Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20171215 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20171215

headquarters here in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. a glitch in the gop efforts to push a sweeping tax overhaul bill through congress. senator marco rubio said he won't support the measure unless the child tax credit is increased, and at least two other republican senators have yet to commit to the bill which will be unveiled today. good morning, brook. >> good morning, anne-marie. there's a lot we already know about this bill. the corporate tax rate will drop to 21%. the top personal bracket will fall to 37%. but the number republicans can't be sure of is 50. that's the number of senate votes they'll need to pass this bill. the slim margin the republicans seem to have in getting their tax bill through may be vanishing. senator marco rubio has turned out to be a key voice of dissent. he says no unless the child tax care gets a bump. >> until they add to the figure, i won't support the bill. >> president trump insists all is still good as he's delivering what he calls a christmas people to the american people despite rubio's reservations. >> i think that senator rubio will be there. >> the other potential roadblock, john mccain is unable to vote at the moment. he's hospitalized after being diagnosed with brain cancer. the final plan preserves deductions for student loans and medical expenses and doubled the standard deduction. but the hit for residents in high cap states it caps it at $10,000. republicans say they make up for the changes by lowering the income tax rate at every level. >> tax cut for the rich. that's their purpose. it's a monumental con job. >> senate republicans can only afford to lose two of their own. at least a couple of other gopers besides senator rubio haven't committed to voting it. how close? mike pence has delayed his trip so he can be in the senate if he needs to deliver that 51st vote for republicans. anne-marie? >> brook silva-braga here in new york. thank you so much, brook. ahead on "cbs this morning," jaurn journal bob woodward on his ideas on tax reform. the internet isn't going to change as critics content. bianna golodryga explains. >> reporter: think of net neutrality like the lines at airport security. there's the main line that's free but typically long. there's the tsa line that's shorter. there's the clear line where there's no line and an agent walks you over to be screened right away. net neutrality has created a chaotic internet similar to an airport with only one line. comcast, verizon, and at&t stand to gain the most by being able to charge more and offer less. those hurt, startups and consumers, especially those in rural areas with fewer internet providers. >> they said consumers will likely see little change in pricing. if, in fact, they do raise rates, the fcc is mandating they disclose that to consumers. the net neutrality appeal won't go into effect for a few months and in the meantime many consumer groups are already threatening lawsuits. bianna golodryga, cbs news, new york. president trump phoned russian president vladimir putin. they talked after putin's annual news conference yesterday. he thanked the president for his strong economic performance. the two leaders also discussed north korea and u.s./russia relations. a suspect accused of driving a car through a protest in charlottesville now faces first-degree murder charges. james alex fields appeared in court yesterday. prosecutors amended the second-degree murder charges they originally filed. they say he drove his car into a group of protesters in august killing one woman and injuring dozens more. and the grand jury investigating the fraternity culture at penn state university is expected to release its report today. the grand jury investigation was triggered by timothy piazza about ten years ago. he was served 18 drinks within 82 minutes at a pledge party. he fell down the steps, was knocked out due to injuries and the fraternity didn't call for help for nearly ten hours. russell simmons denies the claims against him. he defends himself and says says #notme. >> two women claim he raped them, a another said he forced acts on her. simmons said it was consensual. a firefighter died in the fire in los angeles. the so-called thomas fire covered a thousand miles. he leaves behind a wife and two daughters. towns to the west and along the coast remain at particular risk. some schools remain closed, and roads shut. the force has returned to the box office. "star wars: the last jedi" opened in north american theaters last night. diehard "star wars" fans lined up for hours from coast to coast. screenings of the eighth installment of the "star wars" saga sold out weeks ago. >> it was fun to get dressed up and come out with like-minded people. >> a wedding ring shaped like a lightsaber. >> they beamed up a copy to the space station so the astronauts on board don't miss out on the action. i'll wait till the lines simmer down, i think. coming up, more actors accuse dustin hoffman of sexual misconduct. and astronauts find a hot spot, a solar system just like ours. this is the "cbs morning news." using two multi-surface brushes and power-lifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. daily dirt doesn't stand a chance. you and roomba from irobot. better together. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. outer layer of your enamel tooth surface. white, the thing that's really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend pronamel strong and bright. it helps to strengthen and re-harden the enamel. it also has stain lifting action. it's going to give their patients the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. ♪ psoriatic arthritis tries to get in my way? ♪ watch me. ♪ i've tried lots of things for my joint pain. now? watch me. ♪ think i'd give up showing these guys how it's done? please. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are changing the way they fight it... they're moving forward with cosentyx®. it's a different kind of targeted biologic. it's proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. don't use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. or if you have received a vaccine, or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. with less joint pain, watch me. for less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. a scary scene yesterday morning on the new york city subway. a man was spotted lying unconscious on the tracks as the train approached the station in brooklyn. commuters waved frantically to get the train to stop, which it did. the man was revived and taken to the hospital. he is in serious condition, being treated for head wounds. nasa has discovered a copycat and new allegations against an oscar-winning actor. "variety" reports more women are accusing dustin hoffman of sexual misconduct. a playwright says he exposed himself in a hotel room when she was just 16 years old. another said the actor groped her in 1985 when she was 17. he called the new accusations defamatory falsehoods. congressman blake farenthold announced he won't face re-election in light of new accusations. the texas republican denied wrongdoing in the case of a former aide who claimed that she was sexually harassed, but he apologized for the way he's acted in his congressional office. >> i allowed the personal stress of the job to manifest itself in angry outbursts and too often a failure to treat people with respect that they deserved. that was wrong. >> farenthold's decision comes as they reopened the investigation into the former aide's allegation. new york's "newsday" says a long island woman is accused of laundering money to support isis. the pakistani/u.s. born citizen frauded the banks. she wired money overseas to help isis. authorities also say she tried to leave the u.s. and travel to syria to join isis. california's orange county "register" reports procter & gamble and kellogg have dropped their support. larry nassar plead guilty. more than 140 gymnasts and young athletes included u.s. olympians have accused nassar of sexual assault. gymnastic officials are accused of creating a culture of abuse that created nassar. the ""detroit free press"" reports the tallest skyscraper is being built. it's a 9-9-9 foot building. it will include a tower and observation deck as well as office and retail space. it will taken four years to complete. and the "los angeles times" reports scientists have found a miniature version of our solar system with eight planets and a sun-like star. they used their telescope using google's software. they found the eighth planet. >> the eighth planet discovered around the kepler 90 star. this makes it the first star to host as many planets as our own solar system. >> like earth, it's the third from its sun, but it's much closer, orbiting in 13 days. coming up, signing off for good. it officially shuts down today. every symptom. name one. how 'bout 9? sore throat, cough, even... yea--i can read, you know. we're done here. ahhh! boogers to betsy! mucinex fast-max. 9 symptoms. 1 dose. max strength. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. and for kid's multi-symptom relief, try #1 recommended children's mucinex. take a moment. to unwrap, and unwind... with lindor. a hard chocolate shell, with a smooth, melting, center. crafted by the lindt master chocolatiers. whenever. wherever. lindor, from lindt. life's too short for ordinary chocolate. but he hasoke up wwork to so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. on the "cbs moneywatch," the end of an era for a messaging system, and why you're spending more this year on holiday gifts. wendy gillette is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, wendy. >> hey, good morning, anne-marie. investors will be watching as a report on production from the federal reserve. they fear support for the gop tax reform bill was faltering sent stocks lower. the dow jones industrial lost 76 points. the s&p 500 finished the day at 10 points lower and the nasdaq composite was down 19. stock for the drug company teva has dropped. the company has 7,000 positions in the u.s. which are expected to be significantly affected. the job cuts will occur over the next two years. teva's bottom line has been hit by the expiration of patents for a multiple sclerosis. the chat app is ending a 20-year run. all personal data associated will be deleted today. nothing will be transferred. that including those buddy lists. in the time before smartphones, it was a pioneer in chatting. first data says overall spending excluding gas rose 6%. last year it was 3.7%. cooler weather, higher consumer confidence, and lower unemployment spurred spending. e-commerce sales growth continued to outpace brick and mortar growth at 10.5%. today is free shipping day. it's when many retailers waive shipping fees on all orders big or small and guarantee delivery by christmas eve. this is the tenth anniversary. hundreds of retailers are participating. anne-marie, a very good time for you to get ready for the holidays. i bet you're not ready, right? >> you talk like you know me. yes, that's true. i'm always paying the expensive shipping fees. thank you, thank you. my mother appreciates you nagging me a bit. >> take advantage. >> wendy gillette at the new york stock exchange. thanks a lot, wendy. >> sure. still ahead, navigating the office party. tips on how to behave with your co-workers as the country grapples with a sexual harassment crisis. (grunts of effort) can we do this tomorrow? if you have heart failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. but entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest heart failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ when can we do this again, grandpa? well, how about tomorrow? ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock ♪ president trump and first lady melania are getting into the christmas spirit. the white house released the couple's official christmas portrait, and mr. and mrs. trump are seen holding hands in the doorway of cross hall in the white house. the photo was taken on december 5th. looks festive. people across the country are getting into the christmas spirit, and some of them maybe a little bit too much at holiday parties. many are concerned about proper behavior. nikki battiste reports. >> reporter: 'tis the season for office holiday parties and how to behave is weighing on many people's minds. we asked for answers at the work party hot spot in hill country in new york. >> how much to drink. i would say in this one, a couple of glasses of wine or champagne to celebrate. >> reporter: and when it comes to attire, what's acceptable? >> stick to the dress code typically you would at work. >> reporter: she looked at potential party dresses and saying making more conservative choices is probably best. >> how much skin is okay to show? >> if you have to question if it's too much skin, the answer is yes. >> of the four dresses, what would you recommend? >> definitely the red. it's classic, festive, fun. it's form fitting but not too tight. it doesn't show cleavage. >> reporter: with sexual harassment in the forefront, phil labeouf wonders about co-workers. >> if you do lean in for a kiss, remember it's called a cheek kiss, but technically it's an air kiss because you don't want your lips touching someone's sken. lean forward and right cheek to right cheek. >> she suggests you keep conversations light and don't get too personal. >> sounds like some pretty good advice. well, coming up on "cbs this morning," greg clark, the ceo of cyber security company symantec has a look at the future of cyber crime. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." frida is a work appof art. the arts. when it's time to eat, frida enjoys the culinary-inspired taste of meow mix bistro recipes. made with real chicken, salmon or tuna. it's the only one cats ask for by name. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. pain from chest congestion can make this... when you have a cold, ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. introducing megared advanced triple absorption it supports your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. and is absorbed by your body three times better. so one megared has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption our top stories this morning. the latest installment of the "star wars" saga opened in north american theaters last night. diehard fans lined up for hours to see the movie. tickets sold out weeks ago. the film to the space station so the astronauts on board won't miss out on all the action. republican lawmakers unveil their tax bill today. they hope to vote on it by next week, but support in the senate is wavering. senator marco rubio said he'll vote against the measure unless a more generous child tax credit is included. u.n. ambassador nikki haley accused iran yesterday of violating security council resolutions by arming yemen. >> it landed a mile and a half from the main terminal of riyadh international airport. it's now in an aircraft hanger at the intelligence agency where it provided a backdrop for u.n. ambassador nikki haley of a new hard line against iran. >> we do not often declassify military equipment from attacks. we did this for a single urgent purpose because the iranian regime cannot be allowed to engage in its lawless behavior any longer. >> reporter: according to reports it was shipped in violation of the security resolutions. it bears the initials of the iranian firm that manufactured it and it has nine fueling valves, a trademark. >> the missile's intended target was a civil airport in riyadh in which tens of thousands of passengers travel each day. >> reporter: the evidence on display was convincing. parts of a suicide boat to the one identical in this attack included electronics bore the stamp of a company and camera of photos taken at the factory shows a revolutionary guard hat in the background. she did not say what they plan to do about it. beyond exposing iran in what she called an arsonist fanning the flames of conflict in the middle east. david martin, cbs news, the pentagon. on "cbs this morning," a new scanning system is being tested by federal authorities today. it's designed to spot hidden explosives like suicide vests in a mass transit environment. kris van cleave has detailed. plus greg clark, the ceo of cyber anytime security company symantec looks at the future of cyber crime. these are what's going to appear on a menu in a top copenhagen restaurant. coming up on "cbs this morning," i'll be in the kitchen with the woman who inspired the man behind this restaurant. that's the "cbs morning news" for this friday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day and a great weekend. -- captions by vitac -- >> live from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news " this morning. >> really cold? >> you got to bundle up. >> well the cold continues, and for the third time this week we could get another shot of snow. katie is tracking the timing of our latest rounds of winter weather, and which part of the region could see the most accumulation. also ahead, crash sends a philadelphia police officer to the hospital with minor injuries overnight. and we'll also have this. >> republicans are confident about passing their tax bill. but they may have a new challenge. i'm weijia jiang on capitol hill with who is planning to vote no. >> well, today is friday, december 15th, tgif everyone, good morning, i'm jim donovan. >> alleluhia, and i'm rahel solomon. let's get a check of the roads with meisha and the forecast with katie. >> i ditto that,

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20171215 :

Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20171215

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headquarters here in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. a glitch in the gop efforts to push a sweeping tax overhaul bill through congress. senator marco rubio said he won't support the measure unless the child tax credit is increased, and at least two other republican senators have yet to commit to the bill which will be unveiled today. good morning, brook. >> good morning, anne-marie. there's a lot we already know about this bill. the corporate tax rate will drop to 21%. the top personal bracket will fall to 37%. but the number republicans can't be sure of is 50. that's the number of senate votes they'll need to pass this bill. the slim margin the republicans seem to have in getting their tax bill through may be vanishing. senator marco rubio has turned out to be a key voice of dissent. he says no unless the child tax care gets a bump. >> until they add to the figure, i won't support the bill. >> president trump insists all is still good as he's delivering what he calls a christmas people to the american people despite rubio's reservations. >> i think that senator rubio will be there. >> the other potential roadblock, john mccain is unable to vote at the moment. he's hospitalized after being diagnosed with brain cancer. the final plan preserves deductions for student loans and medical expenses and doubled the standard deduction. but the hit for residents in high cap states it caps it at $10,000. republicans say they make up for the changes by lowering the income tax rate at every level. >> tax cut for the rich. that's their purpose. it's a monumental con job. >> senate republicans can only afford to lose two of their own. at least a couple of other gopers besides senator rubio haven't committed to voting it. how close? mike pence has delayed his trip so he can be in the senate if he needs to deliver that 51st vote for republicans. anne-marie? >> brook silva-braga here in new york. thank you so much, brook. ahead on "cbs this morning," jaurn journal bob woodward on his ideas on tax reform. the internet isn't going to change as critics content. bianna golodryga explains. >> reporter: think of net neutrality like the lines at airport security. there's the main line that's free but typically long. there's the tsa line that's shorter. there's the clear line where there's no line and an agent walks you over to be screened right away. net neutrality has created a chaotic internet similar to an airport with only one line. comcast, verizon, and at&t stand to gain the most by being able to charge more and offer less. those hurt, startups and consumers, especially those in rural areas with fewer internet providers. >> they said consumers will likely see little change in pricing. if, in fact, they do raise rates, the fcc is mandating they disclose that to consumers. the net neutrality appeal won't go into effect for a few months and in the meantime many consumer groups are already threatening lawsuits. bianna golodryga, cbs news, new york. president trump phoned russian president vladimir putin. they talked after putin's annual news conference yesterday. he thanked the president for his strong economic performance. the two leaders also discussed north korea and u.s./russia relations. a suspect accused of driving a car through a protest in charlottesville now faces first-degree murder charges. james alex fields appeared in court yesterday. prosecutors amended the second-degree murder charges they originally filed. they say he drove his car into a group of protesters in august killing one woman and injuring dozens more. and the grand jury investigating the fraternity culture at penn state university is expected to release its report today. the grand jury investigation was triggered by timothy piazza about ten years ago. he was served 18 drinks within 82 minutes at a pledge party. he fell down the steps, was knocked out due to injuries and the fraternity didn't call for help for nearly ten hours. russell simmons denies the claims against him. he defends himself and says says #notme. >> two women claim he raped them, a another said he forced acts on her. simmons said it was consensual. a firefighter died in the fire in los angeles. the so-called thomas fire covered a thousand miles. he leaves behind a wife and two daughters. towns to the west and along the coast remain at particular risk. some schools remain closed, and roads shut. the force has returned to the box office. "star wars: the last jedi" opened in north american theaters last night. diehard "star wars" fans lined up for hours from coast to coast. screenings of the eighth installment of the "star wars" saga sold out weeks ago. >> it was fun to get dressed up and come out with like-minded people. >> a wedding ring shaped like a lightsaber. >> they beamed up a copy to the space station so the astronauts on board don't miss out on the action. i'll wait till the lines simmer down, i think. coming up, more actors accuse dustin hoffman of sexual misconduct. and astronauts find a hot spot, a solar system just like ours. this is the "cbs morning news." using two multi-surface brushes and power-lifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. daily dirt doesn't stand a chance. you and roomba from irobot. better together. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. outer layer of your enamel tooth surface. white, the thing that's really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend pronamel strong and bright. it helps to strengthen and re-harden the enamel. it also has stain lifting action. it's going to give their patients the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. ♪ psoriatic arthritis tries to get in my way? ♪ watch me. ♪ i've tried lots of things for my joint pain. now? watch me. ♪ think i'd give up showing these guys how it's done? please. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are changing the way they fight it... they're moving forward with cosentyx®. it's a different kind of targeted biologic. it's proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. don't use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. or if you have received a vaccine, or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. with less joint pain, watch me. for less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. a scary scene yesterday morning on the new york city subway. a man was spotted lying unconscious on the tracks as the train approached the station in brooklyn. commuters waved frantically to get the train to stop, which it did. the man was revived and taken to the hospital. he is in serious condition, being treated for head wounds. nasa has discovered a copycat and new allegations against an oscar-winning actor. "variety" reports more women are accusing dustin hoffman of sexual misconduct. a playwright says he exposed himself in a hotel room when she was just 16 years old. another said the actor groped her in 1985 when she was 17. he called the new accusations defamatory falsehoods. congressman blake farenthold announced he won't face re-election in light of new accusations. the texas republican denied wrongdoing in the case of a former aide who claimed that she was sexually harassed, but he apologized for the way he's acted in his congressional office. >> i allowed the personal stress of the job to manifest itself in angry outbursts and too often a failure to treat people with respect that they deserved. that was wrong. >> farenthold's decision comes as they reopened the investigation into the former aide's allegation. new york's "newsday" says a long island woman is accused of laundering money to support isis. the pakistani/u.s. born citizen frauded the banks. she wired money overseas to help isis. authorities also say she tried to leave the u.s. and travel to syria to join isis. california's orange county "register" reports procter & gamble and kellogg have dropped their support. larry nassar plead guilty. more than 140 gymnasts and young athletes included u.s. olympians have accused nassar of sexual assault. gymnastic officials are accused of creating a culture of abuse that created nassar. the ""detroit free press"" reports the tallest skyscraper is being built. it's a 9-9-9 foot building. it will include a tower and observation deck as well as office and retail space. it will taken four years to complete. and the "los angeles times" reports scientists have found a miniature version of our solar system with eight planets and a sun-like star. they used their telescope using google's software. they found the eighth planet. >> the eighth planet discovered around the kepler 90 star. this makes it the first star to host as many planets as our own solar system. >> like earth, it's the third from its sun, but it's much closer, orbiting in 13 days. coming up, signing off for good. it officially shuts down today. every symptom. name one. how 'bout 9? sore throat, cough, even... yea--i can read, you know. we're done here. ahhh! boogers to betsy! mucinex fast-max. 9 symptoms. 1 dose. max strength. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. and for kid's multi-symptom relief, try #1 recommended children's mucinex. take a moment. to unwrap, and unwind... with lindor. a hard chocolate shell, with a smooth, melting, center. crafted by the lindt master chocolatiers. whenever. wherever. lindor, from lindt. life's too short for ordinary chocolate. but he hasoke up wwork to so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. on the "cbs moneywatch," the end of an era for a messaging system, and why you're spending more this year on holiday gifts. wendy gillette is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, wendy. >> hey, good morning, anne-marie. investors will be watching as a report on production from the federal reserve. they fear support for the gop tax reform bill was faltering sent stocks lower. the dow jones industrial lost 76 points. the s&p 500 finished the day at 10 points lower and the nasdaq composite was down 19. stock for the drug company teva has dropped. the company has 7,000 positions in the u.s. which are expected to be significantly affected. the job cuts will occur over the next two years. teva's bottom line has been hit by the expiration of patents for a multiple sclerosis. the chat app is ending a 20-year run. all personal data associated will be deleted today. nothing will be transferred. that including those buddy lists. in the time before smartphones, it was a pioneer in chatting. first data says overall spending excluding gas rose 6%. last year it was 3.7%. cooler weather, higher consumer confidence, and lower unemployment spurred spending. e-commerce sales growth continued to outpace brick and mortar growth at 10.5%. today is free shipping day. it's when many retailers waive shipping fees on all orders big or small and guarantee delivery by christmas eve. this is the tenth anniversary. hundreds of retailers are participating. anne-marie, a very good time for you to get ready for the holidays. i bet you're not ready, right? >> you talk like you know me. yes, that's true. i'm always paying the expensive shipping fees. thank you, thank you. my mother appreciates you nagging me a bit. >> take advantage. >> wendy gillette at the new york stock exchange. thanks a lot, wendy. >> sure. still ahead, navigating the office party. tips on how to behave with your co-workers as the country grapples with a sexual harassment crisis. (grunts of effort) can we do this tomorrow? if you have heart failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. but entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest heart failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ when can we do this again, grandpa? well, how about tomorrow? ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock ♪ president trump and first lady melania are getting into the christmas spirit. the white house released the couple's official christmas portrait, and mr. and mrs. trump are seen holding hands in the doorway of cross hall in the white house. the photo was taken on december 5th. looks festive. people across the country are getting into the christmas spirit, and some of them maybe a little bit too much at holiday parties. many are concerned about proper behavior. nikki battiste reports. >> reporter: 'tis the season for office holiday parties and how to behave is weighing on many people's minds. we asked for answers at the work party hot spot in hill country in new york. >> how much to drink. i would say in this one, a couple of glasses of wine or champagne to celebrate. >> reporter: and when it comes to attire, what's acceptable? >> stick to the dress code typically you would at work. >> reporter: she looked at potential party dresses and saying making more conservative choices is probably best. >> how much skin is okay to show? >> if you have to question if it's too much skin, the answer is yes. >> of the four dresses, what would you recommend? >> definitely the red. it's classic, festive, fun. it's form fitting but not too tight. it doesn't show cleavage. >> reporter: with sexual harassment in the forefront, phil labeouf wonders about co-workers. >> if you do lean in for a kiss, remember it's called a cheek kiss, but technically it's an air kiss because you don't want your lips touching someone's sken. lean forward and right cheek to right cheek. >> she suggests you keep conversations light and don't get too personal. >> sounds like some pretty good advice. well, coming up on "cbs this morning," greg clark, the ceo of cyber security company symantec has a look at the future of cyber crime. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." frida is a work appof art. the arts. when it's time to eat, frida enjoys the culinary-inspired taste of meow mix bistro recipes. made with real chicken, salmon or tuna. it's the only one cats ask for by name. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. pain from chest congestion can make this... when you have a cold, ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. introducing megared advanced triple absorption it supports your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. and is absorbed by your body three times better. so one megared has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption our top stories this morning. the latest installment of the "star wars" saga opened in north american theaters last night. diehard fans lined up for hours to see the movie. tickets sold out weeks ago. the film to the space station so the astronauts on board won't miss out on all the action. republican lawmakers unveil their tax bill today. they hope to vote on it by next week, but support in the senate is wavering. senator marco rubio said he'll vote against the measure unless a more generous child tax credit is included. u.n. ambassador nikki haley accused iran yesterday of violating security council resolutions by arming yemen. >> it landed a mile and a half from the main terminal of riyadh international airport. it's now in an aircraft hanger at the intelligence agency where it provided a backdrop for u.n. ambassador nikki haley of a new hard line against iran. >> we do not often declassify military equipment from attacks. we did this for a single urgent purpose because the iranian regime cannot be allowed to engage in its lawless behavior any longer. >> reporter: according to reports it was shipped in violation of the security resolutions. it bears the initials of the iranian firm that manufactured it and it has nine fueling valves, a trademark. >> the missile's intended target was a civil airport in riyadh in which tens of thousands of passengers travel each day. >> reporter: the evidence on display was convincing. parts of a suicide boat to the one identical in this attack included electronics bore the stamp of a company and camera of photos taken at the factory shows a revolutionary guard hat in the background. she did not say what they plan to do about it. beyond exposing iran in what she called an arsonist fanning the flames of conflict in the middle east. david martin, cbs news, the pentagon. on "cbs this morning," a new scanning system is being tested by federal authorities today. it's designed to spot hidden explosives like suicide vests in a mass transit environment. kris van cleave has detailed. plus greg clark, the ceo of cyber anytime security company symantec looks at the future of cyber crime. these are what's going to appear on a menu in a top copenhagen restaurant. coming up on "cbs this morning," i'll be in the kitchen with the woman who inspired the man behind this restaurant. that's the "cbs morning news" for this friday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day and a great weekend. -- captions by vitac -- >> live from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news " this morning. >> really cold? >> you got to bundle up. >> well the cold continues, and for the third time this week we could get another shot of snow. katie is tracking the timing of our latest rounds of winter weather, and which part of the region could see the most accumulation. also ahead, crash sends a philadelphia police officer to the hospital with minor injuries overnight. and we'll also have this. >> republicans are confident about passing their tax bill. but they may have a new challenge. i'm weijia jiang on capitol hill with who is planning to vote no. >> well, today is friday, december 15th, tgif everyone, good morning, i'm jim donovan. >> alleluhia, and i'm rahel solomon. let's get a check of the roads with meisha and the forecast with katie. >> i ditto that,

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