Share this article Share this article WASHINGTON, April 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- LexisNexis® Special Services Inc. today announced the appointment of William G. Goss, former Boston Police Commissioner and superintendent-in-chief, to its board of directors. Gross served Boston law enforcement for 37 years and more recently was appointed 42nd Police Commissioner of the city. As commissioner, Gross focused on the ideals of community policing and established the first Bureau of Community Engagement. "William's experience as the police commissioner of a major city, on diversity plans, and his leadership on community policing to boost transparency will be invaluable to LexisNexis Special Services and to the law enforcement and public safety agencies we serve in the digital age," said Haywood Talcove, CEO, LexisNexis Special Services Inc. "Commissioner Gross is a policing leader and he embodies what it means to serve others for the betterment of self and the community. He understands the data and analytics capabilities we have to help agencies lead with intelligence to keep communities safe."