Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 6pm 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 6pm 20240708

>> from the bay area's news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. bringing this lawsuit. >> it's to help bring systemic change to the san francisco district attorney's office. >> san francisco district attorney boudin is the subject of a federal lawsuit. the alliance for asian american justice says the da's office is not doing enough to prosecute those who commit hate crimes against asian american and pacific islanders in the city. thank you for joining us tonight for kron. 4 news at 6. i'm pam moore and i'm ken wayne. the alliance says it's had a hard time finding victims willing to speak up. kron four's rob nesbitt reports on one man who did have the courage to speak out today about his attack. >> his name is on lay and he broke down into tears at one point during tuesday's press conference when talking about his attackers and the lack of justice in his 2019 case since the pandemic, more asian-americans have had to endure encounters like these hate crimes that often turn violent. it's why brian son helped start the alliance for asian american justice last year. going from 5 lawyers to more than 90 law firms today. we don't want to be walking down the street and have somebody yell out. >% you brought the virus here and start chopping honest with the bat. on tuesday, the alliance gave on lay a platform to share the story of how he was attacked while out for a walk in san francisco's chinatown. >> saying and beat him with a glass bottle while threatening to kill him. the attack was the most brutal. >> terrifying and humiliating experience of my life. and the stay with me ever since. according to lay them and adolescents and also beat him with a bat and made death threats in addition to sharing his attack late expressed his frustration with how the san francisco district attorney handled his case allowed the adult male attacker to plea to a misdemeanor. with one year of probation, the alliance for asian american justice has filed a civil lawsuit on la's behalf as well as a federal lawsuit against district attorney jason dean in response to recent hate crimes. >> is one of the lawyers representing lay these attacks have left our communities in mourning. terrified. let me repeat that terrified. a further severe harm toss as the federal lawsuit isn't seeking money but is asking for restorative justice and an apology from the da's office are seeking systemic change. and we're hoping that other asian-american victims will step up because we're willing to step up with them. i've reached out to the san francisco district attorney's office for comment but have not heard back in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news today. the san francisco police department released a number of bias motivated crimes against the ap. i community at a news conference in chinatown. mayor london breed said it will take more investment in public safety to reduce the number of crimes against asian american residents. force has the mud. un has that part of our coverage? >> and we have to take responsibility. >> for preventing the hate. and the anti-asian violence. >> as the chinese american community in san francisco prepares to celebrate the lunar new year of the tiger, the number of hate crimes againts aap. i community members is top of mind for police chief bill scott who says there was a six-fold increase over the past 2 years. we had 8. >> in 2019. we had 9 2020 and we had 60. in 2021. that is significant. that is concerning. and that is alarming. in fact, asian-americans recorded the most significant growth in hate crime incidents over that period. according to preliminary statistical data released by the san francisco police department. more than 30 of the 60 incidents were committed by the same offender. >> and individual we arrested last august 4 series of burglaries in acts of vandalism. in which this person deliberately targeted asian victims. many of those par gutted 4 attacks and robberies are members of the aap i senior community. >> when i was growing up in some of the most challenging of circumstances in san francisco. it would have broken my heart. to have my grandmother. be attacked. in the way that we see so many of our seniors in the ap, i community being attacked. san francisco mayor london breed says now that the data is available, it is time to make some changes. >> it is time to change it with a number of investments we make in nonprofit agencies that help support our seniors in this community. and it is time to change it with the number of investments that we must make in the police department in our ambassadors programs and other things that will continue to make sure that in this year 2022 that those numbers decline just as significantly as they rose. so may i want to stop and thank you. >> fall coming to almost immediately when all this is happening as it might. kron 4 news. >> happening right now in san jose city council is debating a proposed ordinance that would require gun owners to have liability insurance coverage for each firearm. kron four's ella sogomonian breaks it down, how it would work and what opponents have to say about it. l a. >> then on top of that liability insurer, vinci ordinance would force gun owners to pay an annual $25 fee. this is up for a vote before the council as we speak. mayor sam liccardo expect some push back from the public but majority support from the council councilman david cohen said this is all in response to mass shootings, domestic violence, accidental shootings in the home and suicide gun owners who oppose the proposal say not they should be taxed on their constitutional rights, but more so believe that this will not achieve the goal of curbing gun violence and just tax on one more expense for law abiding citizens. here's where the focus should be. instead, according to the executive director with the grassroots community group. >> we don't want to see gun violence. we don't want to see anybody injured on the streets anymore. and it's time that we do do something. and how do we do that? but we need to address laws, local laws that are allowing criminals to run free and online criminals to hurt people. we need to go into mental health and we need to build more hospitals. we need to actually help people with sobriety and help people get back on their feet so that they're not on the streets that they actually have care and compassion and they have a where they can go for help. we need to hire more police officers. you need to actually prosecute crimes. >> he went on to say that existing gun laws were just enforce. crime would go down. and if past san jose would be the first city in the nation to put this type of ordinance in place. so council does approve that ordinance tonight and at its second reading on february, 8th, it will then become effective on august. 8th. live in the newsroom. ella sogomonian kron. 4 thank you for that. in the east bay, the open teachers association and the school district have reached an agreement. >> on covid safety protocols, the union members still have to vote on the agreement. some of the terms include expanded covid testing more outdoor spaces for lunch and assemblies and the distribution of kn 95 masks. a big story tonight. governor newsome and state lawmakers have just reached an agreement to revive a law to provide workers with up to 2 weeks of paid sick leave while they recover from covid. >> california's initial supplemental paid sick leave law expired at the end of september, it's being reported that the legislation is likely to be fast tracked to the governor's desk in the coming weeks. it will apply to businesses with at least 26 employees. the occupational safety and health administration is expected to withdraw its covid temporary emergency standards for the workplace. under those standards, employees of companies with more than 100 workers were required to be vaccinated or undergo weekly covid tests. but a recent u.s. supreme court decision said that osha could not enforce that standard while it's being challenged and added that the challengers to rule are likely to win their case. the standard will be lifted tomorrow. a big announcement from major vaccine makers pfizer and biontech say they're starting clinical trials for omicron specific covid vaccine. >> for people age 18 to 55. the trial is set to be conducted in 3 phases with more than 1400 participants. pfizer ceo, as previously said, they expect to have a vaccine targeting omicron ready by march. a large contingent of forty-niners fans are expected to head south for sunday's huge nfc championship game between the forty-niners and the los angeles rams. clown source believes got talks with a few of them who are hoping to land tickets to that highly anticipated game. >> to say adam fox and his son keaton would give an arm and a leg to watch the san francisco forty-niners square off against the los angeles rams at so-fi stadium in the southland might be a stretch but not too far off. drive fly. >> train. >> anything the danville residents say travel wouldn't be the problem. it's just difficult. finding tickets at a decent price. and they've been looking since the niners ers season saturday. how much you're willing to the tickets that i'm looking at right now. >> this is like the lowest ones are after grand right now. so not exactly sure how much i'm willing to pay, but up. looking for is a little bit take its cheaper than that's for sure. candy thinly is keeping a close eye on the ticket market, but he's not concerned about getting in. >> she is a season ticket holder based in southern california routinely traveling up to levi stadium for home games. she expects to pay her way into sunday's game in the next few section i was looking at there are about 1000 because that lot. >> season tickets for the chargers this year to sail. and so on that in my section to see what they were going for. so they are like 1015 finley traveled to new orleans and miami for the niners last 2 super bowl runs and hopes the team can push past the rams and stay in la for a shot at the franchise's 6th super bowl yeah, i will be there. it being in la is a huge advantage i think one thing's for certain. we know they will definitely show up. >> phillipe djegal all kron. 4 news kron. 4 has you covered as we get ready for the game? we're going have a special red and gold zone each night this week at air. starting tonight at a >> 10:45pm. >> coming up, the trend of people moving out of big cities apparently is not going away anytime soon. the new before that reveals just how many people are searching for cheaper places to live the traditional s a t exam is changing for good students can ditch their pencils for their keyboards. why officials say it will help make the college admissions process more fair. president biden pushing to prepare for possible war. we have a live report on the latest conflict between ukraine and russia. that's after the break. and sunny and dry around the bay area again today. but there are signs that things are beginning to change. the atmosphere will tell you when. tell you when. >> coming up next. after my car accident, tell you when. >> comini wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. latest developments on the rising tensions in ukraine. the u.s. and its nato allies are now rushing to prepare for a possible war. >> as russia conducts military drills near ukraine. meanwhile, ukrainian leaders are trying to maintain calm, saying a russian invasion is not imminent. washington correspondent jessi tenure joins us now live from capitol hill with the latest. jesse? >> good evening, ken and pam, president biden said today he doesn't even think the russian people know what president putin is going to do next. but he reiterated the u.s. stands ready. >> it would change the world if russia invades ukraine. the white house is still considering a wide range of options. but on tuesday, president biden made one thing clear. we have no intention of putting american forces are forces in ukraine. the pentagon announced monday it's preparing to send as many as 8500 troops to join the nato response force on the eastern flank in an effort to deter president putin. they're going to be serious economic consequences. if you move to keep couldn't guessing. the biden administration is not disclosing exactly what financial punishments it has ready. well, they could cut russia off from u.s. dollars in international banking. president biden said they will also include personal sanctions against his russian counterpart. we see that the kremlin said the pentagon strip announcement shows the u.s. is feeling this conflict. but white house press secretary jen psaki push back the aggressive behavior here is but on the part of the russians, this is a defensive alliance, not an offensive alliance. that appears to administration move in the right direction. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell said the white house seems to be following his advice. >> act before not after a potential invasion. the russians have grabbed a piece of ukraine are trying to overthrow the entire government. >> it's really to lead. >> and the pentagon has yet to identify which units based in the u.s. could be headed overseas right now, officials are still notifying the troops and their families live in washington. i'm jessi tenure. thank you, jesse. >> speaker of the house nancy pelosi officially running for reelection. the san francisco congresswoman made that announcement in this video posted to twitter speaker pelosi is the only woman in united states history to ever be elected speaker of the house. she has represented san francisco in congress for more than 30 years in the video announcement, pelosi did not say if she would run for speaker if the democrats retain the majority in the house. she had promised back in 2018 that this would be her last term in that position. but it's not clear if that is still her plan. a 16 year-old san jose boy has been arrested and charged with the murder of a 12 year-old san jose girl who fatally overdosed on fentanyl. >> according to santa clara county district attorney's office back in november of 2020, the 12 year-old girl died after purchasing and snorting what's called an and 30 pill, which is a counterfeit fentanyl-laced opioid pill from the suspect dealer. the boy was arrested and booked into a juvenile detention center. the girl was the youngest person in santa clara county to die from an overdose in 2020. 2 arrests have been made in 2 separate arson cases in contra costa county. here's a look at some of the damage done. the first incident happened friday in clayton there. police say 57 year-old kevin cooper lived a large debris fire in the back of a business that ended up damaging the inside of the building. the second incident happened saturday in pittsburgh. police say they got calls of a person reportedly opening fire hydrants. officers say they found 42 year-old dennis wolf and barger at the scene where they say he admitted to starting a fire near a business. the good news is that left no damage. >> let's check on our 4 zone forecast. a live look outside looking out over downtown san francisco on what looks like a clear night. now check in with lawrence karnow own. see what's happening more. yeah. i like those clouds will be rolling in and bring us some rain right now. it is dry out there again. looks like those offshore winds going to kick in. well, a little breezy over some of the mountain tops out there, but dry as can be out toward the golden gate bridge sign elsewhere around the bay area. the temperatures a little below the average actually in the san francisco. 56. 57 in oakland. 63 degrees in san jose. 65 degrees. a little more for high 63 in concord and 63 degrees in santa rosa. we have had some fog a rolling along the coastline today. you see it right there. begin to fade away a little bit. but that on shore breeze does persist outside right now. that's going to change overnight tonight. we're beginning to see that the in the north bay hills, you start to see the northerly component. the winds and that's going to that offshore wind that's going to set up across the entire bay area helping to clear our skies will be blustery at times. models are picking up on that 2 overnight tonight across some of the top of the mountains. you see the colors and red and orange there as we head toward early tomorrow morning, everybody seeing that offshore wind. that means that fog is going to be moving out. clear skies settling in. you'll see plenty of stars out there. it is going to be cold overnight. lows dropping off in the mid 30's. and then as we head through the day tomorrow, maybe a return of an on shore breeze up toward the coastline. things staying rather quiet around the bay area. temperatures right now 40's and 50's outside. i think we're going to see a change in the weather pattern. you've got a couple systems off the coastline. got this from further out here. high pressure. unfortunately, this kind of signature, the ridge not a good way getting rain less. you finally see something punched through or undercut that we may see that happening as we get into the weekend for tomorrow, though, remaining mild outside temperatures running well into the 60's. up. state lawmakers are trying to ban the sale of cigarettes. we're going to tell you about the new legislation and what it means for tobacco companies. >> and after an accident, some the bay area in the middle of the pandemic, people are apparently still looking for cheaper places to live by. experts think this trend is here to stay. dry eye symptoms driving you crazy? inflammation might be to blame. time for ache and burn! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those'll probably pass by me! xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects, include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. talk to an eye doctor about xiidra. i prefer you didn't. xiidra. not today, dry eye. appears to show that home buyers are still looking to leave the bay area and search of more affordable places to live. >> well, for shells, clifford has details. >> according to real estate brokerage company, redfin homebuyers continue to leave expensive places like san francisco, new york and washington, dc and they're looking to buy homes and more affordable metro areas with better weather. after analyzing millions of search results on their redfin website. the company determined that los vegas, phoenix, miami and sacramento are among the most popular destinations. this has been a trend for i mean. >> at least 5, maybe 10 years. taylor morris, the deputy chief economist at redfin. he says that the shift from expensive coastal metro areas to more affordable locations has been going on for a while. but the pandemic really heated up the real estate market. he says it has stayed hot because it takes time for home buyers to figure things out. but a lot of families. >> maybe we're home school and are going remote learning didn't quite know exactly what their long-term plans were had to figure things out with with work. maybe people are still switching jobs over the last year and moving into a job that is more remote, friendly or allows them to move to a cheap area and keep the higher pay. so we see a lot of that happening looking forward. more is reluctant to make any predictions but believes the trend will continue because working from home. >> has become more widely accepted their stuff. >> permit critical juncture, a more flexible work dispersed workforce is even within large companies. and so i think there's a lot of technology adoption that happened during the pandemic. that will result in some of this long-term relocation and arrangements to make cheap areas will sustain. >> in san mateo county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. if you're a homeowner in the bay area, relief is coming to help back. mortgage payments. senator alex padilla talked about the program today. it's called the california mortgage relief program. and it's part of the american rescue plan to qualify. you have to meet certain income requirements have been at least 2 payments behind on your mortgage by the end of last year. senator padilla says program is aimed at those hit hardest by the pandemic. >> we know that the covid-19 pandemic hit, especially hard in communities of color and immigrant communities and low income communities. both from a health perspective and an economic perspective. so i'm encouraged to see that to the agencies involved in implementing this program already working hard to identify and engage with the community, experiencing the most need when it comes to mortgage assistance. if you want to see if you qualify for mortgage assistance, we have all the information on our website. kron 4 dot com. >> next at 6.30, high-tech changes for high school students as the s a t is going digital. what this means for college admissions in the future. a racist rant caught on camera. a man is facing charges now for an encounter at a smoothie shop. >> why he was apparently so upset and apple granted restraining order after a woman allegedly stocks ceo tim cook will explain after the break. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. oh, wow, barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. but i just... so thanks, but, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. has been granted a restraining order after a woman had allegedly been stocking ceo tim cook for more than a year. >> santa clara county superior court confirmed that restraining order to kron 4 this afternoon. the order says the alleged stalker is a virginia woman named julia lee choi. the documents say the woman exhibited, quote, erratic, threatening and bizarre behavior. the county's order keeps a orders her to not have a gun. and its state says she must stay at least 200 yards away from all apple employees. if you want to read the court documents, we have them posted on our website at kron 4 dot com. >> some state lawmakers today introduced an effort to ban the sale of cigarettes and other single use tobacco products from force. capitol bureau reporter ashley zavala explains the legislation and how big tobacco is responding. california lawmakers tuesday unveiled a bill that could be a big blow to the tobacco industry. but i want to be clear, this bill is not banning the sale of tobacco. >> and marijuana in california. that's not the goal of this something member loose rebus is the author of ab 60 90. it would ban the sale of single use vapes and tobacco filters

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 6pm 20240708 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 6pm 20240708

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>> from the bay area's news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. bringing this lawsuit. >> it's to help bring systemic change to the san francisco district attorney's office. >> san francisco district attorney boudin is the subject of a federal lawsuit. the alliance for asian american justice says the da's office is not doing enough to prosecute those who commit hate crimes against asian american and pacific islanders in the city. thank you for joining us tonight for kron. 4 news at 6. i'm pam moore and i'm ken wayne. the alliance says it's had a hard time finding victims willing to speak up. kron four's rob nesbitt reports on one man who did have the courage to speak out today about his attack. >> his name is on lay and he broke down into tears at one point during tuesday's press conference when talking about his attackers and the lack of justice in his 2019 case since the pandemic, more asian-americans have had to endure encounters like these hate crimes that often turn violent. it's why brian son helped start the alliance for asian american justice last year. going from 5 lawyers to more than 90 law firms today. we don't want to be walking down the street and have somebody yell out. >% you brought the virus here and start chopping honest with the bat. on tuesday, the alliance gave on lay a platform to share the story of how he was attacked while out for a walk in san francisco's chinatown. >> saying and beat him with a glass bottle while threatening to kill him. the attack was the most brutal. >> terrifying and humiliating experience of my life. and the stay with me ever since. according to lay them and adolescents and also beat him with a bat and made death threats in addition to sharing his attack late expressed his frustration with how the san francisco district attorney handled his case allowed the adult male attacker to plea to a misdemeanor. with one year of probation, the alliance for asian american justice has filed a civil lawsuit on la's behalf as well as a federal lawsuit against district attorney jason dean in response to recent hate crimes. >> is one of the lawyers representing lay these attacks have left our communities in mourning. terrified. let me repeat that terrified. a further severe harm toss as the federal lawsuit isn't seeking money but is asking for restorative justice and an apology from the da's office are seeking systemic change. and we're hoping that other asian-american victims will step up because we're willing to step up with them. i've reached out to the san francisco district attorney's office for comment but have not heard back in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news today. the san francisco police department released a number of bias motivated crimes against the ap. i community at a news conference in chinatown. mayor london breed said it will take more investment in public safety to reduce the number of crimes against asian american residents. force has the mud. un has that part of our coverage? >> and we have to take responsibility. >> for preventing the hate. and the anti-asian violence. >> as the chinese american community in san francisco prepares to celebrate the lunar new year of the tiger, the number of hate crimes againts aap. i community members is top of mind for police chief bill scott who says there was a six-fold increase over the past 2 years. we had 8. >> in 2019. we had 9 2020 and we had 60. in 2021. that is significant. that is concerning. and that is alarming. in fact, asian-americans recorded the most significant growth in hate crime incidents over that period. according to preliminary statistical data released by the san francisco police department. more than 30 of the 60 incidents were committed by the same offender. >> and individual we arrested last august 4 series of burglaries in acts of vandalism. in which this person deliberately targeted asian victims. many of those par gutted 4 attacks and robberies are members of the aap i senior community. >> when i was growing up in some of the most challenging of circumstances in san francisco. it would have broken my heart. to have my grandmother. be attacked. in the way that we see so many of our seniors in the ap, i community being attacked. san francisco mayor london breed says now that the data is available, it is time to make some changes. >> it is time to change it with a number of investments we make in nonprofit agencies that help support our seniors in this community. and it is time to change it with the number of investments that we must make in the police department in our ambassadors programs and other things that will continue to make sure that in this year 2022 that those numbers decline just as significantly as they rose. so may i want to stop and thank you. >> fall coming to almost immediately when all this is happening as it might. kron 4 news. >> happening right now in san jose city council is debating a proposed ordinance that would require gun owners to have liability insurance coverage for each firearm. kron four's ella sogomonian breaks it down, how it would work and what opponents have to say about it. l a. >> then on top of that liability insurer, vinci ordinance would force gun owners to pay an annual $25 fee. this is up for a vote before the council as we speak. mayor sam liccardo expect some push back from the public but majority support from the council councilman david cohen said this is all in response to mass shootings, domestic violence, accidental shootings in the home and suicide gun owners who oppose the proposal say not they should be taxed on their constitutional rights, but more so believe that this will not achieve the goal of curbing gun violence and just tax on one more expense for law abiding citizens. here's where the focus should be. instead, according to the executive director with the grassroots community group. >> we don't want to see gun violence. we don't want to see anybody injured on the streets anymore. and it's time that we do do something. and how do we do that? but we need to address laws, local laws that are allowing criminals to run free and online criminals to hurt people. we need to go into mental health and we need to build more hospitals. we need to actually help people with sobriety and help people get back on their feet so that they're not on the streets that they actually have care and compassion and they have a where they can go for help. we need to hire more police officers. you need to actually prosecute crimes. >> he went on to say that existing gun laws were just enforce. crime would go down. and if past san jose would be the first city in the nation to put this type of ordinance in place. so council does approve that ordinance tonight and at its second reading on february, 8th, it will then become effective on august. 8th. live in the newsroom. ella sogomonian kron. 4 thank you for that. in the east bay, the open teachers association and the school district have reached an agreement. >> on covid safety protocols, the union members still have to vote on the agreement. some of the terms include expanded covid testing more outdoor spaces for lunch and assemblies and the distribution of kn 95 masks. a big story tonight. governor newsome and state lawmakers have just reached an agreement to revive a law to provide workers with up to 2 weeks of paid sick leave while they recover from covid. >> california's initial supplemental paid sick leave law expired at the end of september, it's being reported that the legislation is likely to be fast tracked to the governor's desk in the coming weeks. it will apply to businesses with at least 26 employees. the occupational safety and health administration is expected to withdraw its covid temporary emergency standards for the workplace. under those standards, employees of companies with more than 100 workers were required to be vaccinated or undergo weekly covid tests. but a recent u.s. supreme court decision said that osha could not enforce that standard while it's being challenged and added that the challengers to rule are likely to win their case. the standard will be lifted tomorrow. a big announcement from major vaccine makers pfizer and biontech say they're starting clinical trials for omicron specific covid vaccine. >> for people age 18 to 55. the trial is set to be conducted in 3 phases with more than 1400 participants. pfizer ceo, as previously said, they expect to have a vaccine targeting omicron ready by march. a large contingent of forty-niners fans are expected to head south for sunday's huge nfc championship game between the forty-niners and the los angeles rams. clown source believes got talks with a few of them who are hoping to land tickets to that highly anticipated game. >> to say adam fox and his son keaton would give an arm and a leg to watch the san francisco forty-niners square off against the los angeles rams at so-fi stadium in the southland might be a stretch but not too far off. drive fly. >> train. >> anything the danville residents say travel wouldn't be the problem. it's just difficult. finding tickets at a decent price. and they've been looking since the niners ers season saturday. how much you're willing to the tickets that i'm looking at right now. >> this is like the lowest ones are after grand right now. so not exactly sure how much i'm willing to pay, but up. looking for is a little bit take its cheaper than that's for sure. candy thinly is keeping a close eye on the ticket market, but he's not concerned about getting in. >> she is a season ticket holder based in southern california routinely traveling up to levi stadium for home games. she expects to pay her way into sunday's game in the next few section i was looking at there are about 1000 because that lot. >> season tickets for the chargers this year to sail. and so on that in my section to see what they were going for. so they are like 1015 finley traveled to new orleans and miami for the niners last 2 super bowl runs and hopes the team can push past the rams and stay in la for a shot at the franchise's 6th super bowl yeah, i will be there. it being in la is a huge advantage i think one thing's for certain. we know they will definitely show up. >> phillipe djegal all kron. 4 news kron. 4 has you covered as we get ready for the game? we're going have a special red and gold zone each night this week at air. starting tonight at a >> 10:45pm. >> coming up, the trend of people moving out of big cities apparently is not going away anytime soon. the new before that reveals just how many people are searching for cheaper places to live the traditional s a t exam is changing for good students can ditch their pencils for their keyboards. why officials say it will help make the college admissions process more fair. president biden pushing to prepare for possible war. we have a live report on the latest conflict between ukraine and russia. that's after the break. and sunny and dry around the bay area again today. but there are signs that things are beginning to change. the atmosphere will tell you when. tell you when. >> coming up next. after my car accident, tell you when. >> comini wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. latest developments on the rising tensions in ukraine. the u.s. and its nato allies are now rushing to prepare for a possible war. >> as russia conducts military drills near ukraine. meanwhile, ukrainian leaders are trying to maintain calm, saying a russian invasion is not imminent. washington correspondent jessi tenure joins us now live from capitol hill with the latest. jesse? >> good evening, ken and pam, president biden said today he doesn't even think the russian people know what president putin is going to do next. but he reiterated the u.s. stands ready. >> it would change the world if russia invades ukraine. the white house is still considering a wide range of options. but on tuesday, president biden made one thing clear. we have no intention of putting american forces are forces in ukraine. the pentagon announced monday it's preparing to send as many as 8500 troops to join the nato response force on the eastern flank in an effort to deter president putin. they're going to be serious economic consequences. if you move to keep couldn't guessing. the biden administration is not disclosing exactly what financial punishments it has ready. well, they could cut russia off from u.s. dollars in international banking. president biden said they will also include personal sanctions against his russian counterpart. we see that the kremlin said the pentagon strip announcement shows the u.s. is feeling this conflict. but white house press secretary jen psaki push back the aggressive behavior here is but on the part of the russians, this is a defensive alliance, not an offensive alliance. that appears to administration move in the right direction. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell said the white house seems to be following his advice. >> act before not after a potential invasion. the russians have grabbed a piece of ukraine are trying to overthrow the entire government. >> it's really to lead. >> and the pentagon has yet to identify which units based in the u.s. could be headed overseas right now, officials are still notifying the troops and their families live in washington. i'm jessi tenure. thank you, jesse. >> speaker of the house nancy pelosi officially running for reelection. the san francisco congresswoman made that announcement in this video posted to twitter speaker pelosi is the only woman in united states history to ever be elected speaker of the house. she has represented san francisco in congress for more than 30 years in the video announcement, pelosi did not say if she would run for speaker if the democrats retain the majority in the house. she had promised back in 2018 that this would be her last term in that position. but it's not clear if that is still her plan. a 16 year-old san jose boy has been arrested and charged with the murder of a 12 year-old san jose girl who fatally overdosed on fentanyl. >> according to santa clara county district attorney's office back in november of 2020, the 12 year-old girl died after purchasing and snorting what's called an and 30 pill, which is a counterfeit fentanyl-laced opioid pill from the suspect dealer. the boy was arrested and booked into a juvenile detention center. the girl was the youngest person in santa clara county to die from an overdose in 2020. 2 arrests have been made in 2 separate arson cases in contra costa county. here's a look at some of the damage done. the first incident happened friday in clayton there. police say 57 year-old kevin cooper lived a large debris fire in the back of a business that ended up damaging the inside of the building. the second incident happened saturday in pittsburgh. police say they got calls of a person reportedly opening fire hydrants. officers say they found 42 year-old dennis wolf and barger at the scene where they say he admitted to starting a fire near a business. the good news is that left no damage. >> let's check on our 4 zone forecast. a live look outside looking out over downtown san francisco on what looks like a clear night. now check in with lawrence karnow own. see what's happening more. yeah. i like those clouds will be rolling in and bring us some rain right now. it is dry out there again. looks like those offshore winds going to kick in. well, a little breezy over some of the mountain tops out there, but dry as can be out toward the golden gate bridge sign elsewhere around the bay area. the temperatures a little below the average actually in the san francisco. 56. 57 in oakland. 63 degrees in san jose. 65 degrees. a little more for high 63 in concord and 63 degrees in santa rosa. we have had some fog a rolling along the coastline today. you see it right there. begin to fade away a little bit. but that on shore breeze does persist outside right now. that's going to change overnight tonight. we're beginning to see that the in the north bay hills, you start to see the northerly component. the winds and that's going to that offshore wind that's going to set up across the entire bay area helping to clear our skies will be blustery at times. models are picking up on that 2 overnight tonight across some of the top of the mountains. you see the colors and red and orange there as we head toward early tomorrow morning, everybody seeing that offshore wind. that means that fog is going to be moving out. clear skies settling in. you'll see plenty of stars out there. it is going to be cold overnight. lows dropping off in the mid 30's. and then as we head through the day tomorrow, maybe a return of an on shore breeze up toward the coastline. things staying rather quiet around the bay area. temperatures right now 40's and 50's outside. i think we're going to see a change in the weather pattern. you've got a couple systems off the coastline. got this from further out here. high pressure. unfortunately, this kind of signature, the ridge not a good way getting rain less. you finally see something punched through or undercut that we may see that happening as we get into the weekend for tomorrow, though, remaining mild outside temperatures running well into the 60's. up. state lawmakers are trying to ban the sale of cigarettes. we're going to tell you about the new legislation and what it means for tobacco companies. >> and after an accident, some the bay area in the middle of the pandemic, people are apparently still looking for cheaper places to live by. experts think this trend is here to stay. dry eye symptoms driving you crazy? inflammation might be to blame. time for ache and burn! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those'll probably pass by me! xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects, include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. talk to an eye doctor about xiidra. i prefer you didn't. xiidra. not today, dry eye. appears to show that home buyers are still looking to leave the bay area and search of more affordable places to live. >> well, for shells, clifford has details. >> according to real estate brokerage company, redfin homebuyers continue to leave expensive places like san francisco, new york and washington, dc and they're looking to buy homes and more affordable metro areas with better weather. after analyzing millions of search results on their redfin website. the company determined that los vegas, phoenix, miami and sacramento are among the most popular destinations. this has been a trend for i mean. >> at least 5, maybe 10 years. taylor morris, the deputy chief economist at redfin. he says that the shift from expensive coastal metro areas to more affordable locations has been going on for a while. but the pandemic really heated up the real estate market. he says it has stayed hot because it takes time for home buyers to figure things out. but a lot of families. >> maybe we're home school and are going remote learning didn't quite know exactly what their long-term plans were had to figure things out with with work. maybe people are still switching jobs over the last year and moving into a job that is more remote, friendly or allows them to move to a cheap area and keep the higher pay. so we see a lot of that happening looking forward. more is reluctant to make any predictions but believes the trend will continue because working from home. >> has become more widely accepted their stuff. >> permit critical juncture, a more flexible work dispersed workforce is even within large companies. and so i think there's a lot of technology adoption that happened during the pandemic. that will result in some of this long-term relocation and arrangements to make cheap areas will sustain. >> in san mateo county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. if you're a homeowner in the bay area, relief is coming to help back. mortgage payments. senator alex padilla talked about the program today. it's called the california mortgage relief program. and it's part of the american rescue plan to qualify. you have to meet certain income requirements have been at least 2 payments behind on your mortgage by the end of last year. senator padilla says program is aimed at those hit hardest by the pandemic. >> we know that the covid-19 pandemic hit, especially hard in communities of color and immigrant communities and low income communities. both from a health perspective and an economic perspective. so i'm encouraged to see that to the agencies involved in implementing this program already working hard to identify and engage with the community, experiencing the most need when it comes to mortgage assistance. if you want to see if you qualify for mortgage assistance, we have all the information on our website. kron 4 dot com. >> next at 6.30, high-tech changes for high school students as the s a t is going digital. what this means for college admissions in the future. a racist rant caught on camera. a man is facing charges now for an encounter at a smoothie shop. >> why he was apparently so upset and apple granted restraining order after a woman allegedly stocks ceo tim cook will explain after the break. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. oh, wow, barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. but i just... so thanks, but, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. has been granted a restraining order after a woman had allegedly been stocking ceo tim cook for more than a year. >> santa clara county superior court confirmed that restraining order to kron 4 this afternoon. the order says the alleged stalker is a virginia woman named julia lee choi. the documents say the woman exhibited, quote, erratic, threatening and bizarre behavior. the county's order keeps a orders her to not have a gun. and its state says she must stay at least 200 yards away from all apple employees. if you want to read the court documents, we have them posted on our website at kron 4 dot com. >> some state lawmakers today introduced an effort to ban the sale of cigarettes and other single use tobacco products from force. capitol bureau reporter ashley zavala explains the legislation and how big tobacco is responding. california lawmakers tuesday unveiled a bill that could be a big blow to the tobacco industry. but i want to be clear, this bill is not banning the sale of tobacco. >> and marijuana in california. that's not the goal of this something member loose rebus is the author of ab 60 90. it would ban the sale of single use vapes and tobacco filters

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