Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 530pm 20240708 : compare

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 530pm 20240708

with? this is part of some planned protest or did he go out there with this intention to cause a traffic backup. >> about one 45, we got a call of a pedestrian in the center divide in that area. when our officers arrived on when he fled to the transition ramp, he stayed up there and the officers noticed that he was going through some type of mental health crisis. and that's when a crisis team was called out. >> and so they're talking with him trying to get him off the freeway safely. >> it seemed gauging with them is is he talking with them? >> can't speak to that level of intimacy on i am not on the but they're they're doing the best they can to be able to talk to him. >> how far is the traffic backup right now? how deep going to the east bay? >> when i checked. the traffic cameras, it seemed like it was a all the way back to the caldecott tunnel. >> but there's something that you want to tell drivers who are stuck there. i know we're thanking them for their patients, but are their alternate routes that we should get out there so people can get off the road? >> yes, if you're trying to make it to the east contra costa county or even central, if you can hop on 80 pounds to the east out for that would the quickest route to get around. >> any other advice you want to pass along to people watching who might have loved ones stuck on the road or anyone out there. >> just be safe and be patient don't be tempted breaking traffic laws to try to get around. it is that's one other incident happened and then we have to take away mount power from the scene that we're today go and all the others. >> have you seen that happen already? are people trying to turn around on the road? are they getting out of their cars? >> no, i haven't seen or heard that happened. it's just more. an ask from a >> good advice. because these days if you're stuck in traffic and parking lot of people could be watching this on their phones, trying to figure out what exactly is happening and when they might be able to start moving. in it looks like some cruisers might be moving. right several of them. have you heard of anything that may have just transpired as as we're talking. >> most there are not on the scene right there. so i'm not sure what's going on. >> okay. we're just looking at one of the live traffic cameras and yeah, a few cruisers that we're parked for a long time seem to have have just kind moved a little bit closer to like where the main police activity. what's happening? obviously a situation given the mental health issue. so if you do learn more, please let us know. and we'll get back in touch with you. and then we can pass that along to our viewers. but with their thank you for your time today. appreciate your time. that's officer adam lane with the california highway patrol contra costa county division. and we'll keep you posted on that story. as we learn more other news now, the new omicron subvariant is reportedly spreading faster across the u.s. than the original ba 2 straight recent cdc data shows the ba 2 12.1 mutation now makes up nearly 37% of our nation's positive covid cases. that numbers more than 60% in the northeast where it first took hold and that's an almost 100 per cent jump just the past 2 weeks or so. so far the subvariant does not appear to cause severe illness. meanwhile, health officials say they are monitoring other mutations be a 4 and ba 5 that are causing a rise in hospitalizations in south africa right now. >> there are newly released documents that are showing the cdc tracked millions of phones to see if americans followed covid-19 lockdown orders. according to the reports, the cdc purchase phone data from the data broker. safe graph. the cdc reportedly paid over $400,000 for access to one year's worth of data. stay at home. orders visits to pharmacies and the effectiveness of covid policies and the navajo nation were among the activities that the cdc was watching. the cdc so far has not commented on this report. >> fda officials say yearly covid vaccines could be part of our future. top fda regulators say they expected to decide by summer time weather covid vaccines should be updated for this coming fall. if the fda finds the updates necessary annual boosting against the virus could become part of our new normal. meanwhile, the fda's vaccine advisory committee is set to meet in june to discuss vaccines for kids under the age of 5. whether time as we get a live look outside the golden gate bridge said to be under there somewhere. it looks like july outside right a ground force records from joining us here now with look at the forecast. >> may 4th. may the 4th with you. i think same to you guys. yeah. we've got a taste of summer there today, right? yeah. i mean, we're talking 80's and even close to 90's for summer hotter inland spots. >> so hopefully you were able to enjoy it. and yes, may the 4th be with you outside right now. look at this, though. something to cool us off around the bay area, especially if you are inland. of course you're at the coast. temperatures were pretty nice and mild for this time of year but inland, we got some really toasty temperatures. but you can see just how thick this marine layer is. you can see the tip one of the towers of the golden gate bridge right there. but yes, it is going to get thicker and thicker as the hours progress, keeping things nice and cool, especially during the overnight hours tonight across the bay area. temperatures outside right now, though, look, it's a very widespread, a little bit of something for everyone. 53 pacifica right now, low 50's in half moon bay. we're looking at to upper 70's still in downtown san jose. 79 in fremont. 85, if you're in livermore right now, 86 in concord and mid to upper 70's valais in napa petaluma 68 still looking at the 80's own summer, north bay areas like lena, 82 degrees cloverdale 87. but tonight, yes, you cite that thickening marine layer is going to increase and really just give us a blanket of cooling across the bay area. temperatures overnight, mostly in the 50's and then look at the rest of the week. the big changes are on the way. definitely different. what we saw today, scattered clouds with some cooling conditions over the next couple of days. maybe even an isolated sprinkle here, too. over the next few days. and then as we get into this weekend, a possible shower for sunday for mother's day. so keep that in mind. temperatures, jeff, going going to be a lot cooler on sunday versus saturday. we're talking about mid 60's or so. i'll have more details in my seven-day around the bay forecast. coming up a little bit later. back to the news. >> thank you so much. coming up, a police chase ends after a suspect picks this not so clever place to hide. >> whoa, whoa. whoa. whoa. scary moments caught on camera. this is in florida. why the couple said they had no warning when they suddenly spotted a black bear near their front yard. coming up to the helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> got to go and got to go quick. >> shocking and downright scary video out of florida tonight where a ring doorbell camera catches the moment. a couple and their dog. our chased back inside their home by a black bear. jason and rachel smith say that they're letting their dog out when a black bear spotted them. the smiths say they had no warning before the bear started to charge at them. the 3 of them made it all back inside safely. the bear that was spotted on the ring camera going back up to the house near the front door before turning back a little dog. just scurries inside. want to get away. >> a man in maine who was allegedly trying to evade police was quickly apprehended after trying to hide. take a look. police say the sky was found monday night sitting in a chair hiding under a blanket after he was kicked out of the hotel earlier that night. unfortunately for him, officers, we're not fooled and found him and arrested him. police shared the picture on facebook writing. we've seen some crafty ways of hiding from the police. this is not one of them. >> still ahead, police in los angeles have now arrested a man who they say attacked dave chappelle on stage while he was performing at a comedy festival after the break. what we now know about the suspect and how he was able to get a knife into the venue. >> a scary scene in los angeles last night as an armed man rushed the stage and tackled comedian dave chappelle. yeah. and >> kind of bnurry. but you see go down right here after the guy just kind of give them a bear hug and takes him down. chappelle was about to wrap up his performance at the hollywood bowl last night. this is part of a netflix comedy festival. but this incident. number, chris rock raises new questions about stage security for high-profile celebrities. nancy loo is in los angeles and how this all unfolded and what details police have just released about the suspect. >> takes a comedian. dave chappelle tackled on stage while introducing a hip-hop artist. the attacker ran backstage where he was tackled and detained by la pd arrested. a 23 year-old man who was armed with a replica handgun with a knife inside. he faces a felony assault charge. incidentally, fellow comedian chris rock was on the same stage earlier himself. the target of a stage attack by will smith during the oscars. after the new incident. social media documented rock joining chappelle on stage to also cracking jet >> it. >> chappelle was not injured and joked about his attacker and not a controversy surrounding chappelle's past comments which sparked backlash in the transgender community against the comedian and netflix which aired the comedy special during his set. chappelle had actually mention beefing up his personal security due to that controversy. but without physical barriers to prevent someone from storming onto a stage, the security assignment is a tricky balance. just last week at cinemark on in las vegas, actress olivia wilde directly approached while on stage by someone serving court papers. those in the industry say more security matters less than quality security. it's instinct for them. >> then a day instantly catch on to that. and they're they're supposed to stop the threat before reaches that performer when you really need them. one person was trained to handle high pressure situations and how to diffuse the situation is going to be better than his money. >> secures as >> that was nancy loo reporting for us tonight. the man who attacked chappelle is reportedly an aspiring rapper who has a song titled dave chappelle, which also references the hollywood bowl, how he got through security with that dangerous knife. gun weapon is still being reviewed. >> there is new video and new information that has surfaced in the search for an alabama correctional officer and the murder suspect that she allegedly helped escape from jail. this just released video shows deputy vicky white walking from her patrol car into the jail facility last friday. it was about 30 seconds later that she comes back out with that murder suspect. casey white close behind. she told coworkers she was taking him for a mental health evaluation. but there was never one scheduled. her patrol car was found abandoned later. and authorities say deputy white sold her home a month ago and was supposed to retire the day that she vanished. they have now issued a warrant for her arrest. but they say they're also worried for her safety. >> you know, he's already killed. want. you know, so areas facing the death penalty. so we have to have nothing and you know, if he becomes a liability to him, are down, then i think very capable of a, you know, partner, seriously, even killer. >> the u.s. marshal service is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the location of this fugitive inmate and up to $5,000 to find the missing officer. >> the drought crisis could last longer than initially thought as la nina weather patterns continue this summer previously, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, noaa said la nina, which is known to bring drought conditions, was dissipating. could have given california a kind of a more normal winter season. but now know us as la nina is likely going to stick around longer. no says that will bring more temperatures that are well above average. and they know california inch should brace for more water and drought restrictions. >> rebecca strom is here now with a look at the forecast. a little bit of rain coming our way just in time for mother's day. it's what we both of course, who doesn't want to rain on mother's day? well, according to let though, you kind of you right? yeah, water around the bay area, keeping the hills nice and green. might get just that. so hey, your mother's day, which could come true, justine, this year and in fact, futurecast for showing some of storm systems that are headed our direction a couple of them now near misses for the bay area. we might get isolated sprinkle or 2. >> in our north zone over the next couple of days. but folks in portland into washington, you're really going to see the rainfall. they're not necessarily the bay area yet, though. now let's get through the next couple of days as we get into friday, we could some in the north bay, a couple of sprinkles. again, an isolated shower or 2. and then once we get into saturday and really on sunday for mother's day, that's when we can see something a little bit more promising. so yes, we will brace for the possibility of some showers. so you might want to take your mother's day plans indoors. just in case and look at that. the sierra could be seeing some snowfall as well as we get into this weekend. so there is some possibility of us some rain and some wet weather on the way here in the bay area. today, though, of course, none of it. we saw lots of dry conditions. in fact, very warm temperatures. it felt more like summer around the bay area. then it did the spring time. we're looking temperatures pretty much all over the map today. 79 in fremont right now. 83, if you're in dublin, 66 in berkeley, a little bit cooler there, of course, along the bay. 81 in the still upper 70's and fairfax. 77 degrees in napa. 68 in petaluma. 82 degrees in saint helena and looking outside, though, things are going to start to cool off and it's all thanks to this thickening marine layer that we're going to be seeing tonight and into the overnight hours. so as it starts to move across the bay area, temperatures are going to get back to normal and actually look at the highs tomorrow. they're going to be a lot more normal for this time of year. we're looking at 57 for half moon bay for the have afternoon high tomorrow. 68 in downtown oakland and then low 70's for conquered in antioch. that's about a 10, even 20 degree difference. what we felt around the bay area today. i-70 around the day forecast. look at this. 70's sending. yes, we're seeing lots of cloud cover of the next couple of days. and then into this weekend cooler on saturday with a lot of sunshine. but then yes, the possibility of some rainfall for mother's day on sunday mid 60's. that's we're topping out inland 60's around the bay and then 50's at the coast. and as we get into next weekend, we're looking at a slight chance of rain on tuesday and then a slight bump up the temperatures on wednesday. that's a look at the weather a news. thank you, rebecca. up next, doggy field as the city of oakland struggles within an president number. >> of dogs available for adoption. what they're doing to get some of those canines into forever homes. >> city of oakland has a bit of a puppy problem. officials with oakland animal services say they have an unprecedented number of large dogs. big dogs available for adoption and these pups urgently need hopes the director of oakland animal services told us it's not just oakland but the entire country that seeing an increase of abandoned dogs. >> the director says it's due to many people losing their homes during the pandemic. and the shelter is trying its best to help these dogs fied a forever home. so this week they are extending the adoption hours and offering some new incentives >> and so that means that our adoption fees for all animals are us so what that means normally a dog would be $150 option b. so it's quite a state. you can go to oakland, animal services dot org to take a look at the different type of dogs that they have. and from there, you can also contact the organization. >> to get more information on the dog that you want. and we'll put some details on our website kron 4 dot com. but those look like some happy pups. yeah, that they could. >> hit the i did arrive. it looks like yeah. not only that people lose their homes, but a lot of people, you know, we're working from home, wanted so and now have to go back to work in. unfortunately, a lot of those people are surrendering dogs because their circumstances have changed. so maybe a good mother's day gift. intense. oh, my gosh. i'm going tell the kids are. alright. that halves of kron. 4 news at 5. we appreciate you being with us this hour. >> pam moore is here with what is ahead at 6 o'clock. and they're going to start with some breaking news about that freeway situation in the east bay. that's right. justine and grant, you both have been reporting on this. we're finally getting some updates that to mean good news for those who are in their cars right now. traffic is starting to open up again on highway 24 at the 6 city in a change of traffic had been stopped there because of some police activity. and now it appears from what we're hearing and seeing that the roads are beginning to open up again. we'll have the latest on what's happening there. >> and what an independent investigation is revealing about the death of mario gonzalez and what it means for the officers involved. i'm pam moore joined grand and me for the news. coming up next, person. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts so you both stay comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing so you stay cool. save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. >> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> breaking news tonight at 6 in walnut creek. a man has been taken into custody. >> he was on the freeway overpass from eastbound highway. 24 to northbound 6.80, for several hours. the chp is in the process of reopening that overpass. you can see here there is still police activity in the area. >> as well some. you see traffic on the other side. but, you know, they're still kind of going through the motions in terms of getting cars safely able to resume moving once again. and it's been a while. the chp tells us this man was taken into custody a short time ago peacefully and he will be getting the medical assistance

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Saint Helena , Maine , United States , Oakland , California , Cloverdale , Florida , Washington , Hollywood , Dublin , Ireland , Americans , Napa Petaluma , Rebecca Strom , Chris Rock , Pam Moore ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 530pm 20240708 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 530pm 20240708

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with? this is part of some planned protest or did he go out there with this intention to cause a traffic backup. >> about one 45, we got a call of a pedestrian in the center divide in that area. when our officers arrived on when he fled to the transition ramp, he stayed up there and the officers noticed that he was going through some type of mental health crisis. and that's when a crisis team was called out. >> and so they're talking with him trying to get him off the freeway safely. >> it seemed gauging with them is is he talking with them? >> can't speak to that level of intimacy on i am not on the but they're they're doing the best they can to be able to talk to him. >> how far is the traffic backup right now? how deep going to the east bay? >> when i checked. the traffic cameras, it seemed like it was a all the way back to the caldecott tunnel. >> but there's something that you want to tell drivers who are stuck there. i know we're thanking them for their patients, but are their alternate routes that we should get out there so people can get off the road? >> yes, if you're trying to make it to the east contra costa county or even central, if you can hop on 80 pounds to the east out for that would the quickest route to get around. >> any other advice you want to pass along to people watching who might have loved ones stuck on the road or anyone out there. >> just be safe and be patient don't be tempted breaking traffic laws to try to get around. it is that's one other incident happened and then we have to take away mount power from the scene that we're today go and all the others. >> have you seen that happen already? are people trying to turn around on the road? are they getting out of their cars? >> no, i haven't seen or heard that happened. it's just more. an ask from a >> good advice. because these days if you're stuck in traffic and parking lot of people could be watching this on their phones, trying to figure out what exactly is happening and when they might be able to start moving. in it looks like some cruisers might be moving. right several of them. have you heard of anything that may have just transpired as as we're talking. >> most there are not on the scene right there. so i'm not sure what's going on. >> okay. we're just looking at one of the live traffic cameras and yeah, a few cruisers that we're parked for a long time seem to have have just kind moved a little bit closer to like where the main police activity. what's happening? obviously a situation given the mental health issue. so if you do learn more, please let us know. and we'll get back in touch with you. and then we can pass that along to our viewers. but with their thank you for your time today. appreciate your time. that's officer adam lane with the california highway patrol contra costa county division. and we'll keep you posted on that story. as we learn more other news now, the new omicron subvariant is reportedly spreading faster across the u.s. than the original ba 2 straight recent cdc data shows the ba 2 12.1 mutation now makes up nearly 37% of our nation's positive covid cases. that numbers more than 60% in the northeast where it first took hold and that's an almost 100 per cent jump just the past 2 weeks or so. so far the subvariant does not appear to cause severe illness. meanwhile, health officials say they are monitoring other mutations be a 4 and ba 5 that are causing a rise in hospitalizations in south africa right now. >> there are newly released documents that are showing the cdc tracked millions of phones to see if americans followed covid-19 lockdown orders. according to the reports, the cdc purchase phone data from the data broker. safe graph. the cdc reportedly paid over $400,000 for access to one year's worth of data. stay at home. orders visits to pharmacies and the effectiveness of covid policies and the navajo nation were among the activities that the cdc was watching. the cdc so far has not commented on this report. >> fda officials say yearly covid vaccines could be part of our future. top fda regulators say they expected to decide by summer time weather covid vaccines should be updated for this coming fall. if the fda finds the updates necessary annual boosting against the virus could become part of our new normal. meanwhile, the fda's vaccine advisory committee is set to meet in june to discuss vaccines for kids under the age of 5. whether time as we get a live look outside the golden gate bridge said to be under there somewhere. it looks like july outside right a ground force records from joining us here now with look at the forecast. >> may 4th. may the 4th with you. i think same to you guys. yeah. we've got a taste of summer there today, right? yeah. i mean, we're talking 80's and even close to 90's for summer hotter inland spots. >> so hopefully you were able to enjoy it. and yes, may the 4th be with you outside right now. look at this, though. something to cool us off around the bay area, especially if you are inland. of course you're at the coast. temperatures were pretty nice and mild for this time of year but inland, we got some really toasty temperatures. but you can see just how thick this marine layer is. you can see the tip one of the towers of the golden gate bridge right there. but yes, it is going to get thicker and thicker as the hours progress, keeping things nice and cool, especially during the overnight hours tonight across the bay area. temperatures outside right now, though, look, it's a very widespread, a little bit of something for everyone. 53 pacifica right now, low 50's in half moon bay. we're looking at to upper 70's still in downtown san jose. 79 in fremont. 85, if you're in livermore right now, 86 in concord and mid to upper 70's valais in napa petaluma 68 still looking at the 80's own summer, north bay areas like lena, 82 degrees cloverdale 87. but tonight, yes, you cite that thickening marine layer is going to increase and really just give us a blanket of cooling across the bay area. temperatures overnight, mostly in the 50's and then look at the rest of the week. the big changes are on the way. definitely different. what we saw today, scattered clouds with some cooling conditions over the next couple of days. maybe even an isolated sprinkle here, too. over the next few days. and then as we get into this weekend, a possible shower for sunday for mother's day. so keep that in mind. temperatures, jeff, going going to be a lot cooler on sunday versus saturday. we're talking about mid 60's or so. i'll have more details in my seven-day around the bay forecast. coming up a little bit later. back to the news. >> thank you so much. coming up, a police chase ends after a suspect picks this not so clever place to hide. >> whoa, whoa. whoa. whoa. scary moments caught on camera. this is in florida. why the couple said they had no warning when they suddenly spotted a black bear near their front yard. coming up to the helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> got to go and got to go quick. >> shocking and downright scary video out of florida tonight where a ring doorbell camera catches the moment. a couple and their dog. our chased back inside their home by a black bear. jason and rachel smith say that they're letting their dog out when a black bear spotted them. the smiths say they had no warning before the bear started to charge at them. the 3 of them made it all back inside safely. the bear that was spotted on the ring camera going back up to the house near the front door before turning back a little dog. just scurries inside. want to get away. >> a man in maine who was allegedly trying to evade police was quickly apprehended after trying to hide. take a look. police say the sky was found monday night sitting in a chair hiding under a blanket after he was kicked out of the hotel earlier that night. unfortunately for him, officers, we're not fooled and found him and arrested him. police shared the picture on facebook writing. we've seen some crafty ways of hiding from the police. this is not one of them. >> still ahead, police in los angeles have now arrested a man who they say attacked dave chappelle on stage while he was performing at a comedy festival after the break. what we now know about the suspect and how he was able to get a knife into the venue. >> a scary scene in los angeles last night as an armed man rushed the stage and tackled comedian dave chappelle. yeah. and >> kind of bnurry. but you see go down right here after the guy just kind of give them a bear hug and takes him down. chappelle was about to wrap up his performance at the hollywood bowl last night. this is part of a netflix comedy festival. but this incident. number, chris rock raises new questions about stage security for high-profile celebrities. nancy loo is in los angeles and how this all unfolded and what details police have just released about the suspect. >> takes a comedian. dave chappelle tackled on stage while introducing a hip-hop artist. the attacker ran backstage where he was tackled and detained by la pd arrested. a 23 year-old man who was armed with a replica handgun with a knife inside. he faces a felony assault charge. incidentally, fellow comedian chris rock was on the same stage earlier himself. the target of a stage attack by will smith during the oscars. after the new incident. social media documented rock joining chappelle on stage to also cracking jet >> it. >> chappelle was not injured and joked about his attacker and not a controversy surrounding chappelle's past comments which sparked backlash in the transgender community against the comedian and netflix which aired the comedy special during his set. chappelle had actually mention beefing up his personal security due to that controversy. but without physical barriers to prevent someone from storming onto a stage, the security assignment is a tricky balance. just last week at cinemark on in las vegas, actress olivia wilde directly approached while on stage by someone serving court papers. those in the industry say more security matters less than quality security. it's instinct for them. >> then a day instantly catch on to that. and they're they're supposed to stop the threat before reaches that performer when you really need them. one person was trained to handle high pressure situations and how to diffuse the situation is going to be better than his money. >> secures as >> that was nancy loo reporting for us tonight. the man who attacked chappelle is reportedly an aspiring rapper who has a song titled dave chappelle, which also references the hollywood bowl, how he got through security with that dangerous knife. gun weapon is still being reviewed. >> there is new video and new information that has surfaced in the search for an alabama correctional officer and the murder suspect that she allegedly helped escape from jail. this just released video shows deputy vicky white walking from her patrol car into the jail facility last friday. it was about 30 seconds later that she comes back out with that murder suspect. casey white close behind. she told coworkers she was taking him for a mental health evaluation. but there was never one scheduled. her patrol car was found abandoned later. and authorities say deputy white sold her home a month ago and was supposed to retire the day that she vanished. they have now issued a warrant for her arrest. but they say they're also worried for her safety. >> you know, he's already killed. want. you know, so areas facing the death penalty. so we have to have nothing and you know, if he becomes a liability to him, are down, then i think very capable of a, you know, partner, seriously, even killer. >> the u.s. marshal service is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the location of this fugitive inmate and up to $5,000 to find the missing officer. >> the drought crisis could last longer than initially thought as la nina weather patterns continue this summer previously, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, noaa said la nina, which is known to bring drought conditions, was dissipating. could have given california a kind of a more normal winter season. but now know us as la nina is likely going to stick around longer. no says that will bring more temperatures that are well above average. and they know california inch should brace for more water and drought restrictions. >> rebecca strom is here now with a look at the forecast. a little bit of rain coming our way just in time for mother's day. it's what we both of course, who doesn't want to rain on mother's day? well, according to let though, you kind of you right? yeah, water around the bay area, keeping the hills nice and green. might get just that. so hey, your mother's day, which could come true, justine, this year and in fact, futurecast for showing some of storm systems that are headed our direction a couple of them now near misses for the bay area. we might get isolated sprinkle or 2. >> in our north zone over the next couple of days. but folks in portland into washington, you're really going to see the rainfall. they're not necessarily the bay area yet, though. now let's get through the next couple of days as we get into friday, we could some in the north bay, a couple of sprinkles. again, an isolated shower or 2. and then once we get into saturday and really on sunday for mother's day, that's when we can see something a little bit more promising. so yes, we will brace for the possibility of some showers. so you might want to take your mother's day plans indoors. just in case and look at that. the sierra could be seeing some snowfall as well as we get into this weekend. so there is some possibility of us some rain and some wet weather on the way here in the bay area. today, though, of course, none of it. we saw lots of dry conditions. in fact, very warm temperatures. it felt more like summer around the bay area. then it did the spring time. we're looking temperatures pretty much all over the map today. 79 in fremont right now. 83, if you're in dublin, 66 in berkeley, a little bit cooler there, of course, along the bay. 81 in the still upper 70's and fairfax. 77 degrees in napa. 68 in petaluma. 82 degrees in saint helena and looking outside, though, things are going to start to cool off and it's all thanks to this thickening marine layer that we're going to be seeing tonight and into the overnight hours. so as it starts to move across the bay area, temperatures are going to get back to normal and actually look at the highs tomorrow. they're going to be a lot more normal for this time of year. we're looking at 57 for half moon bay for the have afternoon high tomorrow. 68 in downtown oakland and then low 70's for conquered in antioch. that's about a 10, even 20 degree difference. what we felt around the bay area today. i-70 around the day forecast. look at this. 70's sending. yes, we're seeing lots of cloud cover of the next couple of days. and then into this weekend cooler on saturday with a lot of sunshine. but then yes, the possibility of some rainfall for mother's day on sunday mid 60's. that's we're topping out inland 60's around the bay and then 50's at the coast. and as we get into next weekend, we're looking at a slight chance of rain on tuesday and then a slight bump up the temperatures on wednesday. that's a look at the weather a news. thank you, rebecca. up next, doggy field as the city of oakland struggles within an president number. >> of dogs available for adoption. what they're doing to get some of those canines into forever homes. >> city of oakland has a bit of a puppy problem. officials with oakland animal services say they have an unprecedented number of large dogs. big dogs available for adoption and these pups urgently need hopes the director of oakland animal services told us it's not just oakland but the entire country that seeing an increase of abandoned dogs. >> the director says it's due to many people losing their homes during the pandemic. and the shelter is trying its best to help these dogs fied a forever home. so this week they are extending the adoption hours and offering some new incentives >> and so that means that our adoption fees for all animals are us so what that means normally a dog would be $150 option b. so it's quite a state. you can go to oakland, animal services dot org to take a look at the different type of dogs that they have. and from there, you can also contact the organization. >> to get more information on the dog that you want. and we'll put some details on our website kron 4 dot com. but those look like some happy pups. yeah, that they could. >> hit the i did arrive. it looks like yeah. not only that people lose their homes, but a lot of people, you know, we're working from home, wanted so and now have to go back to work in. unfortunately, a lot of those people are surrendering dogs because their circumstances have changed. so maybe a good mother's day gift. intense. oh, my gosh. i'm going tell the kids are. alright. that halves of kron. 4 news at 5. we appreciate you being with us this hour. >> pam moore is here with what is ahead at 6 o'clock. and they're going to start with some breaking news about that freeway situation in the east bay. that's right. justine and grant, you both have been reporting on this. we're finally getting some updates that to mean good news for those who are in their cars right now. traffic is starting to open up again on highway 24 at the 6 city in a change of traffic had been stopped there because of some police activity. and now it appears from what we're hearing and seeing that the roads are beginning to open up again. we'll have the latest on what's happening there. >> and what an independent investigation is revealing about the death of mario gonzalez and what it means for the officers involved. i'm pam moore joined grand and me for the news. coming up next, person. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts so you both stay comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing so you stay cool. save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. >> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> breaking news tonight at 6 in walnut creek. a man has been taken into custody. >> he was on the freeway overpass from eastbound highway. 24 to northbound 6.80, for several hours. the chp is in the process of reopening that overpass. you can see here there is still police activity in the area. >> as well some. you see traffic on the other side. but, you know, they're still kind of going through the motions in terms of getting cars safely able to resume moving once again. and it's been a while. the chp tells us this man was taken into custody a short time ago peacefully and he will be getting the medical assistance

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