Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20180123 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20180123

being happy, as your parents were when you guys were born. >> unaudible. >> it is not so hard rum rum how many touchdown runs have you had. >> five. >> reporter: so were tougher then a powe game presser. >> unaudible. >> that is a good question. at first, got over that and i was trying to go get the ball. >> reporter: passing with flying colors this eagle was sent on his way with a little homework. >> you want me to find a way in. >> reporter: whole lot of love , because they will be watching. >> i watch football with mommy >> yes, definitely like it. i want to support the energy, the whole nine, support is a big part of it. support is a big part of it. >> reporter: absolutely, and what i really, felt in those classrooms today, was lagarrette taking it in, and, just like those kid, we're watching him wide eyed, i mean this is not only an accomplishment for our city, it is a personal accomplishment for these men that are out there on the field, dreaming these dreams, and yet, he has been to the super bowl before, but this chance, doesn't come along every single year, so we are so proud of our team, and just really feel grateful that we're in this moment and we cannot wait, for super bowl sunday which is only less than two weeks away. it was a great day to day, guys, great day. >> i bet, those young people will never forget. thanks, tori. check out quarterback nick foles on the cover of this weeks sports illustrated. magazine tweeted out cover this morning, caption, and then nick foles happened again the eagles backup is now a super bowl starter, but he is not the only qb featuweek this , featuring future hall of famer tom brady with the caption talk to the hand the patriots are heading back to the super bowl. sports illustrated playing off brady's hand injury that he suffered just before the afc championship game. we heard from the eagles coordinators about facing the patriots. >> sports director done done bell joins with us more on that, db. >> funny, people were worried they were jinked because they were on the cover of the sports illustrated but there is two covers. you hope people don't know different areas you get patriots one and you get a eagles one. >> that is madden game too, if you are on the cover. >> no jinkses. >> no jinkses. >> guys playing hard and making it happen. patriot don't often have best talent they select at bottom of the draft, but one thing remains consistent the quarterback and the head coach bill belichick's area of expertise is defense: paths are 29th, which is terrible but they are fifth in point as loud. eagles wye the way are second. the paths are the very definition of, bend but don't break. >> coached in indianapolis for a few days going up against a lot of offensive weapons so i have seen different ways of how they will take players away and they are very good at it. i think unique thing about our owe even if we have said it all year we spread the ball around. we have a couple work horses, but that hasn't really defined us as a offense and we have used a until we have five guys that canister, win the game for us on any given night and if we feel confident in that. >> frank also says that they respect the patriots, but they fear no one. >> hello. >> i love that. >> i like that. >> yes, indeed. >> way they have played they have in reason to fear anyone either. >> thanks, don. we love seeing your fan photos this was sent to us by tanya who works at lincoln financial field. she said, that she was there, all the way, with the bird sunday, because hey, it is a job. fly eagles fly, tanya. this picture is taking the fly eagles fly to the whole new level this was taken on board an airplane during all decked out to the bird. show us your spirit. send us your fan photos and use the #cbs-3. pennsylvania congressman, under fire, tonight pat meehan is responding to bomb shell allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him by a young woman. "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt spoke one on one with congressman meehan just a short time ago. he is in media delaware county with what he had to say, david >> reporter: this is an explosive report that came out by insuring times over the weekend and says that the congressman a well known congressman in this area, used taxpayer money, to pay off a former, female staffer, she alleged sexual harassment in this case, he says there was no sexual harassment, and he did say on camera that he did consider, this woman, a soul mate. he used the word soul mate. meehan is married, he had three children, he has been in congress since 2011. he says that he does regret some things, he denies any physical relationship with this woman. he did call her a soul mate. he said they spent a lot of time together over past several years since he came to congress but the big question, ukee, why did he use taxpayer funded money from his congressional office, to pay off this woman? i asked him that question, take a listen to this exchange >> why did you pay her off using taxpayer money, that is a big question why did you do that congressman. >> because i wanted her not to walk out of this situation once it got engaged with attorneys in a way that was just going to be harmful. i paid a severance because i care about her. i didn't want her to be in a sit ways that was not going to resolve itself for years and that is what happens in litigation. >> reporter: doesn't that show guilt on your part. >> no, it does not in my mind i never looked at tonight some way this was no admission of any of this. >> reporter: now house ethics committee, committee that he was on is in longer on it anymore is investigating him and decide if you go he need to pay back that money. also this is a handwritten letter from the congressman to this former female staffer, i will have some of the excerpts and talk about this letter to her, coming up tonight, on "eyewitness news" at 6:00. reporting live from media delaware county, david spunt for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> david, thank you. turning to the weather today's spring-like temperatures will be just a memory tomorrow, we're in for a quick cool down and meteorologist kate bilo is in the weather center with how low temperatures will go, kate >> reporter: earlier today once the system first cleared out it was in the 60's and it definitely felt like spring, outside but now, everything is changing, it is colder air starting to move in behind this storm. still a few lingering sprinkles here and there over portions of south jersey but you can see as our system exits notice how things are changing over snow in western new york state and northwestern, pennsylvania, and not going to see any of that but indication that much cooler air is moving in behind this storm. as we look at is what happening right now very last of it, starting to push through, a little batch of showers here, lined autopsy long the garden state parkway across portions of cape may county, backup toward the atlantic city expressway and we are seeing light rain, not anything like what we saw this morning but the rain, thunder in came through but our last batch of showers before skies clear. rainfall since midnight though over an inch, near an inch and a half in mount pocono, reading pick pick up 1.2. .86 in atlantic city. half inch in philadelphia temperatures right now not feeling too bad but notice, it is already starting to cool down. here's the front. you can see where wind are heading out to sea and winds out of the north and west, that means cool's air is moving in. fifty-five in philadelphia 55 in wilmington. notice how cold it is over toward state college, 39. buffalo at 36. all that cold air, it is going to be erode warmth we have been enjoying past couple days along the east coast. coming up we will tell you which areas may feel like the teens when we wake up tomorrow morning and tell you how long this next cool down, will last , for now, jessica and ukee, back to you. kate, thanks. get ready to think spring, philadelphia flower show is weeks away from taking over the pennsylvania convention center. >> and here's a sneak peak at the displays you will see. organize's announced this years theme wonders of water at a news conference in center city this morning. they say the show will transport visitors into the beauty of a tropical, oasis. >> as you enter you will be greeted by sights, sound and scents of the rain forest. the canopy will be made up of 3,000 tropical leaves. a road bridge will take to you a 25-foot waterfall, with five tears of cascading water. >> the philadelphia flower show kicks off march 3rd and runs through march 11th. so after a great regular season and amazing post season one game to go for eagles: the super bowl. everybody is hype. so, what is this doing in center city? does that flag have yep, a patriots logo in it. we will take you inside the bar that welcomes paths fans. and what do you feed your children early on in life can have lasting effects on their health. what doctors advise coming up. congrats, family denzel washington gets a oscar nod, so who else is on the list? nominees and snubs from our friends at entertainment tonight, when we com pro tip: giant has great prices on produce. raspberries for john... strawberries for amy... what's a jicama? thanks! take a fresh look at giant's produce prices. this is how church in glen mills delaware county ended services on sunday with a stirring rendition of, fly eagles fly, and of course, the congregation has joined in, on that eagles chant. e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> there were a lot of eagles jerseys in the sunday worship leader tyler gardener and his wife brittany wore jerseys on stage great to see all day eagles spirit around the region. federal workers are getting back to work after congress agreed a temporary spending bill, which, ended a three day gal shut down could move forward. however, the problems that sparked shut down in the first place still remain and there is very little time to find a permanent solution. it is back to business in washington. >> we might call today the first day of the rest of the 115th congress. >> reporter: after three day government shut down lawmakers bought themselves 16 days to negotiate fixes to daca and border security. >> sixteen days, that is not much time, we have to get moving. >> reporter: senate minority leader chuck schumer says he withdrawn his offer to pay for president's border wall which he offered to the president during a white house meeting last friday. >> the throughout was that we could come to an agreement that afternoon, the president would announce his support, and then senate and house would get it done and it would be on the president's desk. he didn't do that. >> reporter: while democrats want to address daca the negotiations will likely broaden to include other immigration issues, and that will likely complicate, any possible compromise. >> whoever gets 60 votes, wins , i mean, that is the way you have a open process in the senate. that is how we will deal with that issue. >> reporter: while senate majority leader mitch mcconnell promised to bring a dreamers bill up for debate and vote on or before february n guaranties. >> for the first time in five years, five years, we will finally debate and vote on immigration and daca issues. >> reporter: lawmakers on both side are under a microscope. >> the american people are watching. >> reporter: and the clock is ticking. congress is providing pay back to all of the furloughed federal workers, that funding bill that passed monday also took care of the democratic priority, that reeven stating the children's health insurance program for six years. two teenagers are killed and 12 others are injured in the school shooting in rural, kentucky. it happened at marshall county high school in western kentucky. one girl was pronounced dead at the scene, boy died after being rush to the hospital, both were 15 years old. the suspect who has not been identified is in custody and a student at the school. 7.9 magnitude earthquake generate a tsunami warning in a last contact police mobil ized residents. >> this is in the a drill, everybody get out and make it a safe place. >> sirens warned everyone of the possible tsunami along southern alaska's coastline, it was forecast to be less than a foot high, the major earthquake struck in the middle of the gulf of alaska just after midnight local time all tsunami warnings have since, been cancelled. meteorologist kate bilo joins us now after, kind of a, really rainy day, kate. >> yes, it has been a weird day wecht up with any glummy and then heavy rain, thunderstorms, downpours right around between 11 and noon. then sun came out, 60 and beautiful for a little while. it has been three days in one here but in of those days felt like january we can say that. temperatures have been well in the 60's today but so much for that. colder is is already starting to move in behind the front. we had a few been us hours this afternoon but get ready to feel chill again as you wake up tomorrow morning. lets peak outside, beautiful finish to the day a lot of times with a clearing system like this system out to sea, you will get reflectivity and really beautiful sunsets and that is what we are seeing tonight. cape may, cape may county looks good. there is a water droplet on the lens, in the wake of the rain, that moved through all day licensing but everything is looking pretty quiet now. road, boardwalk there still wet, but, it is clearing out and we're seeing a nice sunset across the area junior/senior school in bernville 47 degrees with only breeze out of the north. storm scan three shows our system exiting the premises moving out to sea, heaviest rain has shifted even east of the southern new england and front, right out to sea and that last batch moving away as well. colder air coming back in and we will feel that as we head through tonight and tomorrow. so clearing skies, locally no problems just a few showers down across portions of south jersey and delaware as well. just a stray one. through next several hours this will continue to clear and we will start tomorrow with clear skies and then set ting this into motion through thursday and friday, high pressure in control and no precipitation to worry about a nice sunny stretch live ahead. temperatures still feeling comfortable, 55 in the city, 55 in wilmington, brisk west wind and that is making it feel cooler then thermometer indicates. forty-nine in allentown, future feels like temperatures will drop, quickly, by midnight it will feel like 30 's in philadelphia. feel like below freezing to the north and west. by the time we wake up tomorrow morning it will feel like 20's if not teens across portions of the area. chilly start to your wednesday and then in the afternoon it will feel right around freezing, even though temperatures get above the freezing mark. so, tomorrow, sunshine patchy cloud, chilly but seasonal for january. it will feel killed because we have been enjoying so much warmth. feel like 20's in the morning with breezy northwest wind all day long. overnight our low temperature down to 36. quick cool down, mostly clear, that chilly breeze and that will stick around tomorrow as well, 43 is height, not going to feel much better then about 35 all day long. you're witness weather seven day forecast brings lots of sunshine for rest of the week and start of the weekend and net is we will warm up just as quickly as we will cool dunn back to the 50's by saturday. sunday 56, chance of some rain , possible snow shower, colder air comes in monday. another roller coaster happening but it looks like a mild start to the weekend which is good news. >> that is great. >> kate, our weather is cooling down but not as much as minnesota. >> there is snow on the ground there, how that is hampering preparations for super bowl in a live report from minneapolis , coming up, don. eagles have become america 's sweethearts so what does that mean for pat fans, planning on driving to minneapolis to see eagles play in super bowl 52, hey, we have you covered. coming up on "eyewitness news" at 6:00 what you need to know before you get to minneapolis. >> yes. >> getting a lot here. >> eighteen hearst. >> yes. >> snacks um-hmm all kinds of craziness. >> our fans want to roll roll over those patriots. >> yeah, they do. people are not fans of those guys. >> do you think. >> just a little bit. they are envy of pro sports and yes, fans love to hate them. on the field, all of the patriots do is win but winning the hearts of the fans, it is entirely a different story. pat gallen has more. >> now they take on patriots what do you know about patriots. >> been to rot of super bowl. last time they played the patriots. a lot of tension going into the game but it will be great. >> reporter: scale of one to 10 how much do you dislike the new england patriots. >> i give it a nine. >> reporter: most people went 15, 20, about and beyond. >> they are a zero in myk. they are cheaters. >> so a 10 then. >> oh, 10, 10. give them a 10. >> reporter: made it clear, within of 10 how annoying are patriots. >> eleven. >> ten. >> twelve. >> twenty. >> a thousand, i don't know. i just can say, it will be sweetest victory because, you know, like, we're seeing here we want to knock pretty boy off thrown. >> reporter: nick foles begins tom brady, the greatest of all time. >> i don't care. >> tom brady's not a bad guy, but, still it is a revenge match for us. >> reporter: my next match how much do you dislike tom brady because he is the best. >> it is hard to argue with him he is pretty dam good. >> reporter: tom brady a lot have people call the greatest of all time, would you agree with that. >> usually, i would, but this week, no. >> i think i like nick fels way better than brady though. bird will win it all. e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> he is ready. pat gallen, for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> yes, yes indeed. >> i love the solo, eagles chant. really committed when you are by yourself no one else is around you, you are like un chain. >> is that nature boy at the end. >> wow, wow. >> thanks, buddy. >> appreciate it. >> extreme weather in minnesota how that is affecting super bowl preparations next in the live report. a house divided, popular bar in center city is place for patriots fans i'm greg argos in philadelphia so what is the owner doing, on super bowl sunday. and, neil diamond makes a stunning announcement to his fans the health issue that is forcing him to retire up boy, one more win, one more win, the eagles will soon battle for redemption, over their, last super bowl appearance that didn't end, in our favor. >> well, the team and its fans are gearing up for the big game, a popular center city bar is taking, both side. >> kind of sort of. >> "eyewitness news" reporter greg argos joins us inside smith's restaurant and baron south 19th street to tell us more about that, hey there, greg. >> we are at smith's restaurant and bar just a few blocks from rittenhouse square it looks like most bars in philadelphia, come super bowl sunday this will be packed with eagles fans but as you walk down these stairs there is an entirely separate bar and this one kate tours a much different crowd. philadelphia is a city men for its patriots. but it is not a town rooting for new england variety. >> that is unless you are seated at smith's bar near 19th and chestnut. >> we are, against the patriots, all the way from home. >> reporter: owner john berry opened it up a decade ago. at first a hot spot for cleveland browns fans. >> it was the past super bowls before us, and i paid my love for the paths. >> reporter: now on one side of the bar patriots gear hangs from the wall and fans filled the seats, the other side is still reserved for those who bleed green. there is no reason for anybody to invade your turf. >> i found in spot and then i walk in and it felt like coming home again. pats fans were every where. >> reporter: unofficial patriots anthem blasted after this weekend's win, new england fans planning to pack the place, super bowl sunday. >> it will be a contentious environment, two very passionate fan bases. >> probably pretty hospitable to the patriots fans. >> reporter: andrew doyle now calls philly home. >> i think we respect eagles for sure. >> reporter: like other paths fans planning to watch the big game he is expecting a tough match in an even tougher environment. >> i really want them to win the super bowl but i don't want them to beat the patriots to do it. >> reporter: back here live the wind isn't cooperate bug that flag right there says a house divided. it could not be more true here at smith's restaurant and bar. in all seriousness the owner says he will have extra security, on staff to make sure there are no incidents during super bowl sunday. i'm live from rittenhouse square, greg air guess for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> all right, greg, thank you. minnesota vikings are out of the super bowl minnesota companies still responsible for making super bowl souvenirs. workers at windcraft in minnesota are making super bowl pins, pennants and towels workers admit they would much rather be making trin kits featuring their hometown team, the vikings. snow i weather is getting in the way of preparations for the super bowl in minneapolis. >> take a look at this video from minneapolis/st. paul airport where many flights were cancel. all of the snow made for extremely difficult travel, reporter jeff wagner of our sister station in minneapolis, wtto joins us from downtown minneapolis, and hey jeff, how much is weather complicating the super bowl set up. >> reporter: well, with the way the sun has been shining today, it is almost hard to believe that minneapolis and st. paul got hit with a foot of snow, yesterday, it was actually the biggest snow storm to hit the twin cities, in seven years, and yes, it was difficult for travel, but not difficult for the hearty minnesota residents trying to get ready for the super bowl right behind me along the mall , after this bus passes you will see this large dome called super bowl 360 that will give fans an immersive experience and right in the middle of that massive snowfall the relentless snowfall, le visibility, crews were busy working. same goes for over here down the mall, they will be warming stations, there will be stages , you can see crews have been out here all day. now the focus in the beginning of the day was maybe a little bit different from yesterday in terms of the set up. they had to focus on snow removal and not just plowing it or pushing it, to the side, but we have seen actual dump truck show up so backhoes could lift that snow out and move it somewhere else, out of this area. that was also happening, not too far from here around u.s. bank stadium. when you think bit, it snows in minute so the a we have had vikings game where there was a snowstorm the night before so there are plans in place, to prepare for something like that to happen again, it slowed things down a little bit, sure. but it definitely did not stop preparations for the big game. >> that is great, we have to keep on schedule. >> hey jeff before we go how bummed are the people that your team isn't hosting the team, just out of curiosity. >> reporter: i think there is still, there is slowly getting over it. yesterday was a double whammy maybe fans went to philadelphia, they had to watch a crushing loss and then they could not fly back home for an extra day because flights were cancelled, hundreds of them, so they have that double whammy yesterday but slowly but surely they will get over it just as long as those philadelphia fans polite when they get here. >> of course, we will be. >> see you soon, take care. snow isn't stopping services like uber and lyft from needing more drivers for the super bowl. >> lyft says thousands of fans are expected by february 1st, airport and areas near u.s. bank stadium will be extremely bus which passengers being picked up and dropped off. while riders should expect longer wait times and higher fares it will be good for drivers in the area. >> it is not super bowl time i never made below $20 an hour ubering so i can imagine you can make a lot of money if the rates are triple, or quadruple what they will be here, you can make a lot of money. >> it is, visitors will take part in super bowl events, over the next two weeks. one more win, here we go. cbs-3 and cbs is your source for everything eagles as we count down to super bowl 52. well, getting your children to eat healthy food can be a challenges specially with busy schedules, coming up tonight why doctors say there is a crucial time in their lives, when they need, to get certain nutrients. we will break it down in 10 minutes. also the oscar nominations are out entertainment tonight 's kevin frazier will give us a topic, snubs, surprises, we have got the full list up next, kate? well, with your weekend watch we're tracking yet another system heading our way but good news is it looks like a warm up is also heading our direction, for this next system once again, should provide, just some rain, don't put that umbrella away, we will need it by part two of the weekend but temperatures headed back to the 50's, both saturday and i'm a small business, but i have big dreams, and big plans. so how can i make the efforts of 8 employees, feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes. just like that. like everything. the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done, dream more, dream faster, and above all, now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. can afford to dream gig. in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. neil diamond is retiring from concert touring following a recent diagnosis of parkinson's disease. seventy-six year-old had concertness australia and new zealand as part of the 50th anniversary tour but shows have been now cancel. diamond says he still plans to continue writing, recording, he is said to be honored with the lifetime achievement award and at sunday's grammys. catch 60th annual grammy award sunday night at 7:30 right here on cbs-3. hollywood is butting over oscars announced this morning including cousin dense ill washington for best actor for his movie roman j israel, esquire. >> all of the reaction from hollywood, here's entertainment tonight's kevin frazier. >> ukee and jessica one of the big names i, tanya, allison janne and she has been cleaning up on a run but this morning, janne was celebrating with a different kind of clean up. >> so, this is cool, wow. >> champagne cork, is everyone okay. >> reporter: now that is how you celebrate an oscar nod, champagne was flowing for allison january hoy earned a best supporting actress nod. >> dangerous things happen. >> reporter: janne's name being called this morning was expect after winning both golden globe and sag, ward for her role, but biggest oscar snub disaster artist james franco who had also won a golden globe for his role. >> los angeles times report detailing allegations of past inappropriate or exploited, sexual behavior, which he has denied. likely derailed franco's chances because it was published while, voting was still opened. >> mary j. blige. >> reporter: double feel good nomination for mary j. blige who not only earned best supporting actress nod for mud bound but for original song. >> it means so much. >> reporter: mud bound, and, for the first tea mail cinema in that category. on the director front lady bird director became only fifth woman to be nominated, in the category, also scoring ad in for screen play. film's co-star, sascha ronan and laurie met calf earned acting nominations. >> yes, it is a third nomination. >> reporter: jordan peele is fifth avenue rick can american director to compete, this morning, he tweeted, i'm just thinking about everyone who bought a ticket and told someone else too. you did this. thank you. of course we will have more tonight on entertainment tonight. i'm kevin frazier. back to you. >> i love that. i love that within too. >> you bet. >> and her, him. >> great stuff. >> really great stuff. >> so what you feed your children and when, could make a difference later in life. important fur i'm trying to manage my a1c, and then i learn type 2 diabetes puts me at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. can one medicine help treat both blood sugar and cardiovascular risk? i asked my doctor. he told me about non-insulin victoza®. victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. and while not for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. (announcer) victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck or symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing, or swallowing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. so stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. gallbladder problems have happened in some people. tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. change the course of your treatment. ask your doctor about victoza®. back on "eyewitness news" with a eagles good luck charm, at least according to his owner, carroll this pup certainly has eagles spirit no matter what. send us your pictures on facebook, twitter, instagram and use #cbs-3. two nationally ranked philadelphia hospitals are coming together leaders of the jefferson health and magee rehabilitation hospital announced that the merger will help the two provide top level care to patients recovering from serious injuries. >> it is magee's time to move on to become part of something , that is much larger similar to the fact that there are patients that cannot excel along rehabilitation magee as part of the jefferson health is position todd grow, thrive in the tremendous health care network with many first class care providers as partners. >> over the past three years jefferson has merged with abington health, aria health and kennedy health. well, you have heard that saying you are what you eat, well, on the healthwatch tonight that is specially important for children. >> health reporter stephanie stahl is here with the new policy from the american academy of pediatric goes on the importance of diet for young kid. >> reporter: this is especially important for young won. the academy is pinpointing first 1,000 days of life, pediatricians say what a child eats in their first three years can have a big impact on their brain development, and the rest of their life. get herring two children to eat a healthy diet isn't always easy but jennifer says it is a priority. >> when your kid eats healthy it feels like you are eating healthy. >> reporter: food choices in the first 1,000 days of life could impact mental health and brain development, according to the american academy of pediatrics. >> it can affect the child long term in terms of the cognitive development, attention, behavior. >> reporter: aap recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first six months and it also calls for pediatricians to recommend, more than just a good diet, including, brain building nutrients, for pregnant woman and young children. >> things like co lean, anything in eggs, iron, iodine , red meats, beans, lentils, protein you can do things like peanut butter, of course, lean meats, zinc, vitamins a, d and b6 and b12. >> reporter: new policy also says pediatricians should talk with parents about which foods specifically are healthy and nutrient rich, not just alternative toss junk food. >> but if i can get something a little bit healthier in her with more balance. if i can get a slice of pizza but brickly on the side i would be saying it is okay night. >> pizza and broccoli. in addition to the new diet recommendations the academy issued a new statement applauding the congressional extension of the chip funding for six more years that provides health insurance for nearly 9 million children. in terms have these diet recommendations these first three years is really important and help these good habits. >> that is right. >> that is right. >> indeed. >> thanks, stephanie. return from the 90's is making a bit of the come back. luxury brandies now out with its take on the scrunchy, it looks similar to the hair tie but advertised as a leather bracelet. it will set you back about $200. >> $200. >> i'm not ready for scrunchys >> no. >> my gosh. >> i have seen too many in my life. >> kate joins us with the forecast. we had a little bit of everything. >> it was a crazy day. started you the glummy, stormy and then sunny and then temperatures started to drop. by tonight it will be another cold winter's night. we have a little bit of everything to day. my favorite when it was sunny and 60 some degrees but that rain, that glummy morning, pretty nice we didn't to have get up and go, it was rough for commuters this morning. tomorrow should be a whole lot better, sunshine should get you out the door. we will look at a bought full sunset across the area as well as included cleared. live look at center city from the parkway central library camera and you can see light in the sky. those daylight hours getting longer and longer as we head a little bit closer to spring. it is still only january. even though it has been feeling more lick spring lately there is still a whole lot of winter left to get through. lets check with our weather watchers and they are tracking rain for us. lets look at rainfall amounts across our weather watcher network and see what everyone pick up on the weather station bill in levittown picked up half inch. barbara in willow grove had a third of an inch there. phil, .67. .2 of an inch at bill's house in cardington. in perkasie john jenkins pick up half inch, kennett martin .37. david dutch in clementon had three-quarters of an inch and third of an inch at lynn's house in cherry hill. some photos showing today started out a little bit glummy but then started to break through included and turned out to be a nice looking sunset, this one from knoll pits showing a few pastel colors in the sky just in time for the day to draw to a close. here's the time lapse from today at palmyra cove nature park looking toward city across delaware river. it started off very, very wet. look at these rain drops on the camera lens but then just as quickly once front cleared sun came out and those beautiful sunset colors in the skies, currently still, 50 degrees, there. storm scan three shows us the system out to sea, there are lingering showers and snow showers around the back edge of this but for the most part we are talking about the drop in temperature now, as this system cheers and it will be a chilly night, chilly start to your morning as well. storm scan three clear skies and then again that batch of showers down the shore moving out quickly impacting portions of the barrier islands of ocean county and that is about it. temperatures still steady. we have in the seen a drop since this time yesterday. in fact exact same temperature in the city that it was this time yesterday. but look what happens to the west, as we zoom to the west you can see temperatures dropping 20 degrees in a few spots behind that front. chicago, cleveland bet more than 20 degrees colder then it was at this time yesterday, and we're going to feel that 20-degree drop tomorrow. today's high in the 60's, tomorrow lower 40's. 19-degree drop in temperature there. thursday is below average with 38, but then a quick climb back to the 40's friday and into the 50's we will get on saturday. still a week left in january but lets jump ahead and take a preview of february, february is our most snowy month on average 8.8 inches on average for us. we will gain 65 minutes of daylight through february, that is good news and it is second coldest month of the year here in philadelphia, average high temperature of 43.8 degrees. spring weather has been making you think that maybe winter has drawn to a close, we have the second coldest and most snowy month of the year on average, to get through before we candy claire anything like that. lets in the get too excited. for tomorrow mostly sunny, breezy, cooler at 43. your seven day forecast chilly but dry thursday, seasonal friday and then mild on saturday, your next system approaches saturday into sunday. sunday chance for rain and could end with a few snow showers and cool down, or at lee for next week. back to you. all right, kate, thank you bond, james bond, will not be craig, daniel craig. >> he is giving up his aston martin after next bond film who will carry on the legacy. we have the inside scoop in the hot minute. >> but first eagles fans coming in all shapes and sizes and leona is within of the most cute and sweetest. keep those photos coming. send them to us on facebook, twit error instagram, use the #, cbs-3 three. lets go your heart doesn't only belong ♪to you. bye grandpa. and if you have heart failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. entresto is a heart failure medicine that helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital compared to a leading heart failure medicine. don't take entresto if pregnant. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. and help make more tomorrows possible. ♪ wwe and superstars are taking over wells fargo center for four straight nights. >> each night is a big event for wrestling fans to highlight sunday's royal rumble. today mayor jim kenney proclaimed wwe royal rumble week in philadelphia. he says it is a proclamation superstar mark henry and saturday is the takeover, sunday is royal rumble, monies raw, and tuesday, it is, smack down live. well, search on for next face of the james been franchise and brittany spears leaves las vegas to take on the world. >> bex from today's 96.5 has those stories plus k-9 copycat you have to see, in tonight's hot minute. >> reporter: thanks, ukee and jessica. hunt for a new james bond is underway after daniel craig announced that the franchise's 25th film will be his last. so, who is up next? heavy contender is idris alba who says the world may be ready for a different take on double zero seven. >> we're interested in having a bond character other than being a male, it could be a woman, it could be a black woman, white woman, but i think, that character, everybody would like to see it , have, you know, something different with it, why not. >> reporter: brittany spears to announce a world tour stopping in north america, uk and europe. grammy winning artist has held her las vegas residency since 2013 but starting this summer she will take to dancing, customs and singing on the road, including a stop in bethlehem, and two shows in atlantic city. forget those las vegas trips she's coming right here to us. finally a video to pick up your tuesday, sometimes spend too much time with somebody you have to start rubbing off on each other just like this man and his best >> now that made me smile today, cuteness overload, that is your hot minute i'm bex from today's 96.5. >> i got a chuckle. >> you have to smile after looking at that. >> that will do it for "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00 respond something serious allegation pass congressman pat meehan speaks one on one with "eyewitness news" about sexual miss cone duck accusation as begins him what he is saying about would the man making the claims, kate. >> reporter: today started off wet, ended up dry but we have got a quick cool down on the way and i'll tell you how low temperatures will go and how long this cool down will stick around. and, hope for a home away from home, the eagles fans brought plenty have energy in south philadelphia. hear what one of the coaches would love to see when the team hits the field in minute so the a. this is road tripping in the super bowl i'm chantee lans and i'll have tips from triple a on how to get there safely and save you some money , up next. i paid a severance because i care about her and i didn't want her to be in the situation, that was, not going to resolve itself for years. >> congressman pat meehan answering questions, and defending himself tonight after claims surfaced of sexual misconduct with a former aid. good evening i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt sat down with congressman meehan a short time ago, david, tell us more. >> reporter: we spoke for 15 minutes and congressman says this former female staff shore works for him for several years was a sole mate in his mind and he is convinced that he did nothing wrong by paying her off, with taxpayer funds. >> my life is would the man that i love and she has been remarkable through this. >> reporter: but republican congressman pat meehan admits he called a former female staffer a soul mate, a staffer much younger who spent years

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being happy, as your parents were when you guys were born. >> unaudible. >> it is not so hard rum rum how many touchdown runs have you had. >> five. >> reporter: so were tougher then a powe game presser. >> unaudible. >> that is a good question. at first, got over that and i was trying to go get the ball. >> reporter: passing with flying colors this eagle was sent on his way with a little homework. >> you want me to find a way in. >> reporter: whole lot of love , because they will be watching. >> i watch football with mommy >> yes, definitely like it. i want to support the energy, the whole nine, support is a big part of it. support is a big part of it. >> reporter: absolutely, and what i really, felt in those classrooms today, was lagarrette taking it in, and, just like those kid, we're watching him wide eyed, i mean this is not only an accomplishment for our city, it is a personal accomplishment for these men that are out there on the field, dreaming these dreams, and yet, he has been to the super bowl before, but this chance, doesn't come along every single year, so we are so proud of our team, and just really feel grateful that we're in this moment and we cannot wait, for super bowl sunday which is only less than two weeks away. it was a great day to day, guys, great day. >> i bet, those young people will never forget. thanks, tori. check out quarterback nick foles on the cover of this weeks sports illustrated. magazine tweeted out cover this morning, caption, and then nick foles happened again the eagles backup is now a super bowl starter, but he is not the only qb featuweek this , featuring future hall of famer tom brady with the caption talk to the hand the patriots are heading back to the super bowl. sports illustrated playing off brady's hand injury that he suffered just before the afc championship game. we heard from the eagles coordinators about facing the patriots. >> sports director done done bell joins with us more on that, db. >> funny, people were worried they were jinked because they were on the cover of the sports illustrated but there is two covers. you hope people don't know different areas you get patriots one and you get a eagles one. >> that is madden game too, if you are on the cover. >> no jinkses. >> no jinkses. >> guys playing hard and making it happen. patriot don't often have best talent they select at bottom of the draft, but one thing remains consistent the quarterback and the head coach bill belichick's area of expertise is defense: paths are 29th, which is terrible but they are fifth in point as loud. eagles wye the way are second. the paths are the very definition of, bend but don't break. >> coached in indianapolis for a few days going up against a lot of offensive weapons so i have seen different ways of how they will take players away and they are very good at it. i think unique thing about our owe even if we have said it all year we spread the ball around. we have a couple work horses, but that hasn't really defined us as a offense and we have used a until we have five guys that canister, win the game for us on any given night and if we feel confident in that. >> frank also says that they respect the patriots, but they fear no one. >> hello. >> i love that. >> i like that. >> yes, indeed. >> way they have played they have in reason to fear anyone either. >> thanks, don. we love seeing your fan photos this was sent to us by tanya who works at lincoln financial field. she said, that she was there, all the way, with the bird sunday, because hey, it is a job. fly eagles fly, tanya. this picture is taking the fly eagles fly to the whole new level this was taken on board an airplane during all decked out to the bird. show us your spirit. send us your fan photos and use the #cbs-3. pennsylvania congressman, under fire, tonight pat meehan is responding to bomb shell allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him by a young woman. "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt spoke one on one with congressman meehan just a short time ago. he is in media delaware county with what he had to say, david >> reporter: this is an explosive report that came out by insuring times over the weekend and says that the congressman a well known congressman in this area, used taxpayer money, to pay off a former, female staffer, she alleged sexual harassment in this case, he says there was no sexual harassment, and he did say on camera that he did consider, this woman, a soul mate. he used the word soul mate. meehan is married, he had three children, he has been in congress since 2011. he says that he does regret some things, he denies any physical relationship with this woman. he did call her a soul mate. he said they spent a lot of time together over past several years since he came to congress but the big question, ukee, why did he use taxpayer funded money from his congressional office, to pay off this woman? i asked him that question, take a listen to this exchange >> why did you pay her off using taxpayer money, that is a big question why did you do that congressman. >> because i wanted her not to walk out of this situation once it got engaged with attorneys in a way that was just going to be harmful. i paid a severance because i care about her. i didn't want her to be in a sit ways that was not going to resolve itself for years and that is what happens in litigation. >> reporter: doesn't that show guilt on your part. >> no, it does not in my mind i never looked at tonight some way this was no admission of any of this. >> reporter: now house ethics committee, committee that he was on is in longer on it anymore is investigating him and decide if you go he need to pay back that money. also this is a handwritten letter from the congressman to this former female staffer, i will have some of the excerpts and talk about this letter to her, coming up tonight, on "eyewitness news" at 6:00. reporting live from media delaware county, david spunt for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> david, thank you. turning to the weather today's spring-like temperatures will be just a memory tomorrow, we're in for a quick cool down and meteorologist kate bilo is in the weather center with how low temperatures will go, kate >> reporter: earlier today once the system first cleared out it was in the 60's and it definitely felt like spring, outside but now, everything is changing, it is colder air starting to move in behind this storm. still a few lingering sprinkles here and there over portions of south jersey but you can see as our system exits notice how things are changing over snow in western new york state and northwestern, pennsylvania, and not going to see any of that but indication that much cooler air is moving in behind this storm. as we look at is what happening right now very last of it, starting to push through, a little batch of showers here, lined autopsy long the garden state parkway across portions of cape may county, backup toward the atlantic city expressway and we are seeing light rain, not anything like what we saw this morning but the rain, thunder in came through but our last batch of showers before skies clear. rainfall since midnight though over an inch, near an inch and a half in mount pocono, reading pick pick up 1.2. .86 in atlantic city. half inch in philadelphia temperatures right now not feeling too bad but notice, it is already starting to cool down. here's the front. you can see where wind are heading out to sea and winds out of the north and west, that means cool's air is moving in. fifty-five in philadelphia 55 in wilmington. notice how cold it is over toward state college, 39. buffalo at 36. all that cold air, it is going to be erode warmth we have been enjoying past couple days along the east coast. coming up we will tell you which areas may feel like the teens when we wake up tomorrow morning and tell you how long this next cool down, will last , for now, jessica and ukee, back to you. kate, thanks. get ready to think spring, philadelphia flower show is weeks away from taking over the pennsylvania convention center. >> and here's a sneak peak at the displays you will see. organize's announced this years theme wonders of water at a news conference in center city this morning. they say the show will transport visitors into the beauty of a tropical, oasis. >> as you enter you will be greeted by sights, sound and scents of the rain forest. the canopy will be made up of 3,000 tropical leaves. a road bridge will take to you a 25-foot waterfall, with five tears of cascading water. >> the philadelphia flower show kicks off march 3rd and runs through march 11th. so after a great regular season and amazing post season one game to go for eagles: the super bowl. everybody is hype. so, what is this doing in center city? does that flag have yep, a patriots logo in it. we will take you inside the bar that welcomes paths fans. and what do you feed your children early on in life can have lasting effects on their health. what doctors advise coming up. congrats, family denzel washington gets a oscar nod, so who else is on the list? nominees and snubs from our friends at entertainment tonight, when we com pro tip: giant has great prices on produce. raspberries for john... strawberries for amy... what's a jicama? thanks! take a fresh look at giant's produce prices. this is how church in glen mills delaware county ended services on sunday with a stirring rendition of, fly eagles fly, and of course, the congregation has joined in, on that eagles chant. e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> there were a lot of eagles jerseys in the sunday worship leader tyler gardener and his wife brittany wore jerseys on stage great to see all day eagles spirit around the region. federal workers are getting back to work after congress agreed a temporary spending bill, which, ended a three day gal shut down could move forward. however, the problems that sparked shut down in the first place still remain and there is very little time to find a permanent solution. it is back to business in washington. >> we might call today the first day of the rest of the 115th congress. >> reporter: after three day government shut down lawmakers bought themselves 16 days to negotiate fixes to daca and border security. >> sixteen days, that is not much time, we have to get moving. >> reporter: senate minority leader chuck schumer says he withdrawn his offer to pay for president's border wall which he offered to the president during a white house meeting last friday. >> the throughout was that we could come to an agreement that afternoon, the president would announce his support, and then senate and house would get it done and it would be on the president's desk. he didn't do that. >> reporter: while democrats want to address daca the negotiations will likely broaden to include other immigration issues, and that will likely complicate, any possible compromise. >> whoever gets 60 votes, wins , i mean, that is the way you have a open process in the senate. that is how we will deal with that issue. >> reporter: while senate majority leader mitch mcconnell promised to bring a dreamers bill up for debate and vote on or before february n guaranties. >> for the first time in five years, five years, we will finally debate and vote on immigration and daca issues. >> reporter: lawmakers on both side are under a microscope. >> the american people are watching. >> reporter: and the clock is ticking. congress is providing pay back to all of the furloughed federal workers, that funding bill that passed monday also took care of the democratic priority, that reeven stating the children's health insurance program for six years. two teenagers are killed and 12 others are injured in the school shooting in rural, kentucky. it happened at marshall county high school in western kentucky. one girl was pronounced dead at the scene, boy died after being rush to the hospital, both were 15 years old. the suspect who has not been identified is in custody and a student at the school. 7.9 magnitude earthquake generate a tsunami warning in a last contact police mobil ized residents. >> this is in the a drill, everybody get out and make it a safe place. >> sirens warned everyone of the possible tsunami along southern alaska's coastline, it was forecast to be less than a foot high, the major earthquake struck in the middle of the gulf of alaska just after midnight local time all tsunami warnings have since, been cancelled. meteorologist kate bilo joins us now after, kind of a, really rainy day, kate. >> yes, it has been a weird day wecht up with any glummy and then heavy rain, thunderstorms, downpours right around between 11 and noon. then sun came out, 60 and beautiful for a little while. it has been three days in one here but in of those days felt like january we can say that. temperatures have been well in the 60's today but so much for that. colder is is already starting to move in behind the front. we had a few been us hours this afternoon but get ready to feel chill again as you wake up tomorrow morning. lets peak outside, beautiful finish to the day a lot of times with a clearing system like this system out to sea, you will get reflectivity and really beautiful sunsets and that is what we are seeing tonight. cape may, cape may county looks good. there is a water droplet on the lens, in the wake of the rain, that moved through all day licensing but everything is looking pretty quiet now. road, boardwalk there still wet, but, it is clearing out and we're seeing a nice sunset across the area junior/senior school in bernville 47 degrees with only breeze out of the north. storm scan three shows our system exiting the premises moving out to sea, heaviest rain has shifted even east of the southern new england and front, right out to sea and that last batch moving away as well. colder air coming back in and we will feel that as we head through tonight and tomorrow. so clearing skies, locally no problems just a few showers down across portions of south jersey and delaware as well. just a stray one. through next several hours this will continue to clear and we will start tomorrow with clear skies and then set ting this into motion through thursday and friday, high pressure in control and no precipitation to worry about a nice sunny stretch live ahead. temperatures still feeling comfortable, 55 in the city, 55 in wilmington, brisk west wind and that is making it feel cooler then thermometer indicates. forty-nine in allentown, future feels like temperatures will drop, quickly, by midnight it will feel like 30 's in philadelphia. feel like below freezing to the north and west. by the time we wake up tomorrow morning it will feel like 20's if not teens across portions of the area. chilly start to your wednesday and then in the afternoon it will feel right around freezing, even though temperatures get above the freezing mark. so, tomorrow, sunshine patchy cloud, chilly but seasonal for january. it will feel killed because we have been enjoying so much warmth. feel like 20's in the morning with breezy northwest wind all day long. overnight our low temperature down to 36. quick cool down, mostly clear, that chilly breeze and that will stick around tomorrow as well, 43 is height, not going to feel much better then about 35 all day long. you're witness weather seven day forecast brings lots of sunshine for rest of the week and start of the weekend and net is we will warm up just as quickly as we will cool dunn back to the 50's by saturday. sunday 56, chance of some rain , possible snow shower, colder air comes in monday. another roller coaster happening but it looks like a mild start to the weekend which is good news. >> that is great. >> kate, our weather is cooling down but not as much as minnesota. >> there is snow on the ground there, how that is hampering preparations for super bowl in a live report from minneapolis , coming up, don. eagles have become america 's sweethearts so what does that mean for pat fans, planning on driving to minneapolis to see eagles play in super bowl 52, hey, we have you covered. coming up on "eyewitness news" at 6:00 what you need to know before you get to minneapolis. >> yes. >> getting a lot here. >> eighteen hearst. >> yes. >> snacks um-hmm all kinds of craziness. >> our fans want to roll roll over those patriots. >> yeah, they do. people are not fans of those guys. >> do you think. >> just a little bit. they are envy of pro sports and yes, fans love to hate them. on the field, all of the patriots do is win but winning the hearts of the fans, it is entirely a different story. pat gallen has more. >> now they take on patriots what do you know about patriots. >> been to rot of super bowl. last time they played the patriots. a lot of tension going into the game but it will be great. >> reporter: scale of one to 10 how much do you dislike the new england patriots. >> i give it a nine. >> reporter: most people went 15, 20, about and beyond. >> they are a zero in myk. they are cheaters. >> so a 10 then. >> oh, 10, 10. give them a 10. >> reporter: made it clear, within of 10 how annoying are patriots. >> eleven. >> ten. >> twelve. >> twenty. >> a thousand, i don't know. i just can say, it will be sweetest victory because, you know, like, we're seeing here we want to knock pretty boy off thrown. >> reporter: nick foles begins tom brady, the greatest of all time. >> i don't care. >> tom brady's not a bad guy, but, still it is a revenge match for us. >> reporter: my next match how much do you dislike tom brady because he is the best. >> it is hard to argue with him he is pretty dam good. >> reporter: tom brady a lot have people call the greatest of all time, would you agree with that. >> usually, i would, but this week, no. >> i think i like nick fels way better than brady though. bird will win it all. e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> he is ready. pat gallen, for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> yes, yes indeed. >> i love the solo, eagles chant. really committed when you are by yourself no one else is around you, you are like un chain. >> is that nature boy at the end. >> wow, wow. >> thanks, buddy. >> appreciate it. >> extreme weather in minnesota how that is affecting super bowl preparations next in the live report. a house divided, popular bar in center city is place for patriots fans i'm greg argos in philadelphia so what is the owner doing, on super bowl sunday. and, neil diamond makes a stunning announcement to his fans the health issue that is forcing him to retire up boy, one more win, one more win, the eagles will soon battle for redemption, over their, last super bowl appearance that didn't end, in our favor. >> well, the team and its fans are gearing up for the big game, a popular center city bar is taking, both side. >> kind of sort of. >> "eyewitness news" reporter greg argos joins us inside smith's restaurant and baron south 19th street to tell us more about that, hey there, greg. >> we are at smith's restaurant and bar just a few blocks from rittenhouse square it looks like most bars in philadelphia, come super bowl sunday this will be packed with eagles fans but as you walk down these stairs there is an entirely separate bar and this one kate tours a much different crowd. philadelphia is a city men for its patriots. but it is not a town rooting for new england variety. >> that is unless you are seated at smith's bar near 19th and chestnut. >> we are, against the patriots, all the way from home. >> reporter: owner john berry opened it up a decade ago. at first a hot spot for cleveland browns fans. >> it was the past super bowls before us, and i paid my love for the paths. >> reporter: now on one side of the bar patriots gear hangs from the wall and fans filled the seats, the other side is still reserved for those who bleed green. there is no reason for anybody to invade your turf. >> i found in spot and then i walk in and it felt like coming home again. pats fans were every where. >> reporter: unofficial patriots anthem blasted after this weekend's win, new england fans planning to pack the place, super bowl sunday. >> it will be a contentious environment, two very passionate fan bases. >> probably pretty hospitable to the patriots fans. >> reporter: andrew doyle now calls philly home. >> i think we respect eagles for sure. >> reporter: like other paths fans planning to watch the big game he is expecting a tough match in an even tougher environment. >> i really want them to win the super bowl but i don't want them to beat the patriots to do it. >> reporter: back here live the wind isn't cooperate bug that flag right there says a house divided. it could not be more true here at smith's restaurant and bar. in all seriousness the owner says he will have extra security, on staff to make sure there are no incidents during super bowl sunday. i'm live from rittenhouse square, greg air guess for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> all right, greg, thank you. minnesota vikings are out of the super bowl minnesota companies still responsible for making super bowl souvenirs. workers at windcraft in minnesota are making super bowl pins, pennants and towels workers admit they would much rather be making trin kits featuring their hometown team, the vikings. snow i weather is getting in the way of preparations for the super bowl in minneapolis. >> take a look at this video from minneapolis/st. paul airport where many flights were cancel. all of the snow made for extremely difficult travel, reporter jeff wagner of our sister station in minneapolis, wtto joins us from downtown minneapolis, and hey jeff, how much is weather complicating the super bowl set up. >> reporter: well, with the way the sun has been shining today, it is almost hard to believe that minneapolis and st. paul got hit with a foot of snow, yesterday, it was actually the biggest snow storm to hit the twin cities, in seven years, and yes, it was difficult for travel, but not difficult for the hearty minnesota residents trying to get ready for the super bowl right behind me along the mall , after this bus passes you will see this large dome called super bowl 360 that will give fans an immersive experience and right in the middle of that massive snowfall the relentless snowfall, le visibility, crews were busy working. same goes for over here down the mall, they will be warming stations, there will be stages , you can see crews have been out here all day. now the focus in the beginning of the day was maybe a little bit different from yesterday in terms of the set up. they had to focus on snow removal and not just plowing it or pushing it, to the side, but we have seen actual dump truck show up so backhoes could lift that snow out and move it somewhere else, out of this area. that was also happening, not too far from here around u.s. bank stadium. when you think bit, it snows in minute so the a we have had vikings game where there was a snowstorm the night before so there are plans in place, to prepare for something like that to happen again, it slowed things down a little bit, sure. but it definitely did not stop preparations for the big game. >> that is great, we have to keep on schedule. >> hey jeff before we go how bummed are the people that your team isn't hosting the team, just out of curiosity. >> reporter: i think there is still, there is slowly getting over it. yesterday was a double whammy maybe fans went to philadelphia, they had to watch a crushing loss and then they could not fly back home for an extra day because flights were cancelled, hundreds of them, so they have that double whammy yesterday but slowly but surely they will get over it just as long as those philadelphia fans polite when they get here. >> of course, we will be. >> see you soon, take care. snow isn't stopping services like uber and lyft from needing more drivers for the super bowl. >> lyft says thousands of fans are expected by february 1st, airport and areas near u.s. bank stadium will be extremely bus which passengers being picked up and dropped off. while riders should expect longer wait times and higher fares it will be good for drivers in the area. >> it is not super bowl time i never made below $20 an hour ubering so i can imagine you can make a lot of money if the rates are triple, or quadruple what they will be here, you can make a lot of money. >> it is, visitors will take part in super bowl events, over the next two weeks. one more win, here we go. cbs-3 and cbs is your source for everything eagles as we count down to super bowl 52. well, getting your children to eat healthy food can be a challenges specially with busy schedules, coming up tonight why doctors say there is a crucial time in their lives, when they need, to get certain nutrients. we will break it down in 10 minutes. also the oscar nominations are out entertainment tonight 's kevin frazier will give us a topic, snubs, surprises, we have got the full list up next, kate? well, with your weekend watch we're tracking yet another system heading our way but good news is it looks like a warm up is also heading our direction, for this next system once again, should provide, just some rain, don't put that umbrella away, we will need it by part two of the weekend but temperatures headed back to the 50's, both saturday and i'm a small business, but i have big dreams, and big plans. so how can i make the efforts of 8 employees, feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes. just like that. like everything. the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done, dream more, dream faster, and above all, now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. can afford to dream gig. in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. neil diamond is retiring from concert touring following a recent diagnosis of parkinson's disease. seventy-six year-old had concertness australia and new zealand as part of the 50th anniversary tour but shows have been now cancel. diamond says he still plans to continue writing, recording, he is said to be honored with the lifetime achievement award and at sunday's grammys. catch 60th annual grammy award sunday night at 7:30 right here on cbs-3. hollywood is butting over oscars announced this morning including cousin dense ill washington for best actor for his movie roman j israel, esquire. >> all of the reaction from hollywood, here's entertainment tonight's kevin frazier. >> ukee and jessica one of the big names i, tanya, allison janne and she has been cleaning up on a run but this morning, janne was celebrating with a different kind of clean up. >> so, this is cool, wow. >> champagne cork, is everyone okay. >> reporter: now that is how you celebrate an oscar nod, champagne was flowing for allison january hoy earned a best supporting actress nod. >> dangerous things happen. >> reporter: janne's name being called this morning was expect after winning both golden globe and sag, ward for her role, but biggest oscar snub disaster artist james franco who had also won a golden globe for his role. >> los angeles times report detailing allegations of past inappropriate or exploited, sexual behavior, which he has denied. likely derailed franco's chances because it was published while, voting was still opened. >> mary j. blige. >> reporter: double feel good nomination for mary j. blige who not only earned best supporting actress nod for mud bound but for original song. >> it means so much. >> reporter: mud bound, and, for the first tea mail cinema in that category. on the director front lady bird director became only fifth woman to be nominated, in the category, also scoring ad in for screen play. film's co-star, sascha ronan and laurie met calf earned acting nominations. >> yes, it is a third nomination. >> reporter: jordan peele is fifth avenue rick can american director to compete, this morning, he tweeted, i'm just thinking about everyone who bought a ticket and told someone else too. you did this. thank you. of course we will have more tonight on entertainment tonight. i'm kevin frazier. back to you. >> i love that. i love that within too. >> you bet. >> and her, him. >> great stuff. >> really great stuff. >> so what you feed your children and when, could make a difference later in life. important fur i'm trying to manage my a1c, and then i learn type 2 diabetes puts me at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. can one medicine help treat both blood sugar and cardiovascular risk? i asked my doctor. he told me 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(announcer) victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck or symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing, or swallowing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. so stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. gallbladder problems have happened in some people. tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. change the course of your treatment. ask your doctor about victoza®. back on "eyewitness news" with a eagles good luck charm, at least according to his owner, carroll this pup certainly has eagles spirit no matter what. send us your pictures on facebook, twitter, instagram and use #cbs-3. two nationally ranked philadelphia hospitals are coming together leaders of the jefferson health and magee rehabilitation hospital announced that the merger will help the two provide top level care to patients recovering from serious injuries. >> it is magee's time to move on to become part of something , that is much larger similar to the fact that there are patients that cannot excel along rehabilitation magee as part of the jefferson health is position todd grow, thrive in the tremendous health care network with many first class care providers as partners. >> over the past three years jefferson has merged with abington health, aria health and kennedy health. well, you have heard that saying you are what you eat, well, on the healthwatch tonight that is specially important for children. >> health reporter stephanie stahl is here with the new policy from the american academy of pediatric goes on the importance of diet for young kid. >> reporter: this is especially important for young won. the academy is pinpointing first 1,000 days of life, pediatricians say what a child eats in their first three years can have a big impact on their brain development, and the rest of their life. get herring two children to eat a healthy diet isn't always easy but jennifer says it is a priority. >> when your kid eats healthy it feels like you are eating healthy. >> reporter: food choices in the first 1,000 days of life could impact mental health and brain development, according to the american academy of pediatrics. >> it can affect the child long term in terms of the cognitive development, attention, behavior. >> reporter: aap recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first six months and it also calls for pediatricians to recommend, more than just a good diet, including, brain building nutrients, for pregnant woman and young children. >> things like co lean, anything in eggs, iron, iodine , red meats, beans, lentils, protein you can do things like peanut butter, of course, lean meats, zinc, vitamins a, d and b6 and b12. >> reporter: new policy also says pediatricians should talk with parents about which foods specifically are healthy and nutrient rich, not just alternative toss junk food. >> but if i can get something a little bit healthier in her with more balance. if i can get a slice of pizza but brickly on the side i would be saying it is okay night. >> pizza and broccoli. in addition to the new diet recommendations the academy issued a new statement applauding the congressional extension of the chip funding for six more years that provides health insurance for nearly 9 million children. in terms have these diet recommendations these first three years is really important and help these good habits. >> that is right. >> that is right. >> indeed. >> thanks, stephanie. return from the 90's is making a bit of the come back. luxury brandies now out with its take on the scrunchy, it looks similar to the hair tie but advertised as a leather bracelet. it will set you back about $200. >> $200. >> i'm not ready for scrunchys >> no. >> my gosh. >> i have seen too many in my life. >> kate joins us with the forecast. we had a little bit of everything. >> it was a crazy day. started you the glummy, stormy and then sunny and then temperatures started to drop. by tonight it will be another cold winter's night. we have a little bit of everything to day. my favorite when it was sunny and 60 some degrees but that rain, that glummy morning, pretty nice we didn't to have get up and go, it was rough for commuters this morning. tomorrow should be a whole lot better, sunshine should get you out the door. we will look at a bought full sunset across the area as well as included cleared. live look at center city from the parkway central library camera and you can see light in the sky. those daylight hours getting longer and longer as we head a little bit closer to spring. it is still only january. even though it has been feeling more lick spring lately there is still a whole lot of winter left to get through. lets check with our weather watchers and they are tracking rain for us. lets look at rainfall amounts across our weather watcher network and see what everyone pick up on the weather station bill in levittown picked up half inch. barbara in willow grove had a third of an inch there. phil, .67. .2 of an inch at bill's house in cardington. in perkasie john jenkins pick up half inch, kennett martin .37. david dutch in clementon had three-quarters of an inch and third of an inch at lynn's house in cherry hill. some photos showing today started out a little bit glummy but then started to break through included and turned out to be a nice looking sunset, this one from knoll pits showing a few pastel colors in the sky just in time for the day to draw to a close. here's the time lapse from today at palmyra cove nature park looking toward city across delaware river. it started off very, very wet. look at these rain drops on the camera lens but then just as quickly once front cleared sun came out and those beautiful sunset colors in the skies, currently still, 50 degrees, there. storm scan three shows us the system out to sea, there are lingering showers and snow showers around the back edge of this but for the most part we are talking about the drop in temperature now, as this system cheers and it will be a chilly night, chilly start to your morning as well. storm scan three clear skies and then again that batch of showers down the shore moving out quickly impacting portions of the barrier islands of ocean county and that is about it. temperatures still steady. we have in the seen a drop since this time yesterday. in fact exact same temperature in the city that it was this time yesterday. but look what happens to the west, as we zoom to the west you can see temperatures dropping 20 degrees in a few spots behind that front. chicago, cleveland bet more than 20 degrees colder then it was at this time yesterday, and we're going to feel that 20-degree drop tomorrow. today's high in the 60's, tomorrow lower 40's. 19-degree drop in temperature there. thursday is below average with 38, but then a quick climb back to the 40's friday and into the 50's we will get on saturday. still a week left in january but lets jump ahead and take a preview of february, february is our most snowy month on average 8.8 inches on average for us. we will gain 65 minutes of daylight through february, that is good news and it is second coldest month of the year here in philadelphia, average high temperature of 43.8 degrees. spring weather has been making you think that maybe winter has drawn to a close, we have the second coldest and most snowy month of the year on average, to get through before we candy claire anything like that. lets in the get too excited. for tomorrow mostly sunny, breezy, cooler at 43. your seven day forecast chilly but dry thursday, seasonal friday and then mild on saturday, your next system approaches saturday into sunday. sunday chance for rain and could end with a few snow showers and cool down, or at lee for next week. back to you. all right, kate, thank you bond, james bond, will not be craig, daniel craig. >> he is giving up his aston martin after next bond film who will carry on the legacy. we have the inside scoop in the hot minute. >> but first eagles fans coming in all shapes and sizes and leona is within of the most cute and sweetest. keep those photos coming. send them to us on facebook, twit error instagram, use the #, cbs-3 three. lets go your heart doesn't only belong ♪to you. bye grandpa. and if you have heart failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. entresto is a heart failure medicine that helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital compared to a leading heart failure medicine. don't take entresto if pregnant. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. and help make more tomorrows possible. ♪ wwe and superstars are taking over wells fargo center for four straight nights. >> each night is a big event for wrestling fans to highlight sunday's royal rumble. today mayor jim kenney proclaimed wwe royal rumble week in philadelphia. he says it is a proclamation superstar mark henry and saturday is the takeover, sunday is royal rumble, monies raw, and tuesday, it is, smack down live. well, search on for next face of the james been franchise and brittany spears leaves las vegas to take on the world. >> bex from today's 96.5 has those stories plus k-9 copycat you have to see, in tonight's hot minute. >> reporter: thanks, ukee and jessica. hunt for a new james bond is underway after daniel craig announced that the franchise's 25th film will be his last. so, who is up next? heavy contender is idris alba who says the world may be ready for a different take on double zero seven. >> we're interested in having a bond character other than being a male, it could be a woman, it could be a black woman, white woman, but i think, that character, everybody would like to see it , have, you know, something different with it, why not. >> reporter: brittany spears to announce a world tour stopping in north america, uk and europe. grammy winning artist has held her las vegas residency since 2013 but starting this summer she will take to dancing, customs and singing on the road, including a stop in bethlehem, and two shows in atlantic city. forget those las vegas trips she's coming right here to us. finally a video to pick up your tuesday, sometimes spend too much time with somebody you have to start rubbing off on each other just like this man and his best >> now that made me smile today, cuteness overload, that is your hot minute i'm bex from today's 96.5. >> i got a chuckle. >> you have to smile after looking at that. >> that will do it for "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00 respond something serious allegation pass congressman pat meehan speaks one on one with "eyewitness news" about sexual miss cone duck accusation as begins him what he is saying about would the man making the claims, kate. >> reporter: today started off wet, ended up dry but we have got a quick cool down on the way and i'll tell you how low temperatures will go and how long this cool down will stick around. and, hope for a home away from home, the eagles fans brought plenty have energy in south philadelphia. hear what one of the coaches would love to see when the team hits the field in minute so the a. this is road tripping in the super bowl i'm chantee lans and i'll have tips from triple a on how to get there safely and save you some money , up next. i paid a severance because i care about her and i didn't want her to be in the situation, that was, not going to resolve itself for years. >> congressman pat meehan answering questions, and defending himself tonight after claims surfaced of sexual misconduct with a former aid. good evening i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt sat down with congressman meehan a short time ago, david, tell us more. >> reporter: we spoke for 15 minutes and congressman says this former female staff shore works for him for several years was a sole mate in his mind and he is convinced that he did nothing wrong by paying her off, with taxpayer funds. >> my life is would the man that i love and she has been remarkable through this. >> reporter: but republican congressman pat meehan admits he called a former female staffer a soul mate, a staffer much younger who spent years

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