the same time, it is really for poor. In this case they told me that indigenoushe other passenger and new he was collaborating with this group of illegal loggers inside the reserves. Actuallyly, we were e doing a patrolling and when we would pass by, when he passed by he was with his motorbike. Screaming at the loggers, calling them with bad names. That was the moment when the brawl started. Him and when we came out from the reserve the day after, received some shootings. Some people shoot against us. But we did not know from where. Probably what the guard told me tot, probably this man went retaliation . This is really sad thing. They do is really dangerous. Newou described it as the far west. That is a telling way of describing it. I wanted to touch on the fact that your photos were first revealed at the precise moment flames were engulfing the amazon, making global headlines. While you were on the ground earlier, worth their red flags and warnings that this would be a particularly bad year for forest destruction . Government came spread you know, he had this strong message to give about the amazon. That the amazon is eventually open to business. Message, on my point of view, has legitimized a lot of people. Who are acting illegally inside the forest. Giving them a green light . Regarding the fires, every year in that period of time experts and scientists are saying that the levels of deforestation, have increased. Of predictable, in a certain way. Basically it is really emblematic of how everything started. It started on the 10th of january, going to the 10th of august in a specific day when many farmers from the state connected together. The day of thet fire. This site put together fire in that day. Fireshat day, all ofof the it was not sporadic . It was an n organized effort of buyers . Pucks it w was organized. Hisng your address address to the united nations, he said the amazon remains pristine and untouched and claims brazil is one of the countries that protects its environment the most. What do you feel when you hear words like that . Firstan of alall, it is a hue place. It is really difficult to control. Manyis happened this year, combat the, to station, were recorded by the government. , the Government Cut 30 or 20 im not sure about these. Perceive theou can absence of the state, the lack of control. Is a huge ways it treasure, but left open. Is the amazon just a tale of tragedy . Is there a flipsidide . An item ofon is also colonialization in a certain way. This government is taking back an old philosophy that came back from the dictatorship from the 60s when it was considered a risk for the country. These regimes, dictatorships, they have an incentive to colonize it. Is this complex social fabric the amazon has. My first idea was to create a i wanted tore explore in depth the social fabric. And you can find thousands of stories of early intereresting people, stories of resistance. Investigated what is the religion . Inside thengelicals part of the forest that are i wanted to show it. The daily life of the people. People are hanging out, you know . Thank you for being with us. Your photos are being presented here in paris u until mimidfebruary. Thank you very much for joining us in the studio. Congratulations on t the award. Itit h has been a pleasusure. Thank you very much. Give for being here with us. We have more news coming up. Ruben martinez los angeles, from the early 20th century all the way until today, is a city defined by immigrants arriving here in wave after wave. Were e a city of f immigrants. Its all coming in a h human migration, a human journey, ultimatelyy. Thats how food gets around the world. We carry it with us in our stomachs and our bodies and in our cululture. Those kinds of journeys, those kinds of migrations, are very los angelino. So, stuff starts to shift culturally in all kinds of different ways. People start learning the language. But its not just the immigrants that are changed. The immigrants are chchanging the natives. And you can literally track a peoples history and the

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