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That total, gov. Gavin newsom said the state saw a 26 jump in new cases, just yesterday. The Navy Hospital ship mercy arrived at the port of los angeles this morning from san diego, the la mayor said the ship is now essentially the largest hospital in the city. Can provide care to up to 1000 noncoronavirus patients, those beds will free up hospitals to concentrate on coronavirus cases. At a briefing on board the ship, the governor said facilities up and down the state are preparing right now for a surge in patients. We are in the process now of having secured roughly 4000 beds of some type to prepare for the surge which we believe will start taking shape in the next week or two based upon our modeling. Also today, gov. Newsom addressed the growing economic certainty that has been crated by this outbreak. He signs an executive order banning enforcement of eviction orders for nonpayment of rent, through may 31. Health officials here are bracing for projected influx, and the coming weeks. As we have been reporting the Santa Clara Convention center is set to be turned into a makeshift hospital to treat those less critically ill patients. And today, we are getting our first look inside the facility. We have more on how this plan is coming together. Reporter good afternoon to you, that temporary medical facility is inside the santa clara city Convention Center which is across the street from when all is said and done, approximately 250 cove it positive patients could be moved there to receive medical treatment. Friday morning sees the start of a 12 hour flurry of activity, inside her dorm in santa clara city Convention Center. 35 California Air National Guard members are transforming the 262,000 ft. 2 space into a medical overflow site. What you are seeing here is one site where we would have males or females, and in between the major roads here, we would have nursing stations. Reporter she heads the coronavirus hospital surge planning effort. 250 cots and beds are being set up to care for nonacute coronavirus patients. Those who dont require the use of a ventilator. Officials say that will free up doctors and hospital bed to care for those critically ill from covid19. Patients were positive, who are well enough to leave the hospital but dont have otherwise a safe place to return, can come here for ongoing care. Reporter last week that your demonstration ordered eight Medical Centers to be set up in california, managed by the department of health and human services. The sites are designed to allow large spaces to temporarily provide hospital level care during a national crisis. County Officials Say that 2 million selfpay taxpayers will not be stuck with an exorbitant tab for services. It comes with its own doctors, its own nurses, its own equipment, its own medication, so it is not taking anything away from our current system. Reporter volunteers will staff the Medical Center but Santa Clara County could provide to the mental staffing. All incoming patients here will be tested and assessed before being admitted. And once admitted, they will stay for the standard 14 day quarantine period. Late this afternoon, county officials told me the impending Medical Center could be ready, ready, next week. But an opening date has not been given. Live in san jose, jesse gary, ktvu, fox 2 news. Reporter there getting ready and making those plans. Thank you for sale right now, Alhambra High School in martinez is being prepped as an alternative care site, for coronavirus patients. They were chosen because it is close to contra costa regional Medical Center, the school is being tapped to handle patients with less competent medical needs, Officials Say beds, medical equipment, and other supplies will begin arriving there in the coming days. The school is currently closed, of course, under the state stay athome order. Many locations in San Francisco and around the bay area are being closed ahead of the weekend. After a long and stressful week, it would not be surprising if people are feeling a bit cooped up and want to get outdoors but as a christian tells us, city officials are urging everyone to think twice and stayat home. Reporter the mayor using too many people took last weekend as an opportunity to hang out with their friends and she says that is something that cannot happen this weekend. In the words of the director of Public Health in San Francisco, if you are not an essential worker, your job is to stay home as much as possible. San franciscos usually bustling streets are mostly empty following the stayat home order. Public Health Experts are still working to determine just how effective it has been so far but say it is still the best hope for preventing the citys medical facilities from being overtaxed. It is too early to tell, based on the science and the data and working, what has been successful in flattening the curve in other countries, we are hopeful but we also must prepare for a less flattened the curve. If we look across the country, it is still possible that we could be in that situation. Reporter city leaders are still think people can walk, run or cycle for exercise, provided that they dont come within 6 feet of others. To prevent congregating the city closed playgrounds, now, San Francisco is closing parking lots throughout the city as well, in places like ocean beach, marina green, and landmarks like, all in an effort to send a clear message to san franciscans to not get in their cars, and drive around the city. The mayor said if people need exercise, they should walk, run or bike in their own neighborhoods. Then, get back indoors. I closing this area off to cars, people will start to get the message of why we are pushing folks to really try and stay, get your fresh air, walk your dog, but dont get in their cars, and drive to specific locations to play volleyball with your friends, to have picnics, to have wind parties. Reporter healthcare experts are saying as the capacity for more testing comes online, you can expect the number of positive cases to skyrocket. They are saying the best hope for the city is for people to follow that stay home order, they say that is the citys best chance for reducing the load on our healthcare system. A little bit of wet weather in the weekend forecast may keep some people inside, our meteorologist joins us with more on that. Reporter yes, it will be a nice one, to be indoors, cuddled up with a good book or maybe a good movie. Outside the sour, still enjoying partly cloudy skies, dry conditions, cool and breezy, though, if youre going to get out, stretch her legs, maybe around the block or so, be prepared for the breeze out there, and temperatures, a chilly one in San Francisco. Take a look there. 47 degrees, 57 right now in santa rosa, upper 50s for the east oakland, 54 in livermore and san jose at 56. Temperatures, again, a little bit cooler for most, down by four degrees, san jose down by two and again, the wind, the onshore breeze, a wind gust to 20 miles per hour, open sustained at 17, nevada sustained at 18. So the temperatures will continue to cool, partly cloudy skies now but turning mostly cloudy by the overnight hours and into tomorrow morning. A little bit right there off the coast line, Half Moon Bay down near santa cruz, and as we stretch our eyes toward the north bay, we have some more cloud cover areas, over the bay. Here is a view of the storm bringing rain and snow already to the Pacific North area. Northern california, a little bit, but the bay area remains dry at the moment, and also remains dry at the moment. This system will bring us anywhere from 2 10 of an inch of rain fall to half inch, by the end of the weekend. We will have occasional showers for tomorrow, they will increase for the afternoon, and then we wake up with some rain on sunday morning, and by sunday night we are drying out. In addition to bay area rain, the snow will start to fall over areas of the sierra. Tomorrow, expected to be around 3000 feet, will rise to about 5000 feet. Advisory for travel, but that 5000 foot mark there indicates it will impact the passes along i80 as well as highway 50, if you do have to travel make sure you have the chains or the snow tires. When i come back ill have a look at the temperatures expected for the weekend and in the extended forecast. We are drying it out and woman, more on this coming up in just of it. President trump invokes the defense production act, still to come, how the move could speed up the process of helping covid19 patients right here in the bay area. The president has signed the largest stimulus bill in american history, but it wasnt smooth sailing getting to the house. I am more than blanchard on capitol hill with more on what happened with the vote, coming up. My money should work as hard as i do. So i use my freedom unlimited card to buy all the latest tech stuff. Today, im earning on a charger. So, just the charger then . Ummm. Yeah sarcastically fantastic. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Chase. Make more of whats yours. More than ever, your home is your sanctuary. Thats why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. Well pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner and the peace of mind that helps you focus on what matters most. Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, you can now purchase a new lincoln remotely, and defer payment for up to 120 days. Take a look at the numbers from across the country, the u. S. Is now exceeding 100,000 cases, on monday of this week that number was just under 44,000. So far, more than 1500 people have died, on monday that number was 560. Earlier this afternoon, President Trump signed that two trilliondollar Coronavirus Relief bill, it aims to give the stagnant economy we have right now a muchneeded shot in the arm but as Lauren Blanchard explains, it was not all smooth sailing on capitol hill. The motion is adopted. Reporter the house passing the largest stimulus bill in american history. 2. 2 trillion for the care zach, the third Coronavirus Relief bill. To the american public, we hear you, and we are working for you. Reporter in bipartisan moment, House Speaker nancy pelosi signing the bill along with minority leader, kevin mccarthy. This benefit will be available to the american people. Reporter syndicate off to the president s desk where he signed into law. The bipartisan bill was expected to sail through the house by voice vote to to minimize the number of lawmakers and the capital until one republican, to your presented of thomas massey, tried to force a roll call. It recorded few vote is refused. Reporter the number of lawmakers were forced to fly from all over the nation to physically be in the capital. They had enough people there to pass the bill but they still refuse to have a recorded vote. And they told me they were trying to protect numbers. Reporter while this was a massive step, many in congress and a number of state and local leaders say that there will need to be a fourth bill in the future. The senate is out of town until late april, and the house officially stands in recess. House majority leader says he is not sure how long that will last, they are still figuring out when it is safe to come back, and if they can work remotely. President trump invoke the defense production act to force gm to perform to to produce ventilators. Hospitals brace or arise and coronavirus cases. It had been productive, but he said this action today will make production happen much faster. Is a vacation of the dpa should demonstrate clearly to all that we will not hesitate to use the full authority of the federal government, to combat this crisis. We thought that we had a deal with gm and i guess they thought otherwise. They did not agree. And now they do, they do agree. He said the u. S. Is also signing contracts of other major manufacturers, of ventilators. He expects 100,000 ventilators to be procured or produced over the next three months. Joining us now to talk more about the latest covid19 numbers is dr. Eric pfeiffer, his chief medical officer at. Thank you so much for being here. Today we got confirmation that infections here in the u. S. Have topped 100,000. With more than 1500 deaths. Your reaction to those numbers . Yes, so here in my county, we are continuing to prepare for the search, Critical Care surge that they have seen in other parts of the country, and in particular, new york, in Southern California and other areas. We remain come you know, concerned about the spread of the virus and the number of deaths that are happening nationally. And what we are doing here, because we have not seen those kinds of numbers yet, is we are using every single one of these precious moments that we have to prepare ourselves, our hospitals, our inventory networks, our Skilled Nursing facility partners, for what we think is going to be a surge of critically ill patients that are coming in the next, we will call it a week, to two weeks. Can you detail some of those preparations . Yeah, we are doing extensive search preparation, we have erected a tent for an alternative way to triage patients, safely, into the Medical Center, we have really locked down visitor controls, to the hospital, and to our inventory clinics. We are, you know, continuing to do safety drills, and many of our drills are actually now involving the county Emergency Medical Services and the department of Public Health and the drills are also involving the Skilled Nursing unit partners that we have here in the community. What do you attribute the low number of cases there too . So we are, we are hoping that the quick action of our governor and our local Health Officials has created enough social distancing that we may be flattening the curve. We dont know, we think it is possible that we are going to be a little bit late to the search, and we need to remain vigilant the possibility that that is what is going to happen. And so, my message to residents and anybody who comes here, to visit our beautiful county, although it is really pretty much locked down to the public, the parks are all closed, and the restaurants are all closed, you know, people are generally doing a really good job the following the social distancing guidelines. And im really proud of my county, and my community, and we have done all those things. So that is our hope, our hope is that the social distancing is being well followed, and my message is that i would like for our community to stay the course, and to continue with the social distancing so that we can continue our search preparation, and continue to ready ourselves as a medical community for the search that we still think maybe coming. You mentioned the quick action of lawmakers, to put in place the shelter in place orders, and some experts agree with you, they think that maybe perhaps because of those steps, california will fare better than other parts of the country. We certainly hope so. Recently hope so. And again, we as caregivers are really carefully preparing. The issue that we have is that, because there is Community Spread of covid19 now, in marin county, San Francisco, and in the bay area in general, we, we cannot kind of carefully screen individual patients. It looks a lot like other illnesses. It is, it is mainly sort of upper respiratory infection, and there are some fevers associated with it, but it is pretty interesting visible from, from many other illnesses, and so, we have to admit patients to the hospital, if there any risk category or if we suspect that that patient might have covid19, but we are trying our best to amp up all of our inventory activities as well, so in our health system, in our network, we have really implemented broadbased Telemedicine Services, and so, if anybody who is watching this interview, if you are a patient, i want to tell you that you can see your doctor through a video visit, that your cardiologist, your primary care doctor, you can see those doctors and you can be treated, even as youre sheltering in place, if you are at home, there are a ton of things that we can do, to treat a patient to the Telemedicine Service we have ruled out. And one thing i want to mention is, we have implemented a think we are calling adult acute care clinic. That clinic is in the northern part of marin. It does feature a drive up testing center, and what we are trying to do is screen all of the patients that might benefit from a physical visit with their doctor, using the Telemedicine Service that we are getting just the right patients, coming to the clinic, that we are protecting ourselves, our caregivers, and we are treating those sick patients, and so, if anybody that lives in my county wants to have a physical visit with a doctor, you can go to my marin health. Org, and look for the adult acute care clinic, it has a phone number, and it is staffed 9 am to 7 pm. We appreciate you letting know people there in this about this new option. Wideopen roads, free of traffic. That has encouraged some drivers to disregard the law. We tell you about the uptick in people caught speeding on bay area roads. It is friday night and that means an allnew wwe smack down. Tonight, beginning at 8 00, in case youre looking for something to watch tonight, that will be followed by 10 in 11 00 news with all of the updates on covid19 right here on ktvu. Everyone loves a win. Like getting the best wifi experience with walltowall coveragetheres a win. Plus, added protection for your connected devices. Thats a winwin. Put it together with Xfinity Mobile the most reliable wireless network. Talk about a winning combo. Get xfinity internet and Xfinity Mobile for just 30 each a month. Youll save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 300 off when you buy a new galaxy s20 ultra. Now thats. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click, call or visit a store today. Coronavirus related closers have meant a lot to work cars on the roadways these days. But the lack of traffic seems to have led to another issue. The chp here in the bay area is reporting a sharp increase in the number of drivers being stopped for speeding. Joins us now to talk more about this problem is officer sean layton from the chp oakland office, it is really good to have you on here, so i saw some of the tickets, that have been posted on twitter, that were handed out recently. One person busted going 117 miles per hour, just how bad have things gotten out there . That is correct. We do have some motorists driving in the area, triple digit speeds, traffic is unusually light at this point, however, we just want to remind motorists that hundred miles an hour is unacceptable, and even with the Current Situation and the traffic being light, the law still applies and we still are out there on the roadways enforcing the laws. You have figures and just how many more citations for speeding are being handed out these days since things have sort of gone, things have shut down since the outbreak . We dont currently have statistics for increased in speeding citations, however for us it is business as usual. We still are out there assisting motorists, responding to traffic collisions, and conducting enforcement activities, so if you are driving at a high rate of speed, you can expect us to still take enforcement action. Help me here try to get inside the mind of these drivers. Okay . So do you think that people are speeding more just because there are fewer cars on the road, more room, and it is easier to do, or do you think that there may be Something Else going on here, people more in a rush, more stressed out, because of the crisis that is unfolding around us . Well, that is difficult to say, i would say that it is a combination of things. You know, when you have light traffic, it is definitely tempting to drive fast, but i think that come you know, the message that we have is, you know, you need to remember that just because the traffic is light, that is not mean you can drive externally fast, use your cell phone, or potentially do Something Else that can put yourself or other motorists in danger. So this raises an interesting question here, we have the lack of cars on the roads, and so many fewer people traveling on the freeways and the highways. Are you guys at the chp seeing fewer accidents . I dont have the exact statistics on fewer accidents, but, you know, we, we are seeing a lot less calls, the call volume has dropped. But like i said, there still are traffic collisions, still motorists that need assistance, and you know, the end of the day we still have a job to do. Yeah, this crisis doesnt, doesnt change your approach to how you patrol the freeways and the highways, doesnt change come it doesnt change staffing at all, right . No, staffing, we are fully staffed at this point so doesnt change our goals which is to keep everybody on the roadways safe and just provide a high level of service to everybody on the roadways. The final message is . Slow it down out there. That is correct, yes, definitely need to slow down to keep everybody safe. All right, we appreciate your time. Take care, be safe. A bay area nonprofit announces a multimillion dollar fundraising effort to help those affected by the coronavirus. Stay with us. Coming up next, we will talk with the ceo of Tipping Point. More than half 1 Million People around the world now have coronavirus. Including the british Prime Minister. I am Benjamin Hall in london with all the details, coming up. s how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa my money should work as hard as i do. So i use my freedom unlimited card to buy all the latest tech stuff. Today, im earning on a charger. So, just the charger then . Ummm. Yeah sarcastically fantastic. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Chase. Make more of whats yours. An update for you on the global coronavirus numbers, Johns Hopkins reports more than 586,000 cases now worldwide. As we have been reporting the u. S. Now has the highest number of cases with more than 100,000. Followed by italy, then china. Some positive news this afternoon, more than 130,000 people have recovered. Governments all around the globe are working to slow the spread of covid19. They have more on the on those efforts and the world leader who is now infected. The global death toll for the coronavirus outbreak has now passed 25,000 and there is no end in sight. More than half 1 million others have been affected, including british Prime Minister Boris Johnson who said friday, hes only experiencing minor symptoms so far. He likely wont be the last world leader to test positive. Politicians are at risk because they have to meet very many different people. It is slightly higher. It is still spreading quickly in europe, with italy and spain reporting the most deaths of any country in the world. Testing is now ramping up including several drivethrough testing sites in france and germany. With healthcare workers getting top priority. We are testing in particular the medical workers who need to know if they are infected, so as not to take the risk of contaminating their patients. Meanwhile containment efforts continue, with more than a third of the worlds population under shelter at home orders. There is increasing concern about the psychological consequences of too much isolation. That is why it is so important. He also confirmed on friday that he had tested positive and said he would continue coordinating with the governors response. The bay area nonprofit Tipping Point community has launched an initiative to try to raise 30 million to help fund organizations that benefit low income families, and the homeless here in the bay area, during the coronavirus pandemic. For more on this effort, we are joined by sam cobbs, who is the ceo of Tipping Point community. Thank you so much for coming on here. Id a lot of folks are stuck at home right now, and they really wants to help out in some way. What is your message to those people but how they can give back right now . Thank you for having me on today. One is thank you for continuing to practice social distancing, but also, there are those who are less fortunate, and more vulnerable in our community, it is going to take everyone, each one of us, to help them get through this crisis. So if you are, if you have the ability to, and the desire to, give to your local cause or definitely give the Tipping Point community as we would get thousands out to those who need it most in a fast and efficient way. What sort of nonprofits are going to benefit from this money . And how badly do they need it at this point . In all likelihood, a lot more people needing assistance right now. Yes, so i think there are two parts, two answers to that question. One is that the organizations need money right now so that they can continue to serve the clients that they have been serving. A lot of the organizations, 60 organizations throughout the bay area and theyre already on the front line providing emergency assistance, shelter, food, clothing, every day of the year. They will continue to do that work, they are just going to do more of it right now and at a time when their resources are short, when their staff is tired and fatigued, they are stepping up to do more because we need them to do more. I think about them, our Nonprofit Sector and Community Based organizations as a different kind of first responder. They are the first people that are vulnerable citizens, Vulnerable People call when they need help. There also going to stabilize so say, yeah, sam, let me ask you, when you step back and look at the overall response, to this outbreak, here in the bay area, do you think we are doing enough to help People Living on the street find a safe place to be as this virus continues to spread . I think in the bay area we are doing a tremendous job, people are working very hard, to make sure that they are getting people off of the street, to make sure that they are taking care of vulnerable populations. Our corporations are headquartered in the bay area, everyone from twitter to blackrock have also done a terminus job of helping individual organizations, giving money as well as taking care of not only their salary employees but their hourly employees. So i think we are doing a tremendous job in the bay area. And sam, we have to wrap up here but lastly, i want to get a quick thought from you. He ordered a twomonth moratorium on evictions for renters. Tell me how much you think that is going to make, how much that will make for some of the low income families across the state were really struggling. That moratorium is going to make a huge difference, some around local mayors have artie done that, but the trick is going to be, and the key is going to be letting those vulnerable populations and the people who are in that position, letting them know that, so that is why at the Tipping Point, we find legal clinics and people are reaching out to, so that they wont always get the information about. So we need those boots on the ground and the Nonprofit Services to make sure people are getting the information and the resources that they need. All right, we have to leave it there, we appreciate you coming on. Sam cobbs is the ceo. Best of luck to you here in your fundraising efforts. We appreciate you taking the time. Several medical professionals calling on hospitals to do their part during this pandemic, and stop elective surgeries. We are going to talk with a doctor who is supporting a ban, coming up after the break. More rain on the way, rosemary will join us after the break with your weekend forecast. My money should work as hard as i do. So i use my freedom unlimited card to buy all the latest tech stuff. Today, im earning on a charger. So, just the charger then . Ummm. Yeah sarcastically fantastic. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Top federal officials have called for nonemergency surgeries to be postponed amid the pandemic. Along hospitals more space to care for those with the virus. Tell me why it is important for these types of procedures to be halted. Thank you for having me, this started as just an idea about two weeks ago. I have to be honest, the writing has been on the wall for quite some time, that we were going to be faced with a search of the pandemic, as we have seen it. Many hospitals of the country have suffered as a result of being forced to deal with an influx of patients and at the same time, any hospitals in the country are still conducting operations, sort of business as usual, in part of that is during operations that are completely elected. They have recently, with guidance, that is recommended that most of these elected operations are not done, unfortunately, because of this latest Hospital System reimbursement works, it is not necessarily in a hospitals best interest to stop these elective operations, and so many anesthesiologists, i am part of a National Association of innocent geologists, many of the providers of this group have to deal with this conflict where they dont necessarily feel like they are supported by the administrators, they are, they are trying to do the right thing but at the same time, they are putting the patients at risk and their own health at risk because they are taking care of patients that maybe a systematic, and at the same time theyre having surgery and those patients may suffer as a result. Isnt this also a supply issue here . If you have doctors and ventilators and equipment going to serve those who are undergoing elective surgeries, none of that will be available for those covid19 patients. That is exactly right. That is where all of this came from. We have built a Grassroots Movement in two weeks, we probably have had a team of about 15 people that are working in real time and converting space in the hospital and Surgery Center into Critical Care areas. It is a very possible thing, it has never really been done before. So you can take operating rooms, operating rooms where completely affected elective surgeries are done, we can turn those into. Care areas. We have equipment, supplies, nursing staff, talented innocent geologists, and even more importantly, we also have indecision machines, so those machines serve as ventilators. So for instance, there are, some people are predicting that we will need 100 1 million and really have 150,000 ventilators. So where are they going to come from . In the operating rooms . They can come from other areas of the hospital that are potentially providing Anesthesia Services like the end of lab, the interventional radiation lab, they can come from the Surgery Centers. There are 5000 Surgery Centers in this country, there are another 20,000 indecision machines, so tomorrow, tomorrow we could turn, we could increase the capacity of our ability to take care of these critical patients by, at a minimum, 20,000, and probably many more than that. That certainly is, is an impressive statistic you are giving, will have to wait and see if the hospitals here and around the country in fact do decide to postpone these elective surgeries. I appreciate your time. Thank you. Lets get an update now on the weekend forecast, i am joined by rosemary. We do have wet weather coming into the bay area, it looks like saturday and sunday, we will have an opportunity, some much needed rainfall. We are looking outside our doors at this hour with partly cloudy skies, and cool breezy conditions. But we are dry and that is going to be the case for the rest of today, we will see an increasing cloud cover in the overnight hours tomorrow morning, we wake up with a few sprinkles and a few scattered showers will begin to increase as we get into the afternoon. We will hold onto that pattern for saturday, sunday morning, it becomes a widespread rain early on, and by sunday afternoon, it is moving out of the bay area. Here is look at the storm tracker, here is a look at where that system is at the moment. Still spinning right there off the civic waters, we have areas of washington and oregon with some rain and snow as well as Northern California beginning to see just a little bit there. For us in the bay area we do remain dry, as well as over areas of the sierra. You can see we have an increasing cloud cover overhead, though. Sing a mix of partly sunny skies from lake county over toward areas near santa rosa, and into nevada. We have some pile up over at the hills as well as the Santa Cruz Mountains in a stretches along the coast line. Half moon bay down toward santa cruz. Into the sierra, mostly blue skies to most of the day beginning to see a change along the west slope over lake tahoe, we still have plenty of sunshine. That will be transferring over. Take a look at this here, getting into the overnight hours, for tomorrow morning, stopping it for you, we have a few sprinkles along the coastline and we all actually will have a shot at maybe just if you light passing showers. That increases for the afternoon, and as we get into the evening hours, more of the same. Sunday morning, it becomes widespread and it will last at least into the first part of the day. Here is a look at 1 00 on sunday where it does begin to wind down but it really does not move out until late in the day, perhaps closer to sunset. Anywhere from a quarter inch to halfinch expected, so that is good news there. As you know, we could definitely use it, as our rainfall amounts continue to be well below average, anywhere from 44 of average over san jose to 52 of average over santa rosa. Temperatures outside in the low 50s to low 60s, as we get into the overnight hours, amateurs expected to hit write about 40 degrees tomorrow morning in santa rosa, 48 in San Francisco, mid 50s to upper 50s for the afternoon. So cloudy, showery, and cool. Take a look at the extended forecast for the morning rain followed by afternoon showers followed by dry conditions, into the week ahead, temperatures eventually warming into the upper 60s to about 70 degrees, by tuesday. Coming up next, Time Magazine honors a uc berkeley expert who teaches kindness. Helping someone bike holding the door, or giving someone a smile and wave on the street. Why he says he can help us get through this crisis. With businesses forced to close and people forced to stay home, it is really changing how people here in the bay area are spending the money. Coming up tonight at five, we are going to talk to a Small Business owner who is essential about the different products that people are now looking for. Plus, a Little Silver lining in this global pandemic. See how the north bay is coming together to make sure that frontline hospital employees have the protective equipment that they desperately need. F. Today, im earning on a charger. So, just the charger then . Ummm. Yeah sarcastically fantastic. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Chase. Make more of whats yours. I wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. I just found out about mine. I knew for years epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. I had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. Epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or. Kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. The recognition is for his work on unity and shared humanity, during polarizing times. Reporter i was honored to be part of this article because there are so many people doing important work around the country. Reporter he was a graduate student here at uc berkeley, 17 years ago, and found the other publication promoting kindness, compassion, and empathy. He hold online classes for podcasts, and in person workshops before the shelter in place order. The people who were educators, health professionals, parents, people who can really take the research and apply it in meaningful ways to their personal and professional lives. Reporter timeless and never more relevant than now as the country and the world are confronted by the covid19 pandemic. Complied with social distancing and shelter in place are examples of people taking action for the greater good. Those are tough sacrifices for anyone to make but at the same time it is ensuring that fewer people get sick, fewer people are taxing the healthcare system. Reporter parents can teach children by example. Even from toddlerhood, you know, on up, helping them understand what other peoples experiences are like and take other peoples points of view, that can lead later in life to them being kinder and more generous toward others. Reporter he urges people to practice random acts of kindness, even the smallest gestures matter. Helping someone by opening the door, or giving someone a smile and a wave on the street. It helps to perpetuate this idea that we are all in this together. Reporter he tells me acts of kindness have a ripple effect, and that it will help get us through these challenging times. At uc berkeley, amberly, ktvu fox 2 news. We are looking for positive stories to highlight during the pandemic. You know someone making a difference of providing hope in your community . We want to know. We want you to nominate your local hero, so heres how it works. You can email your story along with pictures or video of the hero in action, to my hero at to my hero foxtv. Com and each day we will hear someone new. Sent an email along with video or pictures to my hero foxtv. Com. People are getting creative now that the shows have been postponed, because of the pandemic. Coming up next, the concert that will air right here on ktvu this sunday night. Where people go to learn about their Medicare Options before theyre on medicare. Come on in. Youre turning 65 soon . Yep. And youre retiring at 67 . Thats the plan its also a great time to learn about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Heres why. Medicare part b doesnt pay for everything. This part is up to you. A Medicare Supplement plan helps pay for some of what medicare doesnt. Call Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company today to request this free decision guide. And learn about the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. This type of plan lets you say yes to any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Do you accept medicare patients . I sure do so call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. Oh, and happy birthday. Or retirement. In advance. Elton john is hosting a benefit concert set to air this sunday right here on fox two. The number of big artists who will be performing live while maintaining social distance. Reporter music superstars bands together sending it to help those affected by covid 19. When fox percent ci her living room concert for america. Elton john host the hourlong live special, a benefit for feeding america, and First Responders children foundation. Alicia keys, mariah carey, baxter boys, billy i wish, tim mcgraw and more will perform from their homes. Tom hallman and john sykes say that means artists will use whatever instruments they have. It is kind of like we are weaving all of these different people in it a band in separate locations into one shot. Reporter you will be conducting interviews in between set. He said i dont have a piano in my house, how about if i host . And we said you dont have a piano . And he says no, my house in california does not have one, so how about i host . And we fell out of our chairs and we said sure, so he will be doing some interesting interviews, he has some pretty special guests. Reporter it is uplifting that of music also paying tribute to medical professionals, First Responders, and others on the front lines of this fight. Doctors who sleep in the garage at night so they dont get their families sick. You will see people doing some Amazing Things with food to help people who do not have it. This is also going to be a big fundraiser. We will hopefully raise a lot of money besides having a lot of fun. Reporter they present this commercial free sunday, march 29 at 9 pm eastern. Across all fox platforms and i heard radio stations nationwide. In hollywood, fox news. Ktvu fox 2 news at five starts now. The total number of coronavirus cases in the United States now tops 100,000. Here in california we start a 26 increase in just one day. Good evening to you. We are broadcasting the newscast from home. Im also adhering to the stayathome restrictions. Lets get you right to the latest numbers here. The number of confirmed cases in california has jumped to more than 4500 according to the latest tally from john hopkins university. 90 people in the state have died. Santa clara and los angeles counties alone make up close to half that, with 20 and 21 deaths respectively. Santa clara county which has the hardest hit bay area, up to 574 cases and 20 people have died. In San Mateo County there are 239 cases and six deaths. San francisco has 279 cases, three people have died. Marin county has 65 cases and Sonoma County has 41 cases and one death. Napa county has six confirmed cases, and there are 34 in solano county. Contra costa has 131 cases and one person has died. Alameda county has 180 cases with four deaths. Santa clara county officials are calling this a critical period in the fight against the virus. They are urging people to stay home and maintain social distance. The administrator says what Health Officials begin to detect Community Spread, it has

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