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it is likely to be a busy commute between 6:00 and 8:00. you might need to get a jumpstart on that. also looking at oakland, this traffic looks good in both directions, right in front of the coliseum. let's get back to the headlines. the call for racial justice is growing a week after police shot jacob blake. tensions are still very high in kenosha after the shooting. every night since, protesters have flooded the streets, demanding justice. now, this morning, jacob lake is still in hospital in milwaukee. his family says he is paralyzed from the waist down. they want the police to arrest the officer who shot jacob blake. >> ask the police in this town, what gave them the right to attempted murder on my child? what gave them the right to think that my son was an animal? >> president trump will fly to kenosha, wisconsin, to see the damage left behind by protests. he will also be meeting with law enforcement. jacob blake's family says they have no plans to meet with president trump during that visit. the governor of wisconsin sent president trump a letter, asking him to reconsider coming to kenosha. it said, quote, i am concerned your presence will only hinder our healing. i am concerned your presence will only delay our work to overcome division and move forward, together. the governor also said he welcomes president trump's support in passing police reform legislation in wisconsin. in the meantime, a pro- trump caravan reportedly was fired at as it was going through woodland hills in southern california. no one was hurt. it is not clear if the shooting really did take place. police thought they had suspects barricaded, but they found no one inside. that alleged violence is between groups protesting police brutality, and the supporters of president trump. >> the goal is to let you know, there are people who care about president trump in this city. >> it is nice to see the support. we are proud of trump. we can't wait for him to win. >> you can go out and not worry about someone coming up to you, attacking you, harassing you. >> that caravan made its way through most of san fernando valley. for the most part of the event was peaceful. lawmakers in d.c. are considering a bill that would punish protesters who commit acts of vandalism or violence during demonstrations. jim banks of indiana has introduced a bill that would make people financially liable for the cost of federal policing, if they are convicted of a federal offense. this bill would also ban people from accessing federal benefits during a pandemic. today, the state assembly will vote on a bill that would require california department of justice to investigate police officers who use deadly police force. the bill cleared the state senate yesterday. right now, the use of deadly force is investigated by local district attorneys. backers of the bill say it would provide independent, accountable and transparent oversight of deadly force. specifically, a statewide investigative division would review the practices of law enforcement agencies and provide recommendations for improvement. the state senate also approved a bill that would set up a task force to study and make recommendations for reparations to african- americans, particularly, the descendents of slaves. in addition, the task force would recommend who should be eligible for reparations. the task force of nine members would be appointed by the governor and legislative leaders. it returns to assembly today for a final vote. the time is 4:34. a man was arrested after he allegedly stole a porsche from a car dealership. the salesperson was showing jeremy a car on saturday at the car dealership, when he showed the salesperson a gun and demanded the car keys. they say he drove away. he later led police on a chase through oakland, san leandro and haywood. they are told he intentionally rammed a vehicle in fremont, eventually, he was arrested. happening today, a meeting of the utilities commission to decide whether to fire the executive director of the agency. the executive director has been there since february of 2018. her lawyer says she is being retaliated against for trying to clean up a broken agency. she says she has received pushback for trying to recover $200 million in fees owed to the cpuc. the cpuc did not collect these fees for nearly 20 years. the cpuc says it doesn't make comment on personnel matters. dave, my computer is stuck. i will let you take over for this story. we are getting a view of the damage left behind by hurricane laura. take a look at this drone video over louisiana. you can see the aftermath and damage. it made landfall last thursday as a category four hurricane with more than 150 mile-per- hour winds. buildings were damaged. trees were knocked down. powers were cut off. president trump went on a tour of the area after signing a disaster declaration. we went through a couple of areas. i have never seen anything quite like it. your trees were ripped out from the roots, pine trees were broken in half, you just don't see that kind of power. >> people were killed in that storm. all right, we can check in with steve paulson and the weather. it is going to get hot, is what it sounds like, steve? >> dave, i haven't talked to pam in a couple of weeks. you know she had a hole in one? >> i was bragging on her last week while you were away. i am so proud of pam cook. >> it was pretty fun. >> i'll bet. there you go. all ghto if you like the cool down, it has not been too bad. it has not been crazy hot or anything. there is a system coming by to the north. that could scour out some of the fog. temperatures in the 60s, 70s, 80s, livermore bumped up to 90. we have 82 in san jose. these are pretty close to average. inland temperatures don't take much. the warmer forecast is kicking in. it won't be crazy hot through the midweek. after that, it looks like temperatures could get into the toasty categories. we have 53 in novato, we have low 60s in the peninsula for everybody. it is 52, kenwood is in there. 53 in novato, we talked about one observation, napa, 54, not too bad, these are close to average. the fog is retreating sooner. it will build off. the high is coming from the pacific northwest. we have hazy skies, mild to warm, even cool for some. the high is building in. it is showing signs of sticking around for a while. it won't flex its muscle until the weekend. we have 60s and 90s today. we will settle into this category through wednesday. all signs point towards a hot pattern kicking in. thank you. the time is 4:39. coming up, the director of national intelligence says no more in person security briefings. we will tell you how democrats are responding. elon musk, the ceo of tesla, entails a small chip for the brain. how it could reportedly cure diseases, coming up. you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the new ktvu newsletter. to sign up for the daily service. america is our home, and in our home food shouldn't go to waste. that's why best foods is rescuing excess food from american farms and bringing it to the tables that need it most. help us rescue more food at welcome back to mornings on 2. this year's mtv music video awards honored chadwick boseman who died on friday. vmas celebrated him as he accepted the best superhero award for his role in the movie, black panther. at the time, he thanked the audience. he took a moment to recognize another hero. he applauded jane shaw junior who tackled a gunman and saved several lives. chadwick boseman died after a long battle with colon cancer. the state of south carolina is honoring chadwick boseman. the governor ordered flags on top of the statehouse to fly at half staff in his honor. chadwick roseman grew up in south carolina. those flags will be presented to his family when they are taken down. the movie director, a native of oakland, wrote a very emotional tribute to chadwick. he says he did not know about the cancer diagnosis before he died. his tribute read, in part, because he was a caretaker, a leader, a man of faith, dignity and pride, he shielded his collaborators from the suffering he was going through. he lived a beautiful life. he made great art, day after day, year after year, that was who he was. he was an epic fireworks display. there are two babies who are recovering this morning after undergoing groundbreaking heart operations. the surgery was performed on a two month old and a six month old. they were from a sacramento suburb. both babies were born with heart defects that required heart surgery to survive. the doctors made small incisions under their right arms instead of the traditional method of opening up their entire chests. >> you don't have to break bones were cut through the sternum. by entering from the side, these children actually recover faster. >> the two month old is believed to be the youngest person in the world to have ever undergone this type of heart surgery. elon musk is looking on a brain technology at the start of his brain company, neural link, that is. he implanted a brain chip that would allow people who are paralyzed to operate technologies such as smart phones or robotic limbs with their thoughts. they introduced the audience to a pig who had the brain chip implanted. he says the new technology is like a fitbit in your skull. >> there is this device could do related to monitoring your health and warning you about a heart attack, stroke or other damage, as well as convenience features like playing music. you could do a lot. it's sort of like if your phone rang in your brain or something. >> he says the chip can be implanted in one hour. a patient can leave the hospital in the same day. he hopes this can get regulatory approval for human trials by the end of the year. the time is 4:45. it was a new poll showing president trump did not get much of a bump from the convention last week. his approval rating has remained essentially the same. it fell one percentage point from the previous week to 31%. the poll also found that 39% disapproved of the content of the republican convention, while 36% approved. joe biden will campaign today in the battleground state of pennsylvania. it is his home state. it will be his first major campaign address since the democratic national convention. the biden campaign says he will focus on whether voters feel safe in, quote, donald trump's america. this will be one of his first in person events since the coronavirus pandemic began. he has mainly been holding virtual ovens from his home. the time is 4:46. in washington, d.c., democrats are pushing back after the director of national intelligence said he will no longer give in person briefings about election security to congress. john ratcliff says he is doing that to prevent leaks, after a briefing he gave last month was leaked within minutes. democrats say the trumpet ministration is trying to cover up foreign threats to the 2020 election. >> i will continue to keep the promises i made. i'm gonna continue to follow along. to keep congress informed. but, we have had a pandemic of information being leaked out of the intelligence community. i'm going to take the measures to make sure that that stops. >> they are trying to influence elections with this information. this is not where you cut off congress from getting information. >> ratcliff says, briefings to interfere in the november election will come in written form and two entitled members of congress. the u.s. is closing in on hitting a landmark number of covid-19 cases. it is likely there will be 6 million confirmed infections before tomorrow. health officials are reporting record numbers, including iowa and minnesota. health experts also say covid- 19 regulations could help limit the spread of more common, but also deadly viruses. >> clearly, in the summer and hemisphere, they have seen the flu season start up and pet around. that is wearing a face covering or mask, social distancing, washing your hands, being smart about crowds -- >> at the global level, yesterday was the worst day of the pandemic. more than 78,000 new infections were recorded. chico state university is canceling all classes for the rest of the semester because of the rapid rise in the number of coronavirus cases. school officials say there have been nearly 30 cases connected to the campus. they say the positive tests affect the classrooms and a majority of the on-campus usthe halls and are told to fin new housing by sunday. stanford is going to extreme measures, university officials say they will start to turn away any community members who are trying to access the campus. now, the school says it is working to minimize interactions between nonessential visitors, students and staff, those who have campus access will be required to display stanford i.d. cards. the time is 4:49. i want to check with you, out of the marin county estate, is smoke still a problem in the air? >> it really moves around. we will get some nice clearing, blue sky, we open up the windows, you have to run around and shut them. you will get a change of wind. it is clearer than last week. >> do you think you can help out pam? >> i agree. one stretch was clear. it does swirl around. you know, we need rain to get rid of it. that is not going to happen. unfortunately, we are getting back into a stretch where it wants to kick in. it is that time of year. fog is there. we have had a break for many. temperatures are starting to creep back up again. half moon bay, pacifico, livermore is back into the low 90s. i think they're going to stick and stay for a while. hazy fog gives way to hazy sunshine. we have the 90s return for the inland areas. we have 50s and 60s on the temps. menlo park, mountain view, you don't see that all the time. we have 50s on the temps in the east bay, san ramon is in there as well. it is close for everyone else. even these areas are near 55. isothermal, as we like to say. there is still a good fog bank. it is not making the move that it did. the highs are building in. we have hazy skies. it is cool to warm for the past couple days. the warming begins away from the coast. i think you will see that burn off a little bit sooner. temperatures will begin to warm up. we have 60s, 70s, 80s, near 90 for some. we are on hold for a couple of days. after wednesday, everything is pointing towards the high kicking in the near 100 for some by the weekend. the time is 4:51. coming up, a new system to reopen california, we have details of the new guidelines, hoping to open more businesses around the state. dozens of supporters marched across the golden gate bridge. we have their message and how counter protesters responded. first, the west nile virus is becoming a serious concern again. what health officials are telling people in one bay area county, coming up. in one cream. don't settle for less. revitalift triple power moisturizer from l'oreal with not just one, but three derm recommended ingredients. pro-retinol plus hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. all in one powerful cream. revitalift does so much more than just hydrate. it visibly reduces wrinkles. firms. and brightens. now that's triple power. revitalift triple power moisturizer from l'oreal. we're worth it. ♪ ♪ >> where are we? some room where we have the guitar. this is not the doors, unplugged. it's 1968. thanks for the request. pete, i think it is pete. you came off facebook people get up early. sometimes, they request songs when i am asleep. send me your request. facebook, twitter, instagram. use the hashtag, ktvu. >> it is always good to hear. thank you, sal. the coronavirus pandemic has one silver lining. researchers at uc davis say fewer animals have been killed because of the sharp drop in traffic since the shelter in place order began. overall, the number of animals hit and killed by vehicles statewide dropped 21% since march. also, deadly crashes involving mountain lions have gone down > is now tracking and researching coyotes in the area. a wildlife biologist will capture coyotes in the marin headlands and attach tracking devices before releasing them into the wild. they say this will help manage the wildlife in the area and protect the public from coyotes for west nile virus in contra costa county. officials say there is a higher risk for the virus in the brentwood area. they are encouraging people to take precautions against mosquito bites. they want you to avoid leaving standing water on your property where mosquitoes can breed, easily. since 2005, many people have been diagnosed with that disease. bart police are launching a new initiative to help bus riders make nonemergency reports to the police. this is called text, bart, police. it allows bus riders, workers, or anyone else to contact dispatch at the police department, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. again, they say this should be used for nonemergency reports. you can also use well. the number for text bart police, it is right on your screen. i think we have it up. it is 510200099 two. today is the deadline, the oakland a's are expected to be buyers, while the san francisco giants might go several different directions. a lot of teams might be calling to see if the giants want to trade johnny. he has pitched lights out this season, including six strikeouts yesterday afternoon in the win against the diamondbacks, one of the best records in baseball, the oakland a's could keep their team the way it is, or go all in for a starting pitcher or an impact player. the trade deadline, by the way, is 1:00 p.m. the tour de france is underway right now. one of the hardest parts of the course took place yesterday. 115 miles writing through the high alps, it could be decided by inches. this will continue every day until september 20th. the mtv music award show was designed for audiences at home. ♪ >> that is what you call fireworks. there were some pretaped performances. others, like the weekend, performed on a rooftop in new york city. all five boroughs were asked to social distance while holding an award show. lady gaga had four awards, song of the year, artist of the year, cinematography and best collaboration with ariana grande for rain on me. burning man continues, virtually. the big festival normally attracts tens of thousands of people to the desert of nevada every year, this year, it is online. burning man features the same attractions that have made it so popular, from art projects to a version of the climactic burn. this is mostly free. it will continue through labor day. starting today, a new plan for reopening california during the coronavirus pandemic, we will tell you which businesses can reopen and wear. plus, protests are turning deadly after a man was shot and killed this morning. we have words between the mayor portland and president trump. from ktvu, fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. it is monday morning. i am pam cook. >> it is the last day of august. good morning. it's embarrassing. anyone who gets a hole-in-one, it's a lot of luck. >> steve, you can do that, can't you? we will get to it. golfing weather has been nice the last couple of days. tennis whether or even taking a walk. we have had a nice transition into september and it will start warming up. most locations, it has been a pretty nice pattern. 50s and the temperatures they

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Stanford , California , United States , Fremont , Louisiana , Nile , Washington , Oakland , Mountain View , Minnesota , Indiana , Wisconsin , Marin County , Kenosha , Menlo Park , Pennsylvania , France , Americans , America , American , Jacob Blake , Jane Shaw , Steve Paulson , Chadwick Roseman , John Ratcliff , Joe Biden ,

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