LinkedIn Stories: How to Create “Water Cooler” Moments on Social Media Plus, everything else you need to know about the professional social network's foray into 24-hour content. Get the 411 on LinkedIn Stories. Katie Sehl January 18, 2021 LinkedIn Stories is the career network’s latest pitch to reach a younger demographic. The feature could help your company reach that audience, too. Released in September, stories may be new to LinkedIn, but they’re not new to social media. First popularized by Snapchat, disappearing posts have been replicated as Instagram and Facebook Stories, YouTube Stories—and most recently, Twitter Fleets. Short-form social video ismore popular than ever. Instagram Stories counts 500 million daily active users worldwide. More than 10 million people in the U.S. log on to TikTok everyday. Microsoft, LinkedIn’s parent company, even attempted to acquire TikTok last year.