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joining us. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis in for pam moore tonight, oakland mayor libby shaft deliver her state of the city address tonight at the oakland museum of california. her main focus combating homelessness and keeping residents in the city. our first dan thorn live for us in open tonight, he joins us now with more dan. >>well vicki the state of the city's theme this year was belonging in oakland, the mayor weaving that idea into homelessness and housing. crime and safer streets and also retaining the culture in oakland, the mayor touting improvements such as the amount of people being moved from homelessness to housing as well as doubling the shelter capacity in the city to more than 1700 dead, so former homeless man we moved in oakland's cabin community and is now living in his own place in working in social media was used as one example of the city success in fighting homelessness. >>i believe in homelessness is caused by 4 things. first a failure in our mental health and drug addiction second a housing shortage. income inequality and 4th and most importantly structural racism. >>the mayor says nearly 900 people have been moved from the streets to housing over the last year and the plan is to double that number this year, however, as you hear here. the mayor did face some opposition or plans outside of her speech protesters were calling for a stop to all egyptians in the city of oakland, the mayor says that oakland street should also be seeing some improvements. there is a million plan to pave over 100 miles of road here in the city of oakland and that will be happening over the next 3 years and are also some planned fixes to help curb deadly pedestrian accidents here in the city that is the latest here live in oakland dan thorn kron 4 news all right dan overall crime in oakland was up 15% in 2019. >>it was his and to increase in residential robberies and car burglaries. >>other news as well on the peninsula. >>police are searching for the person who dumped a gravely injured one year-old bulldog pit bull mix now named a baby outside a palo alto shelter. the staff discovered the dog last saturday suffering from severe cuts to the head and neck and immediately took the dog to an emergency veterinary clinic for treatment. baby's injuries are consistent with a dog attack. and so authorities are now asking for help trying to find out if anyone has any information that could lead them to suspects who might have been involved in this a veterinary officials say that the da baby is expected to make a full recovery. >>right now to a big story. we're following for you tonight tonight, 722 people have died from the corona virus and almost 32,000 others have been infected. those latest numbers coming in just the past couple of hours, 5 of the people evacuated from china who were being quarantined to travel air force base are showing symptoms of corona virus. that is according to the cdc. hundreds of american evacuees from will were flown to travis air force base on 2 flights earlier in the week. one person from the first flight and 4 from the second flight were hospitalized as a precautionary measure. and today more evacuees for more on arrived at the marine corps air station miramar in san diego county. the cdc is screening those evacuees who will be under quarantine for 14 days. meanwhile hospitals in the bay area say if the corona virus spreads here. they are ready there are 4 confirmed cases here in the bay area and tonight 5 hospital workers in santa clara county are in self-isolation until next week that's being done out of an abundance of caution our first and kerman reports on what's being done now to protect hospital workers and patients. right now san francisco general hospital is not treating anyone with the corona virus. >>but it's 50 isolation rooms are ready to go in case that changes the things that we would need to do to take care of a patient with corona virus are in to employ. strategies that are familiar and health care the isolation room differs from other rooms in that it has an ante room in between the patient room and the corridor and because it has negative air pressure germs are prevented from flowing out when you walk from corridor into the ante room and the doors closed. the air is flowing into the ante room so if there are any germs in the ante room they're not going out to the core. >>then when you walk from the ante room into the patient's room and you close the door. the air is flowing into the patient's room from the ante room. so there's any germs in the patient's room, they're not flowing. out the door to curb or general hospital epidemiologist doctor lisa winston says. >>keeping medical staff healthy is a key component in the ante room or gloves and 95 respirator masks, goggles and gowns staff will gown up in the ante room and then enter the patient's room, protective gear will be removed in the ante room before they head back into the corridor that should prevent exposure health care providers attorney general who do come in contact with those with the corona virus will be monitored for at least 14 days following their last contact. >>dan kerman kron 4 news in the east today, a school district is preparing for a major teacher layoffs. because there will be more than $47 million in budget cuts. >>the west contra costa county school district is facing around 250 teacher cuts. teachers blame the state and the district for lack of accountability and budget management and the district is not shying away from responsibility. >>we have had some turnover in our business department and that's led to a land that has led to some concerns about the numbers that we've seen. >>in addition to looking at making sweeping cuts to the education department, the school district will likely have to lay off employees in central administration as well. >>king tides are coming to part of the bay area this this is video of previous title flooding, but you can expect some. >>really big waves and some flooding and our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here with the details so we're used parts of marion county around the highway one cut off the american air on the city sometimes gets fun is that we're going to certainly those places that see those areas so when you come in we have high tides but moon yeah we get the moon we got the earth lining up and here we go. >>are you that king tides are developing around the bay area certainly that will be on and off the obviously king tides as you get those very low tides too so if you're up by the beaches. i do try to enjoy the watch out to near the rocks there so that some storm systems generating some swell along the coastline and see this next one. >>that is just beginning to move in the pacific northwest. all the rain drops can be left behind before it gets here so unfortunately just kind of a dry cold front moving through so the big story for us this weekend going to the winds they are going to be with an outside right now not all that bad, although the 22 miles per hour at sfo only 7 in the san francisco for in the pacifica right now temperatures out the door are running in the 40's in the 50's right now a wind advisory going in effect starting tomorrow evening and that will continue all the way through sunday and into monday morning expecting some strong gusty winds maybe some 4050 mile an hour gusts across on the mound toss but even in the urban areas we're talking about some 20 some 30 plus mile an hour winds. so certainly it's going to be blustery weekend remember last sunday, how blustery was well we'll see that again temperatures going to the 50's in the 60's start out your weekend mid 60's and live more about 64 in santa rosa and 50 degrees in san francisco. thank you horace with football season over that means baseball season is just about to begin that kind of excited. >>major league pitchers and catchers report next week but before that the san francisco hosting their annual fanfest at oracle park mark harper to joins us now with the some remarks from the giants new a management yeah, a lot of questions about the direction of the san francisco giants are a lot of uncertainty surrounding this team now before the giants head to arizona for spring training, players and coaches will take some time to meet up with the fans this weekend as the franchise heads into its first season under the direction of gabe kepler the new giants skipper caught up in the media this afternoon taking over for the future hall of famer bruce bocce now scambler heads into his first spring with the giants there are talking points about the direction of the team considering that they did not make any huge offseason additions madison bumgarner is no longer with the team is with the arizona diamondbacks now. >>and the giants have had 3 straight losing seasons. but kepler wants to make one thing perfectly clear to fans, here's miss children of the >>we get excited about development which is extremely important before we get excited about just our style of play. my message for on-message scott's message to both our fans and. >>our our players that were we're have a chance to win every night and we are going to do everything possible to win every single night. >>another news of the day you can see it from the player himself hunter pence letting the bay area now he is back with the giants the 37 year-old outfielder returning to san francisco anyone season $3 million deal. he just spent last year the texas rangers were yet to 97 with 18 jacks and as we comeback player of the year honors before his time with the rangers 7 years with the giants helping lead the franchise. 2, 2 titles coming up later in sports more giants news will hear from the member of camp where staff making sports history and also steve kerr this thoughts on the d angelo russell traits a year ago baseball season, heating a young let it go right enter >>and a new details from investigators about the helicopter crash that left kobe bryant and several others dead. plus a new photo showing the helicopter just moments before it crashed from stranger to save euro bay area, the mt student putting his new training to good use when a man is found unconscious tonight we're hearing from that he wrote. treating homelessness like a natural disaster i'm joe here in washington we'll show you the effort to make funds available for things like hurricanes and wildfires instead available now. tom: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. >>i don't think he was going make it actually definitely thought he was going to it. >>a city college of san francisco student without hesitation jumps in to help a man overdosing on drugs name is nicholas tall cup. he performs cpr on the man that he found unresponsive at the civic center bart station kron four's justine waltman talks with that man today tells us nicholas had just learned those lifesaving skills, no pulse, no breathing on his face was really blues fingertips were blue nicholas tall cup knew he needed to help late at night monday on his way home to oakland. >>he saw an unresponsive man sprawled out on the steps of the civic center bart station for immediate recognition that something definitely needed to be done or this guy was going to i didn't think he was going make it actually definitely thought he was going to the 28 year-old pulled the man who was clearly overdosing on drugs to the ground and started cpr. >>a skill he had just learned, he is 3 weeks into a program at city college of san francisco to become an emt to full which is why he had just attacked a plastic mouth cover used in cpr was to his key chain there's nothing now because i use it while others might have kept walking past them and passed out. nicholas did not anyone who had the same level of training i like to think one would've done the same thing. >>after chest compressions worked a few park police officers came over. >>and used 2 doses of narcan which could help reverse an opioid overdose it was like 9 dead. >>what is really really impressive about does the overdosed man survived. >>nick is on the path to medical school which she started after the death of a family member he does not believe he is a hero just prepared. >>i'm in or 2 earlier maybe i would have just walked by someone shooting heroin on the stairwell not stopped so right place right time, the real >>in san francisco justine waltman. >>and this it apart writer starting on monday you might notice some changes including the new ambassador program, 10 new ambassadors will begin a pilot program to address safety concerns for riders teams of 2 ambassadors we'll ride trains from the 12th street oakland station to the civic center station from 02:00pm to midnight. the agency is also adjusting train schedules to help improve service for riders. some winds will see service start a little earlier and others a little later, most changes are small tweaks and changed by just a few minutes while most changes are the small ones there are some significant changes as well you can find a breakdown of all the changes on our website at kron 4 dot com. of 4 zone forecast as we step outside to be a live picture of the embarcadero in the city joining us now chief meteorologist lawrence karnow you've been talking about a little bit a win. but basically just to i yeah dry weather pattern that's the unfortunate thing i know we're good way behind we're talking 40 to 50% of normal now for bay area rainfall. so it's hard to pick up catch up. >>when you get that far behind but right now it is dry out there and clear as you can see we've got a couple patches of fog along the coastline that's good. otherwise we've got storm systems are just not coming here to the northwest is a good walk by storm after storm even in the summertime they are getting some of that rain moving through but here in california staying dry. but what we are going to seize a dry cold front moved through and that is going to cause the winds to really whip up let's time now for as we head the evening here and it's tomorrow you'll see a really kind of a calm start to the day across much of the bay area just some light winds, maybe a little stronger up to the north and then they really begin to pick up by a really saturday evening into sunday and those winds just after midnight to 29 miles per hour in the napa valley 20 in concord 26 in livermore gets even stronger as we get to sunday, how about that numbers up over 30 miles per hour and you can notice some of the color changes here you've got some read the you've got some few she here look up to our scale. those are winds blowing of 3040 miles per hour across some of the mount up so certainly a possibility of some tree limbs coming down maybe some trees to some power lines would be surprised to power outages and you know it's the direction here those offshore winds are looking at gusty the 36 miles per hour in half moon bay, so even in the urban areas, it's going to how i think as we get into sunday, so be prepared when going to be with an outside wind advisories are up for much of the bay area except right just inside the bay. otherwise tonight going stay mostly clear just some patchy fog tomorrow make sure sunshine, some clouds breezy by the afternoon but those strong gusty winds building in on sunday and that's after that front moves to high pressure takes over and that is going to set the stage for some very gusty winds. thank you lawrence and the north bay sonoma county homeless service providers are scrambling after learning that their funding is being drastically cut. >>this comes despite the fact that the county is still dealing with the cleanup of the nearly 2 mile long joe to homeless encampments that is expected to drag on for several more weeks. but now some of the sonoma county homeless service providers who help this population are finding themselves facing cuts in funding from the county starting july 1st. >>what that means in can translate into is less shelter beds less housing as people losing their house because they other nonprofits can't continue those housing units and so it could to create more individuals living on our streets, you know we've been able to actually triple the number of people we house in the last few years and my big concern is that progress is going to get stalled and or backwards and we have no ability to do that because homelessness is a crisis and it is an emergency right now. >>the mayor of santa rosa says last year the state gave the city million in funding to spend on homelessness in this year. the city got nearly 7 million more the mayor is hopeful that the state's easy importance of investing, locally in addressing the homeless crisis. >>california house members introduced a measure that would allow states to request emergency funding already allocated by congress for things like natural disasters and instead use it for homelessness they argue that homelessness is at emergency crisis levels already and the issue should be treated with the same urgency as a natural disaster. joe cole will reports it recognizes that we're in a crisis. it says this is an emergency congressman josh carter wants money that's been allocated for natural disasters like wildfires to be freed up instead to fight homelessness we bring the full might of the federal government to actually help the wildfire victims should we be doing the exact same thing for the hundreds of thousands of homeless that are living our streets every single day his bill would allow governors to declare homeless emergencies in their states and they get access to fema funds for things like affordable housing substance abuse programs and mental health, but opponents say that won't address the root of the crisis why is it so much worse in california than anywhere else. why is it so much worse in certain cities and others house gop leader kevin mccarthy says harbors bill doesn't guarantee the money will be used effectively the federal government could help with the land and others which we are doing. >>the difficulty is the state laws holding this back and unfortunately it's a bailout to griffith with the heritage foundation agrees. he says california's environmental regulations limit affordable during billions of dollars of federal money this country like a natural disaster that's not to resolve this problem that is a state failure bought par says it's time congress street, the homeless crisis with urgency he says the federal government and states like california need to work together both gavin newsom and donald trump say that they care about the homeless problem they say they want to do something about it i believe let's actually get to work in washington, i'm joko real. an aide to a horrifying story out of the east bay were 38 year-old woman was killed inside her home by someone very close to her mayor london breed taking part in a bay area black history month celebration. >>how she's hoping the team up obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. >>san francisco mayor london breed helps kick off black history month as scores of people made their way to the return day inside san francisco city hall today to celebrate the national holiday. >>breed highlighting the importance of voting and do things differently as a community. >>we can to sew up during black history month. we have to show up at the board of supervisors. when they're trying to cut funding to our community. we have to show a lot and meetings and guess you have to also tell me what's going on. that we can make changes. >>the event was put on with the african american historical and cultural society happening today, north bay brewery is bringing back a fan favorite for the 16th year fans lining up and down the block of the russian river brewing company in santa rosa to get this year's batch of the highly anticipated play me. the younger. the triple i p a beer is higher in alcohol content and has a lot of hops in there the brewery begin serving it in 2005 is a winter seasonal selection and its been back every year the first friday in february and for the very first time, the brewery is bottling the beer you have until february 20th to get yours our producer dave getting guns off the streets santa clara county putting a plan in place to cut down on gun violence, a woman tragically killed inside her home disturbing details on who was behind the attack and the ntsb is revealing new information about the helicopter koby bryant and 8 other people were in what witnesses. >>saw and democrat running for president is better than the criminal in the white house. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. coast guard. and i fly airplanes fixed wing aircraft, hc one 44. >>in this kron on extra currently there are 150 black women pilots in the us and the organization sisters of the skies is hoping to change that through scholarships for young women who are interested in taking to the skies cons theresa spoke with coast guard pilot see angel hughes about an upcoming scholarship gala in san francisco hosted by the founders of sisters of the scholars a little bit about like. >>some of the operations that you have been involved. coast guard's main mission and our homeland security. my search and rescue and law enforcement and i'm currently stationed in miami florida. so the law enforcement side has to be a little bit more robust. in terms of the drug migrant migrant interdiction and a drug trafficking so we there with those types issues in the coast guard, but also search and rescue. where the 911 of the water whenever there's an emergency out there you can pick up your phone to call 911. if the check it out and put it your radio channel, 16 and you know made a and yeah coast are going to come due with whatever issue you have a lot of training a lot of time a lot of absolutely so what i went maybe flight school pox nearly 2 that i earned i i don't have my wings on a airports but my uh my naval aviator wings of 2 years training and that rain it's that mi in florida pensacola florida and then a corpus christi texas and then i got my wings in. can a coast guard pilot started flying for the coast guard. the scholarship is going to be so this talent tomorrow night yes, how can your influence and how can you put it out there to attract more. >>african american women to become pilots, seeing is believing. so. we do a lot of community outreach and a lot of it like half the battle was just wearing your uniform. >>and just going out there so other little girls and little boys can see you and i well you know i never thought i could be a pilot. it peaks the interest so that that's half the battle just having all of us come here for fundraising gala. >>this morning. a man was shot and killed it happened the valero gas station on says the 1600 block of talley road. >>this is the city's 4th homicide of the year in response to gun violence. the santa clara county district attorney's office and san jose police are teaming up to get violent criminals and their weapons off the streets, the priority gun offender plan was announced today. it to drive down gang gun violence, a program court dates investigative efforts of police detectives and analysts from the crime strategies unit to identify priority gun offenders, san jose pd special operations teams are signed to locate and arrest armed criminals who are currently wanted they have been identified as likely to commit imminent violence in san jose. the other big story. we're following tonight. there are new details on the helicopter crash that killed nba superstar kobe bryant's his daughter gianna and 7 others are for is not a grant lotus joins us now in studio with what we have learned today as well as so when the lakers plan to honor kobe right taking canned a lot later this month more on that momentarily first though. >>this is one of the new images that the ntsb did released today, they say. >>it shows the chopper just moments before the fatal accident it circled in red of course it is flying into fog and low clouds they say just before it hit that hillside the national transportation safety board released. these other images today as part of the investigation you see how foggy it is low visibility, according to the ntsb. they say the pilot couldn't see well which certainly appears to be a factor in the crash. the ntsb says it did not find any evidence of engine failure. a new report is saying investigators looked at pieces of the wreckage to determine what caused the aircraft to crash. and there were no internal issues. one witness told investigators he saw the chopper emerge from the clouds and it was moving forward and descending the ntsb said last week the chopper was descending at more than 2000 feet per minute at the time of impact another development we're learning now that there will be a public memorial for kobe bryant and the other victims it will take place on february 24th at staples in los angeles. the date of to 2420. it's symbolic because bryant wore number 24 of course during the latter part of his career. his 13 year-old daughter gianna who was on the helicopter were number 2. when she played youth basketball and koby was a laker for 20 years to 2420 the service will honor all 9 people killed in that crash last month that will certainly the emotional day for the city of los angeles a city where koby was a larger than life figure. they will again also be remembering all of the others who lost their lives that morning can take you back to you thank you grant us. getting said in antarctica and the arctic the temperature in northern antarctic, a hit. >>almost 65 degrees yesterday which would be a heat record on the continent which is best known for snow ice and penguins reading was taken at an argentine research base it still needs to be verified by the world. meteorologist organization, the previous record of 63.5 degrees was set in march of 2015 yeah, it's still winter but to sure feels like it's already looking at our 4 zone forecast now. >>golden gate bridge lawrence yeah guys you know a warmer than normal temperatures here around the bay area, some temperatures reach up in the 70's today, so yeah feel a lot like spring outside a would love to get the rain here but we're get will be i now. >>with no rain no real rain in sight so outside right now we're looking toward the golden gate bridge skies are mostly clear into some patchy fog along the coastline, but right now we're looking toward your skies looking for some raindrops doppler radar not finding anything out there all that rain well to the north high pressure sitting over head. until that ridge really moves out a lame there's no way in the storms can get through now case a little dive over the top we're going to see that happening over the weekend but that's just going to generate win and nothing in the way of rainfall temperatures outside right now and a lot of 50's out the door around the bay are looking at a nice start your weekend. that's about 50 degrees for a high and sunny in san francisco, 61 in oakland, 62 degrees in san jose. here's your long range forecast you'll see this one storm system this little swirl up to the north the sooners play a big factor in the weather starting tomorrow night into sunday doesn't look like much, but as drops all the way down a southern california high pressure tries to fill in behind that with that ridge building in that arena generate all those big time winds and that's what's going to be very gusty in throughout sunday maybe into early on monday morning that we're going to clear out your skies and here comes a big dome you see all the clearing that's the signature of high pressure building over head. things we can a little bit another weak system drops in on wednesday. but an look like much. we're going to get any rain next week. i think they'll come on valentine's day slight chance of showers that looks like things may begin to open up after that, but still don't look terribly promising so that being said looks like we're seeing some dry weather continuing breezy conditions tomorrow but fairly mild and then much cooler windy on sunday back to warm above normal temperatures. some of those numbers near 70 degrees to monday and tuesday. they provided witness testimony against the president in the impeachment inquiry now they are out of a job in the commander in chief is behind it. >>they thought they're putting out a positive pr campaign but their viral video without authorization cost them their jobs. plus flu season is it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time >>jobs across countries, the sun january but so did the unemployment rate the jobs report released today shows 225,000 jobs added last month, the labor department says half a million people enter the job market in january though not all of them found jobs so the unemployment rate is one percentage point from december december sigh 50 year. unemployment low there was a notable growth in several industries, including healthcare and transportation while manufacturing jobs saw declined. the red cross is hosting a blood drive in san bruno to make up for a critical shortage. >>officials with red cross say they currently only have a three-day supply of type o blood. that's that is available for patient emergencies and medical treatments. they say the problem is that there's been increase in people getting the flu. if you're interested in donating blood you can do so tomorrow at saint robert catholic school in san bruno. >>a california community dealing with tragedy after an accidental shooting the mistake by one boy costing his brother. his life ahead as for steve kerr his first comments following the d angelo russell tr growing up in la, bad air forced us indoors. and now we have to deal with this. climate change is an emergency. that's why i wrote the nation's most progressive climate law. and that's why i'm endorsing tom steyer. because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. same with the keystone pipeline. when tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. >>striking the davis community. authorities say a high school student was accidentally shot and killed by his brother today a crisis team was dispatched to the school after the yolo county coroner confirmed the death of the 19 year-old lonnie wong reports. residents here at the tuscany villa apartments on east 8th street heard yelling and screaming as an ambulance and police units arrived on the scene one witness told me that the victim had a wound to the chest ambulance rushed a 19 year-old male victim too. >>you see there's medical center where they tried to save him, but unfortunately succumbed to his injuries last night the victim is 19 year-old jared vargas whose yearbook picture shown in the davis high school online newspaper. the call came in as a victim who was shot accidentally by his brother neighbors confirm the chairlift with a younger brother person that was on the other side of the gun. >>it's such cooperate with the investigation. we don't have anybody in custody. >>the family's been co-operative the article outlines the circumstances of what appears to be an accidental shooting the school district activated its crisis response plan. >>as soon as it learned the jarrett died at the u c davis medical center in sacramento, this is a terrible day for davis senior high school. the school districts and counselors to davis high school as soon as it learned that one of their own had died. they have counselors at the school immediately and talking to staff making sure they have the right information know what words to say to students and better age appropriate jarrett started in the district as an 8th grader and the district says teachers are often affected by such deaths as well of course, it's likely the jurors younger brother also attended a school in the district it's just a tragic of that all the way around and it's horrible. >>we're still awaiting word on the winner of the iowa democratic caucus, the announcement is expected to be made on monday people to maintains a razor thin lead over bernie sanders. after a 100% of precincts reported but sanders claimed victory after results showed he won the popular vote in the state. a new statistic he lobbied the dnc to make public this year. the dnc chairman initially called for a statewide recanvass manages to man to instead focus solely on precincts was reported problems. a pair of witnesses in the house impeachment inquiry into president trump have been removed from their positions. lieutenant colonel alexander binman was escorted out of the white house and has been dismissed from the national security council inman's lawyer says the top ukraine expert on the council was pushed out of that role. and gordon sondland the us ambassador to the european union was also fired today. an advisor to the president said the firings were meant to send a message said citing against the president will not be tolerated both sondland and than men. delivered explosive testimony in the house impeachment probe. late last year. >>the group of workers at a fresno airport say they lost their jobs because of this video that went viral. they posted it on the tick tock app and it soon got hundreds of thousands of views which the airport. was none too happy about shaun micallef a reports. 4 former employees say they were fired from their jobs as ramp agents at fresno yosemite international airport after posting the video online or no work as an every like video for played for the day was already done the leg of the taking care of all of our duties or 9. >>so we decided to make a little video they say the rapper takeshi came after the video started back in a months we had 250 k of a maybe something might happen. but they say they never got a clear reason for the termination we heard from our bosses after our video hit about like 300,000 views and so we have got you know the attention of a lot of people apparently. and i guess that they didn't like that the airport responding with a statement saying in part quote the employs inappropriate behavior in the work environment displaced, poor judgment and does not reflect the conduct expected of individuals working at f e t. >>the company employing these individuals has taken corrective action concerning the parties involved as well as instructed the removal of the unauthorized video from social media i don't even understand we always such a bad thing about what we did is we are getting positive for most of his company the video now has more than 45,000 likes on the tick tock app and credo trying to beat back has been mostly positive. some people are talking about coming to our airports that may be using other what people are talking about. >>you know. >>if there are delays at the airport a completely find that this is what we're doing on our down time because interfere with anything else going on credo time he has no regrets about >>alright football season is over with let's turn the page to baseball season spring training just around the corner and the giants about to open the gate cap ller era fan fest is saturday at oracle park today. bruce bocce successor met with the media kaplan has a ton of work ahead of him, turning around a franchise that suffered 3 straight losing seasons, no playoff trips since 2016, and also rather than adding any huge names in the offseason the giants did not reach a new deal with madison bumgarner and the former ace of the franchise is now playing for division-rival in arizona. here's catherine when asked about filling the void left by the 2014 world series mvp. >>when you have iconic players that have done is as much as has mat bomb has done for the san francisco giants i don't i don't think you can replace them, i don't think you should replace them, but i do think it's a good opportunity to talk about. some adjustments that the logan webb is with his pitch group served a great time to talk about guys like smiley incoming dollars men and their potential. >>earlier in the show we told you about hunter pence make his return to the giants, here's another great story of the offseason alyssa nakken an assistant on caplan staff is the first female coach in major league baseball history. in a remarkable journey for her and decorated softball star in sacramento state a master's in sports management from usf and then she going to land an internship with the giants she never imagined she'd be in this position. >>i knew i wanted to be key part of this organization have them. the giants are amazing what we do on the field but also off field and in the community. and i knew i just wanted to be an impact player. and not necessarily just. if i come into work the 95 and go home. we really had a to the organization to help keep moving forward. >>and fanfest to run from 10 to 3 tomorrow at oracle park finally tonight, the warriors back on the court saturday hosting the lakers, their first game since a number of roster moves at the trade deadline golden state traded away 5 player gets this week, the most notable lee scored d'angelo russell the former all-star point guard traded to minnesota in exchange for andrew wiggins and some draft picks steve kerr discussed in the russell transaction today saying it all came down. a matter of >>to be perfectly blunt the fed was questionable when we signed him either but nobody question that when you already have staff and clients. a ball-dominant. you can rightfully question the fit. that was one of the reasons that the trade rumors started before the season even began. >>keatts been a busy year for the warriors it has let's hope it's a better year oscar all a dog owner awakened in the middle of the night by his people. the wake when you take align, you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. align helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24/7. with a strain of bacteria you can't get anywhere else. you could say align puts the pro in probiotic. so where you go, the pro goes. go with align, the pros in digestive health. and try align gummies with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. >>a lot of good reasons to have a dog including the possibility it could save your life. her owner says that she alerted him when he was having a heart attack. terry camp reports. >>if the 2 year-old can richter with his dog shy and she's a 6 year-old pit bull labrador mix a lot of people don't like that malls most friendly awesome family dog there train or a woman it might have been training or perhaps a dog's own instincts, but they're inseparable bond grew even stronger on january 20th of 02:30am in the morning is when i was laying there sleeping that's one shy and it's something she had never done before she just slams she never done anything like that she just stood up and just slammed right into my back and i've had surgery so she knows not to mess with my back at first he was upset that the 85 pound dog gave him the unexpected wake-up call i yelled at her because i didn't know what she was doing. so she took off out of my and i woke up in my chest hurt so bad i could hardly breathe. richter said the pain would go away so eventually drove himself to the hospital in gladwin within like 1015 minutes, they come in and said the ambulance coming to transport middle ready. no sooner got to middle and by 00:30am in the morning there and put a stent in he was having a heart attack they said it was in bed when i like on 99% blockage they sat on my left a lot to call their richter's doctor told him the dog most likely saved his life you are probably in the middle your heart attack when the dog did rick tour has 2 children and another dog chunky monkey. he 53 next month, a birthday he believes that he will celebrate thanks to shy and look i don't think i'd be here. my son i would know where the rain outside at the time i don't have a living will but i got to get one going out wow look to hear those it's amazing what dogs can sense the as they you know they can send seizures are used for those kinds of purposes and there's warily can smell cancer. >>yeah, exactly senses are soaking my ear and i are both dog lovers we can talk about this on the air all night long that was kerry camp reporting in that wraps up kron 4 news at 8 grant lotus a joins be here for kron 4 news at 9 what's going on ramp to fill a dog thank you vicky can coming up. >>next said 9, 5, people who were taken from the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak are now being quarantined in the bay area. >>how officials are handling the new arrival of these patients and with the latest on the number of cases worldwide plus and seemed to be dying from a drug overdose on the steps of a san francisco bart station. why does random stranger here with the perfect key chain was able to step in and save his life plus 2 key witnesses in the president's impeachment trial have just been fired. and our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here he has the weekend forecast keep it here kron 4 news tonight is next. tom: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. >>now when i opened mayor libby shaft delivering her state of the city address tonight, the speech was held at oakland museum of california good evening, everybody. thanks for being here tonight at 9 i'm grant lotus vicki liviakis the mayor's main focuses on combating homelessness and keeping residents. >>in her city kron four's dan thorn. he's live for us in oakland tonight and joins us now with more dan. >>well vicki the state of the city's theme tonight was belonging rather in oakland mayor libby schaff that this idea should be weaved into homelessness and housing crime and safer streets and retaining the culture within oakland, the mayor touted improvements such as the amount of people that have moved from homelessness to housing as well as doubling the shelter capacity in the city to more than 1700 shelter beds so former homeless man moved in oakland's cabin community and is now living on his own and working in social media was used as one example of the city success in

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