Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20180203 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20180203

they are facing and reaction from lawmakers many you say the direct attack on the white house against sanctuary cities. yesterday in pennsylvania the 20 fill said i see my shadow. that means six more weeks of winter from that weather predicting groundhog >> he must've been looking at the east coast because it's not feel like winter here. a beautiful few days in the bay area. feeling more like spring. maybe even summer. >> i was sinking that last night we were going to an event and it feels so warm. >> i'm in the east bay and got up and was shocked. >> we definitely need the rain and we are sorry we are not getting it but we have some great weather. it is in time for your weekend. offshore breeze that is keeping temperatures up for some. a live look of mount diablo. good morning to your saturday. temperatures are just as warm as yesterday meaning we are likely to break records for the afternoon. here is stormtrac radar we are have clear skies with a few high clouds. notice the arrows coming from the north and east. the northeast breeze helping to drive up temperatures this morning. start out at half moon bay at the airport recording 68 degrees now. 63 in mountain view. the rest of us not quite as warm but not bad. 46 in the east bay of walnut creek. 42 in napa and 52 in san francisco. upper 50s in oakland. if you have the offshore breeze and it's impacting you areas like oakland are 12 degrees warmer this morning compared to yesterday. half moon bay up by 20 in the in some areas are calm and cooler down by 4 degrees in santa rosa. this afternoon another beautiful one in the east bay shore looking at the dave platter for hayward temperatures in the 50s until 9:00 and then we are already in the 60s by 10:00 in the morning lunchtime 70 degrees low to mid 70s in the forecast for the east bay shore. areas like oakland 73. 77 and fremont and 78 in san jose. in the north bay santa rosa you hit near 80. sunday -- the afternoon hi 79. nothing changing for the back half of the weekend and extended forecast is dry. details on that coming up. we are following a developing story in the east bay. armed man was seen wearing body armor in cleveland road last night which led to a shelter in place from several hours. the shelter in place has been lifted and the search for the man continues. >> christien kafton is live in pleasant hill at the apartment complex where the man was last spotted. >> reporter: it's a sense first off of where this unfolded. where the pleasant hill village apartment complex next to the century theater close to contra costa boulevard. this is where the story started to unfold around 1030 p.m. -- 10:30 pm wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying an assault rifle. police were on scene and they then spotted that man. officer say the first officers on scene ordered the man to drop his weapon but instead he bolted into the apartment complex and the officers called for backup and set up a perimeter trying to locate that man. residents in the area were told to shelter in place as helicopters and dogs were brought into find the suspect swat officers swarmed the area for hours and finally at 4:30 am they lifted the lockdown unable to locate him. at this point investigators say they're trying to figure out who the man was and what he was doing. pleasant hill police offered a description of the man he was an adult white male about five feet six inches tall with brown hair and a light beard. he was last spotted wearing a dark beanie hat camouflage pants and black ballistic vest. police again asking the community for help if anyone knows anything about the man to contact them and later on this morning we will be reaching out to neighbors to find out what they can tell us or if anyone has any cell phone video or surveillance video of him. also trying to find out from police about where they go now in the investigation. supportors of a plan to keep san francisco police officers with tasers have enough signatures to qualify for the june ballot. the measure was put together by the group safe neighborhoods for all and back by the police officers association. it our department to get tasers for every officer as early as august supportors not want to wait until december which was the date set by the police commission when it approved the use of tasers last year. new video has been released undercover officer being struck by a car. several people are now under arrest of the officer is recovering from his injuries. video shows one suspect running over the officer and amber lee explains how the surveillance video help to capture three men now accused of attend the homicide. >> reporter: the suspect vehicle a black infiniti backs up alongside an suv and a suspect in a white hoodie gets out followed by a second suspect and one of them is the bank taken from the back of the suv and gets into the car. the suspect driver moves forward officers who were in the area on auto burglary detail see the crime in progress and one officer on a bicycle approaches the suspect who was still -- by the suv to arrest him >> you can see the driver does put the vehicle into reverse trying the of a compass and the officer on the ground even though there are other officers ordering the driver to stop. instead the driver starts move forward you can see the car hitting a bump as it runs over the downed officer and the suspect accomplice a second time. the san francisco police officers association said in a statement the video shows clear and deliberate assault on officers that rises to the level of attempted murder. president tells me it's outrageous that the police commission as a policy prohibiting officers from firing at a suspect in a moving vehicle. officers showed great restraint in not having that type of force even though it's a deadly situation. took after the encounter with police the suspect driver crashed into another vehicle about half a mile away. all three suspects have been arrested and police say they are men from san francisco ages 19, 23 and 25. police said they are still investigating whether they are responsible for other auto break-ins. but this happens all the time i don't leave anything in my car >> reporter: this woman said her car has been broken into more than a dozen times. the alamo square area. the most recent a month ago >> i'm not angry about it. it's just something i have to deal with when you live in the city. took the president of the san francisco police officers association says the injured officer is recovering at home. the injured suspect remains in the hospital as of friday night. all three suspects face charges that include tented homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. arson investigation is underway after a fire burned homes in san francisco yesterday morning. just across from the painted ladies. they believe someone started the fire on purpose and not saying how it started the fire burned two homes and displaced two families. a texas man has been arrested after authorities say he has underage sex with a sunnyvale teenager. 27-year-old gabriel gonzalez host as a teenager online to start chatting with a 16 will go from sunnydale that allegedly flew from texas to the bay area at the end of december to meet her. they then went to about the hotel and had sex before he returned home. the parents found out about the relationship and then contacted the sunnydale police. gonzales says he's been arrested in the dallas area and brought back year to the bay area now facing multiple charges including sexual intercourse with a minor. leaders are meeting today in berkeley to see the medical center. berkeley mayor and others are gathering at the ann roberts campus across the street from the station to discuss the campaign to save the hospital. two years ago they announced plans to close in 20 because it cost too much. instead is planning to converge with oakland 3 miles away it starts 11 and should go until 1:00 today. coming up a bay area mill schoolteacher is fighting back against assault charges >> weiler said she charges as part of the political agenda businesses fighting against new immigration and one lawmakers say the white house is targeting sanctuary cities. ♪ ♪ with the chase mobile app, michaela deprince could pay practically anyone, at any bank, all while performing a grand jeté between two grand pianos. she could... in a commercial. in real life she uses it to pay her sister, from her couch, for that sweater she stained. what sweater? (phone buzzes) life, lived michaela's way. chase. make more of what's yours. good morning sunshine. i hope you are ready for a nice warm-up as that is what is coming our way for the bay area saturday. record-breaking heat and look at what to expect coming up. fbi is on of controversial intelligence memo was released by the to the by president trump a four-page document alleges the fbi and justice department improperly used information to obtain a fisa warrant to monitor carter page for the policy advisor. devin nunes as the ward was obtained using opposition research paid by the clinton campaign. warrant had reviewed every 90 days and resigned by several former top fbi and doj officials and deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. >> i think rod rosenstein should be required to explain why he extended the fisa application why signed off on that. they got a warrant on someone in the campaign using opposition research paid for by the democratic party and hillary clinton campaign. that's what this is about and it's wrong. >> rosenstein is the russia investigation because he has the power to fire special counsel robert miller. democrats say that it was taken out of context and leaves out the rest of the information used to get the warrant minor later nancy pelosi posted a statement to twitter in regard to the memo and donald trump has surrendered his constitutional spots ability as commander-in-chief by releasing the a debt declassified memo is decision undermines our national security and is a bouquet to his friend. >> notices to 77 bay area businesses to prove the employees are here in the u.s. legally. yesterday demonstrators held a rally outside the outside to protest and was. they told the businesses they now have three district over paperwork on the workers. a silly man dave chases there are protections in place for immigrant workers in california. >> we are here to say to our workers do not be afraid. we stand with you. donald trump is hopeful that workers will quit their jobs. and we are here to say do not quit your jobs. we are going to stand with you. and we have protections >> reporter: i.c.e. says after the three desert they will conduct inspections for compliance. east bay congresswoman we this in response to the notices that the razor president trump hateful immigration plan insight fear in the communities and should reach out to my office if you need help and make sure you know your rights. >> if you are waking up thinking i don't feel the chill in the air it's because it is warm >> the super bowl is tomorrow >> they are playing in minneapolis it's 10 degrees in the afternoon. >> -4 yesterday. >> below zero in the morning and then even in the afternoon only getting 10 degrees or so. we do have a warm-up coming our way. temperatures just as nice as yesterday. we do need the rain and the sierra snow but it's not coming our way. they might get into the teens this afternoon. >> in minneapolis. another unbelievable the view and how about this one. high clouds overhead and temperatures pending on if you have the offshore breeze this morning dramatically different. santa rosa 40 right now. i showed you at the top of the hour half moon bay is in the 60s. and again we have the offshore wind. 56 san francisco. 59 oakland. 55 livermore and 51 sevier stake outdoors this morning to walk your dog or go for a ride or a run you'll notice not bad out. at least for most. high-pressure remains in control of the weather pattern that only today but in the coming days. that will keep the storm well to the north of us. as i move in close you can see the offshore breeze. a light one but it is there and when it comes from the heel that compresses it warms up and again because of it as a result if you are waking up this morning with warm weather that has to do with it. afternoon highs into the upper 70s like nevada and santa rosa. several places expected to break records. 74 in san francisco. into the south bay 78 in san jose. 79 the afternoon high in santa cruz. unbelievable. here's the weekend forecast. just below freezing overnight and mid to upper 50s expected in the afternoon so dry conditions. here at home just a little bit cooler for super bowl sunday. and then for the week ahead temperatures drift more. but still well above average but and unfortunately dry. dry only past midmonth. we don't like to see that. >> it's going to be tough watching the game when it 74 degrees out >> i feel we get the nice balmy warm-up around super bowl time we asked to have the monitor on the patio because it's going to be that nice. >> enjoy it while we can. motions boil over during a sentencing hearing against larry nassar. >> what happened as the father of a number of victims goes after the convicted sexual predator inside the courtroom. hey hun. look at all this extra room i have on this king size ikea bed. are you wearing a... duvet cover? why yes. yes i am. where's mom? we finally redid our bedroom and she's prettttttttttty into it. what's your dream? at ikea, we help you live it. make the dream yours. hey hun. look at all this extra room i have on this king size ikea bed. are you wearing a... duvet cover? why yes. yes i am. where's mom? we finally redid our bedroom and she's prettttttttttty into it. what's your dream? at ikea, we help you live it. make the dream yours. board of supervisors president is ben pfeiffer comments she made two years ago audiotape has surfaced and she bragged publicly about breaking a federal law so homeless families in san francisco could be placed in subsidized housing. the comment during the meeting in elliott association in july 2016 was attended by police and other city officials. she's not backing off of the comment. >> it doesn't matter to me it's coming out what matters to me the most is i can sleep at night knowing what others have done families are housed because of the work i did because i push the envelope and i would not take no for an answer. >> record so the city of san francisco do not break any laws and placed the families in public housing facilities. and she never explained how she broke the law. sugar bowl public housing is now running for mayor of san francisco the school district board voted to close three elements are schools in san jose using the clotting enrollment. they played a visit to the blair elementary school one of the schools that the now set to close in the fall. >> reporter: for families than news is heartbreaking. this jurich latta elementary will be the last. the school along with two others will be closed as of dwindling enrollment. >> we were devastated. is not only the school to it's a a second family >> reporter: oak grove school district announcement this week saying they have little choice but to shut the school. they say it's number of students shrinks this state funding >> we've gotten to the point with the impact of declining a moment using over 1000 kids over the last 10 or so years and increasing costs we needed to take some action to right size our district >> reporter: experts say oak grove is not alone and demographer tom williams says the high cost of housing in silicon valley is taking a still on most school district young families simply can't afford to live your. >> oak grove is one of the few schools that has admitted what is going on. to the degree it's going on. i think other districts are either partly in denial or don't have the nerve to tell the public what's going on. >> reporter: over the next three years oak grove was facing a $12.5 million shortfall. enclosing the schools this will save $2 billion a year in operating costs. >> although it's a difficult decision it's a decision that was made in the best interest of all students. >> reporter: officials say they were card to handle the transition with care and compassion and they say at this point they are not expecting any teacher layoffs. parents and students say they can't help but worry >> i understand the position of the district. not trying to save money and so forth but i don't think they've put a lot of thought into this. >> i'm said that our school is closing because i don't want to miss all my friends. stroke district is working out the new school boundaries lines and hopes to have final revisions done by early march. apple complete the purchase of 16 acres in buildings in san jose the property is located in the corner of orchard parkway and apple way across the highway from the airport. apple struck a deal with the office building located on the property but has also now purchased the office space and nearby empty lots. apple has a little about its plans for the property but mayor says he's excited about the prospect of a possible apple campus in san jose to complement the headquarters in cupertino. app that was enough land and buildings in north nsa to create a campus totaling 85 acres. flu season continues to get worse as the virus spreads across the state >> we look at some the possible reasons behind the outbreak and how to protect yourself. legend has it, the first voyagers arrived on canoes, sailing the seas day and night. they knew where they were going, by watching the clouds move in the sky or the way their boats rocked. that's how the waves and stars would speak to them. guide them. sometimes, you can find your way in the world, by getting lost in it. let your legend begin at aulani, a one-of-a-kind disney resort in hawaii beyond the trees is a greatest place on earth. space mountain and disneyland it will be 82 today. >> it's super bowl weekend. no parades or fireworks into for the next few months. we tell you why coming up. 49 right now in disneyland. it will warm up by 30+ degrees. we were mop as well. >> let's get you to rosemary we talk about the weather because it's only february. >> unbelievable. we are definitely breaking records again today. we broke semester day and that will be the case today and tomorrow and when it comes to the dry weather it's concerning. there is no rain in sight for the next week or so. while we are riddled with guilt we have great weather coming our way. let's enjoy it. we have partly cloudy mostly clear skies with a few light clouds this morning. i need to point out the offshore breeze is what is driving our temperatures already at this time. half moon bay 66. oakland 59. san francisco 52. we are kallmann the offshore breeze not impacting us. santa rosa and napa 40s. livermore 55 degrees. let's look at some more numbers. 50 and san mateo. here is the 24 hour temperature change. up by 20 degrees in half moon bay this morning. by 12 degrees in mountain view. so for the afternoon here is the highest. there's an asterisk next to where i expect us to break records. likely to break more than to the national weather service has observation reading. 79 the high in santa rosa. 74 in san francisco. 75 the high in the for mark and the south bay 79 for morgan hill. temperatures will be similar for the backend the weekend. cooler for some but the senate forecast coming up. we are following a developing story in pleasant hill police searching for a man wearing body armor and carrying an assault rifle overnight. this was in cleveland road last night. the search led to a shelter in place for several hours has since been lifted >> christien kafton is live this morning at pleasant hill where the apartment complex where the man was spotted overnight. >> reporter: we have been trying to contact neighbors to see if anyone saw or heard anything but so far we for people who are the helicopters circling overhead. have not heard anyone who saw the gunman. all this unfolding at the pleasant hill village apartments last night around 10:30 pm when they started calling 911 about a man in the area wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying an assault rifle. police were on scene within seconds and they spotted the man. police say the first officers on scene ordered him to drop the weapon but instead he bolted into the apartment complex and those officers called for backup and eventually set up a perimeter. residents were told to shelter in place and helicopters and dogs were brought in to find the suspect one officers comb the area for hours finally around 4:30 am the lifted the lockdown unable to find the suspect. at this point investigators say they are trying to figure out who he was and what he was doing. police have a description. with brown hair and a light beard. wearing dark beanie cap camouflage pants and the black ballistic vest. police are asking the committee for help if you know anything about the man to contact authorities. we are still waiting to try to talk with someone of the neighbors as they wake up and certainly it was a late-night for many of the people in the area. want to wait for people to wake up to see if anyone has cell phone video that captured the man or any other information about what was like to be under lockdown knowing there was a man wearing a body armor and carrying an assault rifle around their home. again people we spoke with this morning at a nearby coffee shop so they are the helicopters did not know what was going on. so once we informed that people work alarmed hearing about the man in the neighborhood. >> i can only imagine. that would be scary. they are you teacher and activist filed a motion for assault charges against her she teaches at martin luther king jr. middle school also political activist by any means necessary in june 2016 she helped organize a counter protest against a white supremacist rally outside the state capitol park she's accused of punching a protester. her lawyer found a motion to dismiss charges saying they are result of a political witchhunt against her. investigators working undercover -- to catch unlicensed contractors that prey on victims of the north bay wildfires official the state contractors license board say they looked on craigslist for ads offering contractor services that field to give valid license numbers. a week ago undercover agents posed as buyer survivors in the jobsites and operating people without proper licenses. >> it's really disappointing because overall i've seen the good in people and how people have pulled together the most amazing way am always surprised and taken aback there still people try to take advantage of the situation. split those that were caught are facing charges ranging from misdemeanor illegal advertising to felony charges of illegal contracting any disaster area. officials are try to determine what a student a gun to school in san francisco happened at the economy at the school campus. the small high school is located on in the diamond heights neighborhood. they so listed on campus with the gun and called police. authority said the student left campus and was later detained. they say the also covered a gun and police have not released his age but no threat and no one was hurt. san francisco unified school district issued a statement that could the school has emergency plan in place and it was enacted and all students were kept safe. we can the staff members who acted to alert as 80 and put the school on lockdown. has filed felony charges against a 12 year old girl connection with the shooting at the middle school. they say students and an adult it were injured after her loaded gun accidentally went off in that backpack on thursday morning she's now behind bars set the county juvenile hall facing charges of minor position with a firearm and bringing a weapon on school grounds. authority say the girl has an attorney and she is currently not talking. a new documents released by the state legislature show four current california lawmakers have faced sexual misconduct complaints filed against democratic is something woman on a buffalo travis allen is running for governor and democratic senator tony mendoza and democratic senator bob herzberg. one of the four were punished mendoza is on leave during an investigation. accusations range from inappropriate comment in the office to grouping and sending inappropriate text messages. documents also reveal complaints against senior staffers for inappropriate behavior towards subordinates. it was a dramatic moment in a michigan courtroom the and raged bother of three young girls who were all sexually abused by former olympic michigan state doctor larry nassar. he tried to attack disgraced physician during a sentencing hearing. >> give me one minute. >> i can't do that. >> i have to -- >> randall margraves initially asked the judge to a few minutes in a locked room with the in the office he said she could not do that. he then rushed the table where nasser was sitting and had wrestling down to the floor he was taken away in handcuffs and markers returned to courtroom to apologize for his actions. i can only hope when the day comes that larry nassar has ended his days on this earth that he will be escorted to one of the deepest darkest hottest pits in hell there is. for him and people like him. >> the judge accepted his apology and his explanation that he lost his control of his emotions and the judge said she would not punish him for lunging at nasser. the state employees sent out a false missile alert in hawaii said he has deeper gets about the incident which caused widespread panic last month. the man spoke to reporters on vision he not be identified. eversource 80 receiving death threats. he says recording he heard said it's not a drill. but he miss the beginning and the end of the message and said it was only exercise. earlier he was fired from the emergency management agency. evergreen valley committee college in san jose said it's investigating a case of racist graffiti on campus. students a someone to a swastika inside a bathroom stall inside the math and science building and alongside the swastika over the words what hitler did nothing wrong. students we spoke with were alarmed and concerned after the graffiti was found yesterday morning. >> i think it's horrible. definitely not a freedom of speech. it comes down to that. and stuff like that happens around here it's sad >> reporter: evergreen college was to statement saying it was an isolated incident and the college has a zero-tolerance for any active hatred a ,19 man was arrested on suspicion of punching a five only on a bart train. raymond benson is facing charges that include battery and child cruelty. he was rested at the station wednesday. he bumped into him on a richmond bound train with his father and then benson punched the child. he remains in jail on $110,000 bond. the flu season still getting worse especially for children. the centers for disease control say 16 children died from the flu this week total of 53 children have died since october. in our state 30 people under the 65 died from the flu. it's the number to the season to 127. in the bay area there is at least 22 recorded deaths. people don't come in with a high fever they come in coughing and is not feeling right and feeling like a truck it them. then they test positive for the flu. >> cdc says hospitalizations from the flu are the highest ever recorded. the flu tally done to people over the age of 55 and two brothers were found dead last month both had the flu when they died. contra costa county coroner's office said 67 year old gary armstrong and his brother richard armstrong both died of natural causes in front of the brother said they had been feeling ill for some time. a road in newark reopened as a causing a gas leak and ruptured waterline. happened on 4:00 on cherry street between stevenson boulevard and mowry avenue. some people in the area were evacuated from the homes while they worked to count the gas leak. all i can say is for the last five years i've lived here with my sister i've always been worried about that tree because it had such a forward lean. i was not surprised to learn it had come down. >> the street reopened after the tree was removed and the crews allow people to return to their homes. up next san francisco will not have a change -- a chance to decide on sfb officers with tasers they've and a singer stillget to the voters. it could be on the way for sf pd a new survey on the monarch butterfly they dropped dramatically. what some the experts have to say about the big decline. good morning bay area. a nice view across the bay as well toward the golden gate bridge. a beautiful forecast in store. deafly does not feel like winter. looking at the temperatures coming up a big rally to protect california coast against oil and gas drilling happens today in santa cruz. the march starts from the white house park will go to l beach and then 11 a rally on the beach and the group called save our shores semester the trump administration facility protections against drilling along the coast of california. the protest is one of many happening around the state in an effort to get the white house to reverse its decision. a new survey says a big drop in the number of monarch butterflies migrating to california for the winter. 200,000 butterflies in the annual count which is the lowest number in five years. two decades ago more than 1.2 million monarchs were counted. the drop might be due to the unseasonably warm temperatures smoke and wildfires and mudslides. >> they are beautiful. you have to stop and watch when you see them. if you have plans today good for you. it's too nice out >> i kept saying the same thing when i stepped outside yesterday. it really is beautiful. >> doing yardwork i thought i was winterized and done but things are growing. >> i bet things are already sprouting. we have no rain in sight. we definitely could use some as we know. we need more sierra snow but it's not happening. not this weekend and not for the next week. a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge. it's hard not to like this weather. mostly sunny skies partly cloudy for the afternoon. no fog out and a bit of an offshore breeze doing with the high pressure that remains in control pushing the storm well to the north. won't see any green on the screen and you can see the upper level wind around that high-pressure are driving the temperatures. we broke records yesterday and will break records today. tomorrow looks cooler but not by much. you can see we are, with an onshore breeze in santa rosa. and calm napa with an easterly breeze. the calm weather is impacting our temperatures. this is where we see the cooler weather and oakland northeast breeze and when that comes from the hills it compresses and warms up as it comes down. it's driving temperatures up. over areas like oakland 12 degrees warmer this morning than you were 24 hours ago. half moon bay same thing. afternoon highs today 79 for santa rosa. 77 napa. low 70s and oakland. mid-seventies for antioch and brentwood. meanwhile the south bay 78 for san jose and 79 and morganville. mid-seventies or close to it at half moon bay. gorgeous beach weather. here is east for the sierra dry and temperatures overnight in the 30s. mid to upper 50s for the afternoon. you'll have a gorgeous day if you're going to be hitting the slopes. here is extended forecast. temperatures cooling off a bit and you're out and about or indoors for super bowl sunday the sun will shine and there's look at next week where temperatures cool down but still well above average. this afternoon highs coming up and overnight lows as well. and then the offshore breeze half moon bay 63 right now. santa cruz 79. >> it's beach weather. >> is the boardwalk open year- round? >> i think it is. >> a good day to go down. disneyland most famous street is getting a facelift and a project that appears to be irritating visitors >> they paid money to get in. the state that if a stalled stretches of walls along disney's main thoroughfare. they are designed to separate the visitors and workers during the to replace the horse-drawn streetcar the walls are prominent that the project has sparked jokes and questions and video on social media sites. the work on main street began last month and will continue until early spring. it's well over $100 to get in now. and that main street picture you have to go past >> and no parades either for a few months. lebron james addresses rumors about his desire to join the warriors >> the king has spoken after a supported this week he would consider heading west to join free agency. ♪ ♪ with the chase mobile app, michaela deprince could pay practically anyone, at any bank, all while performing a grand jeté between two grand pianos. she could... in a commercial. in real life she uses it to pay her sister, from her couch, for that sweater she stained. what sweater? (phone buzzes) life, lived michaela's way. chase. make more of what's yours. 2018 hall of fame class will be announced tonight on the eve of super bowl lii. some heavy hitters in the running two with bay area connections. terrell owens at the top of the list. the wide receiver could a lot of years back but his reputation and attitude wake him down. he might get the call to the hall tonight and john lynch is the final list as well a linebacker liquor with the buckeyes and broncos and called minuteman also a stanford graduate both men will find out tonight during the awards dinner in minnesota. busiest days of the year super bowl sunday. of will be out in force on the highways before during and after the game. enforcing a zero-tolerance for drunk and drugged driving. all available command staff middle managers supervisors and officers will be on the highways tomorrow to crack down. also asking those at the super bowl parties to stop impaired drivers and getting kind of final touches are underway in preparation for the super bowl lii. security is very tight around the super bowl. patriots and eagles but over 1 million are expected to flood downtown for the parties and the concerts and events today and tomorrow. despite the frigid temperatures. police teaming up with fbi homeland security and others to keep everyone safe. combined the organizations are constantly looking for possible threats. >> not a sitting waiting for the phone during. we are looking at social media and contacting partners and collecting looking at the 911 dispatch and looking at our own holdings. all the possible ways we could gather information that would suggest there could be something. >> security planning started over two years ago for the super bowl and as far as we know there are no known credible threats against the game. authorities are watching closely. internet is already buzzing about the super bowl ads in one of them the most watch already rap battle doing big movie stars. stars. >> [ singing ] >> i love it. petering but of game of thrones and morgan freeman also featured in the is missy elliott by the way 30s -- 32nd spot cost $5 million. that's for the airtime. that's great. the sharks winless after losing with any injury. that come up losers until last night. on the road in columbus the gets a blue jackets wanted to even this one up boone jenner top shelf would lock the game up. the sharks on a five on three power play a quick pass and that's your game-winner. san jose leave ohio with a a much-needed victory last night. after getting crushed in utah in the week warriors rebounded nicely last night in sacramento but this was no cakewalk. a close one all the way. here come the kings. assist to collie student dubs it down 13. warriors want to 70 -- golden state goes up and the big gun will plant and pop the three ball. 33. sloppy play and durant lazy pass but up and down he goes. kings go they are only down one point but a 35 point fourth quarter. katie had 13 in the quarter six threes in the game. weirs get out with the big win 119 -- 104. let's talk about lebron james. he is shooting down any possible rumors about coming to the bay area to play for the warriors >> you don't hear something come for my voice then it's not true. i don't give a damn how close are they are. my kids my wife whatever it's not for me it's not true. not even upset now that i think it's a credit to my teammates because i believe these guys for them to have to hear that every day about my free agency i apologize to them. i will handle my summer situation when my summer gets here. >> it's all comes after espn reported this week that lebron would consider coming to the warriors if they came with the max offer in the summer. he could opt out of his current contract and become a free agent >> the warriors it's all about the t and they have such great superstars. with lebron it's just watching him it's all about take. no thank you. >> we don't need that. i think the warriors are doing fine. a man with an assault rifle and body armor escapes police in the east bay. >> more on the investigation now underway to figure out who that man is and where he went. president signed off on the release of the anticipated fbi memo. coming up the gop says it shows signs of abuse of surveillance -- permits. small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. at&t doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. at&t, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. at&t, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. if you're looking out your window now it's not as warm and pretty in new york city. that is time square this morning. 23 degrees with some scarves and coats and jackets. >> it's going to warm up a lot >> welcome to morning son 2. it is saturday, february 3 >> happy weekend. more on your warmer weather in the bay area coming up at a moment. first we check in on some headlines. police are searching for an armed man in pleasant hill. a shelter in place order was issued for several hours after a man was spotted wearing body armor and carrying an assault rifle in the neighborhood. >> christien kafton is looking into what happened including how the man got away. he will have live report coming up. more than 75 businesses in the bay area had been put on notice by immigration and customs enforcement. many are fighting against the quest for information about the employees >> what with a deadline they are facing and reaction from local lawmakers many who say it's a direct attack by the white house against sanctuary cities. yesterday in pennsylvania this little rodent punxsutawney phil saw his shadow which means six more weeks of winter. although i don't think he's ever been to california. >> the east coast it does feel like winter there. it feels like spring or summer here. what is a success rate? >> i think is only right half the time. maybe even less. >> 40%? 39%. let's hope this is one of the times because we want to continue with winter for little longer. >> use on the yorks a swipe at the national map. our temperatures rival miami this morning. 69 degrees and keeping mind they are three hours ahead of us. half moon bay this morning is now 66. >> we have an offshore breeze >> what is santa cruz again? the afternoon will be 79. >> road trip you >> local forecast if you are waking up this morning unusually warm it has the to do with the offshore breeze. not everyone is getting it. oakland and happen bay 10 -- 20 degrees warmer and not view as well. the offshore breeze is helping to drive the temperatures up half moon bay 64 again earlier this morning 68. 54 in oakland. cool and comb in areas like santa rosa and napa will restart in the low 40s. for the inner east bay 47 walnut creek. beginning to fee a difference the offshore breeze backing off a little bit. oakland this morning starting out 12 degrees more than yesterday. half moon bay 14 degrees up by 20 degrees over yesterday. here is the forecast for santa rosa. in the 40s until 9:00 and then by lunchtime already in the low 70s. for the afternoon upper 70s. and we have santa rosa going to 79 and breaking a record. all cities marked will break records this afternoon or least tying. 78 in san jose. temperatures will cool down a bit into sunday and then we continue to cool into the business week but no rain in sight. details on the extended forecast coming up we are following a developing story in pleasant hill as a man was seen wearing body armor in cleveland road last night which led to a shelter in place order for several hours. that order has been lifted and the search for the man continues. >> christien kafton is live in pleasant hill at the apartment complex where the man was last spotted. i knew been talking to neighbors and it was a very busy night overnight. >> reporter: we have been trying to talk with some neighbors were giving us a full account of what has happened out here. one of the questions they have is how could this guy have escaped? police were here and were and track it with them so that one of the questions we want to find out. to find out how the incident unfolded and it took several minutes and where i'm standing now as we first spotted the man. he was in this area roaming around for several minutes up to 10 minutes acting in an erratic fashion and they say once they saw the gun that is when they called 911. they did spot him wearing the bullet professed carrying assault rifle and officers on scene within seconds. the first officers on scene ordered him to drop the weapon but instead he bolted into the apartment complex. they called for backup and set up a perimeter to locate the man but residents in the area neighbors were told to shelter in place. helicopters and dogs were brought into find the suspect and one in who'd was trapped outside the perimeter. >> i couldn't get home had to wait until 3:00 in the morning to get back in beside they couldn't find the guy. and shined a light on this. that when there. they thought that was a suspect where he lived. but they couldn't find him. >> reporter: neighbors say the officer were focused on one unit in particular but it's unclear if that man had ties to the residents. unclear if he was a resident here so this will are questions that put police will need to answer. s.w.a.t. officers coming the area for hours and finally 4:30 am listing the lockdown and this point investigators say they're trying to figure out who the man was and what he was doing. police provide a description. adult white male five feet six inches tall with brown hair and light beard. wearing a dark beanie hat and he was also wearing camouflage pants and black ballistic vest. we spoke with one witness who said she headed good view of him in the area before officers arrived and she says he was wearing a blue plaid shirt and that when she saw him he was not wearing the camouflage pants. he was wearing jeans at the time black adidas shoes with a white stripe and short blond hair a medium build and little facial hair along his jawline and she also said he was acting erratically for a significant amount of time in the neighboring movie theater and she tells me the man was yelling at the parking lot attendant at the movie theater before he brandished the gun. she again had questions for the police about trying to locate that man to figure out who he is we are going to contact police this morning to get more details on the police action. to find if they have any video or what they are doing to locate him. >> certainly concerning that different accounts almost raise more questions. but usually lots of neighbors raanta that should help. hopefully. we have not seen any cameras here at the parking complex yet but that does not mean they don't have any. we will our continue our search. supporters of the plan to equip san francisco police officer the tasers has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. the chronicle said the measure was put together by the group safe neighborhoods for all and was backed by the police officers union. if approved it would allow department to get tasers for every officer as early as august. supporters said they don't want to wait until december which was the date set by the police commission when it approved the use of tasers last year. sunday video released of an undercover san francisco police officer being struck by a car several people are now under arrest. as the officer is recovering at home from his injuries. one suspect running over the officer twice. amber lee explains how the surveillance video helped capture three men now accused of attempted homicide. >> reporter: the suspect vehicle a black and vanity backs up alongside an suv and a suspect in a white hoodie gets out followed by a second suspect and one of them removed the bag taken from the back of the suv and get into the car. the suspect driver moves forward. officers who were in the area on auto burglary detail see the crime in progress and one officer on a bicycle approaches the suspect who was still by the suv. >> you can see the driver does put the vehicle into reverse striking the accomplice and the officer on the ground. then proceeding forward even though they are officers ordering the driver to stop. instead the driver struck moves for you consider hitting as it runs over the downed officer and the suspect accomplice a second time. the san francisco police officers association said in a statement the video shows a clear and deliberate assault on sfp the officers that rises to the level of attempted murder. sfp away president tells me it's outrageous that the police commission has opposed the policy prohibiting officers from firing at a suspect in a moving vehicle. >> officers showed great restraint in not having that suspect even though it's a very deadly situation >> reporter: after the encounter with police the suspect driver crashed into another vehicle about half a mile away. all three suspects have been arrested and police of the are men from san francisco ages 19, 23 and 25. police said they are still investigating whether they are responsible for other auto break-ins. but it happens all the time i don't leave anything in my carpets but her car has been broken into more than dozen times in the alamo square area. the most recent was a month ago >> i'm not angry about it. it's just something i feel like you have to live with when you live in the city. >> reporter: president of the san francisco police officers association said the injured officer is recovering at home. the injured suspect remains in the hospital as of friday night. all three suspects face charges that include tented homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. -- attempted homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. are so investigation underway after fire burned homes san francisco yesterday morning. investigators believe someone started a fire on purpose but they are not saying how it started. the fire burned two between homes and displaced two families a texas man has been arrested after a 40 say hit underage sex with the sunnyvale teenager. gabriel gonzalez posing as a teenager online started chatting it up with a 16-year- old girl in sunnyvale. he allegedly drove the text of the bay area at the end of december and they went to bellevue hotel and had sex before he returned home. her parents found out about the relationship and contacted sunnydale police and gonzales was arrested in dallas and brought her to the bay area. now facing multiple charges including social intercourse -- sexual intercourse with a minor berkeley mayor and others are gathering at the campus which is across the street from the bart station and talk about a campaign to save the hospital. two years ago sutter health initials announced plans to close by 20 because it cost too much. instead is planning to merge with the center in oakland with 3 miles away. event will keep the hospital open starts 11 until about 1:00 today. bay area middle school fighting back against assault charges for >> what tillerson she's being targeted as part of the political agenda. many businesses being hit with immigration audits this week lawmakers now say the white house is targeting sanctuary cities. fire fighting is a very dangerous profession. we have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn't ask for a better partner. talk about finding years and. of you inside the monterey bay aquarium. that is gorgeous. if you going to monterey 75 is the afternoon high. it will be beautiful there and beautiful here. let's look at this photograph. >> i have your numbers coming up. 8:15. i.c.e. sent notices to 77 businesses who they are employees are here in the u.s. illegally. yesterday demonstrators hold the rally outside the i.c.e. office in san francisco to protest the notices handed out. agency told business they have three days to turn over paperwork on the workers. a salomon david chiu said there are protections in place for immigrant workers in california >> we are here today to say to our workers and immigrant communities do not be afraid. we stand with you. donald trump is hopeful that workers are going to quit their jobs. and we are here to say do not quit your job. we are going to stand with you. [ cheering ] >> i.c.e. said after the three days are up they will conduct inspections for compliance. congresswoman barbara lee between out in response to the i.c.e. notice that these rates are part of president trump's hateful immigration plan to excite fear in the community and church reach out to my office if you need help and make sure you know your rights. fbi is on damage control after controversial house intelligence memo was released to the public by president trump. the memo talked about the fisa were used to monitor carter page who was a trump campaign foreign-policy advisor. house intelligence chairman devin nunes said the warrant was obtained using opposition research paid for in part by the winton campaign. the warrant had renewed every 90 days and were signed by several former top fbi and doj officials as well as deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. >> i think rod rosenstein should be required to explain why he extended the fisa application and why signed off on that. split the get a warrant on someone using opposition research paid for by the democratic party and the hillary clinton campaign. that's what this is about. and it's wrong. >> rosenstein is key to the russia investigation because he is a power to fire special counsel robert miller park democrats to the nose taken out of context and leaves out the rest of the information used to get the warrant. nancy pelosi posted the statement to twitter in regards to the fisa memo the donald trump has sardis cut the response ability as commander- in-chief by releasing the unredacted classified memo. decision undermines our national security and is a bouquet to his friend put >> let's go to rosemary and find out how long it's going to last. >> it's going to last for a while. it's nice to get these days in between the storms. but we have no storms. that's part of the problem. we have a great day shaping up if you like sunny skies and 70s. that's what's coming our way. of you across the bay as you look into the tip of the skyline of san francisco. mostly clear skies partly cloudy for your afternoon. high-level clouds here's a close-up you can see the bay bridge. san francisco now 57 degrees. santa rosa 42. a span of numbers low 40s in santa rosa to low 60s at half moon bay. 54 oakland. 54 outside your door in san jose. high-pressure is something we see for days to come. it is locked in and will keep that storm track well to the north. a bit of an offshore breeze as the high-pressure of the upper level winds around it swing into the bay area. because of it some of us waking up into the 60s this morning. here is the last rainfall and what we are expecting the next. january 26 was a good storm. we been dry ever since. we might actually be dry for valentine's day and beyond. right now the long-range models only show us a few pins of rain coming in on the weekend of the 17th. let's hope that changes that i don't know. it just looks dry. at the forecast today enjoying 70s again for the afternoon. here is the east bayshore. hayward oakland berkeley everyone going to enjoy 70s. by lunchtime nearing 70 and then we hold steady into the afternoon with low 70s. then the 5:00 our and closer to sunset and temperatures begin to cool back down. afternoon highs many folks will break records. 79 santa rosa. 74 in san francisco. concord 76. upper 70s san jose. gilroy and santa cruz in these areas likely to hit 80. here is the extended forecast. temperatures drop back a little bit for sunday and then continue to cool again into monday and the wednesday. just a fabulous looking forecast. if we could just get some rain in. >> cimino the boardwalk is open from noon until five today. at the boric nearly 80 degrees. >> it will feel like february. emotions boil over during the sentencing hearing against larry nassar. >> dramatic in the courtroom what happened after the father of three of the victims those after the convicted sexual predator inside the courtroom. board of supervisors is under fire for controversial comment she made years ago audiotape a service to which she brags publicly about breaking federal law so homeless families in san francisco could be placed in subsidized housing. >> san francisco board of supervisors president and candidate london breed said the public service before anything >> we are in positions of government it's important that we stretch the envelope that we push city officials to do more than they ever did before >> reporter: some say she did more than that. coming under fire for statement she made in 2016 an audiotape recorded her saying we broke the law to get those 107 nine formally homeless families in public housing. do not follow federal guidelines. she would not comment on the what she meant by that but it's a the end result is what is important >> it doesn't matter to me it's coming out what matters to me the most is i can sleep at night knowing 179 families are housed because of the work i did because i push the envelope and i would not take no for an answer >> wonders seven families moved from the streets to public housing all over san francisco. but particular in the city that as for recorded comments to again >> i would do whatever it takes to make sure homeless families who are living on our streets are housed >> reshipped the city and the spokeswoman said she did not break any city or federal laws. oak grove school district for disclosing three elementary schools in south san jose. they voted this week to cut the requisition for the committee employees and committee members to quote del roble, writer and minor element are schools because of declining of romance. school board members say as number of students shrinks so does the district state funding. >> we have gotten to the point with the impact of declining a moment losing over 1000 kids over the last 10 or so years and increasing costs we needed to take some action to right size our district. >> those three schools will be closed in the upcoming fall and streusel move to remaining 13 school campuses still inside the district. apple completed the purchase of 15 acres of land and buildings in san jose. pop is located in the corner of orca parkway and apple way across the highway from the san jose international airport. apple struck a deal to lease the office buildings located on the property that is also not purchased the office space and nearby empty lots. apple has said little about the plans for the property but mayor said he's excited about the prospect of a possible apple campus in san jose and to complement headquarters in cupertino. they own enough land and buildings in north san jose to greater campus it would be 85 acres. internet is buzzing about super bowl ads and one of the most watched already is a collaboration between doritos and mountain dew featuring a rap battle between two thai movie stars. -- big-time movie stars. >> [ singing ] >> are you ready? this will kickoff tomorrow peter dinklage of game of thrones facing off against morgan freeman. also featured in the spot are buster rimes and missy elliott. 30 seconds spot caused more than $5 million. for airtime alone. >> a bargain. lots of people tune in to watch it. >> one thing i'm a huge sports fan but usually have people over when it's over how much of the game do you really watch? >> not a lot. >> who's playing again? it's not a local team but i get to watch the commercial beforehand. i'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. we are off a little early because we have college basketball coming up on ktvu >> we continue on ktvu plus so join us there and follow the surgeon plus deal for the men walking around with an assault rifle and body armor. a live report coming up. look at a frozen niagara falls. 22 degrees there and a chance of snow. don't you love the bay area? see you on the plus. ♪ ♪ with the chase mobile app, michaela deprince could pay practically anyone, at any bank, all while performing a grand jeté between two grand pianos. she could... in a commercial. in real life she uses it to pay her sister, from her couch, for that sweater she stained. what sweater? (phone buzzes) life, lived michaela's way. chase. make more of what's yours. >> every game is an opportunity, a chance to build a strong enough resume to have your school called on selection sunday. >> all my goodness! what i play! >> today on fox, another opportunity on the national stage. a tripleheader showcasing teams trying to get off the tourney bubble. headlined by one of the best teams in college basketball. >> dunks at home! allen got another three! >> coach k has fourth-ranked duke position to make another national title run. >> lobs it over the top and dunks at home! >> the blue devils bring their

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20180203 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20180203

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they are facing and reaction from lawmakers many you say the direct attack on the white house against sanctuary cities. yesterday in pennsylvania the 20 fill said i see my shadow. that means six more weeks of winter from that weather predicting groundhog >> he must've been looking at the east coast because it's not feel like winter here. a beautiful few days in the bay area. feeling more like spring. maybe even summer. >> i was sinking that last night we were going to an event and it feels so warm. >> i'm in the east bay and got up and was shocked. >> we definitely need the rain and we are sorry we are not getting it but we have some great weather. it is in time for your weekend. offshore breeze that is keeping temperatures up for some. a live look of mount diablo. good morning to your saturday. temperatures are just as warm as yesterday meaning we are likely to break records for the afternoon. here is stormtrac radar we are have clear skies with a few high clouds. notice the arrows coming from the north and east. the northeast breeze helping to drive up temperatures this morning. start out at half moon bay at the airport recording 68 degrees now. 63 in mountain view. the rest of us not quite as warm but not bad. 46 in the east bay of walnut creek. 42 in napa and 52 in san francisco. upper 50s in oakland. if you have the offshore breeze and it's impacting you areas like oakland are 12 degrees warmer this morning compared to yesterday. half moon bay up by 20 in the in some areas are calm and cooler down by 4 degrees in santa rosa. this afternoon another beautiful one in the east bay shore looking at the dave platter for hayward temperatures in the 50s until 9:00 and then we are already in the 60s by 10:00 in the morning lunchtime 70 degrees low to mid 70s in the forecast for the east bay shore. areas like oakland 73. 77 and fremont and 78 in san jose. in the north bay santa rosa you hit near 80. sunday -- the afternoon hi 79. nothing changing for the back half of the weekend and extended forecast is dry. details on that coming up. we are following a developing story in the east bay. armed man was seen wearing body armor in cleveland road last night which led to a shelter in place from several hours. the shelter in place has been lifted and the search for the man continues. >> christien kafton is live in pleasant hill at the apartment complex where the man was last spotted. >> reporter: it's a sense first off of where this unfolded. where the pleasant hill village apartment complex next to the century theater close to contra costa boulevard. this is where the story started to unfold around 1030 p.m. -- 10:30 pm wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying an assault rifle. police were on scene and they then spotted that man. officer say the first officers on scene ordered the man to drop his weapon but instead he bolted into the apartment complex and the officers called for backup and set up a perimeter trying to locate that man. residents in the area were told to shelter in place as helicopters and dogs were brought into find the suspect swat officers swarmed the area for hours and finally at 4:30 am they lifted the lockdown unable to locate him. at this point investigators say they're trying to figure out who the man was and what he was doing. pleasant hill police offered a description of the man he was an adult white male about five feet six inches tall with brown hair and a light beard. he was last spotted wearing a dark beanie hat camouflage pants and black ballistic vest. police again asking the community for help if anyone knows anything about the man to contact them and later on this morning we will be reaching out to neighbors to find out what they can tell us or if anyone has any cell phone video or surveillance video of him. also trying to find out from police about where they go now in the investigation. supportors of a plan to keep san francisco police officers with tasers have enough signatures to qualify for the june ballot. the measure was put together by the group safe neighborhoods for all and back by the police officers association. it our department to get tasers for every officer as early as august supportors not want to wait until december which was the date set by the police commission when it approved the use of tasers last year. new video has been released undercover officer being struck by a car. several people are now under arrest of the officer is recovering from his injuries. video shows one suspect running over the officer and amber lee explains how the surveillance video help to capture three men now accused of attend the homicide. >> reporter: the suspect vehicle a black infiniti backs up alongside an suv and a suspect in a white hoodie gets out followed by a second suspect and one of them is the bank taken from the back of the suv and gets into the car. the suspect driver moves forward officers who were in the area on auto burglary detail see the crime in progress and one officer on a bicycle approaches the suspect who was still -- by the suv to arrest him >> you can see the driver does put the vehicle into reverse trying the of a compass and the officer on the ground even though there are other officers ordering the driver to stop. instead the driver starts move forward you can see the car hitting a bump as it runs over the downed officer and the suspect accomplice a second time. the san francisco police officers association said in a statement the video shows clear and deliberate assault on officers that rises to the level of attempted murder. president tells me it's outrageous that the police commission as a policy prohibiting officers from firing at a suspect in a moving vehicle. officers showed great restraint in not having that type of force even though it's a deadly situation. took after the encounter with police the suspect driver crashed into another vehicle about half a mile away. all three suspects have been arrested and police say they are men from san francisco ages 19, 23 and 25. police said they are still investigating whether they are responsible for other auto break-ins. but this happens all the time i don't leave anything in my car >> reporter: this woman said her car has been broken into more than a dozen times. the alamo square area. the most recent a month ago >> i'm not angry about it. it's just something i have to deal with when you live in the city. took the president of the san francisco police officers association says the injured officer is recovering at home. the injured suspect remains in the hospital as of friday night. all three suspects face charges that include tented homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. arson investigation is underway after a fire burned homes in san francisco yesterday morning. just across from the painted ladies. they believe someone started the fire on purpose and not saying how it started the fire burned two homes and displaced two families. a texas man has been arrested after authorities say he has underage sex with a sunnyvale teenager. 27-year-old gabriel gonzalez host as a teenager online to start chatting with a 16 will go from sunnydale that allegedly flew from texas to the bay area at the end of december to meet her. they then went to about the hotel and had sex before he returned home. the parents found out about the relationship and then contacted the sunnydale police. gonzales says he's been arrested in the dallas area and brought back year to the bay area now facing multiple charges including sexual intercourse with a minor. leaders are meeting today in berkeley to see the medical center. berkeley mayor and others are gathering at the ann roberts campus across the street from the station to discuss the campaign to save the hospital. two years ago they announced plans to close in 20 because it cost too much. instead is planning to converge with oakland 3 miles away it starts 11 and should go until 1:00 today. coming up a bay area mill schoolteacher is fighting back against assault charges >> weiler said she charges as part of the political agenda businesses fighting against new immigration and one lawmakers say the white house is targeting sanctuary cities. ♪ ♪ with the chase mobile app, michaela deprince could pay practically anyone, at any bank, all while performing a grand jeté between two grand pianos. she could... in a commercial. in real life she uses it to pay her sister, from her couch, for that sweater she stained. what sweater? (phone buzzes) life, lived michaela's way. chase. make more of what's yours. good morning sunshine. i hope you are ready for a nice warm-up as that is what is coming our way for the bay area saturday. record-breaking heat and look at what to expect coming up. fbi is on of controversial intelligence memo was released by the to the by president trump a four-page document alleges the fbi and justice department improperly used information to obtain a fisa warrant to monitor carter page for the policy advisor. devin nunes as the ward was obtained using opposition research paid by the clinton campaign. warrant had reviewed every 90 days and resigned by several former top fbi and doj officials and deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. >> i think rod rosenstein should be required to explain why he extended the fisa application why signed off on that. they got a warrant on someone in the campaign using opposition research paid for by the democratic party and hillary clinton campaign. that's what this is about and it's wrong. >> rosenstein is the russia investigation because he has the power to fire special counsel robert miller. democrats say that it was taken out of context and leaves out the rest of the information used to get the warrant minor later nancy pelosi posted a statement to twitter in regard to the memo and donald trump has surrendered his constitutional spots ability as commander-in-chief by releasing the a debt declassified memo is decision undermines our national security and is a bouquet to his friend. >> notices to 77 bay area businesses to prove the employees are here in the u.s. legally. yesterday demonstrators held a rally outside the outside to protest and was. they told the businesses they now have three district over paperwork on the workers. a silly man dave chases there are protections in place for immigrant workers in california. >> we are here to say to our workers do not be afraid. we stand with you. donald trump is hopeful that workers will quit their jobs. and we are here to say do not quit your jobs. we are going to stand with you. and we have protections >> reporter: i.c.e. says after the three desert they will conduct inspections for compliance. east bay congresswoman we this in response to the notices that the razor president trump hateful immigration plan insight fear in the communities and should reach out to my office if you need help and make sure you know your rights. >> if you are waking up thinking i don't feel the chill in the air it's because it is warm >> the super bowl is tomorrow >> they are playing in minneapolis it's 10 degrees in the afternoon. >> -4 yesterday. >> below zero in the morning and then even in the afternoon only getting 10 degrees or so. we do have a warm-up coming our way. temperatures just as nice as yesterday. we do need the rain and the sierra snow but it's not coming our way. they might get into the teens this afternoon. >> in minneapolis. another unbelievable the view and how about this one. high clouds overhead and temperatures pending on if you have the offshore breeze this morning dramatically different. santa rosa 40 right now. i showed you at the top of the hour half moon bay is in the 60s. and again we have the offshore wind. 56 san francisco. 59 oakland. 55 livermore and 51 sevier stake outdoors this morning to walk your dog or go for a ride or a run you'll notice not bad out. at least for most. high-pressure remains in control of the weather pattern that only today but in the coming days. that will keep the storm well to the north of us. as i move in close you can see the offshore breeze. a light one but it is there and when it comes from the heel that compresses it warms up and again because of it as a result if you are waking up this morning with warm weather that has to do with it. afternoon highs into the upper 70s like nevada and santa rosa. several places expected to break records. 74 in san francisco. into the south bay 78 in san jose. 79 the afternoon high in santa cruz. unbelievable. here's the weekend forecast. just below freezing overnight and mid to upper 50s expected in the afternoon so dry conditions. here at home just a little bit cooler for super bowl sunday. and then for the week ahead temperatures drift more. but still well above average but and unfortunately dry. dry only past midmonth. we don't like to see that. >> it's going to be tough watching the game when it 74 degrees out >> i feel we get the nice balmy warm-up around super bowl time we asked to have the monitor on the patio because it's going to be that nice. >> enjoy it while we can. motions boil over during a sentencing hearing against larry nassar. >> what happened as the father of a number of victims goes after the convicted sexual predator inside the courtroom. hey hun. look at all this extra room i have on this king size ikea bed. are you wearing a... duvet cover? why yes. yes i am. where's mom? we finally redid our bedroom and she's prettttttttttty into it. what's your dream? at ikea, we help you live it. make the dream yours. hey hun. look at all this extra room i have on this king size ikea bed. are you wearing a... duvet cover? why yes. yes i am. where's mom? we finally redid our bedroom and she's prettttttttttty into it. what's your dream? at ikea, we help you live it. make the dream yours. board of supervisors president is ben pfeiffer comments she made two years ago audiotape has surfaced and she bragged publicly about breaking a federal law so homeless families in san francisco could be placed in subsidized housing. the comment during the meeting in elliott association in july 2016 was attended by police and other city officials. she's not backing off of the comment. >> it doesn't matter to me it's coming out what matters to me the most is i can sleep at night knowing what others have done families are housed because of the work i did because i push the envelope and i would not take no for an answer. >> record so the city of san francisco do not break any laws and placed the families in public housing facilities. and she never explained how she broke the law. sugar bowl public housing is now running for mayor of san francisco the school district board voted to close three elements are schools in san jose using the clotting enrollment. they played a visit to the blair elementary school one of the schools that the now set to close in the fall. >> reporter: for families than news is heartbreaking. this jurich latta elementary will be the last. the school along with two others will be closed as of dwindling enrollment. >> we were devastated. is not only the school to it's a a second family >> reporter: oak grove school district announcement this week saying they have little choice but to shut the school. they say it's number of students shrinks this state funding >> we've gotten to the point with the impact of declining a moment using over 1000 kids over the last 10 or so years and increasing costs we needed to take some action to right size our district >> reporter: experts say oak grove is not alone and demographer tom williams says the high cost of housing in silicon valley is taking a still on most school district young families simply can't afford to live your. >> oak grove is one of the few schools that has admitted what is going on. to the degree it's going on. i think other districts are either partly in denial or don't have the nerve to tell the public what's going on. >> reporter: over the next three years oak grove was facing a $12.5 million shortfall. enclosing the schools this will save $2 billion a year in operating costs. >> although it's a difficult decision it's a decision that was made in the best interest of all students. >> reporter: officials say they were card to handle the transition with care and compassion and they say at this point they are not expecting any teacher layoffs. parents and students say they can't help but worry >> i understand the position of the district. not trying to save money and so forth but i don't think they've put a lot of thought into this. >> i'm said that our school is closing because i don't want to miss all my friends. stroke district is working out the new school boundaries lines and hopes to have final revisions done by early march. apple complete the purchase of 16 acres in buildings in san jose the property is located in the corner of orchard parkway and apple way across the highway from the airport. apple struck a deal with the office building located on the property but has also now purchased the office space and nearby empty lots. apple has a little about its plans for the property but mayor says he's excited about the prospect of a possible apple campus in san jose to complement the headquarters in cupertino. app that was enough land and buildings in north nsa to create a campus totaling 85 acres. flu season continues to get worse as the virus spreads across the state >> we look at some the possible reasons behind the outbreak and how to protect yourself. legend has it, the first voyagers arrived on canoes, sailing the seas day and night. they knew where they were going, by watching the clouds move in the sky or the way their boats rocked. that's how the waves and stars would speak to them. guide them. sometimes, you can find your way in the world, by getting lost in it. let your legend begin at aulani, a one-of-a-kind disney resort in hawaii beyond the trees is a greatest place on earth. space mountain and disneyland it will be 82 today. >> it's super bowl weekend. no parades or fireworks into for the next few months. we tell you why coming up. 49 right now in disneyland. it will warm up by 30+ degrees. we were mop as well. >> let's get you to rosemary we talk about the weather because it's only february. >> unbelievable. we are definitely breaking records again today. we broke semester day and that will be the case today and tomorrow and when it comes to the dry weather it's concerning. there is no rain in sight for the next week or so. while we are riddled with guilt we have great weather coming our way. let's enjoy it. we have partly cloudy mostly clear skies with a few light clouds this morning. i need to point out the offshore breeze is what is driving our temperatures already at this time. half moon bay 66. oakland 59. san francisco 52. we are kallmann the offshore breeze not impacting us. santa rosa and napa 40s. livermore 55 degrees. let's look at some more numbers. 50 and san mateo. here is the 24 hour temperature change. up by 20 degrees in half moon bay this morning. by 12 degrees in mountain view. so for the afternoon here is the highest. there's an asterisk next to where i expect us to break records. likely to break more than to the national weather service has observation reading. 79 the high in santa rosa. 74 in san francisco. 75 the high in the for mark and the south bay 79 for morgan hill. temperatures will be similar for the backend the weekend. cooler for some but the senate forecast coming up. we are following a developing story in pleasant hill police searching for a man wearing body armor and carrying an assault rifle overnight. this was in cleveland road last night. the search led to a shelter in place for several hours has since been lifted >> christien kafton is live this morning at pleasant hill where the apartment complex where the man was spotted overnight. >> reporter: we have been trying to contact neighbors to see if anyone saw or heard anything but so far we for people who are the helicopters circling overhead. have not heard anyone who saw the gunman. all this unfolding at the pleasant hill village apartments last night around 10:30 pm when they started calling 911 about a man in the area wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying an assault rifle. police were on scene within seconds and they spotted the man. police say the first officers on scene ordered him to drop the weapon but instead he bolted into the apartment complex and those officers called for backup and eventually set up a perimeter. residents were told to shelter in place and helicopters and dogs were brought in to find the suspect one officers comb the area for hours finally around 4:30 am the lifted the lockdown unable to find the suspect. at this point investigators say they are trying to figure out who he was and what he was doing. police have a description. with brown hair and a light beard. wearing dark beanie cap camouflage pants and the black ballistic vest. police are asking the committee for help if you know anything about the man to contact authorities. we are still waiting to try to talk with someone of the neighbors as they wake up and certainly it was a late-night for many of the people in the area. want to wait for people to wake up to see if anyone has cell phone video that captured the man or any other information about what was like to be under lockdown knowing there was a man wearing a body armor and carrying an assault rifle around their home. again people we spoke with this morning at a nearby coffee shop so they are the helicopters did not know what was going on. so once we informed that people work alarmed hearing about the man in the neighborhood. >> i can only imagine. that would be scary. they are you teacher and activist filed a motion for assault charges against her she teaches at martin luther king jr. middle school also political activist by any means necessary in june 2016 she helped organize a counter protest against a white supremacist rally outside the state capitol park she's accused of punching a protester. her lawyer found a motion to dismiss charges saying they are result of a political witchhunt against her. investigators working undercover -- to catch unlicensed contractors that prey on victims of the north bay wildfires official the state contractors license board say they looked on craigslist for ads offering contractor services that field to give valid license numbers. a week ago undercover agents posed as buyer survivors in the jobsites and operating people without proper licenses. >> it's really disappointing because overall i've seen the good in people and how people have pulled together the most amazing way am always surprised and taken aback there still people try to take advantage of the situation. split those that were caught are facing charges ranging from misdemeanor illegal advertising to felony charges of illegal contracting any disaster area. officials are try to determine what a student a gun to school in san francisco happened at the economy at the school campus. the small high school is located on in the diamond heights neighborhood. they so listed on campus with the gun and called police. authority said the student left campus and was later detained. they say the also covered a gun and police have not released his age but no threat and no one was hurt. san francisco unified school district issued a statement that could the school has emergency plan in place and it was enacted and all students were kept safe. we can the staff members who acted to alert as 80 and put the school on lockdown. has filed felony charges against a 12 year old girl connection with the shooting at the middle school. they say students and an adult it were injured after her loaded gun accidentally went off in that backpack on thursday morning she's now behind bars set the county juvenile hall facing charges of minor position with a firearm and bringing a weapon on school grounds. authority say the girl has an attorney and she is currently not talking. a new documents released by the state legislature show four current california lawmakers have faced sexual misconduct complaints filed against democratic is something woman on a buffalo travis allen is running for governor and democratic senator tony mendoza and democratic senator bob herzberg. one of the four were punished mendoza is on leave during an investigation. accusations range from inappropriate comment in the office to grouping and sending inappropriate text messages. documents also reveal complaints against senior staffers for inappropriate behavior towards subordinates. it was a dramatic moment in a michigan courtroom the and raged bother of three young girls who were all sexually abused by former olympic michigan state doctor larry nassar. he tried to attack disgraced physician during a sentencing hearing. >> give me one minute. >> i can't do that. >> i have to -- >> randall margraves initially asked the judge to a few minutes in a locked room with the in the office he said she could not do that. he then rushed the table where nasser was sitting and had wrestling down to the floor he was taken away in handcuffs and markers returned to courtroom to apologize for his actions. i can only hope when the day comes that larry nassar has ended his days on this earth that he will be escorted to one of the deepest darkest hottest pits in hell there is. for him and people like him. >> the judge accepted his apology and his explanation that he lost his control of his emotions and the judge said she would not punish him for lunging at nasser. the state employees sent out a false missile alert in hawaii said he has deeper gets about the incident which caused widespread panic last month. the man spoke to reporters on vision he not be identified. eversource 80 receiving death threats. he says recording he heard said it's not a drill. but he miss the beginning and the end of the message and said it was only exercise. earlier he was fired from the emergency management agency. evergreen valley committee college in san jose said it's investigating a case of racist graffiti on campus. students a someone to a swastika inside a bathroom stall inside the math and science building and alongside the swastika over the words what hitler did nothing wrong. students we spoke with were alarmed and concerned after the graffiti was found yesterday morning. >> i think it's horrible. definitely not a freedom of speech. it comes down to that. and stuff like that happens around here it's sad >> reporter: evergreen college was to statement saying it was an isolated incident and the college has a zero-tolerance for any active hatred a ,19 man was arrested on suspicion of punching a five only on a bart train. raymond benson is facing charges that include battery and child cruelty. he was rested at the station wednesday. he bumped into him on a richmond bound train with his father and then benson punched the child. he remains in jail on $110,000 bond. the flu season still getting worse especially for children. the centers for disease control say 16 children died from the flu this week total of 53 children have died since october. in our state 30 people under the 65 died from the flu. it's the number to the season to 127. in the bay area there is at least 22 recorded deaths. people don't come in with a high fever they come in coughing and is not feeling right and feeling like a truck it them. then they test positive for the flu. >> cdc says hospitalizations from the flu are the highest ever recorded. the flu tally done to people over the age of 55 and two brothers were found dead last month both had the flu when they died. contra costa county coroner's office said 67 year old gary armstrong and his brother richard armstrong both died of natural causes in front of the brother said they had been feeling ill for some time. a road in newark reopened as a causing a gas leak and ruptured waterline. happened on 4:00 on cherry street between stevenson boulevard and mowry avenue. some people in the area were evacuated from the homes while they worked to count the gas leak. all i can say is for the last five years i've lived here with my sister i've always been worried about that tree because it had such a forward lean. i was not surprised to learn it had come down. >> the street reopened after the tree was removed and the crews allow people to return to their homes. up next san francisco will not have a change -- a chance to decide on sfb officers with tasers they've and a singer stillget to the voters. it could be on the way for sf pd a new survey on the monarch butterfly they dropped dramatically. what some the experts have to say about the big decline. good morning bay area. a nice view across the bay as well toward the golden gate bridge. a beautiful forecast in store. deafly does not feel like winter. looking at the temperatures coming up a big rally to protect california coast against oil and gas drilling happens today in santa cruz. the march starts from the white house park will go to l beach and then 11 a rally on the beach and the group called save our shores semester the trump administration facility protections against drilling along the coast of california. the protest is one of many happening around the state in an effort to get the white house to reverse its decision. a new survey says a big drop in the number of monarch butterflies migrating to california for the winter. 200,000 butterflies in the annual count which is the lowest number in five years. two decades ago more than 1.2 million monarchs were counted. the drop might be due to the unseasonably warm temperatures smoke and wildfires and mudslides. >> they are beautiful. you have to stop and watch when you see them. if you have plans today good for you. it's too nice out >> i kept saying the same thing when i stepped outside yesterday. it really is beautiful. >> doing yardwork i thought i was winterized and done but things are growing. >> i bet things are already sprouting. we have no rain in sight. we definitely could use some as we know. we need more sierra snow but it's not happening. not this weekend and not for the next week. a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge. it's hard not to like this weather. mostly sunny skies partly cloudy for the afternoon. no fog out and a bit of an offshore breeze doing with the high pressure that remains in control pushing the storm well to the north. won't see any green on the screen and you can see the upper level wind around that high-pressure are driving the temperatures. we broke records yesterday and will break records today. tomorrow looks cooler but not by much. you can see we are, with an onshore breeze in santa rosa. and calm napa with an easterly breeze. the calm weather is impacting our temperatures. this is where we see the cooler weather and oakland northeast breeze and when that comes from the hills it compresses and warms up as it comes down. it's driving temperatures up. over areas like oakland 12 degrees warmer this morning than you were 24 hours ago. half moon bay same thing. afternoon highs today 79 for santa rosa. 77 napa. low 70s and oakland. mid-seventies for antioch and brentwood. meanwhile the south bay 78 for san jose and 79 and morganville. mid-seventies or close to it at half moon bay. gorgeous beach weather. here is east for the sierra dry and temperatures overnight in the 30s. mid to upper 50s for the afternoon. you'll have a gorgeous day if you're going to be hitting the slopes. here is extended forecast. temperatures cooling off a bit and you're out and about or indoors for super bowl sunday the sun will shine and there's look at next week where temperatures cool down but still well above average. this afternoon highs coming up and overnight lows as well. and then the offshore breeze half moon bay 63 right now. santa cruz 79. >> it's beach weather. >> is the boardwalk open year- round? >> i think it is. >> a good day to go down. disneyland most famous street is getting a facelift and a project that appears to be irritating visitors >> they paid money to get in. the state that if a stalled stretches of walls along disney's main thoroughfare. they are designed to separate the visitors and workers during the to replace the horse-drawn streetcar the walls are prominent that the project has sparked jokes and questions and video on social media sites. the work on main street began last month and will continue until early spring. it's well over $100 to get in now. and that main street picture you have to go past >> and no parades either for a few months. lebron james addresses rumors about his desire to join the warriors >> the king has spoken after a supported this week he would consider heading west to join free agency. ♪ ♪ with the chase mobile app, michaela deprince could pay practically anyone, at any bank, all while performing a grand jeté between two grand pianos. she could... in a commercial. in real life she uses it to pay her sister, from her couch, for that sweater she stained. what sweater? (phone buzzes) life, lived michaela's way. chase. make more of what's yours. 2018 hall of fame class will be announced tonight on the eve of super bowl lii. some heavy hitters in the running two with bay area connections. terrell owens at the top of the list. the wide receiver could a lot of years back but his reputation and attitude wake him down. he might get the call to the hall tonight and john lynch is the final list as well a linebacker liquor with the buckeyes and broncos and called minuteman also a stanford graduate both men will find out tonight during the awards dinner in minnesota. busiest days of the year super bowl sunday. of will be out in force on the highways before during and after the game. enforcing a zero-tolerance for drunk and drugged driving. all available command staff middle managers supervisors and officers will be on the highways tomorrow to crack down. also asking those at the super bowl parties to stop impaired drivers and getting kind of final touches are underway in preparation for the super bowl lii. security is very tight around the super bowl. patriots and eagles but over 1 million are expected to flood downtown for the parties and the concerts and events today and tomorrow. despite the frigid temperatures. police teaming up with fbi homeland security and others to keep everyone safe. combined the organizations are constantly looking for possible threats. >> not a sitting waiting for the phone during. we are looking at social media and contacting partners and collecting looking at the 911 dispatch and looking at our own holdings. all the possible ways we could gather information that would suggest there could be something. >> security planning started over two years ago for the super bowl and as far as we know there are no known credible threats against the game. authorities are watching closely. internet is already buzzing about the super bowl ads in one of them the most watch already rap battle doing big movie stars. stars. >> [ singing ] >> i love it. petering but of game of thrones and morgan freeman also featured in the is missy elliott by the way 30s -- 32nd spot cost $5 million. that's for the airtime. that's great. the sharks winless after losing with any injury. that come up losers until last night. on the road in columbus the gets a blue jackets wanted to even this one up boone jenner top shelf would lock the game up. the sharks on a five on three power play a quick pass and that's your game-winner. san jose leave ohio with a a much-needed victory last night. after getting crushed in utah in the week warriors rebounded nicely last night in sacramento but this was no cakewalk. a close one all the way. here come the kings. assist to collie student dubs it down 13. warriors want to 70 -- golden state goes up and the big gun will plant and pop the three ball. 33. sloppy play and durant lazy pass but up and down he goes. kings go they are only down one point but a 35 point fourth quarter. katie had 13 in the quarter six threes in the game. weirs get out with the big win 119 -- 104. let's talk about lebron james. he is shooting down any possible rumors about coming to the bay area to play for the warriors >> you don't hear something come for my voice then it's not true. i don't give a damn how close are they are. my kids my wife whatever it's not for me it's not true. not even upset now that i think it's a credit to my teammates because i believe these guys for them to have to hear that every day about my free agency i apologize to them. i will handle my summer situation when my summer gets here. >> it's all comes after espn reported this week that lebron would consider coming to the warriors if they came with the max offer in the summer. he could opt out of his current contract and become a free agent >> the warriors it's all about the t and they have such great superstars. with lebron it's just watching him it's all about take. no thank you. >> we don't need that. i think the warriors are doing fine. a man with an assault rifle and body armor escapes police in the east bay. >> more on the investigation now underway to figure out who that man is and where he went. president signed off on the release of the anticipated fbi memo. coming up the gop says it shows signs of abuse of surveillance -- permits. small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. at&t doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. at&t, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. at&t, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. if you're looking out your window now it's not as warm and pretty in new york city. that is time square this morning. 23 degrees with some scarves and coats and jackets. >> it's going to warm up a lot >> welcome to morning son 2. it is saturday, february 3 >> happy weekend. more on your warmer weather in the bay area coming up at a moment. first we check in on some headlines. police are searching for an armed man in pleasant hill. a shelter in place order was issued for several hours after a man was spotted wearing body armor and carrying an assault rifle in the neighborhood. >> christien kafton is looking into what happened including how the man got away. he will have live report coming up. more than 75 businesses in the bay area had been put on notice by immigration and customs enforcement. many are fighting against the quest for information about the employees >> what with a deadline they are facing and reaction from local lawmakers many who say it's a direct attack by the white house against sanctuary cities. yesterday in pennsylvania this little rodent punxsutawney phil saw his shadow which means six more weeks of winter. although i don't think he's ever been to california. >> the east coast it does feel like winter there. it feels like spring or summer here. what is a success rate? >> i think is only right half the time. maybe even less. >> 40%? 39%. let's hope this is one of the times because we want to continue with winter for little longer. >> use on the yorks a swipe at the national map. our temperatures rival miami this morning. 69 degrees and keeping mind they are three hours ahead of us. half moon bay this morning is now 66. >> we have an offshore breeze >> what is santa cruz again? the afternoon will be 79. >> road trip you >> local forecast if you are waking up this morning unusually warm it has the to do with the offshore breeze. not everyone is getting it. oakland and happen bay 10 -- 20 degrees warmer and not view as well. the offshore breeze is helping to drive the temperatures up half moon bay 64 again earlier this morning 68. 54 in oakland. cool and comb in areas like santa rosa and napa will restart in the low 40s. for the inner east bay 47 walnut creek. beginning to fee a difference the offshore breeze backing off a little bit. oakland this morning starting out 12 degrees more than yesterday. half moon bay 14 degrees up by 20 degrees over yesterday. here is the forecast for santa rosa. in the 40s until 9:00 and then by lunchtime already in the low 70s. for the afternoon upper 70s. and we have santa rosa going to 79 and breaking a record. all cities marked will break records this afternoon or least tying. 78 in san jose. temperatures will cool down a bit into sunday and then we continue to cool into the business week but no rain in sight. details on the extended forecast coming up we are following a developing story in pleasant hill as a man was seen wearing body armor in cleveland road last night which led to a shelter in place order for several hours. that order has been lifted and the search for the man continues. >> christien kafton is live in pleasant hill at the apartment complex where the man was last spotted. i knew been talking to neighbors and it was a very busy night overnight. >> reporter: we have been trying to talk with some neighbors were giving us a full account of what has happened out here. one of the questions they have is how could this guy have escaped? police were here and were and track it with them so that one of the questions we want to find out. to find out how the incident unfolded and it took several minutes and where i'm standing now as we first spotted the man. he was in this area roaming around for several minutes up to 10 minutes acting in an erratic fashion and they say once they saw the gun that is when they called 911. they did spot him wearing the bullet professed carrying assault rifle and officers on scene within seconds. the first officers on scene ordered him to drop the weapon but instead he bolted into the apartment complex. they called for backup and set up a perimeter to locate the man but residents in the area neighbors were told to shelter in place. helicopters and dogs were brought into find the suspect and one in who'd was trapped outside the perimeter. >> i couldn't get home had to wait until 3:00 in the morning to get back in beside they couldn't find the guy. and shined a light on this. that when there. they thought that was a suspect where he lived. but they couldn't find him. >> reporter: neighbors say the officer were focused on one unit in particular but it's unclear if that man had ties to the residents. unclear if he was a resident here so this will are questions that put police will need to answer. s.w.a.t. officers coming the area for hours and finally 4:30 am listing the lockdown and this point investigators say they're trying to figure out who the man was and what he was doing. police provide a description. adult white male five feet six inches tall with brown hair and light beard. wearing a dark beanie hat and he was also wearing camouflage pants and black ballistic vest. we spoke with one witness who said she headed good view of him in the area before officers arrived and she says he was wearing a blue plaid shirt and that when she saw him he was not wearing the camouflage pants. he was wearing jeans at the time black adidas shoes with a white stripe and short blond hair a medium build and little facial hair along his jawline and she also said he was acting erratically for a significant amount of time in the neighboring movie theater and she tells me the man was yelling at the parking lot attendant at the movie theater before he brandished the gun. she again had questions for the police about trying to locate that man to figure out who he is we are going to contact police this morning to get more details on the police action. to find if they have any video or what they are doing to locate him. >> certainly concerning that different accounts almost raise more questions. but usually lots of neighbors raanta that should help. hopefully. we have not seen any cameras here at the parking complex yet but that does not mean they don't have any. we will our continue our search. supporters of the plan to equip san francisco police officer the tasers has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. the chronicle said the measure was put together by the group safe neighborhoods for all and was backed by the police officers union. if approved it would allow department to get tasers for every officer as early as august. supporters said they don't want to wait until december which was the date set by the police commission when it approved the use of tasers last year. sunday video released of an undercover san francisco police officer being struck by a car several people are now under arrest. as the officer is recovering at home from his injuries. one suspect running over the officer twice. amber lee explains how the surveillance video helped capture three men now accused of attempted homicide. >> reporter: the suspect vehicle a black and vanity backs up alongside an suv and a suspect in a white hoodie gets out followed by a second suspect and one of them removed the bag taken from the back of the suv and get into the car. the suspect driver moves forward. officers who were in the area on auto burglary detail see the crime in progress and one officer on a bicycle approaches the suspect who was still by the suv. >> you can see the driver does put the vehicle into reverse striking the accomplice and the officer on the ground. then proceeding forward even though they are officers ordering the driver to stop. instead the driver struck moves for you consider hitting as it runs over the downed officer and the suspect accomplice a second time. the san francisco police officers association said in a statement the video shows a clear and deliberate assault on sfp the officers that rises to the level of attempted murder. sfp away president tells me it's outrageous that the police commission has opposed the policy prohibiting officers from firing at a suspect in a moving vehicle. >> officers showed great restraint in not having that suspect even though it's a very deadly situation >> reporter: after the encounter with police the suspect driver crashed into another vehicle about half a mile away. all three suspects have been arrested and police of the are men from san francisco ages 19, 23 and 25. police said they are still investigating whether they are responsible for other auto break-ins. but it happens all the time i don't leave anything in my carpets but her car has been broken into more than dozen times in the alamo square area. the most recent was a month ago >> i'm not angry about it. it's just something i feel like you have to live with when you live in the city. >> reporter: president of the san francisco police officers association said the injured officer is recovering at home. the injured suspect remains in the hospital as of friday night. all three suspects face charges that include tented homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. -- attempted homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. are so investigation underway after fire burned homes san francisco yesterday morning. investigators believe someone started a fire on purpose but they are not saying how it started. the fire burned two between homes and displaced two families a texas man has been arrested after a 40 say hit underage sex with the sunnyvale teenager. gabriel gonzalez posing as a teenager online started chatting it up with a 16-year- old girl in sunnyvale. he allegedly drove the text of the bay area at the end of december and they went to bellevue hotel and had sex before he returned home. her parents found out about the relationship and contacted sunnydale police and gonzales was arrested in dallas and brought her to the bay area. now facing multiple charges including social intercourse -- sexual intercourse with a minor berkeley mayor and others are gathering at the campus which is across the street from the bart station and talk about a campaign to save the hospital. two years ago sutter health initials announced plans to close by 20 because it cost too much. instead is planning to merge with the center in oakland with 3 miles away. event will keep the hospital open starts 11 until about 1:00 today. bay area middle school fighting back against assault charges for >> what tillerson she's being targeted as part of the political agenda. many businesses being hit with immigration audits this week lawmakers now say the white house is targeting sanctuary cities. fire fighting is a very dangerous profession. we have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn't ask for a better partner. talk about finding years and. of you inside the monterey bay aquarium. that is gorgeous. if you going to monterey 75 is the afternoon high. it will be beautiful there and beautiful here. let's look at this photograph. >> i have your numbers coming up. 8:15. i.c.e. sent notices to 77 businesses who they are employees are here in the u.s. illegally. yesterday demonstrators hold the rally outside the i.c.e. office in san francisco to protest the notices handed out. agency told business they have three days to turn over paperwork on the workers. a salomon david chiu said there are protections in place for immigrant workers in california >> we are here today to say to our workers and immigrant communities do not be afraid. we stand with you. donald trump is hopeful that workers are going to quit their jobs. and we are here to say do not quit your job. we are going to stand with you. [ cheering ] >> i.c.e. said after the three days are up they will conduct inspections for compliance. congresswoman barbara lee between out in response to the i.c.e. notice that these rates are part of president trump's hateful immigration plan to excite fear in the community and church reach out to my office if you need help and make sure you know your rights. fbi is on damage control after controversial house intelligence memo was released to the public by president trump. the memo talked about the fisa were used to monitor carter page who was a trump campaign foreign-policy advisor. house intelligence chairman devin nunes said the warrant was obtained using opposition research paid for in part by the winton campaign. the warrant had renewed every 90 days and were signed by several former top fbi and doj officials as well as deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. >> i think rod rosenstein should be required to explain why he extended the fisa application and why signed off on that. split the get a warrant on someone using opposition research paid for by the democratic party and the hillary clinton campaign. that's what this is about. and it's wrong. >> rosenstein is key to the russia investigation because he is a power to fire special counsel robert miller park democrats to the nose taken out of context and leaves out the rest of the information used to get the warrant. nancy pelosi posted the statement to twitter in regards to the fisa memo the donald trump has sardis cut the response ability as commander- in-chief by releasing the unredacted classified memo. decision undermines our national security and is a bouquet to his friend put >> let's go to rosemary and find out how long it's going to last. >> it's going to last for a while. it's nice to get these days in between the storms. but we have no storms. that's part of the problem. we have a great day shaping up if you like sunny skies and 70s. that's what's coming our way. of you across the bay as you look into the tip of the skyline of san francisco. mostly clear skies partly cloudy for your afternoon. high-level clouds here's a close-up you can see the bay bridge. san francisco now 57 degrees. santa rosa 42. a span of numbers low 40s in santa rosa to low 60s at half moon bay. 54 oakland. 54 outside your door in san jose. high-pressure is something we see for days to come. it is locked in and will keep that storm track well to the north. a bit of an offshore breeze as the high-pressure of the upper level winds around it swing into the bay area. because of it some of us waking up into the 60s this morning. here is the last rainfall and what we are expecting the next. january 26 was a good storm. we been dry ever since. we might actually be dry for valentine's day and beyond. right now the long-range models only show us a few pins of rain coming in on the weekend of the 17th. let's hope that changes that i don't know. it just looks dry. at the forecast today enjoying 70s again for the afternoon. here is the east bayshore. hayward oakland berkeley everyone going to enjoy 70s. by lunchtime nearing 70 and then we hold steady into the afternoon with low 70s. then the 5:00 our and closer to sunset and temperatures begin to cool back down. afternoon highs many folks will break records. 79 santa rosa. 74 in san francisco. concord 76. upper 70s san jose. gilroy and santa cruz in these areas likely to hit 80. here is the extended forecast. temperatures drop back a little bit for sunday and then continue to cool again into monday and the wednesday. just a fabulous looking forecast. if we could just get some rain in. >> cimino the boardwalk is open from noon until five today. at the boric nearly 80 degrees. >> it will feel like february. emotions boil over during the sentencing hearing against larry nassar. >> dramatic in the courtroom what happened after the father of three of the victims those after the convicted sexual predator inside the courtroom. board of supervisors is under fire for controversial comment she made years ago audiotape a service to which she brags publicly about breaking federal law so homeless families in san francisco could be placed in subsidized housing. >> san francisco board of supervisors president and candidate london breed said the public service before anything >> we are in positions of government it's important that we stretch the envelope that we push city officials to do more than they ever did before >> reporter: some say she did more than that. coming under fire for statement she made in 2016 an audiotape recorded her saying we broke the law to get those 107 nine formally homeless families in public housing. do not follow federal guidelines. she would not comment on the what she meant by that but it's a the end result is what is important >> it doesn't matter to me it's coming out what matters to me the most is i can sleep at night knowing 179 families are housed because of the work i did because i push the envelope and i would not take no for an answer >> wonders seven families moved from the streets to public housing all over san francisco. but particular in the city that as for recorded comments to again >> i would do whatever it takes to make sure homeless families who are living on our streets are housed >> reshipped the city and the spokeswoman said she did not break any city or federal laws. oak grove school district for disclosing three elementary schools in south san jose. they voted this week to cut the requisition for the committee employees and committee members to quote del roble, writer and minor element are schools because of declining of romance. school board members say as number of students shrinks so does the district state funding. >> we have gotten to the point with the impact of declining a moment losing over 1000 kids over the last 10 or so years and increasing costs we needed to take some action to right size our district. >> those three schools will be closed in the upcoming fall and streusel move to remaining 13 school campuses still inside the district. apple completed the purchase of 15 acres of land and buildings in san jose. pop is located in the corner of orca parkway and apple way across the highway from the san jose international airport. apple struck a deal to lease the office buildings located on the property that is also not purchased the office space and nearby empty lots. apple has said little about the plans for the property but mayor said he's excited about the prospect of a possible apple campus in san jose and to complement headquarters in cupertino. they own enough land and buildings in north san jose to greater campus it would be 85 acres. internet is buzzing about super bowl ads and one of the most watched already is a collaboration between doritos and mountain dew featuring a rap battle between two thai movie stars. -- big-time movie stars. >> [ singing ] >> are you ready? this will kickoff tomorrow peter dinklage of game of thrones facing off against morgan freeman. also featured in the spot are buster rimes and missy elliott. 30 seconds spot caused more than $5 million. for airtime alone. >> a bargain. lots of people tune in to watch it. >> one thing i'm a huge sports fan but usually have people over when it's over how much of the game do you really watch? >> not a lot. >> who's playing again? it's not a local team but i get to watch the commercial beforehand. i'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. we are off a little early because we have college basketball coming up on ktvu >> we continue on ktvu plus so join us there and follow the surgeon plus deal for the men walking around with an assault rifle and body armor. a live report coming up. look at a frozen niagara falls. 22 degrees there and a chance of snow. don't you love the bay area? see you on the plus. ♪ ♪ with the chase mobile app, michaela deprince could pay practically anyone, at any bank, all while performing a grand jeté between two grand pianos. she could... in a commercial. in real life she uses it to pay her sister, from her couch, for that sweater she stained. what sweater? (phone buzzes) life, lived michaela's way. chase. make more of what's yours. >> every game is an opportunity, a chance to build a strong enough resume to have your school called on selection sunday. >> all my goodness! what i play! >> today on fox, another opportunity on the national stage. a tripleheader showcasing teams trying to get off the tourney bubble. headlined by one of the best teams in college basketball. >> dunks at home! allen got another three! >> coach k has fourth-ranked duke position to make another national title run. >> lobs it over the top and dunks at home! >> the blue devils bring their

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