Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20171

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20171128

80 in san pablo. there is one survivor from the crash. the driver a cal baseball player. we get new details from deborah. she is live in napa where the tragedy is hitting hard.>> reporter: we are at vintage high school were 19-year-old survivor jarret horn graduated just last year. jarret his parents and siblings are well known and loved in this community. the loss of jarret's father and brother is so painful.>> i saw him yesterday. he is pretty shook up.>> reporter: jarret horn is home in napa. he is with his mother and sister now after the crash.>> nothing short of a miracle. there is no way. five people and he walked away.>> reporter: the polyp sunday evening on i 80. all triggered by a hit and run driver later caught and identified as a repeat dui offender. in his wake for dad. 13-year-old -- and his father troy from seattle. 14-year-old joe horn and his father darrell from napa. the men brothers-in-law. the boys cousins.>> this is a beloved family to us. our hearts are broken.>> reporter: agile school grief counselors greeted kids. the mother denise works for the school district. the pain is multilayered. >> we will let the family guide us and let us know what they need. we will be right back with everyone trying to support them.>> reporter: joe was following his big brothers path is a star athlete.>> he was a tremendous pitcher himself.>> reporter: also was his own person.>> he was a special kid. full of personality and life. best friend to many.>> reporter: dick personality -- joe so much like darrell. -- big personality. so fun to be around.>> napa chp is feeling it too. darrell horn was a napa native attending the same high school as his kids. sports a foundation for many lasting friendships. now the family is left broken.>> it is unfathomable. we visited them yesterday. it was heartbreaking. you won't find anybody here that will say anything -- could not find anything negative about the family.>> reporter: for someone who works daily to prevent crashes this is close to home.>> is heartbreaking. we are trying so hard for this to stop. there is still a percentage of people that really don't care. they are selfish. selfish and lazy.>> reporter: nevermore ride options or awareness or enforcement. yet dui takes lives.>> it has almost become commonplace. it happens so often. i think there is a numbness. which is really disturbing for us.>> reporter: in his neighborhood -- and his father will be mourned and missed the same way. the two cousins and their fathers enjoying the holiday should die so heartlessly is almost too much to bear. but jarret is surrounded by love.>> he is a great carrier of the torch for the family. unfortunate circumstances for sure. he is very strong young man. he will be okay.>> reporter: a statement from the family. the fathers and their boys spent the last day doing what they love. playing in an annual father-son basketball tournament. it was an amazing day filled with pride and laughter. the families go on to say they have a deep love for each other. and that love will get them through this difficult time.>> it is a heartbreaking story. our hearts go out to jarret and his family. the man arrested in the deadly hit-and-run is 47-year- old fred lowell of sacramento. he was taken into custody and hour after the deadly crash when authorities say he was involved in another hit-and-run nearby. the highway patrol says he was driving on a suspended license due to a prior dui conviction. he is being held at the martinez jail on $1 million bail. hundreds of students teachers and parents all packed a special school board meeting tonight to protest against proposed budget cuts. jenna is in oakland. the district's new superintendent says the district is operating with a deficit.>> reporter: she did say that tonight. and try to make it clear to the crowd. the meeting is still going on. they have not made a decision. about any cuts tonight. tonight was about public testimony. 300+ people were inside that room. trying to make clear they did not want to see any cuts. many of them were very angry at the board for not having better oversight over the budget.>> reporter: before the school board meeting started oakland parents teachers and students rallied outside.>> we have to say this money needs to go to our schools. no cuts to any school. >> this is my fifth year teaching. every year there has been less resources. less support.>> these children are dealing with crimes. bullets by their house. they have to see people get killed. their own parents. all of these children are at risk.>> reporter: the crowd filled the board meeting room. many brought signs and say they blamed the board for not having her oversight.>> some blame former oakland school superintendent antoine wilson who left for dc after just a few years in oakland. the district overspent. the new superintendent was a former oakland teacher and principal says he understands the community concerns. the state requires the district have a 2% reserve to be fiscally solvent. it's over one $.2 million. she explained why she is proposed a target of $15.1 million in cuts.>> we have to make sure we are budgeting for what we need for our students and for our reserve. it is important in a good healthy district ensures that they are putting away money above the minimum reserve. put mac tyler johnson said funding has decreased with this declining enrollment. increased spending on oakland athletics dental health services libraries and other programs was done without focus on vital to the bucket -- budget. >> there were decisions made in terms of trying to do the best thing for students. but not taking into account we cannot spend money on everything and not reprioritize.>> i am here to echo the message -- she and the rest of the school board moves forward in any cuts. our district needs to address the lack of transparency around processes and hiring and around financial responsibility.>> we have not made -- we have not made a final decision on anything.>> reporter: the board says they want to hear the public ideas about --. the next meeting december 6. the budget and finance committee will look over the cuts and discuss on december 7 the final vote. the final vote on december 13. in san francisco eight people are without a permanent home. 470 are without gas service after a gas explosion ripped through a home. it happened in the st. mary's parking avenue. around 10 am. the neighborhood was evacuated for about three hours. during that time pg&e crews -- looking for the source of the gas leak. once they found it be turned off the gas when neighbor heard a pop and felt a thought. -- one neighbor. >> i was opening the door. what is that noise?>> no one was hurt. the house where the explosion happened sustained significant damage. the people who live there are staying elsewhere. it appears the garage filled with gas. it was ignited by the pilot light on the hot water heater. pg&e is now bringing in a third party to determine the cause of the leak. pg&e expect to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on repairs to infrastructure damage in the northbay firestorm. the estimate came in a regulatory filing made by pg&e. detailing the needed repairs. they have estimated the cost could hit $200 million to restore facilities that were damaged by the fires. that estimate does not include possible legal settlement right -- brought by fire victims. this cyber monday was the biggest online shopping day in u.s. history. adobe insights reports e- commerce orders total $6.6 billion. 16% higher than cyber monday last year. the research found mobile phones were used in half of today's online orders. cyber monday is a retail phenomenon since it began 12 years ago. reflecting the growing popularity of online shopping in the u.s. law enforcement says they have seen a corresponding spike in package theft. self a reporter live in campbell where officials are renewing a program that is designed to track and catch thieves.>> reporter: campbell police say some of the packages you will see sitting on area porches in campbell during the holiday season might not be what they appear. residents say they are well aware these are out there poised and ready to strike. -- thieves.>> constantly checking with the neighbor. make sure if we are out for the day can you check our packages.>> reporter: these parents save their shopping habits have changed since their son arrived remounts ago. the worry over what can happen once in order package arrives represents a new threat according to campbell police.>> people have had their packages stolen.>> yes. it is pure frustration over the fact packages are being stolen off of their >> reporter:>> reporter: it shows a grinch like culprit -- grabbing a package and running off. experts say these types of crimes escalate during the holidays. when cyber and physical shopping and giftgiving is at its peak. for the second straight year the department is launching the package debate program to catch would be thieves.>> we are using this to remind would be thieves there are packages that contain gps trackers and we are watching.>> reporter: a tracker leads police directly to the guilty party in minutes. to prevent deaths altogether campbell police advise having packages delivered to places where people can receive them. ask for store delivery so you can pick up in person. ask the shipper for a specific delivery time. and require a signature. while surveillance cameras and the bait package program may deter most criminals the best deterrent is proactive residence. she and her family have already implemented at least one of these safety tips. they learn to adjust to this new reality.>> sometimes we ship to my parents house. my mother works from home sometimes.>> reporter: that is great advice. if you have a relative home during the day who can receive or collect your packages before someone steals them. speaking of which the thief in that video that you saw was never caught because that was not a bait package. if you recognize the person call campbell police. where do campbell police post that surveillance video so hopefully people can recognize the people?>> reporter: they gave it to us. we will put it on our ktvu webpages you could check it out there. tomorrow people around the world being asked to take a break from holiday shopping and take some time to help others. tomorrow is giving tuesday. a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media. you are encouraged to help others by volunteering or donating. you are giving tuesday donation can even double. facebook is teaming up with the bill and melinda gates foundation to match up to $2 million in donations made through facebook. a royal wedding now in the works. today's big announcement and why it marks a number of first for buckingham palace. we are tracking the forecast that includes some cool overnight lows with valley fog and some more rain. president trump takes aim at an adversary and ignites a firestorm with his choice of words. president trump used the white house event honoring navajo veterans of world war ii to launch his latest attack against one of his outspoken democratic critics.>> you were here long before any of of us were here. although we have a representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago. they call her pocahontas. but you know what, i like you. because you are special.>> he was referring to senator warren. she has been critical of him. mr. trump's unscripted remarks immediately ignited a controversy with critics saying the ceremony was not the place to attack senator warren. the senator responded late today.>> it is deeply unfortunate that the president of the united states cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a rush -- racial slur.>> trump has called her pocahontas in the past in reference to questions about her claim of native american heritage. she has not been able to provide any actual evidence she has native american and her background. republicans are hoping for a vote on their plan to overhaul america's tax code. special interest groups are now launching a multimillion dollar advertising campaign in an effort to get public support for the legislation.>> reporter: campaign ads might be over but there is another battle dominating the airwaves. this time it is tax reform.>> this is a once in a generation opportunity.>> reporter: a blitz of campaign style ads it's the airwaves urging taxpayers to contact their senators to vote yes on the tax cuts and jobs act.>> we are going to cut taxes for the middle class. make the tax code simpler and more fair for everyday americans.>> reporter: the advertising push the latest effort by special interest groups to gain support for the gop tax bill as republican senators wrap up debate to overhaul the nation's tax code.>> i'm going to vote for tax reform to stimulate the economy. to make our corporations more globally competitive. and to give middle income tax cuts.>> a president who tells it like it is.>> reporter: a competing campaign by a coalition of progressive groups last the gop plan laming the president has yet to explain giving tax cuts to the wealthy including they say resident trump and his family.>> why is this president suddenly at a loss for words? >> it creates a one $.5 trillion deficit that will be on the shoulders of millennials like myself. that is what makes it problematic. they will have problems getting the volts to pass it.>> reporter: they can only afford to lose two volts. six republican senators have yet to commit to voting for the measure in its current form. senate leaders are hoping to bring their tax reform bill for a vote by the end of the week. embattled minnesota senator al franken talked about the sexual misconduct allegations made against him in recent weeks. he held a news conference outside his senate office. and said instead of resigning he wants to work to build back the trust between himself and his constituents. he said he hopes he can be a voice to prevent things like this in the future.>> i'm going to try to learn from my mistakes. in doing so i have been doing a lot of reflecting. i want to be someone who adds something to this conversation.>> senator franken said he plans to fully cooperate with the ethics investigation. he also says he would be open to making the findings public. taking a look at the week ahead. today was pretty nice. temperatures in the 50s and low 60s. tomorrow about the same. patchy valley fog in the morning. overnight lows will get into the 30s. towards the weekend we have a chance for showers. there is a system that moved through yesterday. it brought heavy rain after midnight. about seven or eight inches of snow in lake tahoe. we are left in the cold air as the front goes through in the cold air is behind the front. we see some pretty chilly overnight lows. chillier than we have been used to. temperatures in the middle 30s and some of the coolest spots. that would promote the valley fog formation. 43 novato. 43 santa rosa. do points are high. dewpoint temperatures because of the moist ground in the 40s. it won't be hard for valley fog to form. in areas where there is no fog temperatures will drop to the middle 30s. we will talk about the cold morning tomorrow. daytime highs in the low 60s. beyond that we have some changes with some rain entering back into the forecast. it is possible uber could soon be owned in part by a foreign company. the investment giant looking to buy a piece of the san francisco a company. a man who flew a drone over the raiders and 49ers game is arrested. why he did it in the danger police say it polls. harrison phillips -- the defensive tackle known as horrible harry. he also has a softer side working with kids.>> i always wanted to pay it forward. get a free pecan or pumpkin pie with every $20 order from you can eat it wherever you want, even if you are in someone else's house... santa. enter promo code, freepie, on your next order at not just because he is a great football player. this friday stanford takes on unc in the title game. at levi stadium. the cardinal hoping for a different outcome this september's loss.>> one of the best players in the country who was just as impressive of the field. scot rees introduces us to a defensive tackle harrison phillips.>> reporter: he is affectionately known as horrible harry. after the children's book series of the same name.>> i like to be physical and violent. i won't shy away from punches.>> reporter: harrison phillips is a big man and a big presence. he is stanford's leading tackler. a rarity for a defensive tackle. a legit all-america candidate.>> we go where he goes.>> he takes us to another level with his strength and ability.>> there is something to be set for effort. maximum effort every play. he is playing hard and he wants to wreak havoc.>> reporter: the truth of the matter is harrison is about as far from horrible as a person can get. the bully on the field is a champion of the underdog off of it.>> there is a bipolar aspect to it. one of us is going to eat and it is going to be me. there is a caring person that says off the field you are hungry eat my food. i always wanted to pay it forward and giving someone needs my shirt my shoes as well.>> reporter: instead of his shirt or shoes he gives his time heart and his soul. he works with the two nonprofits. one that educates high school players about concussions. the other called playmakers and afterschool program in sacramento. that target at risk students.>> a three-tiered approach that attacked literacy skills care to values. character values and physical activity. the overall change in these kids is monumental.>> it was huge to see their faces light up when they saw him. they were jumping on him and happy and excited. put back amid that he sometimes does make>> reporter: he tutors kids in east palo alto. as part of his education minor which supplements his double major in the rigors of stanford football for home he is a team captain. mind-boggling multitasking. >> he has two majors and a minor. how do you do all of that and assist the kids and be an active role model for so many? while being a key player for the football team.>> i don't like to waste time. i don't like to protest late. -- procrastinate. there is an assignment do i like to turn it in. i'm able to organize myself very well.>> reporter: among those moving pieces those many passions there is little question which one comes first. for horrible harry.>> my favorite thing to do is play football. there is a sense of joy that comes to it. i want to dance around and be happy. i'm going to play as long as i can.>> reporter: coming up police asked for the public's help to unravel a mystery surrounding the death of a man at a san jose bus stop. >> find out what people are saying. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. 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among patriots -- is a talk among patriots. the snack patrons. >> i think it is wonderful. a wonderful mix of two people. who seemed to have found a commonality in each other.>> prince harry and his fiancie made their first appearance together after the engagement announcement.>> it was so sweet. and natural and very romantic. he got on one knee.>> reporter: some say the fact that they have publicly embraced his engagement despite the fact she is an american a divorce and an actress is a sign they are moving forward with the times.>> it is exciting. leaving and england for 22 years.>> reporter: she and others say there is much curiosity about meghan markle. >> i did not know who she was. i had never seen her show.>> reporter: a southern california native stars in the cable network show called suits. some say he got a pass for his family because he is fifth in line to the throne.>> he doesn't have the same responsibilities.>> reporter: royal. he is his mother son. princess diana was popular a humanitarian and unafraid to but convention.>> they have stepped up and they realize if they want to be around they have to make changes. they have been doing it slowly.>> reporter: there is excitement for another royal wedding. prince william mary kate in 2011.>> it is good for the monarchy. a bit of pageantry. british people love that.>> reporter: meghan markle will not be the first american to marry into the royal family. in 1936 prince edward advocated -- advocated wallis simpson. the wedding is set for next spring. no date has been publicly announced. lots of people will be watching. a japanese investment giant looking to buy a piece of uber. softbank group corporation is offering to buy shares of uber at a discount from their current value. bluebird reporting the japanese company and a group of investors were reportedly offered to spend more than $6 billion for a 14% stake in the company. the offer values uber at $48 billion which is less than the companies $59 billion valuation. so far uber is not commenting. the dow games 22 points. nasdaq lost him. energy stocks fell as crude oil prices decline. retailers had a good date with -- they start to the holiday shopping season. santa clara county coroner asking for help in identifying a man who collapsed and died at a san jose bus stop last month. the man was between 50-60. he died in the 200 block of south seventh street on october 15. officials say they don't know what caused his death. foul play is not suspected. a forensic artist created sketches of the man. he is about five foot 10 inches and weighed 280 pounds. authorities say he had short gray hair and brown eyes. he also wore dentures. anyone with information should call the santa clara county coroner's office. a man is under arrest after flying a drone over the oakland coliseum and levi stadium during the raiders game. he used the drone to drop flyers. paul chambers has more about the man who was arrested and the danger his drone poles.>> reporter: this man 55-year-old -- responsible for dropping leaflets over to nfl games.>> we saw pamphlets coming out of the sky. it felt like it was coming from the upper deck.>> reporter: it was coming from a drone. the red x is said to be the same symbol on papers dropped at the game. this video one of the groups social modi -- social media pages shows previous drops. sunday's game in santa clara wasn't the suspects only target.>> we notified local agencies to be on the lookout. we made a call to the oakland coliseum. we knew the raiders were playing at the same time.>> reporter: it happened at the raiders game. this time police officers were able to take him into custody.>> it was just papers. we are concerned of the items could have been dropped. we are continuing to evaluate our security plan.>> reporter: with more people drop -- buying drones the skies are not as safe as the use to be. it will detect drones before they take off. which can prevent incidents to happen just like sunday.>> someone in the area has a job. >> he was arrested and released. and facing criminal charges for flying the drone over the 49ers stadium. although oakland doesn't have that law, he might be in more trouble for violating rules. -- faa rules. a san francisco store is targeted by thieves on black friday. my neighbor say this robbery is so disheartening. it is cool already. we have some showers on the five day. see you after the break. white house decked out for the holidays. the theme chosen by the first lady. police say in santa rosa man with two prior bank robbery convictions was arrested in connection with a pair of armed heist as santa rosa banks in september. jason richard was suspected of robbing two different branches. of chase bank in the course of three days in mid-september. the robber wore a mask and pointed a handgun at employees while demanding cash. he made off with an undisclosed amount of money. they arrested him during a traffic stop. he was convicted of armed robberies in 1995 and 2009. police are trying to determine if he is linked to other unsolved robberies. a man who escaped from a mental hospital in hawaii appeared in court today in stockton. he was ordered to remain in custody without bail. he will be back in court next week for an extradition hearing. authorities say he managed to charter a plane and make his way to san jose on a commercial flight. he was captured in stockton near where his brother lives after four days. he has admitted to killing a woman 40 years ago. he was found not guilty reason of insanity. a man who escaped from a courthouse earlier this month was arraigned today in the same stockton courtroom. macleod was arrested in stockton last week. his alleged accomplice john bivens was captured yesterday by u.s. marshals. he was leaving a hotel in san leandro. macleod was being held on 1 1/2 million dollars bail. they escaped november 6 as they face trial on armed robbery charges. fish and wildlife is delaying the commercial crab season and three northern california counties. poor crabmeat quality in mendocino humboldt and del norte county. the season was due to begin this weekend that will be postponed until december 16. if the test don't show improvement it will be delayed another 15 days. the crab season started on schedule earlier this month. recreational crabbing remains open statewide. the first lady chose a traditional look for the first christmas in the white house. it is said to pay respect to 200 years of holiday traditions. the goldstar family tree which is decorated with gold stars and patriotic ribbon pay tribute to servicemembers and for their family. the china room honors tradition of hospitality with a holiday dinner table displaying china from ronald reagan. branches lining the hallway lead to a tree that is decorated with the trump families official christmas ornaments. the family's christmas card is framed and on display as well. it says merry christmas and happy new year. and armed robbery at a goodwill store. the tools investigators are using to try to find the robbers. bill martin is back with a complete bay area forecast. how the rest of the week plays out. even if no one in your home smokes, secondhand smoke can be closer than you think. secondhand smoke from a neighbor's apartment can enter your home through air vents, through light fixtures and even through cracks in the walls and the floors. secondhand smoke is toxic. especially to children. protect your family. visit kids going to school and you heading to work. put a jacket on. daytime highs and low 60s. no coastal fog at the beaches. sun valley fought tomorrow morning with those is met with some frost possible. tomorrow through friday a nice dry slot. as we get into was the weekend that is a potent weather system. this is very active. 62 redwood city tomorrow. 52 livermore. will be interesting to see what happens with the system. it doesn't look like much of anything. maybe sprinkles and showers. would not take much for it to turn into a weather system. five day forecast. you will notice how cold it is tomorrow morning. i felt it this morning. coming up, a heated about -- battle over budget cuts. hundreds of angry students parents and teachers packed the oakland school board meeting with one clear message. the warriors played without steph curry and kevin durant. did they have enough to get the victory over the kings? the sharks are off tonight. we're leaving with the warriors.>> everybody is going to say it is because steph curry and kevin durant did not play. the warriors themselves know better. this was a game they should have one against sacramento. a lot of boneheaded plays in the fourth quarter. they let it get away. it was a nice night for matt barnes from sacramento. nice to pick up his championship ring. he winds up saying his knees are okay. then nice move on the baseline. 11 points and 26 minutes. his knees did not look too sore right there. aureus leading much of the way. clay with a miss. jordan -- on that offense of board to take care of business. he did not play in the second half. patrick getting the start. nice deal here. four of them tonight. 16 points and seven assists. the warriors biggest bright spot. the fourth quarter -- close it out. 19 points. tie game 146 love. then clock tips down. driving to hit the shop. he would later hit two more three -- free throws. warriors have a chance to tie or win it. they were throwing up 13 after another. clay. green was zero mac-five night. two free throws make it a 110- 106 final. warriors a frustrating night. they should have taken care of the sacramento kings. that is pretty much the only time jewelry should have anything to do with the sport. the raiders don't believe in that apparently. the chain game yesterday as it may become remembered as. michael crabtree it is going to cost him. as well as denver with a key to leave. both suspended for two games. missing for the next two games. crabtree their best receiver won't play against the giants or kansas city. it is without pay. crabtree will lose $735,000. that is his reaction right there when he heard he was going to be ejected from the game. he will appeal. that is a lot of gold chains. jack del rio after hearing the news said it is hard to understand the reason for the judgment based on the recent ruling what they had to fight with cincinnati's wide receiver and the defense of back. they had no game suspended. you can talk all you want but the problem is you either play football or you come out. take care of the other garbage that cost them big time. for the niners it is more of a football story. it revolves around a quarterback. the quarterback in question will be jimmy -- cj baffert injures his knee on this play in the final moments yesterday. in the ninth straight loss to seattle. jimmy came in three plays. instantaneous success. but very nimble in the pocket. very calm. april town -- will be logical he start his first game against chicago in his hometown this sunday on the road. shanahan not quite ready to pull the trigger on that yet.>> i will have an answer on wednesday. i would like to talk to the staff and watch chicago first. i will have a decision by wednesday.>> we only get three hours to perform. you tried to be locked in as possible. it is football. the resulting -- the result did not come how we want to.>> there is so much football over thanksgiving weekend. it is possible you were suffering from a hangover. it should have been easy to say enough is enough and turn off monday night football game. the texans against baltimore. a nice play. interesting to watch. a fake punt. sam cooke. chris moore right there. it led to a touchdown. fans are loving it. a little later long after a turnover alex and for eight yards for the ravens. 14-7. never child again. 23-16 final. the ravens are 6-5. stanford against unc this friday night at levi. to decide the membership. there is another team in southern california that will like to be part of the conversation. in the near future. they think chip kelly is the man who will get them back there. the former 49er coach spent this college football season for the most part on the other side of things. working for espn. analyzing games.>> i had a good experience. for you to grow as a person you have to get out of your comfort zone. i got out of my comfort zone by joining the media. it was an enlightening experience. >> his comfort zone is probably more suited for college football than the nfl. people in philadelphia in the bay area will tell you. that is the sporting life. time for more news. a battle over proposed budget cuts at the school board meeting in oakland. hundreds of angry students parents and teachers confront school board members. many of those who protested at the meeting blamed the board for the school district's current budget problems.>> gemma is in oakland where the meeting is still underway. why does the district say they need to cut $15 million? >> reporter: the superintendent says that $15 million number is somewhat flexible. he cannot continue with business as usual. they have been over and spending. they do not want to risk another state takeover. that meeting is still going on for hours after it started. hundreds of people were angry with the board for not having better budget oversight.>> before the school board meeting started oakland parents teachers and students rallied outside.>> is is my fifth year teaching. and every year there has been less resources less support.>> these children are dealing with a crime. they have to see people -- their own parents

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Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20171128

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80 in san pablo. there is one survivor from the crash. the driver a cal baseball player. we get new details from deborah. she is live in napa where the tragedy is hitting hard.>> reporter: we are at vintage high school were 19-year-old survivor jarret horn graduated just last year. jarret his parents and siblings are well known and loved in this community. the loss of jarret's father and brother is so painful.>> i saw him yesterday. he is pretty shook up.>> reporter: jarret horn is home in napa. he is with his mother and sister now after the crash.>> nothing short of a miracle. there is no way. five people and he walked away.>> reporter: the polyp sunday evening on i 80. all triggered by a hit and run driver later caught and identified as a repeat dui offender. in his wake for dad. 13-year-old -- and his father troy from seattle. 14-year-old joe horn and his father darrell from napa. the men brothers-in-law. the boys cousins.>> this is a beloved family to us. our hearts are broken.>> reporter: agile school grief counselors greeted kids. the mother denise works for the school district. the pain is multilayered. >> we will let the family guide us and let us know what they need. we will be right back with everyone trying to support them.>> reporter: joe was following his big brothers path is a star athlete.>> he was a tremendous pitcher himself.>> reporter: also was his own person.>> he was a special kid. full of personality and life. best friend to many.>> reporter: dick personality -- joe so much like darrell. -- big personality. so fun to be around.>> napa chp is feeling it too. darrell horn was a napa native attending the same high school as his kids. sports a foundation for many lasting friendships. now the family is left broken.>> it is unfathomable. we visited them yesterday. it was heartbreaking. you won't find anybody here that will say anything -- could not find anything negative about the family.>> reporter: for someone who works daily to prevent crashes this is close to home.>> is heartbreaking. we are trying so hard for this to stop. there is still a percentage of people that really don't care. they are selfish. selfish and lazy.>> reporter: nevermore ride options or awareness or enforcement. yet dui takes lives.>> it has almost become commonplace. it happens so often. i think there is a numbness. which is really disturbing for us.>> reporter: in his neighborhood -- and his father will be mourned and missed the same way. the two cousins and their fathers enjoying the holiday should die so heartlessly is almost too much to bear. but jarret is surrounded by love.>> he is a great carrier of the torch for the family. unfortunate circumstances for sure. he is very strong young man. he will be okay.>> reporter: a statement from the family. the fathers and their boys spent the last day doing what they love. playing in an annual father-son basketball tournament. it was an amazing day filled with pride and laughter. the families go on to say they have a deep love for each other. and that love will get them through this difficult time.>> it is a heartbreaking story. our hearts go out to jarret and his family. the man arrested in the deadly hit-and-run is 47-year- old fred lowell of sacramento. he was taken into custody and hour after the deadly crash when authorities say he was involved in another hit-and-run nearby. the highway patrol says he was driving on a suspended license due to a prior dui conviction. he is being held at the martinez jail on $1 million bail. hundreds of students teachers and parents all packed a special school board meeting tonight to protest against proposed budget cuts. jenna is in oakland. the district's new superintendent says the district is operating with a deficit.>> reporter: she did say that tonight. and try to make it clear to the crowd. the meeting is still going on. they have not made a decision. about any cuts tonight. tonight was about public testimony. 300+ people were inside that room. trying to make clear they did not want to see any cuts. many of them were very angry at the board for not having better oversight over the budget.>> reporter: before the school board meeting started oakland parents teachers and students rallied outside.>> we have to say this money needs to go to our schools. no cuts to any school. >> this is my fifth year teaching. every year there has been less resources. less support.>> these children are dealing with crimes. bullets by their house. they have to see people get killed. their own parents. all of these children are at risk.>> reporter: the crowd filled the board meeting room. many brought signs and say they blamed the board for not having her oversight.>> some blame former oakland school superintendent antoine wilson who left for dc after just a few years in oakland. the district overspent. the new superintendent was a former oakland teacher and principal says he understands the community concerns. the state requires the district have a 2% reserve to be fiscally solvent. it's over one $.2 million. she explained why she is proposed a target of $15.1 million in cuts.>> we have to make sure we are budgeting for what we need for our students and for our reserve. it is important in a good healthy district ensures that they are putting away money above the minimum reserve. put mac tyler johnson said funding has decreased with this declining enrollment. increased spending on oakland athletics dental health services libraries and other programs was done without focus on vital to the bucket -- budget. >> there were decisions made in terms of trying to do the best thing for students. but not taking into account we cannot spend money on everything and not reprioritize.>> i am here to echo the message -- she and the rest of the school board moves forward in any cuts. our district needs to address the lack of transparency around processes and hiring and around financial responsibility.>> we have not made -- we have not made a final decision on anything.>> reporter: the board says they want to hear the public ideas about --. the next meeting december 6. the budget and finance committee will look over the cuts and discuss on december 7 the final vote. the final vote on december 13. in san francisco eight people are without a permanent home. 470 are without gas service after a gas explosion ripped through a home. it happened in the st. mary's parking avenue. around 10 am. the neighborhood was evacuated for about three hours. during that time pg&e crews -- looking for the source of the gas leak. once they found it be turned off the gas when neighbor heard a pop and felt a thought. -- one neighbor. >> i was opening the door. what is that noise?>> no one was hurt. the house where the explosion happened sustained significant damage. the people who live there are staying elsewhere. it appears the garage filled with gas. it was ignited by the pilot light on the hot water heater. pg&e is now bringing in a third party to determine the cause of the leak. pg&e expect to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on repairs to infrastructure damage in the northbay firestorm. the estimate came in a regulatory filing made by pg&e. detailing the needed repairs. they have estimated the cost could hit $200 million to restore facilities that were damaged by the fires. that estimate does not include possible legal settlement right -- brought by fire victims. this cyber monday was the biggest online shopping day in u.s. history. adobe insights reports e- commerce orders total $6.6 billion. 16% higher than cyber monday last year. the research found mobile phones were used in half of today's online orders. cyber monday is a retail phenomenon since it began 12 years ago. reflecting the growing popularity of online shopping in the u.s. law enforcement says they have seen a corresponding spike in package theft. self a reporter live in campbell where officials are renewing a program that is designed to track and catch thieves.>> reporter: campbell police say some of the packages you will see sitting on area porches in campbell during the holiday season might not be what they appear. residents say they are well aware these are out there poised and ready to strike. -- thieves.>> constantly checking with the neighbor. make sure if we are out for the day can you check our packages.>> reporter: these parents save their shopping habits have changed since their son arrived remounts ago. the worry over what can happen once in order package arrives represents a new threat according to campbell police.>> people have had their packages stolen.>> yes. it is pure frustration over the fact packages are being stolen off of their >> reporter:>> reporter: it shows a grinch like culprit -- grabbing a package and running off. experts say these types of crimes escalate during the holidays. when cyber and physical shopping and giftgiving is at its peak. for the second straight year the department is launching the package debate program to catch would be thieves.>> we are using this to remind would be thieves there are packages that contain gps trackers and we are watching.>> reporter: a tracker leads police directly to the guilty party in minutes. to prevent deaths altogether campbell police advise having packages delivered to places where people can receive them. ask for store delivery so you can pick up in person. ask the shipper for a specific delivery time. and require a signature. while surveillance cameras and the bait package program may deter most criminals the best deterrent is proactive residence. she and her family have already implemented at least one of these safety tips. they learn to adjust to this new reality.>> sometimes we ship to my parents house. my mother works from home sometimes.>> reporter: that is great advice. if you have a relative home during the day who can receive or collect your packages before someone steals them. speaking of which the thief in that video that you saw was never caught because that was not a bait package. if you recognize the person call campbell police. where do campbell police post that surveillance video so hopefully people can recognize the people?>> reporter: they gave it to us. we will put it on our ktvu webpages you could check it out there. tomorrow people around the world being asked to take a break from holiday shopping and take some time to help others. tomorrow is giving tuesday. a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media. you are encouraged to help others by volunteering or donating. you are giving tuesday donation can even double. facebook is teaming up with the bill and melinda gates foundation to match up to $2 million in donations made through facebook. a royal wedding now in the works. today's big announcement and why it marks a number of first for buckingham palace. we are tracking the forecast that includes some cool overnight lows with valley fog and some more rain. president trump takes aim at an adversary and ignites a firestorm with his choice of words. president trump used the white house event honoring navajo veterans of world war ii to launch his latest attack against one of his outspoken democratic critics.>> you were here long before any of of us were here. although we have a representative in congress who they say was here a long time ago. they call her pocahontas. but you know what, i like you. because you are special.>> he was referring to senator warren. she has been critical of him. mr. trump's unscripted remarks immediately ignited a controversy with critics saying the ceremony was not the place to attack senator warren. the senator responded late today.>> it is deeply unfortunate that the president of the united states cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a rush -- racial slur.>> trump has called her pocahontas in the past in reference to questions about her claim of native american heritage. she has not been able to provide any actual evidence she has native american and her background. republicans are hoping for a vote on their plan to overhaul america's tax code. special interest groups are now launching a multimillion dollar advertising campaign in an effort to get public support for the legislation.>> reporter: campaign ads might be over but there is another battle dominating the airwaves. this time it is tax reform.>> this is a once in a generation opportunity.>> reporter: a blitz of campaign style ads it's the airwaves urging taxpayers to contact their senators to vote yes on the tax cuts and jobs act.>> we are going to cut taxes for the middle class. make the tax code simpler and more fair for everyday americans.>> reporter: the advertising push the latest effort by special interest groups to gain support for the gop tax bill as republican senators wrap up debate to overhaul the nation's tax code.>> i'm going to vote for tax reform to stimulate the economy. to make our corporations more globally competitive. and to give middle income tax cuts.>> a president who tells it like it is.>> reporter: a competing campaign by a coalition of progressive groups last the gop plan laming the president has yet to explain giving tax cuts to the wealthy including they say resident trump and his family.>> why is this president suddenly at a loss for words? >> it creates a one $.5 trillion deficit that will be on the shoulders of millennials like myself. that is what makes it problematic. they will have problems getting the volts to pass it.>> reporter: they can only afford to lose two volts. six republican senators have yet to commit to voting for the measure in its current form. senate leaders are hoping to bring their tax reform bill for a vote by the end of the week. embattled minnesota senator al franken talked about the sexual misconduct allegations made against him in recent weeks. he held a news conference outside his senate office. and said instead of resigning he wants to work to build back the trust between himself and his constituents. he said he hopes he can be a voice to prevent things like this in the future.>> i'm going to try to learn from my mistakes. in doing so i have been doing a lot of reflecting. i want to be someone who adds something to this conversation.>> senator franken said he plans to fully cooperate with the ethics investigation. he also says he would be open to making the findings public. taking a look at the week ahead. today was pretty nice. temperatures in the 50s and low 60s. tomorrow about the same. patchy valley fog in the morning. overnight lows will get into the 30s. towards the weekend we have a chance for showers. there is a system that moved through yesterday. it brought heavy rain after midnight. about seven or eight inches of snow in lake tahoe. we are left in the cold air as the front goes through in the cold air is behind the front. we see some pretty chilly overnight lows. chillier than we have been used to. temperatures in the middle 30s and some of the coolest spots. that would promote the valley fog formation. 43 novato. 43 santa rosa. do points are high. dewpoint temperatures because of the moist ground in the 40s. it won't be hard for valley fog to form. in areas where there is no fog temperatures will drop to the middle 30s. we will talk about the cold morning tomorrow. daytime highs in the low 60s. beyond that we have some changes with some rain entering back into the forecast. it is possible uber could soon be owned in part by a foreign company. the investment giant looking to buy a piece of the san francisco a company. a man who flew a drone over the raiders and 49ers game is arrested. why he did it in the danger police say it polls. harrison phillips -- the defensive tackle known as horrible harry. he also has a softer side working with kids.>> i always wanted to pay it forward. get a free pecan or pumpkin pie with every $20 order from you can eat it wherever you want, even if you are in someone else's house... santa. enter promo code, freepie, on your next order at not just because he is a great football player. this friday stanford takes on unc in the title game. at levi stadium. the cardinal hoping for a different outcome this september's loss.>> one of the best players in the country who was just as impressive of the field. scot rees introduces us to a defensive tackle harrison phillips.>> reporter: he is affectionately known as horrible harry. after the children's book series of the same name.>> i like to be physical and violent. i won't shy away from punches.>> reporter: harrison phillips is a big man and a big presence. he is stanford's leading tackler. a rarity for a defensive tackle. a legit all-america candidate.>> we go where he goes.>> he takes us to another level with his strength and ability.>> there is something to be set for effort. maximum effort every play. he is playing hard and he wants to wreak havoc.>> reporter: the truth of the matter is harrison is about as far from horrible as a person can get. the bully on the field is a champion of the underdog off of it.>> there is a bipolar aspect to it. one of us is going to eat and it is going to be me. there is a caring person that says off the field you are hungry eat my food. i always wanted to pay it forward and giving someone needs my shirt my shoes as well.>> reporter: instead of his shirt or shoes he gives his time heart and his soul. he works with the two nonprofits. one that educates high school players about concussions. the other called playmakers and afterschool program in sacramento. that target at risk students.>> a three-tiered approach that attacked literacy skills care to values. character values and physical activity. the overall change in these kids is monumental.>> it was huge to see their faces light up when they saw him. they were jumping on him and happy and excited. put back amid that he sometimes does make>> reporter: he tutors kids in east palo alto. as part of his education minor which supplements his double major in the rigors of stanford football for home he is a team captain. mind-boggling multitasking. >> he has two majors and a minor. how do you do all of that and assist the kids and be an active role model for so many? while being a key player for the football team.>> i don't like to waste time. i don't like to protest late. -- procrastinate. there is an assignment do i like to turn it in. i'm able to organize myself very well.>> reporter: among those moving pieces those many passions there is little question which one comes first. for horrible harry.>> my favorite thing to do is play football. there is a sense of joy that comes to it. i want to dance around and be happy. i'm going to play as long as i can.>> reporter: coming up police asked for the public's help to unravel a mystery surrounding the death of a man at a san jose bus stop. >> find out what people are saying. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. 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only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. what if there was only one pet? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. a royal wedding is set for the spring. britain's royal family announced the engagement of prince harry and meghan markle. it will make -- will mark several groundbreaking first for the monarchy. the first divorced biracial jewish-american actress to joined the british for royal family. the news is generating talk about the future of the monarchy. amber is live -- after gauging reaction at a british pub.>> reporter: we are at the -- was so in the laurel heights neighborhood. the reaction to the engagement was largely positive. with many people saying the family -- the royal family is smart to embrace someone culturally different than them.>> the bartender said prints harry's engagement -- and american is the talk among patriots -- is a talk among patriots. the snack patrons. >> i think it is wonderful. a wonderful mix of two people. who seemed to have found a commonality in each other.>> prince harry and his fiancie made their first appearance together after the engagement announcement.>> it was so sweet. and natural and very romantic. he got on one knee.>> reporter: some say the fact that they have publicly embraced his engagement despite the fact she is an american a divorce and an actress is a sign they are moving forward with the times.>> it is exciting. leaving and england for 22 years.>> reporter: she and others say there is much curiosity about meghan markle. >> i did not know who she was. i had never seen her show.>> reporter: a southern california native stars in the cable network show called suits. some say he got a pass for his family because he is fifth in line to the throne.>> he doesn't have the same responsibilities.>> reporter: royal. he is his mother son. princess diana was popular a humanitarian and unafraid to but convention.>> they have stepped up and they realize if they want to be around they have to make changes. they have been doing it slowly.>> reporter: there is excitement for another royal wedding. prince william mary kate in 2011.>> it is good for the monarchy. a bit of pageantry. british people love that.>> reporter: meghan markle will not be the first american to marry into the royal family. in 1936 prince edward advocated -- advocated wallis simpson. the wedding is set for next spring. no date has been publicly announced. lots of people will be watching. a japanese investment giant looking to buy a piece of uber. softbank group corporation is offering to buy shares of uber at a discount from their current value. bluebird reporting the japanese company and a group of investors were reportedly offered to spend more than $6 billion for a 14% stake in the company. the offer values uber at $48 billion which is less than the companies $59 billion valuation. so far uber is not commenting. the dow games 22 points. nasdaq lost him. energy stocks fell as crude oil prices decline. retailers had a good date with -- they start to the holiday shopping season. santa clara county coroner asking for help in identifying a man who collapsed and died at a san jose bus stop last month. the man was between 50-60. he died in the 200 block of south seventh street on october 15. officials say they don't know what caused his death. foul play is not suspected. a forensic artist created sketches of the man. he is about five foot 10 inches and weighed 280 pounds. authorities say he had short gray hair and brown eyes. he also wore dentures. anyone with information should call the santa clara county coroner's office. a man is under arrest after flying a drone over the oakland coliseum and levi stadium during the raiders game. he used the drone to drop flyers. paul chambers has more about the man who was arrested and the danger his drone poles.>> reporter: this man 55-year-old -- responsible for dropping leaflets over to nfl games.>> we saw pamphlets coming out of the sky. it felt like it was coming from the upper deck.>> reporter: it was coming from a drone. the red x is said to be the same symbol on papers dropped at the game. this video one of the groups social modi -- social media pages shows previous drops. sunday's game in santa clara wasn't the suspects only target.>> we notified local agencies to be on the lookout. we made a call to the oakland coliseum. we knew the raiders were playing at the same time.>> reporter: it happened at the raiders game. this time police officers were able to take him into custody.>> it was just papers. we are concerned of the items could have been dropped. we are continuing to evaluate our security plan.>> reporter: with more people drop -- buying drones the skies are not as safe as the use to be. it will detect drones before they take off. which can prevent incidents to happen just like sunday.>> someone in the area has a job. >> he was arrested and released. and facing criminal charges for flying the drone over the 49ers stadium. although oakland doesn't have that law, he might be in more trouble for violating rules. -- faa rules. a san francisco store is targeted by thieves on black friday. my neighbor say this robbery is so disheartening. it is cool already. we have some showers on the five day. see you after the break. white house decked out for the holidays. the theme chosen by the first lady. police say in santa rosa man with two prior bank robbery convictions was arrested in connection with a pair of armed heist as santa rosa banks in september. jason richard was suspected of robbing two different branches. of chase bank in the course of three days in mid-september. the robber wore a mask and pointed a handgun at employees while demanding cash. he made off with an undisclosed amount of money. they arrested him during a traffic stop. he was convicted of armed robberies in 1995 and 2009. police are trying to determine if he is linked to other unsolved robberies. a man who escaped from a mental hospital in hawaii appeared in court today in stockton. he was ordered to remain in custody without bail. he will be back in court next week for an extradition hearing. authorities say he managed to charter a plane and make his way to san jose on a commercial flight. he was captured in stockton near where his brother lives after four days. he has admitted to killing a woman 40 years ago. he was found not guilty reason of insanity. a man who escaped from a courthouse earlier this month was arraigned today in the same stockton courtroom. macleod was arrested in stockton last week. his alleged accomplice john bivens was captured yesterday by u.s. marshals. he was leaving a hotel in san leandro. macleod was being held on 1 1/2 million dollars bail. they escaped november 6 as they face trial on armed robbery charges. fish and wildlife is delaying the commercial crab season and three northern california counties. poor crabmeat quality in mendocino humboldt and del norte county. the season was due to begin this weekend that will be postponed until december 16. if the test don't show improvement it will be delayed another 15 days. the crab season started on schedule earlier this month. recreational crabbing remains open statewide. the first lady chose a traditional look for the first christmas in the white house. it is said to pay respect to 200 years of holiday traditions. the goldstar family tree which is decorated with gold stars and patriotic ribbon pay tribute to servicemembers and for their family. the china room honors tradition of hospitality with a holiday dinner table displaying china from ronald reagan. branches lining the hallway lead to a tree that is decorated with the trump families official christmas ornaments. the family's christmas card is framed and on display as well. it says merry christmas and happy new year. and armed robbery at a goodwill store. the tools investigators are using to try to find the robbers. bill martin is back with a complete bay area forecast. how the rest of the week plays out. even if no one in your home smokes, secondhand smoke can be closer than you think. secondhand smoke from a neighbor's apartment can enter your home through air vents, through light fixtures and even through cracks in the walls and the floors. secondhand smoke is toxic. especially to children. protect your family. visit kids going to school and you heading to work. put a jacket on. daytime highs and low 60s. no coastal fog at the beaches. sun valley fought tomorrow morning with those is met with some frost possible. tomorrow through friday a nice dry slot. as we get into was the weekend that is a potent weather system. this is very active. 62 redwood city tomorrow. 52 livermore. will be interesting to see what happens with the system. it doesn't look like much of anything. maybe sprinkles and showers. would not take much for it to turn into a weather system. five day forecast. you will notice how cold it is tomorrow morning. i felt it this morning. coming up, a heated about -- battle over budget cuts. hundreds of angry students parents and teachers packed the oakland school board meeting with one clear message. the warriors played without steph curry and kevin durant. did they have enough to get the victory over the kings? the sharks are off tonight. we're leaving with the warriors.>> everybody is going to say it is because steph curry and kevin durant did not play. the warriors themselves know better. this was a game they should have one against sacramento. a lot of boneheaded plays in the fourth quarter. they let it get away. it was a nice night for matt barnes from sacramento. nice to pick up his championship ring. he winds up saying his knees are okay. then nice move on the baseline. 11 points and 26 minutes. his knees did not look too sore right there. aureus leading much of the way. clay with a miss. jordan -- on that offense of board to take care of business. he did not play in the second half. patrick getting the start. nice deal here. four of them tonight. 16 points and seven assists. the warriors biggest bright spot. the fourth quarter -- close it out. 19 points. tie game 146 love. then clock tips down. driving to hit the shop. he would later hit two more three -- free throws. warriors have a chance to tie or win it. they were throwing up 13 after another. clay. green was zero mac-five night. two free throws make it a 110- 106 final. warriors a frustrating night. they should have taken care of the sacramento kings. that is pretty much the only time jewelry should have anything to do with the sport. the raiders don't believe in that apparently. the chain game yesterday as it may become remembered as. michael crabtree it is going to cost him. as well as denver with a key to leave. both suspended for two games. missing for the next two games. crabtree their best receiver won't play against the giants or kansas city. it is without pay. crabtree will lose $735,000. that is his reaction right there when he heard he was going to be ejected from the game. he will appeal. that is a lot of gold chains. jack del rio after hearing the news said it is hard to understand the reason for the judgment based on the recent ruling what they had to fight with cincinnati's wide receiver and the defense of back. they had no game suspended. you can talk all you want but the problem is you either play football or you come out. take care of the other garbage that cost them big time. for the niners it is more of a football story. it revolves around a quarterback. the quarterback in question will be jimmy -- cj baffert injures his knee on this play in the final moments yesterday. in the ninth straight loss to seattle. jimmy came in three plays. instantaneous success. but very nimble in the pocket. very calm. april town -- will be logical he start his first game against chicago in his hometown this sunday on the road. shanahan not quite ready to pull the trigger on that yet.>> i will have an answer on wednesday. i would like to talk to the staff and watch chicago first. i will have a decision by wednesday.>> we only get three hours to perform. you tried to be locked in as possible. it is football. the resulting -- the result did not come how we want to.>> there is so much football over thanksgiving weekend. it is possible you were suffering from a hangover. it should have been easy to say enough is enough and turn off monday night football game. the texans against baltimore. a nice play. interesting to watch. a fake punt. sam cooke. chris moore right there. it led to a touchdown. fans are loving it. a little later long after a turnover alex and for eight yards for the ravens. 14-7. never child again. 23-16 final. the ravens are 6-5. stanford against unc this friday night at levi. to decide the membership. there is another team in southern california that will like to be part of the conversation. in the near future. they think chip kelly is the man who will get them back there. the former 49er coach spent this college football season for the most part on the other side of things. working for espn. analyzing games.>> i had a good experience. for you to grow as a person you have to get out of your comfort zone. i got out of my comfort zone by joining the media. it was an enlightening experience. >> his comfort zone is probably more suited for college football than the nfl. people in philadelphia in the bay area will tell you. that is the sporting life. time for more news. a battle over proposed budget cuts at the school board meeting in oakland. hundreds of angry students parents and teachers confront school board members. many of those who protested at the meeting blamed the board for the school district's current budget problems.>> gemma is in oakland where the meeting is still underway. why does the district say they need to cut $15 million? >> reporter: the superintendent says that $15 million number is somewhat flexible. he cannot continue with business as usual. they have been over and spending. they do not want to risk another state takeover. that meeting is still going on for hours after it started. hundreds of people were angry with the board for not having better budget oversight.>> before the school board meeting started oakland parents teachers and students rallied outside.>> is is my fifth year teaching. and every year there has been less resources less support.>> these children are dealing with a crime. they have to see people -- their own parents

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