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Girl standing on top of the toilet seat. And said our little girl is clowning around. She broke down in tears when she found out the reason. The daughter was practicing a lockdown drill she had learned at preschool where she and the other students were told to stand on top of the toilet and to lock the door so if theres a gunman in the bathroom, he or she wont know that someone is in the stall. You know, hearing just the comment from a child at yesterdays mass shooting in Tehama County and hearing her describe hitting the floor on her stomach, laying down, being told to do just that, i just thought, you know, we never did that growing up. Right. We had the fire drill and the earthquake drill. The mass shooting drill never existed. Im glad that it is being done now. Do you know what comes into my mind when Something Like this happens involving children. How do the parents feel. We are all parents here. Unbelievable stress until you get there and realize and you okay. Your kid is fine. Right. Right. I thought about back to the picturement back to the things that we didnt do in Elementary School. About twothirds of all schools in the u. S. Are estimated to do active shooter drills. Not just lockdown but active shooter. I have seen video of one of them in progress. It is by another studio so i cant share it here. Some parents are questioning if more children need to do that so they know what to do. Throw the stapler, barricade the door, jump up on the toilet or is it traumatizing for the little ones. I dont know if you need to go to that extent but you need to be practicing the drills. We saw the custodian and the staff at the school yesterday did the right thing. They locked the doors and got the children down. Despite that, one child was hit. I think about the woman in the School Office who was ducking under her desk and typing an email to the Sheriffs Department saying we need help. Get here now. Incredible stories coming out of Tehama County. A lot of enter a lot of tee rowism and terror as well. A gunman killed four people and injured ten others. Kevin neal started his attack by shooting two of his neighbors and stealing a truck. He then moved on to six other locations. One of them, the local Elementary School. Two children were injured by gunfire there. Officials say quick thinking by the staff likely saved many lives. I was actually notified by a heroic secretary who sent an e mail while crouching under her desk and reaching up and typing on her keyboard. There were many heroes, many that rushed students away from the school yard and locked them in the classrooms. The family says the gunman struggled with Mental Health issues and he never should have had guns. Officials are looking into if he had the guns legally. We are expecting a briefing from officials at 10 00 this morning. We have chosen to extend the 9 to bring you the briefing to you live on ktvu. Our question of the day is tied to all of this. Should the Mass Shootings like the ones in las vegas, texas and Tehama County be considered terrorism. Here are the results so far. 84 say yes. 16 say no. So many tweets, including this one from tom weber, quote, i think calling them terrorists oversimplifies a simple issues. It makes us victims and throw up our arms and ask what can we do when there is something that we can do about Mass Shootings, whether it is gun control, Mental Health care, et cetera. Yes, i have noticed when the shooter is a person of color, particularly middle eastern, it is always labeled terrorism. These people did the same thing, domestic terrorism. Another viewer says terrorism is determined not entirely without motive. To invite fear or anger for some kind of purpose, it is hard to call it terrorism. Mass murder, absolutely. But terrorism has a specific definition. It has to have an aim. Clearly many of you are thinking and talking about this. We appreciate your responses. We will share more with you at 9 30. Switching to a local topic that may be on the minds of a lot of people. Thats the rain approaching. It might make for a tough commute this evening and tomorrow morning. Not only that, you you are starting to get for the burn areas yes. Weve had light rain. This could easily go over two and a half to three for some of the areas as the front has everything going for it. By far and away the best system that we have had for moisture and rainfall. Not the best for the conditions but it will give a couple of inches of rain. It has already produced. 4 of an inch of rain in cazadero. The snow level will be high up in the sierra. Winter storm warning starts in an hour and goes through 4 00 a. M. Friday. Thats how serious they are. I have seen about a five to sevenday outlook for some of the Feather River and canyon areas of the sierra of almost a foot of liquid precip. That wont all be snow but there will be a lot of wet snow. It will start high and come down. Probably not until late tonight or tomorrow morning. So far the focus has been mainly Sonoma County and napa county. There has been rain to the south. There is even a little bit out to the east bay w livermore, the 580 and towards highway 4 and mount diablo. So far it is all about cazadero, santa rosa airport, Sonoma County, and forestville. 40,. 40,. 34. This isnt even the front. This is rain out ahead of it and giving them that steady rain. Theres going to be a lot more rain with the front that comes in later. Youre working from napa northward. Could easily get two and a half. Would not be surprised if three fell in the russian river. So there will be hefty totals. Areas to the south may have to wait a little bit, as in tonight or maybe even tomorrow morning. There are projections for Santa Cruz Mountains of four inches of rain. We have to keep an eye out for the burn areas. A wind advisory kicks in at 1 00. The flash flood watches start at 4 00, but we can certainly mention them right now. Youre getting rain around santa rosa. That is an area of concern. They could easily get two and a half out of that. In the sierra, it will be above 7,000 to 8,000 feet. Eventually it will get down to lake level. There is a lot of rain mainly at lake level, lower elevations until later on. So look for light rain to moderate rain for some. To the south, not that much. The system is on its way. As it deepens, it will tap into the moisture and spread to moderate to even maybe heavy rain tonight and tomorrow morning. The south bay may be dealing with more of the heavy rain than the north because the front will have gone through by then. It is on its way. This system will leavism press i have totals for everybody here. Impressive totals for everybody here. Highs in the 50s and 60s. Get ready for the next two days. I think rainfall concerns are certainly in the picture here. Okay. Steve, thank you. Yeah. The search is on for a man that police are calling a violent psycho path. He escaped from a hospital in hawaii and flew right here to the bay area. Allie rasmus has more on the search and how the manmade it out of hawaii right here to the bay area. Reporter yes. Well, agents with the fbi and u. S. Marshals service were here yesterday afternoon. They had a chance to look at Surveillance Video that the airport provided them. Authorities are not providing any clues about what was seen in the video or what clues they have at this point as to the where abouts of this man theyre looking for. That is randall sato. He is from hawaii. He boarded a plane from maui on a Hawaiian Airlines flight. He was commitsed to the hospital decades ago for the brutal and random murder of a woman back in 1979. He was acquitted of that murder by reason of insanity. He has been in a Mental Hospital since then. But he was allowed to roam the grounds of the hospital freely as long as he periodically checked in with staff. Theyre not just locked up. Theyre not just subject to treatment or given medication. But theyre given opportunities to pursue individual interests and individual activities. Reporter his interests apparently included hopping on board two planes to escape the hospital. He didnt check in with Hospital Personnel on sunday. He instead got into a taxi to take a chartered flight to maui. This is video released by the tack ecab company. He paid for the taxi and plane ride in cash. He had already purchased his ticket online before he got in the cab, raising the question about whether he had help executing his escape. Again, federal agents reviewed the Surveillance Video here yesterday at San Jose International airport. Theyre not telling us what may have been seen in the video. He is about six feet tall, 220 pounds. He is considered dangerous with psychopathic tendencies. Do not approach the man on your own. Call authorities. The latest reports is authorities is that authorities believe he has family in the bay area. Thank you, allie. Continuing now with our coverage of the deadly shooting in Tehama County. Alex savidge is live there near the Elementary School where 24 hours ago a violent scene right there. Reporter yeah. Good morning to you, mike. This is one of a number of crime scenes here in this small Rural Community of rancho tehama. This is the Elementary School that the gunman targeted yesterday. He actually crashed through the fence here at this small campus. And you can see this morning he opened fire on a number of these classrooms. Those are windows that have been boarded up after being shot out during the deadly rampage yesterday. Two students were wounded by the gunfire here. According to authorities, it was the quick thinking of all of the teachers and the staff here that prevented more people being hut or killed and prevented what could have been a massacre here at this school. As soon as teachers and staff heard gunfire nearby as the rampage was unfolding in the small community, they immediately brought all of the kids from the yard into the classrooms and they locked those doors. They went into lockdown mode immediately, without having to be told to do so by law enforcement. And that may have made all the difference. The gunman showed up here on the campus. Again, crashed through that fence. And then he started firing into the classrooms, through the windows, through the walls, as teachers and students were hiding out, trying to keep themselves safe. Eventually because the gunman could not get into any of the locked classrooms, he got back into his truck and he drove away from this campus. And then at that point, continued on this rampage, which, again, lasted for about 45 minutes or so. He was shooting at people at random on the streets. He was also firing into random homes. Again, when it was all said and done, the gunman shot and killed four people and left 10 others injured. We are here where local officials will be holding a News Conference at 10 00. Were expecting to get more information on this investigation. Alex, i know in the last hour, you talked about reports of possibly a history of Mental Illness involving the gunman. At this point today, have you heard maybe we will find out at the News Conference, if the guns he used were actually registered to him . Reporter i think that is still part of the investigation. Okay. Reporter trying to figure out whose weapons they were. They did recover, my understanding, an Assault Rifle that was used during this attack, as well as a couple of handguns. Theyre trying to determine who those weapons belong to. Thats obviously part of the investigation. But, you know, you talk about the the Mental Illness that the gunmans family says that he suffered from. There were there are relatives some of his relatives have been quoted in some reports out there that basically say that this is a person that should not have had weapons. Should not have been allowed to own weapons given the Mental Illness that he suffered from and the fact that he went into violent fits of rage, according to relatives. That may be more of the information that we get from authorities when they hold the update later on this morning at 10 00. Thank you, alex. We will have that briefing for you as we extend the 9 to bring that to you. Seeing the plywood on the door of the portable classroom really sends it home. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, the Community Groups coming together in hopes to prevent a tragedy similar to the ghost ship fire in oakland. The legacy of one of the deadliest fires in california history with a special 2 investigates series. Hmm i cant believe how great this tastes i cant believe it comes in. Vegaaaan. And organiiiic. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter in its vegan and its organic grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. A better way to grow, a better way to eat. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. Never ending pasta bowl at olive garden. Starting at 9. 99. Endless combinations of pastas, sauces and toppings. Including classic alfredo and new creamy mushroom sauce. Hurry in for never ending pasta bowl, at olive garden. Sfx tsfx feet shufflingc life can change in an instant. Be covered when it does. With a health plan through covered california. We offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. And all of our plans include free preventive care. Financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. For Health Insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. Because you never know when life. Will change. Get covered today. It will have 13 residential Studio Spaces and five accessory Studio Spaces and a large dance floor, rehearsal space, a workshop. She was part of an Art Collective at another warehouse evicted by their landlord immediately after the ghost ship fire took 36 lives. What were trying to do is shift the paradigm so that people can develop spaces like this and work with the city. Reporter this first of its kind project is the exception, not the rule. With numerous People Living in nonpermitted commercial spaces, two men are offering support. Right after the fire we got requests for help from people who lived in spaces that they were concerned about. We started helping spaces conform. Helping spaces become safer. Were trying to protect low income communities. Reporter david and Jonas Strauss are among the volunteers. I cant tell you how many tons of dump runs people did directly in correlation to the fallout from ghost ship. The number of fire extinguishers that were hung up in spaces, the number of exit signs that were permanently installed. Reporter strauss is executive director of the oakland warehouse coalition. He advocates for affordable, alternative housing and pushes for changes to the policy. Keenan founded safer diy spaces. They tell residents what is wrong, what needs improvement and they refer tenants or owners to contractors who work pro bono or at reduced rates. Can you get out safely if there is a fire. Reporter it is not just warehouses but store fronts, mobile homes, converted basements or garages. Any space being used as a residence built without a permit. We have seen 70 buildings worked with and assisted about 70 buildings since december of last year. Reporter of those buildings they say only one has entered into a Compliance Plan with the city of oakland because of what they call unrealistic and stringent current code standards. In order to do any kind of code compliance measures, a structure must be totally vick ated which equals displatement. Reporter at the beginning of the year, the mayor issued a executive order to prevent unnecessary displacement. The men say city leaders are supporter of making spaces safer but the order has been averagely ignored by building enforcement. They are going to find that same rent at a worse place that is even more at risk. The code needs to be change to prioritize life safety. Reporter a recent report released by the city of oakland shows investigators have looked into 32 properties suspected of being unpermitted residences. 21 are working with the city to get up to code but tenants have been evicked from five properties. In many cases, the tenants can do the required work themselves instead of being kicked out. A lot of folks are scared. Not only of code enforcement, not only the cops but the city in general. Rutherford doesnt want to live in fear which is why she says this project is so important. We have been really happy working with city officials. It seems like they want to use this project as kind of a flag ship, an example for how we can move forward with project types similar to this. Reporter and for now, keenan and strauss keep pushing for change to protect tenants while working to keep them safe in the places that they call home. Our number one goal is to make those spaces safer. Reporter reporting in oakland, cristina rendon, ktvu fox 2 news. Tonight at 10 00, we will hear from the wife of the man who is under arrest and charged with 36 counts of manslaughter for the ghost ship warehouse fire. She is speaking publicly for the first time and have that report on the 10 00 news. It seems like people are making more than a long Holiday Weekend this thanksgiving season. Sfo Officials Say this friday will probably be one of the busiest travel day of the season so far this year. 170,000 passengers are expected to arrive and depart from San Francisco airport the day after tomorrow. Thats almost 15,000 more than an average day. Officials say that is probably because more schools are giving students and staff all the week of thanksgiving off, making it easier for families to travel. Theyre warning those parking lots and garages will fill up early. And security lines will be long. You know the drill. Get to the airport early. Do you have school off all next week . Yes. One does, one doesnt. I hate that. Lets sync that up. Working on it. It will be there. Meals on wheels, i love this, is going to deliver groceries to low income Seniors Today in San Francisco. We were there early this morning as some of the food was packed up at the San Francisco Marin Food Bank and trucked to the San Francisco meals on wheels facility where volunteers are packing some 600 bags of thanksgiving groceries. Those bags will be loaded on to delivery vehicles and distributed by volunteers to seniors around the city. On top of the thanksgiving groceries, meals on wheels also prepares and delivers some 6,000 meals a day for seniors in San Francisco. A u. S. Army veteran is looking for the couple who paid for his dinner while he was out with friends. The waiter said the couple across the aisle that was sitting there that had already left had paid 300 towards our bill, which covered everyones meal. Scott just returned home to washington from his first tour in afghanistan. He went out to an applebees with friends from his motorcycle club. Thats when the couple put 300 towards the bill. The manager of the restaurant says the couple wants to remain anonymous. That is the best money they will ever spend. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, tesla hit with a Racial Discrimination lawsuit. The allegations against the electric car company by a former employee at that fremont factory. The Republican Party divided. Paul ryan taking on roy moore. The latest push to get the alabama judge out of that senate race. Thank you, ikea. Oh, john cant come. My uncle geoff just confirmed. The one thats always bringing a plusone . Yes, but weve got plusone insurance. Whats your dream . At ikea, we help you live it. Make the dream yours. cheering accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. Thank you, ikea. Oh, john cant come. My uncle geoff just confirmed. The one thats always bringing a plusone . Yes, but weve got plusone insurance. Whats your dream . At ikea, we help you live it. Make the dream yours. cheering House Speaker paul ryan is once again urging roy moore of alabama to send his senate campaign. This comes after a wave of gop congressional leaders called for the alabama candidate to withdraw among allegations of sexual misconduct. The allegations are credible. Number two, he should if he cares about the values and the people that he claims to care about, then he should step aside. So far roy moore refuses to pull out of the senate race. At least five women say that moore acted inappropriately with them decades ago when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s. Moore called the claims a politically motivated smear campaign. After 40something years of fighting this battle, im now facing allegations. And thats all the press wants to talk about. But i want to talk about the issues. Moore is 70 years old. He is battling Democrat Doug Jones to fill the seat vacated by attorney general jeff sessions. President trump is back in washington, d. C. Where republicans continue to push for tax reform. There is a group of democrats calling for the president to be impeached. Reporter President Trump back in washington, tweeting that after 12 days in asia, our great country is respected again and you will see the fruits of our long but successful trip for many years to come. Meanwhile a group of House Democrats who say the commander in chief is unfit to hold the office introducing new articles of impeachment. President trump is doing deep permanent damage to the united states. Reporter all this as the gop is on a mission of its own to overhaul the nations tax code before the end of the year. Republicans are not giving up on their efforts to dismantle people care, adding a repeal of the individual mandate, the requirement for most americans to buy Health Insurance to the Senate Version of the bill. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer criticized the plan saying if the American People were not already outraged by this bill, injectioning health care into it will do the trick. Republicans say the move is a winwin. That savings from repealing obamacare would pay for the gop proposed tax cuts. While we simplify the tax cut and let people keep more of what they earn and while they get competitive in the Global Economy and bring jobs and investment back to the united states. Reporter the house will vote on its version of the tax reform bill. But House Speaker paul ryan says he will not add in the Obamacare Repeal but will wait if the other bill is successful first. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, wonder woman, spiderman, the fidget spinners you see about everywhere, it is a holiday warning from a consumer safety group. The toys that one group is urging parents to avoid this Holiday Season. Visit california is holding a 1,000 seat benefit dinner to help people affected by the north bay fires. We are joined by chef florence who is providing food for the big event. What if there was only one haircut . Now what if there was only one mattress . One is not a choice. Choose your mattress with tulo. Everything you want in a bed, in a box. We continue to follow the deadly shooting in Tehama County about 100 miles north of sacramento. The gunman kevin neal killed four people before police shot and killed him. Ten other people, including two children, were shot and wounded by neal. Investigators say neal was out on bail after being charged with stabbing a neighbor. His family says that neal struggled with Mental Illness and he had a violent temper at times. Sheriffs department will be updating the investigation at 10 00 this morning. We will bring that live to you on ktvu. The question of the day, should Mass Shootings like the ones in las vegas and texas and Tehama County can be considered acts of terrorism. 84 say yes. 16 spay no. Many tweets on this. Terrorism is meant to inflict fear by any means. He goes on to add that is deep men al illness. One gentleman sent me a message saying it depends how deep you dig to find the truth first. We want to continue the conversation. If you want to send us a tweet, use the hashtag ktvuthe9. We have new details on the lawsuit filed by the family whose son was injured on the water slide after he slid one of the water slides and fell on to the concrete after the opening day back in may. When you take your kid to a park, you expect it will be a safe place. We expect our governments to hold manufacturers and subcontractors accountable. And were here to make sure that happens. The familys lawsuit named the city of dublin, the state of california and the manufacturer of the slide white water rest industries. The city had been trying to reach a settlement with the family prior to the lawsuit being filed. Tesla has been hit with another lawsuit claiming Racial Discrimination. It is the third such lawsuit filed against tesla this year. Vaughn loved working at plant in fremont but soon was being called the n world and hearing other africanamerican workers being called the same slur. According to the lawsuit, ceo elon musk sent out an email in may telling people not to be jerks and to apologize if they said something that they shouldnt have. It went on to say, quote, in fairness, if someone is a jerk to you but sincerely apologizes, it is important to accept that apology. We reached out to tesla about the lawsuit and received a statement from the company that reads in part, quote, tesla is absolutely against any form of discrimination, harassment or unfair treatment of any kind. When we hear complaints we take them seriously, investigate thoroughly. And if proven to be true, take immediate action. All right. For some of the other headlines we have been working on, lets go to dave clark. Thank you, sal. Here are some of the top stories were following. Funerals today in texas for some of the victims of the recent Church Shooting in sutherland springs, texas. A survivor of the shooting is conducting the service to honor eight members of his family killed in the rampage. The Southern Baptist convention is paying for the funerals of each of the victims. The shootings took half of the church congregation. Police in san jose have a new use of force policy. Supervisors and commanders have to investigate almost every violent encounter that involves police officers. With the most violent incidents getting the most attention. And each incident will be graded on a fourtier scale. In the past most nonfatal use of force cases were only investigated when a complaint was filed. San jose police chief eddie garcia says a new policy was created with the help of the police union and it may mean that more officers are punished. Berkeleys Police Department now has to get the approval of city leaders before equipment is acquired from the u. S. Defense department. During the obama administration, Police Departments had to follow federal rules on the equipment they could accept and the training required. President trump got rid of those requirements. Last night, the Berkeley City Council approved a measure that gives it control over the equipment that the Police Department can accept. Those are just some of your morning headlines. Hey, mike, sal, gasia, ill send it back to you. Thank you, dave. More lawsuits against pg e are being filed in connection with the north bay wildfires. Lawyers representing people who lost homes claim their Research Shows the disaster was caused by power lines touching trees and brush. They went through call records from the weekend when the fire started and found Power Outages were reported in the areas of the tub fires in sonoma tubbs fire in Sonoma County. There were calls talking about equipment problems, transformer explosions, transformer fires. Downed power lines. Severed utility poles. Arcing power lines and flames in trees. Cal fire has not announced an official cause for any of the north bay wildfires. But lawyers say they had to filed the lawsuits to legally get information that they say will show that pg e was negligent and is not being transparent about what happened. Two of the plaintiffs by the way are former San Francisco mayor frank jordan and his wife whose window i have in santa rosa was destroyed in the fires. Pg e released a statement saying, quote, nothing is more important to us than the safety and well being of our customers and the communities we certain. Our thoughts are with those impacted by the wildfires. The north bay got rain earlier than expected. Our crews are in napa valley where the rain started coming down around 3 30 this morning. Leigh martinez is in napa where they are concerned about the rain coming down so soon after the wildfires. Reporter yes. Luckily were not getting rained on right now. Were at the county publics works building where i spoke to the supervisor who was going into a meeting about the rain. The concern is that the rain that we might get today may trigger either flash floods or landslides in some of the areas that were just scorched by the wildfires earlier this year. The city of napa is not issuing sand bags yet. It is waiting on a call from the National Weather service. It is supposed to happen around 10 00 this morning. Napa county however does have them and there are seven locations set up. Most are volunteer Fire Departments for locals to pick up free sand bags. The National Weather service said yesterday that four inches could drop in the north bay. The city of santa rosa was already in process of fixing sections of the storm drain system that may have been compromised after the tubbs fire. Youre looking at video from the city. In sonoma and napa counties places like Fountain Grove and atlas peak that were stripped of plants from the wildfires are susceptible to flooding. People are warned to be ready to evacuated if there are problems with the rain. If anyone sees evidence of buckled roads, sink holes, flooding or mudslides, call 911 right away. Now, the county says the good news is that the ground is not saturated. So homeowners can really get ahead of this by putting sand bags out now. They can curb some of the erogues that may happen because of the rain. They are encouraging people to be careful on the roads too. The wildfires have changed the roads as they go around taking down dead trees and other tree thats were compromised. Because we havent had heavy rains yet, they dont know what areas are susceptible to erosion or anything else. So be cautious when youre driving around today. Thank you, leigh. There is another way to support the survivors of the north bay fires and the First Responders who saved many lives and homes. Visit california is hosting a benefit different. A 1,000 seat table. 1,000. 1,000. Just making sure. Loaded with california wines and food prepared by celebrity chef tyler florence. Im so excited to welcome back to the 9 in morning. Thank you for being here. My pleasure. This is a winwin. The money raised will benefit those who need it and you are putting into the spotlight what the burned areas still have to offer. Im happy to be a part of this. 100 of the ticket sales goes towards fire relief in the counties. And it is just a chance for us to get together and hold each other and say we survived this. We are really excited about it. Tickets are still available. If you go to visitcalifornia. Com you can find some amazing information on how to participate in the event and buy a tick he. If you cant go, this is really important, buy a ticket for a first responder. That is a good idea. Tickets are still available. It is sort of a secret location. Secret. Because its like this really beautiful location. Were partnering with outstanding in the field. So its going to be this really big massive long table. And it is in carnaro. It is right on sort of the county line between napa and sonoma. It is right above sears point. It will be an amazing location. Special event. A chance to get together and show our gratitude for our neighbors in the bay area and wine country and have a chance to celebrate. If you dont mind me asking, what kind of dishes will be there. We finished the menu yesterday. It will be exciting. Were going to bus folks in because so many people coming together. Theyre going to get a champagne greet. Horderves and soup stations because it may be chilly. Were going to serve four courses. A sonoma organic wild turkey. With citrus butter and roasted carrots and a lamb dish with roasted cauliflower. And were also doing a Butternut Squash risotto. And pumpkin keep talking about it. Keep going. We finished the menu yesterday. It will be great. It is a chance to get together and share our gratitude and raise money before the Holiday Season gets started. This is a very napa way of doing raising money. Were so lucky in a way that we have you have the organic turkey, for example. Thats right. Local ingredients. I guess were lucky to have all of the resources that you will use to make your meal. Thats one of the great things about being a chef in Northern California. I was a chef in new york city for a long time before he moved here in 2007. And, you know, new york city is amazing but there is a deep connection with food sources here in Northern California that i have fell in love with. Not only the relationship with the suppliers in the region who produce some of the most amazing food ive ever tasted but our beloved wine region. We want to show that california that were here to stay and were going to come back stronger than ever and show the world that we are california strong. You were listing the menu. I read an article in forbes that you were quoted in saying recipes are dead. You dont rely on them anymore. Is that true . Is what i was reading true . You are a chef. It is a whole different conversation about like recipe development. I think we live in a technological age where i feel like recipes are about as useful as a paper map these days considering how technological apps can be to get you through a meal in the kitchen. I think it is an interesting point of view. Yes. I work with a couple of Tech Companies here in the bay area. As for the benefit, did visit california knock on your door . Did you come to them. I have been working with visit california for a couple years. I was a spokesperson for tourism in california 2016. We are filming a documentary about the entire experience called uncrushable. So all of the folks that get a chance to come to is that the commercials that you see with arnold and joe montana that area all over the country. They are all over the country and all over the world. I think it is important that we we tell the world that california is open for business. And the wine country is open for business. If we could talk about that. Certainly here in the bay area we have talked a lot about it was never closed down. We will be right back sign on the front door. You have incredible international reach. How do you think that napa, sonoma, mendocino counties need to work to get the message out. Its really important that if you if you have a chance in the next couple of weekends, go up to wine country. Go have lunch, go for a drive. Go and book go book a spa appointment. Go to a local hotel in wine country and just be there. There is a Beautiful Energy when people show up at a tasting room, at a beautiful winery and have that experience. And i think it is really important that we go back there as fast as possible. Just to kind of tell the world and the community. Because it is such a vital part of our economy. The Entertainment Industry in Southern California and the Wine Industry in Northern California is a big part of our gpd. We need to get back into the business as soon as possible. That starts with recovery. I think it starts with helping folks out. Not only that work in the industry but also live there as well. Because we lost 3,000 buildings. Yeah. And a lot of people lost their homes. We were filming our documentary uncrushable and we had a chance to go visit a home where the woman who shared her afternoon. She had not seen her house since the fire. And she spent 50 years in this home with her family. And she brought her Children Home from the hospital. And she lost it in two hours. Yes. And so we got a chance to walk around with her and share this very personal experience with her for the first time. She said the most beautiful thing. She said the house had given me all it had. The house it given me everything that it had and now it was time for a new chapter. There is a lot of stories like that out there. We want to help folks turn the page and start a new chapter in their lives. I think that starts with money. I think it starts with recovery efforts. There are so many amazing Charitable Organization thats are putting hard dollars on the ground to get people back on their feet. If you get a chance to drive up there, it is pretty rough. It is not far away. It is not far away. Right in our backyard. Absolutely. We live mama rina county. The fires were 25 minutes away. The air was atrociousous for ten days. Now we have a chance to go back and really get on the ground as fast as possible and start the recovery process. It was the largest wildfire in the history of the state of california. We have to do something about it. Go to visitcalifornia. Com for ticket Sales Information and either come. We would love to have you. If you cant come, buy a ticket for a first responder. Tyler florence, thank you for being here. As the chef said, all of the information is on ktvu. Com under the web links section on the mornings on 2 tab and on our app of course. Coming up, has the Holiday Season become more about humbug hand hohoho. More on surviving the holidays and the family. What do you start prepping . [music] we care about using cagefree eggs. And we care about amazing taste. Because at best foods, were on the side of food. Without pg es assistance, without their training our collaboration with pg e is centered around public safety. We could not do our mission to keep our Community Safe. Anytime we are responding to a structure fire, one of the first calls you make is for pg e for gas and electric safety. Its my job to make sure that they have the training that they need to make the scene safe for themselves and for the public. Its handson training actually turning valves, turning systems off, looking at different wire systems all that training is crucial to keeping our Community Safe and our firefighters safe. Together, were building a better california. All right. Next week is thanksgiving. Shopping well underway. And santa already showing up at the malls out there. For many people, this time of year is more of a task than a moment to enjoy. You dont always see the family members of the rest of the year. We bringing back briana. Thank you for being with us. Four having me. When it comes to holidays, my number one focus is family. Is there such a thing as too much family. There is. Family is the number one way to decrease your stress and increase your happiness. If youre able to create connection, that is the number one determination of happiness across age groups and cultures. Families and holidays are a great way to create that connection. Maybe it is not your family. Maybe it is your neighbors or work colleagues, a nonprofit. Feeling like youre part of something bigger than you, destresses you and makes you feel at ease. I feel like family is almost like an injection. In order to get out of this place, this is stress. So when i go back for the holidays or whether it is at our house or one of my siblings homes, it gives me that extra to be a little more productive at work, more energy. Definitely. It increases resilience. Thats good. When you have create connection, we release a hormone. And that actually increases trust, empathy, our ability to offer help and ask for help. And so it sort of reinforces resilience and decreases stress because we actually when we have a moment to connect with people, our family, we actually receive that physical benefit as well. Right. What about tips for making sure that the you know, the evening goes smoothly. For example, i can imagine one of them is dont talk about politics. Sure. Sure. Dont be too heavy handed with your opinions. For sure. I mean, were having such different time, right, in our world. And people have really different views. I think what is most important is for you to decide who you want to be in the moment. They call this self defining moments. Determine how you want to show up. Do you want to be the one who is creating the connection or do you want to be the one who is the funny one . Do you want to bring everyone together . Do you want to bring in the fa eight . Determine who you want to be in advance and that will be your north star and guide you through that evening. Even if youre triggered by the family or, you know, your crazy aunt is asking you challenges questions, political questions. It is okay not to go to everything. You can opt out if it is not best for you. It is important to bypass the burnout that we all experience. There is so much coming at us. We have work and everything else. Determine what you want. Be selective. Plan the activities that have the highest value for you and plan for that downtime. We think were machines but we really need downtime and breaks. You say youre a machine. Should we multi task or not . No multi tasking. It increases the time that it completes by 25 or even up to 75 . If youre playing that video in the background while youre texting and trying to make thanksgiving dinner, it will take that much longer. Try to focus on one thing, especially during the holidays. It will make you more effective. And get sleep. It reduces stress and makes you better able to cope with challenges. Quality, not quantity. Yes. Always a pleasure to have you. Happy holidays. Happy holidays. We will be right back. You are going to hawaii for thanksgiving. I am. Three ucla basketball players detained in china on suspicion of shoplifting are expected to make their first public statements today at a News Conference on campus. The school is considering punishment for the three players. The three were arrested last week for allegedly stealing sunglasses at a Louis Vuitton store. Something that could result in ten years in prison in china. During President Trumps trip to china, he asked the president to look into the case and help the players avoid going to jail. He has been terrific. The president has been terrific on that subject. That was not a good subject. That was not something that should have happened. Pac12 commissioner larry scott released a statement thanking the president , saying, quote, the president , the white house and the u. S. State department are to be thanked for their efforts towards the resolution. Earlier this morning, the president tweeted, do you think the three ucla basketball players will say thank you, President Trump . They were headed for ten years in jail. Bruce maxwell pleaded not guilty to charges of assault. He was arrested last month after a woman delivering food to him says he pointed a gun at her. He faces aggravated Assault Charges and disorderly conduct. He is out in bail and due back in court for a pretrial conference on november 28th. Papa johns is apologizing for comments it made blaming the National Anthem protest for poor sales. It is a major sponsor and advertiser of the nfl. Earlier this morning the ceo criticized the league for not putting a stop to players kneeling during the anthem and said the protests were causing the pizza sales to drop. A White Supremacist Group came out in support of the chain calling it papa johns their official pizza. In a statement papa johns denounces the neonazis and supports the players rights to protest. Hover boards are making headlines again after two fires this year. There are recalls for seven different brands of hover boards. More than 250 incidents of the battery packs on hover boards overheating since 2015. Some have caused explosions or fires. Contact the manufacturer on your hover board to see if you can get a refund. We have a link to the website on ktvu. Com. There you can check to see if you have one of the hover boards affected. And a Consumer Group is warning parents what not to buy this Holiday Season. The world against toys causing harm or watch has unveiled the list of the top ten worst toys. The group says fidget spinners contain small parts that could be a choking hazard. A nerve gun has a potential to cause eye injuries and wheel heels could cause burn injuries. The Industry Trade group calls the list needlesly frightening to parents because all toys in the u. S. Meet rigorous safety standards. Watch says the high number of recalls each year show that the safety standers are inadequate. With thanksgiving a week away, stove top is now selling special thanksgiving dinner pants. With them, theres no having to unbutton your pants if youve had too much to eat. They have a stretchy kind of top like maternity pants. They come in four sizes. They have extra large pockets to stuff more food in there for the road. And they cost about 20 luck bucks. Blake shelton has a new title as peoples sexiest man alive. The magazine features the 41 yearold on the cover. Shelton was surprised by the title. He said ive been ugly my whole life. If i can be sexy for a year, ill take it. The crab fishing boats are expected to come back with fresh crab this morning. They left the docks last night. Earlier this week, crabbers said they are expecting plenty of crab in time for thanksgiving, which is for many a bay area holiday tradition. This is the first time in several years that the crab season has opened on time. Of course its been delayed because of toxic levels of domoic acid for several years. The usps honored an oakland carrier for helping a fellow postal worker while she was shot on the job earlier this year. The postal worker was honored at the eastmont office. He heard several gunshots and noticed a postal delivery truck in the middle of the intersection. He rushed over and saw stafford had been shot in the hip. Stafford was there to thank ybarra for his help. All right. We continue to follow the deadly shooting in Tehama County. The gunman killed four people before police shot and killed him. Ten other people, including two people were shot and wounded by neal. Investigators say he was out on bail after being charged with stabbing a neighbor. His family

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