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Law Day: Don't take freedoms for granted :
Law Day: Don't take freedoms for granted :
Law Day: Don't take freedoms for granted
Sometimes we take for granted our Constitution and the concomitant freedoms it guarantees. We shouldn’t. That was the message during the Law Day celebration held Friday afternoon in the ceremonial
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United States ,
Spain ,
Spanish ,
American ,
Adam Boyer ,
Morgan Unger ,
Dwightd Eisenhower ,
Randy Pheil ,
Christinam Simpson ,
Megan Huntington ,
Michaela George ,
Delone Catholic ,
Alaina Rongione ,
Thomas Campbell ,
Kathryn Dales ,
Law Day Committee ,
Dickinson College ,
Gettysburg College ,
A More Perfect Union ,
Seton Hall University ,
Adams County Bar Association ,
Law Day ,
Adams County ,
President Dwight ,
Adams County Bar ,
Law Day Committee Chairman Adam Boyer ,
More Perfect Union ,
Bermudian Springs ,
Honorable Mention ,
Second Place ,
Honey Strosnider ,
Adams County Commissioner Chair Randy Pheil ,
Judges Christina ,
Judge George ,
Local ,