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steps. in the next few weeks and determine if the intersection >>that's right this is the requires safety improvements stack of subpoenas, the city but adds it was not identified attorney has issued against a by the public has a problem or companies and organizations dangerous intersection in a 2 seeking documents to find out month online survey that wrapped up at the end of if they are involved in this corruption scandal is you know january. the city attorney launched >>2100 comments were collected their investigation following this location is not a high the arrest of new roof on injury location. >>we know that there was in federal corruption charges. that 10 years one non-injury pedestrian collision of bad san francisco city attorney dennis herrera is manners. investigation into city >>public works director liam corruption is expanding the garland says the city has been right on the heels of last steadily improving the month's arrest of san roadways for a few years now francisco, public works director mohammed nuru and and that more big changes are left dual center nick bovis on to come we've done a big push. federal corruption charges. >>with installing a more than >>herrera has subpoenaed 15 flashing beacons those of documents from a companies and nonprofits these are companies those flashing yellow lights that are been proven increased quote his office believes were involved in funneling donations to fund city the yielding of drivers to programs and events including pedestrians in crosswalks by funding public works holiday parties. those companies up to 80% in may the city include pacific gas and plans on presenting to the electric construction firms, communities, some of the ideas web core pink alan clark, offered by the public through construction, recycling the survey. company, rick khalid g and 3 >>in alameda felipe should all kron 4 news. nonprofits duels foundation >>across the bay in san francisco safety improvements for kids. the san francisco are being made to one of the parks alliance and the san most dangerous intersections francisco clean city in the city kron four's coalition. in a statement charles clifford reports. herrera says we're following >>right now i'm standing in the facts and we're following the panhandle of golden gate park in over to my left here the money we're going to follow the evidence wherever this is oak street it is a it leads. >>we have been calling for busy street with a lot of cars independent investigations from the start and have every on it people drive fast on this street and right behind me about a block back is confidence that the city masonic avenue that crosses attorney will move forward and over oak and the city of san look into this and leave no francisco has identified this as a high injury corridor in stone unturned, san francisco supervisor dean press don't fact back in january on the know who is one of the first to call for an outside 4th there is a 54 year-old investigator to look into city woman standing on the sidewalk corruption was pleased with down here when she was struck the move weeks not it's not a by a vehicle and that vehicle have been rear ended by surprise that the and now another car that woman was we're starting to see new severely injured. but she is names and this you know you going to be ok and that event read that original complaint has spurred the city of san and it's clear that this francisco to really get proactive about doing reflected a culture of something with this intersection so today they corruption among that now is were putting in some new starting to come to light the lighting some new signing including some high visibility city attorney says the traffic signals are also investigation has also led to putting in a left-hand turn the cancellation of a $171,000 signal. the flashes orange to warn drivers about to turning left on to masonic they're portable toilet contract with also a re aligning our re the company tied to bogus by the federal investigation timing the us pedestrian cross suggests. walk to give people on foot on >>nuru provided bogus inside information so bogus could win bikes, a few extra seconds to the bid on the toilet get out there and be safe. now contract. today, we also heard from that >>now in a statement from mayor london breed she says woman who was last month, she's doing ok and she hopes that she's happy that the that this will i help san investigations are moving forward she goes on to say she francisco make this intersection safer and i requested the con for she showed up here in my running requested these investigations clothes because i want to run because we need to uncover any again. >>i want to heal i want this illegal activity or ethical to be safe and i want to run violations and so hold those through the streets of parents is going to thank all of you. involved responsible. that's >>the city of san francisco has a vision 0 plan which the latest reporting live from city hall dan kerman kron 4 hopes to eliminate all pedestrian deaths in san news all right dan you on monday mohammed nuru resigned francisco by 2024. in san fr francisco charles clifford kron 4 news a warning for pet >>breed place new rule on owners tonight, the department leave when he was arrested and of fish and wildlife says that charged with public corruption. along with the owner of dole's nick bovis there's an unusually high number of canine. >>distemper virus cases all reid has already appointed an across the state on vaccinated acting director and says that dogs can contract the disease the department will move forward under new leadership. through contact with food or coming up on kron 4 news at 6 water bowls that are left take you through a timeline of outside and then infected wildlife can access them. a everything that happened leading up to mohamed noor's canine distemper most commonly arrest and the growing public affects raccoons skunks and corruption scandal police tonight are looking for a gray foxes officials are now suspect in an unprovoked warning pet owners to be attack on a passenger it vigilant about keeping their happened just after 6 tuesday animals from coming into night on a daily city-bound contact with wildlife and make sure that you're up to date on train. >>approaching the lake merritt your dog's vet station investigators say >>i think if you get side now first the suspect asked the victim for directions and then getting a check on the 4 zone forecast which is a fluctuating what it was just attacked the victim was hit with a chain that had a lock almost hot yesterday and today attached to it. and was later taken to the hospital. that pleasant it was had opened up all the windows even richmond police believe a man in the city florent what are suspected in an armed robbery we looking forward to now all in their city may have also good things have to come to an end and here we go we're been involved in a robbery. seeing a big change in the >>in oakland on the very same weather patterns will see that sea breeze instead of those day these are the offshore winds that warm up surveillance. that you're the temperatures that sea breeze. looking at here the of the man >>is going to cool you down all across the bay area boy it that they're trying identify the photo on the right was is going to be even chilly out taken around 5 o'clock monday along the coastline is that fog is going to make return that's when richmond police say the suspect pulled a gun right now couple high clouds on the victim and demanded up above still haze out there money and property and then on right now not much in the way the left just hours earlier a of fog that will form man cleaning his car and opens overnight tonight into tomorrow morning though on the diamond district was also whole pattern is going to start shift just a little bit robbed at gunpoint. so high pressure finally going >>turning now to our other big to break down you see a pretty story of the night tracking impressive storm system up here in the gulf of alaska not the corona virus tonight, a palo alto woman and her going quite make it here just yet, but we are beginning to daughter back home finally after being quarantined for 2 see a couple patches of fog weeks after their visit to there near half moon bay. you see that begin to form right wuhan china where was fear now in parts the north bay as they may have been exposed to the deadly virus luckily, well, but otherwise we are neither esther to nor her staying mostly clear of the daughter has the virus esther sea breeze and picked up along the coastline already you see shared. that they miles per hour in >>what she described as her the san francisco, 10 and terrifying experience with oakland 17. in the sfl that is kron four's rob fladeboe. going to ramp up overnight >>so happy just to be able to tonight, maybe more recently a see them at my own bad that component of that when as that was esther tobacco this low approaches tonight will be morning outside her home in mostly clear early on and then that patchy fog will develop palo alto this was esther and and push inside the bay her daughter shaya a few days tomorrow, partly cloudy to see sunshine inside the bay after ago at march air reserve base some morning clouds and plenty some of the valleys but the in riverside, california. temperatures will be noticeably cooler, there's a slight chance of showers over >>where they had been under quarantine for 2 weeks, the weekend. we're still there's extreme. looking at a beautiful 70 >>they come in is here. i degrees in fremont right now couldn't work and also we fear 70 in redwood city cooler 54 when we come out how we're though of the civic a 61 in san francisco, 72 degrees in going to be received by the society pastor and her pittsburgh and 61 degrees in petaluma here comes that cold daughter were visiting relatives in wuhan china front though high pressure center of the outbreak as the that will bring us some record breaking heat that's all going corona virus began to spread to break down tomorrow here leading to a lockdown of the comes that front as it drops city becca says she was into the state going to kind of fall apart, so it's not terrified what we'll talk about it ends. thousands of going to force the bring us any rain but it will help to people infected. hundreds or cool down the temperatures are bringing a lot more fog but there's a slight chance of you want even more dead and showers over the weekend. we'll talk more about that coming up. if you are still at that the number keeps on growing every day at the same california's senate health time as a tobaccoville that committee is analyzing how many people across the state neither she or her daughter are using e cigarettes sell were sick at least not yet the recent ban on flavored there was no chance for to get vapes has changed that number. in fact because the window it would be the one in contact >>and a new navigation center with others at the same time set to open in san francisco to weigh in that environment he did you do in heavy today needle having tomorrow right backers were then evacuated getting seats on that plane home and extremely stressful experience. she says was like winning the lottery. a few bad like others is couldn't get on the flight the same time i a blast to be able to because in a way we have to after 14 days of quarantine in southern california astor and the other evacuees tossed their protective masks into the air when it was announced that none of them had the virus oh yes is something you would never forgot forgotten. i feel like we are when you live in the history with the witness to history part of thactually grateful. and so with all this i appreciate every minute of it. >>from 4 news. >>tonight, a total of confirmed cases of chronic virus in california stands at 8 the most recent case identified just hours ago in san diego that is in addition of the case confirmed yesterday, there are a total of 14 confirmed cases here in the u s globally the corona virus has now killed more than a 1000 300 people with more than 60,000 cases and you're growing up in la, bad air forced us indoors. looking at an interactive map and now we have to deal with this. that traces the outbreak in real time if you'd like to climate change is an emergency. check it out yourself. visit that's why i wrote the nation's kron 4 dot com and you can say most progressive climate law. with kron four's we continue our coverage on air and online and that's why i'm endorsing tom steyer. will post live latest updates. because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, we also of info. >>on the website about how to protect yourself again that's he led us to victory. kron 4 dot com just look for the corona virus tab. under same with the keystone pipeline. the headline news. get your when tom says we can save the world and do it together window smashed by a burglar in believe him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. san francisco, right if you live in the city get some help from the city paying to replace it ok, it is a huge problem so today san francisco's new da introduced to. >>an idea kron four's haaziq madyun explained. >>francisco district attorney chase a bull new budget proposal include setting aside one and a half million dollars for residents who are victims of smash-and-grab auto burglaries unfortunately we're not able to arrest and prosecute every person. >>that commission ought to burglars in san francisco, what we can do we're asking the city to help us do. it's a put victims first and to support fixing broken car windows. he talks about the scale of the city's ongoing of a burglary problem, we had approximately 8,910 san francisco residents who are victims of auto burglaries each of the last 2 years the da is still working out the kinks but he offers this supervisors will be voting to potential breakdown of how the funds would be used only pay lease a building to use as a for folks whose insurance does not cover it. navigation center for homeless >>and we would contract with youth. >>in the lower hill area locally owned last repair harper's will tran report in front of that building with details. businesses sure that the money being spent by the city is >>the navigation center said going back into jobs right here in san francisco, you said post and hide in a know i think that's going to perpetuate the problem john massive building. 33,000 kelly of action auto glass as square feet 3 floors with a he would like to see those tax little bit different from this dollars put to use in other navigation center and the ways i'd like to see the 9 other ones that are already in half go to the sheriff's san francisco. those appear to department for correction ul's change the other developments however getting some help over the next couple years replacing a shattered window does have its appeal with some this one is going to be a drivers of the city i was born long-term project the city and raised here and um i think already has worked out some early numbers with the owners it's a great idea, san of the building. 20 years $49 francisco mayor london breed directed each department to cut 3 and a half percent from million with about annual lease of million the board their individual budgets to address the city's million will vote on it today, it's in budget deficit that includes committee and if approved it the district attorney's office, your tax dollars are goes before the full board for already going to the county the supervisors to vote and jail for a single night in that will happen on february county 25th, if it passes that come we want victims of crime who this fall, 75 beds will be at made all it's a critical part of what we do in the district this location for people attorney's office is advocate for victims. this is putting between 18 and 24 years old the good news is the bottom our money where our mouth is in san francisco has it read you kron 4 all right switching floor, we'll be housing goodwill and good will says it gears here for a moment, one of the first official sign to will provide some of their spring. services to the people who >>baseball is back baseball will move into this location. feels like spring outside here it will tran reporting there isn't giants get another business in arizona this week sports park, avery. joining us meanwhile, the nonpartisan legislative analyst's office now with the latest from is questioning governor arizona hike a pie the boys newsom's budget proposal. >>to curb homelessness newsome are back everyone's feeling, good and ready for a little wants to put million into a baseball after that and to the football season and spring training is underway a's new fund that would flow to pitchers and catchers reporting. regional administrators selected by the state. but the >>for the first time today in analyst's office says this mesa arizona while the giants approach would complicate the begin yesterday just down the way in scottsdale so the game state's homelessness programs which have historically been cap war era has begun for san francisco with a lot of run by local governments. questions still to be answered state lawmakers plan to review about the giants roster. we've newsom's plan in a public got the news that backup hearing tomorrow. catcher aramis garcia will ss the season following hip >>and governor newsom is also threatening to reject pg e's surgery. so the battle for buster posey's bankruptcy plan again. the is on and we'll probably see a utility wants tomorrow billions of dollars and sell lot of the team's top prospect, joey bart during more stock to help pay the billion which is to wildfire spring training. now as for the pitchers, johnny cueto has victims. the governor's said he's feeling good to lawyers told a bankruptcy start his first full season judge that they want to back from tommy john surgery, question pg me about that meanwhile, a lot of eyes are plan. it also needs to raise on the a's rotation, a healthy money to cover a $12 billion sean minaya young guns, a j to insurers and government pocket his tesla sardo all set agencies. to make an impact mike fires will also be returning. a >>local leaders are expanding the moms for housing bill to manager bob melvin wants to include vacant homes and multi make sure no one's forgetting about frankie montas who was unit buildings. the ordinance was prompted by mobs for suspended for 80 games last season after a banned housing a group of women who substance violation in the squatted in a vacant home in west oakland for 2 months middle of the year. here's what melvin had to say today. before they were evicted and >>you talk a lot about was our arrested previously the measure only allow tenants to in you know when i come back have rights of first refusal so forth frankie montas is when the homes. they live in going to be a big piece for us last year you saw what he did in the 1st half he was are being sold expended bills forgoing domini was dominant he would've made the all-star expected to be heard at a city council committee meeting next team. so we're looking forward months. to seeing what he can do for us for a full year in a in the >>the extra 5.30 and advocacy group says grocery stores experience in the conference of the game from last year as across the country are failing a young talented group for to report a food recalls and sure we're all excited about it. they say grocers can do better >>the a's will play their and the cdc is warning about a first game of spring training about a week and a half taking polio-like illness affecting more and more kids each year on the cubs on the 22th, and that is also the day. the why it says 2020. >>could be the worst on record giants get their schedule started they've got a date for the disease plus worried with the dodgers that same saturday. about budget cuts >>really appreciate it still to come tonight news at 5 we have a warning for pet owners what you need to be on the lookout for the next time you walk your dog. and working to make san francisco streets safer the improvements being made to protect pedestrians walking around the city and one east bay city is also stepping up to try to prevent it then runs what alameda it is changing in the wake of several deadly car accidents and for the shorts and sandals to get out those thick coats ag mike: anyone hear the slogan, 'mike will get it done?' ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby z3r07z z1ncz and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. y3r07y y1ncy >>tonight at 5.30 kron 4 is always tracking local stories, here's a look at what's going on in your neighborhood right now and we will begin in the east bay where school officials will be meeting with parents and teachers to >>tonight we know that the discuss the possibility of woman who was hit by a car laying off teachers the west while she was crossing a contra costa county unified street in alameda last night school district is the r loved ones are deficit in the 10's of putting together a memorialpede millions of dollars kron 4 sarah stinson reports. >>the school board meeting tonight, million worth of budget cuts are on the minds of parents teachers and the district we spoke with a parent and a grandparent here at hanna ranch elementary school just one of the schools in the west contra costa county unified school district facing this deficit. i hope >>this a big the matter is this cool or what. within the area. that's at the school board meeting tonight. they will discuss a plan that includes possibly laying off 250 teachers but that is the thing they're trying to

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Fremont , California , United States , New York , Arizona , Oakland , Alaska , Redwood City , China , Wuhan , Hubei , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Mohamed Noor , Hall Dan Kerman Kron , Frankie Montas , Rochelle Wheeler , Mohammed Nuru , Aramis Garcia , Alan Clark , Tom Steyer , Dole Nick , Charles Clifford , Rick Khalid , Alameda Felipe , Johnny Cueto , Bob Melvin , Tommy John , Joey Bart ,

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