Transcripts For KTVU The Eleven OClock News On KTVU FOX 2 20

Transcripts For KTVU The Eleven OClock News On KTVU FOX 2 20171211

the driver fled the scene in a dark four dorsa van -- sedan. -- four-door sedan.>> even when it says it is okay for me to walk, i am still looking left and right. >> reporter: the unidentified woman was taken to highland hospital where she died later from her injuries. police have no description of the driver and are now looking at surveillance cameras to determine who was behind the wheel of the hit and run vehicle. pedestrians like jordan say trying to cross a busy street can be tricky.>> look both ways, waive people down.>> reporter: at the time of the accident, many businesses were closed. it is not clear if the wind -- the woman was using a crosswalk but some people who live downtown hope the driver steps forward and does the right thing.>> a lot of people don't realize that it was an accident. they just need to be responsible. i know initially -- i have witnessed a hit and run before. it was horrible. this poor woman got hit in front of a grocery store.>> it is never a good idea to cross against the light. >> reporter: as the oakland police investigate this hit and run, they are looking for the driver of the vehicle and offering a $10,000 reward. rod malcolm, fox 2. police are investigating a deadly afternoon shooting outside of a shopping center in east oakland. authorities found the man with at least one gunshot wound in the parking lot of the foothills where shopping center. the victim has not yet been identified and no suspect or motive has been released. the highway patrol's as a driver reported her car being shot at after she heard a pop that shattered her back window. it happened after 1 pm and eastbound lanes of interstate 80 in san pablo. the highway patrol says it did not find any bullet casings but it did find bulletholes in the door and trunk of the woman's car. no one was hurt. there was a heavy traffic backup as the freeway was shut down for a while. there have been more than 100 shootings on the bay area highways since 2013. surveillance videos were installed after a rash of the way shootings, many of them gang related but the stretch of freeway where this shooting was reported does not have cameras. fires in southern california have led to more evacuations. the massive thomas fire has now grown to 230,000 acres. it has forced people from their homes in santa barbara county. containment was downgraded from 15% to 10%. some people in ventura county have now been allowed to return home as crews make some progress. in riverside county, the liberty fire is now fully contained. still, more than 800 homes and other buildings have already been destroyed and more than 90,000 people have been evacuated since this string of fires broke out last week.>> reporter: new evacuation orders over the weekend in santa barbara county as the wildfires continue to burn. the massive thomas fire grew sunday with nearly 15,000 homes and businesses now in harms way.>> i am scared to death. we packed up our whole car and we got evacuated this morning.>> reporter: fire crews attempting to save homes in carpinteria, a small oceanside community south of santa barbara. stoked by strong winds and dry conditions, the blaze threatens to sweep through the area.>> this is like unbelievable to me almost. living in carpinteria 25 years, i have never imagined that this would ever happen to us.>> reporter: a handful of fires covering more than 200,000 acres are continuing to rage across the state with a 9000 firefighters working to combat the flames.>> it is the closest experience i have ever had with fire. we are talking fire everywhere. >> reporter: jerry brown toward some of the most devastated areas and offered a message for californians.>> we are facing a new reality in the state where fires threaten people's lives, their property, their neighborhoods and of course billions and billions of dollars. we have to have the resources to combat the fires. >> reporter: firefighters have been blessed with calm winds throughout the weekend but tell us they are ready of conditions get worse. for people across the region, they are feeling the effects of the smokes. -- smoke. residents are being told to wear masks. firefighters from berkeley are among the bay area cruise in southern california helping fight the massive wildfires. engine 305 tweeted yesterday that it had been demobilized from the creek fire in la county and was being sent to the thomas fire in ventura county. the tweet goes on to say that cruets healthy -- crew is healthy and safe. calendar generous is among those who have been forced to evacuate because of the fire. she tweeted today saying "our house is under threat of being burned. we just had to evacuate our pets." she followed up with another tweet saying everyone in the montecito area is checking up on each other and helping to get people and animals to safety. i am proud to be a part of this community. i am sending love and gratitude to the fire department and sheriff's. new details on what is next for the oakland a's and the quest for a new stadium now that laney college is off the stadium. two oakland city council members tell me they want the team to reconsider a new park at the teams current home. the coliseum is the best location with freeway and mass transit access. plus, it already has environmental planning clearance. last week, the peralta community college order trustees decided to break off discussions with the team on the land that the district owns. we reached out to the a's to see if they're going to take another look at the 130 a coliseum site for their new park but have not heard back. almost 3000 people will continue to picket this weekend over failed contract negotiations. as allie rasmussen tells us, there is hope tonight that an agreement could be reached as soon as tomorrow. >> reporter: the unions in the city have agreed to settle the strikes and mediation. libby schaaf words at her first meeting with the mediator tomorrow afternoon. it is the first chapter in a process of 3000 city workers who have been on track -- strike since tuesday. workers on strike are presented for parking enforcement, library services, public works projects. mayor libby sheppard said the city has offered a 4% raise for the first year of the workers contract and possibility of another raise after depending on city revenues. city workers say they would like to see a resolution soon but feel very strongly about the wage increases.>> i have now been pretty fortunate.>> we have given back so much. we have given back so many concessions. >> reporter: our workers make tremendous sacrifices to get us through the recession but the weight -- the wage increases they have had have made up for the sacrifices. >> we are looking at a lot of financial instability. we see how her pension bill going up. we see this crazy tax bill that congress is getting ready to pass. these are all things that will have terrible financial impacts on the city.>> reporter: workers say the strike is not just about wages but they also want the city to hire more full- time workers and rely less on part-time and mandatory overtime. the mayor said this morning that they are offering to converse some full-time workers to part-time. the city has maintained that hiring full-time workers is expensive. pension costs are expected to rise 50% over the next five years. tomorrow, oakland city administrators and the unions we back to the table for the first meeting with a third- party mediator. there is hope that this strike could come to an end co. soon. how long it will take for both sides to reach an end agreement -- an agreement is yet to see. allie rasmus, ktvu fox 2 . this is president donald trump and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore.>> the president campaigning for alabama senate candidate roy moore despite several accusations against sexual misconduct. he has been wanted for more than 20 years and now he is behind bars. detail on the suspect arrested in a 1985 kidnapping of a nine- year-old hillsboro girl. it is december but we are still talking about a lot of sunshine with temperatures in the 60s and 70s. police have made an arrest in a kidnapping case that is more than 20 years old. kevin lynn was taken into custody a few days ago on friday. the 68-year-old is suspected in the 1995 kidnapping and ransom of a nine-year-old girl. she was later found unharmed. officials with the state department matched lindeman's photo with a wanted picture that was issued by hillsboro police back in 1995 after he applied for a passport under his real name. new details in the case of a pedestrian killed in san francisco. she has been identified as 69- year-old yen ching tam. the woman was and 19th avenue in the city's sunset district yesterday when she was hit by a blue toyota sedan. she died at the scene. the driver stopped and has been cooperating with investigators. president donald trump used his weekly address to go after sanctuary cities like san francisco. he mentioned the recent murder case of how nice -- of josi garcia you not a. he was found not guilty of killing kate steinle along the san francisco waterfront two years ago.>> kate's death is a tragedy that was entirely preventable. she was shot by an illegal alien and a seven-time convicted felon who had been deported five times. he was free to harm an innocent american because our leaders refused to protect our border and because san francisco is a sanctuary city.>> the president went on to say innocent americans are at the mercy of criminals. he says state and local officials are defying federal immigration laws and authorities. after the trial, steinle's father said the family was shocked and saddened by the not guilty verdict and that justice was rendered but it was not served. the president is getting involved in the alabama senate campaign for roy moore. the president recorded a robo call on moore's behalf that will be sent to alabama voters in the days leading up to tuesday's a special election. despite moore facing accusations of assaulting teenage girls when he was a prosecutor in his 30s.>> this is president donald trump and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore. it is so important. we need that seat. we need roy voting for us. >> the president was initially quiet on an endorsement of moore but has backed the candidate in recent weeks saying he would be preferable to his democratic opponent. two female lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle are now pushing for more transparency. when it comes to sexual harassment on capitol hill, carolyn shively wants to open up the process.>> two democrats antirepublican quit congress last week is of sexual harassment scandals. even more are under investigation. two female legislatures from both sides of the aisle tell fox it is not over yet. >> i have heard reports that as many as 30 or 40 members of the house and senate may face allegations of sexual harassment.>> i am hearing those same numbers.>> congresswoman comstock was talking about a secret fund to settle workplace disputes and congressional offices including sexual harassment cases like the $220,000 payout to an accuser congressman alcee hastings and an $84,000 in the case of congressman blake's rental. the issue is also hitting the senate side. al franken announced he is getting out soon after numerous women accuse them of groping him.'s announcement comes a day after several democratic senators called for his resignation. former house speaker newt gingrich said franken getting pushed out by democrats is an overreaction by the left.>> million people had elected him and 30 people decided he was inappropriate. this is hysteria. >> the house and senate have approved antiharassment training for members and staffers. they are now looking at a law that governs how harassment can be reported. women who have publicly accused truncal of sexual harassment are calling on congress to investigate the allegations. the women are uniting for the first time at a news conference tomorrow morning. brave new films, a documentary group that released a film about the allegations against the president is hosting the news conference. during last year's presidential election, more than a dozen women accused then candidate trump of sexual misconduct. he called the claims fake news and made up stuff. the white house has said the women are lying. over the last week, three lawmakers have resigned over sexual misconduct claims. after a cold start this morning, it turned out to be a rather mild december day across the bay area. >> it is one of those deals where you want to dress in layers. temperatures are in the 30s and 40s in the morning and the afternoon is very nice. we could see 70s and a few neighborhoods. we are talking about a few records and a few neighborhoods. 80 degrees in salinas today. monterey tied a record of 75. san jose and half moon bay both reached 70 degrees this afternoon. take a look at the highs across the entire bay area. everybody mild for sunday afternoon. morgan hill, 69. satellite showing you the storm track. it is out in the pacific. all of this is running into a wall. it is approaching the west coast and stopping and dissipating. we have some higher clouds to the south down towards central and southern california. let's check in on some of the current numbers. we have it fairfield at 33 degrees. santa rosa, 37. san jose, 47. outside right now still mostly clear skies. we definitely want to bundle up. fairfield, 30. san francisco, 46 for your monday morning. a dry weather pattern is the headline so far for december. more sunshine for your monday. temperatures will be in the 60s and 70s. the last rainfall was not much. our next chance would be wednesday, december 20. we are locked in a dry weather pattern and a mild weather pattern for the afternoon highs. we are looking for the rain. you will see the clock moving into next week and adding .012 eureka. that could change between now and then but for now it looks like the storm door remains firmly shut. for tomorrow, 60s. the warmest locations will be around santa cruz. the fire warnings to our south will expire at 8 pm tomorrow night but still, elevated fire danger across the entire state especially with not a threat of rain inside. most workers here in california will see a boost in their paychecks on new year's day. the minimum wages statewide will rise january 1-11 dollars an hour for businesses with 26 employees or more. the minimum wage will be $10.50 for businesses with 25 or fewer employees. that is a $.50 increase from the current minimum wage. owner jerry brown signed legislation last year making california the first state in the country to commit to a $15 an hour minimum wage by 2022 for large businesses. sports is just minutes away.>> jimmy garoppolo makes another start and the 49ers have their first win streak in three years. we will talk about it here coming up.>> the raiders had a winning streak and now they don't. we will talk all about it on sports rap at 11:30 pm. still ahead here, protests continue after the trump administration decides to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. how this move could impact the vice president's upcoming trip to the region. the chp is looking into excessive speed as possible reason a party bus flipped over in san francisco. 29 people were on board the bus and all of them were injured. two people remain at san francisco's general and both of them are in fair condition. officials are not releasing any other information about the conditions of the patient's. the preliminary hearing in the go ship warehouse fire resumes tomorrow morning. defendant derek almena and max harris are each charged with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. the hearing began last wednesday and will determine if there is enough evidence to go to trial. several former warehouse tenants have taken the stand. 1x tenant who goes by the name swan cried on the stand recalling all of the friends she lost in the fire. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. double down on threats to destroy north korea. >> ambassador nikki haley continued to tote the administration's line that the promise e- that diplomacy is its first -- that diplomacy is its first choice. >> china can do more. we are putting as much pressure on them as we can. the last time they cut off the oil, north korea came to the table. we told china to do more.>> an u.n. envoy is warning time is of the essence. you and official went to north korea last week and noting the urgent need to prevent miss calculations and open channels to reduce the risk of conflict, all of this is happening less than two months before the start of the winter olympics in south korea. there are protests against president donald trump's decision to name jerusalem as israel's capital. the move has been widely criticized by leaders in europe as well as in the arab world. connor powell has the latest from jerusalem. >> reporter: there was anger in the streets of the middle east and american allies in the region. in europe, criticized president donald trump's move to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. demonstrators from beirut marched on the west embassy sunday morning, protesting the move. here in jerusalem, we did not see any of the protests like in bethlehem. in israeli security guard is in critical condition after a 24- year-old palestinian man stabbed him. in public, israel was called a terrorist state. france's president emmanuel marcon met with israeli prime minister met in yahoo and urged him to show courage -- benjamin netanyahu and urged him to show courage. vice president mike pence will arrive in the holy land in a we can palestinian leaders are saying they want meet with him believing the u.s. has crossed a redline with the decision that undermines previous american efforts to act as an honest broker of peace. connor powell, fox news.>> one more check of your workweek forecast.>> it is amazing, not too much has changed. it will be hazy sunshine with temperatures in the 60s. the models are suggesting this is going to be a dry weather pattern with no hope of any rainfall in the state. that can change but that is the screaming message right now. thank you so much for watching. have a great night. ♪ [baby crib musical mobile] millions are still exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke. and some of them can't do anything about it. but you can. protect your family. visit whether you are into dressing down, dressing up or just accessorizing, sports wrap

Related Keywords

Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Alabama , United States , Oakland , California , China , Riverside County , Jordan , San Francisco , Hillsboro , Santa Barbara County , Monterey , North Korea , Morgan Hill , France , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Libby Sheppard , Carolyn Shively , Kevin Lynn , Allie Rasmussen , Allie Rasmus , Al Franken , Connor Powell , Libby Schaaf , Scott Reese , Roy Moore , Jerry Brown ,

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Transcripts For KTVU The Eleven OClock News On KTVU FOX 2 20171211 :

Transcripts For KTVU The Eleven OClock News On KTVU FOX 2 20171211

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the driver fled the scene in a dark four dorsa van -- sedan. -- four-door sedan.>> even when it says it is okay for me to walk, i am still looking left and right. >> reporter: the unidentified woman was taken to highland hospital where she died later from her injuries. police have no description of the driver and are now looking at surveillance cameras to determine who was behind the wheel of the hit and run vehicle. pedestrians like jordan say trying to cross a busy street can be tricky.>> look both ways, waive people down.>> reporter: at the time of the accident, many businesses were closed. it is not clear if the wind -- the woman was using a crosswalk but some people who live downtown hope the driver steps forward and does the right thing.>> a lot of people don't realize that it was an accident. they just need to be responsible. i know initially -- i have witnessed a hit and run before. it was horrible. this poor woman got hit in front of a grocery store.>> it is never a good idea to cross against the light. >> reporter: as the oakland police investigate this hit and run, they are looking for the driver of the vehicle and offering a $10,000 reward. rod malcolm, fox 2. police are investigating a deadly afternoon shooting outside of a shopping center in east oakland. authorities found the man with at least one gunshot wound in the parking lot of the foothills where shopping center. the victim has not yet been identified and no suspect or motive has been released. the highway patrol's as a driver reported her car being shot at after she heard a pop that shattered her back window. it happened after 1 pm and eastbound lanes of interstate 80 in san pablo. the highway patrol says it did not find any bullet casings but it did find bulletholes in the door and trunk of the woman's car. no one was hurt. there was a heavy traffic backup as the freeway was shut down for a while. there have been more than 100 shootings on the bay area highways since 2013. surveillance videos were installed after a rash of the way shootings, many of them gang related but the stretch of freeway where this shooting was reported does not have cameras. fires in southern california have led to more evacuations. the massive thomas fire has now grown to 230,000 acres. it has forced people from their homes in santa barbara county. containment was downgraded from 15% to 10%. some people in ventura county have now been allowed to return home as crews make some progress. in riverside county, the liberty fire is now fully contained. still, more than 800 homes and other buildings have already been destroyed and more than 90,000 people have been evacuated since this string of fires broke out last week.>> reporter: new evacuation orders over the weekend in santa barbara county as the wildfires continue to burn. the massive thomas fire grew sunday with nearly 15,000 homes and businesses now in harms way.>> i am scared to death. we packed up our whole car and we got evacuated this morning.>> reporter: fire crews attempting to save homes in carpinteria, a small oceanside community south of santa barbara. stoked by strong winds and dry conditions, the blaze threatens to sweep through the area.>> this is like unbelievable to me almost. living in carpinteria 25 years, i have never imagined that this would ever happen to us.>> reporter: a handful of fires covering more than 200,000 acres are continuing to rage across the state with a 9000 firefighters working to combat the flames.>> it is the closest experience i have ever had with fire. we are talking fire everywhere. >> reporter: jerry brown toward some of the most devastated areas and offered a message for californians.>> we are facing a new reality in the state where fires threaten people's lives, their property, their neighborhoods and of course billions and billions of dollars. we have to have the resources to combat the fires. >> reporter: firefighters have been blessed with calm winds throughout the weekend but tell us they are ready of conditions get worse. for people across the region, they are feeling the effects of the smokes. -- smoke. residents are being told to wear masks. firefighters from berkeley are among the bay area cruise in southern california helping fight the massive wildfires. engine 305 tweeted yesterday that it had been demobilized from the creek fire in la county and was being sent to the thomas fire in ventura county. the tweet goes on to say that cruets healthy -- crew is healthy and safe. calendar generous is among those who have been forced to evacuate because of the fire. she tweeted today saying "our house is under threat of being burned. we just had to evacuate our pets." she followed up with another tweet saying everyone in the montecito area is checking up on each other and helping to get people and animals to safety. i am proud to be a part of this community. i am sending love and gratitude to the fire department and sheriff's. new details on what is next for the oakland a's and the quest for a new stadium now that laney college is off the stadium. two oakland city council members tell me they want the team to reconsider a new park at the teams current home. the coliseum is the best location with freeway and mass transit access. plus, it already has environmental planning clearance. last week, the peralta community college order trustees decided to break off discussions with the team on the land that the district owns. we reached out to the a's to see if they're going to take another look at the 130 a coliseum site for their new park but have not heard back. almost 3000 people will continue to picket this weekend over failed contract negotiations. as allie rasmussen tells us, there is hope tonight that an agreement could be reached as soon as tomorrow. >> reporter: the unions in the city have agreed to settle the strikes and mediation. libby schaaf words at her first meeting with the mediator tomorrow afternoon. it is the first chapter in a process of 3000 city workers who have been on track -- strike since tuesday. workers on strike are presented for parking enforcement, library services, public works projects. mayor libby sheppard said the city has offered a 4% raise for the first year of the workers contract and possibility of another raise after depending on city revenues. city workers say they would like to see a resolution soon but feel very strongly about the wage increases.>> i have now been pretty fortunate.>> we have given back so much. we have given back so many concessions. >> reporter: our workers make tremendous sacrifices to get us through the recession but the weight -- the wage increases they have had have made up for the sacrifices. >> we are looking at a lot of financial instability. we see how her pension bill going up. we see this crazy tax bill that congress is getting ready to pass. these are all things that will have terrible financial impacts on the city.>> reporter: workers say the strike is not just about wages but they also want the city to hire more full- time workers and rely less on part-time and mandatory overtime. the mayor said this morning that they are offering to converse some full-time workers to part-time. the city has maintained that hiring full-time workers is expensive. pension costs are expected to rise 50% over the next five years. tomorrow, oakland city administrators and the unions we back to the table for the first meeting with a third- party mediator. there is hope that this strike could come to an end co. soon. how long it will take for both sides to reach an end agreement -- an agreement is yet to see. allie rasmus, ktvu fox 2 . this is president donald trump and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore.>> the president campaigning for alabama senate candidate roy moore despite several accusations against sexual misconduct. he has been wanted for more than 20 years and now he is behind bars. detail on the suspect arrested in a 1985 kidnapping of a nine- year-old hillsboro girl. it is december but we are still talking about a lot of sunshine with temperatures in the 60s and 70s. police have made an arrest in a kidnapping case that is more than 20 years old. kevin lynn was taken into custody a few days ago on friday. the 68-year-old is suspected in the 1995 kidnapping and ransom of a nine-year-old girl. she was later found unharmed. officials with the state department matched lindeman's photo with a wanted picture that was issued by hillsboro police back in 1995 after he applied for a passport under his real name. new details in the case of a pedestrian killed in san francisco. she has been identified as 69- year-old yen ching tam. the woman was and 19th avenue in the city's sunset district yesterday when she was hit by a blue toyota sedan. she died at the scene. the driver stopped and has been cooperating with investigators. president donald trump used his weekly address to go after sanctuary cities like san francisco. he mentioned the recent murder case of how nice -- of josi garcia you not a. he was found not guilty of killing kate steinle along the san francisco waterfront two years ago.>> kate's death is a tragedy that was entirely preventable. she was shot by an illegal alien and a seven-time convicted felon who had been deported five times. he was free to harm an innocent american because our leaders refused to protect our border and because san francisco is a sanctuary city.>> the president went on to say innocent americans are at the mercy of criminals. he says state and local officials are defying federal immigration laws and authorities. after the trial, steinle's father said the family was shocked and saddened by the not guilty verdict and that justice was rendered but it was not served. the president is getting involved in the alabama senate campaign for roy moore. the president recorded a robo call on moore's behalf that will be sent to alabama voters in the days leading up to tuesday's a special election. despite moore facing accusations of assaulting teenage girls when he was a prosecutor in his 30s.>> this is president donald trump and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore. it is so important. we need that seat. we need roy voting for us. >> the president was initially quiet on an endorsement of moore but has backed the candidate in recent weeks saying he would be preferable to his democratic opponent. two female lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle are now pushing for more transparency. when it comes to sexual harassment on capitol hill, carolyn shively wants to open up the process.>> two democrats antirepublican quit congress last week is of sexual harassment scandals. even more are under investigation. two female legislatures from both sides of the aisle tell fox it is not over yet. >> i have heard reports that as many as 30 or 40 members of the house and senate may face allegations of sexual harassment.>> i am hearing those same numbers.>> congresswoman comstock was talking about a secret fund to settle workplace disputes and congressional offices including sexual harassment cases like the $220,000 payout to an accuser congressman alcee hastings and an $84,000 in the case of congressman blake's rental. the issue is also hitting the senate side. al franken announced he is getting out soon after numerous women accuse them of groping him.'s announcement comes a day after several democratic senators called for his resignation. former house speaker newt gingrich said franken getting pushed out by democrats is an overreaction by the left.>> million people had elected him and 30 people decided he was inappropriate. this is hysteria. >> the house and senate have approved antiharassment training for members and staffers. they are now looking at a law that governs how harassment can be reported. women who have publicly accused truncal of sexual harassment are calling on congress to investigate the allegations. the women are uniting for the first time at a news conference tomorrow morning. brave new films, a documentary group that released a film about the allegations against the president is hosting the news conference. during last year's presidential election, more than a dozen women accused then candidate trump of sexual misconduct. he called the claims fake news and made up stuff. the white house has said the women are lying. over the last week, three lawmakers have resigned over sexual misconduct claims. after a cold start this morning, it turned out to be a rather mild december day across the bay area. >> it is one of those deals where you want to dress in layers. temperatures are in the 30s and 40s in the morning and the afternoon is very nice. we could see 70s and a few neighborhoods. we are talking about a few records and a few neighborhoods. 80 degrees in salinas today. monterey tied a record of 75. san jose and half moon bay both reached 70 degrees this afternoon. take a look at the highs across the entire bay area. everybody mild for sunday afternoon. morgan hill, 69. satellite showing you the storm track. it is out in the pacific. all of this is running into a wall. it is approaching the west coast and stopping and dissipating. we have some higher clouds to the south down towards central and southern california. let's check in on some of the current numbers. we have it fairfield at 33 degrees. santa rosa, 37. san jose, 47. outside right now still mostly clear skies. we definitely want to bundle up. fairfield, 30. san francisco, 46 for your monday morning. a dry weather pattern is the headline so far for december. more sunshine for your monday. temperatures will be in the 60s and 70s. the last rainfall was not much. our next chance would be wednesday, december 20. we are locked in a dry weather pattern and a mild weather pattern for the afternoon highs. we are looking for the rain. you will see the clock moving into next week and adding .012 eureka. that could change between now and then but for now it looks like the storm door remains firmly shut. for tomorrow, 60s. the warmest locations will be around santa cruz. the fire warnings to our south will expire at 8 pm tomorrow night but still, elevated fire danger across the entire state especially with not a threat of rain inside. most workers here in california will see a boost in their paychecks on new year's day. the minimum wages statewide will rise january 1-11 dollars an hour for businesses with 26 employees or more. the minimum wage will be $10.50 for businesses with 25 or fewer employees. that is a $.50 increase from the current minimum wage. owner jerry brown signed legislation last year making california the first state in the country to commit to a $15 an hour minimum wage by 2022 for large businesses. sports is just minutes away.>> jimmy garoppolo makes another start and the 49ers have their first win streak in three years. we will talk about it here coming up.>> the raiders had a winning streak and now they don't. we will talk all about it on sports rap at 11:30 pm. still ahead here, protests continue after the trump administration decides to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. how this move could impact the vice president's upcoming trip to the region. the chp is looking into excessive speed as possible reason a party bus flipped over in san francisco. 29 people were on board the bus and all of them were injured. two people remain at san francisco's general and both of them are in fair condition. officials are not releasing any other information about the conditions of the patient's. the preliminary hearing in the go ship warehouse fire resumes tomorrow morning. defendant derek almena and max harris are each charged with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. the hearing began last wednesday and will determine if there is enough evidence to go to trial. several former warehouse tenants have taken the stand. 1x tenant who goes by the name swan cried on the stand recalling all of the friends she lost in the fire. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. double down on threats to destroy north korea. >> ambassador nikki haley continued to tote the administration's line that the promise e- that diplomacy is its first -- that diplomacy is its first choice. >> china can do more. we are putting as much pressure on them as we can. the last time they cut off the oil, north korea came to the table. we told china to do more.>> an u.n. envoy is warning time is of the essence. you and official went to north korea last week and noting the urgent need to prevent miss calculations and open channels to reduce the risk of conflict, all of this is happening less than two months before the start of the winter olympics in south korea. there are protests against president donald trump's decision to name jerusalem as israel's capital. the move has been widely criticized by leaders in europe as well as in the arab world. connor powell has the latest from jerusalem. >> reporter: there was anger in the streets of the middle east and american allies in the region. in europe, criticized president donald trump's move to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. demonstrators from beirut marched on the west embassy sunday morning, protesting the move. here in jerusalem, we did not see any of the protests like in bethlehem. in israeli security guard is in critical condition after a 24- year-old palestinian man stabbed him. in public, israel was called a terrorist state. france's president emmanuel marcon met with israeli prime minister met in yahoo and urged him to show courage -- benjamin netanyahu and urged him to show courage. vice president mike pence will arrive in the holy land in a we can palestinian leaders are saying they want meet with him believing the u.s. has crossed a redline with the decision that undermines previous american efforts to act as an honest broker of peace. connor powell, fox news.>> one more check of your workweek forecast.>> it is amazing, not too much has changed. it will be hazy sunshine with temperatures in the 60s. the models are suggesting this is going to be a dry weather pattern with no hope of any rainfall in the state. that can change but that is the screaming message right now. thank you so much for watching. have a great night. ♪ [baby crib musical mobile] millions are still exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke. and some of them can't do anything about it. but you can. protect your family. visit whether you are into dressing down, dressing up or just accessorizing, sports wrap

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