Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20171101 : comp

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20171101

investigators today. we are finding out new details that he had planned this attack weeks in the making. even staking out the very bike path that was used in this horrible terrorist attack. worst since 9/11 here in new york city. police say they think the 29- year-old suspect was acting alone during yesterday's attack but it's unclear at this point if he is working with is is or if he just had sympathies for them. his name popped up in connection to a handful of other suspects and there is no doubt that the attack was an act of terror. >> eight innocent lives taken by a criminal committing a cowardly act driving a rental truck. >> reporter: he works for uber and had ties to ohio, florida and new jersey. he pledged himself to isis in a note found near the truck he used but the group has yet to claim responsibility adding to the idea that this was a lone wolf attack. >> they are harder to anticipate and harder to get intelligence on. >> reporter: he entered the united states in 2010. the president said he wants to end the program that allowed his entry and is finding fast support machining republicans. >> the lottery system i have always been against it because it's a random system to bring people into the united states. >> reporter: there are now multiple areas in this investigation and location not just here in downtown where the horrible attack happened but two locations in new jersey. the fbi searching on apartment that belonged to the suspect today bringing out bags of evidence as well as the home depot where we know he rented that truck. just an hour before he decided to take -- to take down and run over eight people, killing eight and injuring as do others. >> brian i understand he had run ins with the law in other states, traffic citations. what about on the federal level? has he been on the radar with the fbi? >> reporter: this has been an interesting point made by the nypd. he was never under specific fbi investigation. of but he is someone who has ties to terrorist suspects. his name has come up. two sources have said that his name has popped up in the database which has ties to terror suspects and no doubt they will want to get as much intel as he talks to investigators. one report saying that he was boasting today in telling investigators how proud he was of the attack. michael young. >> live in new york city. thank you. we are learning of the eight people killed five were from arnentina, one from belgium, one from new jersey and one from new york. five were here to celebrate a graduation. this is a pickeer of them online. the government said a 6th man that was with them was hurt. he is recovering at a hospital in lower manhattan. >> the president calling for swift action in the wake of the deadly terror attack. more specifically to end the diversity program. >> we want to immediately work with congress on the diversity lottery program on terminating it, getting rid of it. we want a merit based program where people come into our country based on merit. we want to get rid of chain m ib ration. >> reporter: the program offer of proofs v isas to people who have few immigrants in the united states. it was supported by both parties and signed in to law by george w bush in 1990. the alleged attacker came to the united states in 2010 through the program. the san francisco board of supervisors -- go head. >> go head. >> approved a resolution calling for the impeachment of the president. the supervisor introduced the resolution last week. it's supported by a group working to bring people together in san francisco to resist the president's agenda. the board of supervisors is calling on the house to authorize an immigration investigation into whether there are grounds to impeach the president. ? this afternoon a san francisco police officer remains in the hospital after being shot in the castro district overnight during a violent confrontation. >> it happened near 18th and castro. the armed man was shot and wounded by police. alex is live in san francisco with more on what led up to the gun fire. >> reporter: good afternoon to both of you. that injured police officer normally works as a crime scene investigator but last night on halloween he was on patrol here in the castro. part of a stepped up police presence to watch the crowds. at one point that officer and a second officer responded here to diamond street to investigate reports of a suspicious car. that's when gun fire suddenly erupted. >> reporter: in this youtube video you can hear a number much shots being fired in the castro district just after midnight. san francisco police exchanged gun fire with an armed man here on diamond street just off market. >> there was about ten shots and then it was quiet and then ten more shots and that's when we realized it was like a lot of gun fire and sort of imagined the worst but couldn't see anything. >> reporter: when the shooting was over one officer was left injured. a police hat and the hand gun could be seen on the ground. the 41-year-old officer was rushed to the hospital where he underwent surgery for at least one gun shot wound. the armed man who fired at police was also shot and wounded. this confrontation started when someone flagged down police asking them to check on a suspicious car. two officers went to check on the car and that's what shots were fired. police have not said who open fire first. >> came out and i saw -- the little things on the street. i knew those are bullet casings or something. kind of scary. relatively safe neighborhood. >> reporter: because it was halloween san francisco police stepped up patrols here in the castro last night this is no longer a city sponsored event but still thousands dress up and head out to bars and restaurants to celebrate. although police and neighbors say that the halloween celebration operations have been peaceful and relatively problem free over the past few years. that injured san francisco police officer, nine year veteran of the force remains in the hospital at san francisco general this afternoon. listed in critical condition. the armed man who was shot by police here overnight in the castro remains in the hospital. we have not been given any update on his condition but as is standard protocol with the san francisco police department they are planning to have a community meeting with in the next week and a half to talk to the public about this police shooting and offer more details on what happened. >> we will look forward to that information and more information on the investigation from san francisco police. alex live in san francisco. thank you. in sonoma investigation is underway after sheriff's deputies shot a suspected truck thief. it happened around 10:30 last night as deputies responded to a report of an assault with a deadly weapon. when they arrived a man told deputies he got into an argument with a suspect who tried to run him over with a stolen truck before driving away. a short time later deputies located that stolen truck and suspect but the man refused to pull over and stop according to police. when the truck reached a deadened deputies fired, hitting that suspect twice in the arm. he is expected to survive. his name hasn't been released. lawmakers and local transportation leaders are explaining how the governor's transportation improvement measure will affect you. today in dublin representatives from the group fix our roads discussed senate bill 1 that invested four billion over the next ten years. most talked about aspect of the bill has been the gas tax which has gone up 12-cents a gallon. officials say that it's all worth the investment. >> it means every city and county will invest in reducing that traffic congestion improving road repair, improving bridge safety and fixing roads as well as putting thousands of people to work. >> not everybody is in favor of the new bill. protesters could be heard yelling no more taxes throughout the event. still ahead a class action lawsuit being filed against immigration and customs enforcement. the allegations of unlawful raids, unfairly targeting a specific group of refugees. >> as we give you a live look outside. downtown oakland. rain on the way. we will check in with mark for details on when you can expect it. . at least two people were shot during a large gathering first reported as a side show. now police officers passing by the area of broadway between 38th and 39th street were flagged down just before 11:30 last night. the areas near the medical center. a police sergeant said that about 200 people were blocking the street and authorities investigating what prompted the shooting. the two victim its took themselves to the hospital. one was shot in the back. both are in stable condition. police are investigating whether there was a third shooting victim as well. reportedly there was a shied show at the scene. officials investigating an accident that left a person dead. this happened after nine last night near cherry lane. investigators say a ford sedan was speeding when it rolled and ended up in oncoming traffic striking a toyota suv. the male driver of the ford died at the scene and the male driver of the toyota was taken to the hospital with minor to mild injuries. the cause of the crash is under investigate investigation. more than 70 sex offenders were arrested last night as a result of operation boo. it focuses on the nearly 1400 sex offenders on parole in california. last night we went on a ride along in alameda county and agents went door to door checking on men convicted of sex crimes against children. they are not allowed to answer the door or put up decorations on halloween. homeless parolees were also required to report as well. we saw two taken way for possession of drugs and one for violating curfew. >> illegal to have this. >> we have them on tracking which detours them from committing new crimes. >> police say that it's not likely that children will be targeted at random they say the program is worth the effort. october is gone. november is here. mark with a new month we have some weather making its way toward the bay area. >> yeah it'll feel like weather in just a few days. much cooler air mass moving in. increasing rain chances the north all the way to the south. even including the south bay as well. lots of sun for today. temperatures on track to reach the 60s coastline. mainly the lower 60 he around the bay. around 66. inland close to 70 degrees. actually a fairly nice wednesday afternoon out there. you can see some cloud cover hanging out near portions of the coastline. lots of sunshine out there but here we go with some patchy fog near portions of the north bay coastline as you can pick out. closer to point reyes as well. that's the latest and just to be -- to the west. as far as current numbers we will check in on those. san francisco 65, at least one sensor showing you that. livermore 64. san jose 67 and napa6 had. forecast headlines for toted. a lot of sunshine for your wednesday. definitely some clouds for thursday and then rain starts on friday. we could be talking about rain chances in to the weekend as well. it won't be a wash out. some clouds and a cooler pattern out there. this will be the headline with rain making a come back into friday. the bulk of the rainfall up to the north in northern california. this will be a snow producer. snow fall possibly at least around three to six inches but i'm sure we could have higher amounts as well as we get a better idea with the timing and intensity of the system. here is the forecast model this is through ten. these numbers will change a bit. i think in fact after ten these numbers will go up. most areas in general about a tenth to a quarter inch much and possibly a little more for the coastal hills. here is the deal. you can see a dip in the jet stream here. that's cooler weather pattern setting up. actually cleared out to some of the low clouds and fog. mostly sunny skies. 60s to 70s with the exception of patchy fog near portions of the shoreline. then into friday that rainfall approaches. cooler and it'll be breezy out there. this is a well defined cold front that will bring in much cooler arias we head in to the weekend. no warm ups in sight. in fact temperatures kind of taking a drop off each day right on through the five-day period. here we go as we put the forecast method knell to motion. we will take it into thursday. more clouds, look what happens in to friday. rain showers approaching the area late thursday and friday. here we are friday morning 8:00 and friday five. kind of the rain kind of skirting through the bay area. saturday the chance of a shower mainly for the morning showers but we will scale back into the afternoon. forecast highs for ted. mostly sunny skies. still patchy coastal fog and temperatures 60s to the lower 70s and look ahead. here we go. we already said good-bye to halloween and that low in novembert. will feel like fall. little bit like winter by friday. rainfall starts. the chance of a shower mainly to saturday morning. watching sunday right now because we could add more shower chances by late sunday afternoon into sunday night. >> looking good. >> thank you. california's insurance commissioner said property damage losses from last month's wildfires now exceeds $3.3 billion. state commissioner said that figure represents claims for homes and businesses with insurance by 15 major companies and that ma'am is significantly higher than the preliminary estimate of a billion dollars. 43 people were killed in the fires. the fires destroyed nearly 9,000 structures. people in sonoma will be allowed to hire private contractors to clean up their properties themselves if they want. the board of supervisors authorized the alternative option for homeowners who don't want to sign up for the government's free program to clear the remains of their destroyed homes. supervisors said with rain now in the forecast as we heard mark talk about they need to take steps possible to speed up the speed clean up process.. and the organizers of bottle rock are planning a series of three benefit concerts for the wine country fire relief. its being called for the love of sonoma. they will headline two separate shows on november 18th and then train is scheduled to preform on december 1st. they will be held thea winery in oakville. tickets go on sale at nine tomorrow morning. coming up the latest on the russia investigation including the newly unsealed court documents about the president's former advisor and his contact with senior officials and foreign nationals. . for those that need health care open enrollment starts today. it's the one time of the year when those without insurance can enroll without having to meet qualifying conditions. participants have three months to do so but people are encouraged to sign up by the middle of december to make sure coverage starts by january 1st. interested enrollees are encouraged to shop and compare due to the changes for 2018. some companies withdrawing parts of california while others will be expanding. republican lawmakers in washington were expected to roll out details of their tax reform bill but at enouncement has been delayed until tomorrow. some lawmakers opposed the idea of eliminating popular deductions for state and local taxes. there is also resistance to imposing new limits on401k retirement plans. lawmakers haven't decided where to set the income levels for a simple set of tax bracketts. a look at the market. stocks mixed an wall street. you see the dow jones is up the nasdaq is down. i'll producer rose at the price of benchmark crude topped $55 a barrel touching it's highest level since january 3rd. now to the latest on the investigation into possible collusion between russia and the trump campaign. the president is calling his advisor a liar and a volunteer. >> new up sealed court papers outline his frequent contacts with senior officials and with foreign nationals who promised access to the highest levels of the russian government. >> reporter: russian president met earlier this month as he does yearly with the prorussian think tank. before that same club a professor spoke in may of 2016 in praise of the role in the iran nuclear deal. >> the tactics of the russian federation proved to be extremely useful. >> reporter: two days later he are resumed his e-mails with the low level foreign policy advisor to the trump campaign who has plead guilty to lying to the fbi about his contacts with him and russian nationals. documents released by special council said that the professor told the defendant as the defendant later described to the fbi that they, meaning the russians have dirt on her, meaning clinton. the russians had e-mails of clinton, thousands of e-mails but the professor told the tell gravity he was upset by the claims about being pr ivr of y to dirt on clinton. >> the defense will be the trump campaign wanted nothing to do with those meetings and in today's report that i think you are involved is that the professor himself is calling it into doubt. >> reporter: among those dismissing the plea deal was the russian foreign minister. >> if the meeting was about russian american relations i don't see anything illegal about it. i'm not looking with skepticism and lack of interest at the new and continuous reports on how trump won the elections. >> reporter: democrats in washington voiced muted concern about monday's resignation of tony podesta from his form which was named as company b in this week's indictment of former trump campaign chairman paul manafort. both pleaded not guilty. podesta's brother is the chairman of the clinton campaign. it is the podesta group's role as a subcontractor that attracting attention. >> when foreign governments come to do business before the united states they want firm that can represent democrats and republicans and given manafort tess not unyou're for him to seek out a higher profile democrat lobbyist. >> reporter: john podesta described himself as the victim of a big lie campaign by the american president and saying that the president seems a lot more worried now than july 2016 when he asked the russians to hack our campaign. facebook said it'll double the number of people it has working on security issues from ten thousand employees to 20,000 by the end of 2018. the they told senator that a committee hearing that the company is committed to investing more on security. he said currently thousands of employees focus on removing terrorism related content. we are learning more about the suspect at the center the new york city terror attack. a closer look at where he lives in new jersey. >> and today marks one month since the deadly mass shooting in las vegas and now some survivors are meeting the men who helped save their lives. . back to the latest on the deadly terror attack. >> that's where the suspect has lived for the past seven months. ron schmidt. >> this now the center of this investigation by federal authorities as well as the nypd and local authorities. this mosque is where the suspect worshiped up until the time that he committed this act and he lived in an apartment with his wife and two children that is next door to the mosque. he has been here for a few months at least we know at this time. all of this, the apartment complex and mosque. other apartments and store fronts in this very bigamous limb community in patterson are under investigation now as police try to figure out exactly what led to this crime. the planning of this crime and if the suspect was radicalized here. the suspect is here in the country on a diversity visa. he moved to florida in 2010. he rented that truck from a home depot just a couple miles down the road and then drove into the city to commit this horrible act. riding up on to the bike path and killing eight others until a hero cop shot him in the legending the mayhem of this. he went to the hospital and has been through surgery and is being questioned a police as they try to figure out how all this came together. reporting here in patterson. fox news. the peas president is calling formerrist based immigration since the country was in the country on a diversity visa. attorneys have file aid class action suit against ice. >> it claims officials are doing unlawful raids targeting the cambodia community in the united states. we are live in the newsroom to explain it all. >> reporter: there are about 100cambodia immigrants represented, most here in california because their state is home to the largest community in the united states. the majority of the class members are people who came here fleeing the violence of their country in the 07's and 80s. just about all of the members represented in this suit have lived here since they were young children. now attorneys with the asian law caucus explained the immigrants in this suit all had prior deportation orders going back decades in some cases. some of those orders were because the immigrants involved had criminal convictions. because of a policy disagreement between the cambodia government they were never deported and continued living in the united states. until unexpectedly about a hundred much them were picked up by ice agents a couple weeks ago. the attorneys say that the way in which they were detained without warning or explanation was cruel and they argue not constitutional. >> we have seen the administration putting pressure on various countries that have been deemed uncooperative and cambodia is one of them many we think it's all about politics. we have seen raids happening in other communities as well. just recently we have seen many from vietnam also detained by ice with no notice. this has been happening with the haiti community. cuban. >> reporter: we heard from the sister of one of the people represented in this suit. she said her 39-year-old brother has lived in the united states since he was two. he got into trouble for drug possession and car theft but served his time in prison. he was taken in to ice custody just two weeks ago but for 22 years before they was left alone to live his life. >> since that time he has turned his life around. all of the family members are united states citizens. i have a brother who served in the marines. very a nephew in the army. i have a brother-in-law who is in the army reserve. i don't know how american can that be. >> reporter: now in response to the suit a representative from ice said that the agency doesn't comment on pending litigation but she added in a statement our lack of comment should not be seen as agreement or stipulation with any of the allegations. our trained law enforcement professionals adhere to the mission of up holding the law and providing the nation with safety and security. attorneys with the law caucus said the outcome of the suit could possibly impact other immigrant groups, not just the cambodian community. we will have to wait and see what the outcome is. back to you. >> all right. in the newsroom. thank you. san francisco police continue to investigate a deadly accident. police say that just after eight last night a man was struck and killed while walking along the road. he died at the scene. the driver stopped and is cooperating with police. a safeway employee is in the hospital and is expected to survive after he was stabbed. police say that the suspect, a 34-year-old michael pardo attacked the victim. this happened just before one at the safeway on 7th eve. witnesses say that the 39-year- old leo soto was taken to the hospital. a safeway worker said they are concerned because several employees have been fired for trying to stop shoplifters. which is against cop policy. they said the assault is under investigation and their main concern is for the injured employee. police shot and killed a man they say shot and stabbed a woman and killed a police dog. investigators say there was some sort of dispute and the suspect stabbed a woman. police sent in a k the but the suspect stabbed and killed the dog. officers opened fire. the suspect was hit and he later died at the hospital. the woman stabbed is in the hospital with nonlife threatening joiners. a man accused of manslaughter in the shooting of a richmond police officer will be in court. the sentencing phase of robert vega will be held in contra costa. vega is accused of shotting a police officer in his home of february of 2016. vega was once in a relationship with the officer's daughter. a jury could find him not guilty by reason of insanity. today is a month since the deadly shooting in las vegas. >> now two survivors getting the chance to say thank you to the men who helped them during the chaos. eric hilt has more on the reunion. >> reporter: one month later it's still difficult for athena to describe the horrors of the shooting. >> it's really hard to find the right words. >> she was at the route 91 harvest festival with her sister and her boyfriend shane armstrong. they were celebrating andrew's 28th birthday when the shots rang out. >> we have people to help us carry her out. just out on the street and then that's when we saw a black truck slam on its brakes. >> jumped in the car and said let's go. >> reporter: the strangers behind the wheel sped to the hospital but doctors told athena that her sister died. >> we loved each other regardless and she made me happy. she was such an mazing person and she is no longer here with me. >> reporter: while andrea wasn't here those two men who helped them were somewhere. >> the day after we started asking around and we just wanted to say thank you. >> reporter: today among the flowers, the pictures, the notes at the downtown las vegas healing garden they were finally able to say thank you. >> nice to meet you brother. sorry for your loss. >> i was grateful to meet them and be able to say thank you because we didn't have that moment. it was -- it all happened so fast. >> i'm shaking. it's just -- i can't even explain it. >> reporter: they were selling beer inside the festival. they told me when they saw the victim. they ran to their truck. the three were on the first of flee trips to the hospital. >> we were there at the right moment i guess. we tried to help as much as we can. >> reporter: while this reunion helped them come closer to closure the four people brought together on the street outside of the festival say there is still a long road ahead. >> it helps just to say -- to be able to say thank you and for everything they have done but it's still -- it's still -- i still have a broken heart. >> you will get through this. >> that was eric hilt reporting. for the first time since the deadly shooting attorneys in other legal experts have been allowed in to the festival grounds. access was granted yesterday after monday's court hearing during which a judge said representatives of defendants suing casino company mgm resorts could photograph and diagram the concert grounds as a record for the lawsuits. new at noon police have made an arrest in a violent sexual assault case that's more than a decade old. police identified keith asberry in the unsolved case by using leads in other cases and revisiting the original dna evidence. in february of 2005 he broke into an apartment and robbed two women and assaulted one of them. the new chief of national public radio said is he resigning after sexual harassment allegations. weighs put on leave afternoon accusations that he kissed two women while they were discussing job prospects at the new york times in the 90s. he said he was sorry to the people he hurt and added my behavior was wrong and i accept full responsibility. the npr president asked for and accepted the resignation. olivia munn and others are coming forward with allegations against brett ratner. munn said while visiting him onset back in 2004 he exposed himself to her in a trailer. the report describes other encounters where he pursued other actresses. sometimes following them right in to the bathroom. police weren't contacted about the incidents nor did they result in settle helicopters. representatives for ratner didn't respond. still ahead ryan hoyer finding a new home since being released by the niners. >> and gearing up for a good old game seven of the fall classic. >> and check back in with mark who is tracking that wet who is tracking that wet weather for us. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. . the patriots have signed brian hoyer to a three year deal. the deal sends him back to where he started his career in 2000 the as tom brady's back up. he has spent time with seven teams including the 49ers this year during his nine year career. and we are hearing from san francisco 49ers new quarterback. yesterday after the team introduced him to the media one day after completing a trade with the patriots. he spent the past few seasons backing up brady and he said is he grateful for this new opportunity. >> i like to start buff just -- thanking everybody from the organization. starting with jed, john. it's a privilege to be here and i mean going back to new england and thanking them for giving me that first opportunity. . cj will start this sunday. it's winner take all. the dodgers use their home field advantage to hold off the astros last night. >> jason is here now and has some of the highlights which will be great. >> this is such a drama filled, it had to go seven games. carlos said this has to be the greatest world series of all time. hard to argue. first consider the teams. the dodgers and astros won more than a hundred game making the third film in history two 100 win teams meeting in a game seven of the word series. there has been countless huge moments. league changes, swings in home field advantage and if you want to give the edge to the dodgers since they are at home not so fast. there has been 38 game sevens in the world series. the home team has won half of them. that means this very lot of the other half. no edge there. now i know it's --. >> giants, royals. >> that was the last one. hard to root for the dodgers. root for their relief pitcher brandon to at least do well. he was a star at a high school in santa rosa, went to cal. there is your local angle. five former a's sprinkled in both teams. they let these guys go. as for the astros. they go -- since the beginning of the alcs, they hit 435 and win and 070 in losses. it's darvish. if darvish gives up a few hits i wouldn't be surprise fire department they pull him and put in kershaw for three or everybody has been playing. >> in order for the astros to win i think they scored five runs in all their wins and lot of the other ones. did they need to score? >> i think it just -- it's pretty simple as we said. i think when they go off they win. so that means there are scoring runs in their wins. they aren't winning the 2-1 games very often. i think are you right on with that. >> more of those three run home runs that we saw in game five. can you imagine? >> i'm just fired up. this will be -- this has been such a good game two. its been great and then it got up staged by game five. we were all watching that and we couldn't believe it. it was five hours and 17 minutes and you wanted to go longer. it seemed to short. >> a short game, a long game. we will find out font. you can see it here on ktvu. coverage starts at four. first pitch set for 5:20. eight tonight. looks like clear skies. clear skies here. >> guys we head into your midweek forecast. beyond this time frame. we are talking about some rain approaching the bay area. especially as we head into friday. outside right now beautiful. looking out toward san francisco. look at the pretty colors. the coastline. just about it. pretty nice wednesday afternoon. changes setting up out there. patchy fog trying to regroup near portions of our shoreline. more changes and energy. more cloud cover way up here. this will be a factor as we head toward thursday. san jose 67, concord 66 and the half moon bay -- tracking some rain. they tracked rainfall in the bay area that. will be the headline. slowly spread spreads south. we could be talking about amounts up to a quarter inch. saturday morning possibly more rain showers. this leads us through friday through 10:00 p.m. late friday night into early saturday morning. to santa rosa. approaching .20. here is the weather all picture. we traced in the upper weather winds. what i'm watching -- is this cooler dip in the jet stream. cooler temperatures. then as we head to friday, rainfall moves in. a cold front will move into the bay area. rainfall here. snow fall. looking out toward south lake tahoe. the winter storm watch. late friday afternoon through sunday morning. above -- above past level. snow fall could be one to three feet. amazing but most areas will probably pick up around four to eight inches closer to lake levels. friday morning. then into friday night as well. just a heads up the friday afternoon evening commute could be a little more of a challenge. 60s and 70s for your wednesday afternoon and here is a look ahead. your five-day forecast thickening up the clouds on thursday. that rain cloud into friday. the weekend we are watching it closely. we have a lot of plans coming our ways this weekend and it looks like it'll not be a wash out but the chance of a shower into saturday morning. >> perfect. thank you. >> thank you. a favorite holiday tradition here gets underway today. the outdoor skating rink in san francisco's union square opened just a few hours ago. the rink will be open every day from now until -- if you celebrate you can skate for free. takenning a living look at the rink with a couple people out there. this is the first local outdoor rink to open. another one in alameda as well. free black friday passes for those who want to avoid the malls. more than 40 state parks are offering free admission. savor the redwoods league and california state parks providing more than 2500 free vehicle day use passes on a first come, first serve basis. just click the web links tab. jerry brown will join partners every part of the world during a conference in germ my. his ten day trip starts on saturday. it'll include stops at the vatican and a united states nations conference. this follows trips to promote international guyments aimed to fight global warming. warming the white house treats international commitment. we will have much more after the break. stay with us. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. delsym helpswhich means, impulse to cough for 12 hours. you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. delsym. the #1 12-hour cough medicine. . now that halloween is over people are focusing on thanksgiving and you don't even get a day to breathe. more than 28 million are expected to fly during that holiday. it would be a 3% increase. the reason is lower fares and airlines have been adding more seats to their planes. best buy preparing by giving their customers a great offer. the store announcing that it'll offer free shipping. best buy plans to waive it's 35- dollar minimum needed for free shipping for the third straight year. the company is going into 40 markets. the offer will be available for now until christmas day. markets -- up 56 points the nasdaq up 13 points. a lot of people have been waiting for this. hundreds of new emojis available from apple with the new ios11.1 update. man i got to update my phone. new icons include the american sign language symbol for i love you and different foods, animals and mythical creatures. there are also flags for england, scotland and wales. it's the start of november and that means many men will ditch their razors for the next month. it's the official start of no shave november. the goal is to change the face of men's health during the month. men grow beards or mustaches to increase early cancer detection. a diagnosis and effective treatments to reduce the number of preventable deaths. the it encourages men to be aware of family history, and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. >> great reason to do it. are you going to do it? >> i will not be doing this. i never have. >> no? you like a clean cut look. >> i never felt it. some day i will do it. >> all right. >> if my wife lets me. >> we are taking a live look at that ice skating rink at union square. check it out if you are out there. thank you for makings us your choice for news. see you later. dr. oz: today -- tilapia, it's the fish you love for its taste and affordable price. but some recent headlines that tilapia is as bad for you as bacon. is it getting a bad wrap? we investigate. plus -- >> there's a hole still in his head that's going to be there for the rest of his life. dr. oz: we're investigating the rides and injuries and even deaths. >> coming up next. ♪ dr. oz: are you ready to save some lives today? audience: yeah! >> i love you, dr. oz. cheers and applause] dr. oz: it's the world's

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20171101 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At Noon 20171101

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investigators today. we are finding out new details that he had planned this attack weeks in the making. even staking out the very bike path that was used in this horrible terrorist attack. worst since 9/11 here in new york city. police say they think the 29- year-old suspect was acting alone during yesterday's attack but it's unclear at this point if he is working with is is or if he just had sympathies for them. his name popped up in connection to a handful of other suspects and there is no doubt that the attack was an act of terror. >> eight innocent lives taken by a criminal committing a cowardly act driving a rental truck. >> reporter: he works for uber and had ties to ohio, florida and new jersey. he pledged himself to isis in a note found near the truck he used but the group has yet to claim responsibility adding to the idea that this was a lone wolf attack. >> they are harder to anticipate and harder to get intelligence on. >> reporter: he entered the united states in 2010. the president said he wants to end the program that allowed his entry and is finding fast support machining republicans. >> the lottery system i have always been against it because it's a random system to bring people into the united states. >> reporter: there are now multiple areas in this investigation and location not just here in downtown where the horrible attack happened but two locations in new jersey. the fbi searching on apartment that belonged to the suspect today bringing out bags of evidence as well as the home depot where we know he rented that truck. just an hour before he decided to take -- to take down and run over eight people, killing eight and injuring as do others. >> brian i understand he had run ins with the law in other states, traffic citations. what about on the federal level? has he been on the radar with the fbi? >> reporter: this has been an interesting point made by the nypd. he was never under specific fbi investigation. of but he is someone who has ties to terrorist suspects. his name has come up. two sources have said that his name has popped up in the database which has ties to terror suspects and no doubt they will want to get as much intel as he talks to investigators. one report saying that he was boasting today in telling investigators how proud he was of the attack. michael young. >> live in new york city. thank you. we are learning of the eight people killed five were from arnentina, one from belgium, one from new jersey and one from new york. five were here to celebrate a graduation. this is a pickeer of them online. the government said a 6th man that was with them was hurt. he is recovering at a hospital in lower manhattan. >> the president calling for swift action in the wake of the deadly terror attack. more specifically to end the diversity program. >> we want to immediately work with congress on the diversity lottery program on terminating it, getting rid of it. we want a merit based program where people come into our country based on merit. we want to get rid of chain m ib ration. >> reporter: the program offer of proofs v isas to people who have few immigrants in the united states. it was supported by both parties and signed in to law by george w bush in 1990. the alleged attacker came to the united states in 2010 through the program. the san francisco board of supervisors -- go head. >> go head. >> approved a resolution calling for the impeachment of the president. the supervisor introduced the resolution last week. it's supported by a group working to bring people together in san francisco to resist the president's agenda. the board of supervisors is calling on the house to authorize an immigration investigation into whether there are grounds to impeach the president. ? this afternoon a san francisco police officer remains in the hospital after being shot in the castro district overnight during a violent confrontation. >> it happened near 18th and castro. the armed man was shot and wounded by police. alex is live in san francisco with more on what led up to the gun fire. >> reporter: good afternoon to both of you. that injured police officer normally works as a crime scene investigator but last night on halloween he was on patrol here in the castro. part of a stepped up police presence to watch the crowds. at one point that officer and a second officer responded here to diamond street to investigate reports of a suspicious car. that's when gun fire suddenly erupted. >> reporter: in this youtube video you can hear a number much shots being fired in the castro district just after midnight. san francisco police exchanged gun fire with an armed man here on diamond street just off market. >> there was about ten shots and then it was quiet and then ten more shots and that's when we realized it was like a lot of gun fire and sort of imagined the worst but couldn't see anything. >> reporter: when the shooting was over one officer was left injured. a police hat and the hand gun could be seen on the ground. the 41-year-old officer was rushed to the hospital where he underwent surgery for at least one gun shot wound. the armed man who fired at police was also shot and wounded. this confrontation started when someone flagged down police asking them to check on a suspicious car. two officers went to check on the car and that's what shots were fired. police have not said who open fire first. >> came out and i saw -- the little things on the street. i knew those are bullet casings or something. kind of scary. relatively safe neighborhood. >> reporter: because it was halloween san francisco police stepped up patrols here in the castro last night this is no longer a city sponsored event but still thousands dress up and head out to bars and restaurants to celebrate. although police and neighbors say that the halloween celebration operations have been peaceful and relatively problem free over the past few years. that injured san francisco police officer, nine year veteran of the force remains in the hospital at san francisco general this afternoon. listed in critical condition. the armed man who was shot by police here overnight in the castro remains in the hospital. we have not been given any update on his condition but as is standard protocol with the san francisco police department they are planning to have a community meeting with in the next week and a half to talk to the public about this police shooting and offer more details on what happened. >> we will look forward to that information and more information on the investigation from san francisco police. alex live in san francisco. thank you. in sonoma investigation is underway after sheriff's deputies shot a suspected truck thief. it happened around 10:30 last night as deputies responded to a report of an assault with a deadly weapon. when they arrived a man told deputies he got into an argument with a suspect who tried to run him over with a stolen truck before driving away. a short time later deputies located that stolen truck and suspect but the man refused to pull over and stop according to police. when the truck reached a deadened deputies fired, hitting that suspect twice in the arm. he is expected to survive. his name hasn't been released. lawmakers and local transportation leaders are explaining how the governor's transportation improvement measure will affect you. today in dublin representatives from the group fix our roads discussed senate bill 1 that invested four billion over the next ten years. most talked about aspect of the bill has been the gas tax which has gone up 12-cents a gallon. officials say that it's all worth the investment. >> it means every city and county will invest in reducing that traffic congestion improving road repair, improving bridge safety and fixing roads as well as putting thousands of people to work. >> not everybody is in favor of the new bill. protesters could be heard yelling no more taxes throughout the event. still ahead a class action lawsuit being filed against immigration and customs enforcement. the allegations of unlawful raids, unfairly targeting a specific group of refugees. >> as we give you a live look outside. downtown oakland. rain on the way. we will check in with mark for details on when you can expect it. . at least two people were shot during a large gathering first reported as a side show. now police officers passing by the area of broadway between 38th and 39th street were flagged down just before 11:30 last night. the areas near the medical center. a police sergeant said that about 200 people were blocking the street and authorities investigating what prompted the shooting. the two victim its took themselves to the hospital. one was shot in the back. both are in stable condition. police are investigating whether there was a third shooting victim as well. reportedly there was a shied show at the scene. officials investigating an accident that left a person dead. this happened after nine last night near cherry lane. investigators say a ford sedan was speeding when it rolled and ended up in oncoming traffic striking a toyota suv. the male driver of the ford died at the scene and the male driver of the toyota was taken to the hospital with minor to mild injuries. the cause of the crash is under investigate investigation. more than 70 sex offenders were arrested last night as a result of operation boo. it focuses on the nearly 1400 sex offenders on parole in california. last night we went on a ride along in alameda county and agents went door to door checking on men convicted of sex crimes against children. they are not allowed to answer the door or put up decorations on halloween. homeless parolees were also required to report as well. we saw two taken way for possession of drugs and one for violating curfew. >> illegal to have this. >> we have them on tracking which detours them from committing new crimes. >> police say that it's not likely that children will be targeted at random they say the program is worth the effort. october is gone. november is here. mark with a new month we have some weather making its way toward the bay area. >> yeah it'll feel like weather in just a few days. much cooler air mass moving in. increasing rain chances the north all the way to the south. even including the south bay as well. lots of sun for today. temperatures on track to reach the 60s coastline. mainly the lower 60 he around the bay. around 66. inland close to 70 degrees. actually a fairly nice wednesday afternoon out there. you can see some cloud cover hanging out near portions of the coastline. lots of sunshine out there but here we go with some patchy fog near portions of the north bay coastline as you can pick out. closer to point reyes as well. that's the latest and just to be -- to the west. as far as current numbers we will check in on those. san francisco 65, at least one sensor showing you that. livermore 64. san jose 67 and napa6 had. forecast headlines for toted. a lot of sunshine for your wednesday. definitely some clouds for thursday and then rain starts on friday. we could be talking about rain chances in to the weekend as well. it won't be a wash out. some clouds and a cooler pattern out there. this will be the headline with rain making a come back into friday. the bulk of the rainfall up to the north in northern california. this will be a snow producer. snow fall possibly at least around three to six inches but i'm sure we could have higher amounts as well as we get a better idea with the timing and intensity of the system. here is the forecast model this is through ten. these numbers will change a bit. i think in fact after ten these numbers will go up. most areas in general about a tenth to a quarter inch much and possibly a little more for the coastal hills. here is the deal. you can see a dip in the jet stream here. that's cooler weather pattern setting up. actually cleared out to some of the low clouds and fog. mostly sunny skies. 60s to 70s with the exception of patchy fog near portions of the shoreline. then into friday that rainfall approaches. cooler and it'll be breezy out there. this is a well defined cold front that will bring in much cooler arias we head in to the weekend. no warm ups in sight. in fact temperatures kind of taking a drop off each day right on through the five-day period. here we go as we put the forecast method knell to motion. we will take it into thursday. more clouds, look what happens in to friday. rain showers approaching the area late thursday and friday. here we are friday morning 8:00 and friday five. kind of the rain kind of skirting through the bay area. saturday the chance of a shower mainly for the morning showers but we will scale back into the afternoon. forecast highs for ted. mostly sunny skies. still patchy coastal fog and temperatures 60s to the lower 70s and look ahead. here we go. we already said good-bye to halloween and that low in novembert. will feel like fall. little bit like winter by friday. rainfall starts. the chance of a shower mainly to saturday morning. watching sunday right now because we could add more shower chances by late sunday afternoon into sunday night. >> looking good. >> thank you. california's insurance commissioner said property damage losses from last month's wildfires now exceeds $3.3 billion. state commissioner said that figure represents claims for homes and businesses with insurance by 15 major companies and that ma'am is significantly higher than the preliminary estimate of a billion dollars. 43 people were killed in the fires. the fires destroyed nearly 9,000 structures. people in sonoma will be allowed to hire private contractors to clean up their properties themselves if they want. the board of supervisors authorized the alternative option for homeowners who don't want to sign up for the government's free program to clear the remains of their destroyed homes. supervisors said with rain now in the forecast as we heard mark talk about they need to take steps possible to speed up the speed clean up process.. and the organizers of bottle rock are planning a series of three benefit concerts for the wine country fire relief. its being called for the love of sonoma. they will headline two separate shows on november 18th and then train is scheduled to preform on december 1st. they will be held thea winery in oakville. tickets go on sale at nine tomorrow morning. coming up the latest on the russia investigation including the newly unsealed court documents about the president's former advisor and his contact with senior officials and foreign nationals. . for those that need health care open enrollment starts today. it's the one time of the year when those without insurance can enroll without having to meet qualifying conditions. participants have three months to do so but people are encouraged to sign up by the middle of december to make sure coverage starts by january 1st. interested enrollees are encouraged to shop and compare due to the changes for 2018. some companies withdrawing parts of california while others will be expanding. republican lawmakers in washington were expected to roll out details of their tax reform bill but at enouncement has been delayed until tomorrow. some lawmakers opposed the idea of eliminating popular deductions for state and local taxes. there is also resistance to imposing new limits on401k retirement plans. lawmakers haven't decided where to set the income levels for a simple set of tax bracketts. a look at the market. stocks mixed an wall street. you see the dow jones is up the nasdaq is down. i'll producer rose at the price of benchmark crude topped $55 a barrel touching it's highest level since january 3rd. now to the latest on the investigation into possible collusion between russia and the trump campaign. the president is calling his advisor a liar and a volunteer. >> new up sealed court papers outline his frequent contacts with senior officials and with foreign nationals who promised access to the highest levels of the russian government. >> reporter: russian president met earlier this month as he does yearly with the prorussian think tank. before that same club a professor spoke in may of 2016 in praise of the role in the iran nuclear deal. >> the tactics of the russian federation proved to be extremely useful. >> reporter: two days later he are resumed his e-mails with the low level foreign policy advisor to the trump campaign who has plead guilty to lying to the fbi about his contacts with him and russian nationals. documents released by special council said that the professor told the defendant as the defendant later described to the fbi that they, meaning the russians have dirt on her, meaning clinton. the russians had e-mails of clinton, thousands of e-mails but the professor told the tell gravity he was upset by the claims about being pr ivr of y to dirt on clinton. >> the defense will be the trump campaign wanted nothing to do with those meetings and in today's report that i think you are involved is that the professor himself is calling it into doubt. >> reporter: among those dismissing the plea deal was the russian foreign minister. >> if the meeting was about russian american relations i don't see anything illegal about it. i'm not looking with skepticism and lack of interest at the new and continuous reports on how trump won the elections. >> reporter: democrats in washington voiced muted concern about monday's resignation of tony podesta from his form which was named as company b in this week's indictment of former trump campaign chairman paul manafort. both pleaded not guilty. podesta's brother is the chairman of the clinton campaign. it is the podesta group's role as a subcontractor that attracting attention. >> when foreign governments come to do business before the united states they want firm that can represent democrats and republicans and given manafort tess not unyou're for him to seek out a higher profile democrat lobbyist. >> reporter: john podesta described himself as the victim of a big lie campaign by the american president and saying that the president seems a lot more worried now than july 2016 when he asked the russians to hack our campaign. facebook said it'll double the number of people it has working on security issues from ten thousand employees to 20,000 by the end of 2018. the they told senator that a committee hearing that the company is committed to investing more on security. he said currently thousands of employees focus on removing terrorism related content. we are learning more about the suspect at the center the new york city terror attack. a closer look at where he lives in new jersey. >> and today marks one month since the deadly mass shooting in las vegas and now some survivors are meeting the men who helped save their lives. . back to the latest on the deadly terror attack. >> that's where the suspect has lived for the past seven months. ron schmidt. >> this now the center of this investigation by federal authorities as well as the nypd and local authorities. this mosque is where the suspect worshiped up until the time that he committed this act and he lived in an apartment with his wife and two children that is next door to the mosque. he has been here for a few months at least we know at this time. all of this, the apartment complex and mosque. other apartments and store fronts in this very bigamous limb community in patterson are under investigation now as police try to figure out exactly what led to this crime. the planning of this crime and if the suspect was radicalized here. the suspect is here in the country on a diversity visa. he moved to florida in 2010. he rented that truck from a home depot just a couple miles down the road and then drove into the city to commit this horrible act. riding up on to the bike path and killing eight others until a hero cop shot him in the legending the mayhem of this. he went to the hospital and has been through surgery and is being questioned a police as they try to figure out how all this came together. reporting here in patterson. fox news. the peas president is calling formerrist based immigration since the country was in the country on a diversity visa. attorneys have file aid class action suit against ice. >> it claims officials are doing unlawful raids targeting the cambodia community in the united states. we are live in the newsroom to explain it all. >> reporter: there are about 100cambodia immigrants represented, most here in california because their state is home to the largest community in the united states. the majority of the class members are people who came here fleeing the violence of their country in the 07's and 80s. just about all of the members represented in this suit have lived here since they were young children. now attorneys with the asian law caucus explained the immigrants in this suit all had prior deportation orders going back decades in some cases. some of those orders were because the immigrants involved had criminal convictions. because of a policy disagreement between the cambodia government they were never deported and continued living in the united states. until unexpectedly about a hundred much them were picked up by ice agents a couple weeks ago. the attorneys say that the way in which they were detained without warning or explanation was cruel and they argue not constitutional. >> we have seen the administration putting pressure on various countries that have been deemed uncooperative and cambodia is one of them many we think it's all about politics. we have seen raids happening in other communities as well. just recently we have seen many from vietnam also detained by ice with no notice. this has been happening with the haiti community. cuban. >> reporter: we heard from the sister of one of the people represented in this suit. she said her 39-year-old brother has lived in the united states since he was two. he got into trouble for drug possession and car theft but served his time in prison. he was taken in to ice custody just two weeks ago but for 22 years before they was left alone to live his life. >> since that time he has turned his life around. all of the family members are united states citizens. i have a brother who served in the marines. very a nephew in the army. i have a brother-in-law who is in the army reserve. i don't know how american can that be. >> reporter: now in response to the suit a representative from ice said that the agency doesn't comment on pending litigation but she added in a statement our lack of comment should not be seen as agreement or stipulation with any of the allegations. our trained law enforcement professionals adhere to the mission of up holding the law and providing the nation with safety and security. attorneys with the law caucus said the outcome of the suit could possibly impact other immigrant groups, not just the cambodian community. we will have to wait and see what the outcome is. back to you. >> all right. in the newsroom. thank you. san francisco police continue to investigate a deadly accident. police say that just after eight last night a man was struck and killed while walking along the road. he died at the scene. the driver stopped and is cooperating with police. a safeway employee is in the hospital and is expected to survive after he was stabbed. police say that the suspect, a 34-year-old michael pardo attacked the victim. this happened just before one at the safeway on 7th eve. witnesses say that the 39-year- old leo soto was taken to the hospital. a safeway worker said they are concerned because several employees have been fired for trying to stop shoplifters. which is against cop policy. they said the assault is under investigation and their main concern is for the injured employee. police shot and killed a man they say shot and stabbed a woman and killed a police dog. investigators say there was some sort of dispute and the suspect stabbed a woman. police sent in a k the but the suspect stabbed and killed the dog. officers opened fire. the suspect was hit and he later died at the hospital. the woman stabbed is in the hospital with nonlife threatening joiners. a man accused of manslaughter in the shooting of a richmond police officer will be in court. the sentencing phase of robert vega will be held in contra costa. vega is accused of shotting a police officer in his home of february of 2016. vega was once in a relationship with the officer's daughter. a jury could find him not guilty by reason of insanity. today is a month since the deadly shooting in las vegas. >> now two survivors getting the chance to say thank you to the men who helped them during the chaos. eric hilt has more on the reunion. >> reporter: one month later it's still difficult for athena to describe the horrors of the shooting. >> it's really hard to find the right words. >> she was at the route 91 harvest festival with her sister and her boyfriend shane armstrong. they were celebrating andrew's 28th birthday when the shots rang out. >> we have people to help us carry her out. just out on the street and then that's when we saw a black truck slam on its brakes. >> jumped in the car and said let's go. >> reporter: the strangers behind the wheel sped to the hospital but doctors told athena that her sister died. >> we loved each other regardless and she made me happy. she was such an mazing person and she is no longer here with me. >> reporter: while andrea wasn't here those two men who helped them were somewhere. >> the day after we started asking around and we just wanted to say thank you. >> reporter: today among the flowers, the pictures, the notes at the downtown las vegas healing garden they were finally able to say thank you. >> nice to meet you brother. sorry for your loss. >> i was grateful to meet them and be able to say thank you because we didn't have that moment. it was -- it all happened so fast. >> i'm shaking. it's just -- i can't even explain it. >> reporter: they were selling beer inside the festival. they told me when they saw the victim. they ran to their truck. the three were on the first of flee trips to the hospital. >> we were there at the right moment i guess. we tried to help as much as we can. >> reporter: while this reunion helped them come closer to closure the four people brought together on the street outside of the festival say there is still a long road ahead. >> it helps just to say -- to be able to say thank you and for everything they have done but it's still -- it's still -- i still have a broken heart. >> you will get through this. >> that was eric hilt reporting. for the first time since the deadly shooting attorneys in other legal experts have been allowed in to the festival grounds. access was granted yesterday after monday's court hearing during which a judge said representatives of defendants suing casino company mgm resorts could photograph and diagram the concert grounds as a record for the lawsuits. new at noon police have made an arrest in a violent sexual assault case that's more than a decade old. police identified keith asberry in the unsolved case by using leads in other cases and revisiting the original dna evidence. in february of 2005 he broke into an apartment and robbed two women and assaulted one of them. the new chief of national public radio said is he resigning after sexual harassment allegations. weighs put on leave afternoon accusations that he kissed two women while they were discussing job prospects at the new york times in the 90s. he said he was sorry to the people he hurt and added my behavior was wrong and i accept full responsibility. the npr president asked for and accepted the resignation. olivia munn and others are coming forward with allegations against brett ratner. munn said while visiting him onset back in 2004 he exposed himself to her in a trailer. the report describes other encounters where he pursued other actresses. sometimes following them right in to the bathroom. police weren't contacted about the incidents nor did they result in settle helicopters. representatives for ratner didn't respond. still ahead ryan hoyer finding a new home since being released by the niners. >> and gearing up for a good old game seven of the fall classic. >> and check back in with mark who is tracking that wet who is tracking that wet weather for us. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. . the patriots have signed brian hoyer to a three year deal. the deal sends him back to where he started his career in 2000 the as tom brady's back up. he has spent time with seven teams including the 49ers this year during his nine year career. and we are hearing from san francisco 49ers new quarterback. yesterday after the team introduced him to the media one day after completing a trade with the patriots. he spent the past few seasons backing up brady and he said is he grateful for this new opportunity. >> i like to start buff just -- thanking everybody from the organization. starting with jed, john. it's a privilege to be here and i mean going back to new england and thanking them for giving me that first opportunity. . cj will start this sunday. it's winner take all. the dodgers use their home field advantage to hold off the astros last night. >> jason is here now and has some of the highlights which will be great. >> this is such a drama filled, it had to go seven games. carlos said this has to be the greatest world series of all time. hard to argue. first consider the teams. the dodgers and astros won more than a hundred game making the third film in history two 100 win teams meeting in a game seven of the word series. there has been countless huge moments. league changes, swings in home field advantage and if you want to give the edge to the dodgers since they are at home not so fast. there has been 38 game sevens in the world series. the home team has won half of them. that means this very lot of the other half. no edge there. now i know it's --. >> giants, royals. >> that was the last one. hard to root for the dodgers. root for their relief pitcher brandon to at least do well. he was a star at a high school in santa rosa, went to cal. there is your local angle. five former a's sprinkled in both teams. they let these guys go. as for the astros. they go -- since the beginning of the alcs, they hit 435 and win and 070 in losses. it's darvish. if darvish gives up a few hits i wouldn't be surprise fire department they pull him and put in kershaw for three or everybody has been playing. >> in order for the astros to win i think they scored five runs in all their wins and lot of the other ones. did they need to score? >> i think it just -- it's pretty simple as we said. i think when they go off they win. so that means there are scoring runs in their wins. they aren't winning the 2-1 games very often. i think are you right on with that. >> more of those three run home runs that we saw in game five. can you imagine? >> i'm just fired up. this will be -- this has been such a good game two. its been great and then it got up staged by game five. we were all watching that and we couldn't believe it. it was five hours and 17 minutes and you wanted to go longer. it seemed to short. >> a short game, a long game. we will find out font. you can see it here on ktvu. coverage starts at four. first pitch set for 5:20. eight tonight. looks like clear skies. clear skies here. >> guys we head into your midweek forecast. beyond this time frame. we are talking about some rain approaching the bay area. especially as we head into friday. outside right now beautiful. looking out toward san francisco. look at the pretty colors. the coastline. just about it. pretty nice wednesday afternoon. changes setting up out there. patchy fog trying to regroup near portions of our shoreline. more changes and energy. more cloud cover way up here. this will be a factor as we head toward thursday. san jose 67, concord 66 and the half moon bay -- tracking some rain. they tracked rainfall in the bay area that. will be the headline. slowly spread spreads south. we could be talking about amounts up to a quarter inch. saturday morning possibly more rain showers. this leads us through friday through 10:00 p.m. late friday night into early saturday morning. to santa rosa. approaching .20. here is the weather all picture. we traced in the upper weather winds. what i'm watching -- is this cooler dip in the jet stream. cooler temperatures. then as we head to friday, rainfall moves in. a cold front will move into the bay area. rainfall here. snow fall. looking out toward south lake tahoe. the winter storm watch. late friday afternoon through sunday morning. above -- above past level. snow fall could be one to three feet. amazing but most areas will probably pick up around four to eight inches closer to lake levels. friday morning. then into friday night as well. just a heads up the friday afternoon evening commute could be a little more of a challenge. 60s and 70s for your wednesday afternoon and here is a look ahead. your five-day forecast thickening up the clouds on thursday. that rain cloud into friday. the weekend we are watching it closely. we have a lot of plans coming our ways this weekend and it looks like it'll not be a wash out but the chance of a shower into saturday morning. >> perfect. thank you. >> thank you. a favorite holiday tradition here gets underway today. the outdoor skating rink in san francisco's union square opened just a few hours ago. the rink will be open every day from now until -- if you celebrate you can skate for free. takenning a living look at the rink with a couple people out there. this is the first local outdoor rink to open. another one in alameda as well. free black friday passes for those who want to avoid the malls. more than 40 state parks are offering free admission. savor the redwoods league and california state parks providing more than 2500 free vehicle day use passes on a first come, first serve basis. just click the web links tab. jerry brown will join partners every part of the world during a conference in germ my. his ten day trip starts on saturday. it'll include stops at the vatican and a united states nations conference. this follows trips to promote international guyments aimed to fight global warming. warming the white house treats international commitment. we will have much more after the break. stay with us. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so 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available for now until christmas day. markets -- up 56 points the nasdaq up 13 points. a lot of people have been waiting for this. hundreds of new emojis available from apple with the new ios11.1 update. man i got to update my phone. new icons include the american sign language symbol for i love you and different foods, animals and mythical creatures. there are also flags for england, scotland and wales. it's the start of november and that means many men will ditch their razors for the next month. it's the official start of no shave november. the goal is to change the face of men's health during the month. men grow beards or mustaches to increase early cancer detection. a diagnosis and effective treatments to reduce the number of preventable deaths. the it encourages men to be aware of family history, and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. >> great reason to do it. are you going to do it? >> i will not be doing this. i never have. >> no? you like a clean cut look. >> i never felt it. some day i will do it. >> all right. >> if my wife lets me. >> we are taking a live look at that ice skating rink at union square. check it out if you are out there. thank you for makings us your choice for news. see you later. dr. oz: today -- tilapia, it's the fish you love for its taste and affordable price. but some recent headlines that tilapia is as bad for you as bacon. is it getting a bad wrap? we investigate. plus -- >> there's a hole still in his head that's going to be there for the rest of his life. dr. oz: we're investigating the rides and injuries and even deaths. >> coming up next. ♪ dr. oz: are you ready to save some lives today? audience: yeah! >> i love you, dr. oz. cheers and applause] dr. oz: it's the world's

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