Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20171124 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20171124

we're dealing with the clouds and fog once again this morning. visibility is low for some. giving you a look at san francisco across the bay. you can see the clouds right there about the bay bridge deck. and as we get in through the second part of your morning, these clouds remain in place. if you're traveling through the north bay valley, we have a thick visibility down to about a quarter mile. if you're along the coastline, some of those fog horns are going off. it is a little thick there as well. santa rosa, 52. san francisco, 56. oakland, 52. livermore, 54. and san jose, 58. relatively mild to start your morning. getting outdoors, you may just need a light jacket, not the winter jacket. this time of year, we could definitely be sinking back into the lower 30s and freezing out there. but not the case today. giving you a view of the widespread low lying fog along highway 4, highway 29, highway 12, 16. you will find it in that darker shade of gray, indicating that visibility is down to about a quarter mile. it could be hazardous. be careful out there. upper 60s pacifica, san francisco, oakland. low 70s for the south bay of san jose. saturday, not a lot of change. by sunday, bigger changes coming with wet weather back into the forecast. we will have a look at the extended for you coming up. >> all right, rosemary. the time is 7:02. people are already out shopping, looking for the black friday deals. >> allie rasmus is at the premium outlets where there are lines to get into the places. is that right, allie? >> reporter: yes. they have been here since 3:00 yesterday afternoon. thanksgiving day is when all of this started. when black friday here really started. you can see behind us that this is one of the higher end stores at the mall. it sells purses and handbags. it is very popular. there is a line and a wait to get inside. we've been told that the wait is about an hour. there's a couple of people behind us that just looked at the line and said my goodness and walked away. there are people braving the line because they want to find specific things and get good deals. i would say there are about a hundred or so people in this line. i talked earlier with nikki and jackie gonzales. you came all the way from foster city. >> yes. >> reporter: why are you waiting in this line? >> just buying presents for my friends, my best friends. >> reporter: and this is something that you do every black friday. what time did you get here? >> we got here at 4:00 a.m. i'm a big shopper. yeah. >> reporter: were you surprised how busy it was or did it not seem busy. >> it was pretty busy today. the kate spade line was a hundred or more people. >> you didn't bother there. you found another store. >> yeah. it was too long for us. we had a mission. >> was it hard to find parking? is. >> yeah. there were parking spaces but it was pretty full. >> reporter: happy shopping. thank you for talking wuss this morning. speaking of parking, we want to show you the view from overhead from sky fox. you can see the shot of the entire complex, there are some parking spots available. however, during the overnight hours when things were really busy, they had overflow parking and signs at the college which is about five miles away from here. there was a shuttle taking people back and forth. but that overflow parking lot five miles away was full at one point in the middle of the night with 1200 spaces taken up there. it gives you an idea of how many people come out to this outlet mall to do some of their black friday shopping. back to you guys. >> thank you, allie. the time is 7:04. today, many small businesses are reminding you shop local for what they call plaid friday. it was created in oakland as an alternative at shopping at the big box stores. they are encouraged to spend money at neighborhood stores and wear plaid and show support for weaving the individual threads of small business together. don't forget about small business saturday. according to the research firm womply, last year independent businesses saw 77% jump of sales on small business saturday. some are criticizing wal- mart and its website for running out of many item that's were discounted for black friday. products ranges from tvs to clothing. the wal-mart began the black friday sale late wednesday night and into thursday morning. it tripled the online offerings this year but apparently that was not enough. customers said that online items were sold out and the selection in stores was not very good. this comes as wal-mart is trying to compete with amazon. our one warm coat drive continues tomorrow. partnering to collect coats for children and adults in need. we will have four drop-off locations spread out across the bay area. you can make a donation at emryville, jack london square and walnut creek. and sal castaneda will be at santana row in san jose in the next hour. you can drop off a new or generally -- gently worn coat. ktvu's leigh martinez reports there was a spirit of gratitude at both events. >> reporter: there was turkey with all of the fixings. but missing from this thanksgiving table was family. >> my little girl. she is 7. so first thanksgiving away from her. kind of interesting, weird. but it's for a good cause. and i know i'll be home soon, in a couple months. >> reporter: these are the men and women working to remove the debris from coffey park. homeowners like jeff lost his home when the tubbs fire spread to santa rosa. he left his family with relatives today to come to these tables to say thank you. >> they're sacrificing to help us get us in our homes faster. they are taking time away from friends and family on a holiday so our lots get cleared and we can get back in our home. >> reporter: two miles away a dinner was served to fire victims. >> i had to buy extra stuff to keep my pets occupied. the idea of cooking was overwhelming. >> reporter: he was surprised by the number of volunteers that showed up to wait tables and distribute 300 take-home meals. >> yeah. people that i don't even know. they're showing up. >> reporter: all say they feel thankful for friends and look forward to rebuilding. >> reporter: the time removal crews are spending in coffey park are paying off. one company alone says it has already cleared 90 properties. and a final piece of good news came for one family. >> i was checking something out and i looked on the mantle and i found somebody's ring. and i'm getting ahold of the owner and they are going to meet me the at the site. >> reporter: leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. it has been almost a year since the deadly ghost ship fire in oakland. now body camera video shows the police interacting with warehouse's master tenant, derick almena, almost two years before the fire. >> how many times have you come back here. >> now, the body camera video obtained by the bay area news group shows the police talking with almena about problems with the warehouse, showing that oakland police knew that people were living there illegally. >> you're not listening to me. >> okay. >> they live there, they rent there. okay. that's a fact. >> sure. >> if you're so scared, you leave. >> almena and max harris pled not guilty to 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with that deadly warehouse fire. a preliminary hearing is set for next month to determine if there's enough evidence to go to trial. well, police in vallejo want your help to find a missing 88-year-old woman from valentia who has mild dementia. she was lost seen 1:30 monday afternoon and had left kaiser on sorrento drive. she left about an hour before her son arrived. now, she is about 5'5", about 135 pounds. last seen wearing an orange jacket and brown pants. police say she was driving a red 2010 chevy impala with california license plates. family members told police that she gets around well, despite having dementia. new this morning in the middle east, the death toll in an attack on an egyptian mosque has risen to 200, with 130 people injured. police say extremists in four off road vehicles bombed the mosque and fired on worshipers during a sermon. some not killed in the blast were gunned down when they tried to run away. egypt has been fighting an isis affiliated insurgency since 2014. oscar pistorius will spend 13 years in prison for killing his girlfriend in 2013 after his sentence was increased. prosecutors called the original sentence too lenient. the appeals court agreed. he has already served a year in prison. a new report says that lawyers for national security adviser michael flynn are no longer sharing information with president trump's legal team about meddling in the election. the new york times says that could be a sign that flynn will cooperate with the investigation or work out a deal for himself. flynn is a key figure in the investigation led by robber mueller. part of the investigation will determine if the trump campaign colluded with russia to win the election. next, when you could hop on board a decorative trolley. the perfect start to a festive outing. a thanksgiving tragedy in texas. what we're learning about a shooting that left a state trooper dead. dry weather today, tomorrow, before wet weather returns for the back end of your weekend. i will have a look at what to expect coming up. >> the time is 7:13. we continue to follow developing news about a texas state trooper killed in the line of duty. officers have captured a suspect in the deadly shooting of the texas state trooper. they plan to file murder charges against him. the trooper was making a traffic stop when he was shot. >> the trooper approached the vehicle and interacted with the driver and went back to his patrol unit. the suspect fired multiple rounds from a rifle at the state trooper. >> the trooper died at the scene. allen had been with the texas highway patrol for 15 years. he is survived by a wife and three children. the suspect drove away but was later found more than a hundred miles away. sheriff's office says there was gunfire when he was found but not saying who fired first. the time is 7:14. the navy called off the search for three sailors missing after wednesday's plane crash in the philippines sea. it crashed as it headed to the aircraft carrier uss ronald reagan. the names and hometowns of the sailors have not yet been released. well, minnesota senator al franken issued a thanksgiving apology after more women say he touched them inappropriately. he said that he met tens of thousands of people and taken thousands of photographs, often in crowded and chaotic situations. he went on to say he is a warm person and hugs people and for some people that crossed the line. he says he respects the feelings of those people and he needs to be more careful and sensitive. now, he didn't admit to doing anything inappropriate and said he will work to regain the trust of his constituents which indicates that he does not plan to resign from the senate. a coffee shop in denver is facing backlash for a sign that the owners put outside. it said, quote, happily gentriying the neighborhood. one man organized a rally against the shop. the owner posted a letter on twitter saying the sign was to represent aan evolving community of all races, religions and genders. others said it is insensitive to those being pushed out of their neighborhoods. >> this is more about an inappropriate sign. it is about a discussion that this whole neighborhood has been having for a long time. >> it needs to be brought to life. it has a negative impact on our community, especially our black and brown community. >> the owner of the shop apologized on social media. posted a statement that said i'm embarrassed to say that i didn't appreciate the real and troubling issue and i want to sincerely apologize. google cracking down on websites that use ad words to resell tickets to concerts and events. starting in january, ticket resellers have to be certified by google before advertising through ad words. google wants to protect people from scalpers and websites that resell tickets without making it clear if the tickets are from the primary ticket provider. the warriors rush from the thanksgiving holiday to host the bulls at oracle. they are coming off their worst gape of the season. they lost to the oklahoma thunder by 17 points on wednesday. rookie big manager dan bell, he gets to square off against the bulls, the team that sold the second round draft pick to the warriors for three and a half million dollars. the warriors used that 38th pick overall to select bell. hockey is back in action today. the sharks play the golden knights in las vegas tonight. san jose had a victory over the coyotes on wednesday. if you're driving to the sierra this weekend, expect powerful winds. a high wind watch was issued for tomorrow. wind gusts are expected at 100 miles per hour along the ridge. and conditions could be dangerous on sunday as rosemary has been telling you because of snow. >> many people driving back from the bay area from visiting family around california. let's see what driving weather, if there is such a thing, will be in the next couple of days. >> it will be messy with rain and high elevation snow dropping on sunday as well. we'll detail that in a moment. let's talk about what is happening outside right now. we are off to a partly to mostly cloudy start. we have fog once again this morning. there's a gorgeous view as we take a look across the bay and towards san francisco. those mid and high level clouds hanging around for today. temperatures will be unseasonably mild. anywhere from five to ten degrees above the seasonal norm for this time of year. we will hold steady as we get into your friday, saturday, and, again, the changes coming on sunday. ridge of high pressure in control. you see the clouds spilling in. we will have a system drop in on sunday. and the rain and snow will be on over areas of california and the pacific northwest will be active as well. if you're traveling back up north for your sunday. here is a look at what is going on for your afternoon today in and out of the clouds. saturday we start out with partly cloudy skies and a little bit of fog out there like this morning dealing with patchy dense fog. by early sunday morning it looks like already turning wet. with one wave moving through. scattered showers in the afternoon. we have the raiders playing, the niners playing. as we get into the sunday nighttime frame, it looks like a second wave moves through that could lead us into a soggy monday morning. so sunday perhaps part of monday looking wet. anywhere from a quarter inch to an inch of rain expected for portions of the bay area during this time. that is good news there. we like to see the rain come back this time of year. there it is. for today, if you're heading up to tahoe, partly cloudy skies. and light winds expected for today. ahead of the storm on saturday, tahoe will have an increase in winds. the anchors were talking about it a moment ago. if you plan on skiing, as we know sometimes the ski resorts are impacted by the wind. it looks like it will come in the second part of the day. into sunday, that's when the rain starts and snow levels will start at 7,000 feet but dropping all the way down to 4,000 feet sunday flight and into monday. if you're traveling sunday night and into monday, you could have wintery weather to deal with. giving you a view at the temperatures outside of our door. under partly to mostly cloudy skies. 59 in san jose and. 50 in napa. around highs for today, 60s and low 70s. 68 in san rafael. 69 in oakland. and 73 expected for los gatos. 75 in santa cruz. the extended forecast, the temperatures won't change much saturday, sunday and monday. finally a cooler pattern moves in on tuesday. but, again, with that wet weather, you will need umbrella if you're doing outdoor shopping on sunday. gasia. >> thank you, rosemary. it is beginning to look a lot like christmas at the vatican. we will share time lapse video that shows the christmas tree being set up at st. peters square. it took 12 days to deliver the tree from poland. pope john paul started the tradition in 1842. the christmas tree will be decorated and lit in a ceremony december 7th. a piece of history will rumble through the city of san jose. the transportation authority bringing back the historic trolley for the holiday season. it is very popular for riders of all ages. free rides on fridays, saturdays and sundays through the end of the year. the holiday trolley travels between the light rail station and you can take it to popular downtown destinations such as christmas in the park. we're going to check back in with the football team from cardinal newman high school. coming up, how the team is really bringing people together as the community continues to rebuild. also a new discovery about the history of wine. up next, the evidence that people have been enjoying a glass or two for thousands of years. >> welcome back to mornings on 2. well, a major archeological discovery. and this one involves wine. >> archeologists have uncovered evidence that people have been drinking wine hundreds of years longer than previously thought. >> reporter: raising a glass this holiday season? scientists have just made a new discovery about the history of wine. archeologists say they have unearthed evidence of the world's oldest wine found in giant 8,000-year-old jars in the nation of georgia. taking segments and fragments of the jars sending them for examination to a lab in philadelphia, it was established that traces of 8,000-year-old wine had been found. meaning that georgia with its fertile valleys located between europe and the middle east could be the birth place of wine and home to the first humans to conquer the grape used in almost all wine on earth. >> this is the earliest wine. it is important to say that georgia has uninterrupted evidence of wine making since prehistoric times. >> reporter: the wine is now on display. this suggests that the human cultural achievement of wine making occurred earlier than previously thought. some 600 to a thousand years earlier. but china remains home to the earliest known fermented beverage that dates back to 7,000bc. that believes to be a rice cocktail having some grapes but this new finding was a bottle of wine. anyone who prepared thanksgiving dinner knows that it is a pretty big task to undertake. in a minute, we will show you how some people broke with tradition. and instead of doing it themselves, they had others do it. a story about a potato, not the one on your thanksgiving table but one that was prehistoric. researchers in utah showing off a prehistoric potato. it could offer a lot of ancient insight into life. potatoes were especially important to the native- americans tribes in the region around utah. they hope the rare plant will be conserved and used to get more information on not just the potato but to give us information about healthy eating. all right. the time is 7:27. as you were saying, if you prepared a thanksgiving dinner, you know it is a huge task. >> yes. up next, we will see how some people broke with that tradition and opted for a stress-free meal. >> reporter: patiently waiting to get their hands on some electronics. coming up, why a bunch of customers just got their golden ticket. when we come back. dry weather will remain in place for your black friday shopping, into saturday. and then the wet changes come back our way as we move into the back end of your weekend. i will have what to expect in the extended forecast coming up. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. ♪[music] ♪ we're living in a material world ♪ ♪ and i'm a material girl ♪ ♪ we are living in a material world ♪ ♪ >> i think madonna wrote this song for this day. you have two choices. if you are a material girl or a material boy, you can always hit the stores. local mom and pop shops or the big box stores for the giant tv for, you know, $25. so it is black friday. many people are celebrating that way. other people are opting outside and breathing the fresh air and taking in all that mother nature has to offer. look at this. we switched the picture to a live shot of shoppers lined up and waiting to spend their dollars. we are luck tee have brooks joining us this morning. >> wal-mart. >> target. maybe he moved over to a best buy. my goodness, we are very, very busy tracking all of the good sales and the beautiful outdoor activities for you. you can't go wrong today, november 24th, the day after thanksgiving. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. it is good weather for it. rosemary is in for steve. >> yes. yes. it is dry out there. temperatures a little cool. but for this time of year, you know, we're actually way above where we should be in many areas. if you're thinking to get outdoors to do shopping. take a look at that view there where eave a lot of stuff around the bay area outdoors- wise to get -- to get out there and enjoy your day. you have dry weather in store for today. we have dry weather in store on saturday. and then into sunday, we have some wet weather returning back to the bay area. so that holiday shopping, maybe putting up the holiday lights, maybe getting the holiday tree, today and tomorrow are the better days, unless you enjoy doing it in the rain. in addition to the cloud cover, north bay and along the coastline, i don't know if you can see half moon bay in there, also a darker shade of gray indicating patchy dense fog, visibilities over oakland down to about half mile near the airport there. but here is where it has been fairly widespread all morning long. only a little better than where we saw it earlier. santa rosa at the airport, visibility a quarter mile. napa as well. crossing over areas around american canyon, it thickens up here as well. be prepared for that. if you're getting out early. temperature-wise not bad at all. 52 in santa rosa. 52 for the east bay of oakland. and 57 in the south bay. areas near mountain view and san jose. afternoon highs for today under a mix of sun examine clouds. 60s to low 70s. 69 in hayward. 71 expected livermore. 69 in antioch. afternoon highs won't change a whole lot as we get into saturday. again, wet weather coming back for sunday. we will have a look at that in the extended forecast coming up. >> thank you, rosemary. bargain shoppers are out this black friday morning. >> and many stores opened early to get into the holiday shopping. ktvu's brooks geros. people are looking for deals. and i see them behind you. >> reporter: yes. we finally have lines forming here. we are out at best buy today, where, finally, people have started to line up. when we first came here, there were only about two, maybe three people camped out. they actually had barricades up. all of the lights inside of the store were off. since then, you can see many people have shown up to try to get their hands on big electronics. the big thing of course is tv. and frederick here was the first guy in line. boy, you know what you're looking for. >> yeah. actually i was in best buy yesterday trying to get this $179 deal. but i kind of lost out on that. so this was my consolation prize right here. $279 for a 55-inch. it is only available in stores today. >> reporter: so you came out here. you have been waiting since 4:00 a.m. then magically a best buy worker with a cape comes out and gives you what. we get these tickets. just assures us that we can get the tv any time today. >> the tv that you wanted. >> this is what i woke up for at 1:00 in the morning for. after this, i'm going home. >> reporter: and to be clear, this tv is not for you. this isn't about you. >> this is for my mom. she is sending it to the philippines. i never get anything for myself. it's always go to best buy and pick something up. >> reporter: and you were a veteran at this. you have done this for a long time. >> this is my tenth year. my first black friday at this best buy. so i'm back here. >> reporter: and you want today make sure that you were first in line yesterday. >> i missed out yesterday. so i said this is not going to happen again. i have to get this. >> reporter: now, since you are such a veteran, what -- how has it changed over the ten years? >> they didn't have thursdays before. it was always fridays. and the lines have really shrunk down ever since online shopping and amazon came around. so i don't have to come here as early. there's a lot less fights. a lot less cutting. a lot less drama. i like it. >> reporter: that is good to here. frederick, thanks very much. we are just anticipating these doors opening here in the next about 25 minutes. send it back to you. >> okay. a nice historical look at what black friday used to be. you know, to the relatively quiet experience it has been for the past few years. >> reporter: that's right. >> okay. >> thank you, brooks. the time is 7:36. the national park service is encouraging you to go outside today. east bay regional parks is offering free admission, free parking today as part of the opt outside movement. it was started by the retailer rei three years ago when the company gave its employees a paid day off to get outside and urged people to head outside instead of going to a mall for black friday. this idea has grown in popularity. last year, one and a half million people visited east bay regional parks the day after thanksgiving. our question of the day is, what are you doing today? black friday shopping? opting outside? maybe you're working or doing something else. leave comments for us on facebook or take the question of the day poll right now on the ktvu twitter page and the time is 7:37. giving back this thanksgiving. an east bay teenager and her mother did that in oakland. for the fifth year in a row, aleah washington and her mother edna hosted thanksgiving in the park. an event to feed and clothe the homeless during the holidays. the thing that sets this is part is the attention to detail. dinner was served on fancy plates with crystal glasses and silverware. the tables were decorated for a five-star experience. >> it is presented like we love you. this action speaks louder than words. this will tell a person who is down, somebody cares about you. someone loves you. and this is the message that we want to send out. you have not been forgotten. >> every year this event is held at a different location around the bay area. alleah and her mother say it is the little things that make a big difference and she wants to make everyone feel special during the holidays. >> today marks the start of the one warm coat drive. we are teaming up with the nonprofit to collect coats for adults and children in need there. are four drop-off locations across the bay area. give them to the barrel there in oakland at jack london square and walnut creek on ice. coming up in less half an hour, sal castaneda will report live from the other main drop-off spot, santana row in san jose. you canlow date coats by dropping by ups and big o tire stores. in other news this morning, an appeals court upheld a lower court ruling that a russian man who faces charges of hacking computers of american companies can be extradited here to the u.s. he was arrested in practicing in cooperation with the fbi last october. he is accused of penetrating computers at silicon valley companies, including linkedin and dropbox in 2012. moscow wants him extradited on a separate charge of internet theft in 2009. the high court of prague will have a final say on where he goes. the fire started just before 1:30 this morning on east lake avenue. one man was rescued from a balcony using a ladder. they weren't hurt but two cats died in the fire. it aers pa that the the fire started in the kitchen. the cause is still under investigation. tonight there's a north bay rivalry football game that means more than advancing to the playoffs. the two teams with friendly rivals, you can say. rancho shared its practice facilities with cardinal newman after the fires destroyed much of newman's campus, including the athletic field. five players lost their homes to fire. they say at first it was hard to play football. now they're playing with a new perspective both for themselves and their community. >> they're used to this time of the season playing games. this is one is a little more special because every week you do, you get to stay together for another week. we need each other right now. >> at the beginning we were playing for ourselves. now we're playing for everyone. >> the cardinal newman fans say three hours of friday night football helps them feel strong enough to cope with so much that is no longer normal. the time is 7:40. not everyone celebrated thanksgiving in a norman rockwell kind of way. many say thanksgiving is happier if they don't have to cook or shop. amber lee found people that say their thanksgiving was stress free. >> reporter: this family laughed and smiled as they strolled down union street. they say not having the stress of cooking a big traditional thanksgiving feast for lots of people is something to be thankful for. >> we decided to go out to dinner just because it is a little easier. >> reporter: this woman says her parents are visiting from auburn. it takes a lot of work cooking the traditional meal at home. that eating out is more relaxing. >> it relieves my wife from having to make a huge meal for everyone. we just enjoy letting other people do the work. >> it is about family and friends. as long as you're together with your family and friends, whether it is at home or out, it is all good. >> the weather is gorgeous for sitting outside. it is a good place to be right now. >> reporter: the manager at perry's tells me that business nearly doubled on thanksgiving day. compared to a normal thursday. that is one of the busiest days of the year. >> thanksgiving is pretty good for us. we like it. we have fun too. >> we found this man waiting for a ride. he doesn't have family in town. he works three jobs and wants to relax on this day. >> i'm just trying to enjoy myself. i don't have to work today. i'm just basically -- you know. >> angela: might go to the bar. i just had something to eat. >> we in the past have had large family thanksgivings but we reduced that down so it is a little smaller group now. but it gets to be a lot of work. so we're ready to simplify it a little bit. >> reporter: amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. it's not just the gifts that will fit under a tree that you should be looking for today. coming up in the 8:00 hour, the special travel deals that could make next year an even better one. passengers of lyft may benefit from new products of the company. the plan to make it happen. a dry start to your bay area weekend. with a wet finish in store. i will have a look at what to expect for today and the extended forecast coming up. >> the ride sharing service lyft confirms it is raising an additional $500 million in funding. the extra funded was announced and confirmed by a lyft spokesman. the company issued a statement that says increasing the potential for this round of funding will allow the company to further accelerate its commitment to serving passengers and drivers. it increased the valuation to $11 billion, up from 7 and a half billion dollars. it will raise the valuation to 11 and a half billion dollars. there is a report that charles manson left his entire estate to a pen pal. he left a typed will with handwriting on it that appears to be manson's. the man who is asking not be to identified will get everything that manson owned, including cash and all rights to manson's image. there's even a provision saying the man will get manson's entire exclusive music catalog that refers to the songs that he wrote. the song as it was released was called never learn not to love and listed only dennis wilson as its writer. manson specifically excluded his children, ex-wifes, lawyers, friends, prisoner guards and the state of california. the time is 7:46. a new study says light pollution is expanding around the world as cities become more energy efficient. there is basically a constant amount of light in the u.s. as the number of led lights on the streets keep growing. led lights are less expensive but they're also making it harder to see stars at night and carry a health risk. the glare can affect your highs. the brightness can upset your sleep cycles. one study found a link between led street lights and a rise in breast cancer in women. this morning we're showing you black friday sales all cross the bay area. we sent sky fox to the east bay overbroad way plaza mall in walnut creek. you can see there is a good bit of activity outside of the lululemon. store. i will have to ask rosemary. is that it. >> yes. >> more and more people instead of going up to the stores on this early black friday morning are choosing to go to a full mall. hal eisner from l.a. explains how black friday got its start. >> reporter: danny isn't talking about thanksgiving. he is talking about black friday. >> it is the one day where you're going to get deals that you don't get on any other given day. >> reporter: unless it is the thursday before black friday or the monday, tuesday, or wednesday before black friday. or cyber monday, which is after black friday. you have to admit, it really expanded from its original concept. let's go back to 1952. they didn't have tvs as large as we do now. in fact, when there were news stories like this one, they were broadcast in black and white. just like this. the thing is back then, 1952, retailers decided the day after thanksgiving would be a good time to start the official christmas shopping season. and that's what they did. and they loved the sound of the coins in the cash register. >> for a lot of retailers it was actually on their profit and loss statements they went from red to black. so they went from, you know, negative profits for the year to the positive. >> because they sold so much stuff. >> yeah. >> reporter: that's why retailers get excited about the day. but some don't want any part of it so they bargain shop early. >> black friday is a day that i don't want to be near anyone else. >> reporter: that is interesting because larry likes to be around people. in the record industry for years, he managed stars like paula abdul. but he gets an allergic reaction to black friday. >> there isn't anything in this store that i would stand -- i'm 64 years old. i've stood in line, you know, when i was a kid. and i stood in line for concerts and everything that there was. i liked the lines. it was a party in line. at this stage, not a chance would i stand in line. >> and that was hal eisner reporting. >> yes. let's talk about your weather, getting ready for the weekend. black friday shopping. rosemary is right here. >> dry today, dry tomorrow and then look out, you will need the umbrella with wet weather returning to the bay area. for our tahoe folks, you will have that on sunday. rain turning into snow late in the evening on sunday. giving you a view here at a beautiful start to the day. we are waking up with patches of fog out there. and in some areas, it is really thick. we have the fog horns going off along the west coast of san francisco. down through half moon bay. it looks like you will find patchy dense fog in north bay valley locations, through santa rosa, napa, sonoma. all of that stretching through novato and petaluma. and dave clark stepped outside the doors a moment ago. thank you, dave. >> yes. >> he said it is hard to see anything outside of our door as well, with visibility down to half a mile at the oakland airport. a beautiful shot overlooking the bay. i'm here to tell you, there's a little bit of fog out there this morning. these mid and high level clouds will continue into the afternoon. today will be a lot like yesterday. well above normal for this time of year. not breaking any records on this friday afternoon. it will be a beautiful day for holiday shopping, maybe to get the holiday tree. maybe just to get out and take a nice hike with the family. as we get into saturday, more of the same. tomorrow morning, we could wake up cooler. temperatures relatively mild this morning. take care of that on the back end. let's take care of the forecast when it comes to the wet weather. rain moving in on sunday. looks like we will see scattered showers for the afternoon. a second wave perhaps moving in by sunday night and into monday. and rainfall amounts could range from a quarter inch to an inch over portions of the north bay. so that is what we will see on sunday. snow levels over the tahoe area will start about 7,000 feet but they will be dropping over the course of the afternoon and evening hours, all the way down to 4,000 feet on monday. you take a look at the national map. this is into monday, early monday morning. if you are going to be traveling, the pacific northwest, that is definitely seeing the rain as well as the snow mix, all the way up into oregon and washington. the rest of the country looks fairly quiet for that big travel day back home. here is a look at the temperatures outside right now. widespread 50s out there. 52 in oakland. 54 in half moon bay. and in the north bay. 58 in novato. along the peninsula, redwood city, 70 degrees for you today. the extended forecast, our temperatures don't change a whole lot. but as we get into sunday, that wet weather arrives. could see it a little bit for back to work monday as well. dave. >> thank you, rosemary. the time is 7:52. a youth soccer referee in los angeles is quitting because of the bad behavior he sees. coming up in the 8:00 hour, his complaints, not about the young players, but about their parents. and colin kaepernick and the surprising thanksgiving appearance that he made at a san francisco landmark. well it's a perfect nespresso hold on a second.orge. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? >> welcome back to mornings on 2. it is 7:55. the raiders play the denver broncos sunday, hoping for a win. they're coming off of that 33-8 loss to new england in mexico city. they play the broncos at the coliseum. the broncos have only won three games so far. the raiders have won four. oakland have a new defensive coordinator for the game. norton was fired. he was the team's assistant head coach. the 49ers will also be at home on sunday. the seattle seahawks will be in town. head coach kyle shanahan decided that rookie quarterback c.j. becker will start. garoppolo will be the backup. the 49ers are coming off of a bye week. they are lost in their division with only one win. the seahawks trail the l.a. rams in second place with a 6-4 record. former 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick made entries appearance at alcatraz island yesterday at the indigenous people ceremony. >> his name is colin kaepernick. and so thank you, colin kaepernick. >> every thanksgiving the ceremony is held. kaepernick who started the nfl national anthem protest to raise awareness of issues affecting minorities tweeted that he came in solidarity with those celebratings their culture and paying respect to those who were involved in the birth of alcatraz. the bears are coming off of a disappointing loss to stanford. cal and ucla have a record of 5- 6. tonight's winner becomes bowl eligible. cal is finishing up the first year with the head coach. mora was fired on sunday, which was also his 56th birthday. see that game on fox sports 1. kickoff is 7:30. all right. the time is 7:57. two carjackings in oakland have been reported. coming up in the 8:00 hour, where the vehicles were carjacked. also special thanksgiving meals for people in the north bay. how people who lost everything in the north bay fires and those helping to help those in the area came together for aeglogues thanksgiving meal -- a glorious thanksgiving meal. >> good morning. it is hard to know when exactly black friday begins. the premium outlets in livermore has been open since thursday afternoon. it is ktvu's one warm coat give away. sal castaneda is in santana row. one of the drop-off locations. we will be checking in with him and sharing the other bay area locations where you can donate. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning. welcome back to mornings on 2 on this friday, november 24th. i'm maureen naylor in for mike mibach. >> so nice to have you here. i get to work with a friend again. i'm gasia mikaelian. rosemary orozco is in for steve paulson. sal is down in santana row. not that we need a coat today. but eventually. >> yeah. and temperatures will be mild today, tomorrow. saturday, things start to change. and then we get back to some cooler weather as we get into next week. take a look at some of these numbers. you may need a jacket. if it were me, i would probably need a jacket. low 50s to low 60s out there with partly to mostly cloudy skies. in comparison to what we could be feeling this time of year, we could be 32 degrees in santa rosa. this morning, not so bad. you can see from the picture low lying fog out there this morning and patchy dense fog over the north bay valley locations. along the coast you will find it. oakland has reported a little bit at times. temperatures range from the low 50s in santa rosa to 60 degrees. 60 degrees in san jose. for the afternoon, we will be in the 60s and low 70s. here is a look at the visibility graph. and we are looking at a map and looking at a little bit of dark gray right along half moon bay, indicating the patchy dense fog. as we get into the north bay, it has been thick on and off for most of the morn. highway 101 stuck in it down to novato, petaluma and san rafael, crosses across american canyon into the sonoma area and along napa as well. be careful if you have an early morning drive. you will see that getting outdoors in the next hour or two before it finally clears out of the way. temperature-wise, upper 60s for oakland, hayward. city of san francisco, going to 68 for the afternoon. the peninsula, 73 expected for san jose. remains holiday for -- remains mild for the holiday shopping. the rain returning at the end of the weekend. we will look at the extended forecast coming up. >> thank you, rosemary. people are already out shopping and looking for black friday deals. >> allie rasmus is live in livermore this morning at the san francisco premium outlets. allie, i know that is a busy traditional spot. how is it looking so far? >> reporter: it has been busy for the last more than -- i would say more than 12 hours or so. this place opened at 3:00 yesterday afternoon, thanksgiving day. it is hard to know when thanksgiving ends and black friday begins because places like this it all mushes together. we are standing outside the store called tori birch. there's been a line out here. actually the line is longer now than it was an hour ago. it wraps kind of around the building. there is an hour-plus wait just to get in and shop inside of the store. between 5:00 and 6:00 this morning, things slowed down at the san francisco premium outlets in livermore. you could actually find parking then. that is when after the thanksgiving day shoppers kind of had finished their hall and started heading home, now we're getting the second wave of people coming out early on black friday. earlier this morning, we saw two ladies who had brought their own personal shopping carts. they said a few years ago they had their stuff stolen out of their cars at a shopping mall. this year they wanted to keep their goods with them at all times. when it came to shopping carts, this lady caught our eye. she was carrying 50 michael kors purses. she bought these to sell them on the online store in china. >> this is the best time of the year. and gladly i took advantage of it much >> reporter: and we just saw her a short time ago actually in the line for tori birch. she says she is here and has a small company. she lives in fremont and runs a store on china's version of she was here at the outlet mall. she had four people shopping for her and her store. it is not just about the gifts. some people plan ahead and use this as an opportunity to stock up all year round. back to you guys. >> you talked about the parking spayings. we know that 580 can back up. there is another satellite parking lot far, far away. >> reporter: yeah. about five miles away from here, during the overnight hours, they had off site parking near the college and had a shuttle taking people back and forth. in the middle of the night, they had all 1200 parking spaces full at that off site parking lot. you can see 580 in the distance. it doesn't look like there is any backup, at least in the westbound direction as you approach the outlet mall and the exits here. it doesn't look like a lot of traffic immediately around the outlet mall. but there's definitely a lot of people here. so not sure if people are taking advantage of the shuttles. we have seen people getting dropped off by friends and family and taking ubers and lyfts so people finding different ways to get to the shopping destination. >> thank you, allie. the national park service is encouraging people to head outside today. east bay regional parks offering free admission and parking today as part of the opt outside movement. it was started by the retailer rei three years ago when it gave the workers a paid day off to get outside and encouraged everyone to head outside instead of into the mall for black friday shopping. the idea has been growing in the past year and a half. our question of the day is, what are you doing today? 12% of you say you're doing black friday shopping. 54% are opting outside. 34%, maureen, they're in our boat, working. >> woo-hoo. >> making the money so you can go shop enjoy the outdoors. let us know on twitter and and for leaving your comments on our facebook page. today some people are asking shoppers to skip the big chain stores and focus on locally owned small businesses for what they have dubbed plaid friday. the idea started eight years in oakland as an alternative to shopping at the main retailers. shoppers are encouraged to shop at mom and pop stores. they are also encouraged to wear plaid to show support of weaving the threads of small businesses together. we will be talking to an oakland businessman about plaid friday on the 9. there is small business saturday that you may have heard about. last year, independent businesses saw a 77% boost in sales on small business saturday. shoppers out looking for deals might want to turn their attention to holiday travel plans. low prices are being offered. one fare monitoring site says the best deals are likely to come out tomorrow but expected to go quickly. remember to read all of the fine print because there can be a number of restrictions on travel dates, cancellation policies. more and more airlines are excluding one way fares from the special deals. we want to remind you that the one warm coat launch is today. collecting coats for children and adults in need. we have four drop-off locations throughout the bay area. sal castaneda will be at santana row in san jose. we will be checking in with him in the next 30 minutes. you can also drop off a new or gently worn coat through january 1st. victims of the north bay wildfires are still coping with their losses. >> and this thanksgiving holiday, those people who are working -- people i should say and people helping them rebuild were the guest of honor at two thanksgiving meals. >> leigh martinez reports there was a spirit of gratitude at both events. >> reporter: turkey with all the fixings. missing from the thanksgiving table was family. >> my little girl is 7. so first thanksgiving away from her. kind of interesting. weird. but it's for a good cause. i know i'll be home soon in a couple months. >> reporter: these are the men and women working to clear the debris from fire ravaged coffey park. >> 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. >> reporter: homeowners like jeff lost his home when the tubbs fire spread to santa rosa. he left his family with relatives today to come to these tables to say thank you. >> they're sacrificing to get us into our homes faster. they are taking time away from friends and family on a holiday so our lots can be cleared and we can get back into our home snooze two miles away, another thanksgiving feast was served to fire victims. >> i had no power or gas, so i had to buy a cook stove to cook on. i have a lot of pets so i had to buy extra stuff to keep my pets occupied. the idea of cooking was overwhelming. >> reporter: the owner was surprised by the number of volunteers who showed up to wait tables and distribute the 300 take-home meals. >> people that i don't even know, they're showing up. >> reporter: all say they are thankful for friends and look forward to rebuilding. >> the time removal crews are spending in coffey park is paying off. one company alone says it has already cleared 90 properties. and a final piece of good news came for one family. >> i was checking something out and i looked on the mantel and i found somebody's ring. and i'm getting ahold of the owner. and they're going to meet me at the site. >> reporter: in santa rosa, leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. the time is 8:10. bart police are investigating after a woman riding a train in oakland had her laptop stolen. it happened on a train in oakland 6:30 tuesday night. two juveniles ran past the woman, grabbed her laptop and got off the train. police are asking anyone who saw the crime to ball bart police. the first carjacking was 9:30 wednesday morning in the 9900 brock of macarthur boulevard near 99th avenue. four suspects with a gun were involved. the vehicle owner suffered bruises in the attack. the second carjacking was just before 6:00 wednesday evening on international boulevard near the food max on durant avenue. two suspects got away with that vehicle. a youth soccer referee is making up his whistle. why he says it is the behavior of the parents and not the player that's are forcing him to call it quits. senator al franken issuing an apology. next what he has to say about questionable photographs and whether or not he intends to stay in office. our mild weather will remain in place for the start of your bay area weekend. i'll check in on your current conditions and show you what you can expect for today and into tomorrow and when the wet weather is coming back, coming up. >> welcome back. we continue to follow developments in texas after a state trooper killed in the line of duty on thanksgiving. officers have captured a suspect in the deadly shooting. officials plan to file murder charges against him. it happened 90 miles south of dallas when the trooper made a traffic stop. >> the trooper approached the vehicle and interacted with the driver and went back to his patrol unit. the suspect fired multiple rounds from a rifle at the state trooper. >> the trooper died at the scene. allen had been the texas highway patrol for 15 years and is survived by a wife and three children. the suspect drove off but was located later in the day, more than 100 miles away the. sheriff's office says there was fun fire when black was found but not saying who fired first. black is being treated for non- life-threatening injuries. the search has been called off for three sailors after a crash in the sea. it headed to the aircraft carrier uss ronald reagan. navy ships and helicopters from japan and the u.s. have been looking for the three remaining sailors. the names and hometowns of the sailors have not been released until the families are notified. minnesota senator al franken issued a thanksgiving apology after more women came forward saying he touched them inappropriately. he said that he has met tens of thousands of people and taken thousands of photographs in chaotic situations. he is a warm person and hugs people. for some people, that may have crossed the line. he says he will work to regain the trust of his constituents which indicates that he does not plan to resign from the senate. lawyers for michael flynn are no longer sharing information with president trump's legal team about the investigation into russian meddling in the 2016 election. the new york times says that could be a sign that flynn will cooperate with the investigation or negotiate a deal for himself. flynn is a key figure in the investigation led by special counsel robert mueller. part of the investigation will determine if the trump campaign colluded with russia to win the election. president trump and the first lady are spending thanksgiving with family and friends at their florida resort. the president and mrs. trump took time yesterday to visit a coast guard station. he thanked all of the people who put their lives on the line to help others. he honored first responders who helped the victims of the hurricanes of florida, port rick and texas and the mass shooting in las vegas. the time is 8:16. let's help get you out the door. rain is not a problem today but fog sure is. >> oh, yeah. >> rosemary orozco, it is true. here in oakland, it is very thick. >> in oakland and the north bay valley, we have seen it in and around the valley throughout the entire morning. that remains the case. along the coastline as well. there is a gorgeous shot. a mix of sun and clouds. mid and high level clouds mixed among the low lying fog right there on the water in some cases. here is a view from storm tracker two where the mid and high level clouds you can see will continue to spill into the bay area. today and tomorrow and then rain returns into the bay area by sunday. here is a look at your futurecast model. picking it up for you at this hour. areas around santa rosa, napa, down through american canyon and petaluma and novato. some picking up along the coastline. the fog horns going off this morning. in the east bay, some fog as well. temperatures will be similar to yesterday. we will continue with the partly to mostly cloudy skies. saturday, a little more of the same. partly to mostly cloudy skies. cooler to start the day. take care of the numbers in a moment. i want to push you into sunday. we are likely to see the rain return to our area. sunday is a big travel day for folks. you will find it here. you will find rain in the tahoe area, with snow levels starting out high but beginning to drop over the course of sunday afternoon. we have the raiders playing. we have the niners playing. so it will be a soggy one out there. here is a look at the afternoon. breaking away to scattered showers. behind me, there is another wave moving in. this one coming in late sunday, perhaps into our back to work monday. here is a look at some of the rainfall amounts expected with the system moving through. anywhere from a quarter inch to an inch over portions of the north bay. the more northern you go, the more likely you will get more amounts. a view at the tahoe forecast for today. dry, partly cloudy. a nice one to get up and do skiing. saturday, ahead of the storm that is coming in on sunday, the winds will be up over portions of the lake. we have a wind advisory that moves into place. shouldn't start out windy but the winds will be increasing throughout the day. on sunday, the rain begins, turning over to snow late in the afternoon and early evening hours. temperatures outside right now, a lot of 50s out there with mostly cloudy skies. into the afternoon, 68 for san francisco. 69 in hayward. and low 70s in livermore. south bay, one of the warmer spots. 73 for san jose. here is a look at the extended forecast. upper 60s to near 70 degrees saturday, sunday, monday. cooler on tuesday. but i think the bigger story will be on sunday. >> the travel day. >> the travel day. folks are, you know, thinking of picking up their holiday tree, some folks putting up holiday lights. today and tomorrow are the better days. >> thanks, rosemary. a new twist to black friday. how people in nevada are celebrating green friday. it was maent to be a message to bring the community together. now a sign on a denver coffee shop is leading to controversy, even vandalism. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. >> the time is 8:22. google is cracking down on websites that use ad words to resell concert tickets. seller wills have to be certified before advertising through ad words. it wants to protect people from scalpers and websites that resell tickets that don't make it clear if they are from the primary provider. backlash for a sign. it said, quote, happily gentrifying the neighborhood since 2014. the next day the shop was vandalized with graffiti and the owner was flooded with angry comments on social media. one man organized a rally against the shop. the owner said the sign was meant to represent an evolving community that is inclusive of all. others call it insensitive to those being pushed out of their neighborhoods. >> it is more about an inappropriate sign. it is about a discussion that the whole neighborhood has been having for a long time. >> it needs to be brought to life, that it has a negative impact on the community, especially the black and brown community. >> the owner apologized and said i am embarrassed to say that i did not fully appreciate the real and troubling issue of general reification and i want to sincerely apology. a youth soccer referee is quitting after 25 years of volunteering after the behavior of some beverly hills parents. >> his son's team is winning 8- 1. and he yells outlets kill them. finish them off. it is despicable behavior. for what reason? what are you trying to accomplish? >> he also says many of the parents in his league act entitled. ayso officials issued a statement saying they appreciate his years of referee you but his views do not represent the beverly hills region. in the east bay, police have announced they captured a burglary suspect targeting schools. concord police arrested him yesterday morning. they found a broken window and core advertise was found hiding in the school's office. he has broken into several schools in the past. it has been almost a year since the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire. now body cam video shows opd interacting with the master tenant derick almena almost two years before the terrible fire. >> how many times have we came back here? >> i don't know in the past week. >> body cam video shows oakland police talking with him about problems at the warehouse, showing that oakland police knew that people were living there illegally. >> listen. you're not listening to me. they live here, they rent here. okay much that's a fact. if you're so scared, you leave. >> almena and fellow tenant max harris have pleaded not guilty to 36 of counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the fire. a preliminary hearing will be next month to determine if there is enough evidence to go to trial. a piece of transportation history will be moving through san jose. the transportation authority is bringing back the historic trolley for the holiday season. free rides on fridays, saturdays and suns through the end of the year. the decked out trolley travels between the light rail station and can take passengers to popular downtown destinations including christmas in the park. san jose has reached a goal of hiring dozens of new police officers. reaction from the city's mayor and what he is thankful for this holiday season. plus, people are lining up for the black friday. what we are finding as we are out the doors, including at a best buy where the doors are now open. outside of our doors at this hour, dealing with cloud cover and fog as well. we will check in on the current conditions and show you what to expect for the afternoon coming up. ♪ on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to ultiyour ideal comfortweek your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the final days of ultimate sleep number week. save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed with adjustable comfort on both sides. ends monday. visit for a store near you. >> 8:29. welcome back to mornings on 2 on this friday, november 24th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning. i'm maureen naylor. mike mibach getting a well deserved day off. >> yes. >> let's check in with rosemary. steve is off. i saw the fog around fremont. >> yeah. when it is patchy fog, it can be more dangerous because it comes out of nowhere and there is a wall of fog and people are hitting their brakes. we're like three see that for the next hour and a half or so. here is a look at the east bay. the winds are light and they will remain light for today. mid and high level clouds around the bay area that will continue to pass overhead. and here is another beautiful shot from san francisco across the bay area where you can see the mid and high level clouds and you can see the low lying fog as well. along the coast in the north bay and in the east bay as well. santa rosa reporting 52 degrees. san francisco, 57. a lot of 50s through oakland and livermore. san jose, 60 degrees. temperatures are definitely on the mild side this time of year. we could easily be near freezing in late november. as we get into the forecast for visibility, it has actually improved just some over portions of the east bay. as we know, this type of fog moves around and it will dissipate and come back in quick fashion. visibility down to a quarter mile over areas near santa rosa and the airport. it looks like we cleared up some, novato and petaluma. around american canyon, it is really thick. around highway 37. 29 highway 12, you will find it there as well. afternoon highs in the upper 60s in pacifica. low 70s for the east bay shore. 68 for napa. so mild weather today, tomorrow. we will be mild on sunday, but you're going to need the umbrella. wet weather coming back. i'll have a look at that and the extended forecast coming up. >> thank you, rosemary. it is black friday. that means that holiday shoppers are looking for bargains. brooks is in coleman where a best buy store opened a few minutes ago. the parking lot is filling up. you're about to take us inside, brooks. >> reporter: yes. we are inside. and if you're in the need for a tv, check it out. there are a ton of them to get your hands on. the crowds are not nearly as large as they normally are. and so as a result, all of the deals are just waiting to go out the door. there are a ton of people that i have talked to today who say that their number one thing they want to get is tvs. and several of the workers say that is still the big thing, electronics. not just here but target and other stores. you're seeing people come in or wait hours and hours just to get their hands on a tv. now, i'm told that this particular store, they have 160 employees. they're all mandated to work today because it is a very busy shopping day. as more people begin to trail in, this was taken about 8:00 a.m., when the doors first opened. and several people were waiting for what we like to call some golden tickets. they were pieces of paper that gave them one of those tvs that is only, you know, several hundred dollars off. one guy said he tried yesterday. because a lot of the stores were open yesterday. and as a result, that's why some believe the crowds are thinner today. but listen to what he had to say. >> it is actually getting better. the deals, the craziness has gone down. there used to be fights and people cutting in line and a lot of controversy. now it is pretty calm. >> you like the calm? >> yeah. you know, you don't have to get here as early anymore. >> reporter: a true veteran shopper. and he did actually get his hands on one of those tvs. and he made his way out the door. and he said he was going home to sleep. you can see back in here at this best buy, the store aisles are beginning to fill up a little bit. and people are coming out to finally do some black friday shopping. back to you guys. >> thank you, brooks. in the middle of best buy. we will see you later on the 9. the time is 8:33. some wal-mart customers are angry at the company regarding its black friday sale. they are criticizing wal-mart on social media and the website for running out of items that were discounted for black friday. products range from tvs to clothing. the website began the sale late wednesday night in through thanksgiving morning. the company said it tripled its online offerings this year and customers posted messages saying that items were sold out. this comes at a time when wal- mart is increasing its online presence to compete with amazon. san jose has reached the goal of hiring 1,000 new police officers. >> jessie gary talked with the mayor about that milestone and what he is thankful for this holiday season. >> reporter: joining us this morning, the mayor of san jose, sam liccardo. mayor, you had talked about the police department getting to at least a thousand officers. and now you have reached that number. >> well, that's good news. we've got a long way to go still to really restore this department. but we have seen great success in the last year where we added 140 officers plus returning officers from other cities. we're heading in the right direction. we still have more work to do. >> how does that impact the fight against crime in the city? can we now expect that the numbers will reflect the increase in police officers. >> having more officers certainly helps but having community officers in place -- has lightened the burden on many of our police because now we can respond to some of the less urgent property crimes which community service officers can lift finger prints and take reports and statements without distracting police officers from the most urgent, violent calls. >> reporter: i'm guessing you're thankful that the number is at least a thousand. what else are you thankful for. what are the things that you're thankful for as we close out 2017? >> i'm certainly grateful for my family and my very patient wife who has put up with me this job for three years. very thankful for here. i'm able to serve a city that i really love. i talk to mayors throughout the country about challenges they face and the opportunities that we have. and i wouldn't change places with them for anything in the world. we've got a great city here. >> reporter: mayor, thank you very much. >> great. >> reporter: happy post thanksgiving. we will see you in a couple of weeks. >> thanks, jessie. >> reporter: we will toss it back to you in oakland. >> thank you, jessie. for one oakland teenager, this thanksgiving meant carrying on a heartfelt tradition of giving back. alleah and her mother fed and clothed the homeless. one thing that makes their dinner unique is the attention to detail. served on crystal glasses and silverware and the tables are draped with decorative cloths and napkins. >> it is presented like we love you. actions speak louder than words. this right here will tell a person who is down, someone cares about you. someone loves you. and this is the message that we want to send out. you have not been forgotten. >> every year they hold the event in a different bay area location. she and her mom say it is the little things that make a big difference and she wants to make everyone feel special during the holidays. not everyone loves spending hours in the kitchen for thanksgiving. >> yeah. many opted for a dinner minus the cooking. >> they found the perfect stress-freeway to enjoy a meal with their families. >> reporter: this family laughed and smiled as they strolled down union street. they say not having the stress of cooking a big traditional thanksgiving feast for lots of people is something to be thankful for. >> we decided to go out to dinner just because it is a little easier. >> reporter: this woman says her parents are visiting from auburn. it takes a lot of time and work cooking at home. eating out is more relaxing. >> it relieves my wife from making a meal for everyone. we enjoy letting other people do the work. >> it is about family and friends. as long as you're together with your family and friends, whether it is at home or out, it is all good. >> the weather is gorgeous for sitting outside. it is a good place to be right now. >> reporter: the manager at perry's tells me that business nearly doubled on thanksgiving day, compared to a normal thursday. it is one of the busiest days of the year. >> thanksgiving is pretty good for us. we like it. we have fun too. >> reporter: we found this man waiting for a ride. he says he doesn't have family in town. he works three jobs and wants to relax on this day. >> just trying to enjoy myself. you know, enjoy my free time. i don't have to work today. i'm just basically, you know, i might go to the bar. i just had something to eat. i might get a drink or two. >> we in the past have had large family thanksgivings but we have reduced that down so it is a little smaller group now. but it gets to be a lot of work. so we're ready to simplify it a little bit. >> reporter: amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. the time is 8:38. part of the holidays here means that ktvu's annual one warm coat drive is underway with multiple drop-off locations happening right now around the bay area. >> that is where we find ktvu's sal castaneda down in san jose at santana row, with company, sal. >> reporter: that's right, gasia and maureen. i have girl scouts here with me. and these girl scouts got up early to help with the one warm coat drive. now, this is the 25th year of one warm coat. ktvu has been helping for 15 years. it is kind of a big year. and i want to talk to the troop leader here and i want to ask you, first of all, what is your page? >> paige. >> reporter: you got -- this is your troop? >> we're actually a bunch of different troops here. >> reporter: okay. what was it like getting the girls up early and contributing to getting coats for people who might be cold? >> i think it is great getting these girls up and showing that doing service to the community is a great way to give back to the community. we know there are many out there in need who may not have a warm coat this -- this chilly winter. >> reporter: all right. and it looks like we already had some. can i ask you a quick question? >> yeah. >> what is your name? >> caitlyn. >> are you going to help collect coats? >> yes. >> what do you think about doing this on this friday after thanksgiving? >> well, i think it will probably help a lot of people in need. like you said, go through a cold winter. they probably don't have any coats. >> all right. you heard it from the experts. and all of the parents, hello, parents, just behind the camera with their cell phones. anyone want to get a selfie with me. come on in. let's do it on live tv. no one. we're right next to the big christmas tree. i see the left bank. i see lost. if you're coming down, right now there's plenty of room. bring a gently used or a brand- new warm coat. and it will make a big difference for some people this holiday season. so maureen x gasia, i will toss it back to you. >> sal, i have to say, you have two little ones. it seems that every season they have grown out of the coat. it is important to remind people that they need children's coats especially. >> reporter: absolutely. so coats for children, coats for adults. really any coat. but that's a good point, gasia. so little children, but also, you know, bigger coats. it doesn't really matter as long as they're new or gently worn and warm, it will help people out this season. >> sal, i've been there in the past. hopefully we will see the bin fill up throughout the day. we will check back in with you later. we want to give you the drop off locations. they're listed on your screen. you can also donate a coat at a participating ups or big o tires store. new information to share about a missing submarine with 44 crew members on board. why the search will continue despite the recent sound of an explosion in the area. a new discovery about the history of wine. what archeologists are saying about the origin of vino. another mild day around the bay area. we're starting out with mostly cloudy skies and a little bit of fog to contend with. i will show you what to expect for your bay area weekend coming up. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need. what if home security was different? what if it looked different? what if the measure of working, was that you never had to think about it. ♪ what if it was so easy to use, you actually used it. [alarm] you have 3 minutes to exit. what if it gave you time, and what you really need from home security. a sense of security. ♪ what if there was only one emoji? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. what if there was only one haircut? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. >> good morning. welcome back. the time is 8:44. the chp is warning drivers to be careful on the roads this long holiday weekend. this is a maximum enforcement period. they will be watching out for distracted drivers and not wearing their seat belts. they are also looking for drunk drivers. >> duis, we catch them all the time -- at all times of the day. usually later in the evening, as people have been going to parties or going out. >> the bay area had its first deadly dui crash just after midnight yesterday morning near highway 84 in livermore. a 16-year-old girl was killed when a car she was in flipped over. the cause of that crash remains underinvestigation -- under investigation. the raiders play the broncos on sunday. they coming off a loss to new england in mexico city. the raiders have four wins this season. the broncos have only won three games. the 49ers will also be at home on sunday to play the seattle seahawks. head coach kyle shanahan has decided that becker will start the game. garoppolo will be the backup. the niners are coming off of a bye week and are last in the division. former 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick made a surprise appearance yesterday at the indigenous people ceremony. >> colin kaepernick. thank you. >> each thanksgiving the ceremony marks the occupation of alcatraz by native-americans who wanted to how's a culture center and school. cap irnick said he came in solidarity with those celebrating their culture and those who participated in the occupation of alcatraz. the warriors will be hosting the bulls at oracle. coming off their worst game of the season. they lost to the thunder by 17 points on sunday. one interesting side note, jordan bell gets to square off against the bulls, who sold the second round pick to the warriors. tipoff is at 7:30 tonight. also some bay area hockey action today. the sharks will play the golden. ♪s in las vegas this  afternoon. sap hose broke its three-game losing streak with a victory on wednesday. there is a archeology study that involves wine. >> patty brown reports. >> reporter: raising a glass this holiday season, scientists have just made a new discovery about the history of wine. archeologists say they have unearthed evidence of the world's oldest wine, found in giant 8,000-year-old jars in the nation of georgia. >> taking samples and fragments of the jars and pending them for examination to a lap in philadelphia, it was established that traces of 80- year-old wine had been found. >> reporter: meaning georgia with its fertile valleys located between europe and the middle east could be the birth place of wine and home to the first humans able to concord the grape used in nearly all wine on earth. >> this is the earliest wine. it is also important to say that georgia has uninterrupted evidence of wine making since historic times. >> reporter: the jars are now on display at georgia's national museum. this discovery suggests that the human cultural achievement of wine making occurred earlier than previously thought. some 600 to a thousand years earlier. until now the earliest wine dated back to 5400 to 5000bc. but china remains home to the earliest known fermented beverages that dates back to 7,000bc. that is believed to be a rice cocktail consisting of wild grapes. while the new finding was pure grape wine. in new york, patty m brown, fox news. and we're going to check in now with rosemary with a look at the weather on this black friday. we were talking about the fog. but it is interesting looking ahead to rain. >> yes. we have the fog once again. temperature-wise a near repeat from yesterday. the mid and high level cloud that's have been spilling into the bay area for a few days now will also remain in place. giving you a view here. a gorgeous shot, a live look there. there is another view from you from up above where again you can see where all of the clouds are coming from and will continue in the coming days. maureen mentioned it. we've got rain moving back into the bay area as it turns to a wetter pattern for sunday as well as monday. for today and tomorrow, the better days to be outdoors, the better days for your activities, maybe putting up the holiday lights if you need to do so. giving you a view into the afternoon where we will be with mostly cloudy skies. the mid and high level cloud that's we have seen day after day after day. here is saturday with not a lot of charge i in the forecast there. is sunday. sunday morning will be a wet one. as we get into the afternoon, we still have scattered showers in the forecast before a second wave wants to move through by sunday night. could linger into monday morning. so our back to work monday could be a soggy one. our travel day could be a soggy one. not only for california but for oregon as well as washington. as we get into your forecast here for the next couple of days. notice it is definitely the pacific northwest and down into california where we have the wet weather. the rest of the nation looks fairly quiet and dry. good news for folks who need to fly out and head towards the east. we have visibility issues this morning. it has been sort of moving around at times. along the coastline, we had the fog horns going off early this morning. we still have a visibility issue. you can see it here. the north bay definitely seeing it. anywhere from a quarter mile visibility to less than that in and around napa. the darker shades of gray. and into the east bay, seeing it here in oakland. maureen had it coming up through fremont. we will have that for the next hour or so. temperatures on the mild side. 54 in oakland. 58 at sfo. afternoon highs for today, upper 60s to low 70s. upper 60s for the east bay shore of oakland. 73 for san jose. here is a look at your extended forecast. we remain status quo as we get into saturday. a near repeat with the temperatures not budging a whole lot. then sunday, the wet weather returns to the bay area. snow will be high for the sierra. but it will eventually drop sunday and monday. always a good idea to carry the chains if you don't have the snow tires or four wheel drive this time of year. >> after a weirdly warm thanksgiving. >> yes. >> thanks, rosemary. >> you got it. you probably heard that turkey can make you tired after your thanksgiving meal. up next, why researchers say it is not the main dish that is the culprit. >> good morning. welcome back. the time is 8:54. researchers are dispelling a common notion about turkey dinner. it is a naturally recurring chemical found in turkey and other foods. scientists say it does not make you drowsy. new research shows the abundance of carbohydrates in the meal is what puts us to sleep. it causes insulin shoot up which causes a spike in meltonin production. you likely heard about black friday of course. how about green friday? reporter eric hill shows us in states where marijuana is legal, dispensaries are trying to get more business. >> reporter: dispensaries are getting ready for their own celebration. a day they dubbed green friday. >> we expect black friday to be very busy. we're excited. >> reporter: for the first time in nevada history, pot shops will be able to offer recreational black friday bargains. >> ten half ounces for $99. purple monkey and blue alien. we're anticipating a line for the blowout sales we will have at midnight. >> reporter: it is an exciting time for dispensaries like thrive that spent weeks for preparing what they expect to be one of the busiest days of the year. >> we are excited. all of the employees are feeling the energy of the showroom and the excitement going on for the recreational markets they have going on. we try to anticipate the amount of customers and the product that we will be selling. we have been stocking up on product and making sure that we would have enough for the market coming. with all black friday sales, things will be limited supplies. >> reporter: while the supply may not last, workers are hoping that the black friday deals will help the excitement around the marijuana industry continue. >> not just for thrive but for the cannabis industry and the cannabis community as a whole to normalize what we're trying to do, which is normalize the industry. >> and that was eric hill reporting. a new report about the will left behind by cult leader charles manson. who he apparently left everything that he has to. >> a new report suggests the crew in a missing submarine had little or no chance of survival. an international organization that monitors nuclear testing says it detected a sound near the last known position of the submarine in the atlantic ocean. the sound is consistent with an explosion. the submarine disappeared last wednesday. it is believed that anyone who survived the initial blast ran out of air in seven days. most members of congress are back home for the thanksgiving holiday. but republicans are hoping they will be giving thanks for tax reform by the end of the year. officials struggle to line up votes. some conversations and debates won't be easy, especially for republicans who don't like what they see so far. it is important to note this end of year deadline is a political commitment. the white house could push tax reform into next year if necessary. there is a report that charles manson left his entire estate to a pen pal. tmz is reported that he left a typed will with handwriting on it that appears to be manson's. if it turns out to be genuine, the man will get everything that manson owned, including cash and all rights to manson's image. manson specifically excluded his children, ex-wifes, in- laws, lawyers, friends, prisoners, guards and the state of california from his will. olympic runner oscar pistorius will spend 13 years in prison for killing his girlfriend. prosecutors challenged the original six-year sentence saying it was too lenient. the appeals court agreed. he has already served one year behind bars. >> comedian george wallace joins us live onset as he prepares to take the stage at tommy t's. it is not just about the big stores today. we will talk with a representative from oakland about the plaid friday event to support local businesses. i was told to wait until the day of thanksgiving to break out the christmas music. now i'm playing it for you as we take you live inside best buy. people looking for the great deals avenue the small prices. some of you are choosing to look for bargains on this black friday. others are opting

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Fremont , California , United States , Nevada , China , Sonoma , Minnesota , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Alcatraz , Russia , San Francisco , Sunday Ridge , American Canyon , Egypt , Pacifica , Poland , Petaluma , New York , Georgia , Moscow , Moskva , Texas , Mountain View , Utah , Washington , Florida , Beverly Hills , Colorado , Jordan , Denver , Coffey Park , Los Gatos , Prague , Praha , Hlavníesto , Czech Republic , Turkey , Bayshore , Russian , Egyptian , American , Jack London , Oscar Pistorius , Amber Lee , Hal Eisner , Dave Clark , Patty Brown , Maureen Naylor Mike , Robert Mueller , Seattle Seahawks , Michael Flynn , Max Harris , Eric Hill , Oakland Maureen , Allie Rasmus , Las Vegas , Al Franken , Leigh Martinez , Kyle Shanahan , John Paul , Nespresso , Maureen Naylor , Jessie Gary , Dan Bell ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20171124 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20171124

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we're dealing with the clouds and fog once again this morning. visibility is low for some. giving you a look at san francisco across the bay. you can see the clouds right there about the bay bridge deck. and as we get in through the second part of your morning, these clouds remain in place. if you're traveling through the north bay valley, we have a thick visibility down to about a quarter mile. if you're along the coastline, some of those fog horns are going off. it is a little thick there as well. santa rosa, 52. san francisco, 56. oakland, 52. livermore, 54. and san jose, 58. relatively mild to start your morning. getting outdoors, you may just need a light jacket, not the winter jacket. this time of year, we could definitely be sinking back into the lower 30s and freezing out there. but not the case today. giving you a view of the widespread low lying fog along highway 4, highway 29, highway 12, 16. you will find it in that darker shade of gray, indicating that visibility is down to about a quarter mile. it could be hazardous. be careful out there. upper 60s pacifica, san francisco, oakland. low 70s for the south bay of san jose. saturday, not a lot of change. by sunday, bigger changes coming with wet weather back into the forecast. we will have a look at the extended for you coming up. >> all right, rosemary. the time is 7:02. people are already out shopping, looking for the black friday deals. >> allie rasmus is at the premium outlets where there are lines to get into the places. is that right, allie? >> reporter: yes. they have been here since 3:00 yesterday afternoon. thanksgiving day is when all of this started. when black friday here really started. you can see behind us that this is one of the higher end stores at the mall. it sells purses and handbags. it is very popular. there is a line and a wait to get inside. we've been told that the wait is about an hour. there's a couple of people behind us that just looked at the line and said my goodness and walked away. there are people braving the line because they want to find specific things and get good deals. i would say there are about a hundred or so people in this line. i talked earlier with nikki and jackie gonzales. you came all the way from foster city. >> yes. >> reporter: why are you waiting in this line? >> just buying presents for my friends, my best friends. >> reporter: and this is something that you do every black friday. what time did you get here? >> we got here at 4:00 a.m. i'm a big shopper. yeah. >> reporter: were you surprised how busy it was or did it not seem busy. >> it was pretty busy today. the kate spade line was a hundred or more people. >> you didn't bother there. you found another store. >> yeah. it was too long for us. we had a mission. >> was it hard to find parking? is. >> yeah. there were parking spaces but it was pretty full. >> reporter: happy shopping. thank you for talking wuss this morning. speaking of parking, we want to show you the view from overhead from sky fox. you can see the shot of the entire complex, there are some parking spots available. however, during the overnight hours when things were really busy, they had overflow parking and signs at the college which is about five miles away from here. there was a shuttle taking people back and forth. but that overflow parking lot five miles away was full at one point in the middle of the night with 1200 spaces taken up there. it gives you an idea of how many people come out to this outlet mall to do some of their black friday shopping. back to you guys. >> thank you, allie. the time is 7:04. today, many small businesses are reminding you shop local for what they call plaid friday. it was created in oakland as an alternative at shopping at the big box stores. they are encouraged to spend money at neighborhood stores and wear plaid and show support for weaving the individual threads of small business together. don't forget about small business saturday. according to the research firm womply, last year independent businesses saw 77% jump of sales on small business saturday. some are criticizing wal- mart and its website for running out of many item that's were discounted for black friday. products ranges from tvs to clothing. the wal-mart began the black friday sale late wednesday night and into thursday morning. it tripled the online offerings this year but apparently that was not enough. customers said that online items were sold out and the selection in stores was not very good. this comes as wal-mart is trying to compete with amazon. our one warm coat drive continues tomorrow. partnering to collect coats for children and adults in need. we will have four drop-off locations spread out across the bay area. you can make a donation at emryville, jack london square and walnut creek. and sal castaneda will be at santana row in san jose in the next hour. you can drop off a new or generally -- gently worn coat. ktvu's leigh martinez reports there was a spirit of gratitude at both events. >> reporter: there was turkey with all of the fixings. but missing from this thanksgiving table was family. >> my little girl. she is 7. so first thanksgiving away from her. kind of interesting, weird. but it's for a good cause. and i know i'll be home soon, in a couple months. >> reporter: these are the men and women working to remove the debris from coffey park. homeowners like jeff lost his home when the tubbs fire spread to santa rosa. he left his family with relatives today to come to these tables to say thank you. >> they're sacrificing to help us get us in our homes faster. they are taking time away from friends and family on a holiday so our lots get cleared and we can get back in our home. >> reporter: two miles away a dinner was served to fire victims. >> i had to buy extra stuff to keep my pets occupied. the idea of cooking was overwhelming. >> reporter: he was surprised by the number of volunteers that showed up to wait tables and distribute 300 take-home meals. >> yeah. people that i don't even know. they're showing up. >> reporter: all say they feel thankful for friends and look forward to rebuilding. >> reporter: the time removal crews are spending in coffey park are paying off. one company alone says it has already cleared 90 properties. and a final piece of good news came for one family. >> i was checking something out and i looked on the mantle and i found somebody's ring. and i'm getting ahold of the owner and they are going to meet me the at the site. >> reporter: leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. it has been almost a year since the deadly ghost ship fire in oakland. now body camera video shows the police interacting with warehouse's master tenant, derick almena, almost two years before the fire. >> how many times have you come back here. >> now, the body camera video obtained by the bay area news group shows the police talking with almena about problems with the warehouse, showing that oakland police knew that people were living there illegally. >> you're not listening to me. >> okay. >> they live there, they rent there. okay. that's a fact. >> sure. >> if you're so scared, you leave. >> almena and max harris pled not guilty to 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with that deadly warehouse fire. a preliminary hearing is set for next month to determine if there's enough evidence to go to trial. well, police in vallejo want your help to find a missing 88-year-old woman from valentia who has mild dementia. she was lost seen 1:30 monday afternoon and had left kaiser on sorrento drive. she left about an hour before her son arrived. now, she is about 5'5", about 135 pounds. last seen wearing an orange jacket and brown pants. police say she was driving a red 2010 chevy impala with california license plates. family members told police that she gets around well, despite having dementia. new this morning in the middle east, the death toll in an attack on an egyptian mosque has risen to 200, with 130 people injured. police say extremists in four off road vehicles bombed the mosque and fired on worshipers during a sermon. some not killed in the blast were gunned down when they tried to run away. egypt has been fighting an isis affiliated insurgency since 2014. oscar pistorius will spend 13 years in prison for killing his girlfriend in 2013 after his sentence was increased. prosecutors called the original sentence too lenient. the appeals court agreed. he has already served a year in prison. a new report says that lawyers for national security adviser michael flynn are no longer sharing information with president trump's legal team about meddling in the election. the new york times says that could be a sign that flynn will cooperate with the investigation or work out a deal for himself. flynn is a key figure in the investigation led by robber mueller. part of the investigation will determine if the trump campaign colluded with russia to win the election. next, when you could hop on board a decorative trolley. the perfect start to a festive outing. a thanksgiving tragedy in texas. what we're learning about a shooting that left a state trooper dead. dry weather today, tomorrow, before wet weather returns for the back end of your weekend. i will have a look at what to expect coming up. >> the time is 7:13. we continue to follow developing news about a texas state trooper killed in the line of duty. officers have captured a suspect in the deadly shooting of the texas state trooper. they plan to file murder charges against him. the trooper was making a traffic stop when he was shot. >> the trooper approached the vehicle and interacted with the driver and went back to his patrol unit. the suspect fired multiple rounds from a rifle at the state trooper. >> the trooper died at the scene. allen had been with the texas highway patrol for 15 years. he is survived by a wife and three children. the suspect drove away but was later found more than a hundred miles away. sheriff's office says there was gunfire when he was found but not saying who fired first. the time is 7:14. the navy called off the search for three sailors missing after wednesday's plane crash in the philippines sea. it crashed as it headed to the aircraft carrier uss ronald reagan. the names and hometowns of the sailors have not yet been released. well, minnesota senator al franken issued a thanksgiving apology after more women say he touched them inappropriately. he said that he met tens of thousands of people and taken thousands of photographs, often in crowded and chaotic situations. he went on to say he is a warm person and hugs people and for some people that crossed the line. he says he respects the feelings of those people and he needs to be more careful and sensitive. now, he didn't admit to doing anything inappropriate and said he will work to regain the trust of his constituents which indicates that he does not plan to resign from the senate. a coffee shop in denver is facing backlash for a sign that the owners put outside. it said, quote, happily gentriying the neighborhood. one man organized a rally against the shop. the owner posted a letter on twitter saying the sign was to represent aan evolving community of all races, religions and genders. others said it is insensitive to those being pushed out of their neighborhoods. >> this is more about an inappropriate sign. it is about a discussion that this whole neighborhood has been having for a long time. >> it needs to be brought to life. it has a negative impact on our community, especially our black and brown community. >> the owner of the shop apologized on social media. posted a statement that said i'm embarrassed to say that i didn't appreciate the real and troubling issue and i want to sincerely apologize. google cracking down on websites that use ad words to resell tickets to concerts and events. starting in january, ticket resellers have to be certified by google before advertising through ad words. google wants to protect people from scalpers and websites that resell tickets without making it clear if the tickets are from the primary ticket provider. the warriors rush from the thanksgiving holiday to host the bulls at oracle. they are coming off their worst gape of the season. they lost to the oklahoma thunder by 17 points on wednesday. rookie big manager dan bell, he gets to square off against the bulls, the team that sold the second round draft pick to the warriors for three and a half million dollars. the warriors used that 38th pick overall to select bell. hockey is back in action today. the sharks play the golden knights in las vegas tonight. san jose had a victory over the coyotes on wednesday. if you're driving to the sierra this weekend, expect powerful winds. a high wind watch was issued for tomorrow. wind gusts are expected at 100 miles per hour along the ridge. and conditions could be dangerous on sunday as rosemary has been telling you because of snow. >> many people driving back from the bay area from visiting family around california. let's see what driving weather, if there is such a thing, will be in the next couple of days. >> it will be messy with rain and high elevation snow dropping on sunday as well. we'll detail that in a moment. let's talk about what is happening outside right now. we are off to a partly to mostly cloudy start. we have fog once again this morning. there's a gorgeous view as we take a look across the bay and towards san francisco. those mid and high level clouds hanging around for today. temperatures will be unseasonably mild. anywhere from five to ten degrees above the seasonal norm for this time of year. we will hold steady as we get into your friday, saturday, and, again, the changes coming on sunday. ridge of high pressure in control. you see the clouds spilling in. we will have a system drop in on sunday. and the rain and snow will be on over areas of california and the pacific northwest will be active as well. if you're traveling back up north for your sunday. here is a look at what is going on for your afternoon today in and out of the clouds. saturday we start out with partly cloudy skies and a little bit of fog out there like this morning dealing with patchy dense fog. by early sunday morning it looks like already turning wet. with one wave moving through. scattered showers in the afternoon. we have the raiders playing, the niners playing. as we get into the sunday nighttime frame, it looks like a second wave moves through that could lead us into a soggy monday morning. so sunday perhaps part of monday looking wet. anywhere from a quarter inch to an inch of rain expected for portions of the bay area during this time. that is good news there. we like to see the rain come back this time of year. there it is. for today, if you're heading up to tahoe, partly cloudy skies. and light winds expected for today. ahead of the storm on saturday, tahoe will have an increase in winds. the anchors were talking about it a moment ago. if you plan on skiing, as we know sometimes the ski resorts are impacted by the wind. it looks like it will come in the second part of the day. into sunday, that's when the rain starts and snow levels will start at 7,000 feet but dropping all the way down to 4,000 feet sunday flight and into monday. if you're traveling sunday night and into monday, you could have wintery weather to deal with. giving you a view at the temperatures outside of our door. under partly to mostly cloudy skies. 59 in san jose and. 50 in napa. around highs for today, 60s and low 70s. 68 in san rafael. 69 in oakland. and 73 expected for los gatos. 75 in santa cruz. the extended forecast, the temperatures won't change much saturday, sunday and monday. finally a cooler pattern moves in on tuesday. but, again, with that wet weather, you will need umbrella if you're doing outdoor shopping on sunday. gasia. >> thank you, rosemary. it is beginning to look a lot like christmas at the vatican. we will share time lapse video that shows the christmas tree being set up at st. peters square. it took 12 days to deliver the tree from poland. pope john paul started the tradition in 1842. the christmas tree will be decorated and lit in a ceremony december 7th. a piece of history will rumble through the city of san jose. the transportation authority bringing back the historic trolley for the holiday season. it is very popular for riders of all ages. free rides on fridays, saturdays and sundays through the end of the year. the holiday trolley travels between the light rail station and you can take it to popular downtown destinations such as christmas in the park. we're going to check back in with the football team from cardinal newman high school. coming up, how the team is really bringing people together as the community continues to rebuild. also a new discovery about the history of wine. up next, the evidence that people have been enjoying a glass or two for thousands of years. >> welcome back to mornings on 2. well, a major archeological discovery. and this one involves wine. >> archeologists have uncovered evidence that people have been drinking wine hundreds of years longer than previously thought. >> reporter: raising a glass this holiday season? scientists have just made a new discovery about the history of wine. archeologists say they have unearthed evidence of the world's oldest wine found in giant 8,000-year-old jars in the nation of georgia. taking segments and fragments of the jars sending them for examination to a lab in philadelphia, it was established that traces of 8,000-year-old wine had been found. meaning that georgia with its fertile valleys located between europe and the middle east could be the birth place of wine and home to the first humans to conquer the grape used in almost all wine on earth. >> this is the earliest wine. it is important to say that georgia has uninterrupted evidence of wine making since prehistoric times. >> reporter: the wine is now on display. this suggests that the human cultural achievement of wine making occurred earlier than previously thought. some 600 to a thousand years earlier. but china remains home to the earliest known fermented beverage that dates back to 7,000bc. that believes to be a rice cocktail having some grapes but this new finding was a bottle of wine. anyone who prepared thanksgiving dinner knows that it is a pretty big task to undertake. in a minute, we will show you how some people broke with tradition. and instead of doing it themselves, they had others do it. a story about a potato, not the one on your thanksgiving table but one that was prehistoric. researchers in utah showing off a prehistoric potato. it could offer a lot of ancient insight into life. potatoes were especially important to the native- americans tribes in the region around utah. they hope the rare plant will be conserved and used to get more information on not just the potato but to give us information about healthy eating. all right. the time is 7:27. as you were saying, if you prepared a thanksgiving dinner, you know it is a huge task. >> yes. up next, we will see how some people broke with that tradition and opted for a stress-free meal. >> reporter: patiently waiting to get their hands on some electronics. coming up, why a bunch of customers just got their golden ticket. when we come back. dry weather will remain in place for your black friday shopping, into saturday. and then the wet changes come back our way as we move into the back end of your weekend. i will have what to expect in the extended forecast coming up. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. ♪[music] ♪ we're living in a material world ♪ ♪ and i'm a material girl ♪ ♪ we are living in a material world ♪ ♪ >> i think madonna wrote this song for this day. you have two choices. if you are a material girl or a material boy, you can always hit the stores. local mom and pop shops or the big box stores for the giant tv for, you know, $25. so it is black friday. many people are celebrating that way. other people are opting outside and breathing the fresh air and taking in all that mother nature has to offer. look at this. we switched the picture to a live shot of shoppers lined up and waiting to spend their dollars. we are luck tee have brooks joining us this morning. >> wal-mart. >> target. maybe he moved over to a best buy. my goodness, we are very, very busy tracking all of the good sales and the beautiful outdoor activities for you. you can't go wrong today, november 24th, the day after thanksgiving. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. it is good weather for it. rosemary is in for steve. >> yes. yes. it is dry out there. temperatures a little cool. but for this time of year, you know, we're actually way above where we should be in many areas. if you're thinking to get outdoors to do shopping. take a look at that view there where eave a lot of stuff around the bay area outdoors- wise to get -- to get out there and enjoy your day. you have dry weather in store for today. we have dry weather in store on saturday. and then into sunday, we have some wet weather returning back to the bay area. so that holiday shopping, maybe putting up the holiday lights, maybe getting the holiday tree, today and tomorrow are the better days, unless you enjoy doing it in the rain. in addition to the cloud cover, north bay and along the coastline, i don't know if you can see half moon bay in there, also a darker shade of gray indicating patchy dense fog, visibilities over oakland down to about half mile near the airport there. but here is where it has been fairly widespread all morning long. only a little better than where we saw it earlier. santa rosa at the airport, visibility a quarter mile. napa as well. crossing over areas around american canyon, it thickens up here as well. be prepared for that. if you're getting out early. temperature-wise not bad at all. 52 in santa rosa. 52 for the east bay of oakland. and 57 in the south bay. areas near mountain view and san jose. afternoon highs for today under a mix of sun examine clouds. 60s to low 70s. 69 in hayward. 71 expected livermore. 69 in antioch. afternoon highs won't change a whole lot as we get into saturday. again, wet weather coming back for sunday. we will have a look at that in the extended forecast coming up. >> thank you, rosemary. bargain shoppers are out this black friday morning. >> and many stores opened early to get into the holiday shopping. ktvu's brooks geros. people are looking for deals. and i see them behind you. >> reporter: yes. we finally have lines forming here. we are out at best buy today, where, finally, people have started to line up. when we first came here, there were only about two, maybe three people camped out. they actually had barricades up. all of the lights inside of the store were off. since then, you can see many people have shown up to try to get their hands on big electronics. the big thing of course is tv. and frederick here was the first guy in line. boy, you know what you're looking for. >> yeah. actually i was in best buy yesterday trying to get this $179 deal. but i kind of lost out on that. so this was my consolation prize right here. $279 for a 55-inch. it is only available in stores today. >> reporter: so you came out here. you have been waiting since 4:00 a.m. then magically a best buy worker with a cape comes out and gives you what. we get these tickets. just assures us that we can get the tv any time today. >> the tv that you wanted. >> this is what i woke up for at 1:00 in the morning for. after this, i'm going home. >> reporter: and to be clear, this tv is not for you. this isn't about you. >> this is for my mom. she is sending it to the philippines. i never get anything for myself. it's always go to best buy and pick something up. >> reporter: and you were a veteran at this. you have done this for a long time. >> this is my tenth year. my first black friday at this best buy. so i'm back here. >> reporter: and you want today make sure that you were first in line yesterday. >> i missed out yesterday. so i said this is not going to happen again. i have to get this. >> reporter: now, since you are such a veteran, what -- how has it changed over the ten years? >> they didn't have thursdays before. it was always fridays. and the lines have really shrunk down ever since online shopping and amazon came around. so i don't have to come here as early. there's a lot less fights. a lot less cutting. a lot less drama. i like it. >> reporter: that is good to here. frederick, thanks very much. we are just anticipating these doors opening here in the next about 25 minutes. send it back to you. >> okay. a nice historical look at what black friday used to be. you know, to the relatively quiet experience it has been for the past few years. >> reporter: that's right. >> okay. >> thank you, brooks. the time is 7:36. the national park service is encouraging you to go outside today. east bay regional parks is offering free admission, free parking today as part of the opt outside movement. it was started by the retailer rei three years ago when the company gave its employees a paid day off to get outside and urged people to head outside instead of going to a mall for black friday. this idea has grown in popularity. last year, one and a half million people visited east bay regional parks the day after thanksgiving. our question of the day is, what are you doing today? black friday shopping? opting outside? maybe you're working or doing something else. leave comments for us on facebook or take the question of the day poll right now on the ktvu twitter page and the time is 7:37. giving back this thanksgiving. an east bay teenager and her mother did that in oakland. for the fifth year in a row, aleah washington and her mother edna hosted thanksgiving in the park. an event to feed and clothe the homeless during the holidays. the thing that sets this is part is the attention to detail. dinner was served on fancy plates with crystal glasses and silverware. the tables were decorated for a five-star experience. >> it is presented like we love you. this action speaks louder than words. this will tell a person who is down, somebody cares about you. someone loves you. and this is the message that we want to send out. you have not been forgotten. >> every year this event is held at a different location around the bay area. alleah and her mother say it is the little things that make a big difference and she wants to make everyone feel special during the holidays. >> today marks the start of the one warm coat drive. we are teaming up with the nonprofit to collect coats for adults and children in need there. are four drop-off locations across the bay area. give them to the barrel there in oakland at jack london square and walnut creek on ice. coming up in less half an hour, sal castaneda will report live from the other main drop-off spot, santana row in san jose. you canlow date coats by dropping by ups and big o tire stores. in other news this morning, an appeals court upheld a lower court ruling that a russian man who faces charges of hacking computers of american companies can be extradited here to the u.s. he was arrested in practicing in cooperation with the fbi last october. he is accused of penetrating computers at silicon valley companies, including linkedin and dropbox in 2012. moscow wants him extradited on a separate charge of internet theft in 2009. the high court of prague will have a final say on where he goes. the fire started just before 1:30 this morning on east lake avenue. one man was rescued from a balcony using a ladder. they weren't hurt but two cats died in the fire. it aers pa that the the fire started in the kitchen. the cause is still under investigation. tonight there's a north bay rivalry football game that means more than advancing to the playoffs. the two teams with friendly rivals, you can say. rancho shared its practice facilities with cardinal newman after the fires destroyed much of newman's campus, including the athletic field. five players lost their homes to fire. they say at first it was hard to play football. now they're playing with a new perspective both for themselves and their community. >> they're used to this time of the season playing games. this is one is a little more special because every week you do, you get to stay together for another week. we need each other right now. >> at the beginning we were playing for ourselves. now we're playing for everyone. >> the cardinal newman fans say three hours of friday night football helps them feel strong enough to cope with so much that is no longer normal. the time is 7:40. not everyone celebrated thanksgiving in a norman rockwell kind of way. many say thanksgiving is happier if they don't have to cook or shop. amber lee found people that say their thanksgiving was stress free. >> reporter: this family laughed and smiled as they strolled down union street. they say not having the stress of cooking a big traditional thanksgiving feast for lots of people is something to be thankful for. >> we decided to go out to dinner just because it is a little easier. >> reporter: this woman says her parents are visiting from auburn. it takes a lot of work cooking the traditional meal at home. that eating out is more relaxing. >> it relieves my wife from having to make a huge meal for everyone. we just enjoy letting other people do the work. >> it is about family and friends. as long as you're together with your family and friends, whether it is at home or out, it is all good. >> the weather is gorgeous for sitting outside. it is a good place to be right now. >> reporter: the manager at perry's tells me that business nearly doubled on thanksgiving day. compared to a normal thursday. that is one of the busiest days of the year. >> thanksgiving is pretty good for us. we like it. we have fun too. >> we found this man waiting for a ride. he doesn't have family in town. he works three jobs and wants to relax on this day. >> i'm just trying to enjoy myself. i don't have to work today. i'm just basically -- you know. >> angela: might go to the bar. i just had something to eat. >> we in the past have had large family thanksgivings but we reduced that down so it is a little smaller group now. but it gets to be a lot of work. so we're ready to simplify it a little bit. >> reporter: amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. it's not just the gifts that will fit under a tree that you should be looking for today. coming up in the 8:00 hour, the special travel deals that could make next year an even better one. passengers of lyft may benefit from new products of the company. the plan to make it happen. a dry start to your bay area weekend. with a wet finish in store. i will have a look at what to expect for today and the extended forecast coming up. >> the ride sharing service lyft confirms it is raising an additional $500 million in funding. the extra funded was announced and confirmed by a lyft spokesman. the company issued a statement that says increasing the potential for this round of funding will allow the company to further accelerate its commitment to serving passengers and drivers. it increased the valuation to $11 billion, up from 7 and a half billion dollars. it will raise the valuation to 11 and a half billion dollars. there is a report that charles manson left his entire estate to a pen pal. he left a typed will with handwriting on it that appears to be manson's. the man who is asking not be to identified will get everything that manson owned, including cash and all rights to manson's image. there's even a provision saying the man will get manson's entire exclusive music catalog that refers to the songs that he wrote. the song as it was released was called never learn not to love and listed only dennis wilson as its writer. manson specifically excluded his children, ex-wifes, lawyers, friends, prisoner guards and the state of california. the time is 7:46. a new study says light pollution is expanding around the world as cities become more energy efficient. there is basically a constant amount of light in the u.s. as the number of led lights on the streets keep growing. led lights are less expensive but they're also making it harder to see stars at night and carry a health risk. the glare can affect your highs. the brightness can upset your sleep cycles. one study found a link between led street lights and a rise in breast cancer in women. this morning we're showing you black friday sales all cross the bay area. we sent sky fox to the east bay overbroad way plaza mall in walnut creek. you can see there is a good bit of activity outside of the lululemon. store. i will have to ask rosemary. is that it. >> yes. >> more and more people instead of going up to the stores on this early black friday morning are choosing to go to a full mall. hal eisner from l.a. explains how black friday got its start. >> reporter: danny isn't talking about thanksgiving. he is talking about black friday. >> it is the one day where you're going to get deals that you don't get on any other given day. >> reporter: unless it is the thursday before black friday or the monday, tuesday, or wednesday before black friday. or cyber monday, which is after black friday. you have to admit, it really expanded from its original concept. let's go back to 1952. they didn't have tvs as large as we do now. in fact, when there were news stories like this one, they were broadcast in black and white. just like this. the thing is back then, 1952, retailers decided the day after thanksgiving would be a good time to start the official christmas shopping season. and that's what they did. and they loved the sound of the coins in the cash register. >> for a lot of retailers it was actually on their profit and loss statements they went from red to black. so they went from, you know, negative profits for the year to the positive. >> because they sold so much stuff. >> yeah. >> reporter: that's why retailers get excited about the day. but some don't want any part of it so they bargain shop early. >> black friday is a day that i don't want to be near anyone else. >> reporter: that is interesting because larry likes to be around people. in the record industry for years, he managed stars like paula abdul. but he gets an allergic reaction to black friday. >> there isn't anything in this store that i would stand -- i'm 64 years old. i've stood in line, you know, when i was a kid. and i stood in line for concerts and everything that there was. i liked the lines. it was a party in line. at this stage, not a chance would i stand in line. >> and that was hal eisner reporting. >> yes. let's talk about your weather, getting ready for the weekend. black friday shopping. rosemary is right here. >> dry today, dry tomorrow and then look out, you will need the umbrella with wet weather returning to the bay area. for our tahoe folks, you will have that on sunday. rain turning into snow late in the evening on sunday. giving you a view here at a beautiful start to the day. we are waking up with patches of fog out there. and in some areas, it is really thick. we have the fog horns going off along the west coast of san francisco. down through half moon bay. it looks like you will find patchy dense fog in north bay valley locations, through santa rosa, napa, sonoma. all of that stretching through novato and petaluma. and dave clark stepped outside the doors a moment ago. thank you, dave. >> yes. >> he said it is hard to see anything outside of our door as well, with visibility down to half a mile at the oakland airport. a beautiful shot overlooking the bay. i'm here to tell you, there's a little bit of fog out there this morning. these mid and high level clouds will continue into the afternoon. today will be a lot like yesterday. well above normal for this time of year. not breaking any records on this friday afternoon. it will be a beautiful day for holiday shopping, maybe to get the holiday tree. maybe just to get out and take a nice hike with the family. as we get into saturday, more of the same. tomorrow morning, we could wake up cooler. temperatures relatively mild this morning. take care of that on the back end. let's take care of the forecast when it comes to the wet weather. rain moving in on sunday. looks like we will see scattered showers for the afternoon. a second wave perhaps moving in by sunday night and into monday. and rainfall amounts could range from a quarter inch to an inch over portions of the north bay. so that is what we will see on sunday. snow levels over the tahoe area will start about 7,000 feet but they will be dropping over the course of the afternoon and evening hours, all the way down to 4,000 feet on monday. you take a look at the national map. this is into monday, early monday morning. if you are going to be traveling, the pacific northwest, that is definitely seeing the rain as well as the snow mix, all the way up into oregon and washington. the rest of the country looks fairly quiet for that big travel day back home. here is a look at the temperatures outside right now. widespread 50s out there. 52 in oakland. 54 in half moon bay. and in the north bay. 58 in novato. along the peninsula, redwood city, 70 degrees for you today. the extended forecast, our temperatures don't change a whole lot. but as we get into sunday, that wet weather arrives. could see it a little bit for back to work monday as well. dave. >> thank you, rosemary. the time is 7:52. a youth soccer referee in los angeles is quitting because of the bad behavior he sees. coming up in the 8:00 hour, his complaints, not about the young players, but about their parents. and colin kaepernick and the surprising thanksgiving appearance that he made at a san francisco landmark. well it's a perfect nespresso hold on a second.orge. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? >> welcome back to mornings on 2. it is 7:55. the raiders play the denver broncos sunday, hoping for a win. they're coming off of that 33-8 loss to new england in mexico city. they play the broncos at the coliseum. the broncos have only won three games so far. the raiders have won four. oakland have a new defensive coordinator for the game. norton was fired. he was the team's assistant head coach. the 49ers will also be at home on sunday. the seattle seahawks will be in town. head coach kyle shanahan decided that rookie quarterback c.j. becker will start. garoppolo will be the backup. the 49ers are coming off of a bye week. they are lost in their division with only one win. the seahawks trail the l.a. rams in second place with a 6-4 record. former 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick made entries appearance at alcatraz island yesterday at the indigenous people ceremony. >> his name is colin kaepernick. and so thank you, colin kaepernick. >> every thanksgiving the ceremony is held. kaepernick who started the nfl national anthem protest to raise awareness of issues affecting minorities tweeted that he came in solidarity with those celebratings their culture and paying respect to those who were involved in the birth of alcatraz. the bears are coming off of a disappointing loss to stanford. cal and ucla have a record of 5- 6. tonight's winner becomes bowl eligible. cal is finishing up the first year with the head coach. mora was fired on sunday, which was also his 56th birthday. see that game on fox sports 1. kickoff is 7:30. all right. the time is 7:57. two carjackings in oakland have been reported. coming up in the 8:00 hour, where the vehicles were carjacked. also special thanksgiving meals for people in the north bay. how people who lost everything in the north bay fires and those helping to help those in the area came together for aeglogues thanksgiving meal -- a glorious thanksgiving meal. >> good morning. it is hard to know when exactly black friday begins. the premium outlets in livermore has been open since thursday afternoon. it is ktvu's one warm coat give away. sal castaneda is in santana row. one of the drop-off locations. we will be checking in with him and sharing the other bay area locations where you can donate. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning. welcome back to mornings on 2 on this friday, november 24th. i'm maureen naylor in for mike mibach. >> so nice to have you here. i get to work with a friend again. i'm gasia mikaelian. rosemary orozco is in for steve paulson. sal is down in santana row. not that we need a coat today. but eventually. >> yeah. and temperatures will be mild today, tomorrow. saturday, things start to change. and then we get back to some cooler weather as we get into next week. take a look at some of these numbers. you may need a jacket. if it were me, i would probably need a jacket. low 50s to low 60s out there with partly to mostly cloudy skies. in comparison to what we could be feeling this time of year, we could be 32 degrees in santa rosa. this morning, not so bad. you can see from the picture low lying fog out there this morning and patchy dense fog over the north bay valley locations. along the coast you will find it. oakland has reported a little bit at times. temperatures range from the low 50s in santa rosa to 60 degrees. 60 degrees in san jose. for the afternoon, we will be in the 60s and low 70s. here is a look at the visibility graph. and we are looking at a map and looking at a little bit of dark gray right along half moon bay, indicating the patchy dense fog. as we get into the north bay, it has been thick on and off for most of the morn. highway 101 stuck in it down to novato, petaluma and san rafael, crosses across american canyon into the sonoma area and along napa as well. be careful if you have an early morning drive. you will see that getting outdoors in the next hour or two before it finally clears out of the way. temperature-wise, upper 60s for oakland, hayward. city of san francisco, going to 68 for the afternoon. the peninsula, 73 expected for san jose. remains holiday for -- remains mild for the holiday shopping. the rain returning at the end of the weekend. we will look at the extended forecast coming up. >> thank you, rosemary. people are already out shopping and looking for black friday deals. >> allie rasmus is live in livermore this morning at the san francisco premium outlets. allie, i know that is a busy traditional spot. how is it looking so far? >> reporter: it has been busy for the last more than -- i would say more than 12 hours or so. this place opened at 3:00 yesterday afternoon, thanksgiving day. it is hard to know when thanksgiving ends and black friday begins because places like this it all mushes together. we are standing outside the store called tori birch. there's been a line out here. actually the line is longer now than it was an hour ago. it wraps kind of around the building. there is an hour-plus wait just to get in and shop inside of the store. between 5:00 and 6:00 this morning, things slowed down at the san francisco premium outlets in livermore. you could actually find parking then. that is when after the thanksgiving day shoppers kind of had finished their hall and started heading home, now we're getting the second wave of people coming out early on black friday. earlier this morning, we saw two ladies who had brought their own personal shopping carts. they said a few years ago they had their stuff stolen out of their cars at a shopping mall. this year they wanted to keep their goods with them at all times. when it came to shopping carts, this lady caught our eye. she was carrying 50 michael kors purses. she bought these to sell them on the online store in china. >> this is the best time of the year. and gladly i took advantage of it much >> reporter: and we just saw her a short time ago actually in the line for tori birch. she says she is here and has a small company. she lives in fremont and runs a store on china's version of she was here at the outlet mall. she had four people shopping for her and her store. it is not just about the gifts. some people plan ahead and use this as an opportunity to stock up all year round. back to you guys. >> you talked about the parking spayings. we know that 580 can back up. there is another satellite parking lot far, far away. >> reporter: yeah. about five miles away from here, during the overnight hours, they had off site parking near the college and had a shuttle taking people back and forth. in the middle of the night, they had all 1200 parking spaces full at that off site parking lot. you can see 580 in the distance. it doesn't look like there is any backup, at least in the westbound direction as you approach the outlet mall and the exits here. it doesn't look like a lot of traffic immediately around the outlet mall. but there's definitely a lot of people here. so not sure if people are taking advantage of the shuttles. we have seen people getting dropped off by friends and family and taking ubers and lyfts so people finding different ways to get to the shopping destination. >> thank you, allie. the national park service is encouraging people to head outside today. east bay regional parks offering free admission and parking today as part of the opt outside movement. it was started by the retailer rei three years ago when it gave the workers a paid day off to get outside and encouraged everyone to head outside instead of into the mall for black friday shopping. the idea has been growing in the past year and a half. our question of the day is, what are you doing today? 12% of you say you're doing black friday shopping. 54% are opting outside. 34%, maureen, they're in our boat, working. >> woo-hoo. >> making the money so you can go shop enjoy the outdoors. let us know on twitter and and for leaving your comments on our facebook page. today some people are asking shoppers to skip the big chain stores and focus on locally owned small businesses for what they have dubbed plaid friday. the idea started eight years in oakland as an alternative to shopping at the main retailers. shoppers are encouraged to shop at mom and pop stores. they are also encouraged to wear plaid to show support of weaving the threads of small businesses together. we will be talking to an oakland businessman about plaid friday on the 9. there is small business saturday that you may have heard about. last year, independent businesses saw a 77% boost in sales on small business saturday. shoppers out looking for deals might want to turn their attention to holiday travel plans. low prices are being offered. one fare monitoring site says the best deals are likely to come out tomorrow but expected to go quickly. remember to read all of the fine print because there can be a number of restrictions on travel dates, cancellation policies. more and more airlines are excluding one way fares from the special deals. we want to remind you that the one warm coat launch is today. collecting coats for children and adults in need. we have four drop-off locations throughout the bay area. sal castaneda will be at santana row in san jose. we will be checking in with him in the next 30 minutes. you can also drop off a new or gently worn coat through january 1st. victims of the north bay wildfires are still coping with their losses. >> and this thanksgiving holiday, those people who are working -- people i should say and people helping them rebuild were the guest of honor at two thanksgiving meals. >> leigh martinez reports there was a spirit of gratitude at both events. >> reporter: turkey with all the fixings. missing from the thanksgiving table was family. >> my little girl is 7. so first thanksgiving away from her. kind of interesting. weird. but it's for a good cause. i know i'll be home soon in a couple months. >> reporter: these are the men and women working to clear the debris from fire ravaged coffey park. >> 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. >> reporter: homeowners like jeff lost his home when the tubbs fire spread to santa rosa. he left his family with relatives today to come to these tables to say thank you. >> they're sacrificing to get us into our homes faster. they are taking time away from friends and family on a holiday so our lots can be cleared and we can get back into our home snooze two miles away, another thanksgiving feast was served to fire victims. >> i had no power or gas, so i had to buy a cook stove to cook on. i have a lot of pets so i had to buy extra stuff to keep my pets occupied. the idea of cooking was overwhelming. >> reporter: the owner was surprised by the number of volunteers who showed up to wait tables and distribute the 300 take-home meals. >> people that i don't even know, they're showing up. >> reporter: all say they are thankful for friends and look forward to rebuilding. >> the time removal crews are spending in coffey park is paying off. one company alone says it has already cleared 90 properties. and a final piece of good news came for one family. >> i was checking something out and i looked on the mantel and i found somebody's ring. and i'm getting ahold of the owner. and they're going to meet me at the site. >> reporter: in santa rosa, leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. the time is 8:10. bart police are investigating after a woman riding a train in oakland had her laptop stolen. it happened on a train in oakland 6:30 tuesday night. two juveniles ran past the woman, grabbed her laptop and got off the train. police are asking anyone who saw the crime to ball bart police. the first carjacking was 9:30 wednesday morning in the 9900 brock of macarthur boulevard near 99th avenue. four suspects with a gun were involved. the vehicle owner suffered bruises in the attack. the second carjacking was just before 6:00 wednesday evening on international boulevard near the food max on durant avenue. two suspects got away with that vehicle. a youth soccer referee is making up his whistle. why he says it is the behavior of the parents and not the player that's are forcing him to call it quits. senator al franken issuing an apology. next what he has to say about questionable photographs and whether or not he intends to stay in office. our mild weather will remain in place for the start of your bay area weekend. i'll check in on your current conditions and show you what you can expect for today and into tomorrow and when the wet weather is coming back, coming up. >> welcome back. we continue to follow developments in texas after a state trooper killed in the line of duty on thanksgiving. officers have captured a suspect in the deadly shooting. officials plan to file murder charges against him. it happened 90 miles south of dallas when the trooper made a traffic stop. >> the trooper approached the vehicle and interacted with the driver and went back to his patrol unit. the suspect fired multiple rounds from a rifle at the state trooper. >> the trooper died at the scene. allen had been the texas highway patrol for 15 years and is survived by a wife and three children. the suspect drove off but was located later in the day, more than 100 miles away the. sheriff's office says there was fun fire when black was found but not saying who fired first. black is being treated for non- life-threatening injuries. the search has been called off for three sailors after a crash in the sea. it headed to the aircraft carrier uss ronald reagan. navy ships and helicopters from japan and the u.s. have been looking for the three remaining sailors. the names and hometowns of the sailors have not been released until the families are notified. minnesota senator al franken issued a thanksgiving apology after more women came forward saying he touched them inappropriately. he said that he has met tens of thousands of people and taken thousands of photographs in chaotic situations. he is a warm person and hugs people. for some people, that may have crossed the line. he says he will work to regain the trust of his constituents which indicates that he does not plan to resign from the senate. lawyers for michael flynn are no longer sharing information with president trump's legal team about the investigation into russian meddling in the 2016 election. the new york times says that could be a sign that flynn will cooperate with the investigation or negotiate a deal for himself. flynn is a key figure in the investigation led by special counsel robert mueller. part of the investigation will determine if the trump campaign colluded with russia to win the election. president trump and the first lady are spending thanksgiving with family and friends at their florida resort. the president and mrs. trump took time yesterday to visit a coast guard station. he thanked all of the people who put their lives on the line to help others. he honored first responders who helped the victims of the hurricanes of florida, port rick and texas and the mass shooting in las vegas. the time is 8:16. let's help get you out the door. rain is not a problem today but fog sure is. >> oh, yeah. >> rosemary orozco, it is true. here in oakland, it is very thick. >> in oakland and the north bay valley, we have seen it in and around the valley throughout the entire morning. that remains the case. along the coastline as well. there is a gorgeous shot. a mix of sun and clouds. mid and high level clouds mixed among the low lying fog right there on the water in some cases. here is a view from storm tracker two where the mid and high level clouds you can see will continue to spill into the bay area. today and tomorrow and then rain returns into the bay area by sunday. here is a look at your futurecast model. picking it up for you at this hour. areas around santa rosa, napa, down through american canyon and petaluma and novato. some picking up along the coastline. the fog horns going off this morning. in the east bay, some fog as well. temperatures will be similar to yesterday. we will continue with the partly to mostly cloudy skies. saturday, a little more of the same. partly to mostly cloudy skies. cooler to start the day. take care of the numbers in a moment. i want to push you into sunday. we are likely to see the rain return to our area. sunday is a big travel day for folks. you will find it here. you will find rain in the tahoe area, with snow levels starting out high but beginning to drop over the course of sunday afternoon. we have the raiders playing. we have the niners playing. so it will be a soggy one out there. here is a look at the afternoon. breaking away to scattered showers. behind me, there is another wave moving in. this one coming in late sunday, perhaps into our back to work monday. here is a look at some of the rainfall amounts expected with the system moving through. anywhere from a quarter inch to an inch over portions of the north bay. the more northern you go, the more likely you will get more amounts. a view at the tahoe forecast for today. dry, partly cloudy. a nice one to get up and do skiing. saturday, ahead of the storm that is coming in on sunday, the winds will be up over portions of the lake. we have a wind advisory that moves into place. shouldn't start out windy but the winds will be increasing throughout the day. on sunday, the rain begins, turning over to snow late in the afternoon and early evening hours. temperatures outside right now, a lot of 50s out there with mostly cloudy skies. into the afternoon, 68 for san francisco. 69 in hayward. and low 70s in livermore. south bay, one of the warmer spots. 73 for san jose. here is a look at the extended forecast. upper 60s to near 70 degrees saturday, sunday, monday. cooler on tuesday. but i think the bigger story will be on sunday. >> the travel day. >> the travel day. folks are, you know, thinking of picking up their holiday tree, some folks putting up holiday lights. today and tomorrow are the better days. >> thanks, rosemary. a new twist to black friday. how people in nevada are celebrating green friday. it was maent to be a message to bring the community together. now a sign on a denver coffee shop is leading to controversy, even vandalism. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. >> the time is 8:22. google is cracking down on websites that use ad words to resell concert tickets. seller wills have to be certified before advertising through ad words. it wants to protect people from scalpers and websites that resell tickets that don't make it clear if they are from the primary provider. backlash for a sign. it said, quote, happily gentrifying the neighborhood since 2014. the next day the shop was vandalized with graffiti and the owner was flooded with angry comments on social media. one man organized a rally against the shop. the owner said the sign was meant to represent an evolving community that is inclusive of all. others call it insensitive to those being pushed out of their neighborhoods. >> it is more about an inappropriate sign. it is about a discussion that the whole neighborhood has been having for a long time. >> it needs to be brought to life, that it has a negative impact on the community, especially the black and brown community. >> the owner apologized and said i am embarrassed to say that i did not fully appreciate the real and troubling issue of general reification and i want to sincerely apology. a youth soccer referee is quitting after 25 years of volunteering after the behavior of some beverly hills parents. >> his son's team is winning 8- 1. and he yells outlets kill them. finish them off. it is despicable behavior. for what reason? what are you trying to accomplish? >> he also says many of the parents in his league act entitled. ayso officials issued a statement saying they appreciate his years of referee you but his views do not represent the beverly hills region. in the east bay, police have announced they captured a burglary suspect targeting schools. concord police arrested him yesterday morning. they found a broken window and core advertise was found hiding in the school's office. he has broken into several schools in the past. it has been almost a year since the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire. now body cam video shows opd interacting with the master tenant derick almena almost two years before the terrible fire. >> how many times have we came back here? >> i don't know in the past week. >> body cam video shows oakland police talking with him about problems at the warehouse, showing that oakland police knew that people were living there illegally. >> listen. you're not listening to me. they live here, they rent here. okay much that's a fact. if you're so scared, you leave. >> almena and fellow tenant max harris have pleaded not guilty to 36 of counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the fire. a preliminary hearing will be next month to determine if there is enough evidence to go to trial. a piece of transportation history will be moving through san jose. the transportation authority is bringing back the historic trolley for the holiday season. free rides on fridays, saturdays and suns through the end of the year. the decked out trolley travels between the light rail station and can take passengers to popular downtown destinations including christmas in the park. san jose has reached a goal of hiring dozens of new police officers. reaction from the city's mayor and what he is thankful for this holiday season. plus, people are lining up for the black friday. what we are finding as we are out the doors, including at a best buy where the doors are now open. outside of our doors at this hour, dealing with cloud cover and fog as well. we will check in on the current conditions and show you what to expect for the afternoon coming up. ♪ on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to ultiyour ideal comfortweek your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the final days of ultimate sleep number week. save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed with adjustable comfort on both sides. ends monday. visit for a store near you. >> 8:29. welcome back to mornings on 2 on this friday, november 24th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning. i'm maureen naylor. mike mibach getting a well deserved day off. >> yes. >> let's check in with rosemary. steve is off. i saw the fog around fremont. >> yeah. when it is patchy fog, it can be more dangerous because it comes out of nowhere and there is a wall of fog and people are hitting their brakes. we're like three see that for the next hour and a half or so. here is a look at the east bay. the winds are light and they will remain light for today. mid and high level clouds around the bay area that will continue to pass overhead. and here is another beautiful shot from san francisco across the bay area where you can see the mid and high level clouds and you can see the low lying fog as well. along the coast in the north bay and in the east bay as well. santa rosa reporting 52 degrees. san francisco, 57. a lot of 50s through oakland and livermore. san jose, 60 degrees. temperatures are definitely on the mild side this time of year. we could easily be near freezing in late november. as we get into the forecast for visibility, it has actually improved just some over portions of the east bay. as we know, this type of fog moves around and it will dissipate and come back in quick fashion. visibility down to a quarter mile over areas near santa rosa and the airport. it looks like we cleared up some, novato and petaluma. around american canyon, it is really thick. around highway 37. 29 highway 12, you will find it there as well. afternoon highs in the upper 60s in pacifica. low 70s for the east bay shore. 68 for napa. so mild weather today, tomorrow. we will be mild on sunday, but you're going to need the umbrella. wet weather coming back. i'll have a look at that and the extended forecast coming up. >> thank you, rosemary. it is black friday. that means that holiday shoppers are looking for bargains. brooks is in coleman where a best buy store opened a few minutes ago. the parking lot is filling up. you're about to take us inside, brooks. >> reporter: yes. we are inside. and if you're in the need for a tv, check it out. there are a ton of them to get your hands on. the crowds are not nearly as large as they normally are. and so as a result, all of the deals are just waiting to go out the door. there are a ton of people that i have talked to today who say that their number one thing they want to get is tvs. and several of the workers say that is still the big thing, electronics. not just here but target and other stores. you're seeing people come in or wait hours and hours just to get their hands on a tv. now, i'm told that this particular store, they have 160 employees. they're all mandated to work today because it is a very busy shopping day. as more people begin to trail in, this was taken about 8:00 a.m., when the doors first opened. and several people were waiting for what we like to call some golden tickets. they were pieces of paper that gave them one of those tvs that is only, you know, several hundred dollars off. one guy said he tried yesterday. because a lot of the stores were open yesterday. and as a result, that's why some believe the crowds are thinner today. but listen to what he had to say. >> it is actually getting better. the deals, the craziness has gone down. there used to be fights and people cutting in line and a lot of controversy. now it is pretty calm. >> you like the calm? >> yeah. you know, you don't have to get here as early anymore. >> reporter: a true veteran shopper. and he did actually get his hands on one of those tvs. and he made his way out the door. and he said he was going home to sleep. you can see back in here at this best buy, the store aisles are beginning to fill up a little bit. and people are coming out to finally do some black friday shopping. back to you guys. >> thank you, brooks. in the middle of best buy. we will see you later on the 9. the time is 8:33. some wal-mart customers are angry at the company regarding its black friday sale. they are criticizing wal-mart on social media and the website for running out of items that were discounted for black friday. products range from tvs to clothing. the website began the sale late wednesday night in through thanksgiving morning. the company said it tripled its online offerings this year and customers posted messages saying that items were sold out. this comes at a time when wal- mart is increasing its online presence to compete with amazon. san jose has reached the goal of hiring 1,000 new police officers. >> jessie gary talked with the mayor about that milestone and what he is thankful for this holiday season. >> reporter: joining us this morning, the mayor of san jose, sam liccardo. mayor, you had talked about the police department getting to at least a thousand officers. and now you have reached that number. >> well, that's good news. we've got a long way to go still to really restore this department. but we have seen great success in the last year where we added 140 officers plus returning officers from other cities. we're heading in the right direction. we still have more work to do. >> how does that impact the fight against crime in the city? can we now expect that the numbers will reflect the increase in police officers. >> having more officers certainly helps but having community officers in place -- has lightened the burden on many of our police because now we can respond to some of the less urgent property crimes which community service officers can lift finger prints and take reports and statements without distracting police officers from the most urgent, violent calls. >> reporter: i'm guessing you're thankful that the number is at least a thousand. what else are you thankful for. what are the things that you're thankful for as we close out 2017? >> i'm certainly grateful for my family and my very patient wife who has put up with me this job for three years. very thankful for here. i'm able to serve a city that i really love. i talk to mayors throughout the country about challenges they face and the opportunities that we have. and i wouldn't change places with them for anything in the world. we've got a great city here. >> reporter: mayor, thank you very much. >> great. >> reporter: happy post thanksgiving. we will see you in a couple of weeks. >> thanks, jessie. >> reporter: we will toss it back to you in oakland. >> thank you, jessie. for one oakland teenager, this thanksgiving meant carrying on a heartfelt tradition of giving back. alleah and her mother fed and clothed the homeless. one thing that makes their dinner unique is the attention to detail. served on crystal glasses and silverware and the tables are draped with decorative cloths and napkins. >> it is presented like we love you. actions speak louder than words. this right here will tell a person who is down, someone cares about you. someone loves you. and this is the message that we want to send out. you have not been forgotten. >> every year they hold the event in a different bay area location. she and her mom say it is the little things that make a big difference and she wants to make everyone feel special during the holidays. not everyone loves spending hours in the kitchen for thanksgiving. >> yeah. many opted for a dinner minus the cooking. >> they found the perfect stress-freeway to enjoy a meal with their families. >> reporter: this family laughed and smiled as they strolled down union street. they say not having the stress of cooking a big traditional thanksgiving feast for lots of people is something to be thankful for. >> we decided to go out to dinner just because it is a little easier. >> reporter: this woman says her parents are visiting from auburn. it takes a lot of time and work cooking at home. eating out is more relaxing. >> it relieves my wife from making a meal for everyone. we enjoy letting other people do the work. >> it is about family and friends. as long as you're together with your family and friends, whether it is at home or out, it is all good. >> the weather is gorgeous for sitting outside. it is a good place to be right now. >> reporter: the manager at perry's tells me that business nearly doubled on thanksgiving day, compared to a normal thursday. it is one of the busiest days of the year. >> thanksgiving is pretty good for us. we like it. we have fun too. >> reporter: we found this man waiting for a ride. he says he doesn't have family in town. he works three jobs and wants to relax on this day. >> just trying to enjoy myself. you know, enjoy my free time. i don't have to work today. i'm just basically, you know, i might go to the bar. i just had something to eat. i might get a drink or two. >> we in the past have had large family thanksgivings but we have reduced that down so it is a little smaller group now. but it gets to be a lot of work. so we're ready to simplify it a little bit. >> reporter: amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. the time is 8:38. part of the holidays here means that ktvu's annual one warm coat drive is underway with multiple drop-off locations happening right now around the bay area. >> that is where we find ktvu's sal castaneda down in san jose at santana row, with company, sal. >> reporter: that's right, gasia and maureen. i have girl scouts here with me. and these girl scouts got up early to help with the one warm coat drive. now, this is the 25th year of one warm coat. ktvu has been helping for 15 years. it is kind of a big year. and i want to talk to the troop leader here and i want to ask you, first of all, what is your page? >> paige. >> reporter: you got -- this is your troop? >> we're actually a bunch of different troops here. >> reporter: okay. what was it like getting the girls up early and contributing to getting coats for people who might be cold? >> i think it is great getting these girls up and showing that doing service to the community is a great way to give back to the community. we know there are many out there in need who may not have a warm coat this -- this chilly winter. >> reporter: all right. and it looks like we already had some. can i ask you a quick question? >> yeah. >> what is your name? >> caitlyn. >> are you going to help collect coats? >> yes. >> what do you think about doing this on this friday after thanksgiving? >> well, i think it will probably help a lot of people in need. like you said, go through a cold winter. they probably don't have any coats. >> all right. you heard it from the experts. and all of the parents, hello, parents, just behind the camera with their cell phones. anyone want to get a selfie with me. come on in. let's do it on live tv. no one. we're right next to the big christmas tree. i see the left bank. i see lost. if you're coming down, right now there's plenty of room. bring a gently used or a brand- new warm coat. and it will make a big difference for some people this holiday season. so maureen x gasia, i will toss it back to you. >> sal, i have to say, you have two little ones. it seems that every season they have grown out of the coat. it is important to remind people that they need children's coats especially. >> reporter: absolutely. so coats for children, coats for adults. really any coat. but that's a good point, gasia. so little children, but also, you know, bigger coats. it doesn't really matter as long as they're new or gently worn and warm, it will help people out this season. >> sal, i've been there in the past. hopefully we will see the bin fill up throughout the day. we will check back in with you later. we want to give you the drop off locations. they're listed on your screen. you can also donate a coat at a participating ups or big o tires store. new information to share about a missing submarine with 44 crew members on board. why the search will continue despite the recent sound of an explosion in the area. a new discovery about the history of wine. what archeologists are saying about the origin of vino. another mild day around the bay area. we're starting out with mostly cloudy skies and a little bit of fog to contend with. i will show you what to expect for your bay area weekend coming up. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need. what if home security was different? what if it looked different? what if the measure of working, was that you never had to think about it. ♪ what if it was so easy to use, you actually used it. [alarm] you have 3 minutes to exit. what if it gave you time, and what you really need from home security. a sense of security. ♪ what if there was only one emoji? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. what if there was only one haircut? now what if there was only one mattress? one is not a choice. choose your mattress with tulo. everything you want in a bed, in a box. >> good morning. welcome back. the time is 8:44. the chp is warning drivers to be careful on the roads this long holiday weekend. this is a maximum enforcement period. they will be watching out for distracted drivers and not wearing their seat belts. they are also looking for drunk drivers. >> duis, we catch them all the time -- at all times of the day. usually later in the evening, as people have been going to parties or going out. >> the bay area had its first deadly dui crash just after midnight yesterday morning near highway 84 in livermore. a 16-year-old girl was killed when a car she was in flipped over. the cause of that crash remains underinvestigation -- under investigation. the raiders play the broncos on sunday. they coming off a loss to new england in mexico city. the raiders have four wins this season. the broncos have only won three games. the 49ers will also be at home on sunday to play the seattle seahawks. head coach kyle shanahan has decided that becker will start the game. garoppolo will be the backup. the niners are coming off of a bye week and are last in the division. former 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick made a surprise appearance yesterday at the indigenous people ceremony. >> colin kaepernick. thank you. >> each thanksgiving the ceremony marks the occupation of alcatraz by native-americans who wanted to how's a culture center and school. cap irnick said he came in solidarity with those celebrating their culture and those who participated in the occupation of alcatraz. the warriors will be hosting the bulls at oracle. coming off their worst game of the season. they lost to the thunder by 17 points on sunday. one interesting side note, jordan bell gets to square off against the bulls, who sold the second round pick to the warriors. tipoff is at 7:30 tonight. also some bay area hockey action today. the sharks will play the golden. ♪s in las vegas this  afternoon. sap hose broke its three-game losing streak with a victory on wednesday. there is a archeology study that involves wine. >> patty brown reports. >> reporter: raising a glass this holiday season, scientists have just made a new discovery about the history of wine. archeologists say they have unearthed evidence of the world's oldest wine, found in giant 8,000-year-old jars in the nation of georgia. >> taking samples and fragments of the jars and pending them for examination to a lap in philadelphia, it was established that traces of 80- year-old wine had been found. >> reporter: meaning georgia with its fertile valleys located between europe and the middle east could be the birth place of wine and home to the first humans able to concord the grape used in nearly all wine on earth. >> this is the earliest wine. it is also important to say that georgia has uninterrupted evidence of wine making since historic times. >> reporter: the jars are now on display at georgia's national museum. this discovery suggests that the human cultural achievement of wine making occurred earlier than previously thought. some 600 to a thousand years earlier. until now the earliest wine dated back to 5400 to 5000bc. but china remains home to the earliest known fermented beverages that dates back to 7,000bc. that is believed to be a rice cocktail consisting of wild grapes. while the new finding was pure grape wine. in new york, patty m brown, fox news. and we're going to check in now with rosemary with a look at the weather on this black friday. we were talking about the fog. but it is interesting looking ahead to rain. >> yes. we have the fog once again. temperature-wise a near repeat from yesterday. the mid and high level cloud that's have been spilling into the bay area for a few days now will also remain in place. giving you a view here. a gorgeous shot, a live look there. there is another view from you from up above where again you can see where all of the clouds are coming from and will continue in the coming days. maureen mentioned it. we've got rain moving back into the bay area as it turns to a wetter pattern for sunday as well as monday. for today and tomorrow, the better days to be outdoors, the better days for your activities, maybe putting up the holiday lights if you need to do so. giving you a view into the afternoon where we will be with mostly cloudy skies. the mid and high level cloud that's we have seen day after day after day. here is saturday with not a lot of charge i in the forecast there. is sunday. sunday morning will be a wet one. as we get into the afternoon, we still have scattered showers in the forecast before a second wave wants to move through by sunday night. could linger into monday morning. so our back to work monday could be a soggy one. our travel day could be a soggy one. not only for california but for oregon as well as washington. as we get into your forecast here for the next couple of days. notice it is definitely the pacific northwest and down into california where we have the wet weather. the rest of the nation looks fairly quiet and dry. good news for folks who need to fly out and head towards the east. we have visibility issues this morning. it has been sort of moving around at times. along the coastline, we had the fog horns going off early this morning. we still have a visibility issue. you can see it here. the north bay definitely seeing it. anywhere from a quarter mile visibility to less than that in and around napa. the darker shades of gray. and into the east bay, seeing it here in oakland. maureen had it coming up through fremont. we will have that for the next hour or so. temperatures on the mild side. 54 in oakland. 58 at sfo. afternoon highs for today, upper 60s to low 70s. upper 60s for the east bay shore of oakland. 73 for san jose. here is a look at your extended forecast. we remain status quo as we get into saturday. a near repeat with the temperatures not budging a whole lot. then sunday, the wet weather returns to the bay area. snow will be high for the sierra. but it will eventually drop sunday and monday. always a good idea to carry the chains if you don't have the snow tires or four wheel drive this time of year. >> after a weirdly warm thanksgiving. >> yes. >> thanks, rosemary. >> you got it. you probably heard that turkey can make you tired after your thanksgiving meal. up next, why researchers say it is not the main dish that is the culprit. >> good morning. welcome back. the time is 8:54. researchers are dispelling a common notion about turkey dinner. it is a naturally recurring chemical found in turkey and other foods. scientists say it does not make you drowsy. new research shows the abundance of carbohydrates in the meal is what puts us to sleep. it causes insulin shoot up which causes a spike in meltonin production. you likely heard about black friday of course. how about green friday? reporter eric hill shows us in states where marijuana is legal, dispensaries are trying to get more business. >> reporter: dispensaries are getting ready for their own celebration. a day they dubbed green friday. >> we expect black friday to be very busy. we're excited. >> reporter: for the first time in nevada history, pot shops will be able to offer recreational black friday bargains. >> ten half ounces for $99. purple monkey and blue alien. we're anticipating a line for the blowout sales we will have at midnight. >> reporter: it is an exciting time for dispensaries like thrive that spent weeks for preparing what they expect to be one of the busiest days of the year. >> we are excited. all of the employees are feeling the energy of the showroom and the excitement going on for the recreational markets they have going on. we try to anticipate the amount of customers and the product that we will be selling. we have been stocking up on product and making sure that we would have enough for the market coming. with all black friday sales, things will be limited supplies. >> reporter: while the supply may not last, workers are hoping that the black friday deals will help the excitement around the marijuana industry continue. >> not just for thrive but for the cannabis industry and the cannabis community as a whole to normalize what we're trying to do, which is normalize the industry. >> and that was eric hill reporting. a new report about the will left behind by cult leader charles manson. who he apparently left everything that he has to. >> a new report suggests the crew in a missing submarine had little or no chance of survival. an international organization that monitors nuclear testing says it detected a sound near the last known position of the submarine in the atlantic ocean. the sound is consistent with an explosion. the submarine disappeared last wednesday. it is believed that anyone who survived the initial blast ran out of air in seven days. most members of congress are back home for the thanksgiving holiday. but republicans are hoping they will be giving thanks for tax reform by the end of the year. officials struggle to line up votes. some conversations and debates won't be easy, especially for republicans who don't like what they see so far. it is important to note this end of year deadline is a political commitment. the white house could push tax reform into next year if necessary. there is a report that charles manson left his entire estate to a pen pal. tmz is reported that he left a typed will with handwriting on it that appears to be manson's. if it turns out to be genuine, the man will get everything that manson owned, including cash and all rights to manson's image. manson specifically excluded his children, ex-wifes, in- laws, lawyers, friends, prisoners, guards and the state of california from his will. olympic runner oscar pistorius will spend 13 years in prison for killing his girlfriend. prosecutors challenged the original six-year sentence saying it was too lenient. the appeals court agreed. he has already served one year behind bars. >> comedian george wallace joins us live onset as he prepares to take the stage at tommy t's. it is not just about the big stores today. we will talk with a representative from oakland about the plaid friday event to support local businesses. i was told to wait until the day of thanksgiving to break out the christmas music. now i'm playing it for you as we take you live inside best buy. people looking for the great deals avenue the small prices. some of you are choosing to look for bargains on this black friday. others are opting

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