Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20171128 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20171128

>> this happened in the st. mary's area around 10 am. more on why some neighbors are upset with pg&e. >> reporter: it happened just before 10 am. pg&e were not able to turn out the gas before 10 am. neighbors said -- neighbors said that they heard the blast and it blew out the garage door of one home and shattered the windows on a house next-door. likely, authorities say that no one was her. they went door-to-door evacuating homes. pg&e doug holes into the street to find the source of the ghastly. they did find the source and they shut off the gas. one neighbor said that she heard a pop and felt a thought. >> i was getting ready to go to work. i was standing by my door and i heard a noise. >> reporter: the chief says that it looks like a garage filled up with gas then caught the pilot light, and then it caused the explosion. the mission ymca has opened up as a temporary evacuation center for those who have been displaced. they are the lone survivors of a crash that killed four people. the sacramental man who is allegedly drunk cause a crash. it happened on interstate 80 this holiday weekend. joining us now from the baseball stadium and friends and family are showing their support for the victim. >> reporter: good evening, this is a tragedy beyond words, while many in the community are grieving, the family and a statement said that the dad and boys spent their last days doing what they love. they played in an annual father and son basketball tournament.>> it is horrible. it is so shocking. >> [ crying ] >> reporter: just returning from thanksgiving break, the news was hard to take for this baseball manager. he is thinking about his friend who was the right-handed pitcher. >> he was the nicest kid. if you need a pick me up he always had the best jokes. >> reporter: he was the lone survivor of the crash on interstate 80 that claimed the life of his father, darrell horn, his younger brother, joseph, and his uncle troy biddle and baden biddle from bainbridge washington. >> people will come together and send wishes. >> reporter: the cell phone video shows the carnage saturday night. they were hit by a driver who left the scene. the impact overturn the vehicle causing the fatalities. they closed westbound 8412 hours. there were six injured as well and a child. the hit-and-run driver, he was 47 years old. he was booked into jail on vehicular manslaughter. the baseball coach said in a statement jerrid is are respected and beloved member of our team and as well as a great teammate and friend. we will give him all this support during this difficult time. the baseball family will rallied around jerrid and his family to pick up the pieces around their shattered lives. feedback we will rally around him and pick him up. that's what we do. >> reporter: the horn family released a statement saying, troy biddle and darrell horn were beloved fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, friends and coaches. baden biddle and joe horn were beautiful, caring and innocent boys whose family will miss them and their friends. >> reporter: they think the community for the love and support.>> the driver that was caught, would not have been caught if it had not been for another accident he was allegedly involved in? >> reporter: yes, that is right, he was caught little bit later down the road, 40 minutes after that crash he drove into, reportedly, what were hearing other part vehicles. and the chp caught him and put him under arrest. >> thank you. the jury in the case for the murder trial has questions for the judge. jurors are deciding if he intentionally shot steinle or if it was an accident. she was killed as she walked with her father along the san francisco peer two years ago. it's unclear what the jurors question was. this case has received national attention. it is because of his status as an undocumented immigrant. 12 hours ago we were taught about thunder, lightning, and rain. >> not now. >> it was really coming down. we started out with rain yesterday then during the overnight hours another way above rain moved through. as we take a look outside our doors this hour, isn't that a gorgeous view? we have mostly blue skies. temperatures are ranging in the upper 50s, upper 60s. we will hang onto this cool weather as we go into the days ahead. were looking at dry weather for the next of the week, let's take a step back. we will take a look at the rainfall amounts. been roman picked up two and just. the farther north you went the more we have received. some places an inch and i have. thing getting into san jose, 2/10 of an inch. san francisco received a little bit more than a half inch. >> we are dry and we will remain dry for the next couple of days, we will have morning fog and chilly temperatures to start the day. that we get into the weekend and that things change up want to -- once again. the chance of showers entering the picture saturday or sunday. we will continue with the dry weather in place. the temperature reaching into the upper 50s, low 60s. we will remain there for the next few days. as we take a look at the current conditions. 56 san francisco, upper 50s oakland. 58 livermore and 59 for san jose. even though the temperature is cooler the sun is shining. we are cooler than we were last week. when i come back we will have a look at the overnight lows. it will be cold in some areas. take a look at this pattern and we will take a look at the wet weather coming into this weekend. that is coming up. we have a representative in congress who says he was here a long time ago. they call her, pocahontas.>> president donald trump is making comments and it's not -- president donald trump is making headlines and is not for what he said but it's who standing next to them. ♪ [baby crib musical mobile] millions are still exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke. and some of them can't do anything about it. but you can. protect your family. visit really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. it is one of the biggest promises made by president donald trump, they are on capitol hill looking to vote next week -- later this week. this tax debate has led to million-dollar ad campaigns. >> reporter: can pin -- campaign ads may be over but now there talk about tax reform. >> this is once in a generation opportunity. >> reporter: this tv type of ad hits the airways. they want them to vote yes on the tax code. >> we want to make it fair for every day americans. >> reporter: this is the latest effort to gain support for the the gop tax bill as republican senators wrap up to overhaul the nation's tax code. >> i will stimulate the economy, and make our corporations more globally competitive. and give them tax cuts.>> a president who tells it like it is. >> reporter: they blast the gop plan claiming that the president has yet to explain giving tax cuts to the wealthy including president donald trump and his family. >> why is this president suddenly at a loss for words? >> there is $1 trillion deficit that will be on the shoulders. that's why they will have problems of getting this past.>> reporter: the gop can only afford to lose two votes. senate leaders are hoping to bring their tax reform bill for a vote by the end of the week. in washington, lauren blanchard. >> many said that president donald trump used the racial slur. he referred to the democratic senator as pocahontas. is something that he has done several times on the campaign trail. they use their native language to translate secret military messages and that happened during world war ii. >> you are very special people and you were here long before any of us were here. we do have a representative in congress who said was here along time ago. they cholera pocahontas but you know what, i like you. you are special. >> native american groups have called that nick name offensive. -- >> for more on this i am joined with the political scientist. what was the relative it's -- what was the relevance of him mentioning that? >> he is still in campaign mode. he is trying to keep them supporting him. in terms of the tone deafness of it, if this was the meeting between the president and then donald trump said something about maxine waters -- then people would understand how offensive what donald trump has done with reference to this pocahontas reference. >> tax reform, we cannot overstate this, this is such a big deal for the republicans in the white house. and he has a half a dozen senators there. >> i am skeptical as more more people come out. there are five other people that are not supporting it i do not know, it doesn't seem like it, when they talk about the in chrissy's of the bill, the contents of it in terms of being the permanence of the tax cut corporations and taxes for americans cutting it all at once. and the affect of mandate and the effectiveness of daca -- >> either way he will lose in this thing. >> there are so many bad parts to it. ? that's it, if they do not pass it they fail. and if they pass it they then owned this awful bill. this is a no-win situation for donald trump. he keeps going back to the default, cultural race issue. in terms of concrete policy has nothing to show. >> on culture, we have roy moore, running for senate. the spokeswoman at the white house said that he will not go to alabama but president trump hasn't come out and said he's going to do that. ? he talked about how bad it would be to have a liberal and a democrat who is high on taxes in alabama. he talked about supporting roy moore. >> do you think there is a sense in the windows that they are so thin with the 52 seat majority in the senate they would rather have someone accused of these than a democrat? >> yes, that is what they said in alabama. >> the ironic thing that i have been reading, for jones, the democratic candidate in alabama he would side with republicans on many issues. >> a blue dog or yellow dog democrat is a conservative. and he has a lot in common with the alabama voters. >> who is in charge? >> what is going on? >> it is a two headed monster. this signals tunnels -- his stands. you see him going back and forth tweeting about these different issues these are serious issues of vacancies in the government, and problems with administrating the government. donald trump after 10 months hasn't seen to get his head around this, he would have to govern on behalf of all americans. >> thank you very much. here we are, it is cyber monday but are those online deals worth it? >> yes. for mild-to-moderate eczema? it can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. the face of a fisherman? the hand of a ranch hand? the knee of a needle pointer? prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. and it's steroid-free. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa. there are several hours left to shop on this cyber monday. but more people will spend more money than they ever had on this digital shopping day. 78 million americans plan to shop online today. they will spend $6.6 billion. online holiday sales will increase 14% this year to $107 billion with today being the biggest day of the mall. >> she was in tracy. this is the retail center at amazon. >> reporter: we are inside the amazon fulfillment center. this is in tracy there is a lot of activity. the activity is picking up here on cyber monday. this has become, and a few short years a major part of the first of the year. >> that is right. cyber monday for us at amazon, it feels like over the past three years, we continue to make new strides and more more items are getting out the door. i am hoping that this year will be yet another breaking, record- breaking year. at the very least we will be taking care of a lot of customers who are searching for great deals. >> reporter: it is a new phenomenon that has been taken on. >> i have noticed that on cyber monday, there have obviously been a lot of customer orders, i do not know what the numbers are but i could tell you inside this familiar center -- the filament center we know that it is one of the biggest days of the year. and we have such a great staff, the employees, year after year, and it continues to grow. from that indication, i get a sense that cyber monday has become very important. >> reporter: thank you so much for joining us. you heard that cyber monday is growing and they are seeing growth security here. and there are a lot of deals to be had on cyber monday out there. >> let's talk more about cyber monday. thank you for joining me this afternoon out this is a made-up holiday, essentially, it has become crucial for all the retailers. how important is today? >> it is used but it is a long progression of sales and a long progression of the shopping that has been going on since well before black friday. it's huge but a little bit spread out. we have five saturdays before christmas, that is between thanksgiving and christmas. that is a big day. is one of the biggest shopping days ever online. it will beast read-out for a long time.>> let's talk about the hype around cyber monday. do they feel like they have to play in some way? do the retailers feel that way? >> most retailers started the sales before black friday. even as early as halloween. it is continuing on people are shopping like crazy on thanksgiving this year. it was up 20% from last year. they were shopping on friday, saturday, sunday, and monday. it is a massive continue shopping for them. >> when you look at the amount of sales that we are seeing so far what does a tell you for how the consumers are feeling?>> i think since the recession consumers were telling us that they were not going to buy anything unless it was on sale. retailers responded saying okay we will give you sales. the initial sales were boosted. and retailers were anticipating that they were not going to be selling the products until they were reduced in price. the price that they anticipated was at a sale price. >> i want to talk to you about that. the sales are expected to be huge today. what does that say to you about shopping trends? a lot of people, they spend the day leading up to cyber monday looking at the sites. but today's the day that we do by. >> one thing that i heard from consumers that i haven't heard before. they are buying as though they may not keep everything. they have made, what appears to be opportunity for pricing strategies. and they make free returns part of the process. a lot of people i'm talking to are saying i get it, i'm getting it so i make sure it does not sell out. but if another better price comes along i could return it easily. this is the first year that i have heard consumers saying that they are shopping with an eye on returning.>> do most people if they make the purchases today do they let that item go or do they continue the next couple of days looking online to see if there is in fact a better price out there? >> that is exactly what they're doing. they stock items that they are interested in. and they may not plan to buy the same item they may feel like, i need to get for sue and my aunt, if something better comes along i could easily return those. so in that case i am safe. there is that opportunist shopping going on. >> it is always a pleasure to have you on. thank you so much. the city of san francisco launched the public safety campaign. they want to keep the shoppers safe. they joined several leaders in front of the shopping area. whether it is at the mall or are crowded store or in a parking lot, this is the time your that thieves target shoppers. >> lookout for your neighbors, friends, watch out for each other, and again this is a community season, a family season. it is all about caring about and looking out for others.? he advised online shoppers to be careful when they have packages delivered so that they are not stolen from your front door. it is the big news this afternoon, wedding bells will happen for prince harry and his american fianci. al franken has issued another apology. it comes as the senator says he wants to get back to work. we will have details after the break. ktvu news fox 2 . >> complete bay area coverage. he said that he is resigning immediately. the los angeles democrat initially said that he would vacate a seat at the end of the next legislative session and not seek reelection but today, he said he decided to step down now after further reflections and conversations with his friends, and supporters. seven have come forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct . minnesota senator, al franken, he apologized for sexual misconduct allegations made by four women. >> i am trying to take responsibility by apologizing. and apologizing to the people that i have let down. >> he held eight news conference outside today outside the senate conference. he wants to build back the trust and not resign. >> i am going to try to learn from my mistakes. and in doing so i have been doing a lot of reflecting. and i want to be someone who add something to this conversation. >> he says he plans to fully cooperate with the senate ethics investigation and he will be open to making those findings public. he is facing dozens of sexual assault complaints after complains of the company mishandling the allegations. 80 women were sexually assaulted by workers during massage services. this was discovered by buzz feed news. the managers are trying to cover up the assaults by offering free sessions if they did not offer the information to police. >> you seem very young. and i asked how long have you been doing this? his response was not very long but he says i am a good therapist. i felt a little uncomfortable the further we got into my massage. >> massage envy has several locations nationwide. there is no word on if any of those cases are in the bay area. there engagement was announced today. we are hearing from the capital today for the first time. they sat down for an interview and they talked about the relationship with their family and friends. >> it is disheartening. it is a shame that that is the climate in this world to focus on something being discriminatory in a sense but at the end of the day, i am proud of who i am and where i come from. we have never put any focus on that. we have just focused on who we are as a couple. >> it was a confirmation to me, all the stars were aligned, everything was perfect. this beautiful tripped and fell into my life. ? aren't they so sweet? >> they dated for a year and a half. here is more on this royal relationship. >> reporter: harry is getting married after months of speculation, prince charles announced that his son is engaged. >> they are very happy. that is all i can say. >> reporter: harry popped the question last month. after months, she is best known for her role in suits. experts say that prince harry and harry are a match that simply couldn't have happened a year ago. -- a generation ago. it is because she was remarried -- was married before. >> she is married and divorced. it is all uncharted territory. >> reporter: his great uncle gave up the throne to mary this -- to marry this divorce. on the streets of london, is dish -- british residents are excited. >> this is wondering -- this is wonderful news. >> it is good for the country. very good choices were made. >> no wedding date has been announced yet. but it will happen sometime in spring. coming up, a quarterback controversy could be brewing for the 49ers. we will talk about who bay start next week. try -- dry weather is in the forecast i will let you know what you can expect tomorrow morning, and what you can expect for the afternoon highs. that is coming up. award winning journalism on your social feet, ktvu news fox 2. it was an exciting weekend for football here in the bay area. the 49ers loss.>> the raiders have their eyes set on the playoffs. >> joining us now to break it down. >> here is joe fonzi. >> a raiders team just a couple weeks ago looked like a long shot. and they are controlling their playoff destiny. the raiders put themselves right back into the middle of things with the win at home. the event will be the signature , will not be a marshawn lynch run it will be remembered for this exchange with this broncos quarterback and the raiders receiver, michael crabtree. crabtree was ejected from the game and the raiders wanted to win, kansas city has one -- lost five of their six games. he address the possibility that crabtree may face a suspension by the league. >> that is for the league to decide. i hope not based on what i saw, i wouldn't think that there would be that type of reaction. >> you cannot win two in a row if you cannot win one. we have to think about the whole of it, all that needs to happen on a season and last month we need to prepare the best we can and get ready to complete -- compete this week. the raiders and 49ers both played at home at the same time, the quarterback position, and the win well at hand for the seattle seahawks, the 49ers quarterback was injured. robelot -- he wanted more people to see more of them. this was the game's final play. no one has said anything yet about who will start the sunday in chicago.>> we only get three, three and half hours every week to come out here perform. we try to get those three hours locked in as soon as possible. we will work and get better at it. you always have to be ready. you never know when your time will come. i always have to take advantage of it. >> the raiders are number 10 in the afc standing. only six teams get in. the 49ers have long ago been eliminated from the playoffs but they have had no shortage of storylines and that trend will continue this week. >> will he start this sunday?? i thought it was time for him anyway. he played the best game he played in his career. you cannot say, nice job now go sit down. he got banged around by seattle and you have to see what he has, now that he has been injured, it felt like it's time to see what he is and that will happen. >> it seems like he is up for the challenge. he got the crowd riled up. >> you cannot make much of a conclusion about that. the game was decided. but when he slid to the left and kept his eye and the receiver, that look good. >> that is a full snapshot. let's check in with rosemary. outside, it is a great looking day. we had mostly sunny skies, the rain pulled through the overnight hours. then it moved on, it moved out. early this morning we had partly cloudy skies and for the afternoon were looking at pretty good temperatures. the national weather service tweeted this out earlier. into tahoe we saw five inches on up to seven inches. that is great news. giving you a view what you can expect for the days ahead. it looks like a quiet one for the business week and when you get into the weekend this looks like the next chance for showers moving back into the bay area. here is a look at the future cast model. we may see an increase with cloud cover as the system rolls through the north, that will be places like washington, and northern california could pick up rain. this takes us all the way into saturday. right now it looks like the second part of saturday into the evening hours then the first part of sunday we will see scattered shower activity. in the meanwhile we will have cool and dry skies. 56 san francisco, northbay 56 degrees. it is a cold one out there even with the sun shining the sun is shining. areas by napa, tomorrow morning it will be a cold one in the valley locations. upper 30s for napa, 45 to start your morning at antioch. 50 degrees san francisco. expect to get patchy fog in the valley locations. mostly sunny and cold that will be the pattern that we see for the next several days. oakland 61. in the south bay 64. and northbay 61 degrees is expected in the afternoon. here is a look at your extended forecast. temperatures will not change a whole lot if you get into the bay area wednesday, thursday, we have this and friday looks good. as we get into the weekend, in addition to the possibility of rain coming back our way the temperatures are cooler, low 60s back into the forecast for saturday. ? that is good shopping weather.>> if you are going to get your lights up you need to do that this week.>> i'm not going to do it because i'm afraid i'm going to fall off of the roof. >> it happens. higher someone. or get an inflatable. an officer who was targeted . >> this is frightening, a package was sent to the police officers home and it exploded when his wife opened it. >> this is not the first time that this bomber sent one of these packages in the mail. >> there is a concern with animals being intentionally injured. ? they are worried that their pet could be next. >> -- they are worried that their pet could be next. >> we look forward to those stories. thousands of tourists are stranded. lab a is currently -- lava is currently filling that volcano. >> this volcano is triggering massive evacuations. and many tourists are stranded and their airport is shut down. >> they told us that they were not going to be able to help us. >> i am standing here now and everything is close.>> reporter: they raise the volcano alert to a high level on monday and they expanded a danger zone around the volcano. they warned that the volcano love a is -- lava is swelling up. there is a flow of volcanic debris happening. the last volcanic eruption was back in 1963. it did kill hundreds of people. they want to transfer the passengers to the ferry terminal. >> the check in has been close. we do not know what the plan is. >> reporter: authorities say the that 100,000 people need to evacuate but many have been staying behind not wanting to abandon the livestock. with think -- with thanksgiving behind us it's time for people to go out and get the christmas tree. consumers could be playing -- paying more. it could affect retailers across the country. wildfires have led to decrease supplies especially here in california and oregon. experts say that during the recession that started in 2007 the demand was lower and growers planted fewer trees. the industry is feeling the impacts of the shortage with the man back up and supplies down, tree prices are expected to be 5% on up to 10% higher this year. >> we've had the same price for five or 67 years but we had to go up. -- five, six, seven years, but we had to go up. >> you shouldst -- you should start shopping early. she is up for a more traditional decor. l decor. she will be hanging reits -- wreaths on every entry. this is a gold tone bubble surrounded by a wreath of holly. it says merry christmas and happy new year. there will be a live rtas with the classic holiday story coming soon. you will be able to see a live version of the christmas story. it was originally made in 1983. and it was focused around ralphie. the new cast says that the story is familiar but there are differences in their version of the show. that includes music and dancing and african americans in the cast. and that includes the boy that bullied him and also you remember him getting his tongue stuck to the pole. >> the most exciting thing is doing all of the themes that are so iconic. >> he looks like him.>> he does. >> it will air december 17. >> that is one of my favorite holiday shows. as you head out for your holiday shopping, bring in. this continues to grow with 5 million coats donated so far. you can donate a gently used coat at several drop-off locations across the bay area. you can head to santana row in san jose. or bay creek or walnut creek on ice. a show down at a federal agency on capitol hill, two different people are saying that they are the boss. the details are after the break. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. three chinese hackers have been indicted for alleged efforts to still business information from american companies. the hackers allegedly targeted an unnamed influential economist at moody's analytics. prosecutors say the hackers access computer networks of siemens and so proprietary data. the three defendants are not in u.s. custody. we touched on it earlier, the uncertainty about the consumer financial bureau. president trump's. or the former director -- directors successor. >> reporter: an unprecedented showdown taking place over leadership of the consumer financial protection bureau. two people think they have the right to lead the vero. the succession plan laid out, she should be elevator but trump has named his own temporary replacement, mick mulvaney. >> i had a good and smooth morning. i got to speak with the leadership team and i have a brief meeting at the white house. [indiscernible -- poor audio] they try to protect those with credit cards are a student loan from abuses. they showed up for work on monday and sent emails with conflicting messages to staffers and with neither side backing down, a lawsuit has been filed by english asking for a judge to stop mulvaney's appointment. >> it is a naked effort to destroy the independence of the bureau and to neutralize it as a proactive force for consumers. >> mulvaney voted to elect the program calling it a sad and sick. that should not exist. the white house and other republicans believe the agency needs to be reformed. >> were not going to put political ambitions as the number one priorities. we want the consumers to be protected. >> reporter: the president needs to name a permanent candidate and that must be approved by the senate. fox news. ktvu fox news a five a clock starts now. a cow student in baseball player survives across the killed his father, younger brother, uncle and his cousin. they were hit by a drunk driver over the holiday weekend. that daily chain reaction crash happened on westbound 80 this holiday weekend. a sacramento man is behind bars accused of driving drunk and causing that deadly crash. rob malcolm joins us from carol's campus where the school, friends, and family are showing their support for the victims. drop?>> reporter: this is a tragedy beyond words and they also speak to the dangers of drinking and driving. many on the cal campus are grieving in the family release a statement saying the dad and son spent her last days doing what they love, and enjoying of father and son basketball tournament. >> it's horrible. i don't have words. it is shocking. >> reporter: the news was hard to take for connor oswald who is now thinking of his grieving friend, gerrit horn the right- handed pitcher for the cal bears. >> he is the funniest kid. if you're down he loves you up. [indiscernible -- poor audio] gerrit was the lone survivor of the crash at the exit the claimed the life of

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Alabama , United States , United Kingdom , Oakland , California , Washington , Minnesota , China , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Togo , Oregon , London , City Of , San Francisco , Pocahontas , Sacramento , Capitol Hill , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , Chinese , British , American , Troy Biddle , Baden Biddle , Gerrit Horn , Connor Oswald , Al Franken , Los Angeles , Seattle Seahawks , Lauren Blanchard , Michael Crabtree , Joe Horn ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20171128 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20171128

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>> this happened in the st. mary's area around 10 am. more on why some neighbors are upset with pg&e. >> reporter: it happened just before 10 am. pg&e were not able to turn out the gas before 10 am. neighbors said -- neighbors said that they heard the blast and it blew out the garage door of one home and shattered the windows on a house next-door. likely, authorities say that no one was her. they went door-to-door evacuating homes. pg&e doug holes into the street to find the source of the ghastly. they did find the source and they shut off the gas. one neighbor said that she heard a pop and felt a thought. >> i was getting ready to go to work. i was standing by my door and i heard a noise. >> reporter: the chief says that it looks like a garage filled up with gas then caught the pilot light, and then it caused the explosion. the mission ymca has opened up as a temporary evacuation center for those who have been displaced. they are the lone survivors of a crash that killed four people. the sacramental man who is allegedly drunk cause a crash. it happened on interstate 80 this holiday weekend. joining us now from the baseball stadium and friends and family are showing their support for the victim. >> reporter: good evening, this is a tragedy beyond words, while many in the community are grieving, the family and a statement said that the dad and boys spent their last days doing what they love. they played in an annual father and son basketball tournament.>> it is horrible. it is so shocking. >> [ crying ] >> reporter: just returning from thanksgiving break, the news was hard to take for this baseball manager. he is thinking about his friend who was the right-handed pitcher. >> he was the nicest kid. if you need a pick me up he always had the best jokes. >> reporter: he was the lone survivor of the crash on interstate 80 that claimed the life of his father, darrell horn, his younger brother, joseph, and his uncle troy biddle and baden biddle from bainbridge washington. >> people will come together and send wishes. >> reporter: the cell phone video shows the carnage saturday night. they were hit by a driver who left the scene. the impact overturn the vehicle causing the fatalities. they closed westbound 8412 hours. there were six injured as well and a child. the hit-and-run driver, he was 47 years old. he was booked into jail on vehicular manslaughter. the baseball coach said in a statement jerrid is are respected and beloved member of our team and as well as a great teammate and friend. we will give him all this support during this difficult time. the baseball family will rallied around jerrid and his family to pick up the pieces around their shattered lives. feedback we will rally around him and pick him up. that's what we do. >> reporter: the horn family released a statement saying, troy biddle and darrell horn were beloved fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, friends and coaches. baden biddle and joe horn were beautiful, caring and innocent boys whose family will miss them and their friends. >> reporter: they think the community for the love and support.>> the driver that was caught, would not have been caught if it had not been for another accident he was allegedly involved in? >> reporter: yes, that is right, he was caught little bit later down the road, 40 minutes after that crash he drove into, reportedly, what were hearing other part vehicles. and the chp caught him and put him under arrest. >> thank you. the jury in the case for the murder trial has questions for the judge. jurors are deciding if he intentionally shot steinle or if it was an accident. she was killed as she walked with her father along the san francisco peer two years ago. it's unclear what the jurors question was. this case has received national attention. it is because of his status as an undocumented immigrant. 12 hours ago we were taught about thunder, lightning, and rain. >> not now. >> it was really coming down. we started out with rain yesterday then during the overnight hours another way above rain moved through. as we take a look outside our doors this hour, isn't that a gorgeous view? we have mostly blue skies. temperatures are ranging in the upper 50s, upper 60s. we will hang onto this cool weather as we go into the days ahead. were looking at dry weather for the next of the week, let's take a step back. we will take a look at the rainfall amounts. been roman picked up two and just. the farther north you went the more we have received. some places an inch and i have. thing getting into san jose, 2/10 of an inch. san francisco received a little bit more than a half inch. >> we are dry and we will remain dry for the next couple of days, we will have morning fog and chilly temperatures to start the day. that we get into the weekend and that things change up want to -- once again. the chance of showers entering the picture saturday or sunday. we will continue with the dry weather in place. the temperature reaching into the upper 50s, low 60s. we will remain there for the next few days. as we take a look at the current conditions. 56 san francisco, upper 50s oakland. 58 livermore and 59 for san jose. even though the temperature is cooler the sun is shining. we are cooler than we were last week. when i come back we will have a look at the overnight lows. it will be cold in some areas. take a look at this pattern and we will take a look at the wet weather coming into this weekend. that is coming up. we have a representative in congress who says he was here a long time ago. they call her, pocahontas.>> president donald trump is making comments and it's not -- president donald trump is making headlines and is not for what he said but it's who standing next to them. ♪ [baby crib musical mobile] millions are still exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke. and some of them can't do anything about it. but you can. protect your family. visit really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. it is one of the biggest promises made by president donald trump, they are on capitol hill looking to vote next week -- later this week. this tax debate has led to million-dollar ad campaigns. >> reporter: can pin -- campaign ads may be over but now there talk about tax reform. >> this is once in a generation opportunity. >> reporter: this tv type of ad hits the airways. they want them to vote yes on the tax code. >> we want to make it fair for every day americans. >> reporter: this is the latest effort to gain support for the the gop tax bill as republican senators wrap up to overhaul the nation's tax code. >> i will stimulate the economy, and make our corporations more globally competitive. and give them tax cuts.>> a president who tells it like it is. >> reporter: they blast the gop plan claiming that the president has yet to explain giving tax cuts to the wealthy including president donald trump and his family. >> why is this president suddenly at a loss for words? >> there is $1 trillion deficit that will be on the shoulders. that's why they will have problems of getting this past.>> reporter: the gop can only afford to lose two votes. senate leaders are hoping to bring their tax reform bill for a vote by the end of the week. in washington, lauren blanchard. >> many said that president donald trump used the racial slur. he referred to the democratic senator as pocahontas. is something that he has done several times on the campaign trail. they use their native language to translate secret military messages and that happened during world war ii. >> you are very special people and you were here long before any of us were here. we do have a representative in congress who said was here along time ago. they cholera pocahontas but you know what, i like you. you are special. >> native american groups have called that nick name offensive. -- >> for more on this i am joined with the political scientist. what was the relative it's -- what was the relevance of him mentioning that? >> he is still in campaign mode. he is trying to keep them supporting him. in terms of the tone deafness of it, if this was the meeting between the president and then donald trump said something about maxine waters -- then people would understand how offensive what donald trump has done with reference to this pocahontas reference. >> tax reform, we cannot overstate this, this is such a big deal for the republicans in the white house. and he has a half a dozen senators there. >> i am skeptical as more more people come out. there are five other people that are not supporting it i do not know, it doesn't seem like it, when they talk about the in chrissy's of the bill, the contents of it in terms of being the permanence of the tax cut corporations and taxes for americans cutting it all at once. and the affect of mandate and the effectiveness of daca -- >> either way he will lose in this thing. >> there are so many bad parts to it. ? that's it, if they do not pass it they fail. and if they pass it they then owned this awful bill. this is a no-win situation for donald trump. he keeps going back to the default, cultural race issue. in terms of concrete policy has nothing to show. >> on culture, we have roy moore, running for senate. the spokeswoman at the white house said that he will not go to alabama but president trump hasn't come out and said he's going to do that. ? he talked about how bad it would be to have a liberal and a democrat who is high on taxes in alabama. he talked about supporting roy moore. >> do you think there is a sense in the windows that they are so thin with the 52 seat majority in the senate they would rather have someone accused of these than a democrat? >> yes, that is what they said in alabama. >> the ironic thing that i have been reading, for jones, the democratic candidate in alabama he would side with republicans on many issues. >> a blue dog or yellow dog democrat is a conservative. and he has a lot in common with the alabama voters. >> who is in charge? >> what is going on? >> it is a two headed monster. this signals tunnels -- his stands. you see him going back and forth tweeting about these different issues these are serious issues of vacancies in the government, and problems with administrating the government. donald trump after 10 months hasn't seen to get his head around this, he would have to govern on behalf of all americans. >> thank you very much. here we are, it is cyber monday but are those online deals worth it? >> yes. for mild-to-moderate eczema? it can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. the face of a fisherman? the hand of a ranch hand? the knee of a needle pointer? prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. and it's steroid-free. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa. there are several hours left to shop on this cyber monday. but more people will spend more money than they ever had on this digital shopping day. 78 million americans plan to shop online today. they will spend $6.6 billion. online holiday sales will increase 14% this year to $107 billion with today being the biggest day of the mall. >> she was in tracy. this is the retail center at amazon. >> reporter: we are inside the amazon fulfillment center. this is in tracy there is a lot of activity. the activity is picking up here on cyber monday. this has become, and a few short years a major part of the first of the year. >> that is right. cyber monday for us at amazon, it feels like over the past three years, we continue to make new strides and more more items are getting out the door. i am hoping that this year will be yet another breaking, record- breaking year. at the very least we will be taking care of a lot of customers who are searching for great deals. >> reporter: it is a new phenomenon that has been taken on. >> i have noticed that on cyber monday, there have obviously been a lot of customer orders, i do not know what the numbers are but i could tell you inside this familiar center -- the filament center we know that it is one of the biggest days of the year. and we have such a great staff, the employees, year after year, and it continues to grow. from that indication, i get a sense that cyber monday has become very important. >> reporter: thank you so much for joining us. you heard that cyber monday is growing and they are seeing growth security here. and there are a lot of deals to be had on cyber monday out there. >> let's talk more about cyber monday. thank you for joining me this afternoon out this is a made-up holiday, essentially, it has become crucial for all the retailers. how important is today? >> it is used but it is a long progression of sales and a long progression of the shopping that has been going on since well before black friday. it's huge but a little bit spread out. we have five saturdays before christmas, that is between thanksgiving and christmas. that is a big day. is one of the biggest shopping days ever online. it will beast read-out for a long time.>> let's talk about the hype around cyber monday. do they feel like they have to play in some way? do the retailers feel that way? >> most retailers started the sales before black friday. even as early as halloween. it is continuing on people are shopping like crazy on thanksgiving this year. it was up 20% from last year. they were shopping on friday, saturday, sunday, and monday. it is a massive continue shopping for them. >> when you look at the amount of sales that we are seeing so far what does a tell you for how the consumers are feeling?>> i think since the recession consumers were telling us that they were not going to buy anything unless it was on sale. retailers responded saying okay we will give you sales. the initial sales were boosted. and retailers were anticipating that they were not going to be selling the products until they were reduced in price. the price that they anticipated was at a sale price. >> i want to talk to you about that. the sales are expected to be huge today. what does that say to you about shopping trends? a lot of people, they spend the day leading up to cyber monday looking at the sites. but today's the day that we do by. >> one thing that i heard from consumers that i haven't heard before. they are buying as though they may not keep everything. they have made, what appears to be opportunity for pricing strategies. and they make free returns part of the process. a lot of people i'm talking to are saying i get it, i'm getting it so i make sure it does not sell out. but if another better price comes along i could return it easily. this is the first year that i have heard consumers saying that they are shopping with an eye on returning.>> do most people if they make the purchases today do they let that item go or do they continue the next couple of days looking online to see if there is in fact a better price out there? >> that is exactly what they're doing. they stock items that they are interested in. and they may not plan to buy the same item they may feel like, i need to get for sue and my aunt, if something better comes along i could easily return those. so in that case i am safe. there is that opportunist shopping going on. >> it is always a pleasure to have you on. thank you so much. the city of san francisco launched the public safety campaign. they want to keep the shoppers safe. they joined several leaders in front of the shopping area. whether it is at the mall or are crowded store or in a parking lot, this is the time your that thieves target shoppers. >> lookout for your neighbors, friends, watch out for each other, and again this is a community season, a family season. it is all about caring about and looking out for others.? he advised online shoppers to be careful when they have packages delivered so that they are not stolen from your front door. it is the big news this afternoon, wedding bells will happen for prince harry and his american fianci. al franken has issued another apology. it comes as the senator says he wants to get back to work. we will have details after the break. ktvu news fox 2 . >> complete bay area coverage. he said that he is resigning immediately. the los angeles democrat initially said that he would vacate a seat at the end of the next legislative session and not seek reelection but today, he said he decided to step down now after further reflections and conversations with his friends, and supporters. seven have come forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct . minnesota senator, al franken, he apologized for sexual misconduct allegations made by four women. >> i am trying to take responsibility by apologizing. and apologizing to the people that i have let down. >> he held eight news conference outside today outside the senate conference. he wants to build back the trust and not resign. >> i am going to try to learn from my mistakes. and in doing so i have been doing a lot of reflecting. and i want to be someone who add something to this conversation. >> he says he plans to fully cooperate with the senate ethics investigation and he will be open to making those findings public. he is facing dozens of sexual assault complaints after complains of the company mishandling the allegations. 80 women were sexually assaulted by workers during massage services. this was discovered by buzz feed news. the managers are trying to cover up the assaults by offering free sessions if they did not offer the information to police. >> you seem very young. and i asked how long have you been doing this? his response was not very long but he says i am a good therapist. i felt a little uncomfortable the further we got into my massage. >> massage envy has several locations nationwide. there is no word on if any of those cases are in the bay area. there engagement was announced today. we are hearing from the capital today for the first time. they sat down for an interview and they talked about the relationship with their family and friends. >> it is disheartening. it is a shame that that is the climate in this world to focus on something being discriminatory in a sense but at the end of the day, i am proud of who i am and where i come from. we have never put any focus on that. we have just focused on who we are as a couple. >> it was a confirmation to me, all the stars were aligned, everything was perfect. this beautiful tripped and fell into my life. ? aren't they so sweet? >> they dated for a year and a half. here is more on this royal relationship. >> reporter: harry is getting married after months of speculation, prince charles announced that his son is engaged. >> they are very happy. that is all i can say. >> reporter: harry popped the question last month. after months, she is best known for her role in suits. experts say that prince harry and harry are a match that simply couldn't have happened a year ago. -- a generation ago. it is because she was remarried -- was married before. >> she is married and divorced. it is all uncharted territory. >> reporter: his great uncle gave up the throne to mary this -- to marry this divorce. on the streets of london, is dish -- british residents are excited. >> this is wondering -- this is wonderful news. >> it is good for the country. very good choices were made. >> no wedding date has been announced yet. but it will happen sometime in spring. coming up, a quarterback controversy could be brewing for the 49ers. we will talk about who bay start next week. try -- dry weather is in the forecast i will let you know what you can expect tomorrow morning, and what you can expect for the afternoon highs. that is coming up. award winning journalism on your social feet, ktvu news fox 2. it was an exciting weekend for football here in the bay area. the 49ers loss.>> the raiders have their eyes set on the playoffs. >> joining us now to break it down. >> here is joe fonzi. >> a raiders team just a couple weeks ago looked like a long shot. and they are controlling their playoff destiny. the raiders put themselves right back into the middle of things with the win at home. the event will be the signature , will not be a marshawn lynch run it will be remembered for this exchange with this broncos quarterback and the raiders receiver, michael crabtree. crabtree was ejected from the game and the raiders wanted to win, kansas city has one -- lost five of their six games. he address the possibility that crabtree may face a suspension by the league. >> that is for the league to decide. i hope not based on what i saw, i wouldn't think that there would be that type of reaction. >> you cannot win two in a row if you cannot win one. we have to think about the whole of it, all that needs to happen on a season and last month we need to prepare the best we can and get ready to complete -- compete this week. the raiders and 49ers both played at home at the same time, the quarterback position, and the win well at hand for the seattle seahawks, the 49ers quarterback was injured. robelot -- he wanted more people to see more of them. this was the game's final play. no one has said anything yet about who will start the sunday in chicago.>> we only get three, three and half hours every week to come out here perform. we try to get those three hours locked in as soon as possible. we will work and get better at it. you always have to be ready. you never know when your time will come. i always have to take advantage of it. >> the raiders are number 10 in the afc standing. only six teams get in. the 49ers have long ago been eliminated from the playoffs but they have had no shortage of storylines and that trend will continue this week. >> will he start this sunday?? i thought it was time for him anyway. he played the best game he played in his career. you cannot say, nice job now go sit down. he got banged around by seattle and you have to see what he has, now that he has been injured, it felt like it's time to see what he is and that will happen. >> it seems like he is up for the challenge. he got the crowd riled up. >> you cannot make much of a conclusion about that. the game was decided. but when he slid to the left and kept his eye and the receiver, that look good. >> that is a full snapshot. let's check in with rosemary. outside, it is a great looking day. we had mostly sunny skies, the rain pulled through the overnight hours. then it moved on, it moved out. early this morning we had partly cloudy skies and for the afternoon were looking at pretty good temperatures. the national weather service tweeted this out earlier. into tahoe we saw five inches on up to seven inches. that is great news. giving you a view what you can expect for the days ahead. it looks like a quiet one for the business week and when you get into the weekend this looks like the next chance for showers moving back into the bay area. here is a look at the future cast model. we may see an increase with cloud cover as the system rolls through the north, that will be places like washington, and northern california could pick up rain. this takes us all the way into saturday. right now it looks like the second part of saturday into the evening hours then the first part of sunday we will see scattered shower activity. in the meanwhile we will have cool and dry skies. 56 san francisco, northbay 56 degrees. it is a cold one out there even with the sun shining the sun is shining. areas by napa, tomorrow morning it will be a cold one in the valley locations. upper 30s for napa, 45 to start your morning at antioch. 50 degrees san francisco. expect to get patchy fog in the valley locations. mostly sunny and cold that will be the pattern that we see for the next several days. oakland 61. in the south bay 64. and northbay 61 degrees is expected in the afternoon. here is a look at your extended forecast. temperatures will not change a whole lot if you get into the bay area wednesday, thursday, we have this and friday looks good. as we get into the weekend, in addition to the possibility of rain coming back our way the temperatures are cooler, low 60s back into the forecast for saturday. ? that is good shopping weather.>> if you are going to get your lights up you need to do that this week.>> i'm not going to do it because i'm afraid i'm going to fall off of the roof. >> it happens. higher someone. or get an inflatable. an officer who was targeted . >> this is frightening, a package was sent to the police officers home and it exploded when his wife opened it. >> this is not the first time that this bomber sent one of these packages in the mail. >> there is a concern with animals being intentionally injured. ? they are worried that their pet could be next. >> -- they are worried that their pet could be next. >> we look forward to those stories. thousands of tourists are stranded. lab a is currently -- lava is currently filling that volcano. >> this volcano is triggering massive evacuations. and many tourists are stranded and their airport is shut down. >> they told us that they were not going to be able to help us. >> i am standing here now and everything is close.>> reporter: they raise the volcano alert to a high level on monday and they expanded a danger zone around the volcano. they warned that the volcano love a is -- lava is swelling up. there is a flow of volcanic debris happening. the last volcanic eruption was back in 1963. it did kill hundreds of people. they want to transfer the passengers to the ferry terminal. >> the check in has been close. we do not know what the plan is. >> reporter: authorities say the that 100,000 people need to evacuate but many have been staying behind not wanting to abandon the livestock. with think -- with thanksgiving behind us it's time for people to go out and get the christmas tree. consumers could be playing -- paying more. it could affect retailers across the country. wildfires have led to decrease supplies especially here in california and oregon. experts say that during the recession that started in 2007 the demand was lower and growers planted fewer trees. the industry is feeling the impacts of the shortage with the man back up and supplies down, tree prices are expected to be 5% on up to 10% higher this year. >> we've had the same price for five or 67 years but we had to go up. -- five, six, seven years, but we had to go up. >> you shouldst -- you should start shopping early. she is up for a more traditional decor. l decor. she will be hanging reits -- wreaths on every entry. this is a gold tone bubble surrounded by a wreath of holly. it says merry christmas and happy new year. there will be a live rtas with the classic holiday story coming soon. you will be able to see a live version of the christmas story. it was originally made in 1983. and it was focused around ralphie. the new cast says that the story is familiar but there are differences in their version of the show. that includes music and dancing and african americans in the cast. and that includes the boy that bullied him and also you remember him getting his tongue stuck to the pole. >> the most exciting thing is doing all of the themes that are so iconic. >> he looks like him.>> he does. >> it will air december 17. >> that is one of my favorite holiday shows. as you head out for your holiday shopping, bring in. this continues to grow with 5 million coats donated so far. you can donate a gently used coat at several drop-off locations across the bay area. you can head to santana row in san jose. or bay creek or walnut creek on ice. a show down at a federal agency on capitol hill, two different people are saying that they are the boss. the details are after the break. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. three chinese hackers have been indicted for alleged efforts to still business information from american companies. the hackers allegedly targeted an unnamed influential economist at moody's analytics. prosecutors say the hackers access computer networks of siemens and so proprietary data. the three defendants are not in u.s. custody. we touched on it earlier, the uncertainty about the consumer financial bureau. president trump's. or the former director -- directors successor. >> reporter: an unprecedented showdown taking place over leadership of the consumer financial protection bureau. two people think they have the right to lead the vero. the succession plan laid out, she should be elevator but trump has named his own temporary replacement, mick mulvaney. >> i had a good and smooth morning. i got to speak with the leadership team and i have a brief meeting at the white house. [indiscernible -- poor audio] they try to protect those with credit cards are a student loan from abuses. they showed up for work on monday and sent emails with conflicting messages to staffers and with neither side backing down, a lawsuit has been filed by english asking for a judge to stop mulvaney's appointment. >> it is a naked effort to destroy the independence of the bureau and to neutralize it as a proactive force for consumers. >> mulvaney voted to elect the program calling it a sad and sick. that should not exist. the white house and other republicans believe the agency needs to be reformed. >> were not going to put political ambitions as the number one priorities. we want the consumers to be protected. >> reporter: the president needs to name a permanent candidate and that must be approved by the senate. fox news. ktvu fox news a five a clock starts now. a cow student in baseball player survives across the killed his father, younger brother, uncle and his cousin. they were hit by a drunk driver over the holiday weekend. that daily chain reaction crash happened on westbound 80 this holiday weekend. a sacramento man is behind bars accused of driving drunk and causing that deadly crash. rob malcolm joins us from carol's campus where the school, friends, and family are showing their support for the victims. drop?>> reporter: this is a tragedy beyond words and they also speak to the dangers of drinking and driving. many on the cal campus are grieving in the family release a statement saying the dad and son spent her last days doing what they love, and enjoying of father and son basketball tournament. >> it's horrible. i don't have words. it is shocking. >> reporter: the news was hard to take for connor oswald who is now thinking of his grieving friend, gerrit horn the right- handed pitcher for the cal bears. >> he is the funniest kid. if you're down he loves you up. [indiscernible -- poor audio] gerrit was the lone survivor of the crash at the exit the claimed the life of

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Alabama , United States , United Kingdom , Oakland , California , Washington , Minnesota , China , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Togo , Oregon , London , City Of , San Francisco , Pocahontas , Sacramento , Capitol Hill , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , Chinese , British , American , Troy Biddle , Baden Biddle , Gerrit Horn , Connor Oswald , Al Franken , Los Angeles , Seattle Seahawks , Lauren Blanchard , Michael Crabtree , Joe Horn ,

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