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LGCA, AGRC, RegTech Africa partner to train local profession
LGCA, AGRC, RegTech Africa partner to train local profession
LGCA, AGRC, RegTech Africa partner to train local professionals
To continue its expansion in Africa, the Association of Governance, Risk and Compliance (AGRC) alongside its training partners, the London Governance and Compliance Academy (LGCA) and BeyondComply,...
Related Keywords
Lagos ,
Nigeria ,
London ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
Regtech Africa ,
Cyril Okoroigwe ,
Nadine Ghosn Eid ,
Mateo Jarrin Cuvi ,
Association Of Governance ,
Advisory Council ,
Compliance Academy ,
London Governance ,
Level Three Certificates ,
Three Certificates ,
Jarrin Cuvi ,
Level Three Certification ,
Kagrc ,
Dgca ,