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Politics we have been told is about the improvement of peoples lives. I know that the work i have been able to do has improved peoples lives. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. For a decade now, every time i would get tired or discouraged or frustrated i would think about the people i was doing this for and it would get me up on my feet. I know the same will be true for everyone who decides to pursue politics that is about improving peoples lives. I hope you know that i will be fighting alongside you every step of the way. With that, mr. President i yielded the floor. There you have it live from the United States senate, minnesota senator al franken addressing his colleagues and says he is announcing he will be resigning from the u. S. Senate. This comes after multiple women have come forward recently alleging franken harassed them. He did address some allegations. He said some are not true but others he remembers differently. He took immediate digs at President Trump and then roy moore. He called this the worst day of his political life. He went on to say that he will continue to be a champion of women. We are going to look to see who replaces him in the senate. With that, welcome. I want to dive into this with our political writer. You have been listening to the speech. He talked about the Ethics Committee and waiting for them to conclude but those days are gone. That is kind of a face saving thing. Lets be clear. This is a milestone moment in politics. This was a sitting us senator resigning because of public pressure led by democratic female senators to say enough is enough as it was set on facebook. Politicians rarely call out their own. Their own party. This is a time when they call it their own party. That said there is a political element. On tuesday roy moore may very well likely be the senator from alabama. This gives the democrats the high ground. They can say we got rid of our guy are you going to seat this senator . Can you roll us back a few weeks. In the case of al franken, largely there was silence and then there was a watershed moment just this week. Senator after senator they have said he has to go. What about the initial silence . The initial silence was al franken is seen as a solid senator. He has been solid. He is a moneymaker for the party. When he is on the road he can raise money. He is a good guy. Even all of the women who criticized him, the female democrats, they said he is a good guy. I like him personally. Now half a dozen women came forward and said he touched me inappropriately. May be one person you can excuse but if it is three, four or more and now two others, enough is enough. Obviously this is a political calculated decision to give the democrats the solid moral footing to criticize republicans but does it impact folks on the other side . Do they react in any way . We will have to see. The polls say that Sexual Harassment means a lot more to democratic voters. Something like 2 3 of the motor say it is a big deal but conservative voters it is not as high on their list. They do not feel the internal pressure from their base to respond and that is the difference. Also, this is kind of a perfect political scenario for democrats. There is a democratic governor in minnesota. He gets to choose the replacement so it is not like you are losing a seat. Minnesota is decently strong blue state and there will likely be a democrat replacing him eventually. This shows the power of the female voice in congress. You touched on it at the top and we watched that live. You can compare the counterparts in the senate. It was the female senators on the democratic side who got this done. Right, and there are still very few women, maybe 25 of the house is women. And there are many more democrats who are women. And a woman will be replacing senator al franken. Thats right. The people of minnesota deserve a senator who can focus all of her energy. Very subtle, but that was certainly solving some political problems for the democrats. Real quickly, he says he wants to remain a voice can he do that . Give him one year of going underground maybe do some writing but now he has to disappear. He is not a champion for women now. Publicly if he says i want to talk about women, nobody would listen. Okay, thank you for joining us. We have been turning to you with the question of the day. Do you think al franken should resign . 66 say yes, 34 say no. One viewer says others are stepping down with accusations at least one of the accusers has photographic evidence. There is no excuse. Renie says no not with roy moore being kept. It is a sad world we live in that this is an issue. Another viewer says the fact that he has the option is ridiculous. He should be fired and convicted. Thank you for your responses be sure to use our hashtag on twitter. One man is dead and his wife is in the hospital after a deadly case of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. This happened in bruneau heights this morning. Christien kafton is joining us live from San Francisco at the scene. What are neighbors telling you . Reporter the investigation is underway. We talked with a neighbor who lives in the upper unit and that is where the 911 call came from this morning around 4 25. Officials arrived here on scene and did confirm there was apparently a Carbon Monoxide buildup. They then began to ask about the downstairs neighbor. When they went downstairs they could hear a television on and nobody answered the door. Finally they forced the door open and discovered a woman unconscious. There was a man in the back unconscious as well. The woman was treated and is now being treated at an area hospital receiving treatment for Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Crews worked for 45 minutes trying to resuscitate the man, but he did die. The Fire Department is stressing the importance of having working Carbon Monoxide detectors in your home. Meanwhile the investigation is underway. At this point they believe it may have been a faulty water heater. You might be able to see in this home that there are pg e personnel here as well as the active Police Investigation trying to get to the bottom of what happened. So far, one man has passed away from Carbon Monoxide poisoning. His wife is being treated at a hospital for Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Four other residents hear god treated at the scene and they are okay. Two firefighters as well had some level of poisoning and they were treated and are okay. Certainly this is a warning for anybody going into the colder months to make sure your appliances are working and make sure you have a working Carbon Monoxide detector. Christien kafton, thank you. Lets move to the Southern California wildfires. Crews have a long day with fierce winds. Late yesterday fire crews started to get some containment on the big fires in los angeles and Ventura County. This could change with extreme wind being forecasted through tonight with wind expected so strong there is a purple wind warning, the highest level ever. The top fire Officials Say if the wind reaches 80 Miles Per Hour it would be impossible to control the flames being pushed. One death reported in the thomas fire in Ventura County which grew overnight. We have Cristina Rendon joining us live from the western part of Ventura County. Talk about the conditions where you are. What have you seen . Reporter morning. We have thick smoke in this air with low visibility and ash raining down because of the thomas fire burning on the hillside. We are in the community where you can see the hills are burning right behind the community of these homes. There is roughly 50 to 60 homes in this subdivision and all of the folks were told to get out. This is video from earlier this morning of the firefight in this community. Firefighters say that the flames were fanned overnight by erratic wind and they were concerned about the wind going into today because today they fear that it could reach 80 Miles Per Hour. One abandoned house didnt burn down but firefighters were able to save five homes over near this hillside including the home of one man who stayed behind to try to water down what he could. The flames came within five feet of his house and he said it sounded like a freight train. We could see the firemen show up and they took action and saved our house. My wife is in ventura right now. She could not bear the thought of this. She loves this place so much. She can see it, but this is a little community. It is a Little Paradise for us. Reporter that man was very emotional when he spoke to us. Taking a live look at the hillside, you can see the entire hillside burned from these flames. This community was under mandatory evacuation and now they have opened it up and people can come back in. These orders spread west to the Santa Barbara county line even for this little town. On the other side of the ridge is the community of ojai. Those people under evacuation because this thomas fire is growing and it is now at 96,000 acres. 150 structures have been destroyed and one person has died. They found a woman in her car. They believe it was a single car crash. Her death is the First Official death of the thomas fire. Coming up next, the paper that is asking high profile women from here in the bay area to share their stories of Sexual Assault and harassment. Coming up we will talk with the editor and the mayor of oakland. Welcome back. In recent months women have come forward sharing their experiences of Sexual Assault or harassment. Many of them using the metoo hashtag. The east bay express is publishing essays from women coming forward to tell their stories. We are happy to be joined by the editor in chief of the paper as well as the mayor of oakland, libby schaaf. You are watching in the green room as we heard from al franken stepping down. There will be a lot of coverage devoted to that. You wanted to switch the conversation. Yes i did. I thought in listening to the allegations that are coming forward particularly with one of the victims of harvey weinstein, what i was hit by was the psychological damage being done. I did not want to gloss over that. I wanted to recognize this sort of trauma that has been inflicted and to look at how it is impacting lives of women. Through your own essay, you detail your experience and i think a lot of us went through our own mental rolodex and think did that happen to me . What considers crossing the line but you detail what happened. Yes, i tried to talk about the different categories. Obviously there is the unwanted physical sexual advance which obviously falls short of assault. However, it can be just as damaging particularly when it comes from a trusted person. This is what happened to you starting at a young age. Yes. I talked about my experience with professors in college and that is such a sacred relationship. It is not just end when you finish with their class. When you are still enrolled or right out of school you are counting on that individual to validate your intellectual worth. As women we dont need sexual worth validated anymore. We get so much of that through the media but oftentimes we struggle to feel validated for our skills and intellect. When a professor violates the trust it really throws you into a crisis of confidence. Whether you are a student or professional people say you cant believe that. It is not just gender, it can be ethnicity or how someone looks and acts. Definitely. As an Asian American women woman i have faced bias and discrimination. You know, i think that it kind of compounds the sort of oppression that women face. Especially with in my case being sexually abused as a child. In my essay i write about how it compounds the levels of oppression. It just causes you to just doubt yourself to have shame and i think there is so much stigma attached. So, you mentioned an issue you got a lot on the campaign trail. Are you sure you can do the job . You have children at home. Perhaps they dont realize that is the wrong comment. It was more than an inquiry, it was accusation. I was told i should be ashamed of myself for running for office while i have children. I got that all the time mostly from other women. That is what hurt. Can you both talk about something, a fellow high profile women in the bay area Sheryl Sandberg the facebook of ceo says perhaps people of power wont be inviting female workers to the mixers after work because of all of these. I wont hire them because it can be problematic. Are either of you concerned about this . Absolutely. We have heard stories in sacramento political offices have said no more cocktails with women lobbyists. There is a lobbying firm made up of women and they say that you are discriminating against us based on gender. I dont think we should be excluding interactions with women. We should just be professional and unbiased. Kathleen can you give us a peek ahead into what you guys are working on . I know that we will hear from former Oakland Police officers and women across the community. Yes, all of these essays are in this weeks issue and we have essays from former Police Officers, from the executive director of girls inc. Of alameda county. As well as a cal state east bay professor and a local author. Since the stories have come out there have been a lot of readers reaching out with their stories of Sexual Harassment and next week we have a story about a local Sexual Assault case. Very good work being done. Kathleen richards, thank you. Mayor libby schaaf can you hang out . As you know there is a lot going on. We have asked the mayor to stay with us. We are going to talk about what is going on with city workers as well as what is happening with the oakland as ballpark. 3000 oakland city workers are on strike for a third day. The Oakland City Council met hoping to find a solution but could not agree so 2700 workers are striking leaving many city buildings closed. The union wants a twoyear deal with a 4 raise each year. The council will be meeting again to try to reach an agreement today. We are joined by the mayor of oakland. Two years, 4 are you on board . No. My staff came out with a fiscal analysis that shows that will likely result in laying off up to 188 fulltime workers in the city. Fewer services, basic services that are relied upon. Smoke so the city just cant afford it . Correct. We cant spend money we dont have unlike the congress. The union says the city has 350 fully budgeted positions that are opened. 350 is more than 188. The budget assumes a vacancy rate that is baked into the budget projection. The union says what do you say to their contention that the city relies too heavily on temporary workers, mandatory overtime and folks working 16 hour shifts. I agree with them. If we have to cut staffing it will only make the problem worse. We will have to work critical Public Safety employees on more overtime. This is why we need to get the organization financially stable. What we have on the table exceeds the cost of living increase. It is a fair deal we have offered. It is financially prudent and also they have accused us of underestimating Revenue Growth to address that issue and we have put on the table an additional 2 in the second year if revenue meets certain growth projections. Is marijuana in the tax . Yes, marijuana is in the projections. It has been taken into account. You dont want to give any public funds for a new ballpark for the oakland as so you think about that and you could put that toward the 4 but the ballpark says they are not happy. The Organization Says they are shocked. I was surprised and honestly disappointed that they were not willing to even have the conversation or explore the possibility of what a partnership could look like with the oakland as. With that said i think it is better to move on and find out earlier rather than later this will not work so we can focus attention on sites working for both parties. What are the issues the Peralta College board had with building the ballpark or do you think they just took issue with how this was sort of rolled out . Some people thought they came out and said look we have chosen this site. Do you think the board maybe took issue and said lets dial back . Im not going to speculate or try to get in the minds of those decisionmakers. I have respect for the board of trustees for the Community College and my personal opinion is that they came out with humility. They knew that there were very legitimate concerns about the site and frankly any Major Development in oakland. Everyone is worried about the housing crisis. The displacement and the fact that as the economy is growing it is not benefiting everyone equally. That is true for the oakland as development and every other development in oakland. Those are important questions. On the issue of housing, we saw the rollout of your tuff shed plan. The first day we reported one person took the city up of the offer, what is the status now . How many people are in these temporary structures . I have not had a very recent update because i have my hands full with the strike but the last time i heard three people moved in. I expect more have chosen the option. Is the city going to be more aggressive in clearing out the homeless encampment . This morning we saw a fire underneath a freeway bridge. Part of the deal with the tuff shed shelter is when we have offered the people in the immediate vicinity this option that we think is very good with a low barrier dog run. When we have made the offer and really tried to encourage people to take us up on it we will be clearing the sidewalks. Obviously we cant do that when they are on strike. So if i refuse to go you can take my things . No. We do not arrest people or criminalize poverty but we move people along. With possessions there are careful protocols to ensure people take positions with them or they have the opportunity to reclaim them later on. Yesterday you spoke to dave cavil, what did he have to say . He expressed disappointment and shock, but we talked about moving on. I told him i am more committed than ever. What do you mean by moving on . So, Howard Terminal is my favorite site but even more favorite would be a privately financed ballpark. This is the oakland as money they are spending. We have been very clear so i have to respect they are looking for what works for them. I will take that into account. Obviously Howard Terminal is back on the table. The coliseum site also and we will take another fresh look at the entire city because i am telling you the oakland as need to stay in oakland. Mayor libby schaaf, thank you. We will be right back after the break. Ok, everybody to the sofa. Photo time lets show them how deep my new ikea sofa goes whoa, whoa i told you to put plastic slip covers its fine i will just slip it off and throw it into the wash. Cookies on the lower tier, please. And i got these glasses to make you guys look classy and sophisticated. Perfect, somethings missing you oh, yes whats your dream . At ikea, we help you live it. Okay, and ready . is everybody looking . Make the dream yours. No ones looking make the holidays a treat with kelloggs rice krispies. Breaking news from oakland. These are live pictures of the scene near eighth and harrison in the oakland chinatown district. There is a Large Police Presence where the streets are blocked. We are still working on the ground to get more information about what is happening. A number of transit bus lines are being detoured because of activity in the area. Two people are going through this vehicle and we can see more police on the scene. Again it is important to remember the streets are blocked off near eighth and harrison near oakland chinatown. You cannot get through this area with this many Police Officers on the scene. You assume it is relatively major with the police so our reporters are working to get more information. A couple of people can be seen swabbing off the car. May be Hazardous Material cleanup in the area. Now we have a woman with a stroller. It looks like it could be an investigation into a Traffic Accident whenever they have this machine. We will have more coming up at noon. Breaking news out of california, northwest new mexico three people are dead after a gunman opened fire at a high school in aztec, new mexico. Authorities confirm they responded to the active shooter at 9 00 this morning at aztec high school. The school was put on lockdown and we have reports of one dozen or more people that could be injured. A spokesman is telling reporters the unidentified shooter was down and there were no additional details. It is not clear if the shooting happened inside the school or who is suspected of firing the shots. Clearly another developing story and we will have more information as we get them. Firefighters are battling wildfires in the south california area. They started making progress against the fires in ventura and la counties but extremely strong wind is forecasted for today and i could last through early tomorrow. Experts are predicting sustained winds of up to 80 Miles Per Hour which led them to create the purple wind warning. In Los Angeles County that skirball fire is 5 contained. This is burning near bel air mansions. It is burning in an area that has not seen a major fire since 1961. Back then 500 homes burned. The latest report says that four homes have been destroyed and 11 have damaged. 700 homes in West Los Angeles have been evacuated. Class at ucla has been canceled. The campus is not in danger but power is intermittent. In Los Angeles County the creek fire has charred 12,000 acres. 150 people have been ordered, i beg your pardon that is 150,000 people that have evacuated. 2500 homes and businesses are currently threatened as the high wind is carrying embers into the grass and brush in the hillside. Crews have made the most progress against the rye fire which is near magic mountain. This is 10 contained but officials think it will take until next thursday to get it 100 contained. 5000 homes are in the path of the flames. Crews were able to make progress when the wind settled down for a few hours yesterday. The wind has already started picking up and officials warn there could be Hurricane Force winds when the sun goes down tonight. There has been one death reported in the thomas fire in Ventura County. It has doubled in size overnight and is now at 70 96,000 acres. A woman was found dead after a car crash in an area under evacuation orders. 150 homes and buildings have burned with 15,000 in the fire path. This morning highway 1 was closed in both directions but now all lanes are open to. The fire is just 5 contained. Here is a nice graphic showing the wind and what they will be experiencing. 50 to 80 Miles Per Hour in the hills in Southern California. We have had a few inches of rain up here but nothing down there. Extremely dry conditions with no rain. The same story no rain in the bay area at least until the 21st of this month. In the north bay the amount of insurance claims from the fires has now reached 9 billion. That is the figure as of december 1. It has tripled the 3. 3 billion amount from october. The insurance commissioner for california says claims include more than 15,000 homes, 5700 more homes that were total losses as well as 3000 business claims and 6000 cars. 44 people died in the north bay wildfires making it the deadliest fire event in history. We are hearing the 911 calls from the north bay fires. We have obtained 1000 audio clips shedding light on what people first saw and how agencies responded. There is fire in the trees. The trees are on fire. They were and then they kind of went out but there are a lot of sparks. This is a super high fire danger area. We need to expedite this. There is a tree branch in the powerline. This is 1563 adobe canyon road in kennewick. We have a lot of flames here. This is warm springs road. Multiple 911 calls reported some of the first pg e powerline related sparks around Sonoma County when the fires broke out. Pg e is in the spotlight facing numerous lawsuits accusing the company of putting profits before safety by failing to trim vegetation and trees near the powerlines. Later calls began to reveal how Law Enforcement dealt with frantic colors who were worried about trying to evacuate. In the event we have to evacuate we will call you through your landline and a deputy will come to your house. How do we know if there is an emergency if we have to evacuate . The Police Department has a reverse 911 system that will call you and tell you to evacuate. You will remember we have reported on complaints that residents were not given enough warning or no warning at all as the fire closed in. The Sonoma County sheriff said there was fear of causing panic and jamming up roadways needed by First Responders if they issued a broad alert. 44 people ended up being killed in those fires. In the city of oakland, teachers are planning a protest over possible budget cuts. They plan to pack the School Board Meeting to make their voices heard. The unified district has a proposal to cut 15 million from the budget after overspending the last few years. The Teacher Union says members will be distributing leaflets and Holding Signs outside of schools. Classes will be in session as scheduled. The school board will be voting on what to cut on december 13. A preliminary hearing for the two men charged with Involuntary Manslaughter in the oakland deadly ghost chip warehouse fire. Derick almena and max harris are facing 36 counts of Involuntary Manslaughter in connection with the fire last december. One count for each person killed. A musician at the warehouse when the fire started testified the fire created pure chaos. He says people brought objects into the warehouse for the party including a large projection screen which block people from getting out. The attorney for Derick Almena says that testimony helps his client. That has nothing to do with my client or the codefendant. These people who came up and placed items there. They were not part of the warehouse so that helps us. The preliminary hearing is expected to last five days and prosecutors expect to call 20 witnesses. In the end a judge will rule if there is enough evidence in this case. Australian parliament has voted to legalize samesex marriage. Marriage in australia is now defined as the union of two people instead of the union of a man and woman. Last month samesex marriage was endorsed by 62 of voters. The first samesex marriages could start next month. Coming up next, the classic story the secret garden is playing in San Francisco. We are live with two members of the cast talking about bringing the story to the stage. I love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. Febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. Because the things you love can stink. Aswitch to new pantene light as air foam conditioner, full of rich prov nutrients. For 100 conditioning, 0 weight new pantene foam conditioner. Welcome back, through Christmas Eve this secret garden is being performed at the gateway theater in San Francisco. [ singing ] telling the story of mary lennox who comes to live with her uncle and cousins and discovers the mysterious garden peer the show will feature an allfemale Creative Team to honor the authors. For more we are joined by katie muffin and brian watson from the play. Thank you for coming in. Talk about the setting for those who dont know the story. This is early 20th century. What is the mood going in . I mean, it is very, i dont even. So eventually katie goes to live with her uncle. Right, she was raised in india in Colonial India and then her parents died of cholera and they bring her to england to live with her uncle who has kind of been removed from the world because of a tragedy and then both of their tragedies come together to help heal each other. So it is a story of healing. Yes, it is a little bit of a ghost story at the same time. If you like a christmas carol, this will get that kind of a vibe. The director says it is about her favorite things, girls gardens and ghosts. So why do you think this is such an enduring classic for generations . I think the message is so important that during the holidays it is important to spend time with family. Family does not always mean someone you are related to by blood or someone you are always with. It is just someone you love and connect with. How did you get the role . My friend told me they were having auditions for the secret garden. I thought i would give it a shot. It is my San Francisco debut and i thought i would have a go. Were you nervous . You live in the bay area so it is in your backyard. Did you have no nerves . It was a little bit of both. I felt comfortable it was in my area and summer i was familiar with, but also i was nervous because i always did stuff at my Community Theater so this is a step up. What was the first stage show you ever saw . Probably the nutcracker or something. My son is seven and he just saw that for the first time. What about working together . Is it difficult or what kind of preparation do you do . We have been rehearsing for about three weeks. It was a quick process, but katie has been a professional. She has been mixing in with the adults well. There are three young actors in a cast of 15 or 16 people and they mixed in well with everybody. They keep up with us and they are keeping us on our toes. It has been a great experience. It is hard enough to get up and talk in front of a large audience. How about to get up and sing, how hard is that . Gosh, i have been doing it forever. It comes naturally because i have been doing it for so long. I am not really nervous about it. How do you feel when you come off the stage . Just energized and i feel like i have accomplished something and i feel so good. How about you . I love it. I have been doing it since i was her age. It is all that i have known. I went to school for it and hopefully it keeps working out. I dont know how to do anything else. Lie should people come see the show . It is such a beautiful show. It has a beautiful story and beautiful themes of love and acceptance. As i mentioned before, family. It is so important that people really get the message. Katie and brian, congratulations. Have a Great Holiday season. We have put Ticket Information on ktvu. Com. Look for it in the web links section under the mornings on 2 tab. Coming up next, on mornings on 2. We are at the grand opening of gotts roadside. We are going to see why they chose walnut creek for their new location. Inside they have more than just burgers and shakes. Sfx tinny headphone music sfx feet shuffling life can change in an instant. Be covered when it does. With a health plan through covered california. We offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. And all of our plans include free preventive care. Financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. For Health Insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. Because you never know when life. Will change. Get covered today. With locations in st. Helena the San Francisco Ferry Building and palo alto, gotts is expanding to the east bay pick 10 00 is the perfect time for a juicy burger and pile of fries. That is when they will be opening. Steve paulson is joining us live from the new gotts in walnut creek. Reporter this is the sixth opening and it is the grand opening. Come on down and strategically there was a lot that went into the thought process of why gotts picked walnut creek. Droning me is Claire Walker the president. Spoke first, welcome here to gotts. We have restaurants in napa and further to the south but we wanted to pick a location conveniently located between the other stores. Reporter chamber of commerce answer, there you go. Lets go inside and see what we have. Lets take a look at the menu. There is the photographer. Lets talk about, you have more than burgers and fries. We have a lot more than that. We specialize in american roadside classics. Known for burgers fries and shakes but for the most part we have so much more. We have fresh salads, sushi seafood and chicken sandwiches. The impossible cheeseburger . It is vegetarian and to die for. Reporter there is a bar and lounge as well which you dont have at your other locations. That is correct. We have the same beer and wine, but we have tried to create a different style of seating in the bar for people without children. Reporter lets pan over here over toward the street. You have doors going up and in the summertime this is made to order . Yes. We come from the napa valley and we like to have the indoor outdoor vibe. Those are electric garage doors that open on nice days. Reporter look into the kitchen here. The glass separates everything. You can see everything getting ready to go. I think we are going to look at some of the food now. What do we have coming up here . These are some of the classics. This is the open kitchen for everyone to see this is a common element. This is how it is at all of our restaurants. Reporter this is the important stuff. First of all, hello, who are you . On the culinary director. We have our california burger. We have the ojai tacos , citrus avocado salad, onion rings, black and white shake and the crab sandwich. The dungeness crab sandwich. Reporter you also have sushi grade seafood. But you are known for your burgers so today at 10 00 come on down to gotts and this will be the grand opening. There are people already lining up. Raise your hands. Come on down, the new location at walnut creek at south main street across from broadway plaza. You can see macys across the street. I think we will be taking some food back. Save the burger for me. The Golden State Warriors played without steph curry last night but kevin durant took control leading the warriors to the victory over the hornets. Kevin durant had his first tripledouble with 35 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists. The hornets fell down by 26 points. Klay thompson had 22 points. Nikki young had 10 points off the bench. Young with the pump fake. A nice pump fake. The warriors are one win away from sweeping their road trip. The annual coat collection drive is going on right now. We ask you to donate a new or gently used coat sweater or winter item. You can donate at bay street, santana row in san jose and walnut creek on ice. You can also donate at ups and big o tires. Real quickly, where do you think the oaken ballpark will go now . Maybe Howard Terminal . I really like to the Delaney College site because it was in the heart of the city. Maybe howard coliseum. The coliseum has everything you need. I want howard by the water. The debate continues, much more news coming up at noon for you on this busy thursday. John t come. My uncle geoff just confirmed. The one thats always bringing a plusone . Yes, but weve got plusone insurance. Whats your dream . At ikea, we help you live it. Make the dream yours. cheering thank you, ikea. Oh, john cant come. My uncle geoff just confirmed. The one thats always bringing a plusone . Yes, but weve got plusone insurance. Whats your dream . At ikea, we help you live it. Make the dream yours. cheering announcer it is it a happy holiday from the Wendy Williams show. Now heres wendy. [cheers and applause] wendy hello thank you for watching

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