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Of the trucks exploded. Rachel mcgovern got stuck near the wreckage as drivers stopped to it void the fire. Her video shows explosions in the distance. Eventually rachel got by the scene of the fire and captured this video of the burned out aftermath. Firefighters also converged on the neighborhood next to the road. They were very worried that fire might spread. The drivers of the both trucks suffered minor injuries. Also tonight youll soon be paying more to cross two busy bridges in the tristate area. Good evening, im ukee washington. Im jessica dean. Eyewitness News Reporter david spunt is live on the taconypalmyra bridge to tell us just how much extra money drivers will have to hand over. David . Reporter jess carbs more money at the toll booth people just dont want to hear it but it is a reality. Commissioners here in Burlington County say its to pay for repairs to fix the bridge, also, to make sure people are safe. Dont do it. Dont do it, please reporter but Burlington County bridge commissioners decided to do it. Raising tolls for the first time in 15 years. No one wants to raise tolls. Including us. Report roar almost 80,000 people cross both bridges every day. And the bridges continue to take a beating. The taconypalmyra bridge opened in 1929 the burlingtonbristol bridge two years later. We wish we didnt have to do this. I speak for myself. I wish i didnt have to do this but were compelled in the interest of safety, in the interest of viability, in the interest of maintaining our bridges i feel to take this act. Reporter the new rates will increase on both bridges from two to 3 using ez pass. And three to 4 paying with cash. Theyll kick in september 15t september 15th. Driver rick yates left the public vote annoyed. I dont see the reason for it. Yates said he wont use the two bridges any more. Just to prove a point. Betsy ross. I can connect right on to 95 north or south. I dont have to go a mile down or upstate road its a lot more convenient. Others say they just cant afford the hike. Im on fixed income, you kn know, its hard to go back and forth. I got family over there. Millions of the toll hike will go toward repair both bridges. Palmyra administrator says if not now, when . 2 for 15 years is an absolute bargain. Its only going up 1 dollar for ez pass customers. Its still remains a bargain. Reporter so there isnt an advantage to use ez pass when you cross these two bridges no matter which side you decide to crossing them. The vote was unanimous those new rates expected to kick in a little over month away september 15th. Were live in palmyra, new jersey torque david spunt cbs3 im witness news. Developing right now, violence march as summer night trip to get water ice in philadelphia. Gunfire erupts as people are standing in line an teenager is critically wounded. Natasha brown is on the scene in overbrook with more details for you tonight. Natasha . Reporter well, ukee, we can tell you at this hour that at least two shots were fired into a crowd of teenagers who were ordering here at this water ice shop along haverford avenue. Police say the shooter had absolutely no regard, many customers who were standing by at the time. Heard two shots. Thats it. Reporter a white flash and the sound of gunfire sent workers and customers at sam and gracie water ice scurrying for cover about 8 40 wednesday night in the 7400 block of haverford avenue, police say a group of teenagers were placing an order at the window when a man walked up and started shooting. 19yearold mail was shot in the chin and is in Critical Condition while Police Search the area for evidence suspects an motive. Two young men trying to run business here and clearly serving water ice no people who just ordered and these males walk right up on them into these areas where these kids are sta standing fire twice striking the one male in the face going into his neck. The shot was pretty horrendous and the kids in Critical Condition at this point. This violence is going on everywhere. Its got to stop because like especially the youth. Reporter well this shooting actually happened just a block or so away from where a bakery shop owner was robbed and shot just last week here in the Overbrook Park area. In an area where police say this kind of violence normally doesnt happen. Were live in procedure i dont care tonight, Natasha Brown cbs3 Eyewitness News. All right, natasha, thank y you. Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane declares her innocence while speaking publicly for the first time about criminal charges against her. Kane blamed her legal troubles on enemies trying to conceal their involvement in pornographic and racially incentive emails. Kane believes the charges against her are effort to stop more appropriate emails from being released. The not a story about sting investigations proposed personal vendettas or press leaks much its a story that begins with pornography, racial incentive have the recent will hes . Bigotry. I am innocent of any wrongdoing. I neither conspired with anyone nor directed anyone to do anything illegal or unlawful. Kane did not take questions from reporters today. Shes accused of of leakin leakg grand jury information. Former president jimmy carter revealed he has cancer and it has spread. The 90yearold underwent surgery to row move small mass from his liver last week. Tonight he says the cancer has spread to other parts of his body. The 39th president plans to undergo treatment at emory hospital in atlanta and he says he hopes to learn and share more about his condition sometime neck week. President obama wished mr. Carter speedy recovery in a statement saying jimmy youre as resilient as they come and along with the rest of america, we are rooting for you. New at 11 00 tonight, he was just trying to provide for his family. A hardworking father moonlighting to pay the bills, attacked by thieves. He was delivering pizza on spring street in bristol bucks county. The victim shared his harrowing experience with eyewitness News Reporter diana rocco. Theyre just scum. For people to do that to rob people, i work two jobs. I got a wife and two kids and ive been working for 15 years. Reporter monday night on his last pizza delivery run greg stevens was attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. He works in philadelphia during the day and at night he delivers pizza for italian family pizzeria on bristol borough. All to put food on the table prone vied good life for his family. I dont have live insurance policy. If anything happened to me, its just hard because i got to kids i got to take care of. Police say greg never saw it coming. He was hit in the back of the head by one or more suspects. Police say the suspects phoned in fake delivery and while greg was lying on the ground unconscious, in a pool of his own blood, they stole 120 from his pocket. He had exited his car and was walking up the sidewalk almost made it to the front of the residence which apparently was a vacant residence so it was definitely set up by somebody that knew that there was nobody living in that home at the time. Report roar greg believes he was hit with a metal bat but has no recollection of the deliver row or what happened after. Somehow he was able to drive himself back to the restaurant where police were called. Dont remember going to the house. Dont remember getting out of my car. Dont remember driving back to the pizza shop. Dont remember any of that. Reporter greg has a severe concussion and lacerations to his head. I had like an inch and a half gash in the back that was almost right to the skull and then i got two lacerations on the back that required eight staples on each side to close it up. Police are now reviewing area surveillance cameras hoping to fine the people responsible for this attack. As for greg hes eager to get back to work but until the doctors clear him to do so, his wife has been making his deliveries in his place. In bristol borough bucks county diana rocco cbs3 Eyewitness News. The driver of the tour bus that hit and killed a pedestrian near Philadelphia Police head Quarter Social security remorseful and cooperating according to investigators. Officials recovered the bus from washington, d. C. The driver told investigators he was not distracted but police are getting a warrant to retrieve his cell phone records. The victim joseph heard was a host for g town radio on his way to kidney dialysis when he was hit at franklin and race on tuesday. Coworkers say heard was focused on getting people excited about science. The world will be missing out on someone who cared. Losing someone especially tragically like this and unexpectedly it kind of takes the wind out of you for a mome moment. Heard had a degree in mathematics and used his weekly show to inspire others. Philadelphia police say the man behind craigslist exam is now behind bars. 44yearold harry moore turned himself in. Police say moore list add property on North Fayette street for rent and would take deposit from interested renters then say the property was no longer available and kept the money. Police say moore stole more than 10,000. Hes now facing 15 counts of fraud and other crimes. We are now 45 days a way until the riflely pope francis in philadelphia. And an event thats shaping up to be one of the largest and most memorable in this citys history. You have less than an hour now to enter the latest lottery for a septa pass to be used during the popes visit. This lottery is for three day pass force the norristown high speed line and trolley routes 101 and 102. You can enter until 11 59 tonight. Those passes will work for saturday september 26th through monday september 28th. The winners will be notified by email on friday. Advocates for the homeless are making their voices heard ahead of his historic visit. Sister mary scallion a renowned advocate for the homeless urged people to donate to the francis fund. She brought along a cardboard cut out of the pope to help with the effort. The francis fund is suppor supporting 51 groups in camden and philadelphia thats going to expand their capacity to dutch the lives of people that are hungry and homeless. The homeless who reside on the apron of the ben franklin parkway will have to go elsewhere the night before the popes visit that. Area will be cleared for security reasons. Its hard to be per fact but todays weather was pretty close. Tomorrow is shaping up to be even better. Kate is that even possible . I think it is possible, ukee. I think well beat today tomorrow weve got great weather outside even right now just outside looking for the Perseid Meteor Shower going on tonight. Skies are clear. You can see a couple showers to the west. Well heat up through the weekend though. Ill have your full seven day eyewitness Weather Forecast just ahead. All right, date see in you a bit. Also ahead at 11 00 tonight. Three more women come forward with accusations against bill cosby. Plus a beauty queen caught in the middle of an ugly lie. The elaborate con this pennsylvania woman is accused of pulling off. Holding your computer ransom cyber thieves found new way to scam people. How you can prevent yourself from becoming a victim when we come back. Take look at this huge explosion in china. At least 17 people are confirmed dead and hundreds were injured. The blast originated from a warehouse for hazardous materi materials. Just south of beijing. The force of the blast shattered windows several miles away. The cause has yet to be determined. Three more women came forward today to accuse bill cosby of victimizing them. They tearfully recounted their alleged experiences with the comedian in the 1970s and 80s during a news conference. Former Flight Attendant Colleen Hughes said she met cosby on a flight and ended up drugged in a Beverly Hills hotel room. Linda, accused cosby of sexually assaulting her while she sat in a chair awaiting a job interview. And former actress eden terrell had a small role on the cosby show and said she was harassed cosbys dressing room. I knew that i been sexually march rad. I knew i should Say Something yet i had tried to get help while working on the show. If i got no help there, it felt hopeless to get it outside the show. Bill cosby was untouchable. Last month newly released testimony revealed cosby admitted under oath in 2005 that he obtained sedatives with the intent of giving them to women to have sex with them. Cosby has not been charged with any crimes. Email trouble continues for Hillary Clinton tonight. According to the Associated Press the former secretary of state has turned over her personal email server to the Justice Department and the fbi is investigating. Earlier this year clinton said the sorry err would remain private she also said she never sent or received classified information. Officials now say at least two emails contained topsecret and sensitive part information one of the governments highest classification ratings. Meantime, new pole finds senator Bernie Sanders leads clinton in new hampshire. 44 of likely democratic primary voters surveyed in the Franklin Pierce University Boston herald poll say they back sanders compared to 37 who support clinton. 9 of those surveyed backed by President Joe Biden whos considered a run. New c inform n poll shows donald trump out in front in the gop pack in iowa. 22 of i want voters say theyd vote for the donald. Retired neurosurgeon ben carson follows with 14 and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker whose been leading in most iowa polls has slipped to third place now with nippers. A pennsylvania beauty queen accuse the of ugly crime police say she pretended to have cancer and examined people out of thousands of dollars. Brandy lee weaver gates of State College faces theft charges. Authorities say the 23yearold told her friends and family two years ago that she was diagnosed with leukemia. During had time several benefits were held in her honor. The miss pennsylvania u. S. International pageant winner has also been stripped of her title. A frightening computer exam is sweeping the nation it hol holding your computer and data hostage for ransom its called ransom wear of the one it starts is with a pop up alert telling you theres krupped files on your computer. It then asked to you click yes to fix it. Usually 99 of users click on that yes and then the spyware or the virus enter noose your pc. Some people have paid up but no surprise their computer is still infected. Experts recommend Anti Virus Software to mitigate that thre threat. Kate is here with your forecast. You have been talking about tomorrow for a long time. Hyping it up a little bit. Yes, you have. Lets hope it lives up to the hype here. Ive been hyping the Perseid Meteor Shower i went out i said on hour dont go out for two minutes. I go out for two minutes. Where are the meteors . Theyre not here in the city its too bright. If you see some i have reports of people in the pine barrens south jersey scene a few all right. Theyre out there. It will get better as the nice goes on. Viewing conditions are great for the Perseid Meteor Shower. I tried for you guys. Didnt see any ill try later as well. Lets take look outside and you can see our roof cam showing that Light Pollution we talk about although that make it sound kind of negative thing beautiful the sky city looking fantastic. Few stars in the sky a few clouds drifting by tonight. A beautiful evening following this fantastic day. We talked all day about the chance for scattered showers. Theyve mainly stayed off to the north and west and you can see on storm scan3 a couple that have fizzled back over Lancaster County just one as you head up towards the pocono region star starting to move toward Lehigh County that will shower could come through and a few clouds associated with that as well thats why north and west suburbs it is a bit on the cloudy side. But tonight, if you want to see these meteors, sunset was a at 0 00 2 00 p. M. Look toward the northeast skies. Clear view of the northeast sky its dark enough outside right now and certainly during the overnight hours that you can see some meteors as long as youre in a good spot for it. Give yourself some time. Dont do it for two minutes like i did. Go outside for at least a half an he was hour to the hour. Put away the smart phone, put away any Light Pollution and see what there is to see. 75 in physical. 71 in wilmington. 67 in millville. Weve got that west wind and again its very comfortable even down the shore. 66 in stone who are harbor. 75 right now in ocean city. Sunny stretch and it will continue today was beautiful tomorrow i think is even nicer full sun mid 80s low humidity perfect day started by a cool comfortable morning. This mid 60s to start your day tomorrow friday looks great as well. Saturday starts to steam up a little bit the humidity levels as youll see here begin to ri rise. So tomorrow when were talking about comfort index our heat index really feels awesome. Friday, pleasant and we start climbing here. Humid on saturday. Turning steamier by sunday and the humidity just continues to ramp up into the first part of next week. Overnight mainly clear, boy its comfortable, 66 degrees. If youre outlooking for the meteors are maybe leave the window cracked and let the breeze below in. For your thursday sunny skies, a gorgeous august day and the eyewitness weather seven day forecast well as the humidity starts to creep up each day, so does the temperature. 88 on friday. 89 saturday. Then were back to the 90s and looks lie it could be a fourday heat wave sunday through wednesday. Kind of a mini heat wave. Low 90s. But hey four days in the 90s. Thats what it is. August. Thats right. All right, kate, thanks. Pat is talking eagles football. Of course. Dee mr. Company murray coming off a huge season with a ton of carries. Will that be a problem . Well fine out next much plus the phillies look to avoid a sweep in arizona. Dont move. Were coming back they dont call the fightings for nothing. After two ugly games they fought back. They were looking to salvage a win against the diamondbacks after two straight ugly defeats in which they allowed 26 runs they hope to avoid a sweep. Aaron nola on the mound today. Nola needed some help from the offense. Blank company rips a solo homerun in the third that. Would tie the game. Big sixth this is cameron rough using the big boy stick. Three run homerun to the opposite field. Phillies put up four in that inning and then in the eighth a big spot for ken giles against mvp candidate paul gold schmidt. Giles wins collect as four out save. Phils win sevensix. They dont get swept. In seattle tossed fourth no hitter of the season. Blanking the orioles three to nothing. Its the first nono in the biggs since our old friend cole hamels did it a few weeks ago against the chicago cubs the First American league no hitter in three years in that time the National League has had 12. Its been an interesting Training Camp for new eagle demarco murray. Hes been held back during many of their practice sessions but that might be a good thing. Hes coming off a regular season in which he touched the ball 449 times. The sixth most combined rushes and receptions in a season in nfl history. Still no one seems worried about his prior workload. I take a lot of reps. A lot of guys get a lot of carries and touches want not. Ive been playing football for long time much i feel great and this is my job to make sure im mentally and physically ready to handle whatever they throw at me. Were aware of what last year was all about, but, you know, we kind of train and we monitor our training and we kind of know what we expect from all of our players, and, um, we feel good about where hes at. The sixers schedule has been released for the upcoming season. Theyll open in boston against the celtics october 28th. Hope schedule begins on october 30th when the utah jazz come to town and a couple of nights later november 2nd lebron james and eastern conference champion cavaliers will play at the wells fargo center. On january 30th finals mvp iguodala and the nba champion warriors and the close out the season at chicago on apri april 13th. The union looking to put out the fire in the us open cup semi finals to note at ppl park sebastian letou drives one home with the left foot. Union win one to nothing over chicago. They are back in the finals for a second straight year. Theyll take on sporting kansas city. Thank you buddy. I l dog owners are becoming eagle eye tipsters to prevent crime in philadelphia. Training session for the Dog Walker Watch Program was held at the Christ Church Neighborhood House in old city tonight. Some people even brought along their four leg friends. Dog owners are asked to report any suspicious activity that they see while theyre out walking their dogs. And the program is sponsored by the National Association of town watch. Speaking of hound dogs Elvis Presley is still making history decades after his death. The post office just release this forever stamp today featuring a black and white picture of presley. Its the second time the king has been immortalized on stamp that makes him the first entertainer ever to receive two stamps. Thank you very much for batching Eyewitness News at 11 00. Our morning team is back tomorrow starting bright and early at 4 30. For pat, kate and everyone im ukee washington. Im jessica dean were always there for you at cribs phill philly. Com. Up next ncis los angeles. From our entire team, thank you for watching. Good night, family. Sleep well. Announcer the following is a paid advertisement for Armando Montelongo live events. Youre about to meet a man that can change your future now. He is americas top realestate investing expert, he has been featured on the numberone realestate hit reality show, flip this house, and is a bestselling author. He is the most soughtout realestate expert in the world and has changed thousands of peoples financial futures. You now have the opportunity to spend time learning armandos moneymaking realestate strategies at his live event coming to your area. After attending one of armandos seminars, i started making offers, got into a property, made 35,000 net

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