Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20170923 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20170923

he will be holding a press conference saturday detailing plans. no word on whether former white house adviser steve bannon is coming. uc-berkeley officials say they are planning as if free speech week is on. >> the university's exitment to first amend is unwavering. we'll meet our commitments. we are committed to the first amend. >> reporter: they are gearing up for free speech week and if the event does happen, security will be tight. >> we have contracted with our partners around the community and the county law enforcement agencies. we are contracting police officers to come and work on hour behalf. we are going to be staging for security. >> reporter: the free speech rallies are far from free. we asked if the security costs would exceed a million dollars. >> when you say a million dollars, that's a small cost. i expect that to be multiplied several times after this. >> would we rather be spending these resources on the academic mission and the student experience in absolutely. we would. >> reporter: authorities are looking to prevent an outbreak of violence that occurred when extremists groups from the left set fires in protest of yiannopoulos's appearance last february. many students say they plan to spend as little time on campus next week as possible. >> i think as a security measure, it's scary. a lot of my classes are canceled because people don't feel comfortable with the possibility of crossing through campus if it does end up being a really serious situation? >> reporter: this evening we spoke by phone with a member of the berkeley patriot, the student says the list of speakers will be revealed at the yiannopoulos press conference tomorrow. and she said the uc-berkeley administration has not been cooperative in planning the event. >> the university knows if they were to cancel this event, it would be bad press on them. however, they are also the ones that refuse to give us indoor venues. they are essentially forcing us to have outdoor venues which is causing danger to other students and speakers. >> reporter: the berkeley patriot filed a civil rights complaint tuesday against the uc-berkeley administration for, quote, systematically and intentionally violating its members' civil liberties by suppressing their first amendment rights. >> thank you, rob roth. stay with us for continuing coverage as free speech week approaches. we'll bring you the latest in all of our newscasts and online at turning now to the healthcare battle unfolding in washington, where once again, senator john mccain could be the deciding vote on a critical healthcare bill. you will recall his dramatic no vote that killed the "skinny bill" back in july. in a statement today, mccain announced his opposition to the new graham-cassidy bill to repeal the affordable care act. he said any legislation should be the product of a bipartisan product of hearings and debate. republicans can only lose two votes and still pass with a tie breaking vote from the vice president who vowed today to keep fighting. >> even now the opposition is forming up and some have gone so far as to announce their opposition already. president trump and i are undeterred. we cannot in good conscience abandon this cause. the american people are hurting. >> rand paul will also vote no and maine senator susan collins is leaning against it. it's not clear if senate leader mitch mcconnell will bring the bill to the floor if he doesn't have the votes to pass it. in san francisco, vermont senator and former presidential candidate bernie sanders made his case for his own plan. at 6:30, his rally for national single-payer healthcare. new at 6:00, a court victory for backers of a proposed ballot measure to repeal the statewide gas tax. the tax was approved by the legislature last april. it imposes a 12-cent per gallon fee and it set to go into effected on november 1. republican assemblyman travis allen who is running for governor is gathering signatures for a ballot measure to try to repeal the tax. but he didn't like the language used for the ballot measure's title and summary so he went to court. today a sacramento county superior court judge sided with allen finding it problematic that the words tax or fee don't appear on the title. >> the judge was very clear. the attorney general has intentionally written a title summary that was designed to mislead california voters. >> once the court can settle on a new title and summary for the measure, allen has 180 days to gather 365,000 signatures to qualify the measure for the november ballot in 2018. the gas tax is expected to help generate more than $5 billion a year for road maintenance, repairs and public transited. president trump facing nuclear let's on two fronts tonight. north korea expects to test a hydrogen bomb. ktvu's lauren blanchard reports from washington with new tensions with iran as well as president trump is considering the fate of the landmark iran nuclear deal. lauren, what's going on? >> reporter: yeah, hi, alyana. and president trump down in huntsville, alabama, right now speaking about north korea on stage as well as healthcare as well as a whole other bunch of options. now, all this as iran held a parade today with one of their weapons and north korea is now threatening test a weapon in the pacific! iran unveiling its newest missile friday one capable of hitting israel and much of the middle east in a direct challenge to the u.s. [ non- english language ] >> no matter if you like it or not, we will boost our defense and military power to the extent deemed necessary for deterrence. >> reporter: the multi-nation iran nuclear deal only prohibits tehran from further nuclear testing not work on ballistic missile technology, a central flaw in the agreement according to president trump and one of the reasons he may scrap the deal. the administration warns iran may not be done with its newscast. >> they are keen to resume such work in the future. >> reporter: the president is going after another rogue regime over weapons, north korea. he has now ordered the treasury department to cut off anyone who does business with the north in an attempt to deter its nuclear program. north korea is responding with this threat. [ non-english language ] >> the strongest ever hydrogen bomb might be conducted in the pacific. >> reporter: and responding with a whole lot of name calling. [ yelling ] trump is unfit to hold the prerogative of supreme command of a country and isn't a politician but a rogue and gangster fond of playing with fire. >> reporter: when president trump addressed the u.n. earlier this week, he called north korea's leader kim jong- un a rocket man on a suicide mission and that's a name he kept alive tonight at that rally saying the rocket man should have been handled long ago. now, on saturday, the foreign minister of north korea is expected to speak at the u.n. alyana? >> thank you, lauren blanchard in washington, dc. now to mexico, where rescuers are working around the clock still hoping to find survivors from tuesday's powerful earthquake. 21 people died at this textile factory one of the largest of the dozens of buildings that were destroyed. two people were pulled alive from the rubble there last night. the u.s. navy is among many agencies helping the relief effort sending more than 50,000 pounds of medicine, water, sanitation and hygiene supplies. >> at least 293 people are confirmed dead. jonathan hunt reports from mexico city where rescue crews know that time is running out to find survivors. >> reporter: rescue workers here in mexico city still digging for what is now a fourth straight day following a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake that's killed more than 250 people so far and buried countless others under destroyed buildings. officials say the rescue mission will continue until they are certain there are no more survivors waiting to be rescued. >> we know that before anything else, you have to stay calm to not push each other. >> rescue work continues. we have not stop. we will not stop finding and trying to find survivors. >> reporter: search-and-rescue from around the world are starting to arrive in force including from the u.s. where a number of cities have sent their own first responders augmenting the work being done by their mexican counterparts and thousands of volunteers. >> i knew i had to get down here and i'm happy. when i got here i was on the piles. >> reporter: the focus in many areas is turning to long term recovery. the government has promised a strong rebuilding program. residents say there's still a long road ahead before the city returns to normal. >> this has been devastating and it hurts a lot. >> we are going to need more to recuperate. >> reporter: at least 60 people have been rescued from the rubble so far. but in some areas, bulldozers are now moving in to clear the wreckage where no signs of life have been detected. in mexico city, jonathan hunt, fox news. ♪[ music ] coming up, a big blow for uber from across the pond. why london says the bay area- based rideshare service is unfit to operate. >> at the forefront of innovation and technology but you have to play by the rules. >> we are tracking the weekend forecast. here we go. saturday and sunday just around the corner. >> after the break, the city of oakland talking trash. "2 investigates" looks into a new report that details the source of all that trash illegally dumped on the city's streets. >> and taking a live look now at the friday evening commute, this is the bay bridge toll plaza you're looking at and all those cars going towards your screen, they're just trying to get into san francisco tonight. >> and here's a look at the macarthur maze slow going there in the commute direction on the left going up 80 towards richmond, el cerrito and beyond. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ vo: jack's got your back.hits, jack: somebody craving my smoky jack burger? vo: the smoky jack burger combo for $4.99. vo: hickory-smoked bacon, smoked cheddar cheese, vo: all on an artisan poppyseed bun. vo: plus fries and a refreshing drink. vo: all for just $4.99. man: thanks, jack! jack: you're welcome. vo: the new smoky jack burger combo for just $4.99. vo: only at jack in the box. "2 investigates" has been tracking illegal dumping in oakland for more than a year and there's new evidence about the source of the problem and where it's coming from. candice nguyen reports. >> reporter: it's costing taxpayers more than $5 million a deal. we are getting information about what's working, what's not and how to change strategy. the newly released report shows more than half of the illegal dumped trash comes from residential sources. let's than 10% was construction debris and only 3% was related to homelessness. last year the "2 investigates" team went undercover to catch dumpers in action. we discovered the city received more than 20,000 reports of illegal dumping in a one year period but only issued 65 citations. when we talked to city leaders about the problems, they had some ideas about who was to blame. >> we believe a lot of these people are coming from out of town and are repeat offenders. >> 60% of the illegal dumpers don't live in the city. we have to catch the ones who live in oakland as well as outside of oakland and put together a strong case, take it to the d.a. >> reporter: they said they believe the trash is coming outside of oakland but according to the study the results show it's hard to tell where it's coming from. two-thirds of the time inspectors couldn't tell where that trash was from. using the identifiable people they found a third of the garbage was from right here in oakland. the record is being used to help the citybuild a better strategy including tackling clean-up block by block instead of waiting citizens to report dumping themselves. you can still report illegal dumping trash in your area using the city's app or by calling 510-615-5566. >> its disgraceful how people think they can dump their trash wherever they want. i see it all the time in oakland they pile up and clear it out and within days it's back. >> reporter: some people think they are helping the homeless by giving them their old furniture or their old clothes and things like that but it just turns into trash on the street. >> candice nguyen, thank you. if you have a tip for our "2 investigates" team, contact us e email "2 investigates" at or call us. in san jose, three people were stabbed today after a big brawl at a moving company. the people were stabbed, others were involved in the fight. they detained five people to try to figure their roles. witnesses saw about a dozen employees run into the parking lot. >> there is a gentleman walking back who appeared to have been stabbed. he had blood on his shirt. and then there was another guy who was in with the employees that also seemed to have some blood on his shirt. >> the stabbing victims were taken to the hospital but their injuries are not life- threatening. authorities say they are reviewing surveillance video that shows the entire fight. a popular san francisco grocery store owner was killed in a hit-and-run crash early today as he was buying produce from wholesalers in the bayview district. crime reporter henry lee spoke with the victim's family who is now seeking justice. >> reporter: 57-year-old gus vardakastanis was killed at about 2:15 a.m. when he was hit outside san francisco wholesale produce market on jerrold avenue and tolland in the bayview. the speeding car driver never stopped. police are checking to see whether it's linked to a shooting a few blocks away minutes before the crash. >> so at this time i can't confirm that there's any relations to the two incidence but there was a pedestrian collision that occurred around 2:17 a.m. and there was a shooting that occurred around 2127 in the morning. >> reporter: news of vardakastanis's death spread quickly with condolences pouring in from customers, as well as supervisor london breed and mayor ed lee. beside gus' market he owned two other neighborhood markets in san francisco, noriega produce and haight street markets. his two sons helped run the stores. >> he loved his work, he did it for 43 years. and he operated his own stores for almost 37 years. and he loved going to the produce terminal and selecting produce and working with him and our buyers to make sure that our customers and our employees had the best resources. >> reporter: he had a message for anyone holding back what they know. >> please come forward. it's not going to help bring him back. but it may help bring a little bit of justice for all of us who are mourning him. >> reporter: friends and customers can't believe he is gone. >> impossible to comprehend, 2:30 in the morning to lose a pillar of the community, so it's very, very difficult. >> i mean, if you wanted to know how to live a life, you learn by gus. he did everything right. he was always willing to help people. just a great human being and it's a tragedy. excuse me. it's a tragedy what happened. >> reporter: that car involved described only as a silver sedan with damage to its front end and windshield. if you have information, call san francisco police. in san francisco, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. authorities in puerto rico are rushing to evacuate about 70,000 people who are downstream of a failing dam. the area got more than 15 inches of rain this week when hurricane maria made landfall causing the reservoir to overflow. right now 95% of puerto rico is still without power. and crews say it could take months for power to be restored across the island. people who live there say they have no idea when they are going to get their power or water back. >> in the neighbor, 85% of the houses are gone. [ speaking spanish ] >> we have lost everything, it took our house. it's tough but we're going to start over. >> at least 27 people have died in the caribbean due to the latest hurricane. maria is now passing east of the bahamas as a cat-3 storm with winds of 125 miles an hour. let's bring in chief meterologist bill martin. bill, a lot of family i have in puerto rico they all thought they were lucky because, you know, irma didn't quite hit them as bad as they thought and here comes maria just devastating the area. >> slammed san juan. puerto rico and densely populated area, very hilly terrain. >> yeah. >> adding to the flooding, mudslides, just a mess. the san juan, some of these islands, just getting the brunt of this. turks & caicos. and this is two in a row so it's not like one hit. they went through two. so here's the path right now. this is the forecast path which is good. keeps it away from -- it makes it an ocean storm at this point offshore. it will create issues along the east coast with surf and things like that but it shouldn't be a problem. current temperatures from today numbers were a little warmer than yesterday. numbers tomorrow will be a little warmer than today. high pressure is sort of returning after this large area of low pressure. i'll just kind -- you can see circulation. this is that big low that brought the snow up in the mountains. it's gone out of here and high pressure you see this flow, see the air kind of starting to do this, that's the high pressure building in. so that's going to set us up. that's the pattern for the weekend which means warmer and into next woke as well so a nice weekend coming up. warmest day should be sunday. current temperatures a little warmer than yesterday at this time. current live picture beautiful shot right there. you can see -- you see a lot of stuff out there. not a lot of wind out there today. temperatures tomorrow will be warmer than today but like i say, sunday is going to be the warmest day of the weekend so we'll set you up with that. i'll see you back here. coming up, to men accused of using a mentally disabled child to grab women's purses. >> to be put through that is -- it's not just criminal but inhumane. >> up next, details from police and the search now for more possible victims. >> warriors are getting ready for a new season starting in a few weeks. mark ibanez will tell us what the players had to say today when the national press showed up for media day. >> new developments in the killing of 13-year-old andy lopez by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy. the ruling today by a federal appeals court. a federal appeals court has upheld a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the family of a young boy who was shot and killed by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy four years ago in santa rosa. the ninth circuit court of appeals said there is ample evidence for a jury to conclude that 13-year-old andy lopez did not pose an immediate danger to deputy erick gelhaus when he shot him seven times. lopez was holding a very realistic looking airsoft gun and deputy gelhaus said he thought it was a real gun. the court said there is evidence that the boy did not raise the barrel of the gun as gelhaus claimed. despite widespread protests, prosecutors decided not to pursue charges against deputy gelhaus. deputy gelhaus is still with the sheriff's department and is now promoted to sergeant. in the south bay police in san jose have arrested two men accused in a series of robberies in broad daylight and as ktvu's jesse geary reports, the suspects are accused of using a mentally disabled child to pull off the illegal acts. >> reporter: robbery unit detectives arrested two men and an unnamed juvenile earlier this month in connection to four separate robberies stretching over two months. investigators say on august 28th and september 4th, the trio targeted elderly asian women in parking lots on mckee road. >> they would have a juvenile approach a female while they were walking through a parking lot and forcibly steal jewelry from the women and take off. >> reporter: investigators say the shocking aspect of this case, the juvenile who participated in the crime is mentally ill, apparently the two men using him as a literal weapon against the victims in four separate crimes. >> it's extremely egregious that somebody would stoop to that level to use any child firstly but a child that's suffering from mental illness and doesn't have the wherewithal to advocate for themselves or to look after themselves to be put through that. it's not just criminal, but is inhumane and disgusting behavior. >> reporter: the two men were arraigned september 7th on robbery charges and booked into the santa clara county jail. both have since been released on bail. the unnamed juvenile is held in the juvenile justice center. >> because the crime was committed, we have an obligation to book the adults into county jail and the juvenile into juvenile hall like we did in this case and then it's for the judicial system to decide what happens next. >> detectives are checking to see if the people involved in this crime spree may have targeted other victims in other parts of the bay area. in the san jose studio, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. ktvu fox 2 news at 6:30 is up next with senator bernie sanders outlining his own healthcare plans. >> healthcare to all as a right, not a privilege. >> yeah! [ applause and cheers ] >> up next, his message in san francisco today at a rally for national single-payer healthcare. >> also ahead, new at 6:30, details on a plan by facebook's ceo mark zuckerberg to cash in on a big percentage of the company shares. >> plus a much-needed project unveiled in san francisco. we'll learn about the city's newest affordable housing complex. stay with us. ktvu fox 2 news at 6:30 is next. per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. now to today's top stories. ann coulter telling ktvu she will not speak at cal's free speech week. uc-berkeley officials say they do not know for sure who will be speaking at the rallies but organizer milo yiannopoulos says he will be holding a news conference tomorrow to give more details. in the meantime, campus police are getting ready. the university says security could cost more than $1 million. iran is warning president trump against breaking the landmark nuclear deal. today, iran showed off a new missile that could carry multiple warheads and travel far enough to strike israel. president trump has not yet said if he will scrap the obama era agreement but this week at the u.n., he accused iran of building dangerous missiles and using oil profits to support terrorist. senator john mccain announced his opposition to a republican bill to repeal the affordable care act. this shocking no vote killed the "skinny repeal" back in july. in a statement today, he said the legislation should be the product of bipartisan debate. his decision is likely to doom the current bill to failure. republicans can only lose two votes and still pass it with a tie breaking vote from the vice president. you're watching ktvu fox 2 news at 6:30. while the battle over repealing obamacare rages in congress, senator bernie sanders was here in the bay area today promoting his plan for national single-payer healthcare. >> ktvu's tom vacar was at sanders' rally in the city where the former presidential candidate found a warm welcome. >> pass medicare for all. >> reporter: on a warm san francisco afternoon thousands of people listened as the national nurses united invited senator and former presidential candidate bernie sanders to speak in support of a proposed federal law as well as a proposed state law to establish universal healthcare nationwide and statewide. >> and guarantee healthcare to all as a right, not a privilege. >> reporter: sanders is aiming to shift the national conversation from repeal and replace to defeat and demand. first to defeat the republican graham-cassidy bill. >> how cruel, how immoral it is, to say to those millions of americans, we are going to take away that health insurance that keeps you alive. horrific legislation that would throw 32 million americans off of the healthcare they currently have. >> reporter: second, to demand universal single payer coverage for every child, woman and man as is done in every other major nation to include drug, dental and eyes. >> and i am proud to stand before you having introduced that legislation in the senate with 16 co-sponsors that does away with all co-payments, all deductibles. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: how to pay for it? he says increased taxes people will pay will be far less than their current premiums which will cease, lowering overall healthcare costs. >> every poll that i have seen indicates that more and more americans support a medicare for all single payer program. >> reporter: a recent poll found that 60% of americans say uncle sam is responsible for ensuring healthcare coverage for all americans but make no mistake arrayed against these largely democratic bills are politically powerful health insurers and many healthcare and drug companies. they give millions in campaign contributions nationally and in every statehouse in the nation making this a very uphill climb. tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. new at 6:30, mark zuckerberg is reportedly planning on cashing in about 18% of his facebook stock. it would be worth about $12 billion. according to a regulatory filing, zuckerberg plans to cash in between 35 to 75 million shares over the next year and a half. facebook abandoned plans to create a new class of shares with no voting power which was meant as a way for him to sell stock and maintain control over the company. zuckerberg and his wife announced two years ago that they would be cashing in most of their company's stock in order to invest in philanthropic causes. officials in london said they are pulling uber's license to operate. it could be a big hit to uber which is more than 3 million registered users there. laura ingle tells us why it could be months before the ban takes effect. >> reporter: a major international blow to uber. the city of london stripping the company's license to operate a taxi service in the british capital. it's a move that london's mayor says he supports. >> so i wasn't looking to be at the forefront of new technology. but you have to play by the rules. >> reporter: london's transport regulator officially deemed uber unfit to operate friday saying the company has shown a lack of responsibility on a number of public safety and security issues. specifically the approach to background checks and reporting crimes. london police accused them of not reporting or taking too long to report serious crimes like sexual assault. but uber is now contesting the decision. >> will mean over 40,000 licensed drivers will be out of work. no way to support themselves, friends, family. >> reporter: uber will continue to operate in london through the appeals process and that could take months. uber has 3.5 million registered users in london. >> i use it always. they are available on the phone. i can quickly check how soon they will be here. it makes my life easier. >> reporter: uber says it's drivers pass the same background checks as london's traditional cabdrivers and the company insists it tolls all rules on reporting serious incidents. coming up, the latest in the port of oakland where divers are retrieving containers that fell off a cargo ship. >> why apple customers who lined up say it was worth the wait. >> i can take my watch and leave my phone at home. >> nine one emergency. divers went to work today to locate several shipping containers that fell from a cargo ship into the water at the port of oakland. eleven containers fell into the water yesterday. several were retrieved but six sunk. the divers are working to locate them in 50 feet of water. then a crane will remove them. each container weighs $5,000 pounds. they were all empty. no threat of contamination to bay waters. still not clear what caused the containers to fall. but the u.s. coast guard is investigating. one of san francisco's iconic cable car lines is going out of service for one week so crews can replace a 30- year-old gearbox. the line is being serviced starting today by buses while crews replace the gearbox that runs four miles of steel cable. gear boxes will also be replaced on the hyde, powell and mason lines one line at a time. earlier on the "four on 2" the transit director for the sfmta told us people worried about missing a cable car ride need not to worry. >> while the california line will be down for eight days, the other three lines remain available. so people who come to san francisco with the expectation of riding one of the iconic cable cars will be able to do so. >> john haley went on to say that work on the gear boxes will continue on the cable car lines during the next five years. hundreds of apple fans went to apple stores to get an iphone 8 or 8 plus. the new phones released today have glass back, upgraded camera and wireless charging. apple also debuted their new apple watch today. customers told us they were excited because the new watch doesn't require a phone to be paired with the device. >> i bought the apple series 3 watch. the reason is that i constantly carry my phone with me when i work out or go anywhere and the fact that it's cellular connected, means i can just take my watch and leave the phone at home. >> check that out. apple's ceo tim cook surprised customers today. he was on hand at the company's flagship store in palo alto interacting with customers and showing off the new apple products. next up for apple by the way, the new iphone 10. that's expected to be available in november. a much-needed project unveiled in san francisco. >> you have to feel good about that. when you see kids and families and things who you know have struggled, to be in the city at all. >> up next details on the city's newest affordable housing complex. >> and your weekend is here. we'll set you up with your saturday, sunday and beyond. see you back here. the city of san francisco unveiled a new affordable housing project today. it's the type of housing that's need all over the bay area. ktvu's tara moriarty shows us the new building, what it offers. she also introduces us to some of the very lucky residents. >> two bedrooms. >> reporter: he can hardly believe it. two months ago, he and his wife immigrants from tunisia were living in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. >> she didn't like the place there. it's noisy and not safe. >> reporter: the amazon warehouse worker his wife an employee at mcdonald's entered a lottery and won to live in the trendy mission bay district. >> wow, mission bay was dreaming before! >> 1, 2, 3, cut! whoo! >> reporter: today, city leaders unveiled the 200-unit building with two vast courtyards, a fitness center and 10,000 square feet of retail space. >> i'm just really proud that we were able to accomplish the largest affordable housing project in the city in the last decade. >> reporter: kim says most of the units are for families of four with a combined income of less than $50,000. >> unless there's something wrong in your dna, you have to feel good about this. when you see kids and families who you know have struggled to be in this city at all. >> reporter: related and ccdc are the chinese community development corporation were in charge of developing the near $75 million project. funding was provided by the city and ucsf which will give some units to families of seriously ill children being treated at the nearby hospital. >> as a kid growing up in san francisco, myself, and i went through an eviction with my family. >> reporter: 588 was a project close to norman's heart. >> isn't it beautiful? >> the bathroom was bigger than a chinatown sro. >> we have a big bath. >> reporter: he says 588 gave him a new lease on life. >> it is my life, it's clean here. >> reporter: he pay about $1,500 a month for his two- bedroom place here. in the tenderloin, he was paying $1,200 a month for a one bedroom. he says he is now studying computer science, he hopes to start his own family someday. and buy his own home. in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. all right. the weekend is all lined up. do you have plans frank, going on this weekend? >> maybe going to the cal game tomorrow. >> that's a funny start time noon for cal. >> that's when they used to start. >> 12:00, 1:00, 7:00. >> it's perfect football weather. you know how hot it can get in the standards. temperatures in the 70s and low 80s. the oakland jazz festival going on this weekend, as well. just lots of cool things going on. so take advantage of fall which i think for my money is i think everybody thinks this is the best month of the year. right? in terms of you have football and baseball. that's all happening at the same time. you got to love that. clouds to the north of us from another weather system that's moving on. high pressure will soon dominate. it's hard to get back in the gate at night when tide is going out and they get trapped under there for a little while. it was cold last night. my heater kicked on in the house. didn't see that coming. when you say 42 in napa, those are winter temperatures. it get down to 32. but this time of year 42, that's unusual. temperatures back into the 80s inland. low 80s. 70s and low 80s. coast will be 70s though. the microclimates getting washed out as we head into a fall weather pattern. in fact, today is not the first full day of fall but the first day of fall. fall began at 1 p.m. the sun is perpendicular to the equator. so equinox. equal day, equal night. 74 in san francisco. albeit is isn't really equal day equal night. it's close about 12 hours and three minutes. it never is quite 12 hours and 12 hours. there's the five-day forecast. and, boy, that cal game -- that would be a big feather in your cap to get that. >> 3-0. >> i know they are. but sc is the first big time -- [ laughter ] >> i like the new coach wilcox, good guy. >> met his dad dave wilcox one time. the guy is just enormous. he looks like a linebacker. >> i know some of the kids on the team and they love the new coach. he is a cal kid, cal product. >> bill thank you. the wars began their quest for a second consecutive world championship with media day this morning. mark will have the warriors and the rest of sports coming up in just a moment. it's warriors media day. basketball season about to begin. >> hard to believe their first exhibition game a week from tomorrow, october 17th the first real thing so it's on when it comes to the golden state warriors. and, of course, they are ready to try and repeat make it three out of four. today was what they call media day. i can remember when they had media day with one little table with six guys. but the big guys, all the team there for picture day and, of course, the media able to talk to them. and draymond green was also to the podium you might say. remember all the problems he had in the past with social media? it does seem like it is in his distant past? today he was asked about kevin durant and the recent problems he has had tweeting particular things out. >> i reminded him of my mishap when we were at usa basketball the day my mishap happened. i was stressed out and all they were laughing in my face from him to demarcus probably was the worst. um, and -- and the beat goes on. they all laughed at my face. so it was a little payback. i laughed in his face and it felt good. we all have good personalities here in the locker room so, you know, just a matter of us getting on the court and just getting better finding that rhythm again and, um, yeah, draymond laughs at everything. >> seems like they are off to a good start. the same cannot be said for the san francisco 49ers. 0-3 now. but you have to look at it like, progress. another close game. remember they had scored no touchdowns going into this. brian hoyer lit it up. 332 yards passing, a couple of touchdown passes throwing, one running. and five touchdowns total for the 49ers. extremely entertaining game. gascon on the receiving end there. all through training camp hoyer was airing it out but in the first two games nothing long, like last night the return of the bomb last night. >> is that something you were seeing in practice? >> he has the arm. i didn't realize it. he loves throwing the deep ball. he loves, you know, connecting with those plays. >> we play with our all to the end. >> raiders going back east to face the redskins of washington. remember terrelle pryor? this might stoke your memory a bit when he was with the raiders as quarterback. >> pryor is up and running! inside steelers territory! 20, 10 and pryor is in! >> 93 yards longest run ever by an nfl quarterback. he was let go by the raiders and three teams cut him and he talked about how that inspires him in his career. >> people don't understand the feeling of getting cut. it's like having a girl you like and she breaks you up with you. i wanted her, he liked her. a guy it's like that, oh, they don't want me. that's the only way i can explain it. no, it didn't happen to me. [ laughter ] >> so the punch line to the story terrelle pryor career change is now a wide receiver with a breakout year with the browns last year signed a big contract with the redskins and completely changed from quarterback to wide receiver and the raiders -- >> how good do you have to play to -- >> that's a great athlete to make that change. we wish him the best. after sunday. >> right. see you later. good night. ♪[ music ] food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. t-minus 60 seconds! oh, it all comes down to this! oh, i've got butterflies. don't get soft on me, hofstadter. i will slap those glasses right off your face. what's going on? hey. we're about to buy tickets for comic-con. oh. t minus 45 seconds! they sell out incredibly fast, but as long as one of us gets in, we can buy passes... good lord, this is not the time for flirting! keep it in your pants! it's a whole lot of weird before coffee. t-minus 30 seconds! oh, i have to go to the bathroom so bad. every year! i told you, wear a diaper! and i told you i get diaper rash! 15 seconds! oh, this is it! this is it! (inhales) (strangled): this is it. wolowitz: five, four, three, two, one. it's live. go! go! go! go! go!

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Alabama , United States , Oakland , California , Iran , Washington , Mission Bay , Sonoma , China , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Bayview , As Iran , Az Arbayjan E Sharqi , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Puerto Rico , Berkeley , Maine , Israel , Tehran , Sacramento , North Korea , Spain , Bahamas , The , Americans , Spanish , Chinese , Mexican , American , Henry Lee , Ann Coulter , Brian Hoyer , John Haley , Kim Jong , Mitch Mcconnell , Santa Clara , Dave Wilcox , Candice Nguyen , John Mccain , Laura Ingle , Tim Cook , Tara Moriarty ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20170923 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20170923

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he will be holding a press conference saturday detailing plans. no word on whether former white house adviser steve bannon is coming. uc-berkeley officials say they are planning as if free speech week is on. >> the university's exitment to first amend is unwavering. we'll meet our commitments. we are committed to the first amend. >> reporter: they are gearing up for free speech week and if the event does happen, security will be tight. >> we have contracted with our partners around the community and the county law enforcement agencies. we are contracting police officers to come and work on hour behalf. we are going to be staging for security. >> reporter: the free speech rallies are far from free. we asked if the security costs would exceed a million dollars. >> when you say a million dollars, that's a small cost. i expect that to be multiplied several times after this. >> would we rather be spending these resources on the academic mission and the student experience in absolutely. we would. >> reporter: authorities are looking to prevent an outbreak of violence that occurred when extremists groups from the left set fires in protest of yiannopoulos's appearance last february. many students say they plan to spend as little time on campus next week as possible. >> i think as a security measure, it's scary. a lot of my classes are canceled because people don't feel comfortable with the possibility of crossing through campus if it does end up being a really serious situation? >> reporter: this evening we spoke by phone with a member of the berkeley patriot, the student says the list of speakers will be revealed at the yiannopoulos press conference tomorrow. and she said the uc-berkeley administration has not been cooperative in planning the event. >> the university knows if they were to cancel this event, it would be bad press on them. however, they are also the ones that refuse to give us indoor venues. they are essentially forcing us to have outdoor venues which is causing danger to other students and speakers. >> reporter: the berkeley patriot filed a civil rights complaint tuesday against the uc-berkeley administration for, quote, systematically and intentionally violating its members' civil liberties by suppressing their first amendment rights. >> thank you, rob roth. stay with us for continuing coverage as free speech week approaches. we'll bring you the latest in all of our newscasts and online at turning now to the healthcare battle unfolding in washington, where once again, senator john mccain could be the deciding vote on a critical healthcare bill. you will recall his dramatic no vote that killed the "skinny bill" back in july. in a statement today, mccain announced his opposition to the new graham-cassidy bill to repeal the affordable care act. he said any legislation should be the product of a bipartisan product of hearings and debate. republicans can only lose two votes and still pass with a tie breaking vote from the vice president who vowed today to keep fighting. >> even now the opposition is forming up and some have gone so far as to announce their opposition already. president trump and i are undeterred. we cannot in good conscience abandon this cause. the american people are hurting. >> rand paul will also vote no and maine senator susan collins is leaning against it. it's not clear if senate leader mitch mcconnell will bring the bill to the floor if he doesn't have the votes to pass it. in san francisco, vermont senator and former presidential candidate bernie sanders made his case for his own plan. at 6:30, his rally for national single-payer healthcare. new at 6:00, a court victory for backers of a proposed ballot measure to repeal the statewide gas tax. the tax was approved by the legislature last april. it imposes a 12-cent per gallon fee and it set to go into effected on november 1. republican assemblyman travis allen who is running for governor is gathering signatures for a ballot measure to try to repeal the tax. but he didn't like the language used for the ballot measure's title and summary so he went to court. today a sacramento county superior court judge sided with allen finding it problematic that the words tax or fee don't appear on the title. >> the judge was very clear. the attorney general has intentionally written a title summary that was designed to mislead california voters. >> once the court can settle on a new title and summary for the measure, allen has 180 days to gather 365,000 signatures to qualify the measure for the november ballot in 2018. the gas tax is expected to help generate more than $5 billion a year for road maintenance, repairs and public transited. president trump facing nuclear let's on two fronts tonight. north korea expects to test a hydrogen bomb. ktvu's lauren blanchard reports from washington with new tensions with iran as well as president trump is considering the fate of the landmark iran nuclear deal. lauren, what's going on? >> reporter: yeah, hi, alyana. and president trump down in huntsville, alabama, right now speaking about north korea on stage as well as healthcare as well as a whole other bunch of options. now, all this as iran held a parade today with one of their weapons and north korea is now threatening test a weapon in the pacific! iran unveiling its newest missile friday one capable of hitting israel and much of the middle east in a direct challenge to the u.s. [ non- english language ] >> no matter if you like it or not, we will boost our defense and military power to the extent deemed necessary for deterrence. >> reporter: the multi-nation iran nuclear deal only prohibits tehran from further nuclear testing not work on ballistic missile technology, a central flaw in the agreement according to president trump and one of the reasons he may scrap the deal. the administration warns iran may not be done with its newscast. >> they are keen to resume such work in the future. >> reporter: the president is going after another rogue regime over weapons, north korea. he has now ordered the treasury department to cut off anyone who does business with the north in an attempt to deter its nuclear program. north korea is responding with this threat. [ non-english language ] >> the strongest ever hydrogen bomb might be conducted in the pacific. >> reporter: and responding with a whole lot of name calling. [ yelling ] trump is unfit to hold the prerogative of supreme command of a country and isn't a politician but a rogue and gangster fond of playing with fire. >> reporter: when president trump addressed the u.n. earlier this week, he called north korea's leader kim jong- un a rocket man on a suicide mission and that's a name he kept alive tonight at that rally saying the rocket man should have been handled long ago. now, on saturday, the foreign minister of north korea is expected to speak at the u.n. alyana? >> thank you, lauren blanchard in washington, dc. now to mexico, where rescuers are working around the clock still hoping to find survivors from tuesday's powerful earthquake. 21 people died at this textile factory one of the largest of the dozens of buildings that were destroyed. two people were pulled alive from the rubble there last night. the u.s. navy is among many agencies helping the relief effort sending more than 50,000 pounds of medicine, water, sanitation and hygiene supplies. >> at least 293 people are confirmed dead. jonathan hunt reports from mexico city where rescue crews know that time is running out to find survivors. >> reporter: rescue workers here in mexico city still digging for what is now a fourth straight day following a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake that's killed more than 250 people so far and buried countless others under destroyed buildings. officials say the rescue mission will continue until they are certain there are no more survivors waiting to be rescued. >> we know that before anything else, you have to stay calm to not push each other. >> rescue work continues. we have not stop. we will not stop finding and trying to find survivors. >> reporter: search-and-rescue from around the world are starting to arrive in force including from the u.s. where a number of cities have sent their own first responders augmenting the work being done by their mexican counterparts and thousands of volunteers. >> i knew i had to get down here and i'm happy. when i got here i was on the piles. >> reporter: the focus in many areas is turning to long term recovery. the government has promised a strong rebuilding program. residents say there's still a long road ahead before the city returns to normal. >> this has been devastating and it hurts a lot. >> we are going to need more to recuperate. >> reporter: at least 60 people have been rescued from the rubble so far. but in some areas, bulldozers are now moving in to clear the wreckage where no signs of life have been detected. in mexico city, jonathan hunt, fox news. ♪[ music ] coming up, a big blow for uber from across the pond. why london says the bay area- based rideshare service is unfit to operate. >> at the forefront of innovation and technology but you have to play by the rules. >> we are tracking the weekend forecast. here we go. saturday and sunday just around the corner. >> after the break, the city of oakland talking trash. "2 investigates" looks into a new report that details the source of all that trash illegally dumped on the city's streets. >> and taking a live look now at the friday evening commute, this is the bay bridge toll plaza you're looking at and all those cars going towards your screen, they're just trying to get into san francisco tonight. >> and here's a look at the macarthur maze slow going there in the commute direction on the left going up 80 towards richmond, el cerrito and beyond. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ vo: jack's got your back.hits, jack: somebody craving my smoky jack burger? vo: the smoky jack burger combo for $4.99. vo: hickory-smoked bacon, smoked cheddar cheese, vo: all on an artisan poppyseed bun. vo: plus fries and a refreshing drink. vo: all for just $4.99. man: thanks, jack! jack: you're welcome. vo: the new smoky jack burger combo for just $4.99. vo: only at jack in the box. "2 investigates" has been tracking illegal dumping in oakland for more than a year and there's new evidence about the source of the problem and where it's coming from. candice nguyen reports. >> reporter: it's costing taxpayers more than $5 million a deal. we are getting information about what's working, what's not and how to change strategy. the newly released report shows more than half of the illegal dumped trash comes from residential sources. let's than 10% was construction debris and only 3% was related to homelessness. last year the "2 investigates" team went undercover to catch dumpers in action. we discovered the city received more than 20,000 reports of illegal dumping in a one year period but only issued 65 citations. when we talked to city leaders about the problems, they had some ideas about who was to blame. >> we believe a lot of these people are coming from out of town and are repeat offenders. >> 60% of the illegal dumpers don't live in the city. we have to catch the ones who live in oakland as well as outside of oakland and put together a strong case, take it to the d.a. >> reporter: they said they believe the trash is coming outside of oakland but according to the study the results show it's hard to tell where it's coming from. two-thirds of the time inspectors couldn't tell where that trash was from. using the identifiable people they found a third of the garbage was from right here in oakland. the record is being used to help the citybuild a better strategy including tackling clean-up block by block instead of waiting citizens to report dumping themselves. you can still report illegal dumping trash in your area using the city's app or by calling 510-615-5566. >> its disgraceful how people think they can dump their trash wherever they want. i see it all the time in oakland they pile up and clear it out and within days it's back. >> reporter: some people think they are helping the homeless by giving them their old furniture or their old clothes and things like that but it just turns into trash on the street. >> candice nguyen, thank you. if you have a tip for our "2 investigates" team, contact us e email "2 investigates" at or call us. in san jose, three people were stabbed today after a big brawl at a moving company. the people were stabbed, others were involved in the fight. they detained five people to try to figure their roles. witnesses saw about a dozen employees run into the parking lot. >> there is a gentleman walking back who appeared to have been stabbed. he had blood on his shirt. and then there was another guy who was in with the employees that also seemed to have some blood on his shirt. >> the stabbing victims were taken to the hospital but their injuries are not life- threatening. authorities say they are reviewing surveillance video that shows the entire fight. a popular san francisco grocery store owner was killed in a hit-and-run crash early today as he was buying produce from wholesalers in the bayview district. crime reporter henry lee spoke with the victim's family who is now seeking justice. >> reporter: 57-year-old gus vardakastanis was killed at about 2:15 a.m. when he was hit outside san francisco wholesale produce market on jerrold avenue and tolland in the bayview. the speeding car driver never stopped. police are checking to see whether it's linked to a shooting a few blocks away minutes before the crash. >> so at this time i can't confirm that there's any relations to the two incidence but there was a pedestrian collision that occurred around 2:17 a.m. and there was a shooting that occurred around 2127 in the morning. >> reporter: news of vardakastanis's death spread quickly with condolences pouring in from customers, as well as supervisor london breed and mayor ed lee. beside gus' market he owned two other neighborhood markets in san francisco, noriega produce and haight street markets. his two sons helped run the stores. >> he loved his work, he did it for 43 years. and he operated his own stores for almost 37 years. and he loved going to the produce terminal and selecting produce and working with him and our buyers to make sure that our customers and our employees had the best resources. >> reporter: he had a message for anyone holding back what they know. >> please come forward. it's not going to help bring him back. but it may help bring a little bit of justice for all of us who are mourning him. >> reporter: friends and customers can't believe he is gone. >> impossible to comprehend, 2:30 in the morning to lose a pillar of the community, so it's very, very difficult. >> i mean, if you wanted to know how to live a life, you learn by gus. he did everything right. he was always willing to help people. just a great human being and it's a tragedy. excuse me. it's a tragedy what happened. >> reporter: that car involved described only as a silver sedan with damage to its front end and windshield. if you have information, call san francisco police. in san francisco, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. authorities in puerto rico are rushing to evacuate about 70,000 people who are downstream of a failing dam. the area got more than 15 inches of rain this week when hurricane maria made landfall causing the reservoir to overflow. right now 95% of puerto rico is still without power. and crews say it could take months for power to be restored across the island. people who live there say they have no idea when they are going to get their power or water back. >> in the neighbor, 85% of the houses are gone. [ speaking spanish ] >> we have lost everything, it took our house. it's tough but we're going to start over. >> at least 27 people have died in the caribbean due to the latest hurricane. maria is now passing east of the bahamas as a cat-3 storm with winds of 125 miles an hour. let's bring in chief meterologist bill martin. bill, a lot of family i have in puerto rico they all thought they were lucky because, you know, irma didn't quite hit them as bad as they thought and here comes maria just devastating the area. >> slammed san juan. puerto rico and densely populated area, very hilly terrain. >> yeah. >> adding to the flooding, mudslides, just a mess. the san juan, some of these islands, just getting the brunt of this. turks & caicos. and this is two in a row so it's not like one hit. they went through two. so here's the path right now. this is the forecast path which is good. keeps it away from -- it makes it an ocean storm at this point offshore. it will create issues along the east coast with surf and things like that but it shouldn't be a problem. current temperatures from today numbers were a little warmer than yesterday. numbers tomorrow will be a little warmer than today. high pressure is sort of returning after this large area of low pressure. i'll just kind -- you can see circulation. this is that big low that brought the snow up in the mountains. it's gone out of here and high pressure you see this flow, see the air kind of starting to do this, that's the high pressure building in. so that's going to set us up. that's the pattern for the weekend which means warmer and into next woke as well so a nice weekend coming up. warmest day should be sunday. current temperatures a little warmer than yesterday at this time. current live picture beautiful shot right there. you can see -- you see a lot of stuff out there. not a lot of wind out there today. temperatures tomorrow will be warmer than today but like i say, sunday is going to be the warmest day of the weekend so we'll set you up with that. i'll see you back here. coming up, to men accused of using a mentally disabled child to grab women's purses. >> to be put through that is -- it's not just criminal but inhumane. >> up next, details from police and the search now for more possible victims. >> warriors are getting ready for a new season starting in a few weeks. mark ibanez will tell us what the players had to say today when the national press showed up for media day. >> new developments in the killing of 13-year-old andy lopez by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy. the ruling today by a federal appeals court. a federal appeals court has upheld a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the family of a young boy who was shot and killed by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy four years ago in santa rosa. the ninth circuit court of appeals said there is ample evidence for a jury to conclude that 13-year-old andy lopez did not pose an immediate danger to deputy erick gelhaus when he shot him seven times. lopez was holding a very realistic looking airsoft gun and deputy gelhaus said he thought it was a real gun. the court said there is evidence that the boy did not raise the barrel of the gun as gelhaus claimed. despite widespread protests, prosecutors decided not to pursue charges against deputy gelhaus. deputy gelhaus is still with the sheriff's department and is now promoted to sergeant. in the south bay police in san jose have arrested two men accused in a series of robberies in broad daylight and as ktvu's jesse geary reports, the suspects are accused of using a mentally disabled child to pull off the illegal acts. >> reporter: robbery unit detectives arrested two men and an unnamed juvenile earlier this month in connection to four separate robberies stretching over two months. investigators say on august 28th and september 4th, the trio targeted elderly asian women in parking lots on mckee road. >> they would have a juvenile approach a female while they were walking through a parking lot and forcibly steal jewelry from the women and take off. >> reporter: investigators say the shocking aspect of this case, the juvenile who participated in the crime is mentally ill, apparently the two men using him as a literal weapon against the victims in four separate crimes. >> it's extremely egregious that somebody would stoop to that level to use any child firstly but a child that's suffering from mental illness and doesn't have the wherewithal to advocate for themselves or to look after themselves to be put through that. it's not just criminal, but is inhumane and disgusting behavior. >> reporter: the two men were arraigned september 7th on robbery charges and booked into the santa clara county jail. both have since been released on bail. the unnamed juvenile is held in the juvenile justice center. >> because the crime was committed, we have an obligation to book the adults into county jail and the juvenile into juvenile hall like we did in this case and then it's for the judicial system to decide what happens next. >> detectives are checking to see if the people involved in this crime spree may have targeted other victims in other parts of the bay area. in the san jose studio, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. ktvu fox 2 news at 6:30 is up next with senator bernie sanders outlining his own healthcare plans. >> healthcare to all as a right, not a privilege. >> yeah! [ applause and cheers ] >> up next, his message in san francisco today at a rally for national single-payer healthcare. >> also ahead, new at 6:30, details on a plan by facebook's ceo mark zuckerberg to cash in on a big percentage of the company shares. >> plus a much-needed project unveiled in san francisco. we'll learn about the city's newest affordable housing complex. stay with us. ktvu fox 2 news at 6:30 is next. per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. now to today's top stories. ann coulter telling ktvu she will not speak at cal's free speech week. uc-berkeley officials say they do not know for sure who will be speaking at the rallies but organizer milo yiannopoulos says he will be holding a news conference tomorrow to give more details. in the meantime, campus police are getting ready. the university says security could cost more than $1 million. iran is warning president trump against breaking the landmark nuclear deal. today, iran showed off a new missile that could carry multiple warheads and travel far enough to strike israel. president trump has not yet said if he will scrap the obama era agreement but this week at the u.n., he accused iran of building dangerous missiles and using oil profits to support terrorist. senator john mccain announced his opposition to a republican bill to repeal the affordable care act. this shocking no vote killed the "skinny repeal" back in july. in a statement today, he said the legislation should be the product of bipartisan debate. his decision is likely to doom the current bill to failure. republicans can only lose two votes and still pass it with a tie breaking vote from the vice president. you're watching ktvu fox 2 news at 6:30. while the battle over repealing obamacare rages in congress, senator bernie sanders was here in the bay area today promoting his plan for national single-payer healthcare. >> ktvu's tom vacar was at sanders' rally in the city where the former presidential candidate found a warm welcome. >> pass medicare for all. >> reporter: on a warm san francisco afternoon thousands of people listened as the national nurses united invited senator and former presidential candidate bernie sanders to speak in support of a proposed federal law as well as a proposed state law to establish universal healthcare nationwide and statewide. >> and guarantee healthcare to all as a right, not a privilege. >> reporter: sanders is aiming to shift the national conversation from repeal and replace to defeat and demand. first to defeat the republican graham-cassidy bill. >> how cruel, how immoral it is, to say to those millions of americans, we are going to take away that health insurance that keeps you alive. horrific legislation that would throw 32 million americans off of the healthcare they currently have. >> reporter: second, to demand universal single payer coverage for every child, woman and man as is done in every other major nation to include drug, dental and eyes. >> and i am proud to stand before you having introduced that legislation in the senate with 16 co-sponsors that does away with all co-payments, all deductibles. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: how to pay for it? he says increased taxes people will pay will be far less than their current premiums which will cease, lowering overall healthcare costs. >> every poll that i have seen indicates that more and more americans support a medicare for all single payer program. >> reporter: a recent poll found that 60% of americans say uncle sam is responsible for ensuring healthcare coverage for all americans but make no mistake arrayed against these largely democratic bills are politically powerful health insurers and many healthcare and drug companies. they give millions in campaign contributions nationally and in every statehouse in the nation making this a very uphill climb. tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. new at 6:30, mark zuckerberg is reportedly planning on cashing in about 18% of his facebook stock. it would be worth about $12 billion. according to a regulatory filing, zuckerberg plans to cash in between 35 to 75 million shares over the next year and a half. facebook abandoned plans to create a new class of shares with no voting power which was meant as a way for him to sell stock and maintain control over the company. zuckerberg and his wife announced two years ago that they would be cashing in most of their company's stock in order to invest in philanthropic causes. officials in london said they are pulling uber's license to operate. it could be a big hit to uber which is more than 3 million registered users there. laura ingle tells us why it could be months before the ban takes effect. >> reporter: a major international blow to uber. the city of london stripping the company's license to operate a taxi service in the british capital. it's a move that london's mayor says he supports. >> so i wasn't looking to be at the forefront of new technology. but you have to play by the rules. >> reporter: london's transport regulator officially deemed uber unfit to operate friday saying the company has shown a lack of responsibility on a number of public safety and security issues. specifically the approach to background checks and reporting crimes. london police accused them of not reporting or taking too long to report serious crimes like sexual assault. but uber is now contesting the decision. >> will mean over 40,000 licensed drivers will be out of work. no way to support themselves, friends, family. >> reporter: uber will continue to operate in london through the appeals process and that could take months. uber has 3.5 million registered users in london. >> i use it always. they are available on the phone. i can quickly check how soon they will be here. it makes my life easier. >> reporter: uber says it's drivers pass the same background checks as london's traditional cabdrivers and the company insists it tolls all rules on reporting serious incidents. coming up, the latest in the port of oakland where divers are retrieving containers that fell off a cargo ship. >> why apple customers who lined up say it was worth the wait. >> i can take my watch and leave my phone at home. >> nine one emergency. divers went to work today to locate several shipping containers that fell from a cargo ship into the water at the port of oakland. eleven containers fell into the water yesterday. several were retrieved but six sunk. the divers are working to locate them in 50 feet of water. then a crane will remove them. each container weighs $5,000 pounds. they were all empty. no threat of contamination to bay waters. still not clear what caused the containers to fall. but the u.s. coast guard is investigating. one of san francisco's iconic cable car lines is going out of service for one week so crews can replace a 30- year-old gearbox. the line is being serviced starting today by buses while crews replace the gearbox that runs four miles of steel cable. gear boxes will also be replaced on the hyde, powell and mason lines one line at a time. earlier on the "four on 2" the transit director for the sfmta told us people worried about missing a cable car ride need not to worry. >> while the california line will be down for eight days, the other three lines remain available. so people who come to san francisco with the expectation of riding one of the iconic cable cars will be able to do so. >> john haley went on to say that work on the gear boxes will continue on the cable car lines during the next five years. hundreds of apple fans went to apple stores to get an iphone 8 or 8 plus. the new phones released today have glass back, upgraded camera and wireless charging. apple also debuted their new apple watch today. customers told us they were excited because the new watch doesn't require a phone to be paired with the device. >> i bought the apple series 3 watch. the reason is that i constantly carry my phone with me when i work out or go anywhere and the fact that it's cellular connected, means i can just take my watch and leave the phone at home. >> check that out. apple's ceo tim cook surprised customers today. he was on hand at the company's flagship store in palo alto interacting with customers and showing off the new apple products. next up for apple by the way, the new iphone 10. that's expected to be available in november. a much-needed project unveiled in san francisco. >> you have to feel good about that. when you see kids and families and things who you know have struggled, to be in the city at all. >> up next details on the city's newest affordable housing complex. >> and your weekend is here. we'll set you up with your saturday, sunday and beyond. see you back here. the city of san francisco unveiled a new affordable housing project today. it's the type of housing that's need all over the bay area. ktvu's tara moriarty shows us the new building, what it offers. she also introduces us to some of the very lucky residents. >> two bedrooms. >> reporter: he can hardly believe it. two months ago, he and his wife immigrants from tunisia were living in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. >> she didn't like the place there. it's noisy and not safe. >> reporter: the amazon warehouse worker his wife an employee at mcdonald's entered a lottery and won to live in the trendy mission bay district. >> wow, mission bay was dreaming before! >> 1, 2, 3, cut! whoo! >> reporter: today, city leaders unveiled the 200-unit building with two vast courtyards, a fitness center and 10,000 square feet of retail space. >> i'm just really proud that we were able to accomplish the largest affordable housing project in the city in the last decade. >> reporter: kim says most of the units are for families of four with a combined income of less than $50,000. >> unless there's something wrong in your dna, you have to feel good about this. when you see kids and families who you know have struggled to be in this city at all. >> reporter: related and ccdc are the chinese community development corporation were in charge of developing the near $75 million project. funding was provided by the city and ucsf which will give some units to families of seriously ill children being treated at the nearby hospital. >> as a kid growing up in san francisco, myself, and i went through an eviction with my family. >> reporter: 588 was a project close to norman's heart. >> isn't it beautiful? >> the bathroom was bigger than a chinatown sro. >> we have a big bath. >> reporter: he says 588 gave him a new lease on life. >> it is my life, it's clean here. >> reporter: he pay about $1,500 a month for his two- bedroom place here. in the tenderloin, he was paying $1,200 a month for a one bedroom. he says he is now studying computer science, he hopes to start his own family someday. and buy his own home. in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. all right. the weekend is all lined up. do you have plans frank, going on this weekend? >> maybe going to the cal game tomorrow. >> that's a funny start time noon for cal. >> that's when they used to start. >> 12:00, 1:00, 7:00. >> it's perfect football weather. you know how hot it can get in the standards. temperatures in the 70s and low 80s. the oakland jazz festival going on this weekend, as well. just lots of cool things going on. so take advantage of fall which i think for my money is i think everybody thinks this is the best month of the year. right? in terms of you have football and baseball. that's all happening at the same time. you got to love that. clouds to the north of us from another weather system that's moving on. high pressure will soon dominate. it's hard to get back in the gate at night when tide is going out and they get trapped under there for a little while. it was cold last night. my heater kicked on in the house. didn't see that coming. when you say 42 in napa, those are winter temperatures. it get down to 32. but this time of year 42, that's unusual. temperatures back into the 80s inland. low 80s. 70s and low 80s. coast will be 70s though. the microclimates getting washed out as we head into a fall weather pattern. in fact, today is not the first full day of fall but the first day of fall. fall began at 1 p.m. the sun is perpendicular to the equator. so equinox. equal day, equal night. 74 in san francisco. albeit is isn't really equal day equal night. it's close about 12 hours and three minutes. it never is quite 12 hours and 12 hours. there's the five-day forecast. and, boy, that cal game -- that would be a big feather in your cap to get that. >> 3-0. >> i know they are. but sc is the first big time -- [ laughter ] >> i like the new coach wilcox, good guy. >> met his dad dave wilcox one time. the guy is just enormous. he looks like a linebacker. >> i know some of the kids on the team and they love the new coach. he is a cal kid, cal product. >> bill thank you. the wars began their quest for a second consecutive world championship with media day this morning. mark will have the warriors and the rest of sports coming up in just a moment. it's warriors media day. basketball season about to begin. >> hard to believe their first exhibition game a week from tomorrow, october 17th the first real thing so it's on when it comes to the golden state warriors. and, of course, they are ready to try and repeat make it three out of four. today was what they call media day. i can remember when they had media day with one little table with six guys. but the big guys, all the team there for picture day and, of course, the media able to talk to them. and draymond green was also to the podium you might say. remember all the problems he had in the past with social media? it does seem like it is in his distant past? today he was asked about kevin durant and the recent problems he has had tweeting particular things out. >> i reminded him of my mishap when we were at usa basketball the day my mishap happened. i was stressed out and all they were laughing in my face from him to demarcus probably was the worst. um, and -- and the beat goes on. they all laughed at my face. so it was a little payback. i laughed in his face and it felt good. we all have good personalities here in the locker room so, you know, just a matter of us getting on the court and just getting better finding that rhythm again and, um, yeah, draymond laughs at everything. >> seems like they are off to a good start. the same cannot be said for the san francisco 49ers. 0-3 now. but you have to look at it like, progress. another close game. remember they had scored no touchdowns going into this. brian hoyer lit it up. 332 yards passing, a couple of touchdown passes throwing, one running. and five touchdowns total for the 49ers. extremely entertaining game. gascon on the receiving end there. all through training camp hoyer was airing it out but in the first two games nothing long, like last night the return of the bomb last night. >> is that something you were seeing in practice? >> he has the arm. i didn't realize it. he loves throwing the deep ball. he loves, you know, connecting with those plays. >> we play with our all to the end. >> raiders going back east to face the redskins of washington. remember terrelle pryor? this might stoke your memory a bit when he was with the raiders as quarterback. >> pryor is up and running! inside steelers territory! 20, 10 and pryor is in! >> 93 yards longest run ever by an nfl quarterback. he was let go by the raiders and three teams cut him and he talked about how that inspires him in his career. >> people don't understand the feeling of getting cut. it's like having a girl you like and she breaks you up with you. i wanted her, he liked her. a guy it's like that, oh, they don't want me. that's the only way i can explain it. no, it didn't happen to me. [ laughter ] >> so the punch line to the story terrelle pryor career change is now a wide receiver with a breakout year with the browns last year signed a big contract with the redskins and completely changed from quarterback to wide receiver and the raiders -- >> how good do you have to play to -- >> that's a great athlete to make that change. we wish him the best. after sunday. >> right. see you later. good night. ♪[ music ] food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. t-minus 60 seconds! oh, it all comes down to this! oh, i've got butterflies. don't get soft on me, hofstadter. i will slap those glasses right off your face. what's going on? hey. we're about to buy tickets for comic-con. oh. t minus 45 seconds! they sell out incredibly fast, but as long as one of us gets in, we can buy passes... good lord, this is not the time for flirting! keep it in your pants! it's a whole lot of weird before coffee. t-minus 30 seconds! oh, i have to go to the bathroom so bad. every year! i told you, wear a diaper! and i told you i get diaper rash! 15 seconds! oh, this is it! this is it! (inhales) (strangled): this is it. wolowitz: five, four, three, two, one. it's live. go! go! go! go! go!

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