Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 5pm 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 5pm 20240708

reports. some lawmakers say they're concerned the conservative court could strike down federal marriage laws and more. >> what are the next things that are going to be attacked if the supreme court follows through and revokes the legal right to abortion. president biden says he's worried about what will happen next because this magnet crowd is really the most extreme political exit organization that's existed in american history. and recent american history. nevada congresswoman dina titus says the impact would be extensive 25 to 28 states stand poised to over to just eliminate all abortions. once this decision doesn't titus, says some of those laws would directly target the women seeking abortions would go after people who leave the state to go get an abortion. democratic lawmakers say they're worried that other rights that are not specifically outlined in the constitution could also be at risk of being struck down by the conservative supreme court. the right to birth control, the right to homes, too. >> the right and the different >> aspects of the constitution. neither explicitly or implicitly protects. >> a right to abortion. and republican senator mike lee says that's a good reason to strike down federal abortion laws. what happens next with regard to abortion? >> will be determined by the people of the 50 states through there elected leaders in washington. alexandra limon. >> the draft majority opinion is also creating concerns over the future of infertility treatment. earlier today, kron 4 spoke with in fertility expert from ucsf. and she says if the supreme court does overturn roe v wade, she does not believe it will hurt or limit access to infertility treatments. that's both here in california and beyond. but it could impact the ivf process for couples and the number of embryos a couple can generate and store. >> in the area state could make a rule that her son had begins at fertilization. and if that's the case, then an idea we do generate which is that, you know, a gun is from merging together and creating an embryo, which one we're working with. and it's really just a ball. and, you to 100 cells as embryos would be to equal protection under the law. and you know, you would not guilty to start. >> the doctor also says this could impact how many embryos a couple could make and hold on to and may create additional costs for couple trying to conceive a baby. abortion is now emerging as a point of debate in the california governor's race. governor newsom. >> releasing a new ad for his reelection campaign, taking aim at republican front runner brian. dolly kron four's capitol bureau reporter ashley zavala explains the governor's attack and shows us how dolly is responding. >> i caught up with state senator brian dolly who recently was endorsed by the republican party as their candidate for california governor. he tells me he's actually happy about the ad. >> with reproductive freedom under attack, who can gavin newsom's latest ad for reelection, reprimanding republican gubernatorial candidate and state senator brian dolly polly wants to roll back abortion rights, punishing women and doctors. just gavin newsom. ali says it's a diversion from california's most pressing issues, including the high cost of the highest taxes in the highest poverty rate in the nation. >> he has to divert us. all he does is divert because his policies have failed. look, the supreme court is going to do what it's going to do. obviously it won't change in the law. in california. there's been talk about some legislation coming through here at the capitol will see what that does. dolly is referring to the nearly dozen reproductive health related bills. lawmakers are considering this year, including a new proposed amendment to the state constitution to include abortion protections. talk to me about being pro pro choice event in los angeles. governor newsom propped up the push along said planned parenthood and supporters wednesday will stand tall. we will stand firm. >> and we will affirm the constitutional. currently constitutionally protected rights, women and girls, the reproductive rights and freedoms in california valley confirms he is pro life. i asked him rolling that california's abortion laws were on his agenda. you know, during the 70's and 80's, there was a lot of talk about funding and those and thus up a couple supreme court has held up >> those law so it will be up to our court system. obviously, if a bill comes to the a senate assembly and on to the governor will be debating those bills when they come through. delhi says he's pleased. newsom included him in his second political ad for this race. this race is about the future, california, and i'm happy he's a hammer do an ad to get because that knows he knows that were relevant. we have a race to that. he's got to try to defend. >> the primary election is just a little more than a month away on june 7th at the state capitol. ashley zavala kron. 4 news. >> you can always stay connected on kron 4 dot com and on our free apps for the latest news on the supreme court. and roe v wade to scan the qr code there. we'll take you right to our website. >> there was a concerning statistic that was put out today by the trevor project in the organization that provides services to lgbtq youth that found that 45% of the population has seriously contemplated suicide in the last year for dropping has been looking through the key findings of the national survey. he joins us now live with reaction from a local organization. rob, it's alarming. it is. grant may is mental health awareness month and it's clear from these findings. >> published today by the trevor project that bisexual, trans and questioning youth need access to mental health services. now more than ever. the colors of the pride flag are bright, but the experiences for those who identify with each color of the rainbow can be dark. a survey released wednesday by the trevor project shows that in the last year 45% of lgbtq youth seriously considered suicide with 14% attempting to take their own life. while the numbers are concerning. their consistent a cold, though, is the education manager at our family coalition. provides support for lgbtq youth and their families. he says there's a direct correlation between how lgbtq people are treated in public. and the response of our youth not being able even able to talk about your identity in schools is making. >> environments where the students are feeling rather hopeless. nearly 34,000 people ranging in ages 13 to 24 took part in a national survey. >> according to the survey, lgbtq youth of color, transgender and non-binary youth considered an attempted suicide at higher rates. if you parse out by race or you parse out by location or you parse out by any other of that. the different factors that might affect their lives, then you can see a huge disparity. researchers found that teens and young adults with supported families, schools and communities reported lower rates of attempting suicide. but that 60% of lgbtq youth who wanted mental health care in the past year weren't able to get it. a cold, though, says the trevor project's findings may be concerning, but he's encouraged by the youth who are standing up and speaking out against legislation because the systems are serving them, that there's no need to to conform to them. and that in order for them to even have a future that they have to fight back. though, thousands of you took part in the survey. the trevor project emphasize that the organization does not have known counts or registries for lgbtq youth and data on the populations. mental health outcomes remains limited. live in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> now to an update on the story we're following during kron. 4 news at 3 o'clock today out of the east bay and walnut creek northbound 6.80, is still closed right now. and also right by the interchange by eastbound highway. 24 the contra costa county, california, high patrol division says that there is a person on the highway. the scene us currently after this is a live look here. now at that situation, you can see that there are a lot of chp patrol cars blocking off traffic. there is no estimated time for reopening several off ramps and roadways are closed in this area as the california high patrol tries negotiate with the person there that is on the highway there, asking people to avoid the area, the traffic backup is massive right now going all the way told towards the called the caught tunnel. we're following this story. we'll keep you updated as soon as we get more information about when this part of highway will reopen tonight. rebecca strom joining us now with a look at how this is affecting traffic and then. >> after that, the look at the bay area forecast. rebecca. hi, guys. yeah, it's been going on since like right around the 2 3 o'clock hour or so for hours now. right during the evening commute home. so we're looking at a miles and miles of traffic backup. in fact, just totally avoid the area. they're actually i drove by and saw myself. they're taking off the freeway and putting you on side streets. so it's going to take a couple of hours for this to even recover once they even open it. so if you can, you want to 6 ad instead of going around the closure, maybe highway as you're going into a towards a different areas martinez, if i could think correctly tonight, that would be good. so definitely want to just avoid this call people that, you know, if this is their commute home going through, wanna creek is just not going to be a good thing tonight. so if you can definitely take highway 4 as your alternate getting through the martinez area and even that taking 8.80, home and going the long way around. that's going to be of much better bet for you. and again, it's eastbound 24 the connector ramp to northbound 6.80, that has been shut down for a couple of hours now. and still no estimated time as to they will be reopening. >> on to a better news said the weather today. very warm. of course, if you are, it is in some more inland but along the coast and much cooler. so a little bit of something for everyone today. we have temperatures in the 50, 60 70's and even in the upper 80's close to 90 degrees in some neighborhoods today that we saw. so it all depends upon where you work, where you live and what you felt today. 70 degrees right now in downtown san jose. 64 in oakland, 69 in berkeley, upper 70's right now, but i'm tracking a delay when napa 87 degrees in fairfield right now. 82 in nevado 80 degrees still in fairfax for north bay zone. 68 and peddling 83 in saint helene right now future cast for showing us that there could be a possibility of the big changes on the way. maybe the possibility of some light sprinkles mostly in the north bay. we're looking at a couple of storm systems that are going to start going through not really touching down for most of the bay area, but in our north, a zone could be seeing it over the next couple of days. but you can see mainly most of it sticking to the far north of us getting parts of the northern oregon border and even into parts of washington. so it looks we could be seeing some as we get into this weekend, sunday, mother's day, we could be seeing some of the cool down and some showers, light shower activity in our north zone. so just keep that in mind. and we could see some snow in the sierra as well. so a lot of changes on the way. big difference to what we outside today. that is for sure. a big cool down as we get into tomorrow. so mostly cloudy skies. that's what i'm tracking for tomorrow. 60's around the bay upper 50's at the coast. 70's. if you're going to be in london, we're looking at those 70's continuing into your friday with sunny skies. and then saturday, we're going to see more sunshine. temperatures are going to be a little bit cooler. we're only going to top out in the low 70's inland upper 60's around the bay and 50's at the coast. all of my seven-day around the bay forecast coming up in a bin. let you know exactly what mother's day is going to look like for you on sunday. back to the news. >> thank you so much. coming up, what we're learning now about the man who attacked dave chappelle during the comedian's performance last night and why the cdc is believed to have tracked our phones in the early days of the pandemic. plus, what an independent investigation is revealing about the death of mario gonzales (music throughout) >> the result of an independent investigation into the alameda police officer in custody. death of maru gonzales were released just a short time ago and as kron forces week. but you reports the results appear to be favorable for the officers involved in gonzalez's death. >> it's not a rate. it not sustained. those are the findings of a law firm hired by the city of alameda to conduct an independent investigation to see if any police policies were violated in the death of mario gonzalez. 26 year-old gonzalez died in april 2021. after being restrained by officers at a city park. this is police body cam video of the incident. he allegedly appeared to be under the influence. police thought he may have been involved in the theft, which he was not the coroner's autopsy indicated the primary cause of death where methamphetamine, alcohol, morbid obesity combined with the stress of the altercation and independent autopsy reached a different finding that speaks to nation as the primary cause in the 48 page report, summary recommendations. it reads in connection with the use of force that occurred after the officers and gonzalez ruled the ground. there is evidence that officer of the kidney acted in conformity with department policy. but due to the limits of the body camera footage, certain information could not be completely confirmed. recommendation, not sustained exonerated. >> not your initial reaction. >> this is more the same. this is the government protecting the government attorney adante pointer represents mario gonzalez's mother. this civil lawsuit against the city of alameda and the police department. from his view. there's a conflict of interest in the independent investigation. the partners at law firm are all former city attorneys and they're all former governor in attorneys who are hired now by the government to do a, quote, unquote, independent review into the situation. >> and surprise, surprise. they came up with the same findings that essentially say the government did nothing wrong. the police officer in the right essentially put them back on the streets and pat on the back for killing a man who should be here today, a representative of the city of alameda told me the city and the law firm they hired to do the report are not making any comments at this time as a result of pending litigation. >> how's let you run for new of? >> now to the south bay. after an hours long standoff, police have arrested the man, they say armed himself with a large knife and then wandered onto a san jose elementary school campus. police say that this incident happened this morning around 11 o'clock and on the campus of gardens elementary schools where this all went down, that schools located on empire street just south of watson park. the students and teachers will sheltering in place during the standoff with police say no one was in danger while the man was on campus. but we can see him here. officers spent hours talking to him and he finally came down from the wall. >> we've seen how some of these can end badly with injuries to a suspect. officers. everyone's going home safe tonight. the suspect will get the help that in treatment that he needs. >> now investigators say that the man will be given a psychiatric evaluation. it's not clear at this point if he >> native american advocates gathered on the steps of the state capitol this morning just ahead of the first missing and murdered indigenous peoples day tribal leaders, law enforcement and state officials are joining a call to action about the disproportionate rates of violence against native americans. attorney general rob bonta emphasize how this kind of attention for indigenous people has been a long time coming. >> this is an issue that's flown under the radar where our tribal communities have not been seen or valued on this issue. where for >> many years, what girls, the daughters, mothers, sisters have gone missing and it's been under the radar and has not been addressed but it says officers are working on guidelines training and technical assistance. >> at 5 million dollars is being invested too. try to help end violence against native americans. >> still ahead here at 5 o'clock new video of the missing corrections officer and the confessed killer who she is accused of helping escape from jail. >> plus, as the war rages on, we hear from refugees who were able to escape the bombarded city of mariupol. why hide your skin if 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failing to take kyiv, russia is now mobilizing troops in the donbass region. instead russia one after that last stronghold in the port city of mariupol at that massive steel works plant. we've been talking about where thousands of troops and civilians have been pinned inside there for weeks. and now hundreds are still stuck there. as back you ation efforts have stalled, but some people did manage to escape after harrowing journey across 4 correspondent paul gerke has the latest now from ukraine. >> after a harrowing multi-day journey, more than 150 civilians have arrived safely in a city under ukrainian control. about 140 miles west of mariupol meant to give as one girl said, we can start a life from scratch. i don't want to my previous pages were so clean and light. i want to return to my pages. i understand that this is no longer possible. but now i have to open a new chapter. my family's in chapter and write new pages of my life can use that evacuee alongside about 2000 troops and other residents were holed up in and around. the eyes of stall still works. plant seeking refuge from the russian advance in its soviet era maze of bunkers and tunnels. supplies were running low when the bombardment stopped just long enough for a convoy led by the united nations and international red cross to conduct limited evacuations. >> but bombing resumed shortly thereafter, horrifying to to sort of weakness that people that >> look in darkness, the living and the incessant shelling. >> it coming seeing that this is sky for the first in 2 months. it suspected vladimir putin may formally declare war on ukraine in the coming days, frustrated by his inability to end the special military operation by may 9th. >> russian victory day when the soviets defeated the nazis in 1945? >> british prime minister boris johnson invoked winston churchill's iconic words at the start of world war. 2 in the first addressed by a foreign head of state to the ukrainian parliament. >> this he's ukraine's finest hour. >> johnson says ukraine has destroyed the myth of putins invincibility and predicts russia's war machine will falter your children and your grandchildren. i will say that ukrainians took the world, the brute force of an cuts for nothing against the moral force of the people determined to be free. >> that was paul gerke reporting for us tonight from ukraine and the quote, you know, invincibility myth surrounding vladimir putin is being punctured elsewhere to a report is surface suggesting putin is going to need emergency cancer surgery in the coming days and we'll have to temporarily pass off control of russia to someone else during that procedure. putin's health has been under extreme scrutiny recently, but the kremlin denies anything is wrong for its part. the pentagon says it has nothing to corroborate that report. >> next up, we're continuing to follow our breaking news out of the east bay where the closure of highway 24 in 6 ad is causing a major backup this evening. what we're learning about the man who was barricaded himself on the road crisis. negotiators are talking with him right now and we will have a live interview with the california highway patrol right after this. get >> we're following breaking news out of the east bay tonight. highway 24 6.80, close right now in walnut creek. and we just received these pictures from a viewer showing us why there is a man on the road right now and crisis negotiators are talking with him trying to get him off the freeways here safely. eastbound traffic is backed up for miles on 24 because of this police activity. also on the 24 and sik city connector in walnut creek. it's a traffic. really bad traffic situation unfolding right now. and these pictures from a viewer really showing us what's happening now. this was first reported about 3 o'clock this afternoon and it's still going on right now, obviously creating a traffic mess. joining us now live on the phone to discuss his officer adam lane with the >> chp contra costa division. officer lane. thank you for your time. what is the latest? as you know, it? >> yes, the eastbound 24 2 northbound 6.80, connector ramp to freeway that close right now we have caltrans on scene that providing some detours in the area as well. >> how bad is the backup and what are your officers saying to this person? is he talking with them and what is the game plan to try to resolve this safely? >> yeah, the traffic is a terrible at the moment we're thanking the public for their this is all in hopes to. crisis negotiators to be able talk to this man of resolve the situation the best way they can. we don't have an eta for the freeway to be completely opened at the moment. do have the right people in the place to be able to handle this. >> do we know why this man went on the freeway to in

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 5pm 20240708 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 5pm 20240708

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reports. some lawmakers say they're concerned the conservative court could strike down federal marriage laws and more. >> what are the next things that are going to be attacked if the supreme court follows through and revokes the legal right to abortion. president biden says he's worried about what will happen next because this magnet crowd is really the most extreme political exit organization that's existed in american history. and recent american history. nevada congresswoman dina titus says the impact would be extensive 25 to 28 states stand poised to over to just eliminate all abortions. once this decision doesn't titus, says some of those laws would directly target the women seeking abortions would go after people who leave the state to go get an abortion. democratic lawmakers say they're worried that other rights that are not specifically outlined in the constitution could also be at risk of being struck down by the conservative supreme court. the right to birth control, the right to homes, too. >> the right and the different >> aspects of the constitution. neither explicitly or implicitly protects. >> a right to abortion. and republican senator mike lee says that's a good reason to strike down federal abortion laws. what happens next with regard to abortion? >> will be determined by the people of the 50 states through there elected leaders in washington. alexandra limon. >> the draft majority opinion is also creating concerns over the future of infertility treatment. earlier today, kron 4 spoke with in fertility expert from ucsf. and she says if the supreme court does overturn roe v wade, she does not believe it will hurt or limit access to infertility treatments. that's both here in california and beyond. but it could impact the ivf process for couples and the number of embryos a couple can generate and store. >> in the area state could make a rule that her son had begins at fertilization. and if that's the case, then an idea we do generate which is that, you know, a gun is from merging together and creating an embryo, which one we're working with. and it's really just a ball. and, you to 100 cells as embryos would be to equal protection under the law. and you know, you would not guilty to start. >> the doctor also says this could impact how many embryos a couple could make and hold on to and may create additional costs for couple trying to conceive a baby. abortion is now emerging as a point of debate in the california governor's race. governor newsom. >> releasing a new ad for his reelection campaign, taking aim at republican front runner brian. dolly kron four's capitol bureau reporter ashley zavala explains the governor's attack and shows us how dolly is responding. >> i caught up with state senator brian dolly who recently was endorsed by the republican party as their candidate for california governor. he tells me he's actually happy about the ad. >> with reproductive freedom under attack, who can gavin newsom's latest ad for reelection, reprimanding republican gubernatorial candidate and state senator brian dolly polly wants to roll back abortion rights, punishing women and doctors. just gavin newsom. ali says it's a diversion from california's most pressing issues, including the high cost of the highest taxes in the highest poverty rate in the nation. >> he has to divert us. all he does is divert because his policies have failed. look, the supreme court is going to do what it's going to do. obviously it won't change in the law. in california. there's been talk about some legislation coming through here at the capitol will see what that does. dolly is referring to the nearly dozen reproductive health related bills. lawmakers are considering this year, including a new proposed amendment to the state constitution to include abortion protections. talk to me about being pro pro choice event in los angeles. governor newsom propped up the push along said planned parenthood and supporters wednesday will stand tall. we will stand firm. >> and we will affirm the constitutional. currently constitutionally protected rights, women and girls, the reproductive rights and freedoms in california valley confirms he is pro life. i asked him rolling that california's abortion laws were on his agenda. you know, during the 70's and 80's, there was a lot of talk about funding and those and thus up a couple supreme court has held up >> those law so it will be up to our court system. obviously, if a bill comes to the a senate assembly and on to the governor will be debating those bills when they come through. delhi says he's pleased. newsom included him in his second political ad for this race. this race is about the future, california, and i'm happy he's a hammer do an ad to get because that knows he knows that were relevant. we have a race to that. he's got to try to defend. >> the primary election is just a little more than a month away on june 7th at the state capitol. ashley zavala kron. 4 news. >> you can always stay connected on kron 4 dot com and on our free apps for the latest news on the supreme court. and roe v wade to scan the qr code there. we'll take you right to our website. >> there was a concerning statistic that was put out today by the trevor project in the organization that provides services to lgbtq youth that found that 45% of the population has seriously contemplated suicide in the last year for dropping has been looking through the key findings of the national survey. he joins us now live with reaction from a local organization. rob, it's alarming. it is. grant may is mental health awareness month and it's clear from these findings. >> published today by the trevor project that bisexual, trans and questioning youth need access to mental health services. now more than ever. the colors of the pride flag are bright, but the experiences for those who identify with each color of the rainbow can be dark. a survey released wednesday by the trevor project shows that in the last year 45% of lgbtq youth seriously considered suicide with 14% attempting to take their own life. while the numbers are concerning. their consistent a cold, though, is the education manager at our family coalition. provides support for lgbtq youth and their families. he says there's a direct correlation between how lgbtq people are treated in public. and the response of our youth not being able even able to talk about your identity in schools is making. >> environments where the students are feeling rather hopeless. nearly 34,000 people ranging in ages 13 to 24 took part in a national survey. >> according to the survey, lgbtq youth of color, transgender and non-binary youth considered an attempted suicide at higher rates. if you parse out by race or you parse out by location or you parse out by any other of that. the different factors that might affect their lives, then you can see a huge disparity. researchers found that teens and young adults with supported families, schools and communities reported lower rates of attempting suicide. but that 60% of lgbtq youth who wanted mental health care in the past year weren't able to get it. a cold, though, says the trevor project's findings may be concerning, but he's encouraged by the youth who are standing up and speaking out against legislation because the systems are serving them, that there's no need to to conform to them. and that in order for them to even have a future that they have to fight back. though, thousands of you took part in the survey. the trevor project emphasize that the organization does not have known counts or registries for lgbtq youth and data on the populations. mental health outcomes remains limited. live in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> now to an update on the story we're following during kron. 4 news at 3 o'clock today out of the east bay and walnut creek northbound 6.80, is still closed right now. and also right by the interchange by eastbound highway. 24 the contra costa county, california, high patrol division says that there is a person on the highway. the scene us currently after this is a live look here. now at that situation, you can see that there are a lot of chp patrol cars blocking off traffic. there is no estimated time for reopening several off ramps and roadways are closed in this area as the california high patrol tries negotiate with the person there that is on the highway there, asking people to avoid the area, the traffic backup is massive right now going all the way told towards the called the caught tunnel. we're following this story. we'll keep you updated as soon as we get more information about when this part of highway will reopen tonight. rebecca strom joining us now with a look at how this is affecting traffic and then. >> after that, the look at the bay area forecast. rebecca. hi, guys. yeah, it's been going on since like right around the 2 3 o'clock hour or so for hours now. right during the evening commute home. so we're looking at a miles and miles of traffic backup. in fact, just totally avoid the area. they're actually i drove by and saw myself. they're taking off the freeway and putting you on side streets. so it's going to take a couple of hours for this to even recover once they even open it. so if you can, you want to 6 ad instead of going around the closure, maybe highway as you're going into a towards a different areas martinez, if i could think correctly tonight, that would be good. so definitely want to just avoid this call people that, you know, if this is their commute home going through, wanna creek is just not going to be a good thing tonight. so if you can definitely take highway 4 as your alternate getting through the martinez area and even that taking 8.80, home and going the long way around. that's going to be of much better bet for you. and again, it's eastbound 24 the connector ramp to northbound 6.80, that has been shut down for a couple of hours now. and still no estimated time as to they will be reopening. >> on to a better news said the weather today. very warm. of course, if you are, it is in some more inland but along the coast and much cooler. so a little bit of something for everyone today. we have temperatures in the 50, 60 70's and even in the upper 80's close to 90 degrees in some neighborhoods today that we saw. so it all depends upon where you work, where you live and what you felt today. 70 degrees right now in downtown san jose. 64 in oakland, 69 in berkeley, upper 70's right now, but i'm tracking a delay when napa 87 degrees in fairfield right now. 82 in nevado 80 degrees still in fairfax for north bay zone. 68 and peddling 83 in saint helene right now future cast for showing us that there could be a possibility of the big changes on the way. maybe the possibility of some light sprinkles mostly in the north bay. we're looking at a couple of storm systems that are going to start going through not really touching down for most of the bay area, but in our north, a zone could be seeing it over the next couple of days. but you can see mainly most of it sticking to the far north of us getting parts of the northern oregon border and even into parts of washington. so it looks we could be seeing some as we get into this weekend, sunday, mother's day, we could be seeing some of the cool down and some showers, light shower activity in our north zone. so just keep that in mind. and we could see some snow in the sierra as well. so a lot of changes on the way. big difference to what we outside today. that is for sure. a big cool down as we get into tomorrow. so mostly cloudy skies. that's what i'm tracking for tomorrow. 60's around the bay upper 50's at the coast. 70's. if you're going to be in london, we're looking at those 70's continuing into your friday with sunny skies. and then saturday, we're going to see more sunshine. temperatures are going to be a little bit cooler. we're only going to top out in the low 70's inland upper 60's around the bay and 50's at the coast. all of my seven-day around the bay forecast coming up in a bin. let you know exactly what mother's day is going to look like for you on sunday. back to the news. >> thank you so much. coming up, what we're learning now about the man who attacked dave chappelle during the comedian's performance last night and why the cdc is believed to have tracked our phones in the early days of the pandemic. plus, what an independent investigation is revealing about the death of mario gonzales (music throughout) >> the result of an independent investigation into the alameda police officer in custody. death of maru gonzales were released just a short time ago and as kron forces week. but you reports the results appear to be favorable for the officers involved in gonzalez's death. >> it's not a rate. it not sustained. those are the findings of a law firm hired by the city of alameda to conduct an independent investigation to see if any police policies were violated in the death of mario gonzalez. 26 year-old gonzalez died in april 2021. after being restrained by officers at a city park. this is police body cam video of the incident. he allegedly appeared to be under the influence. police thought he may have been involved in the theft, which he was not the coroner's autopsy indicated the primary cause of death where methamphetamine, alcohol, morbid obesity combined with the stress of the altercation and independent autopsy reached a different finding that speaks to nation as the primary cause in the 48 page report, summary recommendations. it reads in connection with the use of force that occurred after the officers and gonzalez ruled the ground. there is evidence that officer of the kidney acted in conformity with department policy. but due to the limits of the body camera footage, certain information could not be completely confirmed. recommendation, not sustained exonerated. >> not your initial reaction. >> this is more the same. this is the government protecting the government attorney adante pointer represents mario gonzalez's mother. this civil lawsuit against the city of alameda and the police department. from his view. there's a conflict of interest in the independent investigation. the partners at law firm are all former city attorneys and they're all former governor in attorneys who are hired now by the government to do a, quote, unquote, independent review into the situation. >> and surprise, surprise. they came up with the same findings that essentially say the government did nothing wrong. the police officer in the right essentially put them back on the streets and pat on the back for killing a man who should be here today, a representative of the city of alameda told me the city and the law firm they hired to do the report are not making any comments at this time as a result of pending litigation. >> how's let you run for new of? >> now to the south bay. after an hours long standoff, police have arrested the man, they say armed himself with a large knife and then wandered onto a san jose elementary school campus. police say that this incident happened this morning around 11 o'clock and on the campus of gardens elementary schools where this all went down, that schools located on empire street just south of watson park. the students and teachers will sheltering in place during the standoff with police say no one was in danger while the man was on campus. but we can see him here. officers spent hours talking to him and he finally came down from the wall. >> we've seen how some of these can end badly with injuries to a suspect. officers. everyone's going home safe tonight. the suspect will get the help that in treatment that he needs. >> now investigators say that the man will be given a psychiatric evaluation. it's not clear at this point if he >> native american advocates gathered on the steps of the state capitol this morning just ahead of the first missing and murdered indigenous peoples day tribal leaders, law enforcement and state officials are joining a call to action about the disproportionate rates of violence against native americans. attorney general rob bonta emphasize how this kind of attention for indigenous people has been a long time coming. >> this is an issue that's flown under the radar where our tribal communities have not been seen or valued on this issue. where for >> many years, what girls, the daughters, mothers, sisters have gone missing and it's been under the radar and has not been addressed but it says officers are working on guidelines training and technical assistance. >> at 5 million dollars is being invested too. try to help end violence against native americans. >> still ahead here at 5 o'clock new video of the missing corrections officer and the confessed killer who she is accused of helping escape from jail. >> plus, as the war rages on, we hear from refugees who were able to escape the bombarded city of mariupol. why hide your skin if 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failing to take kyiv, russia is now mobilizing troops in the donbass region. instead russia one after that last stronghold in the port city of mariupol at that massive steel works plant. we've been talking about where thousands of troops and civilians have been pinned inside there for weeks. and now hundreds are still stuck there. as back you ation efforts have stalled, but some people did manage to escape after harrowing journey across 4 correspondent paul gerke has the latest now from ukraine. >> after a harrowing multi-day journey, more than 150 civilians have arrived safely in a city under ukrainian control. about 140 miles west of mariupol meant to give as one girl said, we can start a life from scratch. i don't want to my previous pages were so clean and light. i want to return to my pages. i understand that this is no longer possible. but now i have to open a new chapter. my family's in chapter and write new pages of my life can use that evacuee alongside about 2000 troops and other residents were holed up in and around. the eyes of stall still works. plant seeking refuge from the russian advance in its soviet era maze of bunkers and tunnels. supplies were running low when the bombardment stopped just long enough for a convoy led by the united nations and international red cross to conduct limited evacuations. >> but bombing resumed shortly thereafter, horrifying to to sort of weakness that people that >> look in darkness, the living and the incessant shelling. >> it coming seeing that this is sky for the first in 2 months. it suspected vladimir putin may formally declare war on ukraine in the coming days, frustrated by his inability to end the special military operation by may 9th. >> russian victory day when the soviets defeated the nazis in 1945? >> british prime minister boris johnson invoked winston churchill's iconic words at the start of world war. 2 in the first addressed by a foreign head of state to the ukrainian parliament. >> this he's ukraine's finest hour. >> johnson says ukraine has destroyed the myth of putins invincibility and predicts russia's war machine will falter your children and your grandchildren. i will say that ukrainians took the world, the brute force of an cuts for nothing against the moral force of the people determined to be free. >> that was paul gerke reporting for us tonight from ukraine and the quote, you know, invincibility myth surrounding vladimir putin is being punctured elsewhere to a report is surface suggesting putin is going to need emergency cancer surgery in the coming days and we'll have to temporarily pass off control of russia to someone else during that procedure. putin's health has been under extreme scrutiny recently, but the kremlin denies anything is wrong for its part. the pentagon says it has nothing to corroborate that report. >> next up, we're continuing to follow our breaking news out of the east bay where the closure of highway 24 in 6 ad is causing a major backup this evening. what we're learning about the man who was barricaded himself on the road crisis. negotiators are talking with him right now and we will have a live interview with the california highway patrol right after this. get >> we're following breaking news out of the east bay tonight. highway 24 6.80, close right now in walnut creek. and we just received these pictures from a viewer showing us why there is a man on the road right now and crisis negotiators are talking with him trying to get him off the freeways here safely. eastbound traffic is backed up for miles on 24 because of this police activity. also on the 24 and sik city connector in walnut creek. it's a traffic. really bad traffic situation unfolding right now. and these pictures from a viewer really showing us what's happening now. this was first reported about 3 o'clock this afternoon and it's still going on right now, obviously creating a traffic mess. joining us now live on the phone to discuss his officer adam lane with the >> chp contra costa division. officer lane. thank you for your time. what is the latest? as you know, it? >> yes, the eastbound 24 2 northbound 6.80, connector ramp to freeway that close right now we have caltrans on scene that providing some detours in the area as well. >> how bad is the backup and what are your officers saying to this person? is he talking with them and what is the game plan to try to resolve this safely? >> yeah, the traffic is a terrible at the moment we're thanking the public for their this is all in hopes to. crisis negotiators to be able talk to this man of resolve the situation the best way they can. we don't have an eta for the freeway to be completely opened at the moment. do have the right people in the place to be able to handle this. >> do we know why this man went on the freeway to in

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