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Licorice root extract shows potential as a COVID-19 treatmen
Licorice root extract shows potential as a COVID-19 treatmen
Licorice root extract shows potential as a COVID-19 treatment
A recent study explores the activity of glycyrrhizin against SARS-CoV-2.
Related Keywords
China ,
Chinese ,
Scisetti Alfio Shutterstock ,
Scisetti Alfio ,
Ace2 ,
Coronavirus Disease Covid 19 ,
Ngiotensin ,
Ngiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 ,
Anti Inflammatory ,
Flood ,
Fell ,
Compound ,
Coronavirus ,
Covid 19 ,
Ytokine ,
Efficacy ,
Nzyme ,
Inflammation ,
Medicine ,
Pandemic ,
Eceptor ,
Espiratory ,
Cars ,
Ars Cov 2 ,
Evere Acute Respiratory ,
Evere Acute Respiratory Syndrome ,
Yndrome ,