Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20180206 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20180206

has ever seen. what you need to know if you're planning on celebrating with the champs. >> and super bowl mvp nick foles talks about the title win. what the quarterback says is the true secret behind the eagles' success. tonight the birds are back in the city and the entire region still flying high. i'm ukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. we have live team coverage of the championship celebration. greg argos has more on parade preps, but we start with alexandria hoff who is live in philadelphia with more on today's hero's welcome home. >> what an emotional experience it was to hear hundreds of voices of fans all singing together "fly eagles fly" because fly that team did and they landed this afternoon. of all the trails the team has blazed anded roadblocks overcome, the proudest journey of this season has been the one back home. >> i just want to say thank you. i've been waiting three years for this. >> i've been waiting for this forever and it's here. >> reporter: fans headed to philadelphia international airport to greet the plane and the fanfare went in both directions as players and coach departed the plane and turned their cameras toward the crowd. >> they decided to walk over to the fence and share a really touching moment by passing the trophy to each player and letting us all embrace the moment. and it's just something i'll never forget. >> reporter: the emotional journey continued from the airport to the novo care facility. >> you could see the fans and the players, the muual respect and love. >> that mutual adoration was evident as players bend to celebrate with their own families. >> tears of joy. >> reporter: and then a promise was made by executive vice president of football operations howy roseman. >> it's just going to get even better! >> reporter: going to get even better. the dust hasn't settled yet and of course fans had to brave a very cold day, but their warm smiles made everything feel all right. welcome home guys. reporting live in south philadelphia, alexandria hoff, cbs3 eyewitness news. >> and quarterback nick foles wasn't with the team as they landed today. that's because the super bowl mvp took the traditional trip to disney world instead where he was honored as the grand marshall during the super bowl parade there. he lived out a true sinner ella story. >> ation for that parade i think they're talking millions of fans at this point are expected to pack the streets of philadelphia. >> details for what is shaping up to be an historic celebration are slowly coming out. the city released tentative plans today. the parade is expected to begin at 11:00 a.m. on thursday kicking off near the sports complex in south philly. it's going to head up breed street towards the art museum. hotels along the parade route are booking up fast and our greg argos is at the art museum tonight with the parade preps. greg? >> reporter: and ukee, this is going to be quite the event. already preparations as you mentioned well under way. right behind me here on the art museum steps, you might be able to tell, that is the stage being set right here. this is where the parade will end and we're told the eagles players will pass between 2,000,003 million of their fans on their way to the art museum. crews already at the art museum setting stage for the millions expected to pack center city to celebrate the world champion eagles. >> we've been getting calls from people who are excited and want to be a part of this. >> reporter: the president of the inds visitor center says he's expecting at least 2 million people to attend. >> reporter: transit is going to be under stress but hopefully septa will do a great job. >> reporter: and those who want to make sure to get a prime spot along the route already booking hotels. >> a lot of excitement. >> reporter: the managing director of loew's philadelphia says all 500-plus rooms including those with views of the parade route already booked. >> the rooms are going very quickly so i would say we're fortunate, we're totally sold out at this time. >> reporter: with some guests deciding to extend their vacation the minute the eagles secured their historic win. >> some of the people who were staying overnight, they went right to the front desk and extended for wednesday evening as well. >> if you're thinking about booking a hotel room the best advice is you better do it quickly. at last check some 85% of all the hotel rooms in philadelphia for that evening are already booked. >> greg, thanks so much. you can see the parade of champions live right here on cbs3 thursday. we will be there every step of the way as the team makes their way up broad street and the art museum. the celebration continues. don't miss it. it's been a whirlwind couple of players not to mention a history-making season. >> lesley joins us now. >> this guy is the most likable, humble guy. nick foles post-season one of the greatest in nfl history, doing what no other quarterback could do. deliver the city a philadelphia championship. this morning he posed with the trophy. nick became the third quarterback in league history with three or less starts in the regular season. many wondered how he would play after he struggled in the final two regular season games, but he saved the best to the post season and today, in nick fashion, refused to take all the credit for that win. >> it goes back to everyone wants to point out one individual and i'm fortunate to be the mvp of the game but as you've seen this year, we've had so many mvps throughout the course of the team different guys stepping up. it's a great honor but i'm fortunate to be a part of a great team, great players, great coaching staff and i think just the play the last several weeks was just aa team thing. >> coming up, may not live here any more but she sure showed her love for the team. we're going to have her reaction. you do not want to miss it. >> i can't wait to see that again. >> many eagles fans lucky enough to be in minnesota to see the super bowl in person also returned home today. >> eyewitness news was in philadelphia international airport where fans were still riding an emotional high. all of them who talked with us said being there was an experience they'll never forget. >> we beat tom brady and the patriots, we beat the referees, we beat all the haters. >> it was just great. everybody was happy we're number one we won the super bowl. the confetti is coming down. >> my dad has season tickets and he's 70 years old. he was with us out there. he was out there with his grandson. me my brother-in-law, my nephew, it was great. >> those who were at the game say they can't wait to go to thursday's parade. >> eagles super bowl merchandise started flying off store shelves as early as last night. immediately after the eagles won, a massive line formed out of dick's sporting goods. shoppers were just as eager in modell's. >> eagles super bowl champions! >> we are super bowl champions! >> excellent. >> so well-deserved. >> waited a long time for this. >> how about it. piles of t-shirts, hats, cups, footballs anything with the team name was up for grab to commemorate the historic win. >> most eagles fans celebrated the history-making win responsibly but there were a few issues that made headlines. among them the collapse of the awning at the ritz-carlton hotel. the windows at macy's were shattered. a gas station on south broad was looted. >> >> it's beyond stupid. we're all adults, we need to act our age. show kids some respect. they're going to grow up and they're watching this. >> three people were arrested during the celebration but more arrests could be coming. police are looking at surveillance video to identify some of the vandal. >> reaction to the eagles' win ranged from tears of joy to complete euphoria. why do people react the way they do after a championship win? nicole brewer looks at the psychology of it all. >> one local couple is celebrating a super bowl win and a whole lot more. when their bundle of joy decided to arrive and did they name him after an eagles player? >> as we head toward the parade we've got a midweek storm to contend with. it's not this one. this system could bring us any snow, what to expect on wednesday when a mixed bag of winter weather approaches and of course a first look at your parade forecast. stocks took a big tumble on wall street today with the dow launching its biggest single day ever point drop. at the closing bell the dow was down almost 1200 points erasing its gain for the year. at one point during the trading session, the dow was down more than 1600 points. worries about higher inflation and rising interest rates in part triggered the sell-off. the dau finished the day at 2,345. >> there are new developments tonight in the investigation into russian collusion in the 2016 election. the house intelligence committee voted today to release a democratic rebuttal to a gop memo released last week. the memo accuses the department of justice and the fbi of abusing surveillance powers. the doj and fbi are p reviewing the democratic memo ahead of its release. president trump will have five days to decide whether to greenlight the release of the democratic rebuttal. eagles nation is flying high celebrating philadelphia's first-ever super bowl win. >> and we've seen the whole gamut of emotions from fans from utter excitement to tears to behavior we wish we didn't have to talk about. >> nicole brewer joins us now on the psychology of a sports fan. >> the psychology of a sports fan, but more specifically a philly sports fan. because when it comes to fandom, you know this, this city is in a league of its own. when the clock ran out in super bowl lii, eagles nation exploded. >> amazing. >> we just all erupted. >> one of the moet incredible moments of my life. >> from shouts of elation, quiet moments of remembrance. >> people were looking to the sky. >> reporter: some broke down in tears. >> they're crying. >> reporter: while others broke the law. >> there are always a few bad apples that spoil it for the bunch. >> you think of philadelphia as one patient on the coach the psycho therapy is over. >> reporter: a psychology professor and director of athletics says the title of world champions serves as therapy to a city book-ended by new york and dc. >> this is what we've been waiting for. we've been liberated. >> reporter: while the casual fan will jump and screen, the die-hard is more likely to show emotion. >> they think of themselves as part of that football team and they actually feel they can control it. >> reporter: what about those who act out? >> it's an emotional release. an for some people when they release this emotion, instead of joy it becomes anger. to the psychology world they're somewhat related. >> you do see knuckle heads climbing the poles and jumping on awnings. that is not the city of philadelphia. >> reporter: we are not making excuses for that kind of behavior. in fact he said he believes events like this these almost act as an invitation for troublemakers who may not even be loyal fans of the team anyway. >> it's such a big group of people. >> a lot of emotions that's definitely true. >> i tiered up, off camera. off camera i did. >> kate's got our forecast as we lead up to the parade on thursday. >> it's a good thing it's not on wednesday. i think there were rumbling that it might have been on wednesday and mother nature said no. i'll show you why that is. we've got a pretty dynamic storm system heading our way for the middle of the week and the parade forecast definitely going to be cold but it's going to be a lot drier than wednesday will be. the skyline is still lit all in green thanks to our super bowl champion eagles looking beautiful. clear and cold, no problem in the city, no problems down at the delaware beaches where we look at rehoboth beach. the clouds are starting to build in as a system starts to head into portions of ohio. as this moves our way it's going to lift to the north and could clip our far north and west counties with a few flurries tomorrow morning that's about it and this system moves out. our next storm then will take over and that gets here as we head into wednesday. so temperatures right now on the cold side certainly teens in allentown and millville, 27 in philadelphia, 8 in mount pocono. winds are kind of light and variable. the winds have died down. the wind chill was a big factor in today's cold, not as windy tonight. that helps a little bit. clouds increasing, our low bottoming out about 24. tomorrow flurries north and west to start with that system i just showed you, increasing sun, clouds in the morning to sunshine in the afternoon. we're going to set this into motion, you can start off with tomorrow morning, there's that system i just showed you with a few flakes, light snow showers or flurries down through the poconos and to the lie high valley. as we head into wednesday morning our next system approaches. it starts with a warm front passage that's going bring some snow. here's 6:00 a.m. wednesday shifting over the city, at 7:00 wednesday morning a little bit of ice and rain as you head down the shore. this could be some school delays for parts of the areas as you head up into the poconos and the lehigh valley the snow will linger and may even change to sleet or freezing rain for a time. the this particular model has a lull in the action in philadelphia before rain and warm air starts to flood in. you can see heavy rain will follow that morning mix and it will continue through the afternoon. 3:00 p.m. steady rainfall and possibly even a thunderstorm as the cold front moves through. you can see a pretty nasty looking squall line coming through around 6:00 p.m. we can go from a icy, snowy morning commute to a stormy, rainy commute but regardless of entire day wednesday looks awful to be out and about and clears the coast by 8:00 setting the stage for a colder but drier thursday in time for the parade. heavy snow to a late day mix in the poconos to the lehigh valley. light snow half inch to an inch perhaps in philadelphia and change over to rain, heavy rain in the afternoon and this is mainly rain for south jersey and delaware. concern about icing especially north west where we get that prolonged period of freezing rain or sleet on wednesday morning p wednesday is not a great day to be out on the roads. thursday looks a whole lot better for the eagles parade. it is mostly sunny, blustery and cold. temperatures only in the 30s. wind chills only in the teens. so again, it's not an ideal day to be standing out for hours, but you know, it's not too bad. at least the body heat and the energy and excitement will keep everybody pumped up, keep everybody warm. friday a stray snow shower and it does start to warm up over the weekend. >> it's going to be tight. >> leslie is back with more sports. >> that's right. fans and there are real fans. with last night's win over the patriots, doug pederson became the eighth coach in history. he wasn't a popular choice as head coach when the birds hired him two years ago. after 7 and 9, the birds went 1 and 3 despite losing several key players. last night he out-coached arguably the best coach in nfl history but it hasn't sunk in that he's a super bowl-winning head coach. >> i know it's going to take some time, but it's kind of surreal right now. these next few days are going to be a little crazy. we've got a lot to do still, but just excited for the guys and we'll remember this the rest of our lives. >> he did an unbelievable job calling plays. he's been a phenomenal all year. he should have won coach of the year. he's the best play caller i've ever played with. best head coach i've ever played for and i'm blessed to play for. >> there are eagles fans and there are those die hard eagles fan. dan morgan got the philly special play tattooed on his arm to commemorate the big win. morgan says that was the moment the eagles made football history. >> it was the greatest play i've ever seen in my entire life of. >> it means a lot to me that corey clement was involved in it because he went to college in glassboro. >> he says it was a sentimental moment he lost his stepdad who started his fandom 10 years ago. >> south carolina basketball head coach dawn staley had a priceless reaction. check it out. >>. [ screaming ] >> they did lock herself out of the room. that's how locked in the moment she was. >> a local couple is celebrating eagles' super bowl win at the same time as the birth of their first son. >> they only made it sthru about the first half of the game before matthew james decided to make his grand entrance into the world. the super bowl baby was born at 7:50 at einstein medical center in philadelphia. and his parents missed the halftime show but there was still plenty of excitement in the delivery room. >> i'm having really intense contractions and every time they would score or something good would happen, joe would just start screaming at my stomach and i'm like you're going to need to back away. i'm excited too but stop screaming at my stomach. >> she says he wanted to name the baby doug p., but they went with matthew james instead. >> we're watching the weekend probably not as exciting as last weekend of course no super bowl and no eagles to root for, but the champions are home and we've got temperatures climbing this coming weekend and it will be mainly dry on saturday and a rain chance saturday into sunday but and coming up next is the late show with stephen colbert followed by the late late show with james corden. for kate, lesley and everyone here. i'm ukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. >> thanks for watching. have a good night family and sleep well. and take control of your financial future, then get ready, because real estate multi-millionaire, and best-selling author, than merrill, star of a&e's hit tv show, flip this house

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Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , United States , Delaware , Center City , Minnesota , Millville , Ohio , South Carolina , Rehoboth Beach , Jersey , Russia , Russian , Matthew James , Tom Brady , Dan Morgan ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20180206 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20180206

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has ever seen. what you need to know if you're planning on celebrating with the champs. >> and super bowl mvp nick foles talks about the title win. what the quarterback says is the true secret behind the eagles' success. tonight the birds are back in the city and the entire region still flying high. i'm ukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. we have live team coverage of the championship celebration. greg argos has more on parade preps, but we start with alexandria hoff who is live in philadelphia with more on today's hero's welcome home. >> what an emotional experience it was to hear hundreds of voices of fans all singing together "fly eagles fly" because fly that team did and they landed this afternoon. of all the trails the team has blazed anded roadblocks overcome, the proudest journey of this season has been the one back home. >> i just want to say thank you. i've been waiting three years for this. >> i've been waiting for this forever and it's here. >> reporter: fans headed to philadelphia international airport to greet the plane and the fanfare went in both directions as players and coach departed the plane and turned their cameras toward the crowd. >> they decided to walk over to the fence and share a really touching moment by passing the trophy to each player and letting us all embrace the moment. and it's just something i'll never forget. >> reporter: the emotional journey continued from the airport to the novo care facility. >> you could see the fans and the players, the muual respect and love. >> that mutual adoration was evident as players bend to celebrate with their own families. >> tears of joy. >> reporter: and then a promise was made by executive vice president of football operations howy roseman. >> it's just going to get even better! >> reporter: going to get even better. the dust hasn't settled yet and of course fans had to brave a very cold day, but their warm smiles made everything feel all right. welcome home guys. reporting live in south philadelphia, alexandria hoff, cbs3 eyewitness news. >> and quarterback nick foles wasn't with the team as they landed today. that's because the super bowl mvp took the traditional trip to disney world instead where he was honored as the grand marshall during the super bowl parade there. he lived out a true sinner ella story. >> ation for that parade i think they're talking millions of fans at this point are expected to pack the streets of philadelphia. >> details for what is shaping up to be an historic celebration are slowly coming out. the city released tentative plans today. the parade is expected to begin at 11:00 a.m. on thursday kicking off near the sports complex in south philly. it's going to head up breed street towards the art museum. hotels along the parade route are booking up fast and our greg argos is at the art museum tonight with the parade preps. greg? >> reporter: and ukee, this is going to be quite the event. already preparations as you mentioned well under way. right behind me here on the art museum steps, you might be able to tell, that is the stage being set right here. this is where the parade will end and we're told the eagles players will pass between 2,000,003 million of their fans on their way to the art museum. crews already at the art museum setting stage for the millions expected to pack center city to celebrate the world champion eagles. >> we've been getting calls from people who are excited and want to be a part of this. >> reporter: the president of the inds visitor center says he's expecting at least 2 million people to attend. >> reporter: transit is going to be under stress but hopefully septa will do a great job. >> reporter: and those who want to make sure to get a prime spot along the route already booking hotels. >> a lot of excitement. >> reporter: the managing director of loew's philadelphia says all 500-plus rooms including those with views of the parade route already booked. >> the rooms are going very quickly so i would say we're fortunate, we're totally sold out at this time. >> reporter: with some guests deciding to extend their vacation the minute the eagles secured their historic win. >> some of the people who were staying overnight, they went right to the front desk and extended for wednesday evening as well. >> if you're thinking about booking a hotel room the best advice is you better do it quickly. at last check some 85% of all the hotel rooms in philadelphia for that evening are already booked. >> greg, thanks so much. you can see the parade of champions live right here on cbs3 thursday. we will be there every step of the way as the team makes their way up broad street and the art museum. the celebration continues. don't miss it. it's been a whirlwind couple of players not to mention a history-making season. >> lesley joins us now. >> this guy is the most likable, humble guy. nick foles post-season one of the greatest in nfl history, doing what no other quarterback could do. deliver the city a philadelphia championship. this morning he posed with the trophy. nick became the third quarterback in league history with three or less starts in the regular season. many wondered how he would play after he struggled in the final two regular season games, but he saved the best to the post season and today, in nick fashion, refused to take all the credit for that win. >> it goes back to everyone wants to point out one individual and i'm fortunate to be the mvp of the game but as you've seen this year, we've had so many mvps throughout the course of the team different guys stepping up. it's a great honor but i'm fortunate to be a part of a great team, great players, great coaching staff and i think just the play the last several weeks was just aa team thing. >> coming up, may not live here any more but she sure showed her love for the team. we're going to have her reaction. you do not want to miss it. >> i can't wait to see that again. >> many eagles fans lucky enough to be in minnesota to see the super bowl in person also returned home today. >> eyewitness news was in philadelphia international airport where fans were still riding an emotional high. all of them who talked with us said being there was an experience they'll never forget. >> we beat tom brady and the patriots, we beat the referees, we beat all the haters. >> it was just great. everybody was happy we're number one we won the super bowl. the confetti is coming down. >> my dad has season tickets and he's 70 years old. he was with us out there. he was out there with his grandson. me my brother-in-law, my nephew, it was great. >> those who were at the game say they can't wait to go to thursday's parade. >> eagles super bowl merchandise started flying off store shelves as early as last night. immediately after the eagles won, a massive line formed out of dick's sporting goods. shoppers were just as eager in modell's. >> eagles super bowl champions! >> we are super bowl champions! >> excellent. >> so well-deserved. >> waited a long time for this. >> how about it. piles of t-shirts, hats, cups, footballs anything with the team name was up for grab to commemorate the historic win. >> most eagles fans celebrated the history-making win responsibly but there were a few issues that made headlines. among them the collapse of the awning at the ritz-carlton hotel. the windows at macy's were shattered. a gas station on south broad was looted. >> >> it's beyond stupid. we're all adults, we need to act our age. show kids some respect. they're going to grow up and they're watching this. >> three people were arrested during the celebration but more arrests could be coming. police are looking at surveillance video to identify some of the vandal. >> reaction to the eagles' win ranged from tears of joy to complete euphoria. why do people react the way they do after a championship win? nicole brewer looks at the psychology of it all. >> one local couple is celebrating a super bowl win and a whole lot more. when their bundle of joy decided to arrive and did they name him after an eagles player? >> as we head toward the parade we've got a midweek storm to contend with. it's not this one. this system could bring us any snow, what to expect on wednesday when a mixed bag of winter weather approaches and of course a first look at your parade forecast. stocks took a big tumble on wall street today with the dow launching its biggest single day ever point drop. at the closing bell the dow was down almost 1200 points erasing its gain for the year. at one point during the trading session, the dow was down more than 1600 points. worries about higher inflation and rising interest rates in part triggered the sell-off. the dau finished the day at 2,345. >> there are new developments tonight in the investigation into russian collusion in the 2016 election. the house intelligence committee voted today to release a democratic rebuttal to a gop memo released last week. the memo accuses the department of justice and the fbi of abusing surveillance powers. the doj and fbi are p reviewing the democratic memo ahead of its release. president trump will have five days to decide whether to greenlight the release of the democratic rebuttal. eagles nation is flying high celebrating philadelphia's first-ever super bowl win. >> and we've seen the whole gamut of emotions from fans from utter excitement to tears to behavior we wish we didn't have to talk about. >> nicole brewer joins us now on the psychology of a sports fan. >> the psychology of a sports fan, but more specifically a philly sports fan. because when it comes to fandom, you know this, this city is in a league of its own. when the clock ran out in super bowl lii, eagles nation exploded. >> amazing. >> we just all erupted. >> one of the moet incredible moments of my life. >> from shouts of elation, quiet moments of remembrance. >> people were looking to the sky. >> reporter: some broke down in tears. >> they're crying. >> reporter: while others broke the law. >> there are always a few bad apples that spoil it for the bunch. >> you think of philadelphia as one patient on the coach the psycho therapy is over. >> reporter: a psychology professor and director of athletics says the title of world champions serves as therapy to a city book-ended by new york and dc. >> this is what we've been waiting for. we've been liberated. >> reporter: while the casual fan will jump and screen, the die-hard is more likely to show emotion. >> they think of themselves as part of that football team and they actually feel they can control it. >> reporter: what about those who act out? >> it's an emotional release. an for some people when they release this emotion, instead of joy it becomes anger. to the psychology world they're somewhat related. >> you do see knuckle heads climbing the poles and jumping on awnings. that is not the city of philadelphia. >> reporter: we are not making excuses for that kind of behavior. in fact he said he believes events like this these almost act as an invitation for troublemakers who may not even be loyal fans of the team anyway. >> it's such a big group of people. >> a lot of emotions that's definitely true. >> i tiered up, off camera. off camera i did. >> kate's got our forecast as we lead up to the parade on thursday. >> it's a good thing it's not on wednesday. i think there were rumbling that it might have been on wednesday and mother nature said no. i'll show you why that is. we've got a pretty dynamic storm system heading our way for the middle of the week and the parade forecast definitely going to be cold but it's going to be a lot drier than wednesday will be. the skyline is still lit all in green thanks to our super bowl champion eagles looking beautiful. clear and cold, no problem in the city, no problems down at the delaware beaches where we look at rehoboth beach. the clouds are starting to build in as a system starts to head into portions of ohio. as this moves our way it's going to lift to the north and could clip our far north and west counties with a few flurries tomorrow morning that's about it and this system moves out. our next storm then will take over and that gets here as we head into wednesday. so temperatures right now on the cold side certainly teens in allentown and millville, 27 in philadelphia, 8 in mount pocono. winds are kind of light and variable. the winds have died down. the wind chill was a big factor in today's cold, not as windy tonight. that helps a little bit. clouds increasing, our low bottoming out about 24. tomorrow flurries north and west to start with that system i just showed you, increasing sun, clouds in the morning to sunshine in the afternoon. we're going to set this into motion, you can start off with tomorrow morning, there's that system i just showed you with a few flakes, light snow showers or flurries down through the poconos and to the lie high valley. as we head into wednesday morning our next system approaches. it starts with a warm front passage that's going bring some snow. here's 6:00 a.m. wednesday shifting over the city, at 7:00 wednesday morning a little bit of ice and rain as you head down the shore. this could be some school delays for parts of the areas as you head up into the poconos and the lehigh valley the snow will linger and may even change to sleet or freezing rain for a time. the this particular model has a lull in the action in philadelphia before rain and warm air starts to flood in. you can see heavy rain will follow that morning mix and it will continue through the afternoon. 3:00 p.m. steady rainfall and possibly even a thunderstorm as the cold front moves through. you can see a pretty nasty looking squall line coming through around 6:00 p.m. we can go from a icy, snowy morning commute to a stormy, rainy commute but regardless of entire day wednesday looks awful to be out and about and clears the coast by 8:00 setting the stage for a colder but drier thursday in time for the parade. heavy snow to a late day mix in the poconos to the lehigh valley. light snow half inch to an inch perhaps in philadelphia and change over to rain, heavy rain in the afternoon and this is mainly rain for south jersey and delaware. concern about icing especially north west where we get that prolonged period of freezing rain or sleet on wednesday morning p wednesday is not a great day to be out on the roads. thursday looks a whole lot better for the eagles parade. it is mostly sunny, blustery and cold. temperatures only in the 30s. wind chills only in the teens. so again, it's not an ideal day to be standing out for hours, but you know, it's not too bad. at least the body heat and the energy and excitement will keep everybody pumped up, keep everybody warm. friday a stray snow shower and it does start to warm up over the weekend. >> it's going to be tight. >> leslie is back with more sports. >> that's right. fans and there are real fans. with last night's win over the patriots, doug pederson became the eighth coach in history. he wasn't a popular choice as head coach when the birds hired him two years ago. after 7 and 9, the birds went 1 and 3 despite losing several key players. last night he out-coached arguably the best coach in nfl history but it hasn't sunk in that he's a super bowl-winning head coach. >> i know it's going to take some time, but it's kind of surreal right now. these next few days are going to be a little crazy. we've got a lot to do still, but just excited for the guys and we'll remember this the rest of our lives. >> he did an unbelievable job calling plays. he's been a phenomenal all year. he should have won coach of the year. he's the best play caller i've ever played with. best head coach i've ever played for and i'm blessed to play for. >> there are eagles fans and there are those die hard eagles fan. dan morgan got the philly special play tattooed on his arm to commemorate the big win. morgan says that was the moment the eagles made football history. >> it was the greatest play i've ever seen in my entire life of. >> it means a lot to me that corey clement was involved in it because he went to college in glassboro. >> he says it was a sentimental moment he lost his stepdad who started his fandom 10 years ago. >> south carolina basketball head coach dawn staley had a priceless reaction. check it out. >>. [ screaming ] >> they did lock herself out of the room. that's how locked in the moment she was. >> a local couple is celebrating eagles' super bowl win at the same time as the birth of their first son. >> they only made it sthru about the first half of the game before matthew james decided to make his grand entrance into the world. the super bowl baby was born at 7:50 at einstein medical center in philadelphia. and his parents missed the halftime show but there was still plenty of excitement in the delivery room. >> i'm having really intense contractions and every time they would score or something good would happen, joe would just start screaming at my stomach and i'm like you're going to need to back away. i'm excited too but stop screaming at my stomach. >> she says he wanted to name the baby doug p., but they went with matthew james instead. >> we're watching the weekend probably not as exciting as last weekend of course no super bowl and no eagles to root for, but the champions are home and we've got temperatures climbing this coming weekend and it will be mainly dry on saturday and a rain chance saturday into sunday but and coming up next is the late show with stephen colbert followed by the late late show with james corden. for kate, lesley and everyone here. i'm ukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. >> thanks for watching. have a good night family and sleep well. and take control of your financial future, then get ready, because real estate multi-millionaire, and best-selling author, than merrill, star of a&e's hit tv show, flip this house

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