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Tonight, stephen welcomes mark ruffalo. Chris matthews. Gilbert gottfried. And thundercat, sitting in with jon batiste and stay human. And now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause stephen hey how are you . Hey, chris whats going on . Thats right, thats right. Whats going on, you all. Please, have a seat, youre too kind. Welcome to the late show. Im your host, Stephen Colbert. Ladies and gentlemen, happy halloween. cheers and applause everybodys in the spirit. The white house eve decorated. Pretty spooky. Even spookier was this picture melania tweeted of her view from the inside. laughter they actually make it look that way all year long so she doesnt try to escape. laughter this year, i decided to dress up, my costume. Im a latenight talk show host. Were like vampires we only come out after dark, and were extremely pale. Of course, its a scary time for donald trump. I believe it was Michael Jackson who said no ones gonna save you from the beast about to strike cause this is Mueller Mueller night cheers and applause now, ghouls and goblins, join me for tonights twisted tale of terror, the fall of the house of trumper. Our story so far yesterday, special prosecutor Robert Mueller indicted Trump Campaign chairman and maitre d at a gangsterthemed pizzeria, paul manafort, on 12 charges, including conspiracy against the United States, which i believe is a legal term meaning getting trump elected. laughter now, manafortee indictment if im not mistaken, manaforts indictment was expected and trumps thumbs were standing guard on castle tweetmore the fake news is working overtime. As Paul Manaforts lawyer said, there was no collusion and events mentioned took place long before he dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot, dot, came to the campaign. laughter ironclad defense. Ironclad defense. Dont blame me. I happen to know he was a criminal before i hired him. cheers and applause now, notice very interesting, very interesting notice. You notice his nocollusion witness is manaforts lawyer . O. J. Did not do it. Johnnie cochran swore to me on a stack of bloody gloves. Honestly, i think hillary is the real killer. Okay, they saw this one coming, manafort, but what nobody saw coming was that mueller got a guilty plea from Trump Campaign Foreign Policy adviser and limo driver that wont stop asking you if you party, george papadopoulos. And heres the thing papadopoulos was secretly arrested by mueller months ago, and since then, has turned states evidence, working for mueller as a proactive cooperator. Yes, proactive cooperator. That sounds like a fancy name for a cheap date. But what does it mean, Jeffrey Toobin . What this says to me is that papadopoulos, between july and october, was wearing a wire. Stephen ooh, papadopolicious. laughter needless to say, the white house folks were caught with their pants. Crapped. laughter as one senior republican put it, the walls are closing in, and everyone is freaking out. Oh, are they . Do they wake up every morning feeling overwhelming dread that something terrible is happening in our country that they have no control over . I have no idea how that feels. If i drink enough. cheers and applause welcome to the club but this morning, donald trump rummaged through the take a lie, leave a lie tray and came up with this few people knew the young, low level volunteer named george, who has already proven to be a liar. Check the dems we did check with the dems. They feel pretty good about this. But nice of you to ask. laughter and youre right, he did lie to the f. B. I. , to protect you, which is why he was arrested. laughter now, according to trump, george is just some random young person hes barely heard of, like tiffany. laughter jon oooh stephen really . Really . Jon oooh laughter cheers and applause stephen well, if thats true, sir, then how come you said this when you were asked who your Foreign Policy advisors were stephen excellent guy. Horrible conspirator. But as a person, just the tops. Mr. President , if you still cant remember him, here he is with you at a meeting so pale, that greek is the diversity hire. laughter , of course, yesterday yesterday . Is this yesterday . White house spokesperson and angry woman behind you at target, Sarah Huckabee sanders, tried to explain that picture away. This individual was the member of a volunteer Advisory Counsel that met one time over the course of a year. He was a volunteer on, again, a counsel that met once, that met one time. Im telling you that he was a volunteer member of an Advisory Counsel that literally met one time. Stephen and im telling you, that literally doesnt matter. Did you not go to health class . Collusion is like pregnancy it only takes the one time, girl. Protect yourself. cheers and applause its true you gotta double bag. Double bag your career. So nobody knew this lowlevel Campaign Worker except trump, who made him a Foreign Policy advisor. It makes sense he named his garden gnome attorney general laughter except except answer my riddles three. Thats not party gnome. Im not sure what that reference is, but i liked it. Except they did know him because papadopoulos was emailing about russia with top trump staff, including paul manafort, former Campaign Manager corey lewandowski, and Trump National campaign cochairman and Colonel Sanders getting high on his own supply, sam clovis. laughter now, when papadopoulos wrote to ask clovis about going to russia to collude, clovis replied. I would encourage you. To make the trip, if it is feasible. Well, thats nice. Betray your country, but only if its no bother you know, like, on your way home, could you pick up some bread, some eggs, and half a gallon of treason . Now, this email from clovis sounds damning, but clovis lawyer explains that his client is a polite gentleman from iowa who would always have been courteous to a person offering to help the campaign. Why, shucks, youve gone to all this trouble. It would be rude not to engage in an International Conspiracy to undermine our democracy. Go on. So things are looking bad for the white house, and they cant wriggle their way out of this one. Its as if its as if all of their lies have suddenly come back to entangle the white house in some sticky mesh of interwoven threads. Whats the metaphor im looking for . Yeah, yeah, thats right, thats right. Yeah. cheers and applause i gotta say jon i like that. Stephen this could be for trump, it could be the spookiest halloween ever, because im pretty sure mueller is ready to drop off a few more flaming bags of poop. We have a great show for you tonight mark ruffalo is here. Hulk but when we return, a special salute to general john kelly. Stick around. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. Just go to bed. Aveeno® positively radiant® overnight facial. Get the benefits of a spa facial. Overnight. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results® aveeno®. 60 of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. Find the number thats right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. The better the fit, the better it protects. Always. Behold the power of energizer® ultimate lithium™. Music the 1 longestlasting battery. Dude. Yodude. Unchings stheyre just jealous. Kelloggs raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. I got one guess were having cereal for dinner. Kelloggs raisin bran crunch apple strawberry. band playing cheers and applause give it up for the band right there, jon batiste and stay human. And let me tell you, folks, jon, weve got a lot more weve knot a lot more show tonight, but jon would you please introduce to the people out there and the people at home the talented young man with the band tonight. Jon we have thundercat with the band hey, steve. Stephen always good to see you. Your critically acclaimed album, drunk, came out earlier this year. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me, seriously. Wonderful, wonderful. This demonstrates about how deep id like to be in a glass of bourbon right now. Speaking of things that are on television, like our show right now, last night, white house chief of staff and doctor who sees something he doesnt like on your xray, john kelly, was over on the fox news and offered his opinion about all the confederate stat use being taken down. I think we make a mistake, though, as a society, and certainly as individuals, when we take what is today accepted as right and wrong and go back 100, 200, 300 years or more. Its inconceivable to me that you would take what we think now and apply it back then. Stephen nope, sorry, lot of people thought slavery was wrong back then, for example im going to go out a limb here black people. In 1850, the United States had 3. 2 million slaves. I think their yelp review would have been pretty bad but kellys historical scholarship didnt stop there. He also had an interesting take on the root causes of the civil war. The lack of an ability to compromise led to the civil war. Stephen and, of course, we all remember john wilkes booths famous cry as he shot lincoln, cant we at least talk about this . What do you mean there was a lack of compromise . The civil war happened because of compromise the missouri compromise, the threefifths compromise. Youre a general, and you dont know why the civil war happened . What do you think caused world war ii, a zoning issue . laughter i vant to build a strip mall in the sudetenlands. Maybe some mixed use housing in poland. Whats so wrong with that . Maybe, maybe im being unfai laughter and maybe a lack of compromise really was at the heart of the civil war. I mean, take this letter from confederate soldier buford Nathaniel Jessup to his wife. My dearest elizabeth, i regret to say that the tide has turned against us here at antietam. The union army steadfastly refuses compromise. We keep saying, maybe we can just have slaves, like, monday wednesday, friday . and theyre all like, naw. and its like, okay, what about every other weekend . but they wont give us any slaves. Theyre being total nazis abou laughter this, which is weird because nazis arent even a thing yet. Well, ive just been bayoneted by my brother, got to go. Or maybe true story kelly knows better and is just being willfully ignorant, because as the chief of staff, hes now forced to defend the positions of an idiot. But we can not judge john kelly by todays standards. He said it yesterday. laughter well be right back with mark ruffalo. Show you the way cilantro. Parsley. Spinach. Basil. Toothpicks . Campbells slow kettle chef crafted soups. Mm can i get some more spinach . Made for real, real life. Hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. 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Stephen we really do, 2015 you came on the old show, to. 2008. Fracking. Stephen we talked about fracking back then. We banned it. Stephen did we ban it . We banned it in new york state, scotland, ireland. Were doing an international tour. Is this yours . Can i have some of this . Stephen welcome back. The last time you were on this show talking to me november of 2015 it was a long time ago. Stephen good lord. Too long. Stephen its a different world. It really is. It really is. A lots happened since then. Stephen it sure has. I used to be able to sleep back then. laughter remember sleep . Stephen oh, yeah. Which doth knit the raveled sleeve of care. Oooh. Stephen yeah you dont, like, dress up or anything for halloween, do you . I do. Stephen you do . I do you. Stephen spend all your time in outfits. It must take hours to get in that green hulk makeup. No, theres no makeup at all. Stephen never . No i have to wear a silly little suit. Stephen is that what this is . Yes, thats what this is. There you are. There you are. A trained actor reduced to a chinese checkerboard. laughter . Stephen in that scene, like, the grunting. Thats mine. Stephen but do you i do all my own grunting, steve laughter . Stephen but do you actually do the grunting . They dont lay the grunting in there. I do my grunting. I do my yelling, i do my roaring, thats me. Stephen when you do, hulk no like, thats you. Hulk like fire, thor like water cheers and applause stephen totally buy it. Totally buy it. Yeah stephen so the the new movie is thor ragnarok. The last time you were here you were here for spotlight. So thor ragnarok and spotlight, where is the crossover there for you . How are the political and social messages any way the same for you . I know youre a serious oorkt and i want to know how you took that spotlight experience, and the performance of hulk with some of that really heartbreaking, soulsearching, really scathing indictment of americas social, political, and religious power structure . laughter laughter is it different . Is it different movie . Its slightly different. Stephen yeah. I saw them both. I liked them both very much. But in the end, by the way stephen in the end . I cant tell. Its a spoiler alert. Sorry. I get in trouble a lot. Stephen oh, wait, you got in big trouble. I get in a lot of trouble. Stephen tell the people what you did that must have driven marvel or disney crazy. You gave away the whole movie, didnt you . Well, only the first 10 minutes of it. Stephen how did you do this again . Well, in my defense stephen someone attacking you . They asked me to do an Instagram Live post. Stephen who did . Marvel disney stephen yeah. And so and so i said i would do that, but i had never done Instagram Live so i didnt really know how it worked. Stephen because are you a. Grandpa stephen yes. It was a grandpa move. I went to bed a leading man, and somehow i woke up a grandpa, okay. But i so i went backstage, and i was i was doing the Instagram Live, and it was fun and games and everyone loved it. And i was doing the audience. And then they said, return to your seat. Were going to start movie. Of the so i pushed the button, what you think is going to stop it, but theres another button to stop it. Stephen what did the first button do . The first button just tells you to push the second button to stop it. Stephen why not make the first button to stop it. Thats what i said stephen so . So i ended up shoving it in my pocket and sitting down and watching the movie. Well, it was live. laughter stephen so it was broadcasting. Its broadcasting to the movie basically free to millions and millions of hopefully paying viewers. laughter and stephen how did you find out and my phone was blowing up. People were texting me. And i must got 50 texts in 10 minutes. Stephen saying, stop this, you idiot. Of course, thats what they were saying but i didnt want to be rude and take out my phone and look at the text s. Stephen youre not supposed to that. You cant do that in a movie youre an ahole if you do that. Stephen do you have it with you . Do you have your phone with you . No good deed yeah, buddy. No good deed goes unpunished. Im sitting there enjoying the movie with my family, and a woman came up and she poked me on the shoulder and i turned and i said, yeah, what, what in . And she said, your phone is on youre instagramming live this whole show youve been instagramming live for 10 minutes turn it off laughter oh, no. Oh, oh, no turn it off yeah, yeah, turn takeoff. 50 texts. People i havent seen since high school are texting me, turn off your phone marvels going to fire you we love you. Stephen they didnt fire you, did they . Well, not yet. Im in the middle of a movie. Theyre not going to fire you before youre finished. Stephen whats the one youre doing right now. Infinite war two or avengers 3 i mean avengers 4. Stephen so its the eighth in a series. Were doing avengers 3 and four, or infinite war 1 and two. I know its a little confusing. Stephen when will they make up their mind . Once they test screen tprobably. Stephen have you done infinite war 1 in . And avengers 3 . Yes. Stephen and when do we get to see that . When it comes out, steve. Stephen but i really enjoyed the thor ragnarok. You did . Stephen oh, i loved it. Did you . You saw it. Stephen i saw it on a little screen lying in bed. Thats all right. This was hilarious. Stephen i got to see it because im special eye got to see at home on a little link they send you. And its really enjoyable. Its really great. How good was it on a scale of 110. Stephen 110 like 1 being not so good and 10 being really, really amazing. Stephen it would be 10. Why, steve applause id go t see that movie based on that recommendation. Stephen i dont think its going to need my recommendation to see this movie. People seem to like it. Stephen its got slow seens scooens in it when you dont see. Its got two guys browing down, hulk and thor apologizing to each other after a terrible argument. Stephen the thor the thor. Thor and hulk and hulk talks a lot in this. He does. Stephen did you insist, im going to do this movie but you have to give me words to say. Im so sick of grunting. I want to Say Something for bleep . Stephen youre hulk for most of the movie. Yeah whats he like to be a roommate with . How does he eat . How does he do stuff . Im sick of yelling and screaming and smashing all the time, man it gets old stephen hulks got feelings in this one. He has regrets. He does. He does. I think hes the emotional stephen thor of the movie without a doubt. It shouldnt be called thor. It should called hulk. How about thulk. Stephen thulk, or stephen thor ragnarok is in theaters friday. Mark ruffalo, everybody. Well be right back with Chris Matthews. What if i sacrificed. And what if i swore id succeed. So you could wake up one day with the choice to be anything you wanted. Well then, my great granddaughter. It would all be worth it. New charmin ultra soft its softer than ever. New charmin ultra soft is softer than ever. So its harder to resist. Okay, this is getting a little weird. Enjoy the go with charmin givwith an extra 20 off s cozy up with holiday jammies and plush throws. Save on a keurig coffee maker plus, only at kohls get kohls cash to spend on your next purchase. Presents for them kohls cash for you give joy, get joy at kohls. I want ycome on mom t easy. Go slow. Lets go mom slow down for the ones who keep pushing. 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Ladies and gentlemen, my next guest tonight has been a Washington Bureau chief, a president ial speechwriter, and a political commentator for over 20 years. You know him as the host of hardball, please welcome Chris Matthews applause stephen thanks for coming back. Ha laughter im back stephen last time we spoke yes, sir. Stephen was right around the inaugural, january of 2017. Yeah. Stephen and we were speculating about the next nine to 10 months, and herery with again. And i said to you when you left, come back when we have something on the books. What do you see, as somebody who covers politics and been in politics, what do we have on the books now . I think this halloween, americas coming as donald trump, which is pretty scary. laughter . Stephen he represents the United States now. He has become the symbol of our country to the world, and its pretty frightening. And i think the world is that always sort of resented us and is jealous of us, now feels a little sorry for us. I really think that times have changed. And, by the way, dont you get the sense, although hes a little neater than colombo, that this guy mueller is like columbow, just of just one more question. Just one more question. Stephen as trump shuts the white house door on him. And he walks around with that 300pound attache case with him, no hair out of place. I think the guy is going to slowly build his case against the trump enterprise, the entire trump enterprise, starting with the guy who opened up the relations with russia, following up that his soninlaw did it. Its going to be a slow, inevitable process of developing the closure between the trump people and the russians. And ill tell you, ive never seen ive been in politics for 50 years, different sides of the fight, journalism and politics ive never met a russian. I never had anything to do with russians. Theres nothing wrong with russians as individuals but this is the strangest administration. Every time a name comes up carter page, the cato kalin of the case he doesnt coanything, hes just there. And manafort, who has all the russian connections, and roger stone with all the russian connections. And Michael Stone is over there having dinner with vladimir. What is the vugz erussian connection . Why is it always its like yeahy mason talking about the o. J. Case what is this, walking through the blood, in the blood, around the block blood . Why are there always russianed involved . I do not understand the affinity this guy seems to have. It may go in history as the russians had nothing left at the end of the cold war. All they had left was a security sthe k. G. B. Which they renamed and a lot of gas, a lot of oil and gas they wanted to suls. So they hired a lot of lobbyists, like manafort, a lot of money pours in the door, trying to influence our elections so we end the sanctions, start buying fosul fuels, stop talking about Climate Change and theyll be back in business as gas stations. Stephen you have a new book Bobby Kennedy a raging spirit. And before we go into it, can you explain this striking image on the back . Yeah. I want everybody to see this. This is why i wrote the book. You know, look at this poor family along the Railroad Tracks in 1968 paying tribute to boab kennedy as his body goes by. Stephen on a train. That kind of after he had been assassinated. That kind of patriotic commitment and trust in political leaders is gone. Look on the other side. These Young African american kids. You know, inside the book i showed lines of african americans, they were singing battle hymn of the republic spontaneously when boabs body went by, spontaneously they just started singing. These white people who have lost their faith in the Democratic Party now. They think theyve been abandoned, discarded, trump people, reagan or whatever. They had this patriotic connection to this kennedy guy. You know why . Because he believed in uniting people. Unlike today with trump who does everything in the world to distract with us stupid stuff over stat use or bathrooms, hes always come up with something to get to us hate each other. Or saying that his predecessor snuck in the country from africa. He never stops at a chance to device guideus. Thats what trump wants to do. And bobby to his credit. He had flaws but all he tried to do was bring us together. He was a uniter, had empathy for people trump has no empathy. How you can talk to a war widow and not express empathy. Body went the night king was killed and i have the tape to prove it he said to a guy in a flat trump and said, do the people know king has been killed today . And they said, no, they dont know. He had to walk out in a tough crowd in a rough neighborhood, the cops wouldnt go with him, and bobby told them what happened and said we have to learn to live together and my brother was killed by a white guy. And i dont think we have that today. We dont have we dont have empathy. We dont have unity. We dont have compassion. We dont have leaders that we trust like this guy. Stephen the epigraph of this book is a quote from churchill that says, man is spirit. Yeah. Stephen what was bobbys spirit . You know, i think it was, as a kid, he was the runt in the family. And i worked very hard to figure out, why was this rich sid kidso caring about people in trouble minorities, all kind of people american indians. He cared about the white appalachian people, the poor whites in the country. He was the small kid in the family. I think a lot of life is birth order and where you fit in the family. He was 58, his brothers were six feet tall, and he called the kid to his face, youre a runt. And when kid showed interest in other people and generosity, hed say, i dont know where he got that from. Finally bobby became the tough guy. And eventually the real spirit of the guy came out. He looked after white people. Stephen it can come out after j. F. K. Was killed . A friend of the family told me, on background, he decide he would spend his life going after bad guys, like mobsters jimmy hoffa, really scary characters hed spend his life going after them as a prosecutor. And he decide people like that end up being their own creating their own hell on earth. They create their own hell, the bad guys of this planet. So why dont you focus on the victims . And he changed his life that way. Stephen there was a terrorist attack in Downtown Manhattan tonight, this afternoon. Yeah. Stephen what do you think boabobbykennedys response woule been to what were facing now . I think, like most of us who try to understand terrorism, its a desperate act by our enemy to get to us hate them more. They want to stir up more hatred on both sides. The idea of terrorism is to make the state that they attack more of a police state, more controlling, less free, more buildings locked up, more passes to get through doors, close up the today you cant even go to the capitol. You used to be able to go to the u. S. Capitol, just walk in the door. To try to close up society so people begin to feel like less than democratic people. And i think the terrorists win that way. So what you have to do is recognize its a terrorist act. Its an act of hatred. But its real purpose is to turn the society they attack into a police state. Stephen well, thank you for this book. applause i keep this on my desk. Thank you for this book about boab kennedy. He, to me, is the heartbreak g kennedy, this picture, one of the earliest memories will of my life. Was watching that train. And. I remember my sister putting her arms around me and pointing me to the tv and explaining what was happening. Who this man was. And i keep this on my desk. Would you read to the people what boab kennedy said. Its from the south africa speech. Each time a man stands up for an idea or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope and crossing each frrg a million Different Centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current that can wipe can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Robert kennedy. applause stephen Bobby Kennedy a raging spirit is on sale now. Chris matthews, everybody well be right back with Gilbert Gottfried. Feel the power of thenew power. Smax. To fight back theraflus powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms. Fast. So you can play on. Theraflu expressmax. New power. Aswitch to new pantene light as air foam conditioner, full of rich prov nutrients. For 100 conditioning, 0 weight new pantene foam conditioner. Christie this is new jersey is facing an epidemic fueled by addictive opioid painkillers. 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Thats why he stood up to republicans and democrats alike to fight the north jersey casinos and the takeover of atlantic city. Chris brown is fighting to protect jobs in our region. A true champion for the working men and women of atlantic county. On november 7th, lets keep him fighting for us. Chris brown for state senate, hes on our side. band playing band playing cheers and applause stephen welcome back, everyone. cheers and applause folks, my next guest is a comedian whose voice alone has over 90 imdb credits. Please welcome Gilbert Gottfried applause cheers and applause stephen hey. Good to see you. Yeah, well, im im im doing this show under protest because my two kidsmented to go trickortreating. And i said to them, no, im doing Stephen Colbert. And they said, we dont want to go to Stephen Colbert. We want to go trickortreating. Stephen are they here right now . Yes. Stephen do they want to meet mark ruffalo . Hes the hulk. Yes. Stephen hes backstage. They want to meet him more than they want to know me. Stephen thank you for being here. Halloween is a big night. How old are your kids . Eight and 10. Stephen perfect halloween tonight. Theyll never get tonight back. laughter halloween, would you go out dressed up as a comic book character . I had a really cheap pirate outfit that id wear as a kid, and i would go out in the and id go trickortreating, go home, dump out the candy, and then i had a zoro mask, so i hit all the same houses again. Yeah laughter . Stephen with the zoro mask on . Yeah. Stephen why doesnt every child do that . Thats genius i was basically even as a kid a snora. This, im teaching yiddish now. Stephen look it up. Now, you are still doing standup, right . Yes. Stephen how how are you liking the road . Are you having fun on the show still . Yeah, i feel like willy loehmann out on the road. Stephen thats a sad story. Im teaching now, culture. Stephen that story does not end happily . No, that ends with i dont want to to ruin the ending for you. If you are planning on running out and seeing death of a salesman i just dont want to ruin it, the big surprise. laughter but i will say at the end of macbeth, it doesnt end well. laughter stephen so so are you having fun . Like, its you travel all over the United States still . Yeah. I travel, and before i forget, i have a documentary. Stephen oh, okay. And its called gilbert. Stephen okay, is i wont tell you what its about. Yeah. laughter filmmaker Neil Berkeley made a of a documentary he came to me and he said, ive also dreamt of making a gill do you meanary. And i said well you should set your dreams higher than that. And we made it. Stephen why why did you want to do a documentary . I wanted to do a documentary because i had been dead for 20 years. Thats laughter thats usually why the subject of a documentary is. Stephen but you didnt mind having, like, a crew come into your house and your life . I hated it. I hated it from the first second. Stephen you have a wife and children. How did they like it . No, they hated it, too. laughter . Stephen so who liked it . No one. No, but its gotten great reviews so far. Stephen okay. People said youll laugh and youll cry. Which is what women have said after theyve had sex with me. laughter yeah. Stephen thats the yelp review. Thats the yelp review. Now, did we have a clip here from the documentary. You can set up whats happening here . Do you know whats going on in this . Its something to do with my life. laugh . Stephen i think its your wife and children. Yes, yeah. My wife and kids are in this. And yeah. Thats about it. laughter stephen jim . I still feel very uncomfortable going, you know, my wife. Still feels weird. My kids. Still feels odd to say it. Nice to meet you. Im the mother. Okay, so, this picture is a Family Picture from this year. Max, daraa, gilbert, and me. Say nice say, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Theres a scene in the documentary where we go to a hotel and its in chicago, and theyre having a war reenactment. Stephen a war reenactment . Yeah, its like every different war, theyre having, like, people dressed as soldiers stephen oh, theyre cosplaying, like, the war . Yes, civil war, korea, vietnam, world war i. So i immediately ran to the world war ii one, and all these nazi officers ran over to me excited going, oh, problem child. And theyre there with the swastikas and the iron cross, going, oh, can we take a selfie . And i remember thinking, you know, ive had these nazis wrong all this time. laughter i i theyre really a swell bunch of guys. Stephen there was violence on both sides. There was violence on both sides, gilbert. applause stephen the documentary, gilbert, opens this friday. Gilbert gottfried, everybody well be right back. Dont go away sweet 4k tv, mr. Peterson. Thanks. Im pretty psyched. Did you get fios too . No, was i supposed to get fios . Mr. Peterson. 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Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry bout where it is you come from itll be all right its the late, late show announcer all the way from some spooky, dark,l

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