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This 20 the Southeast Texas just looks like a lake. As we have seen, homes are underwater and cars have water over the top. Im concerned because this morning the Houston Police chief that he is preparing for finding bodies inside homes, once the water is reaching it. Known we do not know who is stuck in an attic. These are known adopt. Sector elderly people who cannot move. A lot of people with disabilities. The water is rising. Unfortunately, we are seeing the beginning of this. A we are in the state of texas. We left washington a few hours ago. The rain continues to fall over Houston Texas where many streets resemble lakes and rivers. Like you simply chief said the officers arrested more than 3400 people since the flooding started started. Back harvey is expected to make landfall tomorrow morning east the texas and louisiana about it. The American Red Cross says there are more than 70,000 people in texas seeking refuge in shelters. More than 9000 people are staying at the Convention Center in downtown houston. The coast guard says it is receiving more than 1000 calls and our from people wanting to be rescued. We have life in coverage with our meteorologist monitoring harvey and irene. An arrest muse is tracking the latest. We begin with can who arrived in houston after a long and slow drive. We got in at about 4 a. M. Driving down from dallas. It was not easy because of the road closures, trying to get into town. You the behind me, the road closure on the 610 loop. The loop that goes around the heart of houston. Police have blocked off the northbound direction of the lanes and you can see there is light traffic here. You cannot see it from this chopper 2 will see occasionally vehicles coming by. You are now looking east towards the refineries and the bayou the heads towards pasadena texas and eventually if you keep on going to go to louisiana. As we come over here to the edge, you can see how high the water is. It is just over the side of the guardrail on the freeway. The concrete barrier. All of this debris and trash that has been left behind. Where we are standing on the freeway was actually underwater about a day or so ago. It has received, there is still debris that litters the site of the freeway from the water level that was this high. I was watching the morning reports in houston. They have been saying the emergency officials, water levels in some locations in the houston area are seven stories high. Apartment buildings seven stories high, that is how high the water is. And other places there is no water flooding. When we drove in last night, and early this morning, we thought we better stop for gas because we saw some gas stations were starting to be shut down. There was nobody there. We doubled back and got gas. We are about 30 miles outside of houston. Then we get into the heart of houston, west of downtown, and there are gas stations open next to us. It is very spotty. Parts of the city are okay but there are wide areas still underwater. Rescues are still going on. We did see two choppers. That is good news because the cardiac has been so low the no aircraft could fly but it is lifted a little bit. It is about 1000 feet and choppers can fly a few hundred feet. We did see one coast guard helicopter and one helicopter that was yellow looks like some type of emergency chopper. Rescues are continuing. We are getting a sense of the lay of the land we will try to hook up later today with the California First responders from the bay area were also on their way here to try to help people here in houston. Today marks the 12 Year Anniversary that katrina made landfall on this august 29. I that you covered katrina in the days that happened and the days after.  what do you expect . Do you expect to see similarities and differences between harvey and katrina . I was thinking about that coming in. There is a big difference because when katrina hit the, luther and that it was gone and then you had clear and sunny skies. And send the levees broke and new orleans was flooded in the whole surrounding area all the way down the mississippi coastline. This is a little different because we still have it raining and according to the morning weather reports a, they are saying that he could start to let up thursday. Because it is still raining and because the clouds are low, that does hamper the rescue efforts. I thought in some parts of houston, there was eight or nine inches of rain just overnight adding a top of the many inches that have already fallen. This rescue, compared to katrina will take longer because the weather conditions are still hampering the effort. I will say that it appears the effort by fema and state and local officials is ramped up more than it was during katrina. Seems like there was a lag time in getting boots on the ground in new orleans. Here they are ready to go. A lot is going on weve seen a lot of police. Just to see what is going on, i think they have a handle on it better than they did during katrina. But i think this will be a long process as it was in new orleans. Did you say you drove in from dallas or austin . We drove down from dallas. Normally it is about a 3. 5 hour drive. It probably took us 4. 5 hours. We cannot come straight down interstate 45. That is the quickest way. We have to drive down 45 inch make a detour. If youre familiar with texas and come down highway 6, take a 290 or 190 e. To houston. We took a lot of zigzagging getting down here. There was almost nobody on the road. It is very quiet. It is interesting because we could actually see the moon and dallas when we got around 9 30. The skies were clear and 80 miles out of houston, 30 getting darker and the clouds are hanging low. About 50 miles out of houston we hit light rain. This morning the rain has been going on and off. It is misty and was raining harder about an hour ago. We are trying to make our way on the east side of houston. If we keep going east to west that is what. The side of the hurricane, it is pulling up all of the moisture in the gulf of mexico that is the problem and it is turning towards louisiana. The side of the texas coastline is getting hammered. It is good to see you and we know you will keep coming in and bring us live reports for the houston area. Stay safe. Tropical storm harvey slowly moving into neighboring louisiana. Allie rathmann has the latest on the reservoir in houston over fill in the blanks. It is the attics reservoir 20 miles west of downtown houston. It over tops the spillway short time ago sending harvey floodwaters into nearby neighborhoods and the rescues are underway as we speak to help people who get into the flooded are the flooding areas getting out. There is a great breach south of houston. Emergency officials sent out a very urgent tweet telling everyone to get out. Forecasters predict the gulf coast could see 50 inches of rain from harvey before this is said and done. Rain continues to fall. Rescue teams across the country from experienced crews, encoding some of the bay area and Good Samaritans who just came out with personal both have answered the call to help. There rescuing people from the rooftops and flooded out buildings in the houston area. Used to police have made more than 3300 rescues throughout the city. Once people are rescued, where do they go . There are 30,000 people already in shelters with another 30,000 expected to find places to stay. The city of dallas has opened its Convention Center. This morning they have been told to expect tens of thousands of people in the city. There are renewed concerns about the inundated rivers and waterways in houston. The brazos river is expected to rise 10 feet above flood stage. An alltime record by thursday night. Even when the rain stops, which it is expected to do, the problems, flooding and rescues are going to continue. President trump and the first lady are supposed to arrive in Corpus Christi and i 30. About half an hour from now. They will be going from Corpus Christi to austin to meet with state officials about the damage and Emergency Response before they head back to washington dc. In a radio interview, mike pence says he and his wife will be in Southeast Texas later this week. The rescues and concerns, and the Recovery Efforts will continue this morning. Well bring in our meteorologist tracking harvey and the record rainfall. New colors on the weather maps. Unprecedented in every way. The Weather Service had to update the color table because they never had that much. That is part of the problem. They are getting unprecedented rainfall. Teenager is the slow moving part of the system which is 2 to 3 miles an hour. It keeps pumping and the moisture off of the gulf. For the lower 48 there is a record. The national Weather Service retreated something coming out of houston. The record for total rainfall from a topical system has been broken marys creek. The right winding road having 42. 9 inches of rain as of 9 and their time. The old record was 48. There was a system in hawaii in 1950 that left over 50 inches. In the lower 48 that is a record. We may break the record because it is still raining. As ken talked about, there are some areas not getting rain. As it had west you will find a little bit lost but it is more towards houston and galveston. North, northeast at 5. The i did come back over the gulf. It is picked up a little bit of strength. 45 gust up to 50. The i will is severely damaged. That is been damaged and a little bit more sheer. It is picking up in intensity. You can see the track where he came back over the gulf water about 87 or 80 degrees. Watch the band going to galveston and houston. To the west you can see it is less. But you have the bands lining up that is were some of the rainfall amounts, 13, southwest of houston and over 40 inches of rain. That is where ken will find the greatest damage. We are still thing the gusting and circulation. It is just about ready to move past houston. On the backside, the wind has picked up in brownsville, Corpus Christi, and the strongest gusts have been towards the center. Lake charles, louisiana head over 13 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. New orleans is getting pretty heavy rain on the backside of that. The good news is, i agree with that. I think by tomorrow, most of the heavy rain bands will have pushed off into louisiana, arkansas, mississippi and north. But they are not done today. For what it is worth, their hands if you look out 10 to 15 days, more rain coming and. Just coming in from the gulf. While they may get a break a, there could still be more rain in the future. If youre looking to make a difference, there are many ways to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Go to our website and there are various rubbing the organization helping the website. Do you plan donated to Hurricane Harvey. You can see that 56 percent of you say you have. 42 oh. A lot of chatter on social media. Very sad, of course. I will do what i can. Phil says, even though i said many times i would not pee on texas if it was on fire, i put that aside. We can fight later. Michelle says there is an easy way. Text to the red cross and send 10. All of the information that you need on how to donate to reputable organizations is waiting for you on ktvu. Com. Click on web links when youre there. Our coverage is not over. We will talk to a women named beth stevens a mother of four in houston. We will talk to her life coming up after the break. President trump is speaking out about north korea and the latest mental missile launch. What he says about how the United States may respond. For more on some of the other headlines we are working on, lets go to dave park. Here are some of the top stories. Just hours ago President Trump side, all options are on the table at the north korean latest missile launch. It flew over japan and landed in the ocean. That triggered warnings in japan for people on the northern japanese island, to run to shelter underground. Japans Prime Minister now wants an emergency meeting with the United Nations Security Council about the missile launch. At least two people were killed. Four others hurt yesterday in a shooting rampage in the library in new mexico. It happened a clovis about 200 miles outside of albuquerque. The shooter appeared to be 16 years old. It surrendered and was captured without incident. We still dont know the motive. We dont know if the suspect and his victims or if the shooting with random. A hidden enrollment hit and run in san jose that left one person fighting for their life, is under investigation. Her pedestrian hit by a car mall park avenue and south monroe street. It happened about 5 10. The suspect then took off. The victim is at the hospital with lifethreatening injuries. Those are a couple of your morning headlines. Back to you. The coverage of Hurricane Harvey continues. We are live on the phone with beth stevens longtime resident of houston. You sent me photos of your house last night. Showed my coanchors. It is obvious flooding in the yard and lower level. You decided to stay. Why is that . Thought the pictures are of neighbors. My house is high and dry. There are nine houses on our street. One is flooded and one of the pictures is from the neighbor behind. We decided to stay because there is nowhere to go. All of the officials kept saying this was going to be a water event. And the best thing with it the hundreds of thousands of people in the houston area, there was no way for everybody to get out. There was nowhere for people to go. We decided to stay. We have not lost electricity. The neighbors are helping neighbors and every part of the city has been effected. We happen to be one of the lucky ones and we are still dry and have electricity. Spot how would you describe the weekend when the storm is hitting, and even yesterday . Spot for me personally, i am really from south of louisiana. We have been through many hurricanes. Being in houston was a little bit different. We are closer inland. It didnt seem as scary. However, the continuous new News Coverage of the neighborhoods that are flooding, one after the other, no part of town has been spared. It starts to feel like a hopeless case. The news reports were that the water was continuing to rise. It is not a safe feeling. I have four children. The neighbors have children. It is an unnerving feeling to know that water could be entering at any moment. Have the authoritys been saying to you as what to do, now that the event is not over, but now that this happened. Have they been putting out news reports . Have they been saying, they were you are or help if you can . What have local authorities been saying . Or how they to are they too busy trying to rescue people . There is a little bit of everything. We have the authorities asking us to stay put if we can. Most all of the freeways are impassable. I live in a part of houston that is in the city limits. We are blocked in. There is no real exit out to major freeways to get out and even if you could get to a freeway, exits are underwater the authorities are asking they stay in place so that you do not have any rescue efforts so i think the majority of people are trying to work in the neighborhood where they cant. I know my neighbors are trying together exit with a close to be to church shelters. They are opening up all across the city and it neighborhoods, churches, and schools. They are a big Convention Center and it is already 2000 people passed the maximum capacity. Everybody is pulling together to help each other. We have convoys of people coming from surrounding states. I know the navy is coming from louisiana. We helped we feel the help from neighboring communities. People really pull together in these times to help each other. The spirit of the texans really come out in these moments. But i dont think a lot of people are still in shock and i dont think the severity has sunk in and for everybody. We are thankful you are safe. Thank you for talking with us. You will have our continued good wishes as houston continues to come out of harvey. Thank you. The bathroom. When things go wrong here, you remember. Quilted northern is designed to work so well, you can forget your bathroom trips. But sir froggy can never forget. I used to be a prince. But no princess would kiss me now. Bmilk and fresh cream,a. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. What is this . A vanilla bean . Mmm breyers the good vanilla. We use nongmo sourced ingredients in some of americas favorite flavors. Mmm i cant believe it comes in. How great this tastes vegaaaan. And organiiiic. Try i cant believe its not butter in two new ways. Its vegan and its organic at ikea, we believe that for every busy day there should be a cozy dream bedroom. That you can find the comfort youre looking for at a price youve been waiting for. That the cost of a good nights sleep shouldnt keep you up at night. And we believe. That cozy should never be costly. Many people in the bay area wanted to know how they can help the people of texas with the catastrophic flooding they are experiencing. We will talk about what we can do to help s trevor riggins with the American Red Cross is here. Thank you for joining us. I remember in years past we sent blankets, pajamas and actual things. That is not helpful right now. That is right. Scale to respond. Last night we had 9000 people in one shelter in houston. At the Georgia Brown Convention Center. The scale of response requires much more than just things being shipped out. We need financial donations so we can buy the supplies that we need onsite in texas and put it to good use. Money gets there quickly and we can buy things that scale. New things and things people need. Have to sort through the used items and that sometimes will come in with donations. The organization was criticized during the earthquake in haiti about, where does the money really go and there are people on social media thing, do not send the money to red cross. How do you respond when you see that . Spot for a disaster like this the money is designated for the response. Any donation the money that my People Senate will be used to support texas and louisiana that are impacted by the flood. We will be there on the ground for month and the response phase and years of the recovery phase. But when you say used, rebuilding homes . In the long term, recovery could be all sorts of things. We did similar activities in super storm sandy with a long term recovery. In this phase we are running shelters, providing food, clothing, and emergency supplies. Basic needs are being met. Then with longterm recovery the funds will be used in long term projects. Spot how do you function with some of the infrastructure in the city you cannot go to walmart to get your stuff . Whered you get it . Is it shipton . It is difficult when things are down. We have repositioned supplies for 34,000 shelter residence on in dc. We had those on the grabbing for the storm came and. We shipped another 18,000 over in the last few days. We have well over 2000 volunteers on the ground. Brought in our own stuff and have partners alongside us as well. And as we can, dependent on our partners, clorox is a huge and supportive. They bleach, work loves, garbage bags and make sure there was a ready for families in need. A lot of corporations, such as clerks are donated dont and a lot of things. On the individual lettered leveled i have donated and donated i have texted and donated 10. In addition to what the copartners cohorts are doing. A 10 donation to the red cross. A tremendous outpouring and all of the dollars are needed. Ive been with the red cross for 12 years. This is one of the most unusual disasters i have seen with the level of rainfall in one of the largest i have seen in our country and the 12 years. Suck it doesnt work. It was just come up in your phone bill. It will kick back a message that says, do you mean to donate . You click yes or no and then it shows up on your phone bill. This will take several years. What if there is someone at home who lives in the bay area and says, im not being sentimental but i want to be there. I want to grandma grab a hand mike hammer intimate nails. You have trained people, is there anything they can do. Spec we will be deploying volunteers, hundreds of volunteers to the bay area over the next few weeks. Is someone who is not a volunteer can go online and start up at the red cross now. Center for trainings everything from running shelters, do if you are a nurse, doing it work, logistics, and to be ready to deploy. I am already bracing for that. Spot be careful where you are donated. And make sure you can look charities up online to see the ratings on the navigator or other sites. You want to be careful for looking for authenticated resources and places to support. You got into the red cross 12 years ago. With that because of katrina . I was not with the red cross during katrina. But the work that i saw and the need inspired me. I joined right after katrina. I have been with the organization for a lot of disasters. This event, it is still happening. Several days later. Coming into my. This is a tragic event for the family. You can use your phone call 800 red cross. You can text 90999. They will confirm with you and make an easy 10 donation. It will make sure devastate take care of the devastation during the hurricane. Will bring you president thats my pictures of the president and first lady. They have just landed in texas. This is a lie picture of air force 1. They are Corpus Christi after the first lady get off air force one. They will tour to austin area emergency area. The reason the private and test and first lady or landing a corpus because houston cannot handle anything of this magnitude. The people and plane, and also as we all know, the president travels in a bubble. Safety concerns. Road concerns. Airport concerns. Of what houston is equipped to had a which is why the president is a Corpus Christi. We are waiting to see whether the president and first lady get off off air force one. We believe this is President Trump. Like he was reading from a statement but he said, we are one american family. Sometimes disaster, the a lot of either over on the oval office and how he responds. Here he has a chance 6 to 7 month to unify the country and away off of natural disaster. Im always curious to see peoples responses to see if you live in nevada where the president. It is different. When you actually go and see the damage. And how that will actually affect President Trump. After hurricane katrina, president bush received criticism for not being as close to the people, as close to the disaster. We dont know what is happening but we talk to the president of visit. Why isnt he in houston, because houston cannot handle a president ial visit. Today the New York Times will one of the writers inside, this is a time for the president to take advantage of unifying the country put politics aside. Ever congress to act quickly and get Disaster Relief funding ready. Back back back with more coverage and news. Only see his hes gotta play it cool to seal the deal. Better find a way to smooth things over. If only harry used some. Bounce, to dry. Yeah he would be a less wrinkly, and winning at life. No artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. And an excellent source of calcium. Enjoy cheese dippers by the laughing cow. There are people in flooded homes that are waiting to be moved to Higher Ground as the rain continues to fall in Southeast Texas. Welcome back. Members of the California National guard also headed off to texas. More than my 90 members were called into service yesterday. They packed out the c17 with two helicopters, walkietalkies guard members were trained ranging from performing surgeries. The main focus for all of them is saving lives. Responded to these kind of emergency is exactly what they trained for. It is what we live and breathe far. When we do these missions, it is everything that we are called to do and everything that we wake up in the morning to do. We are ready to execute. The air guard unit the faith to not think there will be any more deployments but they say if there called up, they will be proud and ready to go. The Fire Department rescue crews along with others along the peninsula are in texas to assist First Responders in a houston area. The crew reached texas late last night after a long 30 hour drive. After was three jones. We are joined of chief of the menlo park fire and herold you have been doing this for a while. I heard you say when he started doing this, they didnt have the kind of equipment like drones to make it more helpful for the cruise workers to operate on the ground. 512 years ago during katrina, we all wouldve wished for that type of technology. And now they have it and we have made sure it is embedded within our team. It is not in the federal inventory, nor are some of the inflatable riverboat. But we made sure that they had everything they did it so we could be as successful as they could be. They arrived this morning. There ready to go to work. They know the mission is coming. We talk to chief stevens who is waiting for a mission request. So many people are drawn comparisons to complete katrina. Three hours driver to the east, do you see similarities, or what is different in houston . I heard ken and i have been talking to him by phone. He gave it a good assessment. It is similarities as you mentioned. But what is different is a national declaration. Elected officials that are on top of it. It is not an empty city where you cannot find elected leaders. The others are a Police Department in your getting updates on what they are doing. All those are things that we didnt find when we got there day two of katrina. We were left almost to our own with the other rescue teams that is different. They are very on top of it. It doesnt mean they can handle it. That is why they need the help. But this looks a different. There is more help from locals. That is not when we got when we are in katrina. Much it was an empty city with people who needed help. Take us through the process for folks at home when you say, we are about to get our orders, what do you expect the team to do. Does that mean they will be up for 24 hours, or 36 trying to get as many rescues completed . It could be all of that. It is hard to say what they will be doing at this point because, there are Different Things that evolved as you go along. The damage to with the overflow, the levees feeling, you have to be able to be nimble and be reassigned quickly. We were supposed to work along with pot to train when we arrived in new orleans and then in a different area completely it was moreland. You had to be flexible and be able to understand it will get frustrating at times. You go to start things. They will be moving around based on your need. Theyre trying to balance those requests and identify whether they are real or not. And then the severity. That is the big thing. Where can we do the most good for the most people. We do go up further the most because we can do things different. Over the use your unit has been trained and there are other units that are modeled after you. What have you learned over the last two years they changed the scene to help more people out. Lets say that you couldve 12 years ago. Documented the technology. The drones will be a game changer. You have a fast light mobile complex of the inflatable boat they can be rolled up with a helicopter. In the training of the people that we have. Our expectations of the rescuers level to which the reality factor for the california floods through in orlinda during hurricanes. Lack the capability the federal government has based upon what was done here in california the National System was basically patterned after what we had here in california. They were the leader and they still are. There are still teams in the state that it they are not national taskforces but there are teams that could be sent to the texas or louisiana area. There has been chatter in the system in terms of what else we could handle it more requests coming. Theyre still untapped resources if we need them. We are happy to be there. California has a robust capability and the rest of the nations modeled after it. The chief is reading something off the associate oppressed wire. Pair of reservoir dams that protect downtown houston and a houston subdivision when the crews are on scene, one big difference, youre able to perform your rescues, obviously there is a huge amount of danger not just for the people there, but for your cruise. Crews. In new orleans they shut the whole thing down for gunfire and people being shot. Some people some of thats out to be true. Process, if we have a shooting in one part of the sitting and im sure oakland would say the same, presenting we dont shut down everything else. Where is the risk. What is it and how do you manage it. To compromise other operations because of it. I hope that when i happen this time. That might be a problem for certain areas. How big of a problem is it . It is hard to say but part of what we do requires a risk. We have people that are willing to take the risks. They balance the ever not trying to sacrifice themselves. With people in harms way and this is why we have to step up. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate your calling us. Stay with us and we will have much more coverage of Hurricane Harvey. We will bring you the president live speaking from corpus crispy. Ken wayne is in texas and more live reports today. Lessons which quickly to a live picture of a water rescue happening. This is a situation in a town about 45 minutes to an hour north of the city of houston. Take a look at all of the water. We have been monitoring this picture the newsroom for the past several minutes. He was standing in the back of his truck with nowhere to go and just here in the recent second three so rescuers come up at the red boat and take him to safety. We see the two vehicles and 3 to 4 feet of water. And the problem is, if you get out it will be chest deep. You do not know what you are stepping into. You do not know what is swimming around you. You do not know where to go into cannot walk. A lot of people think about houston. The city itself, the fourth largest city in the United States. It is huge. The flooding extends well beyond the city of houston. That was an hour drive on an easy day north of the city of houston. That is what you are seeing. Gives you a good idea of the widespread devastation. Stock i want to bring in our meteorologist steve right now. We are cooling double looking ahead to labor day weekend. It will get hods. We are cooling down but it might be blistering hot down here by the time we get to the weekend. Much of next week. We do not want to get too far ahead of ourselves. We do have a cooldown for today and tomorrow. We will change gears rapidly by the time we get to saturday. Do not be surprised if there are areas inland that can hit one 110. Going forward we have a good 10 or 15 degrees of for some. Expected to back off by 9 or 10 00. There are still a robust breeze. South of the airport is a cool direction. West southwest. Most of the night and most of the morning with wind gusts. 59 in santa rosa. 54 in san jose. Livermore is down 10 compared to 20. That will translate into the upper 80s and 90s. Not the 105, or 107. Santa clara valley may be towards the east bay and may see a few high clouds. The bulk is heading towards the Sierra Nevada were afternoon thunderstorms will pick up. Cooler today and tomorrow but it will turn on a dime. Today the maybe a few hundred coming up at most locations will take a pretty good drop. But the same wednesday and even color. I could easily pencil in 110 for saturday and sunday. The key is maybe even in the coast might see the warmest weather in a long time. Inland for sure. One 10. Thank you. We will be right back. This is the new comfort food. Grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. A better way to grow, a better way to eat. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. The Second Annual Music Festival is coming up. A threeday festival taking place friday through sunday september 8 through the 10th and pine crest. Joining us now to talk about the festal festival is kathy connolly, the program manager. Thank you for coming and. Just for viewers, be more specific about what the festival is about. Practice combines music and camping. You get to see amazing artists and people you may not have her up before. There fabulous. It has been curated by producers and you are under the stars. You are under blue skies. Tall pine trees. It is a great experience. It is a family event . Can i bring my kids. You see some concerts with young people and no kids. This is familyfriendly . Like it is family camp. We have camp gold dedicated to families and we also have camp blue which will be adults staying up a little later if you want to keep the party going. It is a mix of both. But it is definitely fran familyfriendly. Spot this is an aspect of layer of the bear. Silas loves it. And he is described as a 1950s camping. Get the rustic commute and campfire songs but you also get nice food and a nice place to sleep. Tell me more about how it is combining two world. It is rustic but you have your own tent cabin. You do not have to do any cooking, cleaning or planning. You have an awesome team of staff that will supervisor kids for a few hours in the morning and afternoon so that parents can go to the lake, or sit by the pool. You have to graduate from berkeley. Right. Spot are there all different types of music . A very i got sick it makes. Many genres. We have country and electronic. We have dj. A great act. Hamilton kind of so. It is fabulous. It is unforgettable. This is a kid at your school . You are actually going there since you are young. s like i have been going there since i was young. It has improved and modernized but in the sense that he went 30 years ago you would feel the same same nostalgia you had. s like the first impossible to what we have are about to walk into, is there anything have learned . That is a great question. Basically we are improving what we did last year. It was fabulous fabulous. Everyone had a phenomenal time. It is definitely a weekend to not be missed. It is a great time to connect and enjoy nature. Kids do not need electronics because there are so many activities and things to do. Do you still have space . We do have space. But how much . s like you are welcome to date to come. Go online a book a space in today. For the week it is like this is a weekend. For a Music Festival it is cheaper. We are not nickel and diving you. We provide everything. Slacking in the ballpark for a threeday Music Festival. It is 1200 for a family of four or five. But all your meals and everything is included. Workshops for kids. It is amazing. It is a oneofakind experience. I can go to any financial fancy hotel and eat a fancy plate of food, but what you are offering is a little moment in time. It is a bubble. Silas knows his stuff. Thank you so much. We will talk to you. Give us the website. Visit us online. Spot bring your families. We will be right back. First kid you ready . By their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely. To choose luvs than first time moms. Luvs with nightlock plus absorbs wetness faster than huggies. Snug dry, for outstanding overnight protection at. A fraction of the cost live, learn, and get luvs. Lash sensational full fan effect mascara be sensational from Maybelline New York. Our unique fanning brush reveals layers of lashes for the sensational fullfan effect. Lash sensational mascara. Make it happen Maybelline New York bright light fixtures of the president and first lady getting off air force one in Corpus Christi texas. The president being briefed and is about to address the country. We all stay on longer than we do. Will bring you has remarks live around 10 00. We hope you stay with us. Berkeleys mayor is asking uc berkeley to cancer free speech week. The mayor says the event would bring more violence and address to the city. Free speech week is expected to host controversial speakers both coulter and uniopolis have been scheduled to speak at cal in the past for violent protests were erupted. The event is plant for september 24 of june 27. Struck the mayor said he was satisfied with the mostly peaceful protest. The official rally was canceled. Many people showed up to denounce the bigotry and hatred. A small number of protrump demonstrators showed up. One group set up smoke jobs and not barriers and intimidated people. The mayor says that for the most part people expressed their First Amendment rights peacefully. Like a berkeley Police Department said it tried new tactics as officers handle the large protest on sunday. We try to have smaller officers that could intervene in an altercation quickly. Officers that had an access point where people could enter the park and they were there to remind them what the City Ordinance was and what it covered. And what people were not allowed to bring in. Berkeley police say they try to enforce relations regarding banned items such as pepper spray and sticks that could be used as weapons. They also put up barricades to protect pedestrians in case one trying to use a car to ram protesters like in charlottesville. The conversation turned to raise the relation at a barbershop in richmond. People gathered at the pet platinum Trends Partnership barbershop to air concerns about Law Enforcement and community. Monthly forum hosted by Paul Chambers that began last year and is held in richmond for the first time last night. People that what white supremacy, the violence in charlottesville President Trumps reversal of a ban on local police having access to surplus military gear. Next barbershop formal take place in oakland september 18. You heard of the talking parents telling their children about the birds and the bees but sometimes you have a different kind of talk about power, police and skin color. Alex andwe they the conversation started after an incident with a Police Officer that left them feeling as though they have been racially profiled. The night the couple says the time had come to have a talk with the boys about how to interact with police if, and when they are stopped by Law Enforcement. Using polite language. Never showing frustration and not making sudden moves. Not to escalate a situation. They told him that society and in some cases, police may see them as a threat because of the color of their skin. It was hard, because they are our babies. They should be able to be 9, or 10, and not have to worry about this type of stuff. The should be et al. Problems. They say they know their sons will face discriminations and say talk more about survival. Theyre not the only other family having these tough conversations about race. Tranny is continuing the conversation with a one hour special barriers and bridges in the bay area. J clark and i will bring you stories of race, culture, conflict and connection for people all across the region. A chance to hear about who we are, where we have been and where we are going from everyday people. I hope that you join us tonight at 8 00. On ktvu plus. Major reservoirs in houston are overwhelmed and spilling over after days of rain from hurricane, Tropical Storm harvey. Doug has the latest from the houston Convention Center that has been turned into a shelter were 9000 people spent the night last night. More rain and wind. More flooding in houston. Shelters like this one are filling out. Thousands of homes and businesses flooded. The death toll rising. Harvey is dumping more rain on houston. The Addicks Reservoir spilling over for the first time in history. They are in uncharted territory as to the impact that will have on the city. We are trying our best to wrap our hands around what exactly the water will do as it interacts with subdivisions, roadside ditches, underground drainage systems. Reporter as more areas become inundated with water shelters like this one at the houston Convention Center are filling out. The city said it plans to open more. Thousands of volunteers have mobilized, as a recovery effort wraps up. You should help your neighbor. I feel it is the right thing to do. These people would do the same thing for me. Reporter houston will be the focal point of the agency effort. Many flood victims do not have insurance and will likely need federal assistance. Many say even with help, they will not be able to replace it with a have lost. Tried to save what we can. It is a heartache and it is something we will live with forever. Reporter all of that underscores a difficult reality. Many in the shelters may not have homes to return to. In houston, doug luzader for ktvu fox 2 news. Anheuserbusch brewery doing his part to help Hurricane Harvey victims the beer giant stop production of the beer in georgia two cans working water to send to the houston area. It and made an emergency run of 50,000 cans. The company says it is delivering more than 155,000 cans of water to American Red Cross facilities. The water will arrive in texas today or tomorrow. Struck family members of First Responders are praying for their safety. Take a look at the letter posted by the waco Police Department. It is from the daughter of one of their offduty officers. It reads, daddy, i hope you do not get hurt, but i hope you help other people that need it more than you. I hope that no one gets hurt more. I hope that everyone gets away. The hurricane, i love you, scott and mckenna. Coldplay is playing a new song in response Hurricane Harvey. [ music ] the band had to postpone it store in houston because the storm is approaching their think the devastation by harvey. And want people to know their thoughts and prayers are with them. The band hopes to sing the song in texas. Beyonci grew up in houston. Destinys child was her former bandmates who also made it to houston and they are doing efforts on their part as well. J jaye watson another texan celebrity. People are banding together. Selected florida florida is helping out also. The rangers and the astros. We want to give you a life picture from texas. He is getting briefed he is getting briefed and will have herbert ken harvey and officials are gathering there. A number of officials from the county. The governor office. Fema all of them are in this room awaiting for the president. The lieutenant said yesterday they received 1000 calls per hour and that they actually rescued more than 3000 people yesterday. The rescue crews are making work a citizen rescuers are jumping in with their own both to save people trapped in floodwaters and home

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