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Championship. The game that sent new England Patriots to the super bowl. Roger goodell also revealed today that brady destroyed a cell phone containing evidence that investigators wanted to see. Goodell upheld bradys fourgame suspension, the penalty originally handed down for a scheme to underinflate footballs, apparently to make them easier to handle. We have more now from our cbs news special correspondent james brown. Reporter after five weeks of speculation about the fate of the superstar quarterback nfl commissioner Roger Goodell left no doubt about his view of bradys guilt stating the evidence proves, that mr. Brady knew about approved of, consented to and provided inducements and rewards in support of a scheme to tamper with game balls. The league released new evidence that brady had his cell phone destroys descroid. The league had asked for the phone in midfebruary. Brady had his assistant destroy it on march 6. Brady said that he routinely recycles his phone but it was destroyed the day brady met with the nfl lead investigator ted wells. He did not inform the league until june 18. Todays decision comes seven months after brady and the patriots were accused of deflating the footballs used in the a. F. C. Championship game against the Indianapolis Colts in january. Four days after the game, brady denied any wrongdoing. You know, i didnt alter the ball in any way. I have a process that i go through before every game. Reporter in june, brady appeared before goodell for his appeal in a 10hour marathon session. But today the commissioner was emphatic about his decision saying the patriots super stars actions were detrimental to the beth or of the performance of the game of professional football. Scott, tom bradys agent issued the statement calling the appeals process a sham resulting in the commissioner rubber stamping his own decision. Hill j. B. Whats next for tom brady. Reporter i spoke to the union and they have given tom brady permission to pursue an appeal in federal court. The crux of their case will be that the process used by Roger Goodell was unfair. Pelley and to be fair to the patriots as a team, they have also denied any wrongdoing. James brown in our washington newsroom tonight james, thank you. To put our next story in perspective, its as if someone had killed lassie. A lion named cecil beloved in the african nation of zimbabwe, was lured off a protected area earlier this month. Today, zimbabwe accused an american, a dentist from minnesota, of killing the animal illegally. We have more now from debora patta. Reporter cecil was the Star Attraction at the National Park an iconic and rare blake mained lion. His carcass was discovered skind and heads the victim of illegal poachers. Conservists say cecil was baited into leaving the protected reserve by hunters who tied a dead animal to the back of a truck, luring the lion to a neighboring farm. There, cecil was shot with a bow and arrow. But he was only wounded. He was hunted for another 40 hours before being shot dead. Zimbabwean Officials Say Walter Palmer paid 55,000 for a permit to kill a lion. A seasoned biggame hunter, palmer has traveled the world in pursuit of animal trophies. Today, the minnesota dentist defended his actions. I had no idea that the lion i took was a nobody, local favorite until the end of the hunt, he said. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt. But African Wildlife expert dex kotze says it is impossible that palmers hunting team didnt know it was cecil. I mean, the black male mane lion like that you can see from afar from a photographic point of view and you definitely can identify this and say this lion is a collared lion and is cecil. All the hunters and conservationists and the people in the wildlife industry in the area would have been very, very familiar with the lion cecil. Reporter reaction to cecils death has been swift and brutal online. You are truly scum of the earth wrote one. His patients should know that their dental work funds the killing and butturing of beautiful animals, wrote another. In zimbabwe, we reached brent stapelkamp, who was part of the oxford Scientific Team that colexpard tracked cecil. I believe throw the book at him. Hes coming in here to shoot a lion, a national emblem, and hes been caught. I would hope he gets everything that justice throws at him. Reporter this is not the first time palmer has been the center of a wildlife controversy. In 2008, he was fined for illegally shooting a black bear in wisconsin and then dragging its carcass 40 miles to a legal hunting zone to cover it up. Pelley debora patta reporting for us from south africa. Thank you. Tonight, the defense is trying to save the life of the gunman convicted of murdering 12 people in a colorado movie theater. Today, james holmes father took the stand in the sentencing phase of the trial. Barry petersen is at the courthouse. Reporter this was the moment for james Holmes Family to literally plead for his life. His father Robert Holmes jr. Was questioned by the defense attorney. He showed baby pictures and videos of a grandmother giving fiveyearold holmes a hair cut all an effort to soften the image of the mass murderer. Do you still love him . Yes i do. Why . Well hes my son and, you know we always got along pretty well and he was always he was actually an excellent kid. Reporter before the shooting, he said he had no inkling of his sons Mental Illness. Prior to july 20, 1212 had james ever confided in you any suicidal or homicidal thoughts he was having . No, he never expressed anything like that. Didnt have any idea he was having these disturbing images in his head . No, i had no idea. Reporter his mother arlene, will also testify. Deeply religious she has published a book of her prayers since the shooting, including one saying, you lived so that we could understand you and others could study you and learn to prevent future tragedy. Yesterday, it was his younger sister chris telling defense Attorney Rebecca higgs that her feel investigation not changed for her brother. And do you still love him . I still love him. Reporter the jury must now meet and decide if holmes Mental Illness means he serves life without parole. If not, scott, the jury then hears from victims victims victims and families and deliberates one last time to determine if he gets death. Pelley Barry Petersen at the courthouse for us this evening, barry, thank you. Today, the prison seamstress who helped two murderers escape an upstate new york prison last month pleaded guilty in a deal with prosecutors 51yearold Joyce Mitchell could get as much as seven years. One of the convicts was shot to death. The other was captured. Officials in wallard county, texas, today released several hours of video showing sandra bland in custody in part to dispel rumors on social media that she was dead before arriving at the jail. Bland was found hanging in her cell three days after being arrested following a traffic stop. Her death was ruled a suicide but it is being investigated by a committee of outside attorneys. Today, the Justice Department confirmed that Jonathan Pollard has been granted parole. He will be released from prison in november. Pollard, now 60 years old has served nearly 30 years for stealing secrets from the United States and giving them to israel. Margaret brennan is following his case. Jonathan pollard was a u. S. Naval Intelligence Analyst when he was arrested in 1985, trying to flee to israels washington embassy. Among the most damaging documents he stole a topsecret manual that listed every communication circuit in the world monitored by u. S. Intelligence and used for its own correspondence. The manuel let industrial identify some of americas covert agents. U. S. Officials said he did it for the money and he also gave classified information to pakistan and south africa. What was in the past was in the past. Reporter israeli leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu lobbied for pollards release, a request rejected by three u. S. President s. But with pollard up for parole this year, the business Obama Administration did not object. Former c. I. A. Director jim woosley was opposed to pollards release but now believes the damage he did was not as bad as initially thought. I know of nothing that pollard stole whether it went to a third country or not, and i know of nothing that he stole and it stayed israel that damaged the United States at all. Reporter both pollards lawyers and the Obama Administration deny any connection between his release and an effort to assuage israeli concerns over the Iran Nuclear Deal but scott this issue at least will resolve one source of tension between the two countries. Pelley Margaret Brennan at the state department this evening. Margaret thanks. Well, folks on both coasts and the deep south are in for some of the summers hottest weather. More than 30 Million People are under excessive heat varieses. Eric fisher is our chief meteorologist at our chief cbs station in wbz in boston. Eric whats coming. The story this week is heat on the move. Well start northeast. A lot of northeastern cities, hasnt been too tough of a summer to take, very few 90 degree days. That will change in the week boston, new york, tacking on a couple as well as washington d. C. Pittsburgh a couple of days of 90s before the cool air comes. The sweltering heat has been in the middle of the nation. This is where we have excessive warnings, heat varieses. The system that created snow in wieming and montana yesterday will help drive a coastal to the south, bring something relief tomorrow, more relief on thursday, cooler temperatures, but most notably lower humidity really taking down the heat index values. The same ridge creating all the heat moves to the west late week and, scott, trimle digits moving to the west coast. We could see record highs and difficult conditions for people fighting wildfires. Pelley as eric mentioned there is no heat wave in the northern rockies. More than an inch of snow fell overnight in parts of wieming and montana and ski resorts turned on their webcams to carry the rare sight for the month of july. Tonight, we have obtained air Traffic Control recordings involving an airliner nearly running out of fuel last thursday after it was dispatched to an airport that was closed. Kris van cleave has the tapes. Reporter the pilot of allegiant flight 426 warned air Traffic Controllers at fargo north dakota, airport he was essentially running on fumes but the airport was closed thursday afternoon as the blue angels Practice Forward this air show. Reporter flight 426 with 144 passengers was supposed to arrive shortly before the airport shut down, but the f. A. A. Says the flight left las vegas an hour late. Reporter the f. A. A. Says notifications of the airports closure were sent in advance. Reporter allegiant has had a series of mechanical issues this summer, including smoke in the cockpit of this flight and another where Passengers Evacuated to the wing. In june, the Union Representing the pilots compressed concerns about 38 incidents in a threemonth period. Airliners are required by the f. A. A. To have at least 45 minutes of extra fuel on board in the event of emergencies. Scott, the airline says it is investigating the circumstances that led up to the situation on thursday and is working with the f. A. A. Pelley kris van cleave breaking the story tonight. Kris, thank you. A woman is about to make history in the nfl. Well introduce you. The tornado that would not leave. And the search expands for two teenagers missing at sea when the the cbs evening news continues. I heard i could call angies list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. Sure can. So i could get a faulty light switch fixed . Yup or make a backyard pizza oven . Oh yeah. I can almost taste it now. Tastes like victory. And pepperoni. Ugh heartburn no one burns on my watch try alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. With the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Ordinary objects often seemed. Intimidating. Doing something simple. 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Reporter its a stubborn stweek streek that started when welter played college rugby. She soon joined a womans Football League where she played for 14 seasons but at five foot 2, she took on men making history as the first female running back in pro football playing for the indoor Football League. Welter joins a small but growing field of women in mens professional spornt. Its just short reporter earlier this year, the nfl named sara thomas its first female fulltime referee. Though she still makes some concessions to the men. To truly blend in, if i have a ponytail, then i separate myself immediately. Tucking my hair, i blend in, and im just another official. Reporter last year, becky hammon of the hired by the san sant spurs becoming the first female assistant coach in the n. B. A. Just last week, hammon led the spurs to a Summer League title. Honestly, coming in, that was probably one of my biggest questions is are these guys going to respect me . Reporter welters new job as Training Camp intern is viewed by some as a tryout but shes ready to teach some of the hardest hitting players in the nfl, the linebackers. Whats even more powerful than it being like, my dream come true is that now it sets the stage that it could be a dream for other girls growing up because now its been done. Reporter scott while this is currently a preseason position, based on her performance, welter could be considered for a fulltime job on an nfl team. Reporter Danielle Nottingham for us this evening. Danielle, thanks very much. What caused a space plane to break up in flight . Well have the report just ahead. And the wolf was huffing and puffing. Kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. Well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Doctor symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. 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Perry cohen and Austin Stephanos were last seen fridays in jupiter, florida. On sunday, her 19foot boat was found capsized 180 miles north of where theyd set off. The National Transportation safety board said today that a mistake by the copilot caused Virgin Galactics rocket plane to break apart during a test flight oaf california last october. Michael alzheimersed berry unlocked a reentry system prematurely. But the n. T. S. B. Also said the planes developers should have built in safeguards that would have prevented that. Alwaysberry was killed, but the pilot, peter seabold fell 10 miles with a parachute and survived. We dont think of canada as tornado country but last night a huge twister plowed through manitoba. It was on the ground for nearly three hours covering about 48 miles. The storm tore up a farm and damaged a bridge, but there were no injuries. By the way canada gets a few dozen tornadoes every year. 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Reporter most people would have considered zion harvey a miracle before this operation. The eightyearold survived a severe infection and the amputations of both his hands and feet at the age of two. Im doing it i know reporter he walks with the help of prosthetic legs, but for his hands doctors at the Childrens Hospital of philadelphia wanted to do something more. Pull hard. Reporter dr. Scott levin directed the unprecedented procedure. Why has this never been done before . I think the difficulty is finding a family who has the courage to relinquish the arms of a child who just died and give hope and life and quality of life to a child who is still living. Reporter levin led a team of 40 people, including 10 surgeons, who worked in four separate teams to attach the donors hands in an operation earlier this month. Hands from a child roughly the same sights and age. You can see the hand right here starting to pink up. applause reporter at a News Conference today zion waved to the crowd. I just want to say this never give up on your dreams. It will come true. Reporter he says hes happy to have new hands, but does it feel different . It feels the same because i never left who i was. Im the same person who i still used to be, but with some cool new hands. Im going to do a little massage. Reporter doctors expect zions hands to become stronger and grow with him but hes already reached one milestone today, he signed his name. Anna werner, cbs news, philadelphia. Pelley never give up your dreams. Thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org Whitney Houstons daughter, only we talked to the woman who witnessed her final moment as Bobbi Kristinas ex surfaces. We have exclusive new video of the man accused of accusing bobbi kristina, as hes confronted. Plus, whitneys millions. Who gets the money . It is shocking and disappointing. Were with bobby brown as she passed away. Bobby wasnt there at the time. Bachelorette caitlyn and fiance sean today after she rejected nick. No . And who was really behind this shot getting out. I was like, youre an idiot

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