Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170928 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170928

that is not what you used to seeing when you think of puerto rico. when getting on that plane and landing and got here there was a cheer from the people on this plane for to us get here. then when we got in the airport we saw what we had been seeing in the videos but this tires film hand. we saw a packed crowd of people there to the point where we stopped, put our bag out and get footage of this we could not get through this crowd of people. the sweltering heat. one thing that we cannot show you but to feel it, it is a whole different thing. we were there for 10 minutes trying to talk to people in the airport. we were just dripping in sweat one woman actually ran up to us from the greater fail area and she's from delaware. she has been there at the airport trying to get back home, just trying to get back home for eight days now. you know what her biggest concern was? it wasn't necessarily about trying to get back home but to try to get us to understand how bad it really is right here. >> it isn't even half of tragedy down in this island. island was already stricken by the economy, okay. so getting hit by category five hurricane is devastating. the truth is not being told, okay. since it is not being told, these poor people out there, they are not getting taken care of. >> reporter: and she has only been able to go a mile from the airport, in isla verde we have been trying to get set up we can see from our perspective this is not close to some of the stuff we have seen. we have not been able to stop, get footage of. that but it does ant peer to be, lying or exaggerating when she saying what we have seen is not even the full capacity. so many people asked me to go in the center part of the country or island to try to show what is going on there because that is not getting enough coverage right now. >> what is the most surprising thing you have seen most since you have gotten there. >> reporter: a lot. the reality of, we have been covering this story for days. we have been seeing video but reality of being here and seeing it in person has been, has been astonishing. but another thing really that is we have had people, in our live shots and during our live shots you will hear honk of the horn but people thanking us for being here and thanking us for coming down here and covering it. i was expecting people to be saddened, disheartened, and they are just grateful, whatever they have they are grateful that we're down here and we are trying to give them more coverage and understand what it is like to be in puerto rico right now. >> your reports will continue, alycia and photographer joe conners, thanks very much. alycia will have more reports from puerto rico tonight on "eyewitness news" at 10 and 11:00 o'clock and in the coming days as the country continues to recover from hurricane maria. tonight the delaware valley is taking center stage in the national debate over tax reform. speaker of the house paul ryan visits our area to ram i support for president trump's new plan. "eyewitness news" reporter joe holden is live in aston delaware county where speaker ryan's message will go out to workers there, joe. >> reporter: workers who are just trickling out right now tell me it was definitely an interesting day at work. one man called it very exciting. as for the plan, and donald trump the architect behind this tax reform, little is known about the details, still , workers here, curious about what it could mean for their wallets. strong family bonds drive this delaware county business. >> aim glad you are who. >> reporter: penn machine made house speaker paul ryan's list of stops, republican leader is simplifying the tax code or framework that is. >> the u.s. tax system is basically the war in the industrialized world. >> reporter: this family started penn machine, its pipe fitting business in 1931 in south philadelphia. >> it is special about us is we treat all of our employees the way we would want to be treated. >> reporter: 180 employee firm made the move into upper chichester in the 70's, chuck says the business climate has been increasingly difficult. >> from an employment/employer standpoint it seems like the government is always against you, with regulations, tax, you name it, and, you know, issues that we have to comply with. >> reporter: speaker ryan tour ed the facility with republican congressman pat meehan. bringing a simple message to an emerging plant that is already sparked division with democrats signaling a devil in the detail offensive. ryan provided generalizations. >> bringing that standard deduction way up so simplifies the tax code that nine out of 10 taxpayers in america will fill out their taxes in the post card. >> reporter: there was time for questions from workers but none from the press, ryan staffer steered him away from local reporters. workers now left curious about what a tax code revision could mean for them. >> we just don't know, especially with how much flip flopping we hear from the upper levels of government nowadays. >> reporter: right now republicans, of course, hailing what they have seen so far saying that this will put more money in the country's middle class, however, the democrats saying not so much, they claim that this plan would take care of the wealthiest of the population. that is story live from aston tonight i'm joe holden for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks very much. a local tree and brush removal company must now pay a record fine, aspl-undh is one of the largest tree and brush removal co in the country. today federal authorities announced they pleaded guilty to hiring and retiring hundreds of undocumented workers. it has to pay more than 95 million-dollar to the government. that is the largest settlement ever in an immigration case. many utility companies pay them to maintain the area near electric and gas lines. the latest numbers for the philadelphia drink tax revenue are in and they continue to lag behind projections. the tax brought in six and a half million-dollar, a month, through the summer or about 15 . mayor kenney is still not worried bay short fall saying it is within the range for a brand new tax, critics say this is more proof that the drink taxis not the best way to fund universal prek and other programs. sitting on cinder blocks is how car owners are finding their vehicles in philadelphia tires and rims, gone, philadelphia police say it is a rash of thefts, and most of the vehicles targeted are honda accords. even lug nuts designed to prevent theft, littered the ground at the scene. police are stepping up patrols to try to catch the criminals responsible. >> people work hard for doing what they purchase, and their belongings, their possessions and nobody wants to come out and go to work in the morning and see your car on cinder blocks. >> for these guys to do these things when they want something they will go through extreme measure to get them. >> police advice people to park in well lit areas until they track down a suspect, anyone with any information about the thefts is asked to call the police. first responders are among america's every day heroes, they are in the business of helping those in need, and for one local fire department they had a very busy weekend, doing just that. our cleve bryan has the story of two south jersey fire fighters who helped a mom and her baby, who just could not wait. >> a female, in labor. >> reporter: that was 3:00 a.m. call that had brigantine fire fighters thomas and chase mail i snapping into action lastfully >> well, it goes up quick. >> reporter: driving fire department ambulance they arrived at a home where pregnant woman said she didn't think she could make it to the hospital. >> contractions were two minutes apart so we decided that she wasn't going to make it to the hospital. we set up shop there got on the sterile blankets out, and we started, preparing for labor. >> reporter: when paramedics arrived they decided they might have time to get to the hospital before delivery so they pack mom up, but on the way, the baby had other plans. >> she said that she had the urge to push. normally when they have urge to push that is when baby is coming pretty quick. >> reporter: cruising down black horse pike baby boy arrived. >> his head showed first and then it was quick and then baby was fully out. >> reporter: while he was in the back helping mom, fire fighters mail i was in the front driving. >> it was just focusing on what i was doing. you could hear what was happening in the back. you knew what was happening. >> reporter: thinks first baby delivery for both fire fighters and they admit it was exciting and nerve racking. >> once we suctioned babies airway the baby started to cry so feel of joy, relief that the baby was healthy. number one call i have had so far, crazy calls, you know, definitely memorable. probably won't forget this the rest of my career. >> reporter: brigantine fire department plans to recognize chase and thomas in the near future for their efforts delivering the baby. they also hope to have a reunion with mom and that little boy n brigantine cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news" bravo. >> that is great. >> beautiful, beautiful. big sports news tonight as well, don? >> yeah, thursday night football returns to cbs with the packers hosting the bears, and tone he romo will break down the match up. we hope sixers days of dreaming of the draft lottery are over but it is if they are not, there is some new rules about tanking, we will have details in sports. still to come a reason to celebrate why these students in philadelphia were gathering for a very big honor today. >> the philadelphia warriors but we are not talking about the old pro basketball team. where these statues are on display and the amazing history behind them. plus a chilly change as fall finally arrives, kate bilo will tell you how long it last when "eyewitness it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network. so these go back 2200 years. >> to to 2200 years. >> horse back here, cool stuff >> i think now more than ever for people to understand cultures and especially china. china is an amazing culture that we as americans can learn a lot from. >> okay, our pat gallen took a trip back in time during "eyewitness news" this morning investigating the new exhibit at franklin institute. >> an exhibit of tar cota warriors that comes to life and k kyw news radio reporter justin udo experiences how history and technology clyde. >> welcome to terracotta warriors at the franklin institute. >> reporter: for the first time in 34 years terracotta warriors from china are here in philadelphia really a unique, yeah, exhibition, probably one of the greatest archeological finds of this century. >> reporter: anxious works of art were constructed more than 2,000 years ago to protect tomb of china's first emperor or but for next five months franklin institute will play hoe to more than 8,000 statues officials at museum say they want visitors to learn about the past by using technology of tomorrow, a past that they say is very much alive. that is because each of the statues comes equipped with augmented reality a technology that lets visitors capture exhibit on their phone and bring them to life. >> augmented reality gets you up close so thaw can see every piece of the terracotta but also again we have added on and layered what the weapons were used at that point in time, how they were made and provide additional information for people want to go more in depth. >> reporter: going to the digital editor said major advances have played a big part in bringing the warriors back to life. >> facial recognition technology to understand the construction of the statues, and radar to rocket emperors presumed burial sites. so i feel like i'm in reality and just another step in that evolution. >> reporter: warriors are joined by more than 160 artifacts including currency, mold and movie about the mississippitories of china the exhibit opens to the public this saturday. justin udo for kyw news radio for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> wow. >> i can see that again. >> wild. >> a philadelphia public school joins an elite class, general george mccall school in society hill has been designated a national blue ribbon school. >> mccall is only district school to earn the distinction this year. students, staff marked honor this afternoon with the live entertainment by 76ers dunk squad. mayor kenney congratulated the students for their outstanding achievements: >> especially i want to broad the students for being engage, curious, hard working and well behaved. keep up the good work and keep supporting each other as you learn together. >> here, here, mccall school will be celebrated with other blue ribbon honoraries in washington d.c. later this year. the title is awarded to schools where students exhibit high levels of achievement or worthy achievement gap is narrowed. >> good job, guys. meteorologist kate bilo is joining us now. fall has arrived. >> it is here. i was standing outside on the sky deck, nice cool breeze, it feels refreshing. i was out there yesterday, and it was miserable. now it is fantastic. >> bring it on. >> it will only get cooler there will be some people that say it is too cold, too soon but it is not going to stay chilly for long. saturday will be on the chilly side but then we are in the mid up toker 70's, just a great stretch of weather as we transition from september to october. lets look outside right now, we will start off in bethlehem where trees are changing, the sun, it is dropping below the horizon but still plenty of light left in the day. it is a beautiful evening. just perfect shot of main street there from the hotel bethlehem, it looks bucolic, serene outside to be taking a walk tonight good running weather. i go out for a run when temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees and that is basically my wheel house. this weekend there is no excuse not to get outside and go for a walk or do some exercise. storm scan three looking fantastic. in problems, high pressure in control. maria departed the scene. we have a secondary cold front that we're watching right about here, another push of cool air, you can see the effect of the cloud and showers, behind that front, and that is an indication oven colder air in the upper atmosphere that we will get here over the weekend and that is why saturday is chillier and is there a chance for pop up shower. temperatures right now feeling comfortable, 75 at the airport sixty-eight in allentown. we are at a cool 57 in mount pocono. dover at 74. millville at 75 degrees. it is cool, autopsy cross great lakes with temperatures in the 60's right now but warming backup in the des moines and st. louis. reenforceing shot of cool air right about here though and that will spread through great lakes region through end of the week and get here tomorrow night into saturday. so, winds are out of the north and west, that is keeping us cool, we have got winds, 15 to 20 miles an hour in some spots exceeding 20 miles an hour up through lehigh valley and there are some gusts upward of 30 miles an hour, so wild fire risk is high today down throughout the pine barons area of new jersey. never should throw a cigarette butt outside car window or anything like that or be safe when grilling and on a day like today when humidity is low and winds are strong. dew points have been dropping. we were very humid at midnight look at how they have dropped through the day. by 3:00 p.m. dew points were in the 40's and that is where they are right now. clear night, tomorrow it is clear, sunny, here comes that chance for showers at 11:00 tomorrow night into saturday morning a few showers , and then sun will break out saturday afternoon. saturday is coolest day of our seven day forecast, overnight, clear, crisp, the wind does start to die down overnight and then tomorrow sunny, cool, light breeze, beauty of the day. saturday a few more cloud, stray shower, 67 the day time high. we will go from low 90's to the 50's to start the weekend. sunday, monday, tuesday, looking just gorgeous, and we will warm up back to near 80 next week. >> looking nice. >> thanks, kate. >> don bellies up next with sports. >> guys, no tanking allowed. new rule in the nba plus eagles best player is still hurting and chargers, are berth then you think, sports up if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. (snaps) if you'd have told me that i could afford... a gig-speed. a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. i'll have the langoustine lfor you, sir?i. the original call was for langoustine ravioli. a langoustine is a tiny kind of lobster. a slight shellfish allergy rules that out, plus my wife ordered the langoustine. i will have chicken tenders and tater tots. if you're a ref, you way over-explain things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. sir, we don't have tater tots. it's what you do. i will have nachos! he's a double-dipping mepension padder.y. double-dipping pension padder! he had two government jobs, two paychecks and padded his pension along the way. he's a double-dipping pension padder! now he's making over $300,000 a year as a lobbyist and a senator. double-dipping pension padder! so he's all set - thanks to you, the taxpayer. which is why steve sweeney had no problem voting to raise your taxes 145 times, including the largest gas tax hike in history. sounds about right, coming from a.... double-dipping pension padder! we have a big gaming like last week and you really have to, move on. >> tough turn the page. >> they say you get 24 hours to mourn or celebrate a win. it feels like it took a little bit longer this could be the best zero and three team in football. look out. >> it could be, yikes. another day without fletcher, looking more and more like cox will miss sunday's game with the chargers want injured calf if that is the case beau allen will start in his place. jordan hicks talented middle linebacker is back in the line up. as for the chargers their win less but they don't really look like it. they have not been blend out and they don't look helpless, which is typically what zero and three team looks like. mess of the eagles are heaping praise, on their part. >> obviously this team is zero and three but if you watch the tape and look at the talent they have it is a very good defense, and a team that could very easily be most of their games were only by a difference of one touchdown. so these guys, they could very easily be two-one at this point probably. >> tonight on cbs-3 you can catch thursday night football, packers are hosting the bears, the all time series is tied at 94-94 and six. last time green bay led series overall was in 1933. alcohol was still illegal. cbs analyst tony romo with his thoughts. >> i do think it will be a great game. chicago is better than people know. they are as good as running foot football. they have two great running backs. it will be a challenge for green bay. green bay has aaron rodgers so they will always be just fine. but, it could be a tougher test for people know. >> after packers and bears catch my one on one interview with temple coach geoff collins, the only coach in the country with a swag coordinator what does it mean? we will take a close look at his unusual coaching style tonight after the game, he is chowing downtown salad. >> little salad. >> keeping it healthy. >> it was green. flyers host ruins tonight. brian elliott will miss the game because he is being induct in the university of wisconsin's hall of fame. the regular season opens up wednesday in san jose. the nba's approving two draft pick rule changes to prevent tanking, the war three teams in the league will now have an equal, 14 percent chance, of getting the topic. you don't want to be war team, right. now commissioner has the ability to find teams, that rest healthy players during nationally televised games. that starts in 2019. >> look out for that. castro hits a home run for the yanks. it is gone. this is last night. you can tell it is dark in the video, right. after the bat he gets in the dug out and his teammates decide to conduct an interview there like what did you see, how did it go, they are using cups for microphones, plastic bottles. only in baseball. >> the yankees beating the ray s six-one. >> it is still a kid game. >> yes. >> that was great. >> when we come back honoring history of the philadelphia neighborhood. >> where this portrait of the neighborhood. >> where this portrait of the past was ♪ leave it to the pros? i am a pro. i made this lawn from seed pride, and less water than you'd think. to those who'd say the grass is greener on the other side.. i politely disagree. pennington smart seed. guaranteed to grow with 30% less water. reclaim your turf. sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no. mr. peterson, fios is a 100% fiber optic-network. what does that mean? think about it. if you got an awesome new car you'd put the best gas in it, right. so why hook up your awesome technology to anything other than a fiber-optic network? i got to go. peterson. peterson's wife. counting on you guys. your internet deserves the 100% fiber-optic network. and now get our fastest internet ever plus tv and phone for just $79.99 per month. tonight after the game did you work off a april tie watching thursday night football, vittoria has a taste of vietnam in glenside this weeks taste with tori takes you to the small shop with big flavor. don't miss, what bond street has to offer tonight on "eyewitness news" right after the game. well, a new mural was un veiled in philadelphia's brewerytown neighborhood. >> "eyewitness news" at 31st and master streets this is called industry us light brewerytown, artist philip add also is behind the creation. it is a tribute to philadelphia's industrial brew ery production and the ingenuity that shaped the beginnings of the bureau brewerytown neighborhood. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 we are back at 10 on our sister station cw philly and we are back here on cbs-3 after thursday night football. >> got that right, here we go. up next, "cbs evening news", from new york here's anthony mason take care family we will see you after the game. captioning sponsored by cbs >> the chair wishes to mark the return of mr. steve scalise. ( applause ) >> mason: a house united. the emotional return of steve scalise, 15 weeks after a gunman nearly killed him. >> and they did a phenomenal job of rebuilding humpty dumpty. >> mason: also tonight, puerto rico in crisis. a general is put in charge of the recovery. the president lifts shipping restrictions to let more aid in. the health secretary apologizes for using chartered planes as cabinet travel bills get high-level scrutiny. and hugh hefner-- he defined

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Jersey , Puerto Rico , New York , United States , Millville , Pennsylvania , Dover , Glenside , New Jersey , Philadelphia , Franklin Institute , China , Vietnam , Republic Of , Delaware , Allentown , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Steve Scalise , Joe Holden , Hugh Hefner , Aaron Rodgers , Tony Romo , Isla Verde , Justin Udo , Brian Elliott , Pat Gallen , George Mccall , Dumpty Mason , Kate Don , Peterson , Cleve Bryan , Steve Sweeney , Paul Ryan ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170928 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170928

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that is not what you used to seeing when you think of puerto rico. when getting on that plane and landing and got here there was a cheer from the people on this plane for to us get here. then when we got in the airport we saw what we had been seeing in the videos but this tires film hand. we saw a packed crowd of people there to the point where we stopped, put our bag out and get footage of this we could not get through this crowd of people. the sweltering heat. one thing that we cannot show you but to feel it, it is a whole different thing. we were there for 10 minutes trying to talk to people in the airport. we were just dripping in sweat one woman actually ran up to us from the greater fail area and she's from delaware. she has been there at the airport trying to get back home, just trying to get back home for eight days now. you know what her biggest concern was? it wasn't necessarily about trying to get back home but to try to get us to understand how bad it really is right here. >> it isn't even half of tragedy down in this island. island was already stricken by the economy, okay. so getting hit by category five hurricane is devastating. the truth is not being told, okay. since it is not being told, these poor people out there, they are not getting taken care of. >> reporter: and she has only been able to go a mile from the airport, in isla verde we have been trying to get set up we can see from our perspective this is not close to some of the stuff we have seen. we have not been able to stop, get footage of. that but it does ant peer to be, lying or exaggerating when she saying what we have seen is not even the full capacity. so many people asked me to go in the center part of the country or island to try to show what is going on there because that is not getting enough coverage right now. >> what is the most surprising thing you have seen most since you have gotten there. >> reporter: a lot. the reality of, we have been covering this story for days. we have been seeing video but reality of being here and seeing it in person has been, has been astonishing. but another thing really that is we have had people, in our live shots and during our live shots you will hear honk of the horn but people thanking us for being here and thanking us for coming down here and covering it. i was expecting people to be saddened, disheartened, and they are just grateful, whatever they have they are grateful that we're down here and we are trying to give them more coverage and understand what it is like to be in puerto rico right now. >> your reports will continue, alycia and photographer joe conners, thanks very much. alycia will have more reports from puerto rico tonight on "eyewitness news" at 10 and 11:00 o'clock and in the coming days as the country continues to recover from hurricane maria. tonight the delaware valley is taking center stage in the national debate over tax reform. speaker of the house paul ryan visits our area to ram i support for president trump's new plan. "eyewitness news" reporter joe holden is live in aston delaware county where speaker ryan's message will go out to workers there, joe. >> reporter: workers who are just trickling out right now tell me it was definitely an interesting day at work. one man called it very exciting. as for the plan, and donald trump the architect behind this tax reform, little is known about the details, still , workers here, curious about what it could mean for their wallets. strong family bonds drive this delaware county business. >> aim glad you are who. >> reporter: penn machine made house speaker paul ryan's list of stops, republican leader is simplifying the tax code or framework that is. >> the u.s. tax system is basically the war in the industrialized world. >> reporter: this family started penn machine, its pipe fitting business in 1931 in south philadelphia. >> it is special about us is we treat all of our employees the way we would want to be treated. >> reporter: 180 employee firm made the move into upper chichester in the 70's, chuck says the business climate has been increasingly difficult. >> from an employment/employer standpoint it seems like the government is always against you, with regulations, tax, you name it, and, you know, issues that we have to comply with. >> reporter: speaker ryan tour ed the facility with republican congressman pat meehan. bringing a simple message to an emerging plant that is already sparked division with democrats signaling a devil in the detail offensive. ryan provided generalizations. >> bringing that standard deduction way up so simplifies the tax code that nine out of 10 taxpayers in america will fill out their taxes in the post card. >> reporter: there was time for questions from workers but none from the press, ryan staffer steered him away from local reporters. workers now left curious about what a tax code revision could mean for them. >> we just don't know, especially with how much flip flopping we hear from the upper levels of government nowadays. >> reporter: right now republicans, of course, hailing what they have seen so far saying that this will put more money in the country's middle class, however, the democrats saying not so much, they claim that this plan would take care of the wealthiest of the population. that is story live from aston tonight i'm joe holden for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks very much. a local tree and brush removal company must now pay a record fine, aspl-undh is one of the largest tree and brush removal co in the country. today federal authorities announced they pleaded guilty to hiring and retiring hundreds of undocumented workers. it has to pay more than 95 million-dollar to the government. that is the largest settlement ever in an immigration case. many utility companies pay them to maintain the area near electric and gas lines. the latest numbers for the philadelphia drink tax revenue are in and they continue to lag behind projections. the tax brought in six and a half million-dollar, a month, through the summer or about 15 . mayor kenney is still not worried bay short fall saying it is within the range for a brand new tax, critics say this is more proof that the drink taxis not the best way to fund universal prek and other programs. sitting on cinder blocks is how car owners are finding their vehicles in philadelphia tires and rims, gone, philadelphia police say it is a rash of thefts, and most of the vehicles targeted are honda accords. even lug nuts designed to prevent theft, littered the ground at the scene. police are stepping up patrols to try to catch the criminals responsible. >> people work hard for doing what they purchase, and their belongings, their possessions and nobody wants to come out and go to work in the morning and see your car on cinder blocks. >> for these guys to do these things when they want something they will go through extreme measure to get them. >> police advice people to park in well lit areas until they track down a suspect, anyone with any information about the thefts is asked to call the police. first responders are among america's every day heroes, they are in the business of helping those in need, and for one local fire department they had a very busy weekend, doing just that. our cleve bryan has the story of two south jersey fire fighters who helped a mom and her baby, who just could not wait. >> a female, in labor. >> reporter: that was 3:00 a.m. call that had brigantine fire fighters thomas and chase mail i snapping into action lastfully >> well, it goes up quick. >> reporter: driving fire department ambulance they arrived at a home where pregnant woman said she didn't think she could make it to the hospital. >> contractions were two minutes apart so we decided that she wasn't going to make it to the hospital. we set up shop there got on the sterile blankets out, and we started, preparing for labor. >> reporter: when paramedics arrived they decided they might have time to get to the hospital before delivery so they pack mom up, but on the way, the baby had other plans. >> she said that she had the urge to push. normally when they have urge to push that is when baby is coming pretty quick. >> reporter: cruising down black horse pike baby boy arrived. >> his head showed first and then it was quick and then baby was fully out. >> reporter: while he was in the back helping mom, fire fighters mail i was in the front driving. >> it was just focusing on what i was doing. you could hear what was happening in the back. you knew what was happening. >> reporter: thinks first baby delivery for both fire fighters and they admit it was exciting and nerve racking. >> once we suctioned babies airway the baby started to cry so feel of joy, relief that the baby was healthy. number one call i have had so far, crazy calls, you know, definitely memorable. probably won't forget this the rest of my career. >> reporter: brigantine fire department plans to recognize chase and thomas in the near future for their efforts delivering the baby. they also hope to have a reunion with mom and that little boy n brigantine cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news" bravo. >> that is great. >> beautiful, beautiful. big sports news tonight as well, don? >> yeah, thursday night football returns to cbs with the packers hosting the bears, and tone he romo will break down the match up. we hope sixers days of dreaming of the draft lottery are over but it is if they are not, there is some new rules about tanking, we will have details in sports. still to come a reason to celebrate why these students in philadelphia were gathering for a very big honor today. >> the philadelphia warriors but we are not talking about the old pro basketball team. where these statues are on display and the amazing history behind them. plus a chilly change as fall finally arrives, kate bilo will tell you how long it last when "eyewitness it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network. so these go back 2200 years. >> to to 2200 years. >> horse back here, cool stuff >> i think now more than ever for people to understand cultures and especially china. china is an amazing culture that we as americans can learn a lot from. >> okay, our pat gallen took a trip back in time during "eyewitness news" this morning investigating the new exhibit at franklin institute. >> an exhibit of tar cota warriors that comes to life and k kyw news radio reporter justin udo experiences how history and technology clyde. >> welcome to terracotta warriors at the franklin institute. >> reporter: for the first time in 34 years terracotta warriors from china are here in philadelphia really a unique, yeah, exhibition, probably one of the greatest archeological finds of this century. >> reporter: anxious works of art were constructed more than 2,000 years ago to protect tomb of china's first emperor or but for next five months franklin institute will play hoe to more than 8,000 statues officials at museum say they want visitors to learn about the past by using technology of tomorrow, a past that they say is very much alive. that is because each of the statues comes equipped with augmented reality a technology that lets visitors capture exhibit on their phone and bring them to life. >> augmented reality gets you up close so thaw can see every piece of the terracotta but also again we have added on and layered what the weapons were used at that point in time, how they were made and provide additional information for people want to go more in depth. >> reporter: going to the digital editor said major advances have played a big part in bringing the warriors back to life. >> facial recognition technology to understand the construction of the statues, and radar to rocket emperors presumed burial sites. so i feel like i'm in reality and just another step in that evolution. >> reporter: warriors are joined by more than 160 artifacts including currency, mold and movie about the mississippitories of china the exhibit opens to the public this saturday. justin udo for kyw news radio for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> wow. >> i can see that again. >> wild. >> a philadelphia public school joins an elite class, general george mccall school in society hill has been designated a national blue ribbon school. >> mccall is only district school to earn the distinction this year. students, staff marked honor this afternoon with the live entertainment by 76ers dunk squad. mayor kenney congratulated the students for their outstanding achievements: >> especially i want to broad the students for being engage, curious, hard working and well behaved. keep up the good work and keep supporting each other as you learn together. >> here, here, mccall school will be celebrated with other blue ribbon honoraries in washington d.c. later this year. the title is awarded to schools where students exhibit high levels of achievement or worthy achievement gap is narrowed. >> good job, guys. meteorologist kate bilo is joining us now. fall has arrived. >> it is here. i was standing outside on the sky deck, nice cool breeze, it feels refreshing. i was out there yesterday, and it was miserable. now it is fantastic. >> bring it on. >> it will only get cooler there will be some people that say it is too cold, too soon but it is not going to stay chilly for long. saturday will be on the chilly side but then we are in the mid up toker 70's, just a great stretch of weather as we transition from september to october. lets look outside right now, we will start off in bethlehem where trees are changing, the sun, it is dropping below the horizon but still plenty of light left in the day. it is a beautiful evening. just perfect shot of main street there from the hotel bethlehem, it looks bucolic, serene outside to be taking a walk tonight good running weather. i go out for a run when temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees and that is basically my wheel house. this weekend there is no excuse not to get outside and go for a walk or do some exercise. storm scan three looking fantastic. in problems, high pressure in control. maria departed the scene. we have a secondary cold front that we're watching right about here, another push of cool air, you can see the effect of the cloud and showers, behind that front, and that is an indication oven colder air in the upper atmosphere that we will get here over the weekend and that is why saturday is chillier and is there a chance for pop up shower. temperatures right now feeling comfortable, 75 at the airport sixty-eight in allentown. we are at a cool 57 in mount pocono. dover at 74. millville at 75 degrees. it is cool, autopsy cross great lakes with temperatures in the 60's right now but warming backup in the des moines and st. louis. reenforceing shot of cool air right about here though and that will spread through great lakes region through end of the week and get here tomorrow night into saturday. so, winds are out of the north and west, that is keeping us cool, we have got winds, 15 to 20 miles an hour in some spots exceeding 20 miles an hour up through lehigh valley and there are some gusts upward of 30 miles an hour, so wild fire risk is high today down throughout the pine barons area of new jersey. never should throw a cigarette butt outside car window or anything like that or be safe when grilling and on a day like today when humidity is low and winds are strong. dew points have been dropping. we were very humid at midnight look at how they have dropped through the day. by 3:00 p.m. dew points were in the 40's and that is where they are right now. clear night, tomorrow it is clear, sunny, here comes that chance for showers at 11:00 tomorrow night into saturday morning a few showers , and then sun will break out saturday afternoon. saturday is coolest day of our seven day forecast, overnight, clear, crisp, the wind does start to die down overnight and then tomorrow sunny, cool, light breeze, beauty of the day. saturday a few more cloud, stray shower, 67 the day time high. we will go from low 90's to the 50's to start the weekend. sunday, monday, tuesday, looking just gorgeous, and we will warm up back to near 80 next week. >> looking nice. >> thanks, kate. >> don bellies up next with sports. >> guys, no tanking allowed. new rule in the nba plus eagles best player is still hurting and chargers, are berth then you think, sports up if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. 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we will take a close look at his unusual coaching style tonight after the game, he is chowing downtown salad. >> little salad. >> keeping it healthy. >> it was green. flyers host ruins tonight. brian elliott will miss the game because he is being induct in the university of wisconsin's hall of fame. the regular season opens up wednesday in san jose. the nba's approving two draft pick rule changes to prevent tanking, the war three teams in the league will now have an equal, 14 percent chance, of getting the topic. you don't want to be war team, right. now commissioner has the ability to find teams, that rest healthy players during nationally televised games. that starts in 2019. >> look out for that. castro hits a home run for the yanks. it is gone. this is last night. you can tell it is dark in the video, right. after the bat he gets in the dug out and his teammates decide to conduct an interview there like what did you see, how did it go, they are using cups for microphones, plastic bottles. only in baseball. >> the yankees beating the ray s six-one. >> it is still a kid game. >> yes. >> that was great. >> when we come back honoring history of the philadelphia neighborhood. >> where this portrait of the neighborhood. >> where this portrait of the past was ♪ leave it to the pros? 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( applause ) >> mason: a house united. the emotional return of steve scalise, 15 weeks after a gunman nearly killed him. >> and they did a phenomenal job of rebuilding humpty dumpty. >> mason: also tonight, puerto rico in crisis. a general is put in charge of the recovery. the president lifts shipping restrictions to let more aid in. the health secretary apologizes for using chartered planes as cabinet travel bills get high-level scrutiny. and hugh hefner-- he defined

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