Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20171124 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20171124

how they're plaguing the background check system. and more than 1 million americans are expected to shop on this black friday. we'll ask "consumer reports" about the best tech deals in stores and online. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. former national security adviser michael flynn may be ready to cooperate with the probe. >> flynn's lawyers cut ties with trump's legal team. >> he said the news likely means flynn took a plea deal with special counsel robert mueller. senator al franken is making another apology. the navy has called off the search for three sailors who went missing in the philippines sea when their plane crashed. >> time is running out for a missing arjgentine submarine. >> a burst of sound was located near the location. >> the massive shopping spree >> soggy thanksgiving for northern washington state. the skagit river flooded. >> i looked out the door and go, oh, crap. >> the thanksgiving day parade went smoothly except for the large candy cane balloon. >> oh, my gosh. >> all that -- >> the new top dog getting top show. >> he's being called a celebrity look-a-li look-a-like. >> -- and all that matters. >> mr. trump took time to call out the navy overseas. >> he took time to make sandwiches. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> looking for a block. touchdown. minnesota. >> check this out. sitting down for a little thanksgiving dinner. >> don't forget the turkey, and the gravy. >> get the turkey, get the turkey in there. >> please pass the mashed potato potatoes. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. >> players have to have the turkey, man. they need their protein before a game like that. welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm bianna golodryga with tony dokoupil and vladier duthiers of cbsn. both norah o'donnell and gayle king are off. hope you had a nice thanksgiving. >> you too. lawyers for president trump and former national security adviser michael flynn are no longer sharing information. >> an attorney for the retired three-star general told the president's legal team on wednesday that they cannot discuss the investigation any further. one of the president's lawyers tells cbs news flynn may be arranging a plea deal. >> and other observers suggest flynn is turning against mr. trump. errol barnett is in palm beach, florida, where the president is spending the weekend. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. michael flynn is a looking at. >> general flynn is a wonderful man. i think he's been treated very, very unfairly by the media. >> reporter: despite the president's praising, cbs news has learned mr. trump's legal team has been expecting either an indictment of michael flynn or his son or a plea deal involving both stemming from special counsel robert mueller. >> mike flynn is a fine person and i asked for his resignation. >> reporter: trump fired flynn three weeks after being becoming president after reports surfaced he misled the vice president about his ties with russia. >> reporter: he told the president's legal team on wednesday no communications would or could occur regarding mr. flynn. mr. trump's attorney jay sekulow said it likely means flynn took a plea deal. he told cbs news if it is a plea, that doesn't necessarily mean it has anything to do with the president. flynn and flynn jr. replied with no comment. on thanksgiving near his florida club president trump handed out dinner with first lady melania trump. he used the press to brag about his administration's accomplishments. >> the stockmarket on friday hit the all-time high, the highest it's ever been. >> the president praised the coast guard at that event. he said something to the effect no other brand has gone up more than the coast guard for what happened there in texas. bianna? >> no response from the president regarding flynn. thank you. senator al franken issued an additional apology. four women accused the democratic senator of inappropriate contact. four say he kissed and groped them. >> he said in part, i'm a warm person. i've hugged people. i've learned from recent stories for some of those encounters i crossed the line for some women and i know that any number is too many. i know i made some william feel bad and for that i'm sorry. there are concerns it may have plunged off the continental shelf. the international agency said they heard a blast and fear it may have plunged off the shelf. adriana diaz has more. good morning. >> good morning. on thursday an organization said it picked up the sound just hours after the submarine's disappearance last week. the argentinian navy is not saying what made the noise but is now searching the area it came from. it's near the spot where the continental floor drops off and the ocean floor falls to depth of almost 10,000 feet. >> they're heartbroken and angry over the news of the apparent explosion. they're waiting for confirmation from the navy, but many now fear the worst. this underwater listening station installed in june is one of two that picked up the unexpected sound. the international organization that monitors the station is now taking a closer look at its data to help search crews hone in on where that sound came from. the san juan was midway through a ten-day trip from the tip of argentina to the site of buenos aires when it lost contact. its captain reported battery failure. its last known position is near the edge of the continental shelf where the ocean's depth drops 10,000 feet and the pressure from the water. the submarine would not be able to withstand the pressure. >> experts say the collapse of the hull could have caused the noise. >> if that were the case, that would obviously involve the depth of a cr death of a crew and the loss of a submarine. the u.s. naval institute says the ships now heading to that area will be using sonar and other technology to map out the ocean floor. they say even if they find it intact, they fear there was only a week's worth of oxygen to sustain the crew and that time has passed. vlad? >> adriana, thank you very much. the u.s. navy called off the search this morning for three sailors missing in the western pacific. they were in a cargo plane on wednesday trying to reach an american aircraft carrier south of japan. ben tracy is following the story from beijing. ben, good morning. >> good morning. they're notifying the families of these lost sailors. in all there were 11 members of the navy that were aboard a c-2 cargo plane known as the greyhound when it crashed into the philippines sea 75 miles southeast of okinawa, japan. eight of the sailors were quickly rescued. the plane was on a routine run out to the "uss ronald reagan" aircraft carrier, which was participating in joint naval exercises with the japanese forces at the time. during the two-day search, eight ships carried nearly 1,000 square nautical miles searching for the missing sailor, but they were not found. these three deaths add to 17 other members of the navy's seventh fleet who were in involved in collisions of the uss fitzgerald and the uss mccain earlier this year. they have acknowledged the high tempo of the operations in the pacific has led to reduced safety margins. tony? >> ben tracy in beijing. t ben, thank you very much. a police detective sean suiter was gunned down in a shot. he was shot the day before he was to test in a high-profile corruption case involving other police officers. kris, good morning. >> good morning. police believe he was the victim of a random attack, but after nine days and a citywide manhunt, they have yet to name a suspect and the lack of developments has heightened interest in suit 'eers baltimore grand jury >> it's unintelabligible right w but he was clearly in distress. >> signs of a struggle were found on suiter's clothing and he was shot in the head at close range with his own weapon. another investigation shows he was shot the day before he was supposed to testify in a racketeering case involved the gun trace task force. they're charged with stealing money, property, and narcotics from civilians over a two-year period. >> though i understand the wild possibilities this go through people's minds when we all want answers, i just an determined to keep following the evidence. there's nothing that we won't considered. >> the main witness to suiter's murder is his partner. he told police suiter approached a man acting suspicious. investigators say video shows his partner took cover after the gunfire. >> we don't know where the shots came from. >> reporter: it spawned a citywide manhunt that put baltimore on lockdown. at the scene of residents offer prayer. >> the reward stands at $315,000. the funeral for the father of five is scheduled for next wednesday. thank you very much. cat hair helped investigators find a suspect who mailed explosive packages to former president barack obama and texas governor greg abbott. julia poff from texas faces multiple charges. investigators say cat hairs found inside the box mailed to president obama matched her cat. governor abbott opened her package. it did not explode because he did not open it correctly. if he had, it could have caused severe burns or death. uber faces more trouble this morning. uber's new o reportedly knew about the hack of driver and rider data a for two months before revealing it this week. it was exposed in october 2016. uber paid the hackers $100,000 to delete the stolen data, but it's unclear in if they dade. we reached out to uber for a statement, and have yet to hear back. cbs news financial contributor mellody hobson is in san francisco with that and more. mellody, good morning to you. hope you had a nice thanksgiving. >> good morning. >> how big of a setback is this for uber? >> you know the saying, it's not the crime. it's the cover ju. i would call this a setback, another of a series of setbacks. it's one that they're going to have to dig themselves out of this hole and it's going to take a while. >> you know, mellody, uber waited nearly two months before releasing it this to the public. there arishes with travis kalanick. what do you say this early. >> i'm going to take him at his word. he said he learned two weeks after -- or it's been reported he learned two weeks after he join of this breach and he needed time to figure out exactly what it was. the issue is, however, they have an investor coming in, softbank, that they alerted two weeks before they alerted the public. so they'll have to square that circle for people to understand how the investor got to know at least they were having an investigation, not the outcome of the investigation two weeks earlier. >> mellody, uber has 57 million customer profiles affected in this hack. they're telling customers they don't need to be concerned, the information hasn't been used. give us a reality check. should they be worried? >> i think this is a world where you have to worry about it everywhere. in this case it was names, e-mail addresses for most people. mobile phone numbers and driver's licenses for about 600 drivers. you want to make sure you look at your report annually, that you're actually reading your bank and credit card statements and protecting your passwords. these are going to be table stakes for showing up because of the amount of data moving around. >> mellody, this applies not only to uber but everybody who's going shopping online and who has data in many cases on their phone, correct? >> that's right. you want to make sure you avoid public wi-fi, sur cure sites and protect those passwords. >> mellody hobson. thank you very much. an estimated 150 million americans plan to shop in stores and online. customers will find deep discounts today on televisions, tablets, and appliances. our michelle miller is at a best buy where some deals were sold out before the doors even opened last night. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: that is so true, vlad. good morning. well, this got stocked, restocked, and it's ready to go this morning for the next round of black friday shoppers. when they walk in here this morning in about an hour. now, when this thanksgiving weekend is all said and done, it's estimated that nearly 70% of americans will either walk in and have shopped in stores or online. with the holiday shopping season in full swing, millions are on the hunt today for the best bargain. you missed turkey day. >> yep. >> for what? >> a tv. >> vanessa and rachael began waiting in line at this new jersey best buy wednesday night. >> reporter: is that a deal in. >> yeah. >> reporter: you saved $320 on each one. >> reporter: together they saved $640. that's about $35 for every hour they spent waiting in line. >> there are high hopes for this holiday season. >> reporter: sherese jones is a national business correspondent for "usa today." what can we expect with retail fridays? black friday, consumer confidence, gangbusters? what are we expecting? >> unemployment has dropped. >> reporter: in 2015 this was black friday at a walmart in northeast el paso, texas. the days of brawling over tvs may be numbered as many shop online. amazon alone is expected to take half of the holiday season's growth. by thanksgiving night consumers had already spent $1.5 billion online. that's up 17% from last year. toys "r" us, which declared bankruptcy earlier this year is trying to keep up. >> the holiday season is extraordinarily important. >> executive vice president richard berry said they started planning for this black friday more than a year ago. >> we have massive stores that are able to bring brands and products to life. you can't do that online. >> reporter: another boost is expect for small businesses and the every popular online retail of cyber monday. bianna in. >> you know what? i'm just so happy we didn't see fights in that piece. you know, usually you start out after the thanksgiving holiday people beating each other upful we didn't see that. so people are shopping respectfully, at least this morning. thanks. they're helping to put guns in the hands of potentially dangerous people. >> there are thousands, tells of thousands, maybe even more prohibited abusers who are not in the system and who are out there buying guns and endangering lives. >> we'll look at the apparent breakdown and how those systems ten miles off the coast of scotland is an island where the world comes to a standstill. ahead, 60 minutes takes us to the remote area just three miles wide and six miles long that serves as an escape from everyday life. we'll preview sunday's report. >> not a bad assignment. you're watching "cbs this morning." i'm and i'm an emt.erer when i get a migraine at work, it's debilitating. if i call out with a migraine, that's one less ambulance to serve a community. i just don't want to let these people down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. from the moment you met you wantecomfort and protection that's 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bullseye, robots here! i feel very proud of what i bring to the screen. i have the greatest job in the world. whoamike and jen doyle?than i thought. yeah. time for medicare, huh. i have no idea how we're going to get through this. follow me. choosing a plan can be super-complicated. but it doesn't have to be. unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. well that wasn't so bad at all. that's how we like it. aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. us lives here. where we can be surprised by others. and ourselves. for a better us, donate to your local y today. feel the power of thenew power...smax. fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. ayep, and my teeth are yellow.? time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. and they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon, it is "black friday," holiday shop remembers getting early start throughout the region. toys are always a hot commodity on "black friday," shoppers? south jersey rush out to this toys "r" us store in cherry hill there is particular store has been open since 5:00 p.m. thanksgiving it, will stay open until 11:00 p.m. tonight. happy shopping. >> we check in naught with meteorologist, matt peterson. chilly yesterday, but looks like little warmer today. >> we, are going to get little warm they are afternoon if you're up early though and getting the early morning deals. it is a cold start to things here on the "black friday," outside in the lehigh valley, to show this picture, looks wonderful. 23 degrees, though, on the neighborhood network. looking at some 30's in philly , 32 degrees, but lots of 20's, across in the surrounding area, rahel, and here is the "black friday" forecast, we will be in the 30 's this morning, up to about 49 degrees, by lunchtime, and we will top it outright around 52 this afternoon. >> platt mat, thank you. live look now at i95 at al gain which tail light going southbound toward the city, volume looking light, it is in fact the holiday, delaware county aston township, water main break. you can take pan coast between sport road and concord avenue. gloucester county, win owe a, the drum stuck and turkey trot take place 9:00 a.m. to 11:00. next on cbs this morning, would be killer falls through the cracks of national data bees, for people who w the portuguese pore tengo pequeno, a name larger than the dog. >> i once asked a guy how many minutes are spent. he said all of it. >> the brushless car wash. there it is. >> you've got to love it. commentators had a little fun describing the dogs at the 2017 national dog show. 2,000 dogs competed for the title best in show. >> there you go, folks. this is the first time a brussels griffon has won in 15 years. fans of newton love. he looks like a little chewie. knnewton love. it takes a lot of work. hard enough to groom my 5-year-old. congratulations newton love. president trump says he tries to make sure military equipment the u.s. sells to other countries is not as good as the gear for american troops. during a thanksgiving visit in florida, the president told coast guard members, quote, i always say make ours a little bit better. keep about 10% in the bag. the president also pointed to his efforts to strengthen the military and record-high stock prices. and cuba and north korea are uniting to reject what they call unilateral and arbitrary demands for the u.s. the foreign ministers met in havana on wednesday. they called for respect for people's sovereignty, and the peaceful settlement of disputes. north korea is searching for support as it faces global pressure to halt its nuclear weapon and missile program. and millions of shoppers are finding black friday deals on their phones instead of stores. they ee attracted by mobile shopping sites. amazon says more than half of its shoppers used mobile devices to access its site. today is expected to be the biggest spending period of the year, even bigger than cyber monday. potentially thousands of people who shot nould have guns are able to buy them because of an apparent failure of federal recordkeeping. attorney general jeff sessions ordered a national criminal background check system known as nics. paula reid shows us how that could be just a single case of many that have fallen through the cracks. paula, good morning. >> good morning. the nics system relies on the military to accurately report criminal information. but for years they've failed to upload these critical documents for failure of facing federal law. >> it just brings everything back emotionally for me. >> reporter: jim's 6-year-old daughter makayla was killed on thanksgiving eight years ago when a family member went on a shooting rampage after dinner. three others were also killed. they discovered the shooter paul michael merhige had been involuntarily committed to a mental institution three times. that should have kept him from passing a federal background check. >> it's ridiculous that someone can have all of that history, mental and legal and still the state will give them a conciliatory and the feds will sell him as many guns as he wants. >> it appears this is not an isolated event. >> reporter: texas senator john cornyn said it was clear that the shooter, devin kelley, should have been barred from getting a weapon. >> we need to fix this broken balk ground check system. >> kelley was court-martialed during his time in the air force and then charged with abuse against his wife and sochblt as of december 2016 there is just one person entered by the military as committing abuse against their spouse. about half of all states also report few or no abuse convictions or restraining orders. the fbi tells us the records may reside in the other two databases, however, the fbi did not make those numbers available to cbs news. >> there's no question if the data is not in the system, people are going to die and they do die. >> kim gandy leads the national network to end violence. >> this is not just a few people slipping through the cracks. this is a systemic problem. >> yes. there are thousands, tens of thousands, maybe more prohibited abusers not in the system who are out there buying guns and endangering lives. >> in 2016 more than 9,000 people faced domestic assault convictions andover 120,000 people were die night in all. >> the nics system works when the data is there. when the data doesn't go into the system, it can't work. >> the lists should inklis those committing any femmeny, being adjudicated for any mental illness or drugs. they admitted he should have been put in the system sis he was adjudicated a mental defective. the national rifle association has estimated 7 million offenders are not in the system. the group supports better enforcement of reporting requirements. the fbi told cbs news, nics relies upon its local, state, and federal partners in authorizing data and information. they told us there is no national standard or funding to ensure all local agencies contribute to a national instant check database. for jim sitton, he says lives like his young daughter's will be lost if nothing is done. >> well, you're going to spend the money one way or the other. you're either going to hire the manpower to enforce the laws on the books or you're going to buy body bags. >> reporter: attorney general jeff sessions is going to ask the fbi to detail in a report how many times they actually investigate and prosecute those lying on their gun applications. it could deter some of these purchases. >> so paula, will this comprehensive review by the justice department make a difference? >> it's a step in the right direction. local law enforcement officials tell me it's a local law enforcement issue because every state has its own criteria, who they report, what they report, and how long the fed keeps the state records. i'm told if you want to fix what's wrong with the background check system, you're going to need to change the laws and come up with a lot of money to help them provide the information. >> all right. to be continued. >> a step in the right direction. thank you. oscar pistorius will be spending more time in prison in south africa. the supreme court more than doubled his sentence to 13 years and five months. miss tore ya shot and killed his girlfriend reeva steenkamp at his home on valentine's day in 2013. he fired through a bathroom door, claiming he mistook her for an intruder. he was initially sentenced for six years. prosecutors said that was too lenient and appealed. ahead, in a preview of "60 minutes," steve kroft visits the majestic isle of haig. you can see it all on cbs's ipodcast. you can get that through apple's itunes and ipodcasts. you're watching "cbs this morning." this is your holiday future. 4k cameras, video games, useless without a new computer. all i see is darkness. give intel 8th gen core to power all the latest tech. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. introducing megared advanced triple absorption it supports your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. and is absorbed by your body three times better. so one megared has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the all new 2018 camry. toyota. let's go places. paincan make this...ld, ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. enamouttooth surface.urhite, the thing that's really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth 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the north atlantic. it's an ungroomed masterpiece of nature too wild to tame, a craigie isle of incredible beauty populated mostly by shape and the dogs that keep track of them. the people do their best to stay clear while taking everything in. >> reporter: so what's your average day like? >> some people would say very easy. u like to think i just make the hard work look easy. it all depends on your outlook. >> reporter: charlie gallie is the taxi triefber on eigg and the only transportation up and down the island's main artery. it's a niche he claimed for himself when he arrived with his wife and aging volvo four years ago. plenty of time to get a feel for the place. >> reporter: do you know everybody on the island? >> i know them and their shoe sizes. like i say, there's no secret on the island. >> what are they talking about this week? >> mainly you. >> you can see steve kroft's full report on sunday night on "60 minutes" on cbs. >> forget the full report. i wul to go to the island. >> do you want people in your business. >> you haven't honeymooned yet. >> if you're watch, what's your shoe size. up next, a look at this morning's other headlines, including why people are quitting their desk jobs to become farm >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by kohl's. give joy, get joy. even our biggest brands - all week long! the more you shop the more kohl's cash you'll get - no limit! so when you give joy, you get joy! all this week - only at kohl's. here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. i was wondering if an electric toothbrusthan a manual.s better and my hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for 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see. learn more at welcome back to "cbs this morning." here's a look at this morning's headlines from around the globe. the "chicago tribune" reports several states are preparing to shut down the children's health insurance program unless congress acts. lawmakers missed the deadline to extend the $1$15 billion progra. five states, california, minnesota, ohio, and oregon and the district of columbia could run out of money by the end of the year. the "los angeles times" reports beverly hills police are investigating 12 hollywood sexual assault allegations. beverly hills declined to provide specifics. the los angeles police department has 28 open ggs related to hollywood figures. they inclear harvey weinstein and ed westwick. columnist thomas freeman says saudi arabia is having its arab spring at last. he plans major reform including anti-corruption drive he began this month. many saudi businessmen were arre arrested. britain's "independent" reports pollution from lights is surging at an alarming light. nasa shows nighttime lights on earth. from 2012 to 2016, the surface that is artificially lit grew by 19%. they say it could impact our sleep and also affect animals. "washington post" report as growing number of americans are leerning their desks to become farmers. farmers age 25 to 34 grew. it's only the second time in the last century that farmers under 35 have increased in number. 69% of these young farmers have college degrees. the majority did not, did not grow up in agricultural families. >> this is what you were -- >> yeah. i almost went to costa rica to surf and farm. all right. an american military pilot was murdered and his wife left the country. ahead, his brother takes to a search on brazil to search for the killer and have her sent back to the u.s. you're watching "cbs this morning." paying less for my medicare? i'm open to that. lower premiums? extra benefits? it's open enrollment. time to open the laptop... ...and compare medicare health plans. why? because plans change, so can your health needs. so, be open-minded. look at everything-like prescription drug plans... and medicare advantage plans from private insurers. use the tools at or call 1-800-medicare. open to something better? start today. ♪ whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums you've got to get in i know what a bath is smile honey this thing is like... first kid ready here we go by their second kid, every parent is an expert and... ...more likely to choose luvs, than first time parents. live, learn and get luvs (hard exhalation) honey? can we do this tomorrow? (grunts of effort) can we do this tomorrow? if you have heart failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. but entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest heart failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ when can we do this again, grandpa? well, how about tomorrow? ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. >> good morning, i'm jan carabeo. fire officials are trying to figure out what caused an early morning fire, in west oaklane. flames broke out at a home on the 1300 block of east price street, just past midnight. heavy smoke and fire burned through the roof there of that home. fire crews were able to get this fire under control, fortunately, no one was hurt. >> now, with meet over orologies, matt peterson. >> good morning, waking to up cold temperatures across the delaware vale, if you're getting out early to get the deals be sure to have the winter coats. now we look for mixed bag this weekend, colds front sweeps through. it will be warming up next week, as i say, chilly across the delaware valley, 20's, 30 's, hats, gloves, and scarfs , not so much going on in the winds department, relatively quiet, and as we get a look at the day planner for the rest of the afternoon climbing all the way to 52 degrees, jan, relatively seasonable and sunny day. >> not too shabby. thank you, matt, looking at the roads now there is was accident on i-95, northbound at i676, central philadelphia. the left lane was blocked, for a time, with crews on the scene, it is now all clear. the septa regional rail lines at jefferson may experience delays to up 20 minute today due to medical emergency, police activity at jefferson station. do plan ahead if you're headed to that area. our next update 8:25, coming up on cbs this morning, how you can make sure you're getting the best deals while you shop the holidays. it's friday, november 24th, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." it is a huge day for holiday shoppers. ahead, "consumer reports" share the best tech deals online and in stores, plus a look at the new holiday movies that may attract the biggest crowds and win the most awards, but first here's today's "eye opener" at 8:00. lawyers for president trump and former national security adviser michael flynn are no longer sharing information. >> reporter: he's a central figure in the investigation. this latest development could be a sign that flynn is now cooperating. >> even if they find the submarine intact, the argentine navy believes there was only week's worth of oxygen on there. >> they're now notifying the family os the lost sailors. >> how big of a setback is it for uber? >> you know the old saying. it's not the crime, but the coverup. another reputation al hit. they're going to have to dig themselves out of this hole and it's going to take a while. >> it's estimated 70% of americans will have either shopped in stores or online. >> stafford in trouble and brought down from behind. that's griffin. >> this thanksgiving is extra special. defensive end emerson griffin lifted hiss jersey to reveal a handwritten message reading, i just had a baby boy. >> we had no idea. i've got three boys now. oh, my goodness. >> reporter: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by blue buffalo. >> i'm vladimir duthiers joined by bianna golodryga and tony dokoupil. norah and gayle are off. michael flynn could be working on a deal with special counsel robert mueller. cbs news learns that flynn's legal team said the investigation will be cut off. >> president trump's attorney said it's probably a plea deal. that doesn't mean it had anything to do with the attorney. flynn's attorney had no comment. president trump spent time in south florida before he and congress start a big push to finish the year on a high note. errol barnett is traveling with the president, and he's in palm beach, florida. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president trump is spending part of his thanksgiving day weekend working including a talk with president erdogan. he'll come back to a busy week ads he wraps up this year's term in office. one of the big issues is avoiding a government shutdown by december 6 and he wants the tax reform completed by year end. he seemed to hint at future plans, writing, quote, obamacare is owned by the democrats and it is a disaster. we will repeal and replace right after tax cuts. now, what's interesting is we know president trump will play golf at least one time this weekend, he confirmed it for the first time only twitter this morning, saying he play golf quickly with tiger woods and dustin johnson before he get bass tock work. vlad? >> thank you very much. president trump and the first lady spent thanksgiving dinner by meeting with the navy's coast guard. >> i think there's no brand -- of any kind, not just the military brand, that's gone up more than the coast guard. incredible people. you even done an incredible job. >> reporter: earlier he made a video call to troops overseas. he praised his leadership while criticizing previous administrations for their policies in afghanistan and iraq. >> reporter: this morning the u.s. navy ended the search for three missing sailors in the pacific. they were on a cargo plane. eight others were rescued. they were on their way to an aircraft carrier "uss ronald reagan" participating in runs with the japanese navy. they searched 1,000 square miles but did not find the sailors. the uss fitzgerald was towed today from its port in japan. it's meeting a transport vessel that will take it to a mississippi shipyard for repairs. the fitzgerald collided with a merchant ship off the coast of japan in june. you remember seven sayers were killed and another three were killed. two officers and another sailor were relieve of duty after the crash. actress uma thurman is adding her voice to those condemning harvey weinstein over sexual abuse allegations. thurman worked with the disgraced producer on several movies including "pulp fiction" and "kill bill" series. she said i was angry recently and i have a few reasons. #me too. happy thanksgiving, everyone, zpep you, harvey wean stein and all of you conspirators. i hope it goes slowly. you don't deserve a bullet. we have reached out to thurman and weinstein but have not yet heard back. many shoppers hope to snag a great deal on tvs this black friday. ahead, consumers reports breaks down the best bargains you can find this weekend. plus, whether >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by blue buffalo. you love your pets like family, so feed them like family with blue. the pursuit of justice in the murder of american a serviceman stretches thousands of miles from his ohio home. >> i'm erin moriarity of "48 hours." claudia flew here to her native country hours after her husband, a decorated military pilot was shot in their ohio home. why won't brazil hand her over. that story coming up on "cbs this morning." i'm and i'm an emt.erer when i get a migraine at work, it's debilitating. if i call out with a migraine, that's one less ambulance to serve a community. i just don't want to let these people down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. this is your holiday future. useless without a new computer. all i see is darkness. give intel 8th gen core to power all the latest tech. the ford year-end sales evente. is here. i can guide you in? no, thanks , santa, i got this. looks a little tight. perfect fit. santa needs an f-150. that's ford, america's best selling brand. hurry in today for 0% financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs! and just announced... get 0 % apr for 72 months plus $1000 cash back! take advantage of these exclusive holiday offers during the ford year end sales event. strength to outrun her brother. thanks for giving victor the energy to be the rowdiest fan. and joseph, the ability to see monsters. when you choose walgreens, you choose to make a difference... like how every vitamin and flu shot you get at walgreens helps give life-changing vitamins and vaccines... to children in need around the world and here at home. so, really... happy thanks for giving! walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. the family of a murdered military hero is embroiled in an international fight for justice. carol hoerig was killed in his ohio home in 2007. the family immediately suspected his wife claudia. she boarded a flight to her native brazil hours after her husband's death. they charged her with murder, but more than ten years later, his family is still seeking justice. erin more rayty of "48 hours" traveled to brazil to find out what it will take to bring claudia to trial. here's a preview. >> reporter: the way i've heard him described is as fearless. is it? >> yeah. >> reporter: carl herrkarl hoere of those all-american heroes. he flew over 200 combat missions from iraq to afghanistan. he had a loving family and a wide circle of loyal friends. >> what was it like to fly with karl? >> he was amazing. he was actually a very good pilot but a very good person. >> he was my best friend. >> even after you were divorced. >> oh, yeah. >> karl and his ex-wife had two children, brent and eva, and he was always close to his younger brother paul. in 2005 karl had met a brazilian woman named claudia. >> they were already planning to get married. i didn't know he had a girlfriend. the marriage was rocky from the start. two years later he was murdered in his own home, shot ontwice i the head, one at close range. >> i called him. >> what did he say? >> karl is dead. >> when she said it, i knew it was her. >> reporter: she boud a make numb revolver the weekend before and became the prime suspect but claudia was nowhere to be found. hours after he was shot she boarded a plane and flew to native brazil. she was now out of reach of ohio awe authorities because brazil won't extradite its citizens. >> she knew she would not get caught if she flew to brazil. >> we knew it wouldn't be easy. >> do you want to go to brazil? >> i'd love to go to brazil. >> we learn claudia had opened her own accounting business and got a new husband along the way. clearly the woman who was a fugitive from justice in the u.s. is not living like one here in brazil. >> it makes me mad to know she was living such a comfortable life and, you know, my brother's dead. >> the more he learns about his brother's accused killer makes paul hoerig even more determined to fight for her extradition. >> i'll do whatever i have to do for my brother. >> wow. what a story. erin is with us now. good morning. so claudia is a brazilian citizen and you say this case could be groundbreaking why? >> because this could be the very first time that a brazilian born citizen is actually extradited by brazil. here's why. she is a brazilian citizen, or because, but also became an american citizen in 1999 and part of that proo says, which i did not realize until i started working on this, you have to announce allegiance in the other states. all they've said is, wait a minute, she gave up her brazilian citizenship. she's brazilian ex-draw dieter. just this month the supreme court said we're doning we have stripped her of her citizenship. now it's up to the president. >> you, however, went to brazil. were you able to find claudia? >> oh, we found claudia. when you see our report, you'll see she's changed a great deal. she's trying to stay there. she wants to actually be tried in brazil because if you're tried for murder and convicted, you'll only get 30 years. believe this or not, after five years of prison you get to work out in the community. >> you went to br zale and found your woman. erin moriarty, that's amazing. thank you very much. >> you can see the full report at 10:00, 9:00 central tomorrow night on cbs. tens of millions of americans will do some holiday shopping this weekend to take advantage of bargains. ahead advice from "consumer reports" on how to make sure you get the best deals. plus does the new "star wars" movie have enough force? what do you think, vlad? >> the force is strong. >> a film critic will join us to break down the holiday's most anticipated films. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ ♪ there'that only uses 100% american oranges.and simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. only florida's natural grows all of our oranges in florida. great taste. naturally. itaveeno® skin relief. with oat oil and natural shea butter, it softens and smooths extra dry skin and lasts for 24 hours. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results® do i use that'sthat wgood for my teeth? .. now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. feel that tingle of a cold sore only abreva can heal it in as little as two and a half days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. get it? >> i haven't heard. >> this holiday season kicks off the biggest shopping season of the year. shay're expected to spend $680 billion this year. a third plan to spend their money on electronics and 66% plan to take advantage of deals. who wouldn't. we're joined with more. >> happy black friday. >> this is a fun job. you said consumers are interested in electronics, tvs in particular. we love lap i phones and laptops but tv gs are big. >> especially moving into super bowl weekend. our prices have really gone down. our lg model has the oled screen which has the highest pixels. a tv that costs $3,000 is now half-priced, $1,500 this weekend. here's the nice thing. it's at multiple retailers if you lined up and missed it. it should be available at multiple retailers today if you want the traditional door buster, best buy opened yesterday and had a sharp tv hadid very well in our ratings. that tv you're looking at there has smart tv, roku interface built in, $180. >> wow. you know, the resolution on these tvs, i think i might need more makeup. it's getting beyond the capacity. >> you're right. the resolution is great. but you look fine. >> thank you. $680 billion. how do i make sure i spend less? >> watch for impulse buying. if you have a budget, look online. use the app, the websites. try to get that smemding in line before you head out because it is so easy. the thing is 50% off, 75% off, why not get it for yourself, right? i've done so much shopping for myself in the last few days. it is the season of giving, so you might want to remind yourself of that too. >> does it really make a difference if you buy online or in the store and am i really going to lose out if i wait until sunday? >> no. so that is what has changed with black friday, right? it wasn't that long ago when you used to have to get up early for these door buster deals. that has changed largely because of online shopping. so if you didn't want to do it last night or today, most of these deals will be out there and a lot of people price match too. so if you saw something somewhere and you missed out or it was on a website you didn't click in time, get that price, take it to another website, retailer monday or tuesday, and chances are they'll match it. >> you tested products like the apple macbook and beats headphones. how did they fair? >> macbook always does well. apple products rarely go on sale. the apple store was offered gift cards. in this case best buy is givening $200 off. we always like the macbook. it's very, very thin. same with beats headphones. they rarely go on sale. they are $99, down from $150. the nice thing, lot os retailers have these. do a google search. >> we can visit your last one. >> come on out, we'd love to have you. >> elliott wiler, thank you, my friend. ahead, an item of clothing celebrated by both justin bieber and mark wahlberg is on the museum wall of art. >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon, "black friday" has kick off the holiday shopping season. shoppers in the philadelphia region have been out since early this morning, at the king of prussia mall. more than 400 stores opened up here at 6:00 a.m. macy ' was the only one that was open all night long. as well expect willing extremely busier day, busier than usual. now over to matt peterson, still, matt, little chilly out there. >> it is a little chilly. if you haven't gone outside just yet, maybe waited little bit, got little extra sleep, now thinking about stepping outside, get the "black friday " deals, get the winter coat out. because it is cool. wanted to show you burn ville in the neighborhood network, 29 degrees up in the poconos, frogs i scene on the grass, because, the temperatures are is he low, the further north you go, in the 20's, pretty much across the entire delaware valley, waking up to 28 degrees in wilmington, down toward the shore points, reduce some 30's in areas like wildwood, atlantic city but overall you definitely still need the hats and gloves and scarfs here early this morning , sunshine and 52 this afternoon, up to 57, so very mild saturday. and then, for the birds game sunday, 48 degrees. sunshine for us once again. then rahel we steadily warm up to near 60 for next week. >> thank you, matt. roosevelt boulevard headed near the schuylkill, headlights headed in the southbound direction towards the schuylkill, but very light traffic. also, same story goes for schuylkill at city avenue with taillights. all going westbound toward king of prussia. usually one of the major spot of the morning commute, but obviously not too many people on the road, chester county upper uekland township crews on scene on march street drive for vehicle fire that's smaller street, to avoid the area, if you can. and our next update at 8: 55, ahead on cbs this morning, the museum of art, dedicated do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ you know what you did wrong? >> i don't know what i did wrong. >> you did nothing wrong. we want to give you a turkey and say happy holidays. >> how are you? god bless you. do you need a turkey for thanksgiving? good to see you. >> have a nice gobble, gobble day. >> did you hear that driver? don't scare me like that. a florida sheriff personally delivered thousands of free turkeys to people across his county. good for him. sheriff scott israel pulled some people over before surprising them with a free bird. he also knocked on several doors. he said this is his way of thanking his community. >> thanking the community, also scaring them. >> giving a haerlteart attack o. >> good job. >> we'll take the bird. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" explains the psychology of why people stand in line on black friday. it's not just for sales. the paper says it's the experience. many people experience it as answer experience and bonding experience. usa "today" says small businesses march to their own beat. shoppers spent $15.48 billion in 2014. it's up today. it's about building community and educating shoppers about small businesses this their neighborhood. and the "telegraph" in london looks at how frying food could be altering the weather. when droplets of cooking fat are released into the air released moisture into the air. it could have a noticeable impact on clouds and rainy weather. the effect is so large it could be slowing down global warming. >> eat oil, it rains, you stay inside and get bigger. >> that's depressing. what's not depressing is the hollywood movies. one of the season's most anticipated openings is some movie called "star wars," an indy film. "star wars," t "star wars," the last jedi. >> it's expected to return $200 million in the first weekend when it opens december 15th. they're here. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> good to be here. >> let's talk "star wars." we've been talking about it all morning long during commercial break. how big is it going to be? >> i think it's going to be huge. would you say, dana? >> yeah. people outside the "star wars" fandom. it's one people have been looking forward to it. >> we know why a super fan would want to duo see it, but for a nonsuper fan, what's in it for me? >> okay. i'll make the pitch. the director of the movie is a really interesting indy director who people are excited to see get into this franchise because he can bring yorp nall ideas to it. whatever they're doing, they're happy with it that he could do another sar wa"star wars" trilo >> what about the younger ones? i'm taking my 5-year-old to see "coco." >> join the club. it's definitely going to be a top movie this week. these movies are always at the top of the chain. they're doing something right in terms of attracting new audiences with a movie that's set in a mexican cultural world. >> let's talk about "jumanji." there's a reboot that originally starred robin williams. why this one? >> this one seems original to me which takes the original jumanji idea that you can jump into a board game. kids jump into a video game and becomes an avatar. there's a 12-year-old kid who becomes the rock. >> dwayne "the rock" johnson very different from robin williams. how is that going to play? >> i think you've got kevin hart in this movie, so you have that buddy comedy act. that's what they're banking on. >> let eeg look at it. given the political environment we're in right now, do you think it's going to bring more people to this movie than it would have otherwise? >> well, it's an interesting question. i mean are people going to turn out for it or are they going to want a break? i think from a political angle, it's a very timely movie and hopefully it will find its fans. like a couple of years ago where it attracts people interested in the news and the ideas and it's definitely one to watch during oscar season. >> there's a drama called "call me by your name." you're calling it the great date movie. it's one not only to watch, but you want to live in. >> it's great. it's guy romance. it takes place in italy in the summer. so if you want to go and get some bottled summer, it's a beautiful lain gore russ romantic film. >> that works for me. >> reporter: last time you were here, we were talking sexual scandals in hollywood. i'm curious, how important is this box office season for romance and turmoil that we've been covered over the past few months, your paper in particular unfolding a lot of the scandal? >> when you talk about award season, there's going to be a sort of elephant missing in the room, which is the weinstein company and those known for their oscar campaigns. that's not going to be in evidence this year. i think in terms of box office, people are always looking for a great holiday season especially since they haven't had an excellent year overall with a few notable exceptions like wonder woman. but star wars is going to bring us back. "the post" is going to be that thinking person's movie. >> and "coco" for me tomorrow. you know where you're going to find me. >> and you're going to see "call me by your name." but you should go see "star war wars". >> thank you so much for being here. you might have a black dress or white t-shirt in your closet now, but would you consider it art? for mild-to-moderate eczema? it can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. the face of a fisherman? the hand of a ranch hand? the knee of a needle pointer? prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. and it's steroid-free. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa. toasting dad: i'm not one but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. new york's museum of natural art is asking a thought-provoking question. is clothing art? you might bepred to learn how many of these articles of clothing are part of your w5 wardrobe. >> this is my favorite. >> i'm so glad. this was one of the most painful corners to install. >> really. >> reporter: paola antonelli spent more than a decade collecting and cure rating art. >> 111 items. >> yeah. >> why that number? >> it can be divided in three and brings good lucks. >> reporter: it brings in coco's little black dress. >> it's funny. we could wear that 1920s chanel dress today and look perfect, perfectly up to date. >> it's why the boxer brief bieber wears today resemble those made famous by mark wahlberg in the 1990s. calvin klein's tidy whiteys are on display next to the wonder bra. >> reporter: can coco chanel's little black dress exist with wonder bra? >> oh, yeah. it can. we tend to think of the outer skin we project onto the world by which we express ourselves, but there's so much underneath that helps us achieve that kind of effect, and ubds wear has so much of an impact, it has fashion unto rits. >> reporter: call it the formal underwear. this white t-shirt is a symbol of status. >> it representatives power. today the guy with the three-piece suit might be a bodyguard and the guy with the white t-shirt might be a ceo. >> reporter: it includes fashion staples popularized over the past century, the pant suit, platform shoes, yoga pants, each piece representing a new york city perspective. >> new york is such a privileged observatory of the whole world and such an arrogant know it all-city, we could do it that way. >> i would think people would characterize it that way. >> a loving, loving, loving, generous city also. this corner is about rebellion, doc martin and the black panthers. >> i'll let you guess which one i am. >> today it's about your own personal expression, the way you match things up, the way you compose them, you cannot judge a person by their clothes and a book by its covers. >> you can't. if i wear a beret, do you know my politics? >> absolutely not. in this day and age, the first thing i think of with a beret, maybe not black, is a japanese school girl. >> reporter: while the beret may have lost its political edge, the items may continue to move you, approaching the solo red hoodie near the center of the exhibit can do that. >> for most many people that will prove to be moving, haunting, tragic is you have a red hoodie up there. the hoodie in this country signifies something different to everybody. what does it signify to you? >> i think sometimes it comes to signify one thing for all. it's this garment that makes you feel protected and almost invisible. until its latest tragic rancor nation and the civil injustice of the killing of trayvon martin. it's here because it's a political symbol but always because it's a great garment and a great example of american design. >> nicely done, vlad. i like the coat. >> a really good piece to understand. the idea of the black beret, some would consider fashion but also the black panthers. >> i love that they include underwear. you don't see it but it changes the way you embody clothes on the outside. >> vlad, you can wear a three-piece suit and i've walked in with you wearing a bomber leather jacket. you can pull it all off. >> reporter: remember you can see it all on our cbs podcast. jill schlesinger gives her perspective of the retail outlook. plus tips on shopping smart. up next, we'll look at all that mattered this week. you're watching "cbs this morning." tomorrow on "cbs this morning: saturday", spike lee will be on. his netflix series "got to have it." that's tomorrow. >> be sure to tune in to "cbs evening news" tonight. as we leave you, let's take a look at all that mattered this beak. >> do you want to say anything to your accusers of the wrong doings? >> it's not wrong doings. >> the wave of sexual harassment we've been reporting has now touched cbs. >> you can't understate it. >> some say he groped them or exposed himself to them and then came to -- >> let me be very clear. there is no excuse for this alleged behavior. it is systematic and pervasive. >> charlie doesn't get a pass here. he doesn't get a pass from anyone in this room. we're all deeply affected, all rocked by this. >> these two agents were ambushed. >> we have to stop the massive drug flow from pouring in. >> charles manson died last night at a california hospital. >> he instructed his followers to kill seven people. >> no one knows what happened to the sub. >> the ocean turns out to be a very large ocean if you're looking in the wrong box. >> what a memory this was right to the very end. >> the jobs that was supposed to go to americans are going to romanians and the costa rizech republic. are you going to -- >> it's one of those moments where you say, where is that elevator. >> alabama officers doing pushups with a canine named nitro. >> go, nitro. >> so you think there's going to be an explosion of this. you think there's going to be people building these allover. >> there are already a number being built in portland. there's going to be a number of them. >> vlad has been talking about olaf all, all morning. nine is like the only sub correct thing he can talk about. >> one of the busiest shopping days of the year. you can take your turkey in your carry-on. >> okay. i'll remember that. >> aaa says they still get calls for flat tires because one in five know how to change a tire. >> i don't know how to do. thank you, kris van cleave. >> call me, gayle. i'll do it. >> thank you, kris. >> have you ever done that? >> i have. i jumped with the golden knights about two years ago. i've had enough. >> cuba has a nostalgic feeling. there are kids who want to be part of the world. they want to feel like they're part of doing and it didn't feel like this was their moment. ♪ hey hey, bay, try to find a little time and i'll make you mine ♪ ♪ i'll be beside the phone waiting for you ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ why do you build so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. >> in is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." good morning, i'm january car barrow. >> shoppers in south jersey rushed out to the toys "r" us store in cherry hill as soon as dinner was open, has been open since 5:00 p.m. thanksgiving, will stay open until 11:00 p.m. tonight. to the forecast with matt peterson. >> good morning, "black friday " shoppers, have woken up to some cool temperatures,, to say the least, we get little warm they are afternoon , but, this is what we are expecting, sunshine, calmer winds, temperatures in the 50's later today but this morning in the 20's and 30's, across much of the delaware vale, now, we started out the day with the only spot in the 30's, philly, now see allentown up to 33, trenton at 36, 34 here in philadelphia, and still the freezing mark in the poconos, see reading, wilmington, and millville, also coming in in the mid to high 20's, so do bundle up as you head out to get the "black friday" deems, 52 degrees for the high temperature on our friday, we wrap up this week, going up to 57 tomorrow, late day shower chance, then we could see some cooler and breezy conditions, jan, sunday , high of 48. but steadily warming up to near 60 beer the middle of next week. >> thank you, matt. let's check the roads, millbrook road, not far from philadelphia mills shopping area. volume looks great right now in both directions but look for minor delays near the mall and as the day continues. delaware county, in aston township water main break pan coast between robert road, it has the road closed so take dutton mill road as an alternate. join us for "eyewitness news" at noon, i'm jan carabeo, great day. >> announcer: she claimless to have the biggest breasts in europe. á >> she has 5 liters of fluid in there. >> she's trying to transform herself into a real black woman >> >> does she think that's how black women look. >> she could potentially kill herself. >> announcer: cancer left her brutally scarred. can the doctors help? 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Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20171124

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how they're plaguing the background check system. and more than 1 million americans are expected to shop on this black friday. we'll ask "consumer reports" about the best tech deals in stores and online. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. former national security adviser michael flynn may be ready to cooperate with the probe. >> flynn's lawyers cut ties with trump's legal team. >> he said the news likely means flynn took a plea deal with special counsel robert mueller. senator al franken is making another apology. the navy has called off the search for three sailors who went missing in the philippines sea when their plane crashed. >> time is running out for a missing arjgentine submarine. >> a burst of sound was located near the location. >> the massive shopping spree >> soggy thanksgiving for northern washington state. the skagit river flooded. >> i looked out the door and go, oh, crap. >> the thanksgiving day parade went smoothly except for the large candy cane balloon. >> oh, my gosh. >> all that -- >> the new top dog getting top show. >> he's being called a celebrity look-a-li look-a-like. >> -- and all that matters. >> mr. trump took time to call out the navy overseas. >> he took time to make sandwiches. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> looking for a block. touchdown. minnesota. >> check this out. sitting down for a little thanksgiving dinner. >> don't forget the turkey, and the gravy. >> get the turkey, get the turkey in there. >> please pass the mashed potato potatoes. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. >> players have to have the turkey, man. they need their protein before a game like that. welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm bianna golodryga with tony dokoupil and vladier duthiers of cbsn. both norah o'donnell and gayle king are off. hope you had a nice thanksgiving. >> you too. lawyers for president trump and former national security adviser michael flynn are no longer sharing information. >> an attorney for the retired three-star general told the president's legal team on wednesday that they cannot discuss the investigation any further. one of the president's lawyers tells cbs news flynn may be arranging a plea deal. >> and other observers suggest flynn is turning against mr. trump. errol barnett is in palm beach, florida, where the president is spending the weekend. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. michael flynn is a looking at. >> general flynn is a wonderful man. i think he's been treated very, very unfairly by the media. >> reporter: despite the president's praising, cbs news has learned mr. trump's legal team has been expecting either an indictment of michael flynn or his son or a plea deal involving both stemming from special counsel robert mueller. >> mike flynn is a fine person and i asked for his resignation. >> reporter: trump fired flynn three weeks after being becoming president after reports surfaced he misled the vice president about his ties with russia. >> reporter: he told the president's legal team on wednesday no communications would or could occur regarding mr. flynn. mr. trump's attorney jay sekulow said it likely means flynn took a plea deal. he told cbs news if it is a plea, that doesn't necessarily mean it has anything to do with the president. flynn and flynn jr. replied with no comment. on thanksgiving near his florida club president trump handed out dinner with first lady melania trump. he used the press to brag about his administration's accomplishments. >> the stockmarket on friday hit the all-time high, the highest it's ever been. >> the president praised the coast guard at that event. he said something to the effect no other brand has gone up more than the coast guard for what happened there in texas. bianna? >> no response from the president regarding flynn. thank you. senator al franken issued an additional apology. four women accused the democratic senator of inappropriate contact. four say he kissed and groped them. >> he said in part, i'm a warm person. i've hugged people. i've learned from recent stories for some of those encounters i crossed the line for some women and i know that any number is too many. i know i made some william feel bad and for that i'm sorry. there are concerns it may have plunged off the continental shelf. the international agency said they heard a blast and fear it may have plunged off the shelf. adriana diaz has more. good morning. >> good morning. on thursday an organization said it picked up the sound just hours after the submarine's disappearance last week. the argentinian navy is not saying what made the noise but is now searching the area it came from. it's near the spot where the continental floor drops off and the ocean floor falls to depth of almost 10,000 feet. >> they're heartbroken and angry over the news of the apparent explosion. they're waiting for confirmation from the navy, but many now fear the worst. this underwater listening station installed in june is one of two that picked up the unexpected sound. the international organization that monitors the station is now taking a closer look at its data to help search crews hone in on where that sound came from. the san juan was midway through a ten-day trip from the tip of argentina to the site of buenos aires when it lost contact. its captain reported battery failure. its last known position is near the edge of the continental shelf where the ocean's depth drops 10,000 feet and the pressure from the water. the submarine would not be able to withstand the pressure. >> experts say the collapse of the hull could have caused the noise. >> if that were the case, that would obviously involve the depth of a cr death of a crew and the loss of a submarine. the u.s. naval institute says the ships now heading to that area will be using sonar and other technology to map out the ocean floor. they say even if they find it intact, they fear there was only a week's worth of oxygen to sustain the crew and that time has passed. vlad? >> adriana, thank you very much. the u.s. navy called off the search this morning for three sailors missing in the western pacific. they were in a cargo plane on wednesday trying to reach an american aircraft carrier south of japan. ben tracy is following the story from beijing. ben, good morning. >> good morning. they're notifying the families of these lost sailors. in all there were 11 members of the navy that were aboard a c-2 cargo plane known as the greyhound when it crashed into the philippines sea 75 miles southeast of okinawa, japan. eight of the sailors were quickly rescued. the plane was on a routine run out to the "uss ronald reagan" aircraft carrier, which was participating in joint naval exercises with the japanese forces at the time. during the two-day search, eight ships carried nearly 1,000 square nautical miles searching for the missing sailor, but they were not found. these three deaths add to 17 other members of the navy's seventh fleet who were in involved in collisions of the uss fitzgerald and the uss mccain earlier this year. they have acknowledged the high tempo of the operations in the pacific has led to reduced safety margins. tony? >> ben tracy in beijing. t ben, thank you very much. a police detective sean suiter was gunned down in a shot. he was shot the day before he was to test in a high-profile corruption case involving other police officers. kris, good morning. >> good morning. police believe he was the victim of a random attack, but after nine days and a citywide manhunt, they have yet to name a suspect and the lack of developments has heightened interest in suit 'eers baltimore grand jury >> it's unintelabligible right w but he was clearly in distress. >> signs of a struggle were found on suiter's clothing and he was shot in the head at close range with his own weapon. another investigation shows he was shot the day before he was supposed to testify in a racketeering case involved the gun trace task force. they're charged with stealing money, property, and narcotics from civilians over a two-year period. >> though i understand the wild possibilities this go through people's minds when we all want answers, i just an determined to keep following the evidence. there's nothing that we won't considered. >> the main witness to suiter's murder is his partner. he told police suiter approached a man acting suspicious. investigators say video shows his partner took cover after the gunfire. >> we don't know where the shots came from. >> reporter: it spawned a citywide manhunt that put baltimore on lockdown. at the scene of residents offer prayer. >> the reward stands at $315,000. the funeral for the father of five is scheduled for next wednesday. thank you very much. cat hair helped investigators find a suspect who mailed explosive packages to former president barack obama and texas governor greg abbott. julia poff from texas faces multiple charges. investigators say cat hairs found inside the box mailed to president obama matched her cat. governor abbott opened her package. it did not explode because he did not open it correctly. if he had, it could have caused severe burns or death. uber faces more trouble this morning. uber's new o reportedly knew about the hack of driver and rider data a for two months before revealing it this week. it was exposed in october 2016. uber paid the hackers $100,000 to delete the stolen data, but it's unclear in if they dade. we reached out to uber for a statement, and have yet to hear back. cbs news financial contributor mellody hobson is in san francisco with that and more. mellody, good morning to you. hope you had a nice thanksgiving. >> good morning. >> how big of a setback is this for uber? >> you know the saying, it's not the crime. it's the cover ju. i would call this a setback, another of a series of setbacks. it's one that they're going to have to dig themselves out of this hole and it's going to take a while. >> you know, mellody, uber waited nearly two months before releasing it this to the public. there arishes with travis kalanick. what do you say this early. >> i'm going to take him at his word. he said he learned two weeks after -- or it's been reported he learned two weeks after he join of this breach and he needed time to figure out exactly what it was. the issue is, however, they have an investor coming in, softbank, that they alerted two weeks before they alerted the public. so they'll have to square that circle for people to understand how the investor got to know at least they were having an investigation, not the outcome of the investigation two weeks earlier. >> mellody, uber has 57 million customer profiles affected in this hack. they're telling customers they don't need to be concerned, the information hasn't been used. give us a reality check. should they be worried? >> i think this is a world where you have to worry about it everywhere. in this case it was names, e-mail addresses for most people. mobile phone numbers and driver's licenses for about 600 drivers. you want to make sure you look at your report annually, that you're actually reading your bank and credit card statements and protecting your passwords. these are going to be table stakes for showing up because of the amount of data moving around. >> mellody, this applies not only to uber but everybody who's going shopping online and who has data in many cases on their phone, correct? >> that's right. you want to make sure you avoid public wi-fi, sur cure sites and protect those passwords. >> mellody hobson. thank you very much. an estimated 150 million americans plan to shop in stores and online. customers will find deep discounts today on televisions, tablets, and appliances. our michelle miller is at a best buy where some deals were sold out before the doors even opened last night. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: that is so true, vlad. good morning. well, this got stocked, restocked, and it's ready to go this morning for the next round of black friday shoppers. when they walk in here this morning in about an hour. now, when this thanksgiving weekend is all said and done, it's estimated that nearly 70% of americans will either walk in and have shopped in stores or online. with the holiday shopping season in full swing, millions are on the hunt today for the best bargain. you missed turkey day. >> yep. >> for what? >> a tv. >> vanessa and rachael began waiting in line at this new jersey best buy wednesday night. >> reporter: is that a deal in. >> yeah. >> reporter: you saved $320 on each one. >> reporter: together they saved $640. that's about $35 for every hour they spent waiting in line. >> there are high hopes for this holiday season. >> reporter: sherese jones is a national business correspondent for "usa today." what can we expect with retail fridays? black friday, consumer confidence, gangbusters? what are we expecting? >> unemployment has dropped. >> reporter: in 2015 this was black friday at a walmart in northeast el paso, texas. the days of brawling over tvs may be numbered as many shop online. amazon alone is expected to take half of the holiday season's growth. by thanksgiving night consumers had already spent $1.5 billion online. that's up 17% from last year. toys "r" us, which declared bankruptcy earlier this year is trying to keep up. >> the holiday season is extraordinarily important. >> executive vice president richard berry said they started planning for this black friday more than a year ago. >> we have massive stores that are able to bring brands and products to life. you can't do that online. >> reporter: another boost is expect for small businesses and the every popular online retail of cyber monday. bianna in. >> you know what? i'm just so happy we didn't see fights in that piece. you know, usually you start out after the thanksgiving holiday people beating each other upful we didn't see that. so people are shopping respectfully, at least this morning. thanks. they're helping to put guns in the hands of potentially dangerous people. >> there are thousands, tells of thousands, maybe even more prohibited abusers who are not in the system and who are out there buying guns and endangering lives. >> we'll look at the apparent breakdown and how those systems ten miles off the coast of scotland is an island where the world comes to a standstill. ahead, 60 minutes takes us to the remote area just three miles wide and six miles long that serves as an escape from everyday life. we'll preview sunday's report. >> not a bad assignment. you're watching "cbs this morning." i'm and i'm an emt.erer when i get a migraine at work, it's debilitating. if i call out with a migraine, that's one less ambulance to serve a community. i just don't want to let these people down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. from the moment you met you wantecomfort and protection that's 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bullseye, robots here! i feel very proud of what i bring to the screen. i have the greatest job in the world. whoamike and jen doyle?than i thought. yeah. time for medicare, huh. i have no idea how we're going to get through this. follow me. choosing a plan can be super-complicated. but it doesn't have to be. unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. well that wasn't so bad at all. that's how we like it. aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. us lives here. where we can be surprised by others. and ourselves. for a better us, donate to your local y today. feel the power of thenew power...smax. fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. ayep, and my teeth are yellow.? time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. and they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon, it is "black friday," holiday shop remembers getting early start throughout the region. toys are always a hot commodity on "black friday," shoppers? south jersey rush out to this toys "r" us store in cherry hill there is particular store has been open since 5:00 p.m. thanksgiving it, will stay open until 11:00 p.m. tonight. happy shopping. >> we check in naught with meteorologist, matt peterson. chilly yesterday, but looks like little warmer today. >> we, are going to get little warm they are afternoon if you're up early though and getting the early morning deals. it is a cold start to things here on the "black friday," outside in the lehigh valley, to show this picture, looks wonderful. 23 degrees, though, on the neighborhood network. looking at some 30's in philly , 32 degrees, but lots of 20's, across in the surrounding area, rahel, and here is the "black friday" forecast, we will be in the 30 's this morning, up to about 49 degrees, by lunchtime, and we will top it outright around 52 this afternoon. >> platt mat, thank you. live look now at i95 at al gain which tail light going southbound toward the city, volume looking light, it is in fact the holiday, delaware county aston township, water main break. you can take pan coast between sport road and concord avenue. gloucester county, win owe a, the drum stuck and turkey trot take place 9:00 a.m. to 11:00. next on cbs this morning, would be killer falls through the cracks of national data bees, for people who w the portuguese pore tengo pequeno, a name larger than the dog. >> i once asked a guy how many minutes are spent. he said all of it. >> the brushless car wash. there it is. >> you've got to love it. commentators had a little fun describing the dogs at the 2017 national dog show. 2,000 dogs competed for the title best in show. >> there you go, folks. this is the first time a brussels griffon has won in 15 years. fans of newton love. he looks like a little chewie. knnewton love. it takes a lot of work. hard enough to groom my 5-year-old. congratulations newton love. president trump says he tries to make sure military equipment the u.s. sells to other countries is not as good as the gear for american troops. during a thanksgiving visit in florida, the president told coast guard members, quote, i always say make ours a little bit better. keep about 10% in the bag. the president also pointed to his efforts to strengthen the military and record-high stock prices. and cuba and north korea are uniting to reject what they call unilateral and arbitrary demands for the u.s. the foreign ministers met in havana on wednesday. they called for respect for people's sovereignty, and the peaceful settlement of disputes. north korea is searching for support as it faces global pressure to halt its nuclear weapon and missile program. and millions of shoppers are finding black friday deals on their phones instead of stores. they ee attracted by mobile shopping sites. amazon says more than half of its shoppers used mobile devices to access its site. today is expected to be the biggest spending period of the year, even bigger than cyber monday. potentially thousands of people who shot nould have guns are able to buy them because of an apparent failure of federal recordkeeping. attorney general jeff sessions ordered a national criminal background check system known as nics. paula reid shows us how that could be just a single case of many that have fallen through the cracks. paula, good morning. >> good morning. the nics system relies on the military to accurately report criminal information. but for years they've failed to upload these critical documents for failure of facing federal law. >> it just brings everything back emotionally for me. >> reporter: jim's 6-year-old daughter makayla was killed on thanksgiving eight years ago when a family member went on a shooting rampage after dinner. three others were also killed. they discovered the shooter paul michael merhige had been involuntarily committed to a mental institution three times. that should have kept him from passing a federal background check. >> it's ridiculous that someone can have all of that history, mental and legal and still the state will give them a conciliatory and the feds will sell him as many guns as he wants. >> it appears this is not an isolated event. >> reporter: texas senator john cornyn said it was clear that the shooter, devin kelley, should have been barred from getting a weapon. >> we need to fix this broken balk ground check system. >> kelley was court-martialed during his time in the air force and then charged with abuse against his wife and sochblt as of december 2016 there is just one person entered by the military as committing abuse against their spouse. about half of all states also report few or no abuse convictions or restraining orders. the fbi tells us the records may reside in the other two databases, however, the fbi did not make those numbers available to cbs news. >> there's no question if the data is not in the system, people are going to die and they do die. >> kim gandy leads the national network to end violence. >> this is not just a few people slipping through the cracks. this is a systemic problem. >> yes. there are thousands, tens of thousands, maybe more prohibited abusers not in the system who are out there buying guns and endangering lives. >> in 2016 more than 9,000 people faced domestic assault convictions andover 120,000 people were die night in all. >> the nics system works when the data is there. when the data doesn't go into the system, it can't work. >> the lists should inklis those committing any femmeny, being adjudicated for any mental illness or drugs. they admitted he should have been put in the system sis he was adjudicated a mental defective. the national rifle association has estimated 7 million offenders are not in the system. the group supports better enforcement of reporting requirements. the fbi told cbs news, nics relies upon its local, state, and federal partners in authorizing data and information. they told us there is no national standard or funding to ensure all local agencies contribute to a national instant check database. for jim sitton, he says lives like his young daughter's will be lost if nothing is done. >> well, you're going to spend the money one way or the other. you're either going to hire the manpower to enforce the laws on the books or you're going to buy body bags. >> reporter: attorney general jeff sessions is going to ask the fbi to detail in a report how many times they actually investigate and prosecute those lying on their gun applications. it could deter some of these purchases. >> so paula, will this comprehensive review by the justice department make a difference? >> it's a step in the right direction. local law enforcement officials tell me it's a local law enforcement issue because every state has its own criteria, who they report, what they report, and how long the fed keeps the state records. i'm told if you want to fix what's wrong with the background check system, you're going to need to change the laws and come up with a lot of money to help them provide the information. >> all right. to be continued. >> a step in the right direction. thank you. oscar pistorius will be spending more time in prison in south africa. the supreme court more than doubled his sentence to 13 years and five months. miss tore ya shot and killed his girlfriend reeva steenkamp at his home on valentine's day in 2013. he fired through a bathroom door, claiming he mistook her for an intruder. he was initially sentenced for six years. prosecutors said that was too lenient and appealed. ahead, in a preview of "60 minutes," steve kroft visits the majestic isle of haig. you can see it all on cbs's ipodcast. you can get that through apple's itunes and ipodcasts. you're watching "cbs this morning." this is your holiday future. 4k cameras, video games, useless without a new computer. all i see is darkness. give intel 8th gen core to power all the latest tech. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. introducing megared advanced triple absorption it supports your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. and is absorbed by your body three times better. so one megared has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the all new 2018 camry. toyota. let's go places. paincan make this...ld, ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. enamouttooth surface.urhite, the thing that's really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth 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the north atlantic. it's an ungroomed masterpiece of nature too wild to tame, a craigie isle of incredible beauty populated mostly by shape and the dogs that keep track of them. the people do their best to stay clear while taking everything in. >> reporter: so what's your average day like? >> some people would say very easy. u like to think i just make the hard work look easy. it all depends on your outlook. >> reporter: charlie gallie is the taxi triefber on eigg and the only transportation up and down the island's main artery. it's a niche he claimed for himself when he arrived with his wife and aging volvo four years ago. plenty of time to get a feel for the place. >> reporter: do you know everybody on the island? >> i know them and their shoe sizes. like i say, there's no secret on the island. >> what are they talking about this week? >> mainly you. >> you can see steve kroft's full report on sunday night on "60 minutes" on cbs. >> forget the full report. i wul to go to the island. >> do you want people in your business. >> you haven't honeymooned yet. >> if you're watch, what's your shoe size. up next, a look at this morning's other headlines, including why people are quitting their desk jobs to become farm >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by kohl's. give joy, get joy. even our biggest brands - all week long! the more you shop the more kohl's cash you'll get - no limit! so when you give joy, you get joy! all this week - only at kohl's. here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. i was wondering if an electric toothbrusthan a manual.s better and my hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for 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products that allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. so you can head into retirement with confidence. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial established by metlife. they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. appearing next to me in plain sight. hallucinations and delusions. these are the unknown parts of living with parkinson's disease. what stories they tell. but for my ears only. what plots they unfold. but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. and these can worsen over time, making things even more challenging. but there are advances that have led to treatment options that can help. if someone you love has parkinson's and is experiencing hallucinations or delusions, talk to your parkinson's specialist. because there's more to parkinson's. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. learn more at welcome back to "cbs this morning." here's a look at this morning's headlines from around the globe. the "chicago tribune" reports several states are preparing to shut down the children's health insurance program unless congress acts. lawmakers missed the deadline to extend the $1$15 billion progra. five states, california, minnesota, ohio, and oregon and the district of columbia could run out of money by the end of the year. the "los angeles times" reports beverly hills police are investigating 12 hollywood sexual assault allegations. beverly hills declined to provide specifics. the los angeles police department has 28 open ggs related to hollywood figures. they inclear harvey weinstein and ed westwick. columnist thomas freeman says saudi arabia is having its arab spring at last. he plans major reform including anti-corruption drive he began this month. many saudi businessmen were arre arrested. britain's "independent" reports pollution from lights is surging at an alarming light. nasa shows nighttime lights on earth. from 2012 to 2016, the surface that is artificially lit grew by 19%. they say it could impact our sleep and also affect animals. "washington post" report as growing number of americans are leerning their desks to become farmers. farmers age 25 to 34 grew. it's only the second time in the last century that farmers under 35 have increased in number. 69% of these young farmers have college degrees. the majority did not, did not grow up in agricultural families. >> this is what you were -- >> yeah. i almost went to costa rica to surf and farm. all right. an american military pilot was murdered and his wife left the country. ahead, his brother takes to a search on brazil to search for the killer and have her sent back to the u.s. you're watching "cbs this morning." paying less for my medicare? i'm open to that. lower premiums? extra benefits? it's open enrollment. time to open the laptop... ...and compare medicare health plans. why? because plans change, so can your health needs. so, be open-minded. look at everything-like prescription drug plans... and medicare advantage plans from private insurers. use the tools at or call 1-800-medicare. open to something better? start today. ♪ whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums you've got to get in i know what a bath is smile honey this thing is like... first kid ready here we go by their second kid, every parent is an expert and... ...more likely to choose luvs, than first time parents. live, learn and get luvs (hard exhalation) honey? can we do this tomorrow? (grunts of effort) can we do this tomorrow? if you have heart failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. but entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest heart failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ when can we do this again, grandpa? well, how about tomorrow? ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. >> good morning, i'm jan carabeo. fire officials are trying to figure out what caused an early morning fire, in west oaklane. flames broke out at a home on the 1300 block of east price street, just past midnight. heavy smoke and fire burned through the roof there of that home. fire crews were able to get this fire under control, fortunately, no one was hurt. >> now, with meet over orologies, matt peterson. >> good morning, waking to up cold temperatures across the delaware vale, if you're getting out early to get the deals be sure to have the winter coats. now we look for mixed bag this weekend, colds front sweeps through. it will be warming up next week, as i say, chilly across the delaware valley, 20's, 30 's, hats, gloves, and scarfs , not so much going on in the winds department, relatively quiet, and as we get a look at the day planner for the rest of the afternoon climbing all the way to 52 degrees, jan, relatively seasonable and sunny day. >> not too shabby. thank you, matt, looking at the roads now there is was accident on i-95, northbound at i676, central philadelphia. the left lane was blocked, for a time, with crews on the scene, it is now all clear. the septa regional rail lines at jefferson may experience delays to up 20 minute today due to medical emergency, police activity at jefferson station. do plan ahead if you're headed to that area. our next update 8:25, coming up on cbs this morning, how you can make sure you're getting the best deals while you shop the holidays. it's friday, november 24th, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." it is a huge day for holiday shoppers. ahead, "consumer reports" share the best tech deals online and in stores, plus a look at the new holiday movies that may attract the biggest crowds and win the most awards, but first here's today's "eye opener" at 8:00. lawyers for president trump and former national security adviser michael flynn are no longer sharing information. >> reporter: he's a central figure in the investigation. this latest development could be a sign that flynn is now cooperating. >> even if they find the submarine intact, the argentine navy believes there was only week's worth of oxygen on there. >> they're now notifying the family os the lost sailors. >> how big of a setback is it for uber? >> you know the old saying. it's not the crime, but the coverup. another reputation al hit. they're going to have to dig themselves out of this hole and it's going to take a while. >> it's estimated 70% of americans will have either shopped in stores or online. >> stafford in trouble and brought down from behind. that's griffin. >> this thanksgiving is extra special. defensive end emerson griffin lifted hiss jersey to reveal a handwritten message reading, i just had a baby boy. >> we had no idea. i've got three boys now. oh, my goodness. >> reporter: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by blue buffalo. >> i'm vladimir duthiers joined by bianna golodryga and tony dokoupil. norah and gayle are off. michael flynn could be working on a deal with special counsel robert mueller. cbs news learns that flynn's legal team said the investigation will be cut off. >> president trump's attorney said it's probably a plea deal. that doesn't mean it had anything to do with the attorney. flynn's attorney had no comment. president trump spent time in south florida before he and congress start a big push to finish the year on a high note. errol barnett is traveling with the president, and he's in palm beach, florida. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president trump is spending part of his thanksgiving day weekend working including a talk with president erdogan. he'll come back to a busy week ads he wraps up this year's term in office. one of the big issues is avoiding a government shutdown by december 6 and he wants the tax reform completed by year end. he seemed to hint at future plans, writing, quote, obamacare is owned by the democrats and it is a disaster. we will repeal and replace right after tax cuts. now, what's interesting is we know president trump will play golf at least one time this weekend, he confirmed it for the first time only twitter this morning, saying he play golf quickly with tiger woods and dustin johnson before he get bass tock work. vlad? >> thank you very much. president trump and the first lady spent thanksgiving dinner by meeting with the navy's coast guard. >> i think there's no brand -- of any kind, not just the military brand, that's gone up more than the coast guard. incredible people. you even done an incredible job. >> reporter: earlier he made a video call to troops overseas. he praised his leadership while criticizing previous administrations for their policies in afghanistan and iraq. >> reporter: this morning the u.s. navy ended the search for three missing sailors in the pacific. they were on a cargo plane. eight others were rescued. they were on their way to an aircraft carrier "uss ronald reagan" participating in runs with the japanese navy. they searched 1,000 square miles but did not find the sailors. the uss fitzgerald was towed today from its port in japan. it's meeting a transport vessel that will take it to a mississippi shipyard for repairs. the fitzgerald collided with a merchant ship off the coast of japan in june. you remember seven sayers were killed and another three were killed. two officers and another sailor were relieve of duty after the crash. actress uma thurman is adding her voice to those condemning harvey weinstein over sexual abuse allegations. thurman worked with the disgraced producer on several movies including "pulp fiction" and "kill bill" series. she said i was angry recently and i have a few reasons. #me too. happy thanksgiving, everyone, zpep you, harvey wean stein and all of you conspirators. i hope it goes slowly. you don't deserve a bullet. we have reached out to thurman and weinstein but have not yet heard back. many shoppers hope to snag a great deal on tvs this black friday. ahead, consumers reports breaks down the best bargains you can find this weekend. plus, whether >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by blue buffalo. you love your pets like family, so feed them like family with blue. the pursuit of justice in the murder of american a serviceman stretches thousands of miles from his ohio home. >> i'm erin moriarity of "48 hours." claudia flew here to her native country hours after her husband, a decorated military pilot was shot in their ohio home. why won't brazil hand her over. that story coming up on "cbs this morning." i'm and i'm an emt.erer when i get a migraine at work, it's debilitating. if i call out with a migraine, that's one less ambulance to serve a community. i just don't want to let these people down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. this is your holiday future. useless without a new computer. all i see is darkness. give intel 8th gen core to power all the latest tech. the ford year-end sales evente. is here. i can guide you in? no, thanks , santa, i got this. looks a little tight. perfect fit. santa needs an f-150. that's ford, america's best selling brand. hurry in today for 0% financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs! and just announced... get 0 % apr for 72 months plus $1000 cash back! take advantage of these exclusive holiday offers during the ford year end sales event. strength to outrun her brother. thanks for giving victor the energy to be the rowdiest fan. and joseph, the ability to see monsters. when you choose walgreens, you choose to make a difference... like how every vitamin and flu shot you get at walgreens helps give life-changing vitamins and vaccines... to children in need around the world and here at home. so, really... happy thanks for giving! walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. the family of a murdered military hero is embroiled in an international fight for justice. carol hoerig was killed in his ohio home in 2007. the family immediately suspected his wife claudia. she boarded a flight to her native brazil hours after her husband's death. they charged her with murder, but more than ten years later, his family is still seeking justice. erin more rayty of "48 hours" traveled to brazil to find out what it will take to bring claudia to trial. here's a preview. >> reporter: the way i've heard him described is as fearless. is it? >> yeah. >> reporter: carl herrkarl hoere of those all-american heroes. he flew over 200 combat missions from iraq to afghanistan. he had a loving family and a wide circle of loyal friends. >> what was it like to fly with karl? >> he was amazing. he was actually a very good pilot but a very good person. >> he was my best friend. >> even after you were divorced. >> oh, yeah. >> karl and his ex-wife had two children, brent and eva, and he was always close to his younger brother paul. in 2005 karl had met a brazilian woman named claudia. >> they were already planning to get married. i didn't know he had a girlfriend. the marriage was rocky from the start. two years later he was murdered in his own home, shot ontwice i the head, one at close range. >> i called him. >> what did he say? >> karl is dead. >> when she said it, i knew it was her. >> reporter: she boud a make numb revolver the weekend before and became the prime suspect but claudia was nowhere to be found. hours after he was shot she boarded a plane and flew to native brazil. she was now out of reach of ohio awe authorities because brazil won't extradite its citizens. >> she knew she would not get caught if she flew to brazil. >> we knew it wouldn't be easy. >> do you want to go to brazil? >> i'd love to go to brazil. >> we learn claudia had opened her own accounting business and got a new husband along the way. clearly the woman who was a fugitive from justice in the u.s. is not living like one here in brazil. >> it makes me mad to know she was living such a comfortable life and, you know, my brother's dead. >> the more he learns about his brother's accused killer makes paul hoerig even more determined to fight for her extradition. >> i'll do whatever i have to do for my brother. >> wow. what a story. erin is with us now. good morning. so claudia is a brazilian citizen and you say this case could be groundbreaking why? >> because this could be the very first time that a brazilian born citizen is actually extradited by brazil. here's why. she is a brazilian citizen, or because, but also became an american citizen in 1999 and part of that proo says, which i did not realize until i started working on this, you have to announce allegiance in the other states. all they've said is, wait a minute, she gave up her brazilian citizenship. she's brazilian ex-draw dieter. just this month the supreme court said we're doning we have stripped her of her citizenship. now it's up to the president. >> you, however, went to brazil. were you able to find claudia? >> oh, we found claudia. when you see our report, you'll see she's changed a great deal. she's trying to stay there. she wants to actually be tried in brazil because if you're tried for murder and convicted, you'll only get 30 years. believe this or not, after five years of prison you get to work out in the community. >> you went to br zale and found your woman. erin moriarty, that's amazing. thank you very much. >> you can see the full report at 10:00, 9:00 central tomorrow night on cbs. tens of millions of americans will do some holiday shopping this weekend to take advantage of bargains. ahead advice from "consumer reports" on how to make sure you get the best deals. plus does the new "star wars" movie have enough force? what do you think, vlad? >> the force is strong. >> a film critic will join us to break down the holiday's most anticipated films. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ ♪ there'that only uses 100% american oranges.and simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. only florida's natural grows all of our oranges in florida. great taste. naturally. itaveeno® skin relief. with oat oil and natural shea butter, it softens and smooths extra dry skin and lasts for 24 hours. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results® do i use that'sthat wgood for my teeth? .. now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. feel that tingle of a cold sore only abreva can heal it in as little as two and a half days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. get it? >> i haven't heard. >> this holiday season kicks off the biggest shopping season of the year. shay're expected to spend $680 billion this year. a third plan to spend their money on electronics and 66% plan to take advantage of deals. who wouldn't. we're joined with more. >> happy black friday. >> this is a fun job. you said consumers are interested in electronics, tvs in particular. we love lap i phones and laptops but tv gs are big. >> especially moving into super bowl weekend. our prices have really gone down. our lg model has the oled screen which has the highest pixels. a tv that costs $3,000 is now half-priced, $1,500 this weekend. here's the nice thing. it's at multiple retailers if you lined up and missed it. it should be available at multiple retailers today if you want the traditional door buster, best buy opened yesterday and had a sharp tv hadid very well in our ratings. that tv you're looking at there has smart tv, roku interface built in, $180. >> wow. you know, the resolution on these tvs, i think i might need more makeup. it's getting beyond the capacity. >> you're right. the resolution is great. but you look fine. >> thank you. $680 billion. how do i make sure i spend less? >> watch for impulse buying. if you have a budget, look online. use the app, the websites. try to get that smemding in line before you head out because it is so easy. the thing is 50% off, 75% off, why not get it for yourself, right? i've done so much shopping for myself in the last few days. it is the season of giving, so you might want to remind yourself of that too. >> does it really make a difference if you buy online or in the store and am i really going to lose out if i wait until sunday? >> no. so that is what has changed with black friday, right? it wasn't that long ago when you used to have to get up early for these door buster deals. that has changed largely because of online shopping. so if you didn't want to do it last night or today, most of these deals will be out there and a lot of people price match too. so if you saw something somewhere and you missed out or it was on a website you didn't click in time, get that price, take it to another website, retailer monday or tuesday, and chances are they'll match it. >> you tested products like the apple macbook and beats headphones. how did they fair? >> macbook always does well. apple products rarely go on sale. the apple store was offered gift cards. in this case best buy is givening $200 off. we always like the macbook. it's very, very thin. same with beats headphones. they rarely go on sale. they are $99, down from $150. the nice thing, lot os retailers have these. do a google search. >> we can visit your last one. >> come on out, we'd love to have you. >> elliott wiler, thank you, my friend. ahead, an item of clothing celebrated by both justin bieber and mark wahlberg is on the museum wall of art. >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon, "black friday" has kick off the holiday shopping season. shoppers in the philadelphia region have been out since early this morning, at the king of prussia mall. more than 400 stores opened up here at 6:00 a.m. macy ' was the only one that was open all night long. as well expect willing extremely busier day, busier than usual. now over to matt peterson, still, matt, little chilly out there. >> it is a little chilly. if you haven't gone outside just yet, maybe waited little bit, got little extra sleep, now thinking about stepping outside, get the "black friday " deals, get the winter coat out. because it is cool. wanted to show you burn ville in the neighborhood network, 29 degrees up in the poconos, frogs i scene on the grass, because, the temperatures are is he low, the further north you go, in the 20's, pretty much across the entire delaware valley, waking up to 28 degrees in wilmington, down toward the shore points, reduce some 30's in areas like wildwood, atlantic city but overall you definitely still need the hats and gloves and scarfs here early this morning , sunshine and 52 this afternoon, up to 57, so very mild saturday. and then, for the birds game sunday, 48 degrees. sunshine for us once again. then rahel we steadily warm up to near 60 for next week. >> thank you, matt. roosevelt boulevard headed near the schuylkill, headlights headed in the southbound direction towards the schuylkill, but very light traffic. also, same story goes for schuylkill at city avenue with taillights. all going westbound toward king of prussia. usually one of the major spot of the morning commute, but obviously not too many people on the road, chester county upper uekland township crews on scene on march street drive for vehicle fire that's smaller street, to avoid the area, if you can. and our next update at 8: 55, ahead on cbs this morning, the museum of art, dedicated do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ you know what you did wrong? >> i don't know what i did wrong. >> you did nothing wrong. we want to give you a turkey and say happy holidays. >> how are you? god bless you. do you need a turkey for thanksgiving? good to see you. >> have a nice gobble, gobble day. >> did you hear that driver? don't scare me like that. a florida sheriff personally delivered thousands of free turkeys to people across his county. good for him. sheriff scott israel pulled some people over before surprising them with a free bird. he also knocked on several doors. he said this is his way of thanking his community. >> thanking the community, also scaring them. >> giving a haerlteart attack o. >> good job. >> we'll take the bird. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" explains the psychology of why people stand in line on black friday. it's not just for sales. the paper says it's the experience. many people experience it as answer experience and bonding experience. usa "today" says small businesses march to their own beat. shoppers spent $15.48 billion in 2014. it's up today. it's about building community and educating shoppers about small businesses this their neighborhood. and the "telegraph" in london looks at how frying food could be altering the weather. when droplets of cooking fat are released into the air released moisture into the air. it could have a noticeable impact on clouds and rainy weather. the effect is so large it could be slowing down global warming. >> eat oil, it rains, you stay inside and get bigger. >> that's depressing. what's not depressing is the hollywood movies. one of the season's most anticipated openings is some movie called "star wars," an indy film. "star wars," t "star wars," the last jedi. >> it's expected to return $200 million in the first weekend when it opens december 15th. they're here. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> good to be here. >> let's talk "star wars." we've been talking about it all morning long during commercial break. how big is it going to be? >> i think it's going to be huge. would you say, dana? >> yeah. people outside the "star wars" fandom. it's one people have been looking forward to it. >> we know why a super fan would want to duo see it, but for a nonsuper fan, what's in it for me? >> okay. i'll make the pitch. the director of the movie is a really interesting indy director who people are excited to see get into this franchise because he can bring yorp nall ideas to it. whatever they're doing, they're happy with it that he could do another sar wa"star wars" trilo >> what about the younger ones? i'm taking my 5-year-old to see "coco." >> join the club. it's definitely going to be a top movie this week. these movies are always at the top of the chain. they're doing something right in terms of attracting new audiences with a movie that's set in a mexican cultural world. >> let's talk about "jumanji." there's a reboot that originally starred robin williams. why this one? >> this one seems original to me which takes the original jumanji idea that you can jump into a board game. kids jump into a video game and becomes an avatar. there's a 12-year-old kid who becomes the rock. >> dwayne "the rock" johnson very different from robin williams. how is that going to play? >> i think you've got kevin hart in this movie, so you have that buddy comedy act. that's what they're banking on. >> let eeg look at it. given the political environment we're in right now, do you think it's going to bring more people to this movie than it would have otherwise? >> well, it's an interesting question. i mean are people going to turn out for it or are they going to want a break? i think from a political angle, it's a very timely movie and hopefully it will find its fans. like a couple of years ago where it attracts people interested in the news and the ideas and it's definitely one to watch during oscar season. >> there's a drama called "call me by your name." you're calling it the great date movie. it's one not only to watch, but you want to live in. >> it's great. it's guy romance. it takes place in italy in the summer. so if you want to go and get some bottled summer, it's a beautiful lain gore russ romantic film. >> that works for me. >> reporter: last time you were here, we were talking sexual scandals in hollywood. i'm curious, how important is this box office season for romance and turmoil that we've been covered over the past few months, your paper in particular unfolding a lot of the scandal? >> when you talk about award season, there's going to be a sort of elephant missing in the room, which is the weinstein company and those known for their oscar campaigns. that's not going to be in evidence this year. i think in terms of box office, people are always looking for a great holiday season especially since they haven't had an excellent year overall with a few notable exceptions like wonder woman. but star wars is going to bring us back. "the post" is going to be that thinking person's movie. >> and "coco" for me tomorrow. you know where you're going to find me. >> and you're going to see "call me by your name." but you should go see "star war wars". >> thank you so much for being here. you might have a black dress or white t-shirt in your closet now, but would you consider it art? for mild-to-moderate eczema? it can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. the face of a fisherman? the hand of a ranch hand? the knee of a needle pointer? prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. and it's steroid-free. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa. toasting dad: i'm not one but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. new york's museum of natural art is asking a thought-provoking question. is clothing art? you might bepred to learn how many of these articles of clothing are part of your w5 wardrobe. >> this is my favorite. >> i'm so glad. this was one of the most painful corners to install. >> really. >> reporter: paola antonelli spent more than a decade collecting and cure rating art. >> 111 items. >> yeah. >> why that number? >> it can be divided in three and brings good lucks. >> reporter: it brings in coco's little black dress. >> it's funny. we could wear that 1920s chanel dress today and look perfect, perfectly up to date. >> it's why the boxer brief bieber wears today resemble those made famous by mark wahlberg in the 1990s. calvin klein's tidy whiteys are on display next to the wonder bra. >> reporter: can coco chanel's little black dress exist with wonder bra? >> oh, yeah. it can. we tend to think of the outer skin we project onto the world by which we express ourselves, but there's so much underneath that helps us achieve that kind of effect, and ubds wear has so much of an impact, it has fashion unto rits. >> reporter: call it the formal underwear. this white t-shirt is a symbol of status. >> it representatives power. today the guy with the three-piece suit might be a bodyguard and the guy with the white t-shirt might be a ceo. >> reporter: it includes fashion staples popularized over the past century, the pant suit, platform shoes, yoga pants, each piece representing a new york city perspective. >> new york is such a privileged observatory of the whole world and such an arrogant know it all-city, we could do it that way. >> i would think people would characterize it that way. >> a loving, loving, loving, generous city also. this corner is about rebellion, doc martin and the black panthers. >> i'll let you guess which one i am. >> today it's about your own personal expression, the way you match things up, the way you compose them, you cannot judge a person by their clothes and a book by its covers. >> you can't. if i wear a beret, do you know my politics? >> absolutely not. in this day and age, the first thing i think of with a beret, maybe not black, is a japanese school girl. >> reporter: while the beret may have lost its political edge, the items may continue to move you, approaching the solo red hoodie near the center of the exhibit can do that. >> for most many people that will prove to be moving, haunting, tragic is you have a red hoodie up there. the hoodie in this country signifies something different to everybody. what does it signify to you? >> i think sometimes it comes to signify one thing for all. it's this garment that makes you feel protected and almost invisible. until its latest tragic rancor nation and the civil injustice of the killing of trayvon martin. it's here because it's a political symbol but always because it's a great garment and a great example of american design. >> nicely done, vlad. i like the coat. >> a really good piece to understand. the idea of the black beret, some would consider fashion but also the black panthers. >> i love that they include underwear. you don't see it but it changes the way you embody clothes on the outside. >> vlad, you can wear a three-piece suit and i've walked in with you wearing a bomber leather jacket. you can pull it all off. >> reporter: remember you can see it all on our cbs podcast. jill schlesinger gives her perspective of the retail outlook. plus tips on shopping smart. up next, we'll look at all that mattered this week. you're watching "cbs this morning." tomorrow on "cbs this morning: saturday", spike lee will be on. his netflix series "got to have it." that's tomorrow. >> be sure to tune in to "cbs evening news" tonight. as we leave you, let's take a look at all that mattered this beak. >> do you want to say anything to your accusers of the wrong doings? >> it's not wrong doings. >> the wave of sexual harassment we've been reporting has now touched cbs. >> you can't understate it. >> some say he groped them or exposed himself to them and then came to -- >> let me be very clear. there is no excuse for this alleged behavior. it is systematic and pervasive. >> charlie doesn't get a pass here. he doesn't get a pass from anyone in this room. we're all deeply affected, all rocked by this. >> these two agents were ambushed. >> we have to stop the massive drug flow from pouring in. >> charles manson died last night at a california hospital. >> he instructed his followers to kill seven people. >> no one knows what happened to the sub. >> the ocean turns out to be a very large ocean if you're looking in the wrong box. >> what a memory this was right to the very end. >> the jobs that was supposed to go to americans are going to romanians and the costa rizech republic. are you going to -- >> it's one of those moments where you say, where is that elevator. >> alabama officers doing pushups with a canine named nitro. >> go, nitro. >> so you think there's going to be an explosion of this. you think there's going to be people building these allover. >> there are already a number being built in portland. there's going to be a number of them. >> vlad has been talking about olaf all, all morning. nine is like the only sub correct thing he can talk about. >> one of the busiest shopping days of the year. you can take your turkey in your carry-on. >> okay. i'll remember that. >> aaa says they still get calls for flat tires because one in five know how to change a tire. >> i don't know how to do. thank you, kris van cleave. >> call me, gayle. i'll do it. >> thank you, kris. >> have you ever done that? >> i have. i jumped with the golden knights about two years ago. i've had enough. >> cuba has a nostalgic feeling. there are kids who want to be part of the world. they want to feel like they're part of doing and it didn't feel like this was their moment. ♪ hey hey, bay, try to find a little time and i'll make you mine ♪ ♪ i'll be beside the phone waiting for you ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ why do you build so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. >> in is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." good morning, i'm january car barrow. >> shoppers in south jersey rushed out to the toys "r" us store in cherry hill as soon as dinner was open, has been open since 5:00 p.m. thanksgiving, will stay open until 11:00 p.m. tonight. to the forecast with matt peterson. >> good morning, "black friday " shoppers, have woken up to some cool temperatures,, to say the least, we get little warm they are afternoon , but, this is what we are expecting, sunshine, calmer winds, temperatures in the 50's later today but this morning in the 20's and 30's, across much of the delaware vale, now, we started out the day with the only spot in the 30's, philly, now see allentown up to 33, trenton at 36, 34 here in philadelphia, and still the freezing mark in the poconos, see reading, wilmington, and millville, also coming in in the mid to high 20's, so do bundle up as you head out to get the "black friday" deems, 52 degrees for the high temperature on our friday, we wrap up this week, going up to 57 tomorrow, late day shower chance, then we could see some cooler and breezy conditions, jan, sunday , high of 48. but steadily warming up to near 60 beer the middle of next week. >> thank you, matt. let's check the roads, millbrook road, not far from philadelphia mills shopping area. volume looks great right now in both directions but look for minor delays near the mall and as the day continues. delaware county, in aston township water main break pan coast between robert road, it has the road closed so take dutton mill road as an alternate. join us for "eyewitness news" at noon, i'm jan carabeo, great day. >> announcer: she claimless to have the biggest breasts in europe. á >> she has 5 liters of fluid in there. >> she's trying to transform herself into a real black woman >> >> does she think that's how black women look. >> she could potentially kill herself. >> announcer: cancer left her brutally scarred. can the doctors help? why some parents are giving their children bleach enemas? the doctors investigate. >> it is child abuse! ♪ for more info, log onto our website. get tickets, be on the show, get your questions answered, all on -- [dogs barking]

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