Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20180109 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20180109

of your screen. we have live team coverage of the icy concerns meteorologist kate bilo is tracking the temperatures for when you wake up. but first tonight david spunt is live in cherry hill with a look at conditions there. david? >> reporter: it is like an ice rink outside. it seems to be getting worse by the hour that ice is thickening up. i almost fell a couple of times going to and from our truck tonight. ice is the big story here in south jersey, also in delaware and pennsylvania. >> i've been here about 20 years and i think it's the coldest winter i've ever seen here. >> reporter: this ice-covered minivan tells you everything you need to know about what it's like outside right now. >> i was thinking about going out later but i'll probably just hang in and stay safe. >> reporter: not everyone thought the same. we spotted plenty of people out grocery shopping in cherry hill. the bridge also covered with ice. >> i saw two people fall already so i am trying to get home as soon as i can. >> reporter: this student actually prefers last week's cold temperatures and snow to this hidden danger. >> snow you know it's fluffy, you can see it. you're not going to fall. black ice, take one step and now you're ice skating. >> reporter: the rain stopped a few hours after rush hour but the temperatures continued to drop creating the perfect conditions for ice to become even thicker. >> i grew up in philly. i hated the weather. went to texas and then california. and here i am again. >> reporter: and she's leaving for home for a warm-up san francisco in the morning. crews will be putting more salt down on the road through the night. if you're leaving in the morning, take it easy and give yourself some extra time and of course, be careful. reporting live in cherry hill, david spunt, cbs3 eyewitness news. >> you as well david. thank you. let's send it over to meteorologist kate bilo now. she's closely watching the temperatures and how these icy conditions will affect the morning commute. >> the good news is precipitation is on the verge of moving off the coast. you can see the rain just about to clear the shore points. the rest of us done with the wet weather and the icy mix that we had all afternoon and evening. but still the concerns remain. so as we head down the shore we're going to zoom in. you can see still some steady rain falling from atlantic city, right down through stone harbor, into cape may. this is starting to push off the coast and everything is wet and temperatures are very close to freezing if not below freezing in a few spots. that means the threat for icing is not over yet. temperatures right now you can see many areas are below the freezing mark. we've actually just risen a degree to 33 in philadelphia. it's in the mid 30s down the shore but these air temperatures are slightly elevated off the ground. they don't take into account the soil temperatures. it's been so cold for so long that the ground is in the 20s and that means any wetness basically on the ground, any moisture on the ground can freeze into ice and that's why we have a winter weather advisory in place for much of south jersey and all of delaware an indication that icy spots can form in the wake of precipitation. any ice that's out there right now will stick around as temperatures are at or below freezing in many spots. even untreated areas, any standing water could refreeze overnight as temperatures drop. patchy icing on roads but also more concern about sidewalks, parking lots, your front walkway. it may look wet and it's icy. temperatures are their way up. i'll tell you just how high they'll get. we may hit 60 coming up. >> residents of the fair view care center are sleeping elsewhere tonight after a broken water pipe flooded portions of the facility. all 108 residents and patients were evacuated. the center says a pipe on the first floor of the building burst this afternoon. generators are now being used to power the building on paper mill road. no word on when residents will be allowed to return. >> a philadelphia police officer was injured during a traffic stop in kensington. eyewitness news on the 2900 block of north american street. police have not said how the officer was hurt but we're told he is in stable condition and should be released soon. other officers arrested the man about a mile away. new information about a deadly fire in north philadelphia that claimed the life of a firefighter and a 61-year-old man. 42-year-old lieutenant matthew letourneau was caught inside the burning home. the home's resident was also killed. his daughter said her father had a big heart. >> my grandmother fell ill in 2015 and he was just there. he was living and he cared. >> governor wolf has ordered flags fly in half staff in honor of lieutenant lieutenant letourneau. he was an 11-year veteran of the fire department. there will be two public viewings, one on thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. the other at 9:00 a.m. on friday. a funeral mass will follow the viewing friday morning. >> a successful atm thief is on the run and now police are working to track the suspect down. the theft happened christmas eve morning on the 3100 block of south 51 street. a man pulled up in a lot colored car dodge journey. surveillance video shows him using a crowbar to get into the machine. if you recognize this man, please contact police. the pennsylvania attorney general's office is taking over the criminal case stemming from the death of penn state fraternity pledge timothy piazza. attorney general josh shapiro announced that his office is assuming the case from the district attorney who cited a conflict of interest. former members of the fraternity face various charges from alcohol offenses to aggravated assault and involuntary manslaughter. >> president trump was in georgia tonight for the ncaa championship football game. the visit came amid the president's ongoing feud with nfl players who refused to stand for the national anthem. the president addressed that topic earlier in the day during a speech before thousands of farmers in nashville, tennessee. he highlighted aspects of the tax bill he says will benefit them. >> you'll be spared and it really is the word punishment of the deeply unfair estate tax known as the death tax so you can keep your farms in the family. >> reporter: while in nashville the president also signed an executive order aimed at expanding broadband to rural areas. over the weekend the president defended his fitness for office following the publication of the explosive new book, "fire and fury." tonight the author of that book, michael wolff will join stephen colbert on the late show and he isn't holding anything back. >> everybody in the white house had their own press secretary. so the president has his own press secretary, not sean spicer, but his private press secretary. jared had a press secretary, steve bannon had a press secretary. so there are all these different press operations. so the answer why there are so many leaks in this white house, that's what they did all day. >> you can watch the entire interview with michael wolff tonight at 11:35 right after eyewitness news. >> this saturday it's the battle of the birds. the number one seeded eagles take on the sixth seed and the defending nfc champion atlanta falcons. a certain statistic that makes this game rather unusual. greg? >> reporter: ukee, good evening. the eagles ended the regular season number one in their conference. you might believe that they would be the favorites to win this weekend against the atlanta falcons. predictive markets say that is not the case but eagles fans say who cares. the eagles take on the falcons this saturday. the birds' first playoff game and fans are pumped. >> i'm excited to see nick foles play. >> we've got foles now and i believe he's going to pull through for us. >> reporter: top seed in their conference but for the first time ever, the eagles go into the playoffs with a frustrating statistic hanging over their heads. >> >> they have about a 40% chance of winning. that's a very rare, in fact it's the first time that a number one seed is going into their first game as underdogs. >> reporter: former eagles linebacker isn't too worried about being the underdog in saturday's game. >> what does that mean for morale? >> reporter: i think for morale it's going to be beneficial. here's the thing. no one place the disrespect card better than philadelphia, right? >> reporter: he believes going in with the chips stacked against them is a good thing for the birds. >> we've got them right where we want them at. i can't wait until saturday night. the linc is going to be rocking and i think this team is going to surprise a lot of people with how well they play saturday night. >> reporter: fans couldn't agree more. would that make a difference for a philadelphia fan? >> no. if you're an eagles fan you're an eagles fan 100% all the way. >> i think if we try hard and we play our best, we can beat them. >> reporter: so what is the possibility of the eagles taking it all the way? we've been giving you the statistics each and every week. right now it's just at around a 6% chance of taking home the vince lombardi trophy. the new england patriots, 35%. but as you heard that young man, anything is possible. >> yeah, i'm with little oscar. let's do this. >> it is possible. >> it is. we got this. coming up in sports we'll hear from the players and what they think about their underdog status as they head into saturday's playoff game. >> also ahead at 11:00 nobody is perfect and the quest for perfection is becoming more common and experts say it's having a negative impact. >> oprah for president? her speech at the golden globes is stirring up speculation. what her closest of friends are saying about her possible political future. >> and let's take a live look at downtown bethlehem. it's an icy cold night around the region but kate is talking about a warm-up that may have you doing a double take. the full forecast is coming up when eyewitness news continues. more young people are saying close enough isn't good enough. >> but is the quest for perfection leading to other issues? nicole brewer joins us now with a look at the new research. >> and many of us associate perfectionism. >> we all know what it means to be a perfectist. >> have ridiculously high standards. >> reporter: do you consider yourself one? >> sometimes yes. >> with some things. >> do the best i can and hope for the best results. >> reporter: new research published by the american psychological association suggests young adults are more likely to say yes than previous generations. >> i would expect that would be true. >> probably has something to do with the increasing use of technology. >> reporter: the study which examined more than 40,000 college students from 1989 to 2016 found social perfectionism had increased 33% from then to now. >> kids are under a lot of pressure these days. >> testing and schools and colleges and job markets. >> reporter: researchers point to many factors, but raw data suggests social media and our tendency to compare could be a driving force. >> they all the best features of themselves, they tweet about nice things that happen to them. >> social media is the devil. >> trying to keep this image of themselves in the social media aspect, i think a lot of people drive themselves crazy. >> reporter: authors of the study say that could actually be the case citing higher levels of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts which is why they suggest schools stop encouraging competition. >> it's good to have a healthy dose of competition you just have to set realistic goals and as expirations and do your best. >> reporter: the study's author say the rise in perfectionism goes hand in hand with an increase in meritocracy where students are encouraged by educators and policy makers to compete with their peers which can create expectation. >> they don't even know they're doing it. >> not just young people. >> interesting. the defunct revel casino has been sold to a colorado developer who plans to reopen the property this summer under the new name ocean resort casino. it's a move expected to create as many as 3,000 jobs. the reefl opened in 2012 and it closed two years later. >> oprah for president? after a speech, many people are wondering if a run for office is coming in 20. according to cnn say two close friends say she's actually thinking about it. her partner told the new york times she would absolutely do it. speculation began following her acceptace of the cecil b. cecil b. demileward. >> fighting hard to make sure they become the leader who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say "me too" again. >> after her speech, twitter lit up with speculation using hashtag >> pink will sing the national anthem at the super bowl. it's happening sunday february 4th in minneapolis. >> kate joins us now, i wonder what the roads will be like when we get out there, how icy is it or is it kind of melting off. >> i think you'll have to be a little more careful. when we leave tonight we'll have to be a little more careful walking on the sidewalks, walking in the parking lots. untreated areas much the main roads have been pretty much okay. as you go through the overnight hours fewer cars start traveling you have to worry about new icy spots as temperatures hang out at or below freezing marks. but often times it's the front walkway or driveway that ices over and it takes you by surprise. if it looks wet assume it could be ice. here's a look outside one area that is still seeing some rain, freezing rain possibly a little sleet mixed in. this is ocean city you can see the camera lens all wet with rain drops out there. you can barely see the boardwalk the rain coming down on top of the snow which really pummelled the shore points last thursday. let's also take you to the delaware beaches. you can see footsteps in the snow on the boards. and now it's raining on top of the snow and temperatures at the surface right along that snow pack, if it's cold enough for the snow to stick around, it's cold enough for ice to form on top of it. slick conditions out there through the shore points tonight. the good news is this is starting to push off the coast and skies are clearing behind it and we're on our way into a much quiter weather pattern over the next couple of days. we'll get the showers out of here, we'll zoom in for the city, and we're not seeing much of anything left in center city philadelphia but it's up to 33 degrees. and that's our daytime high actually. temperatures have been locked below freezing for much of the day. now starting to slowly rise tonight. 33 in the city, but it's 31 in trenton below freezing, 20s in allentown, reading and in lancaster so it's cold out there. cold enough for anything on the roads, any wet surface to refreeze tonight leading to icy spots and you may want to get out early and get the ice off your car tomorrow morning and start it up early or bring the ice chipper out with you. 35 in atlantic city, 36 in wild wide. the ground temperatures are colder than the air temperatures. speaking of cold air we're starting to get rid of it, you can see the temperatures across the central plains here actually pretty comfortable. even 30 in minneapolis and milder air at least for winter is starting to billow in from the southwest. so after the next hour or so this is all off the coast and as we head into your tuesday morning, the sun will be shining. tomorrow looks like a mostly sunny day and it starts a little bit of a thou. we've got the jet stream lifting to the north. milder air starting to move in from the southwest and the peak of that warmth comes on friday. here are your thawing temperatures. 33 tomorrow 43 and we're relatively seasonable on wednesday and temperatures really shoot upwards on friday when we hit 60 degrees. it will feel like a little taste of spring and we may finally get rid of some of the snow on the ground. whoever night the wintry mix is ending, about to push off the coast. temperatures pretty stable we'll drop down to about 29 degrees. tomorrow is mostly sunny, not as cold. 43 is your overnight low. wednesday seasonable in the low 40s and back to the 50s on thursday. scattered sprinkles thursday, steadier rain friday with the warmth and then saturday that 52 is misleading. we're going to hit that early in the day. temperatures will then plummet. so for the eagles game, don't expect 52. it's going to be cold on saturday. >> okay. lesley. >> falcons quarterback matt ryan is from our area. he went to penn charter. we have a little bit of a school divided situation. who are the faculty and students rooting for on saturday? the nova care complex today. they didn't work they had practice and watched tape. if playing with the falcons isn't motivation enough. the eagles may have found another source they are now the 2.5 underdogs to the >> we just found a way to win. defense, questions come into play as far as that goes go out and play. >> just want to go out and shut those down. we're the only people in this locker room that believe in us. >> the match-up will be a home coming for matt ryan. the exton native was the star quarterback of penn charter. he's the most successful athlete to come from the school. so who will the faculty and students be rooting for come saturday afternoon? >> well i admitted matt ryan to penn charter, i know his family very well he's a spectacular guy i wish him the veryesd good hea has a great game but i'm an eagles fan. i'm rooting for the eagles to win. >> the falcons, my family has always said blood is thicker than water and i have to support family members and all that. >> i've always rooted for the eagles. i can't stop rooting for the eagles. >> to college hoops, one week after falling from the number one ranking, villanova back at the top in both polls. they'll be back in action wednesday night. now the final practice before heading across the atlantic to london. joel embiid did practice today. he mis sore back. he's still having problems with his right hand but he's looking forward to the game across the pond. >> i love this and i can't wait to go back. >> there's no free time. it's going to be again it's going to be a business trip. >> thank you, lesley. >> up next, pizza hut is considering taking out the driver. >> the pizza chain is teaming up with toyota for driving delivery. pizza hut is looking into using them for deliveries and kitchens on wheels. look for the vehicles to hit the roads for testing in 2020. kate? >>. >> as we head toward the upcoming weekend, we're going to start it off on a very mild note. temperatures will be thawing especially friday and saturday with highs near 60. some rain showers are likely though and it looks like temps will fall back to colder levels by sunday. either way get . >> our morning crew is back tomorrow from 4:30 to 7:00. for kate, lesley, everyone here. i'm ukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. >> have a good night family and sleep well. sponsored presentation for drew and danny's "snap-flipping your way to real estate success"

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Jersey , Pennsylvania , United States , Tennessee , Bethlehem , West Bank General , West Bank , Togo , Texas , Philadelphia , Penn Charter , Michael Wolff , Steve Bannon , Matt Ryan ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20180109 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20180109

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of your screen. we have live team coverage of the icy concerns meteorologist kate bilo is tracking the temperatures for when you wake up. but first tonight david spunt is live in cherry hill with a look at conditions there. david? >> reporter: it is like an ice rink outside. it seems to be getting worse by the hour that ice is thickening up. i almost fell a couple of times going to and from our truck tonight. ice is the big story here in south jersey, also in delaware and pennsylvania. >> i've been here about 20 years and i think it's the coldest winter i've ever seen here. >> reporter: this ice-covered minivan tells you everything you need to know about what it's like outside right now. >> i was thinking about going out later but i'll probably just hang in and stay safe. >> reporter: not everyone thought the same. we spotted plenty of people out grocery shopping in cherry hill. the bridge also covered with ice. >> i saw two people fall already so i am trying to get home as soon as i can. >> reporter: this student actually prefers last week's cold temperatures and snow to this hidden danger. >> snow you know it's fluffy, you can see it. you're not going to fall. black ice, take one step and now you're ice skating. >> reporter: the rain stopped a few hours after rush hour but the temperatures continued to drop creating the perfect conditions for ice to become even thicker. >> i grew up in philly. i hated the weather. went to texas and then california. and here i am again. >> reporter: and she's leaving for home for a warm-up san francisco in the morning. crews will be putting more salt down on the road through the night. if you're leaving in the morning, take it easy and give yourself some extra time and of course, be careful. reporting live in cherry hill, david spunt, cbs3 eyewitness news. >> you as well david. thank you. let's send it over to meteorologist kate bilo now. she's closely watching the temperatures and how these icy conditions will affect the morning commute. >> the good news is precipitation is on the verge of moving off the coast. you can see the rain just about to clear the shore points. the rest of us done with the wet weather and the icy mix that we had all afternoon and evening. but still the concerns remain. so as we head down the shore we're going to zoom in. you can see still some steady rain falling from atlantic city, right down through stone harbor, into cape may. this is starting to push off the coast and everything is wet and temperatures are very close to freezing if not below freezing in a few spots. that means the threat for icing is not over yet. temperatures right now you can see many areas are below the freezing mark. we've actually just risen a degree to 33 in philadelphia. it's in the mid 30s down the shore but these air temperatures are slightly elevated off the ground. they don't take into account the soil temperatures. it's been so cold for so long that the ground is in the 20s and that means any wetness basically on the ground, any moisture on the ground can freeze into ice and that's why we have a winter weather advisory in place for much of south jersey and all of delaware an indication that icy spots can form in the wake of precipitation. any ice that's out there right now will stick around as temperatures are at or below freezing in many spots. even untreated areas, any standing water could refreeze overnight as temperatures drop. patchy icing on roads but also more concern about sidewalks, parking lots, your front walkway. it may look wet and it's icy. temperatures are their way up. i'll tell you just how high they'll get. we may hit 60 coming up. >> residents of the fair view care center are sleeping elsewhere tonight after a broken water pipe flooded portions of the facility. all 108 residents and patients were evacuated. the center says a pipe on the first floor of the building burst this afternoon. generators are now being used to power the building on paper mill road. no word on when residents will be allowed to return. >> a philadelphia police officer was injured during a traffic stop in kensington. eyewitness news on the 2900 block of north american street. police have not said how the officer was hurt but we're told he is in stable condition and should be released soon. other officers arrested the man about a mile away. new information about a deadly fire in north philadelphia that claimed the life of a firefighter and a 61-year-old man. 42-year-old lieutenant matthew letourneau was caught inside the burning home. the home's resident was also killed. his daughter said her father had a big heart. >> my grandmother fell ill in 2015 and he was just there. he was living and he cared. >> governor wolf has ordered flags fly in half staff in honor of lieutenant lieutenant letourneau. he was an 11-year veteran of the fire department. there will be two public viewings, one on thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. the other at 9:00 a.m. on friday. a funeral mass will follow the viewing friday morning. >> a successful atm thief is on the run and now police are working to track the suspect down. the theft happened christmas eve morning on the 3100 block of south 51 street. a man pulled up in a lot colored car dodge journey. surveillance video shows him using a crowbar to get into the machine. if you recognize this man, please contact police. the pennsylvania attorney general's office is taking over the criminal case stemming from the death of penn state fraternity pledge timothy piazza. attorney general josh shapiro announced that his office is assuming the case from the district attorney who cited a conflict of interest. former members of the fraternity face various charges from alcohol offenses to aggravated assault and involuntary manslaughter. >> president trump was in georgia tonight for the ncaa championship football game. the visit came amid the president's ongoing feud with nfl players who refused to stand for the national anthem. the president addressed that topic earlier in the day during a speech before thousands of farmers in nashville, tennessee. he highlighted aspects of the tax bill he says will benefit them. >> you'll be spared and it really is the word punishment of the deeply unfair estate tax known as the death tax so you can keep your farms in the family. >> reporter: while in nashville the president also signed an executive order aimed at expanding broadband to rural areas. over the weekend the president defended his fitness for office following the publication of the explosive new book, "fire and fury." tonight the author of that book, michael wolff will join stephen colbert on the late show and he isn't holding anything back. >> everybody in the white house had their own press secretary. so the president has his own press secretary, not sean spicer, but his private press secretary. jared had a press secretary, steve bannon had a press secretary. so there are all these different press operations. so the answer why there are so many leaks in this white house, that's what they did all day. >> you can watch the entire interview with michael wolff tonight at 11:35 right after eyewitness news. >> this saturday it's the battle of the birds. the number one seeded eagles take on the sixth seed and the defending nfc champion atlanta falcons. a certain statistic that makes this game rather unusual. greg? >> reporter: ukee, good evening. the eagles ended the regular season number one in their conference. you might believe that they would be the favorites to win this weekend against the atlanta falcons. predictive markets say that is not the case but eagles fans say who cares. the eagles take on the falcons this saturday. the birds' first playoff game and fans are pumped. >> i'm excited to see nick foles play. >> we've got foles now and i believe he's going to pull through for us. >> reporter: top seed in their conference but for the first time ever, the eagles go into the playoffs with a frustrating statistic hanging over their heads. >> >> they have about a 40% chance of winning. that's a very rare, in fact it's the first time that a number one seed is going into their first game as underdogs. >> reporter: former eagles linebacker isn't too worried about being the underdog in saturday's game. >> what does that mean for morale? >> reporter: i think for morale it's going to be beneficial. here's the thing. no one place the disrespect card better than philadelphia, right? >> reporter: he believes going in with the chips stacked against them is a good thing for the birds. >> we've got them right where we want them at. i can't wait until saturday night. the linc is going to be rocking and i think this team is going to surprise a lot of people with how well they play saturday night. >> reporter: fans couldn't agree more. would that make a difference for a philadelphia fan? >> no. if you're an eagles fan you're an eagles fan 100% all the way. >> i think if we try hard and we play our best, we can beat them. >> reporter: so what is the possibility of the eagles taking it all the way? we've been giving you the statistics each and every week. right now it's just at around a 6% chance of taking home the vince lombardi trophy. the new england patriots, 35%. but as you heard that young man, anything is possible. >> yeah, i'm with little oscar. let's do this. >> it is possible. >> it is. we got this. coming up in sports we'll hear from the players and what they think about their underdog status as they head into saturday's playoff game. >> also ahead at 11:00 nobody is perfect and the quest for perfection is becoming more common and experts say it's having a negative impact. >> oprah for president? her speech at the golden globes is stirring up speculation. what her closest of friends are saying about her possible political future. >> and let's take a live look at downtown bethlehem. it's an icy cold night around the region but kate is talking about a warm-up that may have you doing a double take. the full forecast is coming up when eyewitness news continues. more young people are saying close enough isn't good enough. >> but is the quest for perfection leading to other issues? nicole brewer joins us now with a look at the new research. >> and many of us associate perfectionism. >> we all know what it means to be a perfectist. >> have ridiculously high standards. >> reporter: do you consider yourself one? >> sometimes yes. >> with some things. >> do the best i can and hope for the best results. >> reporter: new research published by the american psychological association suggests young adults are more likely to say yes than previous generations. >> i would expect that would be true. >> probably has something to do with the increasing use of technology. >> reporter: the study which examined more than 40,000 college students from 1989 to 2016 found social perfectionism had increased 33% from then to now. >> kids are under a lot of pressure these days. >> testing and schools and colleges and job markets. >> reporter: researchers point to many factors, but raw data suggests social media and our tendency to compare could be a driving force. >> they all the best features of themselves, they tweet about nice things that happen to them. >> social media is the devil. >> trying to keep this image of themselves in the social media aspect, i think a lot of people drive themselves crazy. >> reporter: authors of the study say that could actually be the case citing higher levels of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts which is why they suggest schools stop encouraging competition. >> it's good to have a healthy dose of competition you just have to set realistic goals and as expirations and do your best. >> reporter: the study's author say the rise in perfectionism goes hand in hand with an increase in meritocracy where students are encouraged by educators and policy makers to compete with their peers which can create expectation. >> they don't even know they're doing it. >> not just young people. >> interesting. the defunct revel casino has been sold to a colorado developer who plans to reopen the property this summer under the new name ocean resort casino. it's a move expected to create as many as 3,000 jobs. the reefl opened in 2012 and it closed two years later. >> oprah for president? after a speech, many people are wondering if a run for office is coming in 20. according to cnn say two close friends say she's actually thinking about it. her partner told the new york times she would absolutely do it. speculation began following her acceptace of the cecil b. cecil b. demileward. >> fighting hard to make sure they become the leader who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say "me too" again. >> after her speech, twitter lit up with speculation using hashtag >> pink will sing the national anthem at the super bowl. it's happening sunday february 4th in minneapolis. >> kate joins us now, i wonder what the roads will be like when we get out there, how icy is it or is it kind of melting off. >> i think you'll have to be a little more careful. when we leave tonight we'll have to be a little more careful walking on the sidewalks, walking in the parking lots. untreated areas much the main roads have been pretty much okay. as you go through the overnight hours fewer cars start traveling you have to worry about new icy spots as temperatures hang out at or below freezing marks. but often times it's the front walkway or driveway that ices over and it takes you by surprise. if it looks wet assume it could be ice. here's a look outside one area that is still seeing some rain, freezing rain possibly a little sleet mixed in. this is ocean city you can see the camera lens all wet with rain drops out there. you can barely see the boardwalk the rain coming down on top of the snow which really pummelled the shore points last thursday. let's also take you to the delaware beaches. you can see footsteps in the snow on the boards. and now it's raining on top of the snow and temperatures at the surface right along that snow pack, if it's cold enough for the snow to stick around, it's cold enough for ice to form on top of it. slick conditions out there through the shore points tonight. the good news is this is starting to push off the coast and skies are clearing behind it and we're on our way into a much quiter weather pattern over the next couple of days. we'll get the showers out of here, we'll zoom in for the city, and we're not seeing much of anything left in center city philadelphia but it's up to 33 degrees. and that's our daytime high actually. temperatures have been locked below freezing for much of the day. now starting to slowly rise tonight. 33 in the city, but it's 31 in trenton below freezing, 20s in allentown, reading and in lancaster so it's cold out there. cold enough for anything on the roads, any wet surface to refreeze tonight leading to icy spots and you may want to get out early and get the ice off your car tomorrow morning and start it up early or bring the ice chipper out with you. 35 in atlantic city, 36 in wild wide. the ground temperatures are colder than the air temperatures. speaking of cold air we're starting to get rid of it, you can see the temperatures across the central plains here actually pretty comfortable. even 30 in minneapolis and milder air at least for winter is starting to billow in from the southwest. so after the next hour or so this is all off the coast and as we head into your tuesday morning, the sun will be shining. tomorrow looks like a mostly sunny day and it starts a little bit of a thou. we've got the jet stream lifting to the north. milder air starting to move in from the southwest and the peak of that warmth comes on friday. here are your thawing temperatures. 33 tomorrow 43 and we're relatively seasonable on wednesday and temperatures really shoot upwards on friday when we hit 60 degrees. it will feel like a little taste of spring and we may finally get rid of some of the snow on the ground. whoever night the wintry mix is ending, about to push off the coast. temperatures pretty stable we'll drop down to about 29 degrees. tomorrow is mostly sunny, not as cold. 43 is your overnight low. wednesday seasonable in the low 40s and back to the 50s on thursday. scattered sprinkles thursday, steadier rain friday with the warmth and then saturday that 52 is misleading. we're going to hit that early in the day. temperatures will then plummet. so for the eagles game, don't expect 52. it's going to be cold on saturday. >> okay. lesley. >> falcons quarterback matt ryan is from our area. he went to penn charter. we have a little bit of a school divided situation. who are the faculty and students rooting for on saturday? the nova care complex today. they didn't work they had practice and watched tape. if playing with the falcons isn't motivation enough. the eagles may have found another source they are now the 2.5 underdogs to the >> we just found a way to win. defense, questions come into play as far as that goes go out and play. >> just want to go out and shut those down. we're the only people in this locker room that believe in us. >> the match-up will be a home coming for matt ryan. the exton native was the star quarterback of penn charter. he's the most successful athlete to come from the school. so who will the faculty and students be rooting for come saturday afternoon? >> well i admitted matt ryan to penn charter, i know his family very well he's a spectacular guy i wish him the veryesd good hea has a great game but i'm an eagles fan. i'm rooting for the eagles to win. >> the falcons, my family has always said blood is thicker than water and i have to support family members and all that. >> i've always rooted for the eagles. i can't stop rooting for the eagles. >> to college hoops, one week after falling from the number one ranking, villanova back at the top in both polls. they'll be back in action wednesday night. now the final practice before heading across the atlantic to london. joel embiid did practice today. he mis sore back. he's still having problems with his right hand but he's looking forward to the game across the pond. >> i love this and i can't wait to go back. >> there's no free time. it's going to be again it's going to be a business trip. >> thank you, lesley. >> up next, pizza hut is considering taking out the driver. >> the pizza chain is teaming up with toyota for driving delivery. pizza hut is looking into using them for deliveries and kitchens on wheels. look for the vehicles to hit the roads for testing in 2020. kate? >>. >> as we head toward the upcoming weekend, we're going to start it off on a very mild note. temperatures will be thawing especially friday and saturday with highs near 60. some rain showers are likely though and it looks like temps will fall back to colder levels by sunday. either way get . >> our morning crew is back tomorrow from 4:30 to 7:00. for kate, lesley, everyone here. i'm ukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. >> have a good night family and sleep well. sponsored presentation for drew and danny's "snap-flipping your way to real estate success"

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