Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20240622 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20240622

he called itself defense. >> well, they came at him for no reason so he knew he was going to be killed. they went there to kill my nephew. they didn't go there to arrest him. they went to kill him. >> reporter: just to be clear, police commissioner charles ramsey did say that the suspect in this case, fired the first shot, the officer who fired his gun was returning fire. devon gashard was 27 years old. we're live outside police headquarters, matt rivers, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we have more on this, cbs-3 i team has been digging deeper in the background. >> charlotte huffman is here with what you have learn charlotte. >> reporter: before today's shooting devon gashard was a name well known by police but his whereabouts not always so clear. today philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey, said it himself. >> he has a sense of history. >> reporter: he was no stranger to the criminal justice system n2012, gashard was arrested and charged with possession with intent to manufacture or deliver and other drug charges. those charges were pending and he was set to go to trial this fall. back in 2006, he was arrested for more serious charges including, attempted murder, aggravated a assault terroristic threats, and gun-related charges. the first trial was a mistrial, and then, just last year he was found not guilty. five months later. >> it was a murder last fall of a woman who was pregnant who was hot shot and killed but innocent bystander during a shooting incident. >> reporter: following the shooting death of megan doto 27 year-old gashard was considered a fugitive for justice and for ten months authorities were on the hunt for him a search that came to a violent end today. now we did ask authorities why they were unable to find gashard for those ten months? they were not able to shed any light on. that we do know that he used an alias and we used an advanced system, similar to what police used for locating people and we should mention it is interesting to know we could not find any railroaded whatsoever of him in our system. it was as if he did not even exist. you can see why police may have had some difficulty advertise. >> without question, thank you. be sure to stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the deadly police shooting. we will have the latest update on air and anytime at our web site at cbs ikea is recalling 27 million dressers citing tip ovaries accounts and deaths of two children including a local boy. company says that it will offer customers anchor repair kits so that the furniture can be secured to a wall. the affected products including 7 million chest and 20 million ikea dressers. in 2014, two-year old died when an ikea chest fell and pinned him begins a bed in his west chester home. his family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the company. >> those people with the dresser, bookcase in their home never imagined that item would be deadly, but they can be. so whenever you have a dresser, a chest of drawers bookcase, and that is accessible to children, you must must, secure it to the wall or get that piece of furniture out of your house. >> ikea released this statement which reads in part: at ikea we are committed to helping raise the awareness of the serious home safety issues and to continue to provide consumers with the tools knowledge that they need, to prevent these accidents. as you would like to necessity more about the recall go to our web site we have posted information there for you at cbs in weather now what a turn around. perfect day around the region, now that the humidity is out of here. this wednesday is a wonderful one. meteorologist kate bilo is live on the cbs-3 sky deck with more on that, kate. >> reporter: i'm enjoying being out here this evening. past couple of daisy walk back in off the sky deck and said i'm sweating, it is so hot and steamy miserable outside. now it feels fantastic. no humidity whatsoever. nice cool breeze. sunnies shining perfect summer day and the best news of all we have a few more of these to look forward to. now lets take a quick look at storm scan three. it will be a quick one. we have nothing to show you here. everything is clear all across the northeast in the like yesterday when we had showers and storms erupting. even across the united states, pretty quiet wet of the. only place we will find storms and humidity is deep south and that is where it will be the next few days. we have been talking about dew points from the 70's just a couple of days ago yesterday in the upper 60's. right now a 15-degree difference in dew point now from where it was 24 hours ago, that shows you how dry air has swept in and taken over the area temperatures in the low to mid 80's right now in the first forecast, out and about on this wednesday evening, and in problems, in fact, i highly encouraging out for a walk, walk the dogs, taking a stroll around the neighborhood. 82 degrees at 7:00. we are dropping in the mid 70's by 11:00 p.m. outlying suburbs could get in the 50's overnight tonight and coming up i'll tell you how long this nice stretch of weather will last, and it last through most of the weekend. we will have more with the seven day. back inside to you. >> kate, we will see new a bit. president obama signed a disaster declaration for atlantic burlington, camden and gloucester counties in new jersey. federal funding is now available to state and local government for clean up from the storms on june 23rd thaw will remember caused a lot of damage. governor christie requested that federal aid last week. multi alarm fire is still burning tonight after destroying a large warehouse in north brunswick, new jersey earlier this morning. officials say they are working to contain an area of the warehouse that housed a plastics company. one fire fighter suffered a minor injury battling the fire. several residents remain in the shelter as a precaution tonight. once that fire is out an investigation can begin. as pope's september visit draws near details of the massive security efforts that will take place here and in new jersey are slowly trickling out to the public this week we have learn that the ben franklin bridge could possibly close during the pope's visit. many commuters now very curious to find out if that indeed will happen. today in camden county officials discuss that had topic but revealed very little. >> we are not right now thinking about closing the bridge for any particular reason but we are waiting to see, you know, what the plans are. >> delaware river port authority officials say final call to close ben franklin bridge lies in the hands have the united states secret service. they say they expect that answer very soon. when it comes to the pope's visit there is an app for that. organizers launched the go philadelphia mobile app. it offers visitors a within stop shop to keep up with all of the papal festivities, and visitors are looking for something to do around the city and want to check out the site, the app connects users to all of that information. well, tonight a story of survival and inspiration montgomery county cancer survivor rode his bike across the kent troy help others. >> health reporter stephanie stahl is here with the final leg of his incredible journey. >> reporter: wait until you see this i can't wait for to you meet derek. he survived cancer and a heart transplant. tonight he is in avalon just finishing the bike trip from california. this morning there was a pit stop here in philadelphia. it was a hero's send off from penn medicine from derek fitzgerald on the last leg of his cross country bike ride. >> it has been an amazing experience. >> reporter: forty-two year-old from harleysville started in santa a monica california with partners cycling coast to coast to raise money and awareness for leukemia and lymphoma society. >> i'm a survivor of non-hodgkin's limb foam a i was diagnosed when i was 30 years old in 2003 and chemotherapy and treatment for my cancer saved my life but it damaged my heart. >> reporter: after surviving cancer, derek needed a heart transplant. after seven years waiting his life was saved for a second time in 2011 with a new heart that he received at penn medicine. >> thank you. >> they saved my life. >> reporter: this was his final stop before heading to avalon to complete the journey that took him through the grand canyon and heart land back home to his wife and baby. >> we never thought we would get here and new we have a beautiful little girl. it is all due to the gifts we have been given. >> reporter: now he is all about giving back in the just with the bike ride but competing in marathons and iron man in three weeks. >> letting people know that even after a diagnosis like his you can do an iron man. he is an amazing inspiration. >> reporter: he sure is. derek said hardest part of the cross country bike ride was the weather rain, and 130 degrees, pedaling through the desert, a journey he hopes will save lives with the $50,000 he has raised. what an inspiration. >> incredible. >> he will be in an iron man after ride ago cross the country. >> that is great. >> thanks, stephanie. still to come two local schools are getting a new shoes. >> nba superstar kobe bryant is using a local high school rivalry as inspiration for his new design, we will explain that. and wawa winning the local favorite is earning high praise when it comes to a new national study where they rang in the top convenient stores in america. kate? and what a beautiful day it is, storm scan three completely clear sunshine in our future, right through end of the week and into the weekend. i'll tell you how long this stretch of confidentable perfect summer weather will last leslie. kate, it a has been a pretty good home stand for the phillies and once again they had some late innings magic to help them out. we will have very latest on jonathan papelbon's trade rumors coming up later in sports. iran keeps their nuclear facilities. military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20 international agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. there is a lot of hype surrounding kobe bryant's next shoe from nike. >> they highlight a local school that kobe bryant went through, toe to toe in high school back in the day. "eyewitness sports" reporter pat gallon has that story. >> taken by kobe. >> reporter: lower merion native kobe bryant is one of the most impressive competitors in sports. notorious for using every slice to fuel his game. in his high school days in lower merion bryant was part of the intense rivalry with chester high school. >> there have been really memorable chester/lower merion games over the years. obviously some great players. >> reporter: to pay tribute nike has released its new shoe the kobe ten elite a special version of the show called rivalry was designed, in two tone orange, colors of the chester clippers. >> it does look nice, nice looking sneaker. >> reporter: initially the shoe was slated to be called chester in on offer of the team kobe took down while here as a senior back in 1996. >> that was a tremendous for this area. you know, high school basketball, and everybody was in the house. >> reporter: according to the description of the shoe chester was constant foil that helped ignite now famous competitive fire that burns within him. that rivalry might be slightly over blown. it began during kobe's years on the main line. >> he has a presence for sure. looking around the walls and look at the halls in the school and kind of the tradition that really he played a big role in starting here. >> rivalry probably started with kobe. >> his junior year we beat them in the district final. now his senior year, kobe, really willed his team to two wins. >> reporter: if you too want to be feel like part of the kobe's favorite boyhood rivalry, you'll have to shell out $200 a pair. i'm path gallon, cbs-3 "eyewitness sports". >> i remember these days like it was yesterday. >> yes. >> very nice. the campaign has been a great success. >> sixers and almost 100 volunteers kept up the great work. camden mayor dana redd helped the sixth annual event at cooper plaza and landing square neighborhood. the cleaning is just one of the 11 cleaning and greening days taking place throughout camden this summer. it is one of our region's iconic brand delaware valley certainly loves its wawa. >> no doubt about that, yes indeed. >> now so does the rest of the new study. in the report by consumer research firm market force consumers ranked wawa as their favorite convenient store. 7,000 customers were polled with 68 percent of these saying they with recommend wawa to another customer. the costco was ranked first among big box and grocery retailers. what do you think? does wawa make the the grade? do you prefer another quick stop spot? connect with us on facebook and twitter with the hash tag cbs-3 chat. what a wonderful wednesday it has been. it is nice time to take a nap in the open air. >> that sound pretty good. >> yes. >> coincidently, it is national hammock day plenty people taking advantage at spruce street harbor park. great day to hang around, get a little nap in. whatever. >> get some z's. >> it is so pleasant out there kate, you say this is sticking around. >> this is sticking around for days and days and i don't have a hammock but i didn't know it was national hammock day. we have to take advantage of it. >> yes. >> i will take a nap tomorrow. tomorrow is just as nice as today so we are sitting pretty as far as weather is concern. much better news in the the weather department then we have had all week long and it seems like past few weeks. we had a great finish to last week. this week we will give it the a run for its money. we will show you a couple spots, take you out first to sky cam three at campbell's feel. looking at the majestic ben franklin bridge all back lit by the sun those puffy cumulus cloud over the city. what a great shot. iconic view of philadelphia there. also another view this time of the year ocean city boardwalk. doesn't get better then this. people walking the board this evening enjoying a really nice afternoon down the shore. little bit of the land breeze that developed and that is keeping shore points really nice and warm. you don't that have cool wind off water. temperatures in the 80's down the shore this afternoon. all across the region we are looking great. storm scan three nothing much to show you. everything is clear. high pressure in control are. any showers and storms that impacted us yesterday has moved on out and i don't have another storm in the forecast until maybe next monday. it looks like we have a nice stretch of dry weather. been a wet summer so far so we can use this. things are looking great. 84 degrees at the a airport. down to 79 in allentown and mid-july day you cannot beat that. eighty-two in trenton. eighty-three at the ac international airport. all of the fuss has been about the dew point. we have dew points in the 07's taking us into that inn sufferable range. look at the dew point right now 53 degrees. where does that put us close to awesome if you ask me. it does feel awesome, between awesome and pleasant depending where you are and in where near insufferable. the dew points all across the north east looking amazing lower 40's or upper 40's, dew point in scranton and new york city. dew points in the 40's in the height of the summer. dog days of summer. doesn't happen often. get outside enjoy this weather while you can. it is sticking around for next couple days. if you could not get outside today we have practically perfect conditions tomorrow. sunny skies warm temperatures, low humidity and light win. thank our eyewitness weather watcher phil chaplane for photo. we love using photos from our weather watchers. on your thursday high pressure in control. beautiful. highs in the 80's. friday another day with high pressure overhead. still on the cool side of the high. that high sneaks further east on saturday, putting us on the western side and that is when it starts to warm up. notice increase on sunday but until then we are still feeling g once humidity drops as it did today it stays pretty low right through end of the week and into the weekend and starts to slowly climb the hill heading in to sunday and machine but a comfortable stretch to finish out your week the as far as tonight, comfortable 66. some spots upper 50's north and west. for your thursday sunny beautiful at 85. here is your seven day forecast and shore cast, looking great, thursday, friday, right in the weekend. more humid sunday. we are dry at 87. machine brings us better chance for afternoon then are storm and then, look at what happens next week? we're rate back in the 90's and steamy heat and humidity starting on tuesday. wednesday at 93. that could be the start of another heat wave but we will deal with what we have got right now. >> yes. >> got that right. >> kate, thank you. "cbs evening news" is just minutes away. >> charlie rose in for scott pelley tonight and he joins us with a look ahead charlie. >> hi there here is "cbs evening news" new video shows confrontation that led to the arrest of the black woman later found dead in her jail cell. plus california residents are feeling pain at the pump while gas prices are falling nearly every where else. and help tell check ins get high tech those stories are just ahead on the "cbs evening keeping hope alive for a better second half. >> we are keeping hope alive. >> good second half, the first half didn't count. >> don't go back there. come on back. >> phillies had a good home stan winning four out of five going in the series finally against the rays. we will pick it up in the sixth, codey asche at the plate his fly ball went off township of the wall in right dom brown scores and fightins have the game. still in the sixth ben reveer hits a ground their goes right between the legs, for the the error. asche scores. gives phillies the lead. that lasted five minutes. in the seventh, jake diekman faced took him over the wall in the right and game all tied up in the tenth. herrera with the line drive walk off single knocking in dominic brown. phillies won five-four. they will get on five-one on the home stand. >> nice home stand. codey came up big. that was a real good at bat. he foul off a ton of pitches. he came up big and won a game. the players are playing with energy. they are playing to win games at least so it seems to me. everybody on the bench is, you know into it. guys are pulling for each other. that is what we're looking for the mess right now. >> trade deadline looming three teams rumored to be interested in phillies closer jonathan papelbon are no longer actively pursuing him. he has been very good. he through you two shut out innings. pap with 1.72 era and 16 saves in as many games. the trade deadline is july july 31st. and they held their final work outs before their next battle, on this 14th at the prudential center in newark, new jersey. former super light weight wait champion eddie gar see ace moving up to wealther wait. he will take on pauley magnagi august 3rd at bar chase in brooklyn. best of luck to both of our guys, and are they in shape. >> yes. >> they are some toned muscled people. >> cut up. >> what do you mean. >> thank you thank you very much. >> all right. >> we will than right back. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 we are back at ten on our sister station cw philly and back here on cbs-3 at 11:00. up next, cbs opening news tonight marines who survived chattanuga rampage speak out for the first time n for scott pelley. here now is charlie rose. we hope you can join us later tonight. take care family. >> rose: caught on video. >> get out of the car! i will light you up! >> rose: the confrontation that led to the arrest of a black woman later found dead in her jail cell. also tonight, we hear for the first time from marines who survived the chattanooga shooting. >> it didn't occur to me like, hey, you really did get shot. >> rose: gas prices: why are they so high in california while they're falling almost everywhere else? and the future checks in at a japanese hotel. >> welcome. welcome to the henn'na hotel. >> this is captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> rose: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm charlie rose. we get a look today at a video

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20240622 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20240622

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he called itself defense. >> well, they came at him for no reason so he knew he was going to be killed. they went there to kill my nephew. they didn't go there to arrest him. they went to kill him. >> reporter: just to be clear, police commissioner charles ramsey did say that the suspect in this case, fired the first shot, the officer who fired his gun was returning fire. devon gashard was 27 years old. we're live outside police headquarters, matt rivers, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we have more on this, cbs-3 i team has been digging deeper in the background. >> charlotte huffman is here with what you have learn charlotte. >> reporter: before today's shooting devon gashard was a name well known by police but his whereabouts not always so clear. today philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey, said it himself. >> he has a sense of history. >> reporter: he was no stranger to the criminal justice system n2012, gashard was arrested and charged with possession with intent to manufacture or deliver and other drug charges. those charges were pending and he was set to go to trial this fall. back in 2006, he was arrested for more serious charges including, attempted murder, aggravated a assault terroristic threats, and gun-related charges. the first trial was a mistrial, and then, just last year he was found not guilty. five months later. >> it was a murder last fall of a woman who was pregnant who was hot shot and killed but innocent bystander during a shooting incident. >> reporter: following the shooting death of megan doto 27 year-old gashard was considered a fugitive for justice and for ten months authorities were on the hunt for him a search that came to a violent end today. now we did ask authorities why they were unable to find gashard for those ten months? they were not able to shed any light on. that we do know that he used an alias and we used an advanced system, similar to what police used for locating people and we should mention it is interesting to know we could not find any railroaded whatsoever of him in our system. it was as if he did not even exist. you can see why police may have had some difficulty advertise. >> without question, thank you. be sure to stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the deadly police shooting. we will have the latest update on air and anytime at our web site at cbs ikea is recalling 27 million dressers citing tip ovaries accounts and deaths of two children including a local boy. company says that it will offer customers anchor repair kits so that the furniture can be secured to a wall. the affected products including 7 million chest and 20 million ikea dressers. in 2014, two-year old died when an ikea chest fell and pinned him begins a bed in his west chester home. his family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the company. >> those people with the dresser, bookcase in their home never imagined that item would be deadly, but they can be. so whenever you have a dresser, a chest of drawers bookcase, and that is accessible to children, you must must, secure it to the wall or get that piece of furniture out of your house. >> ikea released this statement which reads in part: at ikea we are committed to helping raise the awareness of the serious home safety issues and to continue to provide consumers with the tools knowledge that they need, to prevent these accidents. as you would like to necessity more about the recall go to our web site we have posted information there for you at cbs in weather now what a turn around. perfect day around the region, now that the humidity is out of here. this wednesday is a wonderful one. meteorologist kate bilo is live on the cbs-3 sky deck with more on that, kate. >> reporter: i'm enjoying being out here this evening. past couple of daisy walk back in off the sky deck and said i'm sweating, it is so hot and steamy miserable outside. now it feels fantastic. no humidity whatsoever. nice cool breeze. sunnies shining perfect summer day and the best news of all we have a few more of these to look forward to. now lets take a quick look at storm scan three. it will be a quick one. we have nothing to show you here. everything is clear all across the northeast in the like yesterday when we had showers and storms erupting. even across the united states, pretty quiet wet of the. only place we will find storms and humidity is deep south and that is where it will be the next few days. we have been talking about dew points from the 70's just a couple of days ago yesterday in the upper 60's. right now a 15-degree difference in dew point now from where it was 24 hours ago, that shows you how dry air has swept in and taken over the area temperatures in the low to mid 80's right now in the first forecast, out and about on this wednesday evening, and in problems, in fact, i highly encouraging out for a walk, walk the dogs, taking a stroll around the neighborhood. 82 degrees at 7:00. we are dropping in the mid 70's by 11:00 p.m. outlying suburbs could get in the 50's overnight tonight and coming up i'll tell you how long this nice stretch of weather will last, and it last through most of the weekend. we will have more with the seven day. back inside to you. >> kate, we will see new a bit. president obama signed a disaster declaration for atlantic burlington, camden and gloucester counties in new jersey. federal funding is now available to state and local government for clean up from the storms on june 23rd thaw will remember caused a lot of damage. governor christie requested that federal aid last week. multi alarm fire is still burning tonight after destroying a large warehouse in north brunswick, new jersey earlier this morning. officials say they are working to contain an area of the warehouse that housed a plastics company. one fire fighter suffered a minor injury battling the fire. several residents remain in the shelter as a precaution tonight. once that fire is out an investigation can begin. as pope's september visit draws near details of the massive security efforts that will take place here and in new jersey are slowly trickling out to the public this week we have learn that the ben franklin bridge could possibly close during the pope's visit. many commuters now very curious to find out if that indeed will happen. today in camden county officials discuss that had topic but revealed very little. >> we are not right now thinking about closing the bridge for any particular reason but we are waiting to see, you know, what the plans are. >> delaware river port authority officials say final call to close ben franklin bridge lies in the hands have the united states secret service. they say they expect that answer very soon. when it comes to the pope's visit there is an app for that. organizers launched the go philadelphia mobile app. it offers visitors a within stop shop to keep up with all of the papal festivities, and visitors are looking for something to do around the city and want to check out the site, the app connects users to all of that information. well, tonight a story of survival and inspiration montgomery county cancer survivor rode his bike across the kent troy help others. >> health reporter stephanie stahl is here with the final leg of his incredible journey. >> reporter: wait until you see this i can't wait for to you meet derek. he survived cancer and a heart transplant. tonight he is in avalon just finishing the bike trip from california. this morning there was a pit stop here in philadelphia. it was a hero's send off from penn medicine from derek fitzgerald on the last leg of his cross country bike ride. >> it has been an amazing experience. >> reporter: forty-two year-old from harleysville started in santa a monica california with partners cycling coast to coast to raise money and awareness for leukemia and lymphoma society. >> i'm a survivor of non-hodgkin's limb foam a i was diagnosed when i was 30 years old in 2003 and chemotherapy and treatment for my cancer saved my life but it damaged my heart. >> reporter: after surviving cancer, derek needed a heart transplant. after seven years waiting his life was saved for a second time in 2011 with a new heart that he received at penn medicine. >> thank you. >> they saved my life. >> reporter: this was his final stop before heading to avalon to complete the journey that took him through the grand canyon and heart land back home to his wife and baby. >> we never thought we would get here and new we have a beautiful little girl. it is all due to the gifts we have been given. >> reporter: now he is all about giving back in the just with the bike ride but competing in marathons and iron man in three weeks. >> letting people know that even after a diagnosis like his you can do an iron man. he is an amazing inspiration. >> reporter: he sure is. derek said hardest part of the cross country bike ride was the weather rain, and 130 degrees, pedaling through the desert, a journey he hopes will save lives with the $50,000 he has raised. what an inspiration. >> incredible. >> he will be in an iron man after ride ago cross the country. >> that is great. >> thanks, stephanie. still to come two local schools are getting a new shoes. >> nba superstar kobe bryant is using a local high school rivalry as inspiration for his new design, we will explain that. and wawa winning the local favorite is earning high praise when it comes to a new national study where they rang in the top convenient stores in america. kate? and what a beautiful day it is, storm scan three completely clear sunshine in our future, right through end of the week and into the weekend. i'll tell you how long this stretch of confidentable perfect summer weather will last leslie. kate, it a has been a pretty good home stand for the phillies and once again they had some late innings magic to help them out. we will have very latest on jonathan papelbon's trade rumors coming up later in sports. iran keeps their nuclear facilities. military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20 international agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. there is a lot of hype surrounding kobe bryant's next shoe from nike. >> they highlight a local school that kobe bryant went through, toe to toe in high school back in the day. "eyewitness sports" reporter pat gallon has that story. >> taken by kobe. >> reporter: lower merion native kobe bryant is one of the most impressive competitors in sports. notorious for using every slice to fuel his game. in his high school days in lower merion bryant was part of the intense rivalry with chester high school. >> there have been really memorable chester/lower merion games over the years. obviously some great players. >> reporter: to pay tribute nike has released its new shoe the kobe ten elite a special version of the show called rivalry was designed, in two tone orange, colors of the chester clippers. >> it does look nice, nice looking sneaker. >> reporter: initially the shoe was slated to be called chester in on offer of the team kobe took down while here as a senior back in 1996. >> that was a tremendous for this area. you know, high school basketball, and everybody was in the house. >> reporter: according to the description of the shoe chester was constant foil that helped ignite now famous competitive fire that burns within him. that rivalry might be slightly over blown. it began during kobe's years on the main line. >> he has a presence for sure. looking around the walls and look at the halls in the school and kind of the tradition that really he played a big role in starting here. >> rivalry probably started with kobe. >> his junior year we beat them in the district final. now his senior year, kobe, really willed his team to two wins. >> reporter: if you too want to be feel like part of the kobe's favorite boyhood rivalry, you'll have to shell out $200 a pair. i'm path gallon, cbs-3 "eyewitness sports". >> i remember these days like it was yesterday. >> yes. >> very nice. the campaign has been a great success. >> sixers and almost 100 volunteers kept up the great work. camden mayor dana redd helped the sixth annual event at cooper plaza and landing square neighborhood. the cleaning is just one of the 11 cleaning and greening days taking place throughout camden this summer. it is one of our region's iconic brand delaware valley certainly loves its wawa. >> no doubt about that, yes indeed. >> now so does the rest of the new study. in the report by consumer research firm market force consumers ranked wawa as their favorite convenient store. 7,000 customers were polled with 68 percent of these saying they with recommend wawa to another customer. the costco was ranked first among big box and grocery retailers. what do you think? does wawa make the the grade? do you prefer another quick stop spot? connect with us on facebook and twitter with the hash tag cbs-3 chat. what a wonderful wednesday it has been. it is nice time to take a nap in the open air. >> that sound pretty good. >> yes. >> coincidently, it is national hammock day plenty people taking advantage at spruce street harbor park. great day to hang around, get a little nap in. whatever. >> get some z's. >> it is so pleasant out there kate, you say this is sticking around. >> this is sticking around for days and days and i don't have a hammock but i didn't know it was national hammock day. we have to take advantage of it. >> yes. >> i will take a nap tomorrow. tomorrow is just as nice as today so we are sitting pretty as far as weather is concern. much better news in the the weather department then we have had all week long and it seems like past few weeks. we had a great finish to last week. this week we will give it the a run for its money. we will show you a couple spots, take you out first to sky cam three at campbell's feel. looking at the majestic ben franklin bridge all back lit by the sun those puffy cumulus cloud over the city. what a great shot. iconic view of philadelphia there. also another view this time of the year ocean city boardwalk. doesn't get better then this. people walking the board this evening enjoying a really nice afternoon down the shore. little bit of the land breeze that developed and that is keeping shore points really nice and warm. you don't that have cool wind off water. temperatures in the 80's down the shore this afternoon. all across the region we are looking great. storm scan three nothing much to show you. everything is clear. high pressure in control are. any showers and storms that impacted us yesterday has moved on out and i don't have another storm in the forecast until maybe next monday. it looks like we have a nice stretch of dry weather. been a wet summer so far so we can use this. things are looking great. 84 degrees at the a airport. down to 79 in allentown and mid-july day you cannot beat that. eighty-two in trenton. eighty-three at the ac international airport. all of the fuss has been about the dew point. we have dew points in the 07's taking us into that inn sufferable range. look at the dew point right now 53 degrees. where does that put us close to awesome if you ask me. it does feel awesome, between awesome and pleasant depending where you are and in where near insufferable. the dew points all across the north east looking amazing lower 40's or upper 40's, dew point in scranton and new york city. dew points in the 40's in the height of the summer. dog days of summer. doesn't happen often. get outside enjoy this weather while you can. it is sticking around for next couple days. if you could not get outside today we have practically perfect conditions tomorrow. sunny skies warm temperatures, low humidity and light win. thank our eyewitness weather watcher phil chaplane for photo. we love using photos from our weather watchers. on your thursday high pressure in control. beautiful. highs in the 80's. friday another day with high pressure overhead. still on the cool side of the high. that high sneaks further east on saturday, putting us on the western side and that is when it starts to warm up. notice increase on sunday but until then we are still feeling g once humidity drops as it did today it stays pretty low right through end of the week and into the weekend and starts to slowly climb the hill heading in to sunday and machine but a comfortable stretch to finish out your week the as far as tonight, comfortable 66. some spots upper 50's north and west. for your thursday sunny beautiful at 85. here is your seven day forecast and shore cast, looking great, thursday, friday, right in the weekend. more humid sunday. we are dry at 87. machine brings us better chance for afternoon then are storm and then, look at what happens next week? we're rate back in the 90's and steamy heat and humidity starting on tuesday. wednesday at 93. that could be the start of another heat wave but we will deal with what we have got right now. >> yes. >> got that right. >> kate, thank you. "cbs evening news" is just minutes away. >> charlie rose in for scott pelley tonight and he joins us with a look ahead charlie. >> hi there here is "cbs evening news" new video shows confrontation that led to the arrest of the black woman later found dead in her jail cell. plus california residents are feeling pain at the pump while gas prices are falling nearly every where else. and help tell check ins get high tech those stories are just ahead on the "cbs evening keeping hope alive for a better second half. >> we are keeping hope alive. >> good second half, the first half didn't count. >> don't go back there. come on back. >> phillies had a good home stan winning four out of five going in the series finally against the rays. we will pick it up in the sixth, codey asche at the plate his fly ball went off township of the wall in right dom brown scores and fightins have the game. still in the sixth ben reveer hits a ground their goes right between the legs, for the the error. asche scores. gives phillies the lead. that lasted five minutes. in the seventh, jake diekman faced took him over the wall in the right and game all tied up in the tenth. herrera with the line drive walk off single knocking in dominic brown. phillies won five-four. they will get on five-one on the home stand. >> nice home stand. codey came up big. that was a real good at bat. he foul off a ton of pitches. he came up big and won a game. the players are playing with energy. they are playing to win games at least so it seems to me. everybody on the bench is, you know into it. guys are pulling for each other. that is what we're looking for the mess right now. >> trade deadline looming three teams rumored to be interested in phillies closer jonathan papelbon are no longer actively pursuing him. he has been very good. he through you two shut out innings. pap with 1.72 era and 16 saves in as many games. the trade deadline is july july 31st. and they held their final work outs before their next battle, on this 14th at the prudential center in newark, new jersey. former super light weight wait champion eddie gar see ace moving up to wealther wait. he will take on pauley magnagi august 3rd at bar chase in brooklyn. best of luck to both of our guys, and are they in shape. >> yes. >> they are some toned muscled people. >> cut up. >> what do you mean. >> thank you thank you very much. >> all right. >> we will than right back. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 we are back at ten on our sister station cw philly and back here on cbs-3 at 11:00. up next, cbs opening news tonight marines who survived chattanuga rampage speak out for the first time n for scott pelley. here now is charlie rose. we hope you can join us later tonight. take care family. >> rose: caught on video. >> get out of the car! i will light you up! >> rose: the confrontation that led to the arrest of a black woman later found dead in her jail cell. also tonight, we hear for the first time from marines who survived the chattanooga shooting. >> it didn't occur to me like, hey, you really did get shot. >> rose: gas prices: why are they so high in california while they're falling almost everywhere else? and the future checks in at a japanese hotel. >> welcome. welcome to the henn'na hotel. >> this is captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> rose: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm charlie rose. we get a look today at a video

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