Hameed Shaheen ISLAMABAD: Two figures of the Libyan Transitional Council (NTC) Messrs Mustafa Abdul Jalil and Mahmoud Jibrael have emerged as the dominant leaders on world stage who, according to international reports, have acquired rapprochement among the world diplomatic community. The transition phase in Libya has stirred up fast worldwide diplomatic interaction. Acceptance of the NTC status by China and Russia is the latest development of Libyan scenario. “Council leaders Mustafa Abdul-Jalil and Mahmoud Jibril are expected to be among 31 heads of state and government and 11 foreign ministers at the (Paris) conference, along with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and leaders of NATO, the European Union, African Union, the Arab League, and the 57-State/member Organization of Islamic Cooperation”, says one report. The Thursday Paris International Conference is set to chisel a post-Gaddafi futurist direction for Libya. However South Africa is critical of handling Libyan affairs by the NATO+West.