Live Updates
Lawmakers clarify how severed property interests are affecte
Lawmakers clarify how severed property interests are affecte
Lawmakers clarify how severed property interests are affected by tax sales
Senate Enrolled Act 296 declares a properly recorded lease involving a property with severed interests remains in effect following a tax sale.
Related Keywords
Indiana ,
United States ,
Chris Jeter ,
Eric Holcomb ,
Rodney Pol Jr ,
Senate Enrolled ,
Senate Enrolled Act ,
State Government ,
Local Government ,
Business ,
Real Estate ,
Ocal Politics ,
Property ,
Property Ownership ,
Property Tax ,
Unpaid Property Tax ,
Tax Sale ,
Ax Sale Property ,
Aliens ,
Encumbrance ,
Ground Lease ,
Leased Property ,
Property Improvements ,
Evered Interests ,
Indiana House ,
Indiana Senate ,
Indiana Governor ,
New Laws ,
Tax Revenue ,
Politics ,
Rade ,
He Economy ,
Legislation ,
Advertising ,
Jaw ,
Inance ,
Usiness And Commercial Law ,