Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240708

tonight. i'm ken wayne. i'm pam moore. today marks one year since 26 year-old mario gonzalez died as he was being restrained by alameda police officers while at a park. >> his family is hosting a vigil at scott park in alameda right now. mario gonzalez's family members, their lawyer and advocates all they're joining others from the community. police say gonzales appeared to be under the influence when the incident happened. and officers thought the that he may have been involved in a theft that, however, was proven to be untrue. gonzales, his heart stopped beating after officers forcibly held him on the ground and placed him in handcuffs us in 2 weeks ago. the alameda county district attorney's office determined that the 3 officers involved in gonzales is death will not face criminal charges. gonzalez, his family has filed another lawsuit against the city and the officers involved kron for sack is attending. that vigil right now should have more on how the alameda community is honoring the life of maru gonzalez. that's coming up on kron. 4 news at night. attorneys for the family of stephen taylor. you see his picture here have filed a 10 million dollar federal civil rights lawsuit against the city of san leandro and 2 police officers. >> it's for shooting and killing taylor 2 years ago today, kron four's dan kerman brings us up to date event. a great deal to us. >> we're going to miss him very much. >> the mother of steven taylor joined attorneys for the family tuesday to announce they filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of san leandro and 2 police officers alleging the killing of taylor at the hands of police violated his civil rights in the american with disabilities act. the city of san leandro and the police department. >> certainly have blood on their hands. this is situation that was wholly preventable should not have happened. but for officers violating the training. but for the city of san leandro turning a blind eye to the pattern conduct of its officers. it was on april 18th of 2021. police confronted taylor at walmart on his spare ian boulevard. >> police say officer jason fletcher advice tailored to drop an aluminum bat and when he didn't, police say fletcher tased him twice. authorities say taylor felt the shock of the taser and pointed the bat at the ground. police say that's when fletcher shot taylor in the chest, killing him. san leandro. police determine taylor pose no threat at the time he was shot. manslaughter charges have been filed against officer fletcher. but this civil targets, fletcher, another officer and the city of san leandro for its policies or lack of policies when it comes to dealing with people in a mental health crisis. we need a mental health response. want san leandro to create a mental health department. >> we want to see a unit able to respond to individuals and mental health crisis without the reliance on military tactics. in a statement, the city of san lee andrews said it will defend itself against the lawsuit. it also acknowledge taylor's death has led to significant changes in the san leandro police department's use of force policies and training. >> and it spurred productive discussion throughout the community about racial justice and social equity. the lawsuit is seeking 10 million dollars. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> 2 current san francisco police officers and a former officer are in trouble with the law. according to an internal affairs investigation. officers, kevin lyons and head of the nra being accused of destroying evidence last july. they're accused of shredding credit cards and id cards and flushing drugs down a hotel toilet rather than processing the evidence. last august, retired officer mark williams was accused of unlawfully taking home a machine gun with a silencer while serving a part-time position with the department. police chief scott says after a nine-month investigation, arrest warrants were issued for all 3 men on friday. they surrendered at the san francisco county jail earlier today. officers live, as you both cited and released on charges of destroying or concealing evidence williams was booked on charges of unlawful possession of a machine gun and embezzlement. chief scott said in a statement in part, quote, has sworn police officers. we have no higher obligation then to earn and maintain public trust. and we are disappointed that these incidents detract from the outstanding work done by our officers and non sworn members every day he went on to say, quote, no one, including a current or retired police officer is above the law. all 3 officers are set to be arraigned on may 19th more than a dozen cars towed and one person now in custody for allegedly punching officer after a weekend sideshow in oakland. police say some 200 spectators and 100 cars took over several intersections along 82nd avenue between macarthur boulevard avenue on sunday, a fight broke out. gunshots were heard, but officers did not find any firearms. police say they will continue to take action to crack down on sideshows. now to our 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look outside of the golden gate bridge with the foggy clouds blowing past the camera on mount sutro and our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now says there's rain in the forecast. yeah, that's kind of where we get that time of year. we start to kind of transition the summer months to get that fog out there. but still a chance of rain in the more to come. >> fact, we've got a pretty significant system headed our way, especially for this time of year that fog sweeping on shore right now out ahead of the cold front that's approaching the bay area. rainfall totals. >> over the last 24 hours, not huge amount but not bad. over a 3rd of an inch in napa canfield over half an inch just over a 10th in half moon bay, right out of 10th and san francisco for hundreds in oakland and just over a quarter of an inch of rain enrichment. here's your next storm system off the coastline. you see a little speckle clouds behind it. the front comes through. then you've got to deal with all this cold air a couple years. low pressure, the sweep in behind that system. and that's going to keep the rain going on and off. i think starting tomorrow continue into thursday and maybe into friday morning as well. right now, kind of quiet outside just a couple lingering showers over some of the mountain tops in northern california. that's about it. but this front is going to come barreling in starting tomorrow afternoon, especially in the north bay. if the showers going to pick up then spreading across the bay area, maybe into the evening hours. and so that rain will be on the way and some gusty winds to go along with that for tomorrow. and a whole lot of snow up in the sierra nevada will have more on that in just a few minutes. but out there overnight tonight, the clouds gather with that patchy fog first tomorrow morning. even some of the most trying to pay some rain coming in the north bay by 09:00am tomorr w morning. and then as we head toward the afternoon, that's when we start to see the cells move through. the front begins to come through sagging further south, bringing more showers, then things really picking up as we head through tomorrow night, midnight 1, 2 o'clock in the morning. some heavier bands move through and then on thursday, a much stronger band moved into late in the day. that one could cause some thunderstorms. we'll have more on that in the rescue weather coming up in just a few minutes. thank you, lawrence. the race is on to see will be san francisco's newest member of the assembly. the polls close at 8 o'clock tonight. just a couple of minutes ago. and as soon as district 17 voters. >> have all the votes tallied. we will certainly bring you the numbers as they come in this decision on district 17 will decide who will represent. california's legislature is lower chamber for assembly. 17 either supervisor matt haney or california democratic party leader david campos. >> one of them will replace david chiu who represented assembly district 17 until october when he resigned to become san francisco city attorney mayor london breed has announced that she is endorsing supervisor. matt haney, district attorney boudin announced that he is endorsing david campos. again, the polls just closed. we are waiting for the results and will bring them to you as soon as they are in it. the drama over mask mandates on transportation systems continues with the department of justice now saying it could appeal the judge's ruling that >> struck down that federal mandate on for as grant lotus joins us now with a possible plan of action in the new changes from asking around the bay area. there is some confusion quite a bit and it depends what agency you're dealing with a lot of time. so what rules are in place and feels like they're still kind of changing as we go. >> and what's going to happen on a federal level is still unclear. the doj says it will only go through with the appeal. >> if the cdc determines that masks are still necessary. >> on monday yesterday, a federal judge appointed during the trump administration rule. the cdc had overstepped its authority when it mandated that masks were needed on planes. so far the cdc has yet to comment. but for now, masks are optional on every major u.s. airline. and at airports, some local transportation agencies are deciding to enforce mask wearing, though, regardless of what the federal mask mandate may have. dunn lifted right now, the tea a bart caltrain immunity are all still requiring face coverings. amtrak is making masks optional. however, and starting tomorrow, you will not need to wear face coverings on ac transit buses just a short time ago today, the agency released a statement saying ac transit is now adopting the voluntary use of face masks on board. all bus lines. it strongly recommnnds our riders continue to wear masks on our system. the change for ac transit takes effect at midnight tonight. meanwhile, uber and lyft have announced they are no longer requiring face coverings. burr is reminding passengers that the cdc still recommends masking up. if you have risk factors or if there are high transmission levels in your area, both companies allow customers to cancel trips if they feel uncomfortable. pam. ken, back to you. grant, thank you. >> well, the cdc is busy on another issue. it is launching a new operation to help with response to covid and a future pandemics. the center for forecasting an outbreak analytics launch today. its leaders say data collection problems have made it harder to predict the course of the current pandemic in the united states. they also say that the agency needs to have better access to data from state governments and hospitals. the center awarded 21 million dollars to academic institutions to develop modeling and forecasting methods. there's also a new smartphone app that can reportedly detect whether or not you've been infected with covid-19, the rez app. that's our ems app uses machine learning to analyze your cough. >> during testers found a correctly detect covid-19 with 92% accuracy. vaccine maker pfizer has offered by rez app for 74 million dollars. >> coming up, if you still have not filed your state income taxes, you have a little more time to get it done by the state is extending its deadline until tonight. why one couple harassed an amtrak train while headed up to the bay area say they're being targeted. we'll explain. when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. (music throughout) let our injury attorneys help you a couple traveling with their 2 young children say that they were heckled by a stranger over their orientation. >> harbor, a lot judgments in ignorance about families like ours. and i i just want that 10. >> robbie peers and neil problem. and we're leaving los angeles heading to open on board the amtrak train. the couple says a man started yelling homophobic slurs in front of their children. the yelling went on for several minutes before the family got up to leave amtrak employees eventually stepped in and the man was removed from the train by sheriff's deputies and san jose. however, the man was not arrested and has not been idendified. the couple says the situation was traumatizing for their family. >> so you're the head of files there is. the their nomination just the worst things, the worst words ever that it could have been from the child. >> amtrak says it is investigating the incident and plans on banning the customer from any future rights. >> the african american owners of boutique clothing store in timber on have reached a financial settlement. settlement with that town. yeah. this stems from a racial profiling incident back in august of 2020 when timber on police officers questioned the couple while they were working late at night in their own shop as khan forcefully to go reports, the 2 sides work together to avoid litigation. >> we'll watch. and her husband to leave are living proof that good can come from even the worst of situations. it was definitely a traumatic experience that has affected our lives forever. but i would say the good things that have come from it are real substantial policy changes that will help protect. >> black and brown people came shop they were working in after hours. and this went on for 11 minutes until a white man came out on the balcony. >> after seeing all the flashing lights and yelled go, what are you all doing? that's their store. and then police scattered civil rights attorney charles bonner and his office negotiated $150,000 settlement agreement with the town. it also includes citywide policy changes. >> the town has taken steps to make it easier for members of the public to identify officers they interact with and more ways to report complaints. a citizen advisory panel has also been created allowing residents and business owners to provide input on the hiring and firing of officers having a and having a seat at the table decisions are made. i think that's crucial in a statement, the town's mayor says changes resulting from this settlement will help make timber on a leader in diversity, inclusion and transparency. shortly after the incident citing personal reasons the supervising officer that night in the police chief resigned in front in timber on fleet juggle all kron. 4 news. >> 2 bills aims to bolster california's gun laws cleared key committees today. one bill allows private citizens, local governments and the state attorney general to sue gun makers and sellers. the other aims to strengthen the state's ban on ghost guns by stopping the sale of untraceable gun parts and requiring anyone with an unregistered gun to make them untraceable. supporters say these measures would make sure that the gun industry faces accountability like every other industry. but opponents of the bill say lawmakers should take aim at those behind the trigger. >> parts don't kill people. behave kills. people. i wished our focus would be more directed torch. the shoes with any weapon. >> both bills now head to the assembly, appropriations committee. a spring snowstorm is sweeping through the sierra nevada right now. a winter weather warning from the national weather service is in place for the greater lake tahoe area. according to caltrans chain controls are in place this morning on interstate 80. it. >> donner summit, our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is checking this snowpack. they're starting to say they're going to be until late june ending. yeah. the dates and considering where we are at right guard least noted all and much of january in favor of this may be the biggest storm we've seen in quite some time. this a good storm for april. that's for sure. right now. a little bit of a break in the snow storm. still a little breeze is look at donner summit right now. but that snow is on the way. winter storm warnings issued by the national weather service starting at 5 o'clock in the afternoon on wednesday and continuing all the way until 11:00am on friday. and that goes right across the lake tahoe area and a continued further to the north as we're going to see some heavy snow, maybe as much as 2, maybe 3 feet of snow across the higher peaks above 7,000 feet. but it's going to snow just about everywhere you go. so if you're heading that direction, be prepared these next few days and this is going to be a much different type of storm than what we've seen in quite some time. so here's a look at our going time now for things kind of winding down there tonight. and then tomorrow through the day, not battle, though. it's going start to pick up maybe as early as the afternoon and then the models start to show some of that snow moving in by about 11 o'clock or so. but i think it could be a little bit earlier than that. so the pair don't think that you're just going to sneak up there tomorrow and get there before that snow happens. be prepared. just in case that comes a little bit early on a thursday, maybe some whiteout conditions up there by the afternoon. some heavy snow is likely to move across the sierra during the day and some gusts as high as 80 miles per hour across the mountain peaks. that will likely continue on and off right through about friday morning. maybe in the middle of the day and then things begin to subside. that should leave a lot of fresh powder for this next weekend. yeah, we've got a chance of snow by the evening tomorrow and then expect that snow to continue into thursday. stormy weather, some cold weather up there to be prepared if you're headed to the high country. thank you, lawrence. >> well, san francisco will allow onsite cannabis sales at tomorrow's for 20 celebration in golden gate park city officials say it will be the first time in the event's history. the celebration of attorney for the first time. as a matter of fact, since the covid pandemic started and it is scheduled to run from noon to 05:00pm and expected to draw up to 20,000 people. in addition to cannabis and food sales, this year's for 20 celebration will also feature a dedication to the late comedian and actor robin williams. officials say attendees will be required to show a valid id and vaccination card in order to enter the event. and the event will be enclosed by a fence outside lands returns this year in august. and the lineup was finally released today. the top headliners include. >> berkeley legends, green day rap artist post malone and r and b singer tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10:00am. the music festival will kick off on august 5th through the 7th set golden gate park in the city. >> coming up on the half hour, reckless driving on posted to social media. high-speed minutes. coming up. and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. >> you have a little extra time to file your state income taxes if you haven't done so already, california is giving residents until 11:59pm. tonight to file after a technical glitch that kept some people from eating yesterday's deadline. the franchise tax board the the filing deadline to tonight after a service disruption on its web pay app. the agency didn't say what caused the problem. california can file their state returns for free through the count file tool that's on the tax board's website. >> prisoners at san quentin can now get college credit for courses taken while they are inside the prison for decades. san quentin has offered inmates courses in literature, american government and other higher education classes. but the program was not accredited, but now the prisoners taking courses are officially students of mount pamela pius community college. it is the nation's first community college with a campus inside a prison with a new accreditation students can more easily transfer to other colleges after their incarceration ants. i did a cracking down on speeding in california. why the highway patrol says. >> the crime is getting aslot of attention online. plus, new details in the fire that destroyed a home depot in the south bay. and the increasingly wild and damaging attempts to steal atm is attempts to steal atm is around the bay area. when a truck hit my car, attempts to steal atm is athe insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. i'm dan o'dowd let our injury attorneys help you and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. speeding in california is a punishable offense. it could lead to serious charges. >> some drivers are brazen enough to not only go more than 50 or 60 miles an hour over the speed limit. but they also post a video evidence on youtube. if you can believe >> in a story you'll only see here on kron 4. our rob nesbitt reports on what the chp and the napa county sheriff's office had to say about the videos getting clicks and likes. >> a viewer reached out to kron 4 concerned about a youtube page that they came across in it. the user post videos of themselves driving recklessly in different parts of the bay area and getting more than 100,000 views doing it. >> wind down highway 29 in napa county. this driver reaches speeds of up to 135 miles per hour. and open road is one thing, but it doesn't take long before they're rolling through stop signs and crossing the center line and yacht bill. >> they could easily cross over and hit somebody head-on. >> erin edwards watched the video with her 3 young kids in the backseat, concerned for their safety known. she has to share the road with drivers like this and disgusted that the videos are then posted on youtube and that somebody would post this kind of video and for likes or reactions or comments is like. its gross. i mean, fame just makes people the idea of fame for something so dangerous. >> the napa county sheriff's office became aware of the youtube videos 2 weeks ago, according to sergeant ryan mcwilliams, he says no legal action will be taken by his department since the major violations occurred on the highway. and that chp has jurisdiction. in this video. the youtuber shows themselves driving down highway 6 ad and conquered and just after reaching 100 miles per hour, this happens. a near collision with 2 other vehicles while weaving in and out of traffic coming. the vehicle is halfway on the shoulder. either way. i'm sure i had chp officer andrew barclay watch the videos. he explained why this kind of reckless driving is so dangerous when people are engaged in reckless driving, they start to experience tunnel vision, which is their vision, just narrows. and all they really see is what's in front and they lose perspective. >> of everything around that. taking the chance of not seeing a pedestrian another car or a motorcyclist. like this gentleman who shook his head at the youtube videos showing speeds well over 100, unfortunately, don't learned repercussions of their actions until it's too late and then somebody is dead it's it's a tragedy. and for what seeing these speeds online is one thing. but officer barclay says you shouldn't hesitate to call 9-1-1. if you see someone driving recklessly around, you could have been 2, 3, 4, other people that have called the man. and we're trying to find this person. and every call that we get is kind of that updated location. these videos have since been made private. the barclay says police are still able to track down. the evidence was posted online. chp has not taken legal action against this particular youtuber. well, over 100. california highway patrol wants all influencers posting content glorifying criminal speeding to know that the crime should be avoided from the start. the reason it's taken so seriously is because it's now a decision that you're making. but you're forcing that poor decision on to everyone else around. you. i reached out to youtube to find out how they handle video showing someone committing a crime, but they declined to comment. >> in studio, i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> in the north bay novato police say they need your help finding this missing man. 82 year-old gary campbell is considered at risk because police say he has declining cognitive issues and is unsure how to return home. gary campbell is 6 feet tall, about 220 pounds with blue eyes and gray hair. he was last seen driving a 2002 red ford ranger pickup truck with the license plate. number 7 t 4, 8, 2, 5, 3, if you see him, you are asked to call police suspect is now in custody in connection to that big home depot fire in san jose. police say 27 year-old dylan j crew's go. qui started the fire while. >> trying to steal merchandise. santa clara county district attorney jeff rosen says an employee of the store tried to stop koch way, but he managed to get away and continued his theft spree at a nearby macy's county and city officials say they are thankful that nobody was hurt. >> a fire that could be detected from outer space and within feet of hundreds of homes. steinbeck elementary school and many, many other. sensitive. locations in our city. >> go queen now faces felony arson and a number of theft charges. if convicted, he faces up to 14 years in prison. more than 100 firefighters worked to put out that fire that destroyed about 17 million dollars in home depot inventory. >> let's check on our 4 zone forecast tonight. a live look outside at sfo. looks like some clouds behind the air traffic control tower there. yeah, pretty clear overall is so check in with chief meteorologist lawrence karnow to nothing to slow you down there. if you plan to head out the coast next couple days, got some big waves are rolling in. you've got a significant storm off the coastline and that is generating very large swell for this time of year, going to be moving in. so, yeah, if you're planning to head over to the coastline, you've got bigger waves moving in the next couple days about 14 and maybe even some 18 footers up toward the beaches. so be careful out along the coastline as those waves come rolling in going to be a pounding to about 7 tomorrow, too. but that may be extended all the way until about friday as well. temperatures outside right now we've got some 50's couple 60's. that's about it. it's kind of cool off a little bit awaiting this next storm system now where that a beautiful sight don't always see this in april. but here you go. you've got wide storm wide trough of low pressure off the coastline. the first part comes in for tomorrow starting on the north bay, then sweeping to the south as we head into the evening hours and the rain start to pick up elsewhere in the san francisco, maybe daly city and across the bay. and then we get to the back side of this, this where it gets really interesting. there's going to be some instability coming in with some weak areas of low pressure as it comes through on thursday. that possibility of some pretty wild weather specially this time of year. you get that extra heating from the sun. if you get some breaks in the clouds that gives more energy to the atmosphere that could give rise to some thunderstorms to the maybe we talk about some funnel clouds in the central valley. maybe some small tornadoes, something to watch out for on thursday would be unheard of. and then as we get to friday, things wind down, but still some lingering showers as we head into friday morning after that looks like things begin to quiet down a couple week. little cold fronts come through. but well, it's hard to get rain late in the season of this being a la nina year. this maybe is about as good as it's going to get 4. so let's enjoy it while we have it looks like it's going to be a little unsettled and a little bit wet as we head out over the next few days. a beautiful look at that storm system off the coastline right now. here's the very latest satellite image just beginning to put itself together. but you've got a good low here. you've got another low center on the backside. you're likely to see another low develop on the backside as well. so that's going to keep things going. go to keep things a bit on the wet side. temperatures for tomorrow. 50's 60's winds will be picking up along the coastline. maybe a little wet in san francisco in the afternoon inside the bay. maybe a little bit wet, too, about south san francisco on northward. i think the south bay should stay dry for the most part of the temperatures. we'll be warmer. there are probably some 60's, maybe some low 70's. thanking ares. still ahead, a atm is ripped right out of buildings were bay area. authorities say they're seeing an increase in this destructive crimes. >> and next, the reunion between a missing baby goat. and what made this moment possible. oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. >> so it he's >> a stolen baby. go now back at home and put no. this, of course, is a real relief to the owner and as well. the goats mom and his little tail reunion is all thanks to believe it or not, a very smart dog kron four's justine waltman tells us how a goat family got everything back together. >> she says, am so happy together. a newborn goat is back where she belongs after someone stole her on friday. the herd with goats r us. we're working on fire mitigation in pinole when someone walked up and snatched the little one. >> to >> then on monday night, a curious little puppy named lay low, sniffed out the goat in richmond while on a walk. it lay low. it went off parking and they thought all night chasing a kid years earlier, some such thing. but as it turns out, >> he was finding our little girl. the dog's owners recognize the missing baby goat from news reports which led to this reunion of mom and baby. the mom was so excited and the baby was thrilled in all the other boats were very curious about where she had been and what the news was from out in the world. so it was just such a feel-good moment. the search is still on for the woman seen in this surveillance video holding the baby goat and getting into a tan car. police want anyone with information about this stolen go case to give them a call in the newsroom. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news. >> coming up in sports, the giants in double header action today in new york as they take on the red-hot mets. it really >> from online scammers to car smash and grabs. it seems like criminals are finding just about any way they can to take money these days. and that includes stealing atm. police department say that there's a definite spike in the breeze and overnight thefts. >> and attempted theft of atm atms are being ripped straight from the walls of buildings. here's a recent example in brentwood where there have been 2 such incidents in the past few weeks. police say on sunday somebody used stolen tractor to tear out a machine a month earlier use a forklift which had been stolen from a construction site. and in antioch sunday, somebody tried to tried but failed to steal an atm from a credit union. officials say it is getting messier and uglier and even when the thieves do not manage to actually get any money, they leave behind an incredible amount of damage. >> it's i'm not exactly sure what the motive is at this point. other than people are resorting to desperate measures. typically when they robbed a bank, you know, they don't end up with a whole lot of money and they they look at it like the bank is is the victim and you're not really hurt anybody. but in this case, you know, the property owners of the victims of banks, that victims of people who are exposed to this stuff for the victims. and so that really is a lot more to fortunately, for these victims that they don't usually end up, get anything out of candidate to cause significant amount of damage. antioch had one as well. the same day we had our recent one and we're working with an compare notes and compare evidence to see if we can put this case together. >> in both recent incidents in brentwood, an antioch at last word. no suspects have been arrested. as for all of that damage will captain silva says it is usually so bad that the price of fixing everything is far more than anything. the robbers are able to get away with it. >> now to the war in ukraine, the pentagon says russia has begun a major new offensive. the escalation in the eastern part of the country comes as u.s. aid arrives to help ukrainian military. russia's attack is focus on the donbass region in the east. moscow backed separatists have been fighting in that area for years. russia's committed thousands of extra forces and it's already begun to pummel and decimate cities in that region. meantime, new u.s. military aid is being sent to ukraine, including heavy weapons, such as howitzer artillery cannons. the pentagon reiterated that no u.s. forces will be in ukraine to help train their soldiers on the new equipment. president biden was on the road today highlighting his 1 trillion dollar infrastructure deal. the president says billions of dollars from the piece of legislation are being spent on rebuilding the nation's ports and waterways. >> investment in modernizing our roads and bridges sense. the interstate highway system was built with eyes. >> biden says 6 billion dollars will also go to rescue nuclear power plants that are at risk of closing. california is set to close its last remaining nuclear power plant. diablo canyon in 2025. officials say they think they can replace it with new solar wind and battery storage resources. >> san francisco is the top city in the united states when it comes to total installed solar power capacity. but honolulu far surpasses any other contender in terms of power generated per capita. as according to a new report published by the environment, california research and policy center lulu generates almost 2 times more solar power per capita than his closest competitor, which is las vegas, san francisco, san diego, san jose, sacramento, los angeles and riverside, all ranked among the top 20 cities across the nation for installed capacity. >> and now kron 4 sports from the 18 t fiber sports desk. >> some people are calling them the fast 5. others like the frisco 5. but whatever your nickname of choice. last night's 3 guard warriors lineup of steph curry, klay thompson, jordan poole, andrew wiggins and draymond green still has dubs fans talking. golden state is now up to games on the denver nuggets in this first round playoff matchup as the series moves to denver for thursday's game 3 and a huge part of the game plan will be to keep this fire this red hot offense keep it stopped. curry thompson and pool went a combined. 31 for 52 from the floor. they hit 13, 3 pointers among them. curry alone was a fire starter coming off the bench to score 34 points in just 23 minutes and together, this group looks almost unbeatable. so can they keep it going away from the friendly confines of chase center? well, curry cited the old cliche series doesn't start until somebody loses at home. >> there are crowds going to be into it. and we have to kind of impose our will. hopefully, you know, pretty quick when we get out there. new dream. i said the locker room game 3 shoes because you snow snag that momentum. and then trying to get greedy after that. so could be our for our game on thursday. >> how about some baseball? the giants in the big apple as they take on the mets. logan webb on the bump for game 2 of their double header. we go to the bottom of the 3rd. no score. 2 on for eduardo escobar and he shoots it down the first base line. one run scores. here comes pete alonso. he scores mets take a 2. nothing lead. webb would get the hook in the 4th inning giving up 3 earned runs. meanwhile, his counterpart, max scherzer was lights out. he no-hit the giants for 5 innings is only the state was this one came here in the top of the 6 darin ruf lining one into left for a base hit. and mike, you strum ski comes into score. so the giants get on the board and get their first hit of the game. still trailing by 2. but didn't let that faze him. he came back out for the 7th. and get steven duggar looking on a beautiful slider. his 10 strikeout of the game giants fall 3 to one of the look to avoid the sweep tomorrow. but after the game, gabe kepler said his confidence and wet hasn't wavered. despite not characteristic performance tonight. and if you reflect back on on who this young pitchers been. >> since kind of like may of last year, one of the best pitchers in baseball. but now this is not just run its. that's who he is. and and we expect that from us from going forward. so on a night like tonight, it's it's not like, oh, it's just the ups and downs of the picture. it's like that because logan it was one of the best pitchers in baseball the mets just be one of best pitchers in baseball. >> here's what happened in game. one of the doubleheader. we're going to show you. it's real exciting. bottom of the 10th all knotted up at 4 runners at the corners for francisco lindor or >> he hits it into center to bring home the winning run. mets walk it off 5 to 4. and finally tonight, checking in on the a's. they are hosting the baltimore orioles game 2 of their 4 game series. and hey, the a's just took the lead on a seth brown 2 run single 2 to one oakland in the top of the 7th. we're going to have those highlights later tonight. so some exciting baseball today, even if the giants didn't win, it's actually the first series that they haven't won this season. they do still have a chance to split, though, because they've got 2 more games coming off to a good start. how about fab five's a pretty good name, but jordan poole. i mean, it seems like he's the magic ingredient that. >> kind ignited that whole fab 5 think absolutely. he's just having an incredible playoff debut he's the reason that no one is going to to guard. these guys have 5, 0, that was a michigan. >> of the name of the michigan basketball 5. when there's every sing. fab 4 the communities. but okay, fair, michigan. he would know anyway. it's still fun. it because jordan poole went to michigan. so there you go. all right. thank you, kate. thanks. next to date screen time for children and teenagers is a battlefront. many parents know well, but one says it is also a problem one says it is also a problem for teams. meet three moms who each like to bank their own way. luckily they've all got chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. taking a nosedive. the streaming service suffered its first subscriber loss in more than a decade. >> netflix is reporting a loss of nearly a quarter million subscribers since january of this year. losses are expected to continue. netflix says it expects a loss of another 2 million users by june. >> password sharing has become a huge problem for streaming services. according to reports streaming platforms lose an estimated 25 billion dollars a year because of it. password sharing became more prevalent during the pandemic. when people started spending more time at home and turning to streaming services for entertainment as one way to fight back. netflix is allowing users to add someone to their plan for a small fee. this is only being done, though, in chile, costa rica and peru. for now, it could be rolled out elsewhere later. >> take a look at this chicago says one of the gorillas is addicted to cell phones. now his zoo keepers are worried is becoming antisocial. staff members say that they've started noticing that 16 year-old >> has or has been spending more and more time looking at customers phones than spending time with his companions. his addiction got to the point where he actually seemed isolated from the other animals. the zoo is now forbidding visitors from showing their phones near mayor to help him control his addiction. you're looking at just kind of chewing on some stuff, but apparently. >> there's a place where visitors can put their phone up against the window. yeah. and he just gets mesmerized by it and stands there and stares at the phone. it's good. he doesn't have a television set. and 16 year-old seen a haha. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 8. vicki standing by with what's going on at 9 o'clock. can you ever feel like you and i are kind of ignored other people all the time. just kind of looking big. all the tickets get that vicki's >> here's what's coming up next on kron. 4 news at night. >> talking about an east bay community who is remembering a man killed when police held him on the ground to the scene here tonight with mario gonzalez. family members are still fighting for this evening. plus, driving like lives don't matter of the alarming new trend. local officers are saying that has them asking. >> the public to pick up the phone while they're on the road. those stories and more when the rain will arrive tomorrow. keep it here. kron. 4 news at 9 starts right after the break. oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 09:00am taylor's mother. >> and it's a great we're all gonna miss him. >> now at 9, 2, years after san leandro police shot and killed stephen taylor. his family has filed a federal lawsuit seeking 10 million dollars. they're accusing both the city and the 2 officers involved in taylor's death. good evening, everybody. welcome in to kron. 4 news at 9 o'clock. i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis. this is just one of several bay area police departments facing lawsuits and settlements today in taylor's lawsuit, his family claims that the officers violated taylor's civil rights and the americans with disabilities act. officers confronted taylor at a walmart here in san leandro. this is april of 2020. they say an officer tried to get taylor to drop a bat and when he didn't, they shot with a taser. the shock of that appear to cause him to point the bat at the ground,

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New York , United States , Mount Sutro , California , Scott Park , Nevada , Alameda County , Oakland , San Leandro , South San Francisco , Russia , Michigan , Denver , Colorado , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Reunion , San Francisco , Ukraine , Diablo Canyon , Berkeley , Daly City , Sacramento , Napa County , Chile , San Quentin , Peru , San Francisco County , American , Gary Campbell , Ruh Roh , Ken Wayne , Dan Kerman Kron , Los Angeles , Charles Bonner , Erin Edwards , Seth Brown , Darin Ruf , Maru Gonzalez , Max Scherzer , Matt Haney , David Campos , Lee Andrews , Mario Gonzalez , Stephen Taylor ,

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tonight. i'm ken wayne. i'm pam moore. today marks one year since 26 year-old mario gonzalez died as he was being restrained by alameda police officers while at a park. >> his family is hosting a vigil at scott park in alameda right now. mario gonzalez's family members, their lawyer and advocates all they're joining others from the community. police say gonzales appeared to be under the influence when the incident happened. and officers thought the that he may have been involved in a theft that, however, was proven to be untrue. gonzales, his heart stopped beating after officers forcibly held him on the ground and placed him in handcuffs us in 2 weeks ago. the alameda county district attorney's office determined that the 3 officers involved in gonzales is death will not face criminal charges. gonzalez, his family has filed another lawsuit against the city and the officers involved kron for sack is attending. that vigil right now should have more on how the alameda community is honoring the life of maru gonzalez. that's coming up on kron. 4 news at night. attorneys for the family of stephen taylor. you see his picture here have filed a 10 million dollar federal civil rights lawsuit against the city of san leandro and 2 police officers. >> it's for shooting and killing taylor 2 years ago today, kron four's dan kerman brings us up to date event. a great deal to us. >> we're going to miss him very much. >> the mother of steven taylor joined attorneys for the family tuesday to announce they filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of san leandro and 2 police officers alleging the killing of taylor at the hands of police violated his civil rights in the american with disabilities act. the city of san leandro and the police department. >> certainly have blood on their hands. this is situation that was wholly preventable should not have happened. but for officers violating the training. but for the city of san leandro turning a blind eye to the pattern conduct of its officers. it was on april 18th of 2021. police confronted taylor at walmart on his spare ian boulevard. >> police say officer jason fletcher advice tailored to drop an aluminum bat and when he didn't, police say fletcher tased him twice. authorities say taylor felt the shock of the taser and pointed the bat at the ground. police say that's when fletcher shot taylor in the chest, killing him. san leandro. police determine taylor pose no threat at the time he was shot. manslaughter charges have been filed against officer fletcher. but this civil targets, fletcher, another officer and the city of san leandro for its policies or lack of policies when it comes to dealing with people in a mental health crisis. we need a mental health response. want san leandro to create a mental health department. >> we want to see a unit able to respond to individuals and mental health crisis without the reliance on military tactics. in a statement, the city of san lee andrews said it will defend itself against the lawsuit. it also acknowledge taylor's death has led to significant changes in the san leandro police department's use of force policies and training. >> and it spurred productive discussion throughout the community about racial justice and social equity. the lawsuit is seeking 10 million dollars. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> 2 current san francisco police officers and a former officer are in trouble with the law. according to an internal affairs investigation. officers, kevin lyons and head of the nra being accused of destroying evidence last july. they're accused of shredding credit cards and id cards and flushing drugs down a hotel toilet rather than processing the evidence. last august, retired officer mark williams was accused of unlawfully taking home a machine gun with a silencer while serving a part-time position with the department. police chief scott says after a nine-month investigation, arrest warrants were issued for all 3 men on friday. they surrendered at the san francisco county jail earlier today. officers live, as you both cited and released on charges of destroying or concealing evidence williams was booked on charges of unlawful possession of a machine gun and embezzlement. chief scott said in a statement in part, quote, has sworn police officers. we have no higher obligation then to earn and maintain public trust. and we are disappointed that these incidents detract from the outstanding work done by our officers and non sworn members every day he went on to say, quote, no one, including a current or retired police officer is above the law. all 3 officers are set to be arraigned on may 19th more than a dozen cars towed and one person now in custody for allegedly punching officer after a weekend sideshow in oakland. police say some 200 spectators and 100 cars took over several intersections along 82nd avenue between macarthur boulevard avenue on sunday, a fight broke out. gunshots were heard, but officers did not find any firearms. police say they will continue to take action to crack down on sideshows. now to our 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look outside of the golden gate bridge with the foggy clouds blowing past the camera on mount sutro and our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now says there's rain in the forecast. yeah, that's kind of where we get that time of year. we start to kind of transition the summer months to get that fog out there. but still a chance of rain in the more to come. >> fact, we've got a pretty significant system headed our way, especially for this time of year that fog sweeping on shore right now out ahead of the cold front that's approaching the bay area. rainfall totals. >> over the last 24 hours, not huge amount but not bad. over a 3rd of an inch in napa canfield over half an inch just over a 10th in half moon bay, right out of 10th and san francisco for hundreds in oakland and just over a quarter of an inch of rain enrichment. here's your next storm system off the coastline. you see a little speckle clouds behind it. the front comes through. then you've got to deal with all this cold air a couple years. low pressure, the sweep in behind that system. and that's going to keep the rain going on and off. i think starting tomorrow continue into thursday and maybe into friday morning as well. right now, kind of quiet outside just a couple lingering showers over some of the mountain tops in northern california. that's about it. but this front is going to come barreling in starting tomorrow afternoon, especially in the north bay. if the showers going to pick up then spreading across the bay area, maybe into the evening hours. and so that rain will be on the way and some gusty winds to go along with that for tomorrow. and a whole lot of snow up in the sierra nevada will have more on that in just a few minutes. but out there overnight tonight, the clouds gather with that patchy fog first tomorrow morning. even some of the most trying to pay some rain coming in the north bay by 09:00am tomorr w morning. and then as we head toward the afternoon, that's when we start to see the cells move through. the front begins to come through sagging further south, bringing more showers, then things really picking up as we head through tomorrow night, midnight 1, 2 o'clock in the morning. some heavier bands move through and then on thursday, a much stronger band moved into late in the day. that one could cause some thunderstorms. we'll have more on that in the rescue weather coming up in just a few minutes. thank you, lawrence. the race is on to see will be san francisco's newest member of the assembly. the polls close at 8 o'clock tonight. just a couple of minutes ago. and as soon as district 17 voters. >> have all the votes tallied. we will certainly bring you the numbers as they come in this decision on district 17 will decide who will represent. california's legislature is lower chamber for assembly. 17 either supervisor matt haney or california democratic party leader david campos. >> one of them will replace david chiu who represented assembly district 17 until october when he resigned to become san francisco city attorney mayor london breed has announced that she is endorsing supervisor. matt haney, district attorney boudin announced that he is endorsing david campos. again, the polls just closed. we are waiting for the results and will bring them to you as soon as they are in it. the drama over mask mandates on transportation systems continues with the department of justice now saying it could appeal the judge's ruling that >> struck down that federal mandate on for as grant lotus joins us now with a possible plan of action in the new changes from asking around the bay area. there is some confusion quite a bit and it depends what agency you're dealing with a lot of time. so what rules are in place and feels like they're still kind of changing as we go. >> and what's going to happen on a federal level is still unclear. the doj says it will only go through with the appeal. >> if the cdc determines that masks are still necessary. >> on monday yesterday, a federal judge appointed during the trump administration rule. the cdc had overstepped its authority when it mandated that masks were needed on planes. so far the cdc has yet to comment. but for now, masks are optional on every major u.s. airline. and at airports, some local transportation agencies are deciding to enforce mask wearing, though, regardless of what the federal mask mandate may have. dunn lifted right now, the tea a bart caltrain immunity are all still requiring face coverings. amtrak is making masks optional. however, and starting tomorrow, you will not need to wear face coverings on ac transit buses just a short time ago today, the agency released a statement saying ac transit is now adopting the voluntary use of face masks on board. all bus lines. it strongly recommnnds our riders continue to wear masks on our system. the change for ac transit takes effect at midnight tonight. meanwhile, uber and lyft have announced they are no longer requiring face coverings. burr is reminding passengers that the cdc still recommends masking up. if you have risk factors or if there are high transmission levels in your area, both companies allow customers to cancel trips if they feel uncomfortable. pam. ken, back to you. grant, thank you. >> well, the cdc is busy on another issue. it is launching a new operation to help with response to covid and a future pandemics. the center for forecasting an outbreak analytics launch today. its leaders say data collection problems have made it harder to predict the course of the current pandemic in the united states. they also say that the agency needs to have better access to data from state governments and hospitals. the center awarded 21 million dollars to academic institutions to develop modeling and forecasting methods. there's also a new smartphone app that can reportedly detect whether or not you've been infected with covid-19, the rez app. that's our ems app uses machine learning to analyze your cough. >> during testers found a correctly detect covid-19 with 92% accuracy. vaccine maker pfizer has offered by rez app for 74 million dollars. >> coming up, if you still have not filed your state income taxes, you have a little more time to get it done by the state is extending its deadline until tonight. why one couple harassed an amtrak train while headed up to the bay area say they're being targeted. we'll explain. when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. (music throughout) let our injury attorneys help you a couple traveling with their 2 young children say that they were heckled by a stranger over their orientation. >> harbor, a lot judgments in ignorance about families like ours. and i i just want that 10. >> robbie peers and neil problem. and we're leaving los angeles heading to open on board the amtrak train. the couple says a man started yelling homophobic slurs in front of their children. the yelling went on for several minutes before the family got up to leave amtrak employees eventually stepped in and the man was removed from the train by sheriff's deputies and san jose. however, the man was not arrested and has not been idendified. the couple says the situation was traumatizing for their family. >> so you're the head of files there is. the their nomination just the worst things, the worst words ever that it could have been from the child. >> amtrak says it is investigating the incident and plans on banning the customer from any future rights. >> the african american owners of boutique clothing store in timber on have reached a financial settlement. settlement with that town. yeah. this stems from a racial profiling incident back in august of 2020 when timber on police officers questioned the couple while they were working late at night in their own shop as khan forcefully to go reports, the 2 sides work together to avoid litigation. >> we'll watch. and her husband to leave are living proof that good can come from even the worst of situations. it was definitely a traumatic experience that has affected our lives forever. but i would say the good things that have come from it are real substantial policy changes that will help protect. >> black and brown people came shop they were working in after hours. and this went on for 11 minutes until a white man came out on the balcony. >> after seeing all the flashing lights and yelled go, what are you all doing? that's their store. and then police scattered civil rights attorney charles bonner and his office negotiated $150,000 settlement agreement with the town. it also includes citywide policy changes. >> the town has taken steps to make it easier for members of the public to identify officers they interact with and more ways to report complaints. a citizen advisory panel has also been created allowing residents and business owners to provide input on the hiring and firing of officers having a and having a seat at the table decisions are made. i think that's crucial in a statement, the town's mayor says changes resulting from this settlement will help make timber on a leader in diversity, inclusion and transparency. shortly after the incident citing personal reasons the supervising officer that night in the police chief resigned in front in timber on fleet juggle all kron. 4 news. >> 2 bills aims to bolster california's gun laws cleared key committees today. one bill allows private citizens, local governments and the state attorney general to sue gun makers and sellers. the other aims to strengthen the state's ban on ghost guns by stopping the sale of untraceable gun parts and requiring anyone with an unregistered gun to make them untraceable. supporters say these measures would make sure that the gun industry faces accountability like every other industry. but opponents of the bill say lawmakers should take aim at those behind the trigger. >> parts don't kill people. behave kills. people. i wished our focus would be more directed torch. the shoes with any weapon. >> both bills now head to the assembly, appropriations committee. a spring snowstorm is sweeping through the sierra nevada right now. a winter weather warning from the national weather service is in place for the greater lake tahoe area. according to caltrans chain controls are in place this morning on interstate 80. it. >> donner summit, our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is checking this snowpack. they're starting to say they're going to be until late june ending. yeah. the dates and considering where we are at right guard least noted all and much of january in favor of this may be the biggest storm we've seen in quite some time. this a good storm for april. that's for sure. right now. a little bit of a break in the snow storm. still a little breeze is look at donner summit right now. but that snow is on the way. winter storm warnings issued by the national weather service starting at 5 o'clock in the afternoon on wednesday and continuing all the way until 11:00am on friday. and that goes right across the lake tahoe area and a continued further to the north as we're going to see some heavy snow, maybe as much as 2, maybe 3 feet of snow across the higher peaks above 7,000 feet. but it's going to snow just about everywhere you go. so if you're heading that direction, be prepared these next few days and this is going to be a much different type of storm than what we've seen in quite some time. so here's a look at our going time now for things kind of winding down there tonight. and then tomorrow through the day, not battle, though. it's going start to pick up maybe as early as the afternoon and then the models start to show some of that snow moving in by about 11 o'clock or so. but i think it could be a little bit earlier than that. so the pair don't think that you're just going to sneak up there tomorrow and get there before that snow happens. be prepared. just in case that comes a little bit early on a thursday, maybe some whiteout conditions up there by the afternoon. some heavy snow is likely to move across the sierra during the day and some gusts as high as 80 miles per hour across the mountain peaks. that will likely continue on and off right through about friday morning. maybe in the middle of the day and then things begin to subside. that should leave a lot of fresh powder for this next weekend. yeah, we've got a chance of snow by the evening tomorrow and then expect that snow to continue into thursday. stormy weather, some cold weather up there to be prepared if you're headed to the high country. thank you, lawrence. >> well, san francisco will allow onsite cannabis sales at tomorrow's for 20 celebration in golden gate park city officials say it will be the first time in the event's history. the celebration of attorney for the first time. as a matter of fact, since the covid pandemic started and it is scheduled to run from noon to 05:00pm and expected to draw up to 20,000 people. in addition to cannabis and food sales, this year's for 20 celebration will also feature a dedication to the late comedian and actor robin williams. officials say attendees will be required to show a valid id and vaccination card in order to enter the event. and the event will be enclosed by a fence outside lands returns this year in august. and the lineup was finally released today. the top headliners include. >> berkeley legends, green day rap artist post malone and r and b singer tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10:00am. the music festival will kick off on august 5th through the 7th set golden gate park in the city. >> coming up on the half hour, reckless driving on posted to social media. high-speed minutes. coming up. and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. >> you have a little extra time to file your state income taxes if you haven't done so already, california is giving residents until 11:59pm. tonight to file after a technical glitch that kept some people from eating yesterday's deadline. the franchise tax board the the filing deadline to tonight after a service disruption on its web pay app. the agency didn't say what caused the problem. california can file their state returns for free through the count file tool that's on the tax board's website. >> prisoners at san quentin can now get college credit for courses taken while they are inside the prison for decades. san quentin has offered inmates courses in literature, american government and other higher education classes. but the program was not accredited, but now the prisoners taking courses are officially students of mount pamela pius community college. it is the nation's first community college with a campus inside a prison with a new accreditation students can more easily transfer to other colleges after their incarceration ants. i did a cracking down on speeding in california. why the highway patrol says. >> the crime is getting aslot of attention online. plus, new details in the fire that destroyed a home depot in the south bay. and the increasingly wild and damaging attempts to steal atm is attempts to steal atm is around the bay area. when a truck hit my car, attempts to steal atm is athe insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. i'm dan o'dowd let our injury attorneys help you and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. speeding in california is a punishable offense. it could lead to serious charges. >> some drivers are brazen enough to not only go more than 50 or 60 miles an hour over the speed limit. but they also post a video evidence on youtube. if you can believe >> in a story you'll only see here on kron 4. our rob nesbitt reports on what the chp and the napa county sheriff's office had to say about the videos getting clicks and likes. >> a viewer reached out to kron 4 concerned about a youtube page that they came across in it. the user post videos of themselves driving recklessly in different parts of the bay area and getting more than 100,000 views doing it. >> wind down highway 29 in napa county. this driver reaches speeds of up to 135 miles per hour. and open road is one thing, but it doesn't take long before they're rolling through stop signs and crossing the center line and yacht bill. >> they could easily cross over and hit somebody head-on. >> erin edwards watched the video with her 3 young kids in the backseat, concerned for their safety known. she has to share the road with drivers like this and disgusted that the videos are then posted on youtube and that somebody would post this kind of video and for likes or reactions or comments is like. its gross. i mean, fame just makes people the idea of fame for something so dangerous. >> the napa county sheriff's office became aware of the youtube videos 2 weeks ago, according to sergeant ryan mcwilliams, he says no legal action will be taken by his department since the major violations occurred on the highway. and that chp has jurisdiction. in this video. the youtuber shows themselves driving down highway 6 ad and conquered and just after reaching 100 miles per hour, this happens. a near collision with 2 other vehicles while weaving in and out of traffic coming. the vehicle is halfway on the shoulder. either way. i'm sure i had chp officer andrew barclay watch the videos. he explained why this kind of reckless driving is so dangerous when people are engaged in reckless driving, they start to experience tunnel vision, which is their vision, just narrows. and all they really see is what's in front and they lose perspective. >> of everything around that. taking the chance of not seeing a pedestrian another car or a motorcyclist. like this gentleman who shook his head at the youtube videos showing speeds well over 100, unfortunately, don't learned repercussions of their actions until it's too late and then somebody is dead it's it's a tragedy. and for what seeing these speeds online is one thing. but officer barclay says you shouldn't hesitate to call 9-1-1. if you see someone driving recklessly around, you could have been 2, 3, 4, other people that have called the man. and we're trying to find this person. and every call that we get is kind of that updated location. these videos have since been made private. the barclay says police are still able to track down. the evidence was posted online. chp has not taken legal action against this particular youtuber. well, over 100. california highway patrol wants all influencers posting content glorifying criminal speeding to know that the crime should be avoided from the start. the reason it's taken so seriously is because it's now a decision that you're making. but you're forcing that poor decision on to everyone else around. you. i reached out to youtube to find out how they handle video showing someone committing a crime, but they declined to comment. >> in studio, i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> in the north bay novato police say they need your help finding this missing man. 82 year-old gary campbell is considered at risk because police say he has declining cognitive issues and is unsure how to return home. gary campbell is 6 feet tall, about 220 pounds with blue eyes and gray hair. he was last seen driving a 2002 red ford ranger pickup truck with the license plate. number 7 t 4, 8, 2, 5, 3, if you see him, you are asked to call police suspect is now in custody in connection to that big home depot fire in san jose. police say 27 year-old dylan j crew's go. qui started the fire while. >> trying to steal merchandise. santa clara county district attorney jeff rosen says an employee of the store tried to stop koch way, but he managed to get away and continued his theft spree at a nearby macy's county and city officials say they are thankful that nobody was hurt. >> a fire that could be detected from outer space and within feet of hundreds of homes. steinbeck elementary school and many, many other. sensitive. locations in our city. >> go queen now faces felony arson and a number of theft charges. if convicted, he faces up to 14 years in prison. more than 100 firefighters worked to put out that fire that destroyed about 17 million dollars in home depot inventory. >> let's check on our 4 zone forecast tonight. a live look outside at sfo. looks like some clouds behind the air traffic control tower there. yeah, pretty clear overall is so check in with chief meteorologist lawrence karnow to nothing to slow you down there. if you plan to head out the coast next couple days, got some big waves are rolling in. you've got a significant storm off the coastline and that is generating very large swell for this time of year, going to be moving in. so, yeah, if you're planning to head over to the coastline, you've got bigger waves moving in the next couple days about 14 and maybe even some 18 footers up toward the beaches. so be careful out along the coastline as those waves come rolling in going to be a pounding to about 7 tomorrow, too. but that may be extended all the way until about friday as well. temperatures outside right now we've got some 50's couple 60's. that's about it. it's kind of cool off a little bit awaiting this next storm system now where that a beautiful sight don't always see this in april. but here you go. you've got wide storm wide trough of low pressure off the coastline. the first part comes in for tomorrow starting on the north bay, then sweeping to the south as we head into the evening hours and the rain start to pick up elsewhere in the san francisco, maybe daly city and across the bay. and then we get to the back side of this, this where it gets really interesting. there's going to be some instability coming in with some weak areas of low pressure as it comes through on thursday. that possibility of some pretty wild weather specially this time of year. you get that extra heating from the sun. if you get some breaks in the clouds that gives more energy to the atmosphere that could give rise to some thunderstorms to the maybe we talk about some funnel clouds in the central valley. maybe some small tornadoes, something to watch out for on thursday would be unheard of. and then as we get to friday, things wind down, but still some lingering showers as we head into friday morning after that looks like things begin to quiet down a couple week. little cold fronts come through. but well, it's hard to get rain late in the season of this being a la nina year. this maybe is about as good as it's going to get 4. so let's enjoy it while we have it looks like it's going to be a little unsettled and a little bit wet as we head out over the next few days. a beautiful look at that storm system off the coastline right now. here's the very latest satellite image just beginning to put itself together. but you've got a good low here. you've got another low center on the backside. you're likely to see another low develop on the backside as well. so that's going to keep things going. go to keep things a bit on the wet side. temperatures for tomorrow. 50's 60's winds will be picking up along the coastline. maybe a little wet in san francisco in the afternoon inside the bay. maybe a little bit wet, too, about south san francisco on northward. i think the south bay should stay dry for the most part of the temperatures. we'll be warmer. there are probably some 60's, maybe some low 70's. thanking ares. still ahead, a atm is ripped right out of buildings were bay area. authorities say they're seeing an increase in this destructive crimes. >> and next, the reunion between a missing baby goat. and what made this moment possible. oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. >> so it he's >> a stolen baby. go now back at home and put no. this, of course, is a real relief to the owner and as well. the goats mom and his little tail reunion is all thanks to believe it or not, a very smart dog kron four's justine waltman tells us how a goat family got everything back together. >> she says, am so happy together. a newborn goat is back where she belongs after someone stole her on friday. the herd with goats r us. we're working on fire mitigation in pinole when someone walked up and snatched the little one. >> to >> then on monday night, a curious little puppy named lay low, sniffed out the goat in richmond while on a walk. it lay low. it went off parking and they thought all night chasing a kid years earlier, some such thing. but as it turns out, >> he was finding our little girl. the dog's owners recognize the missing baby goat from news reports which led to this reunion of mom and baby. the mom was so excited and the baby was thrilled in all the other boats were very curious about where she had been and what the news was from out in the world. so it was just such a feel-good moment. the search is still on for the woman seen in this surveillance video holding the baby goat and getting into a tan car. police want anyone with information about this stolen go case to give them a call in the newsroom. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news. >> coming up in sports, the giants in double header action today in new york as they take on the red-hot mets. it really >> from online scammers to car smash and grabs. it seems like criminals are finding just about any way they can to take money these days. and that includes stealing atm. police department say that there's a definite spike in the breeze and overnight thefts. >> and attempted theft of atm atms are being ripped straight from the walls of buildings. here's a recent example in brentwood where there have been 2 such incidents in the past few weeks. police say on sunday somebody used stolen tractor to tear out a machine a month earlier use a forklift which had been stolen from a construction site. and in antioch sunday, somebody tried to tried but failed to steal an atm from a credit union. officials say it is getting messier and uglier and even when the thieves do not manage to actually get any money, they leave behind an incredible amount of damage. >> it's i'm not exactly sure what the motive is at this point. other than people are resorting to desperate measures. typically when they robbed a bank, you know, they don't end up with a whole lot of money and they they look at it like the bank is is the victim and you're not really hurt anybody. but in this case, you know, the property owners of the victims of banks, that victims of people who are exposed to this stuff for the victims. and so that really is a lot more to fortunately, for these victims that they don't usually end up, get anything out of candidate to cause significant amount of damage. antioch had one as well. the same day we had our recent one and we're working with an compare notes and compare evidence to see if we can put this case together. >> in both recent incidents in brentwood, an antioch at last word. no suspects have been arrested. as for all of that damage will captain silva says it is usually so bad that the price of fixing everything is far more than anything. the robbers are able to get away with it. >> now to the war in ukraine, the pentagon says russia has begun a major new offensive. the escalation in the eastern part of the country comes as u.s. aid arrives to help ukrainian military. russia's attack is focus on the donbass region in the east. moscow backed separatists have been fighting in that area for years. russia's committed thousands of extra forces and it's already begun to pummel and decimate cities in that region. meantime, new u.s. military aid is being sent to ukraine, including heavy weapons, such as howitzer artillery cannons. the pentagon reiterated that no u.s. forces will be in ukraine to help train their soldiers on the new equipment. president biden was on the road today highlighting his 1 trillion dollar infrastructure deal. the president says billions of dollars from the piece of legislation are being spent on rebuilding the nation's ports and waterways. >> investment in modernizing our roads and bridges sense. the interstate highway system was built with eyes. >> biden says 6 billion dollars will also go to rescue nuclear power plants that are at risk of closing. california is set to close its last remaining nuclear power plant. diablo canyon in 2025. officials say they think they can replace it with new solar wind and battery storage resources. >> san francisco is the top city in the united states when it comes to total installed solar power capacity. but honolulu far surpasses any other contender in terms of power generated per capita. as according to a new report published by the environment, california research and policy center lulu generates almost 2 times more solar power per capita than his closest competitor, which is las vegas, san francisco, san diego, san jose, sacramento, los angeles and riverside, all ranked among the top 20 cities across the nation for installed capacity. >> and now kron 4 sports from the 18 t fiber sports desk. >> some people are calling them the fast 5. others like the frisco 5. but whatever your nickname of choice. last night's 3 guard warriors lineup of steph curry, klay thompson, jordan poole, andrew wiggins and draymond green still has dubs fans talking. golden state is now up to games on the denver nuggets in this first round playoff matchup as the series moves to denver for thursday's game 3 and a huge part of the game plan will be to keep this fire this red hot offense keep it stopped. curry thompson and pool went a combined. 31 for 52 from the floor. they hit 13, 3 pointers among them. curry alone was a fire starter coming off the bench to score 34 points in just 23 minutes and together, this group looks almost unbeatable. so can they keep it going away from the friendly confines of chase center? well, curry cited the old cliche series doesn't start until somebody loses at home. >> there are crowds going to be into it. and we have to kind of impose our will. hopefully, you know, pretty quick when we get out there. new dream. i said the locker room game 3 shoes because you snow snag that momentum. and then trying to get greedy after that. so could be our for our game on thursday. >> how about some baseball? the giants in the big apple as they take on the mets. logan webb on the bump for game 2 of their double header. we go to the bottom of the 3rd. no score. 2 on for eduardo escobar and he shoots it down the first base line. one run scores. here comes pete alonso. he scores mets take a 2. nothing lead. webb would get the hook in the 4th inning giving up 3 earned runs. meanwhile, his counterpart, max scherzer was lights out. he no-hit the giants for 5 innings is only the state was this one came here in the top of the 6 darin ruf lining one into left for a base hit. and mike, you strum ski comes into score. so the giants get on the board and get their first hit of the game. still trailing by 2. but didn't let that faze him. he came back out for the 7th. and get steven duggar looking on a beautiful slider. his 10 strikeout of the game giants fall 3 to one of the look to avoid the sweep tomorrow. but after the game, gabe kepler said his confidence and wet hasn't wavered. despite not characteristic performance tonight. and if you reflect back on on who this young pitchers been. >> since kind of like may of last year, one of the best pitchers in baseball. but now this is not just run its. that's who he is. and and we expect that from us from going forward. so on a night like tonight, it's it's not like, oh, it's just the ups and downs of the picture. it's like that because logan it was one of the best pitchers in baseball the mets just be one of best pitchers in baseball. >> here's what happened in game. one of the doubleheader. we're going to show you. it's real exciting. bottom of the 10th all knotted up at 4 runners at the corners for francisco lindor or >> he hits it into center to bring home the winning run. mets walk it off 5 to 4. and finally tonight, checking in on the a's. they are hosting the baltimore orioles game 2 of their 4 game series. and hey, the a's just took the lead on a seth brown 2 run single 2 to one oakland in the top of the 7th. we're going to have those highlights later tonight. so some exciting baseball today, even if the giants didn't win, it's actually the first series that they haven't won this season. they do still have a chance to split, though, because they've got 2 more games coming off to a good start. how about fab five's a pretty good name, but jordan poole. i mean, it seems like he's the magic ingredient that. >> kind ignited that whole fab 5 think absolutely. he's just having an incredible playoff debut he's the reason that no one is going to to guard. these guys have 5, 0, that was a michigan. >> of the name of the michigan basketball 5. when there's every sing. fab 4 the communities. but okay, fair, michigan. he would know anyway. it's still fun. it because jordan poole went to michigan. so there you go. all right. thank you, kate. thanks. next to date screen time for children and teenagers is a battlefront. many parents know well, but one says it is also a problem one says it is also a problem for teams. meet three moms who each like to bank their own way. luckily they've all got chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. taking a nosedive. the streaming service suffered its first subscriber loss in more than a decade. >> netflix is reporting a loss of nearly a quarter million subscribers since january of this year. losses are expected to continue. netflix says it expects a loss of another 2 million users by june. >> password sharing has become a huge problem for streaming services. according to reports streaming platforms lose an estimated 25 billion dollars a year because of it. password sharing became more prevalent during the pandemic. when people started spending more time at home and turning to streaming services for entertainment as one way to fight back. netflix is allowing users to add someone to their plan for a small fee. this is only being done, though, in chile, costa rica and peru. for now, it could be rolled out elsewhere later. >> take a look at this chicago says one of the gorillas is addicted to cell phones. now his zoo keepers are worried is becoming antisocial. staff members say that they've started noticing that 16 year-old >> has or has been spending more and more time looking at customers phones than spending time with his companions. his addiction got to the point where he actually seemed isolated from the other animals. the zoo is now forbidding visitors from showing their phones near mayor to help him control his addiction. you're looking at just kind of chewing on some stuff, but apparently. >> there's a place where visitors can put their phone up against the window. yeah. and he just gets mesmerized by it and stands there and stares at the phone. it's good. he doesn't have a television set. and 16 year-old seen a haha. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 8. vicki standing by with what's going on at 9 o'clock. can you ever feel like you and i are kind of ignored other people all the time. just kind of looking big. all the tickets get that vicki's >> here's what's coming up next on kron. 4 news at night. >> talking about an east bay community who is remembering a man killed when police held him on the ground to the scene here tonight with mario gonzalez. family members are still fighting for this evening. plus, driving like lives don't matter of the alarming new trend. local officers are saying that has them asking. >> the public to pick up the phone while they're on the road. those stories and more when the rain will arrive tomorrow. keep it here. kron. 4 news at 9 starts right after the break. oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 09:00am taylor's mother. >> and it's a great we're all gonna miss him. >> now at 9, 2, years after san leandro police shot and killed stephen taylor. his family has filed a federal lawsuit seeking 10 million dollars. they're accusing both the city and the 2 officers involved in taylor's death. good evening, everybody. welcome in to kron. 4 news at 9 o'clock. i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis. this is just one of several bay area police departments facing lawsuits and settlements today in taylor's lawsuit, his family claims that the officers violated taylor's civil rights and the americans with disabilities act. officers confronted taylor at a walmart here in san leandro. this is april of 2020. they say an officer tried to get taylor to drop a bat and when he didn't, they shot with a taser. the shock of that appear to cause him to point the bat at the ground,

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