Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20171

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20171204

the latest developments have led to questions about president donald trump's firing of michael flynn and whether the commander-in-chief is guilty of obstructing justice. rob malcolm is in our newsroom at our report. >> reporter: frank and julie, a bombshell from a top democrat with ties to california, senator dianne feinstein. she says there is enough evidence to investigate president donald trump evolving -- involving russian ties with the 2016 election but a political analyst i spoke with tonight says the senate intelligence committee's investigation of the president is much more limited than that. >> reporter: just days after president donald trump's former national security advisor, michael flynn, admitted to lying to the fbi, sunday, california senator dianne feinstein told nbc's meet the press, a case to charge the president with obstruction of justice could be building. >> i think we see this in the indictments, the four indictments and plea deals that have just taken place in -- and some of the comments that are being made. >> reporter: she points to robert mueller's russia collusion probe which saw the indictments against former campaign officials paul manafort and rick gates, and also george papadopoulos who like national security advisor michael flynn and bend it to lying to the fbi. this tweet by the president feinstein says also points to guilt. "i had to fire general fund because he lied to the vice president and the fbi. he has pled guilty to those lies. >> i see it in the hyper frenetic attitude of the white house, the comments every day. the continual tweets. and i see it most importantly in what happened with the firing of director call me. believes that historically because he did not agree to list the cloud -- lift the cloud of the russia investigation. that is obstruction of justice. >> reporter: political science professor joe two men clarified the endgame for top democrats. >> what senator feinstein was saying what she sees charges for obstruction of justice coming together on the basis of loosely accumulating all of this different evidence. >> reporter: that evidence has been collected for months by mueller's team who has access to everyone. the senate investigation is limited in scope but still important. >> the low hanging fruit is obstruction of justice in this case. you have plenty of evidence on that, but there are a range of other charges that may be looked at as well. >> reporter: he adds that despite the tweets claiming no collusion by the president and his lawyers, this will almost be neatly tied up and finished by the end of december could be wishful thinking. so what we're looking at will be a long, drawnout affair with every white house official in the crosshairs of this investigation now retaining legal counsel. general fund's confession has to be taken seriously because he now -- it now means he is giving up information. julie? >> rob malcolm in the newsroom. thank you. president donald trump's former deputy campaign manager says he never interacted with anyone from russia. >> was there a single russian interaction that you ever witnessed? >> not even one and this investigation has been going on for a long time and i just don't put out there that there is a scintilla of evidence that shows russian collusion. this president, then candidate, was not part of the campaign, and i never saw a russian at trump tower or interacted with one. i was number on an email about one. >> along with the former campaign manager co-authoring a new book on the president's 2016 campaign called "wet trump be trump" and is scheduled for release on sunday. tax reform will take place on capitol hill tomorrow as republicans try to reconcile the tax overhaul bills they have passed in the house and the senate. carolyn shively is in washington with more. >> reporter: to reconcile their two bills, members of the house and senate have to come together on the individual mandate, whether to make the personal tax cuts permanent and even whether we should have four or seven tax brackets. they only have three weeks to do it before the president's christmas deadline. the senate and house versions both cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%. some republicans say the promise has set the market on fire. then they say that will inspire workers -- companies to raise -- pay more money and hire more workers but others argue the roll down doesn't -- isn't guaranteed. >> these companies could invest money in the workforce, giving them skills they need to compete as opposed to what i am afraid of, is that we will see the vast majority of these funds come back and be used for share buyback and dividends. >> reporter: democrats and some republicans in high tax states like new york or california also complained about the elimination of some local and state tax deductions and margaret -- mortgage deductions which could raise taxes for their constituents but republicans in lower tax states say if you don't like it, move. >> the majority of people in the country are tired of subsidizing the high tax states. why should a couple of two children making an income exactly the same for the same couple with the same kids in california, why should the couple in iowa pay more federal income tax? that has been the case for the last 30 years. this moves to correct that. >> one of the big challenges for the conference committee will be senate rules that require a bill to be budget neutral after 10 years. that's why the senate version ditch the personal task -- personal tax cuts after a decade with helps future members of congress will renew them. the house wants to make them permanent. carolyn shively, fox news. two people were injured by a house fire in else aponte today including a firefighter. crews were called to the home on san pablo road at 4:30 pm this afternoon and arrived to find the rear of the home engulfed in flames and heavy smoke pulling out of the entire house. they say it was tough to knock down the flames because there was so much stuff inside the house. it took firefighters about 30 minutes to get the fire under control. >> the cause of the fire appears to be unattended cooking, frying on a stove that was unattended, and i don't have a damage estimate for the fire just yet, but it is pretty severe inside the structure. >> one firefighter suffered a serious injury to his leg and a resident suffered smoke inhalation. tonight, the red cross is helping the four people who live there. a delivery truck caught fire in downtown san francisco blocking traffic for more than an hour. thankfully, no one was injured and no buildings were burned. the truck caught fire at sixth street and brannan street just after 5 pm tonight and it blocked the on ramp to interstate 280, which is what led to the traffic delays. new at 10:00, a group working to recall santa clara judge aaron persky who sentenced former stanford swimmer brock turner claims turner's conviction appeal has no merit. lawyers for turner filed papers with the appellate court claiming that prosecutors presented inaccurate information and the trial was "fundamentally unfair." a spokesman for the group said "there was overwhelming evidence of turner's guilt including two eyewitnesses and dna. turner is now seeking a new trial. he was found guilty on three charges after sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster near the stanford campus last year. he served three months in jail for crime. one person is dead and another critically injured after an early morning crash on eye a deep. -- on eye 880. this car was driving extremely fast southbound. the car veered out of control and crossed all of the lanes before slamming into the guardrail and then ricocheting into a sign poll. >> we have a witness report that saw this eagle pass at a high rate of speed. thereafter they lost control and feared across all of the lanes and struck the guardrail here on the right side and then slide it into -- slid into the pole here. >> chp says the driver died at the scene and the passenger was taken to the hospital. late today, the alameda county coroner identified the man who died as 23-year-old jawan morton of michigan. investigators are trying to determine if drugs were involved. crews are still trying to clear damage following a violent crash at the toll plaza yesterday. chp says the driver of a box truck took out an entire tollbooth and killed the toll taker inside. leigh martinez has more now on the victim and the investigation. >> reporter: it has been a year since epila porthall has returned to the side of the bridge. >> she was the light of the bridge. i mean rain or shine she always had a beautiful smile on her face. i called her my china doll. she was so beautiful. >> reporter: 46-year-old -- the 46-year-old was killed when a box truck crashed into her tollbooth. coworkers say the accident happened just 10 minutes after she started her 5 am shift. they were devastated by her death. >> she made it a better shift. she made it a better moment with us during at work and i will always remember that of her and her wisdom. her sincere friendship. her warmth. >> reporter: california highway patrol later arrested the box truck driver, 32-year-old daniel berk of foster city for driving under the influence and vehicular manslaughter. the governor ordered flags flown at half staff -- half staff. portal says she also came in to check on her former coworkers after the tragic loss. >> to bring some offerings to the family and to the bay bridge family as well. to my former coworkers. to show some solidarity. >> reporter: chp says engineers confirm the toll plaza's structural integrity but could not estimate a time tollbooth 14 will be back. coworkers say it will not be the same without her. chp says it does consider burke in custody. however, he remains in the hospital tonight and a chp officer says it's likely he will remain in the hospital for several more days. after that, he will be booked on those charges of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence. in oakland, leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. sexual-harassment on capitol hill. what we're learning about taxpayer dollars being used to pay off accusers and the move to make public the names of all of those lawmakers who use that fund. also ahead, king tides are expected tomorrow. weather could trigger possible flooding along the coast. and -- and in weather, showers quickly moving out of town leaving us with some cool temperatures. coming up, the neighborhoods near freezing tomorrow morning and we will let you know if we have any rain drops in the 5- day forecast. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need. in washington, members of the house administration committee will hold a hearing next week to just -- to discuss possible changes to the congressional accountability act. as ellison barber reports, this comes as four members of congress face mounting pressure to step down amid accusations of sexual misconduct. >> reporter: in the past week, at least two new accusers have come forward but so far none of the lawmakers accused of sexual harassment or misconduct have lost their jobs on capitol hill where the case of republican candidate roy moore, there are -- their potential future job on capitol hill. mitch mcconnell previously drop -- called on moore to drop out of the race and said alabama voters will decide. >> a lot of the discussion about it. they will make their decision on tuesday. the ethics committee will have to consider the matters that have been litigated in the campaign should that particular candidate win. >> when allegations of sexual harassment or misconduct came out against some in the private sector, many lost their jobs. the same cannot be said for these lawmakers, but all are accused of some form of sexual harassment. unwanted advances on a staffer, and al franken of groping five women, conyers of harassing former staffers upholding a sexual-harassment claim with 84,000 taxpayer dollars. and it may case of farrand, the money came from a fund from the office of compliance. >> we know all total since 1995, there have been 268 claims paid. we know the total is $17 million. how that breaks out with different types of complaints and settlements we do not know. >> reporter: that fund is now the focus of bipartisan legislation with a goal to and it and to name any lawmaker who has used it. it has 63 cosponsors as of sunday morning. in washington dc, i am ellison barber, fox news. .10:00, the u.s. postal service found a suspicious item this weekend at the bottom of a mailbox in oakland. it was discovered about 3 pm yesterday afternoon at stanford and san pablo avenue's. a bomb squad was come -- called in to investigate as postal service investigators still haven't figured out what it was but they say it has been rendered safe but they have now sent it to a crime lab in washington dc. police are investigating the deadly shooting of a man in antioch today. officers responded to a call about a shooting on empire mine road near deerfield road around 2:30 pm this afternoon. the man died at the scene. police are hoping witnesses will come forward with information that could lead to the gunman. the two men charged in connection with the ghost ship fire are due in court tomorrow. defendants derick almena and max harris are scheduled for a preliminary hearing in the alameda county courthouse. a judge will decide if there is enough evidence against them. both men are charged with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. one count for each victim killed in the fire. if convicted of all of those charges, both could be sentenced to some 39 years behind bars. yesterday marked one year since the deadly fire. people came to a memorial at the warehouse there in oakland. flowers, candles and pictures have been said about that memorial. we talked to some family members of the victims who say it is still very difficult to grasp the enormity of that tragedy. king tides are expected tomorrow in the bay area and that could be flooding in some areas. the so-called king tides occur around the time of a super moon. during a full moon, times become 3 to 4 feet above average. experts say the high tides could lead to flooding in marin county and others. tonight, the last full moon of the year is a superman. the super moon happens when a new moon or a full moon coincides with the closest distance that the moon reaches its orbit. it makes it bigger and but -- bigger and brighter. it's the start of a trilogy of super moons. the next two will be janay 2nd and 4 january 31. it's nice to have clear skies tonight. we have beautiful images of the super moon tonight scattered around the bay. last night at this time we had lots of cloud cover and some rain showers, but rainfall, not amounting too much. a few hundred 7 inch. concorde .05, oakland .02, and the sierra picked up snowfall around 4 to 6 inches. things have cleared out. we are expecting mostly sunny skies for tomorrow. a bit of bay breeze out there for the higher terrain. it will be windy. temperatures tomorrow mainly in the low to mid 60s. here is a satellite showing you this. our old system moving out to the east towards nevada. we have a few high clouds working their way into the area but mostly clear to partly cloudy skies and temperatures if you've been outside, you know it's been cooling off rapidly. look at the numbers. we have walnut creek 39 degrees, santa rosa, nopah lower 40s. san francisco 41 in fairfield a wind gust at 22 mile per hour -- miles per hour so wins will be picking up. outside right now, you can see mostly clear skies looking out for the bay bridge lights and the embarcadero lights. a wind advisory does begin for portions of the bay area and for the most bay hills, east bay hills, and they started a few minutes ago starting at 10:00. strong master northeast winds kicking the. this in place until 10 am tuesday. winds potentially for the higher peaks could be testing to 50 miles per hour. down toward southern california this will translate to high fire danger with a red flag warning posted downpour los angeles county and santa barbara county as well. overnight lows, the coolest spots back down into the lower 30s. where waking up to a chill in the air and a breeze out there. lots of sunshine for your monday forecast. monday morning, 8:00 and then into the afternoon hours, 5 pm monday. so we have a few showers last night -- had a few showers last night into this morning. what's interesting for this time of year is it looks like an extended period of dry weather. we will talk more about the pattern coming up in a few minutes. children who are spending the holidays and bay area hospitals got the chance to take a flight to see santa. united airlines hosted their fantasy flight to the north pull from sfo for 60 children and their families. they came from antioch hospital oakland and three other bay area hospitals. they took a short trip around the bay area and then returned to a gate decorated as the north pole. the children say the highlight of their day was getting to meet santa. >> i saw santa claus and mrs. clause. >> that means everything i think. it's important at a young age for them to develop their imagination and have a good time and let go of the of the things they might have to deal with. >> after the flight, the kids got a chance to spend even more time with santa claus inside the airport. coming up tonight, the body of a missing toddler found in a creek in north carolina. what we're learning about the case. plus american airlines releasing a plan to solve its pilot shortage during the holiday season. details on the deal me to fix the problem. jack: why am i sitting here at jack: this ridiculously long table in the middle of nowhere? jack: to invite all my friends in the industry to try this. jack: fast food's first ever ribeye burger. jack: made with 100% ribeye beef, grilled onions, a red wine glaze and creamy havarti cheese. jack: ahh, here comes the competition now. jack: and of course, since they work for my competitors, i've obscured their identities jack: except for this guy. jack: he is so screwed. jack: try my new havarti & grilled onion and all-american ribeye burgers. police in north carolina have found what they believe to be the body of a missing three- year-old girl. police are calling the death of mariah woods a homicide but they haven't yet said how the girl died. last night, a police dive team found the body in a creek about 25 miles from the girl's home in jacksonville, north carolina. she was reported missing by her mother who said she saw her for the last time when she put her to bed sunday night. hundreds of volunteers had been searching for her all week. on friday, police arrested her mother's boyfriend and charged him with concealing a death and obstructing justice. >> this investigation continues. i will be awaiting the results of the medical examiner's report. >> we were all hoping for a better outcome. according to the arrest warrant, the suspect removed the girl's body and knew that her death was not natural. police say he lived with mom -- with mariah woods and her mother. prosecutors are deciding whether more charges should be filed and the fbi is asking for surveillance video from businesses and homes in the area where mariah woods disappeared. in new york, a man is under arrest suspected of stabbing two people and plowing into six other people, killing one of them and leaving the other in critical condition. police say it happened in queens around 4:30 am. they don't believe the incident was a terror attack. instead they think it all stemmed from a parking dispute. >> the driver of a white hyundai sedan exited the vehicle and stabbed two individuals. both of those individuals were stabbed in the torso. >> police say the 22-year-old man then tried -- tried to drive away mowing down six people on the sidewalk. one person was killed and another is in critical condition. police have not released the suspect's name. the cast and crew of star wars is remembering the late carrie fisher who reprised her role as princess leia one last time in the latest star wars movie. she finished filming all of her scenes for star wars the last jedi before she died of a heart attack last december. one year later, the cast says her performance means even more, reminding them how carrie fisher would bring joy on and off the screen. >> it's just unbearably son. i don't want and -- i don't want to try and sugarcoat it. although i do know well enough to say that she would want us to be laughing and even mocking her. >> i feel like there is a sense that she understands and this is in the character in the film and i think that the mirroring to life is uncanny. >> star wars the last jedi opens on december 14. american airlines has struck a deal with pilots to save thousands of flights this those -- this busy holiday season. the airline announced it has resulted scheduling glitch that could have left thousands of flights without pilots. earlier this week the pilots union said more than 15,000 american flights from december 17 two the 31st could possibly be grounded as a scheduling glitch had allowed too many pilots to take vacation during the period. american airlines now says it expects to have all of its flights fully staffed during christmas week. just pop out and grab one of those, it looks like a purse or a bag. and they would be in my car in less than 15 seconds. >> holiday shopping mistakes. up next, we speak with a sheriff's sergeant who takes us into the mind of a thief to help you stay safe this holiday season. closed captioning for the 10:00 news brought to you by mancini sleep world. rest easy with huge sales during the triple bonus mattress sale. stay comfortable. hundreds of oakland city workers are set to walk off the job on tuesday. according to the san francisco chronicle, two labor unions notified the city of the plans over the weekend. the strike could shut down libraries, park and rec centers, and after school programs operated by the city. city leaders and union members have been unable to reach an agreement on issues such as pay and overtime. there is no estimate on how long the strike that last. cbs announced they are buying health insurer aetna for $68 billion today. that could mean lower costs for consumers and more health services at cvs stores. cvs plans to use its low-cost clinics to provide medical services to the roughly 20,000,000 members under aetna. in addition to health clinics, cbs could provide assistance with vision, hearing and other issues. this is the biggest healthcare merger in over a year. shareholders and regulators still must approve the deal. with the holiday shopping season now in full swing, big crowds and big distractions can make us all easy targets for criminals, but it's hard to stay on guard overtime. claudine wong takes a look at how criminals think and what we can do to stay safe. >> reporter: yes, the holidays are all about making that list and checking it twice. and on black friday, our crews saw lots of people making good progress on those lists. i looked at this woman and thought it's going to be a great christmas but? see something a little bit different. >> it's a good example right there. somebody driving up there and you know it wouldn't take anything to pop out and grab one of those it looks like a purse or a bag and they would be in that car in less than 15 seconds. >> reporter: every holiday, we are told to stay on alert. make sure we don't become victims of theft or robbery. sometimes, that is e-vine -- easier said than done. >> it's holiday season. everybody is in holiday or shopping mode and they are not in theft protection mode. >> reporter: we asked j.d. nelson of the alameda county sheriff's department to give us insight into what criminals are thinking. i can tell you personally hindsight is 2020. looking back at this surveillance picture of my wide- open purse at the top of my shopping cart last month is to be honest embarrassing. especially since i know now that only moments later, someone in this car reached out a window and grabbed it. >> how fast were they gone? >> within seconds. >> reporter: but sharing that story led to a lot of advice. >> what a lot of people told me is when i got robbed, they said you should have worn a cross carry purse. you should have looked it into a shopping cart. you should have done a few of these things to make yourself not so tempting for the criminal. >> sure. i mean there's always a lot of things you could do, but there is also cases where people you know ripped the strap right off and then you get hurt in the process. criminals generally target what they perceive as an easy target. >> we thought it was a good time to take a minute to figure out how to make ourselves a harder target. we had sergeant nelson look at some of the video from black friday. ordinary people just trying to enjoy the day. we asked him to give us the criminal's perspective. he says when it comes to location if you're near a street you may see convenience but? see escape routes. >> the exit is even easier in and out formal. >> reporter: shopping inside a mall or a store might make it a little harder for them to grab and run. >> the problem they would have been the situation is a lot of people are around. there is a lot of people moving on with her theft ideas and most criminals don't want to do that. >> reporter: we saw lots of people putting down their bags and while we see someone in need of a break, shar gio nelson says? see opportunity. >> how tough would it be for someone who has got a little bit of jump in messed up to just run up there and grab those and be gone? you can see shadows of guys working by and her bag is to that chatter. so you -- so anyone could have easily distracted her. >> what we don't think about could be a signal to others. this man appears to be snapping a picture but what? see is a double opportunity. >> that guys just taking a picture and looking at something. >> he is taking a picture. it looks like you might have a credit card or somebody takes his phone, they take his phone and his credit card. >> that is pretty common now. >> people do for the convenience. >> reporter: when it comes to convenience, sergeant nelson says nothing is more convenient than a parking lot. and while it's better to put closer and under lights, sometimes we don't have a choice. >> there working to a further point of the parking lots and are together but she has her purse. >> she does. but again, safety in numbers. the real risk is when you go out to your car and you put your bags in your car and you go back to your shop. >> you wouldn't do that? >> if it's in plain sight it doesn't take anything to break somebody's window and get in it. some of the suvs have little covers for that back area. >> do you think that deters them? >> absolutely. >> reporter: it's easy, it's fast and sergeant nelson says it doesn't really come with enough consequences. >> voters have essentially decriminalized theft in california under $1000 so the risk for reward is certainly there for them. >> so if somebody steals from you, what could they get? >> it's a misdemeanor now. you might spend the night in jail. that's it. that's why you're seeing this rash of car break-ins in san francisco and oakland and a lot of places. there is no punishment for that crime anymore. the old days you would get 30 or 60 days, or if you kept doing it, six months in the county lockup. >> so in the mind of a criminal, you are trying to do whatever you can to get stuff with the least possible consequence. >> the least consequence and chance of getting caught. >> claudine wong reporting. it just takes a second to get distracted. >> it absolutely does and so important to be aware of your surroundings. it's very easy to get caught up on your phone. that's when you make yourself a target. >> that's when the criminals pounds. when we are not looking. still to come, president donald trump's son-in-law on the hot seat. a potential usmc move in israel. we will have details after the break. the first week in december we could typically track heavy rain and possibly flooding. a completely different story this week. we will update the forecast. bay area evenings have a rhythm all their own. at ktvu, -- at fox 2 ktvu, evenings are all about you. the 10:00 news. ♪ [baby crib musical mobile] millions are still exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke. and some of them can't do anything about it. but you can. protect your family. visit we need to be ready for my name's scott strenfel and r i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. more than 55,000 people in parts of indonesia are living in shelters this morning or tonight rather because of a nearby volcanic eruption. he safety alert is sent to the highest level as scientists say it's difficult to make exact predictions about the danger. the popular resort of bali, which usually ca -- which usually sees an influx of tourists at this time remains in a state of emergency. new photos from north korea show kim jong un's visit to a factory that made tires for a huge truck that transported an intercontinental ballistic missile. the test launch was met with a public rally and fireworks in pyeongchang friday. despite the international sanctions. the missile flew about 600 miles before landing in the ocean. japan saying it could potentially reach washington dc. kim jong un thanked workers at the facility and complemented them for making the tires without any foreign equipment. the white house senior adviser says president donald trump is still weighing a decision on whether to move the rest embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. the move was a promise he made for his campaign as president, as moving the embassy has the potential to spark protests across the middle east and could potentially we can an arab-israeli peace push led by the president's son-in-law and advisor jared kushner. >> he is still looking at a lot of different facts. when he makes his decision he will be the one to tell you, not me. he will make sure he does it at the right time. >> palestinian president -- the palestinian president is mentioning that moving the embassy will jeopardize peace efforts. the palestinians also claim jerusalem as part of their own future state. today is the 25th anniversary of something most of us use every day. it was december 3, 1992 that the first text message was set -- sent in britain. it was sent to the cell phone of richard jarvis. jarvis was at the company christmas party when he received the message, which said "merry christmas." >> back in the day, handsets could only receive messages, they couldn't send them so we had to use an interface on the actual sms computer if you like to type in the phone number and the message and then it would get sent from there. it wasn't for about another year that you could send messages from the phone. >> according to the technology blog gadget, the number of text messages searched to 781,000,000,000 per month as of last june. >> i can't do that something. you do it that way? >> yeah. >> i watch my daughters do it. they are so quick. still to come, a family in sacramento is thankful to have their pet back and where their cat was found makes it more of a miracle. how the cat survived an 80,000 mile -- 1000 mile adventure. and mark tamayo will have the complete bay area forecast when we come back. jack: why am i sitting here at jack: this ridiculously long table in the middle of nowhere? jack: to invite all my friends in the industry to try this. jack: fast food's first ever ribeye burger. jack: made with 100% ribeye beef, grilled onions, a red wine glaze and creamy havarti cheese. jack: ahh, here comes the competition now. jack: and of course, since they work for my competitors, i've obscured their identities jack: except for this guy. jack: he is so screwed. jack: try my new havarti & grilled onion and all-american ribeye burgers. a cat is back home with its owner after an 80 mile adventure that actually ended here in san francisco thanks to a microchip. >> the ndc has more on the cat's return. >> reporter: just to be clear, squishy the cat didn't leave home because they named him squishy. i can tell you were wondering. but look at him as a kitten. he was squishy. >> i will call him squishy and he shall be mine. >> and he didn't leave home looking for his family because he lives with them. his brothers and sister. still, squishy did leave home. >> i hadn't seen him and so we started calling for him and looking for him and all the other siblings were around. >> reporter: squishy was gone. >> ♪ >> reporter: how far he would go is one heck of a tale. see, squishy has a certain personality. >> he is very rambunctious. >> reporter: for after a month after -- so after a month of being missing, they were pretty worried. >> the longer we went without seeing him, the work said god. i was worried that maybe he got hit by a car or i was worried someone take him -- took him in and kept him. >> reporter: but then they got a call from the spca in san francisco. they had found squishy. they had identified him from the microchip he got implanted as a kitten, but they couldn't quite believe the address. this was a lathrop cat hanging out some 80 miles away. >> i go where is he? she goes he is in san francisco. i have no idea how he ended up there. >> reporter: they don't know how he got there or what he was doing while he was there but they do know the first thing he did when he got home was take a nice, long catnap. a little bit of a trip for squishy. everything ended up to be good news. a happy ending. our forecast headlines, we have this. mostly clear skies with a bit of a breeze. some gusty winds. tomorrow, still some gusty conditions for the north bay hills and the east bay hills. a dry weather pattern that will take us through the week. you have been hearing a lot about the super moon and the king tides. they are all connected. the sun, the moon and the earth in alignment. without the sun and the moon has a greater invitational poll on the water, so the title activity is greater. low tide tomorrow morning at 2.2 feet of the golden gate bridge about 4:00 and then into the afternoon hours approaching by 11:00, going way up to 7 feet. that's when we could have flooding near the coast and portions of the bay. this will actually happen once again into a tuesday as well. what's interesting after the 11:00 mark is when the tide drops off rapidly throughout the afternoon. once again, some minor flooding near the coast and the bay into tuesday. outside right now, our live camera looking toward san francisco. still looking nice out there to go ice-skating. mostly clear skies. definitely want to bundle up tonight. temperatures are dropping rapidly. you heard about the super moon. we snapped this picture earlier tonight for the east bay hills. just beautiful. the bay bridge lights in the foreground. clear skies tonight. we kind of walked out with the view. a great portion of the bay area with that super moon. satellite showing you a few high clouds approaching mother in california and partly cloudy skies in the north bay. checking in on current numbers, it's pretty chilly. some 40s for santa rosa and napa. walnut creek 39 degrees and sfo checking in at 53 degrees. wind speeds picking up as well. here's a gust at 22 miles per hour out towards fairfield, santa rosa, napa 12 to 14 and these winds will strengthen heading into monday. we will have winds 20 to 25 miles per hour and a calm wind gordon hayward. this is a weather system that moved into the bay area yesterday producing clouds and scattered rain showers kicking out of town this area of high pressure. we have a dry weather pattern all week, extending into next week. gusty winds and more sunshine over the next few days. towards southern california they have a red flag warning posted for all of these areas) monday, tuesday and into wednesday. winds potentially could gust from 50 to 70 miles per hour. so, fire season continues. we are looking for rainfall. we will put this forecast model in motion. see this clock moving around with a bunch of zeros up and down northern and central california. no rainfall inside for us. temperatures tomorrow mainly in the 60s. a few spots near the coast in the upper 50s. san jose 63 degrees, morgan held 61 degrees and half moon bay in the upper 50s. here is a look at your 5-day forecast. this feels strange. no threat of rain in sight. lots of 60s out there and then high fire danger in southern california. no rain clouds out there the first week of december. >> how unusual is that for red flag warnings in december? >> maybe november it could happen but at least a wind event this strong is a bit unusual. >> he said 50 to 70 miles per hour? >> and an isolated amount could approach 80 miles per hour down to ourselves. unfortunately, they will be watching that closely. >> all right. thank you, mark. a new associated press report says many charter schools are segregated and black diversity. enrollment data from over 6000 charter schools was analyzed across the country. in the 2014-2015 school year, more than 1000 charter schools enrolled 99% minority students. schools that are highly segregated often have lower levels of achievement. research has shown schools with higher percentages of minority students have fewer resources and less experienced teachers. advocates of charter schools say they often serve minority students who have been let down by traditional public schools. gas prices are going down. trilby lundberg says they have gone down seven cents a gallon over the last two months. the national average is now $2.50 for a gallon. the highest prices are in san francisco and an average of $3.26 a gallon. tulsa has the lowest prices at about $2.18 a gallon. the annual one warm coat drive is now underway. we are encouraging anyone who has a new or gently used code, sweater or other winter items to donate them in need -- to those in need. several drop off locations are set up around the bay area and here are those locations: bay street, santana row, and at walnut creek on ice. you can also make clothing donations at participating u.p.s. and big o tire stores. [ chanting ] build.wall! build that wall! >> white nationalists gathered outside the white house today to protest the verdict in the kate steinle case. their push to build the wall and why they say more needs to be done to keep illegal immigrants out of the united states. coming up next in sports, a new era for the 49ers begins with a win while the raiders are in a do or die contest against the giants. joe fonzi will be here with all of the highlights right after the break. there were such huge expectations for jimmy garoppolo today and i would say he exceeded them. >> there is no question. least fulfilled them and gives us something exciting for the final four weeks. the quarterback is considered the most important and hardest to fill position. the 49ers had to like what they saw from their midseason acquisition jimmy garoppolo. making his third nfl start. first as a 49er in chicago near where he grew up with his family and the soldier field seats witnessing. for domestic not it in the and zumba jimmy garoppolo led them on several trust down 7-3 in the second quarter. marquise goodwin for 23 yards right there. that resulted in a field goal. this was by far the biggest play of the day for the bears. this pent -- punt return second terrible idea by two recalling but you can make it a great play. that's a 61 yard return but they actually ran 127 yards. it was 14-6 chicago but the 49ers kept chipping away and had one last driveway. they were 10-18 on third-down conversions. this one to trent ihle put them in easy field goal range with a little more than 2 minutes to play. robbie gold lined up for a 20 yard field goal that he knew with 4 seconds left. gold, the other homecoming story playing at soldier field for the first time since he was released by the bears after the 2015 season. 15-14 49er win. garoppolo has been trying to learn kyle shanahan's offense. he isn't there yet but a win is a win. >> it's tough. i mean, this whole week has been tough coming in here and trying to get everything done as quickly as possible. there are so many different variables that go into it but i think we came out here with some things to improve on. we will get better at that stuff but overall, you've got to find a way to win at the end of the day. >> there is one thing we can say for sure right now about the raiders and the afc west with four games left to play. just about anything can happen. the raiders hosting the giants with quarterback eli manning benched. the raiders were facing a third and 1 on their first series with marshawn lynch. 51 yard run for a touchdown as the longest by lynch since 2014. he is on the way to a 101 yard gain. the raiders never trailed but it was a struggle. a little breathing room early in the fourth quarter when deandre washington park -- parted this is. and then after the giants closed within 3, it was derek carr to johnny holden. holton at the goal line but he crossed the plane before it was popped loose and the raiders hang on for a 24-17 win and they are now 6-6 as are the chiefs and the chargers. all free play each other one more time. jack del rio says the team is on track. >> all the goals we set when the season started are before us. we will continue to take them one at a time but i am proud of our guys continue to work. i feel like we are improving as we go down the stretch here. >> the warriors are midway through a six-game road trip featuring one of the trends that have characterized the team all year. the warriors have put games away with big third quarters and that was the case tonight in miami. no matter what quarter it's always hard to stop these guys. steph curry to kevin durant as he jumps down 2 points. curry led the warriors with 30 in 30 minutes of play. impressive hoops here with gordon package all over him. steph curry uses a little english and they outscore the heat 37-17 to break open a 123- 95 win. they are 3-0 on the trip for the 2nd half back-to-back tomorrow night in new orleans. the stanford women's soccer team playing for the national championship against ucla. the cardinals led 2-0. saw the bruins tied and went back inside on this left-footed boot. then the 67th minute was enough for a 3-2 win as stanford wins its 22nd game. the national championship is the 114 for stanford as a school and that is tied all- time with ucla. that's it for me for now. jason appelbaum and i will be back at 11:30 pm for sports wrap. here is frank and julie with the news at 11:00. >> thank you. next at 11:00: >> she made it a better moment for us at work and i will always remember that of her and her wisdom. her sincere friendship. her warmth. >> friends are remembering the toll taker who died yesterday on the bay bridge after a suspected drunk driver slammed into her tollbooth. crews on the bay bridge are still trying to clear the debris and repair the damage from that horrific crash. hello again i am frank sommerville. >> and i am julie haner. the entire tollbooth was destroyed and that toll taker was killed. leigh martinez has more now on the woman who died and the investigation. >> it has -- >> reporter: it has been a year since alida portal returned to the side of the bridge. she used to work near cc hanh

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Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20171204 :

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20171204

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the latest developments have led to questions about president donald trump's firing of michael flynn and whether the commander-in-chief is guilty of obstructing justice. rob malcolm is in our newsroom at our report. >> reporter: frank and julie, a bombshell from a top democrat with ties to california, senator dianne feinstein. she says there is enough evidence to investigate president donald trump evolving -- involving russian ties with the 2016 election but a political analyst i spoke with tonight says the senate intelligence committee's investigation of the president is much more limited than that. >> reporter: just days after president donald trump's former national security advisor, michael flynn, admitted to lying to the fbi, sunday, california senator dianne feinstein told nbc's meet the press, a case to charge the president with obstruction of justice could be building. >> i think we see this in the indictments, the four indictments and plea deals that have just taken place in -- and some of the comments that are being made. >> reporter: she points to robert mueller's russia collusion probe which saw the indictments against former campaign officials paul manafort and rick gates, and also george papadopoulos who like national security advisor michael flynn and bend it to lying to the fbi. this tweet by the president feinstein says also points to guilt. "i had to fire general fund because he lied to the vice president and the fbi. he has pled guilty to those lies. >> i see it in the hyper frenetic attitude of the white house, the comments every day. the continual tweets. and i see it most importantly in what happened with the firing of director call me. believes that historically because he did not agree to list the cloud -- lift the cloud of the russia investigation. that is obstruction of justice. >> reporter: political science professor joe two men clarified the endgame for top democrats. >> what senator feinstein was saying what she sees charges for obstruction of justice coming together on the basis of loosely accumulating all of this different evidence. >> reporter: that evidence has been collected for months by mueller's team who has access to everyone. the senate investigation is limited in scope but still important. >> the low hanging fruit is obstruction of justice in this case. you have plenty of evidence on that, but there are a range of other charges that may be looked at as well. >> reporter: he adds that despite the tweets claiming no collusion by the president and his lawyers, this will almost be neatly tied up and finished by the end of december could be wishful thinking. so what we're looking at will be a long, drawnout affair with every white house official in the crosshairs of this investigation now retaining legal counsel. general fund's confession has to be taken seriously because he now -- it now means he is giving up information. julie? >> rob malcolm in the newsroom. thank you. president donald trump's former deputy campaign manager says he never interacted with anyone from russia. >> was there a single russian interaction that you ever witnessed? >> not even one and this investigation has been going on for a long time and i just don't put out there that there is a scintilla of evidence that shows russian collusion. this president, then candidate, was not part of the campaign, and i never saw a russian at trump tower or interacted with one. i was number on an email about one. >> along with the former campaign manager co-authoring a new book on the president's 2016 campaign called "wet trump be trump" and is scheduled for release on sunday. tax reform will take place on capitol hill tomorrow as republicans try to reconcile the tax overhaul bills they have passed in the house and the senate. carolyn shively is in washington with more. >> reporter: to reconcile their two bills, members of the house and senate have to come together on the individual mandate, whether to make the personal tax cuts permanent and even whether we should have four or seven tax brackets. they only have three weeks to do it before the president's christmas deadline. the senate and house versions both cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%. some republicans say the promise has set the market on fire. then they say that will inspire workers -- companies to raise -- pay more money and hire more workers but others argue the roll down doesn't -- isn't guaranteed. >> these companies could invest money in the workforce, giving them skills they need to compete as opposed to what i am afraid of, is that we will see the vast majority of these funds come back and be used for share buyback and dividends. >> reporter: democrats and some republicans in high tax states like new york or california also complained about the elimination of some local and state tax deductions and margaret -- mortgage deductions which could raise taxes for their constituents but republicans in lower tax states say if you don't like it, move. >> the majority of people in the country are tired of subsidizing the high tax states. why should a couple of two children making an income exactly the same for the same couple with the same kids in california, why should the couple in iowa pay more federal income tax? that has been the case for the last 30 years. this moves to correct that. >> one of the big challenges for the conference committee will be senate rules that require a bill to be budget neutral after 10 years. that's why the senate version ditch the personal task -- personal tax cuts after a decade with helps future members of congress will renew them. the house wants to make them permanent. carolyn shively, fox news. two people were injured by a house fire in else aponte today including a firefighter. crews were called to the home on san pablo road at 4:30 pm this afternoon and arrived to find the rear of the home engulfed in flames and heavy smoke pulling out of the entire house. they say it was tough to knock down the flames because there was so much stuff inside the house. it took firefighters about 30 minutes to get the fire under control. >> the cause of the fire appears to be unattended cooking, frying on a stove that was unattended, and i don't have a damage estimate for the fire just yet, but it is pretty severe inside the structure. >> one firefighter suffered a serious injury to his leg and a resident suffered smoke inhalation. tonight, the red cross is helping the four people who live there. a delivery truck caught fire in downtown san francisco blocking traffic for more than an hour. thankfully, no one was injured and no buildings were burned. the truck caught fire at sixth street and brannan street just after 5 pm tonight and it blocked the on ramp to interstate 280, which is what led to the traffic delays. new at 10:00, a group working to recall santa clara judge aaron persky who sentenced former stanford swimmer brock turner claims turner's conviction appeal has no merit. lawyers for turner filed papers with the appellate court claiming that prosecutors presented inaccurate information and the trial was "fundamentally unfair." a spokesman for the group said "there was overwhelming evidence of turner's guilt including two eyewitnesses and dna. turner is now seeking a new trial. he was found guilty on three charges after sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster near the stanford campus last year. he served three months in jail for crime. one person is dead and another critically injured after an early morning crash on eye a deep. -- on eye 880. this car was driving extremely fast southbound. the car veered out of control and crossed all of the lanes before slamming into the guardrail and then ricocheting into a sign poll. >> we have a witness report that saw this eagle pass at a high rate of speed. thereafter they lost control and feared across all of the lanes and struck the guardrail here on the right side and then slide it into -- slid into the pole here. >> chp says the driver died at the scene and the passenger was taken to the hospital. late today, the alameda county coroner identified the man who died as 23-year-old jawan morton of michigan. investigators are trying to determine if drugs were involved. crews are still trying to clear damage following a violent crash at the toll plaza yesterday. chp says the driver of a box truck took out an entire tollbooth and killed the toll taker inside. leigh martinez has more now on the victim and the investigation. >> reporter: it has been a year since epila porthall has returned to the side of the bridge. >> she was the light of the bridge. i mean rain or shine she always had a beautiful smile on her face. i called her my china doll. she was so beautiful. >> reporter: 46-year-old -- the 46-year-old was killed when a box truck crashed into her tollbooth. coworkers say the accident happened just 10 minutes after she started her 5 am shift. they were devastated by her death. >> she made it a better shift. she made it a better moment with us during at work and i will always remember that of her and her wisdom. her sincere friendship. her warmth. >> reporter: california highway patrol later arrested the box truck driver, 32-year-old daniel berk of foster city for driving under the influence and vehicular manslaughter. the governor ordered flags flown at half staff -- half staff. portal says she also came in to check on her former coworkers after the tragic loss. >> to bring some offerings to the family and to the bay bridge family as well. to my former coworkers. to show some solidarity. >> reporter: chp says engineers confirm the toll plaza's structural integrity but could not estimate a time tollbooth 14 will be back. coworkers say it will not be the same without her. chp says it does consider burke in custody. however, he remains in the hospital tonight and a chp officer says it's likely he will remain in the hospital for several more days. after that, he will be booked on those charges of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence. in oakland, leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. sexual-harassment on capitol hill. what we're learning about taxpayer dollars being used to pay off accusers and the move to make public the names of all of those lawmakers who use that fund. also ahead, king tides are expected tomorrow. weather could trigger possible flooding along the coast. and -- and in weather, showers quickly moving out of town leaving us with some cool temperatures. coming up, the neighborhoods near freezing tomorrow morning and we will let you know if we have any rain drops in the 5- day forecast. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need. in washington, members of the house administration committee will hold a hearing next week to just -- to discuss possible changes to the congressional accountability act. as ellison barber reports, this comes as four members of congress face mounting pressure to step down amid accusations of sexual misconduct. >> reporter: in the past week, at least two new accusers have come forward but so far none of the lawmakers accused of sexual harassment or misconduct have lost their jobs on capitol hill where the case of republican candidate roy moore, there are -- their potential future job on capitol hill. mitch mcconnell previously drop -- called on moore to drop out of the race and said alabama voters will decide. >> a lot of the discussion about it. they will make their decision on tuesday. the ethics committee will have to consider the matters that have been litigated in the campaign should that particular candidate win. >> when allegations of sexual harassment or misconduct came out against some in the private sector, many lost their jobs. the same cannot be said for these lawmakers, but all are accused of some form of sexual harassment. unwanted advances on a staffer, and al franken of groping five women, conyers of harassing former staffers upholding a sexual-harassment claim with 84,000 taxpayer dollars. and it may case of farrand, the money came from a fund from the office of compliance. >> we know all total since 1995, there have been 268 claims paid. we know the total is $17 million. how that breaks out with different types of complaints and settlements we do not know. >> reporter: that fund is now the focus of bipartisan legislation with a goal to and it and to name any lawmaker who has used it. it has 63 cosponsors as of sunday morning. in washington dc, i am ellison barber, fox news. .10:00, the u.s. postal service found a suspicious item this weekend at the bottom of a mailbox in oakland. it was discovered about 3 pm yesterday afternoon at stanford and san pablo avenue's. a bomb squad was come -- called in to investigate as postal service investigators still haven't figured out what it was but they say it has been rendered safe but they have now sent it to a crime lab in washington dc. police are investigating the deadly shooting of a man in antioch today. officers responded to a call about a shooting on empire mine road near deerfield road around 2:30 pm this afternoon. the man died at the scene. police are hoping witnesses will come forward with information that could lead to the gunman. the two men charged in connection with the ghost ship fire are due in court tomorrow. defendants derick almena and max harris are scheduled for a preliminary hearing in the alameda county courthouse. a judge will decide if there is enough evidence against them. both men are charged with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. one count for each victim killed in the fire. if convicted of all of those charges, both could be sentenced to some 39 years behind bars. yesterday marked one year since the deadly fire. people came to a memorial at the warehouse there in oakland. flowers, candles and pictures have been said about that memorial. we talked to some family members of the victims who say it is still very difficult to grasp the enormity of that tragedy. king tides are expected tomorrow in the bay area and that could be flooding in some areas. the so-called king tides occur around the time of a super moon. during a full moon, times become 3 to 4 feet above average. experts say the high tides could lead to flooding in marin county and others. tonight, the last full moon of the year is a superman. the super moon happens when a new moon or a full moon coincides with the closest distance that the moon reaches its orbit. it makes it bigger and but -- bigger and brighter. it's the start of a trilogy of super moons. the next two will be janay 2nd and 4 january 31. it's nice to have clear skies tonight. we have beautiful images of the super moon tonight scattered around the bay. last night at this time we had lots of cloud cover and some rain showers, but rainfall, not amounting too much. a few hundred 7 inch. concorde .05, oakland .02, and the sierra picked up snowfall around 4 to 6 inches. things have cleared out. we are expecting mostly sunny skies for tomorrow. a bit of bay breeze out there for the higher terrain. it will be windy. temperatures tomorrow mainly in the low to mid 60s. here is a satellite showing you this. our old system moving out to the east towards nevada. we have a few high clouds working their way into the area but mostly clear to partly cloudy skies and temperatures if you've been outside, you know it's been cooling off rapidly. look at the numbers. we have walnut creek 39 degrees, santa rosa, nopah lower 40s. san francisco 41 in fairfield a wind gust at 22 mile per hour -- miles per hour so wins will be picking up. outside right now, you can see mostly clear skies looking out for the bay bridge lights and the embarcadero lights. a wind advisory does begin for portions of the bay area and for the most bay hills, east bay hills, and they started a few minutes ago starting at 10:00. strong master northeast winds kicking the. this in place until 10 am tuesday. winds potentially for the higher peaks could be testing to 50 miles per hour. down toward southern california this will translate to high fire danger with a red flag warning posted downpour los angeles county and santa barbara county as well. overnight lows, the coolest spots back down into the lower 30s. where waking up to a chill in the air and a breeze out there. lots of sunshine for your monday forecast. monday morning, 8:00 and then into the afternoon hours, 5 pm monday. so we have a few showers last night -- had a few showers last night into this morning. what's interesting for this time of year is it looks like an extended period of dry weather. we will talk more about the pattern coming up in a few minutes. children who are spending the holidays and bay area hospitals got the chance to take a flight to see santa. united airlines hosted their fantasy flight to the north pull from sfo for 60 children and their families. they came from antioch hospital oakland and three other bay area hospitals. they took a short trip around the bay area and then returned to a gate decorated as the north pole. the children say the highlight of their day was getting to meet santa. >> i saw santa claus and mrs. clause. >> that means everything i think. it's important at a young age for them to develop their imagination and have a good time and let go of the of the things they might have to deal with. >> after the flight, the kids got a chance to spend even more time with santa claus inside the airport. coming up tonight, the body of a missing toddler found in a creek in north carolina. what we're learning about the case. plus american airlines releasing a plan to solve its pilot shortage during the holiday season. details on the deal me to fix the problem. jack: why am i sitting here at jack: this ridiculously long table in the middle of nowhere? jack: to invite all my friends in the industry to try this. jack: fast food's first ever ribeye burger. jack: made with 100% ribeye beef, grilled onions, a red wine glaze and creamy havarti cheese. jack: ahh, here comes the competition now. jack: and of course, since they work for my competitors, i've obscured their identities jack: except for this guy. jack: he is so screwed. jack: try my new havarti & grilled onion and all-american ribeye burgers. police in north carolina have found what they believe to be the body of a missing three- year-old girl. police are calling the death of mariah woods a homicide but they haven't yet said how the girl died. last night, a police dive team found the body in a creek about 25 miles from the girl's home in jacksonville, north carolina. she was reported missing by her mother who said she saw her for the last time when she put her to bed sunday night. hundreds of volunteers had been searching for her all week. on friday, police arrested her mother's boyfriend and charged him with concealing a death and obstructing justice. >> this investigation continues. i will be awaiting the results of the medical examiner's report. >> we were all hoping for a better outcome. according to the arrest warrant, the suspect removed the girl's body and knew that her death was not natural. police say he lived with mom -- with mariah woods and her mother. prosecutors are deciding whether more charges should be filed and the fbi is asking for surveillance video from businesses and homes in the area where mariah woods disappeared. in new york, a man is under arrest suspected of stabbing two people and plowing into six other people, killing one of them and leaving the other in critical condition. police say it happened in queens around 4:30 am. they don't believe the incident was a terror attack. instead they think it all stemmed from a parking dispute. >> the driver of a white hyundai sedan exited the vehicle and stabbed two individuals. both of those individuals were stabbed in the torso. >> police say the 22-year-old man then tried -- tried to drive away mowing down six people on the sidewalk. one person was killed and another is in critical condition. police have not released the suspect's name. the cast and crew of star wars is remembering the late carrie fisher who reprised her role as princess leia one last time in the latest star wars movie. she finished filming all of her scenes for star wars the last jedi before she died of a heart attack last december. one year later, the cast says her performance means even more, reminding them how carrie fisher would bring joy on and off the screen. >> it's just unbearably son. i don't want and -- i don't want to try and sugarcoat it. although i do know well enough to say that she would want us to be laughing and even mocking her. >> i feel like there is a sense that she understands and this is in the character in the film and i think that the mirroring to life is uncanny. >> star wars the last jedi opens on december 14. american airlines has struck a deal with pilots to save thousands of flights this those -- this busy holiday season. the airline announced it has resulted scheduling glitch that could have left thousands of flights without pilots. earlier this week the pilots union said more than 15,000 american flights from december 17 two the 31st could possibly be grounded as a scheduling glitch had allowed too many pilots to take vacation during the period. american airlines now says it expects to have all of its flights fully staffed during christmas week. just pop out and grab one of those, it looks like a purse or a bag. and they would be in my car in less than 15 seconds. >> holiday shopping mistakes. up next, we speak with a sheriff's sergeant who takes us into the mind of a thief to help you stay safe this holiday season. closed captioning for the 10:00 news brought to you by mancini sleep world. rest easy with huge sales during the triple bonus mattress sale. stay comfortable. hundreds of oakland city workers are set to walk off the job on tuesday. according to the san francisco chronicle, two labor unions notified the city of the plans over the weekend. the strike could shut down libraries, park and rec centers, and after school programs operated by the city. city leaders and union members have been unable to reach an agreement on issues such as pay and overtime. there is no estimate on how long the strike that last. cbs announced they are buying health insurer aetna for $68 billion today. that could mean lower costs for consumers and more health services at cvs stores. cvs plans to use its low-cost clinics to provide medical services to the roughly 20,000,000 members under aetna. in addition to health clinics, cbs could provide assistance with vision, hearing and other issues. this is the biggest healthcare merger in over a year. shareholders and regulators still must approve the deal. with the holiday shopping season now in full swing, big crowds and big distractions can make us all easy targets for criminals, but it's hard to stay on guard overtime. claudine wong takes a look at how criminals think and what we can do to stay safe. >> reporter: yes, the holidays are all about making that list and checking it twice. and on black friday, our crews saw lots of people making good progress on those lists. i looked at this woman and thought it's going to be a great christmas but? see something a little bit different. >> it's a good example right there. somebody driving up there and you know it wouldn't take anything to pop out and grab one of those it looks like a purse or a bag and they would be in that car in less than 15 seconds. >> reporter: every holiday, we are told to stay on alert. make sure we don't become victims of theft or robbery. sometimes, that is e-vine -- easier said than done. >> it's holiday season. everybody is in holiday or shopping mode and they are not in theft protection mode. >> reporter: we asked j.d. nelson of the alameda county sheriff's department to give us insight into what criminals are thinking. i can tell you personally hindsight is 2020. looking back at this surveillance picture of my wide- open purse at the top of my shopping cart last month is to be honest embarrassing. especially since i know now that only moments later, someone in this car reached out a window and grabbed it. >> how fast were they gone? >> within seconds. >> reporter: but sharing that story led to a lot of advice. >> what a lot of people told me is when i got robbed, they said you should have worn a cross carry purse. you should have looked it into a shopping cart. you should have done a few of these things to make yourself not so tempting for the criminal. >> sure. i mean there's always a lot of things you could do, but there is also cases where people you know ripped the strap right off and then you get hurt in the process. criminals generally target what they perceive as an easy target. >> we thought it was a good time to take a minute to figure out how to make ourselves a harder target. we had sergeant nelson look at some of the video from black friday. ordinary people just trying to enjoy the day. we asked him to give us the criminal's perspective. he says when it comes to location if you're near a street you may see convenience but? see escape routes. >> the exit is even easier in and out formal. >> reporter: shopping inside a mall or a store might make it a little harder for them to grab and run. >> the problem they would have been the situation is a lot of people are around. there is a lot of people moving on with her theft ideas and most criminals don't want to do that. >> reporter: we saw lots of people putting down their bags and while we see someone in need of a break, shar gio nelson says? see opportunity. >> how tough would it be for someone who has got a little bit of jump in messed up to just run up there and grab those and be gone? you can see shadows of guys working by and her bag is to that chatter. so you -- so anyone could have easily distracted her. >> what we don't think about could be a signal to others. this man appears to be snapping a picture but what? see is a double opportunity. >> that guys just taking a picture and looking at something. >> he is taking a picture. it looks like you might have a credit card or somebody takes his phone, they take his phone and his credit card. >> that is pretty common now. >> people do for the convenience. >> reporter: when it comes to convenience, sergeant nelson says nothing is more convenient than a parking lot. and while it's better to put closer and under lights, sometimes we don't have a choice. >> there working to a further point of the parking lots and are together but she has her purse. >> she does. but again, safety in numbers. the real risk is when you go out to your car and you put your bags in your car and you go back to your shop. >> you wouldn't do that? >> if it's in plain sight it doesn't take anything to break somebody's window and get in it. some of the suvs have little covers for that back area. >> do you think that deters them? >> absolutely. >> reporter: it's easy, it's fast and sergeant nelson says it doesn't really come with enough consequences. >> voters have essentially decriminalized theft in california under $1000 so the risk for reward is certainly there for them. >> so if somebody steals from you, what could they get? >> it's a misdemeanor now. you might spend the night in jail. that's it. that's why you're seeing this rash of car break-ins in san francisco and oakland and a lot of places. there is no punishment for that crime anymore. the old days you would get 30 or 60 days, or if you kept doing it, six months in the county lockup. >> so in the mind of a criminal, you are trying to do whatever you can to get stuff with the least possible consequence. >> the least consequence and chance of getting caught. >> claudine wong reporting. it just takes a second to get distracted. >> it absolutely does and so important to be aware of your surroundings. it's very easy to get caught up on your phone. that's when you make yourself a target. >> that's when the criminals pounds. when we are not looking. still to come, president donald trump's son-in-law on the hot seat. a potential usmc move in israel. we will have details after the break. the first week in december we could typically track heavy rain and possibly flooding. a completely different story this week. we will update the forecast. bay area evenings have a rhythm all their own. at ktvu, -- at fox 2 ktvu, evenings are all about you. the 10:00 news. ♪ [baby crib musical mobile] millions are still exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke. and some of them can't do anything about it. but you can. protect your family. visit we need to be ready for my name's scott strenfel and r i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. more than 55,000 people in parts of indonesia are living in shelters this morning or tonight rather because of a nearby volcanic eruption. he safety alert is sent to the highest level as scientists say it's difficult to make exact predictions about the danger. the popular resort of bali, which usually ca -- which usually sees an influx of tourists at this time remains in a state of emergency. new photos from north korea show kim jong un's visit to a factory that made tires for a huge truck that transported an intercontinental ballistic missile. the test launch was met with a public rally and fireworks in pyeongchang friday. despite the international sanctions. the missile flew about 600 miles before landing in the ocean. japan saying it could potentially reach washington dc. kim jong un thanked workers at the facility and complemented them for making the tires without any foreign equipment. the white house senior adviser says president donald trump is still weighing a decision on whether to move the rest embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. the move was a promise he made for his campaign as president, as moving the embassy has the potential to spark protests across the middle east and could potentially we can an arab-israeli peace push led by the president's son-in-law and advisor jared kushner. >> he is still looking at a lot of different facts. when he makes his decision he will be the one to tell you, not me. he will make sure he does it at the right time. >> palestinian president -- the palestinian president is mentioning that moving the embassy will jeopardize peace efforts. the palestinians also claim jerusalem as part of their own future state. today is the 25th anniversary of something most of us use every day. it was december 3, 1992 that the first text message was set -- sent in britain. it was sent to the cell phone of richard jarvis. jarvis was at the company christmas party when he received the message, which said "merry christmas." >> back in the day, handsets could only receive messages, they couldn't send them so we had to use an interface on the actual sms computer if you like to type in the phone number and the message and then it would get sent from there. it wasn't for about another year that you could send messages from the phone. >> according to the technology blog gadget, the number of text messages searched to 781,000,000,000 per month as of last june. >> i can't do that something. you do it that way? >> yeah. >> i watch my daughters do it. they are so quick. still to come, a family in sacramento is thankful to have their pet back and where their cat was found makes it more of a miracle. how the cat survived an 80,000 mile -- 1000 mile adventure. and mark tamayo will have the complete bay area forecast when we come back. jack: why am i sitting here at jack: this ridiculously long table in the middle of nowhere? jack: to invite all my friends in the industry to try this. jack: fast food's first ever ribeye burger. jack: made with 100% ribeye beef, grilled onions, a red wine glaze and creamy havarti cheese. jack: ahh, here comes the competition now. jack: and of course, since they work for my competitors, i've obscured their identities jack: except for this guy. jack: he is so screwed. jack: try my new havarti & grilled onion and all-american ribeye burgers. a cat is back home with its owner after an 80 mile adventure that actually ended here in san francisco thanks to a microchip. >> the ndc has more on the cat's return. >> reporter: just to be clear, squishy the cat didn't leave home because they named him squishy. i can tell you were wondering. but look at him as a kitten. he was squishy. >> i will call him squishy and he shall be mine. >> and he didn't leave home looking for his family because he lives with them. his brothers and sister. still, squishy did leave home. >> i hadn't seen him and so we started calling for him and looking for him and all the other siblings were around. >> reporter: squishy was gone. >> ♪ >> reporter: how far he would go is one heck of a tale. see, squishy has a certain personality. >> he is very rambunctious. >> reporter: for after a month after -- so after a month of being missing, they were pretty worried. >> the longer we went without seeing him, the work said god. i was worried that maybe he got hit by a car or i was worried someone take him -- took him in and kept him. >> reporter: but then they got a call from the spca in san francisco. they had found squishy. they had identified him from the microchip he got implanted as a kitten, but they couldn't quite believe the address. this was a lathrop cat hanging out some 80 miles away. >> i go where is he? she goes he is in san francisco. i have no idea how he ended up there. >> reporter: they don't know how he got there or what he was doing while he was there but they do know the first thing he did when he got home was take a nice, long catnap. a little bit of a trip for squishy. everything ended up to be good news. a happy ending. our forecast headlines, we have this. mostly clear skies with a bit of a breeze. some gusty winds. tomorrow, still some gusty conditions for the north bay hills and the east bay hills. a dry weather pattern that will take us through the week. you have been hearing a lot about the super moon and the king tides. they are all connected. the sun, the moon and the earth in alignment. without the sun and the moon has a greater invitational poll on the water, so the title activity is greater. low tide tomorrow morning at 2.2 feet of the golden gate bridge about 4:00 and then into the afternoon hours approaching by 11:00, going way up to 7 feet. that's when we could have flooding near the coast and portions of the bay. this will actually happen once again into a tuesday as well. what's interesting after the 11:00 mark is when the tide drops off rapidly throughout the afternoon. once again, some minor flooding near the coast and the bay into tuesday. outside right now, our live camera looking toward san francisco. still looking nice out there to go ice-skating. mostly clear skies. definitely want to bundle up tonight. temperatures are dropping rapidly. you heard about the super moon. we snapped this picture earlier tonight for the east bay hills. just beautiful. the bay bridge lights in the foreground. clear skies tonight. we kind of walked out with the view. a great portion of the bay area with that super moon. satellite showing you a few high clouds approaching mother in california and partly cloudy skies in the north bay. checking in on current numbers, it's pretty chilly. some 40s for santa rosa and napa. walnut creek 39 degrees and sfo checking in at 53 degrees. wind speeds picking up as well. here's a gust at 22 miles per hour out towards fairfield, santa rosa, napa 12 to 14 and these winds will strengthen heading into monday. we will have winds 20 to 25 miles per hour and a calm wind gordon hayward. this is a weather system that moved into the bay area yesterday producing clouds and scattered rain showers kicking out of town this area of high pressure. we have a dry weather pattern all week, extending into next week. gusty winds and more sunshine over the next few days. towards southern california they have a red flag warning posted for all of these areas) monday, tuesday and into wednesday. winds potentially could gust from 50 to 70 miles per hour. so, fire season continues. we are looking for rainfall. we will put this forecast model in motion. see this clock moving around with a bunch of zeros up and down northern and central california. no rainfall inside for us. temperatures tomorrow mainly in the 60s. a few spots near the coast in the upper 50s. san jose 63 degrees, morgan held 61 degrees and half moon bay in the upper 50s. here is a look at your 5-day forecast. this feels strange. no threat of rain in sight. lots of 60s out there and then high fire danger in southern california. no rain clouds out there the first week of december. >> how unusual is that for red flag warnings in december? >> maybe november it could happen but at least a wind event this strong is a bit unusual. >> he said 50 to 70 miles per hour? >> and an isolated amount could approach 80 miles per hour down to ourselves. unfortunately, they will be watching that closely. >> all right. thank you, mark. a new associated press report says many charter schools are segregated and black diversity. enrollment data from over 6000 charter schools was analyzed across the country. in the 2014-2015 school year, more than 1000 charter schools enrolled 99% minority students. schools that are highly segregated often have lower levels of achievement. research has shown schools with higher percentages of minority students have fewer resources and less experienced teachers. advocates of charter schools say they often serve minority students who have been let down by traditional public schools. gas prices are going down. trilby lundberg says they have gone down seven cents a gallon over the last two months. the national average is now $2.50 for a gallon. the highest prices are in san francisco and an average of $3.26 a gallon. tulsa has the lowest prices at about $2.18 a gallon. the annual one warm coat drive is now underway. we are encouraging anyone who has a new or gently used code, sweater or other winter items to donate them in need -- to those in need. several drop off locations are set up around the bay area and here are those locations: bay street, santana row, and at walnut creek on ice. you can also make clothing donations at participating u.p.s. and big o tire stores. [ chanting ] build.wall! build that wall! >> white nationalists gathered outside the white house today to protest the verdict in the kate steinle case. their push to build the wall and why they say more needs to be done to keep illegal immigrants out of the united states. coming up next in sports, a new era for the 49ers begins with a win while the raiders are in a do or die contest against the giants. joe fonzi will be here with all of the highlights right after the break. there were such huge expectations for jimmy garoppolo today and i would say he exceeded them. >> there is no question. least fulfilled them and gives us something exciting for the final four weeks. the quarterback is considered the most important and hardest to fill position. the 49ers had to like what they saw from their midseason acquisition jimmy garoppolo. making his third nfl start. first as a 49er in chicago near where he grew up with his family and the soldier field seats witnessing. for domestic not it in the and zumba jimmy garoppolo led them on several trust down 7-3 in the second quarter. marquise goodwin for 23 yards right there. that resulted in a field goal. this was by far the biggest play of the day for the bears. this pent -- punt return second terrible idea by two recalling but you can make it a great play. that's a 61 yard return but they actually ran 127 yards. it was 14-6 chicago but the 49ers kept chipping away and had one last driveway. they were 10-18 on third-down conversions. this one to trent ihle put them in easy field goal range with a little more than 2 minutes to play. robbie gold lined up for a 20 yard field goal that he knew with 4 seconds left. gold, the other homecoming story playing at soldier field for the first time since he was released by the bears after the 2015 season. 15-14 49er win. garoppolo has been trying to learn kyle shanahan's offense. he isn't there yet but a win is a win. >> it's tough. i mean, this whole week has been tough coming in here and trying to get everything done as quickly as possible. there are so many different variables that go into it but i think we came out here with some things to improve on. we will get better at that stuff but overall, you've got to find a way to win at the end of the day. >> there is one thing we can say for sure right now about the raiders and the afc west with four games left to play. just about anything can happen. the raiders hosting the giants with quarterback eli manning benched. the raiders were facing a third and 1 on their first series with marshawn lynch. 51 yard run for a touchdown as the longest by lynch since 2014. he is on the way to a 101 yard gain. the raiders never trailed but it was a struggle. a little breathing room early in the fourth quarter when deandre washington park -- parted this is. and then after the giants closed within 3, it was derek carr to johnny holden. holton at the goal line but he crossed the plane before it was popped loose and the raiders hang on for a 24-17 win and they are now 6-6 as are the chiefs and the chargers. all free play each other one more time. jack del rio says the team is on track. >> all the goals we set when the season started are before us. we will continue to take them one at a time but i am proud of our guys continue to work. i feel like we are improving as we go down the stretch here. >> the warriors are midway through a six-game road trip featuring one of the trends that have characterized the team all year. the warriors have put games away with big third quarters and that was the case tonight in miami. no matter what quarter it's always hard to stop these guys. steph curry to kevin durant as he jumps down 2 points. curry led the warriors with 30 in 30 minutes of play. impressive hoops here with gordon package all over him. steph curry uses a little english and they outscore the heat 37-17 to break open a 123- 95 win. they are 3-0 on the trip for the 2nd half back-to-back tomorrow night in new orleans. the stanford women's soccer team playing for the national championship against ucla. the cardinals led 2-0. saw the bruins tied and went back inside on this left-footed boot. then the 67th minute was enough for a 3-2 win as stanford wins its 22nd game. the national championship is the 114 for stanford as a school and that is tied all- time with ucla. that's it for me for now. jason appelbaum and i will be back at 11:30 pm for sports wrap. here is frank and julie with the news at 11:00. >> thank you. next at 11:00: >> she made it a better moment for us at work and i will always remember that of her and her wisdom. her sincere friendship. her warmth. >> friends are remembering the toll taker who died yesterday on the bay bridge after a suspected drunk driver slammed into her tollbooth. crews on the bay bridge are still trying to clear the debris and repair the damage from that horrific crash. hello again i am frank sommerville. >> and i am julie haner. the entire tollbooth was destroyed and that toll taker was killed. leigh martinez has more now on the woman who died and the investigation. >> it has -- >> reporter: it has been a year since alida portal returned to the side of the bridge. she used to work near cc hanh

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