Fletcher and im darya folsom of the good news is though the governor says were just a matter of days away. From loosening statewide stayathome orders but right now 6 bay area counties are now saying they will have some changes tomorrow, allowing construction to resume with new safety protocols real estate open houses are going to be able to begin again. They also will have new limitations child care programs are allowed to reopen but they are limited to 12 children. Her facility, certain outdoor businesses like nurseries landscapers gardeners theyre allowed to resume business. But outdoor restaurants, cafes and bars are not allowed to reopen until we get i further lifting this order does not provide for that yet knows however the other shared outdoor spaces like skate parks golf courses, theyll also be allowed to reopen monday but social distancing guidelines will still be in force. These changes apply to alameda contra costa marin San Francisco, san mateo and santa clara counties as well as the city of berkeley do want to make a know we just showed these paths and the golf course is no like again, you cant travel outside of your body, your city where you live to go enjoy those. So your local parks, yeah, and you have to hope that you have a golf course nearby absolutely in San Francisco today is the last day that people can visit and walk around the greens at the presidio golf course before it opens back up to golfers so that will be a change come and the kron fours ray harvey is there with the details good morning, all right to the morning all right to the morning james and darya like you sign you see golf course clothes that will be gone tomorrow because its going to open back up you know golfers are excited to get back out on the green, but the people that were able to come and visit the golf course while its been closed down. There could be really sad about this so take a look at the familys attorney got a chance to enjoy this beautiful golf course i got a chance to talked to a couple who said they lived here in the their entire lives and this was the first time they got a chance to go out on the golf course and enjoy its its going to be a memory that they have for the rest of their life now there are some new rules though wants this opens up. And here are those rules take a look we want to make sure you are at least 6 feet a physical distancing is required. Golfers cant into the golf shop. So although you might like on by some things you can enter it at this time. Call first must wear face coverings all checking in one person per golf carts. So cant be a bunch of people on the golf cart no rental clubs are available at this time also was cups of been raised above ground do not are asking everyone out here do not remove or touch the flag sticks and also the rake in ball washers have all been removed now weve got a chance to talk to the manager here at the golf course and heres what he had to say about the reopening. Prior to the shutdown you would give us a call click here tee time then you come into the golf shops to pay your green fees. And im you know we would have that interaction in person. And now its completely touch lis and everything is a over the phone. Pretty much like to hit golf. Balls what weve done is weve closed every others every other stall on the driving range which has given us in sevare stalls being 8 feet apart are people being a fee to park will be 16 feet apart. All right now again, a golf course opens today at 07 00am serena try to go ahead and go inside to talk to families and figure out whether to spend your last day here. But for now well be here for the rest of the morning and i let you guys know coming up in our 8 oclock hour james and ari ill send it back to you both in the studio. Yes, some rain and james is already cities out because theres no Paul Mccartney wont walk as theyve i will continue to shelter play it safe on the couch to absolutely there are a lot of changes that are happening tomorrow for a full list of where were seeing all these different businesses be able to open up. Go to kron 4 dot com. And theres some good news in the north bay, the town of bolinas tested all of the residents whose only about 1600. And almost all of them tested negative kron fours gayle ong takes a look. More than 1800 residents were tested here in bolinas. And Health Officials say the infection rate was so low presumably the good experiences, social distancing. And the nature of the town Scientists Say the rule setting of bolinas the small coastal town in western Marion County contributed to a lower rate of covid19 infections. The town raised funds to test all of its residents in april and partnered with ucsf in meeting saturday morning ucsf doctors organizers and the merengue Public Health officer discussed the test results does mean that you should feel more confident. What youre doing is working to keep yourself in your community safe. And you should feel more comfortable about being safe. All taking those precautions and moving about your Community Officials credit social distancing saturday afternoon. The streets were empty in the downtown area, the small town is known to be isolated and public Health Officials say it makes it easier to distance than a dense urban area that was very helpful to see an operation like this be so this is a model that i know that we can now. Apply to other communities. We spoke to moraine county Public Health officer doctor math willis about what the county is doing to help the communities that cant practice physical distancing where people are more just to populate you gathered together in apartment buildings and going out each day. Performing essential duties in our and we want to make sure that those committees also at asking for testing the testing in bolinas is a first of a twopart study ucsf researchers are looking into the spread of the virus in vote rule and urban areas. Researchers have chosen San Franciscos Mission District for the second location of testing. The results for that are still pending bolinas residents were also tested for antibodies those results will come in the next few weeks reporting in bolinas gayle ong kron 4 news. San francisco supervisor matt haney is calling for a coronavirus test site in the tenderloin heres his tweet we have sights on abarca darrow, south of market, im advocating for test site in the tenderloin and expand the criteria. San francisco has been testing at under the 10th of our overall capacity. A lot more testing is how we identify people who need treatment isolation and start to open up. Our coverage of the coronavirus is always there and available for you on our website at kron 4 dot com just want to remind you we always have the very latest headlines, health advisories. And advice on how to stay safe during this pandemic so if you need information but kron 4 dot com well humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. If you cant afford your medicine, were back at 7. 10 in sacramento, a coronavirus stimulus check was made out to the family of a man who died more than a year ago and now the u. S. Treasurys asking for that money back we have Charmaine Nero with the story. I spoke to an attorney representing that family. He says a man recently passed away and his niece was shocked to see a check in her own goals name this is the ira stimulus check attorney Michael Michele said was recently sent out to his client from west sacramento. My client received the check in the mail on a probate matter that were administering. And it was a check for a deceiving each and the czech said. This aint the check in the amount of 1200 made out to a man who died last year along with his niece who was also the execute or of his estate they knew the person it passed away, it said deceiving on there as covid19 spread across the country putting millions of people out of work. The coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act known as the cares act was passed by congress and signed into law back in march, providing over trillion in economic relief. Many people who filed taxes receive direct deposits last month but michelle fears these checks made out to people who have died may be hindering relief for those in need theyre wasting these resources sending it to people. Who are deceased. President trump addressed the issue at an april press conference when asked how the government was going to get the money back was sent take some time to send a check to somebody wrong sometimes. People are listed. If they get a check in a statement sent to fox 40 us treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin says youre not supposed to keep the payment. Were checking the databases but there could be a scenario where we miss something and yes, the air should be returning that money now attorneys like michelle are issuing advice for those who may have received a check for someone who passed away dont cash and dont do anything with it. I advise if somebody gets a check like this that they should hang on to it until theres some sort of a decision we reached out to a representative with the u. S. Treasury department she says they should be issuing guidance on this shortly reporting in sacramento. Charmaine nero fox 40 news. Now its 7. 12 and coming up on the kron 4 morning news this sunday morning firefighters and Police Officers come out to celebrate a veterans. One 100th birthday in nearly 100 years serving the military community, weve seen you go through tough times and every time, youve shown us, youre much tougher your heart, courage and commitment has always inspired us and now its no different so, were here with financial strength, stability and experience you can depend on and the online tools you need because you have always set the highest standard and reaching that standard is what were made for and reaching that standard is what were made for dont feel like wearing pants . Okay who drank all the milk . Enjoy the great taste of dunkin at home. Out the weather and i think it was sufficiently foggy and cool enough to keep people away from beaches yesterday yesterday about today, but this morning actually really nice and clear in fact john driving in i saw in my Rearview Mirror anyway, beautiful sunrise out there this morning with some nice colors and clear skies. Yeah weve got not a will drop the marine layer out there for most areas it is a nice clear morning what a change from yesterday with as you mentioned aria fog and cloud cover that kept a lot of us probably staying inside watching movies little bit more than going and working at the art now today, the most noticeable difference weve already talked about just how clear it is out there you can see the abundant sunshine over San Francisco. Theres really only one spot in the bay that has some low stratus clouds overhead those are the spots that sit right above the bay and you can see that down in san say aside from her south bay neighbors, we are Crystal Clear this morning temperatures in the 40s and 50s for your current numbers conquered europe, 51 dublin at 50 degrees will santa rosa actually are exception at 39 degrees and very cool morning in the north bay around 10 degrees of now a cooler than that compared to where we were at yesterday to get the jackets on if youre going out for some early morning, shopping again, those groceries or doing some yard work maybe today is going to be a nice and mild day. And i would advise you get outside and enjoy its day as much as possible in the yard getting some stuff done some of the shores in aarons because what were going to see for the rest of the forecast isnt anything mild. Its going to get hot out there as sunshine returns were going to see temperatures rising really quickly clear skies today and future cast showing a very quiet picture in the days to come not a whole lot of changes here were setting into a High Pressure area thats going to keep us high and dry only increasingly or as we make our way on into the upcoming week. Todays daytime highs still very comfortable 60s and 70s with couldnt i 75 san jose, a 72 while Hayward Fremont oakland hold on to the 60s in the upper 60s, San Francisco in the mid 60s today feeling good though under that sunshine. Now tomorrow tuesday. We are going to see temperatures a bit warmer than today by wednesday thursday friday and saturday is when the heat really kicks in thursday and friday our days were inland areas could actually see highs in the low 90s with upper 70s stretching not just all the way up to the bay but in some cases a few 70s showing up near the coastline, so this warm wind thats going to be pushing offshore is going to make sure that none of that ocean cool air is stripping inland. We are in britain, Crystal Clear dry and warming forecast ahead of us time to get the sunscreen out of the bottle water if youre heading outside for that walk back to you guys all right, thank you very much john time now 7. 18 some breaking news from overnight former as pitcher and executive. Matt keogh has died at the age of 64. As didnt reveal the cause of his death but he spent 7 years in the league ending his playing career back in 1983. He was named an allstar as a rookie and was honored with the comeback player of the year award in 1980 kill had Front Office Roles for several teams after retiring, including his job as a special assistant for the oakland as. Now and a navy veteran and antioch celebrated her one 100th birthday but with their sections in place. She wasnt they can there be much of a celebration to learn but as kron forcefully to call reports are creative family. Wasnt going to let the day pass without a surprise. Turning 100 years old is quite the accomplishment still Teresa Conley was not expecting much fanfare i thought it was going to be a very quiet breakfast with my daughter, her husband. In my chair t shirts but to resist family had other plans. For the plan for to cancel it. I just want to make sure that she knew that you know is taking over that action reached a major milestone one day knowledge. Instead of the match she planned to take teresa spent the morning outside of her home in antioch watching members of the local American Legion post Police Firefighters and members of her congregation at Saint Ignatius church of any option. Driveby for her Birthday Party shes in good physical shape. Shes able to walk or memory a sharp as a tack. She truly has been blessed and is a blessing for us, theresa is a california native and served as a chief petty officer for the u. S. Navy during world war 2 spending most of her service time in alameda. She has 2 sons a daughter and is a great great grandmother, theyre treating me like a italy to well there are covid19 outbreaks at Meat Processing plants across the country and thats raising concerns about a potential meat shortage because of that costcos now limiting how much meat customers can buy at any one time the Company Announced that a limit beef, pork and poultry products to 3 items per member in order to help all customers get the items they need during their shelter in place this week costco also announced that all members must wear face coverings while shopping and that new rule goes into Effect Tomorrow on monday so keep that in mind. Its 7. 20 right now and. And still ahead on this sunday morning how in Northern California drag queen. Is putting their skills to work to benefit high school well were back at 7. 23 and weve been highlighting seniors through the kron 4 yearbook since the class of 2020 wont be able to have a traditional graduation because of coronavirus of course so if im too fat or people that they got the kron 4 yearbook and a drag queen in nebraska has decided to do Something Special for seniors. Raising money with a digital drag show haley burly takes a look. Even though graduating seniors dont get a ceremony this spring. Joey baker is making sure theyre still celebrated. So he took to social media looking for ways to help those students thats when he found the adoptasenior page where people can raise money to help the graduates prepare for college. He found 5 lgbtqi plus years and wanted to health baker says its important for him to get back to his community because when he was in a dark place in life people help him overcome it. So hes hosting a virtual drag show to raise money but he contacted seniors to let them know what he was doing. Baker says they were shocked and thrilled for the recognition he says high school can be tough for an lgbtqi plus senior with a lot of bullying but its a Pivotal Moment in a teenagers life to just use my little bit of a platform to be able to give back to. The Younger Generation whos coming into my community. There are no longer a teenager now theyre young adults and i think its important they start on the right for baker performers for the virtual drag show he wants seniors around the area to know that theyre loved and supported the show was streamed on his Facebook Page and well be up until may 3rd. In Lincoln Haley burley. I mean a warning he in washington lawmakers say they approved billions of dollars to help war hospitals, but so im alphonso, and theres more to me than hiv. Theres my career,. My cause,. My choir. Im a work in progress. So much goes. Into who i am. Hiv medicine is one part of it. Prescription dovato is for adults who are starting hiv1 treatment and who arent resistant to either of the medicines dolutegravir or lamivudine. Dovato has 2. Medicines in. 1 pill to help you reach and then stay undetectable. So your hiv can be controlled with fewer medicines. While taking dovato. You can take dovato anytime of day,. With food. Or without. Dont take dovato if youre allergic to any of its. Ingredients or if you take dofetilide. If you have hepatitis b, it can change during treatment with dovato and become harder to treat. Your hepatitis b may get worse or become lifethreatening. If you stop taking dovato. So do not stop dovato. Without talking to your doctor. Serious side effects can occur, including allergic reactions,. Liver problems, and liver failure. Lifethreatening side effects include lactic acid buildup and severe liver problems. If you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,. Stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. Tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems,. Including hepatitis b or c. One of the ingredients in dovato may harm your. Unborn baby. Your doctor may prescribe a different medicine. Than dovato. Your doctor should do a pregnancy test. Before starting. Dovato. Use effective birth control. While taking dovato. The most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, nausea, trouble sleeping, and tiredness. So much goes into who i am. And hope to be. Ask your doctor if starting hiv treatment with dovato is right for you. Were back at 7. 28 breaking news from overnight a driver was killed in a dui crash jose. He ran a red light struck another vehicle killing the other driver. It happened on hama expressway and brenham lane. The man who ran the red light was not injured. Hes being charged now with a color manslaughter and dui this is sanejose 17th fatal crash. So far this year. More states are loosening up on their district of restrictions coming up tomorrow, theyll be about half of the states. That are loosening restrictions even though health a speck specters a have said you know it might not be the time theyre too soon and thats the worry of the warm springs, wild weather that weve been enjoying. Has people all across the country teaching to get outside karen caifa takes a closer look. Of marylands Prince Georges Hospital just outside of washington dc a quick break for a salute and skies. Its really nice to be appreciated. The navy blue angels, an air force thunderbirds flying over washington dc, baltimore and atlanta to honor First Responders and Healthcare Worker saturday. The crowds on the National Mall to watch the show drew concerns as the district of columbia Stay Home Order is still in effect. Crowds also headed to central park despite new yorks continued pause order as Governor Andrew Cuomo said the state is still losing nearly 300 people a day to the coronavirus. That number has remained. A noxious lee. Terrifyingly high. New york city mayor bill de blasio said the city and police were prepared if everyone follows the rules thats great, but its not theres going to be very intense enforcement. While new yorks cause order remains in effect americans in more than 3 other states are seen relaxed restrictions this weekend after looting open Retail Stores in texas and georgia, new Jersey Governor Phil Murphy allowed state parks county parks and golf courses to reopen. He said its up to residents to follow the rules and help them stay open, whats make sure. That we have a good weekend and a safe weekend. And its sunday may 10th more than 40 states will have partially reopened in washington, im karin caifa. Police say that they will not be cleaning up homeless encampments during the covid19 pandemic the Department Posted on its Facebook Page saying that forcing people to move to other locations poses an elevated risk in the community. The city in partnership with other Community Organizations will be launching project roomkey instead the program will temporarily house Homeless People who test positive for covid19 or at least at risk of becoming infected. Well in San Francisco to homeless women are drawing attention to the homeless problem. They bear any briefly occupied a vacant home in the city prompting a Police Response and drawing in a crowd of supporters. An activist with reclaim sf says the women were protesting the lack of action on proposition c which promised housing for People Living on the streets that activist says that the vacant home that the woman took over was one of 4,000 units that were promised to home to house, Homeless People. A city official is out of his leadership role now because of his comments on social media can turnage junior suggested that sick old and Homeless People should be left to meet their natural course in nature during this pandemic. And next city Council Voted unanimously to remove him as chair of the citys Planning Commission in response to the councils vote turnage said that if residents had lost confidence in him thats their opinion and i cant help that. A small restaurant in Eldorado County is open for business defying the statewide stay at home order. Customers were dining right next to each other for the First Time Since the shutdown Marley Martinez has the story. A tiny roadside diner eldron. Where the sign promises true home cooking people arent staying home any longer kathy eldorado opening its doors for the First Time Since the statewide shutdown welcoming their customers back after over a month, the park either you know run and run around if youre getting a virus or are homeless. Yeah, thats my i mean im going to be homeless. If i dont open my this is back to inside something you probably havent heard in awhile. The buzz of a restaurant waiting tables and i feel myself to smiling the whole time just like wow this is it will feel like getting back to normal the quaint restaurant serves breakfast and lunch and only seats about 25 people owner sherry baldrige the social distancing just isnt possible. If you want to come in you come in if you dont you down i was about 2 feet from someone and im not concerned at all its time that we open california voters says she had to reopen after getting to eviction notices received a complaint id every garden cafe eldorado planning to reopen. For sitdown service tomorrow please be advised that this had allowed for the governors order. She got an email yesterday from the county department that permits and inspects restaurants. Saying they received a complaint and asking her to not allow sitdown service pointing to the governors i have to eat i have to pay my bills. So my theyre my writes, this is my business and i have the right to keep it open she did end up closing down in our early after running out of food, one customer who was turned away excited to come back again, i dont believe that america should never shut down. We know how to keep our social distancing just like you and i are small nobody even knows i exist they do now though. We reached out to the El Dorado County Sheriffs Office and they tell us they dont have any plans to issue a citation to the restaurant, they say their focus continues to be awareness of the statewide order. El dorado county Marley Martinez. 7. 34 and take a look at this. In Orange County the rules worked. Thats Huntington Beach member james, we showed you live in the morning thinking oh maybe was too early. What was going to happen with a gun crowd, the beach like they did. Last weekend prompting the governor to close only the Orange County beaches. And he did and they complied they didnt show up. This is a new situation for all of us so were surf city and it is part of our culture here in Huntington Beach that people come out to the beach only to surfeit to swim. Take part in water sports be on the board walk biking walking running all of that, so it is difficult for us as officers residents all of us and were asking that. People be patient with us and everybodys patient with the orders and that were able to quickly get through it and then get back out on our beaches. Heres what it will look like last weekend this is what prompted the order from the governor you can see there is lots of people just hanging out they were too close together nobody is ask really. So now theres no do did new date from the Governors Office as to when they will be allowed to reopen those beaches. First responders like paramedics and police and firefighters are being hit hard during this pandemic many who recover from their battles covid19 are returning to the front lines and were brian todd now sharing. What theyve learned from that experience. In 15 years with the Fairfax County Fire Department in Northern Virginia there wasnt a lot of captain christopher warmer hadnt seen or couldnt cope with. But when he got the news in early april that he was positive for coronavirus he says it was flat out unnerving. The potential that she did. An only come to work in spread this year coworkers to there. They could spread is in their household u v. The source. Across the United States thousands of First Responders like warner have gotten sick with coronavirus battled through it and return to the front lines in new york city alone where dozens of police and firefighters have died from coronavirus more than 7,000 of them have returned to the job after recovering, but first they have to deal with their own illness go through isolation battle their own fears as new york paramedic aleen reich did a few weeks ago. I have never been sicker in my whole entire life, ive never feared dieting as much as i have now. Some come back fighting recurring coughs Weightloss Energy depletion before getting sick were used to be able to run and 8 and a half minute mile. Now nowhere near day and a half minute mile and nowhere near being able to do the mile without being kind of 15. Many of them wonder if they really do have community worry about infecting their relatives and colleagues but still they battle the work of saving people in this pandemic too important to them. Dc assistant fire chief John Donnelly recently watched 2 young firefighters who had just recovered go out on a covid call. To watch than. You know just go right back out like they had missed a step and i know inside they had to be worried about it. It was a little emotional for me to watch them go out and do the work i was very proud of how they represented our department and our community First Responders tell us they bring new skills and sensibilities to the front lines after recovering i was able to be more in touch with. That patients who call because that no exactly had a was center with a lot of it and having gone through what theyre able to offer a knowing reassurance to patients. But many recovering First Responders need their own reassurance new york dr. Doctor lorna breen who had just recovered from coronavirus took her own life recently. Donnelly worries about the Emotional Wellbeing of his recovery firefighters to take this job to do this job you have to feel a little invincible when. Things go wrong. Your mind says im having problems with this that doesnt change sunny armor that can weaken the system. Brian todd, cnn. And dont forget we have always got the very latest coronavirus related stories on our website at kron 4 dot com. As you can see the latest from Orange County a up on the web site right now we just mentioned that a moment ago again updated minute by minute with the latest information you need to get through the you need to get through the alarm ringing wake up to great tasting flavor. alarm stops belvita breakfast biscuits. Flavors like delicious blueberry or decadent chocolate, gently baked in a tasty biscuit. alarm ringing belvita breakfast biscuits. Its time to taste the day. And your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Myabbvie assist has been providing free abbvie medicines to qualifying patients for nearly 30 years. And in todays difficult times, making sure patients have access to our medicines matters more than ever. Find out if youre eligible at abbvie. Com myabbvieassist find out if youre eligible rural hospitals across the nation have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic theyre quickly running out of money and resources lawmakers tried to ease the pain during the last coronavirus funding package but some say its not nearly enough and work he has more. I think some hospitals are having a very difficult time Texas Democratic congressman henry clay or says Congress Approved billions of dollars in the latest cares act to help rural hospitals say got to make sure they have the equipment and the ease the texas republican Roger Williams says the world hospitals havent seen a dime. In a letter on friday williams asked health and Human Services secretary alex azar to act to beat the funds immediately saying quote the entire Health Care System is strained to the breaking point Rural America is under enormous pressure. The cares act includes 75 billion for hospitals across the country and the Administration Says billion will go specifically to Rural Health Care providers that will allow them to to to survive and remain viable. But also 2 men chained there. Their service to their Community Still texas republican congressman joe de arrington says thats not enough i think everybody wants more Texas Democrat Lloyd Doggett says rural hospitals can tweak any longer so many of our hospitals that were under great threat before this pandemic ever happen. Well now they have declining revenues increased needs secretary azar says the money will be distributed in waves last week is our said the approximately 2000 world hospitals across the country will be included in the second round of funding in washington, im anna warning key. An indepth look at what the process is like to test for coronavirus using antibodies for many of our members, being prepared. Wont be a new thing. And it wont be their First Experience with social distancing. Overcoming challenges is what defines the military community. Usaa has been standing with them, for nearly a hundred years. And well be here to serve for a hundred more. Some 35 right now and were taking a look at the weather and how things are going to be a chill looks a lot nicer than it did yesterday i was going to say big difference right we had clouds overcast conditions drizzle yesterday and this morning, the exact opposite john. Yeah, Crystal Clear out there now definitely a big change from where we were saturday of course with the sunshine back you want to just remind yourself, its not a reason to get out there and a crowd in Public Places but a good reason certainly to walk around the neighborhood and taken some of that sunshine obviously such a nice thing to do on a Beautiful Day like were about to see conditions pretty chilly this morning. Despite those clear skies that youre seeing dont worry. Temperatures will rise pretty quickly as the sun continues to rise and the horizon temperatures are going to start showing some changes pretty noticeably here in a few minutes santa rosa dirt 39 degrees right now in the 40s for berkeley Napa Fairfield the liver works so yes, it is a cool but clear morning and as our clear skies remain through the day thats going help temperatures to become quite mild uncomfortable into the afternoon of course the sunshine being just the cherry on top of what has already been some pretty comfortable weather skies will remain Crystal Clear not just today but really theres of course your forecast future cast is showing you how quiet the picture is the days to come tomorrow, nice sunny skies tuesday youll notice a couple of clouds trying to push in but skies do remain predominantly the middle of the week todays daytime highs remain in the 60s and 70s with caulk or to one of our warmer spots at 70 for cut 75. Santa rosa and napa at 73 san jose you rise to 72. Well 60s doing on and hayward oakland, San Francisco and pretty much today, but he spots tomorrow temperatures a bit warmer as they will tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturday those when the heat really kicks into gear its looking like our hottest days are likely to be thursday and friday near if not to 90 degrees. Inland with heat stretching even out towards the coast with highs near 80 degrees right alongside the sure the bay come thursday friday and saturday so get ready for some hotter weather around the corner, id say enjoy today as much as possible as today is just looking at nice comfortable and a lot clearer. Back to us in the studio. Thank you john 7. 47 and starting tomorrow beachgoers in pacifica will not be allowed to camp out on the sand with blankets and coolers. The pacifica mayor Dieter Martin says these restrictions are in place because the city is not yet ready to come back to having large groups during this pandemic. Were really just instructed to use the beach as a tool to recreate to get some physical activity. You know i say to run your kids and really not to kind of hang in lawyer in play soccer game with an expert the votes because we still really are trying to this its like i said you know, wheres empty chairs no umbrellas not yet they really do work it was a i said before our environment is our economy. So you really want people here are not ready. Thats the same story that we heard you know from so many Beach Community santa cruz, and thats the whole reason that governor newson told Orange County that they could go back on the beach because youve got to keep that keep moving move along weve got that full interview with more details on kron on its free during the pandemic we lifted the pay wall you get all the latest there and thats 24 7. And its just you know video form but if you want to slowly peruse the news and all the angles and all the numbers and ways you can help people thats on kron 4 dot com. Well health care Officials Say that anybody testing could be critical during this coronavirus pandemic but there is a lot thats unknown about the test itself. We have gary tuchman now taking a look through the process. Getting your blood analyze for covid19 antibodies and. It has not been easy to do if you parked a First Responder Health Care Worker when this was one thing we could do. To really or reduce the barriers to care and expand access to test that denvers National Jewish Health Medical center. If you want an Antibody Test you can get an Antibody Test. You dont need connections or even a doctors recommendation. You make a reservation and drive into a parking lot. That this type of interview starts an easy process. Hello america are you doing today are you get your name please my name is gary tuchman all right do i made an appointment a day before to get a close look at a process that will hopefully get more and more common across the country. And to answer a question as they continue to cover stories and cnn have i already had covid19 without knowing it in the last 2 weeks of you had any fever. Okay any new or worsening cough now following the interview you walk into this trailer for a 10 minute visit. To get your blood drawn. He did a great job, but in the vein. My blood and the blood of others than walked over to the Medical Center campus into this lap. The files go into a centrifuge. Molly wolf is the lab supervisor. And then this is the final step for our its machine is called the automated allies analyzer the analyzing will take a little over 4 hours. This test which has been submitted for emergency use authorization to the cost 94 but is eligible for insurance coverage. Hundreds of people are getting tested here each day so while its important for this country to have a better idea how many people have or have had covid19. What does it mean for any of us who test positive for the antibodies. I would not let your guard down so even if you have it you do not know how much protection you do or do not have and how long that protection will last. Well my guard will definitely be staying up either way. I got my results, the the determination. Not detected which means negative. I have not had the coronavirus. Gary tuchman, cnn, denver. Say that he did and im still waiting to get ahead my whats next week some 11th i think i put it out there that because it sounds like its going to do anything but satisfy my curiosity, yeah. If you cant get anybody test is a good idea if you 2 dont forget to we have the graphic up in a moment ago, but all the information that you need to stay updated to find at the very latest on where testing site locations are near you if there are some being offered for free you can always find that on our website at kron 4 dot com well take a quick break and be right back time now is 7. 52 when you need it, jack delivers order on uber eats, postmates and grubhub. That could mean an increase byin energy bills. When you need it, jack delivers you can save by setting your heat to 68 or lower. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or just letting the sun light your home. Stay well and keep it golden. Youve got something up your sleeve what you didnt know was you were surprising your fatherinlaw steve the best part of wakin up is folgers in your cup my new bitesized, crispy popcorn chicken is so irresistible youll want them whenever, so dont resist pop em while you game, hang, or do your thing. Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. Back at 7. 55 check this out this is the view from inside the cockpit of the blue angels. One of their jets of the u. S. Navys flight demonstration squad flew over washington dc and baltimore and atlanta with the thunderbirds from the air force all to honor Healthcare Workers and First Responders and essential workers as socially distancing they are in fact there are just 6 feet not very often do we get to see the view from inside the cockpit of one of the blue angels airplanes only if you fly with them never get that view you never now is an alternate one year at ever did get to go up, but whats amazing it, it looks a lot more like oh just a sunday drive out there that its so dangerous to be that close you know sometimes we collected kron 4 is saluting the class of 2020 as you know each morning we spotlight a different senior today, it is. Sarah smith, the sarah graduated from Heritage High School in brentwood. Shell be attending Sacramento State university in the fall and as a student athlete, she plans to play division, one soccer for the hornets, so congratulations to you sara and all your fellow classmates their heritage. Weldon getting through high school star. You cant walk across the stage your futures all look bright so were happy for you. You can submit a graduate or if you are a graduate tell us about you know where youre headed. The high school youre graduating from and post a picture well share right here on the kron 00 04am morning news. I will take a quick break. Coming up in the next hour there will be looser restrictions at stay at home orders for 6 bay area counties were going to break down what changes you can expect that start tomorrow plus people have one last day to walk around the presidio golf course before the golfers come and thanks for joining us. Im darya folsom and im James Fletcher it is sunday may 3rd. The stay at home orders for 6 perry counties are set to change tomorrow which is welcome news to a lot of people sure is were going to see some construction resumed there will be new safety protocols of course. Real estate open houses can start up again there will be no limitations on that as well child care programs will be reopening too. But they will be limited to just 12 children per facility for now certain outdoor businesses are going to open it again that nurseries landscapes places gardeners those will be open. However, outdoor restaurants cafes and bars, not yet. And other shared outdoor spaces like skate parks golf courses, theyll be allowed to reopen, but of course social distancing guidelines will still be expected and it forced. These changes apply to the following counties alameda contra costa marin San Francisco, san mateo and santa clara counties as well as the city of berkeley but the same thing holds and that is you need to live near those places that you go to. So make sure that you follow those rules or youll get ticketed or kicked the presidio golf course is one of the courses that are going to be reopened that these people have just been Walking Around it will be checked out for his radar be standing by with more on that good morning. And good morning daryn james you see that sign right behind the golf course clothes had sign will be taken down because tomorrow there will be opening up the golf coffers if youre listening at home you can get back out on the course obviously this morning i talked to people who are out exercising and just enjoying taken to that last little bit of Walking Around the course before it shuts down you can take a look at the people that have been enjoying it over these past few leads ow joaquins in with family just taking in some fresh air its been an experience for the entire family now theyre going open up there are some new rules are in place so lets take a look at our screen of those new rules. They want you to include 6 feet a physical distance scene between you and the other people on the golf course. Golfers can enter the golf shop also must wear face coverings while youre checking in one person per golf cart and no rental clubs are also available. Cops have been raised above the ground and theyre asking people not to touch the flagstick southee are all rake and ball washers have also been removed now getting a chance to talk to people who shared some pretty interesting stories about their timing out on the golf course. And it was spending and now that theyre opening up people have to enjoy the rest of the park and not the golf course because goff this one involved. So the views the views from this course of events a beautiful course its really have to. Yes a lot of people out here finding some healing from being out on the course taking in the beautiful scenery and again that couple that i talked to they let me know that of all the years, ive lived here in San Francisco, this was the first time it actually been able to be out on the golf course a lot of people sharing that same sentiment so daryn james ill go out check out the green and talk to some more people that are out there enjoying the course this morning and for a full list you can visit our website at kron 4 dot com boston. A back you both in the studio all right. Yeah go check out the range rain thats awesome yeah, all appliances is downhill always generate time now is 8 03 also in the news this morning we have car break a problem along at least one a portion of the bay area during this pandemic but east bay police say that theyre seeing more signs of smash and grabs a popular parts recently kron fours dan thorn reports on the increase coinciding with the increase in park visitors. Shattered glass strewn across the road its becoming increasingly unsettling sight for parkgoers seeking peace outside police warn these rows of unattended cars have become prey for criminals looking to pounce usually i dont see the damage car but i do see positive last its been pretty much an everyday occurrence. Jason chan is talking about these shimmering mounds left from smash and grabs near Joaquin Miller park a day with his family and dogs is better spent not thinking about it but hes found the spike in these crimes a little concerning i have been a victim yet so i mean i guess it hasnt hit home so i dont really think about it too much but i am aware. Being aware is half the battle says the Oakland Police department theyve alerted people about the recent rise in car burglaries as more people visit east bay parks, some of those visitors like lorraine a in her friends say they havent fallen victim to thieves because they never leave valuables behind they can change my car i they won, but i dont have an opinion. Car break ins have been common all across the bay area even before the influx of visitors to local parks. Oakland police say that criminals dont care about the shelterinplace orders and theyre increasing patrols to help prevent these types of crimes, reporting in oakland dan thorn kron 4 news. 8 04 right now, lets take a look at how many cases of coronavirus are right now in the bay area more than 8,000 people have tested positive. It looks like a just under 200 people have died and as you can see. The majority in Santa Clara County, the majority of deaths there with a 114. We have this all posted at all times with the latest numbers on our website not only for the bay area but for the state and the world as well taking a look at california cases you can see well over 53,600 and deaths statewide over 2000 people have died around the world are in the u. S. Were also tracking the numbers around the world and weve those infections, varying in some places going down i think in italy there finally beginning to see a little bit of a loosening of their restrictions just as we are too. In the bay area starting tomorrow our coverage continues online to go to kron 4 dot com for any details that unit, well be right. Stores across california have been dealing with people illegally dumping donations. Its a problem thats getting worse kristy gross takes a look. The stockton Goodwill Thrift store is not adopt but lately it may look like one with boxes in clothes, scattered on the ground it will says theyre having a problem with people dumping donations are most valuable donation point when were open and then its our biggest problem while were closed. It will San Joaquin Valley ceo denise da says the problem started the day be shut their doors because of the Coronavirus Health crisis and says its gotten progressively worse when were not able to directly except them. We have to treat the merchandise is potentially contaminated at that point you know we are forced to take it directly to the landfills os as that goes against one of goodwills mission is to be environmentally sustainable when our doors are open we divert millions of pounds a year out of the local landfills. And right were adding to that problem goodwill says the constant cleanup is costing them 10s of thousands of dollars a week were going by all of our stores. At least twice a day and in some cases like it marks lane. Were going there 4, 5 times a day but its taking you know an hour and a half to 2 hours to clean up. And you know the mass that flashed anything left outside a goodwill location in less than a designated boxes considered Illegal Dumping so goodwill is asking people to hang on to their donations until they says more than 80 of the profits from Goodwill Stores goes to support job training and other services, the best thing that they can do for us is to hold on to those valuable donations were going to be in great need of those donations when were able to open our doors and turn that into funding for our Mission Services in stockton, kristy gross fox, 40 news. Coming up on the kron 4 morning news a new Shopping Experience during the coronavirus pandemic were going to have a look at the changes happening at malls that are reopening in parts beaches in santa cruz have new restrictions in place this weekend they are now closed from 00 11am in the morning until 05 00pm saturday was the first day of these new restrictions after people fail to follow physical distancing rules last weekend. The mayor tells us it wasnt a decision that officials took lightly and thats why the city didnt go for a 24 hour closure. So what were hoping to do is allow forget what access or open space for residents. We want people to shelter. It is look at the age and Outdoor Activities close where they live. And we dont want to have to cut that off to everybody within our community. So again open from 00 11am in the morning till 05 00pm the city is going to be stepping up patrols to enforce new hours and restrictions including ticketing anyone who drives into the beach from out of town people can face a fine of up to. 1000. Well you can watch that full interview by the way and many others on our 24 hour streaming news service kron on its free right now during the pandemic would remove the pay wall, so you can stay informed and updated on this health crisis, whenever you need it. Turn our attention now speaking of beaches to the weather at 14 right now and lets check out the weather all i got my solo cup hair. Its just water so knows its a dangerous and more into this morning. John speaking a its going to get that way pretty quick and that. It well yeah this morning we might be a little cool. But thats where the cool weather in this forecast stops because this afternoon. We are warming up and were going to really warm up after today, so today, one or more mild things in the forecast and a good one to get outside maybe get some yard work done look at all the sunshine youre already enjoying Golden Gate Bridge out there in the distance Barron County far in the distance and of course the presidio in the foreground are we do have a nice sunny day ahead temperatures in the 40s and 50s right now id say its wrong. The jackets as youre getting out there for your morning walk this afternoon, though you wont have to worry about those so much now santa rosa about 30 minutes ago you were a 39 degrees now here at 46 that sunshine already making a big difference temperatures are climbing and were going to be seeing them climbing through the day under the sunny skies thats going to make for some mild conditions this afternoon but as i mentioned youll be able to get rid of that jacket just enjoy some tshirt and shorts conditions as hopefully get a chance step out on the patio or backyard, if you got one and baby so can some race tomorrow were going to see skies just a nice as clear as today in fact the church just to show you some really quiet skies not a whole lot going on as High Pressure builds back in things are going to be looking quiet for the percy a bulk future with really no chance of rainfall marine layer will try to slip back in towards the middle of the week so you will have some fog during morning come area come days like wednesday morning and thursday morning temperatures today in the 60s and 70s with san jose at 72 livermore about do at 70 degrees. Each well, oakland and hayward at 67 San Francisco at 60 court today tomorrow and tuesday temperatures still remain uncomfortable, but definitely warmer than today and then we really see the kicking into gear by thursday and friday, especially our inland areas will be close if not to 90 degrees. Well bayside areas very close to 80 and even some upper 60s to low 70s closer to the coast, lots of sunshine and definitely no chance of rain ahead this forecast. So one to stay hydrated as youre getting outside for those walks and definitely put the sunscreen on some bird for all that sign that we do have respect 7 dates back to you guys in the studio. Thanks a lot. John is 8. 16 right now in National News businesses are starting to reopen across the u. S. Felt with major changes. Georgia became the first state to open up malls natasha chen takes a look at how its going. In georgia a state that has taken the most aggressive measures to reopen the economy the new month brought with it an entirely new place to get out of the house them all. First of all its been scary at the first time i heard about it, but also exciting for tenants to be able to open back up the states shelterinplace order officially expired thursday night for most Governor Brian Kemp extended the order for the elderly and vulnerable populations to shelter in place through midjune still his executive order allowed Retail Stores to open back up on friday about a week after restaurants, barber shops and even tattoo parlors. It has a long and upscale outdoor mall in atlanta suburbs management ready. The grounds for shopping in the socially distant era. All of the commentary furniture have been placed im 6 feet apart and the walkways are one way only but only a 5th of about a 100 shops at avalon were open and many of those were either Curbside Pickup or by appointment only altered state a Womens Clothing store was one of the few that had its stores open of course there always is like that fear just light. They did not one person walking has it. But were also taking a look at options to just make sure that doesnt happen. Have a lot of it sterilizing everything you know we have the option wear masks, we wear gloves that the cash optus make sure you know were not touching anything. New protocols include steaming every article of clothing that a customer tries on and regularly disinfecting the fitting rooms and because only 10 people including employees are allowed inside at any time. There was a line of customers waiting outside we found kate martin at the end of that line honors. So instinctively i think like. Its still too. 2 contagious. Its very contagious to the show i still think it might be a little too soon. To come back out and be this close together. So well see. Shes wearing a mask which the mall is also giving to its customers but still not everyone inside the ship bieber theyll take it seriously. A retired nurse had a message for the young and the mask liss who could have been unknowingly passing it to more vulnerable populations say you might not get a shape that they will. And they will get from you, you have for your grandmother. That was natasha chen, reporting tomorrow restrictions will be easing in more states across the nation. In california, 3 Rural Counties modoc yuba and sutter are going against the governors order and theyre allowing tattoo parlors and malls to reopen. Well there are covid19 outbreaks at Meat Processing plants around the country and thats raising concerns about a potential meat shortage for that reason costcos now limiting how much meat you can buy at any one time. The company now says its going to be limiting beef, pork and poultry products to just 3 items per member in order to help all customers get the items they need while theyre sheltering in place in this week costco is also are also announced that all members have to wear face coverings well going into the store that will goes into Effect Tomorrow. So dont forget to bring a mask if youre heading to costa. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell are turning down the white houses offer of Rapid Testing kits for covid19 health and Human Services secretary alex azar tweeted set 3 testing machines and a 1000 tests will be available for members of the senate when they reconvene on monday in a joint statement, Pelosi Mcconnell wrote in part quote our countrys testing capacities are continuing to scale up nationwide and Congress Wants to keep directing resources to the frontline facilities where they can do the most good. The most quickly. President trump was quick to criticize. The House Speaker he tweeted quote no reason to turn it down except politics. We have plenty of testing. Maybe you need a new doctor over there. Crazy nancy will use it as an excuse not to show up to work again that was the president by the way as i said that was a joint statement between the House Speaker and the senate. Leader Mitch Mcconnell. The u. S. Senate is scheduled to reconvene tomorrow evening to confirm robert patel to become Inspector General of the Nuclear Regulatory commission. A couple more news after the break new numbers showing the corona virus was spreading and killing people much faster than originally reported. Well take a look at why information was so late to get out and the impact that had on care for the sick mrs. Walker. Michael vasquez come over here. Ive heard such good things about you, your company. Well, i wouldnt have done any of it without you. Without this place. This is for you. Michael, you didnt have to. And, were going to need some help with the rest. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. 24 as britain approach is having the worst death toll in europe, new figures are suggesting the number of deaths was significantly higher before the uk went into lockdown which has raised a lot of questions about their response and what they were telling the public Nick Paton Walsh has more. A person is close to having europes worst death toll. So what did i do wrong look different. When global alarm bells were ringing loudly. Uk was clear, it wouldnt lock down to an e and that some spread to was unavoidable even desirable. If people go to a e they become very fatigued its not possible to people to getting it and its full say who actyally not desirable because you want some immutity in the population. Onsite always gives a unfair verdict. But new updated government figures show the death toll just in england was a lot larger than known at the time in the days leading up to lock down the Prime Minister said he was still shaking hands shook hands with youll be pleased to know and no deaths were announced 4 people have already died in england. When cheltenham horse races criticized for going ahead and it. The uk toll was officially 10 when really 58 died. I want to look down slams pub dole shot publicly that hole was 359, but really 847 a died in england alone. Should the uk have moved foster is the only job some early shes experiencing some of the countries that if we can to be sure we might be a few scientists results know like hes phoenix th people line to take you back to Different Countries and you want to ask if you too can different measures at different times and different people become infected if we had coming a week of and hope is that people would have as we as the disease continues to spread through the population differences of people who die testing the contract. Tracing was a problem from the start possibly dismissed and then have really embraced 100,000 tests per day many grand schemes were announced an Antibody Test apps a volunteer army. But this one actually happened nearly on time bit late. It comes have helped decisionmaking the Boris Johnson was nearly killed by the disease to its peak. Some of the misuse no peace consistent whos who is clear is going to good in terms of these are the benefits in 2000 he says hes still interested in detroit. Still despite the huge told. The uks Health Service was not overwhelmed. Even huge overflow hospitals like this in london with betty used. Half those who died in england. So far over 18 the uk not to take them enough or was that a little could be done. Tough questions. The time and grief on payton walsh cnn london. The 7 coming up on this sunday morning martinez man says he saw while in a coma battling covid19 were to share his story of survival. Hope and will invisalign aligners really work for my smile. Is there a better alternative to braces . Only invisalign aligners use smarttrack technology. It moves teeth more comfortably and predictably. And in many cases, it works faster than braces. upbeat music and in many cases, it works faster than braces. Tso is this. And so are these. They all represent something more. The feeling of home. Thats why were here. To help make your home be everything you want it to be. Because home is what unites us. That could mean an increase byin energy bills. You can save by setting your heat to 68 or lower. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or just letting the sun light your home. Stay well and keep it golden. If a 30s the time this morning we have a story of survival and hope and caution and east bay father sharing his story of fighting and beating covid19. After spending more than a month in a state hospital. Matt said daddy says that people dont really understand how horrible this virus it scarf or snow well below has the story. I know it sounds weird. People to year. And honestly i look like you to go to the other side. After spending 4 weeks hooked up to a ventilator 68 yearold matzoh dottie is now back home in martinez and sharing his battle with covid19. He says he had a persistent cough and fever for 6 days in early march. But it wasnt until he began to have shortness of breath. That is doctor sent him to the hospital they sort of come to on a cruise. I could go over there. And it kind of got pneumonia and then i can possibly put on house call. Im not a time to remember. What happened. I cannot into coma for 23 case. What happened at a what happened was his family spent time praying each and every night. Hosting virtual vigils cdot his daughter sufi says nothing could have prepared her for this experience its pretty devastating because i dont think people realize how quick it happened once it happens. My dad went on a walk with us and then all of a sudden he got a fever and then it turned into 08 with a fever and then it turned into me taking him to the hospital. I never imagined there was going to be that way and because of the nature of the coronavirus. We we lose that opportunity to be able to hatcher loved one i couldnt. I couldnt hold my daughters and when here are as getting were all getting news that basically was going weve got a lot i. Thankfully though the goodbyes his family said through the glass of the icu warned the last. That woke up and began to recover eventually well enough to be brought home he says he saw god while he was in his coma and will be forever grateful to get a Second Chance at life to meet the concerns me to tell me in. Well it was you were going to survive. Were not trying i was not the health screening. We have to start thinking about other people. So that he said and nothing but saying si for the nurses and a doctor so much gratitude because they helped him through this. He is still working on getting his strength back but he says that the home with his loved ones gives him energy that he didnt have while he was alone in the hospital. Police say they will not be cleaning up homeless encampments during the covid19 pandemic the Department Posted on its Facebook Page saying that forcing people to move to other locations poses an elevated risk in the community. The city in partnership with other Community Organizations will be launching project room key instead its a program that will temporarily house Homeless People who test positive for covid19 or are at risk of becoming infected. In San Francisco to homeless women are drawing attention to the homelessness issue. They briefly occupied a vacant home in the city that prompted a Police Response and into a crowd of supporters. An activist with reclaim as staff says the women were protesting the lack of action on proposition c which promised housing for People Living on the streets that activists as the vacant home that the women took over was one out of 4,000 units that were promised to house Homeless People. Take a look at this people in Orange County followed the new rule and stayed off the beach. This is Huntington Beach. Remember we showed you the live shot yesterday morning. And we saw well think its nice look at did get nice and everybody complied and they stayed off the beach thats because the governor sot too many people last weekend on the beach and they were too close. They werent Wearing Masks just cant doubt theyre enjoying the days of death was wrong. And so he didnt want the inspections skyrocket there in Orange County so he ordered them closed. This is a new situation for all of us so were surf city and it is part of our culture here in Huntington Beach that people come out to the beach alley to surfeit to swim take part in water sports be on the board walk biking walking running all of that, so it is difficult for us as officers residents all of us and were asking that people be patient with us and everybodys patient with the orders and that were able to quickly get through it and then get back out on our beaches. Now you see it behind her and this is last weekend with all of the people who are too close for comfort. The governor hasnt given a new date yet for when he will reopen the beaches in Orange County. An antioch city official is out of his leadership position because of a comment on social media candor nudged junior suggested that sick old and Homeless People should be left to meet their natural course in nature during this pandemic and acts city Council Voted unanimously to remove him as chair of the Planning Commission in response. The councils vote to the councils vote that is turnage said if residents have lost confidence in him, then quote thats their opinion and i cant help that. Our coverage continues with the very latest headlines online at kron 4 dot com. You see the big headline a picture there the presidio golf course reopening monday. A lot of bay area. Businesses are going out. But monday the most weve seen anyway, so so far since the lockdown so you can find out all about that too on kron 4 dot com. And were back in a 38 families as we know are struggling to put food on the table during the coronavirus pandemic an organization San Francisco is doing its best to feed them. Vicki liviakis has more in dine and dish. The annual big italian family dinner canceled due to coronavirus for hundreds usually gather in the basement of saint peter and paul church in the citys north beach neighborhood. But they dine on spaghetti and meatballs to raise money to feed anybody who needs coming together enjoying one of the other whatever problems they shared. The idea cooked up by Francis Ford Coppola of godfather fame is to treat everybody like family. As does local literary icon Lawrence Ferlinghetti well have a lot of rather sleeping out there in the streets. Northeast citizens is doing something no other part of the city is doing. The big italian family dinner might be put on hold but the nonprofit north beach citizens still have to feed fellow citizens who are homeless and hungry to traditional meals are the most important. Items that were offering right now as well as the daily touch point for individuals who are very isolated. Behind the mask is Christie Fairchild shes the director of north beach citizens, that operates out of this tiny store front in the new normal of covid19 she says the lines of those in need are growing longer by the day. North beach citizens offers daily meals to go from 9. 30 to 1030 in the morning wednesday food pantry for people to cook at home for a warm family mean in San Francisco Vicki Liviakis kron 4 news. Very good and you can see the rest of vickies dine and dish segments including some easy tips from local chefs on how to make your stay at home cooking a little bit more fun and hopefully little easier to all of that on our website at kron 4 dot well 2021 met species of deadly hornets from asia have been recovered in the u. S. For the first time. The hornets are nickname murder hornets. They are giant aggressive and can wipe out entire bee colonies. Basically by decapitating worker bees the murder hornets can also kill people with their potent venom. Washington state department of agriculture verified. 4 sightings. The hornets were also spotted in 2 locations in british columbia. Researchers are now hunting for these murder hornets and helping to eradicate them. Before they can establish themselves in the u. S. And devastate our bee population. Okay well on that note, lets get a look outside we have john trouble with our forecast today and as you say hey bees but 9 now i feel terrible but i dont want to die, we need them desperately i saw the movie i know what will happen if the people that are real saying you mean animated kids movie at so plan die if the bees is and murder or and its definitely different categories there uh yeah a few of our stepped outside today you might be sort of not swatting away a couple of because thats when it you might be out seeing a couple of them out there because weather is going to be nice and conditions definitely shaping up to be quite comfortable. We do have the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco in the skyline and max one and lets get a look at that because that is what we are looking at as far as conditions go out Golden Gate Bridge farrago of looking at some nice beautiful clear skies overhead and im going to be seeing conditions throughout the course of the day definitely a nice comfortable under the sunny skies and temperatures in the 50s right now double that 56 conquered and fremont at 55 pittsburgh are up 57 along the bottle santa rosa fell to 39 this morning now sitting at 46 degrees. So temperatures are rising and will continue to do so through the day setting us up for a mild unclear afternoon that disturbance that pastor yesterday resulting in some of those clouds that we saw earlier looking at any showers yesterday, but it was the cloud cover that kept things a little cooler that is pushed out now and now were left a sunny and mild conditions something youre going to see throughout the day today and well hold on to through the day tomorrow and through the rest of the week after that point to tomorrow will be a touch warmer than today will be tuesday continuing that warm up with the rest of the week after that point actually getting pretty toasty so if you like some comfortable weather was in clear skies. I dont know who doesnt like that today really is going to be a nice day to enjoy take a step back out into your porch or backyard, if you have one and just soak in some of that sunshine to enjoy a comfortable one 60s and 70s is were will be to date savor it because by the time we work into wednesday thursday friday and saturday its going to be hot inland with daytime highs near 90 degrees by thursday and friday inland near 80 right alongside the bay for much of the latter part of the week coastal areas will also be warming up with highs touching the 70s in some cases also by the start of this upcoming weekend back to you. Thanks a lot john its 8. 46 and breaking news overnight a driver was killed in a dui crash. Early this morning it happened in san jose. The driver ran a red light struck another vehicle, killing the other driver. It happened on the island expressway and brenham lane. The man who ran the red light was not injured and now hes the one charged with vehicular manslaughter and dui its san jose 17 fatal car crash. So far this year. And more breaking news, former oakland as pitcher and executive met keel has died at the age of 64. The as have not revealed the cause of death. Hell spend 7 years in italy, ending his playing career in 1983, he was named an allstar as a rookie and was honored with the comeback player of the year award in 1980. Hell have Front Office Roles for several teams after he retired including his job as a special assistant for the oakland as. In national headlines, former Vice President joe biden says that he is considering more than a dozen women for his running mate. Biden is pledging that if elected hell make his administration as diverse as the country. There are a number of women who are likely to be considered including minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar are massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren and california sen. Kamala harris. Biden says that he hopes to make a decision about his running mate. By the end of july so well be watching and waiting. President trump meanwhile appears to be confirming that north korean dictator, kim jongun is alive. Thats after weeks of speculation about his health in a tweet. The president said quote i for 01 00am glad to see he is back and well. Photos of kim at a Ribbon Cutting ceremony accompanied the tweet the unverified images from north korean state media appeared to show the leaders first public appearance in weeks, our partners at cnn have reached out to the white house about the photos and the president s tweet a south korean president ial advisor told cnn that kim was alive. Is using music to help her process her grief after her father died of each night she began playing her violin for him and her neighbors started coming out to listen. And now her music is a source of unity and healing for the whole community with jason lamb with the story. Far away from the hospital rooms covid19 wages, a different kind of war it is very frightening. It is very frightening whats going on right now transforming homes into islands of a long time you know, but each night maria kisner conti it seems that its given them. Something to do good 05 30am free fights that different kind of war with a different kind of weapon. Combined to start with a piece by antonio vivaldi. Maria big nbcs nightly balcony violin performance is a few weeks ago i have about me maybe i could sort of you know try to spread a little joy in music 19 people showed up tonight. A maria was played a 20. My dad. When into the hospital in the show in new york on march, 13. 86 yearold gearhart kisner died from covid19 last month in the heart of the pandemic honestly i mean this my neighbors. Youve near reason to get out of bed. A blaze in memory of her father. But she found as the concerts continued Something Else started hat. It did not know any neighbors and now i know my neighbors here admit when this outbreak started these homes werent really a true neighborhood but then when they started coming out for the concerts they started talking and getting to know each other and now theyre actually quite close his it took a pandemic and a violin to help these neighbors discovered. One fan. Life is shes an inspiration get through this terrible time there is more to be done in this fight against covid19 the battles are not over. But tonight at the neighborhood on all 4 and persia way we have derek we have drone. Up to one of them we have to clean this was a win. Shes really made something here. Jason news channel 5. A great story and our coverage continues on kron 4 dot com dont forget the latest headlines there and stories like the one you just saw of the Human Element to all of this. Well be right back. Kron 4 is saluting the class of 2020 each morning. We spotlight a specific senior and today, its katrina lamb, yes katrinas graduating from Evergreen Valley High School in san jose and shes excited to attend you see riverside and pursue a degree in computer science. So we want to wish her congratulations katrina from all of us here across foreign congratulations. All your fellow classmates, graduating this summer was a cool way for her to post the various pictures like everyone just go to our website kron 4 dot com weve got a whole special section for salute to grads of 2020 and you can see some of the pictures that have come in with stories about where you went to school and what youre going to do next. Weve also got our kron 4 heroes and we want to recognize an architect from in santa rosa thats helping students with distance learning. Kyrgios cheek walk architects is providing wi fi hotspots to families who dont have Internet Access and donating money to help with groceries as well the firm specializes in designing buildings for educational purposes, the companys founder says that hes always been aware of the educational inequities that existing communities of color and economically disadvantaged schools today. That firm has materials to schools in sonoma and lake counties. And maybe you know somebody whos making a difference. Wed love to highlight them here on the kron 00 04am morning news go to kron 4 dot com slash features slash kron 4 heroes and tell us about them and well talk to them and tell everybody else knew about the good that theyre doing. Time now is 8. 56 well take a quick break but coming up here in the next hour there will be looser restrictions for the stay at home orders for 6 perry county is going to break down what changes you can expect in the coming week plus people have one last day to walk around the presidio golf course before it opens back up for golfers. Weve got more on that coming up in a live report as well. Copd makes it hard to breathe so to breathe better i started oncedaily anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say go this way i say ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Do not use anoro if you have asthma. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. The most common side effects are sore throat, diarrhea and pain in the arms and legs. Ask your doctor about oncedaily anoro to start treating your copd. Go your own way save at anoro. Com go your own way see are the numbers. The goal of every single day in our city. We also see the number of hospitalizations they have gone up in our city and the good news is theyve not gone up as large is other places because you all are doing your part to comply. But the fact is they are still going up. Now that San Francisco mayor london breed reminding us that although some restrictions here in the bay area well be relieve aisd as of tomorrow the threat to the community is still very very real. Thank you for joining us. It is 9 oclock here on sunday morning, im James Fletcher and im darya folsom tomorrow will see changes the stay at home order. In 6 bay area counties is going to start to loosen so tomorrow thats monday morning will be able to see some construction resuming with new safety protocols, real estate open houses can start again. There will be new limitations there however, child care programs are going to reopen tomorrow, theyll be limited though to just 12 children. Her facility. And there are other businesses that you will see the doors open and nurseries landscape places gardeners theyre all allowed to resume business. Still no business allowed his restaurants are trying to reopen know outdoor restaurants cafe bars, they are not allowed to reopen other shared outdoor spaces though will be able to reopen places like skate parks and golf courses. By monday, theyll be back in business but social distancing guidelines will still be in for so. Remember that these changes apply to the following counties of alameda contra costa marin San Francisco, san mateo and santa clara counties along with the city of berkeley, the rule still hold you have to live near that place to go to its own thinking come to San Francisco. Presidio golf course for example if you live in the east bay. Or a fight. Speaking of the presidio golf course thats where weve kron fours. Reyna harvey standing by with the very latest on these changes will expect to see as early as tomorrow yeah thats right daryn james, and let me show you it is gorgeous. Well youre on the golf course and i understand why families that have been out visiting are so down about not being able to do that starting tomorrow want to show you some of the families are out here today out here walking and jogging and theyve been doing this for some time now ever since those a shelterinplace orders went into effect and the presidio golf course opened up its doors or should i say its course for the families out here they really been enjoying it but with this opening. There are some rules that you need to know about if youre gonna come on here and enjoy the golf course they want you to keep at least 6 feet of distance between you and other golfers. Golfers can not into the golf shop and they must wear face coverings while they check in one person per golf cart rental clubs are available. Cops have also been raised above the ground out here and they do not want you to remove or touch the flag sticks out here all raking ball washers have also been removed on now get a chance to talk to some of the people out here today and here are some of the thoughts from the residence. And this is just one of the blessings that we take away from this. I was here yesterday and i saw so many happy families, everybody spaced out ms. I have been writing year for 25 years and ive never been in so and so at least we all get to share and enjoy their base been respectful. All right now again the doors open back here tomorrow and just like you mentioned families have been able to come out here and enjoy you know what i know who else is going to enjoy it the golfers and have been waiting. The course is to re open dorian james all right, thanks a lot greater. She said the one person for khartoum so you could get the car, i suppose so the promise of a hack it up. Theres no rakes out there all your falls are in the sand, so what are we going to hold news replacement. There are a lot more changes that are happening tomorrow to everything is very specific, you know phase one which is what we had been in phase, 2 means certain things will be open statewide but here in the bay area 6 very counties think about it youre going to get to do things like a skateboard again tomorrow to be nice about that case bill to get a little more exercise now go to kron 4 dot com for the list. And good news in the north bay, the town of bolinas remember they were the tiny town that tested everybody who lives in bolinas about 1800 residents. And almost all of them came back negative kron fours gayle ong takes a look at the results. More than 1800 residents were tested here in bolinas. And Health Officials say the infection rate was so low presumably the good experiences, social distancing. And the nature of the town Scientists Say the rule setting of bolinas the small coastal town in western Marion County contributed to a lower rate of covid19 infections. The town raised funds to test all of its residents in april and partnered with ucsf in meeting saturday morning ucsf doctors organizers and the merengue Public Health officer discussed the test results does mean that you should feel more confident. What youre doing is working to keep yourself and your community safe. And you should feel more comfortable about being safe. All taking those precautions and moving about your Community Officials credit social distancing saturday afternoon. The streets were empty in the downtown area, the small town is known to be isolated and public Health Officials say it makes it easier to distance than a dense urban area that was very helpful to see an operation like this be so this is a model that i know that we can now. Apply to other communities. We spoke to moraine county Public Health officer doctor math willis about what the county is doing to help the communities that cant practice physical distancing where people are more does to populate you gathered together in apartment buildings and going out each day. Performing essential duties in our and we want to make sure that those committees also at asking for testing the testing in bolinas is a first of a twopart study ucsf researchers are looking into the spread of the virus in vote rule and urban areas. Researchers have chosen San Franciscos Mission District for the second location of testing. The results for that are still pending pulling us residents were also tested for antibodies those results will come in the next few weeks reporting in bolinas gayle ong kron 4 news. And we are tracking the latest covid19 cases here in the bay area you can see the numbers on your screen. They total more than 8,000 confirmed cases with a little more than 200 deaths. Half of those as you can see in Santa Clara County terms of deaths they have a more more than a 100 there with over 2000 confirmed cases as well Santa Clara County continues to be the hardest hit county here in the bay area statewide we have more than 53,000 cases reported with 2000 deaths plus confirmed nationwide the number of infections. More than a million with more than 66,000 deaths confirmed as well. And at the aac city officials now out of his leadership role because of a comment he made on social media can turn his junior suggested that the sick. The old the homeless that are out there during this pandemic should be left to meet their quote natural course in nature. And city council was a paul they voted unanimously to remove him as chairman of the Planning Commission in response to the outrage. The. The Attorney Says that if residents have lost confidence with him quote thats their opinion and i cant help that. And coming up. Hollywood star, sean penn is helping people in the bay area. Hes offering free coronavirus testing well tell you where you have to live to be able to get in on that. And firefighters and police come out in force to celebrate a veterans 100 . 9. 10 thanks for waking up with us on a sunday morning a navy veteran, antioch celebrated her one 100th birthday over the weekend. And with quarantine she thought well it wont be anything much real well her family had other sauce crop forcefully to go reports that they were can let the day go by. Without a surprise. Turning 100 years old is quite the accomplishment still Teresa Conley was not expecting much fanfare i thought it was going to be a very quiet breakfast with my daughter, her husband. In my chair t shirts but to resist family had other plans. For the plan for to cancel it. I just want to make sure that she knew that you know is taking over that action reached a major milestone one day knowledge. Instead of the match she planned to take teresa spent the morning outside of her home in antioch watching members of the local American Legion post Police Firefighters and members of her congregation at Saint Ignatius church of any option. Driveby for her Birthday Party shes in good physical shape. Shes able to walk or memory a sharp as a tack. She truly has been blessed and is a blessing for us, theresa is a california native and served as a chief petty officer for the u. S. Navy during world war 2 spending most of her service time in alameda. She has 2 sons a daughter and is a great great grandmother care treating me like a italy to and coming up on the kron 00 04am morning news. Do it yourself barbering it can be dangerous were going hear from a local barber about they do is the donts were back at 9. 15 and as you well know people are turning to cutting their own hair as a salons and barber shops are closed during the pandemic which can be dangerous for some charles blades he owns the trolls blades barber spa in oakland is joining us now my hair cut i do haha. Well, you know i think in a lot clients asking. We need to do house calls but this is a very rare. At the beginning for everybody but im just asking people just to be or you can do the Old School Way the military away cut everything also grow back safest way to go is just go ahead you dont try you know i was thinking you could give you a long youre like me you could kind of part like this in the back and then smith now you can take off about it yourself, you know just led to slowly grow recommend you couldnt too much off you know you look at a crazy good deal for staff. And heres a scary thing to a whole are now when you color your hair youre really get into some dangerous territory. Yeah, yeah, if you dont read a proper instructions how to use a collar you definitely can damage to hear or damage to scout. So its been interesting weve been having fun watching of just the other day dari was plan a lot of celebrities and here we are paying can various other people are you know having fun with it trying to you know make people laugh and smile but its been tough do in your own hair because never comes out even some people are just like you said throwing in the towel to shave it all that but but you said ok, you said you know what youre not going to open up because of the pandemic. We have seen some barber shops and hairdressers say we dont care even in some areas of california and theyre defying orders and theyre cutting hair and. And these guys here were showing a shop right now most of them arent even Wearing Masks and youre quite close to the other person when you do that. Right right. I would say lets say that you probably think thats not a good idea. No its definitely not a great idea here. I have a couple of good friends. This nurses and actually got the and here it charles glaze barber spa. We try to make sure that. Our barbers are safe and they sure that our customers are safe to because this is a really serious. Epidemic going on shore you know and just knowing people personally that actually had it. Died from that this is really serious so we actually have a pro to car what our barbers and our clients to make sure that we have the proper. Standard protocols before we open up to the public thats the thing is it could be the governor was saying that barber shops and the like or not until phase 3 that could be right on month or months away. How are you hanging in there in the mean time. Well you know work. What barbara not that different barbara for 22 years. Its a been a great profession for me. Weve been down and jacqueline this work for 12 years. So i understand like for the majority of the barbers are really struggling. But you we have to make sure that were healthy to take care of our clients is thats not just our shop. Thats what all the shops. I want to make sure that all the barbers out there. This listening. This is going to be patient. Just a prayerful in. And i hope and that the that governor. Fix the situation with the are fine actually because right now the restaurant to get in. A lot of support. But the other small businesses. Were really struggle. So hopefully that he Pay Attention to. The smaller businesses as well. You also have some businesses that want to be able to open up at all. Because of is a not pay deals. Not take care of the house also people are really struggling. Sure how are you going or how how are you handling that i mean you what you just said Jack London Square thats a pricey area. Yeah, you know what ive been really fortunate on just saving. Say the money and im being smart and then i work autistic man. I havent done and well so im actually in office now the i in east oakland. And im im im practice to my safety yeah, yeah, you know, and my gloves yes. Oh yes, ive been fortunate. Said to work. And the other side job and havent done this in about 20 years while its great they are able to give back that way while youre waiting for. Youre a barbershop to be able to reopen. Let me ask dont tell so that does just to say let me ask you real quick, you know a lot of times. Yes, the hair cuts we miss those but barber shops spas long they also serve as like a a place to socially connected people are missing that part of their lives to im just curious. What do you miss most about when business was normal. Well, you know one thing i really miss as tucker armory. Of the clients. I mean ive been doing this for a long time. And i just miss. People come here every day regular people. It comes in and talk about so its kind of therapeutic for me. So i do miss that and i miss the mister barbers. Its a lot of things that you see you know you see. The key is that you could end the year on 2 adults, a maid in a have they kids and they bring their kids here, yeah, and it leaves me out every time now so thats what i miss you live in the barber chill in the barbershop essential to like im just curious. Does lebron get it right. Members barbershop showed you what. Thats thats no disrespect it. I you know sometimes a session everything so i try to keep a normal neighbors steph curry walking in there saying give me a cut take a right knee and had a couple of old warriors yeah, a couple raiders coming shot. Good friend of my side you might listen now. Laced in walker retire raiders hot and he comes in there. And he always pop in is go get mad at me, but he always just popping to get quick erica, say these are the things you miss haha all right, thanks a lot charles we appreciate you joining us stay strong could be a little while holed up to the best still ahead a Young California boy wins his countrys first stay at home talent show were going to hear from this young music every back in 9. 25 a Placer County 11 yearold is the winner of his countys First Virtual talent show Heather Janssen introduces us to the Young Musician who showed off his skills. Where in teens got 11 yearold armand muniz already saudi was a winner when he tackled this kenyan rhapsody on the piano that is my biggest compliment congressman on the piano so far because its 6 minute its monstrous little did he know this aspiring star would become the first winner of the arts council of placer counties, virtual talent show me didnt draw my name in i think that were going to it because its. This new finding new britney really an art council hoping to showcase dozens of hidden talent around the community. There are sounds of the symphony. Eclectic metal covers of notable 80s pop music and short films like run now that hes comedic take on isolation and see if we can lighten the stress a little bit from what were all going to. A time where he says art and creativity can be cherish the most. If we can all use creativity to tell our stories we really get a better view of what everybody is going through. And all this talent has a far reach. The councils executive director says its open for all and that means more than just Placer County. The virus doesnt have any boundaries and so were going to have any boundaries. A way to feature the shining stars and hearts of the community. Oh im glad that the kid was that was a cheating. Yes, theres no way explain this little lamb, hes only saying and quite and were back 9. 30 is the time Actor Sean Penn stepping up to provide free coronavirus testing his Community Relief organization has a testing site in napa county sanjay gupta spoke to penn about the effort to ramp up testing. The call to arms but to call the unity in this country that is exhilarating to be part of whether we win or lose. Win or lose, sean penn along with his organization core is in the fight trying to fill in gaps during emergencies like he did in haiti in to our hospital now during this pandemic to his focus is on tester the reality is. Then in in a time where we know there are very limited pp and test kits available for these kinds of. Operations the reality is that we should be testing the testing and retesting. Reopening here in georgia. It will look like this over the next few days. The problem is many of these people even if they have no symptoms could still be spreading the virus. That is why testing is so crucial to know that you dont have the virus before going in the public. You think of testing generally and you a Doctors Office or a hospital or Something Like that obviously these are unusual circumstances but is this necessary ending is this because there are gaps in testing overall here in atlanta. Most definitely i think just everywhere not just in atlanta. We need to have a huge volume of people tested and trying to rely on the existing infrastructure is just not possible. Just how much testing is enough though to get the country up and running. Harvard researchers say were going to need 5 million tests per day by early june and by late summer, some experts say nearly the whole country would need to be tested every 14 days. That would mean 20 million tests today. We talked about the drive. Its a number White House Task force member admiral director are told Time Magazine quote. Theres absolutely no way on earth on this planet or any other planet that we can do 20 million tests a day or even 5 million test today. I just think the people who who are denying this possibility are not talking to the people who know something about what is possible just in over your Left Shoulder is the mercedesbenz stadium. Its its a football stadium here in atlanta, how did this come together specifically here for corn and this testing site so this was a sort of direct extension of what we were doing in los angeles. And in that we we did it occur to us that we a model to share. Our los angeles sites of this size we can do a above the 1000 tests per day and in a single site. Like in los angeles they are offering the diagnostic swab tests for free through appointments and their county website. Every essential worker. Symptomatic or asymptomatic is invited encourage to come here and we will test because we are have face capacity issues resource issues we are beginning with the criteria of symptomatic see if theyre not essential workers. And by essential he doesnt just mean Health Care Workers anyone was on the front line like grocery workers delivery people rideshare and Public Transit drivers and those in construction. The hope according to penn is not to take over the world of testing. Thats going require major steps by Public Health agencies and commercial laps. But it is about creating a model on a smaller scale. Were cities can team up with organizations that are ready to help and this time of crisis. Doctor sanjay gupta cnn atlanta. A good decision. Its been a while since he moved years ago from ran right. Modoc county in the northeastern corner of california is defying the governors stay at home order and has a population of about 9,000 people and there have been 0 coronavirus cases testing positive today in that county. So decided as a community for go but up. Barbers can cut hair restaurants can have dine and look at that right in the restaurant. Yesterday on kronon we spoke to state senator bryan doll who represents modoc county and he supports the decision to reopen. The county. As not all 6 of the criteria that the governor laid they have a plan. I think theyre doing it right so hes going to be super great opportunity as you as you know, thats a very rule wide open space for calorie counting. And there are people for Health Officer county board of supervisors. The county. Sheriff the youre on the hospital. I think council all working to gather more counties about 4500 square miles with about 8700 people. So thats 2 people per square mile. And we sure wish him the they are still recommending seniors age, 65 and older, stay home as much as possible. And i just saw one guy eating at each table. I dont know if that was like their part to a but its very similar to the tiny town of bolinas and they tested everybody bolinas and had almost no positives there, but they have not reopened and speaking of businesses reopening despite local ordinances. We have a small restaurant in El Dorado County thats now open for business defying a statewide stay at home order. Customers receive dining next to each other for the First Time Since the shutdown weve got Marley Martinez with that story. A tiny roadside diner in eldorado. Where the sign promises true home cooking people arent staying home any longer kathy eldorado opening its doors for the First Time Since the statewide shutdown welcoming their customers back after over a month the park either you know run in run around if youre getting a virus or are homeless. Yeah, thats my i mean im going to be homeless. If i dont open my this is back to inside something you probably havent heard in awhile. The buzz of a restaurant waiting tables and i feel myself to smiling the whole time just like wow this was it will feel like getting back to normal the quaint restaurant serves breakfast and lunch and only seats about 25 people owner sherry baldrige the social distancing just isnt possible. If you want to come in you come in if you dont you down i was about 2 feet from someone and im not concerned at all its time that we open california voters says she had to reopen after getting to eviction notices received a complaint today regarding cap eldorado planning to reopen. For sitdown service tomorrow please be advised that this had allowed for the governors order. She got an email yesterday from the county department that permits and inspect restaurants. Saying they received a complaint and asking her to not allow sitdown service pointing to the governors i have to eat i have to pay my bills. So my theyre my writes, this is my business and i have the right to keep it open she did end up closing down in our early after running out of food, one customer who was turned away excited to come back again, i dont believe that america should never shut down. We know how to keep our social distancing just like you and i are small nobody even knows i exist they do now though. We reached out to the El Dorado County Sheriffs Office and they tell us they dont have any plans to issue a citation to the restaurant, they say their focus continues to be awareness of the statewide order. El dorado county Marley Martinez. Well the leo police say that they will not be cleaning up homeless encampments during the covid19 pandemic the Department Posted on his Facebook Page saying that forcing people to move to other locations poses an elevated risk in the community. The city in partnership with other Community Organizations will be launching project room key instead. Its a program that will temporarily house Homeless People who tested positive for covid19 or are at risk of becoming infected. In San Francisco to homeless women are drawing attention to the homelessness problem there. They briefly occupied a vacant home in the city and that prompted a Police Response which then drew a crowd of supporters to the scene. An activist with reclaim sf says the women were protesting the lack of action on proposition c which promised to house People Living on the streets that activists says that the vacant home that the women took over was one out of 4,000 units that were promised to house Homeless People. Take a look at this. People in our county followed the rules yesterday was so gorgeous today, this is the scene that we have from all day so in the morning, it looked like whoa maybe the clouds would keep people away. But it was the governors order. He told only Orange County that all the beaches had to shut down. And as you can see here they complied even though got sunny and nice out there theres what one person walk ins. So they really stayed away from the beach like he wanted because last weekend there were far too many people. This is a new situation for all of us so were surf city and it is part of our culture here in Huntington Beach that people come out to the beach alley to surfeit to swim. Take part in water sports be on the board walk biking walking running all of that, so it is difficult for us as officers residents all of us and were asking that people be patient with us and everybodys patient with the orders and that were able to quickly get through it and then get back out on our beaches. I admit its a fantastic beach, i mean its beautiful its wonderful, but look at what last weekend you couldnt keep people away and theyre all gathered on their towels and it kind of ruined it for themselves because the when the governor saw this. He said frankly was just so he shut down only Orange County beaches. I guess if they behave and if the cases continue to look good then maybe a real but we dont have a date on that yet them. Well coronavirus outbreak at Meat Processing plants around the country are raising concerns about a possible meat shortage and because of that costcos now limiting how much we customers can buy at any one time. The company says the limit to beef pork and poultry will be to just 3 items per member. Again thats in an effort to make sure that everybody has at least a little bit. This week costco also announced that all members will have to wear face coverings while theyre shopping and that will goes into Effect Tomorrow so make sure you bring that mask. And for many people Farmers Markets are a preferred alternative to the Grocery Store and if youre planning to stop by the market at the Ferry Building there are some new safety guidelines to be aware of its in line with many Grocery Store guidelines so stay home if you have a cough or fever, maintain your social distancing of 6 feet from other shoppers whenever possible dont shake hands. Some vendors are also accepting of Electronic Payments only so that theres no exchange of cash booths have been spaced far enough apart to meet the guidelines and there are lines drawn in chalk for people to stand on. Market organizers want customers to know how important their businesses but they also want them to stay safe. Many farms used to sell the restaurant and as we all know with restaurants closed. A lot of the small family farmers have lost revenue that they were selling to restaurants. Theyre trying to make up for it by selling to individual families a sense of community that you get sea and the farmers every week and sometimes run into the same customers every weekend. Provides a left right now in life is a little bit hard. Now the Farmers Market the Ferry Building will continue to stay open and Farmers Markets around the city are set to reopen as well. Its 9. 41. And coming up on this sunday morning, the chp has been issuing more speeding tickets. Have you seen him out there they figured are a lot of people our thinking okay well without the traffic, im just going to speed dont were here for you and were open. Wow. Im an original. One of a kind. You feel me . Love ya. Oop you look cute better than you . Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. My new bitesized, crispy popcorn chicken is so irresistible youll want them whenever, so dont resist pop em while you game, hang, or do your thing. Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. Breaking news from overnight a driver was killed in a dui crash early this morning in san jose. A driver ran a red light and struck another vehicle killing the driver of that car. It happened on all the expressway and brenham lane. The man who ran the red light wasnt hurt. Hes been charged now with the healer manslaughter and dui this is san jose 17 fatal crash of the year. Speaking of crashes dont speed since the pan them again the lockdown in march theres been such a reduction in the amount of traffic that a lot of people are speeding. Figuring theres plenty of room for them to rome. The california Highway Patrol says dont try a conference theresa talk to an officer about how theyre enforcing the speeding. The reality is. Were putting a lot of people lives are in danger of california Highway Patrol officer john fransen talking about the alarming rise of speeders on our local highways and the San Francisco bay area. March 19th when the shelterinplace went into effect. I weve had with our officers of issues a 389 citations just some sports 18 for exceeding 200 miles an hour. Back in 2019 during that same time period we only saw about a 170 citations issued so were seeing an overall of people on the roads emergency the speeding violations go down except were a people decide to exceed a 100 miles an hour. Those are statistics are. Creeping up pretty high why the rise are you hear everything from on this in sapulpa lee and i need to get or im going to quickly are everything from a member the groceries of these excuses are excuses officer fransen says of the consequences are. Quite severe for those who decide to recklessly disobey the posted speed signs. Are most people lose or licensors wants her found guilty about it also a mandatory court appearance. And theres a lot people on the traffic barrier on the roadways so its a lot easier for officers to catch speeders we have our ground units were were fully staffed and officer fransen ads in addition to financial penalties given what is going on with this pandemic. Choosing to speed and possibly injure someone is this concerning. Right now the last thing where are you are you there. About the trauma patients go into the e r because of the fact that someone decider to theres no reason for anybody to honor most are going to get where you need to go quicker anyway because of the waiter traffic. And a 100 miles an hour like us to agree to the north case or that one on percent thing to happen. And therefore you cause a traffic was at a 100 miles an hour. The chances of there being fatal injuries is great. Theresa kron 4 news. 9. 47 ill just remind you as well dont speed know, especially to construction, zones hands and thats another thing where its so empty out there and you see cones up and maybe it seems like nothing is going on is still a construction down and the fines are higher in construction zones offer get our lets talk to john travel has got more on the forecast for this sunday and for the week ahead looks like were in for a warm up to john. Yes, warmer forecast ahead of us today, one of our last comfortable ones before things get maybe a little too toasty for some of us in the days to come today, the biggest difference from yesterday is just challenged clear the skies are take a look at the Golden Gate Bridge you will view across the bay this morning looking up at the north bay there too as for san jose you can see the sky and now the rest of you had some cloud cover this morning but those clouds have since cleared out near also looking at some abundant sunshine now temperatures mostly in the 50s with san jose pittsburgh oakland conquered a all at 59 degrees San Francisco right there with welfare feel the dublin now officially back up into the 60s skies will remain clear as we do look at yesterdays system pushing out thats the one that brought us some of the cooler air that were experiencing but also that cloud cover we had yesterday now are left behind with some sunny and mild conditions and the forecast ahead of us looks to continue to bring the sunshine with today and the next few days very quiet in will satellite radar and future cast, not a whole lot of cloud cover to be talking about towards the middle of the week we will see the return of some morning fog but not really looking out that obviously today nor into tomorrow so a nice little break from the clouds just a good chance to enjoy some sunshine. Hopefully in the backyard or maybe on a walk around the neighborhood 60s 70s for todays daytime highs and the ocher one spot normally at 75 thats perfect saying it was a 72 while hayward and opened at 67 each San Francisco will be at 64 degrees tomorrow and tuesday a little bit warmer than today but still very comfortable after that the kings uh i guess not so comfortable and he will recover really toasty per inland spots come thursday and friday, especially on these days near 90 degree if not 90 degree highs to be expected bayside areas will be in the upper 70s towards the end of the week and even coastal areas are nearing that 70 degree mark themselves back to you was graham hiding. Oh hes right what you dont see off the camera and were saluting their graduating class of 2020 and every morning were highlighting a different senior and this morning. Its a brother and sister team thats right weve got david briana theyre going to be graduating from sierra high school. Dave has a varsity is a varsity Football Player be on a varsity cheerleader and in the fall day says hes going to be attending Sacramento State majoring in biology and pursuing a career as a game warden and brianna will be attending status saw State University majoring in criminal justice. She also pursue a career as an attorney about that congratulations to both of them out that have a 2 siblings to get a long look at their smile right. Nice to each you cant judge tell us about your graduate, your family or if its yourself go ahead and just give yourself some props because thats something the fact that youre graduating high school and were not going to give you a big Graduation Ceremony but weve got your year book right here on kron 4 you for hero is an Architecture Firm in santa rosa helping with distance learning. Quadro cheek walk architects. They are providing wi fi hotspots to families with no internet and theyre also donating families of groceries who that during this pandemic the firm does a lot educational building and the owner of the from the founder says that he recognizes there are educational inequities that exist and he wants to help write those so far theyve donated about 30,000 to sonoma and lake counties. Were working our way through this pandemic of course were getting messages and well wishes from lots of different people both everyday people and celebrities and even a highlevel politicians like president George Hw Bush in fact he has an inspiring message. 2 americans urging compassion and empathy during these challenging times and have been challenging for well. All of us theres no. Theres no apply were putting it its been pretty tough were going to send you on your way this sunday morning with his video message. This is a challenging song time the life of our nation and world. Morsels invisible enemy threatens the elderly and vulnerable among us. In disease that can quickly take breath in life. Medical professionals are risking their own health for the health of others. And were deeply grateful. Officials at every level are setting out the requirements of Public Health that protect us all. And we all need to do our part. It is hes also threatens broader damage harm to our sense of Safety Security the larger challenge we shares to confront an outbreak of fear and is frustrating that many of the normal tools of and touch can bring the opposite of the good we intend. In this case we serve our neighbor by separating from them. We cannot allow physical separation to become emotional isolation. This requires us to be not only compassionate creative in our our reach. And people across the nation are using the tools of technology in the cause of solidarity when this time of testing we need to remember a few things. First let us remember we a facetime just testing following 9. 11 nassau great nation rises want to honor the brains agreed with degrees in and to embrace unavoidable new and i have no it just to run the service and sacrifice and is alive and well in america. Let us remember that in the sea and simple kindness are essential powerful tools of the national recovery. Even at inappropriate social distance. We can find ways to be present in the lives of others to ease their anxiety and share their burdens. Starbucks remember that the suffering we experience as a nation to does not fall even lead. In the days to come it will be especially important to care and practical ways to for the l and the finally lets remember how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat. In the final analysis. We are not partisan combat. Were human beings in cleve on them. And equally wonderful. And the sight of god. We rise or fall together. And we are determined to rise. God bless you alarm ringing wake up to great tasting flavor. alarm stops belvita breakfast biscuits. Flavors like delicious blueberry or decadent chocolate, gently baked in a tasty biscuit. alarm ringing belvita breakfast biscuits. Its time to taste the day. Anncr the following is a paid program from joel osteen ministries. In 1986, the late reverend David Wilkerson founder of Times Square Church told mike evans. Number one New York Times bestselling author, mike evans,

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