Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20171228 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20171228

wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) our top story this morning ... a terror suspect -- accused of plotting a christmas day attack in san francisco -- is due in court today in áfresno. the f-b-i claims everitt jameson told undercover agents he would target pier 39 and set off explosives in the name of isis. the modesto man was arrested last friday. jameson is an ex-marine. he's now charged with attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization. if convicted... jameson could be sentenced to 20 years in ( will ) and in the wake of that foiled attack... police in san francisco are stepping up security for the new year's eve celebration.( darya ) kron 4's lydia pantazas is live in san francisco with more on what you can expect to see. lydia? ( lydia ) san francisco police are stepping up efforts to keep people safe during the new year's celebrations in the city. local police will be working with state and federal agencies to make sure the celebrations are safe. police say they will have more officers ready to respond in case of an emergency. you may also see more firefighters... deputies and ambulances on the streets. and police are offering some tips to keep you safe... first if you see something say something. call 9-1-1 if you see anything suspicious. and be aware of your surroundings. also... the san francisco department of emergency management is setting up an emergency alert system specifically for new year's eve. all you have to do is text n-y-e-s-f-17 to the number on your screen and you will get any emergency alerts related to the new year's celebrations in san francisco. ( will ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) this year... kron 4 will have expanded new year's eve coverage. starting at 8-p-m... we will have new years live from las vegas with musical and entertainment acts. then at 11:30... justine waldman and grant lodes -- along with j-r spencer blake -- will host new san francisco. we will fun and fireworks the join us m on new years eve. ( will ) an east bay family is making a desperate plea... after a father is gunned down just days before christmas. the victim's 7-year-old daughter doesn't even know what happened to her dad. dominique johnson was killed saturday night in west oakland. he had just left the qilombo community center. the shooter is still on the loose. family members say johnson was heavily involved with the occupy movement and black lives matter. they plan on telling his daughter today that he was killed. they're also begging anyone who knows what happened to come forward. ( will ) johnson's family says he was not involved in gangs or drugs. oakland police have not released a description of the suspect. ( will ) new this morning... santa rosa police have arrested a man they say stabbed another man at random. the victim was stabbed in the neck last week at lola's market. last night police arrested eulalio orozco. the victim is a 61-year-old man who suffered serious injuries but is expected to be okay. ( will ) happening now... san ramon police are asking for help identifying a christmas eve burglary suspect. take a look -- they posted this video on twitter -- with the caption "this is not santa". they say the suspect stole thousands of dollars from a local business... no word on which business was targeted. ( darya ) a north bay family lost átwo homes in the firestorm. now has a copy of a cherished keepsake -- thanks to a chance meeting.( will ) kron4's hermela aregawi has the story you'll see -- only on kron4. a chance meeting at a camera store sharon taylor/what are the odds that this man that we haven't seen in 30 whatever years is in this story when i'm trying to do thisthe edwards lost two out of three homes in their family to the fires joan edwardsi mean we literally left the house i took one pair of jeans 2 shirts and a pair of tennis shoes and off we went.. my son said if we didn't get out the fire was goign to be at our housesharon taylor/i was the only one with anything left that had any memories to it as far as pitcuresso sharon taylor took this family portrait of the five.. taken in 1989.. to a camera shop to have it reprinted big and framed for her parents.he looked at it again and said i am really sorry he said but it's signed by the photographer and he said you need a copy right release and i said i don't know where to find this guy how can i get a copy right release really is there anything you can do for me and the gentleman standing next to him said johnas in the photographer john teague.. who happened to be in the shop doing some work. teague right then signed a release so that the edwards.. and anyone else who came in with his photos could have them reprinted.jack edwardsoh it meant a great deal the four of us out of five lost history of our family and these pictures are really important to us so when we opened the present and saw our big picture again redone like it was 30 years ago it was the best christmas i could have had.(hermela aregawi)the family says this chance meeting brightened up their holidays.. and are looking forward to rebuilding both homes. reporting in santa rosa, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. ( will ) two recovery centers that opened following the north bay firestorm will close for good today. the centers at the hanna boys center in sonoma and the press democrat building in santa rosa were jointly run by the california governor's office of emergency services and fema. also ... a downtown santa rosa donation center on fourth street is closing ... after three attempted break-ins and acts of vandalism in the past two weeks. the most recent break-in happened christmas morning. ( will ) also in the north bay... the pending rain has some in the fire zone worried. there is an increased risk of flooding and landslides in the burned out areas. burned vegetation increases the risks of mudslides and flooding. the city of santa rosa is posting road sings and sending out postcards alerting residents and anyone entering the burn areas of the increased threat of flooding. people are encouraged to have an evacuation plan in place ( darya ) caltrans is looking at the impact climate change is having on bay area roads. they say roads are vulnerable to flooding... landslides and costal erosion. the last storm season caused more than one- billion dollars in highway damage across the state. about 390- million of that... happened in the bay area. caltrans says highway 101 near corte madera creek in marin county... is susceptible to rising sea levels. and stretches of highway on either side of the bay bridge could also see flooding. ( darya ) a federal appeals court is ordering the e-p-a to revise its lead paint standards. and it's giving the agency 15 months to do it. the ninth circuit court of appeals says the e-p-a's delay in setting new rules poses a "threat to human welfare." the e-p-a was supposed to start the new rule- making process back in 2009. since then... the agency says it has gotten advice from scientists. the e-p-a told the court it would have the rules ready by 2023. the court ruled that was unreasonable. ( will ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... four limos stolen... and three arrests made. how a lot of luck helped police. ( will ) plus... stunning images of damage caused by rocks on a major freeway.. why police say this was áno accident. ( will ) and after the break... several east bay families say they are being kicked out of their homes. and now they say they have no place to go. ( rebecca ) and i am tracking your bay area forecast. ( darya ) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast. rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( will ) the housing crisis in the bay area is now causing problems for people in teh east bay.( darya ) kron 4's gabe slate talked to some alameda residents who say they were served with 3 day eviction notices right before christmas sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"we did not even buy an xmas tree because all this notice we are getting we don't know if we're going to get out or we are going to be out on the street or what" gina wayamba has lived in the bayview apartment complex off central avenue in alameda for seven years. she is a single mom working two jobs supporting her 3 daughters and parents.. gina has not been able to find another place to rent in alameda she wants to keep her kids in their school which is right next to the apartment building.. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"i would have to move to modesto to find something i can afford. we are not bad people, we pay rent on time, we don't cause trouble" she has received a couple eviction notices for late rent payments but she was able to prove she paid on time the last eviction she was hit with was a 3 day notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"they said it was for renovation but i'm sure they could move me into another apartment if they wanted to during that" there are 33 units here.. i spoke with 4 tenents who have received no cause eviction notices they all told me they have spoke with newer tenants who have recently moved in and they are paying almost tripple what these long term residents are paying so they feel..sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"obviously they want to move people out to rent to higher cost" sound from julia balthasar - resident being evicted - lived there for 7 years."last thing that happened is 60 day eviction notice taped to my door next to my christmas wreath" julia balthasar has lived her for 7 years, 6 days before christmas she got a 60 day no cause eviction notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"where am i supposed to live? tent city? in a tent ? i want to live and not worry that i'll come out and have an eviction on my door" i reached out the owner of this complex serving up the evictions and they have not gotten back to me yet. i also reached out to alameda city officials.. the mayor, city council members, the city attorneythe city manager jil keimach sent me a statement saying the city of alameda knows the timing was bad for the recent evictions but they are in compliance with the requirements of the city's rent stabilzation ordinance. in alameda gabe slate kron 4 news . ( will ) three teens are arrested... accused of stealing four limosines in vacaville on christmas eve. just after the thefts... officers spotted one of the limos. the driver -- who was a minor -- was released to their parents. then on tuesday... officers spotted another stolen limo -- this one driving on a flat tire. the driver tried to run away -- but was caught. and as police were doing their paper work... they saw a third limo drive by. there was a chase -- and the limo was damaged. eventually... two teens were taken into custody. turns out... one of the teens was actually caught with the first limo... and released to their parents. the fourth limo was found nearby... all four have been returned to the limo company. ( will ) in morgan hill... police are hoping you can help identify a man ... who robbed an eyeglass store. this is a photo of the man ... captured on video surveillance cameras. the incident happened at the "eye-fini-tea optique lounge" on monterey road. the thief walked in waviing a gun ... and demanded cash. he then ran off with money and two pairs of sunglasses. ( darya ) coming up on the kron 4 morning news... days before recreational pot use becomes legal... the c-h-p is out with a new message. what officers are now telling drivers. ( darya ) and after the break... a would-be-thief gets more than he bargained for at wendy's. hear from the customer who attacked him... with a chair. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge dear january, we're sorry. we've made you all diets and cleanses. thing is, food isn't a resolution. it's fuel for our resolutions. fuel to power us, made for us. it's whole grains, fruit and iron. protein, almonds and quinoa. food that keeps us strong. january. you deserve better. you're not a bad month... you're our beginning. special k. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf.richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) take a look at this... a yuba city man springs into action... after seeing someone trying to rob a fast food restaurant.( will ) a surveillance camera captured it all... as the customer hit the armed would-be robber over the head with a chair. got a chair to the back of the head!" erika farris/employee: "i thought it was funny because i don't know how the dude didn't go down." daniel/customer who fought off "i hit him hard. i hit him really hard. i could hear the chair crack.">( will ) that's the good samaritan. his name is daniel. he was visiting his parents for the holidays... when he stopped by wendy's on christmas night. after being hit... the suspect still managed to bolt out the door... to a getaway car waiting nearby. right now... detectives need help finding the would-be finding the need help detectives need help finding the would-be thief. (rebecca) tracking your morning forecast. details coming up. ( will ) and after the break... see how family and friends are planning to honor a fallen c-h-p officer. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. (darya)( will ) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( will ) a solemn ceremony at the c-h-p academy in sacramento. a bell tolled in honor of fallen c-h-p officer andrew camilleri. he was killed christmas eve by a suspected drunk driver on interstate 880 in hayward. now... we know when the beloved husband and father of three will be laid to rest. kron 4's dan kerman has the story. a solemn day at the chp academy in sacramento wednesday as family, friends and co-workers honored fallen chp officer andrew camilleri with the traditional bell toll tribute.camilleri was killed christmas eve night in hayward when a suspected drunk driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the chp cruiser camillari and his partner were in, which was stopped near the onramp to interstate 880 at west winton avenue.ááásot captain tim pearson/hayward chp commander it's unfortunate that a senseless life had to be taken when his passion was going out, doing the job, arresting dui drivers and he's taken from us by what appears to be a dui driverthe 33 year old camilari grew up in tracy and had just graduated from the chp academy in march before being assigned to the hayward office of the highway patrol. ááásot acting commissioner warren stanley/chp 113-120 officer camilleri joins a selfless group of heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the safety and security of others. we are forever grateful for his loyal dedicated service and show of gratitude to his family for their sacrifice.after the ceremony camillari's wife, daugther and oldest of his two sons could be seen carrying flowers and being led to the chp memorial fountain. a memorial service has been scheduled for december 30th at 830 am at the christian life center in stockton. the public is welcome to attendthe suspect remains hospitalized and has yet to be identified by the chp. formal charges are also still pending. dan kerman kron 4 news ( darya ) in just four days... recreational pot becomes legal in california and bay area dispensaries are rushing to get ready. a lot of pot shops are treating january first like black friday. some will even open in the early morning hours of 2018. of course... there are rules buyers must follow. you're allowed to have up to an ounce... and six live plants. the sale of recreational marijuana could bring in more than 5- billion dollars in revenue for the state. ( darya ) the c-h-p is out with a serious warning about getting behind the wheel after lighting up. officers say if you drive stoned... you will get a d-u-i. pot mixed with alcohol can have deadly consequences. and that may have been a factor in the death of a c-h-p officer. officer andrew camilleri was hit while on patrol by a suspected d-u-i driver. in the wake of his death -- the office of traffic safety is launching a new public awareness campaign. it's called "d-u-i doesn't just mean booze." supporters say dispensaries should echo the same message. ( darya ) government officials agree that marijuana can be a safe drug... when used responsibly. ( will ) c-h-p says they've arrested a man who dropped big rocks from a freeway overpass. take a look at the damage... this truck was driving on interstate five in sacramento. you can see one of the rocks went right through a windshield. police say the suspect in the case -- actually did this four or five different times. they also say in some instances there were injuries and crashes caused by the rocks. this is not the first time we've seen something like this. earlier this month... a driver in ohio was killed when teenagers dropped a sandbag off an overpass. ( will ) two men accused of stealing packages and mail in guerneville are now in custody. deputies got a report that a man had stolen a package from a porch around 2 a-m on saturday. they say they quickly found the suspects' car... and then tracked down two men. authorities say nathan hines and jacob sanderson had stolen amazon packages and mail in their possesion. both men were arrested on suspicion of mail theft, possessing stolen property and conspiracy along with drug possession charges. ( darya ) the city of san francisco is helping you get rid of your christmas tree. you can get rid of your tree by placing it next to your bins on your regular garbage days... until january 12th. it must be unflocked and free from decorations... tinsel.. .and lights. ( darya ) and a reminder... people who live in union city can also dispose of their holiday trees for free. community recycling will pick up trees at no extra charge until the end of january. all you have to do is place the tree at the curb... or in the green organics cart. you must remove tree stands... ornaments... tinsel... and lights. just make sure the tree is outside before 6-a-m on your regular trash ( will ) still ahead... one new mom has quite the story to tell... her supermarket delivery is caught on camera. ( will ) and after the break... there were no winners in last night's powerball drawing. how much you can win in the next drawing. ( rebecca ) and i am tracking your bay area forecast. no delays on wb 80 at the bay bridge toll plaza i'll take that. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay. new this morning the next powerball jackpot will be worth 384 million dollars.( will ) nobody won the jackpot in last night's drawing which was worth more than 300 million dollars. the highest jackpot ever recorded was worth 1-point-6 billion dollars.( darya ) by the way... the odds of winning the powerball jackpot are about one in 292-million. the next drawing is saturday. ( darya ) a small market in fresno isn't the place anyone expects to see a baby being born. but that's exactly what happened tuesday night.( will ) store surveillance cameras show the pregnant woman walking into the store. she goes to a table... and kneels. she then tells the cashier to call an ambulance.( darya ) store employees say they called 9-1-1... but áno one answered. a few minutes later... the baby came out.( will ) eventually... mom and baby made it to the hospital. they're doing just fine. (rebecca) tracking your morning forecast... the world according to gary is after the break. < so here's the deal if you fail to sign the citation then i have to place you under arrest that's the last thing i want to do is there a rule like that yes can you show me the rule #step aka the san mateo county saturation traffic enforcement program is back in action i'll explain in the next edition of people behaving badly > welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast. rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) after an ( darya ) ( darya ) after an emotional win on christmas day against the cavs... the warriors came back with another one against the ( will ) the game was at oracle last night. steph curry did workout before the game... but he didn't play. curry could be cleared to return very soon. but it's no problem when you have kevin durant running the show. k-d kd led the warriors with 21-points. thompson chipped in 15. 126 to 101 was the final score. the warriors play the hornets tomorrow. ( darya ) and the warriors have unveiled their new chinese heritage alternate uniforms. take a look. these uniforms will be worn for select games this season. the first game featuring these uniforms will be january 25th against the minnesota timberwolves. ( darya ) as we approach the end of 2017... we're counting down the best of the worst of people behaving badly... picked out by stanley roberts himself.( will ) this morning... we find out what can happen if you choose ánotá to sign a traffic ticket given to you by an officer. in san bruno on a rain slicked roadway a gold colored camry runs a stopsign on sneath lane .how do know it's because i'm riding with officer villarreal of the san bruno police departmentyou came straight to the stop sign then contained right through it, it everything alright is there an emergency no do you happen to have your drivers licenseit's 2017 and step is back in action, step also know as the san mateo county saturation traffic enforcement program hits the streets of san bruno and millbraeits traffic officers from all around san mateo county with the sole purpose is to target problem areas around the county in an effort to reduce traffic collisionsi'm issuing you a citation today for failing to stop at a stop sign (no no why are you issuing a citation i came to a full stop i did a full stop i will not sign i will not sign) hers the deal listen ( no deal there is not deal) let me explain to you (there is no deal) ok (there is no deal) just listen let me explain the process of how this is going to go ok you are catching a person whao is doing wrong sit can i talk now can i talk talkthe driver contuines the argue the minutia of the traffic stop all the while refusing to sign the ticket the conversationta kes a different directionso here's the deal if you fail to sign the citation then i have to place you under arrest that's the last thing i want to do is there a rule like that yes can you show me the rulein the end, the driver signed the ticket and a few moments later this driver ran a different stop sign everything alright? where you heading starbucksthis driver was stopped by the south san francisco police department and then how the driver pulled over so i ased the driver hwo did he end up like thishe asked me to park here ..oh, and you know the new hand free law where you phone must be on amount well it was directly in front of his face ...take the mount off and put it in the window over here here yea there thank youofficers also stopped drivers for not having their headlight on when there windshield wipers are onthe reason why i stopped you because i noticed that your headlights are not on and it raining right nowthere will be more step enforcements though out 2017 . if you're not sure what the traffic laws are might i suggest you look they up now and not before your court datein san bruno stanley roberts kron 4 news ( darya ) and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. so you spent all your money on holiday gifts. bitcoins are about to go bust. which means like most people this time of year, you're broke. introducing value jack's way. five great ways to save, including four crispy chicken nuggets for $1, jack's one-of-a-kind breakfast pockets for $2 each, three of my famous tacos and a small drink for $3, two breakfast croissants for $4, or the bonus jack combo, now just $5. it's like i tell jack jr., it's all about big value, jr. prices. that's value jack's way. workers are busy installing crystal triangles on the new year's eve ball that drops in times square. when it is finished, it will be covered with more than 26- hundred waterford crystal triangles. this year... crystals were cut to resemble butterflies, rosettes and starbursts. each one is bolted to an aluminum frame...along with thousands of l-e-d's. it can display more than 16 million colors and billions of patterns. new yorkers have been dropping a mirrored and lighted ball in times square since 1907. ( darya ) this year... kron 4 will have expanded new year's eve coverage. starting at 8-p-m... we will have new years live from las vegas with musical and entertainment acts. then at 11:30... justine waldman and grant lodes -- along with j-r stone and spencer blake -- will host new years live from san francisco. we will bring you the fun and fireworks from along the join us m on new years eve. ( will ) coming up in the next hour... police in san francisco are stepping up security ahead of the big new year's celebration. what you can expect if you are heading to the city this weekend to celebrate. and ... the chance encounter that led to a north bay firestorm victim recovering an important keepsake. plus... a heartbreaking story of a young father gunned down right before christmas. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(james) and i'm james fletcher. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) our top story this morning ... a terror suspect -- accused of plotting a christmas day attack in san francisco -- is due in court today in áfresno. the f-b-i claims everitt jameson told undercover agents he would target pier 39 and set off explosives in the name of isis. the modesto man was arrested last friday. jameson is an ex-marine. he's now charged with attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization. if convicted... jameson could be sentenced to 20 years in prison. ( will ) and in the wake of that foiled attack... police in san francisco are stepping up security for the new year's eve celebration.( darya ) kron 4's lydia pantazas is live in san francisco with more on what you can expect to see. lydia? ( lydia ) san francisco police are stepping up efforts to keep people safe during the new year's celebrations in the city. local police will be working with state and federal agencies to make sure the celebrations are safe. police say they will have more officers ready to respond in case of an emergency. you may also see more firefighters... deputies and ambulances on the streets. and police the streets. and police are offering some tips to keep you safe... first if you see something say something. call 9-1-1 if you see anything suspicious. and be aware of your surroundings. also... the san francisco department of emergency management is setting up an emergency alert system specifically for new year's eve. all you have to do is text n-y-e-s-f-17 to the number on your screen and you will get any emergency alerts related to the new year's celebrations in san francisco. ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( will ) an east bay family is making a desperate plea... after a father is gunned down just days before christmas. the victim's 7-year-old daughter doesn't even know what happened to her dad. dominique johnson was killed saturday night in west oakland. he had just left the qilombo community center. the shooter is still on the loose. family members say johnson was heavily involved with the occupy movement and black lives matter. they plan on telling his daughter today that he was killed. they're also begging anyone who knows what happened to knows what happened to come forward. ( will ) johnson's family says he was not involved in gangs or drugs. oakland police have not released a description of the suspect. ( darya ) in san francisco... the same block is the scene of two shooting in two days. the latest happened around 2:30 yesterday morning on eddy street near mason... in the tenderloin. officers say a 58-year-old woman had been shot. she is expected to survive. and early tuesday morning... a 37-year-old man was shot in the same area. he is also expected to survive. police do ánot believe the shootings are related. no arrests have been made. ( darya ) a body was found in golden gate park. the body was found by a passerby around seven yesterday morning... near the conservatory of flowers. members of the medical examiner's office were at the scene to invesitgate the death... which is ánot considered suspicious. ( will ) new this morning... santa rosa police have arrested a man they say stabbed another man at random. the victim was stabbed in the neck last week at lola's market. last night police arrested eulalio orozco. the victim is a 61-year-old man who suffered serious injuries but is expected to be okay. ( will ) happening now ... san ramon police are asking for help identifying a christmas eve burglary suspect. take a look -- they posted this video on twitter -- with the caption "this is not santa". they say the suspect stole thousands of dollars from a local business... no word on which business was targeted. ( darya ) caltrans is looking at the impact climate change is having on bay area roads. they say roads are vulnerable to flooding... landslides and costal erosion. the last storm season caused more than one- billion dollars in highway damage across the state. about 390- million of that... happened in the bay area. caltrans says highway 101 near corte madera creek in marin county... is susceptible to rising sea levels. and stretches of highway on either side of the bay bridge could also see flooding. ( darya )still ahead on the kron 4 morning news ...several limousines are stolen off a lot in the north bay. how the theives were tracked down. ( darya )and a warning about possible flooding in the north bay with impending rain.we'll tell you what you need to know. ♪ [ splash ] [ horn sounds ] dang! ok, i gotta run. hey, wait, there's something i need to tell you- dang. dang! dang! dang. dang. see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( will ) in the north bay... the pending rain has some in the fire zone worried. there is an increased risk of flooding and landslides in the burned out areas. burned vegetation increases the risks of mudslides and flooding. the city of santa rosa is posting road sings and sending out postcards alerting residents and anyone entering the burn areas of the increased threat of flooding. people are encouraged to have an evacuation plan in place still ahead on the kron four morning news ... the chance encounter that led to a north bay firestorm victim recovering an important keepsake. (rebecca) and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. ♪ this little home of mine, ♪ i'm gonna let it shine. ♪ it's energy saving time, ♪ i'm gonna reduce mine. ♪ californians all align ♪ to let our great state shine. ♪ let it shine, ♪ the power's ours to let it shine! ♪ unplug chargers - go, ♪ devices go off-line. turn thermostats down low, ♪ led's shine mighty fine. ♪ small actions quickly grow, ♪ to let our great state shine. ♪ energy upgrade california, will let us shine. ♪ (rebecca) welcome back. let's get a check of the weather this morning... rebecca: dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( darya ) a north bay family lost átwo homes in the firestorm. now has a copy of a cherished keepsake -- thanks to a chance meeting. ( will ) kron4's hermela aregawi has the story you'll see -- only on kron4. a chance meeting at a camera store sharon taylor/what are the odds that this man that we haven't seen in 30 whatever years is in this story when i'm trying to do thisthe edwards lost two out of three homes in their family to the fires joan edwardsi mean we literally left the house i took one pair of jeans 2 shirts and a pair of tennis shoes and off we went.. my son said if we didn't get out the fire was goign to be at our housesharon taylor/i was the only one with anything left that had any memories to it as far as pitcuresso sharon taylor took this family portrait of the five.. taken in 1989.. to a camera shop to have it reprinted big and framed for her parents.he looked at it again and said i am really sorry he said but it's signed by the photographer and he said you need a copy right release and i said i don't know where to find this guy how can i get a copy right release really is there anything you can do for me and the gentleman standing next to him said johnas in the photographer john teague.. who happened to be in the shop doing some work. teague right then signed a release so that the edwards.. and anyone else who came in with his photos could have them reprinted.jack edwardsoh it meant a great deal the four of us out of five lost history of our family and these pictures are really important to us so when we opened the present and saw our big picture again redone like it was 30 years ago it was the best christmas i could have had.(hermela aregawi)the family says this chance meeting brightened up their holidays.. and are looking forward to rebuilding both homes. reporting in santa rosa, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. .( will ) three teens are arrested... accused of stealing four limosines in vacaville on christmas eve. just after the thefts... officers spotted one of the limos. the driver -- who was a minor -- was released to then on tuesday... officers spotted another stolen limo -- this one driving on a flat tire. the driver tried to run away -- but was caught. and as police were doing their paper work... they saw a third limo drive by. there was a chase -- and the limo was damaged. eventually... two teens were taken into custody. turns out... one of the teens was actually caught with the first limo... and released to their parents. the fourth limo was found nearby... all four have been returned to the limo company. ( darya ) coming up next on the kron 4 morning news... days before recreational pot use becomes legal... the c-h-p is out with a new message. what officers are now telling drivers. ( darya ) and after the break... a would-be-thief gets more than he bargained for at wendy's. hear from the customer who attacked him... with a chair. ( darya ) take a look at this... a yuba city man springs into action... after seeing someone trying to rob a fast food restaurant.( will ) a surveillance camera captured it all... as the customer hit the armed would-be robber over the head with a chair. ( will ) that's the good samaritan. his name is daniel. he was visiting his parents for the holidays... when he stopped by wendy's on christmas night. after being hit... the suspect still managed to bolt out the door... to a getaway car waiting nearby. right now... detectives need help finding the would-be thief. (rebecca) tracking your morning forecast. what to expect as you head out the door right after the break. ( will ) and after the break ... see how family and friends are planning to honor a fallen c-h-p officer. welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca: dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the than 30 min drive time less gat bridge to 101. golden min from 880 less then 30 mateo bridge maze to sf. san min from the less then 30 bridge wb 80 is spots. bay no major hot of next week.least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( will ) a solemn ceremony at the c-h-p academy in sacramento. a bell tolled in honor of fallen c-h-p officer andrew camilleri. he was killed christmas eve by a suspected drunk driver on interstate 880 in hayward. now... we know when the beloved husband and father of three will be laid to rest. kron 4's dan kerman has the story. a solemn day at the chp academy in sacramento wednesday as family, friends and co-workers honored fallen chp officer andrew camilleri with the traditional bell toll tribute.camilleri was killed christmas eve night in hayward when a suspected drunk driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the chp cruiser camillari and his partner were in, which was stopped near the onramp to interstate 880 at west winton avenue.ááásot captain tim pearson/hayward chp commander it's unfortunate that a senseless life had to be taken when his passion was going out, doing the job, arresting dui drivers and he's taken from us by what appears to be a dui driverthe 33 year old camilari grew up in tracy and had just graduated from the chp academy in march before being assigned to the hayward office of the highway patrol. ááásot acting commissioner warren stanley/chp 113-120 officer camilleri joins a selfless group of heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the safety and security of others. we are forever grateful for his loyal dedicated service and show of gratitude to his family for their sacrifice.after the ceremony camillari's wife, daugther and oldest of his two sons could be seen carrying flowers and being led to the chp memorial fountain. a memorial service has been scheduled for december 30th at 830 am at the christian life center in stockton. the public is welcome to attendthe suspect remains hospitalized and has yet to be identified by the chp. formal charges are also still pending. dan kerman kron 4 news ( darya ) in just four days... recreational pot becomes legal in california and bay area dispensaries are rushing to get ready. a lot of pot shops are treating january first like black friday. some will even open in the early morning hours of 2018. of course... there are rules buyers must follow. you're allowed to have up to an ounce... and six live plants. the sale of recreational marijuana could bring in more than 5- billion dollars in revenue for the state. ( darya ) the c-h-p is out with a serious warning about getting behind the wheel after lighting up. officers say if you drive stoned... you will get a d-u-i. pot mixed with alcohol can have deadly consequences. and that may have been a factor in the death of a c-h-p officer. officer andrew camilleri was hit while on patrol by a suspected d-u-i driver. in the wake of his death -- the office of traffic safety is launching a new public awareness campaign. it's called "d-u-i doesn't just mean booze." supporters say dispensaries should echo the same message. responsibly, consume responsibly, use responsibly, don't be naive.">( darya ) government officials agree that marijuana can be a safe drug... when used responsibly. ( will ) in the north bay... police have arrested a woman suspected of drunk driving... after she drove her car onto train tracks. it happened on christmas eve around 6 p-m in petaluma. officers arrested 70-year-old kathy gil-strap on suspicion of driving under the influence. she was booked into the sonoma ( will ) c-h-p says they've arrested a man who dropped big rocks from a freeway overpass. take a look at the damage... this truck was driving on interstate five in sacramento. you can see one of the rocks went right through a windshield. police say the suspect in the case -- actually did this four or five different times. they also say in some instances there were injuries and crashes caused by the rocks. this is not the first time we've seen something like this. earlier this month... a driver in ohio was killed when teenagers dropped a sandbag off an overpass. ( darya ) the city of san francisco is helping you get rid of your christmas tree. you can get rid of your tree by placing it next to your bins on your regular garbage days... until january 12th. it must be unflocked and free from decorations... tinsel.. .and lights. ( darya ) and a reminder... people who live in union city can also dispose of their holiday trees for free. community recycling will pick up trees at no extra charge until the end of january. all you have to do is place the tree at the curb... or in the green organics cart. you must organics cart. the green curb... or in the tree at the curb... or in the green organics cart. you must remove tree stands... ornaments... tinsel... and lights. just make sure the tree is outside before 6-a-m on your regular trash pickup day. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news ... eviction notices over the holiday weekend.the story of families being forced to leave their alameda homes. and after the break... we'll explain the main factor that millenials use to decide where to go for vacation. do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ my wish was a clubhouse, but we call it "the wish house." people visit national parks from all over the world. food tastes better when you don't have to cook it. he was just supposed to be my dog. i don't know why. (vo) we're proud that, on behalf of our owners, the subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars in just ten years. get 0% financing for 63 months on select models. plus we'll donate $250 to charity. no major hot spots. no problem on wb 92 out of hayward. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. 101 is at the limit (will) (will) when looking to book a vacation what factors do you consider? price? weather? time of year? distance? millennials consider something else. when selecting a vacation destination, they consider how instagrammable a place is. ( darya ) ( darya ) reasearchers found more then two thirds of millennials consider instagramability as a major factor when deciding where to go. and men were more guilty of this then woman with the majority of them factoring this into their decision on where to go. (will) (will) one in four millennials say they visited a place based on posts they've liked on instagram as well. ( will ) still ahead... one new mom has quite the story to tell... her supermarket delivery is caught on camera. (rebecca) watching the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. i try hard to get a great shape. this i can do, easily. benefiber® healthy shape is a clear, taste-free, 100% natural daily fiber... that's clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this i can do! (rebecca) in the weather center tracking the forecast ... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week.of next week.least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf.. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( will ) the housing crisis in the bay area is now causing problems for people in teh east bay.( darya ) kron 4's gabe slate talked to some alameda residents who say they were served with 3 day eviction notices right before christmas sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"we did not even buy an xmas tree because all this notice we are getting we don't know if we're going to get out or we are going to be out on the street or what" gina wayamba has lived in the bayview apartment complex off central avenue in alameda for seven years. she is a single mom working two jobs supporting her 3 daughters and parents.. gina has not been able to find another place to rent in alameda she wants to keep her kids in their school which is right next to the apartment building.. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"i would have to move to modesto to find something i can afford. we are not bad people, we pay rent on time, we don't cause trouble" she has received a couple eviction notices for late rent payments but she was able to prove she paid on time the last eviction she was hit with was a 3 day notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"they said it was for renovation but i'm sure they could move me into another apartment if they wanted to during that" there are 33 units here.. i spoke with 4 tenents who have received no cause eviction notices they all told me they have spoke with newer tenants who have recently moved in and they are paying almost tripple what these long term residents are paying so they feel..sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"obviously they want to move people out to rent to higher cost" sound from julia balthasar - resident being evicted - lived there for 7 years."last thing that happened is 60 day eviction notice taped to my door next to my christmas wreath" julia balthasar has lived her for 7 years, 6 days before christmas she got a 60 day no cause eviction notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"where am i supposed to live? tent city? in a tent ? i want to live and not worry that i'll come out and have an eviction on my door" i reached out the owner of this complex serving up the evictions and they have not gotten back to me yet. i also reached out to alameda city officials.. the mayor, city council members, the city attorneythe city manager jil keimach sent me a statement saying the city of alameda knows the timing was bad for the recent evictions but they are in compliance with the requirements of the city's rent stabilzation ordinance. in alameda gabe slate kron 4 news ( darya ) a small ( darya ) a small market in fresno isn't the place anyone expects to see a baby being born. but that's exactly what happened tuesday night.( will ) store surveillance cameras show the pregnant woman walking into the store. she goes to a table... and kneels. she then tells the cashier to call an ambulance.( darya ) store employees say they called 9-1-1... but áno one answered. a few minutes later... the baby came out.( will ) eventually... mom and baby made it to the hospital. they're doing just fine. ( darya ) after an emotional win on christmas day against the cavs... the warriors came back with another one against the utah jazz.( will ) the game was at oracle last night. steph curry did workout before the game... but he didn't play. curry could be cleared to return very soon. but it's no problem when you have kevin durant running the show. k-d kd led the warriors with 21-points. thompson chipped in 15. 126 to 101 was the final score. the warriors play the hornets tomorrow. ( darya ) and the warriors have unveiled their new chinese heritage alternate uniforms. take a look. these uniforms will be worn for select games this season. the first game featuring these uniforms game featuring these uniforms will be january 25th against the minnesota timberwolves. coming up on the kron four morning news... a closer look at the new crystal ball ... as preparations are underway for a new years celebration in times square. ♪ toyland, toyland ♪ little girl and boy land ♪ while you dwell within it ♪ you are ever happy there daddy, it's christmas! ♪ childhood's joy land never let go of your dreams. the mercedes-benz winter event is back. lease the glc300 for $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. (crunching) ♪ dude, your crunching's scaring the fish. dude, they're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch... ...with crunchy clusters and the taste of... ...apples and strawberries. i got one! i guess we're having cereal for dinner. deliciously heart-healthy kellogg's raisin bran crunch. camááá) workers are busy installing crystal triangles on the new year's eve ball that drops in times square. when it is finished, it will be covered with more than 26-hundred waterford crystal triangles. this year... crystals were cut to resemble butterflies, rosettes and starbursts. each one is bolted to an aluminum frame...along with thousands of l-e-d's.( darya ) it can display more than 16 million colors and billions of patterns. new yorkers have been dropping a mirrored and lighted ball in times square since 1907. ( darya ) coming up in the next hour... police in san francisco are stepping up security ahead of the big new year's celebration. what you can expect if you are heading to the city this celebrate. ( darya )and ... the chance encounter that led to a north bay firestorm victim recovering an important keepsake. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom.. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) our top story this morning ... a terror suspect -- accused of plotting a christmas day attack in san francisco -- is due in court today in áfresno. the f-b-i claims everitt jameson told undercover agents he would target pier 39 and set off explosives in the name of isis. the modesto man was arrested last friday. jameson is an ex-marine. he's now charged with attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization. if convicted... jameson could be sentenced to 20 years in prison. ( darya ) and in the wake of that foiled attack... police in san francisco are stepping up security for the new year's eve celebration. kron 4's lydia pantazas is live in san francisco with more on what you can expect to see. lydia? ( lydia ) san francisco police are stepping up efforts to keep people safe during the new year's celebrations in the city. local police will be working with state and federal agencies to make sure the celebrations are safe. police say they will have more officers ready to respond in case of an emergency. you may also see more firefighters... deputies and ambulances on the streets. and police are offering some tips to keep you safe... first if you see something say something. call 9-1-1 if you see anything suspicious. and be aware of your surroundings. also... the san francisco department of emergency management is setting up an emergency alert system specifically for new year's eve. all you have to do is text n-y-e-s-f-17 to the number on your screen and you will get any emergency alerts related to the new year's celebrations in san francisco. ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) this year... kron 4 will have expanded new year's eve coverage. starting at 8-p-m... we will have new years live from las vegas with musical and entertainment acts. then at 11:30... justine waldman and grant lodes -- along with j-r stone and spencer blake -- will host new years live from san francisco. we will bring you the fun and fireworks from along embarcadero. join us starting at 8-p-m on new years eve. ( darya ) another big story we're following this morning.. a desperate plea from a bay area family... after a father and activist is gunned down just days before christmas. kron 4's jr stone has the story. i was at work had a phone call saying my brother got killed i rushed to the hospital they say he passed away at the hospital. i don't know somebody take away my older brother i don't have my older brother anymore it really sucks that he is not here to see what is going on. and for people not to tell what happened is not right. that little girl deserves justice she needs to know what happened to her dad and i know what it's like to grow up without a father and it hurts and it hurts bad and to not know what happened to her dad makes it even worse and telling her tomorrow is going to break her heart. i just want her to get peace and know that we did everything we could to make her feel special and leave her dad's legacy amazing for her so she could look back and say my dad was an amazing person he loved me more than anything in the world want her to know that he did not do this to himself someone did this they took him from her and they took him from all of us and it's not right. if they could please please find it in their heart to do what's right cause it's hard of course but please in your heart do what's right. ( darya ) new this morning... santa rosa police have arrested a man they say stabbed another man at random. the victim was stabbed in the neck last week at lola's market. last night police arrested eulalio orozco. the victim is a 61-year-old man who suffered serious injuries but is expected to be okay. ( darya ) happening now... san ramon police are asking for help identifying a christmas eve burglary suspect. take a look -- they posted this video on twitter -- with the caption "this is not santa". they say the suspect stole thousands of dollars from a local business... no word on which business was targeted. ( darya ) in the north bay... the pending rain has some in the fire zone worried. there is an increased risk of flooding and landslides in the burned out areas. burned vegetation increases the risks of mudslides and flooding. the city of santa rosa is posting road sings and sending out postcards alerting residents and anyone entering the burn areas of the increased threat of flooding. people are encouraged to have an evacuation plan in place ( darya ) caltrans is looking at the impact climate change is having on bay area roads. they say roads are vulnerable to flooding... landslides and costal erosion. the last storm season caused more than one- billion dollars in highway damage across the state. about 390- million of that... happened in the bay area. caltrans says highway 101 near corte madera creek in marin county... is susceptible to rising sea levels. and stretches of highway on either side of the bay bridge could also see flooding. ( darya ) a federal appeals court is ordering the e-p-a to revise its lead paint standards. and it's giving the agency 15 months to do it. the ninth circuit court of appeals says the e-p-a's delay in setting new rules poses a "threat to human welfare." the e-p-a was supposed to start the new rule- making process back in 2009. since then... the agency says it has gotten advice from scientists. the e-p-a told the court it would have the rules ready by 2023. the court ruled that was unreasonable. ( darya ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... four limos stolen... and three arrests made. how a lot of luck helped police. and after the break... a major power outage at disneyland. why one guest says crews didn't work fast enough to get her off a ride. and here's a live look outside... at the bay bridge toll plaza. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) the power is back at disneyland after an outage left some tourists stranded. a park spokesperson says a transformer issue caused all of mickey's toontown and parts of fantasyland to go dark. the power went out at 11... and it wasn't restored until 4. about a dozen attractions went off-line... essentially trapping guests on rides. they were all safely escorted off... but in at least one case... not soon enough. one park goer who was on "it's a small world"... says it took almost 30 minutes to be removed from the ride after it stopped... with the theme song playing in the darkness. disneyland had to stop admitting new guests... and was only accepting guests for re-entry. disney is ánotá refunding guests. ( darya ) coming up after the break... several east bay families say they are being kicked out of their homes. and now they say they have no place to go. ( darya ) toss weather rebecca: dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) a north bay family lost átwo homes in the firestorm. now has a copy of a cherished keepsake -- thanks to a chance meeting. kron4's hermela aregawi has the story you'll see -- only on kron4. a chance meeting at a camera store sharon taylor/what are the odds that this man that we haven't seen in 30 whatever years is in this story when i'm trying to do thisthe edwards lost two out of three homes in their family to the fires joan edwardsi mean we literally left the house i took one pair of jeans 2 shirts and a pair of tennis shoes and off we went.. my son said if we didn't get out the fire was goign to be at our housesharon taylor/i was the only one with anything left that had any memories to it as far as pitcuresso sharon taylor took this family portrait of the five.. taken in 1989.. to a camera shop to have it reprinted big and framed for her parents.he looked at it again and said i am really sorry he said but it's signed by the photographer and he said you need a copy right release and i said i don't know where to find this guy how can i get a copy right release really is there anything you can do for me and the gentleman standing next to him said johnas in the photographer john teague.. who happened to be in the shop doing some work. teague right then signed a release so that the edwards.. and anyone else who came in with his photos could have them reprinted.jack edwardsoh it meant a great deal the four of us out of five lost history of our family and these pictures are really important to us so when we opened the present and saw our big picture again redone like it was 30 years ago it was the best christmas i could have had.(hermela aregawi)the family says this chance meeting brightened up their holidays.. and are looking forward to rebuilding both homes. reporting in santa rosa, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. ( darya ) two recovery centers that opened following the north bay firestorm will close for good today. the centers at the hanna boys center in sonoma and the press democrat building in santa rosa were jointly run by the california governor's office of emergency services and fema. also ... a downtown santa rosa donation center on fourth street is closing ... after three attempted break-ins and acts of vandalism in the past two weeks. the most recent break-in happened christmas morning. .( darya ) three teens are arrested... accused of stealing four limosines in vacaville on christmas eve. just after the thefts... officers spotted one of the limos. the driver -- who was a minor -- was released to their parents. then on tuesday... officers spotted another stolen limo -- this one driving on a flat tire. the driver tried to run away -- but was caught. and as police were doing their paper work... they saw a third limo drive by. there was a chase -- and the limo was damaged. eventually... two teens were taken into custody. turns out... one of the teens was actually caught with the first limo... and released to their parents. the fourth limo was found nearby... all four have been returned to the limo company. ( darya ) in morgan hill... police are hoping you can help identify a man ... who robbed an eyeglass store. this is a photo of the man ... captured on video surveillance cameras. the incident happened at the "eye-fini-tea optique lounge" on monterey road. the thief walked in waviing a gun ... and demanded cash. he then ran off with money and two pairs of sunglasses. ( darya ) the housing crisis in the bay area is now causing problems for people in teh east bay. kron 4's gabe slate talked to some alameda residents who say they were served with 3 day eviction notices right before christmas sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"we did not even buy an xmas tree because all this notice we are getting we don't know if we're going to get out or we are going to be out on the street or what" gina wayamba has lived in the bayview apartment complex off central avenue in alameda for seven years. she is a single mom working two jobs supporting her 3 daughters and parents.. gina has not been able to find another place to rent in alameda she wants to keep her kids in their school which is right next to the apartment building.. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"i would have to move to modesto to find something i can afford. we are not bad people, we pay rent on time, we don't cause trouble" she has received a couple eviction notices for late rent payments but she was able to prove she paid on time the last eviction she was hit with was a 3 day notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"they said it was for renovation but i'm sure they could move me into another apartment if they wanted to during that" there are 33 units here.. i spoke with 4 tenents who have received no cause eviction notices they all told me they have spoke with newer tenants who have recently moved in and they are paying almost tripple what these long term residents are paying so they feel..sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"obviously they want to move people out to rent to higher cost" sound from julia balthasar - resident being evicted - lived there for 7 years."last thing that happened is 60 day eviction notice taped to my door next to my christmas wreath" julia balthasar has lived her for 7 years, 6 days before christmas she got a 60 day no cause eviction notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"where am i supposed to live? tent city? in a tent ? i want to live and not worry that i'll come out and have an eviction on my door" i reached out the owner of this complex serving up the evictions and they have not gotten back to me yet. i also reached out to alameda city officials.. the mayor, city council members, the city attorneythe city manager jil keimach sent me a statement saying the city of alameda knows the timing was bad for the recent evictions but they are in compliance with the requirements of the city's rent stabilzation ordinance. in alameda gabe slate kron 4 news ( darya ) coming up after the break... a would-be- thief gets more than he bargained for at wendy's. hear from the customer who attacked him... with a chair. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) take a look at this... a yuba city man springs into action... after seeing someone trying to rob a fast food restaurant. a surveillance camera captured it all... as the customer hit the armed would-be robber over the head with weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break.break.right after the forecast is your this morning. the weather tracking (rebecca)(rebecca) tracking the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. ( darya ) and coming up after the break days before recreational pot use becomes legal... the c-h-p is out with a new message. what officers are now telling drivers. (darya) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) a solemn ceremony at the c-h-p academy in sacramento. a bell in the c-h-p ceremony at the c-h-p academy in sacramento. a bell tolled in honor of fallen c-h-p officer andrew camilleri. he was killed christmas eve by a suspected drunk driver on interstate 880 in hayward. now... we know when the beloved husband and father of three will be laid to rest. kron 4's dan kerman has the story. a solemn day at the chp academy in sacramento wednesday as family, friends and co-workers honored fallen chp officer andrew camilleri with the traditional bell toll tribute.camilleri was killed christmas eve night in hayward when a suspected drunk driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the chp cruiser camillari and his partner were in, which was stopped near the onramp to interstate 880 at west winton avenue.ááásot captain tim pearson/hayward chp commander it's unfortunate that a senseless life had to be taken when his passion was going out, doing the job, arresting dui drivers and he's taken from us by what appears to be a dui driverthe 33 year old camilari grew up in tracy and had just graduated from the chp academy in march before being assigned to the hayward office of the highway patrol. ááásot acting commissioner warren stanley/chp 113-120 officer camilleri joins a selfless group of heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the safety and security of others. we are forever grateful for his loyal dedicated service and show of gratitude to his family for their sacrifice.after the ceremony camillari's wife, daugther and oldest of his two sons could be seen carrying flowers and being led to the chp memorial fountain. a memorial service has been scheduled for december 30th at 830 am at the christian life center in stockton. the public is welcome to attendthe suspect remains hospitalized and has yet to be identified by the chp. formal charges are also still pending. dan kerman kron 4 news ( darya ) in just a few days recreational marijuana will become legal in california.. and now pot dispensaries in the bay area are rushing to get ready. kron4"s ali reid has the details. pkgthe best cannabis in the world is grown in california, so it's a fantastic time to have all that 5 days, anyone 21 years and older can walk into a dispensary and buy pot. but there are're allowed to have up to an ounce, 8 grams of concentrate, and 6 live plants on your person. you're also allowed to grow those plants at your house. so if you were to harvest those and have more at the end of the year, then you can keep that at your home in a locked place. but you cannot transport more than an ounce unless you're a licensed distributor.right now there are some edible products with higher doses, but come january first, packages will have to be 100mg of t-h-c or less. otherwise, a medical card will be needed to buy thoseuntil the inventory is all's about moderation, it's about being responsible. i think the vast majority of people will be responsible. will there be a few people that do everything to extreme? absolutely.airfield dispensary has hired more than a dozen new employees. they're expecting a mad rush. i'd say come out early, stand in line, get it before it runs out. it did in nevada, it did in colorado, it did in washington, and it probably will in california.standupkeep in mind, if yo uhave a medical card, you can use it to access some higher potency items.and seeing that taxes will be even higher, you can take that card to the health department so you can be exempt from the 9% sales tax.but then there are also other taxes you can't avoid.reporting from san jose ali reid kron 4 news ( darya ) the c-h-p is out with a serious warning about getting behind the wheel after lighting up. officers say if you drive stoned... you will get a d-u-i. pot mixed with alcohol can have deadly consequences. and that may have been a factor in the death of a c-h-p officer. officer andrew camilleri was hit while on patrol by a suspected d-u-i driver. in the wake of his death -- the office of traffic safety is launching a new public awareness campaign. it's called "d-u-i doesn't just mean booze." supporters say dispensaries should echo the same message. ( darya ) government officials agree that marijuana can be a safe drug... when used responsibly. ( darya ) the city of san francisco is helping you get rid of your christmas tree. you can get rid of your tree by placing it next to your bins on your regular garbage days... until january 12th. it must be unflocked and free from decorations... tinsel.. .and lights. ( darya ) and a reminder... people who live in union city can also dispose of their holiday trees for free. community recycling will pick up trees at no extra charge until the end of january. all you have to do is place the tree at the curb... or in the green organics cart. you must remove tree stands... ornaments... tinsel... and lights. just make sure the tree is outside before 6-a-m on your regular trash pickup day. ( darya ) still ahead... one new mom has quite the story to tell... her supermarket delivery is caught on camera. ( darya ) and after the break... there were no winners in last night's powerball drawing. how much you can win in the next drawing. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) new this morning the next powerball jackpot will be worth 384 million dollars. nobody won the jackpot in last night's drawing which was worth more than 300 million dollars. the highest jackpot ever recorded was worth 1-point-6 billion dollars. by the way... the odds of winning the powerball jackpot are about one in 292-million. ( darya ) a small market in fresno isn't the place anyone expects to see a baby being born. but that's exactly what happened tuesday night. store surveillance cameras show the pregnant woman walking into the store. she goes to a table... and kneels. she then tells the cashier to call an ambulance. store employees say they called 9-1-1... but áno one answered. a few minutes later... the baby came out. eventually... mom and baby made it to the hospital. they're doing just fine. (rebecca) i'm tracking your 7-day forecast. ( darya ) toss weather rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) a group of women are leveling explosive accusations... they say they were sexually harrassed and assaulted on commercial flights... and they say the airlines did little to stop the misconduct. rene marsh has the story. -nat cellphone video-a man arrested last week accused of fondling two female passengers on board a united airlines flight from newark to buffalo, new york. katie campos was one of them. katie campos/united airlines passenger: "he grabbed like my upper thigh, like in the crotch area, and he grabbed it pretty forcefully."a police report says the man told the other woman he "would like to kiss her." when she declined, he started stroking her leg. the man now charged with disorderly conduct.united airlines told cnn "we have zero tolerance for this type of behavior and our pilot requested that local law enforcement meet the aircraft on arrival."not enough for campos who tweeted... do better united airlines.... she says the flight attendant did not offer her to switch seats. she had to demand it.she was then placed directly behind the harasser ... the airline says because there were few empty seats.the touching continued.katie campos/united airlines passenger: "at the end of the day, they didn't protect my safety."like campos, these three women tell cnn they were sexually harassed or assaulted on commercial flights.and all of them complain the flight crew did little or nothing to help. ayanna hart/delta passenger: "he grabbed my arm and my side, right under my left breast, right next to my left breast."ayanna hart was on a delta flight from los angeles to denver in may. she says the flight attendant was of no help.ayanna hart/delta passenger: "the flight attendant said, 'oh, don't worry about him. he flies with us all the time. he's delta platinum.'" hart has a pending lawsuit against delta for failing to intervene and continuing to serve him alcohol. the airline wouldn't comment on this case citing " pending litigation," but said it takes these incidents "seriously" and "with law enforcement, investigates them."allison dvaladze/delta passenger: "i was dozing off when i felt a hand in my crotch, and realized that the man next to me was holding, was grabbing my crotch." allison dvaladze filed a complaint with delta after her flight from seattle to amsterdam. allison dvaladze/delta passenger: "there was not a clear procedure for what they should do. they asked me what i wanted them to do."a month later, she received an email saying " it's not fair when one person's behavior affects another" and as a "goodwill gesture" offered her ten-thousand miles.allison dvaladze/delta passenger: "if somebody reports a crime to an airline it should be flagged, it should not be treated as if its lost luggage."delta told cnn "we continue to be disheartened by the events ms. dvaladze's described."jennifer rafieyan/united passenger: "he started to um...touch my leg, stroke my leg, tickle it." jennifer rafieyan was on a flight from newark to phoenix. she too says the flight crew didn't move her away from her harasser. instead the airline made an offerjennifer rafieyan/united passenger: "he gave me four one-hundred dollar gift certificates for travel on an upcoming united flight and he refused to let me talk to a manager." but shortly after a news article about her ordeal was published, united management called to-in their words-- "check on her." -nats united airlines call-sara nelson/association of flight attendants: "at thousands of feet in the air, you cant call for help, you can't remove the problem."sara nelson, is president of one of the world's largest flight attendant unions. sara nelson/association of flight attendants: "in my 22 years as a flight attendant, i have never taken part in a conversation in training or otherwise about how to handle sexual harassment or sexual assault."the union surveyed nearly two thousand flight attendants. one out of five said they received a report of a passenger sexual assault.but law enforcement was contacted less than half of the time.cnn reached out to all the major u-s airlines and the industry trade group that represents them. none agreed to go on camera ... but all released statements with a similar message.passengers safety and security is their priority and--they say-- flight attendants are trained to handle these incidents but none gave a detailed explanation of the policies or federal regulatory agency tracks how many mid-air sexual assaults happen nationwide. but the fbi does track how many it investigates. federal data shows a 66-percent increase from 2014 to 2017. the fbi says its unclear what's behind the rise.but what is clear for these women: flight crews need to do more, because at 30,000 feet there's no escape ( darya ) c-n-n searched federal court records to find the women interviewed in this report. they even found cases where the victims of harassment were children. ( darya ) and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. ( darya ) workers are busy installing crystal triangles on the new year's eve ball that drops in times square. when it is finished, it will be covered with more than 26- hundred waterford crystal triangles. this year... crystals were cut to resemble butterflies, rosettes and starbursts. each one is bolted to an aluminum frame...along with thousands of l-e-d's. it can display more than 16 million colors and billions of patterns. new yorkers have been dropping a mirrored and lighted ball in times square since 1907. ( darya ) this year... kron 4 will have expanded new year's eve coverage. starting at 8-p-m... we will have new years live from las vegas with musical and entertainment acts. then at 11:30... justine waldman and grant lodes -- along with j-r stone and spencer blake -- will host new years live from san francisco. we will bring you the fun and fireworks from along the embarcadero. join us starting at 8-p-m on new years seven day (darya)that's it for us this morning... our next newscast is at 5 o clock >> announcer: today on "dr. phil." is he being stalked? >> she will hide behind that tree. she will bang on my door. >> announcer: by his ex-girlfriend? >> i don't care what he wants. >> dr. phil: he says he's gone to sleep to find you in bed with him. >> never happened. >> dr. phil: did you key his car? >> yeah. he doesn't want you there. >> i had to get a restraining order. >> dr. phil: why don't you adhere to it? >> i'm in love with her. >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. >> stand by, i'll count you down. >> dr. phil: today will be a changing day in your life. >> five, four -- >> dr. phil: i'm not giving up on you. [cheers & applause]

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New York , United States , Nevada , Yuba City , California , Fresno , Oakland , Sonoma , Stockton , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , San Bruno , Madera Creek , Sacramento , Modesto , Ohio , Morgan Hill , Californians , Spencer Blake , Jacob Sanderson , Reid Kron , Andrew Camilleri , Alameda Gabe , Katie Campos , Hayward Chp , Rebecca , Sharon Taylor , Hart Delta , Stanley Chp , Julia Balthasar , Ali Reid , Erika Farris , Jack Jr , Square Toyland , Dominique Johnson , James Fletcher , John Teague , Sara Nelson ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20171228 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20171228

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wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) our top story this morning ... a terror suspect -- accused of plotting a christmas day attack in san francisco -- is due in court today in áfresno. the f-b-i claims everitt jameson told undercover agents he would target pier 39 and set off explosives in the name of isis. the modesto man was arrested last friday. jameson is an ex-marine. he's now charged with attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization. if convicted... jameson could be sentenced to 20 years in ( will ) and in the wake of that foiled attack... police in san francisco are stepping up security for the new year's eve celebration.( darya ) kron 4's lydia pantazas is live in san francisco with more on what you can expect to see. lydia? ( lydia ) san francisco police are stepping up efforts to keep people safe during the new year's celebrations in the city. local police will be working with state and federal agencies to make sure the celebrations are safe. police say they will have more officers ready to respond in case of an emergency. you may also see more firefighters... deputies and ambulances on the streets. and police are offering some tips to keep you safe... first if you see something say something. call 9-1-1 if you see anything suspicious. and be aware of your surroundings. also... the san francisco department of emergency management is setting up an emergency alert system specifically for new year's eve. all you have to do is text n-y-e-s-f-17 to the number on your screen and you will get any emergency alerts related to the new year's celebrations in san francisco. ( will ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) this year... kron 4 will have expanded new year's eve coverage. starting at 8-p-m... we will have new years live from las vegas with musical and entertainment acts. then at 11:30... justine waldman and grant lodes -- along with j-r spencer blake -- will host new san francisco. we will fun and fireworks the join us m on new years eve. ( will ) an east bay family is making a desperate plea... after a father is gunned down just days before christmas. the victim's 7-year-old daughter doesn't even know what happened to her dad. dominique johnson was killed saturday night in west oakland. he had just left the qilombo community center. the shooter is still on the loose. family members say johnson was heavily involved with the occupy movement and black lives matter. they plan on telling his daughter today that he was killed. they're also begging anyone who knows what happened to come forward. ( will ) johnson's family says he was not involved in gangs or drugs. oakland police have not released a description of the suspect. ( will ) new this morning... santa rosa police have arrested a man they say stabbed another man at random. the victim was stabbed in the neck last week at lola's market. last night police arrested eulalio orozco. the victim is a 61-year-old man who suffered serious injuries but is expected to be okay. ( will ) happening now... san ramon police are asking for help identifying a christmas eve burglary suspect. take a look -- they posted this video on twitter -- with the caption "this is not santa". they say the suspect stole thousands of dollars from a local business... no word on which business was targeted. ( darya ) a north bay family lost átwo homes in the firestorm. now has a copy of a cherished keepsake -- thanks to a chance meeting.( will ) kron4's hermela aregawi has the story you'll see -- only on kron4. a chance meeting at a camera store sharon taylor/what are the odds that this man that we haven't seen in 30 whatever years is in this story when i'm trying to do thisthe edwards lost two out of three homes in their family to the fires joan edwardsi mean we literally left the house i took one pair of jeans 2 shirts and a pair of tennis shoes and off we went.. my son said if we didn't get out the fire was goign to be at our housesharon taylor/i was the only one with anything left that had any memories to it as far as pitcuresso sharon taylor took this family portrait of the five.. taken in 1989.. to a camera shop to have it reprinted big and framed for her parents.he looked at it again and said i am really sorry he said but it's signed by the photographer and he said you need a copy right release and i said i don't know where to find this guy how can i get a copy right release really is there anything you can do for me and the gentleman standing next to him said johnas in the photographer john teague.. who happened to be in the shop doing some work. teague right then signed a release so that the edwards.. and anyone else who came in with his photos could have them reprinted.jack edwardsoh it meant a great deal the four of us out of five lost history of our family and these pictures are really important to us so when we opened the present and saw our big picture again redone like it was 30 years ago it was the best christmas i could have had.(hermela aregawi)the family says this chance meeting brightened up their holidays.. and are looking forward to rebuilding both homes. reporting in santa rosa, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. ( will ) two recovery centers that opened following the north bay firestorm will close for good today. the centers at the hanna boys center in sonoma and the press democrat building in santa rosa were jointly run by the california governor's office of emergency services and fema. also ... a downtown santa rosa donation center on fourth street is closing ... after three attempted break-ins and acts of vandalism in the past two weeks. the most recent break-in happened christmas morning. ( will ) also in the north bay... the pending rain has some in the fire zone worried. there is an increased risk of flooding and landslides in the burned out areas. burned vegetation increases the risks of mudslides and flooding. the city of santa rosa is posting road sings and sending out postcards alerting residents and anyone entering the burn areas of the increased threat of flooding. people are encouraged to have an evacuation plan in place ( darya ) caltrans is looking at the impact climate change is having on bay area roads. they say roads are vulnerable to flooding... landslides and costal erosion. the last storm season caused more than one- billion dollars in highway damage across the state. about 390- million of that... happened in the bay area. caltrans says highway 101 near corte madera creek in marin county... is susceptible to rising sea levels. and stretches of highway on either side of the bay bridge could also see flooding. ( darya ) a federal appeals court is ordering the e-p-a to revise its lead paint standards. and it's giving the agency 15 months to do it. the ninth circuit court of appeals says the e-p-a's delay in setting new rules poses a "threat to human welfare." the e-p-a was supposed to start the new rule- making process back in 2009. since then... the agency says it has gotten advice from scientists. the e-p-a told the court it would have the rules ready by 2023. the court ruled that was unreasonable. ( will ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... four limos stolen... and three arrests made. how a lot of luck helped police. ( will ) plus... stunning images of damage caused by rocks on a major freeway.. why police say this was áno accident. ( will ) and after the break... several east bay families say they are being kicked out of their homes. and now they say they have no place to go. ( rebecca ) and i am tracking your bay area forecast. ( darya ) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast. rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( will ) the housing crisis in the bay area is now causing problems for people in teh east bay.( darya ) kron 4's gabe slate talked to some alameda residents who say they were served with 3 day eviction notices right before christmas sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"we did not even buy an xmas tree because all this notice we are getting we don't know if we're going to get out or we are going to be out on the street or what" gina wayamba has lived in the bayview apartment complex off central avenue in alameda for seven years. she is a single mom working two jobs supporting her 3 daughters and parents.. gina has not been able to find another place to rent in alameda she wants to keep her kids in their school which is right next to the apartment building.. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"i would have to move to modesto to find something i can afford. we are not bad people, we pay rent on time, we don't cause trouble" she has received a couple eviction notices for late rent payments but she was able to prove she paid on time the last eviction she was hit with was a 3 day notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"they said it was for renovation but i'm sure they could move me into another apartment if they wanted to during that" there are 33 units here.. i spoke with 4 tenents who have received no cause eviction notices they all told me they have spoke with newer tenants who have recently moved in and they are paying almost tripple what these long term residents are paying so they feel..sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"obviously they want to move people out to rent to higher cost" sound from julia balthasar - resident being evicted - lived there for 7 years."last thing that happened is 60 day eviction notice taped to my door next to my christmas wreath" julia balthasar has lived her for 7 years, 6 days before christmas she got a 60 day no cause eviction notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"where am i supposed to live? tent city? in a tent ? i want to live and not worry that i'll come out and have an eviction on my door" i reached out the owner of this complex serving up the evictions and they have not gotten back to me yet. i also reached out to alameda city officials.. the mayor, city council members, the city attorneythe city manager jil keimach sent me a statement saying the city of alameda knows the timing was bad for the recent evictions but they are in compliance with the requirements of the city's rent stabilzation ordinance. in alameda gabe slate kron 4 news . ( will ) three teens are arrested... accused of stealing four limosines in vacaville on christmas eve. just after the thefts... officers spotted one of the limos. the driver -- who was a minor -- was released to their parents. then on tuesday... officers spotted another stolen limo -- this one driving on a flat tire. the driver tried to run away -- but was caught. and as police were doing their paper work... they saw a third limo drive by. there was a chase -- and the limo was damaged. eventually... two teens were taken into custody. turns out... one of the teens was actually caught with the first limo... and released to their parents. the fourth limo was found nearby... all four have been returned to the limo company. ( will ) in morgan hill... police are hoping you can help identify a man ... who robbed an eyeglass store. this is a photo of the man ... captured on video surveillance cameras. the incident happened at the "eye-fini-tea optique lounge" on monterey road. the thief walked in waviing a gun ... and demanded cash. he then ran off with money and two pairs of sunglasses. ( darya ) coming up on the kron 4 morning news... days before recreational pot use becomes legal... the c-h-p is out with a new message. what officers are now telling drivers. ( darya ) and after the break... a would-be-thief gets more than he bargained for at wendy's. hear from the customer who attacked him... with a chair. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge dear january, we're sorry. we've made you all diets and cleanses. thing is, food isn't a resolution. it's fuel for our resolutions. fuel to power us, made for us. it's whole grains, fruit and iron. protein, almonds and quinoa. food that keeps us strong. january. you deserve better. you're not a bad month... you're our beginning. special k. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf.richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) take a look at this... a yuba city man springs into action... after seeing someone trying to rob a fast food restaurant.( will ) a surveillance camera captured it all... as the customer hit the armed would-be robber over the head with a chair. got a chair to the back of the head!" erika farris/employee: "i thought it was funny because i don't know how the dude didn't go down." daniel/customer who fought off "i hit him hard. i hit him really hard. i could hear the chair crack.">( will ) that's the good samaritan. his name is daniel. he was visiting his parents for the holidays... when he stopped by wendy's on christmas night. after being hit... the suspect still managed to bolt out the door... to a getaway car waiting nearby. right now... detectives need help finding the would-be finding the need help detectives need help finding the would-be thief. (rebecca) tracking your morning forecast. details coming up. ( will ) and after the break... see how family and friends are planning to honor a fallen c-h-p officer. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. (darya)( will ) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( will ) a solemn ceremony at the c-h-p academy in sacramento. a bell tolled in honor of fallen c-h-p officer andrew camilleri. he was killed christmas eve by a suspected drunk driver on interstate 880 in hayward. now... we know when the beloved husband and father of three will be laid to rest. kron 4's dan kerman has the story. a solemn day at the chp academy in sacramento wednesday as family, friends and co-workers honored fallen chp officer andrew camilleri with the traditional bell toll tribute.camilleri was killed christmas eve night in hayward when a suspected drunk driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the chp cruiser camillari and his partner were in, which was stopped near the onramp to interstate 880 at west winton avenue.ááásot captain tim pearson/hayward chp commander it's unfortunate that a senseless life had to be taken when his passion was going out, doing the job, arresting dui drivers and he's taken from us by what appears to be a dui driverthe 33 year old camilari grew up in tracy and had just graduated from the chp academy in march before being assigned to the hayward office of the highway patrol. ááásot acting commissioner warren stanley/chp 113-120 officer camilleri joins a selfless group of heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the safety and security of others. we are forever grateful for his loyal dedicated service and show of gratitude to his family for their sacrifice.after the ceremony camillari's wife, daugther and oldest of his two sons could be seen carrying flowers and being led to the chp memorial fountain. a memorial service has been scheduled for december 30th at 830 am at the christian life center in stockton. the public is welcome to attendthe suspect remains hospitalized and has yet to be identified by the chp. formal charges are also still pending. dan kerman kron 4 news ( darya ) in just four days... recreational pot becomes legal in california and bay area dispensaries are rushing to get ready. a lot of pot shops are treating january first like black friday. some will even open in the early morning hours of 2018. of course... there are rules buyers must follow. you're allowed to have up to an ounce... and six live plants. the sale of recreational marijuana could bring in more than 5- billion dollars in revenue for the state. ( darya ) the c-h-p is out with a serious warning about getting behind the wheel after lighting up. officers say if you drive stoned... you will get a d-u-i. pot mixed with alcohol can have deadly consequences. and that may have been a factor in the death of a c-h-p officer. officer andrew camilleri was hit while on patrol by a suspected d-u-i driver. in the wake of his death -- the office of traffic safety is launching a new public awareness campaign. it's called "d-u-i doesn't just mean booze." supporters say dispensaries should echo the same message. ( darya ) government officials agree that marijuana can be a safe drug... when used responsibly. ( will ) c-h-p says they've arrested a man who dropped big rocks from a freeway overpass. take a look at the damage... this truck was driving on interstate five in sacramento. you can see one of the rocks went right through a windshield. police say the suspect in the case -- actually did this four or five different times. they also say in some instances there were injuries and crashes caused by the rocks. this is not the first time we've seen something like this. earlier this month... a driver in ohio was killed when teenagers dropped a sandbag off an overpass. ( will ) two men accused of stealing packages and mail in guerneville are now in custody. deputies got a report that a man had stolen a package from a porch around 2 a-m on saturday. they say they quickly found the suspects' car... and then tracked down two men. authorities say nathan hines and jacob sanderson had stolen amazon packages and mail in their possesion. both men were arrested on suspicion of mail theft, possessing stolen property and conspiracy along with drug possession charges. ( darya ) the city of san francisco is helping you get rid of your christmas tree. you can get rid of your tree by placing it next to your bins on your regular garbage days... until january 12th. it must be unflocked and free from decorations... tinsel.. .and lights. ( darya ) and a reminder... people who live in union city can also dispose of their holiday trees for free. community recycling will pick up trees at no extra charge until the end of january. all you have to do is place the tree at the curb... or in the green organics cart. you must remove tree stands... ornaments... tinsel... and lights. just make sure the tree is outside before 6-a-m on your regular trash ( will ) still ahead... one new mom has quite the story to tell... her supermarket delivery is caught on camera. ( will ) and after the break... there were no winners in last night's powerball drawing. how much you can win in the next drawing. ( rebecca ) and i am tracking your bay area forecast. no delays on wb 80 at the bay bridge toll plaza i'll take that. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay. new this morning the next powerball jackpot will be worth 384 million dollars.( will ) nobody won the jackpot in last night's drawing which was worth more than 300 million dollars. the highest jackpot ever recorded was worth 1-point-6 billion dollars.( darya ) by the way... the odds of winning the powerball jackpot are about one in 292-million. the next drawing is saturday. ( darya ) a small market in fresno isn't the place anyone expects to see a baby being born. but that's exactly what happened tuesday night.( will ) store surveillance cameras show the pregnant woman walking into the store. she goes to a table... and kneels. she then tells the cashier to call an ambulance.( darya ) store employees say they called 9-1-1... but áno one answered. a few minutes later... the baby came out.( will ) eventually... mom and baby made it to the hospital. they're doing just fine. (rebecca) tracking your morning forecast... the world according to gary is after the break. < so here's the deal if you fail to sign the citation then i have to place you under arrest that's the last thing i want to do is there a rule like that yes can you show me the rule #step aka the san mateo county saturation traffic enforcement program is back in action i'll explain in the next edition of people behaving badly > welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast. rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) after an ( darya ) ( darya ) after an emotional win on christmas day against the cavs... the warriors came back with another one against the ( will ) the game was at oracle last night. steph curry did workout before the game... but he didn't play. curry could be cleared to return very soon. but it's no problem when you have kevin durant running the show. k-d kd led the warriors with 21-points. thompson chipped in 15. 126 to 101 was the final score. the warriors play the hornets tomorrow. ( darya ) and the warriors have unveiled their new chinese heritage alternate uniforms. take a look. these uniforms will be worn for select games this season. the first game featuring these uniforms will be january 25th against the minnesota timberwolves. ( darya ) as we approach the end of 2017... we're counting down the best of the worst of people behaving badly... picked out by stanley roberts himself.( will ) this morning... we find out what can happen if you choose ánotá to sign a traffic ticket given to you by an officer. in san bruno on a rain slicked roadway a gold colored camry runs a stopsign on sneath lane .how do know it's because i'm riding with officer villarreal of the san bruno police departmentyou came straight to the stop sign then contained right through it, it everything alright is there an emergency no do you happen to have your drivers licenseit's 2017 and step is back in action, step also know as the san mateo county saturation traffic enforcement program hits the streets of san bruno and millbraeits traffic officers from all around san mateo county with the sole purpose is to target problem areas around the county in an effort to reduce traffic collisionsi'm issuing you a citation today for failing to stop at a stop sign (no no why are you issuing a citation i came to a full stop i did a full stop i will not sign i will not sign) hers the deal listen ( no deal there is not deal) let me explain to you (there is no deal) ok (there is no deal) just listen let me explain the process of how this is going to go ok you are catching a person whao is doing wrong sit can i talk now can i talk talkthe driver contuines the argue the minutia of the traffic stop all the while refusing to sign the ticket the conversationta kes a different directionso here's the deal if you fail to sign the citation then i have to place you under arrest that's the last thing i want to do is there a rule like that yes can you show me the rulein the end, the driver signed the ticket and a few moments later this driver ran a different stop sign everything alright? where you heading starbucksthis driver was stopped by the south san francisco police department and then how the driver pulled over so i ased the driver hwo did he end up like thishe asked me to park here ..oh, and you know the new hand free law where you phone must be on amount well it was directly in front of his face ...take the mount off and put it in the window over here here yea there thank youofficers also stopped drivers for not having their headlight on when there windshield wipers are onthe reason why i stopped you because i noticed that your headlights are not on and it raining right nowthere will be more step enforcements though out 2017 . if you're not sure what the traffic laws are might i suggest you look they up now and not before your court datein san bruno stanley roberts kron 4 news ( darya ) and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. so you spent all your money on holiday gifts. bitcoins are about to go bust. which means like most people this time of year, you're broke. introducing value jack's way. five great ways to save, including four crispy chicken nuggets for $1, jack's one-of-a-kind breakfast pockets for $2 each, three of my famous tacos and a small drink for $3, two breakfast croissants for $4, or the bonus jack combo, now just $5. it's like i tell jack jr., it's all about big value, jr. prices. that's value jack's way. workers are busy installing crystal triangles on the new year's eve ball that drops in times square. when it is finished, it will be covered with more than 26- hundred waterford crystal triangles. this year... crystals were cut to resemble butterflies, rosettes and starbursts. each one is bolted to an aluminum frame...along with thousands of l-e-d's. it can display more than 16 million colors and billions of patterns. new yorkers have been dropping a mirrored and lighted ball in times square since 1907. ( darya ) this year... kron 4 will have expanded new year's eve coverage. starting at 8-p-m... we will have new years live from las vegas with musical and entertainment acts. then at 11:30... justine waldman and grant lodes -- along with j-r stone and spencer blake -- will host new years live from san francisco. we will bring you the fun and fireworks from along the join us m on new years eve. ( will ) coming up in the next hour... police in san francisco are stepping up security ahead of the big new year's celebration. what you can expect if you are heading to the city this weekend to celebrate. and ... the chance encounter that led to a north bay firestorm victim recovering an important keepsake. plus... a heartbreaking story of a young father gunned down right before christmas. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(james) and i'm james fletcher. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) our top story this morning ... a terror suspect -- accused of plotting a christmas day attack in san francisco -- is due in court today in áfresno. the f-b-i claims everitt jameson told undercover agents he would target pier 39 and set off explosives in the name of isis. the modesto man was arrested last friday. jameson is an ex-marine. he's now charged with attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization. if convicted... jameson could be sentenced to 20 years in prison. ( will ) and in the wake of that foiled attack... police in san francisco are stepping up security for the new year's eve celebration.( darya ) kron 4's lydia pantazas is live in san francisco with more on what you can expect to see. lydia? ( lydia ) san francisco police are stepping up efforts to keep people safe during the new year's celebrations in the city. local police will be working with state and federal agencies to make sure the celebrations are safe. police say they will have more officers ready to respond in case of an emergency. you may also see more firefighters... deputies and ambulances on the streets. and police the streets. and police are offering some tips to keep you safe... first if you see something say something. call 9-1-1 if you see anything suspicious. and be aware of your surroundings. also... the san francisco department of emergency management is setting up an emergency alert system specifically for new year's eve. all you have to do is text n-y-e-s-f-17 to the number on your screen and you will get any emergency alerts related to the new year's celebrations in san francisco. ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( will ) an east bay family is making a desperate plea... after a father is gunned down just days before christmas. the victim's 7-year-old daughter doesn't even know what happened to her dad. dominique johnson was killed saturday night in west oakland. he had just left the qilombo community center. the shooter is still on the loose. family members say johnson was heavily involved with the occupy movement and black lives matter. they plan on telling his daughter today that he was killed. they're also begging anyone who knows what happened to knows what happened to come forward. ( will ) johnson's family says he was not involved in gangs or drugs. oakland police have not released a description of the suspect. ( darya ) in san francisco... the same block is the scene of two shooting in two days. the latest happened around 2:30 yesterday morning on eddy street near mason... in the tenderloin. officers say a 58-year-old woman had been shot. she is expected to survive. and early tuesday morning... a 37-year-old man was shot in the same area. he is also expected to survive. police do ánot believe the shootings are related. no arrests have been made. ( darya ) a body was found in golden gate park. the body was found by a passerby around seven yesterday morning... near the conservatory of flowers. members of the medical examiner's office were at the scene to invesitgate the death... which is ánot considered suspicious. ( will ) new this morning... santa rosa police have arrested a man they say stabbed another man at random. the victim was stabbed in the neck last week at lola's market. last night police arrested eulalio orozco. the victim is a 61-year-old man who suffered serious injuries but is expected to be okay. ( will ) happening now ... san ramon police are asking for help identifying a christmas eve burglary suspect. take a look -- they posted this video on twitter -- with the caption "this is not santa". they say the suspect stole thousands of dollars from a local business... no word on which business was targeted. ( darya ) caltrans is looking at the impact climate change is having on bay area roads. they say roads are vulnerable to flooding... landslides and costal erosion. the last storm season caused more than one- billion dollars in highway damage across the state. about 390- million of that... happened in the bay area. caltrans says highway 101 near corte madera creek in marin county... is susceptible to rising sea levels. and stretches of highway on either side of the bay bridge could also see flooding. ( darya )still ahead on the kron 4 morning news ...several limousines are stolen off a lot in the north bay. how the theives were tracked down. ( darya )and a warning about possible flooding in the north bay with impending rain.we'll tell you what you need to know. ♪ [ splash ] [ horn sounds ] dang! ok, i gotta run. hey, wait, there's something i need to tell you- dang. dang! dang! dang. dang. see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( will ) in the north bay... the pending rain has some in the fire zone worried. there is an increased risk of flooding and landslides in the burned out areas. burned vegetation increases the risks of mudslides and flooding. the city of santa rosa is posting road sings and sending out postcards alerting residents and anyone entering the burn areas of the increased threat of flooding. people are encouraged to have an evacuation plan in place still ahead on the kron four morning news ... the chance encounter that led to a north bay firestorm victim recovering an important keepsake. (rebecca) and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. ♪ this little home of mine, ♪ i'm gonna let it shine. ♪ it's energy saving time, ♪ i'm gonna reduce mine. ♪ californians all align ♪ to let our great state shine. ♪ let it shine, ♪ the power's ours to let it shine! ♪ unplug chargers - go, ♪ devices go off-line. turn thermostats down low, ♪ led's shine mighty fine. ♪ small actions quickly grow, ♪ to let our great state shine. ♪ energy upgrade california, will let us shine. ♪ (rebecca) welcome back. let's get a check of the weather this morning... rebecca: dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( darya ) a north bay family lost átwo homes in the firestorm. now has a copy of a cherished keepsake -- thanks to a chance meeting. ( will ) kron4's hermela aregawi has the story you'll see -- only on kron4. a chance meeting at a camera store sharon taylor/what are the odds that this man that we haven't seen in 30 whatever years is in this story when i'm trying to do thisthe edwards lost two out of three homes in their family to the fires joan edwardsi mean we literally left the house i took one pair of jeans 2 shirts and a pair of tennis shoes and off we went.. my son said if we didn't get out the fire was goign to be at our housesharon taylor/i was the only one with anything left that had any memories to it as far as pitcuresso sharon taylor took this family portrait of the five.. taken in 1989.. to a camera shop to have it reprinted big and framed for her parents.he looked at it again and said i am really sorry he said but it's signed by the photographer and he said you need a copy right release and i said i don't know where to find this guy how can i get a copy right release really is there anything you can do for me and the gentleman standing next to him said johnas in the photographer john teague.. who happened to be in the shop doing some work. teague right then signed a release so that the edwards.. and anyone else who came in with his photos could have them reprinted.jack edwardsoh it meant a great deal the four of us out of five lost history of our family and these pictures are really important to us so when we opened the present and saw our big picture again redone like it was 30 years ago it was the best christmas i could have had.(hermela aregawi)the family says this chance meeting brightened up their holidays.. and are looking forward to rebuilding both homes. reporting in santa rosa, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. .( will ) three teens are arrested... accused of stealing four limosines in vacaville on christmas eve. just after the thefts... officers spotted one of the limos. the driver -- who was a minor -- was released to then on tuesday... officers spotted another stolen limo -- this one driving on a flat tire. the driver tried to run away -- but was caught. and as police were doing their paper work... they saw a third limo drive by. there was a chase -- and the limo was damaged. eventually... two teens were taken into custody. turns out... one of the teens was actually caught with the first limo... and released to their parents. the fourth limo was found nearby... all four have been returned to the limo company. ( darya ) coming up next on the kron 4 morning news... days before recreational pot use becomes legal... the c-h-p is out with a new message. what officers are now telling drivers. ( darya ) and after the break... a would-be-thief gets more than he bargained for at wendy's. hear from the customer who attacked him... with a chair. ( darya ) take a look at this... a yuba city man springs into action... after seeing someone trying to rob a fast food restaurant.( will ) a surveillance camera captured it all... as the customer hit the armed would-be robber over the head with a chair. ( will ) that's the good samaritan. his name is daniel. he was visiting his parents for the holidays... when he stopped by wendy's on christmas night. after being hit... the suspect still managed to bolt out the door... to a getaway car waiting nearby. right now... detectives need help finding the would-be thief. (rebecca) tracking your morning forecast. what to expect as you head out the door right after the break. ( will ) and after the break ... see how family and friends are planning to honor a fallen c-h-p officer. welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca: dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the than 30 min drive time less gat bridge to 101. golden min from 880 less then 30 mateo bridge maze to sf. san min from the less then 30 bridge wb 80 is spots. bay no major hot of next week.least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( will ) a solemn ceremony at the c-h-p academy in sacramento. a bell tolled in honor of fallen c-h-p officer andrew camilleri. he was killed christmas eve by a suspected drunk driver on interstate 880 in hayward. now... we know when the beloved husband and father of three will be laid to rest. kron 4's dan kerman has the story. a solemn day at the chp academy in sacramento wednesday as family, friends and co-workers honored fallen chp officer andrew camilleri with the traditional bell toll tribute.camilleri was killed christmas eve night in hayward when a suspected drunk driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the chp cruiser camillari and his partner were in, which was stopped near the onramp to interstate 880 at west winton avenue.ááásot captain tim pearson/hayward chp commander it's unfortunate that a senseless life had to be taken when his passion was going out, doing the job, arresting dui drivers and he's taken from us by what appears to be a dui driverthe 33 year old camilari grew up in tracy and had just graduated from the chp academy in march before being assigned to the hayward office of the highway patrol. ááásot acting commissioner warren stanley/chp 113-120 officer camilleri joins a selfless group of heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the safety and security of others. we are forever grateful for his loyal dedicated service and show of gratitude to his family for their sacrifice.after the ceremony camillari's wife, daugther and oldest of his two sons could be seen carrying flowers and being led to the chp memorial fountain. a memorial service has been scheduled for december 30th at 830 am at the christian life center in stockton. the public is welcome to attendthe suspect remains hospitalized and has yet to be identified by the chp. formal charges are also still pending. dan kerman kron 4 news ( darya ) in just four days... recreational pot becomes legal in california and bay area dispensaries are rushing to get ready. a lot of pot shops are treating january first like black friday. some will even open in the early morning hours of 2018. of course... there are rules buyers must follow. you're allowed to have up to an ounce... and six live plants. the sale of recreational marijuana could bring in more than 5- billion dollars in revenue for the state. ( darya ) the c-h-p is out with a serious warning about getting behind the wheel after lighting up. officers say if you drive stoned... you will get a d-u-i. pot mixed with alcohol can have deadly consequences. and that may have been a factor in the death of a c-h-p officer. officer andrew camilleri was hit while on patrol by a suspected d-u-i driver. in the wake of his death -- the office of traffic safety is launching a new public awareness campaign. it's called "d-u-i doesn't just mean booze." supporters say dispensaries should echo the same message. responsibly, consume responsibly, use responsibly, don't be naive.">( darya ) government officials agree that marijuana can be a safe drug... when used responsibly. ( will ) in the north bay... police have arrested a woman suspected of drunk driving... after she drove her car onto train tracks. it happened on christmas eve around 6 p-m in petaluma. officers arrested 70-year-old kathy gil-strap on suspicion of driving under the influence. she was booked into the sonoma ( will ) c-h-p says they've arrested a man who dropped big rocks from a freeway overpass. take a look at the damage... this truck was driving on interstate five in sacramento. you can see one of the rocks went right through a windshield. police say the suspect in the case -- actually did this four or five different times. they also say in some instances there were injuries and crashes caused by the rocks. this is not the first time we've seen something like this. earlier this month... a driver in ohio was killed when teenagers dropped a sandbag off an overpass. ( darya ) the city of san francisco is helping you get rid of your christmas tree. you can get rid of your tree by placing it next to your bins on your regular garbage days... until january 12th. it must be unflocked and free from decorations... tinsel.. .and lights. ( darya ) and a reminder... people who live in union city can also dispose of their holiday trees for free. community recycling will pick up trees at no extra charge until the end of january. all you have to do is place the tree at the curb... or in the green organics cart. you must organics cart. the green curb... or in the tree at the curb... or in the green organics cart. you must remove tree stands... ornaments... tinsel... and lights. just make sure the tree is outside before 6-a-m on your regular trash pickup day. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news ... eviction notices over the holiday weekend.the story of families being forced to leave their alameda homes. and after the break... we'll explain the main factor that millenials use to decide where to go for vacation. do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ my wish was a clubhouse, but we call it "the wish house." people visit national parks from all over the world. food tastes better when you don't have to cook it. he was just supposed to be my dog. i don't know why. (vo) we're proud that, on behalf of our owners, the subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars in just ten years. get 0% financing for 63 months on select models. plus we'll donate $250 to charity. no major hot spots. no problem on wb 92 out of hayward. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. 101 is at the limit (will) (will) when looking to book a vacation what factors do you consider? price? weather? time of year? distance? millennials consider something else. when selecting a vacation destination, they consider how instagrammable a place is. ( darya ) ( darya ) reasearchers found more then two thirds of millennials consider instagramability as a major factor when deciding where to go. and men were more guilty of this then woman with the majority of them factoring this into their decision on where to go. (will) (will) one in four millennials say they visited a place based on posts they've liked on instagram as well. ( will ) still ahead... one new mom has quite the story to tell... her supermarket delivery is caught on camera. (rebecca) watching the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. i try hard to get a great shape. this i can do, easily. benefiber® healthy shape is a clear, taste-free, 100% natural daily fiber... that's clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this i can do! (rebecca) in the weather center tracking the forecast ... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week.of next week.least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf.. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( will ) the housing crisis in the bay area is now causing problems for people in teh east bay.( darya ) kron 4's gabe slate talked to some alameda residents who say they were served with 3 day eviction notices right before christmas sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"we did not even buy an xmas tree because all this notice we are getting we don't know if we're going to get out or we are going to be out on the street or what" gina wayamba has lived in the bayview apartment complex off central avenue in alameda for seven years. she is a single mom working two jobs supporting her 3 daughters and parents.. gina has not been able to find another place to rent in alameda she wants to keep her kids in their school which is right next to the apartment building.. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"i would have to move to modesto to find something i can afford. we are not bad people, we pay rent on time, we don't cause trouble" she has received a couple eviction notices for late rent payments but she was able to prove she paid on time the last eviction she was hit with was a 3 day notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"they said it was for renovation but i'm sure they could move me into another apartment if they wanted to during that" there are 33 units here.. i spoke with 4 tenents who have received no cause eviction notices they all told me they have spoke with newer tenants who have recently moved in and they are paying almost tripple what these long term residents are paying so they feel..sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"obviously they want to move people out to rent to higher cost" sound from julia balthasar - resident being evicted - lived there for 7 years."last thing that happened is 60 day eviction notice taped to my door next to my christmas wreath" julia balthasar has lived her for 7 years, 6 days before christmas she got a 60 day no cause eviction notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"where am i supposed to live? tent city? in a tent ? i want to live and not worry that i'll come out and have an eviction on my door" i reached out the owner of this complex serving up the evictions and they have not gotten back to me yet. i also reached out to alameda city officials.. the mayor, city council members, the city attorneythe city manager jil keimach sent me a statement saying the city of alameda knows the timing was bad for the recent evictions but they are in compliance with the requirements of the city's rent stabilzation ordinance. in alameda gabe slate kron 4 news ( darya ) a small ( darya ) a small market in fresno isn't the place anyone expects to see a baby being born. but that's exactly what happened tuesday night.( will ) store surveillance cameras show the pregnant woman walking into the store. she goes to a table... and kneels. she then tells the cashier to call an ambulance.( darya ) store employees say they called 9-1-1... but áno one answered. a few minutes later... the baby came out.( will ) eventually... mom and baby made it to the hospital. they're doing just fine. ( darya ) after an emotional win on christmas day against the cavs... the warriors came back with another one against the utah jazz.( will ) the game was at oracle last night. steph curry did workout before the game... but he didn't play. curry could be cleared to return very soon. but it's no problem when you have kevin durant running the show. k-d kd led the warriors with 21-points. thompson chipped in 15. 126 to 101 was the final score. the warriors play the hornets tomorrow. ( darya ) and the warriors have unveiled their new chinese heritage alternate uniforms. take a look. these uniforms will be worn for select games this season. the first game featuring these uniforms game featuring these uniforms will be january 25th against the minnesota timberwolves. coming up on the kron four morning news... a closer look at the new crystal ball ... as preparations are underway for a new years celebration in times square. ♪ toyland, toyland ♪ little girl and boy land ♪ while you dwell within it ♪ you are ever happy there daddy, it's christmas! ♪ childhood's joy land never let go of your dreams. the mercedes-benz winter event is back. lease the glc300 for $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. (crunching) ♪ dude, your crunching's scaring the fish. dude, they're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch... ...with crunchy clusters and the taste of... ...apples and strawberries. i got one! i guess we're having cereal for dinner. deliciously heart-healthy kellogg's raisin bran crunch. camááá) workers are busy installing crystal triangles on the new year's eve ball that drops in times square. when it is finished, it will be covered with more than 26-hundred waterford crystal triangles. this year... crystals were cut to resemble butterflies, rosettes and starbursts. each one is bolted to an aluminum frame...along with thousands of l-e-d's.( darya ) it can display more than 16 million colors and billions of patterns. new yorkers have been dropping a mirrored and lighted ball in times square since 1907. ( darya ) coming up in the next hour... police in san francisco are stepping up security ahead of the big new year's celebration. what you can expect if you are heading to the city this celebrate. ( darya )and ... the chance encounter that led to a north bay firestorm victim recovering an important keepsake. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom.. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) our top story this morning ... a terror suspect -- accused of plotting a christmas day attack in san francisco -- is due in court today in áfresno. the f-b-i claims everitt jameson told undercover agents he would target pier 39 and set off explosives in the name of isis. the modesto man was arrested last friday. jameson is an ex-marine. he's now charged with attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization. if convicted... jameson could be sentenced to 20 years in prison. ( darya ) and in the wake of that foiled attack... police in san francisco are stepping up security for the new year's eve celebration. kron 4's lydia pantazas is live in san francisco with more on what you can expect to see. lydia? ( lydia ) san francisco police are stepping up efforts to keep people safe during the new year's celebrations in the city. local police will be working with state and federal agencies to make sure the celebrations are safe. police say they will have more officers ready to respond in case of an emergency. you may also see more firefighters... deputies and ambulances on the streets. and police are offering some tips to keep you safe... first if you see something say something. call 9-1-1 if you see anything suspicious. and be aware of your surroundings. also... the san francisco department of emergency management is setting up an emergency alert system specifically for new year's eve. all you have to do is text n-y-e-s-f-17 to the number on your screen and you will get any emergency alerts related to the new year's celebrations in san francisco. ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) this year... kron 4 will have expanded new year's eve coverage. starting at 8-p-m... we will have new years live from las vegas with musical and entertainment acts. then at 11:30... justine waldman and grant lodes -- along with j-r stone and spencer blake -- will host new years live from san francisco. we will bring you the fun and fireworks from along embarcadero. join us starting at 8-p-m on new years eve. ( darya ) another big story we're following this morning.. a desperate plea from a bay area family... after a father and activist is gunned down just days before christmas. kron 4's jr stone has the story. i was at work had a phone call saying my brother got killed i rushed to the hospital they say he passed away at the hospital. i don't know somebody take away my older brother i don't have my older brother anymore it really sucks that he is not here to see what is going on. and for people not to tell what happened is not right. that little girl deserves justice she needs to know what happened to her dad and i know what it's like to grow up without a father and it hurts and it hurts bad and to not know what happened to her dad makes it even worse and telling her tomorrow is going to break her heart. i just want her to get peace and know that we did everything we could to make her feel special and leave her dad's legacy amazing for her so she could look back and say my dad was an amazing person he loved me more than anything in the world want her to know that he did not do this to himself someone did this they took him from her and they took him from all of us and it's not right. if they could please please find it in their heart to do what's right cause it's hard of course but please in your heart do what's right. ( darya ) new this morning... santa rosa police have arrested a man they say stabbed another man at random. the victim was stabbed in the neck last week at lola's market. last night police arrested eulalio orozco. the victim is a 61-year-old man who suffered serious injuries but is expected to be okay. ( darya ) happening now... san ramon police are asking for help identifying a christmas eve burglary suspect. take a look -- they posted this video on twitter -- with the caption "this is not santa". they say the suspect stole thousands of dollars from a local business... no word on which business was targeted. ( darya ) in the north bay... the pending rain has some in the fire zone worried. there is an increased risk of flooding and landslides in the burned out areas. burned vegetation increases the risks of mudslides and flooding. the city of santa rosa is posting road sings and sending out postcards alerting residents and anyone entering the burn areas of the increased threat of flooding. people are encouraged to have an evacuation plan in place ( darya ) caltrans is looking at the impact climate change is having on bay area roads. they say roads are vulnerable to flooding... landslides and costal erosion. the last storm season caused more than one- billion dollars in highway damage across the state. about 390- million of that... happened in the bay area. caltrans says highway 101 near corte madera creek in marin county... is susceptible to rising sea levels. and stretches of highway on either side of the bay bridge could also see flooding. ( darya ) a federal appeals court is ordering the e-p-a to revise its lead paint standards. and it's giving the agency 15 months to do it. the ninth circuit court of appeals says the e-p-a's delay in setting new rules poses a "threat to human welfare." the e-p-a was supposed to start the new rule- making process back in 2009. since then... the agency says it has gotten advice from scientists. the e-p-a told the court it would have the rules ready by 2023. the court ruled that was unreasonable. ( darya ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... four limos stolen... and three arrests made. how a lot of luck helped police. and after the break... a major power outage at disneyland. why one guest says crews didn't work fast enough to get her off a ride. and here's a live look outside... at the bay bridge toll plaza. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) the power is back at disneyland after an outage left some tourists stranded. a park spokesperson says a transformer issue caused all of mickey's toontown and parts of fantasyland to go dark. the power went out at 11... and it wasn't restored until 4. about a dozen attractions went off-line... essentially trapping guests on rides. they were all safely escorted off... but in at least one case... not soon enough. one park goer who was on "it's a small world"... says it took almost 30 minutes to be removed from the ride after it stopped... with the theme song playing in the darkness. disneyland had to stop admitting new guests... and was only accepting guests for re-entry. disney is ánotá refunding guests. ( darya ) coming up after the break... several east bay families say they are being kicked out of their homes. and now they say they have no place to go. ( darya ) toss weather rebecca: dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) a north bay family lost átwo homes in the firestorm. now has a copy of a cherished keepsake -- thanks to a chance meeting. kron4's hermela aregawi has the story you'll see -- only on kron4. a chance meeting at a camera store sharon taylor/what are the odds that this man that we haven't seen in 30 whatever years is in this story when i'm trying to do thisthe edwards lost two out of three homes in their family to the fires joan edwardsi mean we literally left the house i took one pair of jeans 2 shirts and a pair of tennis shoes and off we went.. my son said if we didn't get out the fire was goign to be at our housesharon taylor/i was the only one with anything left that had any memories to it as far as pitcuresso sharon taylor took this family portrait of the five.. taken in 1989.. to a camera shop to have it reprinted big and framed for her parents.he looked at it again and said i am really sorry he said but it's signed by the photographer and he said you need a copy right release and i said i don't know where to find this guy how can i get a copy right release really is there anything you can do for me and the gentleman standing next to him said johnas in the photographer john teague.. who happened to be in the shop doing some work. teague right then signed a release so that the edwards.. and anyone else who came in with his photos could have them reprinted.jack edwardsoh it meant a great deal the four of us out of five lost history of our family and these pictures are really important to us so when we opened the present and saw our big picture again redone like it was 30 years ago it was the best christmas i could have had.(hermela aregawi)the family says this chance meeting brightened up their holidays.. and are looking forward to rebuilding both homes. reporting in santa rosa, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. ( darya ) two recovery centers that opened following the north bay firestorm will close for good today. the centers at the hanna boys center in sonoma and the press democrat building in santa rosa were jointly run by the california governor's office of emergency services and fema. also ... a downtown santa rosa donation center on fourth street is closing ... after three attempted break-ins and acts of vandalism in the past two weeks. the most recent break-in happened christmas morning. .( darya ) three teens are arrested... accused of stealing four limosines in vacaville on christmas eve. just after the thefts... officers spotted one of the limos. the driver -- who was a minor -- was released to their parents. then on tuesday... officers spotted another stolen limo -- this one driving on a flat tire. the driver tried to run away -- but was caught. and as police were doing their paper work... they saw a third limo drive by. there was a chase -- and the limo was damaged. eventually... two teens were taken into custody. turns out... one of the teens was actually caught with the first limo... and released to their parents. the fourth limo was found nearby... all four have been returned to the limo company. ( darya ) in morgan hill... police are hoping you can help identify a man ... who robbed an eyeglass store. this is a photo of the man ... captured on video surveillance cameras. the incident happened at the "eye-fini-tea optique lounge" on monterey road. the thief walked in waviing a gun ... and demanded cash. he then ran off with money and two pairs of sunglasses. ( darya ) the housing crisis in the bay area is now causing problems for people in teh east bay. kron 4's gabe slate talked to some alameda residents who say they were served with 3 day eviction notices right before christmas sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"we did not even buy an xmas tree because all this notice we are getting we don't know if we're going to get out or we are going to be out on the street or what" gina wayamba has lived in the bayview apartment complex off central avenue in alameda for seven years. she is a single mom working two jobs supporting her 3 daughters and parents.. gina has not been able to find another place to rent in alameda she wants to keep her kids in their school which is right next to the apartment building.. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"i would have to move to modesto to find something i can afford. we are not bad people, we pay rent on time, we don't cause trouble" she has received a couple eviction notices for late rent payments but she was able to prove she paid on time the last eviction she was hit with was a 3 day notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"they said it was for renovation but i'm sure they could move me into another apartment if they wanted to during that" there are 33 units here.. i spoke with 4 tenents who have received no cause eviction notices they all told me they have spoke with newer tenants who have recently moved in and they are paying almost tripple what these long term residents are paying so they feel..sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"obviously they want to move people out to rent to higher cost" sound from julia balthasar - resident being evicted - lived there for 7 years."last thing that happened is 60 day eviction notice taped to my door next to my christmas wreath" julia balthasar has lived her for 7 years, 6 days before christmas she got a 60 day no cause eviction notice. sound from gina wayamba - resident being evicted - lived there for 6 years"where am i supposed to live? tent city? in a tent ? i want to live and not worry that i'll come out and have an eviction on my door" i reached out the owner of this complex serving up the evictions and they have not gotten back to me yet. i also reached out to alameda city officials.. the mayor, city council members, the city attorneythe city manager jil keimach sent me a statement saying the city of alameda knows the timing was bad for the recent evictions but they are in compliance with the requirements of the city's rent stabilzation ordinance. in alameda gabe slate kron 4 news ( darya ) coming up after the break... a would-be- thief gets more than he bargained for at wendy's. hear from the customer who attacked him... with a chair. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) take a look at this... a yuba city man springs into action... after seeing someone trying to rob a fast food restaurant. a surveillance camera captured it all... as the customer hit the armed would-be robber over the head with weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break.break.right after the forecast is your this morning. the weather tracking (rebecca)(rebecca) tracking the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. ( darya ) and coming up after the break days before recreational pot use becomes legal... the c-h-p is out with a new message. what officers are now telling drivers. (darya) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) a solemn ceremony at the c-h-p academy in sacramento. a bell in the c-h-p ceremony at the c-h-p academy in sacramento. a bell tolled in honor of fallen c-h-p officer andrew camilleri. he was killed christmas eve by a suspected drunk driver on interstate 880 in hayward. now... we know when the beloved husband and father of three will be laid to rest. kron 4's dan kerman has the story. a solemn day at the chp academy in sacramento wednesday as family, friends and co-workers honored fallen chp officer andrew camilleri with the traditional bell toll tribute.camilleri was killed christmas eve night in hayward when a suspected drunk driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the chp cruiser camillari and his partner were in, which was stopped near the onramp to interstate 880 at west winton avenue.ááásot captain tim pearson/hayward chp commander it's unfortunate that a senseless life had to be taken when his passion was going out, doing the job, arresting dui drivers and he's taken from us by what appears to be a dui driverthe 33 year old camilari grew up in tracy and had just graduated from the chp academy in march before being assigned to the hayward office of the highway patrol. ááásot acting commissioner warren stanley/chp 113-120 officer camilleri joins a selfless group of heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the safety and security of others. we are forever grateful for his loyal dedicated service and show of gratitude to his family for their sacrifice.after the ceremony camillari's wife, daugther and oldest of his two sons could be seen carrying flowers and being led to the chp memorial fountain. a memorial service has been scheduled for december 30th at 830 am at the christian life center in stockton. the public is welcome to attendthe suspect remains hospitalized and has yet to be identified by the chp. formal charges are also still pending. dan kerman kron 4 news ( darya ) in just a few days recreational marijuana will become legal in california.. and now pot dispensaries in the bay area are rushing to get ready. kron4"s ali reid has the details. pkgthe best cannabis in the world is grown in california, so it's a fantastic time to have all that 5 days, anyone 21 years and older can walk into a dispensary and buy pot. but there are're allowed to have up to an ounce, 8 grams of concentrate, and 6 live plants on your person. you're also allowed to grow those plants at your house. so if you were to harvest those and have more at the end of the year, then you can keep that at your home in a locked place. but you cannot transport more than an ounce unless you're a licensed distributor.right now there are some edible products with higher doses, but come january first, packages will have to be 100mg of t-h-c or less. otherwise, a medical card will be needed to buy thoseuntil the inventory is all's about moderation, it's about being responsible. i think the vast majority of people will be responsible. will there be a few people that do everything to extreme? absolutely.airfield dispensary has hired more than a dozen new employees. they're expecting a mad rush. i'd say come out early, stand in line, get it before it runs out. it did in nevada, it did in colorado, it did in washington, and it probably will in california.standupkeep in mind, if yo uhave a medical card, you can use it to access some higher potency items.and seeing that taxes will be even higher, you can take that card to the health department so you can be exempt from the 9% sales tax.but then there are also other taxes you can't avoid.reporting from san jose ali reid kron 4 news ( darya ) the c-h-p is out with a serious warning about getting behind the wheel after lighting up. officers say if you drive stoned... you will get a d-u-i. pot mixed with alcohol can have deadly consequences. and that may have been a factor in the death of a c-h-p officer. officer andrew camilleri was hit while on patrol by a suspected d-u-i driver. in the wake of his death -- the office of traffic safety is launching a new public awareness campaign. it's called "d-u-i doesn't just mean booze." supporters say dispensaries should echo the same message. ( darya ) government officials agree that marijuana can be a safe drug... when used responsibly. ( darya ) the city of san francisco is helping you get rid of your christmas tree. you can get rid of your tree by placing it next to your bins on your regular garbage days... until january 12th. it must be unflocked and free from decorations... tinsel.. .and lights. ( darya ) and a reminder... people who live in union city can also dispose of their holiday trees for free. community recycling will pick up trees at no extra charge until the end of january. all you have to do is place the tree at the curb... or in the green organics cart. you must remove tree stands... ornaments... tinsel... and lights. just make sure the tree is outside before 6-a-m on your regular trash pickup day. ( darya ) still ahead... one new mom has quite the story to tell... her supermarket delivery is caught on camera. ( darya ) and after the break... there were no winners in last night's powerball drawing. how much you can win in the next drawing. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) new this morning the next powerball jackpot will be worth 384 million dollars. nobody won the jackpot in last night's drawing which was worth more than 300 million dollars. the highest jackpot ever recorded was worth 1-point-6 billion dollars. by the way... the odds of winning the powerball jackpot are about one in 292-million. ( darya ) a small market in fresno isn't the place anyone expects to see a baby being born. but that's exactly what happened tuesday night. store surveillance cameras show the pregnant woman walking into the store. she goes to a table... and kneels. she then tells the cashier to call an ambulance. store employees say they called 9-1-1... but áno one answered. a few minutes later... the baby came out. eventually... mom and baby made it to the hospital. they're doing just fine. (rebecca) i'm tracking your 7-day forecast. ( darya ) toss weather rebecca:dry weather conditions and seasonably mild daytime temperatures will persist through the upcoming holiday weekend and through at least the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) a group of women are leveling explosive accusations... they say they were sexually harrassed and assaulted on commercial flights... and they say the airlines did little to stop the misconduct. rene marsh has the story. -nat cellphone video-a man arrested last week accused of fondling two female passengers on board a united airlines flight from newark to buffalo, new york. katie campos was one of them. katie campos/united airlines passenger: "he grabbed like my upper thigh, like in the crotch area, and he grabbed it pretty forcefully."a police report says the man told the other woman he "would like to kiss her." when she declined, he started stroking her leg. the man now charged with disorderly conduct.united airlines told cnn "we have zero tolerance for this type of behavior and our pilot requested that local law enforcement meet the aircraft on arrival."not enough for campos who tweeted... do better united airlines.... she says the flight attendant did not offer her to switch seats. she had to demand it.she was then placed directly behind the harasser ... the airline says because there were few empty seats.the touching continued.katie campos/united airlines passenger: "at the end of the day, they didn't protect my safety."like campos, these three women tell cnn they were sexually harassed or assaulted on commercial flights.and all of them complain the flight crew did little or nothing to help. ayanna hart/delta passenger: "he grabbed my arm and my side, right under my left breast, right next to my left breast."ayanna hart was on a delta flight from los angeles to denver in may. she says the flight attendant was of no help.ayanna hart/delta passenger: "the flight attendant said, 'oh, don't worry about him. he flies with us all the time. he's delta platinum.'" hart has a pending lawsuit against delta for failing to intervene and continuing to serve him alcohol. the airline wouldn't comment on this case citing " pending litigation," but said it takes these incidents "seriously" and "with law enforcement, investigates them."allison dvaladze/delta passenger: "i was dozing off when i felt a hand in my crotch, and realized that the man next to me was holding, was grabbing my crotch." allison dvaladze filed a complaint with delta after her flight from seattle to amsterdam. allison dvaladze/delta passenger: "there was not a clear procedure for what they should do. they asked me what i wanted them to do."a month later, she received an email saying " it's not fair when one person's behavior affects another" and as a "goodwill gesture" offered her ten-thousand miles.allison dvaladze/delta passenger: "if somebody reports a crime to an airline it should be flagged, it should not be treated as if its lost luggage."delta told cnn "we continue to be disheartened by the events ms. dvaladze's described."jennifer rafieyan/united passenger: "he started to um...touch my leg, stroke my leg, tickle it." jennifer rafieyan was on a flight from newark to phoenix. she too says the flight crew didn't move her away from her harasser. instead the airline made an offerjennifer rafieyan/united passenger: "he gave me four one-hundred dollar gift certificates for travel on an upcoming united flight and he refused to let me talk to a manager." but shortly after a news article about her ordeal was published, united management called to-in their words-- "check on her." -nats united airlines call-sara nelson/association of flight attendants: "at thousands of feet in the air, you cant call for help, you can't remove the problem."sara nelson, is president of one of the world's largest flight attendant unions. sara nelson/association of flight attendants: "in my 22 years as a flight attendant, i have never taken part in a conversation in training or otherwise about how to handle sexual harassment or sexual assault."the union surveyed nearly two thousand flight attendants. one out of five said they received a report of a passenger sexual assault.but law enforcement was contacted less than half of the time.cnn reached out to all the major u-s airlines and the industry trade group that represents them. none agreed to go on camera ... but all released statements with a similar message.passengers safety and security is their priority and--they say-- flight attendants are trained to handle these incidents but none gave a detailed explanation of the policies or federal regulatory agency tracks how many mid-air sexual assaults happen nationwide. but the fbi does track how many it investigates. federal data shows a 66-percent increase from 2014 to 2017. the fbi says its unclear what's behind the rise.but what is clear for these women: flight crews need to do more, because at 30,000 feet there's no escape ( darya ) c-n-n searched federal court records to find the women interviewed in this report. they even found cases where the victims of harassment were children. ( darya ) and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. ( darya ) workers are busy installing crystal triangles on the new year's eve ball that drops in times square. when it is finished, it will be covered with more than 26- hundred waterford crystal triangles. this year... crystals were cut to resemble butterflies, rosettes and starbursts. each one is bolted to an aluminum frame...along with thousands of l-e-d's. it can display more than 16 million colors and billions of patterns. new yorkers have been dropping a mirrored and lighted ball in times square since 1907. ( darya ) this year... kron 4 will have expanded new year's eve coverage. starting at 8-p-m... we will have new years live from las vegas with musical and entertainment acts. then at 11:30... justine waldman and grant lodes -- along with j-r stone and spencer blake -- will host new years live from san francisco. we will bring you the fun and fireworks from along the embarcadero. join us starting at 8-p-m on new years seven day (darya)that's it for us this morning... our next newscast is at 5 o clock >> announcer: today on "dr. phil." is he being stalked? >> she will hide behind that tree. she will bang on my door. >> announcer: by his ex-girlfriend? >> i don't care what he wants. >> dr. phil: he says he's gone to sleep to find you in bed with him. >> never happened. >> dr. phil: did you key his car? >> yeah. he doesn't want you there. >> i had to get a restraining order. >> dr. phil: why don't you adhere to it? >> i'm in love with her. >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. >> stand by, i'll count you down. >> dr. phil: today will be a changing day in your life. >> five, four -- >> dr. phil: i'm not giving up on you. [cheers & applause]

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