Letters: Māori health, youth in emergency housing, Queen St works and penis graffiti 10 May, 2021 05:00 PM 9 minutes to read A vaccination centre set up at Manurewa Marae. Photo / Michael Craig NZ Herald Poor results in Māori health John Tamihere claims (NZ Herald, May 6) Māori are somehow "placed at the back of the queue" across the health system, implying systemic racism, which is specious. In 40 years working in health, the only systemic discrimination I've seen has favoured Māori. Certain GP services and screenings are available free to Māori, but means-tested for other groups. GP clinics are given incentives for higher rates of Māori screening. A South Auckland mammogram service sends drivers to fetch Māori and Pasifika women; provide them with morning tea; explain; get consent; and proceed with both mammography and cervical smear screens at the same visit; and drive them home - all for free.