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Lily Barraclough believes the antidote for eco-grief is acti
Lily Barraclough believes the antidote for eco-grief is acti
Lily Barraclough believes the antidote for eco-grief is action
This 24-year-old Dalhousie student used her master’s thesis to explore the emotional responses of politically active youth across Mi’kma’ki (Atlantic provinces, Gaspé Peninsula and the northeastern region of Maine) to the climate crisis.
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Maine ,
United States ,
Canada ,
Dalhousie ,
New Brunswick ,
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Julia Walker ,
Powershift Young ,
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Mikmaki Atlantic ,
Caden Hebb ,
Youthclimateaction Ecogrief ,
Eleanor Willner Fraser ,
Lily Barraclough ,
Charlotte Rogers ,
Ming Scott ,
Louis Sobol ,
Young ,
Rising Protest ,
Nova Scotia Youth ,
Climate March ,