Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 9am 20240712

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Access 92, you dont have to wiggle your way through some slow traffic because of an earlier crash so 80 south close to 38 to 10 a son thats where a crash clear to the shoulder but that slowing you down if youre trying to access the san mateo bridge, the bay bridge looking good moving well no delays into San Francisco. This is what we like to see right 10 minutes off to fremont street back to you, thanks a lot now lets get to the big story that weve been following more businesses get to open outdoors in Contra Costa County. Yes, however there is still of course the bad air that john was talking about so its an head of a double edged sword crop of anti maybe not the best time they know will tran. Out of walnut creek this morning with the latest on the story will. They just cant catch a break rate theyve been waiting for so long to reopen get their customers back into their business unfortunately the bad air quality so if you are coming back to the businesses youll have to be outside. We will talk about air quality in just a few moments, but the good news is we dont see that haze that we saw over the past couple of days, lets talk about the businesses that will reopen in Contra Costa County starting tomorrow. Businesses that touch your face remember a couple of months ago that was too intrusive that was not allowed but the covid19 restrictions are starting to be pulled back a little bit so you can go to those businesses but not piercings tattoos electrolysis card rooms you have to bring the card games outside but the least thats available to you Music Television production, those activities, same deal that is available for you tomorrow and professional sports not sure how many professional sports activities are in Contra Costa County. But starting tomorrow that also is available to you. Lets talk about the air quality this morning you are seeing is improving its trending in the right direction. You dont see purple on the map purple was a few days ago, when it was at its absolute worst. This morning, it is unhealthy to very unhealthy. But patches of orange and orange means that we are walking backwards in a good direction in terms of breathing forget about the monitors the sensors lets talk about boots on the ground lungs, floating around you know in society, heres kathy here. You just heard our report do you feel better today than over the past couple of days, yes that the ruling a lot better than the last week or a couple of days what was it like say. 2 days ago i thought it was awful on saturday yes i was down south but we got back on sunday and sunday was you know all right ok, but i think today is a its a love lot better. Not not perfect but better not perfect no not by a long shot have you been keeping yourself inside a lot. Yes, yes when a lot inside my office during the day of home, so much lets check this out. Now i can tell you according to doctors, they say even though the air quality has gotten better over the past couple of days. They say its equivalent to tap back as cigarettes every day dont worry, i dont smoke so i got it in my lungs as well, but they say if youre healthy you take care of yourself hopefully things will get better for your breathing over the next day or the next couple of weeks back to you. All right, thanks a lot. Well. Well now to our wildfire coverage. Its because of all the smoke of course we have thousands of firefighters continuing to fight upwards of a dozen or more fires now burning up and down the west coast at least 35 people have died. Thats the last count and in california alone we have more than 3 million acres have gone up in smoke now with more than 4200 structures damaged or destroyed smoke from these fires is also again created the awful breathing conditions that were suffering under right now. We have a map showing all of the fires that are burning across the state and you can see here theyre scattered from border to border, the majority of the wildfires burning in california right now include the august complex fire burning up in mendocino and humboldt counties the north complex fire. Thats the big one burning in butte county. The creek fire in Fresno County in the eldorado fire burning to our south in Riverside County and then closer to home of course we have our own fire complexes to keep you updated on, but the picture is much better there as you can see here the lnu complex fires is now 97 contained this morning. So great news. The scu complex fires in the east and south bays now 98 contained in fact theyre looking for full containment of that fire by as early as tomorrow, so well keep you updated on whether they reach that goal. Crews have also got the czu complex fire under pretty good control to its 91 contained at the moment and then the woodward fire in marin county out at the Point Reyes National seashore thats now 95 contained. Time now is i know 5 and a historic wildfire season in california weve already have has turned into a debate over Climate Change. While Many Democrats say they rely on science the president continues to deny Climate Change is real the president spent 2 hours in sacramento. Yesterday getting briefed on the wildfire situation from state officials and the governor and before the meeting with the emerging meant emergency management. And the president reiterated to reporters his concerns with californias forest management. And i think this is more of a management situation. Country you go to other countries in europe, the governor said that he would have be happy to see a better job done managing california wildlands said the majority of which he pointed out is owned and managed by the federal government. But governor newsome said that he believes the fires are a direct result of Climate Change happening today, berkeley leaders are set to vote whether or not to issue fines to people who dont wear a mask kron 4 Sarah Stinson is following the story for us live from berkeley this morning. Sarah good morning. So im actually surprised that that already isnt. Something thats been passed in berkeley, but i guess were going to look at it. Yeah i was surprised to just because weve covered the story and so many other cities and counties but in the words want to just talk to you know its never too late to do the right thing and make sure that people are following the rules you can see signs like this one here on 4th street and its reminding people to wear their mask because it is required. Go and they want to now make it so that you would be fined 100 per day for the first violation with penalties increasing for repeat violations. Now many other counties have already approved such measures to enforce mask wearing and prevent the spread of coronavirus as i said wearing a mask is required here, i wherever you go and people are wearing them here on 4th street because a lot of people are stopping by the coffee shops to grab a cup of joe on this Tuesday Morning in everyone ive seen is wearing one they have it around their necks and they put it on when they need to and that is what is required even if you are just walking running biking outdoors and someone is it within 30 feet of you. You have to wear that mask and thats very similar to the language of San Franciscos rules and regulations. And now theyre just considering if they want to join the pack with creating finds i talked to a woman who says she thinks thats a great idea and she says its not too she thinks its better now than ever. Well i i think basically the country is late and certain parts of the country are off the charts. In terms of not protecting. I think that weve got to start from where we are today. The pandemic is nowhere near over. And so i think its just very important. And they will be voting on this fine tonight at 6 oclock we heard from a man last hour he said hes on the fence about it because he does see so many people abiding by the requirement to wear a mask will just have to see what city council was about to talk with City Council Member Keith Harrison shoes saying she this is definitely the right move its never too late to do Something Like this just behind some of the other cities weve been covering. Im live here in berkeley Sarah Stinson kron 4 news. All right, thank you very much sara now the thing theyre going to be doing is allowing more vehicles to gather at events in Alameda County the updated health order will allow. Outdoor Church Services to have twice as many cars conference has a median has details. The name of jesus. And the people of the Alameda County Public Health department updated covid19 order for vehicle based gatherings now permits live performances, including entertainment events like musicals theatrical an artistic performances, lectures presentations will be showings as well as religious and cultural ceremonies. The updated order also allows for events to have doubled the amount of vehicles and opened it from 200 to 400 cars in the parking lot i think it would be great. Although the Previous Health order allowed outdoor vehicle base Church Services lifting the 200 vehicle limit restriction is more than welcome news as Bishop Bob Jackson and thats will Gospel Church in oakland weve been on the parking lot weve been having Holy Communion services on for sunday. And it works out pretty well according to the health order occupants of the vehicle must be from the same household and must remain in the vehicle during the event they stay in the cause and for the most part they have the windows down they have to have their masks on. Bishop jackson views, religious service as essential in times like these he believes more should be done to allow opportunities for churches that do not have the space for Vehicle Service if we could get some kind of way to allow the church to be able to set up on vacant parking lot and we have plenty of them in oakland Alameda County all of them. The city on them theyre not being utilized or anything. Why cant we park those 400 cars on those large loss and have our services to hours later recon and. Everybodys list. Has it made you kron 4 news. 9. 11 the time coming up San Jose City leaders come together to fight Illegal Dumping well tell you what theyre looking to do to clean up the mess and if you thought about Holiday Shopping yet. With about a 100 days left until christmas retailers are hoping youll spend some money during this pandemic financial expert rob black joins us next with a closer look latest retail forecasts and noticeably brighter start to this Tuesday Morning as air quality has improved for many of us 9. 14 right now lets take a peek at walnut creek as you can see traffic not an issue at all still have the bad air out there and you can see that because its kind of gray james first time, im looking out her window that had actually seen a lot more sunny than gray time for g yellow seeing those mornings to a little bit better i know its a little hazy in the shot john john trouble in the weather center. But i mean it seems a little better right, yeah, you know what some hazy conditions further inland and then out towards the coast. A little less hazy so for the first morning in a while its not all across the board the same bad conditions. Many of us are Still Holding on to bad conditions, but others of us are catching a nice break. Look at this view from Half Moon Bay right here a few clouds almost normal looking is that the sunshine for the first time in a while definitely nice to see these bright skies returning for many areas, a look at our current air quality shows you there are some areas near the coast that are looking at actually moderate conditions the first time in almost a week weve seen moderate conditions on this map. Now still plenty of very pour thats all the red in the east bay, the south bay portions of San Francisco and portions of the north bay too so weve got a long way to go before we can officially breathe easy but we are at least working our way in the right direction today looking across the board theres less marine layer meaning less fog and temperatures will be warmer because of that we saw some pretty steady winds up above the bay yesterday, although we remain calm at the surface winds at about a 1000 feet are really rushing through that cleaned out air above us and why are looking up at some clear skies this morning was you look at the horizon there still catching that haze because winds at the surface are still really calm so not stirring out the smoke that is at the surface, but the smoke that is right above the bay. Temperatures right now were in the 60s and 70s or rather later today or in the 60s and 70s, although a fair amount of us are in the 60s this morning daly city and al gore not each at 67 later today burlingame at 78 while in the south bay look for to daytime highs climbing back into the low 80s. Santa clear at 78 while san jose up to 80 degrees later on 70s to 80s for the east bay daytime highs will be warmer in concord in danville getting closer to 90 degrees. Still hanging on to the upper 80s, same for you in vacaville at 88. The hot spot in the bay today. Low 80s and santa rosa down through sandra fell. Sprint down the next 7 days because this is pretty interesting how its going to go actually today and tomorrow were still under spare the air alerts tomorrow be your 30th day of spare the air definitely a record breaker thursday and friday will likely be your cleanest air days thats because of sweeping winds that will descend into the surface this time around helping to clean up air all across the region. After that winds will relax and as we still do have wildfires burning in the Sierra Nevada anticipate that smoke will settle back down into the Central Valley and eventually find itself back here in the bay has some offshore winds will bring in our direction so saturday and then especially sunday we could be working backwards with increasingly bad air yet again. Robin. Thank you john the commute looks much better off to the richmond sandra fell because we have 2 crashes. Both were blocking both are out of the way and now traffic looks great here into the north bay. So heres a live look and you can see no delays 7 minutes to make it up to one oh one here at the bay bridge your morning drive a better no longer backed up to a scram like we saw earlier so easy trip into San Francisco and 9 minutes off to fremont street and even when you make it over to fremont street to continue on the skyway youre looking good right through downtown San Francisco, heres a quick peek at some numbers were just scanning around the bay area checking some freeways highway 4 at the limit 6. 18 nice and smooth from highway for 2 danville know troubles for the nimitz and leaving the south bay on northbound one oh one heading to the peninsula it is wide open from san jose to menlo park chase. All right, thank you very much robin 9. 18 is the time time to talk winners and losers on wall street financial expert rob black joining us remotely as usual to break it all down good morning, rob. Morning james all right first want to talk about the Holiday Shopping season. I know you made a note that were almost a 100 days away which seems kind of far out but i mean yeah this is a Holiday Shopping season in the midst of a pandemic so what can we expect this time around. I mean id on wall street and the street back weve got 50 days until election 100 days till christmas and pandemics not going allow us to have a black friday thats essentially been canceled. Macys days greatest look great. So what were looking for retail sales james. Its kind of interesting were looking for okay. Some people look for be like street downstate back up some people look for you down sideways 6 months and back up. K basically means that are going up is going to be are going to the wealthy people, the prosperous people. People that believe the pandemic is almost over vaccines around the corner they havent lost their jobs. Theyre going to spend 2 and a half to 4 more this year than last year, but the lower leg of the can when it goes down people lost their jobs. Unemployment benefits ending. And theyre going to drag down shopping this year. Were looking probably at about one to one and a half percent increase last year got 4 increase in sales over trillion dollars and were looking for 25 to 35 in Online Shopping to know black friday us nobody is on kron friday of people traveling to the death of a walmart. Its going to be very strange very silencer. Chess i guess its been that way so far this year why a guest of the Holiday Shopping season be any different the buzzer. Lets talk about tesla you have that up in the second item to discuss i know shares have slumped a little bit recently but youre saying theyre starting to spike again for a different reason. Yeah, weve got 2025 by not enough to s p 500 and teslas a Bay Area Company everyones facet of the stocks up 420 this year which is ironically tides the name the number that he threw out thats tied towards marijuana people been seen on it, theres a price target. But the reason theyre going up is app downloads an app downloads makes no sense to the average person because what the tesla app do nothing. But slap activates a car the tesla so what is thought to be happening is were seeing a spike and has asked in china and United States Team Download it. The thought is that we must be they must be delivering more are selling more cars get in cars and people asked thats only reason you download the app so thats a weird metric on wall street, but i never thought i would app downloads are pushing the business higher today. On top of that National Worldwide battery day. Yeah where we can today. Were expecting on must have something up his sleeve as far as im your ability cost or will they get that millionmile battery assault before anyone thats whats going on just what day james all right the whispers are out there well see said a week from today what they announce. And lastly if you dont mind have a viewer email i think we have one prepare for you. Their seat on the right side of your screen. This is from debbie who wants to know rob how do i get the best bang for my buck while saving for thats a tough. So its a tough balancing act. Yeah, well first and foremost i dont know to be. Therefore i dont know she saved anything for her own retirement think thats important to max out your own retirement plans before you do kids college, theres a great website or call saving for college dot com or something called 5. 29 plans. Theyre easy to set up online most company not online signing documenting. So its pretty easy but a good web site of saving for college dot com. You can choose any states planned theyre all very similar your kid doesnt have to hear that state you have to live in a state thats the most confusing part about but find it so my kids for 29 plans. The same college dot coms probably the easiest website to read its not intimidating finished, especially for people like kate, thank you rob, very rich. For all your insights today well visit with you again. All right and dont forget you can connect with rob asking questions yourself you can find him on facebook and twitter email and directly there at the address on your screen. And if you ever have any trouble always go to kron 4 dot com youll find his inf in the south Little Something in san jose has taken a major toll on that citys budget city leaders say that its going to cost the city an extra 3 million dollars. Then what they currently have budgeted for cleanup and that will pay for more dumpsters cleanup crews outreach and enforcement. A lot of the Illegal Dumping comes from homeless camps across san jose. But people individuals also throw out a bunch of items and they clean their homes because of the pandemic and put that on the side of the if people are buying these sofas and appliances. Theyre looking for ways to get rid of them and thats kind of been the challenge to people dont disposed of appropriately enough on the street or in and or in an encampment unfortunately. And you know using dog got rid of that yeah it doesnt just disappear. Crews are picking up 45 tons of trash that says just dumped there every week. And if the extra money is approved then there will be an emphasis on cleaning up illegal dump sites as soon as they are discovered, so they they dont. Pile and now has 9. 26 coming up. A new plan to help out students in San Francisco whove been struggling with Distance Learning. Well have details on that coming up in a moment and of course also still tracking the air john yes, we are it is definitely a little bit hazy out there that but ski 9. 30 is the time welcome back to the kron 4 morning news and were looking outside now at 4 pictures for you walnut creek, San Franciscos Golden Gate Bridge and the bay bridge and one thing youll notice is that the only just a little bit clear maybe a long creek so much for the others with a little bit clearer. I guess you know that goes along with the air quality getting a little bit better i can definitely tell the difference outside of our window here. Those are fake windows we get a real one, but the good the blinds are always down i can tell by how well its lit up john. Yeah, its nice to actually see some sunshine guys i forgot how much i missed it as you noted walnut creek still definitely hazy the closer you get to the coast though the clear those skies become with moderate air quality for many of our coastal spots this morning. I do want to stress though many of us are still in that part report category so we have worked their way in the right direction which is great, but still think twice about spending too much time outside today from the 29th day of a spare the air alert and we have another one tomorrow were not out of the woods just yet. Temperatures in the 60s for most of the bay at this time with oakland at 65 berkeley at 62, north bay Still Holding on to some 50s in Petaluma Novato and santa rosa. Later today, daytime highs will rise a bit further than they did yesterday will be in the mid 70s for most bayside areas. Well mid 80s for our inland spots. Robin. All right, thank you john lets check in on the bridges, i dont have any hot spots are major issues right now so lets to a bridge deck and kate in case youre crossing the bay. Well start off with the bay bridge 80 west into San Francisco looks really good right now. No delays here leaving the maze 24 the e sure 5. 80 all is well right over to that westbound any connector here on 92, its just a little busy, but its not bad even the traffic that we had on the nimitz rolling south up to 92 thats gone so were looking at 13 minutes to make it off to one oh one and at the richmond sandra fell bridge traffic is looking good the crashes we had out there near the pay gates all gone 7 minutes and trouble free into the north bay shapes all right robin, thank you. Well students in San Francisco who need a little extra support during distancelearning are now going to get it. The see the city opened up dozens of sites that theyre calling Community Hubs its all part of the citys latest phase of reopening and kron fours Maureen Kelly gives us a closer look. Im here at them or said heights playground and the rec center you see behind me has turned into one of the citys 45 Community Hubs this is where kids with the highest needs are able to get chromebooks and wi fi Technical Support and supervision as they do their Distance Learning. The kids who are getting the priority here children living in Public Housing that had. Not stable wi fi connections who are Homeless Children who live in singleroom occupancy hotels foster care kids these are all children who without support from the city will continue to. Disproportionately suffer in addition to getting help with their school work so that they dont fall behind during this pandemic there also. Getting to be around each other and playing in the playground, so theyre able to get socialization the social aspect. Leads to the mental aspect get to socialize little see someone in person and not actually did computer screen like it it is making to your kid you tyrion a good school like i did the last time you play in this didnt fit long together they are. Service scene 800 students right now from k to 6th grade over the coming months bill beginning to add more middle schoolers and then high schoolers. At the end they expect to have 100 sites operating throughout the city and serving 3,000 students. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. Entry school in Santa Clara County is back open for in person classes yesterday was the first day back for the 193 students said action days, primary plus private elementary school. Now the school. Start of the new school year back in august with Distance Learning and it recently got a waiver approved to hold in person classes. The schools principal michelle hare in fact will join us live on kron on today to talk about resuming in person classes and what that entails you can watch that live in to be starting at noon today again that will be on the kron on and kron fours also airing a special thats focusing on Virtual Learning are going to air tonight its going to talk to educators from across the bay area about how families and teachers are dealing with this pandemic as schools continue to be closed. Since last spring. So its called back to school coping during a pandemic again it will air tonight at 9. 30. Time now 9. 34 in the south a Small Business owners and faith leaders say that Santa Clara County officials are holding them back from reopening indoors right now the county is more restrictive than what the state. Guidelines recommend kron fours noelle bellow takes a closer look. Parts for conwy shot down is not a solution matthew motherhood with these Silicon Valley Organization Led a conversation monday urging Santa Clara County officials to create a better pathway to further reopen the economy the state and the county have 2 different for safely reopening your car. Our businesses are caught in the cross as a result the organization paints a grim picture stating nearly 30 of Small Businesses in Silicon Valley have permanently closed are on the verge of closing. San jose City Council Member johnny camus says with no additional funds coming in to help prop up businesses. Its time for the county to act want to start by saying government cant be all about saying no one ever asked the county to clarify when esta titian services can reopen in a statement here i always receive we dont now has the answer. We have not been classified and it here. This is unacceptable. Those in the health and beauty sector as well as faith organizations are asking the county to consider a fivepoint plan towards reopening which include flooding leaders of the coalition participate in reopening discussions, clear and articulate communication about what businesses can do to allow Indoor Dining in worship. Identifying goals and objectives without moving those targets wants their hit. And if the county is going to be more restrictive than the state. They say they need to provide new funding and grants for businesses we need to find ways to mitigate risks and safely move with the virus. So that our small and working for im a fighting chance to survive in Santa Clara County noelle bellow kron 4 news. Bexar county Public Health department is urging residents to get a flu shot this year too. And thats very important, especially they say because of the spread of covid and they dont want confusion between is it covid or is it the regular flu. The annual flu affects the same types of people and it can cause complications in the same vulnerable population people that are over the age of 65 or with chronic medical conditions. Health officials also say symptoms of the flu and the coronavirus are similar and the 2 illnesses could be mistaken for each other, if someone hasnt been vaccinated or tested for the coronavirus still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, some members of congress are calling for the removal of the postmaster general. Well tell you about the conflicts of interest they say he has and today a little warmer than yesterday also little brighter than yesterday which are noticing already and were back at 9. 39 a House Committee is considering calls for removing postmaster general louis dejoy from his office the joys been accused of several conflicts of interest while running the post office and we have our washington dc correspondent Morgan Wright explaining why. We have a crony at the helm of our nations postal service, virginia congressman Gerry Connolly says hes concerned about the leadership of postmaster general louis dejoy we know postal workers can handle the bottom of that election mill. The question is whether those at the helm are taking steps to hinder that capacity, new york congresswoman Carolyn Maloney says allegations dejoy reimburse former employees for political contributions, he urged them to make are serious problem if true these allegations are not only incredibly an ethical. They are illegal maryland congressman jamie raskin question why dejoy was even appointed to the job in the first place how did this happen. This was not a president ial apiointment, so it didnt go through the office of government ethics and i think theres anyway the office of government ethics would have signed off on an agency had who has large amounts of stock in a company this contracting with the Agency Republicans on the committee defended enjoying called the hearing a waste of time were supposed to be having a postal update, not a single one of the witnesses even work for the usps georgia congressman jody hice called the hearing an attempt at political assassination. This is in my opinion is close to a Kangaroo Court is anything ive seen. Lawmakers say they plan to continue their investigation into the joys qualifications to lead the agency reporting in washington, im Morgan Wright. As we head to break we continue to monitor the bad air quality that were seeing across the bay area. The good news is were seeing more or an should now even a little bitty yellow which indicates the qualities improving slightly over what weve seen these past few days. Keep it tuned. Kro its my 2 05 everymatchcounts migraine medicine. My 9 12 nodaysoff migraine medicine. Its ubrelvy. The migraine medicine i can take anytime, anywhere migraine strikes without worrying if its too late, or where i am. One dose of ubrelvy works fast. It can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hoursrelieving pain and debilitating symptoms. Unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Few people had side effects. Most common were nausea and tiredness. Migraine hits hard. Hit back with ubrelvy. The anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. Weve learned a lot more about the covid19 virus. Its real. And its dangerous. So, on behalf of all of us working on the front lines, please take it seriously. And while we dont yet have a cure or a vaccine, we do know how to keep you and your loved ones safe. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay six feet apart. Do your best to stay out of crowded spaces. And get a flu shot, its even more important this year. We can do this. If we do it together. Ms. Williams weve been working hard. Ms. Robinson . To make learning fun again. Ms. Duncan and making sure our students can succeed. Ms. Zamora were with you every step of the way. Ms. Robinson i know its a challenging time. Ms. Zamora no one wants to be back in the classroom more than teachers. Ms. Williams we have missed you so much. Mr. Hardesty but we all have to be safe. Ms. Robinson because were all in this together. Narrator making our School Buildings safer. Ms. Robinson working together, we can make it a great year. Narrator because the California Teachers Association knows quality Public Schools make a better california for all of us. Im 44 right now and here is a live look from our sutro cam. He had this gives you the overall perspective of life another bad hair day around the bay now i guess a kind of depends where you are john because were seeing pockets of improved theres another heres the deal looks gross right, yeah for some are even able to show the shots because its so bad i okay, its yeah. Hey at least you can see we are seeing both hayes and some blue skies at the Golden Gate Bridge. Theres your blue on the pacific side of the bridge. You head towards the bay side and its definitely a whole lot hazy are looking so the closer you get to the coast. Generally the better your air quality is this morning. Whereas if youre looking towards our inland valleys. You are in the midst of some dense haze that is still settle down. And does not want to leave now one of the reasons we are seeing blue skies at the coast in right above us as we had some strong winds from the southwest pushing above the bay area yesterday. These didnt reach the ground but those strong winds above us help to clean out the air and the poor air quality that was sitting about a 1000 feet up while at the surface, the haze still lingering thats why when you look at the horizon or shots like walnut creek. It still looks as bad as it does. Winds are calm at the surface currently so the existing hayes is not going anywhere just yet expecting to have another bad air today tomorrow which will be our 30th. Spare the air day in a row todays temperatures at least a positive here 60s and 70s for coastal spots, including San Francisco down to Half Moon Bay. Well elsewhere in the bay area it will be 70s and 80s for your daytime highs today. Mountain view at 77 south bay temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s which is step warmer than yesterday by about 45 degrees. Pleasanton and livermore 85 oakland will be at 74 today with temperatures near 90 degrees in areas like vacaville unconquered just not quite getting there today were going to save a lot of our 90s for next week when we have a big warmup expected. So today and tomorrow spare the air alert days less than ideal conditions for much to do outside. Thursday and friday on the other hand, im anticipating to have our better air quality will have sweeping winds pushing in across the bay area helping to finally clear some of the haze thats been lingering across the bay itself. Now saturday and sunday were going to walk back that progress we made a lot thats because winds will calm down and we still have wildfires putting up smoke in the Sierra Nevada. That smoke is going to settle into the Central Valley and with offshore winds kicking back into gear for the weekend. Thats going to push a lot of that smoke back into the bay so were going to have brief improvements thursday and friday and then im anticipating some worsening conditions again, especially later in the weekend. James all right john thank you at 9. 47. President trump plans to bring the number of u. S. Troops in iraq down to 3,000 this month as part of his campaigns promise to. And what he called endless wars. Our washington correspondent kelli meyer has reaction now from lawmakers on capitol hill and from critics who say the move could be a bad one. I want to withdraw our forces but i want to do it responsibly South Carolina republican senator Lindsey Graham says he supports President Trumps decision to scale back the number of american troops in iraq, you have other nations helping iraq not just us the plan would withdraw more than 2000 troops from the region this month President Trump campaigned on the promise of ending what he called endless wars, i dont think any of us believe that we are. And you know be you know be in worse for 4 decades, Florida Republican senator rick scott also supports the drawdown and hopes more troops can return home from the middle east in the future in other countries will figure out how do i defend their democracy is on their own despite the support one National Security expert here in washington says the drawdown comes with drawbacks any concerns that hes just doing this to sort of a Campaign Pledge bryant. A tool is with the center for American Progress says removing forces can leave space for terrorist groups to move in the threat of isis and age. Has actually researched a bit and in some withdraw actually continues this process of opening the door to iran khatallah says peace talks like what secretary of state mike pompeo is having with taliban leaders and afghan officials. Is a better move in the long run pompeo is hopeful all troops can return from afghanistan. By spring 20 21 reporting in washington, im kelly meyer. Overall california seeing a downward trend in the number of patients who are in the hospital right now with coronavirus this is actually the first time the state has seen this few hospitalizations since the start of the pandemic the California Department of Public Health is reporting that as of this weekend. There are about 2800 Covid Patients being treated in hospitals. There were twice as many patients in late july and early august. A doctor with ucsf warns that although we are doing well for now things of course could change Going Forward so we really cant let our guard down. Just a cautionary tale of what can go wrong and now we havent really have high schools back in session at least around here. But in places that have had there been outbreaks of high schools, large large numbers of kids quarantine so i think we have to be really careful about the about the schools really careful that adolescents are we have to be really Careful Congress People Living in residential. For for college. You know i think thats where the i think that as much as any work anything is where the new cases are going to come from keep that if we can minimize stat we will avoid a certain way. To remain on a downward trend. Doctors are urging people to continue Wearing Masks and keeping their social distance is in place. It is working. Were also tracking our local numbers as well statewide california now has recorded more than 765,000 cases since this pandemic began with more than 14,000 people dying in the bay area more than 90,000 cases confirmed so far with more than 1200 people dying from covid19. I heard a really recommendation from a nurse about washing your hands and this will make you remember. Act as if everything you touch had proof on it. And wash your hands. So that i get to thinking. Meantime businesses that are trying to get sales back of thought of some creative ways to do so one San Francisco spot called oasis is bringing a cabaret to your doorstep full food bag and everything look at this, its called meals on heels. And it features drag performances they come they deliver food and drinks and then they give you a little song and dance twice a week when you sign up the Business Owner says its been a benefit to both the performers and the customers. Mostly across the board as a Community Building experience for both performers getting to dust off the wigs and heels and were former from people again make some money lot of them you know its a big part of their income people are at home who have been really isolated may get a little bit of connection they get to see an actual live performance. And the performers of course give that performance from a distance a safe distance. Ac transit has got a way that theyre trying to encourage people to come back for business and. Ride all aboard with hand face coverings and Hand Sanitizer included theyve got masks and sanitizer dispensers that are fixed at the rear door of most of the buses. Youll notice, im starting today and it may take a little while to get your local bus might take october 16th because theyre getting them all done. Its part of ac transits plan to protect the health of Public Transit passengers. And another way theyre doing that is limiting the capacity of the buses so that riders have that 6 foot distance between them. Is one of the you know most popular catering and food truck experiences in the bay area and now theyve partnered with the Fort Mason Center for arts and culture to provide food concessions at San Franciscos first and only waterfront drivein movie theater. Its called off the grid at the movies. Theyre going to have classic popcorn nachos candy and all the rest of the stuff that you would want additionally off the grid will feature a in a rotating network of locally owned food trucks as well. The event launches this saturday. But thats with a big but air quality permitted. So youll have to stay tuned to see how the air quality is moviegoers are encouraged to use the off the grid experience app that enables you to pre order everything that you need and that youve got less contact and more enjoyment. Is a quick live look outside as we take a quick break our camera here 9. 56 is the time were just about done here on the kron 00 04am morning news but lets get the latest on our kron on coverage yet to come know about standing by good morning. Good morning. Its a big day for apple product users the tech company is hosting its annual press conference virtually this ones called time flies and its expected to focus on new apple watches were going to bring that to you live right here at 10 00am plus were headed back up to the north bay. We will be talking to victims of the lnu lightning complex fires in napa weve got that and much more all day long right here on our streaming service kronon you can download it for free in your app store back to you, thanks a lot of things are looking up sos keep it tuned to kron 4 and well give you the very latest on the air quality until then well see you tomorrow have a good day everybody. Ive never felt this way. I knew i was worth more than that. I cant stop. I know i can change. I love myself. The past is over. The future hasnt happened yet. The only time is right now. Announcer it is the season premiere of dr. Phil. Dr. Phil welcome to season 19 we are back to business. Dr. Phil i dont want you to miss a word of what ive got to say. A new show. Its because this is your show, but this is my episode. Dr. Phil one of the academics in america. Why do you feel im the only one that can help you

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