Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20240622 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20240622

expect something like that. i mean, i don't know. like i said i haven't read it all, and from what i'm told it is hard to read. >> reporter: he is in federal custody right now, going to washington d.c. to face those charges. he faces, many years behind bars now, according to this document he is admit to go distributing child pornography but said those images were from the internet and in the once he took on his own black berry. we will follow this case. it is detailed. we will have new details at ten and 11:00. we are live in rittenhouse square, david spunt for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". also we are learning more disturbing details about the suspect charged in the murder of the drexel university grad student. philadelphia police say he is a career criminal. "eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson is at police headquarters with the story steve. >> reporter: ukee, an extensive criminal history including burglary, sexual assault, and murder, everything that 56 year-old james harris is accused of, right now we asked how a man like that with such an extensive history could get a job as a tenant including a woman he is accused of murdering. >> he is a monster. he ace career criminal. he has been locked up 31 times. he will not tell us anything. >> reporter: philadelphia police captain james clark says he isn't sure we will ever necessity what will motivate this man to ambush rape and murder this recent graduate student other than that is what he does. >> back in 82 he was arrested for killing his own the father. he has been arrested several times for sexual assault several robberies several burglaries reports railroad clark is less than halfway through rap sheet of the 56 year-old james harris, now accused in the murder of the 27 year-old drexel graduate jasmine wright. >> what he did to her and his past choices in crime, i hope it is a death penalty case. >> reporter: police say harris was recently fired as a handy man at wright's apartment complex in the 200 block of south 50th street but somehow kept his key. police say harris then broke into the complex in wright's third floor apartment waited more than 30 minutes for her to return, and then beat, raped and murdered wright after she walked in. we asked how did this man get a job with access to more than a dozen tenants. >> it is a message for people, you have to be very, very careful how trust very, very careful who you let in your home and work for you and your business. >> reporter: they may never necessity why but clark says graphic details of how and enough information to make sure that he is never free again. >> he is a monster. we're very happy to get him off of the streets. >> reporter: captain clark says harris tried to clean up the crime by bleaching the entire apartment but that crime scene technicians were one step ahead and managed to find fingerprints. reporting live from philadelphia police headquarters, i'm steve paterson for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> steve, thank you for that. well philadelphia swat officer wounded in the shoot-out, has been released. officer frances whalen took a shot to his bullet-proof vest on wednesday while executing a search warrant. authorities say that murder suspect devon guisherd was killed in the shoot-out with police at a northeast philadelphia apartment. officer whalen was checked out at the hospital for contusions to his stomach and released, that same day. federal officials have launched an investigation in the airlines accused of hiking fares in the aftermath of the deadly amtrak derailment. the department of transportation, sent letters to dealt american, united, southwest and jet blue today asking for information related to the allegations. the derailment in philadelphia, along the northeast corridor, for a week. transportation, secretary, anthony bostic says the idea, would seem to take advantage of suspended rail passengers in the wake of such a tragic event is unacceptable. turning now to the weather, and what a beautiful finish we have had to the week. "eyewitness news" at wiggins park in camden today where crew where is setting up for this weekend's big music festival. meteorologist kate bilo is on the sky deck to tell us if the great weather is here to stay for the weekend how bit. >> it looks like it will stick around for much of the weekend but wilt heat up and steam up as we head through the next couple of days but i'm just basking in the delight out here right now what a fantastic friday evening it is in philadelphia there is a nice breeze, warm, with you it is opposite of humid. very, very comfortable right now. lets look at a couple spots on our live neighborhood network and see what a beautiful evening it is in kutztown. it is 80 degrees there with blue skies and puffy cumulus cloud. palmyra cove nature park in new jersey looking at the city things looking great and a beautiful evening in margate. look at that, blue skies lot of people still on the beach i wouldn't want to leave either guys, okay, stretch out that beach day as long as you can. storm scan three looking fine. quick peak because there is nothing going on, barely a cloud in the sky across the region this evening and these temperatures are feeling great, we are looking at 85 at the airport. eighty-one in reading. seventy-nine in atlantic city. 38 degrees in trenton. dew point tells the whole story, 47 degrees, is the to point in philadelphia, and that is awesome, that is kind of to point we will see in the wintertime, not in the middle of the summer but watch how that steam factor increases as we head into next week. it will heat backup again summer in the through just yet. i will have information on another heat wave, when i come back inside. well, according to an investigation by the new jersey public utility board atlantic city electric fell short following the june 23rd storm that severely damage parts of the south jersey. many were left with the power for up to six days. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandria hoff has the latest. >> reporter: when thousands of customers lost services in the hours fog last months storm so did atlantic city electric. >> verizon wireless is one of the carriers we use for data transfer. so when that went down there was an impeded us initially. >> reporter: without a backup response times suffers according to a report released by new jersey public utilities prodder. fred james wait aid week with in pour to his deptford township home. >> i stayed here for six days, yes. it was peaceful, quiet but very disturbing. >> reporter: disturbing in part because some customers felt that they weren't getting on is predictions of when services would be restored. >> if you tell them 12:00 o'clock midnight that night and does not come on and do you that three times in a row, that is where issues came up at. >> reporter: utility board stated that atlantic city electric should have informed local communities more quickly, about the extent of damage and challenges they faced in terms of an extended recovery. keep in mind atlantic city electric would have been hardest hit utility company by far with a majority of the half million customers affected on june 23rd. they thanked customers for their patients and hoped to streamline the the process moving forward. >> obviously we want to make improvement to the process and if we can do something different, that is what we're looking for. >> reporter: atlantic city electric with pse and g have both vowed they will increase their preparedness and communication efforts. reporting from gloucester county alexandria hoff for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". there are new developments in the battle over pop up beer garden in philadelphia's point breeze neighborhood. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones is live with those details todd. >> reporter: ukee, these taps have run drew, this once popular beer garden now sits empty but that is all about to change. developer john lawnacre showed me rooftop view from the atlantic city apartment building he is renovating. >> look at that view. it is a lot of potential. >> reporter: while this project moves forward another one of of his has been shut down. six weeks after it opened, the pop up beer garden in the trouble point breeze neighborhood in philadelphia was suddenly shut down. longache shore owns the the lot says without warning cities department of licenses and inspections came in and closed it. >> you have to have a real zoning hearing. so we said that is crazy. >> reporter: two sides have been battling back and forth in court for weeks now over zoning. >> there is no clearly defined pol willcy in anyone direction. >> reporter: longacre contend l and i is over reaching since he had permission through state and liquor license to open up a temporary beer garden. >> if the city didn't intervene and make up new you policy for us, we would be opened. >> reporter: neighbors i spoke with agree they tell me this was a vacant lot people dump their garbage on. >> bringing life to the neighborhood, you know. >> reporter: you miss it that it is closed. >> i do, do i. >> reporter: longacre says he spent some $60,000 renovating the beer garden and at abrupt city shut down echoes complaints he has heard from developers like himself. >> it is in the a tracktive to come and do what you are doing. >> too much red tape, is there too much bureaucratic nonsense, too many circumstances like this that keep people from coming in. >> reporter: and late this afternoon, longacre actually won his mess recent battle in court, meaning at least for this weekend this beer garden will reopen and beers will be fledge from these taps as, l and i is concerned a spokesperson there had in comment, citing, pending litigation. reporting live tonight from point breeze, todd quinones, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks very much. keep us update. lesean mccoy wants to party with just the the ladies, in philadelphia sunday night and his new team is not happy bit. here's the instagram and twit erin variety calling for quote, females only, to submit a photo and sign a confidentiality agreement. they must be all 21. after that you'll get the location and a tire. buffalo bills made him drop their logo and shady deleted the post. bird you you may remember traded shady to the bills after last season. still to come on "eyewitness news" at 6:00 find out why a philadelphia food truck operator is immortalized on the side of the center city building. the our own pat ciarrocchi has inspiring story kate. what a great friday, it has been, i'm happy to report much of the nice weather will continue into the weekend but it will heat up, and then we are talking about a heat wave next week. we will have more with the full forecast, coming up, hey pat. we have phillies afternoon action for you, they are at wrigley field in chicago, we have got highlights there that and plus eagles fans have been put down yet again shocking, i know, and chip kelly bomb shell unearthed kindof, more on that in sports in mere minutes. an arrest is made in the death of the woman whose body was found in the wilmington play ground. police arrested 34 year-old gary perkins without incident last night. perkins was scheduled to be arraigned on charges that he killed his girl friend jamie murphy. would the man was found dead on the piece of playground equipment at the park yesterday. as part of the camden sky line for 50 years it is coming down this weekend. commerce building was built in 1965 and hailed as a sign of camden's progress at the time. tomorrow demolition begins, the property at broad and federal street will be turned into a parking lot. expect traffic restrictions around that area for about two weeks. well mural arts in philadelphia is taking a bold step in the area of dilworth park in city hall. look up, as pat ciarrocchi tells you, one man's story is being written on the side of the building. >> reporter: the center of urban philadelphia has its traffic, and its food truck on south 15th street. and if you look up, you'll find its campus. >> it is right time for this project and philadelphia is right city to do it. >> reporter: project is called open source a celebration of the community through public arts. hanging on a scaffolding on the top floors of the grant building world renowned street artist known as yr was installing his latest work. the face, is that of abraham shaw. >> i love working here, right. i said yes of course. >> reporter: on the corner of 15th and jfk across city hall that is in the a typical request. he works a food truck. >> i make cheese stake and hot dogs. >> reporter: abraham is from pakistan. he has been in philadelphia for a year. two months ago jr brought the city with his camera looking for a story to tell in black and white that could translate on to a canvas, stories high, that anyone could see. >> unaudible. >> reporter: it is his story. jane golden, founder of the philadelphia mural arts program, says the the point is to illuminate philadelphia's diverse urban identity. >> this is my life, my voice my story. we count. our lives matter. >> reporter: abraham's story is just one of 14 that will be told by top contemporary artist using philadelphia as their studio. i think that really is just fantastic. jane golden's lead are ship in mural arts is ground breaking. there will be 14 other new pieces positioned around the city and then a big celebration once it is all complete at some point at the end of the october. >> beautiful. >> nicely done. thanks pat. chopper three was up, ac taking the the picture of the shot on a beautiful day. >> perfect day. >> perfect day to be outside. >> what a great day and great evening to be outside in the city as well. >> in doubt. >> stepping out tonight here's what you can expect. we will take you down the the shore first and foremost and great day to be out on the ocean city boardwalk a lieutenant of people packing n later this evening if you tune in at ten and 11:00 we will show you this boardwalk shot and it will be completely pack, in room to even walk on the boardwalk tonight because that is where everybody wants to be, such a great evening to grab a piece of piss, funnel cake i just want boardwalk food really. lots of stuff to do on the boardwalk this evening and great evening for it. storm scan three is clear all across the region we have triple sweep, we are not seeing anything at all and zooming out you can see spotty showers and couple thunderstorms up around boston area and portions of vermont new hampshire staying away with us. we have, sunshine and lots of it the throughout the rest of the evening and through the weekend as well. we have comfortable seasonable temperatures. eighty-five at the the airport. eighty-one in reading. eighty-two in wildwood. core of the heat across the nation right now is in the deep south wichita kansas is at hundred degrees. little rock at 99. dallas at 98 degrees. that heat will head toward news to next week. in the meantime lets talk about the comfort index. forty-seven, is the current dew point here in philadelphia that is unheard of for this time of the year. forty-seven is a winter dew point a lot of times and it is not even on our scale. we will start at 50. this is awesome plus, extra awesome, this evening with dew pointness the 40's it feels very nice outside but as we head into tomorrow, up toward the in the so bad zone right around 60 and then by middle of next week back up to dew points in the the low to mid 70's. so mostly sunny upper 80's for tomorrow. little bit warmer then past couple days, high of around 89 degrees. still comfortable with the low humidity. it gets more humid on sunday. eighty's to near 90's with a chance of the thunderstorm in the afternoon. mostly staying rain free. we will be back to the comfort index. take you through next couple days and testimony we are still in the pleasant range getting close tore humid. sunday right back to humid. monday and tuesday we are climbing, and by next wednesday, and thursday you'll see with the seven day we could be talking about oppressive temperatures. here's something to watch though as we head into next week we are watching this all these showers and thunderstorms around the florida area you can see multiple, storms from the gulf of mexico. there is a lot of less wind sheer, lots of warm water temperatures here and is there a possible tropical development into next week. something to watch out for because if the storm did form there it is a chance it could come up coast. we want to be alert there. mainly clear comfortable. down the shore sunny skies great beach day at 83 degrees. the in the city, what a perfect saturday 89 and sunny. ninety, more humid. great summer weekend. better chance for thunderstorm monday and another heat wave 90's tuesday wednesday and thursday of next week. stay there we will get more news when we come the the fightins are back in action. >> they are, live afternoon baseball. you got to love it. we are one week from the mlb trading deadline ace rumors swirl as phillies take on the cubs at wrigley field. big question is will cole hamels start tomorrow for phillies. today jerome williams got the ball against john lester of chicago. codey asche gets phillies on the game. he gives them a two-one lead. this is a two run double. in the bottom of had inning, chris, hits a two run blast to right field. put cubs up three-two. we are in the bottom of the eighth ape that score holds up, cubs up by a run. team u.s.a. will shoot for third place at the gold cup they will take on panama tomorrow at 4:00 at p pl park. it is at the link sunday between mexico and jamaica. u.s. mens head coach says that it is a massive let down that the americans will in the be playing on the big stage. >> obviously, you know, it is not the game we wanted to be in obviously, we wanted to be at eagles stadium and we feel privileged to be at this stadium and beautiful arena and finish things off in this gold cup. >> philadelphia union are looking for someone anyone to make plays for them. they work out the swiss winger, 30 year-old has appeared in 75 games with the swiss national team ape played professionally in germany for last decade. union head coach jim curtain talk about the fit. >> when we do a scouting report on him first game that pops up is against the champions. he is a quality player. a guy we're very interest in, very high on. >> on august 8th, senior seau will be induct in the pro football hall of fame. his daughter cindy said she planned to introduce him but has been told by nfl that she cannot. he committed suicide in 2012 and was diagnosed with a traumatic brain disorder. hey guys look, another pun case hating on philly sports. can you imagine that, ukee. this time, sports illustrated ripping eagles fans, anointing them the most hated finance base in the nfl. couple reason why that is? may have hurt these before, throwing snowballs at santa and jail in the basement of the vet. i think they need on get more creative with this hating thing. >> thank you. >> for some, chip kelly is most interesting man in the football world and now, we have an interesting addition to his, story according to the washington post chip kelly has been married for seven years, something that was not previously common public knowledge. currently, he seems to be married for football. an thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00. eyewitness naus will be back at ten on our sister station wpsg the cw philly and we will be back on cbs-3 at 11:00. up next is the "cbs evening news". we certainly hope you can join us later tonight. take care family, see you shortly. >> rose: as a comedy played on the screen, açó real-life tragedy unfolded in the audience. >> he just stood up and was justçó shooting blank stare. >> rose: what we know about the victims and the gunman in the latest massñrçóñ shooting. also tonight government watchdogs ask for an investigation of the clinton e-mails. airlines are accused of price gouging, while amtrak was derailed. and steve hartman, perfect strangers are reaping the benefits of this man sowed. >> i'm so grateful. thank you so much. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> rose: good evening, scott is off tonight i'm charlie rose. they seem to be coming closer and closer together. just one week after the deadly massñi

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Ocean City , Florida , United States , New Hampshire , Germany , Kutztown , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Wrigley Field , Illinois , Wiggins Park , Texas , Rittenhouse Square , Wildwood , Boston , Massachusetts , Jamaica , Washington , District Of Columbia , Pakistan , Mexico , New Jersey , Atlantic City , Trenton , Drexel University , Dallas , Panama , Jersey , Switzerland , Chicago , Palmyra , Americans , Swiss , American , Steve Paterson , John Lester , James Clark , Abraham Shaw , Steve Hartman , Jasmine Wright , Scott Pelley , James Harris , Jerome Williams , Frances Whalen , Mike Franco , Gary Perkins , Anthony Bostic , Fred James , Todd Quinones , Jamie Murphy ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20240622 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20240622

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expect something like that. i mean, i don't know. like i said i haven't read it all, and from what i'm told it is hard to read. >> reporter: he is in federal custody right now, going to washington d.c. to face those charges. he faces, many years behind bars now, according to this document he is admit to go distributing child pornography but said those images were from the internet and in the once he took on his own black berry. we will follow this case. it is detailed. we will have new details at ten and 11:00. we are live in rittenhouse square, david spunt for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". also we are learning more disturbing details about the suspect charged in the murder of the drexel university grad student. philadelphia police say he is a career criminal. "eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson is at police headquarters with the story steve. >> reporter: ukee, an extensive criminal history including burglary, sexual assault, and murder, everything that 56 year-old james harris is accused of, right now we asked how a man like that with such an extensive history could get a job as a tenant including a woman he is accused of murdering. >> he is a monster. he ace career criminal. he has been locked up 31 times. he will not tell us anything. >> reporter: philadelphia police captain james clark says he isn't sure we will ever necessity what will motivate this man to ambush rape and murder this recent graduate student other than that is what he does. >> back in 82 he was arrested for killing his own the father. he has been arrested several times for sexual assault several robberies several burglaries reports railroad clark is less than halfway through rap sheet of the 56 year-old james harris, now accused in the murder of the 27 year-old drexel graduate jasmine wright. >> what he did to her and his past choices in crime, i hope it is a death penalty case. >> reporter: police say harris was recently fired as a handy man at wright's apartment complex in the 200 block of south 50th street but somehow kept his key. police say harris then broke into the complex in wright's third floor apartment waited more than 30 minutes for her to return, and then beat, raped and murdered wright after she walked in. we asked how did this man get a job with access to more than a dozen tenants. >> it is a message for people, you have to be very, very careful how trust very, very careful who you let in your home and work for you and your business. >> reporter: they may never necessity why but clark says graphic details of how and enough information to make sure that he is never free again. >> he is a monster. we're very happy to get him off of the streets. >> reporter: captain clark says harris tried to clean up the crime by bleaching the entire apartment but that crime scene technicians were one step ahead and managed to find fingerprints. reporting live from philadelphia police headquarters, i'm steve paterson for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> steve, thank you for that. well philadelphia swat officer wounded in the shoot-out, has been released. officer frances whalen took a shot to his bullet-proof vest on wednesday while executing a search warrant. authorities say that murder suspect devon guisherd was killed in the shoot-out with police at a northeast philadelphia apartment. officer whalen was checked out at the hospital for contusions to his stomach and released, that same day. federal officials have launched an investigation in the airlines accused of hiking fares in the aftermath of the deadly amtrak derailment. the department of transportation, sent letters to dealt american, united, southwest and jet blue today asking for information related to the allegations. the derailment in philadelphia, along the northeast corridor, for a week. transportation, secretary, anthony bostic says the idea, would seem to take advantage of suspended rail passengers in the wake of such a tragic event is unacceptable. turning now to the weather, and what a beautiful finish we have had to the week. "eyewitness news" at wiggins park in camden today where crew where is setting up for this weekend's big music festival. meteorologist kate bilo is on the sky deck to tell us if the great weather is here to stay for the weekend how bit. >> it looks like it will stick around for much of the weekend but wilt heat up and steam up as we head through the next couple of days but i'm just basking in the delight out here right now what a fantastic friday evening it is in philadelphia there is a nice breeze, warm, with you it is opposite of humid. very, very comfortable right now. lets look at a couple spots on our live neighborhood network and see what a beautiful evening it is in kutztown. it is 80 degrees there with blue skies and puffy cumulus cloud. palmyra cove nature park in new jersey looking at the city things looking great and a beautiful evening in margate. look at that, blue skies lot of people still on the beach i wouldn't want to leave either guys, okay, stretch out that beach day as long as you can. storm scan three looking fine. quick peak because there is nothing going on, barely a cloud in the sky across the region this evening and these temperatures are feeling great, we are looking at 85 at the airport. eighty-one in reading. seventy-nine in atlantic city. 38 degrees in trenton. dew point tells the whole story, 47 degrees, is the to point in philadelphia, and that is awesome, that is kind of to point we will see in the wintertime, not in the middle of the summer but watch how that steam factor increases as we head into next week. it will heat backup again summer in the through just yet. i will have information on another heat wave, when i come back inside. well, according to an investigation by the new jersey public utility board atlantic city electric fell short following the june 23rd storm that severely damage parts of the south jersey. many were left with the power for up to six days. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandria hoff has the latest. >> reporter: when thousands of customers lost services in the hours fog last months storm so did atlantic city electric. >> verizon wireless is one of the carriers we use for data transfer. so when that went down there was an impeded us initially. >> reporter: without a backup response times suffers according to a report released by new jersey public utilities prodder. fred james wait aid week with in pour to his deptford township home. >> i stayed here for six days, yes. it was peaceful, quiet but very disturbing. >> reporter: disturbing in part because some customers felt that they weren't getting on is predictions of when services would be restored. >> if you tell them 12:00 o'clock midnight that night and does not come on and do you that three times in a row, that is where issues came up at. >> reporter: utility board stated that atlantic city electric should have informed local communities more quickly, about the extent of damage and challenges they faced in terms of an extended recovery. keep in mind atlantic city electric would have been hardest hit utility company by far with a majority of the half million customers affected on june 23rd. they thanked customers for their patients and hoped to streamline the the process moving forward. >> obviously we want to make improvement to the process and if we can do something different, that is what we're looking for. >> reporter: atlantic city electric with pse and g have both vowed they will increase their preparedness and communication efforts. reporting from gloucester county alexandria hoff for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". there are new developments in the battle over pop up beer garden in philadelphia's point breeze neighborhood. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones is live with those details todd. >> reporter: ukee, these taps have run drew, this once popular beer garden now sits empty but that is all about to change. developer john lawnacre showed me rooftop view from the atlantic city apartment building he is renovating. >> look at that view. it is a lot of potential. >> reporter: while this project moves forward another one of of his has been shut down. six weeks after it opened, the pop up beer garden in the trouble point breeze neighborhood in philadelphia was suddenly shut down. longache shore owns the the lot says without warning cities department of licenses and inspections came in and closed it. >> you have to have a real zoning hearing. so we said that is crazy. >> reporter: two sides have been battling back and forth in court for weeks now over zoning. >> there is no clearly defined pol willcy in anyone direction. >> reporter: longacre contend l and i is over reaching since he had permission through state and liquor license to open up a temporary beer garden. >> if the city didn't intervene and make up new you policy for us, we would be opened. >> reporter: neighbors i spoke with agree they tell me this was a vacant lot people dump their garbage on. >> bringing life to the neighborhood, you know. >> reporter: you miss it that it is closed. >> i do, do i. >> reporter: longacre says he spent some $60,000 renovating the beer garden and at abrupt city shut down echoes complaints he has heard from developers like himself. >> it is in the a tracktive to come and do what you are doing. >> too much red tape, is there too much bureaucratic nonsense, too many circumstances like this that keep people from coming in. >> reporter: and late this afternoon, longacre actually won his mess recent battle in court, meaning at least for this weekend this beer garden will reopen and beers will be fledge from these taps as, l and i is concerned a spokesperson there had in comment, citing, pending litigation. reporting live tonight from point breeze, todd quinones, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks very much. keep us update. lesean mccoy wants to party with just the the ladies, in philadelphia sunday night and his new team is not happy bit. here's the instagram and twit erin variety calling for quote, females only, to submit a photo and sign a confidentiality agreement. they must be all 21. after that you'll get the location and a tire. buffalo bills made him drop their logo and shady deleted the post. bird you you may remember traded shady to the bills after last season. still to come on "eyewitness news" at 6:00 find out why a philadelphia food truck operator is immortalized on the side of the center city building. the our own pat ciarrocchi has inspiring story kate. what a great friday, it has been, i'm happy to report much of the nice weather will continue into the weekend but it will heat up, and then we are talking about a heat wave next week. we will have more with the full forecast, coming up, hey pat. we have phillies afternoon action for you, they are at wrigley field in chicago, we have got highlights there that and plus eagles fans have been put down yet again shocking, i know, and chip kelly bomb shell unearthed kindof, more on that in sports in mere minutes. an arrest is made in the death of the woman whose body was found in the wilmington play ground. police arrested 34 year-old gary perkins without incident last night. perkins was scheduled to be arraigned on charges that he killed his girl friend jamie murphy. would the man was found dead on the piece of playground equipment at the park yesterday. as part of the camden sky line for 50 years it is coming down this weekend. commerce building was built in 1965 and hailed as a sign of camden's progress at the time. tomorrow demolition begins, the property at broad and federal street will be turned into a parking lot. expect traffic restrictions around that area for about two weeks. well mural arts in philadelphia is taking a bold step in the area of dilworth park in city hall. look up, as pat ciarrocchi tells you, one man's story is being written on the side of the building. >> reporter: the center of urban philadelphia has its traffic, and its food truck on south 15th street. and if you look up, you'll find its campus. >> it is right time for this project and philadelphia is right city to do it. >> reporter: project is called open source a celebration of the community through public arts. hanging on a scaffolding on the top floors of the grant building world renowned street artist known as yr was installing his latest work. the face, is that of abraham shaw. >> i love working here, right. i said yes of course. >> reporter: on the corner of 15th and jfk across city hall that is in the a typical request. he works a food truck. >> i make cheese stake and hot dogs. >> reporter: abraham is from pakistan. he has been in philadelphia for a year. two months ago jr brought the city with his camera looking for a story to tell in black and white that could translate on to a canvas, stories high, that anyone could see. >> unaudible. >> reporter: it is his story. jane golden, founder of the philadelphia mural arts program, says the the point is to illuminate philadelphia's diverse urban identity. >> this is my life, my voice my story. we count. our lives matter. >> reporter: abraham's story is just one of 14 that will be told by top contemporary artist using philadelphia as their studio. i think that really is just fantastic. jane golden's lead are ship in mural arts is ground breaking. there will be 14 other new pieces positioned around the city and then a big celebration once it is all complete at some point at the end of the october. >> beautiful. >> nicely done. thanks pat. chopper three was up, ac taking the the picture of the shot on a beautiful day. >> perfect day. >> perfect day to be outside. >> what a great day and great evening to be outside in the city as well. >> in doubt. >> stepping out tonight here's what you can expect. we will take you down the the shore first and foremost and great day to be out on the ocean city boardwalk a lieutenant of people packing n later this evening if you tune in at ten and 11:00 we will show you this boardwalk shot and it will be completely pack, in room to even walk on the boardwalk tonight because that is where everybody wants to be, such a great evening to grab a piece of piss, funnel cake i just want boardwalk food really. lots of stuff to do on the boardwalk this evening and great evening for it. storm scan three is clear all across the region we have triple sweep, we are not seeing anything at all and zooming out you can see spotty showers and couple thunderstorms up around boston area and portions of vermont new hampshire staying away with us. we have, sunshine and lots of it the throughout the rest of the evening and through the weekend as well. we have comfortable seasonable temperatures. eighty-five at the the airport. eighty-one in reading. eighty-two in wildwood. core of the heat across the nation right now is in the deep south wichita kansas is at hundred degrees. little rock at 99. dallas at 98 degrees. that heat will head toward news to next week. in the meantime lets talk about the comfort index. forty-seven, is the current dew point here in philadelphia that is unheard of for this time of the year. forty-seven is a winter dew point a lot of times and it is not even on our scale. we will start at 50. this is awesome plus, extra awesome, this evening with dew pointness the 40's it feels very nice outside but as we head into tomorrow, up toward the in the so bad zone right around 60 and then by middle of next week back up to dew points in the the low to mid 70's. so mostly sunny upper 80's for tomorrow. little bit warmer then past couple days, high of around 89 degrees. still comfortable with the low humidity. it gets more humid on sunday. eighty's to near 90's with a chance of the thunderstorm in the afternoon. mostly staying rain free. we will be back to the comfort index. take you through next couple days and testimony we are still in the pleasant range getting close tore humid. sunday right back to humid. monday and tuesday we are climbing, and by next wednesday, and thursday you'll see with the seven day we could be talking about oppressive temperatures. here's something to watch though as we head into next week we are watching this all these showers and thunderstorms around the florida area you can see multiple, storms from the gulf of mexico. there is a lot of less wind sheer, lots of warm water temperatures here and is there a possible tropical development into next week. something to watch out for because if the storm did form there it is a chance it could come up coast. we want to be alert there. mainly clear comfortable. down the shore sunny skies great beach day at 83 degrees. the in the city, what a perfect saturday 89 and sunny. ninety, more humid. great summer weekend. better chance for thunderstorm monday and another heat wave 90's tuesday wednesday and thursday of next week. stay there we will get more news when we come the the fightins are back in action. >> they are, live afternoon baseball. you got to love it. we are one week from the mlb trading deadline ace rumors swirl as phillies take on the cubs at wrigley field. big question is will cole hamels start tomorrow for phillies. today jerome williams got the ball against john lester of chicago. codey asche gets phillies on the game. he gives them a two-one lead. this is a two run double. in the bottom of had inning, chris, hits a two run blast to right field. put cubs up three-two. we are in the bottom of the eighth ape that score holds up, cubs up by a run. team u.s.a. will shoot for third place at the gold cup they will take on panama tomorrow at 4:00 at p pl park. it is at the link sunday between mexico and jamaica. u.s. mens head coach says that it is a massive let down that the americans will in the be playing on the big stage. >> obviously, you know, it is not the game we wanted to be in obviously, we wanted to be at eagles stadium and we feel privileged to be at this stadium and beautiful arena and finish things off in this gold cup. >> philadelphia union are looking for someone anyone to make plays for them. they work out the swiss winger, 30 year-old has appeared in 75 games with the swiss national team ape played professionally in germany for last decade. union head coach jim curtain talk about the fit. >> when we do a scouting report on him first game that pops up is against the champions. he is a quality player. a guy we're very interest in, very high on. >> on august 8th, senior seau will be induct in the pro football hall of fame. his daughter cindy said she planned to introduce him but has been told by nfl that she cannot. he committed suicide in 2012 and was diagnosed with a traumatic brain disorder. hey guys look, another pun case hating on philly sports. can you imagine that, ukee. this time, sports illustrated ripping eagles fans, anointing them the most hated finance base in the nfl. couple reason why that is? may have hurt these before, throwing snowballs at santa and jail in the basement of the vet. i think they need on get more creative with this hating thing. >> thank you. >> for some, chip kelly is most interesting man in the football world and now, we have an interesting addition to his, story according to the washington post chip kelly has been married for seven years, something that was not previously common public knowledge. currently, he seems to be married for football. an thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00. eyewitness naus will be back at ten on our sister station wpsg the cw philly and we will be back on cbs-3 at 11:00. up next is the "cbs evening news". we certainly hope you can join us later tonight. take care family, see you shortly. >> rose: as a comedy played on the screen, açó real-life tragedy unfolded in the audience. >> he just stood up and was justçó shooting blank stare. >> rose: what we know about the victims and the gunman in the latest massñrçóñ shooting. also tonight government watchdogs ask for an investigation of the clinton e-mails. airlines are accused of price gouging, while amtrak was derailed. and steve hartman, perfect strangers are reaping the benefits of this man sowed. >> i'm so grateful. thank you so much. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> rose: good evening, scott is off tonight i'm charlie rose. they seem to be coming closer and closer together. just one week after the deadly massñi

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