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Governorsors, mayors, who are staging an antitrump revolt here at the u. N. Climate summit, declaring we are still in the landmark 2015 Paris Climate Accord. But what exactly do they mean . We will speak with senator markey and hawaiis senator brian schatz. But first, President Trump meets with philippines president rodrdrigo duduterte in manila. Pres. Trump this has been very successful. We have many meetitings today h many oththereaeaders. Conferences haveve been handled beautifully by the president of the philippines and their representatives. I really enjoyed being h here. Amy well s speak w with tetet lauron, a former member of the phphilippines climate delegatit, about the significance o of trus meeting with dututerte. Anand we wilill talk a about the ththreats climate chchange poseo our nations with an activist and warrior of fiji. All of that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. More than 330 people have died in iran after a powerful magnitude 7. 3 earthquake hit the Western Province of kermanshah near the iraqi border. More than 4000 people were injured. The death toll is expected to rise as rescue workers reach remote regions. At least six people died in iraq as well. During the last stop of his asia trip, President Trump openly praised filipino president Rodrigo Duterte, saying the two had a great relationship. Since duterte was elected in 2016, more than 7000 people have been extrajudicially killed by police or vigilantes. According to dutertes spokesperson, trump did not raise any concerns about dutertes human rights record. There was no mention of human rirights, illegal killings. There was only a rather lengthy discussion about the philippines war on drugs with president duterte doing most of the explaining. Amy but trump and duterte also rerefused to take e estions from the media. When reporters attempted to ask about human rights, duterte told reporters you are the spiess which repeportedly made trump lalaugh. Prprior to trumpmps s arrival e philippines hundreds of protesters gathered outside the u. S. Embassy. Police fired Water Cannons to disperse the protesters. This is renato reyes, the head of the new patriotic alliance. Trump is no friend of the filipino people. He brings war. He wants to bring u. S. For an terror to the philippines. Backnts to bring [indiscernible] these are things that are not beneficial to the filipino people. Amy President Trump was in manila for the opening of a summit of the association of Southeast Asian nations or asean. The regional body is facing criticism for failing to address the crisis in burma where the United Nations has accused the burma ofobama of waging a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the rohingya muslims. Burmese leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi spoke in manila but did not mention the crisis. Aung san suu kyi was once a critic of aseans policy of noninterference. In 1999, when she was fighting for democracy in burma, she wrote this policy of noninterference is just an excuse for not helping. In this day anand age,e, you cat avoid interference in the matters of other countries. Um, hey, guys, do you think you could just our traditional rotisserie, and take a look inside. Looks boring, actually. Because of the situations, because people dont deserve it. We do things peacefully with the desire to fill the country and without any desire to hurt anyone. Amy the catalan leaders were jailed by spain after the Catalan Government declared independence on october 27. The regions former president carles puigdemont, who is now in belgium, also faces charges. Meanwhile, spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy traveled to barcelona on sunday for the First Time Since imposing direct rule on catalonia. He vowed to end what he described as separatist havoc. On saturday poland witnessed one of the largest rallies by fascists in europe in years. Some 60,000 people took part in a farright march in warsaw to mark polish independence day. Demonstrators threw red smoke bombs and chanted pure poland, white poland and refugees get out onone banner reaead pray forr islamic holocaust. The polish interior ministry called the event a beautiful event. In other news from europe, a german newspaper has published the names of over 33,000 migrants and refugees who have died attempting to reach europe since 1993. The german paper der tagesspiegel published the list on november 9, the anniversary of the kristallnacht when german nazis launched a wave of violent antijewish pogroms. According to the u. N. International organization for migration, 2016 was the deadliest yeyear to date for migrants attempting to reach europe, with more than 5000 deaths. Another 3000 people have died so far this year. Lebanon remains in a state of crisis more than a week after its Prime Minister Saad Alhariri unexpectedly resigned while on a trip to saudi arabia. Lebanons president michelel aon and others have accused d saudi arabia of kidnapping hariri. And forcing him to resign against his will. On sunday, hariri gave his first televised interview since arriving in saudi arabia. On friday, hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan nasrallah condemned saudis interference in lebanese politics. In news from africa, the u. S. Has carried out at least three drone strikes in somalia since saturday in an intensification of the u. S. Campaign against the militant group alshabab. Some 400 u. S. Troops are also now operating in somalia, quadruple the number from when donald trump took office. In alabama, Republican Senate candidate roy moore is facing increasing calls to drop out of the closely watched race after at least four women accused him of making sexual advances on them while they were teenagers. On saturday, moore defended himself. But several of roy moores former colleagues have publicly acknowledged it was Common Knowledge that when moore was in his 30s, he would date teenagers. Meanwhile, axios is reporting steve bannon has dispatched two breitbart employees to go to alabama to dig up dirt on the women who publicly spoke out against moore. The entertainment, political, business and athletic worlds continue to be rocked by new reports of sexual abuse and misconduct by prominent men. On friday, the Comedian Louis ck admitted reports were true that he mistreated women and masturbated in front of fellow female comics. Other men facing accusations of Sexual Misconduct include the actors steven seagal, richard dreyfuss, and george takei, former fifa president sepp blatter, Warner Brothers tv executive andrew kreisberg, Film Producer gary goddard, and jesse lacey of the band brand new. Meanwhile, the threetime olympic gold medal gymnast aly raisman has revealed that she was sexually abused by larry nassar, the former doctor of the u. S. Womens gymnastics team. She spoke on 60 minutes to jon lapook. More than 130 women and girls have now accused larry nassar, the former doctor of the u. S. Womens gymnastics team, of abuse. He is currently in jail awaiting sentencing on child pornography charges. Meanwhile, in hollywood, california, hundreds took papart in the me too survivors march on sunday. Participants included 21 year old Tara Mcnamara of los angeles. Every woman in my life that ive ever known has been sexy assaulted or sexually harassed. I have been raped. I have been sexually assaulted multiple times throughout my life. It has affected me in every aspect of my life. It has given me major depression. Outways have tried to speak about these things. Arizonas been this kind of awkwardness around it or hesitation of people to speak about it. This is cleansing. Amy and those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Yes, we are broadcasting live from the u. N. Climate summit in bonn, germany, where representatives from nearly 200 nations have gathered for negotiations aimed at bolstering the landmark 2015 Paris Climate Accord. This year, fiji has made history by becoming the first small island nation to preside over the u. N. Climate summit, although the event itself is being held in bonn because of the logistical challenges of hosting 25,000 people in fiji at the start of the South Pacific cyclone season. But it is still being called the islands cop. Climate change poses a particularly devastating threat to lowlying island nations like fiji. A new report says fiji would have to spend 4. 5 billion over the next decade to adapt to Climate Change a sum equivalent to its entire annual gross domestic product. Meanwhile, a new report released today shows Climate Change threatens one in four Natural World heritage sites, from the Florida Everglades to Mount Kilimanjaro in tanzania. This years Climate Change conference comes after President Trump has vowed to pull the United States out of the landmark 2015 Paris Climate Accord. Last week in bonn, the syrian syria signed on to o the paris deal, meaning thatat if presidet trump p fulfills hisis vow to pl the u. S. Out of the deal, the United States would become the only nation on earth that is not a party to the agreement. There are a number of u. S. Delegations here it in bonn. One is a coalition of u. S. Lawmakers, universities, companies and faith groups that is staging an antitrump revolt by rejecting trumps vows and declaring we are still in. Well, on saturday, a group of protesters, many of whom were native american, disrupted california governor jerry browns speech here at bonn, calling on california to ban fracking. The protesters yelled keep it in the ground. I wish we couldld have no pollllution, butut we have to he auautomobiles. In the grouound. I agree with you, in the ground. Lets put you in the ground so we can get on with the show here. Anyway amy that is california governor jerry brown on saturdays and lets put you in the ground. I questioned Governor Brown about his comments today. A group of protesters disrupted your event and call for a ban on fracking. They called for a ban on all oil production. Amy they said, keep it in the ground. You responded by saying, lets put you in the ground. Can you explain what you meant . That was a joke. Dont use your media outlet for this kind of silliness. That was an ironic remark in the face of a noisy demonstration when it is very hard to even hear, much less keep your thought. Amy it was native americans and they took it very seriously. Do you apologize for that comment . No, come on. In california, we have the strongest native american policy than any in the country. We have the most toughest rules on oil. I dont think we should shut down oil in california and take a from venezuela or places where the rules are even w worse. We have to stop the cars. We have to get electric. We have to get public transportation. We need d better land use. We have to solve the problem. I understand because we deal with protest all the time. In california, we are cutting our Oil Consumption to make greenhouse gases. , notis what we have to do just a slogan or march around or talk talk. Im talking about reality. California has the storms Oil Reduction rules in america. We are the leader all stop if someone wants to say, oh, get rid of oil. You, get rid of our cars . You would have a revolution and there would be shooting in the streets. Amy they were calling on a ban on fracking like new york and maryland will stop but also fracking. What is your approach to that . I dont think it makes sense to import oil by train. It is very dangerous. Say, dont take oil out of your ground, bring a by train or boat, that is far more dangerous. The answer is stop using oil in cars and trucks. You need a renewable vehicle grid. That is the answer. I think anything else is not intellectually honest. Amy are you considering a ban on fracking . Were considering a ban on oil over the next 25 years. We are it. That is pure rhetoric. Amy new york and maryland did it. We have to go. They dont have the same situation. And so then you did not do it. This is just killing a little leftwing group here. Amy i dont think fracking is. Fracking is a serious issue. Fracking is very serious. Horizontal fracking uses 10 times the water. In california, it is a small part. We would like to get of all get rid of all oil drilling. We have to do it in a systematic way and reducing the demand, or we will get the supply by boat and train and that is really dangerous. In the bringing in a oil. That is the honest truth. I dont know of that is something you want to deal with, but i am telling you the way it is. Amy so that was california governor jerry brown. Meanwhile, on saturday afternoon, here in bonn, thousands of people took to the streets for a rally and march to demand an end to fossil fuel extraction. Bonn youthm the movement. Change is notte just one cause, not just the Carbon Emissions or cold, it is everything. It is Nuclear Power. Destroyingay we are water all over the planet. The way our Economic System is working for a few. I came from puerto rico to be here. Part of the reason i may h heres puerto rico got hit with major hurricanes. We had unusually high activity of hurricanes, part of the effects of increased temperature due to Climate Change. While we are living and struggling through the effects of Climate Change, the decisions that are causing the are being made here. Were hoping by being here we can highlight the struggles we are going through, what Climate Change is doing in the now. This is not something to be preparing for in the future. Were dying at this moment. We lost power into medications. We lost drinking water. Our economy is collapsing due to that. We need climate reparations. One of the things were demanding, ending the jones act. In the colonial rule of promis of. What to build a work and trade with our Sister Islands like they have offered to help, but the u. S. Has told them no. We want to transition into renewables. Not just rebuilding the puerto rico of old that led us to be in e positions for some amy as we flew here, we saw whatever power was restored to san juan when we were there, there were some pockets of electricity. Once again, san juan has been plunged into darkness. That is just in san juan, which is been the most successful in restoring electricity. Correct. That is one of the most painful things being here, seeing the little bit of progress that was made, we took steps back. That was the one line that whitefish fixed and whitefish got the contract because their owner or someone was a trump donor. It highlights the need for whatever transition we demand, and needs toe just be toward renewable, not just fixing a decaying infrastructure. The other thing that happened while we were here, just today, fema is going to relocate at least 3000 Puerto Ricans out of puerto rico when we have so much housing that is available and has to have humans. They are moving our people out systematically. The gentrification it was already happening is now being official lies by the u. S. Government, and that is unacceptable. My name is monica. Im here representing cooperation jackson, mississippi, as well as the Climate Justice alliance. I am here to stand in solidarity with the Indigenous People, communities of color whose waters are being polluted and land is being taken over. We are showing support. My name is chief ninewa. I am from brazil. I came to bring a message from the forest to this climate conference. This message is of life, love, peace, and hope. We believe that nature should not be commercialized for big capital. We came here to demand respect for human beings, for the water, for the forest, and everything that depends on the forest. On the president of the ecuadorian amazon. I am here because the Indigenous People around the world are affected by Climate Change. And we can with a proposal, the Living Forest proposal, to advance this call for the Living Forest but also to join forces and in solidarity from other people, other movements so that we can unite and be in this fight together. I am from germany. It is become evident from what we have seen of the world progress, whatin have established is not sufficient. It is clear theyre not willing to carry them out, anyway. I believe there is enough wealth in the world to be up to accommodate both are concerns for the environment as well as job security for workers. In other words, theyre not be starvation or unemployment because theres enough work in the world and it is more of a question of how to spread it around among all. We need the environment. Therefore the question is simple for me, it is that capitalism lies at the basis of our problems and we critically need Ground Breaking alternatives to it. Amy voices from the streets of bonn, germany, here on saturday. When we come back, well look at President Trumps meeting with phililippines president Rodrigo Duterte to in manila and the threats Climate Change poses to the philippines and other island nations, called the island cop. We will talk with a climate warrior from fiji. Stay with us. [music break] amy this is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. We are broadcasting live from the u. N. Climate change summit in bonn, germany. That is hosted by fiji. Well, the u. N. Climate summit comes as President Trump is in the philippines as part of his 13day trip across asia. Hours ago, trump met with philippine president Rodrigo Duterte on the sidelines of the association of Southeast Asian nations summit meeting in manila. Trump said he has a great relationship with duterte, who has presided over a socalled war on drugs that has seen thousands of people killeded by police or vigilantes. The meeting came after duterte sang a filipino love song during a gala dinner sunday night with otheher world leaders, sayingg later hehe sang g it on ththe os of presidedent trump. This all comes just a few days after duterte e bragged about haviving stabbbbed someone to dh when he was 16. During d dutertes campaign, e also joked about wanting to hahe been first in line for the gang rape of an australian missionary, who was raped and murdered in 1989. Duterte said she was so beautiful, the mayor should have been first. What a waste. Duterte himself was the mayor of davao city. Well, for more on President Trumps trip to the philippines and the threat that Climate Change poses to the philippines and southeast asia, were joined by tetet lauron, Program Manager for Climate Justice at ebonn international. She was a member of the philippines delegation to the u. N. Climate summits from 2011 to 2013. Before we talk climate politics, lets talk the politics of your country and President Trump coming to the philippines. Summit it climate seems over the last years, we are dealing with a typhoon in the philippines. What about this year . Today, were facing an even more destructive and warble andone horrible cyclone, that is President Donald Trump himself. Amy what do you mean . Talk about his trip and the socalled, as he described it, great relationship with duterte, your president. As we speak, i am proud to say that thousands of activists and farmers workers are trooping down the streets of manila to disrupt this meeting of the asean and to say that trump is not welcome in the philippines. The philippines and the United States have always had a special relationship in a sense that government and president even before duterte have welcomed u. S. Policy with open arms and very welcoming of u. S. Investment, u. S. Corporations taking away our resources, exploiting our people, and just getting away with virtually everything. Even military exercises. Amy can you give us the history . I did a little bit of his human rights records. Hes only been president for a year now, just as President Trump has been. At the story of 1989, him saying he wishes he was first in line to rape an australian missionary who is raped and murdered . To talk about the last few days, he said he murdered a person when he was 16 years old . Yeah, you can really see the character. He is racist. He is misogynist. He is militarist. In his reign of 20 years as the everyone knows, but it is not really admitted had a deathhat he squad behind him him a keeping and hend order in davao is doing it right now. Even brags he could put the entire country under martial law anytime he wants to. Amy y nd the significance of sense,aying he come in a supports, says he is s a g great rerelationship with h duterte. Whatat does that mean for the filipino people . It only goes to show his true colors. Initially he said he was going to pursue an end of uniform policy, very critical of the United States. But what were seeing now is these two module bullies have a very special relationship and they like each other. So what this is saying about the policies . To follow or to be obedient to whatever the u. S. Says. Amy what is the name that people have for donald trump and Rodrigo Duterte day . Third trump them the because theyre basically of the same old. Amy were talking with tetet lauron with ebonn international. Were also joined by a fiji islander and a pacific climate warrior. Lets now pivot into the issue of climate. We will stay with you tetet. How does climate affect the philippines and what are you calling for here at the u. N. Climate summit . The philippines has always been a poster child of the Climate Change. As you said, especially during cop, one big typhoon hits our country and earthquake strikes affecting millions. At this cop, were hoping and calling on governments to be accountable, number one, to make good on the promises that they made two years ago in paris. And number two, because what they put in as pledges and the Paris Agreement is not enough because it is still going to bring is anywhere between three to seven degrees warming. We are calling on them to increase the level of ambition. No urgency and try to do everything they could to avoid runaway Climate Change. Amy were also joined by george, who is a fiji islander. George, your country is actually hosting this summit called the island cop. But it is being held in bonn because fiji could not deal with 25,000 people coming in all that once for the summit. A talk about how climate affects fiji. Place it for us geographically. Fiji, the effects on the island, is such that sea level weather causing flooding. Last year, where the worst category 5 5 cyclone that hit fiji. It was devastating to see thousands of homes are damaged and about 40 people lost their lives. Have neverething we experienced before. Amy and the significance of this being an island cop, your island that is hosting this, fiji . This is to show the world what true leadership is about. We have leaders from our island thatare pushing affirmative action is taken and that the Paris Agreement is put into place. Amy what does it mean to be a pacific climate warrior . It means we bring our faith, tradition, culture into the mix of things and it show people who we are as human beings. And that were connected to the land into the ocean and this is important to us. Amy and the fact that President Trump is pulling the u. S. Out of the u. N. Paris climate accord . What does it mean to you . I am angry, but at the same time, i am hopeful this the our island leaders are taking the true leadership role that is needed. Amy tetet lauron, the fact that trump is at your country in your here in bonn, germany, for this cop. What does it mean for you that the u. S. Now, what, following syria and just before that nicaragua, signing on to the Paris Climate Accord . That means the u. S. Alone, if it is in fact pulled out of the accord, even with trumps efforts to pull it out come he actually cant pull it out until 2020. I think the day after the next election. The u. S. Has never been a climate leader. Much ift really matter they stay in or they stay out of the agreement. It is because we havent seen real climate leadership. Policy f the u. S. It is not just about the iraq mental policy. It is also about trade, finance, putting in place policies that extract more resources from countries like the philippines and fiji and bringing in the corporations with destructive mining activities. Opening up our country and our people to even more damages and vulnerabilities. Amy what does it mean to you, george, when activists from the u. S. , grassroots activists, senators, governors, mayors, not profits from all over, come as a kind of separate delegation from the trump delegation . We have 15 seconds. I think it is important because we dont stand alone in the fights. E know we are in this fight that is very important. Amy i want to thank you both for being with us. We will continue to discuss this. Tetet lauron, ebonn international. 350. Org thea is at civic climate warrior. When we come back, and antitrump revolt. We will speak with senators markey of massachusetts and s chatz of hawaii. Stay with us. [music break] amy this is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. We are broadcasting live from the u. N. Climate summit in bonn, germany. Despite President Trumps vows to pull the United States out of the landmark 2015 paris accord, there are a number of u. S. Senators, mayors and governors who are staging an antitrump revolt here at bonn. This is rhode island democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse speaking in bonn on saturday. The primary point i want to make is that the trump onlyistration is not isolated i in the world communiy on this issue, but also isolated within america on this issue. Strong voicesany who oppose the trump admiministration. Governors, mayors, american corporations, our Ngo Community are all continuing ahead. Amy that is white house, not to begin fused with the white house. That is the rhode island senator Sheldon Whitehouse. Lawmakers are part of a coalition of cities, universities, faith groups, and companies who are in bonn, germany, to reject trumps vow to pull the u. S. Out of the paris accord and instead proclaim we are still in. Well, on saturday, democracy now asked a number of these senators and mayors what they mean when they declare we are still in. Among them, massachusetts democratic senator ed markey. I began by asking him why hes here at the u. N. Climate summit in bonn, germany. Were here to tell the world that donald trump does not represent the majority view in our country, that overwhelmingly people do believe that the planet is dangerously warming and that human activity is causing it and that we have to do something about it. We just want them to know that inside our country, mayors, governors, private sector companies, and individuals are continuing to move forward to meet the goaoal that was commitd by the United States to the world. Amy what does that mean . If President Trump says he is pulling the u. S. Out, what does it mean to say you are pushing to meet the goals . There are existing federal laws on the books that we will not allow him to repeal. There are existing amy like what . The fuel economy standards that push our countntry towardss over 50 miles per gallon by the year 2025. We are going to fight to make sure that stays o on the books. The state laws paris noble electricity renewable electricity. Those laws will not be revealed. The appliance efficiency standards that ensures the stove the light bulbs are made ever more efficient. Were going to fight for that as well. Ultimately, it is the amount of pollution that goes up into the sky and that comes from appliances and buildings and vehicles that are driven, and were just here to o tell them that were going to make it very difficult for the president to roll back any of those standards at the state andnd city level, t is going to continue to afford very aggressively, along with hundreds of companies in our country youre committed to raising their goals. Amy there is the we are still in coalition. Still in the climate accord. But there is also the Trump Administration. They actually are making the trip over here, some of them, to hold a n news conference, pushig nuclear and coal and gas. Your thoughts on this . The Trump Administration is looking at the world in a review mayor. A going forward, when there are auctions in country after country, for example, mexico had an auction were solar power, they came in at three cents a kilowatt hour. That is below the cost of natural gas, below the cost of coal. This is a revolulution they cat stop. The economics of the renewable revolution are now out of the control of governments. They are out in the economic marketplace. We are here to tell them that we understand that, that the economics of renewables of all electric vehicles are all moving toward the day when his attempt to protect the fossil fuel economy is just not going to be successful. Amy what is going to happen with President Trumps nomination for his envirironmenl policy advisor, kathleen Heart Network or white who said Carbon Dioxide is harmless, actually a plant nutrients, and described when an solar power is unreliable and parasitic. She says Climate Change is a dogma that has little to do with science. In a blog she said i sit on the committee that had a hearing with h her testifying last week. She and her nomination are an embarrassment t to our country. She does not belelieve in scien. She does not believe in the harm that co2 does. She is somebody that is only reflecting the views of corporate america, the fossisil fuel industry. So the democrats are going to fight her as hard as anyone has ever been fought. In our committee and on the floor of the United States senate, were going to make sure that every republican understands that it will be one of the most embarrassing moments of their lives if they vote to confirm her to a position of high responsibility over the environment. Amy do you have any republican alallies on the committee . I thinknk there is perhaps he a bridge too far that it might just be something that is so egregious, so bad that republicans of conscience who we know really do want to protect the environment, willl have to stand up and say no. We think we have an excellent chance to defeat her and to defeat michael thorson, who has been put in charge of toxics as well. I dont think republicans want to vote on it are one of them. In the explain w who he is and o he represents. He works for the Chemical Industry who is now been nominated to take over regulation of toxic chemicals in our country. There is one chemical for example that s scientists at the epa a have come to a cononclusis to w what is acceptable exposure for human beingngs without in ft contracting cancer. He believes that h human beingss can be expxposed to 101000 times. Hat level we think that is in a bear thing vote for the repubublicans outun the senate floor as well, and were going to make surure that everyonene understands how bad t only he is, but his other in terminal nominees. Environmental nominees was the amy President Trump says he is going to o relax the car emission standards. I want to ask overall, it is a repeated mantra in the u. S. Media that trump hasnt been able to pass any meaningful legislation. But that obscures the fact the epa had, scott pruitt, is pushing fast and furious, repealing one rule, regulation after another around the environment, perhaps as Bill Mckibben said on democracy now yesterday, the environment is a place that President Trump is making the most progress for regressing us the most. On fuel economy standards, calilifornia and all of the othr states that are part of the california waiver, theyre going to have a say on that. I dont think any of those states into an unrelenting, so there is going to be a prolonged, bitter battle in the the trumpore administration can be successful on fuel economy standards. At the end of the day, theyre going toto lose. Amy and what about the fact the epa is moving to repeal so many environmnmental standards and succeeding . Witithout question, t the trp administration is trying to every turn the epa intoo pollututers ally. But at the end of the day, they cannot repeal the clean air act. They cannot repeal the clean water act. They cannot repepeal law afafter law. They canan try to move the regulations to a more conservative perspective, but that will be temporary. When the democrats return some normal republican a administration returns, then i think the underlying statutes will stitill be on the books because we dont intend on allowing trump to repeal one single law, even if you can change or interpret thee regulations under the existing laws for two or three year. , knowing as well the nrdc sierra club and other Public Interest groups and the attorneys general of the United States are going to sue trump on any regulation that scott pruitt tries to change. It will be years before he is successful on any significant regulation. Amy senator markey, we just returned from puerto rico. ,s we were flying here to bonn san juan, the most electrified area, still the majority of people not getting electricity, actually lost their electricity. Can you talk about what will happen with order rico . The people of pupuerto rico o ae u. U. S. Citizens. Puerto rico is an ongoing tragedy. It, unfortunately, is something that has had the Trump Administrationon think of them s secondclass citizens and not giving them the commitmement whh ththey need. The mayor of san juan s speaks r me, and i think a majority of American People, that they are not in grates. S. They are american citizens. They are people who are entitled to all of the full protections anand benefits s of our country. Ofcongress, before the end this year, we are to have a mighty battle over this, over what is happenening with the american response, the American Governments response. We have to make sure there is full funding that goes to puerto rico in the same way that it would go to louisiana or texas or florida if they had a catastrophe. We are when a make sure we have that battle. Amy fema has just said they will move out thousands of Puerto Ricans to the mainland. We were just begegin with the puerto rican activists who is here, deeply concerned about the answer being not solving the issue of puerto rico and all that has to happen right now, but also goes to its debt and what is going to happen there, but just moving Puerto Ricans out. T thate are estimates upwards of 500,0,000 puerto rics could just leave permanently the island a and not go backck agai. That is just wrong. These people should be given an theon that they know American Government is coming in to help them in a very brief period of time to rebuild or homes, to rebuild their towns. Otherwise, they are almost economic refugees, being forced to flee to florida or massachusetts or new york or new jersey or illinois, which is where theyre heading. That is wrong. We should actually commit the resources that give them hope for a future in their own toetown so they dont have think about leaving. Amy will you be investigating the interior secretary ryan zinke, Whitefish Energy gets this 300 Million Contract . Whitefish named for his hometown and how it is possible that when Hurricane Maria hit, there were twopeople, whitefish had t people. The governor says theyre going to cancel it. Absolutelelyact is something that should raise the eyebrows of every member of f te senate so that they hit the ceiling. That is how bad that deal is. A company that has no experience, very few employees, given the job of maybe the major reconstruction of an electric grid system and a history of our country. It is so wrong from step one that it is not even really debatable, yet in this Trump Administration, it is. So we need to make sure that we use that as an example thatt illumininates the soul of the Trump Administration when it comes to how the people of puerto rico are treated. Amy what is your view on Nuclear Power . It seems a number of even progressives are starting to say, well, it is better than coal and gas. As so many people have f filed nuclear powewer in this country for so manany years. S. The economics of Nuclear Power are absolutely abysmal. Westinghouse went bankrupt trying to build a Nuclear Power for the people of georgia and south carolina. And that has been what has happenened over the last 30 yea. It never did come back from three mile island or chernobyl or any of the questions that have been raised over the years. It is almost impossible for them private sector funding. That is why we have the price anderson act that has the American People covering a major meltdown. To the tune of 20 billion or more if something goes wrong. You dodont need that with renewables. You dont need that with natural gas. I think ultimately, utility executives are rational and theyre goingng to move toward e kinds of electrical generating technologies that are drawing the overwhelming vote of private sector investment. Amy perhaps the greatest threat is nuclear war. Certainly ofmp has the ante when it comes to north korea, saying hes going to unleash fire and fury on a population of 25 million. Your thoughts as he comes back from asia now . On tuesday ninight, were gog to have a a hearing in the foren relations committee. I asked the chairman bob corker to have a hearing on the use of Nuclear Weapons by the united withh, first in a conflict north koreans or anyny other country. It is time for us to have this debate acrcross our country. Y. Should the United States be the country thatat initiates a nuclr war, even if we have not been attacked by nuclear weweapons . We neeeed a national referendumn his isissue. Donald trump, no singlele human being,g, should have the power o use Nuclear Weapons when they have not been used by an opponent, and adversary of our country. Amy do you feel we are closer to n nuclear war now . I think it is very possssible on the korean p peninsula that e could slip into a situation escalatesventional war so quickly, that Nuclear Weapons bebecomes contemplative the on both sides contempmplateable both sides. And were there is a concern of the u. S. Government use baby Nuclear Bombs to go in his surgically try to attack the Nuclear Weapons systems inside of north korea. The problem with that is that even the pentagon has concluded that there is no guarantee that we would have knocked out all of of northar weapons korea, w which could still leave them with the capacity to launch where weouth korea have 200,000 americans, including 30,000 military personnel, or towards japan or guam. It would be catastrophic. Amy let me ask you about roy moore. Your thoughts on the alabama republican candidate for the senate seat, three women at this point have accused him of sexual sexually abusing them. One when she was 14 years old. It is obvioious that he shoud pull out of the racace to become the new senator from the state of alabama, but it is clear that the old saying hypocrisy is the adversityt tribute to a plaster roy moore. Now yes the chance to do the right thing, but it is not clear he is going to. Of this happens in a year trump, when more than a dozen women have accused him of sexual abuse. He said he would sue them after the election. The election came and went. He is not sued any of them. Already one of them has sued him for libibel for himim going fora liar. I think from harvey line harvey weieinstein to roy mooreo all of the other revelations, it is pretty clear we have crossed over into a new era, which is a great new era, which is that women are speaking up. They are trying to make our country become more accountable for what has been a culture for which has existed for far too long. Amy that was democratic senator ed markey of massachusetts. Welcome on saturday, we also got a chance to speak with democratic senator brian schatz of hawaii. I began by asking him why hes here in bonn, germany. We want tos and unequivocal message that although the president has taken the wrong position with regard to climate generally and specific specifically with regard to sting in the Paris Climate Accord, that the United States is still in. The framework that allows us to make progress on clean energy is a couple of things. First, the investment tax credit and the production tax credit, which is fedederal law. Second, the clean air act, whh is federal law. He is not a monarch. He cannot reveal that law. He doesnt just not only have 60 votes, he doesnt even have 50 votes. People dont necessarily understand that although the president is making unhelpful statements, he is not in charge of clean energy policy. We are making progress at the state level, at the city level, and to the private sector. So the Clean Energy Revolution will continue regardless of what he and scott pruitt one. Amy tell us how, change affects hawaii. Hawaii feel so prescient about climate. Our oceans are warming as a result, we have more Ocean Acidification and coral bleaching. You u can see it. There e was a summemer during wh the whole south shore, you could see the bleached coral almost across a all of the surfing spo. So it has gone from an issue that only environment list caret about honest everybody in the state of the lakers about because it is really affecting our quality of life. As a result, were taking action. We have the first t clean energy statute that requires 100 of all of our energy to be produced from clean them a Renewable Resources by the year 2045. We started with similar to the and1 with voluntary targets not ambitious enough targets, haswhat to what the u. N. Done. We ratcheted up our ambition over a period of time and made it mandatory and exceeded those targets. Now we have almost scored drupal Clean Energy Production in hawaii. Last year we finally signed a lot of say 100 clean energy. For you have been senatator five years. The last year, President Trump was elected. How has this country changed . How has it affected hawaii in the past year . President trump in a lot of ways, not just on policy, but in terms of style, is everything that hawaii is not. We believe our diversity is a strength and not a weakness. We believe in eachch other. We believe we want to protect each other. He really is defending the sense of sensibilities of so many people across thehe state of hawaii. And in a lot of ways, we took pride in president obamas even killd behavior, even behavior, this i do you can disagree without being disagreeable. President trump is everything that we are taught not to be growing up in hawaii. Amy what is your memessage forn island president . In fact, President Trump is from new york city. Manhattan is an island. New york has a huge coastline. Both identifying with that from hawaii to new york, and then pacific island, leaders at the cop, and the Pacific Islands are suffering immensely from the human induced Climate Change. Islands are going to suffer from Climate Change in very difficult ways. Pacific allies or just puerto rico, but you are right, disposal areas of and on the east coast of the United States of america. Boston is vulnerable. New york city is vulnerable. I know the state of maine is contending with challenges as the lobster migrates north. Nobody can escape Climate Change it is the longer just something that environmentalists care about. This is an economic issue, a a moral issue. It is a fiscal issue and we have to solve it together. Amy how do you identify with puerto rico . Well, i think the challenging thing with puerto rico situation is that i dont feel they are getting the respect that they would get if they were closer to the United States. We have to make sure that we help them recover. I thought they should have mobilized the United States military instantly as they would have if this had happened in an american state as opposed to a territory. Amy do you think it is racism . I dont to characterize it, i just think they made a wrong decision. And come my last question doesnt relate to Climate Change, but immigration. And that question is about Jeff Sessions speaking on our right wing radio talk show about the judge, t the federal judge in hawaii who stopped the muslim ban. And he said to me Jeff Sessions, is itd, t the goat how possible that a man on an island in the pacific and stop the president of the United States . What is your response . That island isoahu. It is the capital o of the 50th state from the state of hawaii. I would add that Jeff Sessions voted for that judge. Amy that is democratic senator brian schatz of hawaii. Later this week, we will bring you a special report on the resistance to the largest open pit coal mine in europe. That coal mine is just miles down the road from the u. N. Climate summit. We went there on sunday and visited the treesit. Hundreds of people have been involved with his protest for years. Thousands came out last weekend. Democracy now is excepting applications for a patent sixmonth internship. Go to democracynow. Org for information. Democracy now is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed captioning. Email your comments to outreach democracynow. Org or mail them to democracy now p. O. Box 693 new york, new york 10013. [captioning made possible by democracy now ] just listen. Natures greatest symphony. We talk about music as a gateway

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