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Minor injuries, but nothing lifethreatening. Reality turns out better than the initial expectation and fear. It happened just below Port Authority, the busiest bus station in the country as commuters were heading to work. The fbi is helping with the investigation. Nypd is searching areas of brooklyn where the suspect reportedly lived. Federal Law Enforcement sources tell fox news ullah is originally from bangladesh and came to the u. S. About 6 1 2 years ago just before his 24th birthday. In a statement, a spokesperson for the department of Homeland Security told fox news dhs can confirm that the suspect was admitted to the United States after presenting a passport displaying an f43 family immigrant visa in 2011. President trump released a statement at about 5 00 our time. He said in part that this attack was evidence that americas immigration system is lax andbroken. Thank you. We have new details now about that charter bus crash in San Francisco last friday that injured 29 people on their way to a lolohea day party. Holiday party. We learned the bus was owned by chart brothers which charter brothers which received a rating of satisfactory. The passengers were employees of a Mountain View based Company Called audacity. It flipped over on southbound 101 near the chavez exit. Police are interviews the passengers and driver and witnesses in the investigation which could take weeks and they are investigating whether speed played a role in the crash. A man accused of kidnapping a 9yearold girl was arraigned today. 68yearold kevin lynn was arrested friday for the 1995 kidnapping for ransom. 22 years ago today, girl waskidnapped as she left Elementary School and held captive for nine hours, but later released unharmed. Police say lynn had recently applied for a passport using his real name. Officials with the state department matched his photo with a wanted photo issued by Hillsborough Police back in 1995 and is now being held on 5 million bail at the San Mateo County jail. A San Francisco plumber accused of killing five family members in 2012 at their home has been found guilty of first degree murder. The verdict was reached this morning after a sevenweek long trial. Luc was 36 years old when police say he slaughtered five members of a family. They were beaten to death with a hammer, strangled, wrists cut to the bone. Today, nearly six years later, a jury found l uc guilty on all five counts of firstdegree murder. I am disappointed and i was hoping that for much better verdicts. Im not going to fault the jury for doing the job they did. He was a long time friend of vincent lay. They believe when he arrived home, luc had already killed lays wife, sister, father and mother and was lying in wait for him. Physical evidence tied luc to the scene when he tried to contaminate. It is a very gruesome, brutal murder and we are pleased that we are given some accountability for the family. Prosecutors says luc was a chronic gambler who killed them stealing nearly 7,000 in cash. They say he was there that night not to kill anyone, but only to clean up the crime scene. There were four fingerprints that were located in the house that did not match either mr. Luc or any of the decedents. One of the points we raised whose fingerprints are those. The defense claimed the real killer could have been an infamous chinatown gangster or a former boyfriend of one of the vib timmins, but failed to victims, but failed to followup. Luc faces life without the possibility of parole since he was found guilty on two grounds of special circumstantial for lying circumstance for lying in wait as well as multiple murders. His next Court Appearance is set for tomorrow where they will set a sentencing date. Emeryville police said today a teenagers who was wounded in a shooting outside a target store has died. The shooting happened one week ago in the parking lot of the target on 40th street. Two people went to the hospital with visit cal injuries. Police say one of those victims, 19yearold bolton of richmond died yesterday. He graduated from kennedy high just last year. Shortly after the shooting, officers arrested 22yearold cameron smith. Investigators say they also recovered three guns. Smith is said to appear in court for a plea hearing next week. In what may be the the first of its kind case, a federalappeals court in San Francisco today heard arguments in an environmental lawsuit brought by 21 young people. Plaintiffs ranking in age from 10 to 21 say the federal government is violating their constitution rights by failing to implement Climate Change policies and abandoning its responsibility to protect natural resources. The Trump Administration has filed a motion to try to dismiss the lawsuit saying its claims are meritless. Today, a threejudge panel in the city suggested the governments objections appear premature. This is about more than just politics. This is about more than just our environment. This is our futures. This is about all the beauty that lies on this planet about the humanity. Thats what we are fighting and striving to protect. The lawsuit was originally filed in 2015 against the obama administration. A ruling on whether the case can move forward is expected in the next few months. Authorities in sunnyvale have a mystery on their hands tonight trying to determine how a young Google Engineer ended up dead in the water on the edge of San Francisco bay. As ktvu investigator explains, they are following every lead while they await definitive results from the medical examiner. Authorities say by the time she was reported missing, her body had already been found. The Google Engineer was discovered by a passing cyclist, naked and face down in the waterway. We found out she had been reported as a missing person to mountview police department. The same day we found the body, a little after the original call. So far, the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety is calling this an unattended death. They are hoping the autopsy completed friday will eventually tell them more. In the meantime beings they sat down with her boyfriend, the one who reported her missing. The boyfriend is here visiting since thanksgiving holiday, but thats all that were going to release right now because thats part of the investigation. Shown here in pictures from her facebook page, mah had been a graduate at the university of texas austin and valedictorian of her High School House before moving here to work for google. A spokesperson for the Company Released a statement saying in part chuchu was an Excellent Software engineer in our product team. While Authorities Say they dont expect foul play, they must investigate all possibilities. Were talking to family, friends, acquaintances and trying to get a picture of what was occurring to that point and beforehand and everything. This doesnt stop. Authorities say theyll know a lot more when the full autopsy results and toxicology report come back. The Coroner Office says that could take weeks. In sunnyvale, ann ruben, ktvu fox 2 news. In about 30 minutes, the Oak Grove School district in san jose is said to hold another public forum to discuss consolidating schools. The district faces a 12 million short fall and declining enrollment at some schools. The district plans to close at least three of the eight Elementary Schools. Last weeks forum focused on five schools. Coming up, a situation unfolds on an east bay freeway. A woman says somebody shot at her car shattering the back window. What the Highway Patrol is saying about the investigation. Its down to the wire in alabama with a vote set for tomorrow. Latest on the senate race and embattled candidate roy moore. Three welcome forward to accuse President Trump of Sexual Misconduct. What they say happened and the reaction from the whowssments white house. Air quality around here taking a hit. We got smoke from the fires in Southern California and we have a spare the air day of our own. Well talk about that when i see you after the break. [baby crib musical mobile] millions are still exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke. And some of them cant do anything about it. But you can. Protect your family. Visit tobaccofreeca. Com. For mildtomoderate eczema . It can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. The face of a fisherman . The hand of a ranch hand . The knee of a needle pointer . Prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. It blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. And its steroidfree. Do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. Allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. The most common side effect is application site pain. Ask your doctor about eucrisa. Today, three women who have accused President Trump of Sexual Misconduct years before the election called for a congressional investigation into their claims. As Griffey Jenkins tells us, the white house defended the president today. About 12 years ago as a young receptionist in trump tower, i was forcibly kissed by mr. Trump. President trump having a me too moment of his own as several women each of whom has publicly accused the president of Sexual Harassment and assault unite to share their experiences in an objective setting without question, a person with this record would have entered the graveyard of political aspirations never to return. Yet here we are with that man at president. The women say its time for congress to investigate their claims. The president s accusers who got little attention during the campaign suddenly gaining moor of a platform as the spotlight continues to shy on the issue of Sexual Misconduct. Many prominent men facing allegations in whats becoming a water shed moment. While the president has repeatedly denied the allegations against him, his u. N. Ambassador made an unusual break from her boss saying the president s accusers should have a voice. Women who accuse anyone should be heard. They should be heard and they should be dealt with. Today, the white house said in a statement the timing and absurdity of these false claims speaks volumes and reiterated the American People voiced their judgment by electing the president. Celebrity chef Mario Battali is stepping down from his foot empire after reports of Sexual Misconduct over a period of at least 20 years. According to the online site eat ornew eaternewyork. Com, the first formal complaint was filed when an employee reported inappropriate behavior by the chef. He was reprimanded and required to attend training and abc has asked for limb to step away trt him to step away from the show while allegations are investigated. He became a star as one of the foot Food Network Food Networks First television shows. The wildfires at that spread into Santa Barbara countiment there are more than 6,000 firefighters battling the thomas fire. It started a week ago and continues to push to the north and east. Its burned more than 230,000 acres and just 15 contained. It has now forced thousands of evacuations in the communities of montecito and carpenterria. I think the fire people are excellent and i think theyll save a majority of the houses including ours hopefully. The fires burning in the Los Padres National forest on the east side. Since it started, the thomas fire has destroyed more than 750 structures and about 18,000 more are still threatened. If you are impacted by the north bay wildfires in anyway, today is the deadline to register for federal assistance. Napa county is closing its local Assistance Center that opened october 16. It brought together representatives from the county, fema, the Small Business administration and nonprofits. To date, they have helped 4,000 napa county families. Justin morris lost part of his 55acre property in those fires and was looking for help today. A lot of trees fell down and now were in jeopardy because of erosion. It seems wise to leave our options open. Fema has approved 700,000 in tbrants in napa county and the grants in napa county and the Small Business administration has approved loans. Even if homeowners and Business Owners have their own insurance, a fema or spa lone or grant can loan or grant can supplement some of the costs. Another spare the air alert has been issued tomorrow. This is our fifth straight spare the air day. Here is a beautiful shot looking west toward the bay bridge and city. One thing about bad air is it does make for pretty sunsets. A ridge of High Pressure has been parked over the bay area trapping those par particular lance and that cause par particular lents and that causes bad youre well see more of these air. Well see more of these spare the airs as the dry pattern continues. Its a nature of High Pressure and kind of stable environment. North bay and the east bay will probably and the coast and central will have the worst air and moderate to almost high range. Checking fires of Southern California, you can see the windsment look at these colors winds. Look at these colors. Here is tomorrow morning. You see the oranges and yellows. Thats blowing. Thats going 25, 35 miles per hour. Watch the colors starting to away on wednesday. Youll see them start to back off. Thats a good sign. Santa barbara, ventura, well get a bit of a break from the relentless winds. The direction isnt changing. Thats the direction of the High Pressure. You want the arrows to go the other way. You might have watched that buffalo game, the nfl game over the week. They had a tofn snow in the northeast. As they go, so do we. A big High Pressure. The air is great, nice and warm and dry. In here, its cold and wet and snowy and icy. Look at the forecast highs. 21 in chicago for a high. 23 in minneapolis. New york just 42. Look whats going on out here. 77 at the ridge and beyond in the trough. You can see the trough and how much cooler it is. If you have travel plans this week, be ready for cold weather. Not just this week, into next week as well. There is rain coming, but not until somewhere around the 20th of december, 21st of december is how it looksright now. We are in a dry spot. Most rainfall accumulations were 65 to 70 of average. Every time you dont get rain, you get farther behind. It will rain just not soon enough for my money. 55 in fairfield. 61 in walnut creek. Thats cooler than yesterday at this time. Get used to it. Theres the smoke from the fires in Southern California being ejected north and you see the yellows and reds. Thats smoke. Thats not the reason for the spare the air day. I the Higher Elevation its the Higher Elevationsment spare the air day is elevations. Spare the air day is about smoke, wood burning, things like that. This is higher. You see the crew guys and women out tonight. Beautiful. Like kenny says, smoke makes for a really great, great what were you going to say . Really great. I almost said that. Really great sunset. Its not good on air quality at all. Thank you. The strike by oakland city workers now in its seventh day. Tonight, there is encouraging news in the labor dispute. A mediator is working with the two sides. New details from San Francisco police about an officerinvolved shooting that left a suspect with severalgunshot wounds. What we have learned from the new report released today. Tragic, new developments in the search for a missing hiker in the north bay. The latest at 6 00. Hows it going down there . Thats good. Lica misses you. Im over it though. laughter thats fine. I miss her more than you anyway. Hey, my window is closing. Yeah thats okay. Alright miles. I love you. phone hangs up yeah i love you too. It is day seven of the oakland city worker strike. Both sides met with a mediator to try to come to some type of resolution. The latest on those contract negotiations, rob . Good evening. That strike were hearing could be headed into an eighth day. Members from seiu local 1021 were circling city hall all evening tonight as mediation talks were taking place. Those talks started at about 10 00 this morning. What we had heard is that there is some reason for optimism. We heard this just moments ago from the chapter president. About 11 00 this morning, i met with the mediator from the state mediation board and we gave them, myself and rob, we gave them a free update on where we were on bargaining. Weve been in one room and the city has been in another room and hes been going between trying to mediate a resolution. Were working hard on a resolution. It looks like were going to be working into the night. Theres as you know some complex issues weve been discussing with the city and were still trying to work some of those things out. Still a lot of work to be done. Those talks will be continuing throughout the night. The city declared an impasse on friday when both sides agreed to formal mediation with Orange County commissioner david weinberg. Hes been called fair and he was also called in to broker this deal. 3,000 city workers remain off the job and on the picket lines. The city final offer included at least a 5 wage increase over the next two years plus another 1 raise if the city was able to meet certain revenue goals. Members have been sent home for the night, but leadership is optimistic a deal can be done. When is the big question. Right now members will be notified in a couple of hours about what their plan will be tomorrow morning, but they will be reconvening here early in the morning just to determine if they will be back on the picket lines and so we heard from the Union Leadership they are optimistic and told me that the city is bargaining in good faith. Behind me here at city hall, those talks are continuing tonight. Were live downtown oakland. Rob malcolm, ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you very much. Starting today, transit is testing out a new bus aimed at improving transbase service. From now through december 29, they will run this prototype bus designed to make boarding easier and faster. They are asking riders for feedback before finalizing future plans. Transbay relationship has grown more than 30 in just the past five years. In San Francisco, the odool draw bridge is being closed for the next month and a half so crews can make repairs. It was opened in 1933 and named after bay area baseball legend back in 1969. It carries traffic south of market to mission bay. The span will be up during work so boats can pass underneath. Pedestrians and cars will have to take the Fourth Street bridge instead. Coming up, what investigators are doing to try to find a shooter. Also ahead, a new push for the as to build a new stadium in oakland. The location some city leaders want the team to consider. It looks like the raiders and 49ers are going in Different Directions after having very different results sunday. Joe will join us with his analysis on both teams up next. Sfx squeak sfx stair creak sfx clink sfx deep breath sfx grunt sfx tinny headphone music sfx feet shuffling sfx slice sfx gasp sfx inhale. Exhale. Sfx lights scraping on roof sfx metallic scrape sfx grunt covered california. Its more than just health care. Its life care. Highway patrol is investigating another freeway shooting this time along interstate 80. No one was injured, but some say the case is why that stretch needs security cameras. Were live at the San Pablo Police department with more on what happened. Rob . Police say they have been contacted by investigators from the california Highway Patrol. The chp wants to see their security video in the chance that it may help them catch the latest freeway shooter. The San Pablo Police department have their own bank of security cameras that operate out of this control room. We can monthsor all 140 monitor all 140 cameras throughout the city. One is trained at the exit on 180 where a woman told authorities she heard gunshots and a loud boom outside her car sunday. She was uninjured, but her rear volkswagen windows was shattered. The sound did not alert police. We are not sure exactly what the cameras captured as far as the footage goes, but we are confident that if anything occurred within that stretch of freeway that we do have the cameras that well have recorded something that will help the investigation. Authorities say that was the 12th shooting on a contra costa freeway this year since november of 2015 and eight people have died. It will be that one tool that well start to be able to capture. Well capture evidence. Well be able to find people. Vice mayor has been advocating for a series of cameras. People have guns. Unfortunately, they use them on the freeway, but in this area, i want to be able to know that i can travel at any time of the day on interstate 80 and not have to worry about being shot. Officials say they expect to start installing those security freeway cameras sometime early next month. Ken and julie . All right. Thank you, rob. Treatment police have release Fremont Police have released the dui suspect accused of hitting and killing a man. He was suspected of driving under the influence of Prescription Medication and gross manslaughter. He lost control of his suv just before 10 00 a. M. They say he hit the 44yearold victim and then slammed into a parked trailer and a fire hydrant. Investigators say the victim who was from Huntington Beach was trying to move a piano from the trailer to a nearby home when he was struck and killed. There was more emotional testimony in the preliminary hearing for two men charged with manslaughter in connection with the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland. Tft henry lee was in ktvu henry lee was in the courtroom. This was day three and we heard from a survivor of the fire that claimed 36 lives. Carmen left an oakland couple in tears after describing how she made it out of the building she never considered a fire trap. She testified she and others escaped the inferno, but then people just stopped coming out. She said defendant almena on the left was not there at the time of the fire, but the other defendant was there, ran toward the flames at one point and screamed for people to get out. Nicholas boucher ard who was on the lease of the warehouse testified three years before the fire he and his mother tried to meet with Master Tenant to discuss bringing the building up to code. Boucherard and his mother laughed off their concerns and abruptly left. It was a disregard as what he saw as a meddler so quite a different perspective on that meeting. If they had such a strong concern then, why didnt they voice them then . Why didnt they contact authorities then . He testified he visited the warehouse and warned jimenez the building was a death trap and jimenez said ha ha and joked he should give the warehouse that nickname. A judge will determine whether theres enough evidence for a trial. Live in the newsroom, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you. There is a new push for the oakland as to build their new stadium in a familiar location now that the site of Laney College is off the table. At least two oakland city counsel members say they want to reconsider the coliseum site. They say it is the best location for a new baseball only stadium with its freeway access and mass transit plus it already has Environmental Planning clearance. Last week, the Peralta Community College District cut off talk with the as on land district owns near Laney Collegement we reached out to the as, college. We reached out to the as, but did not hear whether they would consider the site. She says we should believe we should work on a place for the as on the coliseum site. The walkway could be improved to make it larger and more attractive and welcoming. The San Francisco 49ers celebrated this weekend. Can you believe it . Two straight wins. I know, two in a row. The raiders were not quite in a similar mood after under achieving this weekend. I think we had two winners last week at this time. This week, we do not have we do not have them this week at this time. The sample size is so small, about if youre fan of the 49ers, you cant help thinking they have it right. That is quarterback yesterday and yesterday garafolo got his second start and seems to have a good handle on the intangible to spread the ball around. Garoppolo threw for 134 yards. His one touchdown pass went to celek on a beautifully designed play. The coach is singing garoppolospraises. I think the game was easier one because he had a trial run before going for chicago and i think he had an idea how i call plays and how i go through a game and i had a better idea of what he was used to. I think we were both better in that aspect of this game and i think well continue to be throughout the year. Theres Little Things that go into winning. You know, putting in the extra time in the film room, on the field, whatever it may be and i can remember as a rookie you dont know some of those things and you have to see the older guys do it and you kind of follow them as they go. So, its a learning process, but like i said before, i think were going in the right direction. We have to keep working every day. While the 49ers are suddenly encouraged, the raiders are devastated by their teams latest developments trailing 13 0 in kansas city. Derrick carr had that pass tipped by jones, intercepted by mitchell and led to a cleaves field goal and a 160 lead. By the third quarter, it was over. West breaks free on a 13yard run to the end zone. Chiefs win 2615. Now the raiders trail the chiefs and chargers in the afc west. They count jack del rio not thrilled with his teams performance. We are frustrated, off about what occurred yesterday as you can be, as anybody out there is. I think that there have been many examples throughout this season where we have not played boldly to go make the plays and i would really like to see that. Look at the Fourth Quarter. Look at the way the Fourth Quarter played out and just where was that the first 3 4 . Just look at that. The raiders now need help if they are to be a playoff team. 49ers only have three wins, but suddenly seem like a team headed in the right direction. Things change quickly. They sure do. Raiders, what has to happen to them before they still have three games to play and they are now one game behind both the chargers and chiefs. They still play the chargers, but obviously if either of those teams win out, the raiders would still be a game behind. So, theyve got to get losses someplace else. They dont just control their own destiny any longer as they did last week at this time. The 49ers have been so awful the last two or three years, so winning two in a row is such a big deal. This is by no means anything thats really that great. Next year is going to be the big difference. They have a lot of offseason work to do. Again, we want to temper this. We are not saying they found the next joe montana, but its pretty obvious if you watch jimmy garoppolo. He he has intangible things. He doesnt know the offense very well yet. When he has a whole offseason getting that under his belt and they have time to acquire more players like they do under the salary cap, the inspection is the 49ers if they are going in the right direction which it feels like they are should be a Competitive Team next year. Certainly encouraging news, signs for 49er fans to see that. Certainly. Thank you. An experimental drug is showing new promise for people with Huntington Disease a genetic disorder that attacks the Central Nervous system. It was found in a trial to lower the level of mutant proteins that attack the nervous system and to slow the progression of the disease. The findings were announced today and they are based on a trial of patients in the uk, germany and canada. About 30,000 people in the u. S. Have huntingtons disease. Two generic versions of the popular erectile dysfunction drug viagra hit the u. S. Market. One is from the Pfizer Company that makes viagra launching its own less expensive version to compete with other options expected on the market months ahead. The generics sell for about half the price of viagra. More generic versions are expected next year which would drive prices lower. The pentagon makes a major announcement about transgender people in the military. Coming up, it contradicts an edict from the white house. Its a most closely watched election in sometime. Its involving embattled candidate roy moore. It feels good to be back. The pentagon says it will allow transgender people to enlist in the military. Three courts have ruled against the president s ban. Potential transgender recruits will have to overcome a strict set of physical, medical and mental tests to join the armed services. Enlistment of transgender recruits is set to resume january 1. Former Trump Campaign manager and his association appeared in a washington, dc courthouse today for a status hearing. According to a status report released by robert mueller, his team has obtained more than 400,000 documents including financial records and email communications considered relevant into their investigation into the two men. Manafort and gates pleaded not guilty in october to charges of Money Laundering and conspiracy and muellers probe on alleged russian interference in the 2016 election. The judge ruled manafort will remain under home confinement for now. President trump is wading deeper into alabamas Pivotal Senate race as voters get ready to head to the polls tomorrow. Controversial republican candidate roy moore is denying allegations against misconduct against underaged girls. A couple of polls out over the weekend have given roy moore an edge over democrat doug jones. This is the real clear politics average of polls now. About 49 to 45, but most of these polls are within the margin of error. President trump clearly thinks that he can push roy moore over the top. As they begin their last full day to campaign, they are pursuing very different strategies. Roy with one campaign jones with one Campaign Appearance after another and moore depending on the president who recorded this message for voters. Get out and vote for roy moore. His vote is our Republican Senate and its needed. We need roy to help us with the Republican Senate. We will win and we will make America Great again. After some initial weariness, the president is now all in for moore. The former alabama judge who has faced numerous allegations of Sexual Misconduct, charges he denied over the weekend. I do not know them. I had no encounter with them. I have never molested anyone. For them to say that, i dont know why they are saying it, but its not true. I am so excited. Doug jones meantime is relying on new jersey democratic senator cory booker to hem him mobilize among others black voters who could ultimately determine outcome of this race. We know who we are, alabama. We know who we are. This is an election to tell the world who we are. And as far as the impasse of President Trump impact on President Trump on this race, one thing to keep in mind that trump carried alabama last year by 28 points. In washington, fox news. An Ivy League University is doing something new to combat the nations massive student loan problem. Coming up, you new policy of Brown University aim at keeping students out of a lifetime of debt. We know about black friday and Small Business saturday, but what about green monday . Well explain coming up. We are cracking that spare the air day we have going again tomorrow. Weve had a few of those and well have more. Next time we might see rain around here. Brown university announced today starting next fall it is doing away with student loans. The school said it will replace loans with scholarships that dont have to be repaired for all returning and new students. The Rhode Island University launched a Fundraising Campaign last fall and reached a goal to raise 30 million. Its part of a campaign called the brown promise which is a wider effort to raise half a billion dollars to insure students from all backgrounds can attend regardless of their ability to pay for tuition. A new poll says 74 of parents are helping their children with new debt and bills. They found that three out of four parents with kids who are 18 and older say they help their Adult Children financially. 84 of those parents say they help with living expenses. According to the study, cell phone bills are the most common expense at 39 . Next up are transportation costs such as car repairs, gas and tickets at 36 . Bad news for those with credit card and loan debt. Only 16 say they would help their kids pay off credit card bills. 10 with personal loans and 6 help pay mortgages. Today is a critical Holiday Shopping day for online retailers. While its not as widely known as black friday or cyber monday, today is green monday. Ebay developed the term to describe its best sales day this month, the second monday in december. Consumers realize they better hurry to get their shopping done. Depending on who you ask, the green part of green monday can mean money or the environment. The concept that Online Shopping is more environmentally friendly than driving to brick and mortar stores. In 2014, green monday online sales hit 126 billion which was higher than the online sales on black friday which was 1. 5 billion. Shoppers are expected to spend less on christmas this year. Only 53 of adults will buy a gift costing at least 50. Analysts say this comes as a shock as the stock market has been doing well and employment rates are low. Unemployment that is. Researchers believe the shift is because of debt. Shoppers hope to avoid a hefty credit card bill by spending less in december. Lets check the forecast and kind of a mild day around the bay area. It was. Its going to stay that way. We had temperatures as you can see over my shoulder in the 60s. Even close to 70 degrees in some places in december. So, we are in a very mild or warm pattern and its going to stick around. So, very cool mornings. Weve been seeing that with overnight lows down into the freezing and frost range. Weve seen a lot of frost especially in the north and east bay. Pacifica is empty of anything for us. All the energy is going north and south of us and to the east of us. Everything is going up over the jet stream over the big ridge out into the ohio, mississippi valley. A lot of cold air there, snow. I point out to that game the buffalo game yesterday. That was stunning amount of snow coming down. Thats the kind of pattern they had. That was a lake effect event, but you have very cold air, snow last week in atlanta and snow last week in texas and so that cold, east coast pattern is going to stay as long as our pattern stay which is dry and mild. What also is going to stick around would be the spare the air days too. When you get this pattern, spare the air days become especially this time of year the summer too, this pattern is very tough on the air quality because you put a lid on the atmosphere. Speaking of patterns, this is the dry pattern weve been experiencing, this ridge of High Pressure. Its a lot of time without rain. Last time we had rain was december 2nd. Next time looks like its december 21. 20 or 19 days without rain and thats a really december is an important month to us. Most of our rain doesnt come in december. Its a january, february thing. December, its nice to get some in the buckets. Right now we are running behind in most bay area cities. It would be nice to have something lined up before december 22nd before christmas essentially. 66 in livermore tomorrow. 67 in pleasanton and 70 in gilroy. Nice, warm day tomorrow. The fiveday forecast you can see here just kind of steady as she goes. The thing to note will be the very cool overnight lows with frost on the ground and i havent seen a lot of valley fog. We have had a lot of freezing, cold temperatures especially around the north bay and places like that where wind shelter valleys and gardeners in the bay area, you want to cover plants and you in petaluma, its getting just a touch of frost in the morning and some nights. Yeah, and santa rosa has been down into the low 30s. No rain really. Thats the big headline. Its dry for awhile. They are making snow in the mountains because it is so snow or so cold, but you dont see anything out there for awhile . 22nd. Well check back. Thanks, bill. The golden globe nominations are out. Coming up, the movies and tv shows that made the coveted list. In minutes coming up new at 6 00, new details from San Francisco police about an officerinvolved shooting that left a suspect with several gunshot wounds. What weve learned from a new report just released. Also, tragic, new developments in the search for a missing hiker in the north bay. The latest coming up at 6 00. Sorry. I cant make it. Its just my eczema again, but its fine. Yeah, its fine. You ok . Eczema. Its fine. Hey hi arent you hot . Eczema again . Its fine. I saw something the other day. Eczema exposed. Your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. Maybe you should ask your doctor . Go to eczemaexposed. Com to learn more. Ham has confirmed apple has confirmed reports it hasacquiring shazam. The price of the sale hasnt been confirmed, but some reports put the price tag for shaziac at shazam for 400 million. Shazam had been in talks with spotify before making the deal with apple. The 75th annual golden globe nominations were announced this morning. Fox news has a look at some of the nominees. Best fehr the nominees for the 75th Golden Globes were announced in Beverly Hills helping to set the stage for the upcoming oscar race. He sees me as i am. The shape of water led all films with seven nominations including a best drama nod. The forbidden love story call me by your name, world war ii firm dunkirk and three billboards. It divides them into two categories a musical best picture in a drama or comedy. One surprise came from j. Paul getty drama all the money in the world. They reshot numerous scenes after spacey was replaced by plummer. Scott, plummer and costart Michelle Williams all received nominations. Hes too fragile. You keep telling me yourself. In the tv category, netflix the crown, and stranger things. Tv musical and comedy includes blackish, going against newcomers smilf and the revival of will grace. Fargo, feud betty and joan. All received best nominations and the screeb actor Screen Actor Guild will announce thursday. Overhaul of the countrys tax code is under way with republican lawmakers working to combined house and senate bills. As todd reports, one republican senator is already signaling she may not be on board just yet. President trump has Given Congress a christmas deadline to merge the house and Senate Tax Bills and get them both approved. There could be a possible snag. Republican senator Susan Collins. Her lastminute opposition to the Gop Health Care bill helped sink the legislation back in july and reminds leaders her support is not a given. I always suede until a final version swayed until a final version is brought before us before i make a final decision whether or not to support it. There are major differences between the house and senate bills and i dont know where the bill is going to come out. One of the senators debreakers is medicare. She says both majority leaders promised there would be no cuts to the Senior Health care program. I dont want seniors to have the anxiety of wondering whether the tax bill somehow is going to trigger a cut in medicare. Whether its Susan Collins or someone else, republicans cannot afford to lose any votes even with their majority. Senator Bernie Sanders believes the razor thin margin is as a result of how the bill was crafted. Republicans made a decision to go forward without any Democratic Party input. What they made a decision to do is to operate behind closed doors on an issue that impacts every single american. There was not one public hearing. Among the issues that need to be reconciled, the size of the Corporate Tax cut and whether to include a repeal of the obamacare individual mandate. In new york, todd piro, fox news. Ktvu fox 2 news at 6 00 starts now. A terror attack in new york city. A man detonates a pipe bomb strapped to his chest, but only seriously injures himself after his makeshift weapon apparently fails. Thank god the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goals. Tonight, that suspect is in Police Custody with several burns. Good evening. Im gwen wayne. Frank is off tonight. Im julie haener. It happened at the Port Authority subway station in the heart of manhattan. That suspect is identified as 27yearold akayed ullah, an immigrant from bangladesh who lived in brooklyn. Investigators say he was inspired by isis, but didnt appear to have contact with the group and likely acted alone. We have Live Team Coverage now from ktvu Christina Rendon live with how the local bay area agencies are keeping local tran sis safe. We transit safe. First, we want to go to new york city. Good evening to you. Law enforcement officials tell us that right now they believe this manualia acted ullah acted alone. Right now they have found no evidence of coconspirators a

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