Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20240708 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20240708

he has done so many times in his career. >> and gee this with this win. steph curry, draymond green and klay thompson. they are now 20 in 4 in playoff series in their career. that is the highest winning percentage in the postseason in nba history. so we're seeing history, but they are not done yet. they are not satisfied on to round 2. they will play the winner of memphis versus minnesota. they will play a game 6 friday. those 2 teams and state minnesota loses memphis wins. then golden state will go on to memphis in that game will be on sunday. but a lot of things have to happen. it's a waiting game. but for now, i know they're going to enjoy this win there in the locker room. right now, fans are filing out and we will have much more later in the show. we'll hear from steph curry. >> we'll hear from steve kerr will hear from the gang will have more live reports. we also have a live report from oracle park is down the street. so we have you covered later in the hour. but for now, the warriors are moving on to round 2. they will play either memphis or minnesota next week reporting from oracle. i'm jason dumas kron. 4. >> chase. but closer just down the street from jason rowe, real yeah, i know it's a long night and we're looking ahead here and i want to get too deep into this. but how you feel about memphis or minnesota, because it seems like memphis is giving the warriors a hard time this season. >> yeah, well, it's funny you can because the nuggets beat the warriors 3 out of 4 times this season as well. but it's a much different team. both minnesota and memphis. they are young. they like to run. denver is a little more methodical, half court offense. but these other teams, they're young and feisty. they're going to run up and down the court. so i think the warriors might you utilize got thing coming up a little more. their but it will be fun for sure. and the warriors don't like to admit this, but they kind of have a rivalry with memphis brewing. memphis, remember last year ended golden state season. and i think secretly more than they'd like to lead on golden state wants to return the favor. so i think those secretly be rooting for memphis. and like i said, memphis, minnesota, on friday. if memphis wins, golden state packs their bags and head to tennessee for game on sunday. so we'll have to wait and watch it play out. >> all right. jason dumas, supporting live. we'll see you later in this newscast. >> meantime, we're following a very serious developing situation in southern california where the chp says an officer has been shot on interstate 8 in mission valley. this is basically the heart of san diego. investigators gave an update within the last hour and said they have arrested a 25 year-old san diego man in connection to that shooting. see the activity there with both sides of interstate 8 shut down. chp says the officer shot is an 8 year veteran with the san diego office air. he was apparently investigating a traffic collision when he was shot in his right thigh. that's according to police. there. he is currently at a hospital in serious but stable condition. as we mentioned, the shooting shut down all lanes of interstate 8, a very busy eastbound westbound freeway. we understand the westbound lanes have since reopened. the oakland police department is inching closer towards the end of federal oversight oversight, which has lasted some 20 years as a result of a number of scandals and beatings and much more tonight, the department seem fairly confident that it will be lifted. today. a federal judge said that he plans to issue an order soon that will lay out what the department can expect. >> over the next year, kron 4 staters sackey joins us now live from our newsroom with more details. taylor. well, judge william orrick sorter is expected to reveal when the police department can begin its one-year probationary period to end the oversight. >> city leaders are calling the move money, mental the department. >> we do recognize that today marks a milestone in a continual journey its reforms. oakland mayor libby schaff join police chief leronne armstrong on wednesday after a federal judge left the city with hope. >> saying he plans to issue an order next week. that will detail when the department can enter into its one-year probation period to end federal oversight. right now, i think we're going to wait for the judge's order to give us clarity about what the judge would like to see from this department moving forward. but i think we can acknowledge by. >> the cmc follows by the plaintiffs attorneys as well as some of the things that just spoke up. they all recognize that the department has made tremendous strides. and so we look forward to what the just final ruling will be. a class action lawsuit in 2000 where 6 men in west oakland argued they were falsely arrested on drug charges. >> assaulted and framed by police resulted in the 20 plus years of federal oversight. all the officers were found not guilty in criminal court. the civil case led to a settlement that required the department to complete 51 tasks to improve the way it trains and disciplines its officers. all of those tasks, but one have been completed. i want to make sure that black options were treated fairly within the department. >> and when that had to be done with the consistency of discipline, that is a task that is not completed yet, but is one that i think will get done within the next 6 months is part of the sustainability period. plaintiff's attorney john burris has been monitoring the change over the years. he explains that court oversight will continue over the next year. if the department moves into that probationary period that will continue. it's just a reduced investment of time. before he did so my weekly monthly that would not to place would only be >> every 3 or 4 months and is on for certain tasks. >> last week, the city attorney's office and attorneys in this case filed a joint statement to judge orrick saying they're open to starting the one-year transition into the probationary period to end that federal oversight until was sacked. reporting. back to you. >> thank you. taylor in sacramento, the state auditor's office has just finished its evaluation into bias within california law enforcement. that audit evaluated 5 law enforcement agencies across california and the san jose police department was among them. >> the auditor's also look at the stockton police department, the california department of corrections and rehabilitation san bernardino police and the la county sheriff's office. the audit found some officers at each department engaged in by u.s. conduct and social media posts. >> absolutely needs to be addressed yesterday. not today. not tomorrow. yesterday. >> the auditor's findings also said that once departments found out about potentially by his post by officers, they failed to appropriately address the issue. the reports also call on the state legislature to enact new laws to more closely address the issue of bias in california. law enforcement. this justin firefighters in alameda county are battling a vegetation fire on. >> corral hollow road. this is in tracy. you're looking at a live picture of the scene. it's in the just south of interstate 2, 0, 5, cal fire. this is a biden with a camera shot from the pg and e camera in that area. cal fire reports of fire right now is at 3 acres authorities are calling this around fire. we're going to keep monitoring the situation and bring you the latest. it doesn't appear there any structures in the area of this fire, but of course, are some pretty strong winds out there. yeah, let's get a first check on our 4 zone forecast. this is a live look outside tonight at conditions along the golden gate bridge. pretty quiet there. but again, all day long, the issue has been the wind the breezes. so bring us up to date on what's going on with the winds. yeah, that's what we have a wind advisory in effect, north bay mountains, east bay hills, including the valleys as well. so we could see wind gusts. >> 60 miles per hour, less throughout tonight. really going to peak after midnight. so the hopefully the firefighters get the upper hand on that tracy fire because we are seeing right now wind speeds out there along the coast sustained at 26 miles per hour with gusts upwards of 30 miles per hour for downtown san francisco. and right in that ballpark range for those of you in oakland and as you make your way inland into the east bay valleys, that's where we're tracking wind speeds starting to increase their as well. future wind gusts, though we are going to see after midnight, the strongest winds will begin in the north bay valleys and east bay valleys, including the bay area coastline. wind speeds anywhere from that 30 to 40 miles per hour range, but highest for the highest peaks of the north bay mountains and east bay hills, 60 mile per hour wind speeds or less through 11 o'clock for your thursday morning. still going to remain breezy, though afterwards, especially along the bay area coastline. but it looks like that wind advisory threshold will be slightly less than that 40 mile per hour range, but still going to keep an eye on that because the national weather service may need to actually extend that wind advisory if those gusty winds persist there. but a relative humidity out there right now, livermore 80%, half moon bay as well. thanks to that cool sea breeze influence. but we are noticing down to that 50% tell range for parts of the north bay valleys down to range by 11 o'clock thursday morning down to 23% for fairfield because of winds changing out of the northwest. so going to see more of a northerly offshore breeze. then that cool westerly sea breeze that we are seeing right now. but temperatures, though, going to be below average thursday and then warming up this weekend. details your full 10 at 10 outlook in just a few minutes. ken and pam, back to you. thank a >> san jose police have released the names of the 3 people who they say were involved in the kidnapping of 3 month-old brandon quay are on monday. san jose police department says these 3 people are in custody. jose por ti otis ramirez and ball. the male sandoval. police say ramirez was actually with brandon's grandmother earlier in the day. >> and may have been communicating with poor t o that's who they say is pictured in this video walking into the home where the 3 month old baby brandon was being watched by his grandmother right now. all 3 suspects face several charges, including kidnapping, child abduction and home invasion. here's a timeline of the events leading up to baby brandon's rescue on monday. the 3 month-old was reported missing just after 1 o'clock in the afternoon. >> shortly after 5 o'clock monday is when san jose police announced the kidnapping and release photographs and video of the missing child and the suspect later monday, the fbi joined the search for the infant on tuesday morning. san jose police announced that brandon had been located safely and was unharmed and that one person was in custody. >> a couple of hours later, the announced 2 others have also been detained. and finally, just after 3.30, brandon and his mother, we're finally reunited. tonight. some people continue to wonder why an amber alert wasn't issued in the case on forcefully chagall speaks with a victim's advocate who says law enforcement have the authority to do so. >> do you believe in amber alert should have been issued? it was not. >> well, i believe in them or learn issued immediately. instead, the california highway patrol issued what is called an endangered missing advisory. a tool used by law enforcement to notify communities of missing or endangered people. when the case does not meet the criteria for a statewide amber alert, the san jose police department did share images of a suspect holding the baby on social media. marc klass, who founded the klaas kids foundation after his daughter, polly, was kidnapped and murdered in the 90's, says confirmation of 3 year-old brandon quay ares abduction should have been enough to escalate the case to an amber alert, which reaches cell phones and television sets directly. they have pictures of the guy walking off with a 3 month-old baby that belongs to somebody else and doing without anybody's permission. so, right there. you've got issue the amber alert on tuesday assistant san jose police chief paul joseph explained during a news conference why his department believe the case did not meet the requirements for an amber alert. we did not have information for an amber alert. we didn't have initially a suspect vehicle. we didn't have a license plate. >> we released what we had as soon as we had in order for an amber alert to be activated. there must be confirmation that an abduction has occurred. >> or a child was taken by anyone. the victim is 17 years of age or younger or an individual with a proven mental or physical disability. the victim is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death. and there is information available that if disseminated to the public could a system the safe recovery of the victim on monday night. the chp released a description of the vehicle possibly used by the kidnappers, but later retracted it shortly before san jose police said it would not make that information public. so even though contrary to popular belief, vehicle information is not necessary for an amber alert. marc klaas says confusion between the law enforcement agencies is the main reason the alert was not issued. i don't know where the >> but there was absolutely enough information just knowing that the child had taken and having video on verification of that allegiant. all kron. 4 news. you can scan that qr code there on your screen to follow the latest developments in the case. and once you scan it, it will take you straight to the kron. 4 dot com website. >> and there you'll find the most up to date information with new details as they come out. >> happening tomorrow, the oakley police department is expected to announce a $10,000 reward for information in the disappearance of a lexus gave. the 24 year-old was last seen on january. 26 in antioch. police also plan to provide updates on the investigation. a news conference is slated to begin at 11 o'clock in the morning and we will bring it to you live on our streaming app. kron on. new developments tonight in the death of mario gonzalez. a second independent autopsy lists. his official cause of death as restraint. ask 60 ation and not drugs. 26 year-old gonzales died a year ago this month after 3 police officers in alameda put their body weight on him for more than 5 minutes while attempting to take him into custody. the second autopsy was ordered by the oakland law firm headed ensure one they are representing gonzales, a son in a federal lawsuit against the city of alameda and the 2 officers involved in his death. these results contradict the report from the alameda county coroner's office, which ruled that gonzales died from methamphetamine in his system, combined with the stress of being restrained district attorney nancy o'malley announced earlier this month that none of the officers involved would face criminal charges saying that the use of force used on gonzales was, quote, objectively reasonable. we're following a troubling story out of contra costa county tonight. a victim of child abuse as her church. >> failed to prevent her abuse by hiring the man who would become her alleged abuser kron four's justine waltman explains. >> the complaint by jane doe says she was betrayed by her trusted pastor and spiritual advisor. pastor alvin bernstein from bethlehem missionary baptist church of richmond that the pastor hired known offender jesse armstrong to lead the choir of which the victim was a member. the suit claims armstrong had 2 prior convictions and the victim's attorney claims even a minimal background checks would have revealed. armstrong was a convicted child molester of which either the past or neglected to do or ignored the abuse allegedly went on for 4 months from december 2011 to april 2012 at the church after choir practice at church events between classes at the victim school in his car and at hotels, the victim was 14 years old. and the lawsuit alleges the pastor should have known how vulnerable children are to assault by mentors. and the pastor did not protect or warn her of the dangers or of her accused abusers past messages for pastor bernstein at the church have not been returned. i'm justine waldman, kron. 4 news. oakland is working on a new project to enhance pedestrian safety along international boulevard. the 9.3 million dollars clean california project will bring lighting along pedestrian paths on international boulevard in oakland. >> 205 pedestrians. scale street lights will be installed 45th avenue to 100 and 7th avenue. officials say the lights look help keep people safer. >> it's overdue that this community get safe, secure public lighting. >> some residents are concerned, though, that the new lighting will not be enough to deter crime in that area. san jose officials say early jail release policies are leading to a spike in crime. police cite data that violent crimes, including rape, robbery and homicide, went up more than 10% from 2020 to 2021. at 2022, may be on track with those waits to be even higher. mayor sam liccardo and others partially blame the pandemic driven emergency bail orders that cause nearly a 3rd of santa clara county's jail population to be released. san jose police data show the same 30 people have been rearrested at least 10 times within a year. however, justice advocates say there is no correlation and that those 30 people were rearrested for nonviolent offense is they say that does not support the argument that the release policies have increased violent crime in san francisco, there's an initiative launching to try to decrease crime in the city sunset district. it's called the sunset safety network. >> leaders say the goal of the network is 2 degrees. decrease crime targeting asian owned businesses in the area by coordinating and expanding public safety programs in the neighborhood. businesses in that area, some of which have been burglarized a number of times say they support initiative. >> we want our employees to feel safe. we want everybody to feel safe. this is a community store. so we want people to be able to walk in and shop freely without having a be worried about any robberies are incident happening in the community. >> the network is part of 5 new public safety programs for the sunset, including an elderly senior escort service and free installation of rain cameras for senior homeowners. the owners of an oakland business are asking the community for help after being broken into on 3 separate occasions recently, they say they're concerned for the safety of their employees. happening at the got juice shop in oakland off macarthur boulevard conference. reese's stasio has the story. >> during the video and sent >> with the boarding that's the voice of brandon mccoy showing us the latest damage done to got jews. a local hangout open by mccoy and his high school friend terrell. this is not the first, but the 3rd time their shop has been broken into in the last year. >> we're oakland, natives. we want to open schools for product of this place so we don't want to believe and it's coming from within the community because we so many people, some of these sort of stuff. >> it says if is bewildering because you don't know where we're coming from. >> mccoy says that after the first break in, they beefed up security after the second time they put in a reinforced door. so that is the time without multiple times to get in. >> and when that didn't work. through the window. they climb through the window and it was. we have young women working there, young man and my concern for them outside of their safety because they're opening and closing. >> he says that he hopes by sharing their story. perhaps it will turn their luck around and prevent future break-ins. we are in a corporate entity if it seems like we're our local business we feel that. >> by anything that happens around here, we really feel that this it hurts. it hurts me that we don't have a speck. palin want this to be on the go into places door to cost x amount of money i get is this is a lot at this. it could both owners have reached out to the oakland police department is want to hope for the best. >> theresa kron, 4 news. >> still ahead tonight at 10, more on the windy weather serving as a reminder of the fire risk around the bay area. how officials around the bay area are taking action now, then the key issue facing the city of san jose ahead of the upcoming mayoral election and how they were going to try to fix it as candidates go head to head tonight at the s ap center and lawmakers sharing their thoughts on the twitter takeover. what they have to say about the elan musk bid to ho >> it's been more than 75 years since more than 6 million jews and other minorities were systematically murdered in the holocaust and to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. we remember the victims of the senseless violence every year. also known as yom hashoah. >> sunni de this is what it looked like today at the holocaust museum in jerusalem. >> survivors and leaders gathered for a somber ceremony to remember the victims here at home. the jewish community relations council held events all across the bay area today. one organizer talked about the importance of remembering what happened during the holocaust. we on trump. never forget. it's a really hard entre to live up and and yet those of us that have our parents or grandparents who had >> survive the holocaust, it has great meaning. you know, it starts out with words and then it goes into actions. and then at the top of the pyramid is the holocaust. right? and so we know that there's steps. and so we want people to understand that even horrible words can hurt. >> there are several more remembrance events happening tomorrow in the bay area. the jfcs holocaust center is holding a ceremony at uc davis at the center for jewish studies. they're also be an online event hosted by the city of berkeley and the contra costa jewish council will have several guest speakers, including the director of the u.s. holocaust memorial museum. you find much more about the events on our website. kron 4 dot com. >> and the north and east bay currently under wind advisory through thursday morning. details ahead on that and your full 10 at 10 forecast coming up after the break. and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and voters in the largest city in the bay area will pick a new mayor in june. tonight, the candidates faced off in a debate at sapd center. many say the real struggle is trying to increase voter turnout for an off year election. midsummer, local. >> and as kron four's, justin campbell explains, that's no easy task. >> you have opinions on police reform. these are the people that are going to do that for you. san jose city clerk tony tabor is calling the city's mayoral election in june. the most important election, a vote that she says will affect people's daily life. but she says the voter turnout is expected to be low. people don't really get excited to vote in the local elections. tabor says in 2018 only 41% of san jose residents turned out for the mayoral election to 41% of the people chose the mayor for a city of a million people. so we really encourage people to let their voice be heard. she says the city has seen a much higher voter turnout. 73 1% of san jose registered voters turned out for the last presidential election in november 2020. i would like to see 70%. at least i'd like 100%. honestly. i want everybody to vote reporting in san jose. justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> in national news tonight, the house committee investigating the january 6 u.s. capitol insurrection is stepping up efforts to have gop house minority leader kevin mccarthy who is from southern california appear for an interview. the book the push comes after audiotapes in the days after the riot caught mccarthy telling fellow republicans see what has president donald trump to resign >> and that he was fed up with trump. >> i've had it with this guy. what he did is not acceptable. nobody can defend. let him know that he should defend that. >> mccarthy defended himself today saying that he was merely engaging in a quote, conversation of scenarios, unquote, about trump over concerns he had shared about the former president and other house republicans in a phone call with other gop leaders. committee chairman bennie thompson, a democrat, says the panel may issue a second request to mccarthy who has declined to voluntarily appear. >> donald trump is appealing a contempt ruling despite a new york judge rejecting the former president's challenge against it in february, a judge and iran rule that the former president must provide new york attorney general letitia james with documents as part of her civil investigation into alleged fraud at trump's companies. the ruling states that trump will be fined a $10,000 every day that he does not comply with the subpoena. all of this expected after trump's attorney promise to appeal earlier this week. today, the funeral for madeleine albright was held in washington, d.c., more than 1400 people attended. excuse me. including president biden and former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. madeleine albright was the first woman to serve as secretary of state in this country. she was remembered as a pioneer who championed the expansion of nato as secretary of state and promoting human rights and democracy all around the world. president biden remember her fondly. >> may her memory continue? be a blessing to our nation. a neighbor remember. her words into deeds? they should always be a light. all those in the darkest places. reminder. obligation to one another. >> madeleine albright served as secretary of state during the clinton administration after 4 years as ambassador to the united nations. she died last month of cancer at the age of 84. >> as of now, east bay mud, customers have to start conserving water or they could be fined. people are being asked to reduce water consumption by 10%. the east bay municipal utility district board also put a limit of just over 1600 gallons of water per household per day. if you go over that amount, you'll be fined based on how much water you use. a spokesperson freeze payments as the board stopped short of raising prices to help pay for extra water supplies. but that idea will be revisited next month. strong winds are in the forecast in the bay area tonight and for the next several days, some wind gusts get up to 30 miles an hour. there's always concern for firefighters who are working to put out wildfires across the state. that's why efforts being done to try to mitigate the risk of wildfires this year on for us. rob nesbitt has the story. >> cal fire says that there are currently no major wildfires in california. that being said, firefighters say now is a good time to lower the risk of having a wildfire at your home. >> a wildfire in fairfield created this plume of smoke wednesday afternoon. californians may call the warmer months of summer and fall fire but cal fire battalion chief john heggie says that needs to stop. don't have fire where we have a fire year. he says precautions should be taken year round. encouraging homeowners to remove flammable vegetation and make their homes a defensible space is putting up mash in your in your e opportunities were hot. amber may be able to get seated in around your structure while cal fire crews focus on larger dry areas. we have multiple controlled burns going through up and down the state. so really we're trying to do our part to reduce the final vegetation. >> but, you know, it takes all it takes is a community-wide effort. so that community includes local fire departments. steve hill with contra costa county fire says the fleet has been upgraded their with specialized equipment to help fight wildfires. wildfire control workers, campus contra costa county to reduce risks by overgrown vegetation. >> fire lanes working to clear evacuation routes from manpower to go power. goats are eating through dry brush on grizzly peak as well as the terra linda preserve in marin county. superintendent, marine county parks. jim jacobs says the more than 100 goats there can access the high terrain that others can't. what's lunch for them is fire prevention for us. >> some of techniques like raising just help, you know, mimicking the benefits of a small fires that would occur regularly. battalion chief peggy says the amount of water in the vegetation notice dual moistures are at a high level lowering the risk of a large scale wildfire in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> an example of those dangers is taking place right now in alameda county. this is a fire burning near tracy. it stands at 40 acres. that's an update that we just got from cal fire. this is burning on corral, hollow road just south of interstate 2, 0, 5, in tracy. this is a live shot from the area pg and e cameron. it hard to tell who the lights, whether those are lights and hot or hot spots from the fire. but we're going to keep monitoring the situation and bring you the latest as we get it. but again, it's up to about 40 acres is fire burning south of 2, 0, 5, in the tracy area, which in that part of the area, it's mostly rolling foothills and grass and brush. >> no, no, no, no less. certainly an area of concern anytime. there's a wildfire and there's a windy night and that's what we have tonight. this is a live picture looking out over the san francisco bay >> is always a concern and debris. so these winds, a frightening for firefighters in the people who live downwind from a fire like that. yeah, exactly. and hopefully firefighters get the upper hand now and not after midnight with winds are really expected to pick up. let's take a look at current conditions out there right now in tracy where that fire is burning. 59 degrees. but check out relative humidity, bone-dry 22% and wind speeds out there right now near 30 miles per hour out of the southwest. so we are noticing pretty gusty winds out there not just along the coast, but even starting to make its way into our inland valleys. the gusty us, though, downtown san francisco getting that cool sea breeze influence. a 26 mile per hour sustained winds with gusts upwards of 30. so let's take a live look outside in san francisco. coit tower lit a beautifully out there. but we are starting to notice that increase in high cloud cover as the storm sweeps through the bay area. obviously more of a wind maker than a rainmaker. so this wind storm going to continue throughout tonight, peaking during the early morning hours by thursday and that wind advisory set to expire by 11 o'clock for the north bay and east bay. temperatures out there right now. pacifica. 48 degrees with upper 40's for point rays had a little already cooling down into the mid 40's with the widespread low to mid 50's low 50's right now for timber on and downtown san francisco. thanks to that wind chill effect. but we are tracking overnight lows tonight. low mid to upper 40's. so we are going to notice thin layer of high clouds. but overall, very chilly, gusty night as well. temperatures tomorrow, though, few degrees below average with concord n livermore. 68 degrees. hayward 65 degrees. with those of you at half moon bay, about 10 degrees cooler than that at 56 degrees in napa. 67 degrees for your afternoon highs. so let's take a look at your 10 at 10 outlook because we are going to see below average temperatures thursday rebounding very nicely friday, just in time for this weekend. slight chance of showers in the north bay saturday night and even on monday as well for most of the bay area. but looking more like another wind storm, then actual rain. so above average temperatures peaking a week from today with low 80's for inland valleys. back to you, pam and ken, thank a breeze. a federal prosecutors in southern california announced a sweeping racketeering case. it is aimed at 31 alleged members and associates of the mexican mafia. they're facing charges for a wide variety of violent crimes. kimberly chang has more. >> these people here, they were indicted are the most violent of the violent. >> a grand jury indictment charges. 31 mexican mafia members and associates with alleged racketeering and connects the organization with violent crimes. law enforcement intends to dismantle both street gangs and prison gangs from top to bottom. from shock collar to street soldier, their grip. our county extends to not just fellow gang members or associates that don't comply. >> eventually down the road of crime. innocent victims, people that are hard working, trying to get from point a to point b suffer. these crimes involve murder, attempted murder, in and out of the custodial facilities across california from 2016 to april 2022. johnny martinez, geary and dennis ortiz are accusel of being in charge of criminal activities. indictment charges. >> the southern california gang leadership officials say some of the other defendants served a shot. callers, mouthpieces representatives and secretaries officials say the exit in mafia used fear and violence to control gang members on the streets and inmates in jails and prisons and received, quote, unquote taxes from games to allow them to deal drugs. united states attorney tracy wilkinson says the indictment is a crushing blow to the organizations operations. has we, you know, eradicated the mexican mafia? the answer is no. >> at but this is a continuing investigation. and i think the message that this case ends >> is that if you rise to power in that vacuum, we will come for you. authorities say they're still searching for additional associates, including marc cooper and the rain roadless. >> again, that was kimberly chang reporting for us tonight. officials say all the suspects are facing federal charges and if convicted will serve time in federal prison, effort to try to keep them from being able to continue running their criminal enterprises from behind bars. meanwhile, the findings of a two-year probe investigating the minneapolis police department's use of force been announced. minnesota's department, minnesota department of human rights determine the mpd engaged in patterns of race discrimination. the probe was prompted by the murder of george floyd and looked at police activity going back 10 years. department of human rights will now work with the city to address necessary organizational change within minneapolis police department. >> lawmakers on capitol hill are weighing in on billionaire elan musk decision to buy social media company. twitter. some republicans say until now that platform and other big tech companies tried to silence conservative voices. tennessee senator bill haggerty spoke out today celebrating the must twitter purchase. >> i think there's a much greater chance that will see a true the platform of ideas. >> musk says protecting free speech on the platform is his primary reason for making his 44 billion dollar offer. but some democratic lawmakers say they are worried about the spread of hostility and miss information online and must gaining too much power. democrats say they are working with republicans on a new bill that could regulate the power of the giant social media companies. still ahead tonight at 10, we will go to the first crypto city to start mining bitcoin. what this actually means and why some people are not happy about it. and is force warriors take care of the past? denver nuggets to advance to the second round of the nba playoffs. >> worst director jason dumas is live at chase center with highlights. reaction. we also have kate rooney live fr manhood looks different from guy to guy. but when yours bends in a different direction, you might feel bothered by it. so talk to a urologist. because a bend in your erection might be peyronie's disease or pd. it's a condition that involves a buildup of scar tissue. but, it's treatable. xiaflex is the only fda- approved nonsurgical treatment for appropriate adult men with 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have thought heading into this game. but at the end of the day, they got the job done a one. 0, 2, to 98. when it was tight. pretty much from start to finish. let's get right into the high lights because boy, was this a fun game, especially for the fans here in attendance, steph curry. he was back in the starting joining him, klay thompson, draymond green, andrew wiggins in jordan, poole. that is that, quote, unquote death lineup. they also call it ptsd. who knows what a latch on sept. he got things going immediately. hits that 3 warriors. so up, 85 early on. late 1st quarter, jordan poole. >> he gets in on the action, too. they caught at a pool party. warriors up by 5 0nd quarter aaron gordon, good bishop, maybe grad san jose product. he had 15 points in the 1st half. nice and was there got 11 from the hometown kid late second klay thompson, 3 pointer. he tied the game up at 48 going into the half. 3rd quarter. will he's been so good for the nuggets for so long. nice layup. their nuggets go up. 10 point people get a little nervous. but back comes the dubs curry. d 3. it's an 11 to run nuggets lead cut to one and of this 3rd quarter, damarcus cousins. he had a great game himself. the former dup, a playoff career-high, 19 points 4th quarter gp to a friend of hoopsession. he's our biweekly guess he was in the bag tonight. nice corner. 3 there. warriors back in court now just over a minute left payton again, what a night he had. that's good for 3. spain has 15 points on the night. his dad love it. then steph curry. you know what he does? ice in his veins. he closes this one out. warriors win one. 0, 2, 98. they win the series 4 games to one or 2 around to the plate. you remember or minnesota with this win clay dre and they have now won 20 fo season games. they're 20 in for their playoff win percentage together. the best in nba history draymond green said after the game it was just a familiar feeling getting this one out. >> it feels a lot more familiar. then the last 2 years, you know? that's that's what this who we are. as you know, that's why we've had the success that we've you know, we know how to games. we know how to win playoff games and, you know, we put the work in, we trust in each other. and you know, the results show denver was loose and have nothing to they played really well for 3 quarters. but the point is is nothing. that's what i said to the points is is just a couple of minutes with 2 or 3 stops in a row and a couple buckets. and we're right there. >> now the warriors play the waiting game. and guess what? they weren't the only show in town tonight. just about a mile up the street at oracle park. we had giants a's bay bridge series. our very own kate rooney was at that game. she joins us now live with a report from oracle park. >> thanks, jason. from the basketball courts to the baseball diamond. the giants time a top. the major league baseball standings was pretty short lived. they ended up there last night. they got there to this afternoon, rather after the mets lost their game today and then the a's had their way even up the bay bridge series in this one. let's show you what happened in this game tonight. the giants and a's fans on hand to enjoy the game really had to bundle up in this windy, windy weather. let's start at the top of the first no score. first batter the game. chad. tender. >> take sam long. deep to left a's taken early one. nothing lead. we go to the bottom of the 4th now. paul blackburn on the mound was solid for oakland. he gets darin ruf. down on strikes. blackburn throws 5 shutout innings and strikes out for bottom of the night. dan jimenez in to close it. and he gets ruf to pop out to seth brown. and that is the ballgame a's shut out. the giants one zip. they split the bay bridge series and after the game is manager talked about how strong his bullpen was in stifling that san francisco offense. we talked earlier you know, landing guys on their feet and trying to give them a soft to the big they've >> you know, build some confidence through this process. we continue this momentum. they can continue pitching the way they are and >> you know, it feels good to to have a with multiple options that make you feel confident once. >> so great battle of the bay. so far these 2 teams will meet again on august, 6th and 7th. those games will take place in oakland. but let me leave you with this one. a little note, chad penders leadoff home run in a game that ended one. nothing was the first time that's happened since 2013 and only the 7th time a leadoff home run has resulted in a one. nothing ball game since 1974, it's only been done 6 other times. pretty wild. jason, i'll send it back to you. >> what a night for bay area sports. this is why we sign up for this job too. hi, state games. 3 bay area teams all within a mile. you got to love it. now, one quick note before i signed out memphis in minnesota, they will play each other on friday night. if minnesota wins this game, they will force a game 7 and o play memphis on sunday. if memphis wins on friday, golden state will travel to tennessee and they'll play game one of the second round on sunday. so we still have a little waiting to go. if it goes 7, i believe that game one of the next round will be next tuesday. so playing a waiting game. we're either going to memphis or either going to minnesota is going to be fun either way, reporting from oracle. i'm jason dumas. >> not a promise you want stop doing that. reporting from chase, this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. (music throughout) oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. >> well, we're texas is hoping his plan to start mining bitcoin using city resources will pay off for both the city and for taxpayers. sloane glass tells us why there are reservations about the idea the city's mayor. it's going full steam ahead. >> bitcoin mining involve supercomputer solving puzzles to find big point. it is finding a needle in a haystack. and once it locates the needle, it's rewarded with a bit coin. >> here's our big moment. okay. we're officially mining bitcoin of the >> tuesday morning, the city of fort worth texas city council voted unanimously to become the first u.s. city to mine. bitcoin 3 small mining rings. no bigger than a computer will work. 24 7 for the city. we want to make sure. >> not only just for the entire state of texas is crypto-friendly the crypto capital of the world. >> greg, to press co ceo of rwa company believes the city of fort worth will see major upside to mining. other states will take notice when 4th words balance sheet is the strongest in the country because holding in assets like bitcoin as it continues to accrue value because of its inherent utility to the global economy. fort worth, this is going to be getting in a very good price. but acceptance is not nationwide into tele 2 countries. you have new york. that's a high tax state that's shutting down innovation. just yesterday they voted to make the claim money legal and then you've got a state like texas that's literally using its municipalities energy to mind that point opening their doors to innovation, keeping taxes low and frankly, innovating at a pace and other states aren't. the mining process requires professional-grade equipment and technical knowledge. so the pilot program is starting small stir. >> and that's it for kron. 4 news tonight at 10. want to see how that works out for fort worth where they have guys going to be right or they will see them all.

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New York , United States , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Chad , Oakland , California , Texas , Iran , Washington , Minnesota , San Diego , Togo , Stockton , Denver , Colorado , Jordan , San Francisco , Mexico , Berkeley , Tennessee , Pacifica , Halfmoon Bay , Spain , Californians , Mexican , Jason Rowe , Dennis Ortiz , Jim Jacobs , Ruh Roh , Kimberly Chang , Madeleine Albright , Kate Rooney , Ken Wayne , Jason Dumas Kron , Klay Thompson , Marc Cooper , Seth Brown , Statesattorney Tracy Wilkinson , Darin Ruf , Dan Jimenez , Jason Dumas , Barack Obama , Paul Blackburn , William Orrick , Marc Klass , Justine Waldman , Johnny Martinez , Marc Klaas , Aaron Gordon , Theresa Kron , Steve Hill ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20240708

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he has done so many times in his career. >> and gee this with this win. steph curry, draymond green and klay thompson. they are now 20 in 4 in playoff series in their career. that is the highest winning percentage in the postseason in nba history. so we're seeing history, but they are not done yet. they are not satisfied on to round 2. they will play the winner of memphis versus minnesota. they will play a game 6 friday. those 2 teams and state minnesota loses memphis wins. then golden state will go on to memphis in that game will be on sunday. but a lot of things have to happen. it's a waiting game. but for now, i know they're going to enjoy this win there in the locker room. right now, fans are filing out and we will have much more later in the show. we'll hear from steph curry. >> we'll hear from steve kerr will hear from the gang will have more live reports. we also have a live report from oracle park is down the street. so we have you covered later in the hour. but for now, the warriors are moving on to round 2. they will play either memphis or minnesota next week reporting from oracle. i'm jason dumas kron. 4. >> chase. but closer just down the street from jason rowe, real yeah, i know it's a long night and we're looking ahead here and i want to get too deep into this. but how you feel about memphis or minnesota, because it seems like memphis is giving the warriors a hard time this season. >> yeah, well, it's funny you can because the nuggets beat the warriors 3 out of 4 times this season as well. but it's a much different team. both minnesota and memphis. they are young. they like to run. denver is a little more methodical, half court offense. but these other teams, they're young and feisty. they're going to run up and down the court. so i think the warriors might you utilize got thing coming up a little more. their but it will be fun for sure. and the warriors don't like to admit this, but they kind of have a rivalry with memphis brewing. memphis, remember last year ended golden state season. and i think secretly more than they'd like to lead on golden state wants to return the favor. so i think those secretly be rooting for memphis. and like i said, memphis, minnesota, on friday. if memphis wins, golden state packs their bags and head to tennessee for game on sunday. so we'll have to wait and watch it play out. >> all right. jason dumas, supporting live. we'll see you later in this newscast. >> meantime, we're following a very serious developing situation in southern california where the chp says an officer has been shot on interstate 8 in mission valley. this is basically the heart of san diego. investigators gave an update within the last hour and said they have arrested a 25 year-old san diego man in connection to that shooting. see the activity there with both sides of interstate 8 shut down. chp says the officer shot is an 8 year veteran with the san diego office air. he was apparently investigating a traffic collision when he was shot in his right thigh. that's according to police. there. he is currently at a hospital in serious but stable condition. as we mentioned, the shooting shut down all lanes of interstate 8, a very busy eastbound westbound freeway. we understand the westbound lanes have since reopened. the oakland police department is inching closer towards the end of federal oversight oversight, which has lasted some 20 years as a result of a number of scandals and beatings and much more tonight, the department seem fairly confident that it will be lifted. today. a federal judge said that he plans to issue an order soon that will lay out what the department can expect. >> over the next year, kron 4 staters sackey joins us now live from our newsroom with more details. taylor. well, judge william orrick sorter is expected to reveal when the police department can begin its one-year probationary period to end the oversight. >> city leaders are calling the move money, mental the department. >> we do recognize that today marks a milestone in a continual journey its reforms. oakland mayor libby schaff join police chief leronne armstrong on wednesday after a federal judge left the city with hope. >> saying he plans to issue an order next week. that will detail when the department can enter into its one-year probation period to end federal oversight. right now, i think we're going to wait for the judge's order to give us clarity about what the judge would like to see from this department moving forward. but i think we can acknowledge by. >> the cmc follows by the plaintiffs attorneys as well as some of the things that just spoke up. they all recognize that the department has made tremendous strides. and so we look forward to what the just final ruling will be. a class action lawsuit in 2000 where 6 men in west oakland argued they were falsely arrested on drug charges. >> assaulted and framed by police resulted in the 20 plus years of federal oversight. all the officers were found not guilty in criminal court. the civil case led to a settlement that required the department to complete 51 tasks to improve the way it trains and disciplines its officers. all of those tasks, but one have been completed. i want to make sure that black options were treated fairly within the department. >> and when that had to be done with the consistency of discipline, that is a task that is not completed yet, but is one that i think will get done within the next 6 months is part of the sustainability period. plaintiff's attorney john burris has been monitoring the change over the years. he explains that court oversight will continue over the next year. if the department moves into that probationary period that will continue. it's just a reduced investment of time. before he did so my weekly monthly that would not to place would only be >> every 3 or 4 months and is on for certain tasks. >> last week, the city attorney's office and attorneys in this case filed a joint statement to judge orrick saying they're open to starting the one-year transition into the probationary period to end that federal oversight until was sacked. reporting. back to you. >> thank you. taylor in sacramento, the state auditor's office has just finished its evaluation into bias within california law enforcement. that audit evaluated 5 law enforcement agencies across california and the san jose police department was among them. >> the auditor's also look at the stockton police department, the california department of corrections and rehabilitation san bernardino police and the la county sheriff's office. the audit found some officers at each department engaged in by u.s. conduct and social media posts. >> absolutely needs to be addressed yesterday. not today. not tomorrow. yesterday. >> the auditor's findings also said that once departments found out about potentially by his post by officers, they failed to appropriately address the issue. the reports also call on the state legislature to enact new laws to more closely address the issue of bias in california. law enforcement. this justin firefighters in alameda county are battling a vegetation fire on. >> corral hollow road. this is in tracy. you're looking at a live picture of the scene. it's in the just south of interstate 2, 0, 5, cal fire. this is a biden with a camera shot from the pg and e camera in that area. cal fire reports of fire right now is at 3 acres authorities are calling this around fire. we're going to keep monitoring the situation and bring you the latest. it doesn't appear there any structures in the area of this fire, but of course, are some pretty strong winds out there. yeah, let's get a first check on our 4 zone forecast. this is a live look outside tonight at conditions along the golden gate bridge. pretty quiet there. but again, all day long, the issue has been the wind the breezes. so bring us up to date on what's going on with the winds. yeah, that's what we have a wind advisory in effect, north bay mountains, east bay hills, including the valleys as well. so we could see wind gusts. >> 60 miles per hour, less throughout tonight. really going to peak after midnight. so the hopefully the firefighters get the upper hand on that tracy fire because we are seeing right now wind speeds out there along the coast sustained at 26 miles per hour with gusts upwards of 30 miles per hour for downtown san francisco. and right in that ballpark range for those of you in oakland and as you make your way inland into the east bay valleys, that's where we're tracking wind speeds starting to increase their as well. future wind gusts, though we are going to see after midnight, the strongest winds will begin in the north bay valleys and east bay valleys, including the bay area coastline. wind speeds anywhere from that 30 to 40 miles per hour range, but highest for the highest peaks of the north bay mountains and east bay hills, 60 mile per hour wind speeds or less through 11 o'clock for your thursday morning. still going to remain breezy, though afterwards, especially along the bay area coastline. but it looks like that wind advisory threshold will be slightly less than that 40 mile per hour range, but still going to keep an eye on that because the national weather service may need to actually extend that wind advisory if those gusty winds persist there. but a relative humidity out there right now, livermore 80%, half moon bay as well. thanks to that cool sea breeze influence. but we are noticing down to that 50% tell range for parts of the north bay valleys down to range by 11 o'clock thursday morning down to 23% for fairfield because of winds changing out of the northwest. so going to see more of a northerly offshore breeze. then that cool westerly sea breeze that we are seeing right now. but temperatures, though, going to be below average thursday and then warming up this weekend. details your full 10 at 10 outlook in just a few minutes. ken and pam, back to you. thank a >> san jose police have released the names of the 3 people who they say were involved in the kidnapping of 3 month-old brandon quay are on monday. san jose police department says these 3 people are in custody. jose por ti otis ramirez and ball. the male sandoval. police say ramirez was actually with brandon's grandmother earlier in the day. >> and may have been communicating with poor t o that's who they say is pictured in this video walking into the home where the 3 month old baby brandon was being watched by his grandmother right now. all 3 suspects face several charges, including kidnapping, child abduction and home invasion. here's a timeline of the events leading up to baby brandon's rescue on monday. the 3 month-old was reported missing just after 1 o'clock in the afternoon. >> shortly after 5 o'clock monday is when san jose police announced the kidnapping and release photographs and video of the missing child and the suspect later monday, the fbi joined the search for the infant on tuesday morning. san jose police announced that brandon had been located safely and was unharmed and that one person was in custody. >> a couple of hours later, the announced 2 others have also been detained. and finally, just after 3.30, brandon and his mother, we're finally reunited. tonight. some people continue to wonder why an amber alert wasn't issued in the case on forcefully chagall speaks with a victim's advocate who says law enforcement have the authority to do so. >> do you believe in amber alert should have been issued? it was not. >> well, i believe in them or learn issued immediately. instead, the california highway patrol issued what is called an endangered missing advisory. a tool used by law enforcement to notify communities of missing or endangered people. when the case does not meet the criteria for a statewide amber alert, the san jose police department did share images of a suspect holding the baby on social media. marc klass, who founded the klaas kids foundation after his daughter, polly, was kidnapped and murdered in the 90's, says confirmation of 3 year-old brandon quay ares abduction should have been enough to escalate the case to an amber alert, which reaches cell phones and television sets directly. they have pictures of the guy walking off with a 3 month-old baby that belongs to somebody else and doing without anybody's permission. so, right there. you've got issue the amber alert on tuesday assistant san jose police chief paul joseph explained during a news conference why his department believe the case did not meet the requirements for an amber alert. we did not have information for an amber alert. we didn't have initially a suspect vehicle. we didn't have a license plate. >> we released what we had as soon as we had in order for an amber alert to be activated. there must be confirmation that an abduction has occurred. >> or a child was taken by anyone. the victim is 17 years of age or younger or an individual with a proven mental or physical disability. the victim is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death. and there is information available that if disseminated to the public could a system the safe recovery of the victim on monday night. the chp released a description of the vehicle possibly used by the kidnappers, but later retracted it shortly before san jose police said it would not make that information public. so even though contrary to popular belief, vehicle information is not necessary for an amber alert. marc klaas says confusion between the law enforcement agencies is the main reason the alert was not issued. i don't know where the >> but there was absolutely enough information just knowing that the child had taken and having video on verification of that allegiant. all kron. 4 news. you can scan that qr code there on your screen to follow the latest developments in the case. and once you scan it, it will take you straight to the kron. 4 dot com website. >> and there you'll find the most up to date information with new details as they come out. >> happening tomorrow, the oakley police department is expected to announce a $10,000 reward for information in the disappearance of a lexus gave. the 24 year-old was last seen on january. 26 in antioch. police also plan to provide updates on the investigation. a news conference is slated to begin at 11 o'clock in the morning and we will bring it to you live on our streaming app. kron on. new developments tonight in the death of mario gonzalez. a second independent autopsy lists. his official cause of death as restraint. ask 60 ation and not drugs. 26 year-old gonzales died a year ago this month after 3 police officers in alameda put their body weight on him for more than 5 minutes while attempting to take him into custody. the second autopsy was ordered by the oakland law firm headed ensure one they are representing gonzales, a son in a federal lawsuit against the city of alameda and the 2 officers involved in his death. these results contradict the report from the alameda county coroner's office, which ruled that gonzales died from methamphetamine in his system, combined with the stress of being restrained district attorney nancy o'malley announced earlier this month that none of the officers involved would face criminal charges saying that the use of force used on gonzales was, quote, objectively reasonable. we're following a troubling story out of contra costa county tonight. a victim of child abuse as her church. >> failed to prevent her abuse by hiring the man who would become her alleged abuser kron four's justine waltman explains. >> the complaint by jane doe says she was betrayed by her trusted pastor and spiritual advisor. pastor alvin bernstein from bethlehem missionary baptist church of richmond that the pastor hired known offender jesse armstrong to lead the choir of which the victim was a member. the suit claims armstrong had 2 prior convictions and the victim's attorney claims even a minimal background checks would have revealed. armstrong was a convicted child molester of which either the past or neglected to do or ignored the abuse allegedly went on for 4 months from december 2011 to april 2012 at the church after choir practice at church events between classes at the victim school in his car and at hotels, the victim was 14 years old. and the lawsuit alleges the pastor should have known how vulnerable children are to assault by mentors. and the pastor did not protect or warn her of the dangers or of her accused abusers past messages for pastor bernstein at the church have not been returned. i'm justine waldman, kron. 4 news. oakland is working on a new project to enhance pedestrian safety along international boulevard. the 9.3 million dollars clean california project will bring lighting along pedestrian paths on international boulevard in oakland. >> 205 pedestrians. scale street lights will be installed 45th avenue to 100 and 7th avenue. officials say the lights look help keep people safer. >> it's overdue that this community get safe, secure public lighting. >> some residents are concerned, though, that the new lighting will not be enough to deter crime in that area. san jose officials say early jail release policies are leading to a spike in crime. police cite data that violent crimes, including rape, robbery and homicide, went up more than 10% from 2020 to 2021. at 2022, may be on track with those waits to be even higher. mayor sam liccardo and others partially blame the pandemic driven emergency bail orders that cause nearly a 3rd of santa clara county's jail population to be released. san jose police data show the same 30 people have been rearrested at least 10 times within a year. however, justice advocates say there is no correlation and that those 30 people were rearrested for nonviolent offense is they say that does not support the argument that the release policies have increased violent crime in san francisco, there's an initiative launching to try to decrease crime in the city sunset district. it's called the sunset safety network. >> leaders say the goal of the network is 2 degrees. decrease crime targeting asian owned businesses in the area by coordinating and expanding public safety programs in the neighborhood. businesses in that area, some of which have been burglarized a number of times say they support initiative. >> we want our employees to feel safe. we want everybody to feel safe. this is a community store. so we want people to be able to walk in and shop freely without having a be worried about any robberies are incident happening in the community. >> the network is part of 5 new public safety programs for the sunset, including an elderly senior escort service and free installation of rain cameras for senior homeowners. the owners of an oakland business are asking the community for help after being broken into on 3 separate occasions recently, they say they're concerned for the safety of their employees. happening at the got juice shop in oakland off macarthur boulevard conference. reese's stasio has the story. >> during the video and sent >> with the boarding that's the voice of brandon mccoy showing us the latest damage done to got jews. a local hangout open by mccoy and his high school friend terrell. this is not the first, but the 3rd time their shop has been broken into in the last year. >> we're oakland, natives. we want to open schools for product of this place so we don't want to believe and it's coming from within the community because we so many people, some of these sort of stuff. >> it says if is bewildering because you don't know where we're coming from. >> mccoy says that after the first break in, they beefed up security after the second time they put in a reinforced door. so that is the time without multiple times to get in. >> and when that didn't work. through the window. they climb through the window and it was. we have young women working there, young man and my concern for them outside of their safety because they're opening and closing. >> he says that he hopes by sharing their story. perhaps it will turn their luck around and prevent future break-ins. we are in a corporate entity if it seems like we're our local business we feel that. >> by anything that happens around here, we really feel that this it hurts. it hurts me that we don't have a speck. palin want this to be on the go into places door to cost x amount of money i get is this is a lot at this. it could both owners have reached out to the oakland police department is want to hope for the best. >> theresa kron, 4 news. >> still ahead tonight at 10, more on the windy weather serving as a reminder of the fire risk around the bay area. how officials around the bay area are taking action now, then the key issue facing the city of san jose ahead of the upcoming mayoral election and how they were going to try to fix it as candidates go head to head tonight at the s ap center and lawmakers sharing their thoughts on the twitter takeover. what they have to say about the elan musk bid to ho >> it's been more than 75 years since more than 6 million jews and other minorities were systematically murdered in the holocaust and to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. we remember the victims of the senseless violence every year. also known as yom hashoah. >> sunni de this is what it looked like today at the holocaust museum in jerusalem. >> survivors and leaders gathered for a somber ceremony to remember the victims here at home. the jewish community relations council held events all across the bay area today. one organizer talked about the importance of remembering what happened during the holocaust. we on trump. never forget. it's a really hard entre to live up and and yet those of us that have our parents or grandparents who had >> survive the holocaust, it has great meaning. you know, it starts out with words and then it goes into actions. and then at the top of the pyramid is the holocaust. right? and so we know that there's steps. and so we want people to understand that even horrible words can hurt. >> there are several more remembrance events happening tomorrow in the bay area. the jfcs holocaust center is holding a ceremony at uc davis at the center for jewish studies. they're also be an online event hosted by the city of berkeley and the contra costa jewish council will have several guest speakers, including the director of the u.s. holocaust memorial museum. you find much more about the events on our website. kron 4 dot com. >> and the north and east bay currently under wind advisory through thursday morning. details ahead on that and your full 10 at 10 forecast coming up after the break. and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and voters in the largest city in the bay area will pick a new mayor in june. tonight, the candidates faced off in a debate at sapd center. many say the real struggle is trying to increase voter turnout for an off year election. midsummer, local. >> and as kron four's, justin campbell explains, that's no easy task. >> you have opinions on police reform. these are the people that are going to do that for you. san jose city clerk tony tabor is calling the city's mayoral election in june. the most important election, a vote that she says will affect people's daily life. but she says the voter turnout is expected to be low. people don't really get excited to vote in the local elections. tabor says in 2018 only 41% of san jose residents turned out for the mayoral election to 41% of the people chose the mayor for a city of a million people. so we really encourage people to let their voice be heard. she says the city has seen a much higher voter turnout. 73 1% of san jose registered voters turned out for the last presidential election in november 2020. i would like to see 70%. at least i'd like 100%. honestly. i want everybody to vote reporting in san jose. justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> in national news tonight, the house committee investigating the january 6 u.s. capitol insurrection is stepping up efforts to have gop house minority leader kevin mccarthy who is from southern california appear for an interview. the book the push comes after audiotapes in the days after the riot caught mccarthy telling fellow republicans see what has president donald trump to resign >> and that he was fed up with trump. >> i've had it with this guy. what he did is not acceptable. nobody can defend. let him know that he should defend that. >> mccarthy defended himself today saying that he was merely engaging in a quote, conversation of scenarios, unquote, about trump over concerns he had shared about the former president and other house republicans in a phone call with other gop leaders. committee chairman bennie thompson, a democrat, says the panel may issue a second request to mccarthy who has declined to voluntarily appear. >> donald trump is appealing a contempt ruling despite a new york judge rejecting the former president's challenge against it in february, a judge and iran rule that the former president must provide new york attorney general letitia james with documents as part of her civil investigation into alleged fraud at trump's companies. the ruling states that trump will be fined a $10,000 every day that he does not comply with the subpoena. all of this expected after trump's attorney promise to appeal earlier this week. today, the funeral for madeleine albright was held in washington, d.c., more than 1400 people attended. excuse me. including president biden and former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. madeleine albright was the first woman to serve as secretary of state in this country. she was remembered as a pioneer who championed the expansion of nato as secretary of state and promoting human rights and democracy all around the world. president biden remember her fondly. >> may her memory continue? be a blessing to our nation. a neighbor remember. her words into deeds? they should always be a light. all those in the darkest places. reminder. obligation to one another. >> madeleine albright served as secretary of state during the clinton administration after 4 years as ambassador to the united nations. she died last month of cancer at the age of 84. >> as of now, east bay mud, customers have to start conserving water or they could be fined. people are being asked to reduce water consumption by 10%. the east bay municipal utility district board also put a limit of just over 1600 gallons of water per household per day. if you go over that amount, you'll be fined based on how much water you use. a spokesperson freeze payments as the board stopped short of raising prices to help pay for extra water supplies. but that idea will be revisited next month. strong winds are in the forecast in the bay area tonight and for the next several days, some wind gusts get up to 30 miles an hour. there's always concern for firefighters who are working to put out wildfires across the state. that's why efforts being done to try to mitigate the risk of wildfires this year on for us. rob nesbitt has the story. >> cal fire says that there are currently no major wildfires in california. that being said, firefighters say now is a good time to lower the risk of having a wildfire at your home. >> a wildfire in fairfield created this plume of smoke wednesday afternoon. californians may call the warmer months of summer and fall fire but cal fire battalion chief john heggie says that needs to stop. don't have fire where we have a fire year. he says precautions should be taken year round. encouraging homeowners to remove flammable vegetation and make their homes a defensible space is putting up mash in your in your e opportunities were hot. amber may be able to get seated in around your structure while cal fire crews focus on larger dry areas. we have multiple controlled burns going through up and down the state. so really we're trying to do our part to reduce the final vegetation. >> but, you know, it takes all it takes is a community-wide effort. so that community includes local fire departments. steve hill with contra costa county fire says the fleet has been upgraded their with specialized equipment to help fight wildfires. wildfire control workers, campus contra costa county to reduce risks by overgrown vegetation. >> fire lanes working to clear evacuation routes from manpower to go power. goats are eating through dry brush on grizzly peak as well as the terra linda preserve in marin county. superintendent, marine county parks. jim jacobs says the more than 100 goats there can access the high terrain that others can't. what's lunch for them is fire prevention for us. >> some of techniques like raising just help, you know, mimicking the benefits of a small fires that would occur regularly. battalion chief peggy says the amount of water in the vegetation notice dual moistures are at a high level lowering the risk of a large scale wildfire in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> an example of those dangers is taking place right now in alameda county. this is a fire burning near tracy. it stands at 40 acres. that's an update that we just got from cal fire. this is burning on corral, hollow road just south of interstate 2, 0, 5, in tracy. this is a live shot from the area pg and e cameron. it hard to tell who the lights, whether those are lights and hot or hot spots from the fire. but we're going to keep monitoring the situation and bring you the latest as we get it. but again, it's up to about 40 acres is fire burning south of 2, 0, 5, in the tracy area, which in that part of the area, it's mostly rolling foothills and grass and brush. >> no, no, no, no less. certainly an area of concern anytime. there's a wildfire and there's a windy night and that's what we have tonight. this is a live picture looking out over the san francisco bay >> is always a concern and debris. so these winds, a frightening for firefighters in the people who live downwind from a fire like that. yeah, exactly. and hopefully firefighters get the upper hand now and not after midnight with winds are really expected to pick up. let's take a look at current conditions out there right now in tracy where that fire is burning. 59 degrees. but check out relative humidity, bone-dry 22% and wind speeds out there right now near 30 miles per hour out of the southwest. so we are noticing pretty gusty winds out there not just along the coast, but even starting to make its way into our inland valleys. the gusty us, though, downtown san francisco getting that cool sea breeze influence. a 26 mile per hour sustained winds with gusts upwards of 30. so let's take a live look outside in san francisco. coit tower lit a beautifully out there. but we are starting to notice that increase in high cloud cover as the storm sweeps through the bay area. obviously more of a wind maker than a rainmaker. so this wind storm going to continue throughout tonight, peaking during the early morning hours by thursday and that wind advisory set to expire by 11 o'clock for the north bay and east bay. temperatures out there right now. pacifica. 48 degrees with upper 40's for point rays had a little already cooling down into the mid 40's with the widespread low to mid 50's low 50's right now for timber on and downtown san francisco. thanks to that wind chill effect. but we are tracking overnight lows tonight. low mid to upper 40's. so we are going to notice thin layer of high clouds. but overall, very chilly, gusty night as well. temperatures tomorrow, though, few degrees below average with concord n livermore. 68 degrees. hayward 65 degrees. with those of you at half moon bay, about 10 degrees cooler than that at 56 degrees in napa. 67 degrees for your afternoon highs. so let's take a look at your 10 at 10 outlook because we are going to see below average temperatures thursday rebounding very nicely friday, just in time for this weekend. slight chance of showers in the north bay saturday night and even on monday as well for most of the bay area. but looking more like another wind storm, then actual rain. so above average temperatures peaking a week from today with low 80's for inland valleys. back to you, pam and ken, thank a breeze. a federal prosecutors in southern california announced a sweeping racketeering case. it is aimed at 31 alleged members and associates of the mexican mafia. they're facing charges for a wide variety of violent crimes. kimberly chang has more. >> these people here, they were indicted are the most violent of the violent. >> a grand jury indictment charges. 31 mexican mafia members and associates with alleged racketeering and connects the organization with violent crimes. law enforcement intends to dismantle both street gangs and prison gangs from top to bottom. from shock collar to street soldier, their grip. our county extends to not just fellow gang members or associates that don't comply. >> eventually down the road of crime. innocent victims, people that are hard working, trying to get from point a to point b suffer. these crimes involve murder, attempted murder, in and out of the custodial facilities across california from 2016 to april 2022. johnny martinez, geary and dennis ortiz are accusel of being in charge of criminal activities. indictment charges. >> the southern california gang leadership officials say some of the other defendants served a shot. callers, mouthpieces representatives and secretaries officials say the exit in mafia used fear and violence to control gang members on the streets and inmates in jails and prisons and received, quote, unquote taxes from games to allow them to deal drugs. united states attorney tracy wilkinson says the indictment is a crushing blow to the organizations operations. has we, you know, eradicated the mexican mafia? the answer is no. >> at but this is a continuing investigation. and i think the message that this case ends >> is that if you rise to power in that vacuum, we will come for you. authorities say they're still searching for additional associates, including marc cooper and the rain roadless. >> again, that was kimberly chang reporting for us tonight. officials say all the suspects are facing federal charges and if convicted will serve time in federal prison, effort to try to keep them from being able to continue running their criminal enterprises from behind bars. meanwhile, the findings of a two-year probe investigating the minneapolis police department's use of force been announced. minnesota's department, minnesota department of human rights determine the mpd engaged in patterns of race discrimination. the probe was prompted by the murder of george floyd and looked at police activity going back 10 years. department of human rights will now work with the city to address necessary organizational change within minneapolis police department. >> lawmakers on capitol hill are weighing in on billionaire elan musk decision to buy social media company. twitter. some republicans say until now that platform and other big tech companies tried to silence conservative voices. tennessee senator bill haggerty spoke out today celebrating the must twitter purchase. >> i think there's a much greater chance that will see a true the platform of ideas. >> musk says protecting free speech on the platform is his primary reason for making his 44 billion dollar offer. but some democratic lawmakers say they are worried about the spread of hostility and miss information online and must gaining too much power. democrats say they are working with republicans on a new bill that could regulate the power of the giant social media companies. still ahead tonight at 10, we will go to the first crypto city to start mining bitcoin. what this actually means and why some people are not happy about it. and is force warriors take care of the past? denver nuggets to advance to the second round of the nba playoffs. >> worst director jason dumas is live at chase center with highlights. reaction. we also have kate rooney live fr manhood looks different from guy to guy. but when yours bends in a different direction, you might feel bothered by it. so talk to a urologist. because a bend in your erection might be peyronie's disease or pd. it's a condition that involves a buildup of scar tissue. but, it's treatable. xiaflex is the only fda- approved nonsurgical treatment for appropriate adult men with 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have thought heading into this game. but at the end of the day, they got the job done a one. 0, 2, to 98. when it was tight. pretty much from start to finish. let's get right into the high lights because boy, was this a fun game, especially for the fans here in attendance, steph curry. he was back in the starting joining him, klay thompson, draymond green, andrew wiggins in jordan, poole. that is that, quote, unquote death lineup. they also call it ptsd. who knows what a latch on sept. he got things going immediately. hits that 3 warriors. so up, 85 early on. late 1st quarter, jordan poole. >> he gets in on the action, too. they caught at a pool party. warriors up by 5 0nd quarter aaron gordon, good bishop, maybe grad san jose product. he had 15 points in the 1st half. nice and was there got 11 from the hometown kid late second klay thompson, 3 pointer. he tied the game up at 48 going into the half. 3rd quarter. will he's been so good for the nuggets for so long. nice layup. their nuggets go up. 10 point people get a little nervous. but back comes the dubs curry. d 3. it's an 11 to run nuggets lead cut to one and of this 3rd quarter, damarcus cousins. he had a great game himself. the former dup, a playoff career-high, 19 points 4th quarter gp to a friend of hoopsession. he's our biweekly guess he was in the bag tonight. nice corner. 3 there. warriors back in court now just over a minute left payton again, what a night he had. that's good for 3. spain has 15 points on the night. his dad love it. then steph curry. you know what he does? ice in his veins. he closes this one out. warriors win one. 0, 2, 98. they win the series 4 games to one or 2 around to the plate. you remember or minnesota with this win clay dre and they have now won 20 fo season games. they're 20 in for their playoff win percentage together. the best in nba history draymond green said after the game it was just a familiar feeling getting this one out. >> it feels a lot more familiar. then the last 2 years, you know? that's that's what this who we are. as you know, that's why we've had the success that we've you know, we know how to games. we know how to win playoff games and, you know, we put the work in, we trust in each other. and you know, the results show denver was loose and have nothing to they played really well for 3 quarters. but the point is is nothing. that's what i said to the points is is just a couple of minutes with 2 or 3 stops in a row and a couple buckets. and we're right there. >> now the warriors play the waiting game. and guess what? they weren't the only show in town tonight. just about a mile up the street at oracle park. we had giants a's bay bridge series. our very own kate rooney was at that game. she joins us now live with a report from oracle park. >> thanks, jason. from the basketball courts to the baseball diamond. the giants time a top. the major league baseball standings was pretty short lived. they ended up there last night. they got there to this afternoon, rather after the mets lost their game today and then the a's had their way even up the bay bridge series in this one. let's show you what happened in this game tonight. the giants and a's fans on hand to enjoy the game really had to bundle up in this windy, windy weather. let's start at the top of the first no score. first batter the game. chad. tender. >> take sam long. deep to left a's taken early one. nothing lead. we go to the bottom of the 4th now. paul blackburn on the mound was solid for oakland. he gets darin ruf. down on strikes. blackburn throws 5 shutout innings and strikes out for bottom of the night. dan jimenez in to close it. and he gets ruf to pop out to seth brown. and that is the ballgame a's shut out. the giants one zip. they split the bay bridge series and after the game is manager talked about how strong his bullpen was in stifling that san francisco offense. we talked earlier you know, landing guys on their feet and trying to give them a soft to the big they've >> you know, build some confidence through this process. we continue this momentum. they can continue pitching the way they are and >> you know, it feels good to to have a with multiple options that make you feel confident once. >> so great battle of the bay. so far these 2 teams will meet again on august, 6th and 7th. those games will take place in oakland. but let me leave you with this one. a little note, chad penders leadoff home run in a game that ended one. nothing was the first time that's happened since 2013 and only the 7th time a leadoff home run has resulted in a one. nothing ball game since 1974, it's only been done 6 other times. pretty wild. jason, i'll send it back to you. >> what a night for bay area sports. this is why we sign up for this job too. hi, state games. 3 bay area teams all within a mile. you got to love it. now, one quick note before i signed out memphis in minnesota, they will play each other on friday night. if minnesota wins this game, they will force a game 7 and o play memphis on sunday. if memphis wins on friday, golden state will travel to tennessee and they'll play game one of the second round on sunday. so we still have a little waiting to go. if it goes 7, i believe that game one of the next round will be next tuesday. so playing a waiting game. we're either going to memphis or either going to minnesota is going to be fun either way, reporting from oracle. i'm jason dumas. >> not a promise you want stop doing that. reporting from chase, this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. (music throughout) oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. >> well, we're texas is hoping his plan to start mining bitcoin using city resources will pay off for both the city and for taxpayers. sloane glass tells us why there are reservations about the idea the city's mayor. it's going full steam ahead. >> bitcoin mining involve supercomputer solving puzzles to find big point. it is finding a needle in a haystack. and once it locates the needle, it's rewarded with a bit coin. >> here's our big moment. okay. we're officially mining bitcoin of the >> tuesday morning, the city of fort worth texas city council voted unanimously to become the first u.s. city to mine. bitcoin 3 small mining rings. no bigger than a computer will work. 24 7 for the city. we want to make sure. >> not only just for the entire state of texas is crypto-friendly the crypto capital of the world. >> greg, to press co ceo of rwa company believes the city of fort worth will see major upside to mining. other states will take notice when 4th words balance sheet is the strongest in the country because holding in assets like bitcoin as it continues to accrue value because of its inherent utility to the global economy. fort worth, this is going to be getting in a very good price. but acceptance is not nationwide into tele 2 countries. you have new york. that's a high tax state that's shutting down innovation. just yesterday they voted to make the claim money legal and then you've got a state like texas that's literally using its municipalities energy to mind that point opening their doors to innovation, keeping taxes low and frankly, innovating at a pace and other states aren't. the mining process requires professional-grade equipment and technical knowledge. so the pilot program is starting small stir. >> and that's it for kron. 4 news tonight at 10. want to see how that works out for fort worth where they have guys going to be right or they will see them all.

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New York , United States , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Chad , Oakland , California , Texas , Iran , Washington , Minnesota , San Diego , Togo , Stockton , Denver , Colorado , Jordan , San Francisco , Mexico , Berkeley , Tennessee , Pacifica , Halfmoon Bay , Spain , Californians , Mexican , Jason Rowe , Dennis Ortiz , Jim Jacobs , Ruh Roh , Kimberly Chang , Madeleine Albright , Kate Rooney , Ken Wayne , Jason Dumas Kron , Klay Thompson , Marc Cooper , Seth Brown , Statesattorney Tracy Wilkinson , Darin Ruf , Dan Jimenez , Jason Dumas , Barack Obama , Paul Blackburn , William Orrick , Marc Klass , Justine Waldman , Johnny Martinez , Marc Klaas , Aaron Gordon , Theresa Kron , Steve Hill ,

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