Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20200207 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20200207

evacuees landed overnight from coming from wuhan, china. ktvu's allie rasmus reports. >> . >> 3:00 this morning is when another government chartered plane landed at travis air force base. the plane stopped to refuel and continued on to san antonio. it was one of two flights that arrived on u.s. soil today carrying evacuees. before landing at air station miramar san diego. all together there's about 300 americans on both of these flights. the passengers on board will be required to stay at a hotel on a military base for the next 14 days. >> while under quarantine each passenger will have symptom checks multiple times a day and if anyone is found ill they're going to be immediately transported to a local hospital with isolation conditions that will help prevent the spread. >> some of the people there say overall the conditions at the hotel on the base aren't that bad. people are allowed to walk around. go outside for some fresh air. some evacuees say they are getting the things they need to be comfortable. >> they brought diapers, baby food, baby wipes. all these things were supplied. >> they're not being restricted to their rooms. we are asking them to have some social distancing more than 6' between family units. the lab shop getting the first specimens to start testing on wednesday. they'll be able to produce test results within two days from getting a specimen. and health officials hope that will speed up the time it takes to contract a new coronavirus case in the u.s. . meantime in japan, the situation getting worse on a cruise ship with 3700 passengers and crew on board. 61 people including 8 americans on that cruise ship have now tested positive for the coronavirus up from just 20 yesterday. those patients are being taken to medical centers while passengers who are not sick have to stay inside their cabins. a total of 27 passengers on board a royal caribbean cruise ship docked in new jersey have been tested for the coronavirus. four of those patients have been sent to the hospitals for screening. they started showing signs of symptoms on the cruise ship which just came back from the bahamas. >> san francisco's lunar new year parade will go on despite concerns over the coronavirus. ktvu's alyssa harington reports from the start of the parade route. >> this is the starting line for tomorrow's parade. 2nd and market street. behind me you can see barriers that will be placed along the parade route. this attract its hundreds of thousands of people. it's the largest lunar new year event outside of asia. this is where people make their extravagant floats for the event. city leaders and public health officials hold a press conference to get the word out that it is safe to attend this parade and they are prepared for any sort of emergency. the san francisco public health department is working closely with the department of management to monitor the virus. >> people are concerned and fearful and again i think the key thing to remember right now is there's no newly diagnosed novel coronavirus in san francisco. >> the creation of this fear is unfounded. there's more people getting hit by a car right now than people actually catching this. >> there are no new cases in the bay area. two patients from san bonito county are being treated at ucsf and two other cases are reported in santa clara county. they're monitoring the coronavirus with guidance of health authorities locally and with the cdc and the world health organization . there will also be emts along the parade route and 911 operators will be staffed up and ready for any sort of emergency. in san francisco alyssa harington ktvu fox 2 news. and you can watch the san francisco chinese new year parade right here on ktvu. our live coverage starts at 6:00 tomorrow night. san jose police are investigating another homicide, the 4th of the year. a report of a gunshot victim being treated around 4:30 this morning and determined the shooting happened on toli road. the man later died after arriving at the hospital. crime scene investigators have been at that scene all morning long. a motive for that shooting not yet known and no suspects identified or arrested. police in vallejo are investigating their first homicide of the year. shortly after 7:00 at highlands park off columbus parkway. police say they found the unidentified victim suffering from at least one gunshot wound. so far no arrests and anyone who may have seen something is asked to call vallejo police. the democratic presidential candidates are preparing for tonight's debate in new hampshire which is considered critical as that state's primary's just days away. doug luzader has more on where the race now stands. >> new hampshire always plays an outsized role in nominating contests but it may take on even more prominence this time around because of all of the drama out of iowa. >> it's fantastic news to hear that we won. >> pete buttigieg in new hampshire reacting to what's happening in iowa. fantastic news he says because the state party there has finally released new numbers showing him as the winner. but the entire caucus process was so dysfunctional this time around many news organizations won't call the race. iregardless bernie sanders says he won. >> more people come out than your nearest opponent we here in northern new england call that a victory. >> the national chairman of the democratic party is now calling for a recanvas of the results. even as the state party in iowa holds firm with its future role now in doubt. >> i think you should watch this closely because this isn't going to happen again because iowa's done. >> sanders and buttigieg are at the top of one of the most recent polls where others face challenges. andrew yang had a large staff shake up. and elizabeth warren was contending with the number of minority women staffers in nevada who quit alleging mistreatment. other candidates like joe biden and michael bloomberg are counting on their advantages and later contests. >> they're looking ahead to nevada and south carolina and that slew of contests on super tuesday come march 3rd. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. some people waited in a long line overnight for the release of the russian river brewing company pliny the younger. >> for the first time this year they can also take some home. ktvu's christina rendon has why this goes way beyond the beer. >> all of these people here were among the first in line, the very first was lindsey wydel lvm. you've already had a taste, what do you think? >> i love this new younger. i've tasted the younger. you can taste all these different nuances of the different hops in there. it has like floral and citrus and different even a little bit of multiflavors. total hide the alcohol winner and having tasted that i was just compared it to the pliny the elder. >> this is the 16th annual release of l ipa beer because it has a high alcohol content and more hops. >> the hops add a lot of pine and resin and grapefruit and stone fruit and then we added nelson savon and mosaic and so we get a lot of blueberry more stone fruit and kind of an sauvignon blanc characteristic. you're limited to take home two bottles per day. >> i'm excited. so now i could drink at home p liny the younger in my underwear. in the privacy of my own home. >> the line began early thursday morning. crowds are expected throughout the weekend. a wait that could last anywhere from 1 hour to six hours. people say it is worth it and give the boost to sonoma counties. >> people in hotels they're coming here . they're buying shirts or glasses or beer and they're all going out to eat. >> pliny the younger is available for two weeks and mow all that's left to do is try it. christina rendon ktvu fox 2 news. cheers. . coming up... utah kidnapping and rape survivor elizabeth smart is speaking out. what she said about being sexually assaulted on a flight just last year. >> plus... >> following president trump's impeachment acquittal congress is divided on what to do next. a look at future investigations coming up. >> a spring-like day over the bay area this afternoon. i'll have a look at what you can expect for your bay area friday and your weekend coming up. the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can plunge you into deep, depressive lows. 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emergency. that's why i wrote the nation's most progressive climate law. and that's why i'm endorsing tom steyer. because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. same with the keystone pipeline. when tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. utah kidnapping and rape survivor elizabeth smart says that she was recently sexually assaulted on an airplane. she was asleep during a flight last year when a man began rubbing her inner thigh with his hand. smart later reported the attack to authorities and says she wants to prevent this from happening to anyone else. the fbi and delta airlines are investigating. 10 republicans remain divided. reporter ray bogan explains how both sides are trying to find ways to move forward and they also have their sights set on more investigations. >> impeachment is over but investigations are not. both congressional democrats and some senate republicans are using their respective majorities to continue politically charged probes. democrats want to continue examining president trump and the withheld military aid to ukraine. >> we have to protect the constitution. >> that could include testimony from rudy giuliani and a subpoena from national security advisor john bolton. but nothing appears imminent. >> those cases still exist. is there others that we see as an opportunity we'll make a judgment at that time. we have no plans right now. >> senate republicans meanwhile have a highly incentive financial programs. they're also requested information from the secret service about whether hunter. >> am i saying anybody broke the law. we don't know yet. we have a moral and legal obligation to find out. >> many lawmakers say it's time to move on. >> democrats look like they want to start more investigations and perhaps reimpeach. i just think that's a horrible mistake. >> what we really need to do now is american people want to see us work for them. >> the investigations could take a big leap forward or step back depending on an up coming court ruling on whether don megahn can be compelled to testify. let's get you out the door on this friday. rosemary what do you say. >> it's going to be a nice one shaping up around the bay. we are looking at temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s for your lunch hour. here's a look over jack london square. it's a fairly calm one in san francisco right now at 57 degrees. santa rosa reporting 60. upper 50s in oakland. low 60s in livermore and san jose at 60 degrees. some temperatures are up by a few degrees. some areas are a tad cooler. half moon bay down by 5. palo alto down by 4. we do expect temperatures to reach into the 60s for most today. the winds are generally light. concord 5 is a lucky number. oakland as well. this is going to change over the course of the weekend. more on that in just a moment. here's a look at what's going on over hayward. we've got calm conditions as well as livermore and san jose a light breeze coming in from the west. a system dropping in going to bring us the wind once again. going to cool us down. saturday, sunday time frame. unfortunately not going to bring us any rain. we could definitely use some rain. not going to see it with this next system. very similar to what we had last weekend. for today mostly sunny skies. warmest day into the weekend. and then as we get into the weekend, a high wind watch for our coast as well as a good portion of our hills. for the hills it starts on saturday night. if for the coast it will start early sunday morning and i'll have details coming up in the next half hour. for your afternoon today we'll go mid 60s in san rafael. 66 in concord. around the bay 64 in oakland. south bay for today, upper 60s over san jose. 70 degrees in morgan hill. if you are going to tahoe it is going to be a dry one here as well. temperatures in the overnight hours below freezing sinking into the 20s. afternoon highs today and into tomorrow very similar. mid to upper 50s but take a look at that drop coming on sunday. the system that's going to bring us wind and cool us down also going to impact the sierra. temperatures do begin to cool off tomorrow. turn windy on sunday and then as we get into your bay area monday and tuesday, mostly sunny skies. dry weather in the forecast. back into the upper 60s for the start of the business week. we'll have details on the high wind watch coming our way for the weekend. the oscars are this weekend and there's something different about the stage. how the academy awards hopes to work a little hollywood magic into the ceremony. a mixed january jobs report was reported this morning. better than expected but the unemployment rate rose slightly from 3.5% to 3.6%. and not all of them found work. we see that stocks are falling. tech and health care companies giving up some of the gains we saw earlier in the week. losing 280 points it's about a half% down and 2/3% down on the new hampshire gak. a number of markets across the globe have taken a hit. it will be the last bay area flight to mainland china for at least the next month there are normally about 90 round trip flights to china and hong kong in february. popular tour shops in the city from chinatown are reporting a drop in business. thousands of baby carriers are being recall z the buckles on the infant carriers can break. the infected models include the go father these carriers were all sold between november and december of 2019. you can return them and get a free replacement the oscars are on sunday and this year some musical performance and unexpected twistings will take center stage. >> the final preparations for the 2020 oscars are under way. crews putting the finishing touches on the scene of hollywood's biggest night. hanging up lights, arranging the decorations and of course rolling out that famous red carpet. this year the show's set designer is trying something new described his concept as a swirling cyclone that swoops down over the audience breaking the normal layout. sort of remove it but hold on to the dna. >> another big theme of the night, music all five tracks no, nominated will be performed the legitimate el ton john. this is us actress chrissie mets if arebo wins she'll become the youngest person. . >> it's one of those things that i've always wanted to do billy eilish will also take the stage for a special performance and that's not the only surprise in store. >> they're going to make the show feel perhaps more contemporary. >> the awards will come to you live from the dolby theater on sunday night. fox news. still to come new information just in about the helicopter crash. what the ntsb is now saying about the engine. this as we now know a public memorial will be held for the nba legend and his daughter. : tums vs. mozzarella stick! (crowd noise) (bell rings) when heartburn hits. fight back fast.. with tums chewy bites. beat heartburn fast. tums chewy bites. where people go to learn about their medicare options before they're on medicare. come on in. you're turning 65 soon? yep. and you're retiring at 67? that's the plan! it's also a great time to learn about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. here's why...medicare part b doesn't pay for everything. this part is up to you. a medicare supplement plan helps pay for some of what medicare doesn't. call unitedhealthcare insurance company today to request this free decision guide. and learn about the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. this type of plan lets you say "yes" to any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. do you accept medicare patients? i sure do! so call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. oh, and happy birthday... or retirement... in advance. tis better than the criminal in democrathe white house.esident we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. here's a look at some of the top stories we're following. more than 41,000 people infected worldwide with the coronavirus. 636 people have died just in china. health officials say they believe the actual numbers are much higher. they also say hospitals are running out of beds due to the overwhelmingly large number of patients. meantime, another plane of evacuees landed at travis air force base overnight. san francisco's lunar new year parade will go on despite concerns about the coronavirus. the parade is known to attract hundreds of thousands of people. it is the largest lunar new year event outside of asia. city and public health officials say it is safe to attend the parade. the department of health is working with the department of emergency management to monitor the virus. san jose police is investigating the city's fourth homicide of the year after a wounded man showed up at regional medical center and died of his injuries. no suspects have been identified or arrested. the victim's identity will be released after the coroner's office notifies the next of kin. we're learning new information about about a homicide in 40-year-old elmer ugarte was arrested after police say he killed his wife maria hernandez. . also in contra costa county a sheriff's deputy has resigned after texting photos of inmates dmdz the martinez jail to his girlfriend. we broke this story this morning on 2 investigates learned that chris madaro is being investigated by internal affairs. the pictures include shots of confiscated weapons. one of them shows an inmate riding in an ambulance to the hospital. that's in violation of sheriff's department policy and federal privacy laws. madara also kouled inmates vermin and animals. . >> what he's doing is wrong and i've been brought up michigan mom that if you see something wrong you say it and going against a police officer, i've been told i should be very careful. it's not easy coming home and watching my back. . >> rashmika di al says she's coming forward hoping deputies learn their lesson. an ntsb report on a the crash that killed kobe bryant and 8 others was just released. the helicopter's engine did not fail. wreckage from the helicopter crash showed no evidence of engine failure. the helicopter climbed 2200 feet made a left turn and crashed at a high speed into the mountain side. the final investigative report is expected to be complete in about a year. a public memorial for the nba legend and his daughter gianna will be held later this month. >> we now know it will take place at the staples center february 24th. hayley winslow has more from los angeles. >> now the home of his memorial center. >> i can't think of a better place. the staples center to me is the house that kobe built. >> the arena can fit about 20,000 people and it will be packed to honor our local legend. >> he's a real tribute to the city of los angeles and he's not only a national but international icon and his work ethic is something to which all folks in whatever profession should strive. >> the service for kobe and his daughter gg is appropriately planned for monday february, 24th. his. >> it's a nice touching tribute that 2/24. smart, lakers brand. what the family is doing is great. >> information about the time and tickets is not yet available but last year fans claimed free tickets within minutes. >> michael jackson's golden casket arrives at staples center. >> the only other memorial at staples center was in 2009 to honor michael jackson. kobe bryant went to the service along with many other celebrities. aeg, the company that owns staples gave away 17,500 tickets in an online lottery. it cost the city $1.4 million in what was the largest security effort in l.a. since the '84 olympics. angelinos can expect a similar turnout for kobe. >> i try and teach my kids about his work ethic, right, because i think that's one of the greatest lessons he taught us. >> angels stadium on monday is celebrating john altabelli. his wife kari and their thir tighten-year-old daughter alyssa. reporting at staples i'm hayley winslow. a pit bull bulldog mix is on the mend. as ktvu's azenith smith explains he may have been part of a dog fighting ring. >> staff at the palo alto animal shelter describing what they found at the front door late last month. a dog crammed in a crate left overnight. >> he couldn't walk. he couldn't stand. >> rushed to an emergency vet for treatment, the 1-year-old bulldog pitbull mix had an estimated 20 to 30 wounds. >> he had been in a dog fight of some sort. he had puncture wounds on his neck and arms and his face. >> the non profit pets in need runs a shelter. he says the vet indicated baby as the non profit named him may have been part of a dog fighting ring. >> they'll train dogs to attack and go for the throat. >> many of baby's wounds were found in the neck area it happenings baby may have been attacked by more than one dog perhaps for a long period of time. >> he looked a lot like some of the bate dogs that i saw back east when i was running the shelter back east. >> this is probably the most severe case of an animal dumped at our shelter that i've witnessed. i've been there 18 years. >> he says they found no evidence of an organized ring so far but aren't ruling anything out. baby today has visible scars and is still healing. the behavioral specialists say he shows no sign of pain and his temperament. >> it's amazing that a dog like this bounces back so quickly. >> amazed at his resiliency staff believe there won't be any repercussions from the trauma. >> most animals would be traumatized by that. >> azenith smith ktvu fox 2 news. officials with bart and the vta say they are working two shifts a day to resolve the final issues on the south bay extension before a new opening day can be announced. the vta says it still needed to resolve hundreds of discrepancy discrepancies but since 2018 the crews have made significant progress. >> out of the around 700 plus to deliver passenger service. we've made progress and super completed about half of those. bart was about 75% to 8% through on their acceptance testing. >> the agencies are now hoping to release a new projected opening for the 2.3 billion $2.3 billion project sometime next month. the milpitas and bariessa stations are the first phase. that will go all the way through downtown san jose. concord police are investigating a violent road rage case. thousands of dollars in damage was caused to the vehicles by both drivers. police say they first started yelling at each other on monument boulevard then the driver of the truck through a hammer at the car. the driver of the car then threw a tire iron at the truck and smashed its windows with another hammer. the truck driver deliberately crashed into the car two times. he was arrested on assault with a deadly weapon charge and police say the driver of the car could also be held liable for vandalism and possible assault. libby shaf will deliver her annual state of the city address. including her program to help the city's homeless residents mayor shaf says it's helped more than 2100 oakland families since it began two years ago. her speech is set to begin at 5:00 in california on oak street. to the north bay where a new camp has become the ongoing example of the homeless crisis. dozens of people were forced out of that old camp. critics say that county and city leaders can expect more homeless camps to pop up until they find a more permanent solution. >> really this is about folks trying to make homelessness disappear. >> i don't see what gives anybody the right to take people from one spot to the other. i understand their need to help people, but at what cost does it do. >> sonoma county supervisors say they're spending millions of dollars to house the homeless and a sanctioned homeless camp will be announced next month. boulders were put in place yesterday along a stretch of cado road. this action came in response to public safety concerns due to complaints about trash and other problems. but many of the people who had been living in the area in their rvs wondered why they had to modify. move. >> it's kind of a slap in the face. like why. why would you want to do that. why would you want to reject people. >> we tried to give people enough time to know that they could move and, you know, i don't know where they went. they may have just moved down the road and that's fine. we're okay with that right now. >> the city of fremont could place even more boulders on this roadway if this test program proves successful. in san francisco city leaders are debating a proposal that would make sure homeless shelters are located in every district of the city. supervisor matt haney has approved legislation that would propose a homeless center in every district that does not have one. according to the chronicle only three of the cities have navigation centers. flooding, mud slides, tornados. we'll take a look at all the damage caused by a major storm in the southeast. >> meanwhile, over the bay area, a beautiful day shaping up today. it is expected to be the warmest day before we turn cooler and eventually windy once again. details after the break. tom: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. i come face to face with a lot of behinds. so i know there's a big need for gas-x maximum strength. it works fast. relieving pressure, bloating, and discomfort before you know it. so no one needs to know you've got gas. gas-x be stronger... with nicorette coated ice mint. layered with flavor. it's the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. for an amazing taste... ...that outlasts your craving. nicorette ice mint. for an amazing taste... ...that outlasts your craving. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. law enforcement officers in the south bay say they made 17 arrests in a crackdown on human trafficking. the announcement came in a news conference yesterday. the santa clara county sheriff's office teamed up with other agencies for a crack down called operation rebuild. it would target sex trafficker online and set up meetings at hotel rooms. >> our detectives here would respond to those ads and set a date for commercial sex and then the individual would arrive and we would arrest them for prosecution. >> they also rescued five women. a maryland man is facing murder charges in connection with a deadly greyhound bus. 33-year-old anthony williams was arrested money in kern county. he is now charged with one count of murder and five counts of attempting murder. authorities say the other passengers on board were able to disarm the gunman and force him right off the bus. the santa clara county district attorney's teaming up in a new program that targets violent armed offenders. officers say they have seized high-powered assault rifles. and have also made arrests. the new program is designed to reduced gun violence. the storm flooded communities in the carolinas caused mud slides and even possible tornados in the southern states. authorities have confirmed five deaths throughout the region. now the storm is hitting the mid atlantic throughout the region. reporter charles belye shows us the damage left behind in the south. >> our garage door is over halfway up. it's flooded our garage. >> it started with just rain. tennessee, streets under feet of water. cars and construction equipment submerged. the system moving east and gaining strength. georgia watch as drivers jerk their steering wheel to avoid being crushed. one car buried in branches. >> that car is almost all the way under. outside atlanta, the tornado alerts go up as people deal with rising water. >> in raleigh hail driven by 70 miles per hour winds damaging homes and cars. traffic grinding to a halt and rain pounding appear lags county. some may be without power for days. severe winds ripping down trees and snapping utility polls. roofs ripped off businesses and hurled into the streets. flooding has caused the oregon department of transportation to shut down parts of 80. so far there are no reports of injuries. no flooding around here. it's a pretty pleasant, mild, winter day out here. >> today is likely to be the day. as we take a look you can see how the eastern half is just covered in it. we still have some rain reported in new york. you can see that ahead of pink indicating the ice and it is continuing into new england for today. that system is going to be moving out over the next 24 hours so they are going to be in better shape getting into the start of the weekend. for us here at home, we have a system that's going to drop in. not going to bring us any rain. it is going to cool us down and it's going to bring back the wind. we have an advisory already set up for our hills as well as our coastline. for the highway wind watch into our hills, north bay hills, east bay hills and does also include the interior areas starts tomorrow night. starts at 7:00. goes all the way until early monday morning. wind gusts could reach 50 miles per hour. very similar to what we experienced back on super bowl sunday and then as we get into early sunday morning high wind watch for the peninsula coastline for the north bay coastline and for the santa cruz mountains. so the time frame a little bit different for the start that everybody will see that advisory expire early monday morning. take a look at the rainfall amounts since october 1st. 46% of average over san jose and to the north bay 72% average over santa rosa. january fairly dry and noul now february looking the same. temperatures right now under mostly sunny skies. i'd say get out and enjoy it. in the north bay we have 63 in novato. upper 50s for san francisco and along the peninsula, 59 right now over areas of red wood city. shifting into the north bay. mill valley enjoying 60s at the moment and we'll do a shift into the inner east bay. 64 over areas of danville. so a taste of spring outside our doors for your friday afternoon. mid to upper 60s expected for the north bay later today. we've got 60s over areas of the inner east bay with 66 expected over concord. around the bay, low to mid 60s for us into san francisco and for the south bay going to 70 70 degrees in morgan hill. there's your extended forecast. temperatures do begin to fall off tomorrow. the wind picks up for some tomorrow night. sunday looks like it's going to be eye cool windy day. no rain in this extended forecast. one man in florida's getting a lot of attention. he's 107 years old and getting a lot of attention. >> he likes to help others as well. >> at 107. joe newman has never let one day just pass him by. >> he continues to live his life the way he wants. he can still be spotted from time to time driving his red hot convertible around sarasota but his key to living in the fast lane starts with a well thought out road map. >> and by his side keeping him sharp. >> the women are crazy about it. >> his fiance. the two met while playing bridge. >> it took two years of us firt inning with each other. we figured if we had two years together, we would be thankful. >> and that would be 17 years ago. >> i'm going to be 100 years old march 28th. >> at 101, he ran for congress and lost. >> i thought i might add something to the conversation that was going on. . >> his biggest accomplishment isn't that he's the oldest driver on the road, it's the fact that he has made a difference starting the logan center in south bend, indiana for his daughter. a center for mentally handicapped individuals to learn and achieve their goals. >> try to make it so that they're saying i'm glad i met that person. they've helped my day and if we each will try to look at it that way. then we've made it a better day. we're making it a better society because we're making ourselves better people. fox news. still to come at noon, a couple that got engaged at yosemite national park. next one photographer's quest to find the two people in this photo. fighting climate change isn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. today on the 4 an emt student in san francisco is being hailed as a hero today. >> the man is helping bart police save a man from overdosing at civic station at 4:00. hear from the hero about his skills and how those skills helped save that man's life. lingering uncertainty over the coronavirus that's spreading from china offsetting today's news from the labor department that many more jobs were created in january than economists expected. as we give you a live look here at the dow jones industrial. just a couple minutes away from the closing bell. nasdaq and s&p 500 are slightly in negative territory. a photographer captured an image of a couple. the kentucky photographer melanie jackson stinson took this photo in june of 2009. she got the man's e-mail after taking the photo but then lost it before she could shared picture with the happy couple. she's hoping social media will lead her to the couple. here's rosemary now with a few events in the weekend watch. >> here's a look at what's happening. the annual chinese new year parade will fill the streets of san francisco on saturday where you can see beautiful floats, elaborate costumes, exploding fire crackers as well. you can see it all live right here on ktvu fox 2. you can head over to oracle park for giants fan fest on saturday. this includes player q &a. player off auto graph and more. . >> this event happens on saturday. spa treatments from local groomers pet care tips and costume shows are just some of the highlights. in the north bay spend a day in geyserville. featuring family fun that includes tours of the hatchery, arch rooe, art projects, a casting pond, food and beverage booths, a live band and a silent auction. >> in sports warriors host the lakers here at home. i'm rosemary orozco and that is your weekend watch. a new art exhibit is now on display in san francisco's chinatown district. it pays tributes to the local merchants. it opened yesterday on rossaly. the artists show how food and other items are created by chinatown artists. >> i think those three different perspectives bring out the different sides of chinatown experiences and i think for cluf lens for people to get to know more about chinatown. >> the made in chinatown exhibit will be open in march. . hunter pence may come back to the giants. the former giants outfielder is headed to san francisco for a physical and could join the team if all goes well. pence reportedly turned down the astros back in 2004 as well as the padres. the giants have not confirmed the potential deal. fan fest by the way is tomorrow again. baseball will change some of its rules in the wake of the sign-stealing scandal. new guidelines restricting the use of video equipment and live pictures. an investigation found that the houston astros used a video camera to steal their opponent's signs during their 2017 world championship season and the result of the separate investigation into the 2018 boston red sox present expected before spring training camp next week. bts will perform two shows in april and the south bay tickets go on sale today. april 25th and 26th. tickets go on sale at 3:00 this afternoon. the northern lights were seen in the skies above finland today. those in the area were able to see the skylight up in shades of green and pink and white. it's not half bad behind us here along the oakland estuary. >> not tonight but tomorrow night we have a snow moon coming up. get outside and enjoy that and enjoy that view of downtown san francisco. thanks for watching everyone. have a great afternoon. dr. oz starts now. dr. oz: every friday, a celebrity super fan takeover. this year, tia mowry. >> ding ding ding. dr. oz: and the winner is -- and tia is serving up her own oz approved desserts. plus, the science behind binge watching. coming up next. ♪ >> dr. oz! -- oz: what the

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20200207

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evacuees landed overnight from coming from wuhan, china. ktvu's allie rasmus reports. >> . >> 3:00 this morning is when another government chartered plane landed at travis air force base. the plane stopped to refuel and continued on to san antonio. it was one of two flights that arrived on u.s. soil today carrying evacuees. before landing at air station miramar san diego. all together there's about 300 americans on both of these flights. the passengers on board will be required to stay at a hotel on a military base for the next 14 days. >> while under quarantine each passenger will have symptom checks multiple times a day and if anyone is found ill they're going to be immediately transported to a local hospital with isolation conditions that will help prevent the spread. >> some of the people there say overall the conditions at the hotel on the base aren't that bad. people are allowed to walk around. go outside for some fresh air. some evacuees say they are getting the things they need to be comfortable. >> they brought diapers, baby food, baby wipes. all these things were supplied. >> they're not being restricted to their rooms. we are asking them to have some social distancing more than 6' between family units. the lab shop getting the first specimens to start testing on wednesday. they'll be able to produce test results within two days from getting a specimen. and health officials hope that will speed up the time it takes to contract a new coronavirus case in the u.s. . meantime in japan, the situation getting worse on a cruise ship with 3700 passengers and crew on board. 61 people including 8 americans on that cruise ship have now tested positive for the coronavirus up from just 20 yesterday. those patients are being taken to medical centers while passengers who are not sick have to stay inside their cabins. a total of 27 passengers on board a royal caribbean cruise ship docked in new jersey have been tested for the coronavirus. four of those patients have been sent to the hospitals for screening. they started showing signs of symptoms on the cruise ship which just came back from the bahamas. >> san francisco's lunar new year parade will go on despite concerns over the coronavirus. ktvu's alyssa harington reports from the start of the parade route. >> this is the starting line for tomorrow's parade. 2nd and market street. behind me you can see barriers that will be placed along the parade route. this attract its hundreds of thousands of people. it's the largest lunar new year event outside of asia. this is where people make their extravagant floats for the event. city leaders and public health officials hold a press conference to get the word out that it is safe to attend this parade and they are prepared for any sort of emergency. the san francisco public health department is working closely with the department of management to monitor the virus. >> people are concerned and fearful and again i think the key thing to remember right now is there's no newly diagnosed novel coronavirus in san francisco. >> the creation of this fear is unfounded. there's more people getting hit by a car right now than people actually catching this. >> there are no new cases in the bay area. two patients from san bonito county are being treated at ucsf and two other cases are reported in santa clara county. they're monitoring the coronavirus with guidance of health authorities locally and with the cdc and the world health organization . there will also be emts along the parade route and 911 operators will be staffed up and ready for any sort of emergency. in san francisco alyssa harington ktvu fox 2 news. and you can watch the san francisco chinese new year parade right here on ktvu. our live coverage starts at 6:00 tomorrow night. san jose police are investigating another homicide, the 4th of the year. a report of a gunshot victim being treated around 4:30 this morning and determined the shooting happened on toli road. the man later died after arriving at the hospital. crime scene investigators have been at that scene all morning long. a motive for that shooting not yet known and no suspects identified or arrested. police in vallejo are investigating their first homicide of the year. shortly after 7:00 at highlands park off columbus parkway. police say they found the unidentified victim suffering from at least one gunshot wound. so far no arrests and anyone who may have seen something is asked to call vallejo police. the democratic presidential candidates are preparing for tonight's debate in new hampshire which is considered critical as that state's primary's just days away. doug luzader has more on where the race now stands. >> new hampshire always plays an outsized role in nominating contests but it may take on even more prominence this time around because of all of the drama out of iowa. >> it's fantastic news to hear that we won. >> pete buttigieg in new hampshire reacting to what's happening in iowa. fantastic news he says because the state party there has finally released new numbers showing him as the winner. but the entire caucus process was so dysfunctional this time around many news organizations won't call the race. iregardless bernie sanders says he won. >> more people come out than your nearest opponent we here in northern new england call that a victory. >> the national chairman of the democratic party is now calling for a recanvas of the results. even as the state party in iowa holds firm with its future role now in doubt. >> i think you should watch this closely because this isn't going to happen again because iowa's done. >> sanders and buttigieg are at the top of one of the most recent polls where others face challenges. andrew yang had a large staff shake up. and elizabeth warren was contending with the number of minority women staffers in nevada who quit alleging mistreatment. other candidates like joe biden and michael bloomberg are counting on their advantages and later contests. >> they're looking ahead to nevada and south carolina and that slew of contests on super tuesday come march 3rd. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. some people waited in a long line overnight for the release of the russian river brewing company pliny the younger. >> for the first time this year they can also take some home. ktvu's christina rendon has why this goes way beyond the beer. >> all of these people here were among the first in line, the very first was lindsey wydel lvm. you've already had a taste, what do you think? >> i love this new younger. i've tasted the younger. you can taste all these different nuances of the different hops in there. it has like floral and citrus and different even a little bit of multiflavors. total hide the alcohol winner and having tasted that i was just compared it to the pliny the elder. >> this is the 16th annual release of l ipa beer because it has a high alcohol content and more hops. >> the hops add a lot of pine and resin and grapefruit and stone fruit and then we added nelson savon and mosaic and so we get a lot of blueberry more stone fruit and kind of an sauvignon blanc characteristic. you're limited to take home two bottles per day. >> i'm excited. so now i could drink at home p liny the younger in my underwear. in the privacy of my own home. >> the line began early thursday morning. crowds are expected throughout the weekend. a wait that could last anywhere from 1 hour to six hours. people say it is worth it and give the boost to sonoma counties. >> people in hotels they're coming here . they're buying shirts or glasses or beer and they're all going out to eat. >> pliny the younger is available for two weeks and mow all that's left to do is try it. christina rendon ktvu fox 2 news. cheers. . coming up... utah kidnapping and rape survivor elizabeth smart is speaking out. what she said about being sexually assaulted on a flight just last year. >> plus... >> following president trump's impeachment acquittal congress is divided on what to do next. a look at future investigations coming up. >> a spring-like day over the bay area this afternoon. i'll have a look at what you can expect for your bay area friday and your weekend coming up. the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can plunge you into deep, depressive lows. 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(muffled arguing) or, make you feel both at once. overwhelmed by bipolar i symptoms? ask about vraylar. some medications only treat the lows or the highs. vraylar effectively treats depression, acute manic and mixed episodes of bipolar i. full-spectrum relief of all symptoms. with just one pill, once a day. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. metabolic changes may occur. movement dysfunction, restlessness, sleepiness, stomach issues are common side effects. when bipolar i overwhelms, vraylar helps smooth the ups and downs. when bipolar i overwhelms, grand now we have to deal withed us climate change is an emergency. that's why i wrote the nation's most progressive climate law. and that's why i'm endorsing tom steyer. because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. same with the keystone pipeline. when tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. utah kidnapping and rape survivor elizabeth smart says that she was recently sexually assaulted on an airplane. she was asleep during a flight last year when a man began rubbing her inner thigh with his hand. smart later reported the attack to authorities and says she wants to prevent this from happening to anyone else. the fbi and delta airlines are investigating. 10 republicans remain divided. reporter ray bogan explains how both sides are trying to find ways to move forward and they also have their sights set on more investigations. >> impeachment is over but investigations are not. both congressional democrats and some senate republicans are using their respective majorities to continue politically charged probes. democrats want to continue examining president trump and the withheld military aid to ukraine. >> we have to protect the constitution. >> that could include testimony from rudy giuliani and a subpoena from national security advisor john bolton. but nothing appears imminent. >> those cases still exist. is there others that we see as an opportunity we'll make a judgment at that time. we have no plans right now. >> senate republicans meanwhile have a highly incentive financial programs. they're also requested information from the secret service about whether hunter. >> am i saying anybody broke the law. we don't know yet. we have a moral and legal obligation to find out. >> many lawmakers say it's time to move on. >> democrats look like they want to start more investigations and perhaps reimpeach. i just think that's a horrible mistake. >> what we really need to do now is american people want to see us work for them. >> the investigations could take a big leap forward or step back depending on an up coming court ruling on whether don megahn can be compelled to testify. let's get you out the door on this friday. rosemary what do you say. >> it's going to be a nice one shaping up around the bay. we are looking at temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s for your lunch hour. here's a look over jack london square. it's a fairly calm one in san francisco right now at 57 degrees. santa rosa reporting 60. upper 50s in oakland. low 60s in livermore and san jose at 60 degrees. some temperatures are up by a few degrees. some areas are a tad cooler. half moon bay down by 5. palo alto down by 4. we do expect temperatures to reach into the 60s for most today. the winds are generally light. concord 5 is a lucky number. oakland as well. this is going to change over the course of the weekend. more on that in just a moment. here's a look at what's going on over hayward. we've got calm conditions as well as livermore and san jose a light breeze coming in from the west. a system dropping in going to bring us the wind once again. going to cool us down. saturday, sunday time frame. unfortunately not going to bring us any rain. we could definitely use some rain. not going to see it with this next system. very similar to what we had last weekend. for today mostly sunny skies. warmest day into the weekend. and then as we get into the weekend, a high wind watch for our coast as well as a good portion of our hills. for the hills it starts on saturday night. if for the coast it will start early sunday morning and i'll have details coming up in the next half hour. for your afternoon today we'll go mid 60s in san rafael. 66 in concord. around the bay 64 in oakland. south bay for today, upper 60s over san jose. 70 degrees in morgan hill. if you are going to tahoe it is going to be a dry one here as well. temperatures in the overnight hours below freezing sinking into the 20s. afternoon highs today and into tomorrow very similar. mid to upper 50s but take a look at that drop coming on sunday. the system that's going to bring us wind and cool us down also going to impact the sierra. temperatures do begin to cool off tomorrow. turn windy on sunday and then as we get into your bay area monday and tuesday, mostly sunny skies. dry weather in the forecast. back into the upper 60s for the start of the business week. we'll have details on the high wind watch coming our way for the weekend. the oscars are this weekend and there's something different about the stage. how the academy awards hopes to work a little hollywood magic into the ceremony. a mixed january jobs report was reported this morning. better than expected but the unemployment rate rose slightly from 3.5% to 3.6%. and not all of them found work. we see that stocks are falling. tech and health care companies giving up some of the gains we saw earlier in the week. losing 280 points it's about a half% down and 2/3% down on the new hampshire gak. a number of markets across the globe have taken a hit. it will be the last bay area flight to mainland china for at least the next month there are normally about 90 round trip flights to china and hong kong in february. popular tour shops in the city from chinatown are reporting a drop in business. thousands of baby carriers are being recall z the buckles on the infant carriers can break. the infected models include the go father these carriers were all sold between november and december of 2019. you can return them and get a free replacement the oscars are on sunday and this year some musical performance and unexpected twistings will take center stage. >> the final preparations for the 2020 oscars are under way. crews putting the finishing touches on the scene of hollywood's biggest night. hanging up lights, arranging the decorations and of course rolling out that famous red carpet. this year the show's set designer is trying something new described his concept as a swirling cyclone that swoops down over the audience breaking the normal layout. sort of remove it but hold on to the dna. >> another big theme of the night, music all five tracks no, nominated will be performed the legitimate el ton john. this is us actress chrissie mets if arebo wins she'll become the youngest person. . >> it's one of those things that i've always wanted to do billy eilish will also take the stage for a special performance and that's not the only surprise in store. >> they're going to make the show feel perhaps more contemporary. >> the awards will come to you live from the dolby theater on sunday night. fox news. still to come new information just in about the helicopter crash. what the ntsb is now saying about the engine. this as we now know a public memorial will be held for the nba legend and his daughter. : tums vs. mozzarella stick! (crowd noise) (bell rings) when heartburn hits. fight back fast.. with tums chewy bites. beat heartburn fast. tums chewy bites. where people go to learn about their medicare options before they're on medicare. come on in. you're turning 65 soon? yep. and you're retiring at 67? that's the plan! it's also a great time to learn about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. here's why...medicare part b doesn't pay for everything. this part is up to you. a medicare supplement plan helps pay for some of what medicare doesn't. call unitedhealthcare insurance company today to request this free decision guide. and learn about the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. this type of plan lets you say "yes" to any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. do you accept medicare patients? i sure do! so call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. oh, and happy birthday... or retirement... in advance. tis better than the criminal in democrathe white house.esident we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. here's a look at some of the top stories we're following. more than 41,000 people infected worldwide with the coronavirus. 636 people have died just in china. health officials say they believe the actual numbers are much higher. they also say hospitals are running out of beds due to the overwhelmingly large number of patients. meantime, another plane of evacuees landed at travis air force base overnight. san francisco's lunar new year parade will go on despite concerns about the coronavirus. the parade is known to attract hundreds of thousands of people. it is the largest lunar new year event outside of asia. city and public health officials say it is safe to attend the parade. the department of health is working with the department of emergency management to monitor the virus. san jose police is investigating the city's fourth homicide of the year after a wounded man showed up at regional medical center and died of his injuries. no suspects have been identified or arrested. the victim's identity will be released after the coroner's office notifies the next of kin. we're learning new information about about a homicide in 40-year-old elmer ugarte was arrested after police say he killed his wife maria hernandez. . also in contra costa county a sheriff's deputy has resigned after texting photos of inmates dmdz the martinez jail to his girlfriend. we broke this story this morning on 2 investigates learned that chris madaro is being investigated by internal affairs. the pictures include shots of confiscated weapons. one of them shows an inmate riding in an ambulance to the hospital. that's in violation of sheriff's department policy and federal privacy laws. madara also kouled inmates vermin and animals. . >> what he's doing is wrong and i've been brought up michigan mom that if you see something wrong you say it and going against a police officer, i've been told i should be very careful. it's not easy coming home and watching my back. . >> rashmika di al says she's coming forward hoping deputies learn their lesson. an ntsb report on a the crash that killed kobe bryant and 8 others was just released. the helicopter's engine did not fail. wreckage from the helicopter crash showed no evidence of engine failure. the helicopter climbed 2200 feet made a left turn and crashed at a high speed into the mountain side. the final investigative report is expected to be complete in about a year. a public memorial for the nba legend and his daughter gianna will be held later this month. >> we now know it will take place at the staples center february 24th. hayley winslow has more from los angeles. >> now the home of his memorial center. >> i can't think of a better place. the staples center to me is the house that kobe built. >> the arena can fit about 20,000 people and it will be packed to honor our local legend. >> he's a real tribute to the city of los angeles and he's not only a national but international icon and his work ethic is something to which all folks in whatever profession should strive. >> the service for kobe and his daughter gg is appropriately planned for monday february, 24th. his. >> it's a nice touching tribute that 2/24. smart, lakers brand. what the family is doing is great. >> information about the time and tickets is not yet available but last year fans claimed free tickets within minutes. >> michael jackson's golden casket arrives at staples center. >> the only other memorial at staples center was in 2009 to honor michael jackson. kobe bryant went to the service along with many other celebrities. aeg, the company that owns staples gave away 17,500 tickets in an online lottery. it cost the city $1.4 million in what was the largest security effort in l.a. since the '84 olympics. angelinos can expect a similar turnout for kobe. >> i try and teach my kids about his work ethic, right, because i think that's one of the greatest lessons he taught us. >> angels stadium on monday is celebrating john altabelli. his wife kari and their thir tighten-year-old daughter alyssa. reporting at staples i'm hayley winslow. a pit bull bulldog mix is on the mend. as ktvu's azenith smith explains he may have been part of a dog fighting ring. >> staff at the palo alto animal shelter describing what they found at the front door late last month. a dog crammed in a crate left overnight. >> he couldn't walk. he couldn't stand. >> rushed to an emergency vet for treatment, the 1-year-old bulldog pitbull mix had an estimated 20 to 30 wounds. >> he had been in a dog fight of some sort. he had puncture wounds on his neck and arms and his face. >> the non profit pets in need runs a shelter. he says the vet indicated baby as the non profit named him may have been part of a dog fighting ring. >> they'll train dogs to attack and go for the throat. >> many of baby's wounds were found in the neck area it happenings baby may have been attacked by more than one dog perhaps for a long period of time. >> he looked a lot like some of the bate dogs that i saw back east when i was running the shelter back east. >> this is probably the most severe case of an animal dumped at our shelter that i've witnessed. i've been there 18 years. >> he says they found no evidence of an organized ring so far but aren't ruling anything out. baby today has visible scars and is still healing. the behavioral specialists say he shows no sign of pain and his temperament. >> it's amazing that a dog like this bounces back so quickly. >> amazed at his resiliency staff believe there won't be any repercussions from the trauma. >> most animals would be traumatized by that. >> azenith smith ktvu fox 2 news. officials with bart and the vta say they are working two shifts a day to resolve the final issues on the south bay extension before a new opening day can be announced. the vta says it still needed to resolve hundreds of discrepancy discrepancies but since 2018 the crews have made significant progress. >> out of the around 700 plus to deliver passenger service. we've made progress and super completed about half of those. bart was about 75% to 8% through on their acceptance testing. >> the agencies are now hoping to release a new projected opening for the 2.3 billion $2.3 billion project sometime next month. the milpitas and bariessa stations are the first phase. that will go all the way through downtown san jose. concord police are investigating a violent road rage case. thousands of dollars in damage was caused to the vehicles by both drivers. police say they first started yelling at each other on monument boulevard then the driver of the truck through a hammer at the car. the driver of the car then threw a tire iron at the truck and smashed its windows with another hammer. the truck driver deliberately crashed into the car two times. he was arrested on assault with a deadly weapon charge and police say the driver of the car could also be held liable for vandalism and possible assault. libby shaf will deliver her annual state of the city address. including her program to help the city's homeless residents mayor shaf says it's helped more than 2100 oakland families since it began two years ago. her speech is set to begin at 5:00 in california on oak street. to the north bay where a new camp has become the ongoing example of the homeless crisis. dozens of people were forced out of that old camp. critics say that county and city leaders can expect more homeless camps to pop up until they find a more permanent solution. >> really this is about folks trying to make homelessness disappear. >> i don't see what gives anybody the right to take people from one spot to the other. i understand their need to help people, but at what cost does it do. >> sonoma county supervisors say they're spending millions of dollars to house the homeless and a sanctioned homeless camp will be announced next month. boulders were put in place yesterday along a stretch of cado road. this action came in response to public safety concerns due to complaints about trash and other problems. but many of the people who had been living in the area in their rvs wondered why they had to modify. move. >> it's kind of a slap in the face. like why. why would you want to do that. why would you want to reject people. >> we tried to give people enough time to know that they could move and, you know, i don't know where they went. they may have just moved down the road and that's fine. we're okay with that right now. >> the city of fremont could place even more boulders on this roadway if this test program proves successful. in san francisco city leaders are debating a proposal that would make sure homeless shelters are located in every district of the city. supervisor matt haney has approved legislation that would propose a homeless center in every district that does not have one. according to the chronicle only three of the cities have navigation centers. flooding, mud slides, tornados. we'll take a look at all the damage caused by a major storm in the southeast. >> meanwhile, over the bay area, a beautiful day shaping up today. it is expected to be the warmest day before we turn cooler and eventually windy once again. details after the break. tom: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. i come face to face with a lot of behinds. so i know there's a big need for gas-x maximum strength. it works fast. relieving pressure, bloating, and discomfort before you know it. so no one needs to know you've got gas. gas-x be stronger... with nicorette coated ice mint. layered with flavor. it's the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. for an amazing taste... ...that outlasts your craving. nicorette ice mint. for an amazing taste... ...that outlasts your craving. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. law enforcement officers in the south bay say they made 17 arrests in a crackdown on human trafficking. the announcement came in a news conference yesterday. the santa clara county sheriff's office teamed up with other agencies for a crack down called operation rebuild. it would target sex trafficker online and set up meetings at hotel rooms. >> our detectives here would respond to those ads and set a date for commercial sex and then the individual would arrive and we would arrest them for prosecution. >> they also rescued five women. a maryland man is facing murder charges in connection with a deadly greyhound bus. 33-year-old anthony williams was arrested money in kern county. he is now charged with one count of murder and five counts of attempting murder. authorities say the other passengers on board were able to disarm the gunman and force him right off the bus. the santa clara county district attorney's teaming up in a new program that targets violent armed offenders. officers say they have seized high-powered assault rifles. and have also made arrests. the new program is designed to reduced gun violence. the storm flooded communities in the carolinas caused mud slides and even possible tornados in the southern states. authorities have confirmed five deaths throughout the region. now the storm is hitting the mid atlantic throughout the region. reporter charles belye shows us the damage left behind in the south. >> our garage door is over halfway up. it's flooded our garage. >> it started with just rain. tennessee, streets under feet of water. cars and construction equipment submerged. the system moving east and gaining strength. georgia watch as drivers jerk their steering wheel to avoid being crushed. one car buried in branches. >> that car is almost all the way under. outside atlanta, the tornado alerts go up as people deal with rising water. >> in raleigh hail driven by 70 miles per hour winds damaging homes and cars. traffic grinding to a halt and rain pounding appear lags county. some may be without power for days. severe winds ripping down trees and snapping utility polls. roofs ripped off businesses and hurled into the streets. flooding has caused the oregon department of transportation to shut down parts of 80. so far there are no reports of injuries. no flooding around here. it's a pretty pleasant, mild, winter day out here. >> today is likely to be the day. as we take a look you can see how the eastern half is just covered in it. we still have some rain reported in new york. you can see that ahead of pink indicating the ice and it is continuing into new england for today. that system is going to be moving out over the next 24 hours so they are going to be in better shape getting into the start of the weekend. for us here at home, we have a system that's going to drop in. not going to bring us any rain. it is going to cool us down and it's going to bring back the wind. we have an advisory already set up for our hills as well as our coastline. for the highway wind watch into our hills, north bay hills, east bay hills and does also include the interior areas starts tomorrow night. starts at 7:00. goes all the way until early monday morning. wind gusts could reach 50 miles per hour. very similar to what we experienced back on super bowl sunday and then as we get into early sunday morning high wind watch for the peninsula coastline for the north bay coastline and for the santa cruz mountains. so the time frame a little bit different for the start that everybody will see that advisory expire early monday morning. take a look at the rainfall amounts since october 1st. 46% of average over san jose and to the north bay 72% average over santa rosa. january fairly dry and noul now february looking the same. temperatures right now under mostly sunny skies. i'd say get out and enjoy it. in the north bay we have 63 in novato. upper 50s for san francisco and along the peninsula, 59 right now over areas of red wood city. shifting into the north bay. mill valley enjoying 60s at the moment and we'll do a shift into the inner east bay. 64 over areas of danville. so a taste of spring outside our doors for your friday afternoon. mid to upper 60s expected for the north bay later today. we've got 60s over areas of the inner east bay with 66 expected over concord. around the bay, low to mid 60s for us into san francisco and for the south bay going to 70 70 degrees in morgan hill. there's your extended forecast. temperatures do begin to fall off tomorrow. the wind picks up for some tomorrow night. sunday looks like it's going to be eye cool windy day. no rain in this extended forecast. one man in florida's getting a lot of attention. he's 107 years old and getting a lot of attention. >> he likes to help others as well. >> at 107. joe newman has never let one day just pass him by. >> he continues to live his life the way he wants. he can still be spotted from time to time driving his red hot convertible around sarasota but his key to living in the fast lane starts with a well thought out road map. >> and by his side keeping him sharp. >> the women are crazy about it. >> his fiance. the two met while playing bridge. >> it took two years of us firt inning with each other. we figured if we had two years together, we would be thankful. >> and that would be 17 years ago. >> i'm going to be 100 years old march 28th. >> at 101, he ran for congress and lost. >> i thought i might add something to the conversation that was going on. . >> his biggest accomplishment isn't that he's the oldest driver on the road, it's the fact that he has made a difference starting the logan center in south bend, indiana for his daughter. a center for mentally handicapped individuals to learn and achieve their goals. >> try to make it so that they're saying i'm glad i met that person. they've helped my day and if we each will try to look at it that way. then we've made it a better day. we're making it a better society because we're making ourselves better people. fox news. still to come at noon, a couple that got engaged at yosemite national park. next one photographer's quest to find the two people in this photo. fighting climate change isn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. today on the 4 an emt student in san francisco is being hailed as a hero today. >> the man is helping bart police save a man from overdosing at civic station at 4:00. hear from the hero about his skills and how those skills helped save that man's life. lingering uncertainty over the coronavirus that's spreading from china offsetting today's news from the labor department that many more jobs were created in january than economists expected. as we give you a live look here at the dow jones industrial. just a couple minutes away from the closing bell. nasdaq and s&p 500 are slightly in negative territory. a photographer captured an image of a couple. the kentucky photographer melanie jackson stinson took this photo in june of 2009. she got the man's e-mail after taking the photo but then lost it before she could shared picture with the happy couple. she's hoping social media will lead her to the couple. here's rosemary now with a few events in the weekend watch. >> here's a look at what's happening. the annual chinese new year parade will fill the streets of san francisco on saturday where you can see beautiful floats, elaborate costumes, exploding fire crackers as well. you can see it all live right here on ktvu fox 2. you can head over to oracle park for giants fan fest on saturday. this includes player q &a. player off auto graph and more. . >> this event happens on saturday. spa treatments from local groomers pet care tips and costume shows are just some of the highlights. in the north bay spend a day in geyserville. featuring family fun that includes tours of the hatchery, arch rooe, art projects, a casting pond, food and beverage booths, a live band and a silent auction. >> in sports warriors host the lakers here at home. i'm rosemary orozco and that is your weekend watch. a new art exhibit is now on display in san francisco's chinatown district. it pays tributes to the local merchants. it opened yesterday on rossaly. the artists show how food and other items are created by chinatown artists. >> i think those three different perspectives bring out the different sides of chinatown experiences and i think for cluf lens for people to get to know more about chinatown. >> the made in chinatown exhibit will be open in march. . hunter pence may come back to the giants. the former giants outfielder is headed to san francisco for a physical and could join the team if all goes well. pence reportedly turned down the astros back in 2004 as well as the padres. the giants have not confirmed the potential deal. fan fest by the way is tomorrow again. baseball will change some of its rules in the wake of the sign-stealing scandal. new guidelines restricting the use of video equipment and live pictures. an investigation found that the houston astros used a video camera to steal their opponent's signs during their 2017 world championship season and the result of the separate investigation into the 2018 boston red sox present expected before spring training camp next week. bts will perform two shows in april and the south bay tickets go on sale today. april 25th and 26th. tickets go on sale at 3:00 this afternoon. the northern lights were seen in the skies above finland today. those in the area were able to see the skylight up in shades of green and pink and white. it's not half bad behind us here along the oakland estuary. >> not tonight but tomorrow night we have a snow moon coming up. get outside and enjoy that and enjoy that view of downtown san francisco. thanks for watching everyone. have a great afternoon. dr. oz starts now. dr. oz: every friday, a celebrity super fan takeover. this year, tia mowry. >> ding ding ding. dr. oz: and the winner is -- and tia is serving up her own oz approved desserts. plus, the science behind binge watching. coming up next. ♪ >> dr. oz! -- oz: what the

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